Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1886, Image 1

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Suspended District Attorney Stone Applies
lor Reinstatement But QotsLcft.
President Cleveland DeolaroH the He-
Iiulillcan an OlVenmvc ! Partisan On
the Bntno Oronnds That , the
Democrat \Vnn
No KrpnbllrmiH N'roil Apply.
WASIII.NHION , Nov. at. Tlio piesldent
makes public Iho following eoriesuondeiicc :
Pinsiifno , Nov. If , tssfl. Hon. A. H.Jar-
laud , Attorney ( Jeneral Sir : I have lead
the correspondence between the president
nnd Hon. M. H. llcnlon. bulled States attor
ney , connected with lil.s restoration to ofllce.
In which It appeals that ho wus suspended
I mm ollico for tils apparent no.'Iect of olllcial
duties In making caniiiiilmi speeches. Pic-
Miiinubly my suspension was ordeied for the
same icason. I desire , thoiefore , to state the
facts In my case 1 made but two speeches
prioi to the lecelptof the outer of suspension :
one at liutter , in an adjoining county , on tlie
livening of Oct. 1 , and one at Kittannlng , a
town neai Plttsburg , on the e\enliu of Oct.2.
1 did not leaxe Piltsbun : for Butler until
nearly I o'clock , Oct. 1 , and retuined on tlm
moinlug of the M about t ) o'clock. 1 left
Pittsburg lor Kittannlng Satuiuay , Oct , 2 ,
about 5 o'clock p. 111. , and leturned the same
night. Upon both tbe above dates the
United States courts here were not In session
cxcepl a shorl time in tlie morning each < tay
for ordinary business. I was in at-
toiidanco upon the courts during their
sittings and did not leave the city upon
either occasion until long alter tlie courts
had adjourned. On October 18 the United
States district court began Its session at
Pittsburg for the trial ol jury causes , a petit
nnd grand juiy ticlng In attendance. Horn
October'J until October 181 was eiuagcd In
the picpar.uion of causes for trial , and from
October IB until October 27 , the date of the
receipt ol the order of .suspension , i was en
gaged In the trial of thoiu causes. Neither
liming this period , Irom October & to Octo
ber 27 , nor nt any other lime , did 1 In any
particular ne.-lect the duties of my olilce.
These statomeuls may bo verified bv Inquiry
ol any otllcer of our courts. 1 feel it my duty
lifter reading the coriespondonce ot the pies-
identaiid Bunion to state these facts in jus
tice to myelf , and icspectfully request that
this communication bo refeiied to the presi
dent. 1 may also statu that 1 did not think
that mal ; in IT an occasional campaign speech
to my nclglihots , while not neglecting the
duties of my olilce , would bo a violation ot
the president's order ot July 10 , Ibyj. Very
lespecttully , your obedient servant ,
KxirL'TiviMAXsioN. : Nov. 2:1. : Hon. A.
II. Carland , Attorney General , Dear Sir :
I have rend tlio letter of the istti iust. . writ
ten to you by William A. Stone , lately sus
pended from oflice as distilct attorney for the
western district of Pennsylvania , and tlio
Hiibjoct matter to which It lofers has received
my carefulconsidciatlon. I .shall not Impute
to tlm writer any mischievous motive In his
plainly erroneous assumption that ids case
and tlintof lienton , iccently suspended and
lelnstated , upon the same state of facts ,
but prefer to regard Ids letter as containing
the best statement possible upon the ques
tion of Ids loinstatciucnt. You remember ,
of couise. BOOH after the picsent admlnlslia-
tlon was installed , and I think nearly a year
nnd a half ago , 1 considered with you cer
tain charges which had been prelcricdauainst
Stone as a fedeinl olllcial. You remember ,
too , thai the action that we then contemplated
was withheld by reason of the excuses mid
explanations ol his friends. Those excuses
nnd explanations Induced me to believe that
Stone's retention would Insure the faithful
performance of ofliclal fluty , and that what
ever olTensiue paitlsanship he might deem
justifiable In other clicumstances , ho would ,
( luring his continuance In olilce nt bis re
quest under nn administration opposed to
him In political creed and policy , content
himself with tbe quiet and unobtrusive en
joyment of his political privileges. I cer
tainly supposed that bin sense ot propriety
would cause him to lelraln from pursuing
.such a partisan com so as would oiilyollend
nnd Irritate the Iricnds ol the administration
who insisted that ho should not b.t retained
in oflice. either because ot his personal merit ,
or In adhciance to Ihu methods which for a
long time prevailed in the distribu
tion ot ledeinl ofllces. In the light
of a belter system , and without cousldcimi :
his political aflllations , hione , wluin per
mitted lo remain in olilce. became part ot the
business organi/atloii ot tlie present admin-
istialion , bound by ON cry obligation of honor
to assist , within his splieie , In Its sueeo-islul
operation. Tills obligation involved not
only n proper performance of otliclal duty ,
but certain good faith and fidelity , widen ,
w Idle not exacting tlio least sacrbice of polit
ical principle , forbade active paitlcipntloii In
partisan demonstrations of a pronounced
type , undertaken tor the purpose of advanc
ing partisan Inteiests , and conducted upon
the avowed tlieoiy that the administration of
the government was not entitled to tlm con
fidence and respect of tlio people. There
Is no dispute whatever , concerninic
the fact that Stone did join others
who were campalglng the statu ot Penn
sylvania In opposition to tlie admlnistiatlon.
It appears , too , that lie was active and
piominent w lib noisy enthusiasm in nttend-
unce upon nt least two huge public meetings :
his speech was hugely devoted to abuse and
misrepresentation of the admlnistiatlon ;
that Im appioved nil this and actnallv ad-
dtesscd meetings himself In somewhat the
same strain ; that ho attended such meetings
away from his home lor the pinposoof mak
ing such addiesscs ; nnd that ho was adver
tise d as one of tlio spcakcisat each ot said 1 shall accent as true tlie statement
of Stone that tlm lime spent by him In thus
deiiioiistiatinghls willingness to bold a pro-
litable ollico at the bauds ot an admlnistia
tlon which ho endeavored to dlscicdit with
the people , and which dad justly ovcilookcd
Ids previous offenses , did not lest In neglect
( d oidlnaiy olllcial duties , hut Ids conducthas
hioiighttnlitlitsuchanunfiioiidliic.sstnwanl !
thondiiilnlstiation which he pretends to servo ,
nnd ot which hu Is nomlnallv n pan , ami
such consequent lack of loyal in Its
success , that tlie safest and surest minranty
of ids laithlnl seivlco Is , In my opinion , en-
tliely wanting. Ills couisu In INclt Is such
ns should not have been enteied upon \\lillu
maintaining olllcial iclatlons to the adminis
tration , It also leiiewsand revives , with tin-
mistal-able Interiiietntlon ot their ehanictci
and intent , tlie cliiirges of offensive partisanship -
ship lieietotoie made , ami up to this time
held In abeyance. Stone and othti.s of like
disposition are not to suppose tliatpaity
lines aie so tar obliterated that tlio adminis
tration of the government K to be trusted ,
In places high or low , to tliosu whonggrcs-
Hively and constantly endeavor , unfairly , to
destroy the coiiudcnco of the people in tlie
party icsponslblu for such admlnistintion.
