HE ILY B SIXTEENTH YEAtt OMAHA , WEDNESDAY M.ORN1NG , NOVEMBER t4. ! 1880. NUMBER 159 A SHOCKING MURDER STORY , Trial and Sentence of a Daughter and Sons Tor Matricide , BURNED UP IN A FIREPLACE Colin Campbell Tells Her Side of a Great l2ttKllsli Soiindnl The Ullkn Trial To llo ncopcned , A Horrlhlo Grime , lCoj/rftfW | Iffifi lui Jrt/iiM Gnrdim llfimtlt 1 'PAIIIS ( via Havre ) , Nov. S3. I Now York Herald Cable Special to the Bni. ] The most revolting case ot matricide a mother burned alive by her four chlldi en that lias come be fore the French tribunals In many jears is now before the court of assl/es of BIois , Thousands of people from far and neat are Hocking to the court loom and tliu popula tion are only pieventcd by the gen d'atmus from Ijuching thu alleged mutdeiers. 1111 : cniviR. Mine. Lcbon , an old widow of seventy , lived with her daughter nnd son-in-law , named Thomas , In the village of Lure.iu. The widow's two sons , who lived some way off , nnd her daughter , had euduavoied to get their mother Into an asylum at UloK but having failed In this , they decided to do nwny with the old woman nnd divide the few hundred fiancs she had saved among them. When it was known In ( lie village on July 27 thnt Mmo. Lcbon wns dead a crime was nt unco suspected , and the gen d'armerlu Immediately visited her house. A horrible sight awaited them. In the fireplace wcto the charred remains of the old woman. Nothing was left but the head , the two feet , ono arm , and the thigh bones. The right arm of the victim , shrivelled and twisted , wns around the head. A I.1TTI.E 01111 , TKM.S. Next day the evidence of the two sons , daughter , and son-in-law vvas found to bo contradictory , and they began to accuse each other , 'Iho declaration of the murdered woman's grand-daughter , n little girl of Huven , clcated up nil doubts. Shu stitcd that her two uncles had come on n visit , and that vvhilo at dinner her mother had suddenly said : l'\Vo must get rid of the old one , " and then her uncle Alet- nndru ran to the bed and seized hold of his mother by the head , the other Son , Alexis , taking her by thu feet , and between them they carried Iter to thn Iho , which the little girl's fathei and mother had In the niean- tlmo prooaied. the poor woman liad at first called out , but her ciles gradiully be came weaker. The vvQiunn Thomas thun took a handful of straw from the mattress and gave It to hoi husband to set tire to their victim's clothes. The black bonnet worn by the murdered woman , which was not burned , was found to have been soaked with petro leum. There Is , therefoic , little doubt that the wretches had poured petioleuin over hei clothes to make them burn bolter. Her son- in-law shoved the body with Ids foot to pro- v.ent it from falling out of the llieplacc. coxFnssnmo A Before committing the crime , the murderers bad sent for a priest to confess their mother , andimmedlatulj aftet ward Alexis and Alo\- jindro Lebon confessed to the prlcdt , their Bister doing the simo n little latet on. 'I ho accused nro defended ably and elo quently by Maigro Lajnerre , the joung radical deputy. Georgette Lebon , the wife of Thomas , Is a dark , cross eyed little peasant woman of twenty-live , but looks as If she v > ere fifty. Thomas is a gieat , swaggering rustic , with long , jellow mustache. Alexis Lebon is thirty-three > ears of ago , thin , sal low and malicious , and has a terd bio wound In his face Irom the cot uerot his mouth to his cheek so that when ho speaks ho has the appearance ot trjlng to bite off his ear Alu.xandio Lebon is a great , tat boy , and cries all the tlmu the trial is going on. HIE THS11JIONY. Questioned bv the judge , Goorgotlo Lebon refused to i elate how the ciimo happened. The Judge asked : "You spiinklcd pettoluum over her , didn't j'ou V" Georgette "No , " she 1ml a bottle of spir its In her pocket that she used for cabalistic purposes. This bottle must have broken while .she was In the lire , bceauso the old woman nt once burst out in n ticinondntis jlame Justus a newspaper does when thrown Into the liio. Tho5iic\t witness vvas little Kugcnlc , n bright little gill , who lelatcd the story of the eilmo Justus she had alteady dune at the preliminary investigation. Judge Who lighted the fire attei join grandmother was placed in Urn lueplaco' ' Ihuenlo My mother * lighted thqjno. Hero thoie was a tremendous sensation in thocouit room. KtiRcnlo ( continuing ) As soon as ginndma burst Into a blaze papa told me to s.iy , It any body asked , that giauduia had tumbled into tliu lire by accident. Judge Is all that you have said \cij hue' . Uugonie Oh , jes , monsieur. This evidence in/idu / n piolound impiession and the child seemed evident ! j to be spc.iU' ' ing the ttuth. I'l KA roil ACQUITTAL Maigro Laguoiro this attei noon uiiido n most eloquent speech lor the defense , anil with gvat tact tried to peisuado tliu juiy tc ultiibutu the crime to superstition , on the giouud thnt the prisoners considered their niotliei to bou witch and that she had linblt of casting magic spoils ovei them. Till : BlIMTM r. Laguciro for the defense cited all the welid cases of witchcraft that have occurrcc In Blnls In the last century , but the juiy dh ! not see It in that light , nnd thu cotnt sen teiiccd Georgette nnd her husband to death , Alexander hcbou to the galloyo for lite , and Alexis to thu gallujs for twenty jears. The news was leeched by the excited ciovvdsli the court house and streets with shouts ot "nerved them right , thuscuuiuUcls. " ' TI1IJ SOA.NDAI/ Talk With the Heautlfnl IMaliulfl About thu Cuso. I Coj V luM It&J by Jiimcs ( JcuifiM Ucnnttl ] LOM > O > . , Nov. 23 [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Bii.J ; Lady Colin Camp bell's brougham stood in Itont of her re deuce In thu Victoria mansions , Westinin Etcr , when 1 called there this morning by aji- polntuient. ( ieorgn Low Is , hci solicitor , am the handsomest if not the ocuicst nnd hardi's working ot any man of his high rank nt the bai , had just driven away towaid the chiim bers of Attorney General Webster , Lou Campbell's hud ing counsel. I found her preparing paring to leave , Shu is n Celtic brunette am an admitted beauty. About five feet nine li hel.ht , stately and with a fiank lace am lustrous ojcs , she must resemble Huso K ) tinge of twenty j cars no. ; She was vv ur- lug a high open-trout bonnet of dark stuw , trimmed with dark velvet and jet algietls. A dolman of supcib sable entirely covoied her di ess ; CAMl'lltl.T TALKS. "I have not ( tie slfghest objection to telling Americans , tliiQiiuh the Herald , " she began , "what is likely to occur during' my illvorto suit , w hlch begins on Friday , nud that w ill , 1 am a-ssuted , last at loask a week , i'arlleu- arly not. because the most ridiculous and In correct statements have been printed In Am erica about my case , ome of which 1 have icon and much of which has boon told me. For nslanco , rend this from the New York Sun ot Octobei 31 , " and she handed mo n fcllD vhlch ran thus ! 