Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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DrllTCi-td t > y rnrner In nnj-pnrtof thocltj-Hl
twenty -nts per week.
II. W. Tn.Toy. - Manager.
Tiar.MtONKS :
nnFiNr. s Omen. No. 13.
N'luiiT KMIIOII No. S3.
N. Y. IMnmuiiifiCo.
Now fall goods at Keller's.
Cooper & .MeHee soil hardware.
Ynrns mid Xephyrsat It. Friedman's.
Panels at * : $ / > < ) per ilo/.on nt SuhtniiU's
pillory , Main street.
For line llolsery jo to II. Friedman's.
Snook and Phantom concert at Temple
half this evening.
Thank ivini : supper at Temple hall.
Come at 0 anil stay till yon # 11 mioiigh.
The deputy marshal yesterday hail to
go to the county jail to servo an original
notice , the defendant bel ig a prisoner
The ( 'atholie Indies Rive another quadrille -
rille party i" ' ' Hrown's bulletin ; ; this
oveniiif ; .
S. K. Sweeten and I.ulie .Sweaton , both
of Omaha , wore ye lnrday afteinoon
married by .Justice Sis'.imv. ' at his ollieo in
this city.
Four drunks and two vagrants got
pulled in just in lime to yet their Thanks-
in ; dinner served to them at the pub
li c expense.
The business hoties generally am nx-
peeled to elo o to-dav. so that employes
and all inn.y have the fullest oppoituuity
ot uivlnj ; thanks.
At the Broadway theatre tlierc will be
two purformanees to-day , and one-half
of the proceeds of both entertainments is
to co to the Cottage Home liosnital.
It is proposed that instead of a elinrity
ball this season a grand party will be
iriyun , the proceeds to go Unyard starling
iho new hospital , wiiieh is .so sorely
The city council yesterday morning
visited uiid insneoted the new sewer
diteh again , but have not expressed them
selves as to what aetiou they will take in
regard to it.
His a rare thing to see a visitant from
an unknown country. Spooks have Pig-
nilied their intention of going to Temple
hall this evening and will disclose sonic
of the mysteries of IMiantomdom.
The Woman's Christian association lias
reipie.-ted the pastors of the various
churches to give to them the proceeds of
the Thanksgiving collection , to bo used
toward furnishing "College Homo Hos
pital. " 'Ve hope every one will go pre
pared to donate liberally toward this ob-
300t. _ _
No. ! H7 Broadway is the place to buy
cheap books. Opens tins inoruiiig.
To-morrow evening there will be a
illusion ] recital at the resilience of Rev.
( i. W. Crofts , at which Prof. Lipfert and
Homo of his pupils will taUe part. Mr.
Crofls1 homo liasjust bon .supplied with
u now , griind piano , and the musicnlc
will be a pleasing dedicatory service for
the new instrument.
Dou't'forgel that the T'liblishors" book
sale opens to-day. Coeke & Morgan's
old stand , No IU7 Hroaday.
. . .
Dr. Ilaiichett.ollicoNo 1'J Pearl streets
lesidence ? 120 Fourth street. Telephone
Ko. 10.
- _ _ -
The city council is to meet next Mon
day night to consider the Tenth avenue
project' and transact other busines. The
matter > eoms to have got into a tangle ,
and many complications , and all sorts of
conjectures as to what the Union Pacific
will really do , what it wants to do , and
what is best for the city. Tin-re are many
who do not want to .stand in the way of
of any great help to tl > e city , but who do
not feel like paying too much for a
whistle , oven if it is a railway whistle.
Most citizens favor the alloy route , and if
the intent is logo ) freightloaml Ironi the
depot , there seems little in the claim that
the curve will not allow of making so
fast time as a .straight line along the
avenue. It teems f mm the stress placed
iiiion its being a straight line , that the
Union Paeilie was either figuring on hav
ing fast dummy trains run there , or el eon
on a union depot. If a union depot do-
Vends upon tin ) success of this project ,
the city can all'ord to do a good deal. A
union depot U among the greatest needs
of the city.
