Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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AdrortKmcnts under thM ho d. locrntf per
line lor the first In'oilion , ' cents for cnch sub-
Bcquent ln ertlon. and tl.60 n line per month
No advertisement taken for Icf-s than SS cents
for tlio first Insertion. Seven words will bo
counted to ttio line ; they must run ronBocu.
lively nnd mint bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements must bo handed In before 2 o'clork
pi in , undiindfT no clrcnm tnnccs will the } bo
{ liken or discontinued by telephone.
I'firtlt * ftd\trti lnir In theMx olinnns end tnv-
Ini ; the answers addressed In cnio of THE HER
will i > leno nfik for a check to enable thorn to ( ret
their letters. ni none will bo delivered except
on t > re ontntlon of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should Iio enclosed In envelopes.
Tl roXIJY I" I"1"1cn h nn hand , no delay. .1.
M. W and I' L. 8 < | illre , llUl'ariiam St. , I'ar-
ton lintel building. "JS
Vpo LOAN Monny Loans placed on Im-
-1. proved ical estaln In city or county for
New inirlnti : < 1 Ix > att .V Trust Ct > . , by Douglas
County bank , and Chicago M * . 813
' . OUST money to oan ; e.isy terms W ,
M. Harris , lloomu , Fron/cr Illk . opp. 1' . O.
151 Doc 2 *
you wnnt money on any good security ,
XT such as chattels , mortgnirei. negotiable p
pent , or othornIso , call ut 1&I3 Fariiiott ( Lt.r.l'Ot , ,
room 2. _ _ _ _ _ _
ONI'.Y TO LOAN At low rates , on good
M city property. Hatcher a. Co. , 1218 Doiitrlas
Btrcct- < - - -
' . tnloiMi on city and farm property ,
MOM'.V rates , Stewart St. Co. , Itoom 3. Iron
Itnnk. f'
TO LOAN-At reaxmablo lates , on
furniture , nno watches mid other personal
property. ( ! . . ) . Caswell , room 19 Iron Hank
building. 12th and Fariiiun. SUJ
noOOO to loiui. Rums JROO mid upwards ,
$ Lowest rates , llomls , 15th mid Dougla sts.
OXEY TO" LOAN o. r. Davis ft Co. Heal
M CHtate and Loan Agents l&0. " > Farnnm st.
ONKV TO LOAN On real estate and eli t-
lols. I ) . IA. Thomas. -"J7
MOSr.\r-fTT LOAN-In sums of $2,0 mm
upwards on Hint clans real estate security ,
ffntter A Cohb , 151.1 Fnrnam t. TO
MtANKll at C V. Heed X Co'B.Loun
olllefl.on furniture , pianos , horxes.wagona ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticle * of value , without removal. Jll'J S l.lth ,
over lllii lii\nr Coinml-'sioii store. All bust-
Bess strictly confidential. WO
MONKV If you have good notes to sell , or
wish to borrow on real estate or chattels
nt lair lutnrost , call on .1. II. 1'airolte , Ifttli and
Chicago sis' ( WO.
( toOO.OOO To loan onOmarm city property nt0
P percent. 0. W. Day. over 1312 Dough'sst. '
; m
T OAN8 Loiins Loans.
ItcnloBtnto loans.
Colin t i nl loiuig.
Chattul loans.
I mirtlmc lonni.
Short tlmoloiins.
Jlonoy always on hnnd o lonn on nny np-
Invi'slmrnt securities lintmlit nnd sold.
OniHlia Klnnnclal ozcbuiiBC , 1MJ ) I'm num.
< * orl Ptt MnnHKur. ! * B
/ rnilPKST Money to onn. J. J. Mnlumny ,
' > IW/t rarnnm. S
MONiv : to lonn by the inidnrolKiieil , who has
thn only properly ornnnl/od loan act-noy
In Omnlm I ) un ? ot { 10 to Jl,0t iniulo on fur-
Dllurn. pliiliot. ortfiini , horsc > , wnBons , machln.
ery , 4o. , without removal. No dolnys. All
tiuclnoRS strictly ronfldontlal. Loans ro mmlo
tbnt Buy pnrt eiin ho imtd nt any lima , cftuh par-
mont reducing the i-o'st pro rM . Advances
mndoon line watches nnd diamonds. 7'prsons
tumid carefully consider who thor nro donllni ;
with , as mimy now toneorns are dally comlnir
Into pxloti'iicp. Should you need moneT , civil
nnd FOB me. W. H. Croft , Jloom \rlthncll
ItiilldlnK , intli mid Hat noj. nn : >
rPUK nilvertlscr would Ilkti to ussoclnto him-
JL Rolf with a partner ot uoino iiiuaii" , Tl.iniO
to f.'i.OiO : flrst class jobbing Diislncss good
prollt , but ruiiuiros iniirunipltal ; binlnu not
tiiprohonti'd lir Omuliii. An A I opportunity to
n llvi1 , iicllvo man with good record. Can t-'lxo
the host uifurciipcri and shall loiiulio BIIIUO
Address T 17 , Hco onieo. . ' 111
6U liiT
nxrilANOK-Mfri-himdlso for
proved farm and wild hind. U. .1. Cns-nvoll ,
loom in , It on hank : ct : 7
1/1OU SAI.K Ono of the lio-t payum lunch
J1 counters mid chop houses in the city ,
chpniiforf uh If i-old ntonce. C. S. llniicliell ,
UK4 1)011 glfs hi. 2ISJ I ! >
\\TANTUIl To oxehiingo a chnlco.'wpll 1m-
> ' proved fill aero farm two miles from sta
tion on < \ It. I iV. I'.lt. It. in eastern Iowa , to ox-
ohangofor a cli'iin. frrxh clock of drugs In
Rome thrifty inilrmul town in Nubnifrlm. Ad-
Ireiis 1' . O. llox ICTi , llnstlngx. Net ) . 1110 21 *
" \\TANTKII To sell icstaurnnt.goud location
T > SicknefcS ruuson lor soiling. Cnll INI )
WolHlurnt. 271 21 *
$1HIO BIOOK of drugs with ll\turo for wile ot
parl trudc. II. & It. , liox HO
2U8 !
SAM : -Iti taiuant. Hellicd finm bn l-
FOIt 8. No. 117 Norlh 12th it. , Uniahii , Neb.
2U-2.I *
IjMH SAM ] A tlrst rlass paying gracory
nioro , center of town. I l.xtnres In good
condition nnd stniill atocl. . Tor particulars In-
( pilni nt MIT. .S. Uth st. lbU-21 *
WANTI5il-T'AUTNKIl-I.ndy or genticmuii.
with bmnll capital , to tnku hair Interest In
established , poriiinnent , tlrot-cluss elty busl-
iip'R , payinjf $2,000 to $4,001) yearly : good ien-
MIIIS for pulling ; grnnd chaiiL'o for right party.
Address S 4 < ) , lloo olllee. C
TflOlts Al.H Otinor the best pnylng hotels In
A' thla eity. milking money lust. llpst of
rrnsons for colling. f2.5i ) cash le.julroil to gnt
It. C. K. 1.00.12117 I'arnnm SL. 475
IfOll HAI.U lh77dwaro lliismcss- oticr
oiirslu'lf and heavy bardwaro tHislnou for
milp , tOKOthor with our len o nnd good will
'Irinin largest In tlio elty nnd location the best ,
lletiiIng from the buulnois ( miho tor Riilllnir
The Haiim Hardware Co , , 1028 O bt. , Lincoln.
HODSKS lotsl'iinn , Lands moiiny louni'd
lloinls. 15tb and IJonglas atrocta. "V'i
STUAVI'.U A lirowii roll nliout 8 months eli
wlih HtHr III fiinihcad mid small tmlpot
uo o Iicnvo liiforinatloii at 1111 Fanmm hi.
reST 1'ioin tlio Hiiihlo at llrownrll hall , on
J Sunday n\t < nlng , rod nnd wlilto row will
ono horn olf. Any ono givlnjr Inlorinailnn
which will load to her recovery will bo ro
wmdp < l , 'joi il
L1 O3T-A img lilluh , rotiirn to W7 North 3Jth
( el. and reevlvu niivard. b3-2l
IObT In Iho podtollli-t' , at a o'clock this morn.
Ing , n bunch ol keys. Finder rutuiuto Iteo
onice nnd claim reward. -Mi
_ Clairvoyant.
| \ I ADA.M ALASKA rm < Mils past present and
I'l liitnro , how ninny in familyngo.oto , . how
lo hold ullBi-tlonsof husbind or lov.-r. SatlH-
ruetlon guaranteed. 25eenti aim upward * . MJ
b.lijih'll ! 71
I * > iil ; > ( ) N'li.Huo : jotis.-en tun f ID 0) ) , 112.00
and $ lVHiVcreouiKolil ) by L. O. .tones A
Co , American elolhlor * , 1JOJ riiriiam st.'t
_ _ _ IM25
1 > lIIHONA L-i : tin ramiTi's St-hool of Mualo
J mid ViiKu Culluir , 121 N. 10th nt , mom a
Mil Dee 5
_ _
1)LISON.\f ! < .Miss A. Lllnenernn , iirofe slonu
nuri > with nond ri-euininondiiUons. i
routhUih street , iht lloor , room No. n , over
Jj.n inun'fl dry goods ttiiro. Jsj-n 1) )
I HiKSoN AL-kuiflits | oFl.nbot- well im non"-
I tinliii < will Hint Miuiethingio the intoie < t
of tlieir poriu tbooks by calling at Iho enl ) Har-
gum -'Ui , > , I.ID i ; ictl , si liei Calilornia ami
\U.'t'iiUT. ' h4'J.lll
_ _ * . Dr Niimu6 V. \ arrcii
J clHirvtiy nt. Unlluil and liublnrii Medium
ln ! , . , n ho. U , 121 .Noith Itlh tt. , Onutliii , Nob.
