Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Sam Jones Says Wo Can Bank On It For
And the Hplrlt nntl tlio Hrlile Nny
Come The Influence of tlio
Cliiirch Im
Sam Jon OK.
Another audlutico of 1,000 people hoard
thoCicorpcin ovtuipclist at the exposition
building last night. Jlis address la out
lined as follows :
' 'And tlio < ? nrlt ! and tlio brlilc f-iy 'coino,1
si/ ' let linn Hint lic.iiclh sav'conic , ' mill let
him that It ntlilrst porno , nnd whosoever will
'i-t him tnko Urn vvati-i of llfo ft rely " You
/col L'ct that text on tl'e last t > , iju of tills
/folessuil book. This Is ( Sod's last message to
/ man. Ho has been sponkltnr over ntid anon
/ for four thousand jcatt. They have bton
f rebuked and tliriMtiiiilni ? mid coinfortlnir ntid
Iiromlilnp. but 1 blus * Ills holy nnino thnt
after nil tlio counselling nnd nil the rebukes
and all the warnings ho lnw K\ ! < IIII bless 1IH
holy name that Ho winds up with this Mud-
ons niesHapp. And really , If I ha\o been In
correspondence with a man for ono jcni or
tvvonty > i'ar t , on nn > civon subjuat , 1 will
nlvvnvJU'fcr to the last letter 1 recelvn from
lilm ; \votitd know his mind Iho last tlini !
lie wrote. And , whatever ( Jotl .said III tlio
\ < at , wo turn to this , Ills last message U'ls '
is Ills nilndnnd
\v i : PAN HANK ox IT rour.VKit.
Lost these nilirht not bo his last \\oids , ho
simply addi'd , "If any nmn sli.ill add unto
thi'so words In this book of prophesy 1 viill
fidd unto him tlio plagues that are written
written therein. " And lest Homo man should
Inko away these words so they will not bo tlio
last , ho eald , "If nny man will liiko avvav
from tlio words In this book of
prophesy I will take avv.iv his
V.irt I'lom tlio Hook of Life , nnd the Holy
City of < ! od. " Tlic u were his last words , ho
Intended them to bo , "And tlicSpirlt and the
llrlilo say ronu * , and let him that heaioth way
como ; and let him Hint Is alhlrst eomo anil
whosoever will lot him take the water of life
freely. " That was a pinnl day In this vvoildN
history when tlio ( jvenini : and thu morning
veru the seventh day mid the HODS ol Clod
nnd Illinois Hhouted ever 11 linlslicd world ;
that was a giand day In this world's ' history
when Adam stood before hH Milker In the
Itnnuo of his nnd with his reason clear nnd
perfect , nnrullled by passion , unclouded by
projudlco and unimpaired by dUe.ise ; that
wan u uiand day when this man stood up before -
fore his Maker and turned his e > us around
nud looked over thu unhorse. Ho baw that
the mountains weto ( iod's thou his piled UP
about him ; that the vallojs woio Cod's
thoughts Hiuead out beloto him ; that the
oceans were ( Sod's thoughts embodied ; the
dowdiops were God's thoughts 4n peatl ; ho
Kaw thai the ( lowers were lloit's tliouchtN in
bloom. All nature whlspeied the Iniiid that
made mo Is divine. Mhal was a giand day
In this world's liihtory when the announce
ment was made In Heaven , "This man , innda
in tlio InidKe of Ids ( iod , lias violated the law
of God ; " nnd amid thennurbcratiiiL ; thunders
of tlio woild above tisuiid the woild aiound
119 , u whisper was ulven , "Tho seed ol
woman snail btniso the setpent's
head , " That was n rand day in this world's
history wlun the last strong swimmer sank
beneath tlio Hood. Tlmtwasa urandday in
this world's lilstoiy In which Noah nnd his
family wlthtwonnimalsof ovciv Mud floated
in cafety above the mountain. That was n
lirmulei day in this woild's history in some
respects when I'liaiaoh and Ids hoit.s , with
tliuir horses and tlieii chariots woio swallowed
In tlio Jed { Sea nnd God's army of Isiael
jms-sed ever in safety. That was a grand
epoch In this world's histoiy when under the
blast of the Archangel's wing IfWOOO sturdy
soldiers were wrapped in their winding
sheets as they camped around the oity or
< ! od. .That was n gr.ind dav in this world's
history' when tlio eartli burst open and
swallowed up Cora. Nathan andAbner and
they were gone out ot the sight ot man for
ever. Hut that was : i grandei day in this
world's historv when tlio old piopnot of God
stood on the lulls ot Judea wilh torch in
liand whcih hont its rays tlirotmli .seven ien-
tnrarlos nnd his \oieu was head to say ,
"Simeon and Anna prepaioa cradle to rock
the babe of IJptlilemen. " That wns n L'laudoi
day In this world's history when the
] ) olsed Itself over thu maiiKoi ot Iho Iniman-
nol nnd announced thu fact to tlio woild that
the i > v crinoline God is a babe wrapped in
* bwaddllng garments. That was a gland day
\ \ hen the star of Jacob told us that tlio king
of angels was asleep In JIaiy'b arms. That
was a grand dnv when the lact was Known
that tlio caipentci's despised boy Is the God
blessed tor oveiy moio. That was n grand
day In the history of the woild when Jesus
( stood In the temple at . ( eMmlem and
I'onfoiiudcd nil the wise men with his
knowledge ot ( Sod and hit , knowledge ot man.
That wan a grand day in this vvorld'sliistory
when Joins jonder condemned beloro that
tribunal , tlio only ptno .spliltual man that
ever lived , and tliere. he stood upon and buf
feted , and the crown of thorns pressed upon
his tomplo. with the blood running down his
check. That was a grandei day In tills
woild'shlston when suspended on the cro-.s
between two thieves ho 01 led out , "It Is tin-
ished , " nnd gave up the ghost nnd died ; that
was a giand day lirthis woild't. history when
( hey carried him o\cr to the grave and
Joseph can led over to ttio gra\o nnd buried
him toiover. He said , " 1 am the sacrifice ; "
ho said , "I am the Son ol the Katlioi. " The
disciple bald \vnco and think , our hopes aio
burled , our faith Is bulled. Ho said , "I am
the piiciiucv. " .Now the ouestlon of eter
nity idwir.j.
wir.j. ooi ) ArcKi'r run siminc r. ' .