Big bargains in underwear at II. Fried
"Vail paper , shades , paints , etc. 11. P
Nile.s , No.KM Itrondway.
Caller everything you need , bottom
prices , Kvcrybody's store , SWMain.
There has for several year.- , past been a
custom hero for the children of the public
NiihnnlH to bring in the day preceding
Thanksgiving contributions of vege
tables , groceries , et"e. . for the relief of the
poor. The pupils , in accordance with
this custom , yesterday brought in : i liberal
supply , made up of mites , but aggregat
ing well , and to-day they will be placed
in the hands of sonic committee for dis
Best dinner in the city at Doe and
Hilly' * , Ml Broadway , ! M cents.
Mrs. Dr. D Trncsdell. a graduate ol
the Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics in-
btilutc. is prepared to treat all classes of
diseases "anil demonstrate the curative
power of electricity'1 in accordance with
u now ami complete .system ot Klcctro-
T.'ierapcuiies , consisting of Galvanism.
Magnetism , Electro-Magnetism ami
Static Klectrieity. Female tliseases a
specialty. Located at No. 1507 Broad <
waysecond lloor. OHice hours l ) a. in.
to 0 p , m.
M Notice.
I dtvslrn to inform the public that in
compliance with the wish of my late IniS'
baud , Mr. Krnst Burhorn , I shall con <
tinno the jewelry and watchmaker's bus !
ness at the old stand , No. 17 South M'Uii
street , and under tint former linn iiaint
of 1C. Bnrhorn. Thanking the mini )
patrons ami friends of Mr. Burhorn foi
their liberal patronage in the past I now
respectfully solicit a continuance of tin
tamo. MOI.I.II : , ; : Hi'iiiioitx ,
Council Bl nil's , Nov. 2a , 18SO.
Personal I'urnm-npliH.
] { . II. Hunter , of Tabor , was in the citj
II , Bnehholof Janesville , Wis. , an
e.xieusivo manufacturer of carriage *
"busses , oto , was in tliu city yesterday.
Win , Kvans , of Chicago , is hero on f
brief vUil to his brothers , J. F. and J
Christ. Tiinm , of the Davenport Democrat
crat , visited the BIntVs yesterday.
Miss Thompson , of Cedar Kapids , ii
visiting .1. W. Morse and family.
Uov. T. J. Mackoy has returned fron
St. Paul. His sister-in-law , whose bus
bund is ono of the prominent merchant !
of that city , is hero visiting the family.
The ladicsof thoCongrpgationaL = ociot :
wish to return thanks to those who si
kindly assisted in our "District School. '
Wo also thank the prcas for so Hberallj
advertising both pur entertainments , am
to Mr. Dohany for favors.
Mas. K. WAITI : , President.
Council Bluffs Will Join Heartily In the
Observance of the Day.