While vicious partisan methods should not
) > e allowed lor partisan purposes to
degrade or Injure the nublio service ,
It Is my belief that nothing tends so
much to discredit our elforts In the interest
of such service , to treat fairlv and ueneioublj
the otliclal incumbency of political ojipo
iients , as conduct such as Ishcio disclosed.
The pi'ople of this country certainly do not
icinifrtMlio best icsults ot administrative en
deavor to be reached with such ast-neles as
these. Upon lull consideration of nil I have
before mo , 1 am constrained to decline the
application ot Stone foi his icinstatcmcnt. 1
eiielo-ii hN letter with this , and desire you to
uciiualnt him vv ith my decision. Youis veiy
'lU''i ' ' } ( iltovrit UutVULAND.
'iox , Nov. 24-Hou. William A. Stone , Pitts-
burg. Sir ; 1 am directed by the piosldent
to say to v mi that after consideration ot j our
\etterot the 1Mb lust lib will not revoke or
i ban go the order heretofore made suspending
lounsdistilet attomey for the western dis-
lilet ot Pennsyhaiihi. Very icspectfully.
A. II. UAIII.AXD , Attorney ( Jeneul.
Too Much Kentucky Whisky ,
l.orisviu.i : , Ky. , Nov. 21. In an article
which the Louisville Cornier-Journal will
publish , letters fiom 230 registered dtstiU
Idles , It is shown that there Is nsuiplusof
the Kentucky product amounting to
S.000,000 callous , and that the piouuetlon
shall ) > o cut down 0,000,000 nallotis iroiu Hint
uow proposed.
Strange Aotlon of the New York
Hoodlcr's ilnry.
Niw : YOIIK , Nov. 21. At 11:40 : the jury In
Iho McQundu case came Into the room , and
Foreman Lynn stated they had not agreed
upon n verdict , nddlng , "We have remained
the same since 12 o'clock Monday night. "
Rccoidcr Smyth said he did not think It was
worth while to keep the jury loinier , and
nskcd tl'.e district nttornov for his opinion ,
Maitlne thought If tlm status of the jury re
mained unchanged since 12 o'clock Monday
night , they had bettei bo discharged , The
recorder thcicupon discharged the jury.
Maitlne then nddies'ed the couit. Ho felt
ho litid performed bis whole duty in the mat
ter , and Ids assistants had worked manfully.
They had presented the full case , nnd he was
nt u loss to understand how the jury or aay
body could fall to ngree upon some verdict.
Ho tell the lesult ol this tilnl was a public
calamity , and the ca u should bo called fern
n speedy le-trlal. Ho therefore moved fora
new trial Monday next. N'eweombo thought
he needed more time lor n now tilal. The
iccorder thought that the lawjers had ample
preparation . nnd Im theielore granted the
motion tor n new tilal , lo begin Monday next
at 11 a. m
To the general surpilso it was learned that
the ballot taken by the jury nt midnight
Monday had .stood nine tor acquittal nnd
thiee for conviction. There were only three
ballots after that , all of which stood the same !
The three who held out for conviction weie
Lounsberry , Dotigheity ami l'iy , nil
of whom aio commeiclal men.
The scene about tlm court house
was one of excitement , nnd the iccepllon ol
the announcement of the status of the jury
was anything but Mattel Ing lo Iho nine who
could not see conviction In the evidence.
The general uxpiesslon has been , .since the
close of the evidence , that tlio only hone for
Mctjuado was that the sympathy of some
juior had been vvoiked on by New-
combo's plea for his wlfo and clill-
dien , or that some juror , dlsiMistcd
nnd distrustful of Informers , ( Kullgralf and
Dully ) had entlielj disregarded their evi
dence , or. Hint some juror , hopeful that his
net would pioduce rccompcncc. would disre
gard his oath nnd vote without legnid to evi
dence. McQuadc was lemandcd to the
It is rumored that the jury was tampered
with , but the authorities do not cicilil tlie
Trial oCIUotcrs.
Mn.wAt'KKi : , Nov. 24. The trial of eleven
defendants chaigcd with rioting at Milwau
kee garden , May G last , in defiance of Mayor
Wnllber's proclamation , proclaiming nira'ust
unlawful assemblages , is now fairly under
way. Yesterday afternoon and this morn
ing a largo number of wit
nesses , piinclpaliy police ofliceis ,
were intioduced by thu prosecution. They
all gave testimony of a damaging character
against the defendants. More witnesses were
produced by tlie districtatloiney when Judge
Sloan interpo.icd and said It would be only
wasting time to swear any nuno men. Ho
said the prosecution had already proven their
case and It now remained for the defense to
present their side. Counsel for
tlio defense objected to the ludce's
summary manner of doing tilings when the
Intler lold them ttio state had made out acood
case and lie would charge the jury accoid-
Ingly on the evidence thus far iivcn. Ho
said they had a right to appeal it dissatisfied
with his ruling. Council tor the defense
then stated they would endeavor
to prove tills afternoon that the de
fendants weie peaceable eitl/eiis ami had
niciely assembled nt the Milwaukee uarden
out of curiosity. Witnesses for the defense
nro being examined this afternoon.
Amonir those who were placed on tlie stand
this morning was Mayor Wallber. He tes
tified to the Issuance ot the law and older
pioclamatlon nnd lo having visited tlie Mil
waukee garden tlio day of the riot. Inci
dentally , the mayor said be had never turned
over the city to the state authorities.
Cattle KiiiK Swan'H Rail Spec.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 21. jSpeclal Telegram to
the IKi.J ! : A. 11. Swan , , is
said to have been very neatly taken in by n
well known Chlcagoan who is now in
Kuropo. This latter gentleman a member ,
by tlio by , of all the clubs here went to
Kmopo to sell cattle lanchcs to rich aristo
crats ot England and the continent. Ho
cabled Swan , one of whoso ranches he had ,
that he had Hie propeity sold tor a splendid
price , and he gave In detail the wav In which
payments were to bo made. Swan had some
p.utncrs in tills venture , and as soon us lie
got tills cable ho skunicd around and boughl
out on liberal terms bis partners' interest It
turns out now that the Chicago man wasn't
ns straight as he should have been. The first
payment was nol made , nnd when called on
for explanation , the well known club man
said , rather weakly , thai the trade had fallen
tluoudi. This left thu iiiillioiinlro.catllGinnn
in a bad way. Ho hid .shouldmud his pait-
neis' inteiestsand had gotten lull. Hut Swan
was only one of the men taken in and done
lor by tills elegant Chlcairoan.
Illalno HnnliH Kilinundfl.
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 21. [ Special Telegram
to the IfFi : . ] The Woild is making a gieat
adoovci its report thai Hlnino neglected to
take Senator Kdmnnds' piollcicd hand when
tlicy met by accident at Aithui's funeral. It
says that when Hlnino appeared in the parlor
of Aithur's house. JCdmnnds lose anil said ,
" ( iood morning , Mr. Ulalne , " anil offered
his hand. Without u show of recognition.
Kl.ilne passed him by to shako bands with
Colonel McMIchael. Kdninmls appealed sur
prised , ifl ilno expressed leL'ret at the occur-
lenee , and slioitlv niter left the homo.