On the nioining ot the tlilid day God sinii-
inonod an iincul swift ns tho.morning light
and bade him go toeaitli nnd roll nway tlio
btonu from the grave , and ho walked down
. into the gravonnd tookIt'siisby the hand nnd
lifted Him forth , took the grave clothes tiom
hibody , tlio napkin liom bis jaws , and
Jenus walked forth a living , risen savior ,
Riid that mot nln. ( iod giaspod thuht > Iusin
Ids own hand and signed the magna cliaila
ot nun'H salvation , andou'r ' Biiuo that nus-
ilcioua inoinlne who-oeverlive.sainl believe *
on him shall not peilsh , tmt lw\e everlasting
ilfi' . That was a grand day in this woiid's
history when they gntheu'd about him some
il\u linndied , and ( iod diopped n chariot
down from thu skies and Jesus mounted Into
the chariot nnd ascended nbovo the sight of
nmn , and ns thu anxious multitude- stood
K /lng Into heaven nolce shouted back
nnd said : "why Ktand > u here , .standing ,
gazing up Into the I.eavmisV As yo M > O the
hon ot man ascendhu now , so ho shall do-
cfliul nnd Jmlgo the world In the last dav. "
That was giand day In this vvoild'H history
when that I'M had gathered In tlio upper
chnmbcr at Jerusalem , the tirst day , the thiid
day , tlio sixth day , the nlnotli day , and on
the nioniln * of the tenth day , as they pr.i > ed
to dod In obedleneo to the commandment of
Chilst "liiny > o at Jerusalem until jo am
called to rnlu troin on idgli. " on that morn
ing the Holy Spiritdeeended nnd whllo the
Mirth rocked ami rushed as a nilghtv wind ,
the iHioplo In the house and the dcsclples
lushed down into the streets , and I'cter
prrached tlio nieniorabhi sermon that vron
11.000 souls to Christ.
I ucd to think about church luembers. I
used toubusu nmnyof thoin us liMiocilted In
the lieart. Hut I sny to you , brother , wo mo
free to confess that we are not w hat w ought
tube , woaies.oiry'wo lu\o not Il\cd betuu ;
wo are berry wo have not been mnro falthiui
to dod. Oh brother the church of ( Sod is the
Iioumof nmn. I thank God for thu church.
1-ourteiMi > ears nmihlio opened her doors to
me and nrayed mocoiue. and sho. lias eared
lor mo like : i mother thioUKh the o wevy
months. All these fourteen jt-ars aim lias
boiuewlth iimaml prajed ten mo and MIS-
tallied me , uud helped mo , nnd lias been llKo
a clutch under my aims upon which
I ilKHIT llOlllll.i : AI.O.NO 11) VVTKTV
and hope and he.i\en , Thank God for the
church. You may nbuso the chinch and tnlk
about thu chuieli , but the chinch of God Is
thu ordained means by which Ho
nlmsto bring the world to Christ. Hear
me brother , hear m . 1 have the
jirolpuiidcat sympathy and let-ling tor U. A
good old coloied man oxprobol my sunti-
luimtsonce. An old jast4ir ) went niouml and
opened the door of the chinch when ho drst
rpiumenced pri-aehlng In n small place. Old
Unclo'lony hud been a inemDeronhechurch
tor fourteen nun. unit he was tlio nrxtonu
joined. And the second tlmo when thoold
i utor ojiened thu church door. Old Uncle
Tony was ttio lust one to go In. And the
iiftxt tlmo the sumo way. And then tbu pai-
toi said Uncle Tony "what do jou mean ,
this U the third tlmo jou liaxc joined this
church , and they tell me > ou lia\o been al-
wa ) ; . u faithful member ul tills cliutch ? "
Andhoeaid : "Oh bo > s if you only knew
How" much good U donu mo iho tirst tlmu 1
jolnod , you wouldn't hhuno my tor Joining
Diury day silica that dav. [ I.milliter ] . J
thank Go < l for his blessed influence In the
church. And 1 say to yon to-nlcht a thous
and tlmrs do you rouret every unkind word
jou Im\c ever said nbont tlio word of Ghrlst.
I < ( a > to jou brother the churchfliystome , the
church sa > s to you , the chinch says to the
woild , come join nud get to God , It will do
theugood. And 1 say to you to-nlcht I ox *
pect to Iho In the church nnd to de | In the
church , anil It they were to have n meet
ing to-morrow and turn mo out , ths
lirst tlmo they opened the doors
where 1 was 1 would Join again.
And If they got to wheio they wouldn't
open the doors where 1 wn , 1 would jro In
mid henr every t-errnon , nnd would fay ,
"Brethren , God helping me , 1 nm going to
bn falthiui to the right and ut > on jour
prajers fors > mpathy. " Thank God tor the
church among men. The best Institution In
the world. The Institution that losters nil
good thouehts , that fosters coloics ! and
builds nlms houses. This blessed Institution
thnt helps men not only spiritually , but
phjslcnlly , that blessing , the church of God
with the cross In ono hand and tempotul
blessliiK In the other.
I wish overv man In the world wns n mem
ber of the church. I f = nld It oncu before , but
1 will say It again , I wish e\cry man In the
world was n momncr of thu church am' I was
the meanest member the church had In the
world , and I want to ho just as good ns God's
grace can make me. Thocluireli of Oed ex
tends her hands and kneels before God
nnd sn > s to nil men , "Couiu within
our tolds and help us to live
right. " llclpus biethrcn In these things ap
pertaining to ilghteousness nnd eternal life.
"Thu church sa\s como" mid to wiow jou
brother thnt the church bus no nmllco to
wards you , yon talk lulghty bad about the
church fsiimo of \ on but tiiko the woist old
Bluings In this house that
HA vn IIKBX ctinsi.No TUB citrnctt
for tvventy jiais If jou weio to walk up now
nnd sat I want to servo God nnd do right nnd
come Into \our ranks I would show yon a
thousand tears In. thu e\es ot n thousand noo-
plo In n minute. They 'are in sympathy with
> ou and \\hilo you lia\u done u thousand
things jou ought not to have done , ( iod's
chinch has not lived a day but she has boon
on hnr knees to save the world , nave sinners ,
save thu weak , ave the outraged , Have thosu
that aio lost to all that Is good on caith nnd
lost to nil that Is hopeful In hoavmi.
"let him that Is nthlrst come- " Wher
ever them Is a thirsty soul , Christ has been
there nnd ho will como back airaln.Vhui -
e\er jou lind hunger , the bread of life Isrloso
it hand , "hot him thnt H thirsty come. "
Listen aiinln , "and whosoo\er will let him
take of the water of lifo fieely. " I like that.
God said "whosoe\er will. " Hrctliercti wo
sometimes talk nbotit the elect. Do you
know w ho the elect are ! ' The elect aio w'ho-
snevur will. The non-elect nm
whosoever will not nnd that IH
tlio whole question from bottom to ton.
1 will tell jou another thing , this world Is
coming the " will"
up to "whosoever mighty
last If jou will watch them a little.