I > r. 'AHU ' lit I'O in iiiiyono ho will uKo in"
i\ formation us lit ilit whomubniiti ot my
boy Job-epli Diivld , lit years old. Hi/lit complex-
inn , wure tup , brown oout ol heavy elotli.lett
bomuSOth loftjlai-fh. au 2e
\\r.\7fIN(5 ! o hereby warn tUI purtiea
I against any nous of II. K ,
role in ravoi ot K. Tiinnuhill. vU'iied by Klliott
\ llrim elm , dated ut llubhnell. III. , on or about
the 2 > lhoMltii { t , > asiherf Is linlile to t-c
U-oabiu ill ri-yard to ILeia. Ulllolt i ilrow iter ,
OllouTIIAND-ln ten lewons. No shadlujr ,
k' no jvoaition , ttiild us pt' < - < > li. y nd tituain
tot trial Ia ou. li. M. reriila , Dstrelt. Mich.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lltld0 |
I'Uno inoulhlr. A
. WILDIN'O , Vctcrinarr Surgeon.
DH. 2 , V8 ! CharlOS , 2HI24
OK flTll V ( wTlX PI I V and " frpn-wnF
Ing , ItoomsTand ? , Iron Hank. (1.\v. llakcr.
fitrnt hed onshort
notlec from my complete sot of books , it ,
J. _ l'atior oiil."itnitnil llarnoy. _ f 04
trioit UINT Organs. $3 per month. ilo pc ,
JJ JB13 Douglas. 093
| , ion iu-.vr square. Piano , ( t raontnir.
JL : llodpo. 1513 Totlgl.i . ! ! 93
Oll 8 A LK-Or" rent , " Immediately , n fine
Decker llros' . 1'iiino , neitrly new , at 2I2J
Harnoy st. 175 27 *
SAI.IJ OK TltADK-llllllarrt anTl iiool
FOH ii'cd aoout ono year , Ilrunswlck ( talk
tnakt'ifi , fixtures In llnu Miape , cost me 11,200 , : i sold lor cash , $ .00. ( Jco. T. Harris ,
Unlonvlllc , Mo , Oil 21 *
"TTOII SA I.K Top delivery wagon , born used
JL1 leJStlmn tun montns : ailltiiiilo for bakery
nr grocery ; cun bo bought at a bargain , drat *
ton VDrutnmond , l.'lli Harnoy. 3UJ 25
11 M'SKLots rirmsI.aniiS"tnoney lonned.
llcmls 15th and Douglas streets. 29
"Ij OK 9AI.K Kino roml horse , with now
JL' ixml hnrncst , co't 51JA : must Iio sold nt
onco. rcHnnllps of viillic. Imiuito nt 1W5 DOUR-
Insst , 2J >
171OK SAI.r A Rooil ll'illsnfe , llro unit buri-
J lar proof , doiibla doors , vault llx'Jl In. .
liook room lijvj In hlRh 10 In wide. Aililrp < n
J. II. lllnnclmrd , Stock yurd" , Omnlm. ISl-US
Foil HAI.K I'lirnuiire anil Iciun ol sti-room
houfo , time on pnrt. Cull ! ! . North E7th
stieut , two blocks from Hed Car line. ntfJ
FOHSXnn I'hncton bucBy.ono top bmrgy
chesp , A. llospo. _ '
irioil tniiiip. iron columns ind win-
Jilow caps silllnlilo for front on hrlck build-
luff. Korpnrtloillitrsupply nt this office , tl' )
"Y\rANTiD : A good girl to n l t In hemeT -
T work : n comtorlnhlo homo and liberal
wages given ; cor ol I'hll Shorldan n\o and
llullsU 3M 24 *
WANTKll A thoroughly competent cook
nnd laumlroas ; good wage- * ; must tie
tidy and well leeomniotided. Mrs Morse , N. li.
cor. 2Uth nnd Davenport. Il'il ' . ' 5
'ANTED Two clerks tocelldamairod boots ,
shoes and slippers , at II. Dohlo Jt Co.
33U 2(1 (
WANTKD-Agood irlrlfor a Bmtill family.
Apply cor. 18th and l.ak tit. 50J 21 *
WANTiii Qood uurao BirT , lit IW ) KHrnntu.
WANTKD A good. Industrious tlerman clrl.
uho eanniit ipeak Kngllsh , wants situa
tion as domnnilc In lospoctablo family. Address -
dress , Hliillng wages , T , 41 , lieu ollieo.
\\'ANTKI ( litl or woman for restaurant.
' Ijiunilry work. Klther al residence or Iholr
house , liuiulre 215 S. 12th near 1'urimm.
| 7ANTiii : A young glil to do llghl houso-
' woik. Apply at Laundry , 1M2 llowird bt.
WANTKD-Aglrltodo goncial hou o woik ,
li.'HS. Plhbutweuii ) St. Mary's iivo. and
Lcavrnwoith. 2I'0
W ANTF.D-A competent pnrson to dn ho'iso
WOIK ut S-3 J-outh 20th HI. 2-a 27
"ANTED I gills tolvork In candy f-TeloryT
P 'ycne Itros. 2S 21
\v L7ANTIOU A girl for gcnonil houspwork In
Etnull Imnlly. 1UOI 1'nrimin St. 2iii ! 24
I'ANTIJO Two lady clerks to boll damaged
> Bhocs , at lI. Dohle XCo. . : i)5 ) 2 < l
fTANTEiOood ) glrl In a small family to do
general hoiisowoik. Apply at I5lil Dodge
WANTKD fllrl to do general housework ,
lmmcdhituly,51H S. llthst. IK
\\TANTED" ; in huiics , v KOIUS "to"To rnT6Tir-
' graphy I'roapi'ct irooil for position whun
compi'tuiit ; address W. J. 1) . , Itoom 1 , Crounsu
blk.Omaha 137
WANTED Competdiit iniddlo-agcd woman
to tuku euro ot hahy. Apply at 44H COM-
reiltBt. 85' )
WASTliD Suvt'ral good live npi-nts lor a
( -Itnation whore they can miilto good
pit } ' . Onmlm Soliciting Agency , 111 S. I lib si. ,
up htulrn. aa 20 *
WANTED Hey with $10 security as news
ugent. 807 N 17th Bt. 3J 24-
11 ANTED A llrit-class gioccr'H delivery
* " clerlt , onu who can keep books , furnish
reference mid stnto Ralary. Addiess Kntcr-
priMU ( Irocery eompnny. 331 2.1
\\7ANTr.D-Tongoodcarponteis. Apply to
f ! . Long , 1'ottler1 ! ) I'noklng housii. South
Omaha. 2-fl 2t
111" TFiTilcers' lllo A8socatloii ! uf Sf Paul.
rl .Minn , hnvo Nu'trnskii work for u tu'/r
good nollcltors. Hefercnees necessary. Ail-
dross Wilou.x Jc Sloclo , Slulo AgunH , Lincoln ,
Neb. 191 dec I'J
W ANTKII A ifMinbln liny orjoung man to
carry a horse louto on thu Dally Evening
lloo. _ Applrllt _ , _ 0 oHIeu 182
WANTED. 100 men Tor railroad woik ; good
wngns ; stonil } ' work all winter. All-
brlght's Labor Agcncj' , 1308 I'arnam , 172
OENTS In the elty or country can tmikuf5 to
f 10 u day ficlllni ; our spoolaltios. > . W
Novelty company. 1207 Fariiam bt. f > 77
\T7ANTKli-Posltion as second girl in private
V > family , 8.11 B lutli bt. 347 24'
WANTii Kmployment by a young man of
experience and highest references bookkeeping -
keeping or othrr ollieo work prufuneil. Ad-
T 4U , lluo olllee. .W 'M'
VI7ANTii : > Position by competenlhuly Slen-
TT ogiaphorrieferetices. W. A. It. , box 5-"i7 ,
clly. ! J28
A NTKIi A dressmaker wishes sewing in
families. Apply 122-t North 17th
an 25 *
WANTnO-rSltiiHtlon with lawyer of Mrgo
btmlncsa by a man 23 yranld , good miir-
aH , i'li"iical : odneatlon,2 yts law pcliool , gnifin-
ate. cloKM gtudont , rondy speaker , fmiilllar with
NuhraHkn practice , llest of references. Ad-
drumT43 lieu ollieo. 2(11 2J *
\\ANTF.n Pltuatlott im hnusekcopor or
'i hoip-tswoik in small prlvato family. In-
iUlui | 1212 Dnvenpoil. 2 : > U 24 *
\\r ANTKI ) Position asasslslant bookkeeper
' by young inati ; goo I punman , bnst lefer-
enees. Addros-n Tin , lleoottlco. 27427 *
" \\7ANT1M ) I'lnt of throe or moro rooms for
> > Unlit housekeeping. Would rent smull
house if diiltublc. Address T 44 , lleo olllou
V\rA > TKi > Inituedlaloly to meet demand
i i for computenl book-i.coperf 1 will In-
hlriict two person- , mid will wall lor pay until
hltu-itloiij aio furnished J. II. Smith , expert
accountant , 1613 Chicago st. M7 27 *
" \\ANTiii ; To"biiy "ono shm o "or"RtooiTTn
' Omaha board of Irado. S , A. Hloman.1512
Fni naui st. _ _ D71 _
\\M.VTiii-A : female pup. ltii > uiio I ) 1 3
Uouglas , U0.1.