With this stoir as a basis the World has in-
teiviews with sevcial icpubllcaiis , not
known as admircis ot lilaine. Itotb Rlaiiio
and Kdmuiids retired to .discuss the matter
with the lepoitcrs.
No More I'IIIH and Oallfl.
Cinr uio , Nov. 24. [ Special Telegram lethe
the llii.l : : Members of the board of Hade ,
who hnvohoietofoio been trading In "puts "
nnd "calls" can go homo and give thanks to-
mortow for pilvlle.'os which they liavoheie-
toioiii enjojed , bill will have to console them-
sehes by icllecllng that the tlmo tor iiululg-
iiiB Secietary Stone , In nccoidanco
\\lthaieiolutloii adopted by the illrrctnis
yesteidny , announced Hint alter tlio 25th insl.
trading in puts and calls bv members would
bo piohiblled , mid all violators punished
iiudei iho rules ot thohonid. Tlm rules pro
vide suspension or expulsion , at Hie discio-
tlon of thediiectoiy ,
I'ceding the Army.
W isius'iriox , Nov. 21. In his annual re
port to the secretary of war Ceneial Mac-
1'eely , commisbary Keneral of subsistence ,
says his buteau expended i',1i ' ! * > ,000 during
the last ll-cal year , leaving abalanco of SfiOy , .
000. The average contract pi Ice ol fiesh beef
du ilng the year was b..H , as against 0.15 cents
the preceding year , Subsistence supplies
amounting In value to S10b.Ji weie Hans-
feiied to the Interior ilopaitmeiit during the
vear tor the maintenance ot the Indians.
The geneial recommends that congress be
niged to piovldo for HID enlistment of one
rook to each iroop , battery , company and
depot of iccinlU , aim a cook mid baker lor
each { 'utrbonod post.
Tata ! ICnllrontt Wreck.
CHICAGO , N'ov. 24. An accident occmrcd
on the Notthwcstern railroad , west of Mayweed -
wood , near this city , between 0 and 0 tills
molding. A series of cattle trains bound for
Chlcau'o held the Hacks near the point men
tioned. The toi wnrd train was broken in two
and before the sections could bo recounted
the icar portion was oveitakeu ami inn into
by Hie second train. The caboose nnd two
ears weio smashed into splinteis and it. C.
Paul , u drover , was killed. Tlio engineer
and lireman escaped by jumping from the
englnot Tlio wreck wns bathed In the blood
of a number of steeis killed.
Old Wheeler Hailed.
Cnvr.i.\M : > , O. , Nov. 2l.-Wheeler , the
old miser who was bound over to tlio com
mon pleas court yesterday vvitltout bail for
murdering his vvlfo , was released to-day on
ball b'y Judjjo McKiuuey.
His Position as a Republican in the Senate
Clearly Defined ,
Hold nnd Unjust Decision or tlio
Police Commissioners on the
Kcccnl Scantlal Otlici * Af-
nt X
Nchraika'H Senior Sonnttir Talks.
WA IIIXOTON' . Nov. 2-1. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hr.R.J This evening's Ctitlc
publishes n talk with Senator Van Wjck on
the senatorial outlook in NVbraskn , in which
he says : "Only the outposts have been cap
tured and wo are still on tlie picket lines as
far as the scnntoilal contest is concerned.
The preliminary battles have been well
fought , the veullct ot the people secured , the
election of n republican legislature accom
plished , and T have settle 1 down in Wash
ington nnd will watch the rest of the con
test at long lange nhd very cheerfu lly.
Everything looks hopeful , but tlieio is still n
battle to be fought , and the opposition is de
termined and Influential. It is rather prcnm-
tine for mo to discuss what my couise would
be In a closely divided senate. Jt would
bo what It has always been. 1
have no apologies to make , no reforms
to promise , no excuses to plead. 1 guess 1
have been n good enough republican for the
mass of the icpubiican voters , and I expect
always to bo so. Questions raised as to my
partisan fidelity aie not sincere. It is not
for tieason to party principles that 1 am ar
raigned In fact , but for tieason against the
rule of monopoly and corpoiatlon power. If
I bowed to the money kings there would bo
no question as to my paity fealty. A icpub
iican leader in the scnntc can refuse to inlso
his voice In behalf of n republican candidate
for the presidency for fear ho would have to
say uncomplimentary things. That Implies
no lack of pai ty loyalty , but simply shows
that tlds good senator , like Washington , can
not tell a lie. Departures from party lines ,
far greater than 1 have ever made , go tinre-
bukcd. 1 am a good enough republican for
the masses , but as I incur the opposition
of the monopolies and moneyed Intel ests it Is
easy enough to question my political integ
rity when tbey want to pull mo down.
lilalno and Kandall can make the same
speeches in Pennsylvania , Atlantic coast re
publicans can assail u lepublican for
tieason who don't accept all their doctrines
of finance and tarilT and everything else , but
this dissent don't throw any doubt upon their
republicanism farther west. lam denounced
as unfaithful to my patty lor advocating free
lumber , but republicans in my part of tlie
country don't think that unrcpubllcan. They
aio trying to use this party question against
mo in my own state. They me sayinc that it
is plain to see why the democrats want Van
AVyck when tlie senate Is cloe because they
icly on him for help. This plea is not sin-
ceie. Thev know that 1 am a irood enough
republican nccoiding to any stnndaid that
could bo applied in the senate. They know
that 1 am not on the leiice. They know
what I have done , and they can infer what 1
would do. My course In a. new senate would
be what my course in tlie senate has always
been , nnd nobody that was honest and nn-
trammcicd by corporation Influence and
monopolists' money need complain or have
apinohension as to my actions. "
SCANDALOUS I'oi.icc nnnsiox.
The commissioners rendered their decision
to-day on the police investigation. It Is
characterised as the boldest piece of injustice
ever perpetrated on the public. Some time
ago Lieutenant At nold claimed that liis chief ,
Major Walker , during a conversation with
the lieutenants , instructed them to look after
congiessmeu , and should they discover any
thing crooked .as regards their habits , to re
port to him. Auiold spoke of this to Ids
sergeant , but enjoined seeicuv , which tlio
latter did not heed. The btorv came out and
nn investigation wasordeied. Walker and
tlneeor tour lieutenants swore that 110 such
suggestion was made. Arnold and another
lieutenant , wholiad hetetoforeoecn regaided
ns enemies , testlgco that such nn outer was
promulgated. There weie other minor
facts , but the case hinged on
tlie lieutenant's testimony alone. The
commissioners' report dismisses Ar
nold and accepts Walker's icsignation ,
Tills is a curious state of nllairs ,
for it is very obvious that eltliei one or the
other should bo exonerated , wheieas tlio
prosecuting witness ami defendant are both
convicted. They also state In tlio report that
Ainold was guilty of misrepresenting public
men. This uoes entiielv out ot tlie iccord ,
which is not allow able at law. The fact is
thnthomlsiepresented no one , only told the
truth ns to a noted .statesman , who was
known to have sta\cd In a house of ill repute
lor two weeks. The commissioners also sus
pended Lieutenant Kelly for three months
for false sweating. Tills is considered ridic
ulous , for Kelly swore to the same tacts as
did Arnold. A lesolution ol hnjniry will be
intuuliicedby Congiessmaii A.uns , of New
Yoik , when the house meets. The lawyeis
ail agree that it Is the most abominable de
cision that ever came under their notice , nnd
that there was no evidence on thu face ol tiie
recoidto wairant tlm dismissal of Lieuten
ant Ainold. It is said tlie commissioners
submitted their repot t to the president , who
appnned bcfoie making It public.