1I1K Sf.N's COVtMKNT. Her llojnt Admlter. Is the I'tince of Wales Mixed Up In the Colin-Campbell Scan- lal'.1 LOVDOV , Oct. CO. The Sun's corre ifond- cut Is able to conurm what has hitherto been whispered In society conccining the connec tion of the Prince of Wales with the scandal attached to the marital lelatlons of Lord and Lady Colin Campbell. Loid Colin bad long suspected thu prince ot e.virj Ing on nn Inter view with hlswlfe.nnd dually becoming con- v Inccil of the correctness of these suspicions .hicatcncd to Include the heir to the Uritish .Inoiio among thu numerous co-respondents. List j ear , while In seirch of evidence against Lady Campbell nnd her nlleced painmout , Lord Colin found in her hub ship's desk a pickngc of letters , which had fiom time to lime been addressed lo her bj * the Prince of Wales. These letters vvcro not couched in the orthodox language of a lover , but weio sufficiently coidlnl In tone , and bctrajed ample solicitude for the ladj's happiness to justify the suspicion of her husband that the dl cieetlj phrased notes really meint more than they expressed. Lord Cnmubcll Immediately di vulged the fact and nature of Ids discovery to Ids tathei , thcDuku of Argjle , and the Inttcr made haste to lay the matter before the ipiceu , between whom nud the duke there was held a long consultation , resulting in the summoning of the prince Into the lojal pres ence. Ills tojal highness admitted without hesitation that he liad written thu letters , but protested Ids innocence of any mo tive In wilting them other than a feeling ot ftleiidly Interest in a brilliant joung American lady whom cvervbody pitied be cause of her husband's notorious neglect and rumor said , worse , finally Loid Colin Campbell placed himself and his case on- tliely In his father's hands , and the duke , presumably In obedience to the toyal com mand , obtained the lettets and fotwaidcd them to the queen. It Is understood that the letters have since been destroyed and the only tangible evidence of the ptince's In terest in tliubciutitul respondent thus passed torevei out ol sight. MTA ) WOItl ) OF Tltt Til. Lady Campbell then added : "Now , there Is not a suspicion of tt nth In any of this. It is wholly an invention. I do not believe there was ever one social whisper here on the subject. Then I have been icpresented. at the time of my marriage , as in tills para graph , as an American ladj' . 1 sco no slur , but a compliment In that , but I am Irish , born In County , Clare , of which my lather , Kdiuond Lnghlln Blood , was once shciilf. 1 am his joungest daughter. Then I am rep resented as defending Loid Colln's suit. I am plaintiff. I am ntteady judicallr separ ated from him for his crueltjI now site fern n full divorce on the gioiiud of his inlidelHy. I have made a ceitain housemaid co respon dent. The evidence , my counsel f.gieo , Is Indisputable. The details of my first suit have been published , for It was heard In Camera. Enough to say that my father vvas the principal witness to disclosuies made to him by Loid Colin. These wore corroboiatod by the fullest med ical evidence as to his condition that led to my long Illness. In the pending proceedings ho answeicd by rcciimlnations quite as base less as those about the prince. My friends believe they are made puioly in levenge. To show how strong Is Lord Colln's motive in thisicspect , when I was at the Hotel Windsor ser in Paris , alter the dccieo of sepatation , which , by the way , four tribunals upheld on his appeal from it , ho obtained a w an ant from the Paris autlioiitles , which can bo ob tained on a meio statement , to commit me to Saint La/ntc , the home of depraved women , I was in Pans with my parents. It Is this trip on which originated the allegation that the Duke ot Marlborough is my co-icspond- cnt. Both he and 1 nro to bu witnesses re- gatdihg the absmdity of the thaige. This watr.int was intended to degrade - grade me. I was ignorant of it , liowevei , until Mr. Lewis recently discovered It. 1 left Paris the day after it was obtained and befoio Lord Colin could makoitclTectual Dr. Bird is made another co-iospondcnt against mo. The charge follows on an at tempt by the doctor to collect against Lord Colin a Judgment foi medical fees. During thu heating of my first case his advocate , Dr. Doano , who again appears , distinctly told the judiotliat there vvas no suspicion as to any Infidelity ou my pait. Please observe that all the CIQS.S bhargcs are now alleged upon dates belotu that lust trhl and decree. Is It to bo supposed I lint the astute lawjcis of Lord Colin had not then made the most rigid in- cjuliy Into my past life. I wish , tlietofore , that it may bo distinctly understood that none ol the lediculous charges hinge upon dates subsequent to my decree. Lord Colin might as well have made every m.ilo ac quaintance I have co-respondents , as select Colonel Butler and Captain Shaw. Tin : I.VIDK.VCI : UKSIA.NDKD. An order for documents has of couise.bccu had , but thei0 Is noletteror papers whatso ever tobo brought forward in alleged conob- eiatlon of Loid Colln's chatgos. These lost upon the evidence of dischnigcd seivnnts. one of whom wlll-atiivo to-mono w from A met lea , 1 henr a formei butler of Loid Colln's who , I umlcistaiid , has since been In thoseivleoof Mr. Jay Gould on his jaelit. \\hol.iofthu ehniges will be , I .tin told , heaid together. Sir Hicharil Webster will open foi me and my case can be heaid In a day. Then tlio defense of denial and re- elimination will bo opened and thu witnesses heaid. Their cross-examination Is likely to belong. Finally 1 aiid all the eo-iespond out swill bo called. " Question Then jou have no fears as to the insult , ' Answer Not the slightest as to the legal le.sult , but naturally , some as to the effect of this thiow ing mud upon the minds of ciedit ions gossipy , evil-thinking people. Lad > Colin Campbell's Ira UK , Ingenious , cainest niannei thtoiighout fullycoiioborntcd this confidence. Latct In the day 1 happened upon Loid Colin nud one of Ids solicitors , passing near ono of thu law Inns. Ho ccitalnly Ueais no tiaces of being ( he gioat-grandson of one of thu Miss Gunnings , the famous beauties of London in the eailj part of the lelgn of George thu Thlid. iiinroiTitT vvn i in t now urn. The case , coming ou immediately alter the Sebilghtand Colciidga scandals , creates the greatest attention. Were the court room , whom the tilal begins on 1'rldtj , as large ns the Cijstal palace , it woul I not outiin : the ciovuls ans-tous to gain I SIR CII.VKI , ! - . . .4.wlJ. Hepoit'Ihut Ills Hciiiidalniib'Iriul Will ] < Itenpuncd. lCi > jrfuM ! JfoCliu Jumfs < 7 < > nl < /c-itKtl.l PAWSNov. . : , [ New York Herald Cable Special to the UKK.J The Figaro to-day publishes a very blight and amusing inter view with Sir Charles Dllkf , who , with Lidv Dllke , Is p.