Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1886, Image 1

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Terrible Tales of Destruction of Life and
Property on the Lakes ,
Heroic nut Flit IIo Attempt * ) to Hcs-
cue SitilorH Near Frniikfort on
Lnlte MlnlilRitn The Lost
nucl Saved.
IITIIOIT. : Nov. ! . A to Ilin Fico
Press fiotn Frankfort snys : A terrible lake
disaster occurred last night ana thcio Is left
not a soul to toll the story. During the
height f tliostoim yesterday afternoon , nt
Intel vali tlnough the blinding snow Htoim , n
thtee-masled schooner conltl bo seen about
Hlx miles southwest ot Pranklorl. Her poles
were almost bnio ami thu deck seemed
clear of caiuo. An attempt was made
to anchor her , and sliu held for a time , but
hoon broke loose and drifted helplessly bo-
foru the gale. Tiio wind gradually Incienscd
In violence and the seas were mowing every
inoinunt larger when darkness settled over
the face of the lake. Help was asked Irom
the life savingstatlon at Manlsteo , but It was
Impossible for a tine to llvo In such n
alo. Alter great trouble the life having
htntlon six miles north of hem was
icnfhcd anil the apparatus liauled down tlio
const by a tew volunteers , o\cr steep hills ,
winding mines , trcii trunk.s and heavy
BMOW drills , and pelted by drifting snow and
hall. They an Ivcd at the scone ot the disas
ter at Hcirlng Creek at 4 o'clock this motn-
-mile struggle against tlio
eluiuents. The vessel was totally biokun up
and with the cargo piled up on the beach ,
everything being completely destroyed.
The broken masts , bhrouds , lunibor and
debris all were mixed up and piled up
together. Captain Mathews thinks she must
have had her anchor down and pounded to
pieces on the outer bar. One body was
iouiul , that of a man thirty years old , with
black hair and sandy mustache. In the
pocket ot his eoat was a letter bearing the
addiess "William Lauroy. 11)1 ) Madison
street , Chlcaco. " His face was badly
jammed and his liands lacuiatcil.
The vessel's yawl , with the name
Muiiehannee was ne.iiby unlnjmed. it is
thought she had a crew of nine men. and that
Mio broke as soon as she struck. No other
bodies have > ct been dlscovored.
Another vvieck was dlscoyeiod two miles
south , vvheio the same chaotic wreckage was
seen by Iho 1'ieo 1'iess coiiespomlont. The
entire stern of the schooner Marionette , ol
Kaelne , WIs. , was discovered. At
a neighboring farm house was a bruised
and battered sailor witii lacoiutod
hands from which the llesh was shipped and
Ids feet weie badly swollen. Ho Is C. W.
Anuls , of Port Union , a sailor on his first
trip , and Is Iho only survivor of tlio vessel.
He said : "Wo loaded atOseoda with lumber
for Geoigo Lcoud , owneix * the lost vessel ,
and stalled lor Chicago Sunday. The
tow consisted ot the steam barge M.itilstlquo
and tlio schooners Marluetto anil Meiickuu-
nee. Wo met heavy weathoi on Lake Union ,
ami were driven for sliellui to Prcsquo Isle.
AVe then left and made a fair passage on
Lake Michigan. Wednesday noon a south
east gale set In with wind and snow. At
niidnkht , when ahicast of Ludiugton , six
miles out , the galoineieased lo almost a hurri
cane. The barge i cached for the Wisconsin
shore , made Two Uiveis litiht , but could
fetch nothing. At davllght the Maulstiquu
squared for Manlfon Islands to escape the
onslaught of the storm and tlio tow broke un
at'JM : ! ) . Tliestcamer lett us toourlato. Wo
Hit'iialled to them to stay by us ,
but she steamed away and was
lost to sight In the snow squall.
ThoMarlnetto pitched and rolled terribly so
that we scaiccly could keep a foothold. She
unshipped her rudder , becoming nn manage-
nblo. Then she stiruiiguleak and was water-
loirgcd. She rolled her deck load oil , taking
lioth tails and bulwaiks with It. Shu rolled
her mainmast out. and In falling
it took thu foremost and mU/cnlicad.