\\'ANTll ! > I'artotan ottleo or dink room
with mi tabllshed lawyer or reiil cstulo
agent Add less Lawyer , Hex 2.13,11. 0. 321 24 *
ANTHD A Indy loam-male , at the n o.
eor. of Hth and Capitol mo. iU5 20 *
\\'ANTKi -5fl mon to cat buokwhiMt cukei
' and maple syrup every morninuat Norris1
Kcslauriiiit , Itith St bet. Dodge and Douglns.
Straight boiii-d pel1 eoKfJ.25i 21 muul tiokt-iu ,
uuwT-nousra AMD
Foil IllJXr Atlrstclaas rustuumiit , imiiilin
of LoOiloliul .V Co. l'j-
_ _ _ " _
Ifblt Ubfxr-Storo3llN15thst on Dot1st. .
X1 L. II. Vanderbiirtf , 140U l .v\eiioit. )
5r5oiif TTousu | n ' : Triilii Tow-i
J.1 amis looms for lionael.rtipliif at wn North
Uth gt ; t4 x'o *
Ij * . Oil HiN'r : ; i now IIOUFOS at fJO per month ,
' II muv lunistn ut 1 10 per month. Desiiiihlii
locations , modern ImpiovemcnU. L. Hum-
bum , Koom 1,1'ruighlou
IfKST Two-ttory bilck bullibng tor
atortiiruor innnufiu.iuiiuir. JU23 Douglas
aw vu
" 171OU III.NT roomti , IlHrnoy cticu * .
-L mul2Ut , f.W per mouth , nlio huuauuearSt
Mary'daiv. Uroiiuis , { 25 pur month. d.\ . Io
nian , 1511 Kiiniam ! . 117
ITUHl ltl-NT--A ; bioro and buivmtiu on u gotnl
1 buslines ft. liumlre of Leo , Nli-hol & Co. ,
Hooiu24Wilnnell taoek. ? * ! . _ !
FJU HUNT. jfew bouse , 5 rooms , 4 bloela
from street car ; } U pur month. ( Jrnham ,
Crolgbtou block. lii si
10 room rusidtmee on
r riaiu jt , nil mo-l rn linprovenicntj , fur-
nlturo aii'.l carpet for ealo ; all now ; urn com-
pellnd tn ive up OD nccounr n ( iJlnOkS.Ad -
drcsill i5 , llnpotnce. 512
TTlOlt lU rr-8lor 20x4l > . with four rooais biji
O-1 hma ; Jiiti moutii. 2715 fumingW.J
TTIO'n lin.ST Stores , icsldem'fs , fiirnl'bcd
JJ and unfurnished room * . First ela sloc.i-
tlon. Kojos Kontlng Agency , Itoom 7. South *
pivst corner 15th nnd Dougla * . 28. > d 32 *
T71OIITlT.N r Itesldenco No."Trn Fiifna"iTi ft , ,
JL1 II rooms , all modern Improvcmotiis Itnnt ,
} " * > per month , carpets and furniture for alo.
Apply S , A. Slqman lM. ! Farinm st. _ 3-"i _
IT'Olt itKNT T-roomcottaio In Walnut Hill.
JL1 Terms , IJO per month. Apply to lv. . Sate ,
1424 Farnam St. 2M.
" | 7 ) lt IIKNT W ) acres nijoinin ? city nortli-
JL1 wr t , suitable for dmry or market garden ,
Apply to Thoo. Williams , lice Olllee , 9U Far-
imiii. Kli
"ijVMt HUM store xi0 ! , 1I1B Jncmon st.
iiHH HRNT-rurnlshed or unfurnUlioil room ,
1 with orwllhotit board , nt 210 North'-Hih st.
"I71OH HUNT 'Ilirco nlcoljr fnnilshoil rooms ,
JL1 jr.iM. } : i.oi nnd $ IU.OJ cnch. Cull nt HI
South lltli st.upRUdrs. .113 i.T.'a
I7IOK lir.NT r.nrjroploiisantroom. Inquire
i' ntWTSl th ( t. OtS
"ITIOlt ItliNT Ncwlr furnl hpil rooms nn
JL1 sti-ct'tcar line , liilO Wobslur at. an < aa
Foil IlKNT Doslrnblo rooms , nicely fur
nlshotl niul board for 3 gontlomun I'.l ; B.
r.tii &i. : ro gj >
linNT A furntalied onicu ottwo rooms ,
In llrst-clnss location forli lutrycr. ronl es-
Into agent or doctor. Aildross 11 or SJj. r. O.
jiarlor , with noanl
fi ' 6 N. tttll. 3 7 Htl
_ _
FOR JtKNTMonth room furnlshoil , n. o. cor
" 1st tin > 1 Dnvunport. 313
HUNT 1 nlro iRriro enst front room ,
with or without board. G-0 1'leiisant st.
Fll HUNT Two nicely ftirnlMioil rooms ,
suitable for 2 or It pn.itlonicii : lovely loeii.
tlon with every modern Improvement. 1415
. 03
IrMMl KIN : r Newly furnished room , cheap.
Apply 24th and MI.SOII. 2 % 25'
iTMilMinNT nowly-turnlshod nnd pleasant
Jrooms. . 10 .South 18th yt. , near Pierce.
Nowhoust ) . 27H24
FOH Hl'.N IV OiTo elegant furnished rooinT
lOOy l-'arnam St. , room 2 , 3rd lloor.
208.24 *
"IT1OII HUNT Very desirable furnished looms.
.1 } 1811 Cap. Avo. 25124'
ITRvi 'Klognntly fiirnislieil front chauT-
ber , suite of rooms , hot and cold wnlur , gus
and bnlli. 1'rlvalu house , 1(115 ( Capitol uvo.
UGO 27 *
OIl RKNT rive or six looms , olcirnntloca
F tlon , low rent. Kmiuiruof Kxorott , 310 S.
1,1th t. Sll.2 - _
HUNT Furnished trout room , Iio I Far-
itam. 225 21 *
* 1U3NT Two nicely funilbhod rooms at
1 714 North 1'Jthst , 226 28 *
IpOlt KENT Kooins modcMftto prico. lovely
1 vlow , very oozy and warm , ut northeast
corner of Fiirimtn and SUth 1'J.M. l til
Foil UlINT-Nleoty furnished rooms , 1U7
Howard. 310 M *
tfibu lMN'T-riinil3licd { Trent roo"ras. Tills
2VSI' )
F I Oil Itl'.NT. Nicely furnished room ; flO.dO
per month. ( W7'4 N. I7lh st 21U 2ti * _
FOH KENT. Nowly-furnl-ihod pleasant room
allow rental. Kmtnlre at 13JJ raraam.
ins 25
FOIt HKNT Finnibhud room $ 'J per month ,
W N 17th Bt. 287 211'
FOIt HENT Nicely furnished rooms mid
bonrd (5 per wcuk. Day board J.5'I. ' 2UJt
Webster st. 17B-2rt
POIt KENT With bonrd. plen.-ant liirniihod
rooms , prlvmo rnxidence , 4 blocks s w. nf
II P. depot ; tlrsf-class tablo. Address T 28 ,
Itoo ollieo. IfiO 24 *
F"dll KIVTA nicely furnished fro h t pi : f-
lor , flSa monlli ; also boaru , fl a week.
1173. 17th PL 15M25 *
U -IOU KI4NT fc'iiriUalioil room. . 01UJ N 17ht. 618
TT'OU ' IIKNT Nicely furnished room for two
-L' gentleman : modern conveniences. 010 N.
I7th at. lift
I7iOirii\r Klegant furnished room * . 1607
' Douitlns lloferoiicos require ! . 551
HUM I' l-'urnlshed room lor ono or two
FOIt : furniture now. ploas'intloca
tion ; Howard St. , bot. Sth and 9tu. ; south Kidu.
F OK lIlJNT Furnished rooms for light boose
keeping. Uoomers tlock , cor Hth A ; Howard.
"niUKUUN'i' Kuriiishod room , ittlG i > udgo. 25J
FOIl HUNT Suite of newly furnished rooms
In new hou o ; modern convunloncox : to
gentlemen. l l Dodge Bt. 2GQ
FOIt IIKNT-3 rooms , unfurnished , in my
new Hat H w oor. 7th and 1'aclllo st.
! l room house 1019 Nicholas st. Apply toll.
V. Martin IllC s. 15th. 2M
OH IlKST-Furulshed room , c.ill nt 1513
Douglas St. 2V1-2S
FOH 11ENT Furnished front room with use
of parlor , H tilock south St. Murv'n avo.
Address HoxTIU , city. 27824 *
I7OH HUNT Nicely lurnlshcd rooms , with
JJ board. 1013 Dodge. 273 21 *
IJ'Oll KC.VT A large , clogiir.tlr fiirnlshorl
J ? room , Cor two gentlemen. 1U19 Dodire xt.
K i
FOB 3 A. I. fl HOO3B3 LOT3.
HlTTi.SOALK Al > l > llll The Uno < t , bliih-
lleatmidchoipcst. Onlv $173 to J-JU. $10
casn , balaneo $ " > pur month. Sccuro a homo
upw , as this property will double In viduo In
Bit months. Amos , 1J07 Kariiam St. 2tt'J 25
> QUO houses were built In Now York city
< J this year , while Onmha has built about
one-halt uf this number. If this Is not a Mlgn
of good times , what Is ? Now Is the time to
buy lots , If you want u homo or a chancu to
make monoy. Como mid look at llanscom
I'ark addition. ECU the houses built around in
le s thnn a year , consider its splendid location ,
mid you will admit * ISO to WHJ for these- lots Is
dirt cheat ) . Hide our and hoe them. It costs
you nothing to Investigate tlioho claims.