time thu chinch splits the part that siillts elf
jumps up to the "whosoo\er will. " when an
old , hard-shell ll.iptlst chinch splits the mis
sionary Jumps up onliosnucr will. "
When the Kplscopal church split the Meth
odist jumped out on the "whosnouir will , "
and ox err time tlioy split up one party or tliu
other iuniDS up with "whosoever will. " 1 bo-
llevo I wllMKe to see t'lo day when every
chinch in this woild will stand IIP on the
blessed woid ot "whoso ver will let him take
of the water of llfo freclj- . " There Is no in
telligent minister to-day who will preacti
toio-oidlnatlon loan Intelligent audience. If
n man wants to kill Ids church nnd inlluence
let him nreach that God lore-ordalncd , nnd
elected so many souls to eternal lifo and so
many souls to eternal death , and that the
number on both aides are so lixcd and delincd
that it cannot bo changed. God A mighty
novirsct u big table loaded down with good
things and
out ten feet and then rang the boll and In
vited them to como and eat when It wns im
possible for them todoso. God never did that
The human will. What is It'It Is an in-
tinltcssmal lieart of the Inllnity ot God him
self. God can overcome evoiythintc in mo
except that part that is like himself and when
ho strikes that ho says , 1 stand at the door
nnd knock. 1 can overcome your Intellect
mi a your sensibility. But that will is stub
born , an Inlinltessmaljnrt of myself nnd 1
cannot ovcicomo that nnd von can never bo
icllgious until you will to be religious. Who
soever will , tint Is thn doctrine. Hear me
ttgaln , it Is not wliosoovei feels but whoso
ever will O my Father , dnvo that woid home
with all its force , whosoevarwill let him take
of the water of llfo frci'ly. Thank ( iod for
the water of life. In Huntsvillc , Ala. , the
prettiest town I e\er saw' with only
.six or eight thousand inhabitants out from
under tin : public square of thnt town comes
a gushing stream ot water , the largest , finest
Hrin ] ) _ ' I e\or saw in mv life. I walked down
fioin tlio square , over the blutls to ee the
wnteronoovenlng , nnd there came n great ,
gurgling stream ot water , iitty 01 sixty feet
wide , Liirglini : out trom under the blutr.s. I
stood them and looked at it a minute , and
then said to tlio gentleman : Hero Is pure.
fresh water enough for n hundred tow ns like
this. And I said what Is that , and he said it
is n dam. nnd I said what is that below thu
dam , and ho said it Is a tinbine water wheel.
SajH 1 what Is that for ; he Rays the turbine
wuter-w heel runs thcwater into the reservoir.
I said , do j on mean to tull mo that this grand
mngllng spring has not only enough In-
hei cut power In Itself to furnish water for
this town , but to tlnow itself Into every
house In this town. Tlioj had dammed up
the spring below its month , anu thov put in
the turbine watet wheel , and then
pumped the watci with its
own force Into the rcseivoii and
furnishes everv homo In town. I .said , what
a grand sleht this Is. Kvery man , woman
nnd child In this town can have pine , clear
water if they will but tap the pipes leading
from the leseivolr. I thought then at that
gland ilvoi-of God gurgling out from under
tlio throne of God , not only enough water to
have the perishing , but that old liver lias an
inherent power in heiself to tlnow hcisolf
into every lieart in tlio world , nnd all man
lias to" do is to connect himself with the main
icspnolr nnd the water shall bo given him
for time nnd ctcinltj * . Gloiv bo to God foi
this mam ! old river of Hlu. Heio site comes
gurgling ( low n through n fnmishhn ; woild to
supply tint woild witli water enough lorn
pctislnng race. Whosoever will may take ol
iho watei ot life fieely. I like that let there.
( iod said six thousand years ago. let there bo
light , nnd this world was Hooded with II'ht ,
and when God looks out upon uverv slunei's
pathway , ho says let It Is n word ot com
mand , and when God MJS , let him come , ho
menus , get thee behind me , powers nnd piin-
clpalitius ; away nnd let him come.
con is ninoixo DOWN
every mountain and nlllng up oveiy valley
and making the straight and level road and
sajs to every man , "ilun to my arms and bo
sa\od. " Brother , brother nav to-night , son
ot God , como Into my heart and live forever.
( ! od help every ono to accept the terms ol
the gospel and bo saved from Bin. Brother
the iloni Is wide open. Will you cinnoln'.1 If
you turn your back upon a wide open door ,
will von como to ( iod at all. Wo mo going
to hold an after 6n vice ; lam so deeply In
terested in many of jou that Iteol just Hko
going to my room and ciylnk Ilko n child.
-My God ! What can I do I Mon wont come.
J have written to my wile , and she savs do
not net disuoniagcd at Omaha , ( iod U going
to bless j-ou. Voting man , 1 may uovor seu
jour face again. Von may bo A corpse to
morrow ; God's door of mercy Is widu open
Services this afternoon In the Presbyterian
church for mothers. Mmi will bo allowed
In the galleiiob. In the evening the usual
sol vices to n mixed congregation will bo
held In the exposition
Mich. 1 have boon iisinjj Dr. J. U. Mo-
Loan's Tar Wino Lung Halm ; uul
StKin thenhiK Conlial and IJInod 1'uri
Her for ever a year in my family , nnd
can.uandiilly hay that tliuir equal for the
tmrposes intoiulod docs not exist.
Tlio Secretary of War . \llovv * $ IOM ( >
lor Kopnirs.
News was received at the army head
quarters yesterday of the fact that the se
cretary of war had allowed 4,000 to repair
the barracks ami ofUcors' quarteni at
Tort Omaha , for the three companies of
the Secoiul infantry which will arrive
hoitly from Torts Robinson or Niobrara.
This sum is not nearly enough to put tlio
post in first-class condition , but will
doubtless help to put the barracks in
fairly decent shapn. The .sum of $50.000 $
could , without a partioln of oxtrava-
gancc , bo spent upon the post in repairs
and now buildings , such as are urgently
Colonel Drum , inspector general of tlio
Apartment ol Arizona , is fii the city on
Ins way west from a leave of absence.
lor some tlmo past hu has bccu in the
east recovering from a suvero attack of
the Aruonu fuvcr.
The Board of Trade's Mind Changes on tha
Fort Omaha Bill ,
Stookntil Enterprises Tlio V. 31. O.
A. Tnxcs The Shot Proved Run !
The Printers' null-Other
The Fl , Omnlm mil.
The bill now pending in the nntluiml
house of representatives providing for
tlio relocation of I't. Omaha was fully
cussed , discussed and recussed by r.bout
thirty members of the board of trade at a
meoetln hold last nicht. The meeting
was an adjourned ono , having for its
object tlio reconsideration of the resolu
tion adopted by tlio board in Juno last ,
opposing the proposed relocation of the
fort. After the nieutlni ; had boon oalled
to order by President Mo.yers , tlio follow
ing resolution was unbred by 11. G.
Clark :
Whereas At a meeting of the board of
trade held Juno SM , 18x ) , the bill for reli-eatlng
b'ort Omaha being under consideration , and
a majority of the ( numbers present tHIcving
that the ruloca'liu of tlio fort would be
detrimental the Interests of Omaha mid of
no advantage to the government , n icsolutlnn
was pxssed asking nnr representatives in
coni/russto delay atlon until the mallei
could bo turllior investigated , and
Whereas A special committee has been
appointed to report what lands could be pur
chased In the Immediate vicinity of said foil
lor enlargement of the same , and
Whereas Snld committee having icported
that no lands adjoining the fort can bo pin-
chased that would bo available , for nillllaiy
purposes , except at what indent seem exorb
itant PI Ice , and the ho.iid having Investi
gated the bill Introduced by bonatnr Man-
dcrson , and believing the of suit bill
will bo for the bust Interests ot Nebraska and
Omaha , theiofore ,
Ucsolved : That our representatives In
congiess bo requested to nso their best cn-
deivois to piss said bill , Introduced bv Sen
ator Manderson and passed bv > the United
States senate , nnd now before the house
ot representatives for pissago.