Wo saw the ilenokaiineo ( ( lifting
appalently near us all day. She showed no
( listless signal , while wo tied our colors to
the mast. Wo sighted Frankfort during thu
atternoon. Wre weio huddled in the cabin
where we built a temporary lloor over the
water. The cantain , a Chicago man , fifty
Years old , 1 don't know his name , was
washed overboaid and drowned at 2 o'clock
in the atternoon. We loweied the yawl at 5
o'clock uhd attempted to reach land , but in
lowering she sprum : a leak , rendeilng her
useless , ami we let her go adritt , At 10i0 : !
she struck the beach bio.idsldu and nvvung
head to , and wo rushed out of the cabin. Our
eiuvv was eight men all told.
Some middled under the leo of
the cabin , clinging to the timber
heads. 1 took to the miz/cn urging. The
stewardess , Mary , was clinging to me , crying ,
"Save me. Oh ! save me. " 1 helped her up
thoshiouds and slio tried to hold on until 1
eould fasten her. But she could not stand
the cold , and suddenly let go her hold and
fell down acioss me , nearly ran y hit : mo
alonu , and loll Into the boiling sea beneath
us. Her daughter , aired thii teen , thu pet of
the ciuw- , never loft the cabin , but was
drowned there. Clinging to the ilgglng with
me were French John and Air. Cumliey. Soon
tlio mast foil ucioss the cabin. Wetheu clung
lot ho davits at her stein , the seas dash ing o vei
ns. Thu others , wo thought.giadully washed
elf , one after another. At U o'clock Ciim-
Irey and John said they would try and
reach shoie. Kach look n loose plank and
stalled. As they neaied shoio I holloied :
"How do you get alongV" The ansvvercamo :
"All right , " and then all was silent.
A heavy sea swept over the vvieck ,
cairylng mo along. I grappled
u small plcco of deck plank , and after a teul-
bio oxpeilencu was flung upon the Mioie. 1
eiawled lo the hoi o ot Morlciiscn , who took
caieot me. Our ciew consisted ot the captain -
tain , name unknown , William Cumfiew ,
3'iench John , of Alpena ; 0. W.
Aniiis a Noiwejilan , from Cape
town , Norway ; Muiy and daughter ,
Mlnnlu from I'oit Union , and another
\ Hameit John. I think the Mcnckannou was
\vateilocged. 1 did not see her attei It grew
daik. She had a cr w ofsevnu. Captain
Cot , Mates Dan Wheeler aud John Cotton ,
of Poll Union. ' '
The body loiiml is probably John Cotton ,
mairled , of I'oit Union , Whllo at the
i wreck , ircsh wieeKage was discovered uut in
! the lake. .
The sailor Annls says : I looked out at t
daybreak aud saw a small steam Uai go stand-
in ir on thu outer bar abreast of heio. She
hail fantop on hoi smokestack and an < > \ -
liaiibt plpo naif way up the stack , bho had a
tapering mast , no cross tico and
tly hoisted mast head. She cami ilu
on bumdsldo , headed south , and
iiounded le.ufullv , gradually idled and sank I
beneath the 5111 luce. As she went down
steam and smoke was still Issuing liom the
stack , which Is now sticking out of the water.
Her mast proke. Is hangini : to the wieck. Ho
s.iw nothing ol thucruwand thinksthoio was
no ono on boaid. She lies MO feet ;
liom the stoie. Nothing lias been found to
Identify her A bodv was seen in the break-
eibut dusk , but was far away bctoiu It could
bu seemed. It is teportcd that the Mauls-
liqun Is sheltered at .Man'ton ' Island.
t * CIIKAOO , Nov. It' ' . Tim Inter Ocean's
I'rankloitMidi ' , , special ajs : The bilges
Mine , Kaiineo and Mailuila , in tow ol the
hte.iui bulge Moiilstlque , laden with lumber
at Oseeola lor Chicago , broke loose jesterday
tii.ry iiiuining about twenty miles oil Manltou
island. They water loiL-ed and went ashore
lour miles souih of this place. The two
ciews , iinmN'ilng lifteen men In all , wein
lost , except ono aiuud C. W. Knnl > . Ono
bodv eamo aslioie and vva Identified as that
nt William Lov\ery.