President Cleveland is opposed , or at least
questions , the policy ol nlloting lands In sev-
cialty to Indians. Dr. T. A. Bland , editor of
the Council Fire , will , with authority , this
week quote the president as sayintt on this
subject : "It is the wish of this administra
tion that a coircct Indian policy should pie-
vall a policy which shall , as rapidly as Is
sate , make Indians clti/ens with homes in
se\eriltv. : Hut we must not go too fast on
tills. Wo aio perplexed by tlio fact that
fiiendsof tlie Indians do not agree on this
\ilal question , 1 have been v. . sited by committee
mitteeof associations who uige the immedi
ate division of Indian lands and tlm opening
ot Indian icservatlons to settlement by iho
whites , I s'lht to one committee who called
upon methat if the icscrvatlons were opened
the woist and not the best class of our pcoplo
would null In. 1 svant honest and ellicicnt
agents in the Indian torvlce , but when 1 10-
move nconupt agent , committees come down
upon me , protest against and denounce me
for It. "
We said : "Red Cloud nnd his pcoplo are
much pleased with their ncwa.gcnt , Colonel
( iallnghor. of Indiana. "
"Yes ; 1 nave heard so. " ho responded , "and
leainestly hope that he may do Ills duty
tiiithfnllv , foi if ho fails us 1 don't know
what to do. Helms a good oppoitunity to
make a noble iccord. I hope Im may do so ,
If 1 could get good agents for nil thu In
dians , men of ability , hone.sty , and nn
earnest desire to do rMit by the Indians and
advance them ns rapidly as possible In Chris
tian civilization , 1 should have no fenis ot
success. Krlends of thu Indians do not help
mo in tlds matter. 1 wish they would. Thu
pay of Indian agents is so small that men
who are qualified for tlio position must go
Into tno woik in u spirit of saciilico if they
go at all. "
I'OSTAT. CirAXfr. .
The following Iowa postmasters wore
appointed to-day ; T. J. Montgomeiy , Camp ,
Polk county , \leo K. Vaiiliorn.iesigned ;
Samuel Uurgess , Medora. Carroll county ,
viceMagcle Kouertson , resigned.
Oliver P. Klbben has been commissioned
postmaster at Cuitis , Neb.
After December I scivlcoon the star mall
loute from Kairlield to Itlchlatid , Ja. , will bu
cm tailed to omit Hlchland , and end nt
Jiakcr , docie.isliig the distance bix uilloj.
Now United StAtcsMaii.
WASHING i ox , Nov. 2Tho ) commissioner
general of tlio land ollico has sent to the offi
cers of the senate and house of i cpresentatlvca
copies of a map of tlie United States recently
prepaied under the direction of tlie general
land ollico. Kach senator will receive for
distribution nbdnt thirty copies , and each
rcnresentathu about ten copies.
1 .
Nebraska and loivuVnatlior. .
For Nebraska and Iowa ; fair and \\ninier
\ \ t-ather.
rtalomn'f ) Defense1' Ilclng Strength
ened In Case Kilasla Moves.
M INS ? liy Jrtinc * ( frtnlim lt'nnttt,1
K , Nov. 24. [ New York
Herald Cable Special to the Hun. ] 1 ha\o
just had nn Interview with Captain Knne ,
Itrlllah naval attache , who has arrived fiom
n tour of observation round tlio Ulack Sea.
Ho lias seen nothing to warrant tlio assump
tion that Kussia is meditating any immed
iate hostile nctlou. Russian officers , how
ever , speak openly of nn aihance to be made
on the Uosphroits when the iron clad licet
Is ready. Captain Kane docs not consider
Russia's ua\al position in these waters form
idable. Great preparations for defense mo
going on at Hatnuin , Tlm largo fort at the
enhance is being extended In older to mount
six heavy guns in addition to the present
armament. A now battery on the northeast
.side ot the bay lias been begun. Karth works
have also been tun iii ] along thnshotcto the
westward , bo ns to any hostile land
ing between Batomn and the Choriic rUer ,
whlrh lotms a strong barrier In that dliec-
tion. Russia will force events when she is
ready , at tlie lirst favorable opportunity , but
this will not come before next year.
The RnlKariau Qncfltlon.
CoN TAXiixoi'i.ENov. ! M. ( irncrnl Kaul-
bars will instruct Nelldoll , Russian nmbassa-
doi here , In all details of the Bulgarian situa
tion and will guide him In icgard to the
election of the new prince of liulgarla. Nel-
Idolflms not yet received authority from his
lovcinmciit to raise the question ol eventual
Russian occupation of linlgnrln. Tlio Tuik-
Ish government continues to sent war ma
terials to Adrlanoplo and to strengthen the
formications of the Dnrdinelles.
Stanley's Iintcst Scheme.
I.OXDOX , Nov. 2-1. Pievlous to his depart
ure for America , Henry AI. Stanley expressed
n willingness to undertake the command of a.
non-military expedition from Kast Africa lo
Uganda and endeavor to Induce the king of
that countiy to relieve Kmln lley , the ( ! er-
man , who with H.OOOKgyptlans was at last ac
counts holdineWady Haifa against the hoslile
chief. Stanley piomlspd to place his wi vices
gratuitously at the disposal of the British
go\eriiment and without entailing iiuon
them any responsibility for the safety of his
person. The scheme has been submitted to
the foieign secietaiy.
A Chicago Ijnwycr In Nowjrnte.
LONDON , Nov. SI. The trial of Harris ,
alias Oison , Smith. Skinner and other names ,
who was arrested October 10th on the charge
ol defrauding Harris , Fanrnhnr & Co. , bank
ers , of t'200 , by means ota lorged letter of
credil from a Chicago bank * , resulted in the
prisoner's conviction and sentence to live
yenis' penal sei vittule. Tlie man's real name
Is Skinner. He Is a lawyer , and it is said was
a piominent practitioner at tlie criminal bar
in Chicago. _
The Dutch in .
HEHUX , Nov. 24. The Cologne ( ! n7ctto
has a letter from Singapore saying that tlm
Dutch have met witli severe icverses In
Achicn and arc now obliged lo ncl. strictly on
thu defensive. Their sufferings liom disease
are described as intense. Achlneso pirates ,
it is stated , have smuggled in a supply ot
ni ms and have opened a regular siege on Hie
Dutch coast. _ _
llcdiicing Kronen Estimates.
PAins , Nov. if. In the chamber of depu
ties to-day M. Sadl Camot , minister of
finance , lotused to agtee to the reduction of
000,030 irancs on tlie credit for the finance
ministry. A division was taken and the re
duction was appioved by a vote of 411
anninstoy. The result was announced amid
intense excitement.
Italy \ \ ill Submit.
ROMI : , Nov. 24. In a letlcr lo the Russian
government under date of November 15 ,
Count di Robilant promises that if all the
other powers will accept the Russian candi-
dale for the Bulgarian throne , Italy will also
give her approval , but ho insists that tlie can
didate should be pioclaluicd by the bohianje.