-diu a fcvvdni * In I'.irls , < < liiui- pin ; and visiting t'tu | luatres. The Figiru desciJbesSU ChailesDIIKeas hC hamlsjui- cst nnd most aristocratic looking m.m . that can bo Imagined , and who would have made , physically , a superb empcior of Utissli , and speaks of Lady Dllko as ono of Iho prettiest women of Kngland. The Flgnto's corre spondent sajs that Sir Charles < spoke at length about the late trial and with a dig nity that won the deepest sjmpathy for the spenkci. The interv low ends as follows : AMA7INO lir.VU.ATlO.VS. "Sir Charles bccgcd mo not to give ns coming fiom him the Information that I ros- scss about the trial. I will conform to his desire. I will cnly say what I know , do source ccrhlnean d w hat neither the press nor L'ngllsh society knows namely , that In a few months the grand Crawfoid-Dilko case will leopen. 'I his trial , the most scandalous of the century In Jhigland , Is nbout to enter [ Is third act. A number of Sir Charles' friends without his knowledge or Initiative , have made a most thoiough Investigation , with n icsult which the public will soon Icnin with the gteatest utmzement. 1 affirm Hint these filcnds of Sir Charles among whom are statesmen , law j-eis , ph > si- clans nnd cabinet ministers me on the ttaco of a conspiracy that will make the press of the entire world loccho with excitement. 'Ihls third tiial will also abound nnd ovei- llovv with the most levelling details " t It will give nn oppoitttnlty to ono of thu ablest and most accomplished men of modern times to emerge with a high head and bold ftont fiom the blind nllcy of infamy into vhlch ho has been cast by a conspiracy and accusa tions that hitherto ho has not been able to icbtit. " AN AKItlCAN KJSVOI.T. Thousands of Portuguese Slaughtered lly Hostile Natives. LONDON , Nov. 1JJ. Advices fiom Durban , of Nov ember 3 , state that a general and ap- paiently succcsslul revolt Is In progtess among the natives against Poitugueso au thority in southeast Afilca. An American mlsslonaty , Kev. Mi. Wilcox , ani\od In Durban from a Portuguese settlement on the cast coast above the Tiansvanl. He reports as lollovvs : "The natives at Inhainboiic , a Portugese pott town COO miles above Dola- gen bay , lose up ngatnst Poitugueso taxation and murdered the collector. Octobei ! i'5 a battle was fought between 8,000 Portuirnese and ftlcndly natives on ouu side and JX,000 ) hostile natives on the oilier. Tlio Portuguese wetc defeated and routed. The loss In killed ou both sides is estimated at .1,000 men. ' ' Wlleoxsajn thopoveinnr of Mozam bique has gone into the country to endeavor tosuppress the revolt nud save the poit of. Inhambonu from tailing into the hands of tbe Insurgents. Hie town was bairicndcd when the mlsslonaiy last heard liom it , and tlio women and chlldicn had been removed to Stupo. The entire country around about tliu town has ah cad v been abandoned by the Poituguesoiind airaugements been made to remove the population ot Inhambono out to sen it tlio hostile natives attacked the town in foicc. _ Affairs In Itulcaria. Pr.sTir , Nov. ! i5. It Is stated that nndci pressuie from German and Polish membeis ot the Austrian delegations , the budget com mittee's icport lias has been amended FO as to contain censure of Kaulbars , nnd to make less emtiliatic the passage referring to the peaceful chainctei of the relations between Austria and Kussla. BUIIMN , Nov. 2'J. The entire press of Got- many oxptcss delight over the report ol the government's relusal to assume protection of JUihSians in Bulgaria on the occasion of Kaulbatn's deoarture. It Is officially denied heio that the German consul at Sofia refused to take the Russians remaining in Bulgaria , after Kaulbars' departure , under Getman motection when tequested do so by the retiring agent. Tlio official de nial states what happened vvas this : Thu Itusslau government asked Germany if the otllelals who remained at Sofia in chaigo ot the Kussla nichlvos might In case oC neces sity ask the German consul to protect Russian replied "Yes. " sian subjects and Germany The Afghan Rebellion. BovttiAY , Nov. 3.J. A paity ot merchants who arrived here from Gl.n/ni icport that the Glnl/ais nave beaten the ameer of Afghanistan's troops. They also sav that the icbellioii Is still spreading tinder tlw Inlltt- once of religious fanntles , who lead the insur gents. Many ol the ameei's tioops are nlso joining the rebels , owing to the honorable tecoDtlon given to the members of the Biitish-Afglian boundary commission bj the ameer , which cave rise to the suspicion that he intended to j icld to iiiitisli occupancy. Delight oftho German Press. Bniti.i.v , Nov. 23. The entire picss of Ger many express delight over the report of the government's letttsal to assumepiotection of liusslnns In Bulgaria on the occasion of Kaulbais' depaituro. It is nfliciullv denied hero that the German consul at Soha has 10- liised to take the Kussl.ins lomiinlni : in Bul garia alter Knulbirs' departure under Ger man protection when requested to do so by the retiring agent. The Dmlget Itopnrt Amended. PKSTII , Nov. 25. It Is stated that under pressuiofiom Genuanand Polish membeis of the Austrian delegation the budget com mittee's icpott has been amended so ns to contain a censure of Knulbnrs and to make less emphatic the pasvigo relerring to tlio peaceful chaincter ut the relations between Austria and Itussia. Scared Rut .Not Hurt. LoxnoV , Nov. ii3. A gieat scare was caused throughout the West Knil this ; nftoi- noon by thollrlngof u cannon in St. James par ) ; to celubiato the birth oftho queen's now grandchild. A dense fog was piovalllug nt the time , and tor n while the