CHICAUO , Nov. 10.-Tho Times .
special KIJS : The schooner Luccino is lost.
DmlngUio btonn she was diiven In Point
Chequamegoii. The vessel was loaded wltti
lion oto and went down in live fathoms
All hands were lo. > t. Not loss than ten men
CHICAOO. Nov. 10. The liiter-Ocean'-s
' Aliskegon ( Mich. ) special SIJM Tno hull of
t. A schooner Mipi > ocd to bu the Helen , of
f Chicago , is floating about Jiulf n mile out lu
liku Mi'Jiugan abreast thin limber. Wrc K- '
< tvo ' ; lias beoi ) coming nthorO b'lico
A'IIIOIIK other thliiKs Is ajawl boat with tno
11 .HDP Helen , of Chicago , upon It. The ciisw
V > fupyto bo I st.
WAI ( . fi'i WWi.i Mov. IP. The ciew of
the steam bargn I'obert Wallace and Fchoonrr
David ; Wallace were rescued this iiiorulne by
then Portage lakccanal llto saving crew. They
came Into town atOtfO. Hvcry man on the
boats was saved. The Robert Wallace U a
total wreck , but the David Wallace Is still
sound ,
seA CIIICAOO. Nov. in. The 1 nter-Occan's
Ashland , WIs. , Mx-clal says : News has
reached here that thoxtcamer Lucerne , which
left heio .Monday with Iron ore for Cleve
land , has gone to the bottom ot the lake
with all on board. The captain of the
steim barge Halelgh secured tins
anil sent out after her. She was found with
snats Juit aliovn water and the bodies of thrpo
men fto7.en to them , One was iecomil/cd us
that of HioM'cond mato. The vessel's crew
numbeied niiio men , all of whom arc sup.
posed to bo lost. The bodies leeovered woio
encased In one to ilx Inches of Ico.
Austria \Vltt Inslsi on Maintaining
the Herin ) Treaty.
Pr.RTii. Nov. 10. ( Special Cablegram to
the Br.p. . | Count Kalnoky , mln-
h.ter I : for foreiitn affairs. In closing the ilebato
on the budget yesterday before the commltlee
oh the Austrian delegation , icfrrrod again at
length to the Bitlgat Ian question , lie said
the Imperial government's policy was to
uphold as long as po 'iblo the Berlin tieaty
as tlie legal bisis for the conduct of affairs In
the Balkan stales and Iho basis on which
peace I was to be pre.iet vcd. The policy would
bo pursued In order to enable thu Balkan
states , which the treaty created , to become
independent. I This pollcj , Count Kalnoky
continued , had so far succeeded that Uiissla
also fa voted now the maintenance ot statu
quo and the preservation of peace In the
Balkan 1t region. Bulgaria herself had been
the t lint to bo guilty of an infraction of the
prluclpleof 1s 1 the Berlin treaty. This was when
she aided and shared In the Hounicllan iovoi
lutlon 1 of 18V . Count Kalnoky said ho did
not 1r wlsti to reproach Bulgai la ho meiely
alluded to historical fact. If Austria main
tained t the Berlin tieaty It should not be dlfll-
ciiltforthootherpoweis todoso. IIo admitted
that t Hussla was more favorably situated with
respect to exercising greater Influences with
the I people of the different Balkan states
than t was either Austria or Hungary. Aus
tria I and Hungary , however , did nothing in
tlie I direction of extending their Intliionco
among the Balkan pconlu which did not
emauato from the Imperial government.
Consuls ( could not multiply Austiia's rela
tion I to a foreign country nor found Austilan
popularity In a foreign countiy. He re
gretted , that such a small number of Aus-
trlans traveled in Bulgaria compared to the
number of persons belonging to other na-
tlonalties who visited that country , and urged
that stuns should bo at once taken to in
crease the activity in Austria's industrial aud
commercial iclalions witli Bulgaria. There
was another icasoti why Austria should
adheie lo the policy he had enunciated. The
very coitalnty that the settlement of tlio Bul
garian question would not involve by any
means a settlement of the whole eastern
question alfoided tlie strongest incentive to
husband her resources. IIo hoped the com
mittee would aureo with him that , bctora all
else , a peaceful settlement of the present
issue should ho sought , lie recognised tlio
fact that the Bulgarians had an aptitude tor
farming a state , but ho thought Austria had
tlie right to utter a warning against too great
optimism. He admitted that the union of
Bulgaria and eastern Houmelia did not con-
lllct with either Austiia or European inter
ests but pointed out that Austria did not pos
sess the solo right to speak legarding Bul-
gaiia's light to carrying out this union. The
conduct ot the Bulgarians since indepen
dence had been accorded them vvananted the
conclusion that they would always step for-
waul to maintain and secure that indepen
Friendly KolntloiiH With Austria.