Ame , 16)7 1'arnuui. 'CM 27
BKAITTIKUL northwest corner lot In Dwlght
& Lyman's addition I'rlco $750 ; ono-lmlf
ciisli. .1. ] ' , IlamiiK.n-J , 117S. lUtlisU 34.1
MOTl'lIH Itoal Kstato Agency , offer the
X following cholcu bargains ;
1 Irt in Slilnn'allrd addition , good 5 room house
$7i > cash. ? 2IW ) .
Jxt2 block I , HIlNIdo No. 2. J9DO cnsli ; 81,601.
2lolMln King's mid. fDJOuich. * 200 cash , bal
ance f.V ) ovury tliroo niontns. A bargain.
Lot 24 block 2 Hlmobautfh Si I'utlcr.iou's udd.
JM ! , oxsh.
' . ' I'll rn or lot ? in Arlinglnn , ( l.OO ) each.
1 lol on llnmlltou St. . f 1IH)3 ) ; J.T5 oaxh.
Ix > ts In Cutalpa plaeo , J'JJU ; t20i ) cash , balance
Lotll block F. Prospect place , 81,500 ; lt cash ,
clioapt'Kt lot In the city.
U full lull , on Situiiduri , one n corner , $0,510 , ' . ;
Ono elegant lot lnShlnn's2d add. CO ft front ,
$1.2iUl. Don't li-i ibis slip.
Nlco5 room hout-e coiner lot , G.'lxt20 , Shliin's
3.1 add , fi.iioo , M e Bh.
1 lot in Poster's udd , J'.CKW. > i cash ,
Jili'Kant ouut trout lot in I'Imnvlnw. on 20th st ,
Full lot OD Lcurenworth at. A bargttla at
Ono of the finest lots in Hlllsldo No. I for
f 1.400 , fl.UO cash
Finn lot In Wot-t Side , $400 , $7.r rnsh.
One good lot In Washington nqini'u , $2,2M.
Two IOIH. ono it corner , the lots in linns-
com plat-it , r.l.VXl.
Two lots In Jerome- Turk , 81,100 each , 1000
ca h.
Due ot the best lots In Han eom place for
f 2.JWO. IWJO cash.
I'lnost rust front lot In Ilnnscom place , $ iMO ,
Anolegunteait front in llanscom place , fl-
UjO.Tlui best lol in Potter's add for Jl.TM , This Is
1IU feet cust front , caby terms.
Sovi'rM eholco lots In Ambler place$50 * ) , I1M
ciKh , hnlancu monthly.
2 east rront lots on launders ft , ono a eonior ,
{ -1.UH.I , t7m ) casli.lmliuicu lomrtimu.
2 tlnu cast front lots In SnuU's add , f 3.00) ) .
i'l'io n room noiii-v , LaKo's add , f- , . ' > " , JIO )
oii h.
1'lne aero in llchldoro , SIS ) .
1'i.llloton l.akobtreotwitligoodlmiHo , t--W ,
tiTiOin-li , Imhinci ) long I lino.
Twti lots in Cliiruadriii , f 1,210 each , $15Q each
CH n. 11 il.-inco awful easy ,
I'ljil lot In li V. Smith's add on 20th flt , past
iront , gcod Oroom house , IUOJ. Cahlu line
puasut it uuw.
NiiK'Obontli front lot In Sblnn'3 31 ndd , GO ft
front. ( 1.20) ) , $ i ) rash.
l.nt ti , Kens place , GtixlGS , on I'arr uve next to
( Ian Dandy's rc ldeuo easy tcrnii. Call : it otlicu
tor prlco. '
Ten ncrts suitable for sub-dlvldlilir.
Full lot In .Shlnn' : td add.ulco 2 room house ,
-i.Mrt , f biO cash , balance easy.
Ttila U only a paitlul list of our bargutiK , and
If you want hiidlnoss or residence ] iruperty In
Bity part of the my rail on us and wo can milt
Mm. Thu Matter Itoal Kdlute Ageney , 211 S.
15th bt. J3. |
" \UK AlTuAIN-47 feet on Baunderi t.i.y
2UI foot Ui-cii , vrllblntt ) foot o ( Ouiningtfl.
I'rii-c f 3.000. J , F. Hoiumond , 117 i. lutHBt.
FOIt SALH-lJlota 4lxl3Jfeet. fryntlug nortb
on HrUtol ulrottt , hair war bttweoji Sauii-
detKandSiatcn d r ktrt t curs. City water in
I rout , JaOO each , lcash , DalHiice la l,2midS
y * rt. Addre.s S H , Uo otlitt ) , 2S
IOOK AT TIltS-T.ftrgo corner lot , Slthnml
i ' I6f hoii'es
I'nlltnrnln. ITOxHi ( , twoS-stnry
on premises ! eitj' water nnd Improvements.
1'rico f | 3XM ( , one-third ca h. balanfo I , 2 and
nyears. J. F.jlnmmond. IKS.lCthSt ill3
GTllTnOHV &lrAIl.KV ) ,
.Mi-mbers Oranhn tl < M > KMnto Kxrhangp ,
Itooins I and n . ' ( edlck lilk. : ) 0 S 1Mb St.
Call on us for bargains
P can offer you buolmis * blocks on i nrnnm ,
Ilatney , Dimglivs Dodge , C'umlng , Saundor *
and sth to Kith streets.
HoiiH'i nnd lots In illlfprinl parts of the city
nt from $1,110 to f I&.OOU.
Vaeint lols in any and' ' all addition" .
Parties having propeity or ale are rc pept-
fully reque ted to call , as our facilities for
making ipilck los HTO now un urpas * od.
Telephone P.M. Orego.ry A lladloy BOJ
ATUW not'sffnTfiToouispn TLako street Just
JL > west of ICth si , bai window.orcheoal |
house" , cl'lcrn , 'to. LotAlx'iO. ' I'rlco 81'UO ;
$400 cash , balance limeJ. . F. lln.nmoitd. 117 s.
KXTIJH I. . THOMAS has laid out an addition
D to the city of Omahii naniod Ma.icotte , and
wonotlco that the Mroots uro properly named
Itooco. l/ironro. flettln.l. I'lppo and Frederick ,
and oolna- Hint the s.imo U nn the Holt IUII-
w av and at 11 point where the Omaha Xorthorn
It. U. promisor tnlrly to make a Junction with
the l < olt Line , and lots only flflil to f Ml , wo
think the location well mimed , and that the pur-
ctmscrs will havu it .Mavcottu. as the Indications
point tlio lots to bo north trom $ . " > ) ) to fW
soon , Thcso lots arn to bo "Old on contract , ai
percent cosh and bitUneo V\ per month. Apply
to Do.tter Ij. Thomas , Itoom 8 Crolghtoti hlk
Foil SALIC At a uroat bargain for n few
weeks only , ten tliousiintl acres of land all
selected at M.iiO per aero : fi.40 eash and 8 oars.
Marshall A. Loliouk. l a Fariiam l i
ELr.flANT 10 room residence on Parkavn. ,
all modern Improvement1 * ; stoiuii beat
throuuhoiit thu IIOIIKU : two Kiry ptuhlo mid
carriage liouso.itorm walks about the grounds.
Lot tlUxUn. $ ll.r > K ) , ono third ciLSh , J. F , Hammond
mend , 117 8. 16th St. _ ill'J
lion 1 Kstato and Loan llrokorn ,
Frnn/.rr blockopp Postolllco.
A fiO-foot south front lot on llarnuy st. foi
$ -r)00 ; oiHhJ2oon.
Newt-room cottage for 81,500 , $100 Uoniiand
f2' > per month.
Two east Iront 4-room cottnacs ono blook off
Haundurt st for J-.IOJ each , $1UJ down and f2.i
per month.
Onn of iho best corners on North Iflth Ft ,
Irontson thieti streets ; slzo ot lot fiiljlSI , with
four : : story houses renting for (120 pur month ,
for fl.1,00) ) , There Isn't n bollnr It irgaln In Iho
clly. The ground fUono Is worth Iho money , as
It has ids ft. Htroet Irontago.
Hast Iront lols In Ilnnscinn phico on Virginia
avo.Iand I'hll Sliorldan St. , al SI,2jO and tl.STij
enehon easy lorina.
\Vebrtvosplendldbariralns In South Omnlm
property. Moio money lias boi-n iniido In South
Omaha real ostatu In Ihe last blx monlli than
UKIvl IJ ft no-Hli and eat front on 20th R | ,
"llhln half mlloot business ecutor of the cltv ,
n good business corner for fl.'itf ) : cn h fl.Biil ,
and bnlnnco 1. 2 , 3 and 4 ycnrj This is the boat
bargain In the market.
A till root lot tafing wc tou Smindors at nnd
running through to Sldst in U V. Smith's ndd
lor SIUO ; cn h fl.OOJ and balaneo 1,2 and il
44 ft adjoining above with store loom and
cottage on It sanio prleo mid torniH.
New 4-room eottngu , collar , 100-barrel cistern.
lot'r. liv I Ml u-ot , for { 1..WO : ea-h 5110 , and bil-
nnco fl.'ipor month. This U within n mlloof
the pn tnllleo , and very cheap.
