THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 21. 1886. TWELVE PAGES. 1 pull HKNT MornSll NKthdt on Dee Ut ' I. . \nndorburg , 140J iMvcnport. 17VIH mvr : Ncw hottfo with all modern Jconvonloncip , on ptreot car linn Owner wllics tnoccupy two roonn nnd board with the family Terms rta onable. llpforcntes exchanged , Apply to llulloil lros.liin ! ( Doug las . 21122 * IjMHt ltiNT ; Ton-loom lieu < , nowJii t fin- IMial. Cor. 2idnnd : Hurt. Him nil modern Improve inente. Apply nt IM9Him ' n ft. 3d lloor. WV21 * "fnoil Iir.NT lloiiiio.fl room , Hnrney trcet JL and 21st , f-Tpur monthnl o hmmo near St Mnrj'Bave. Grooms , $2.1 per month 8. A. Slo- limn , 1512 liirnnm tt. H" T7 < OK itliNT 3 now ImiitM. on line street par , 1 South Omaha. 1 email liotin1 , South Omn- nil. It. lluinhnin , Hoom 1 , CrclKhton Illock. itN : r A store nnd tmsoment on a pond IJMMI 1 lmlnr ft. Iniulrouf Leo , NIchol A. Co. , Iloom zi , Wltiincll block. OH Troll HnN'r-Aifronm house with burn for 4 JP horses. Also n fl room lioncn suitable for hoarding houso. Apply to M. V. Martin , : ) H S. ( th st. WH FOH Iir.NT. Now liouso , 5 rnomi , < Mocks from streetcar ; $14 nor ipontli. Crnlnim , CrolRhton blook. IM i ! > FoTniKNT pioro 20x4(1. ( with four looms no- hlniliSlSn month. 2711 Uitmlnir. 003 FOIlltnNT Klegmit 10 room reid < mec on Farnnm st , nil modern Improvements , fur niture and carpet for fnlo ; nil new : nm com pelled to ihe up on account of illness. Ad dress H IB , llco oKlce. FilKNr-UcsldencoNo. 1814 Farnam * t , , II rooms. nil modern Improvements. Kent , 170 per month , cnrpoti nnil furnlturo for sale. Apply B. A.SIomnn , 1M2 Fnrnnm Bt. 328 FOIt HUNT Lnruohotiio with modern Im provements , 2"Jth and Farnam sts. A. P Tukoy , 1IKJI Fiirimtnst. OSS _ FOH HiNT 80 acres nljoluniK city north west , suitable for dairy or market warden. ApplytoTlico. Williams , Iloe Olllco , 014 Fnr- num. s INT store isxro , 1110 jnckson t. . 7PS TOB HEHT-KOOMS. OK JIIINT Flvo orsix : room" , clopntit loen- F tlon , low rent. Kmiulro of llverott , 312 rt icth FOIt Iir.NT A suit of unfurnished rooms. Uilfi VVelistcr ot. 211'J ' Sl FOIl HKNT-Furnlshcd front room , In04 Fnr- nnm. 22.1 24 * _ ItKNT Two nlcoly od rooms nt IPOIt 1 711 North I'.lth ' st , 220 28 * FOll HB.vr-rurnlsliocl rooms with boiud , wnsiilthat. 231 Si * FOIt HKNT Klo nntly furnished front loom for Kentlomcn , inoilorn convonloncos , XM Nl7tlHt. S1022 * F OIl HKNT Thrco nlto unfurnlslioil rooms ; 1C10 Howard. 224- I710H llF.NT.-Nieely furnished room ; $10.00 J1 p r month. 607'i ' N. 17lh St. 818 20 * OH HUNT Three Inrpo plpa nnt unfurn l hcd rooms with closets. Hefuioneo-t re quired. 2407 Hnrney si. 111021 * FOll KENT. Nowly-ftirnU'iptl plensnnt room lit low rental. Lnqulro nt 13JJ FnrnHtn. 108 20 FOIt HUNT Nlcaly fnrnlslicd rooms and tionrlCipor nvuk. Day lioaul tU5n. 2024 WeljBtorBt. 170 SO Foil HP.NT. Ono untnrnl lied room , 21 fret fliinro ( | , on ( sncond lloor of Crtilnir block , cor. Diiiluo and lilth Bt. f.T per month. Kn- qulront. Mlilard hotel , llllllard room 1KI22' Foil HUNT With boaid. pleasant rurnlslicd looinc , prlviito residence. 4 blocks g w. of CJ. P. doiiot ; tlret-clasH tublo. Address T " , lloo offifo. 1 0 24 * FOIt HKNT A nicely furnished front par lor , f 18 a month ; also Lonrcl , $4 n week. 1173 17th St. 159 25' _ 'ITVMl HUNT Two lartfo rooms furnished for " -1" lioiiRuUccpluc two blocks noith Mllluiil hotel. KngiilroiSO north 13tli St. 1M-21 * F OK 1CKNT riiriilslicd room. fllON. 17th. 018 FOK KKNT Two nlcoly furnished rooms , suitable for 2 or n ironttoinnn. Ixjvoly loca tion with every modoin linprovoiuunt. U15 Jones street. C2o FOit HUNT Thrro Inrpo unfurnished roninn ; four ulosets , front rooin tins bow window nnd nlvoru. ICcfureucca cxchnn od , Ml S. 23d Bt. 15122' T71OII HKNT Unfurmaliod front room for JC hoiiFOkeuplnfr , 1015 Dodtfu fit. i)40 ) 21 * FOIl HUNT Nlcoly furnished room for two Kontluinun ; modern conveniences. 1)10 ) N. 17th et. 119 ItKNT KIpR&nt furnished roomn. 1007 Foil Iouilii9. Hoforencea require 1. 651 HKNT Furnished room for one or two FOll irontlomcn : furnlturo now. ploiisunt loca tion ; Ilonurd St. , bet. 8tb and 9th. ; nouth Dido. 421 FOIl HKNT Vurnlihod rooms for llht | house koeplnv , lleeiners tlock , cor dth & Howard. F lOlllinNT-rurnlelied room , 1810 Iod-o. | 252 T710K IlKNr Nowlyfurnished rooro.2.r > il SL JD Mary's are. 911 OK KKNT NIoelv furnished room. 1H F CIllCUEOEt I poll HKNT A lar e. olojjnntly furnished 1 room , for two gentlemen. lUl'J Uodeo st. 522 KOOM9 Moderate pi loo. lovely view , very co/y and warm , at norlbuaU corner of Furnam and 20th-l'X'4. Ml F I Oil KKNT II nlrclr fiirnislicd rooms wither or without board , 528 Pleasant st. 212 22 * _ FOR HKNT Fiinilshed room Biiltalilo for 2 | fOiltlfnicnil2Jaifithst. V * 20 OH UKNTKToJantly furnished front ( Tiorn bor , suite of looms , hot and cold witter , uas and bath. 1015 Capitol avo. W6 21 * FOX BAI.B-HOO3B3-I.OTa. A1IKAL OAUOAIN-Cor lot.44x125 , cor 13th nnd Dorcas BIB. f.1,100 This la biislnes- property. Holier i Campbell , room I , 150'i Fur nam st. -3 F Olt HAI.ELots In FonliT 1'lnco , South Oinnha , nt { 50 to (500 , on easy tut ma. J. II livana A Co. 231-23 IT'Oll ' 8A f.r.-l ot ln Fo lor 1'lncu. SoiitTi -L1 Onmha , at ( liU 10 $500 , ou uasy tt-rini. J. It , Kvnns A Co. 231-23 FOIl SAIX-LOIN In Fowler Plnco , BiUitl OmaliK , HI ( JjO tu (500 , on oaty terms. J. II t\nnsicCo. : 2J1-23 quick sales list your uropcrty will llcnnw n X Co. , opp , P O. 100 22 BOWI.INU < lHiiv-0ir ; ; now addition IB wont of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton street. Iy ) solcotltmlotsat | I5'J ' lor Inildeunil } 175 for corners , you will mnko n Kood invritmont. Terms 11 per cent cash and $5 monthly. Nc rharirorortmoxTlmr the lots Marihall i l.o beck , 150V Farnam 310 ] ( ) OK HUKF. . I.OIB on I.cavoiiHortli stree * wllhln n few weens have t-piirceiuled it Milue from 25 to 50 percent Muny people hose oplnloiis are valued , predict tint nrxi sprlnif.nhun the gradmx IB compioteil , H fill KI enter advance moro than on any olliiicstrt'n inthoolty. Sheridan riaee Is ono of thu prut tlpht ami most popular aadltiniH on Hill otrrol Some of tlio leif iiiui Inuoil in this addition dur IUK the Hummer have reeunlly been ie-oUI nt i urotlt of from two to tlneo liundroil dollars The owners of the addition hare slP.I n f nw choice Iota unsold , which they have plarcd In our harms \\Jth orduri to rti'll at from -VI 10 7W , on easy terms. If not lol.lnlthln n thor time tbi-y M-lll bo wilhdrawn from the markin until next sprlntr. TliU HlTonls tl-.ij ht. < t oppor tunlty for ipeciiluilon. for pcopki of sna : ! iiieiim , to bo tound in the city. A , H Pom flock , Hoom to , ( 'ivlirhton Illock. 2v2 21 i imiouv i.\mK\ . VI Ittiil i : > tato. ISlhSt , VM 22 t In Van tleuren plao vy each , bnl. In I , 2 and -I yrurs Campbell , Itoom 1'M 1 \ Farnam 11. Lr-lM ! lot , ( Jeorclu avoil it , t2 , > ' . Cruhatn J Crelshtan Illixk. 12420 FOltntilck gules lid your proper'y with I'lncl _ JE ( Ionian , room II , Fion/tr block. MO / KNUINF. HAHOAlNS-Two corner lots m V * lliiiddiunonit. only 4 blocki liom Sunn cler'st-titfol Cfti-n. VV M. IHnliiinm. I lee in 10 llaibman Illovl : , N U coi 10th nn < i Ioujrl ) . _ _ 5U R KAI. KSI'AIK AND I.OAN8-11. U. Hall 4 Co. 115 a. lit n it S70 S4I.K J ? Wo nllei 8omn of the inoit Cholco Ituilncsi and lnslUi ) icJil'in'o rr-jp rly ID tup city t cu'fptlona'ly low figure * n4 oo > lenue. rirliruUi Ktieullon Is i-nlied to tone tightly -orunrH , iinxln und double , In the nortixjrt part of the city. Haroou pmncrty ( o cell-Hit It vtlttu ? fo j < II , HVMU A. Co. 171 F OK SA1.K- Itcsfdcnce Property. Vacant Lots , by M. A. fpton .V Co . 