The "Kill" m Ijnst Jailed The County
\VlnnIn tlio Klrsl Hound AVllli
Hie Hi-ldcc Coninnny COIH-
The Diftrict Toll-graph company , roc-
oKiiix.iiiK Iho wi'iloin of our honorable
lirosiilunl and governor in tlio setting
apart of a day for Konural thankfulness
for the many blussin s which wo Inivc
enjoyed duriiiK the year , buijs pRrmisMon
to issue thn following manifesto : The
District Ti'l-'ffrapli comnany has come
to stay. This is n faet. When We were
about to start in business a few old "fo-
Kie.s" told ns that wo would not run six
months ; that Mio city was too small to
support stieh an enterprise , hut wo went
ahead just the same. Our oflicu has now
boon open six months , and wo have not
only paiil expenses from the beginning ,
but have made a small margin. This
has boon aueoinplisncd by hard work and
ollleii'iit service on our imrt liberal
patronage from the nublie. During this
time wo nave added : i number of em
ployes to our force. We have also added
a package delivery wagon to the service
anil are enabled to eairy on a general ex
press business in connection with our
messenger service. During tlin holidays
wo will increase our force and will bo
able to deliver anything from a sealskin
sucipio to a bucket of coal , lleniember
we are responsible for the acts of our
messengers. Thanking yon for .your jib-
oral patronage in the past , and trusting
tliat yon will favor us with it in the tu-
tnre.'l remain , yours truly ,
K. L. SrniMiKU , Manager.
l. Bi.tiT ! ! , Nov. 25 ,
Anything you want in Housekeeper's
Hardware and Tmwaro at Cooper it
Great reduction in hats at 11. Fried
IJiohmond Ranges for hard coal are the
best. Cooper it Meee ( ! sell them.
Another HloKiint ( Jleii
At :5 : o'clock yesterday afternoon , at the
residence of the bride's parents , No. 1TO
Jlen avenue , Miss Jeanctte ( lerner and
Mr. Frank S. hango wore united in the
ely bonds of wedlock by the Uev. B. 1 * .
McMenomy. in the presence of a few of
ho most intimate friends of the con-
raeting parties.
The bridal couple wore attended by
Mr. Charles Met/of Omaha ; Miss Sophia
Jerneras maid ; Mr. Arthur Smith , of
) avcuport , anil Miss Clara Hani , cousin
> f the bride , of Platte City , Mo. After
akmg their positions in the bay window
u the cast parlor , the ceremony , accord-
ng to the Catholic ritual , was per-
The bridal costume was of white gross
grain sill ; and satin brocade , en train ;
with veil of tulle. This only ornaments
, vorc white roses. The bridesmaids
, voro dresses of white cashmere and
The bride , Miss Nettie , as she is famil-
, arly called , is the third dr.nghtcr of Mr.
mil Mrs.tieorge Gornor. well known and
.esncfited residents of this city.
The groom lias resided in Omaha since
USi8 ( , where he is well and favoranly
known , and is a son of the late Fred.
ange , of that city , lie now occupies the
losition of assistant cashier in the Omaha
( savings bank.
The presents were numerous , elegant
md costly.
Last evening a reception was held from
7 to 11 o'clock , and the many friends ol
the newly wedded couple , both from
Omaha and this city , extended their coir
Mr. and Mrs. Lange left on the 11:1 : ;
o'clock train hist evening for their new
home , No. 'J'JOU Howard street , Omaha.
Everybody's storc _ , good place to buj
goods , 'No. Si.'J Main street.
See West. Point base heater. Latest
improvements in heating stoves.
Weather strips at Chapman's , 103 Main
All varieties of game and 'ish. ' Oyster :
all styles. Short orders a specialty , lo <
it Billy's , ' 101 Broadway. .Just look ii
their window.
Bargains in ribbons at 11. Friedman's
I'lnohliiK "Tli Kill. "
" " well-known character
The "Kid , a -
was pinched vesleniay. Ho has linn ;
about thu city for two past , and i
no longer a mere "kid,1' but now sport
a moustache and &eems quite like a yonii )
man. It will bo rcmembcivd by man ;
Unit when John Dunn was on the forci
he tried lo arrest the young fellow oin
night , anil the kid making u break am
running , Dunn fired at him , lodging i
bullet in his back , He still carries a largi
scar to remember the event. Last Satur
day he was hanging about the I'aeill
house and improved the opportunity o
picking up an overcoat belonging to oni
of the colored boys named Kmerson. 11
took the coat Sunday morning into th
Chicago rcMtanrant , on Main street , am
Imiilf it up. Ho was evidently afraid t
go after it , and got a boy , John Murphy
to go for it. Tim boy says that the thle
told him ho would give him the overcoat
and so he went to the place and found i
hanging there The proprietor of th
restaurant would not let the boy take it
as all he knew about it was that it was a
unclaimed coat. Olllcor Rose was in
formed of the allair and took po-.sesio
of the coat , which proved to be the stole
oil' ) . Ollicer Unihank hunted up Hi
"kid , " who gives his name as William.-
and yesterday he was tried. He elaiinei
that the overcoat for which ho sent th
boy was another coat altogether , and on
winch belonged to him. He said he tel
the hey that he could have the coat be
cause lie was a little full at the time , ha
a little money and felt lich. The con
which he owned and thus proposed t
give away was not in the Chicago restai
rant , but in ono near there. JIo aftcv
wards went and got it himself ami win
over to Omaha and sold it fo
$ l.r > 0. He knew nothing aboti
the stolen coat. His story was rathe
mixed , and the judge informed him thi :
it was u case in which evidence of goo
character would come into play vcr.