detonations were believed to bo those of home dynamite attack. , A SucalliiK | LOMION. Xov. 3.1. Pilncess Beatrice , wlfo of Piinco Homy of Battenbuig , and joung- nst daughter of Queen \ - toi in , hns given birth to a sou. Mothei und son mo doing French Political SoiiHation , PAIUS , Nov. 13) ) . The attitude of the cham bcrof deputies toward the government In re ducing ci'it.iln expenditures lias cicatcd a sensation , llcpottsnro euirent that several members of the cabinet nro about to lesUn and that four itndor-secretaiios have already tundcicd their resignation. Military Service. Bni'ssni.s , Nov. ' s. J'ho senate and chamber of leprosontatlves to-day agreed to consldci thu bill making it compulsoiy for citi/ens to enter the mllitai } service at the ngu of twenty years. BouialUtlc DooiiinentH. lluiii.iv. Nov. ai. In spite of tlio closest watch kept on the banacks at Beilln , Span- dan nnd Potsdam , thousands ot copies of socialistic pamphlets have been found among Iho troops. The source of the pamphlets has been traced to men frequenting soldletH * beerhouses. A number of men have been arrested. It Would Satisfy Anstiia. Bini.i.x , Nov , 2.J. The report that Chaise d'Allalrs Leo would bo appointed United States minister at Vienna was received w ith general satisfaction In Austrian olllcinl elides. _ Showing Uet.pectto Arthur. S \NTiAnn , Nov.J , Tlie lings of the dit- terentlegntlone weio hoisted at half mast jesterdaj on icceipt of otllclal notice of the death of ex-President Arthur. Cooper * on a Strike. CIXCINX.UI , Nov. 23. About. 1,000 coop ers ate out on a strike hero , demaitdlng an adv'MK'e in iho scale of wages from 10 to 2 JKU ceul , Thu outlook prouiUes .v long lock out. A REAL ESTATE JOB SPOILED The Washington Land Syndicate Knocked Out By the Police Scandal , APPROPRIATIONS TO BE CUT OFF A Hold. Stroke of lloform In Nnvnl Management Miulo lly Secretary Willtney Patout a Issued Postal Changes , A Speculation Nipped. WA UINOTOS1) . 0. , Nov. 3. ) . [ Special Telegram to the lH.i : . | Tlio so called police scandal" of Wa lilnglon promises to bear fiuit of a very bitter char acter for those \\lio 1m vo been spec ulating In rent estate upon the strength of thu president's suburban umclmse. Since ( lie Investigation began It lias been dis covered tint the Massachusetts aYcnuo ex tension pioject hns been hatching for soveial j cars and that a' number of prominent citi zens , includlnc tnon connected \\lth the local government , ha\e been quietly btijlng all the available land ht thu vicinity of the prouoscd street , at tliu endlof which lies the president's summer place. Tno scheme , which hns been started , contemplates the expenditure of about & 2UOOOOU of the public money upon a hniidsoiuu boulevard which Is to mn through what id now exceedingly poor agricultural laud , but which will naturally become hk-hly valuable city pioperty. The plan contem- . Dialed a small appropriation this year and a laiger one subsequently until the entile amount was seemed. 'Ilio scandalous con duct of the local .uithnrltles has nipped this grand speculation in the bud and It is said that the appropriation committee of the house has nlicaay decided not to allow a dollar for tlm .Massachusetts avenue extension until other poitlons of the city have been better prov Ided for. HKI'OIIM IN THE XAVY DKPAltTMRNl. Iho iccent order of Secretary Whit ney consolidating the various purchasing agencies of the navy department under onu he.ul nud providing for one irt > muul store house foi minor naval supplies. Instead of eight , will bo bencllclal to the service ana to the government. Hcietoforo there have ex isted no less than eight officials in each ami every navj jard in the country , having the right to make purchases In tno open inaikut and without ( list advertising lor proposals. The result lias been that fiom time to time moio or less scandal has attached to one or the other bureaus. It was duo to this com plex purchasing sj stem that the frauds and subsequent convictions In the bureau of medicine and surgery were po siblo a few jears ago. Under the new plan it is pro posed that each navy jard and station stiall have one gcncial store-houso Instead of six or seven , unit that each department shall make icqulsltlons upon the paj master gen eral's local department for supplies w hen needed , lie In turn will draw from the prin cipal bureau here , where everything will bo ptiiclmsed by contract and after advertise . The ' 'reform" ment. hns been recommended to congress by seveial Df Whitney's prede cessors , but foi some occult leason vvnsnot pei looted. Whitney has simply taken the bull bj thohoins aftei having tailed to In duce cougiess to net ou his reiterated sugges tion. AV IN'DIAX Dni'UEDATION CLAIVf. In the Indian depredation claim case of William Matson , of Platlo county , Nebraska , foi Sin , crowing out of Pawnee troubles In lb ) , Seeietary Lamar to day decided that the evidence was insufficient to establish the merit of. the case. I'ATKXTS JSSUED. 1 he following patents were Issued to-day for Nebraska and Iowa inventors : Edvvaut S. Btirbank , Dow City , In. , Acloclpedo ; Wil liam A. Carpenter , button , Neb. , ( loat for transport ition cats ; Daniel C. Gillilland. Me- chanfcsville , la. , marker for coin and seed plunteis ; Chailes K. Klmball , Anamosa , In. , valve gear ; James K. Sample , Hastings , Net ) . , motor ; Samuel Shlpman , assignor of one-fourth to , ) . .Robinson , Grind Island , Neb. , sliding door lock ; Davis Tope , Cencva , Neb. , hnlr tonic ; Dowltt Van Hveia , Marmo- kcta , la. , combined heating drum ana oven. I'OsTAL CHANGES. The postoflico nt Lyman , Cass county , lo\va , was discontinued to-day. Changes have been ordered In the time schedule of tlm Star mall route , extending from 1'ort NIobrara to Spring View , as loi- lows : .Leave I'oit Niobium Mondays and Thursdays at 7 a. in. ; arrive at Spring View hy 0 p. in. Leave Spring View Tuesdajs and Frldijsat7a.nl. ; aruvo at Fort Niobrara by ( I p in. Thomas C. Wood has been commissioned postmaster at I'ajno , la. The posloillee at Hiley , Hlnggold county , In. , hns been discontinued. The mail goes li > Kellerton. Bjion N. Stoveis , of Oskaloosa , In , has been Appointed storekeeper and guager lor the Second Iowa internal revenue district. Acuntoi and Mrs. Mandoison have re turned to their former npaitmcnts at the Portland. Fitst Sergeant George L. Dykeman , Tioop 1) , Second cavalry , Tort liaise , Idaho , has been granted a two months' finlough. 