1VK1 Fnnmtn ft. Ilu lne i Property Fotithpnst Kir , DoiurhK and till ft. , 13.'xl3 , $13.1 front tout : one-third Cft'h : trncknirp. Southcn t cor. Hartley mil lltli , ' "xlIJ ; vlv duct imiXts thl > valuable ; $13VWf one-third cn h. 41 fcrt on Fnrnnm next to "old city linll" cor ner , t.l\ < nonethird cnsh. This Is "dirt" eiiPnp. No. 11TS1 HOUR ! ! ! ' , 22x132 , $10.000 , ono third c li No bettor bu lnc"- location on thu street. 2-ixl.Uon notth Mdo Fainnin , cuM ( if ' 'M , ? 4li 'I ho man who dot B not buy this will losu Just $2,21)0 ) In six mouths. Xnrlhvicst cor. 24th nnd Cumin ? , 54x124 ; flno bualncM corner ; $10,000 , one-hnlf ca h , One-hnlrintoii-st In 22xl.i2,3 story brick , rent ing ( Ml per mont i. next e t Arcade hotel on Douulflf" st.i $ ' ) , ( XlO. Hnw's tlmt ? Southwest cor Nlcholni nivl lltti t. , track In alley , RQxI.t ! ; $ IWO ; $ l , 00fnsh. I.ooMit that , Will } Oil ? fouthtn t cor. 231 nnd Cumlnir , Mxl.12. Itn- proveil ; $ rUOO. This l < ! the cheapest "Kilt cdtfo" uii liiG 8 pioperty un Uiunlnir t. 40xlli ) , alloy on side , Ju t Miutli IBth si. , via- tluu , nbiilldinir * nnd * tnblu. rentlmr $70 per month on mth st. , will eoott bo peed buslucM property ; (4,700ono-hnlf e.isb , bulnncouns ) . Hesldnnce Property. On California. KM fcot e t of ICth St. , 14- room hou'e. barn , nil modern Improvements Houan built of the best material , and In a thoioiiK'h manner , f'O.W ) , onp-lmlf carh. This ! > n " .loe D.HKl ) " ( .hue . , nud worth moru Hum asked lor It. 78 feet on Ht Mary's live , beautiful homo , $1100. onc-hnlf ca h. "Old llrow null Hall" property , IHJxIBfi , front- In ? on nth and 17th MR , iiialdn .WO lent fn it- IIKP. Kvcrjono knows nrnpvrty ou ICth , JiKt north ofthe Viaduct , will Minn bovcry uilimbh ; bu IIICKB local Ions LlkoHlso on 17th st Is very choice lor residences. 'Ihlslnrjfo pint to gether with the liulldhuri , whlcli are In'ood ( icpnlrnnd do not Intiilerowith the 10th Rt. Iront for tui'iipsucnti | bo bought now for $3l,00i ) , Sl.l.OiiO cash ! balnnco 1.2 and 3 jeaM ll-iooin on Siiiilh lOih M..neatly opposite "SlkS IliHwni-ll Hall. " inst tiont , lot M\l4t piiTci ttiont. Now liolil your biviith till wo mention the prlrc. $ . ) ,7rO , f 1,100 p-ish. lliiliincc S3.1 | i r month. What do you think of that ? Hou o will rent Inr $40 per mouth nrmiiri * U-room hou oou Ulct M. . Just ninth oC St Marj'siuo , lot 41x140. lliirn.etc , S7.00J , ono- thltil rash Insldo tpsldenco propntty. VVo hav e lower priced I p idcnco propel ty. Mco coltiiKi'R and medium houses , in evciy dliee- tlon. Terntoto bint. Don't fall to see us if you want to buy a homo. Vacant Lots. Yes. vacant lot" . Oh , well. It Is tiBclo i to on- uinernto them. VVo have them anywhere und o\orj wnore , In nil every kind. sUe , prlco nn tci m * . Hut plouso remember that t litre lias not a lot depreciated In v alno In Otna- 1m In the hint llvuyean , nnd we hnvo the lint cii'-e to Know where 11 purtv procured Riot cheaper by vTiiltlnir. Omnhii has seen n mod ypsii In thopiP ent < < no Hut l Si will rcllliso tliapnst , and lualcMnta In Orniilm rcinonibor wo bay InOtimhn will never nirnln he as cheap as now. Thetcilore. the wl o will buy In A. 1) , IbiO , nnd fiom M.A.Upton & Co , 1509 Fnrnam st. Hatcher & Co , , 1210 Doilitl.ix street , Mlllnrd Hotel IllocV. Offer n ffiw special bariraniM. 33 feet onMlh street , with uleo 5 room house , J.IUO. ! IWVlfiO feet on Will street. Sl.ltiO. ! l lots on Pautulers Urcot , $1,200 to $ l,0 ) ench. Splendid tiack property on Nlchohix atrei't Corner lot. No betlor bariraln In Oinnha. $1,000. A new duiRe with lot on Locust street nenr Ibth street. Modern Improvement * , $2.isuu. Peveinl lois In .loroiim Tark , fiont on I'nrnniii , very chrnn ( ! fiTii2 : loot with Improvements. Jackson itreet , nenr 17th stroor. 3 lotM on lliudetto fl.'liO each llnrtinlns any locality on easy ternia. A lonir list of choice South Onmha lots. Hatchet & Co , 1UIO PouitliiH street. St" 23 FOIt SALE hy J II. lvnns * Co. , 1510 Uodgo street. 41 feet , rurnnin , corner with 2 three etory Hats. Full lot , corner , on Cumltij'street. XI flirt , with Impruvements , opposite St. Paul depot. Corner lltli and Nicholas trackage. 5 brick ktorouand two houses lth lot very cheap. A line corner on Jackson st i cot. ( ii' ; { leet bylKMrith improvement ? , 19th st. near Harnov. 41 lect on rnrnnin t-trcet , enst of lltli St. AnHeKnnt liomoon ono of the host icslilonco Btroets , In onoof the best nelRlit orhoodti ot the citv , at n Kieat bai oin If taken soon. flood lot In llnrtleU's add $1/00 Neat cottage anu corner lot , Hogss & Hill's ndd 3,310 7 ! > foot coiner. 1'hll Bhcridnnat 2,000 100\l"ia on Vliirlnla avtnuo , corner JI.iKK ) Almosta full block In nojit'Hadd 3,000 Frontapo on Douglas , nour 20th , $115 per Iront foot. T.nst front In Cioston 1,100 Coiner In Tosler's idd : 1 , 00 A whole block und improvements In Flor ence 2,700 Heat lot In Sunnyslde on fujg st 1.MO VVo hnvo best line of Han com Place lots In the market. VVo hnvo nil the best bargains In HnvUhorno. Can sell lots luJeinmo 1'aik for $1,100 A good lot In Isaacs .VSeldeii's add. . . . 1.3V ) 154'i south front corner on Lcavcnworth. 15,110) ) Trncknire on 1'ltli St. , two lots 10,000 Kllbyl'lncolots $ SW to 1,500 IXJWO'H addition lots 700 to 1,100 Orchard Hill lot on Hnmllton at 1,000 100x1.12,1'otter's add. corner 2,25'l I'lalnview lots at J4 cash 750 Corner Oeortfln. nvenuo , J. I. llodlck s sub -.MO Lots In Walnut Hill. Lincoln Place , Dn-lnht .V f.ymaiiB , South Omaha , everywhere at all prices and terms 'omo nnd BOO us to buy , sell or trad * J. 11. Uvaub & Co. 232-2. ) H IOUSKS Lots.Knrnis.I.nnm > yoiinert. ( llemls , 15th nnd Uoiitflas Btrnets. 2V5 Tllin MOTTKIl Heal Kstate Agency , offer the following chnice bnrirulns ; 1 It t In Sblnn'atlra addition , KoudD room lioueo $7UO cash , { 2,000. Iot2 block I , IIIIIMdn No. 2 , $000 CA h ; f 1n09. lotH In Klnir'N ndd. { ff'JO ' each , 1200 cnsh , bul- nncu 150 every tliruo niontlis. A linrKuln. Lot 28 block 2H imehautrb A PHtterdon's ndd. 1 450 H OHSh. t corner lotFin Arlington. $ 1.000 each. 1 lot on llninllton at. , $1,000 ; { 275 onfh , hots In Cntiiljia pluco , (900 ; I-'OO cu.tli , bnlanco onsy , 1/otll tilook F. I'mspeut | > lnco , 11,1004 : ' cixsh , chenpt ) t lot In the city. : i full lots on minders , one ti corner , 10,500 , H ciihh. Ono < 9le nnt lot infhlnn'sSd ndd.CO ft front , II. MO. Don't lot this Klip. Nice 5 room house corner Io : , C3il20 , Slilnn's 3d Hdd.fJ.liOO , > ijcash. 1 lot in Foster's uilil , J2.000i enli. Klt-eiiiitc-ust from lot In Phunvicw , on 20lh ft , $750. ' 'nil lot on Lcnvonworlli nt. A bargnla nt tKifi.Ono Ono of the OncBt lots In Hillside No. I for ll. < 00ncnsl ] ( ! Flnulot In VWft Sldi'.TW , S'Ocnoh. Ono K'jod lot In Wiislilnrrtou squn-o , $2,200. Two lots , ono H corner , tlio Uncut lots lu Huns- com plrtco , fi.VJO. Two lots In Jerome I'url : , f 1,100 each , ( 'tOO vnxh. One of thu licit lots In Ilnnscom plncc for tS.HW , fdtk ) cnnli. Klnrst cnsl from lot hi Hnnscom place , { 2.50J , . An oleirniiteust front In Ilnnscom place , $1- &jQ. &jQ.The best lot In I'oltcr'snJd for tl ft ) . 