nicely. Ho ottered to hold the case ope
until morning , if the prisoner had an
.such evidence to produce , but the yoiin
fellow seemed to deem it useless to tr ,
to get anyone to swcur to his good chai
acter , so sentence WM > pronounced r
once. The "kid" pleaded niteotisly to I ;
lot go so as to spend the holidays with h
friends , nnd the judge took this into at
count , and lixcdhis term in jail so tin
ho will bo released the day befoi
Christmas , _
Hard and soft coal , best qnnlitv , n
sizes , Missouri and Iowa wood. " ( ' . 1
Fuel company , 039 Broadway. Tel
phouo Hit ) .
. lilood l-'or tlic County.
An important case to the county , nnd
and other counties in the state , has just
been disposed of before Judge Connor , of
the Cass county circuit court. In May ,
ISSj , the board of supervisors , of I'otta-
wattamie county , it was claimed , made
ft contract with tin ) Oskaloo'a Steam Kn
gino works to build ono bridge on Seventh
street and the other at the Indian creek
crossing on Broadway , in the western
part of this city. The board of super
visors regarded both bridges as not con
structed in anything like according lo the
contract , and wholly refused to accept
and pay for the bridges. The company
sued the county in Judge Ayloaworlh's
court , and then it found its way to the
Cass county circuit court , on a change of
venue. Messrs. Wright , Baldwin &
llaldanc appeared for the engine com
pany. Colonel Keatley , County Attor-
Ware , and ( J. A. Holmes appeared for
tlio county. Colonel Keatley and Mr
Ware were at Atlantic together with
Supervisors A. C. Graham , M. D. liar-
din , .John Churchill , Mr. Hood , Mr.
Overtoil , Robert Kirkwood and Deputy
Auditor Arndtas witnesses for the county.
Colonel Keatley prepared an amendment
to the answer , setting out the claim that
the county had no legal right lo construct
bridges in the city , at points where
Indian creek is crossed by public streets ,
and not by comity highways. Mr. Hal-
dane moved to strike out this part of the
amendment to the answer because not a
defense and Immaterial Judge Conner
refined to irrant the motion. Air. Hal-
dane then demurred to that part of the
amendment to the answer for about the
same reasons , anil the court refused to
sustain the demurrer , and held the
answer as good in law. If tins is the
law of the case , as the judge held it to be ,
then the bottom is all out of it. The rul
ing of the judge left no faet to trytto a
jury. The'plaintill's stood on then' de
murrer , and will go to the supreme court
wh'lo ' the county scored one in defeating
them in the circuit court.
No. 317 Hroadway Publishers' book
sale opens to-day.
The PiibllqltcrH' Hook Snle
onens to-day atl17 ! Broadway , Cooke it
Morgan's old stand ,
Stamping and full variety of embroidery
materials. Mrs. 11. P. Niles , 4ltt B'dway.
Five Hnii'lred Overcoats for Boys and
Children from S-l.M ) up.
up.MivrcAU' Buns
ComplctiiiK the hcvcc.