\C \ iiuiloM J6M7 / ; ] / Jirmcs flimlm licnnctt. ]
tiiA , PIISTII , Nov. 10-LNow Yoik Herald
Cable Special to the Bui.J : Replying to a
question In the Austrian delegation Count
Kalnoky said : "Our diplomatic relations
with the United Stateslmve not been broken ,
but are very friendly. They tiio Iiregular
only because managed by a charge d'allairs
for a season because tlio former minister , in
consequence of a long illness , lias been unable -
able to return to his post , and therefore has
now asked permission to retire on a pen
sion. This post will bo filled Immediately
alter the delegations close. So far as is
known the speedy refilling of the Vienna
mission is also under cousldeiatlon at Wash
ington. "
Condemned to Dontti.
SOFIA , Nov. 10. Captain Nabakoff , who
loil the involt at Bourgas , and three ser
geants who weio Implicated in the ilslng ,
have been condemned to death. Several
Conner officials In Houmelia , who tool ; part
In the levolt , weio sentenced to imprison
ment lor life. _
AYas Golnj ; to Leiivo Anyhow.
VIK.NXA , Nov. 10. Dispatches from Sofia
stale that the regents knew live tlavs befoie
liusiia Instructed General Kaulbars to leave
Bulgaria unless his demand for Iho dismissal
ol ( loncial Mulkiolf was compiled with that
ho was going to leave anyhow.
Over Ono Hundred Lives Lost.
LO.NIIOV , Nov. 10. Advices have been re
ceived hero to the effect that a ship ciovvded
with native laboiers lotuiniug from Quouns-
hind plantation foundered In the Paciue
ocean , and that UUll > es weio lost.
KutTocntcd By Gas ,
Kmsni HUH , Nov. 10. Mrs. lieekio and
her three children were asphyi.\ateil last
nl.'ht by escaping gas In Cnparlil'o , Scotland.
'Ihu woman was about to leave for Amviica
with her childien to join her hustwmi.
HtiKtnogH I'ViilnrcH.
Niw : Yonii. Nov. 10. Tlio total number of
business failures occurilng throughout Can
ada and the United States during the last
seven days was'JU.
Di .svriiNov. . 10 A. J. Aifslcn , dealer In
lieu and second handed liiinlture. made an
alignment this alteinoon to O. I ) . Llddel.
Liabilities , S4J.S7. ' . ; as-ets. claimed , S1U.131.
About SIS.OUO ol the liabilities aio with a
Denver house , the remainder being distil-
buted among Philadelphia , Boston. Chicago ,
VoiK , Detioit , Mllwankeo and St. Louis
btt-u' , carpet ami iuinitunj housed.
IndinnH in thn KoillhvvoMl.
W.VIU.NOTO\ . 10. Mr. Atkins , com-
of Indian affahs , after months
spent lit ln-peetiiR ! Indian ogeneles In the
buutlnu'h ! , tepoits nilali's aio In a sallsfiicloiy
f.iiulitlon , nud that tlio policy of Iho Indian
omco that tin ) Indians should abandon tlu'ir
trbal relations and accept theh lands In sev
erally , is daily giovvlng ill tuvoi among tlie
tithes of that section , especially so vvheie the
pernicious tnltucuco ot deigning whiles Is
Ica t tell.