Mr Clark moved Iho adoption of his
resolution.brinning it before the mooting
for discussion. Mr I ] , Uosowater was
the tirst to speak. Ho said ho opposed
thu resolution for several toasons , the
iirst of which was that it contained state
inents that were , to use a mild expres
sion , not correct. II referred to a ronort
of the committee that no land could bo
obtained nnar tlio present location of the
fort. As a matter of fact , thuro hail boon
no icport made. A portion of thu com
mittee had lonortud ptogrt'ss and asked
for further time ) . As a member ot the
committee ho had signed no report , hut
had n letter | from mr , Kount/.o making
reasonable terms upon desiriiblo grounds
near tlio presunt site of the fort. Ho
said , however , the question of land w as
not the most important one to be con
sidered. The question was whether or
not it would not bo to tlio disadvantage
ot tlio city to have the foil
removed to a greater distance from the
city. Ho said the chances were that if
the fort wns removed the headquarters
and corral would also he removed from
the city. Hofe-rring to General Sheridan's
objections to the present location of the
fort , Mr. Hnsowator said hu thought the
chief objection , that ot a lack of rail
way facilities , had boon removed bv
the completion thu liult line. Thui the
Nebraska delegation in congress ought
to have inlluunco enough to scenic
needed appropriations for the cnlaige-
tuunt of the present fort grounds. If it
becomes necessary the government can
hocnru additional grounds by the right of
eminent domain.
T. C. Hriinor uroudly read the alleged
report , of which ho was the author , of
the committee appointed to ascertain
upon what terms grounds could be
secured near tho. present fort and clso-
whore. He subsided when his attention
was called to the last line of his com
munication , "Your committee therefore
asks for further time. "
Senator Mandor.son then took the floor
and read his bill and the icport of the
secretary of war and General Shnridnii
upon the measure. Ho repeated General
Sheridan's ' objections to the present loca
tion ot the fort and asserted that his only
object in prcsonlingthu bill was to secure
improvements and onlargemontb of tlio
foi t that hu was sure ho could never get
in Ufa present location.
After some further discussion by mem
bers of the board Mr. Hoicwatcr offered
the. following resolution :
JU'.solved. That this board , after mature
consideration , legards the pioposed i ( 'loca
tion ot Kort Omaha under the bill now pund-
ing In tlio national house ol lepioacntatlves
as detrimental to the cltv of Omahn , and
therefoio wo desire if possible that the bill bo
so amended as to anthoil/e the secretary of
war to lease land adjacent to the fort or to
expend the appropriation tor lands adjacent
to the tort It necessary by the exercise of the
light ot eminent domain.
Itcsoivcd , That the president of this board
appoint a committee of three incniherP of
this bbaid to place all the tacts iclativu to the
present fort and its advantages before the
nillllaij committee ot the house , and also
Di-toio the general of the army uul sucretaiy
ot war.
Kesolved. That In case the military com
mittee sh ill decline , after a full Imaifng. to
recede troin proposition to lelocato tlio fort ,
wo deem It but just and equitable that the
grounds now occupied as Ft. Omahn. which
vveie originally donated to the United .States
bv our clti/ens , shall bo ceded to thu state of
Ncbiaska conditional upon its being used
for a military school to bo maintained
Colonel was in favor of Mr.
Clark's resolution. Ho thought the JIM- .
cut location of the fort would soon bo in
the contcrof thu city , and that wouldn't
do at all.
Mr. Itroatcli didn't think that the trade
from the fort was of an amount wortli
lighting for , and that Omaha would gut
it if thu fort were six or eight or ton mill's
fiom the city , the same as it does now.
The danger is that in opposing the bill
tlio fort may ho lakon fiom Omaha.
' Mr. W. V. Morsosaid Omaha hud had
i\pui : icncocnouili in opposing govern
ment measures , and that the city w.fe lia
ble to lose the fort entirely unless they
agreed to accept the government plans
for its onlatgoment.
After some further discussion , which
was participated in by Messrs , llor ,
Wakeliold , Clark , Hartman and others ,
Mr. Hosovvator's resolution was lost and
that of Mr Clark adopted , and the board
After thu adjournment a .spirited dis
cussion took place between Joe Redman
and T. C. Dinner , Mr. Hudman assorted
that a very largo share of tlio tolail busi
ness of Sixteenth street came from the
fort and these living near thuto , bccauso
of tliu presence of the institution , and
denounced thu plan of removal as a real
listato Hchnmo. As an ovnlencu of this
ho cited the tact , that with two ovcop-
tions.ovcry nmn who had spoken in favor
of the measure at the meeting was a ro-il
cstato agent or directly interested in lo
cations that will be offered to the govern
ment in case the bill is passed. I Us charge
upset Mr. limner's temper so badly that
tlio after i-ervice of tlio Sam Jones meet
ing was disturbed by the speech hu made
in reply.
Hood's Sarsaparilla lias ( Hired thous
and ! ) of oasca of rheumatism. This is
abundant reason for belief that it will
cmo you. Try it.
Miss JaiiloG. Savage , of llosfon , the
charming voung lady whose uuHilly as an
clr > outiionfstJiacreated such favorable
comment in thu east , and given her thu
UUo ofthe AmcjicanSiddons , " will ap
pear in Omaha some titiio during Decem
ber ,
I'ncts About South Omnlm Industries
nnd Growth.
It is now stated that llio nc\v packing
house , mention of which was made in
Monday's Bun , will bo considerably
larger than nny of ( he houses which have
been built hero yeti The plans for tlio
building will be drawn up this winter by
J. T. Nicholson , the same aicliltcct who
drew up the plans for the Fowler house ,
and superintended iLs construction.
Work on the bulfding will bo commenced
as soon as the weather becomes settled in
the siiring. It wUl bo a brick structure ,
but the exact dimcnvloiis will not bo
known until the plans are completed. It
vtlll have a capacity for 2GOO hogs and
fiOO cattle pur day. The location will bo
west of Iho yards , and not far from the
Fowler and Lipton houses. It Is still a
seciet as to who will tun tlip now house ,
but It is understood that an old Chicago
linn , engaged in this provision trade ,
will lease it with a view to supplying the
trade with their own packing. J. A.
Murphy has the contract for building tlio
NEW in : norsiM.
for the Anglo-Amet lean Provision com
pany. Thu work is already wish under
way and will bo pushed to a finish as
speedily as possible. Tlio houses will bo
frame structures ! ! OxlOO f cot and 'Ji foot
high They arc located M > as to make it
convenient to run the ice into tliu packing
house or cars , on the side track. They
will have a capacity for 5,000 tons Five
other ice houses will bo erected for the
same company on thr , river bank , where
thov intend cutting their ice. Thu Anglo-
American Provision company have also
made arrangements to build
wliero hani" , shoulders-and bacon will bo
smoked and cured. This building will
bo of brick , f > 0.l'J5 feet , and four btorius
in height. It will bu built adjoining the
company's packing House.
will open foi business this morning. The
articles of ineoiporntion wore tiled yes
terday with the county clerk at Omaha.
Iho cashier , Mr 12 I ! . Hraiicn , is an old
banker and understands ids business
tlioioughly besides being very pomilar
with all classes of business men. Nearly
all of the linns doing business at Iho
yards have already .signified their intn -
tion of doing business with the new-
ban k.
i in : > ISKOKLN .
There were more hogs received at the
vmd yesterday than ever before inn
single day , thu iccoipts being 0,400. In
spite ot tlie heavy receipts thu market
hold uj > well and there wore only a few-
loads of the rough heavy hogs loft ovor.