A corner in Arnmtionir'8 mldltlon , within
block each ol Cumiiig and Saundurs Big. , for
THO lots In I'atrluVs addition , ono a corner
ono block from Saunders si , tor $3,1)00 , ) , halt
A splendid lot In Hau'com 1'laoo for $ l,2Ti1.
Two lots In South Omnlm , witnln two blocks
ol'thotlepol , for ? 7UJ eauU , on very easy terins.
TOT I , 2 and n. \ > . A. Ifoddlck's add. , Vlllfo el
J on Loavenworth ( IIJo coming clrect nf
Soul liwp tein Omaha ) by I27 on UM st. A line
business corner mid all tor Jj.oUO. Terms easy.
Gregory & lladloy. _ QUO
IOUM2S Low , rarms..anils money lonno.l
H llcmls. l.Mh ami Donglas bt roots. 2U5
HATCH Kit .t CO. ,
1211 } Douglas street ,
Millard Hotolllloek.
Olter u few special bargaiiis. .13 Ioutnn20lli
slrout , with nlcoD-room house , $ J , < HO. HKJxir.i ;
feet on Hth street , Jl.r > 0i ) ! I lots on Paundcrs
Ktrcol , § 1,200 to $1,000 each. Splendid trnck
property on NUIiolus strrnU Corner lot. No
better burgaln In Omiilia. Jl.OOO. A now resi
dence with lot on Locust street near Kith street.
Modurn improvfliuoiits. $2.1)00. ) Sevcial lota in
toromo I'ark , trout on rnrnnni , very cheap.
( Wxl3J lect with Improvements , .laek on Htrcut ,
near 17th Plroct a lots on Ilurdette SI.'JJU
ouch. IlaiTiilii' ' any locality on easy terms.
A long list of cholco South Omahii lots.
sfIntchor & Co. , islfi flouslas blrcot. 17 23
BAHOAIN HOIISQ of six rooms , city water
mul cellar , together with store biilldlng.ou
2d Htrent. near Leiivenworlh ; routs lor f4U per
liionth , lot 4IU\2RI feet. I'rlco 5I.GOJ , half cash
balance one , two and three years. J. F. Hammond
mend , Ii7 S. liith st. : II3
HAVK you scuu the location of Ilnnscom
Park addition ? If not come and convince
yourselfof tlieiilue. . Only $ " > 'J to HJ53 per lot ,
Kix'-y terms. Ainua. 1B07 rurnmn Bt. 28926
H AltHIS & 1IAHHI9 , y-11 S. IBlh st. Wo want
to liny seine Improved piopcrty at reason-
nblo latos , rcsiilcnco property , also tiiisinc'8
property , on Cumin rand luthsis. Wo have now
BOIIIO bargains in HUUSI.OIII I'laco , Ilawlhnino ,
Arlinvton , Ilnwc ! ? . Knei lilnn Place and one very
cheap lot In Washington Siiiaro | Call und wo
will be glad to show you the propcry. 23' ! 25
Foil SALK-firt tt fronting on Dodge st. 2
blocks east of tlui postolllco. A bargain at
$ 8.r > 0lj ; Slt.OUO cash. Marshall i Lobock. I. > |
Farnam. ' . (29 (
SAbK As I nin about to leave Omaha 1
otfcr tor salu my house und lot , 504 Pleas
ant St. , or I will IIMHO it tor two or tlimit years
to n good tenant. I ) . ( J. Khigmun , 501 I'loiicmit
street. 3" 4 20 *
MAGN'IFICI.NT A-rooin ho.iso with porch ,
n iv window , eeinentod lloor , bath room ,
laiinj pantry , ehina clo-et , cistern , etc , , lingo
Iotr ) xlMt. hoaiitilully loeateil on Orchard Hill.
I'rii-o $1,000 : $ ft 10 cash , balance $ J5 per month.
J. F..Hammond , 117 H. 10th st. .143
GOOD Title mid Abstract Kieo with every lot
In llanscom I'ark addition. Prices t'Ml to
( C53 per Int. Ames , I'Ol Fiirnam Bt. 28 ! ) 25
HOOM IIOITST on 3iorgla ) avo. . near\Vpol-
\\orth. Cdinpleto in all ri'spccts mid on a
Una lot. Mix 50 , only $4,700. Turnix misy.
( JrKory.VIlHiloy. UOO
IT AST and nortn front lot , cor 2lith and TrK-
1-J Kinoon t-Hf line , H bargain , $1 . ' 7S. Hoiter \
Campbell , room 1,1sI'unmin. ) . tU4
BOWMNO tSltKKNIots.S r. ' ) . 10pnrconteash
and ? 5 per month , Marshall & Lobeck ,
Agents , IM'J J-Hrimm street. ! M'J
B \lir.Al.v-fio foot lot , south front , on Har-
noy Ht. nuar-lth , with goo I tJ room hnuso
87.1U ) . Ituitor&Udiiipbell. BH1
AKKTItACT and warrantee deed free to
o\ery piirehaser in Ilnnscom I'ark addition ,
These IntH Nell on aecoiuit of location and ptler ,
Ames , 1.V17 Fariiam si , 2KI 2."i
PADDOCK PLAOF. i-ornur lot 1. blk.X ftOvia-J.
llexi bargain on the bbst i-troet of thn iioitli
tldo , fJ.MJ Gregory \ Haillny. ,100.
T.T OK S A LK-i ! Jotsln fllllslilo Nol.
1 Two lots nil Wohstnr st ( corner )
each $ 'iWcttsM1 linlaiicu e : * y. Itnrgaln.
Two lots In Kojiter'B add , 5J5U for bulb ; f'WO
cash , ( corner ) a bargain.
HOIIHO and lol for I ratio
H. W. Huntress , U50 * Kurimni st. 271 2I <
AHHAL HAItrAIN-Cir lot.44U.cor llllh
nnd Dorous sta. . I'l.ljuj This in Imslno- , *
pioporty. lleiter \ Campliell , room 1 , 150.1 Far-
nmii i-t. 223
AXYONlIcuu suitforthi'linsulvtsby riding nut
to Iliinsoom 1'nrk adiU that JVXJ lo f < l.V ) for
KtiL-lilotHls chnap. If yqi | Man ! to mvost sou
Ihib popular location. A es , l'iU7 Faiimin.
M&J w. )
H1LI.SDALK oirersmorii ndvantaires tnpoo-
plo of limited iimaus than any local Ion
around Omaha. Prices air the lowest ( $17-r > to
f-UJ ) . and terms the eabl t ; flO tlown and l >
per month. Ames , 1J07 Furnamsl. 2SU 25
SNAP Lot 17 , blk . ' jlansoom Place tor
f',17.1 , If i-old at oneo' . < It purahiuer ( Jo-
Rlios jno ft front woodjigid lot Ittfor * iuo.
, ( Jrogory AIJfjidloy. . SjO
, -inniioyuanuil. |
DemU , 15lh mid Uolr.'hH str < * cti , M
BOM'LIN" ( > ltiiv.u : : r now Edition U
west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton street.
lly Poleoling lots at } ! . " > ) fop iiuHe and fl"j lol1
corneri , you will muku a gond Investment.
Terms 10 per cent cisli mid t' > monthly. No
ilmrgn : for showing the lot ! . Muralmll & Lo-
bock , 1SQU Kurnniii alO
FIT \V KNTV T'lTTST"liear ( 'lurk , nuw 'frrofmi
-1. house , good cellar , well and cistern , routs
lor I'A ) . Cable line already laid Jnut behind it
on 201 h St. Clark street ordered pavud to 24th
tills fall. Onnof tlio he , t baigams on tbo list.
Ul M\\W. \ I'nco J2,0 ) ; fKlJ cash , balaneo In
,2 and yparB. J. F , Hammond , 117 S. li'.thst.
SNA ! ' Ix > t mud Imlf on Virgin In uvo. , oust
trent , uoith of VVoolworth , 75x150 , only
ri.701) . Li 8 than ! i citsU It bold thla wo k ,
OrogoryM Hadley. UOO
Flt BALK Or Kent , Sir new homt-i located
on King near Luke ft. , ono block trom
Ktn-etiHir. 1'atnck Ilros. , Uuom 2 Arllnglou
btoclc , *
COUNulot III Van llenrt-n piano , f 0 ; * 3'JO
cash , ita.1 In 1 , 2nnJ. ) year * . Hotter ! c
Campbell , liootu J , 1Wr'uruum gu tU
TOH quick silos list TOUT proper'y with Hack
I St ( Ionian , room 11 , Frontor block. 84J
rjKXriNr. llAUOAfNS-Two'cornor lnl m
VI Iliirdettocourtonly I blocks from Siiun-
dor's street o rs. \ > M Husliimin. Itoom 10 ,
llushmmi HlocK , N 13 cor ICth nnJ DoUglai.
K1UL KSfATB ANoTOAN9 T ril. U.xll A
UO. 115 S. lithst 70 _ _
DO NOT bur without seeing llmiiconi i'ark
mill , at f > V ) tr. f r r > ) per lot. When you In
vestigate Ho merits > on will admit its alvtnt-
Ames. 15)7 ) Fiirnam. 2SJ 5
H ASSOOM T'TiTVOH-Lot L-J. block 1 ! > , only
J1.7UO , JTOo cnsh. Ure/oiy.V llndloy.