'Ibla IB 110 fert cr i.t front , nisy terms , uovi r l itiioku lots in Amblci phico , 1500 , $150 cusb , hnhtiiro montbly. 2 TABI front lotii --'aimilers et , ono a 001 nor , I1.IK ) , 1700 cnili.bnlnneu ioiijf tiiun. 2 tine enft front lots In null's iidd. f.l.fXX ) . I'lno 5 riK'in nousu , l.ul.o'3 nd.l , f.r/i , f 100 Flno aero In Holvldoio , $450. Full 'nt nn with L'ood houie , $ ,200 , f UOc-K h , balimee lonj lime. Two loin : n dm oiidun , $ l,20 < ) onch , 1150 each I'Hsh. Onliinco uw fill onsv. Full let In F. V Smith' * add on 20th Bt , east front , peed u loom lioueii , f 4,000. Cable line iiim-eHii now. Niii'.csouth front lot In Ehluu's IM ndd , CO ft front , $1.20 ; , l'.Vi ) nh. Lot < i. H < i pln.po , enxK.H , on Pare ave nnxl to fien , Dnndy'iieMdenu im j terms. Call at olllco for prlco. Ten acr < 8 sulliiblo for eub-dlvldhiir. Full lot lit Phlnn'b l add. nko S room homo , $2,0vin , $ NX > ruth , bRlunuo eusv. 'i'tiU Is only a piuttnl lift or our bariralna. nnd If ton want business or rcsldoneu property In aiy part of the Pit ) mil on u * and wo can cult yoi' . 'Iho Mot lor Hrnl Kst'ite Agency , 211 S. Mil : fl. 013. J.'OH BALK An I expect to leave Omal.u per- inaneiith. I olfur in ) house lornaloor lor louse , fur a lei m of joars to a treed party. Ap ply to 1) C. Klntrman , 501 Pleasant bt. 151 21 * | T10ll.SAI.K-12lots44xlTfept. ! frontlnp north JH on llrlstol Btn-ot , half y between ftiun- doisnndStilto , HP-IT stirct cirf. City water In front , | N _ I i-ncli , 1-1 cash , tiniiiTice In 1,2 nnd 3 jeivra. Adiliess H 11 , lloo o'lira 253 : . L TIIOMAH has laid out an addition Di.XTKIl to tlio city of Ornulin numoil Muscoitc , nud wo notice tluU I hu are properly named Itocoo , IAITCII/O , llotthu. 1'ippo and Frodi'rkik undeeeinv that Iho sumo la on the llelt Kali vrn > nnd at a point where the Northern H. ft proinlsiij talrly 10 make u junction with the Holt I.lnc , and (015 ( only f 100 to $3X ) . wo think the locution well named , and that tlio pur- ch 6rs will hnvo n MagiottH , a > Ihn Imllcatloiu point thu loin to bo worth from $1J3 to f HiK iDDii. These Intsnro to bo soli ) on contract'JO pCTcent cnh and balunco $1 per month. Apply toUoitiTL. Tbomat , Itoom 8 CreltfhloD till ; IJIOli SAI.K At a jrreat bargain for B few -L ? wroko only , ten thoumitul iieim ot land al soleoted at f 4.00 per ucro : $2.40 cash and 8 > eir : MirsUnll \ Lohouk , 15fl Fariiam M. H OU.SES Loll , Fanusl. n < 1t--money lo&nad Utmll , 15tb tad Douglas glcuuli. 95 TJ1LACK A1IOM\N , ,1. ' Itea F.'tnte and Tx > nn Tlrokor * . Fren/er blockOpn ro tolllco. A ft ) foot jotitii front lot on Harney su foi ftVX ) : cnh , $2,0)3 , Ne 4-roomcottnsc forlWO , $100 down nnd 2 > per month. Tno cn t front 4-room cottages ono block off 'minder * st , for $ .2,10 , ) each , I10J down and f'ii > cr month. Ono of the best corners on North 1th ( ! et , routs on three Mreet * : sl/o ot lot BOtlSI , with our2 story lmu es rcntitiR for f la ) per month , orJiri.Ofli , There l n't n better \rnuln In thu Hy. 'Iliouround Atone I * north Iho money , ns thus niH tt. street Irontniro. Kn" > t Iront lot In H > in < com place on N Irplnln nvo ; nd 1'hll Sheridan ft , nt $ l,2iO and tlA > J cnchon ony terms. \Vchnvc nlcndld lmrrnlns In South Oinnnn inippitv. More money has boon inniJo In South > nuihn real cttnte In the last six month than nnj where else MOxl 0 ft south an.l cnst front on 20th St. , vlthln h.ilf mlloor business center of the city , ntiood busln ( ! neoiiipr for J4,10U : cn h $1.&JO , nnd bnlfliicn I , 2 , 3 nnd 4 jcars This 19 the best mrpalM in the market. AMfnot lot rnclnjrvvcM nn Saunders stand runnlnir throuith to 23d st In K. V. Smith's ndil oi-fiiwcash ) ; $ I,00'J nnd balance 1,2 nnd 3 en to. 44 ft ndolnln , | r nhovo with store loom nnd coltiuip on It same prlco nnd term * . New 4-rontn vottairu.clliir , 100-lmrrcl cistern , ot 2.1 by 160 leet , for $ t ' > XJ ! cn h $110 , nnd bnl- nnop $15 per month , Ihls h within a inlloof ho pootolllco , nud very cheap. A coiner In Arnntton 'B addition , within iloek rnch of CunmiK nnd Snundcrs sts. , for $3OJO , half ca h. Two loti In I'nlrluVfl addition , one n corner ono block fium i-nundcrs St. , for $ .1,000 , half cnsh. A pplcmlld lot In tlnn'com I'laoo for $1,2.V ) . Two lots In South Omaha , witnln two blocks of the depot , for f70J ench , on very easy terms. 215 B AHOAISS-LotlnSouth Omaha $ ViO. Ixt and r > loom houoo , barn nnd well , south front on Duvenpont st , only l..fiOO. Lot on Vlrirliiln avo. , east trout. $1,20. Sovernl new loupes nnd lots nt $2OW to $ 1,000 , nnd only $100 o $1111) ) cil h. Very ra y terniHon bnlancc. Weal al o 1 nvc n flno ll-rooin bouse , nil modern Im- irovoniciil" , new this } our , lartro burn nnd lot , ; 5xl40 liet , onst fnint on Oeor lnnvo The be t iiolitiiborhnoil in the city for $ - < . .100 , Rtnall cash iiiij menu 1' . I ) Tnnncr J. Co. , 101.1 How- ud st. lf.1 22 _ _ $ )00 ) for Ion In WIlcox'B Addition. Houses built If lO'iuircd. Kmy pnyinoiit * . Scavey , 217-20 17AST and north front lot , cor 2ith ( nnd m Ivlnoon car line , u bargain , $1,275. Keller , V Cnmpboll , room l.lin riirnam , 8J4 BOVVLINO (1 ItniJ.V lots , * ft ) . 10 per ccntc.ish nud $5 nor month. Marshall & Lobeek , Affonls , 1G09 Vnrnnin stroot. 049 BMlllAIN ( JOfoot lot , so.ith . trout , on Ilnr- noy- . neat 2Hli , with ifool Broom house $7,500. Krltur&Ouupholl. 881 FOIl oAl.K Four now six-roomed ho'iso * , splendid location , soutli fiont , onay pay ments b > Hiillou tires , 151U UoiiKlasst. GHUOOHV i HADLKV , Iteal ICstnto. Itooma1,2 nnd 3 , Uodlck Illock,3 S. 15th St. SWO 23 WU have cash buyers for bunrnlni in renl exlnto List your propottv with UB. Flack & Homnn , loom 11 , I'ren/cr block. 8J9 GllHCOHV te HAILiV ) : , lieul r.etato , Kooms 1,2 aml3 , Itedluk Illouk , o20 S. 1.1th St. 110)22 ) ; /101t SALR A 4-rooin hoiisu witn lot , front- L ? Injf on two htrcets$1,100. 17-room house , 1 < l room hon o with lota fronting out wo 3treot . both $2,210. 1 4-rooiri liouso nnd half lotl,25J ; 10 per cent cn n. hnlnnco monthly pnyinontB , nil the nhovo within three qunrturf ) of n mlle of postollleo Cor. lot , llthnnd 1'aclllo , ( Wxl3 ! . with three cloffiint cottages , would rotit for $73 per monthor n few daya at fS.til I. Farm loans at lowest rnto of Interest. PlMtH'ln s real cstnto tnort'riiffes or coin- morclnl paper , discounted. Mi > ul& Jainlesnn , 318 S. 1.1th at. W14 GUEOOHY & HADLIIV , Heal i : tnto , Itooms 1,2 nnd 3Itedlck llloclc , 320 S. 11th St. UGO 2i UOKI > Ixiotcl l.ookl Men of small means who dcsiro to gel ahead In this orld , lead the followIIIK and see what you ininkol this chance to m.iUe much money trom little , AiilstloUl , Anlstlcld , Anlsflcld , Islionutlfnlly situated on the north sldoof llunerof1.3 > i blocks o ist ol' 10th st. In the last couple ot roars South 10th st. hnB unlcivono a irrand transformation. Instead or the nlKli , almost Innccessiblo blutrs that for meily drove all travel to other htrcets , thoie now appears n inuRtiltlcent stretch of wide pticot pioperly Kradod to within one block of IhmcroH and paved with a phalt to Center. Water and iras mains are laid to a point just this t-ldoof llnncroft , us nro also fewer pipes. The street cars , by vlitno of their franchise to cioss tlio Tenth utieet viaduct , are bound by contir.ct to ha\o their cars running to Ilaiicrolt etiect within ona year of the completion ol that stiucturo. Property on Tenth street , noith of Williams , can hardly bt , boiiirht , so extravmrant nr < > the prices asked. South of Williams they irrauually deciCUMuntil nt Bancroft and Tenth they aio Bold at fiom $2,000 up. Anlsflold Addition , as above Plated , Is but It1 ; blocks east or Tenth , nud Is north ofllan- orotton n bountiful pi me MI level with 10th st. HOUMIS nro nil about nnd beyond this choice ad dition , nnd lots less doslrnblo , and sopai ntcd only by the street , are valued at from $ luOi ) to $1.VH ) . This beautiful addition is owned nnd placed on the market by parties who are Intimately Identified with nnd well Informed IIH to the Kiowth of Omaha , nnd the probable Increase or docrenso of values , but they nro not I'oirs , nnd truly believe In thoadntroof ' 'live ami lot live , " forthlfi reason , nnd for the moro polont one that they make a good prolit on the original In vestment , they have decided to oiler 28 of those beautiful lots nt prices rnnKinir trom $400 to $ WJ ) , nnd on Iho following very liberal terms : For an $ HOO lot n cash payment or $ .100. the bil- nneo $10 per month. For n (400 lot a cash pay ment of 550 , balance also $ ' 0 per month. This Isnn opportunity and It Is for you to decide , PO come early If you doslro to secure one or more of thcso lots , for they are sure to fto us soon na mon , and next year you can fell them back to me ut double the prlco you now pay ] for them. J. F Hammond,117 S. ICth Et. OOlco open evemnge. NiW : HOUSi : of A rooms on I.ako Mreot jnt west or IBth Bt.hay win low. porch , coal house , clsiorn , etc Lot 30x11) ) . I'rico $1,91 ; $400cabh , balance time. J. F. Hammonil. H7 10th at 1K1-1U R A It 1C HAHOAIN 47 fcot on s-aiimlerist. , by 201 feet deep , within t > 0 feet of CumliiK' Prlco $5,000. J F. Huiuinoiid , 117 ti. tilth 81. ICO 11) ) BAIKJAIN House of six rooms.eity water nnd cellar , together with stone biilldlnpr.on 22nd Mri'et , nonr Louvenwonh : rents for $4C per month ; lot 41't\'Jnt tcot. i'rlce , $4.'X)3 ) : hnif cash , bnlaneu one , two and thioo yearn. .1. 1\ Hammond , li ; s. Iflth et. Ififi 10 RAItK CHAN(3Uforalioiiie , tluoc-rooni brick house , with basement , KOOI ! well and cis tern , In Omnhit Vlow 1'rlcu $1,41'Jcash ! ; balance $10 per month. J. F. Hammond , 117 B. lath it. 100-10 rWiXTV-FlllST ; near Clark , now 6-roon : J house , oed cellar , well and cistern , renls for $20 Ciblo line already laid ( Juat bolilml It nn20lhst .Claik street ordered paved to 24ih thinlAll. Ono of tliii best bargains on the list. I.otiiliii2. : ; I'rico $ ; . 00 : JHOOeasli. balance In 1,2 ana.l joarH. J. F. Hammond , 117 H. UHh Bt , IGO ID 10 room residence on 1'arkavo. all modern Improvemunts ; steam heal thruUKhimt the house ; Iwo atoiy btublo and rairhiKe iioui-o. hlorm walksiiboutthe ( rrouncla. LotOilvUU. $ casli. J. F. Hammond mend , 117 h ICth bt. K.6-1U LOOK AT THIS Liiriro corner lot , 21th and Cnlltornln , I0' ' > xl42 fuel , twos story houeoa on premlees ; city water and Improvements. I'rico $ i.KHoiie-thlnl : ) ( ca h , balance 1. 2 am 3 yearn. J. F Hammond , 117 S. 10tht , IGO ill MAUNIFICKNT U-rooni house with poich bav window , cemented cellar , bath room larwe pnntrj , china closet , olHtern , etc. , larx lot , bDxl.10. beaulltully located in Diehard hill I'rico $ JiOO ( ; $1 1 u.ish , bal. $25 per month. J F. Hammond. 117 S. iflth at. loc lu BKAI'TIFHL northwest corner let In Dwiirh It Lymun'i addition. I'rico $750 ; onn-hnl ciiBli J , F. Hammond. 1178. ICth bt. ICG 1 I'HOI'KIITV VACANT W. U Shrlv or. Opposite P. O. Two nicu loti , Hlllsldo NIL 1 , each $ I,2.V ) . If ) foot on Saundorstrcct , east front , $ .1,003. 64 fcot Jnet otl et Maiy'fl avenue , | 4,0i > 0. Thrfo 40 feet leif > ou I'atrick avenue , each $ - > . 'HIO. Ixjt Hawthorn easy terms. $1,000. W tort ou Thlity-flrtit aud Lcavenworth I.otAx'.40N ) Twentieth stieet. $ IO.V ) . Cloud lot Ca-b and li-tli street , $1,100. Nice lot Itudlvk'c ub division , $2,750. Lot , Hhnliuuirh I'latu , f..ioa Four lote.llnrrOau , each , $1,000. M feet east front lluidctio and 2Slh , $1,500. Nice corner lot Lincoln I'lace , $2)1 ) , Ka--t trout , VliKlnla nnd Hanicom Place $ l.tftO. Ul feet or. Twentieth near Clark , f..W.O 61 fuel on llnstol nur baundurs eticet , $1,050 Ixitiln WashhiKton S.o.uaro. $2.UOO lltautifiil lot onat Trout , Stiull' 2d addition , . Corner on I'airick nvenuc , $2.'iOO. ' Improved Property. Outage andUO foot lot Patrick avenue , $1,30) . Nleecutlairo andi)0 ) foot lot 26th und U' etreet , ll.MW. 0-ruoiu home , CUrk ue r Ehtrwia ve , , 13,000. Scottnpeson llilrt nril27tiisUeetca ( y terms , cn-n.&tra ' 3 houses nnd $9 foot lot 20th near Clark , $ . ' < . v 1 Nip" collate Mia 1-4 lot Cnss nnd 29th , rent * 'or Sir. per month , f liV > . 2 houses and ( till lot on 20th nenr C $ : . .o a Half lot nntl house , 2'ith nofir Sherman nticot , $2,500. V , ' . it. Shnrei , On p. P. O. 22J 23 TTVHl SAIJI fiS rt frrmtlnir on OoilRO . 2 J blocks enst of the po < tolllcc. A tmriinlti at S1S.VX ) : $10,000 cnili. Marshall tc I ibcck , 15 Farnam. u _ _ ! > M GllKOOHV A. H.\llliv. : Hrtil IMntP , Itooms 1,2 and3Hcdlck Illock , 320 S , 11th St. MO 22 IiMHtvVl.n-Splvndld stock farm , B ml1e < v from IT. I'.dcpot nt Oeno , contnlns 250 ncrc , nll peed ploujch land. 90 ncro * fenced pns- nro with river frontline , 70 ncron under cultl * vnllnti , peed house , shed nnd windmill ! prlco F.1,600 Two-thirds or thrcp-lourtln of prlco on nottirnsrontT per ccut. Paten llros , Fuller- on. Nob. 212.28 * General Mnrkct4 , Wool. Medium IWj&Xle per Ib ; flno heavy , HfjlGci llslit , livaiSc ; eo.-use , 14ctitic ( ; burry wool , vXtf'x ) nil. limns Green butchers , C' ' c ; cccon cured , 8jttsxo ! ( ; lrv Hint. nc < iiJc : ; dry salt , txaioc ; Krepii calf skins , Wv9' < c ; ( latnuued hide * , two-thirds prlco. Tnlluw Hj c. ( Ireaso Prime vvhlto , : io ; yellow , 'Jo ; brown , 1J * hhect ) Tclts , cr > 07&c. IJKATIIKII I'rliiiu slaunhter solo leather , lioin , calf , 51.00(91.10 ( : o.ik calf. .00\l.B5 ; Frcncli calf , Sl.'i'xai.bO : Morocco , boot IPR , stVAffJa : .MortMon oil pebble , SSQiKc ; toppings atfil lining Oftditoo. HEAVY ILAitnw Ann Iron , rnto 52.tO ! ; plow sti-ol spcclnl cast , -ic ; crucible steel , Oc ; cast tools , do. I218o ; wapiti snokas , per set , Sl.75673.00 ; hubs , per set , SI.83 ; telloes , sawed dry. Sl.M ) ; toticue < t , each , 75c ; nxeU each. 7r > c : siiuare nuu , per Ib. ljS7lc ( ; cell chain , per Ib. ( XiUc ! ; unlluable. Ool ; iron wi-d ccs , Oc ; crow bars , Oc ; hairow teeth , 4c ; spritiB stool , 7@Sc ; Itiirden's horse shoos , S4.40 ; Burden's inulo shoes , $5.40. Itarhrd wire , In car lots , $4.00 iier lee Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to no. SAW ) ; steel nulls , S2.05. Shot , S1.0.V buckshot , 81. W ; oriental powder , kt' 's , S2.SO ; do. half ke s , 5AOO ; do. qunrtor koKs , 81.50 ; blasting kcps , S2.rto ; luse , per 10 feet , ffiic. Lead bar , § 10. \ A HN'i'itir.s Barrels , purcallon : furni ture , extta , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. Sl.on ; cnnclioxtm , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.'JO : Ia- mar , extra , 31.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra 85c ; shellac , $3.50 ; hard oil finish , bi'iuiTS Cotocne snlrlts. 183 proof , SI. 17 ; do 101 ptoof , S1.1S ; spirits , second ii' ' " > l"yi 101 proof , $1.17 ; do IBS proof. St.lC. Alcohol. Ib8 proof , SA18 per wine gallon. Hcdistllli'ii whiskies , Sl.00irfl.50. ( ! ln , blended. S1.50Q9 ' . ' .