'ihls evening's Critic says tllat Lleiitenint Edward It. Giliimn , Filth Infantry , has placed himself nliendy on the high load to fortune by a fortunate investment ut Allies City , Mont. , * which closely adjoins Fort Keoeli , where ho is stntloned. Ten dajs ago the town was lit lot thoJlrst time , ana the Hist town In Montana to bo so lighted , bv olecttlc aif and Incandescent lights , and Gilman - man was the man who introduced them. A Hard 1'litco to Fill. W \MIIXGIO.V , Nov. 2& The president Is ONDciienclng some dlfllculty In lilllng the ofllco of United States district attoincy for the castom district of Wisconsin , A. K. Dclanoy , the formeu Incumbent , resigned the ofllco nt the suggestion of the president in 01 dei to accept the democratic nomination to congress lioin the Second dlstilct ot Wis consin , -now lepii'sented by General linnri : . The election resulted In Ins defeat and he has since m.ulo formal application to Attoi- ney Ccuenil Carland for icappolntmnnt as United States district nttornov. Some time ago tlm president lemleifd the iiosltlon to ( icnoial Uragir , and attei some delay 111- ceived u letter tiom him siving tliat It would lit ! Impossible lor him to ncccpt. The ollleo was then tendeied to another prominent lavvverot Wisconsin , and he , too , declined with thanks. The National Uniik Question. W VSIIIXOTOS , Nov. 23. Inquiry nt the treasury dcpaitutent shows that ns the time toi tiio assembling of congiess approaches , public interest In the national bank question Is v Islbly Increasing , The comptroller of the cunency Is now receiving letters from all parts ot the countiy making suggestions as to a moio permanent basis for national banks. These letters como not only fiom persons In- teicsted In national banks , but horn ofticcr * of state banks , | > rlvnto bankers , nnd 1'iom prominent manufacturers : nnd many met- chants seem also to have directed tlieli ntton- tion to the maintenance ot thu existing sjs- tem. Comptroller Trtmliolm snld to day that ho was \ery mucli pleased to icceivo the sug- gent. ons. Recommended Nnvnl WASHINGTON , Nov. S' ' . Nenily nil of the annual icport of Commander W. T. Sampson , supeilntcndent of the United States Naval academy , Is devoted to nn argu ment in support of the proposed change in the academy course. That ehan.'e. which ho gives tartans teasoiis in favoiof , is that the cadets should bo as tuned to dillerent brunches of thuenlcu at the end of lour jcar.s Instead of .si\ . abolishing the two je.irs' unuso at sea beloie graduation ns useless. Considorinu thn J'reslilont'a WASHINGTON .Nov. ' } . All the mcmhcis of the cabinet were present nt the mooting to-day except Seuetaiy Planning , The ses sion was devoted entirely to the consider ation of the president's message The docu ment Is nearly hnl.-hed. It la understood that It will be niuc'i ' slmrtei than the one sub mitted to congies * last jeai. HO.VIU nn.vt ) . Tlic Great Itallroad Manager Dies In New York. Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 23. 11. M. Ilo\le , pen- oral mnnaccr ot the Gould Southwestern sjstcm , died this morning at his rooms In the .Metropolitan. The cause of his death was exhaustion in consequence of nn operation performed on him Juno last by icmovlng stones from his blad der He has alio suffeicd ftom kidney dis ease for the last thlrtj-llvu year ? . Ho has been \cry weak for the last seven days , but the doctors had great hopes oHils recovery. Thorn will bo no funeral services in this city. The body will bo embalmed nnd taken to DCS Mnlneo. la. , to-morrow' , and the funeral services will bo held on Siturdav. Ilo\lo hid n ( in who Is burled In the tamlly plot In the cemetery at DCS Molncs , and before ho ( tied ho exmossed thu wish that ho should bo burled by the sldo of lil $ child. DisMoiNr : , In. , Nov. UA [ Special Telo- Rram to thu Br.n.l The news of the dc.ith of Mr. II. M. Hcnm was received hero to-day wltlMcry general regret. lie came to this city at an early age and lived In this vicinity the greater part of his life. When n boy ho was adopted by Thomas Mitchell , the tirst white settler In this part of the country , who started thovlllngn oiMttchclUtllo ; , eUhtu'ii miles from thin tlty , nnd lived with him till grown to manhood , lie was then elected clerk ot the courts for this county and came to this city to les-ldo. Ho tilled tlm position four v ears and , taking an active interest in politics vvas made ohalimanof the republican state central committee , conducting the cam * paiiin with tcmarUublo sagacity nnd success. At the beginning of the war I'lcsident Lin coln appointed him United States marshal lor Iowa. Ho icndered very efficient ser vice in this ollleo during the war , andnttliL elo-o of his tot in lie engaged In railroad construction on the Union 1'acltlc , and when the reid was completed was , fern n Urn ? , superintendent of one of the divis ions. Ho went from there to Texas , still continuing In railroad work , with headquar ters nt Hcarne , Houston and Inter 1'alestlne. After the organization of the southwestern Bjstmn of the ( lould roids ho was mndn gen eral manage ! of the Missouri I'ncltic and then ho moved to St. I.ouls. Mr. Jloxio was known very intimately by the people ot DCS Jlolncs especially to the older citizens , with whom he was a great lavorito. Ills only chlla , Seward , who died In eailv bovhood. vvas burled hero and Mr. lloxle will bo burled In the lamlly lot besldu him. Thu remains are expected to nrri v o hero by the Hock Island road on Friday at 12:155 : p. m. There will bo a brief nud simple funeral scivlco In St. Paul's Episcopal church. In accordance with Mr. Iloxie's desire , after which the burial will tnko place in oodlawn cemetery. TilK LjOYATi LEGION. InHtltutlou of a Coimnniulcry For Iowa nt DCS Moincs. Dns Moixns la. , Nov. a1 ! . [ Special Tele gram to the UKE. ] A large delegation of members of the Order of the l.ojal Legion arrived in the city to-day to Inaugurate nn Iowa commandery. .Representatives of tie ) organization aio present fiom Illinois , Mln- ' nesotn , Nebraska nnd Kansas. Fiom the Inttcr state comes Genoa ! A. J. Smith , com mandant of the National Soldiers Homo nt Leavenvvorth , accompanied by several ofliccrs of the regular army stationed there. Among other visitors are Colonel John Cou- over and General W. F. Devnll , of Kansas City ; Captain John Contlne , of Tort NIo brara , Neb. , nnd General Chetlaln , of Chi cago. The Illinois delegation came by n special car thla afternoon. The busi