' pill : f'UOOK ortluTiTfidirfn j 1T"oliowTni { the
JL ( "irlujr , nnd tlio proot or lltinocoin 1'nrk
ndd.'s popuhirltv Uttio elm ot buyer there
( Vine nutlsco wlml Is oITcrcil. Aniuj , 1MT Tnr-
nam St. U J 2"i
TTTll liivo : uiish buyers Tor b inrnliH tt > roaT
T ritnto I.l t your property with us.
1'lnck V Hoinnn , loom II , Pronzui * MOCK.
| 8W
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
BAItlT ritANOTTror n home.thrpo room linck
hoiiBOMlth biKemnnt , uood well nnd cls-
tuin. In Oninliii Vliiw. I'rlco f I.4SO , $ .10 c < ih ;
ftnlnnco $10 pur month. J , ! ' . lluinraoiul , 117 S.
loth at. am
\\rAlllTAN fV Deed nnd f rpo nliHtriictT(7bvorr
' buyorln llnii'coni 1'nrk nild , Vim * vlll
admit the liunuty and rhe , > piie of these lots
when you scuihom , Amos , 1607 1'nrnniii ,
llusluuss I'rnporty ,
Ucsldt'iico t'rnpnrty ,
Vnciint Lots , by
M. A. Upton & Co. .
I vn Fin nam su
llu lno < 1'roiiurly
Pouthonst cor t > ouulii < < nnd th at. , 1.U.TI34 ,
fl& > I runt loot ; ono-inlrd cah : trnckiivo
SotttluMiitcnr. Iliirnor nn 1 tlth , ' 'JxH : : vl' -
duct ninlicn this vuluiihlo ; f 13/xo , onu-thlrd
cnsli ,
tl ten on Knrnnm neit to "old oily linll" cor
ner , f.D.OOi ) , niiu-tliird cash. This Is "dirt"
No. IKrt naiifrhi * , S-'xIM , f IS.O'K ) , ono third
onsh Nn bettor business location on the Ktieot.
" -.vli-'on ninth sldo I'urniun , cit-t ofM ,
? lill. The lunii who docs not buy this will lusu
Just t22M in six months.
Northwest cor. ' 'llli mid Ciimlnir , Mvl'JI ; tine
biislnosH eornori Jin.nnn , onu-luiir ontl ) ,
Uno-lialrintornst In''xl.K ! , ! ! story lirii-k , rent-
IIIK f-txi piTiiiont.i , itcTt i < ast Aic.ulo hotel on
Uoimlns Bt : f , IKKI. How's that ?
Southwest cor. NIclioliiHnn.l . Htli Ft , track In
nlloy. ( WxliifJUOO ; : $1,0 1 ciish. l.ool ; nt that ,
will ) on ?
Southeast oor. SU nnd Cumlnsr.liflxlft ! , Im-
prnvoil ; SM.'iOU. This Is the cheapest " ( flit udgo"
business property on Uuinlnir st.
40tltO. alley on clilcJu t pouth Ifitli U.ln -
iliift. : l liiilliliiits nuil gliililit. rcnllnu $70 per
month on iRtnt. . , will soon bo prood buslnoss
properly ; (4Tikione-half eu li , b.ilanco oasy.
Iteslilenco I'liipcrty.
On Cnllfornlii. 10.1 feet west ot Ifltlitt , 14-
room linii < u. burn , all modern Improvements
lloiteo built of tlio best mntcrliil , and In a
thorough iimntior , $ 0.50) ) , one-half < " > 8h. Tins
N n "Joe Dandy" place , nnd vroith moro thnn
nskeil lor 11.
78 I cut on Pt Jtnvy'fl uve. , beautiful homo ,
fit , no , one hnlrcn l .
"Old Hrottnoil llnll" property , HOtlPO. finnt-
Inif on 11th nnd 17th BIS , nuiklnir 'Ml ieut f tout-
UUP. r.\er > ouo knows properly on UHh , ju t
noilh of the Viaduct , will sonu be very vnluablo
biialnepg localIOIIK. l.lkunlsn on 17th Ht IB
vi ry choice for residences. 'I 111 * lniH i phit to
gether with tint bulldinirt , whleli lire In irood
roptilrnnd do nut Inter line with the Kith st.
front for uiis.iies | ! > , can ho hoiiirht now lor
f.11.000 , $ ! ! > , ( ) KlciiRh : linlimco 1,1 ! nnd II yearn
ll-rootu on South 10th st..nearly opposite
"Now llrownell Mall. " cast front , lot f > " .xUl
pnvod ptroot. Now hold your breath till wo
mention the prlcn. f't.TW. $1,500 otili. Italntico
tW ! per mo nth. What do you think ol Hint/
IIou o will lent for fD per month ormoio.
H-r Km ) lioiis-oon UlstKt. . just north of St
Mary's nvo , lot 4ixMO. ) Ilnrn.etc . $7,001. one-
third cnuli Iinldo resilience property.
Wo hnvo lower priced resldeneo property. Mco
coltiigea and meilluin houses , in every direc
tion. Terms to suit.
Don't lull to see U3 If you wnnt to buy n
> nrnnt IjOts.
Yes. vacant lot" . Oh , well. It Is usole s to en
umerate thorn. W"o hnvo thorn anywhere-nnd
overywnero. In nil the mlililions.of every kind
sl7Oprice an lei ms. Hut plenso remember that
there hns 1101 a lot dcpieclated In value In Oma
ha In the last live years , and we have the IIrM
cn = e to know where n pnrtv piocurod Riot
cheaperl > y wnllluir. Omaha hns scon a food
youiIn the present one lint 1-87 will eclipse
the past , nnd real cstato In Omnlm roincmbor
we sav hi ( iinnhu will never niiuln ho as cliunp
ns now. Tlioreforc. tlio wise will buy In A. 1) .
18s , nnd from M.A.Upton & Co , I.U3 Kiiriinm st ,
J71) ) 2t
FOll BALK A 4-rooin Mouse witn lot , trout-
in on two streets , $ IVH ) .
1 7-room house , I .1 room house with lots
frontuitf oiilwo streets , both fV0. .
1 4-room house nnd Imlf lot.fl.'Jj ) : 10 per cent
casn , balance monthly iniyniontH , all the above
within thrce-qimrtursol a mileor potolllo
Cor lot , Hth and I'.ielllo , rt'lvl'U. with three
clntrant eottiiLro , would rent for ? 73 per
monthfor n few days nt $3,00) .
Kami loans nt lowest rate of interest.
Firn-cla "j tei'.l estate mort iwei , or com
mercial P'iper , discounted. Mcud & Jumlnn > n ,
318 S. 15th st. IWI
FOICHAI.n Splumllil stock farm. 3 miles
1'ioin I' . I'.depot at ( loiioa , contains -M
acres , nil gooil plough laud , w noros reueoil pas
ture with river frontline , TO neres iindnr culti
vation , ironcl house , shed nnd windmill ; price
5 < il > ( )0 ) Two-til I nN or tliiee-touitlH of prlco on
inoitL-ir.'U nt 7 per cent. I'nton llros. , 1'iillor-
ton , Xeb. Jt--'n *
Bids for Public Printing.
laxrot.N , Nov. SMi , IbUJ. )
Noricn 10 IHIIIIIII- : .
SKAI.F.I ) I'ropiibiila will be reeelvcd nt any
timeon or hefoiefl o'clock p. m. of thu Hth
day ot December , A , I ) . IW.
Tor the printing of all Hills for the Levifla-
turo , with inch mnttois ns inny he oideteil by
either honeo thrreot , to bu prlnUil In "bill
form , " which isalumnniid do-il iiutiHl ascuss
ONKdlundcrtliel'rlntlnif Laws of the Htiilcof
Nolra ) kn.
For the priutliwtiiiil binding , in pnpcrcoreiR ,
one thousand d.UJO copies ciicli of the Itlennlal
KuporU of the Amlllvr ot I'ublle Aecounta ,
Trcnsurer , Hecrotary of Mate and Cnmmls-
alonerof 1'iibllo Is and IIulMliiir ; undtno
hundred I50JI cojilei eaeh of the Hicnnla ! Ito-
portHot' the Attorney dcnoral. Superintendent
ofl'ublle Iiiairiietlon , Stntu I lliriiilan. nnd Ad
jutant rieneial ; and all other rcpurts tun ! docu
ments that mil ) linoiclrroil prlnli'd by thu I.egr-
Is'atiiro , o.\erpt Much as nuiv enter into anil
foi in n partol the journal , wlileh clasi , or work
Is known ii nd doMinuti'd at ) clajblj under the
Printing I.IIUH ot NiihnisUa.
The hill itoik executed iiiideroliiwono , ulinll
bo printed In rmall iilca type , on piiortobo | )
fouitecii (11) ( ) Inches IOIIK by elk'lit and ono-
liulfS'i ( ) Inches wide , t-inirlc P.IKC , paper to ba
UMpoiinilRilouhle cap to tlui ream , and except
the title piiuo. each pa'io ahull contain not leva
than twenty-live lines of Mlid matter of seven
(7i ( Inehcii In IciiKlh , nnd the lines shall bit suo-
cch-voly | numbered , with n blank yuly 111 each
spnee bctwci'ii the Illicit.
The tit epnue of said bills shall rontnln not
les thnn elKhtuen ( IS ) llnrs ax abtnc , with
I Mi ( MI ( J ) indie * additional HJIHCO ulloit able for
display title matter , ncces t'.ry tiactlonal piiifos
in be computed per line at thu raleol tncnty-
llvo lliics to the pai.'o. Kaeh bid piiall t < tati <
what the bidder l : > willliifr to do the work com
plete lor , ptr ( | Ulre , Including composition ,
papi'r. piess work , htilclilntt , folding and all
nork or material cnterlni ; Into the work ie-
All woikexiteulod nnd or class one shall bo de
livered In Kootl order by tlio contractor to the
ofllcn of Scci elary of Stale uit bin three ( II ) days
after the nxoipt of the order by the Bald con-
tiuclor I com the cliulrmnn of the Committee
on I'diitltff inelih r hinnch uf thoI < etHluture.