Torpedo Boats for Italy.
LONDON. Nov. 24. Tlie Italian government
lias uiven orilcis to n Herman builder at
Klbing tortile construction of ten toipedo
Waiting for tlio Verdict.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 24. A special to the Inter-
Ocean from Itloomlngton , III. , says : "Cap
tain lilnck , one of the attorneys for the an
archists , mysteiiotisly disappeared from
Itlooinington this morning and as myster
iously reappeared In the city this atternoon.
Uu would give no information as to whcio lie
had been , but quietly joined his associate law
yers in their weary , silent watch for a de
cision Irom Chiet Justice Scott upon tlie ap
plication fora supersedeas in Behalf of the
condemned men. Notwithstanding Captain
Ulack's reticence It is learned thai hesecretly
seemed a cairlago and , driving into the
country , boaided the tialn that left Hloom-
incton at2lO : , a. in. , for Ottawa. There he
visited the clerk of the Illinois supremecouit
und made niranvemeiits with that olllcial to
be on baud all day Thanksgiving , so th.t ;
.should a supersedeas bo granted by to-mor-
low , the eleik would belli readiness to take
the timber steps necessary to slay tlio execu
Defalcation Rrowing ,
HOSTOX , Nov. 24. It is stated that expeit
examinations of Reed's accounts have ali -
i wiily brought to light proof of moio extensive
crookedness than was at llrst believed. Thu
lact that he had been using the sin pins of the
load lor pi ivate speculation seems to have
been established , and it has been dlsco\eied
that he had given notes upon the company
tor considerable sums. One for S'-V-OO has
tinned up , and tlio company has advcitlscu
for all notes against them. At tlio present
time the olllcers of the road arc all at sea us
legardsthe lull intent of liccd's defalcation ,
tlm amount now being placed ut from fx' .
Important ICailroud Decision.
Toi'KKA , Kan. , Nov. 21. In the United
States circuit court , yesteiflny , Judge lirown
presiding , the application 'of C. It. Venner
ror a restraining older to prevent tlio Atchison -
son , Topi'ku > t Santa Fe rallioad company
fiom extending its line to Chicago and also
to enjoin it fiom ciinraritii'ing the bonds of
the Atlantic it Pacific company was argued.
The couit infused to grant the icstrainlng
older us to tliuCliiento line , and Inloiiued
counsel that no ttiither argument need bo
made on ( lie subject. Thli morning he also
decided the Atlantic it Pacjfic caseIn favor
of tlio company , ictuslng to crant the 10-
straining older ,
Kx-I'reHldont ArtlSnr'n Will.
.Niw : YORK , Nov. 21. Counsel for the ex-
editors of the will of the late Chester A.
Arthur to-day piocuied aHiordor fiom Judge
Kookstavor , ot the court j > f common pleas , for
the issuance of citutlon Ifor piobatooftbo
will , made letin nable ono week from Satur
day. The ex-president's will was executed
Match y , lss . it w'.is witnessed by Rastus
S. Ransom , .lames O , Reed nnd James S.
llrlu'gs. It states that thu heirs and next ot
kin are Chester Allan Arthur and Kllon
llerndon Aithnr. Mrs. Meiilioy is said to
lm > o been appointed guardian ol the daugh
ter. The will has not been tiled ,
Famous Indian Chief * Drowned.
IJisMAiicK , Dak. , Nov. SI Jt is icpoitcd
lieie thnt seven Indians , Big Thunder , the
Crow chief , among the number , weio
drowned while attempting lo cross the Mis
souri river at a point about ten miles north
of here , Dig Thunder was one of the most
famous chiefs of tlm ( 'row nation , and his
son , Wbltti Kagif , Is said to have been witli
tlie. party when the accident oocuired. The.
Indians were crossing to join a band of their
tribe which started out to wrenkengiMiice.
on ( he Sioux who killed a number of Ciows
t \ crul da } H ago.
Ho Fnlls By the Same Old Bottle That
Scdgwiok Iluggod.
Mexican Hospitality Too Much I'oi-
ttio Mnu I'i'oin Louisiana anil
a Pour Dnya1 Drunk Pol-
IOVVH a Dinner.
A Hcrincl to I lie Scdavvlok Scandal ,
CiiifA o , Nov. S4 , [ Special Telegram to
the Hr.n.J The Times this mornlin : prints
the lollowlng special fiom the City of Mo\-
ice : The American colony In this city Is
inoloiinilly agitated and woiked by uu alT.ilr
which became public to-day ami which touch
es American pildo to a degree even surpas
sing tliu Sedgwlck aftalr. 'I'lils story In brief
is to the effect Unit the new Amciican min
ister , Hon. Thomas II. Manning , ol Louis
iana , has ( 'alien u victim to the lolentloss
enemy of 31 r. Sedgwlek. , lust how the full
particulars Imvo become so thoroughly
known docs not appear for the icason that
no one ileshcs to assume the responsibility
of llrst making known the condition of tliu
minister. Last Thuisdny nfteruoon Mr.
Manning atlondcd a dinner Riven In
his honor by M. L. ( iuliaid , one
ot tlm leading members of the American
colony , and son-in-law to the Into Minister
Morgan. Culraul Is n Louisiana Kicnchman
and at picsent holds the. lespotisiblo position
of neneial manager of the Mexican Telephone
company. Many of the most distinguished
Mexican politicians nnd bankers wore pres
ent at the banniict to meet the now minister.
At tliu conclusion of the banquet Judge Man
ning icpaiied to his rooms ami was not
again scon on the stioel until to-day. Friday ,
Satuidny and Sunday Judge Mannlugfwns
icported by the secretary ol tlio legation ami
others as being 111 and confined to his room.
It is now stated , however , that the dis
tinguished gentleman , dining the four en
tire days iollowlni : the banquet , was in a
frenzied state and continued to
Indulge so freely that his secretary nnd the
lnterpiol r could not male him rcall/c what
he was doing. Yesterday rumors of his con
dition began to leak out , It is thought through
set mnts , nnd possibly tluough the Inter
preter. The .secretary ot the legation called
on un old member of the Amciican colony
nn U together they finally succeeded , by n lib-
eial use of medicines , In biingiug the minis
ter to icalUc Ills situation. As boon as Man
ning realized what had transnired his secre
tary visited the newspaper olllces nnd corres
pondents and tried to induce them to say
nothing about the matter. The seci 'tary
made his lounds yesterday ( Monday ultei-
110011) ) out met with such poor success
that ho advised Manning to call In
a moie experienced triend , who knt'W the
newspaper men. This gentleman , who is an
Amciican. labored haul to .suppicss mention
ot the alfalr and succeeded lor the time
being , by making strange pledges in the
name of Judge Manning that the occurrence
would nut be repealed. Owinsr to the tact
that the minister's vile nnd daimhter weic
duo toniiivo by this morninir's ti.iiu , they
suppiessed the stoiy piovidcd the matter did
not become noioilous through the city when
luithcr attempts at concealment would be
Impossible. This airangenient was made
last evening , hut to-day the matter has be
come so thoroughly spread over the city that
the corespondents consldeied themselves
released item their ngiecment to withhold
It from the American papers , especially
as telegrams had been received meantime
from papers In the United States , showing
they liad cognizance through the same source
of the affair. . Judge Manning Rent word that
lie had determined to lace the music , nnd
bad nlieady cabled Secretary Bayard the
whole truth ami would abide the result. The
minister leels his position keenly. His es
timable wile and daughter ai rived to-day ,
and tlie news was told them by the judge
himself. Guirard , the pcison at whoso ta
ble the banquet oceiiricd. is the some j.i-ison
who introduced Knvoy Sedwlck to the iiiem-
beis of the famous jockey club. It Is thought
on all sides that the unfoitunnto event will in
all piobablllty lead to the caily icsignation
ot Minister Manning.