Nearly one-half of the hogs nio coming
from Iowa.
Salvation Oil quickly liuds it way to the
beat of the disease , nl lavs the inliiimma-
lion , and , by removing the caiist1 , effects
a permanent cure. 2 ; ctfl.
Mr. Huskin thinks there is a great fn-
ttno _ for American art but ho hat illy
realizes the enoimotis demand over hero
for Dr. Bull' * Cough Syrup.
THI : Y. M. c. A.'s TAA.JS. :
How u Part of Them "Wore Paid by
the City Attorney.
The Br.n a few days ago announced
that the Y. M. C. A. proposed to contest
the taof fir > 5.10 assessed against it for
improvements made around its property
on the corner ol Douglas and Sixteenth
streets. The case , however , will never
come to trial , because it has been sullied
in a manner satisfactory to all interested ,
and at the same time by a method so un
usual as to demand attention. . The tax :
was opposed on technical grounds , and
It seems City Attorney Connell loll that
it could not otherwise be decided than in
favor of the city. Should it result other
wise it would bo not because of the just
ness of the tav , but rather bccauso of a
trilling technicality , the use of which
would have a demorali/.ing oil'uct upon
necessary and valuahlo improvements.
Ho therefore hit upon the expedient of
paying the tax himself. Ho accordingly
walked up to Treasurer Buck's ollicu , and
paying the full amount transmitted the
recfiint for the same to Air. bwitzter ,
who brought suit for the association.
TIM : u/riEit ,
a copy of wlnnli yesterday fell into the
hands of a Bur. icportor. is as follows :
OMAHA , Neb. , Nov. 18. 18sfi.
WAiinr.Jf Swn/i.fji. KSIJ , Attorney for
the Y. M. C. A. ot Omaha Ieai Sir : In re
sponse to jour notice recently served upon
me. that application for an injunction would
be made to one ot tlio judges ot the district
coutt , on hehalt of the Y. M. 0. A. ot this
citv , to icstraln the collect.on of the tax as
ses ted to pay the cost ot laying s duvvnlks in
fiout of tlie pioiieity owned bv the Y. if. O.
A. , I beg leave to sav that , after carefully
leading the petition hied by jou against the
city and Its treasurer. 1 tall to nud a single
woid stating , or indicating , that said tax is
unjust , uuicasonablo , Improper , Inequitable ,
or excessive.
According to the petition rddd. the Y. M.
0. A. undeitakus toduftuitthls tax , and e.s-
cape pijmcnt theioof , solely on the tech
nical ground that no notice was MSI veil upon
It of tlie purpose of the city to have said walk
laid and of it < intention to levy said tax.
This , In my judgment , Is not a xood reason
in Jaw , and is not such a reason as Sam
Jones would lustily or approve. As 1 am in
tuvorof the doctrine taught by Sam Jones
concerning the honest payment ot just debt ? ,
and believe that ihu V. At. C. A. should bear
its proportion of tlio cost ot publle improve
ments which add value to its property , I take
what seems to IHH to bo the uiny way out ot
tills litigation , and which , while p.itlslactoiy
to the city , will also , in my opinion , .save the
1.M. . U. A. considerable in the vi.iy.o costs ,
it not attorney's fees.
1 have intended to makn a subscription tor
the benentot thu Y. M. C. A. , and a pait ol
the amount I so intended to mibscribo I have
applied in pavincut of tlio disputed tax , and
herewith enclnso to > ou the receipt of thu city
treasurer for s > l.Vto being tlie tull amount
claimed by thu city. Itc jiectfullv ,
\V. J. Coy.MJM. .
Young or middle aged men , sufloring
from nur\oiiri debility , loss of memory ,
iirimiaturu old ago , -as the result of bad
litibits , should send 10 cents in stumps lor
illustrated" book offering Mire means of
cure. Address Wbrld's Dispensary Med
ical Association , Btilliilo , N. Y ,
Tlio Shot U' ovcd ratal.
Annie Andornon , the young Swede
girl who was accidentally shot by her
companion , AnnipJackson , at Ander
son's boarding ftpbso on j'iglith and
Douglas sticets last week , died from the
cllbcts of her wouoiln at a o'clock ycater-
day afternoon , Misa Jackcon , who has
been attending thdJiUjiuod girl s nco thu
accident , is nearly qra/.cd bv tier death
and requires constant watching Coin-
nor Drexel was 'hatiliod of tlio girl'b
death and will hold im inquest ovur her
remains at 10 o'clock tills forenoon
The I'rlntni-8' Hall.
The arrangement * for tlio annual ball
of Typographical Union No. 190 this evening -
ing are entirely completed , and every
thing gives promlso of a most successful
entertainment. The ball is to bu held in
thu exposition aiinox , and no pains liavn
been spared to give thn patrons n most
enjoyable evening , The programme is
artistjo in design , in keeping with the
occasion , and the dances aio the latest
nnd carefully arranged. Taken alto-
guthcr , the liall will undoubtedly cap the
climax of all other dibits of this popular
organization ,
If you buy lumber anywhere without
first getting Hoigl | : ds prices you will
lose money.
I..nto Mllhnrv Orilcr * .
The commanding olllcer , Fort Niobrara ,
Nob. , will send witli tlie companies of
the Second infantry , on llioir changing
station to Fort Omaha Miltnry Convict
Benjamin Diggans , sentenced to confine-
mental tlio Loavunworlli military prison.
Post commanders in this department
will report at once to the quartermaster
general the number of iron bunks nnd
wire woven bunk bottoms on baud at tlio
post under their command , their condi
tion , and tlio number required for actual
tiso of the troops tin tor their command ,
including those under orders to join it
The commanding olllcer , Fort Domrlas ,
Utah , will scud to Fort Omaha , in charge
of a non commissioned ollicer nnd one
private. Military Convict William II.
rt eiliind , sentenced to confinement at thu
Lcavcnworth military prison , the guard
taking up en route at Fort Sidney Mili
tary Convict CSeorgo Hell , sentenced to
conlmement at the same in ison.
Ono lone mule , llftoon hands high and
weighing about 870 pounds , lias boon or-
dei ed transferred from Cheyenne to the
s'gnal ' Bcrvicc obaorvef at Colorado
Springs , Col.
_ m _
Didn't our girl graduates look lovelv ?
i us , indeed ; tlmy all USD Po/.zoni's Com
plexion Pow dor
Closing the Shoot IIIK Scimon.
The Omaha Gun club will close the
shooting season with n grand shoot at
live p.goons on Thnnkpgiving day , com
mencing at n o'clock , a. m. sharp , at the
Athletic park.
The following is thn programme for
the day :
Contest No. 1 Si\- pigeons , 25 yards ,
single rise , eutraucu ) , divided , 50 , ! ! U and
20 per cent.
Contest No. 2 SIN. pigeons , 21 yards ,
double rises , enlraneo 3 , divided , 00 , ! )0 )
and 20 per cent.
Contest No. ! 1 Six pigeons , ! ! 0 .variN ,
single rises , use both barrels , entrance
! ? ; i , divided. 50 , DO and 20 per cent.
Contest No.1 Six pigeons , 2.1 yards ,
single rise , onti ancc $3 , divided , 50 , DO
and 20 per cent.