There is some talk of the advisability
of completing the levee , which the city
started in 1881 , as a protection from any
possible overflow. The work thus far
done begins near Iho Chicago it North
western round house , and runs along in
a rather southerly as well as westerly
direction. It now extends between live
and .six thousand feet , and has a height
of from three to fifteen feet , according
to the surface of the ground , which is ir
regular in its elevation above higli water
mark. The work lints far has cost about
? ! ) ,000 , and serves the purpose admirably.
It is thought by many that there is no
real need for any more \vorlc of the kind ,
but others claim that it is always best to
be on the safe side , and that with a few
thousand dollars the work could be KO
extended as to make the westerly part of
the city perfectly secure from any and
all encroachments of water in any possi
ble emergency. It is estimated that it
will not require more than four or live
thousand dollars to complete the levee ,
and of this amount it is thought that the
Union Pacific and other corporations will
contribute a goodly share. The subject
is certainly worthy of consideration , and
if there is considered the least possibility
of any trouble from high water , under
any circumstances , there should be such
precaution taken , especially when it can
be done for little comparative expense.
The best stove I ever had is the verdict
of thousands who have used the Radiant
Home base burner. Cooper & AlcGee ,
agents. _
P. C. DeVol sells Stewart , Climax ,
Acorn and Westminster hard coal burn
ers. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves
and ranges. Economy steam and warm
air furnaces , No. 501 Broadway.
Tlio I'nldislioi'H' Itnolc Sale
will give all literary people an excellent
opportunity to replenish their libraries.
Books will be sold at less than half pub-
ishers' regular prices. Opens to-day.
Thursday November 25 , 1SSO , being
Thanksgiving day , the poitollice will bo
open from 1U to U u. m. and from 7 to
8 p. m.
The carriers will bo at ( lie ofltee at the
above hours lo hand out mail lo those who
may call. They will innko no delivery
about the eity , ami but one eolleet'on ' ,
and that for the evenini : mails.
The moiitty order division will not bo
opened , and the registry division from 10
to 11 a. m. only.
Tiion HOWMAV , Postmaster.
Everybody IjiUos It.
Any person sending 15 cents to the ad
vertising department of the Wabash
route , St. Louis , .Mo. , will rceoivu by re
turn mail a handsome , well bound book ,
entitled "Social Amusements , " contain
ing all the latest .tnd mo > t novel parlor
games , charades , ute. The bust publica
tion over issued for anyone "living an
evening parly.
Weather strips ut Chapman's' , 105.Main.
K. H. Sheafe it Co. , loan money on
chattle security of every description ; of-
lice No. 500 Uroadway , upstairs.
Union Thanksgiving services will be
held in the Presbyterian church ( his
morning at II o'clock ,
The hormon will bo delivered by Rev.
( ! . W. Crofts , 01 the Congregational
A special musical programme has been
prepared and will be rendered by a line
choir. Come all.
SPO that your books are made by Moro
lioifso it Co. , rooiii 1 , Kvcrctt block.
Bargains in Ribbons at H , Friedman's. .
Klcctrie door bells , burglar alarms anil
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the New York Plumbing Co.
It is believed by many , although with
out any real proof , that an arrangement
has been made by which the new com
pany will buy the present street car
line , and extend and improve it , instead
of building a new lino. There is no need
of two lines along Broadway , and it is a
well known fact that the Union Pacific
would gladly get rid of the street cat
business. It has been understood for
some time that the Union Pacific bought
the line , paying a good price for it , in
order to prevent opposition to the
scheme of getting possession of Union
avenue. Now it seems to be an elephant
on its hands , and it would gladly sell it.
Several circumstances seem to corroborate -
berate this theory , and it is liot unlikely
that this may bo the result.
Good overcoat 2..r > 0 , pants $1 to $3.50 ,
other goods in proportion. Everybody' *
.store , o3 Main.
Substantial abstracts of titles.and rea
e.-talo loans , J. W. & K , L. Squire , fto
1011'eurl street , Council B lull's.