Collision of Steamers ,
\l w Yi H't , Nov. 10. The steamer J > ea- outw.ud bound
to Abt-ideen , came into collision otf the Bat-
teiy this nioiiiiiu with tkeMcaniui Bilttanla ,
lioutiit' . ' . ' . 'I'Jw ISeai'onsfleld wasstmck near
thu coal bunkerand 'lr ' j'OUied in , ex Shu wis r.r > U'd by
tugs to iiv , lol , i'il , The Butlania ramn t"
anchor with her bow b.tdly dauiaged r.bno
ths wak'i Hue ,
Svn.\CT' E , N. Y. , Nov. lO.-Cli.irles A. .
BIO-AU , of this city , ami P. L. Hurrett , of , N. J. , VTCIO killed heie this morning
by the i \I > ! OMOII of a litter at the Kxperimen-
t tl salt wuikN. Onu other man was baUlv
. caldedaud the building badly wiccked ,
Calm in the Arms of Death Lies the Ex-
President's Remains.
Citizen * \Vlio Will ticnr
the Hotly tn Its Last Hosting
I'lnce llnlins Kor Sere
A IMctiirc nri'onco.
NKwYoitK , Nov. 1 ! ' . FSpeclal Telegiam to
the t Hj'i : . ] The ex-preslilont'.s bodv lies in
the t room which he occupied durlnz his long
Illness I ! and In which he died. His fnce Is the
plcttnc \ of peace ; the lips are slightly palled
and the expression is ouo that Is familiar to
those who know him well , and that which
they t will longest remember. An Incessant
delegation of callers and telegraph messen
gers is coming and going from the house and
neatly every man of dlslinctton has called to
leave I his card and message of sympathy and
sonow. Telegrams me coming In almost
every moment and messages lie In a great
pile upon the hall table , all acce.-tslblo to the
press ] except some lor the family and
friends I , which arc sent to Mis. MclCcKlioy
and lotnutcd by her. The morning's mail
biought I a large package of letters of condol
ence trom ti lends of the family and public
men i , slrangers as well as acquaintance. * , all
testifying f to tlio woitli of the Into president
and i the esteem In which ho was held. An
usher i stands at the door to admit all who
call < , for the cr.ipc laden bell has been silenced.
James C. Hold , who was Arthur's confiden
tial secietary , and Mr. MeKloy , the husband
of his sister , receive visitors , while Mr. Clay
ton i McMlchael , who was marshal of the Dis
trict I of Columbia dm Inir Mr. Arthur's tenn
of olllce , has charge of the funeral arrange
ments. It was originally Intended lo hold
services Saturday mornlnc , but they have
been postponed until Monday in older that
Major Aitlnir , of the army , who Is
stationed at San Antonio , and
ex-Secretary Teller may have time to
arrive. The latter has not been hoard Irom ,
but Is sunposcd to have left Denver last
night. The pall bearers will bo President
Cleveland , ex-President Hayes , ex-Secietuiies
( iicsliam , Lincoln , llatton , Teller , Chandler
and Urowstcr those of the Aithur cabinet
who still live with a few of his personal
friends , General Sharp , John Jacob Astor ,
Coinelius llliss and Mr. Tiffany , the jeweler.
The services at the Church of Heavenly Rest
will bo bnef and simple , and the lemaiiis
will bo taken to Albany by the 10:30 : train
Monday morning to bo buried that evening
in the family lot by the sldo of Mrs. Arthur.
The family havoasked that no demonstration
bo made , and there will be only a small gnaid
of honor from the artillery barracks at Gov
ernor's Island.
run rrxr.r.Ai , TO m : VKISY siMt'i.n.