Western Passenger Association.
Cinr.voo , Nov. 24. At a meeting ot tlm
Western passenger association to-day an
agreement was leaelied upon the issue of
thousand mile tickets. A strict definition of
the manufacturing and commercial Unas to
whom the/ are to lie sold was agreed upon ,
and also that the signature ot the buyer must
bo attached In the presence ol the company's
agent. There were some minor dillerences
reg.ii ding the payment ot commissions and
the lestrictions to bo placed upon the Issue ot
tickets by connecting roads , hut no disputes
which will prevent the foimatiou of a pool.
( ieneral Manager TalniUL'o of the Wan.ish
not haviiiL- been hoard from on the question
of the method of dividing peieentages , nn
adjournment was taken uniil Tuesday next.
AppralHnjr Quarantined Cattle ,
CiucAdo , Nov. 21. One hundred and
twenty-live head of quarantined cattle at the
Harvey faun , where pleuio-pneiimonla in
this vicinity llrst made Its appearance , weie
appraised to-day by the .state live stock com
missloners nt S'-K per head aver.ige , Owncis
ot the catllo at the Phieiiix distillery have
bean thicutcniiij. ' the commissioners with
legal proceedings for having appraised their
cattle atonlv S'i : per head , and this after
noon the commissioners ollcird to let them
do their own slaughtering and nmiKet the
beet , the btatoagieelng to pay S4 per head
for the bet vice , and pei mil the owners lose-
erne whatever in addition the cattle would
biing. The otfer was declined.
A Railroad Chant ; 11 units.
SAN KitA.Nrisro , Nov. 21. The entiie
capital stock ol the South 1'acilic Coast rail
road , between San Fi an Cisco and Santa
Cma distance ol eighty miles , was to-day
Iranaleired to the Southern Pacific company
and Pacific Impiovement company. Tlio
transter placed tlio two latter companies In
immediate possession. The iimount paid can
not be leat lied , but it Is believed to be between
sf-1,000,000 and i0WOOoa ( The Southern
I'aeiiic company puichascd the property
which appertains to tlio inllioad nnd its
operation. It Is stated that no change in tint
munauemeiit ot the South I'aclflu Coast rail-
toad will ho made nt present.
Incident * of Daltola'K
HisMAiiric , Dak. , Nov. 21. All ell'orts to
lind Scott , the stnjro driver , who was caught
In the bllward of Monday , have been futile ,
Hols now nearly foity hours late , and It is
believed that bo perished. At noon yostcr-
dny Mull Carrier Vales stinted out with a
dtlveraml attendant to look for Scott. There
ate also loports thnt several miners at Minis
weio lioion dining the bli//.aul , A Gorman
womnn and thieo chlldion escaped death hv
hitting quietly in a depletion of uatth nnd
allowing the snow to toi m n wall ot protec
tion about them , A large lorco of men nro
now at woik dealing the tr.icUs and
wagon loads ,
Tlio Hi ah Midland Incorporated.
SALT J.uu : , Utah , Nov. 'JI.-Aillcles of
Incorporation of the IMah Midland railroad
were hied with thosocietary ol thtr territory
to-day ; capital , 85,000,000. 10 per cent , paid
in. Tlio incorporatore aiosomo ot the best
known men In the teiritory , Including
(5oernor'est ( , ox-Governor Murray , John
Lawrence. W , S. McCoimlck , .1. If. Auei-
bach , 1' . 11. l.aiinan. ol SaUsbure : U. W.
Lawrence , ( ! . 11. Krb , John A. tjiosabcck.
norn Quits Iho
CmcAf.o , Nov. 21. The Chicago base ball
club noit season will not have tlio services of
( Icorge P. ( ioie , the well known center
lielder. lie was iclcascd this evening by
President .Spauldlng al his own request , and
will go to New Vork to play with that club.
Tlio reasons toi the change Imvo wet been
Prado public. Spaulding expresses lilmself
contident that Kelley vUllplay with theCUU
IUil POP CoiiMti'iiutliiK ( tin Vessels
Oponetl and IC\aniiiuMl.
AVA itl.Nnov , Nov. SI. About thieo
dozen gentlemen assembled In tlio ofllco of
tlie sceretarot the navy to-day to witness
the openine of proposals for the construction
of tlio three ciulscrseaik , Baltimore and
Charleston , and two gni boats. Secretaiy
Wliltnev lead tlie bids as follows :
Ciuiser No. J. 1,000 tons , nimplete : llnrlan
iv llolllngs\\otih company , Wilmington , Del. ,
? t.vJ , ) W ; rnion lion wotks , of San l-'ian-
Cisco , Sti : , ( KK ) ; Ciomp \ : 8ons , ol riilladel-
Phia , ( under special bid pio\dlng ! for theuso
of euirliitsol UN O\MI deslgiu , $ tltNXM. (
Cuilser No. 0 , ( > omplee ( , arcoiding
to dopaitmcnt dcslmi : Ciomp V
Son" , ; t'nloii lion Woiks.
il.OU.'iOO ; special bids providing
for the fonstiiH'iioii of tlio cnclncs of the
vessel aflei their own designs weie put in by
the Italian , V llolllngswoith companv at
M.KXi.Oio. mid by Ciomp A.Sons at M,05UOX ) .
Ciulser No. : t , complete , accoiding to de-
imrtmcnt specillcatlons : Ciomp V- Sons ,
sisij.ioo ( ; rnlon Iron \\oiKs , sitlsooi ; ) :
1'arlan ' lUdllnirswoiili company , under
special bid , using their own engine designs ,
51 * ) , ' /UU *
( iiinhoal No. 1 , complete , nceoidlnc to de
partment designs : Cmules I feeder Ar Son.
Italtlmoio , t4'nixH ' ) ; Columbian lion wotks
mill Dry DoeK company , ol H.iltimoie ,
TJOCronip ; A- Sons , special bid. usinu' their
own engine designs , St"iHi ( ( ) ; Charles Kecder
> Vr Sons submit special bid tor machlneiy
nloncat SIS'i.lHH ' ) .