Tlia life's Th .ink ? .
The BIK : in Council Blufl's has many
reasons for giving thanks , too many to
It is lliaukfnl that it is busy , ami busi
ness has kept it.
It is thankful that new streetcars have
boon pul on , 'ho fare is only live cunts
ami walking i fair.
It is thankful that John Short's chicken
coop is not nndo'r di cnsioii by the clly
Ei That the Boorh starts with a big "Bee.1
That the fellow lied when ho teh
graphed the Dos Monies Regisler tin
"Council Blull's is a paradise for thieves
and thugs. "
That nobody believed him.
That there ts plenty of room on the
benches in Fairmounl park for the cold
blooded fellows who refuse to enthuse
over the prospect of Council Binds.
That the new wagon britlgo is an as
sured faet.
That the sewer ditch controversy still
remains unsettled , and gives items for
dull days.
That the police force are not to be uni
formed from old clothing sent in for tlio
feThal there is only ono Gerstcnberg loft
In the rltv.
QThat there arc no more elections until
next spring.
That Council Binds has the purest milk
of any city in the west , because it has the
best water-works.
That the coasting carnival will not be
postponed longer than another year.
That the dear old grandmother has at
last got a second-hand chestnut bull.
That upper Broadway has street cars
and paving.
That only one .street car is drawn by
That city warrants are being brought to
That the revolving jail can still be
That the city lias discovered that sewers
can't run tin bill.
That Turkey is captured.
All's well.
Don't buy 5'otir new suit or overcoat
until you look at these at Metcalf Bros.
Itook Sale Opens
this morning You are respectfully in
vited to call.
Immense stock of Ladies' and Childrcns'
Underwear will bo sold cheap tins
For Another Week ,
Hew Goods
Lowest Prices !
Carpets and Dry Goods
Mail Orders I'romptly Attended To.
4QI Broadway , Council Bluffs
Special nilvcrtlscmunta , such ns Lost , round
To l.onn , For Sale , To Unit , Vimitri , Uoimlinir ,
etc. , wilt lioliiFertixl in Hils column ut tlio low
rmuofTKN CIIXTS 1'Klt LINK fortbunrst insof
ion and I'ivoC'onta Per Line for each i > ub80 < | iiniit
Intuition , l.t'iivo mlvertbonicnts nt our olllcii
No. 1I'fiil street , nuur liroiuhvuj- , Council
"p'Olt IttiXT-KunilsmxIroouis , Dill Illiitra. t
WANTIvl boy wltli jiony to carry Ileo
OlFHA'u Olil impure lor eulo nt tlio Ileo
oil ! co.
WANTKU Pnrtli'S iiitoiiillnir to bo nmrrloi )
nrn wiuiti.'it to call ut tliu I'ryor's lice Job
ollicu to M'lcct Ihrlr wiHldliiK cards.
If you wish anmlly , cheap suit to order ,
go \Villiatn ( trover , ( late of Chicago ) ,
No. 10 North Milin St. next to American
Dist. Telegraph ollieo. He will make
you B line lining all-wool suit for $ : ! 5 ,
1'ants to order ? 0.
Having opened a cloth and trimming
house in cotiueciioii with the merchant
tailoring establishment , 1 would respect
fully invite an jnspcetion of sumo. Pai1'
ties desiroiiH of obtaining eloih by the
yard and making up their own goods can
here be accommodated.
Trimmings pf all kinds furnished.
Goods cut to order. In faet anything you
wish can be furnished at bottom priees.
Don't forget u line lilting suit to order
H. BICE , M. D. .
° r Othur TuillOM ll'IMOVlHl witllOUt
the klf0 | orUrawlnif of blood.
Over thirty yoara practical expurlencc.
No. U 1'imrlBt. , Council UluRs.
tlF CoD8Ultatloii free.