All ttork executed under class thrco Cli i-lnill
bo printed in Ixmir I'nincr , llrevler and Non
pareil t > pe. on paporto be nine < ! ) ) liicni'B Ion ?
by clx ( tlinlditfin ln paue , pntier to be forty-
live (45) ( ) pound * to the leant , wh te liook. Kuch
bill under elites II , s-hull state whut the bidder Is
willing lo do thu work complete for , per iiilro | ,
cm eai'h lupuit or Item In the class , iiifludum
comiHitini | ) | , pnpur. prcsb uork , bt telling , ( old.
ing-ami all work or material entiirlnir iulo the
oik reiiiiiod. | liullnj and pajjo proof miirt bn
filriuolicduhcu n iulrcil by the ( illlccin of tlio
tniviillve department or the chairman of the
Committee on I'rlnlliiK In either brntii'h of ttio
I.CKisliUiao. Work when i-ompUited In bo dc-
lIvcKd tree of uTpciikn nt the Btat > < House.
I'ropoaals Itir uork on each of the nl.uvo
clwiies will not bo coiirlilcrml uiilcxB thn hiimo
t-lnill be iiccomranlod by u bond Jn the sum nf
tlvo tliuiisand i. > , U > u ) dolluiH , with two or moio
biiri'tiiiA , that In rase I ho party proposing1 tor
flush muilr.icthall li'j axrnrdeil the sumo such
party will uitliin llvo dn > M alter the awurd to
him of Midi cunt I act , enter Into bonds for the
faithful purfoimuucn thereof , ad iiruvldinl by
law mid tcrniKiif thcsi ) proposaU.
I'nipo-als hhall bo inuiUod "I'ropo-iili for
I'ubliu I'rlntmir , " and aildiei ed to the Mate
Heard of rrliitlmr In caru ef the ieciettr > ot
Htntc , Lincoln , Nebmikn.
Contracts on claaj onn ( I ) asnbotcsptclQc-d
will be uwurdfd ua u whule.
Contiuutb on class three H ) Hg above apc-clfled
will beawunledlii nlioloorfn piut as thu Heard
may elect.
Samples of iho work to he rvix'iitfd iimler
classcx one and thu o mily be KMHI nt the ollieo
of the Societal' ) ' of Htate.
Contracts on aliene flu"cs , nno and three ,
to run two years from December lltb , Ib'n.
The Mute 1'iiiitliiv Heard rcst-rvt * llio iltht
to reject nny or all hld
li J' . UDCtiE.V. Secretary of State ,
II. A. IIAHCOrK. And. 1'uli. Aects. ,
O. \VII.LAItD , StutoTreiif-nror.
Of the Biate Uounl ot I'rlntintr.
firm of p. llocco k Co. Is hereby dls-
selvod. Mr. I' . Ho'cri asrumoi nil llabilltli'j
of the thrm , and lie nlone U uutborlicd to uolk t
Mlx-ouiiUdUbthotlnB. ' K KOCCO JL CO. ,
1' . HOCCO.
OouUut , Nov. 3rd , UM.
MroiiKC StntupsTlint llnnk In
to Itartlinlill't IilbrrtT.
Mr. Nikko-w.i l-'tishkitm , n member of
of I ho sitilo of I'rinpo ICatiial.'ti , the tiitrlo
of tlio Mikado of .Japan , who wis in the
city early in iho week , ntul is now. with
his party , the uncM. * of the .lapntioso
niinlstur at Wt < ; lilimton , is a bright , In-
ti'lljL'nt ! nnd widely Irnvi-lcd little m-ntlo-
limn , who has been educated at Oxford
nnd Loipsir , In tlie conrso of a eliat with
I ho L'htlmlclpliin 'runes' roprosontallvo
he .snjd :
" \Vo worn all very much Improved
with the colossal statue of Liberty , wliloli
has recently beuii phiecd in the lutrbor of
New York , ami read with interest all
about its iji lory. In n newspaper I
saw an illustrated nrtiuln on the
other irrrat broiuo figures of the
world , whleh pave sketches of live other
statue * in addition to the liirtholdi :
wonder. Tlnum were the Colossus of
Rhodes , 105 feel high , but vanished many
centuries since ; thu Annoniottx , on the
.summit of one of the highest mountains
of the Teiiteborg forest , near Detmold ,
( lermany , which is 1H ) feet high nmt was
dedicated in 18f > ; the St. Charles Nor-
romeq , not far from the shore of Lake
iMnggiore , wliloh is 70 feel high nnd dales
from Kii7 ! , the Virgin of I'uv , set tip In
l" < ( il ( and , VJ teet high , and tlie celebrated
stnttio of Havaria. nt Mtinicli , which
meamires 51 feet. Now , of course , who-
overwrote that article did not mean to
do the Japanese tin injustice , but he did
. o nevertholo'j.s. for wo have in my coun
try two brnnzn statues of the the ( treat
Lord Imddha , each of which In proportionately
tionately larger than cither of thu last
two 1 have mentioned and really as much
so as regards the Armonious , for , al
though its height is it , ) feet , Sfl feet are
simply arm and sword , the top of the
hero's helmet being feet nbowi the baso.
"Of the two great brotr/o statues in
lapan the is near the ancient city
of Nara , near the beautiful lake Hiwa , a
part of Japan that comparatively few
travelers visit. It is inside of a temple
lltt feet high , 21)0 ) feet long and 170 feel
wide , \ml was cast in the year 7'1I ! after
eight tm.sucecssful attempts. The liguro
is that of a Buddha and Is settled cross-
Icirged , as he IM alwajs shown , .so that
were the figure standing it would be verv
nearly twice as high. Scaled in this po
sition , with tlio right hand uplifted , the
palm outwards and the linger tip * on a
line with the shoulders , the hron/.o is nil
feet , in heighth above its rather low nnd
nnimportanl pedestal. The lignro has
seen many accidents , such as litvs stud
earthquakes , nnd has lost its head on two
occasions from the former cause , the pres
ent ono being verv ugly on account of the
dark color of the bronze , the broad nos
trils and the swollen look that the
designer has given the cheek . It is sup
posed tbe ) Huddha in an altitude of deep
contemplation , a very favorite one for
showing him in. The plates of bronze
are from s-lx to ten inches thick , nnd af
ter Iwing soldered together have been
ehi'-elcit smooth. The face is sixteen
feet long bv nine one-half feet wide and
the width of the .shoulder is txvonty nine
feet. There are 000 curls on the head ,
and behind it is n hmro wooden halo
heavily gilded and nearly eighty feet in
diameter. This image weighs -150 tons ,
and the records show thru 500 pounds of
gold and nearly 12,000 pounds of mercury
were used , with the tin and copper thai
make the bron/.e of which it was con
"Second in importance so far as sixo
goes , but really a much belter known
liguro and in most wavs moro important
than thai nt Kara , is 'th ( Jreat liuddlia
at Kamtikura , about lifteen miles
from Yokohama , it is scaled in
the open air near a Miiall and
prettily sittialed temple , and its lingo
bead can lie scon for HOIIIO time through
the tree tops as one approaches. The al
titude is more graceful and comforlablo
than that of the lignro at Nara and the
face wears a very p 'title and placid expression -
pression , the idea of deep thought being
remarkably well attained. This figure is
< ) ! ) feet 7 inches liijrli , IIMS a circumference
of over 07 feet al I lie base , the face is 8
tool o inches long , the nose 3 feet ! ) inches
and each thumb is ! ) feet around. In the
centre of the forehead is a "bump of
wisdom" 10 inches high. The eyes arc
of pure gold , and it is said that the rec
ords show that 1,500 pounds of that pre
cious metal were contributed tolhoHmelt-
inp pots while il was being east. At
present a bountiful temple , to cost about
$10,000 , is being built over the figure
There is also a bronze ISuddha in ono of
the parks at Tokio , the Japanese capital ,
which is : > l ftet 0 inches in height. "
Is n very prevalent and exceedingly dis
agreeable disease , liable , if neglected , to
develop into serious consumption. long ! -
ng 11 constitutional disease , il requires a
constitutional remedy nko Hood's
parilla , which , noting1 through the blood ,
reaches every part of the system , efl'ecl-
ing a radical and pormanonl cure of
catarrh in oven it.s iiioit severe forms
Made only by U. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell ,
The Comical ICvpcrlenco of a French
Traveler In America.
A Frenchman was lately traveling iti
tlio United Slalcs. , and , having at ; eye to
business , was investigating our institu
tions , amusements , and commercial , en
Among them ho was introduced lo the
jolly western pasl-limo called poker anew
now game lo him. lid
proved an apt bcholar. and was boon
' 'blulVmg" with courage quite astonish-
Monsieur , howoyer , was aneasygooso
pluck , and , as a natural conFcquoncc , in
a short , tinio wis a heavy loser. Ho was
much di giibtcd and informed his friends :
" 1 no play no more w'nt ' you call
/.Is ? " pushing Ills cane backward ami
forward , /.al you call pokaire. 1 no wish
lo hear VM name of pul.uiro in my two
card" _
No amount of assurance of butter luck
would awervo him , and lie was most sen
sitive to any remark siigguslno of the
Thi ) lift ) ono day in his room would not
burn , Calling n servant ho insisted :
" 1 want you to make /elite burnnmko
it hot. "
Thoscrvanl replying , "Yen sir , 1 will
give il a irooil btirring till with a poker1
was frightened out ot Ilia wits by Having
the Kreiiehman lly into a rage anil push
out uncoromonloiwly , yelling :
"You rascal if you say pokairo to mo J
will out ' your thi-out oil' close to your
The servant did not again uneonnter
him until Iho following morning , when
nol yet in Iho best ol humor , ho inquired
Inn way to the breakfant room.