Contest No. G Six pigeons , 30 yards ,
single rise , u o both bands , entrance. * : ! } ,
diided , 50. SO and 20 per cent.
All this will bu shot , miss ami out.
Other matches will ho shot , as llm
shooters may elect , sifter the regular pro-
gramme is carried out.
Tin , ' abovu contests are open to all , and
a good tlmo may bo expected.
She has the complexion of n peach ,
Pp//oni'H Medicated Complexion Powder
did it. Sold bv all druggists.
Attention , Douglas Ilaln No. 11.
All members of Douglas llain No. 2
aie hereby requested to assemble at
their Cabtlu hall Thursday , November 25 ,
at 1 o'clock p. in. sharp , to attend the
funeral of our late brother , Joseph
Clollat. lIi.Niiv : Dni/.r.N : ,
Edol Er/.t.
Etchingsm hardwood frames at llospu's.
.Ti-wiah UnhliiH in Conference.
YOKK , Xov. UJ. Tlie semi-annual
conference of Jewish rabbis to-dav discussed
the leportof the committee on homopra > cr
book. The argument was very heated be-
twcon the orthodox and reform mlnistcis ,
but the question was finally settled by ac
centing tlie manusciipt of the committee ,
which excludes all ritualistic praveis , and
empovvetiiig the committee to amend and
revise It , and make auangcmunts for its pub
lication under the title of "Aids to Duvo-
tion. " Then the nutter of a unification of
thu marriage laws ot the United States came
up. Altei a lengthy discussion a special
committee wa-5 appointed to iliavv up a peti
tion , to bo proiontcd to the Piltieth congiess.
urging upon that body thu necessity of the
o-tablishnicnt ol a national marriage law.
Another Canadian Pilgrim.
HOST ox , Nov. 2" > . Tills nioining William
Heed , treasuici of the South Boston lloiso
Kaihvay eomrnuy , was anested on the charge
ot cmbe/zllng SWO.OK ) In ca < 0i and 5100,000 In
an ovei Issue of stock of the company. It is
cliarsed that the emlH'7/lement has been
going on for tlio past nvo or six jcars. Iteed
hasahvavs be mi trusted with the tiinds. JIo
ictuses to s.iy an ) tiling in regal d to thn ac-
ciis.ition against him. It is said he was also
engaged as a hioKer.
Katt'i tacts show that the tohl amount em
belled is S-101,000 , of which gU.fiOu Is an
over ISMIO of stocks. Itoed has confessed to
the police and turned over ail tils property to
the directors of the company.
The Orccon Navigation
Nnw YoiiK , Nov. 1S5. A confeienco was
had thmalternoon between President llur-
risand a committee ot tlio Northern Paclhc
dliectoi.s , and Piesident Smith nnd several
directois of the Oiegon Navigation com
pany. Tlie object of the conference was to
consider the plan of the Noithern Pacific
couitnity in joining the Union Pacilic i.ill-
road in leasing the Oiegon Navigation
iout.04. President Hairis , nttei the adjourn
ment , stated that nothing could tie givin ; out
in repaid to the conference. Piesident
Adams , of the Union I'aeihc load was not
present at the confeienco. .
Funeral of ChnrlcH I'r.-mcifi Admits.
. Quixcv , Mass. , Nov. .M. Thn fnneial of
Charles Francis Adams was held trom the
htono temple at : ! o'clock this afternoon. The
rending of the burial iltnil was by Itev. 11.
M , Wdson , ol the Stone temple. Interment
was at Mount Wallston cnmetcry , where the
committal service was road. There vvcio no
Hovvors or diapury.
l > 'atal Giant 1'owder , Nov. 'Ja. Whllo T. K. Stevens
and son , twenty yeais of age. were Idling a
drill hole at the Hlutu's mine , near Iduho
Springs , with giant powder , last evening , the
chaigt ) exploded , Killing the -son instantly.
The father was so badly torn bj pieces ol
rock that ho died this afternoon.
New York Dry OooilB Murker.
NKW VOUK , N r , ' . ill. The request for now
supplies was' vcrv moderate In all depart
ments. A slow demand at tills stage of tlio
season Is alvva > siccordcd , but as thiouirlioiit
the month the movement on orders is very
much better ttian at any corresponding date.
Tlie tone of the cotton grade niaiket Is
The executive boird of the grand councilor
the O. A. it. will meet In St. Louis on the 2d
of December.
Count LonU Charles ttininnol Coptlojrne ,
the author , died yesterday In Pails , aged
seventy-two jears.
A jury wis secured yesterday at Milwaukee
for tlio trial of the eleven socialists w ho par
ticipated In tlio riots thoio last May ,
A general su < Sicnslon | ot work In shops and
running of trains has been ordered on the
( iould system on the day of lloxlo's funeral.
Captain A. M. llntclilnson , a leading
clti/i-ii of Kcoktik , IT. , nnd a prominent
Mcainbnat man , died at7 o'clock last evening.
Milialy Munkac/.v. the Iliinicarlan artist ,
was baniiuetted at Delmonleo's In New York
last evening by a number of his foltowcoun-
A younc an beautiful Uclirlan woman
named Josephine Kehovlons was attested
jesterdivy In New Vork lor smuggling a largo
amount of lace goods Into that clt\ .
At St. Paul today Major It. C. Walker , a
retired ofllcer of the army , will bo married to
MLss 1,1/7,10 .M. Whalon , of Cincinnati. The
groom's first vvlfo wns a slstei of James ( i.
' 1 he will of the Into cvPrcsldcnt Arlhur ,
which was made In Match last , will vrobabl )
l > o probated to dav. It Is nndcistood to con
tain provisions for the disposal of about SiiJO.-
000 wotth of pro petty.
The Amnesty association , a society ic-
cently formed In Chicago to assist the move
ment In favoi of the condemned anarchists ,
held a meeting last night and wcieaddicsscd
by a number ol representatives who were
elided to thu IcglMatmu on the labor tlcLut.
A dispatch from Ylnlta , 1 T. , says tint
si nco thu circular , giving a description of.llm
Cummlims , which was sent out by thn Adams
express compmy , was iccelved has
been discovered that CnmmliiKS , or someone
ono very closely resembling him , was seen
there on the 1 Ith and inth of Octolior , and on
one occasion In coiiipanj with Messenger
Follieilimhatu , whoso run oiuls theie.
The executive committee of the Americin
Protective Tarlil league lias decided to oiler
pi ius to .students ot senior classes In all
American colleges lor appioved essays on
llio advantages of a protective taiiff to labor
and thu Industries of the United btalus , eacli
essay , not to e.xcecd 4OtH ) words , to bo sent to
the olllco of the lea MIO on or
bufore Mnv 1 , Ibb7. llio avvaidM to bo made
Juno 15 , l S7 , as follows : For best esM.iy ,
fr'AVi ; second , S100 ; tliiid , S"iO , and tor othm
essays deemed especially moritotiotls a hand
some sliver medal.
llnlforil Sauce. Tn It on join beans.