We Are Still Offering the Greatest Bargains in
Ki-cr ofjcrcit in Mils city or tlic ircxt. Onr stock is aslnrurainl
as any i/oti can /Inil , anil ive atiarantec prices an-ay
below all competition.
A Full Line of Curtains ,
Of all ( iratlcs antl make , Incttitltnii Lace , Turcoman , Chenille , Irisli rolnl
Me. , Etc.
Our Hug Department Comprises Turkish ,
Siuyrnia , Kerracli , Brussels , Axiniiister ,
Etc. , at Prices Lower Thau the Lowest.
loy tlae "Y"arci
Window Shades and Fixtures
Oil Cloths , draft Inya , Lincoln ! nix. Me. A la vac line of Silk mitt
ritmlicn anil Cpholstci'illoodn , Kitny Chairs , Ottoman * , rout Jtcstx
ot' tlic Jtotlttay trade.
506 Broadway , ( Council Bluffs.
llcadipq Sbujas and IrppopLabiopa Qopstapbly op
14O6 Farnam Street , Omaha , Nob.
26 Pearl Street.
wt-tvcdc- a-txe t . Oitic o-L
- - & < - t > -
, c/c - :
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $ . " 5,00 to
f 10.00 per acre. .School and state lauds in Minnesota on 81) ) years' time 5 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given bv
- -
No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Frcidrikson & Co. , Chicago.
UAHQN & 00 ,
Ah tacts ol Title , Lean and R .al Es-
tat ) Broker' ' , No. 236 Main St.
ift'inoiit relia
ble ahstniet books hi this count/ ! , "
known as the "jrcdlalioit Abxh-acI
Jt ols. " wcarcnow ] H'eHt > 'cllo/'ui'-
ntifi abut facts ami respectfully so
licit ( lie iiafi-onancof all those acsh1-
Inij correct abstracts of title to limits
ami lots in I'ottanntlluinic count/ .
& CO , ,
\ rIhjo \ following Companies :
Oerman Amt'lcan , of New York
Phitnlt , * of Hartford ,
Hartford , * of Hartford.
California/I , of San Francisco ,
Scottlsli Union A National , of Cdinburg ,
Union , of San Franclico.
State , ' of Dei Molnts.
Wllllanittiurg CltlofBiool < lyii.
That mar kid with a * Iruur t alto against losi by
Wind Storm ) , Cyclones and lornadtitt
ron KAI.E. IN cm NCIL
Illtlfb AND OMA1M
. * * " * * * *
* * * * * *
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Exprets.
JOHN V. STO.NE. JACOll gills ,
Practice in the State and Federal colirtf
itooms 7 aud 8 lilo < jk.
18 N. Main st , Council Bluffy la. , nnd 20f )
S. 15th st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Manufartmor's A > rcnt for Iho
Tents , Awnings , Hoofing , Slate , Mantels
Plate nnd Window Glass , Show Cases ,
Elevators , ( ham ! andutilio , etc.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large rpiantitieb to select
lioin. Several pairs of line driver : , , sin
gle or do'-ble.
Couneil Minn's.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
I , allies buying a $5 bat or bonnet , one laic-
will lit : paid ; $10 , muni ! ( rip ,
No , 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs.
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Late of the Parisian Millinery Co , , Manager.
I. < ' lKor § , JoiimulN , < 'oimly unit
ICiinli Work of All ItlmlMiSjicc-
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
] { oem 1 Kvcrot Illock , Council Kinds
Standard I'apers Used. All Mylr.i of bind
ing in Magazines and
C. II. NMlon&l Iiaik , M. I' . Smith & Co. ,
UilUvnV Hqult. Derre , WflU&Co. ,
Hret Nalloiul fkinV , a It. Insurance Co ,
Uttcerdc i'uter.lluqkerg.U.II imiii. Hunk.