ness of oiganUlng the Iowa com- uiandcry occupied the greater part of the afternoon nnd evening. At i o'clock this afternoon a reception was ten dered tlio visitors ut the losldmice of Major Hoyt Shormnn , brothei of General W. T. bhcimaii. A banquctto which only mem bers of the organisation weio Invited , closed the meeting. Anumbci of prominent Iowa solrtlois are present. Including Congiessmen Henderson , Conger , Hepburn and Holmes nnd ex-Governois Sherman and Gear. Colonel Henderson was elected commander of the Iowa division nnd Mnjoi H. L. Swords , of DCS Moines , senior vice com mander. Iowa makes the sixteenth state commandery that has been oiuani/cd. The meiubeishlp niiw numbers 5,000 , with Gen- eial 1'hil Sheridan ( .ommaiulci-in-ehicf. Fined for Violating an Injunction. Sioux CITY , la. , Nov. 2J. ISpeulal Tele- ginm to the IJii--Tlie : ] saloon contempt cases were called hero to-day by Judge Lew is , on account of the impossibility of leaching Cherokee by reason of the snow blockade. Among the defendants are . .1.M. . Simonson , Charles Wnrllch , M. Desmond , I * . Kappcs , J. Honigan , F. Mtiuchratli ji. , W H. Sex- tnn , Coimeny & Jircniian , audJ. Wiley. Tom L. lirennaii was this Aftemoon fined ; : ! 00 and sentenced to tlueo months Impris onment In the county jail for violating the writ ol Injunction issued against Cormenj & liiennnn. Several ot the eases were contin ued until thu Jauuaiy tetin of cotiit. It Is needless to siy the heavy tine nnd long Im- ptisonment Imposed upon ISronnaii ale matters of cougiatulntion to piohlbltlonlsts , and to an equal extent n great disappoint ment to saloonists. amounting , in tact , to entire demoralisation. Iowa 8tnto Unlver-Hity. Iis : Moi.vi.e , la. , Nov. 23. [ Special Tele- giam to the Uii : : , | The boaid ot legentsof the slate university met hem to-day to loolc after the inteiests of the law , medical and dental departments. They icstrlcted the workofl'iofessor J. G , Gllchrist to suigieal pathologj and obstetiles. Dr. W. 1) . Middle- ton was selected temporarily to till the Limit of theory nnd practice ot medicine during the hlckncss of 1'iofesbor Itobertson. Ii. It. W. Hill was elected prolessor ot plivslolo/y and microscopic anatomy. Charles S. Maiowan , chissof'ai. was elected assistant professor ol engineeilng. Provision was made for an- othei lesldent piofessor In the law depatt- mcnt , but a selection was not made. Inquiring Into Ivnhor Slat torn , Di.s MOINT.S ov. 2J. [ Special Telegiam to tliu HI.I : . ] Lueleii H. Smith , of Mluiie- neapolls , special agent ol the United States bureau of labor , Is In thu city and will make it hlsjieadquarlcri , during the next ten dajs. Alter looking Into the local lahor bureau hu will visit all the public Institutions In the state , the penitentiaries nt Anmuosa nnd l-'oit Madison and thn schools at Kldorn and Mltchellville. How 111 sccuio thu Infoium- tlon ncccssnrv to aid thoii.ilionaldupaitment In Its completion ol laboi statistics nnd to Know a little llylit on the convict labor sys tem. An linpoitanl I'reocilcni. Dunuijri : , la. , Nov. 2'J , f.Spouial Tulu- grnm to the UKI : . ] United States Jtulgo Sldrai lefiised to bin render ox-Senntoi ( iravcs to the custody of the United States innislialof Illinois to be punished tor con tempt of Judge Gtesliam's cotut , on the ground that tlm proceeding In which Giesh- am adjudged Giaves In contempt was civil , therefore the United Stales erlmln.il law could not bo applied to secuio the nircst ot a defendant In another state. The decision establishes nn Important precedent. Railroad Contract Jjot. CKDAK U\PIDS , In. , Nov. 21. [ Special Teleginm to the IJEK.l The contiact for grading the cutoff on the Chicago & North western , three miles south , for fast freights avoiding tliQcitr. has bean let to Lanirton .t Co , of MiiiiicipoJU. The \\oric will com mence immediately. Killed liy PnlllnK lov\u St.ilrfl. Dunugt'i : , la. , .Nov. 'W. [ Special Tele gram to the HEILJ Joseph Leutko , an old resident , fell down stairs this evening nnd fractutcd ids skull , d\iuiyilmost Instantly. Ailvcroo to ItiuionbliiK tl | Hail. Siovx CITV. la.Nov,2iSpeclalTelo - giant to the HEK ) Areiitdorfs friends to-daj' ecin greatJj ela'.cil ov'er the dtcltlon of Judge Low Is , rendered last night , adverse to Increasing the bill from SW.OOO to 50,000 , as petitioned for by the attorneys for the state. Iho court however , vvas specific In the statement that the ruling had no sign Ill- can ce whatever In rcsttml to the merits of the case , whether It wasn weak or u strong one , llnllroad Travel Hindered. ST. PAVI. , Nov. 23. lioads running .tiniuph the northern pait of the slate nnd In Dikota ore having some tiotible todny. Tn ho northern put of the state , along the Mnnltobi line , there Is not much snow , bu t a high wind , which hns attained the velocity of a gilo , has Inteifcicd considerably with ho running ot trains. The Northern Pacific s experiencing some trouble with the snow , which Is drifting budly and delnjlng trains. I'hrouKhout the Ued lllver valley the mer- ctirv Is down In thu neighborhood of ? ero. It * ias been snowing nearly nil ( Hy along the line of the St. PauKt Pacific , but the tall Is not heavy enough to inteifero with tun el. The Milwaukee , Omalia and other toads tun ning throughout thn southern pirt of the state hive hid light flurries of snow nil along heir lines but no delay his been o\peil- need tn the running ot trains , Tlio inei- curj tangos from 10 to 00 devices above | * w The Ills Illl7/ard Ktuls. UisviAuri ; , Dak. , Nov. 2.1.At noon to day ho snow stopped falling and the greatest bllzraid ever experienced in north Dakotn wns brought to an end , The wind Is still btiongbut no snow Is flj Ing , nnd citizens nro out in full force shoveling drifts and making roads. Scott , the stigo dilver between this city and Port ( Jutes , has not been heard fiom. Ho was duo bore at 7 o'clock List evening nnd there Is much alarm among his fi lends , Dakota's Product CHICAGO , Nov. SJ , The signal service re- ; ) orts u sov ere storm in Dakota along the line of the Northern P.iclllc lalhoad. At Fatgo nnd Jnmestown a blizzard IsTin pi ogress with .ho thermomctet at 7010. At various points llnoughoul Iowa it is snowing with the tliei- nometor landing fiom 17 to OS degrees above zet o. 