( iiiuboat No. ' . ' , complete ! Only one bid ,
the Columbian works nt S'117,000. Korsiip-
tdylnc tlm engines am' ' maehlneiv tor this
boat Charles leedcr ! V Sous bid and
A. J. Humscy t Sons , Kaltlmoie , fcwi.uoo.
Tlie nwaiils will not bo made for some
davs. Secietary U'hltnej said lie was well
satisfied , except with releienco to
eiuiscr No. 1. for which no bid had
been received within the limit of
congiess lor the outside cost ol the boat. The
only solicitude he ever had nioso fiom the
fact thnt the conditions Imposed upon bid-
deis In the way of speed of ships was much
more exacting than ever before. Ho feared
the Ilmlll fixed lor the. cost ol the ship would
be exceeded on tlie tin ee large boats and on
No 1 gunboat. "Wo shall be able , " ho con
tinued , "to let all but the -t.OOU-ton ship to
lespousihle parties within the limits llxed. "
The i sect ctary added that the bids weic only
about 15 per cent higher than thcso of ves
sels of similar sl/o nnd chaiacter eonstiucted
abroad , which lie consideied a fnvoiable
The Navy'i Cost.
\VAsiu\o ION , > iov. 21. Tlie gioss amount
ot estimates for the diffcient nav-y ymds ami
stations , as shown uy the annual report of
Kear Admiial Harmony , is S7isotKO : , made
up ol the lollowing Items ; Improvements ,
Sri.4i8oi ! : ; ) ; m-nernl maintenance , S474IK ; 10-
palrs and picscrvatlon , Sl,2-tOU7r ) ; navnl
asylum , Sh7CH ; civil establishments , S7bfXl ) ,
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 2-1. Haker it Clark ,
wliuiesaln gioceis , made an [ c-slgnment for
the benellt of their crcditois to Cl.ueiice F.
llrdse\c ! , with pieteienccs amounting to
81 ,000.
Tlio linn has been existence over thirty-l'tYO
years and always had a lanro business.
Daker. one of the linn , said that If time was
giautcd tlie linn could pay 100 cents on the
dollar. He said his1 liabilities would not ex
ceed , w Idle the assets would icacli
SIMJ.OOO. Most ofthocieditors are inclined
toi'i\o the linn time.
NKW YoitK , Nov. 21. At tlie close of busi
ness to-dav at the stock exchange 1) . A. Hall.
the New Yoik member ot the Itoston Hun ot
15. Moise As Co. , announced ( lip tniluie of
Ids linn. The failure is said to be caused by
the discovery of inegulaiities bv the soiilor
member In Boston. Jiall has little or no
liabilities outstiindlng on the stock ex
Tlio Storm's Victims.
Dr.TiioiT , Nov. 24. A special to tlie. Free
Press from Frankfort , Midi. , says : George
Loud , owner of the lost barges , and Henry
Comfrcy , brother of a lost sailor , aio heie.
Thev recovered two bodies the cook , John
Davlson , ami Thomas Walters , both of Port
William Conneis , ot Sand licnch ,
was buried lieie yestciday. Tim iiroiicller
Maiiistiipio lelt tor the straits to tow tbe C.
1 } . Jones to Chicago.
Ktruclc by 11 Train.
Svuvrt'si ; , N. Y. , Nov.iM. JeiryJCalahati ,
his wile and son , nged twelve , nnd Mrs.
Foley of Lafayette , N. V. , werestliick by ; i
train here on the Oswego k Syracuse lail-
road this afteiiioon , They weio driving
home from the city. Mrs. Calnhnn and bei
son weie instantly killed and .Mr. Calahan
nna.Mis. Foley latally injured.
Douliln TrnKCdy at Wichita.
WICHITA , Kan. , Nov. 21. An aged man
named Jelfeison Itromley , who koptniail
road boai ding house on Water stieet , this
city , about noon to-day , as the lesiiltot a
quaricl. shot his wife and ( hen killed him
self. Ills said they quaiicllcd olten and
A Misslnu hohoonor.
Ni.w ILvvr.x , Conn. , Nov. 2-1. The
schooner Annie U. llolli-es , witli a cicw ol
six men , left Mobile , Ala. , loity-scveu days
ago with lumber lor this poit. She has not
been spoken since , nnd is thought to have
Noyro Hnpl&t I/ynolicd.
MoNrriiMiiiv : , Ala , , Nov. 21. The Adver
tisers Itandolph , Ala. , special says : John
Davis , a negro , who outraged n while woman
near that plate a lew days ago , was lynched
last night _ _
HliHlcntH1 Tliunkhuivliiu Cclchi-atioir.
Mi-s Ureenlee , principal of the Leaven-
worth seliool , introduced u pleasing feu-
tuve yesterday in the form of a Tlmiiks-
giving closing service , by the pupil.s of
llioTAiiiul I ! H Armies. 'J'lie services
were of an iiniisiiully intorostins nature ,
eoiidueivo of benulil to those who partici
pated in tlio pro rammo MS well as to tlio
pleasure of the spectators , The response
of DiirenU to the invitation to bo present
was not very llalterinir. The following
jiro niinnio was successfully jirunented !
I'liOliKAMMi : .
Song "America" . 1 Jy tlie School
In&tiumontal l Duct . i I' " ' " 1 1 Ol IlbUrgCI
Mabel Katon.
Origin of Than Kcglvlng. . Luther Leineiiring
Selected Keadlin. " . I ne/ Alison
Story ot Miles Standlsli . liy the School
Song "Aiinin Laurie , " . Hy the Seliool
l'ajcr ) , The I'llgrlms . Kied John
A Story ot Virginia . Stella Harmon
Paper , Landing of thu Pilgrims .
. , . Lida Loring
Paper , SmUh'b Adventures .
. Jenniu Donaldson
Music , Instrumental . Lo\is Tiellscho
Itccltatloii-'Thinking It Over1 .
. CliailiiiHullock
Story , The Day Uetoro TlianUsglving. . .
. . . . : . .Julia Davis
Paper , Voyage ol the Pilgrims .
. Magciu O'Tooln
Song "Auld Lang Syne" Hy the School
Paper , Karly Colonial la ) > s .
. Fiank Templeton
Paper , 'Ihu Pilgrim Fathers. . Willie lluehler
Jnstiiimentai Duct . ( Luln Hornbfiger
Song "Home , Sweet Homo" . . l y the School
KlccnbCd to Wed.
.Fud e McCnlloelt issued inarrliigo
licenses ycstenlay to the following
parties :
Name. Ilesldcncc. Age ,
N.C.Thompson. . . .Omaha . S3
Karen Anderson. . . .Omaha . - !
Albert Kuca. . . . Omnha . : : i
MTiy Hawse . ( Jinalin . "t
John \V. \ Sullivan. .Hawlins , Wyo . .a
Magulo Hiauslield. , . Louisville , Ky . :
W. 11 , Hill . Oimdin . : il
Kdna CajMiu. . , . . , .Oinahu . , . 2-1
James M. Coidou . . .Cnr.son , la . " . 'J '
Laura Ilulton. * . * . . .Itandolph . 1'J '
Cit'o. Jny . . . .Shenandoah , la , 2 : :
( ju-truite Smith . Omaha , , . 24
Chicago Capitalists Planning for a Meat
Highway to Omaha ,
Incorporation oftho Clil r.ij ; < > , Kcoknlc
V Omiihn Itallrond to He Hnitt
Dy the Proprietors of the
111 ; ; I'lH'klni : Houses.
On to Omaha.