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , SAOOffiGOO ; Ken tucky nud Pennsylvania ryes , $ J.H.rf0.50 ( ; Golilen Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , S1.50 < rtt.OO. : Hr.indies , Imported , SB.OO@H.W1 ; domestic , Sl.WX33.oo. ( ilus. importca , 54.50 ( (40.00 ( ; domestic , Sl.25ff3.00. ri imported , per case , S''S.OOSXl.OO ; Aiuetlcan , per case. S10.0CK410.IX ) . 1'AiNTH IN OIL White lead. Omaha- ! ' . , 7Wc ; white lead , St , Louis , pure , S7.75 ; Mar seilles green. I to r Ib cans , 2c ; Kicncn zinc , creen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red bcal , lie ; Kicncli zinc , In varnlsli asst , 'JOc ; > tench zinc. 75e' vermlllion Aiiicrican , 18c ; Indian red , loc : rosn pink. I4c ; Venetian red , Cook- .son's. 29 0 ; Venetian red. American , IKc ; led lead , "H'c ; chrome yellow , genuine , Sue ; chroiuo yellow , K , I''u ; oclue. rochelle. : tc ; ochre , French , 2 fc ; ochre , American , l c ; Winter's miiiL-ral. SI P ; Lchlgh blown , 2,1-Je ; Spanish brown , Q > c ; rrlnco'.s rclneral , Se. Se.Dm Dm * I'AiNTSWhHe load , 8c : French sine , 12c : I'aris whlthiir , 2Ke ; whitiiit' , cilders , ' -Jfc ; whltliii ; , clim'l , I'ic ; lampblack , ( ler- inanstowu. l' c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prusbiau bluo,55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyk- brown , 8c ; umbur. burnt. 4c ; umber. iaw,4 o sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane cieen. cunuine , l5c ! , I'aris green , common , 22c ; clirome ttroen. N. Y. , 20c ; chronn greou 1C , 12c : vermlllion , Kimlish , in oil , 75c : raw nud burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c ; Vandyke brown , Vte : ro- liued lampblack , 13c ; coach black and ivory black , IGo ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue , too : ultramarine black. 18c ; chrome creen.L. , M. & ! ) . , lOc ; blind nnd shutter greun , L. . At. & I ) . , ICc ; Pans Krenn , 18 ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan , 22c ; American \ermillicn , L. & ! > . , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. * O. IX , 13c ; good ochre , Ific ; patent drvor. He ; cralniuK color , light oak , dark oaV , walnut , chestnut nnd nsh , 12c. DIIUOSAND OIIKMICAT.S. Acid , carbolic , Ji2c ; acid , tartarlc , 62c ; balsam copaiba , per , 4c ! ! : bark sassafras , per Hi , lOc ; calomel , pure , per Ib. 2'ic ; lead , acetate , per Il > , 21c ; oil , caitor , No. 1. per gnl. , 81.50c ; oil castor , No. 2 , per ( 'nl.t S1.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , * 1.40 ; oil orlirannum. 50 < > . ; opium , $ : .20 ; quinine , P. & W. and K. AS , , per oz. 70o ; potassium Iodide , per tt > , 82.8. ) ; salicin , per oz. 40c ; sul phate morphine , per 07 , S2. : < r ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ; strychnine , per 07. 81.25. Grocers' lilac. Picm.r.s Medium , In bbls , 50.50 : do. In half bbN , 83.75 ; small. In ftbls , S7.50 ; do , In half bbls. S4.i > ; Bherklns. In bbls , 88.50 ; do , in half bbls. 84.75. Svitui1 No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , 81.20 ; New Orleans , per Gallon : JS@4ic ( ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 72c ; 1 gal lon cans , oer doz , 810.00 ; half gallon cans , per doz. 85.00 ; quart cans , S.'i.0u. STAlicit Mirror glass. 1 Ib. s c ; mirror gloss , : i Ib , 5Uc : mirror gloss , Olb , 0tfu ; ( iraves * corn , 1 Ib , Cc ; Kingsford's corn. I Ib , 7c ; Klnestoul's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c : Kingslord's irlois , < i Ib. 7Kc , Kinesfoid's ' pure , ! i Ib , 7 c ; Kingslords bulk , 4c. ToiiAcro 1'lug , climax , 4ie ; horscshoo , ' ! 7c ; star. : ! 9c ; spearhead , S'Jc : pipOTheidslck , fiOe ; gold shield , 34c ; merry war , ' } & : J. T. jc. MAI CUES Per caddie , USc ; square cases , 81.70 : mule squaie , $1.20. CA.VDV Mixed , 0llKc ( ; stick , 8 } ® 9 c CiiAncnKs ( iarneau's soda , butter and picnic , 5 > c ; creams , 8Kc ; glngersnaps , 8 $ c ; cltv soda , "M SOAPS Kirk's savon imperial , 82.70 ; Kuk's satinet. Si.OO : ; Kirk's standard , 53.05 ; Kirk't. white Uusslan. $4.00 ; Kirk's whlto- cap , 80.50 ; dome , 83.b5 ; washboatd , 811. 10 ; white cloud. 83.75. HOI-K K inch , ll c ; % inch , i ) VUUIT No. 1 quarter apples , 4c ; In evaporated boxes , UvVO'Jj.tfc ; black berries. boxes , I ) @iXc ) ; poaches , Salt l.ake , 1888 , 7iiC'Wc ; pc.ichns , evaporated , 15 @ 17c ; raspberries , now , WKOSiOc ; cuirenis , CKW'lJie ' ; prunes , new , 4fai4Kc. SITOAICS Powdered , 7 < vj7'ic ' ; cut loaf fiK@7e ; uranulaled , 0fe : confectioner B' A 5JiJf < tOc ; htandard extra C , 6rdA e ; extra C. 5x' < @ 5)fc ; medium yellow , 4J < @ c. CAXNKD Goons Oysters , standard , per case , S3.UV strawberries , 3 Ib. per case , 83,00 ; raspberricH. 3 Ib , per case , S'J.OO ; California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apilcotH , pur casj ; 84.00 ; jieaclies. per , 5 > 5.itt ; whlto chei- lics , per case , 8(1.00 ( ; plums , per case , SW , blueberries per case , 81.85 ; c. g jihims , 2 Ib per case , a'J.50 ; plneapplxs , 3 Ib , per case SWO@5.75 : ; 1 Ib inackeiel. per doz , Sl.iiO ; 1 Ib salmon , per doS1.5WSI.OO ; 2 I b goose , bunles , pcrcase , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string beiins , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , Sl.fiO ; 2b | marrowfat peas , per case , 82.40 ; 2 Ib early .lime iieas , percaso. 82.75 ; 3 Ib toma toes , 82.10 < i.25. CoFi'iK.s : Ordinary giades , 12Kc fair , 13@ > ! 3 > < c ; prime , V @lfo ; choice , 14 > f@15c ; fancy Kreen and jollow , U > @ 10o ; old eov- einmeni Java , 20@-J c ; inlerTor Juvu , 10 ( A 20e ; Mncha , 2'JJ4c < ! : Arbuckle'a ro.istod 17Xc ; McLaiiKhlln's XXXX roasted , 17 'c ; JJiTworth's , In tlio boiler room of the Mount Auburn Young Ladies' institute building in Cin cinnati , O. , works tlio only woman engineer - gineor in this country. Sim Is Miss M , L. liri'iinan , tli'u matron of the Institute. Shu is suid to bo as well vorscil in the art of enginei.TJnp.ns . most of the mule on- tiinccrs , u ml is thoroughly in love with ncr work. _ Several liull'alo , N. Y. , persons Iiavo lately been snindiod by two active young ladies , who peddled bo < rus ratllu tickets. They visited stores ami other places of business , .selling 10 cent tickets to a radio for ttiu benefit of destitute women , and did a thriving business until taken in and cared for by the police. Rochester parties are going into the frog-raising industry on an extensive soalo. They liavo purchased a largo tract of land on the western shoru of Lake Caynga , near Canog.i , N , Y. , on which they will erect improvements necessary ' essary for'thu carrying on of such a busi ness , ' _ _ In Guuvma.s , Mox. , a disease known ns black smull pox is caubing a griiut many deaths. SATURDAi S MARKET HCLRES Wheat Very Firm and a Generally Strong Tone Prevailing , THECORN PIT ALMOST LIFELESS. Prmislonq Dull nntl Kaslpr- Quot able Clianuc In Unttlc Hogs Com- liifC l''rom All Directions , and Prices Ijowcr. cntcAoo pitonucn ai CntcAoo , Nov. 20. ISpcclal Telegram to the HKK.I Wheat was veiy Htm to-day. The foreign markets ate unquestionably i\t > d nnquallfiedly Him.vllU a decided upward tendency , and unless speculation should carry our wheat aw ay upbejond reason then ) seems to be uo likelihood of the hutting oil ofthofoiclgn demand for American bread stuffs. The complaint everywhere Is of n scniclty of ocean freight room. That alone prevents