'lhc HaHc Hall Lcacuc. DETHOIT , Nov. 2.1. HeprespntatUes ot the American association arrived hero this morn ing to conior w Itli the , directors of the Detroit base ball club. The directors favored the association but having received private con cessions In regard to the peicentngc sjstcin fiom the leading league clubs It vvas uncere monious decided to remain In the leactic. CINCINNATI , Nov. 2J. Watklns lepresentlng the Dcttolt league club , came before the American Unse Hall association at Its session to-day mid made n statement which simplified the woik of the association. Ho said that while thu associa tion had solicited bids for membership liom the Detroit club and while no requo t lor ml- mission had been made bv that club , jet it is understood that circumstances had made such event feasible. Now lie de- si ! cd to say that the Detroit club liad received assurances iroin the league clubs that all concessions Datrolt had de manded would bo made nnd therefore the candidacy of hUcltib lot the Pittsbtng va cancy need have no futthcr consideration fromfhe association. Wntklns then rctlied after mutual nfisinauces of respect nud good w ill. The association now nddresses itself to considering the meilts of the othet two ap plicants-Cleveland and Kansas City wi'h ' indications that Cleveland will be chosen. At this afternoon's session Kansas City's oiler of 87,000 tor a franchise , nnd lice trans portation from St. Louis to Knnsas City and back to St. Louis 1 01 all association teams was liaully considered. Tliu Cleveland club was then formally admitted to the associa tion. The linniicecommlttoe will visit Cleve land to examine into the linanclal backing of that club. No icpresen lathes of that as sociation are going to Detroit , the league's concessions * o that club bavin ; disposed ot the possibility ot that club coming Into the association. The negotiations between the Detiolt club and the Amciican association weie fiank mid were pleasantly conducted , Detroit was not asked to become a member of the association , which declined to have anything to do with the matter until n formal application had been made. Workluc For the Antircliists. CHICAGO , Nov. 23. The Daily News' liloomlngton (111. ( ) special says : Application forasupersedeas in the ease of Spies , Pnr- sons , nnd their convicted fellow nnaichists vvas made to Justice Scott , of the Illinois supreme couif , here tu-day , by Lconnid Swct tanil Captain Hiack. Their hriet ol 150 pnges , nml iccotd ot the tilal consisting of 8,000 tjfie wiittcn pages , were submitted without otal argument. Justice Scott was not sui prised , and icceived the nttornejs with consideration. Messrs , lil.iclt and Swett said they were confident the tecoid ol the trial would iccelve eaieful consldctatlon at the hands ot Jitstico Scott , and tint the examination of the samn would convince lilm that suuciscdeas should bo giniited totlio end that the defend nils might have the question ot having a new tilal passed upon by the supreme coiut. Justieo Scott asked how long tlioattoine > s would temalii in the city. Thev said they would await the itis- tico'n pleasure , wlieiotipon the justice said ho would make an Immodlntn examination ot the record. Ho gave no Intlimtion ol when lie would grant 01 deny siipetsedeas , and Captain Black said ho did not expect nn answer befoio to-monovv. The McCjiiado , Iuy. Nrw YOIIK , Nov. 2.J. Up to 1.0 : : p. in. the McQuado jury had not agreed. The runioi then was thnt tnoy ? > teed eleven to one In lavorof lonvlctlon. Anothui iiiuioi liad It that they stood soviui to live foi acquittal. At hall pastiTi o'clock the jtity came Into court nnd icportcd to thoiccoidci tlial It had been imjiosslblo tongieoupona verdltt , nud OY- pre sed the belief that liniliei tilal to do so was useless. The iccoidei lectured them on ( ho impoituncu ol the duty bofoie them nnd sent them back until 11 o'clock. It Is mulct- stood that the p.incl has stood ten for convic tion and hvo lei acquittal to day. At 'J o'clock to-ulght the | uiv ipported that thnucici nn.iblo to ngiee. 'J Imi were then locked up fui the night , 'J ho Tea I'olsonlnji Onsc. SritiMirn i.n , M ass. , Nov. 2.I. 'Ihtco doc tors were In attendance until 10 o'clock last night upon the members ol the Pciklns lam lly who HCIO poisoned by dilnklug ten containing "lough on lats , " which It is supposed was placed In It by some puisoit who had been dis charged from the silk mills ot which I ) , H. Pel kins was snin'iliitendent. At that hour the physicians luouoiinccd all the fam ily out ol danger , The mnttei has ciented neat excitement nnd two polite olllccrs have been ddtalled tn woik up the caso. No duo has jet In en dlstovered thnt is likely to lead to theairustof the peipetratnis ot the dast- nrdly attempt nt wholesale poisoning. IMiiiiiiiilH and Civil K-rtlco. Ni.w VOIIK , Nov. 'J.J. ' iSjieclal Telegram to tlm Jii.i : . ] Tlm Times' Washington special sajs ; Senator Kdmunds has been devotingsomu ol his leccnt lelsuio houisto prupil'dlon of i > speech in which hu vvlllnt- tncl > tlioiidiuinisttatloii tot Its Inloicement or lion enfoKcmcnt ot the civil scivlto law. 'I lie commissioners will bo icadv soon with n dt tailed nnd specific hlstni v ot the opei.it IOHH or HID commission miller the law nliiLUtho administration ol Cleveland begun. 1'hls Is the icport demanded bv Kdmunds' ben.ihi resolution adopted nt tuu last session , nnd may bu teadj about the time ot the to-as sembling of confess after thu holiday icccs1 * . Kdmunds hns giownlmp.itlcnPand lias nude pers'inal application lot a pait i > t tliu Inloi- matlon demanded by his lesolutiuu. Olllclul Vino. ItuiiMOSira. . , Nov 2.J The olllclal canvass of the vote of the state bj counties , with i IK' exception ot liticliamin county , returns from which have not jet luen le- cehed , shows the following ivsidt of tliu poptiliti vote : DcmociatU' , lfr'"l ; opposi tion , consisting ot Independent demt-ci.as , republicans , etc. , H'JOM ) ; opposlllon iniifBi- li j , 'JO.tvVJ. In tliu Mibmnatoild ehtllou In iss1 } the vote stood : Lue , dcmucrnt , PJlr l4 ; Wise , republican , rJO.Olt ) ; democMtlt' m ijoi- Jty , Ole Anderson Admits the Commission of A Terrible Orimc , CLOSE CALL FOR A LYNCHING. Gnnllu Still Drnllnu Out H lt > Justice Colchrntiotint Hontilro Over tlip Coinplotlon of the AVatervvorks. A Wife Attirtlrrcr "CnitrcMc * . Nom ol.u , Neb. . Nuv. 