" /Ay > : u way lo to.e breakfast , " ho
"No , .sir , that door lends lo an unto-
room. This way , please. "
"Alon iJiiiii , " ho cried , "I quit/o house.
I ask yon to make /o lire bum and yon
say yon wanl pol.airo. J ask for 20 break
fast , and you show to mu.o ante-room.
I wanj no mor < i ante ; 1 wanl no moro
pokairo. "
Hit hurriedly paid his bill and left ,
.horoughty convinced thai nvory one in
America paid moro attention to pokur
than to any ollior branch of
The " ( jarhind Stoves iiiifl Itangos'1
liavo the most artistic ImNi
of any thai wo have over
seen. They uro everywhere
ucknowltidgcd to bo thd LTsi in the world ,
while they cost no moru than is often
uskcd for inferior goods. They sire as
Uotcd for durability , eonvonuirieo and
economy of fuel as lor btylu uutl beauty.
Uxprcscs the tecllm ; of many victims of
rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica nnd ner
vous or sick hciulnche. Having hici < num
berless so-cnllcil ictncdics , nno pbysicinns
of nil schools without relief , there seems
to be no hope Mnnv such 1m c ns n tnst
icsorttticd Allio ! | > lioros , nnd to their sur
prise nnd joy have found thnt il was n safe ,
sure nmt quick cure. Athlophoros is not an
experiment , tho-'sands bn\e been ctucd by
its use ntul tbe\ testily ns to its vniuc
OW. . Oaks , Fillcv , Mo , snyo : "Atlilo-
pboros 1ms done more for my rheumatism
thnn .tin tiling I Imve tried I ha\c paid
out two or three liumlted dollars for doc
tors' ami oilier medicines , but nothing did
me nnv good until I round Athlophoros , "
K. L I > a\i < , Insurance and Loan Agent ,
at Missouri Valley , loun , says ; " 1 have
used Athlophoros and it cured ire com
pletely. Several \cars ngo while n\\ny in
nn adjoining town on IIIIMMOS , my atten
tion uas culled to this medicine by n phy
sician and t'liciul who shouudmc n bottle
nnd package , and mmlc the remark , that
if I WAS ever troubled with rhemnnlifm , use
this medicine nid it \\ill scon cure you.
About two years ago , my legs srnUlci ly
began to swell pain , particulnrly at the
knee joints ) on my right knee there was a
bright icd spot \\liicli pained the most. In
n few days 1 as nwaie it was rheumatism ,
my legs and feet kept on spelling , until I
could not move my toes , and for many
days nnd nights I was obliged to sit , cat
ntul sleep in n chair. 1 placed myself in
the cnre of n phycicinn , but he did me no
good I then abandoned the medicine I
had been using nnd commenced with Ath
lophoros , The fust tlnee doses iclleved mo
and with one bottle I was well.
Kverydrugsii'st should keep Athlopho
ros ami Athlophoros 1'ills , but whcyothoy
cannot be bought of the dniirgist the
Athlophoros Co. , 112 Wall St. . Now York ,
will send either ( carriage paid ) on receipt
of regular price , whleh is $1,00 per boltlo
for Athlophoros and 51c. for i'dls.
I'or llvnr nail klunnjr illsriigps < lyniieisln | , In-
ilIviHllon , I'liliiii-ss , nur\ out ili'lilllty , iil < ou o
< il uoinon , roiHllpntldii , hemliu'lio , liupurn
blciiiil.o. . , Atliloilioros | 1'llls uro uiicilinleil. | II
A POSITIVE olno. 1'utontol witliont Octo
ber U' , 11178.
Ono bor will oura
the most obtlmilocnjo In fourd
Allan'tiiolubleMedicatedUougiesi '
No naiuoous ( lo os or cubebs , ronnlti'X r oil of
BHmhilnood that nru it'rliiln lo urodueo dyspein-
Flnli\'iln trovlnir the iiiuthms of the stmmioh ,
l'i icoll.M ) . Bold by all ilnmi w or mnllLiI on
recelptofprlca For fnrl'iur ' p.irtloulurs Bunt
torclrouhir. V. O. Box I'.Tl.
3" . C. . .AOjOJiT CO. , CURE.
ot. . Now York.
Electric Appliances are : rnt on 30 Days' ' Trial.
TrrltO are nuiTcrinK from NCIIVOUII IIBHILITT ,
W l.n T VITALITY. I. cn or NUIUK rotu-E AXU
VlQi > \\'AST1NO WlUKNtsHK .nnilrtll IhoiO dlMOflc *
ofa I'KIISONAI. NATltKK rtsulllu from AUUSLS and
OIIIFII Cii' u. Btwmlr li'llrr iiii'l ' ramplFtn ri ti > -
ratlonof llrj > iTiiMniiK i lMAMioomio\B KTitrD.
IhoKTanili tilln-oTeryof ilioNlnitiHMithCintnrr
Bond t once fur llluntratfil Pamphlet f ruo. Adilrejs
Men fnfTrrlnicfrom f.o i Vlf > or ,
. \t-rvmi * IlrldUly. l.nrk > f
Vf ltitnimt l'r mftur *
fcl ! - , etc , rc sullliiKfroni In *
- . . _ - K. llvlllO
. . . . . . rrml ( * * lfr'f Slitmlil I.
. > < > Knllien.t pluritl lu llu. Imn.U
i nf tlitlr Sum. BJ > llrpli IP wllh
I { nrntmntliin i.r VHlneloiill tutu.
MARSTON REMEDY CO. 10 Park PUc * . Now York.
.i and i'ricon on npitllcatlnn.
best * 'Arrlnir UntlncrMntxl Ih-nlera.
vn. n. s. A.
Oihlc Aclt'rt-HS
The enl ly perfect oubMltute ft" Mothor1 *
milk. Invaluable In Cholera l.ifuntum
aod Teething. A pro.liKustbii food for Dya *
peptloB , Connumptlvn , Ronvulescunts.
1'erfaot nutrient li all WnstlnK nitousua.
Itequlrei no cooking fnr Hook , The CorB
nd FocUlns of Infants , malln't free.
. OUODALU ft GO. . Ilcatou ,
Ladies to Work for Us nt Tlioir Own
$7 to $10 Per Week Can Be Qniatly Mida
Nopliiitu imlntliiK ; nn rnnr-ioliu. l ° oi full utlcur.
uluri. lejHtf ml trnA al niu-r ,
1:1 CenIr.i11st Uust.iii . , M n. . 113 I
m fs $ . usn iimsuTiNE.- ! ' , .r.t' < Kt
' " " " " . .tr.A' ' ! . " : .l 3
9 * tx
. , l' l > U.v , IIU1. . H. A-
I tave r pitHUlT < irerni-lyriirtbeabovo ( < 1LBi.a < t ; by Ha ova
tliniitiiiil > ti ( r t i I the wnnt klii'l n.l t UHK * indlce
hvoH'iiicurc ! > il Iiij4. il. i > lrniuliiiirf ltti In lnior > ) racf
thiM I < vlll .nd TWl UOITI.KS Hlt.P t"K"lli r wllti Vil
t'l.HTH8iTlhlnBlhl | ! | ilU ( > i.n > .ln'ii nir r ' r
Or liir l.liior il.i'iil , I'tmli\ }
C'uri-tl by AiliMiitlultirliix Or.
SIiiliio ' Unlttru Npet'lllr.
± t i.Aii ije gl en In a tup uf ftirtrnor tu t without
( hi knunli < ili | ur llic pel.nil ULIIIK u. In uhiululfclf
htrinltsi , un'l will rnVrl K | irriiiii > f > iit < ; n 1 n'cmy '
curtwlivllitr tlio pmiHiil 1 inuOri.itt < rnki ! > ru <
bu Aicoliullc wrvtk ll hits txun ifUei. IP thou.
j.ld cf t\\t , and Inrvviy iuii -cu'.nfci euro
kiMfollovsrd. | | nenir luM Th3'.filtui uurxj
InipicKiiutcO with Ui | < Hpi > ci't . It ( it-coini > < nn uttef
Uupo-nlLlllly ( or the liquor upprillo lufil.l
AUIIN A * CO. , Cur. 131 h 14111 ! I > stisln > . itud
ISlll > Sc Cunilnu KU , , Oniulju , Tieli. '
1. U. l-OiTUIt .V IIIIU , .
( 'uHnell Illnllk. Imv * .
Ctllor write for prtinpUn ciu-Ulnlin ; 1.uJr
r " ! < > tliiiuuUU frumllintK 'I uii. u ud lUtfQ .K
u. pr.ut ; ! Hi--J'jau
Its CIIUJCB. and a new and
OEiFHESS. . ncc-e-'Stiil ' Cllltr. in your own
m * xvhu deaf clffht
bomii ny one w WHS twenty
yt'um. TiMUlnd by must of the noted t ; > o'nl |
fflu withoin liHiintlt ; e-ln-d liunnoir In Ihitrd
iiinnlliH , and t-in then hnndrivls of ( illi c-i.
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