what would bo otheiwlse a very heavy export movement. Public cables were strong and several private messages tioni acioss tlio water quoted the maiket "strong nnd buoyant. " There has been In the past two or three weeks an ndsanco of several cents In the bid prlra of California wheat in KiiKland. From seaboard markets icpotts nro all ono way and Now York Is feeling exceed ingly hullUh , judging trom the tenor of ne\\ sand the nature and extent of tuders sent west. In tlio wheat pit to-day theie was a pitched battle between the New Yotk bulls and the northwestern bears , with the moral support of the local crowd generally ttnown with the f miner. The stoim hasmtcil'eicd with tlio nunementof sprlngwheat this week and .statisticians arc llguiing on n small in crease to the visible supply , but a note of warning Is sounded to "look out for tiomen- dons receipts at Minneapolis and Iu- luth next week , " with a lib eral slop - over movement towatd Chicago and Milwaukee. Cliiiuges have been rune on thin so otten that it has lost much of its 01 lirlnal force , but it was nlaved again to-day for all there was In it. The'iioithwesl slugged the maiket furiously nil day , but tone no ptti pose. The ollerings weie absoibed icadlly and at close fcoliutras .stronger than at any time pievioiisly. The opening \vos VOVc above ycstenlay's close and higher oven than the late curb pi Ici-s. Kiist trades in December were at 7. " > c , In January at 7We and In Marat SUc. Somoti.ides wuru made at slightly better tigtncs , but thn market re ceded under a piossinc ot 'Vc. Kioni this te- action these was a ste.uly recovery , and , as stated , the close was lirm at thu best prices ot tlio morning , viz : 75J < c for December ; 75Jfc for January and SJ'sc for .May , a gain for tin- day of ? fc@'tfc. ' Corn was almost lifeless and for an hour during the forenoon them was scaicoly any tiade. The lluctiiatlons weie so veiy light as to bo barely peiceptiblc. Ot outside news there was none and the market was destitute of distinguishing local fcn'ures. The closing prices were the S.IIIID as yester day and Thursday. Nothing worth mention ing tiausplicd in oat . Provisions vvcrodull and easier. The receipts of live hogs were llheial and heavy arrivals foi next week aie anticipated. Speculative tiade has been in a comatose state for so long that the revival of activity is a slow and laborious pieces . Vniy inslgnllicaiit price variations aio in the di rection ul a lower range. Curb 2:10 : p. -December wheat. 75Vc bid. Now York icpoi ted twenty-three beatle lods ' taken for export. Pi Iv lieges 74 > c anil CHICAGO IjIVB STOCK. CHICAGO , Nov. 20. [ Special Telegram to the UIK. | CAITI.K. To-day the ftesh re ceipts were quite light and the demand was llteless. The market was not quotably changed , but values were weak at yesterday's prices. Sales indicate butlittlo Improvement over the rates of Wednesday , which were the lowest In seven years. Ono salesman , who bad the best cattle that were sola , quoted prices 10@15c lower. There was literally no demand. Shipping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ib.s , 84.80@4.00 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs , s.GO@ $ : ! .20 ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , sn.00@3.50 ; stockcrs and feeders , 2.00(33.50 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , 31.45 ® 8.40 ; bulk $2.00@2.40 ; through Texas cattle , strong at S2,25@i.OO. : In range cattle the week has been a comparatively uulct one in this branch of the market. Trade was early dull and lower , and Wednesday business was dull and stagnant. Since then prices have advanced about 25@ : > 0c on all desirable Texas stock. Hales : 50 steers , 870 Ibs , S2.C.O ; 50 head , SOI Ibs , 82.60 ; 44 bend. 867 Ibs , S2.C5 ; 20 head , 27:1 : Ibs , S2.M ) . HOGS Hogs seemed to come from all di rections to-day. Every road leading to this uiaruet thtew in Its contingent , and probably when the official figures are made up they will show the largest number ever received bent on Saturday. Under this statr ; of the market , * alcsmen soon dLscoveicd they would have to makn even fuures in older to tempt hnycis , so they commenced taking lOc off and ended by taking 15c on" , while In some cases values were fully 20c lower than yester day. H was a steady decline from the open ing to the close , prices ruling lowest at the tinlsli. It there was really any llnlsh. There was at least 00,000 on sales , as there were fully 12,000 left last night , and perhaps not over 40,000 were sold to-day. The sales below do not lairly represent prices to-day , as they were among the tirst made and are really lOo higher than these mailo toward the close of the day. Hough and common may he quoted at S..40@VO ! ; fair to good mixed. S3.70@a.bO ; best mixed , Si.bOy8.8.fancy : : heavy , 83.000 4.00 ; light sorts , 8X50a3.bO. ( F1NANC1AU. N wr York. Nov. O-JlONBY ) On call active lit ( $ < ) per cent , closing at r per cent asked. PllIMB MKllCANTII.K 1'APEK 4@5 per cent. STKIU.INU ExciiASOK-Steadv ; actual rates , S4.8U | lor blxty day bills ; 84.81 lor de mand. GOVERNMENTS Government bonds were dull but Meady. STOCKS Stocks opened active. The ner vousness and excitement caused by Hlchuionil A : Went 1'olnt Bpread through the entire list , prices r > ro YC'W higher than jvitcr- daj'sclosliiK figures , hut th advantage was hoon lost. The rally brought prices up to nbiitit the opoiiliiR liKiires by noon , after vvlilchamuch bettor troliu pmvallcd until toward the close , when eviMTthlnii cnvo vviy under thu lend of Jersey Central. The mar ket closed active hut weak. Thou'flult ol tlio dav'o business Is a decline lu most of the ncllvo stocks , vvhlli' specialties whovv the most advances. West Point is up W , MeiuphU A : Charleston 4 % . Unlcazo , St. Louis it I'itts- burc 'J , anil preferred ! % per cunt. Jcisey Central is down : % i > er cent. STOCKS ON WA.1,1 , BTItBRT. W cent bonds. . . . 100 C. AN. W 0. b.4U's Ill preferred , . , 141 NewVs 127 % N.V. C Pacific O's of ' 05 , liW Oroiron Tnin. . Central I'acitic. . 47 I'aciluc Mall C.&A 143 P. I ) , .t K proierreo , . . . IfiO P , P. C 144 C. II. & 0 - Kock Island 17. L.&W. . . . . . 141-lSt.L. .S. V , . . 1) . Alt. G si&l : iireteued. . Erie. . , . a7 ,0.M. & .St. P. . . U\ \ preferrci1. . . 78' < l prelened. . . 120 Illinois Central St. I' . AcO 5I ! < L , 11. &W picfeiicd. . . 115if Texas 1'aelllc. . . 23 < ( Lake Shore . 07 Union 1'acllii ! . . . ( il L. AN . W W. , I' . . SMJi Mich. Central. . . W preferred , . . M7U Mo. Pacific . 110 } < Wrstern Union Northern 1'ac. . . WKO. | , U. &K 10T piefencd. . . G3 % | o M.\iiicir. ; Oblcaeo , Nov. 20. Flour Steady and fnm : winter wheat Hour. 84.0.Vtf4.10 ; south ern. S3.UOrg4.00 ; Wlscoiibln. S4-OOi < 4.10 ; Mich igan softbprlnif vvht-at , ? ji.50 : 4.iO ; .Minm otn bakers , 63.50(34.10 ( ; patents. 84.ay4.0U ; lowgr.idis ( , 1.75rtjJ.75 ; tjo Hour , quiet at S3.'iXija.50 in barrels , and S'J.002d.20 in sacks. Wheat Strong at Hllghtly advancM ( le- tires ; op > ned Kc higher and cloed ahoui'Mu above > es > teiday ; cash. 74 ( ii74Xcj I > e ccmber , 75'i'c ' ; January , 75J/c ; ilay , bJ'ic Corn Quiet but firmer and a Shade better opened steady , slionin. blight liupiovemcnt over > esterday , ruled quiet and linn most of of tlic5w > lan , closlui ; about as vcsterdnv ; cash. WVc ; December , ofi > Jc ; January. Jday , Oats -Steady but quiet ; strong and no chaugo from ycstcrdav ; cash , Wi' ej Do- ccml cr , 'JfiVc ; Slav , 8 < i'4c. It VP Steady at. W. ilarlc > Firm al5.j4C ! , Tmiothj .ooml Prnnv. Sl.CJ I'lav-Mwd WWUJijc. Wbi kySI.1S > . 