CmrAoo , Nov. 2-1. ( Special Tclcgiam to
the Hiu. : ] Local papcis this morning state
an Important development has been made In
what is supposed to be the piobable transfer
fiom this city to Keoknk nnd Omnha of a
gient pan of Its ptcsoiit tindo In live
MOCK nnd piovlslons. Patties altendy In-
Interested at these points in packing and
canning houses Messi.s. tfols Moirls ,
piesldent of the Kali banks canning com
pany , nnd Samuel W. Alleilon , with "Dia
mend Joe" lEoynolds , who Is owner of both
rallioad and steamboat lines , and nil three
millionaires , have loimed a coipoiatlon to
build u bee line from Chicago to Omaha.
Aitlcles of Incoiporation of Hin Chicago ,
Keokuk .t Omaha railway , coveilm : so much
of the line ns lies In the state of
Illinois , were liled tor iceoid In
the otllco of the secretary of stnto
at Springfield yesterday. The company will
also nt once bo organized In lown under the
same name , so as to secure authoilty to con
struct n toad Irom Keokuk to Omnha. In
doiiiL' this n corner of land lying In the stnto
of Missouri will necessarily bo crossed by
the bee line , but Mr. George W. Kretzlngcr ,
who Is attorney as well as technical Ineor-
poratorand director of the road , said that ,
under tlio corporation law prevailing In.
Iowa , Hie company could bo organt/cdso Hint
It could also go Into MIssntiil.
"You can get poilerhouso steaks
thiough Horn Omnha to Chicago , '
said one of the iucorpoiatois , "cheaper1
than you can S'Mid sleeis. The di
rect i onto is selected for tlio purpose of
reducing Hie cost of shipment to the lowest
possiblepoint , while availing ourselves of a
cheaper ; maiket for cattle. Theio is no
( liiestion nt all about the load being built.
The line is to bo as nearly an air line as possi
ble , without icspect to towns or local points.
Tlio Illinois line will be Irom about forty to
fifty miles shorter than any preseii' , load lo
Keokuk. The road will be eonstiucted on
bed rock ; theru will bo no speculation about
it , for it will bo built by the pai ties them
selves who pi oposo to advance the money
and piocced with the construction as rap
idly ns possible. " ;
Arrested For Porjrery.
Nonroi.K , Neb. , Nov. 21. ( Special Tele
gram to the HIK : 1 A Kansas ollieerni rested
L. H. Case , n tanner near this city , tor tlio
alleged forgeiy of a deed to land In Cheiokeo
county , Knns. , louryeais ago , and lelt with
his prisoner lor Kansas this morning. Case
came here three yeais ago and opened a law
olilce , but closed it shoitly aftcnvaids and
puichascd a farm near the city , and has been
living on it quietly. Four or live days ago
County Clerk John T. Ventch , of Columbus ,
Kans. , arrived with a requisition from tlio
governor and has since been looking for
Case. Ho says Case was in partnership
with a man named Kdinundson In the law
business In Cherokee county , nnd while they
were together lie nlleges tlinl Cnse foiccda
deed to a H20 acic tiact in that countv and
Dlmundson ceilltied to It as a notary public ,
Veatch had been looking lor Case for several
yoais. After his aiiest Case tried to insti
tute coi pus piocecdings , but gave it
up and went away ( | iiietly with tlie olllcer.
Convlctod ol' Jlohhcry.
NI.UIIASKA CITVNeb. . , Nov. 20. [ Special
Telegram to the Hir. . I The trial ol Kdward
Shannon for robbeiy took place to-day , last
ing the whole day , over Hilily witnesses
being sworn. The prosecution was lepio-
sentcd by District AHoiney Stiode , who wad
assisted by J. Stillsoii Potter , while Mi. K. T.
Kaiisom , assisted by Col. V. P. lieland ,
looked after the Inteicstof Hie defendant.
The crime which Shannon was charged with
occmrcd on the evening ot Sept. 28 last , and
consisted in irnnotiiiK an old man by the
name ot Coldsbuiy and inhhliu him of somij
SM'.i. Tin ! juiy vu'io out five minutes and
bioiicht in a vcidict ot gulltv. The judge
passed senleuco at once , giing him thieo
jeais in the lien.
CoiileMtH Tor Legislative
Cni.ii : , Nel ) . , Nov. 21. [ Special Telceiam
to Hie 15i.i.J : Krantnnd rishbuin , elected
to Hie lower house fiom this county , have
been served witli notices of contest. The
Laiihnm fellows however , weio one day too
late tor service on Duias , the senator-elect ,
and diopped theii cudgel.
Affray at Trenton.
Cm siox , la , .Nov. 2. , . ( Special Telegiaiit
to Hie lir.i : . I Al Jlughes shot Nelso Hoguo
witli a double-hand shotgun nn the uticut
to-day. Ho escaped on the Chicago , Ituillng-
ton A : Quiiicy tialn , and was cnptuicd and
put in jail at Alton. A io\v occuned in a
saloon between the men , When Hoguo left
the saloon Hughes followed , seenu'd the gun ,
and shot both liairel loads at him. 1 Im-'hes
wns alive this moiliing but not expected to
live. Ho ue is a haul character. He shot and
killed the maishal heio some yeais ago.
Youthful Itur larH
Drill ii j : , la , , Nov.BI. [ Special Telegram
to the Jlr.K.J John Thompson and Washing
ton Drooks. aged eighteen , weio arrested at
Uiadloid , ChleKiisav,1 county , yesteiday ,
chained with bmglail/ing the lo lolllce
theie two weeks iu . andbioiiglitheio lodiy
and lemanded to jail by Unlled .Stall s Com-
mlssionei llobbr > .
The Carroll County C'nnrl llont-n ,
CAUIIOI.I. , Li. , Nov. 21. [ Spi-clnlTelcgiaiii
to tlio Hir..l : The binrd ol mipeivlf-ois yes
terday adopted HID plans for the eouit hoiiso
piesented by J. C. Cocllliine , ol Chicago.
HOSTO.V , Nov. 21. A dispatch fiom liar-
ilngton , N. S. , says tlio Iliitlsh steamer Su-
linn , fiom Antwerp for Huston , is nshoio at
Cjpe Sable.
llAiirAN. . S. , Nov. 21-Tho sleamer
Sallnu will piobaUly bu u tuliil wiccK. The
crow was saved.
A Durky'H Hanoi ) of Dualli.
Niw : Oiii.iiANH , Nov. 21. A special to the
Times-Diiinoeint Irom St. Mnilln'K , sab : At
a nemo ball near Ure.iux llrldg.Alica
O/ell , colored , wns shot and killed and I luce
others werti badly cut. Kotir ne iou * weio
niieated chawed with Iho ciimu.
Ktciunor on l 'ire ,'ooi , , Nov. 21. The Jninnii line
steamer , "City ol Cliestei , " wliich miiveil
hfio November 22 fiom New Yoik. took tire
wbllo lying at iho docks. ISoth vessel and
cargo were badly damnued.
l''r < iiu
( iAiVisioN : , .Nov. 21. The emplf > > c8 of :
this Missouri Pacific laiiioad in Ibis city and
at San Antonio to-day adopted icsolutMi | of
lespect in memory of thu late Vice President
New HainpslilroV Now Honator.
Coxconii , N. II. . Nov -Covernor
( utrlei lusapM | > lntedev-inernor ( ( Clnincey ,
of Manchester , I'nited .States senator to till
tile vacancy occasioned b > the dcutu of Aus
tin F. Pike.