The plans of the new comity hospital
are ctill in the hands of the county com
missioners , and are open for inspection
by tins public. It is probable that not tor
some timoycl will Ihu matter bedolinitelv
acted upon. A fiiund of Mendelsohn A :
Fisher explained to a icportor that that
firm had , in drawing up it.s plans ,
conformed more closely to the instruc
tions of the commissioners than had
Cochran , the Chicago architect. The in
structions of the commissioners had huen
to the efliset that tlie hospital was not to
cost ovf r * rl50,000. , This idea was strictly
adhered to by Mendelssohn & Fisher in
drawing tin their plans. Cochran , on the
other hand , had drawn np plaius for a
building the nominal cost of which was
$ 'fiOIM ' ( ) ) , but vvlucli , it is thought , would
cost fully flOO.OOO moto.
Mnltord Sauuc It is delioion-- . Sold
In the somewhat celebrated case of
Harkervs. Green and others , invohing a
portion of Spiing Place and ( Jieen's
Quarry Reserve , KefereoV. . K ( Snrloy
has decided that the plaintills are entitled
to a portion of the property. If this de
cision is conlirmcd by the court , the
plaintills will profit handsomch thciuby.
of a Portuguese from Knval.
Ni w lim-ini ! : ( > , Nov. 15. IbpecialJ A
Poitngueso Mom Pav.d bought a ticket ol
The Louisiana btato I.otteiv. and altei ear
ning it in his pocket foi lomteen months ,
gave It to a Iclhm-coiintivman who has been
in Ameiicaonlva few weeks. The latter in
vestigated , and found that the ti < l > et had
drawn Sin.OOO. The money aimed in this
citv today , and tint PoriiiRiic'-n will sail in a
low dajhfor Kayal. A'ciw I' / . . T//bimV / ( >
SiHflnliVmi. . Will.
A voiingman fiom i'.ual , who has been In
S in Pianeisco live weeks , has drawn Si" > , oJO
In a lotteij , and will go homo in thu baiken-
tine "Moses I'lovvci. ! " to sail this week.
The ticket had been ptircnased for fcl.10 and
held hfteen months by a Poitiigucso in C'ali-
Coin in , who got tiled of it and piesuntcd it to
the toitnnatn man. The money lias arrived
in this city , and Messis. Loiim Snow it Son. ,
agentsol tholuikeiitmc , have deposited It in
u hank toi safety. 'I ho owner ot itt.ikes it
\01 > coolly , anil docs not wish to havu his
name printed. iVuiu JJcdfniil ( U-is * ) .Mnji-
< 7HjVoe. ( . W.
Tlio second promenade conceit will
take place Saturday night at tlie expini
tion building. The Musical Union or
chestra will lepent some of the choice
music tendered at tliu benefit conceit in
Cioimania hall Sunday afloinoon.
Quaker Testimony.
Mrs A. M. Dauphin , a ( juakci lady of
Philadelphia , has done a great dual to
make known to ladies them thu gioat
value of Mrs. Pinkham'n Vegetable Com
pound ab a cure for tliuir tionble.s and
diseases. She writes as follows "A
3'oung lady of this city while bathing.soimi
vears ago was tin own violently against
the life line and the injuries icceived
resulted in an ovaiian tumor winch grew
and enlarged until tlcnlli txcniul icrtitm
her phvsiuiun finally advised her to tr >
Mrs. Pinkham's Compound. She did HO
and in n short time the tumor was dis
solved or caused to slough of ) ' , and ultc is
twin in pt-rjci-t liuilili. 1 also know ol
many eases where thu medicine has been
of gieatalno in preventing miscarriage
and nllcviatinir thu pains and dangers ot
childbirth Philadelphia ladies ujinn.'d-
ate the worth of this mcdicli ! " and its
great value. "
Will uo Alnrrieil In Ohio.
Yesterday morning Mr..Null K Maolcod
of tins city , was a passenger on the onHl-
bound train , his doiiination bcinir Find
lay , Ohio. On arrival there hu will be.
party to a very important contract The
lady IH Muss Molllo MuKinnis. Mr.
Macleod Is well known ns a popular clerK
at Ilimnlmngh & Taylor's" . Miss Me
Kinnis for thuimstfow yenis has tilled an
important position at the JJnicm Pacilio
headquarters. IJotli i > irtics have numerous
ous friends hern. They will return to
this city and maKe thoirhome at Twenty
fourth am ) St Mary's avcnuu.
Catarrh in the Head
Orinliutf. In ncroruI'Mii ' lalul In lUe liloo I llcnro CaUrrh mny affect nny portion of the hody whom
thu mm oii inunibriiiol. < l. lint ( .iturrh uf thu
thyiroiur | | mi ) IKM ] Uy to euro LaU-rh. It. lo
nmiPV Ills iii.oon. It > nunr dliiiureeaLlu JIIIP- h'ml Isliy Turtho muit common , and , rtraiiiit' HO m )
tiiui" uiiil the d unor uf dovulnpln j Into Ilron- the moil llHtil j tolie npfflnrtml. Til * wonderful .uc *
chiller thiil icirihla ( MIH ! illK-jn , coii uuiptiin | rfi Hood H Him iparlllH lim hit In tur iu ouUirh
aruiMitlrelyremutcJ lirllOHli Hir.nimrilla wlilrh Harr.intnu Inur Hu ill wni ulTor with Ihu ilinenxi
cur noiUirrlil'7 purl ying the blood , lluad tUj fill- lo try tuu pesullui mo Ililnu It reuoviiCujainl IIIUK
lowing letter oratcsthoblond.unil lone > er ryorcm.
" N , II If yiiuluwa ilecldel to tiet llojd'i Sm p i
"I cliuorfulljr clve tuporlcncn In llien <
ill ! j do n a bu In luccd to tuke nny uthar.
IIuo fi Mir. | nillln I lu < 1 liocn Irmililul vrltli ca-
"I Intro boon trouble 1 wlili c.itnrrh ,
tii'rhto aiiiuoox cut forunntt \ lime and l > d useJ
urcjt fton'nu * . of the bion hlal tubi'ti. nnd
rurlous rnc Hi lues wllli noKuod rcsnlti , wlit'Ji I wai
Speech \Viis IHIilfiill
I re-id IU it Hoe ! KFtmapmtlu would nirn oturrh
1111(1 ( in ) > o cc was entirely unniiturul. 1 tlion ln't.ui andurtcrtainnvonlyono boltlu I aminu"Li butter
tu it o Houd'i Snr.apirltlanK " remedy , and wllli My tut irrli Kturud , my llirnat ll entirely well and
rucli coodoirott that In n few wcek pi > ccli win mylioidjcholidiall illsipifarcil. : | II ( Junior
ej yilBTt > U ! natural , and my xenerul lie ltli wui
llio i , ISutltT ( ountr.O.
in * hlniproTiNl. buni mne u return ul Hidnea.o
"lldodjvursaparllla urert me of miller' " ( Jtirrli
Uliiducca by talln * wild when I ra.ortat omo to
tlieUfeotJIood'abursHpurllli. utilch I keep by uio iinilbjltiimyK | nt'riil lieilth rutlinll mil Ucllntr
con ! t iitlyuiidulvruy < tln < lrelluf 1 ret-'urd UuuJ'i belter liiinloryoiri It Ulhu llr t incd cm I UVIT
har | ' 4rlll an inr uatile rouiody lor catarrh know of nhU'lioou d euro miller inUrrll' iiK in-il.