1'oik Ki lcr : ruling vvcnk , feeling easier nnd prices deMlned 2Vc < 6c clo lue stradv ; cash nnd December , Sl'.M ' ) ; January , 810.0JM. Lnrd OITerliig small and prices casj ; cash , J.V.y * ; December , 55.Wjjri.WW Jan uary , S.\ti ) } . Hulk Meats-Shonldprp , SV10ii5.CO ; slioit rlb < . S' < 15 < M.17 ; January and short clear , SX7.Viti.stl. liuttcr Stc.idv nud lirm ; creamcrv. CO ® 2T < .e ; dalrv. IH. IC. Clu-ese Steady and lirm ; full Ched dars and Mats. n4il3o ; > OUUB Ameilcas , l2 ( Kgus rirm at . . lliites-lloavy gteon salted , S'/c ' : Ik-ht , SJ/otUp ; bull hides , fl' c ; drv sailed. il@iec ; diy flint. w.ri4e ; calf skins , bfeiloJic ; dea cons. WV each. * * > - Tallow Ma 1 Cv-WUfcy , S c ; No , 2 2 > c : cake , Sc. . . Klour.bbls . 31.01 3.01 Wheat. bii . M , ( KK Ib.OcO Corn , mi . wroj 344.000 ( ) at .Du . lUUHH ) 71.000 Kyo , hu . 4,000 1,000 I ) arir v , on . 40,000 none Now York , Nov. 20. Wheat Firm ntid higher ; receipt * . * 07 , 100 : exports , 41tHKi ; uu- giaded red , Mr.h'OVc ' ; No. 3 rod , MjiJ'M'f.e ; No. 1 red , S c : No. 2 red , N'I C In elevator : WCrfWc afloat ; b-W f. o. b ; December cloklng at st'fc. ' Coin -Higher , closlni ; steady ; rcrelpls rotrolctim Steady ; united cloicd at 7 hggs Pit m and In lair demand. Pork Steady but less netlve : old mess , quoted atsio.00 10.25 ; new 510.WX5Ul.oo. Laid Dull ; vvestcin steam spot , S0.21 ® 0.22 ; choice. { 5H.2.X Iltilter r.lriu and in fair demand ; west- oiu. l'-'G2'.V. ' Cheese Quiet and barely steady ; western Mat , 1K.M2V. Milwaukee. Nov. .u Whcat-StronR ; cash and December , 73'du ' ; January , 74c. Corn-Dull ; No. 2 , liOJjc. O.its-Stc.ullui ; No. 2 , 2t ) > { c. KyeScarce ; No. 1 , 57' ' < Tc. li.iihv ; Higher ; No. 25iVc. " ; 1'iovlslons Knsiei ; pork , November and December , S'.l.oO. Cincinnati. Nov. 20. Wheat Quiet ; N > J ted , 77c. Corn Kirm ; No. 2 mixed , 37c. Oats ICasiei ; No. 2 mixed , 2'.ic. Kyo - Quiet and lirm ; No. 2 , 5bc. I'oik Nominal at Sl .50. Lard Kilmer. Whlskv-Sle.uly at S1.13. ! > lliincnpoilH , Nov. 20. Wheat Stronger with fieo bu.vlng. closed M@lc higher ; No. 1 hard , cash. 72e : December , 72'c ' January , TicMav.bOc \ ; No. 1 noithern. cash and Iu- comber , fisife ; January , 70c : May , "fie , Flour Patents , S4.i5 ( < $4.25 ; bakers , 53.15 ® 3.2. . Hocelpts Wlieat.OO.OOObii. bhipmiiiits Wheat , 41,000 bu. ; flour , 0,000 bbls. St. Iiouls Nov. 21. Wheat Firm and hl'rher ' : No. S led. cash , 70'fe ' ; Dccembci , 77' < c ; January , 7b54'c ; May. Kri'8c. ' Coin Firm ; No. 'J , mixed , cash , 34' | , ( < J ! ! 4'.je ; Decembei. 34Ic ( ; May , : ' > SJtfc Oats Kasy ; Mo. a , mixed and cash , 20@ 2fMc. live Stcadv at 51r. Whisky Ffi mat SI. 13. Pork Steady at Sl'.h ' ? ( SllO.OO. Lard Steady at 3. > .b.r , ( < V.k > . Butter Fairly active ; turn ; creamery , 21 27c ; dairy , i)0l25c. Toloilo. Nov. 20. Wheat-Weak and lower ; cash. 7fiJ c bid. Oats Dull ; cash , ! Wc. KIIHH.IH CltjNov. . 20. Wheat Steady ; No. 3 red , cash , C2' < c bid : November , O'JXc bid ; May , 71 > Vbid. Corn Stioni ; ; No. 2. cash , 'iOJ c bid ; De cembei , 31c ; Jnuuarv , Hl e. bid. Oats Steady ; 2 IKc foi cash. Liverpool. Nov. 20. Wheat Firm with good demand , and holders offer sparingly. Now Orleans , Nov. 20. Corn Scarce and lirm ; mixed and whlto. 50c ; yellow , 50 Oats Firm at3Ce. Coi nmeal Steady. Hot Products Unsuttli'd , but generally lower. I'oik S10.37K. Laid 80.00. UulK Meats Shoulders , $5,25 ; long clear and clear ribs , Sd.Oj. MVB STUCK. ChlonKo. M'ov. 20. The Drover's Journal reports as follows : Cattle Kecoiits , 1,000 ; oulet ; nominally steadj : shltiping steers. S3.0u@4.'JO ; stockers and feeders , 5 > 2.00.r ; ! 0 ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.I5@3.40 ; bulk. 82.00fi2.40 | ; thiough Toxaicattle strong at $3.25 < ! Kl.4l. Hogs Heceipts , 47,000 ; sales 10@20c lower : roughand mixed , S..5K ! ! .so ; packing and shipping , S'I.70@.00 | ; light , 33.50 4.00 ; skins. 32.00@3.40 : Sheep Heeeipts , 1,000 ; steady ; good , Sfl.OO ( 4.00 : common , S'.00 ( )2.75 ) ; westein , S3.00r < 3.00 ; Toxaus. 52.00(33.20 ( ; lambs , S3.54.UO. ( St. Iioiild , Nov. 20. Cattle Receipts , 700 ; shipments , : IOO ; market lirm : choice native steers , S4.0@l.75 ! ; lair to good shipping steerf , 8'l.M'H25 ) ; butcher steers , fair to choice. Si.UOc : < t4.10 ; feedeis , fair to good , S2.55Gf3.20 ; htockein , fair togood.Sl.'JC ® Hoes Heeeipts , 4.000 ; shipments , none ; opened steady , gradually weakened and closed So lower on heavy and lOc on light ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , 8M.05 ( auo ; packing , medium to best , 83.bO@-l.00 ; Yorkers , fair to choice , 3.70@3'JO ; pigs , com mon to good. 2.50 ( ? 3.X ( ) . KaiiMiiH City , Nov. 20. Cattle Hucelpts , 1,100 ; shipments , none ; maiket steady ; common to choice , S'i.304.JO ( ; stocKers , 82.25 < < A2.75 ! ; feeding steers. aa.HOC * ; cows , S1.50ija.70 ( ; glass la.ige steers , S2.25@U.20. Hogs lleceipts , 13,300 ; shipments , bOO ; opened lOc lower anil closed luft'-'Oc lower ; common to choice , 83.50 4.00. OMAHA MVE STOCK. Saturday Kvcnlnir , Nov. SO. Caltlo Theie were a few In to-day , but ihc inniket was quiet. llo.'s Tlmrivcipta WIMO heavy for a Sat- urdav and the maiKi-t active. Vulues remain about steady with yesteidav. Tlio demand continues strong for light weights , but heavy hogs aio selling well. Kverythlng Hint was In in the morning sold icadily and thu puns were rleaied. Late In the day , after the matkcl had closed , a tialu ol twenty-three c.n.s iinived. The maiket rinsed weak. Sheep Theio was nothing doing in the KI ; < r.irrfl , Cattle . 4CO 110,55 . 3W)0 ) Showing the pro/ailmgprlfoj julil for Hvu stock uu this maiket , Cliolon steerc' . UIVI to 1500 Ihs . S l.iiva 1,50 Cholco steers , 1 lOti to 130'l Jbs . S.75 1,4(1 ( Medium sloem , IJV1 to t : 'J Ibs . . nfiOnoi.15 Goodfiiedors . ' . ' .GVctfi.OO Good to choice corn-fed cows . 2lH > ri.'i.OO Fairto moillum gi\n- < iws . a.O''U ' ) ; .2'i Good tochoicn D'Uls . 1,25 ( 1.00 Assoiled ll ht lious . 4.00 Light and uiRditim nogs Good tocholca heavv t'oga ' . 3.fl.Vi.75 ! : Good tocholeo mixed uo s . ; i."i'ir.s'i ! ! itougli tluow outs . , . 2.50'43.00 ( iood to clioieu sheep . , , . 2,7' 'C.l.'M Fair to good shuui . 'J.2.V.J2.50 . linn ; ; ( j ol'l'rlact , Shovvinu1 the highest and loucst nrlces paldforloaiUof hozs on thK market during the past sov en dajs and fui the s < imo timu last yea i : Oet. Mtlil i.S'i j-tii 4 err > intii .t'jo a.ui.1. ' ) 17111 lKtlii : 7 IDtll1 U HO l O'l No. Av. Pr. . . . . 12h7 51.10 nor.