For a buyer to go where the largest StoK | ,
and Greatest Varieties arc kept in any oi.o
line. Atfnin , if seller has Exi'KiUENcrn
ACCOMMODATION'S faithful ninl trusty hclp
thoie who buy will be agreeably served ,
and if sellcrgivcs rt'l.l. weights nnd mcftR-
m cs , yon have three excellent reasons for
patronizing such a Him.
Fuel consumers ought therefore to buy of
No. t08 ! Uroiulwnv , Council HluftV ,
Telephone lit ) .
x-zo-crsosa OF
DKKKH , WHK1.S & CO. ,
Agricultural Implements , Bugles ,
CArrlniw * , Kto , ito. ; Council lllulTs , town.
Miimifni'turemor nnil li ) > nloilu
Hand and Power Corn Sholbrs ,
Anil iiKononil line if Hr t clnks niiiioiiltutnl
Inililoincntt- .
Nor. i,01 , 151 , IHO nd 1507 . ontli Mnln Street ,
_ _ _ Coiinoll lliilir , limn.
Mnmif'rs iin < l , ] ( iliiirj ] ) ot
fifiricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
SiJr111 ? . * " ' " " kln'u ' ot F rm Mnolilniiry.
1100 to lllfl Soutli Mnln ytrect , CoUniill Uluffi.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Clntlip , Cnrtnln Klituron , llpholitory Ooo
lite. Na < 0i Ilromlway Counoll muffs ,
Wlmlcfnlo Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. ESMnln imJ yj I'eorl tils. Council
Fruit anil Produce Commission Merchant ? ,
No. 141'onrl St. , Council .lliitTf.
11ARLK , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
i' Piiiulrli'fi , Etc. NIP. Mnla St. , nnj
No. " 11'uiirl 1. , Council llhiirn.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specially
General Comml'floiu No. 5U
l.Viuucll Illnir.-f.
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
-AM- )
No . 1R ami IS IVurl St. , Council lllnllrt.
llitiiu'nclurursof nnd Wliolmnlu Uuiilorim
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
_ Ki KO Mnln St. . Council lllulfj , luwa.
fl.lT. " , CAW , KTC.
Jobbers ia Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No . ! II2 ninl nil Itmivlway. ronnuil llliir ! < .
Iron , Steel , Halls , Heavy Hardware ,
And \Virn , 1 StiK'li , Council Illuirs , loivn.
Vt'liolcMilo DunltTB In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oil 5 G
HTO. ! ,
F.TIiooiloro , Ajfuut , ( 'mniell Illiiira. Town.
'luya IK.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
4mlltri < lKO Material Sioi'lKllli'iWholi"inlit | luu- :
ber ol ulj Kinil-j. Oltico No. l.tO Main tit. ,
C'ounrll Illiilla. Jowiu
Imported and Domestic Wlnas & Liquors
A i'iit forSU ( iottlmi-ri't Hurli IIUtiMM. .No. U
MuinHl. Council lil.ilTn.
it BKCK ,
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Llquow ,
St. . CWuiicil ll'.nji. '
J , . KIKHCHT it ( ' ( ) . ,
Wholesale Liquor Dealers
No , 110 Drotiilwiiy , Connuil
The only hotel in Council Blulln ha\in
] re Esoa/pe
Am ) nil tno 'fin improvement ) ! .
LMTt , 'JH und ll ! Main si.
MAX MO ] IX , I'roj > .
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc ,
, , ,
AtV. . b Iloinur it ( ' . , No. iii Main at
C'olincil Hiilll'i ,
Star Sale Stables and Mule Mi
IWOAMVAV , C'Ol'NlMhA \ \ \ \ ' \ -i ,
Horses and mules kcjit ron-Kui'lv on
litinil , for stile at retail or in car loadrf.
Odi-r.s promptly tilled by coiilr.u't on
short iHitici ! Kork ) sold on coinnn.iMOii.
Siiu'tKit ' cV HDI.I.V , rropnetnrn.
'JVleplioini No. 114
Formerly of Keil Halo HlnbU s , i-oruur
ls ( . ave and 4th Htrc