'J.J. [ Special Tele- jram to llm Uii.1 ; A pasiengpr fiom Long Pine says Ole Anderson , nrrc-ded nenr Has- sett for murdering his wlfu last Wednesday and tin on I lit ; the icmalns In a well , has con fessed thocrlmo. Hon > s lioqiiaiielled with lier because she would not loii'-cnt to the sales of soinu clock to p iv his debts. Tlio pi Non fr * came nenr bcim : Ijnrhcd by the lnfurlntci ! < neiglibois nml oulv escaped thu Into by Iho' tlcrtne-isof the sheriff ol Blown routily , who lodccd him In the Ainsvvoilh jail. Kearney Count j Justice. Neb. , Nov , . it. Judge Gnilln hns added anothui wieo'th to the ciown ot novtr falling Justlco In this dlstilct. On the Sth ol Iho piescnt month , Constable William H Smith of this.eitj' , accompanied liy n man named Denliam , wont to the farm of John Shafcr eight miles distant , to levy on a cow to pty judgment ot BIO nnd costs. When the con stable made known his mission and started1 to secure the cow , Shafer came before him armed with n shotgun. The constable' oidcicd Shafer to put up the gun nnd buhavo. himself , but instead ol compljlng he took ) deliberate aim and Ilred , shnttei ing Smith's j skull nnd causing instant death. Dcnlinin hastilyicturned to town nnd notllled the authorities and friends of the deceased. Slmfur was promptly attested and luurta/ ! to Kearney to ttv old mob law. The tiinl be gan Sattndaj and was shott and decisive , the | ury icturninir a veidict of murder in the first degree. The ver dict gives general satisfnctlon. nud. conlirms the widcspiend belief thnt rilmlimls' ' of oveiy grade iccolve their just debits In this ( tistiut. Celebration nt Bcatrlcr. BEATJUCE , Nov. 2,1. [ Special Tolegrnm to the Bii.J : Notwithstanding the cold day and ro.igh streets , the celebration over the completion of the waterworks took place successfully tol.ty. . Those who took pnitltr the parade were the DoWItt band , Company C , N. N. G. , Itnvvlins post G. A. It. , Volunteer Uosocoiupanj , Kllpntrick Hose companj' , lllno Springs artillery , with cannon , visitors Incnrilages. Part of the visitors pieseilt weie the maj 01 and council of Plaltsmouth , the major nnd council of Wjmore , City Ln- cincer Itosovvater , of Uunlia , nud prominent citUciisol Hebron , DoWItt , Hlno Springs , Llbeitv , Odell and Coitlaud. The race between - tween the Kilpatrlek nnd Volunteer Hose companies icsulted in n vlctorj' tot the Vol- nntecis. TimoOS seconds In running -100 feet ovei tough gtound. making connection nnd getting wntei. The tiiiitl test of the wntoivvoiks lesulted In ten one-inch streams ) lielng thrown ninety feet high and olio two- inch stienm 125 feet. To night all the visit ors are fuinlshed complimentary tickets by the citv to the concert ol the Hnmpston students nt the opcia house. Churcli Cornor-Stone lnjln > r. StDNnv , MCb. , Nov. 2.1. [ Special Telegram to the llri.l Masons to day laid the corner stone of the new Episcopal church. Hon. J. J. Mclntosh , P. JI. , acted In the capacity o grand inastet nnd performed the woik In his usual stv le , ably nsslsled bj' the craft. Music wns fuinlshed by the Tventjfirst In land } band , llislmp AVorthington ilellvciMl n shoit addicss and nrajer. The edifice , when completed , will bo the handsomest In this jut tot the stito. Bishop NVouiilngtun to-night dcllveted a dlscouiso at the Masonic A Railiond IiuhorciKilled. . DIA inter , Neb , Nov. 23. [ Special Telo- gia'iito ' the BFH.I August Wlthovvske , a liillroul Inborci , was killed tills nftemoon by the Nebraska City B. \ , Af. passenger tiain about two miles east ot to\v u. Ho was hoi n- blj mutilated. Ho wns walking ou the track nnd piobtby did not heii thu train. Hu leaves n wile nnd five children. fjOHt in the Storm. . Nonroi ic. Neb. , Nov. 23. [ Special Telc- grnm to the Hr.i : . ] All hopoot Undliigtliero- mnins ot the seven year-old son of Jacob Bungo , of Mllleisboto , KIIOK county , who vvas lost In nstorm last v\eek , lias been aban doned for the present. Two bundled men were engaged In the sc.uch toi a while. It U believed ho Is bulled In thu snow dtilts. The Kvpresn Jlato AVnr. OnifAf.o , Nov. 2-i. A cut In express latcsi of ono dollnt p'or hundred pounds Is still In f OHO between Chlcngo und New Yoilc , but thelntormntlon is given liciu that tliu win of j , id's will eeaso to dav. Ni.w Yuinc , Nov. 21. In nccoidauce wlllt Iho ngieeniiint signed bj * lOjiiiiM'iilativcs ot thu oxpicss compaiili's jcsteidajtlm classll- ) eatlun i.ites ol last spi ing were lestoied oil nil lines tnd iv. At the olllcos of the Admni I'xpre.ss ' , Baltlmoio A' Ohio. Amciican nud othei companies lull intistor thu west and other poinrsnie now clinucd on nil express mattei tlie same us betoio the cut. Son shot nud Killed. Kvii'oiti.v , Knii. , Nov. 'i. ! . L. I ) . Collier , son ol Ilov : Hubert Lalid Collie r , now or Knusas'Cltj , toimeily of Chicago , was shot ; nnd instantly killi d last night by J. U. Vm- horougli , whom ho hndomploved to 1111 Ids place ns nmtctlal agent ol the Santa Po toad dining a tcmponij absence. The men had ovchaiiged blows a nhoit time iijro and w cm scpaiatcd. ViuboioiiL'h lollowcd Collier to the ii'sidmico of h. V. Itiindii'ii whoio fhci latlui hud gouo and cilllng him out to the door , shot him with a ittvolvei. Cilii : III Cleveland. Ci i v i LAND , Nov , 'i I , This momlnc ? Judge JIutthlson bound old man Wheeler ovcrto tin1 common pleascoint withoutball lei the niuidei nl Ids wife. U'heolci Is olghty- oiiejn.ns'ild ' nnd Ids wlleolghtv-seven. They had lived hciu halt a cuiitutj , unit vvciocacli woith S-,0J ( ( ) . Mis.Vlieelei \ was stiangled tode.itlion the night iif.tho 12th lust , nml Wheeler claims that two lobbeis weiu tlm mutdciers , C'onv Iclliin Alllrined. A5-I1ANV , N V. , Nov. 2.Tho ! < ourt ot nppeals ttOlimed the judgiueul of thu court below In the case ol Duddcnscik , the Now Yoik bulldci , ( onvleted ol iiiniiNlaiighter , having htcu declaud icspuiislblu lor thu dcathof th woikmcn emplojLd on a low ol ! building * * which tell while In touiso of elec tion timlei his stipci vision. l"nr I'diil ? Iinder. Dl ) itoiiNov.'ii.-Di David H Weir. of. ( } Moda , was nnested at London , Out. , to- daj for the muider of ajouni ; woman In thnb plate , and will bu held lor uxtiadltlon. Dr. \Velr \ kept n drugstore and private hospital. Miss Mnbel Clnrk , need twenty , was a pa tient In thu hospital toi .somo time , but on November Him manau'Od to Inform Jrlcuds tli.it slio hud been subject to the ginsscstln- dimiitles. InteiiBo cxrilemeiit v\nsu > aiibul hj the story and Weit lull town. To or tluto dajblatei thu uirl died , nud Well was held to ho iCApoiihlbio for bet death. A re- waul ot V-i.OOO had been nlfcrcd tot Ids nui'3.t. i.v , No2.1. . Thu president np pointed Bishop ( onion , ol Minnesota , to in ) it'cehei ot public luont'jn ut Kedvvoodi Kails , Minnesota.