- No. Av. Shk. I'r. No. Av. Silk. 04..27S W ) S.70 : ! ( W. 2t OJ. , : 3 4bo a.70 57 . ; ; i7 J40 57 . ! XlO bO 3.SO 67 310 IV ) S.S ) rJO ,315 4U 3.M ) 51 , ' l tO 3.hO r/j , i.M7 : ; .bO 3I.J "s < i to y.t& 110. . WJ 4W y.bO 67..270 fcu U.QJ W..200 .100 ! VsV1 ns V07 ISO .161 57..tttt HI 3.SI C'.t 201 COO 3K ( ) Khowlug the number of p-irs of cattlo. IIORS and iheop shipped from South Omaha duriutr the day : r TI r.K. No. cars. Itoule Destination 3 . _ . C. It. AQ . Chicago All sites of stock in this market arc made percvvt. llvowoluht unlp othi < rvvloo < > tatr l , Dead IIORS sell at c per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs. no value. Puxuaut ROWS aio docked 40 Ibs. nnd stacsbO Ib , by the public Inspector. Noteo. Cattle dull. Hogs steady. An active hog market for Saturday. Dave. Andctson , Columbus had In a load ot cattle Mr. Gllmorp. of IJrooks , la. , was here with three loads ot hogs. Mr. Ljnn , liom near Coining , la.vas In with two loads of IIORS. D. S. Klnsvlla , of Panamn , In. , wns here nnd sold a load of hogi. Twenty-three cats of bogs and one load ol cattle atrlvcd late In tlui altcrnoon. Joseph llamtming , Arlington , Nob. . WM heio and uiaiKetod a hud of corn-fed s'cers. ' Mnitln Ciow llavmond , Nob. , was herewith with tvo t loads of cattle too late for to-day'i maiket. A. II. Merrill , Cromwell , was horn with two loads of hogn which ariived too late tor to day's market. James Mnsli , of the firm of Houston , Penny & Co , live stock commission , Kansas City , was a visitor at the jnrds. Mr. Itiandon , foreman of the Klovva Cnt- tlecomii.iny , was bete with twelve loads of cattle shipped from Pine HlulK 1. It. Alter , Grand Island , was looUm : over thoyaids. Mr. Alter sold between livoand xl\ thousand head ot Iceders this season. The large number ol hogs coming from ot comment , lown shippers are liudliig out where they can mar ket thelrhogs to thu best advantage. having lioss on the market were : Joscjih Spelts. Milfnrd ; Nelson & Jacobs. Staplelnut : C. C. Clifton , Colon ; Ki-iio & Storrs , Oakdale ; O. P. GulTov , Shel- tou ; A K. Kalkuor , Plum Cieek ; J. Wllhclui- Fen , Daiinebrog ; J. K. Hale , On ) ; F. Hey , Silver Cteek ; M. Kllluer. Silver Cieek ; Hipp .V L. , Humphiey.s ; J. G. Hall , Gibbon. On the maiket with hois : A. D. Scare , Aillngton ; Kmoley Itios. , Chirks ; Geoigo Uoetel , Mlilard ; U.S. Kcntuer , West Side , la. : W Piflstmaii , Council lilulTH , la. ; W. Sllvci Cjty ; l.ondon ACo. . , Mason ; U. King llradshnw ; Gicen it Meeker and W II. Colcman Greenwood ; Kelley A Co. , l \o > r ; Sucll fe Agtiew. Aslilaud ; E. L. Martin , 1'nirniount. OMAHA \VIIOIjJ38 VljK MAKKKTS. General 1'rodiico. Saturday , Nov. 20. Tlicfotlowlni prlcM an ! jor roitntl lott of produce , as Million tint miirhcl tn-iln\i. \ Tlte tjunttilloni on fruits rcprcicnt tne prlcct at whichoittnt < ic < m1frs ro tilled. Eons The market Is lirm at 2lc. Uu rTiu : The rocelptscoiilluuo llirht , whllfl the demand is good and the market lirm. Values remain about the same. Fic lt crcamerv , 20aiOc : ; fresh dairy , choice , 25c ; choice countiy. 2Uitilc ( ; good country , 20ij ( 22e ; lair , HifflISccommon ; , fiCol2. ) Onr.Ksi : Full cream Hats , 2 In box. I3c ; Voung Ameticas , 4 In box , 13 } < c ; fancy Swissl5c ; Swiss , choice , I4c ; brick. iOiac ; Limhnrg , 12c. I'owi.TKV The demand for live poultry Is very light and H is .slow sale. Thoie Is a very fair demand for dressed poultiy. Dressed poultry , chickens , choice , per Ib , 8it ( ! c ; fair to good , f.itbo : turkeys , choice , HCl'Jc ; fair to good , ( 10a ; ducks , choice , lie ; geese , choice , lie. Live , old chickens choice , per do/ . , 52.002.25 ? ; vouiig chickens , choice. S2.00 i2.25 ; ducks. 82.50(42.75 ( ; geese , 50.00 ( < t8.tH ) ; turkeys , 57.00 ( S'J 00. ( AMK The cold weather has stim ulated the market and prices are. good. Prairie chickens. choice , per doz , S3.50JJ3.75 : quail , S1.75@.00 : snipe , plover , etc. , $ l.o : ) ( < c- ! ! " ' : ducks , mallard , 81.75 ; ducks , teal , S1.25 ; ducks , mi\od , $1.00 ; gofso , 53.OWiC3.50 ; deersaddles , perlb , HQias ; deer , carcasses , 8 'Jc : antelope , saddles , ll@12o ; antelopu , carcasses , 7if' ' ( ; ; elk , saddles , lOQ lie ; elk. raicisscs , < Vi$7c : jack rabbits , per lo7 , 53.50I.OU : small rabbits , perdo81.00 'ONIONS The market Is vvcll supplied but theie is a gioat deal of poor stock in which is slow sale. Cholcei yellow onions soil well. Onions , choice bulk , per bu , 75@UOc : choice , fiotn store , ! Ku@S1.00 ) ; choice , fiom stoic , per bbl , 82.75a3.00 ( ; choice jellow , pel bush , UOcCifi Sl.OO. PorATOKS Stocks aio moving falily well and thuiuis a good many coming in. The The storm amf colder weather may tend to huriy up those dealers who have not put In theli lull winter stocks. Potatoes , choice , per bu. WKjZVxs ; good. 45cst7 < > . SWIIT : ; I'orA'ions There has been \ory fovv In the past week and tiiodemand lacoou. Cholco homo-giovvu , per Ib , 3c ; choice Jersey , per bbl , S4.50. Ari'i.rH The supply In the market ! s lib eral and the demand veiy cood. A gieat many apples have spoiled dining the past few weeks and that together with the fact that stocks are not as largo as last year has led dealers to autldps'.to a stionir niarKet In the near futuiu. CholceMlssouii .stock , 32.0032.50 ; Miefilgin stock , 82.50 ; lancy Michigan , 83.00 ; In 10@'J5 bbl , lots , 82 75. CKI.KIIY The glut Is over and the locclpts lire veiy liihf The maiket is higher. Choice stock 4UiS50c. Ovsinns The demand Is good and prices are very low. Country dealeis who antici pate ordeilng would do well to send In their orders several days in advance of thulium they aio wanted. Mediums. 25c ; standards , 30 : selects , 35c ; N. V. counts , : tse. I.KMONS Messina , per box 87.00 ; Malaga. 85.ouatc.txt OIIANOKH Florida eholee , per box , J5.00 ; Jamaicaeliolce , per libi , S'J.IX ) ; Jamalci ! > , choice , per box , SI.W. GitAi'KS Mula-ia , prr bbl , SO 00 ; Malaga , 5-10 bbl lots , pel bbl , 55.50 ; Cutawba , U Ib baskets. 75c. PHOVISIO.S" ! Hnm , sugai-cmcd , ll ! { < ft ll'jc ; breakfast bacon , siiirar-cuiod , boneless , lOc ; shoulders , siigar-curi'd , clear side bacon , Halted sl 7''ije ' : dried beef , hams , lie : tilled beer , ular , l''c ; me- pork , JIPI bbl S12.MJ ; laul10 Ib cans. Kiilibanks , 7 o ; 10 , fi nnd 3ib p.ills , Knlrbnnkn , TWtfjT. HKANB Inferior Mock SO.TSffll.OO ; coed countiy , Sl.OOiitl.iV mcdluiu , hnud picked , $ l.M ) ( < JIfJO ; hand picked navy , Jl.CO ' KI.OUII AND Aiusiui'i"5-\Mntcr ! \ wlu'al flour , best qiulltj patent , Si7.r > : second nual- ity. J2. | U ; best quality HtulnK vUieut flour , patent. fJ.OOjbran.f'Oc pnrcwt'.choppcil fee-it , 70c per cwt : white corn meal. yo > ; yellow corn meal , Nks pei cvvt ; sricenintr , OOo per cwt ; lioinlny , SlOu nor cvvt ; short" , Mo per cvvt ; L'laluin , 81.00 ; liay , In bules , I&.V ) ® 0,00 ner ton , Orf JjmnUor. IIOAIIDS. No.l Com. i. 1. s. IB , Hand Mil C17.80 No.3 " ' IB , H and 10t / 14.75 No , 3 " " li. , M and 18 ft 13.50 No.4 " " ia. H and 18 fl J3.00 AMI ' ) : ft u ft iv tt'lb ' it'o n : ; : ft tt 2x4 16.-VJ lP.M lfl.64 17.00 IH.OOK1.W 1.00 Sit 1050 Idill I'l.r.l ' IT.IJU ' ZJIO 1GCI in vi I HIKI ' . ' . ' . 110.6 in w IH (10 W.ft ) . 00 _ _ _ HI r , , I7.0Q FKNCI.VO. No , 1 , 4t-filnch , I'Jaipl H ft , , rmigh..917.0 * No. 'J , 4 A Olucli , 12 HII.I U ft. , loiudi . . 11.00 I KII.INO AMI I'AUIiriOV. 1st com. , Jijn U'hjtc l'lu 1'ailUionS i.OO all Com , V In. Norway 1'luu Celllns FI.OOISISO. A Cluch , white tilneJ"S l ! t'.00 " 0 Cinch. ' " ! )4 ) I ) 2J.-.0 A 12 Inch. F.I 8. 4i' . (3 IM.OO II 12 Inch " " 4JD -i-'i-SO No 1 , c'llii. 10 In . s. 1 K . 10. IS A 'JO It . 21.00 No.'J , Kr > 0 Nd. ' . ' , ' IS AM ft. . . 17.'X ) " " " " 10 It . . . 10 On SHIP i.\r , No. l , pUm.Siuvl 10 inch 117.00 N'o. U , plitiii.S nnii 10 In-'h 1S. HiiNii.i' : < 9 , urn. XX clear , 53 ! ; A Mai. laid , S'-VX ' ) ; .No.l , S ! . . ' < ; Kuth , SWi i'l-sis White Cedar , 0 ! n. , KS. Uc , S In , , HI f.iid " < J , clear , I'iiicn , s 3 i. | 5" 00 I'd , clcjr 1 ! M'J. ! 8. 'J s , , . . Uu , clt-Ai , l.'i , l.H , 2 lu. . . . . .