- . Vlillfral VVrlnht MIIMo.-uii Oliiu.
and Judulng by lt eSoct upon inyj-lf I cannot ay Id- I Hi
too much Iu It. | ir < l e , " J.a.tllltr Jurlcliu , Vt. IJo uro to uet Ihu I'i'uiliitl .Medn.oi
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hulil ty aUitruculiti. II , lr for 15. Prepared only by buMbyiilldr i l 11 II fUfurti | 'rui r d < iuJjr
C.I. HOOD il'O.Aiwlb carlo's I.ow ll. U M. - C.I 110011.V CO. , Apullutarlui.I , ii\oll , Mati
Otic Unllur llO ) I o u Oiuj Dollar
GUPITAL PRIZE , $ (50,000. (
"Wndo linn byccitll ) thiit wo miiiorvlsn llio
niiineiiii'Mis for nil thu Monllily iiiul Uiuitter-
ly DritwhiKA of Tlio l.oiilsliiiui Sluto l.oiteiv
I oniniiny , mill lupM on miiunvo unit pen r I
Ihu ilrawhuniliomsolvos , imil iliul tlui snnm ro
oomliiulcil nltli honest } , lulini a niiil In J.M oil
Inlthtouitid nil pin-tliH , niiil v\o millioil/u ho
omimiiv to n-e Oils loitlileuio with rue m-
lisorourblffuiiluresiittaeho < 1ln Its mlvoi Iso-
nenls "
Votlio im < ln iiiii > d tl.iukx niiil llnukeiH lll
IF nil 1'ilrct iliuuu in Thu Loulilmiii Stnto
l/ittcrlcs wlili himu bo i > iiKtnH'd .it . our conn-
.1. II. IKUiKSHY ,
President l.ouHImm N'nlloinil llnnlc
,1. W. KIliHUKTH ,
I'rcHilont Pluto Nntlonnl Iliiuk.
1'ieslileiit Now OrloniH Ni.tioiml Hank.
Ovi n HAM' A .MILLION UisrimiUTEi )
Incorporntoil In ISW forSS jours by tlio lo < li
Intun ! lor KUiicntlonal unil Cliarltiiblo mirpo oi
with n capital of jfl.twO.IKW to which u rosorva
fund of over ( .VXI.UJO liiw slncu hcoii u < UU < d.
llj-nnnvurn liulmhiK popular vote llsfmncliho
TBB iinulo 11 inn t of tlio iiroson t atiito C'onatitulloa
nilouUtl Docoinlior l A. I ) . 18TU
Its Kfui'l ' HlMtflo nuiubur itiuwlugK will Ink
pluco iiioutlil } . 11 never tculrs or | io.t t | > oiiM.
lA'ok tit tlm follow Ini ; ilhtilhiitlou :
199th CranH Monthly
In the Aendpmy of Jlnsic , Xevv Orloins.
Tuesday. DIT. 11 , IHIJti.
Under HIP pcr oird snpcrxiMin and niainijo-
nii'iil of ( ! KN. ( i. T. Hi.Auni'nAiin , ol Lou- , and ( iiy. : JUIIAI , A l .vitj.Y , ot Vir-
B " '
Notice. Tickets are 310 only- Halves , 35
Fifths $2. Tenths 41-
] CAPITAL I'lii/ii or
Kin VMI l'iii/iof nruni
IGuvM ) I'm/Lor
"IMIIII : i m/iNor 1U.IXM
4 I \ Kllll'l n nm )
SU 1'lll/K Ok' : i ; ii M
a ' i'ln ) 411,0 H
rod * KM
1UOJ " M
AI'PltoMMTIOV I'llli l.s
100 A 1)1'I ( ) \ , tiu II in I'S oi tfJUO
nil " " . . . iu.iio2
1W " " 7,100
Appllcntlon for rnlo-t lo ulnhM should bo im'ulo
only to Ihu ( iDli.0 01 tliu coiiipun > In Now Ot
For fintlier In forum lonwiitc clonrlv. irivlnr
full ftililross. 1'Oftl'Ali MM'IH P.xpro i Moiui/
Onlt'iti.or Now York Kvluuikr in ordinary lot-
( er. currency br cxiniHH iu our oxpunia ad
I , D. 0.
Mivko P. O. Money Onlora pnynblo and nddro
roBlatormllellorsio . , , „ . „ . ,
Mr-rcducou Practical Kosults In Baking oad
r.oactinp never before attained in as/
Cooking Apparatui , and will
ItstaUWicis of Cooljing
I , Hint oil JVxid Hnic.l or Koiuted.nliouM ! ) cnoVr. |
In In > ti nil Irt tlj ailmltlml tolho orun , 1 hl Imluni
lirillirarillnutliBclo > oT iidoor hcrelofnioiiifil.Hi I
kuUtltutlnulor II u door ruulnlnlua H kliaolur Win
Uuu nratljai Uriieiutliu iloorlurtr ,
ThrouBh thta Oauzo Door tlie air freolj
circulates , fiicllllutlnu Ilieirweimol eauUnu.Kn I
I rnduclnil forvl lh t ll unMiufi lel la llMor li'l
irlllon.nnil uctuallrco iliwl wllli l rouWiaiitiun ot
fuel than In an or n will ) o tlooeil door.
Jtmat auinormoai ixTlulfln llmuelslit orm at.
It also produces larger LoavoaoE Bread ,
require leu Hll nll n from tlm cmik , on. I rrniuotu4
lli lioullb of tlm fawllr tir llie fclMfclUUU nVAUCt
Mnn. AUi T II. VV FLCII , Tuui l > r IMmmilarmnnmr.
lowu Stito llnllonllfii "MriInllLM < raMiiiliimci > e
l that Umuvoi uf Ihu lUnuo , Ait oin pare 1 vrllli olhttirt.
! not oyljr morn tMiuully hcato'I In t vorf I art irout HI
well A rear hutb4n rtwultor Itu uiieriur ttnlllatloa
ll.ii/oo.l ilacol tlinrrln is liDllnrronki" ! . wlilln rutiiln-
lnuu > Mli rtlHvor.nnd it laristr iiroinirMniiof llnlyijl.
. I llnlnl > ollmltlmcoiuiDlllu ) > ic > f fnnl Intuli
U.utui" uuili kjl than un ? ulliur ( or nauiu u < K.
SOLD IK NEBRASKA as ( ollcwi :
MU'IOV i:0.I.KS&&ON3 : ( OMMIA
! KI.NNI'.V. . . . . Gimuoti
DALLAS & I.I. IbON , . IU TIN ( . .
H ,
SlUUUI.VAN'r ficfeON , . . . ATKINSON
ill ASS ft CO , . CIIADROH
j ANNI.I.I. ftsvvr.i NIV ; , UlKrUKV
01:1 : ii.r. & I-AUKK , ruASkir
A. I'bAltbOH.
1 A PADIH'NhSrm.
i'riiac.foniblnM Uu rauleedtbu
otily i > ik In tl > world p nvratln
Rrunlinuvui Klntrt ? .r Hianilft
' * rurrtnl. bciuiuilo.l'owtrfui. | ) iir ll .
k " 11.1" : ! ! " ' . ' . l'r ' ! . > oldJr .udJ.
Al > n I I. IIKI/IH mil
n . rIOKNE. . lUt WAEAS AYE.