Nnw YOKK , Nov. 1 ! ) . The funeral cere
monies over General Arthur's remains will
bo entirely without display. His remains
will not lie in state , but after the services on
Monday will be taken direct to ceme
tery at Albany. Jt Is the intention of the
authorities of Albany to have the imuains lie
in state in the city hall there , and with this
object In view tlio mayor ot that city scut the
follow ing tills afternoon :
John E. McUroy , New Tork : Will It bo
acieeablo to the family to have ex-Piesident
Arthur's remains lie In state In the city hall
In this city on Monday' . '
The tallowing answer was received from
John E. MeKIroy : "The family ot ( icncinl
Aitlnir request me to acknowledge jour tele
gram and express to you their sincere appie-
elation. As it is the deslro that the exeiclses
shall be of as simple a character as possible ,
It has been decided not to accept any oiler of
a nubile ceremonial. "
The board ot aldermen to day received a
message fiom Mayor Grace in rcgaidto the
death of ex-1'reslueiit Arthur. Appropriate
resolutions were adopted. Ail public build
ings were ordered draped and all public busi
ness suspended on the day of the luncral.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1' ) . President Cleve
land , accompanied bv Secietarles liayaid ,
Kudicott , Whitney and Lamarand Postmas
ter ( icneial Vilas , will leave for New Yoik
Sunday night to attend the funeral ot ex-
Prcbidont Arthur Monday morning. Tlio
party will return to Washington .Monday
afternoon , leaving Now Yoik dnectly niter
the funeral. Tlio United States senatorial
committee leave hero Sundav afternoon. On
Recount of the death ot ox-President Aitliur ,
Pieshtent Cleveland did not hold his custom
ary reception this atternoon. The postmas
ter general to-day issued an order closing
tiostollices between the hours of 10 a. m. and
1 p. m. Monday , November Ui , In memory of
the late President Arthur , and to display the
usual emblems of moiiining.
The following me among the telegrams of
condolence received by tlio family ol ex-
Piesideut Aithur :
WASiu.vfnoN , Nov. 10 , Chester A. Ar
thur , jr. : Please accept my sincere : sympathy
tor youisell and sister In vour allllctlon ,
Your father's death casts a cloom over the
nation ho served with dlsflugtilahcd honor
and ability us its chief magistiutc.
S. M , Ct'M.OM.
SAxT'iiVNCisco , Nov. 19. Mrs. John K
MeKlioy : In e.xniesslug our piofonnd ser *
low and sincere sympathy we voice the
univcisal seutiment hcie.
Joii.vP. Joxjs. ;
A cm fTA.Me. . , Nov. I ! . C. A. Arthur , jr. :
I beg to tender my sincereat sympathy in
your gicut beieavement. It Is my intention
to be present ut thu 1 uncial.
JAMRS 0. Ur.Aixn.
Nfjri 1:1.11. : III. , Nov. III. C. A. Arthur ,
jr. : 1 am instructed by the giand lodge , 1.
O. O. F. ot ( hit , state now in session at the
capital to convej to yon and your sister Its
slnceio condolence. A. 1) . ( lAiin.vr.i : ,
Commander ,
STJI.I WMT.ii. Minn. , Nov. ! ! > . C. A.
Aithur. jr. : Accept and convoy to Mis
MeKlioy and your 'sister my deepest sym
pathy , The end so long expected linda us
silll unprepaied and timccoiicUcd to the
euitlilr ending of onn of the noblest of pri
vate citUuns and thu best ol public ; men.
TIU : srpiin.vii : connAIUOVUNH. .
WASHING ro.v , Nov. Hi. At half just : t this
nfteinoon Attoinoy ( icneial ( iarJand tor-
niallv utinoiintetl to the snpiemu couit the
death of nx-Piu ldout Aithur. The chief
justice said the com I received the sad intclll-
u'cnco with ainceio regret and as u mar ! : a ! It-
respect to the deceased would stand ad
journed till Tuesday next.
The niesldent to-day issued an executive
older lor the closing of the executive depai t-
incuts on Monday , the day set lor the fuueial
ot the ex-ptesldent.
WILL 110.
WASHINGTONNov. . 10. Noeomtiillteohas
yet been appointed on the part ot the honsu
of icpreseiitutlvet , to attend the ftineial ol the
latoo\-i'fe.sldent Aitlnir. Speaker Carlisle
Is expected to anivo in the city to-morrow
iiioininir , when of piocedurovvill
be decided upon. There has been considera
ble tclcgiaphlng on the subject botwceil the
speaker and tleneral Clark , clerk of the
house , but without delinilu leaiills. This Is
duo to the fact that them Is no precedent for
the appointment of a eommltteo on the pait
of the honsu to attend the tuiieral of an ex-
president wl.oit.cs dining u iceess ot con
povr.ii.voit i UIAIIII'S ; : : i'itori.Avi.VTio : > .
. la. Nov. ,
, 10-ioveinor ( Lar-
isauul the lollowlug pioclani-
alfon :
It beconi ° s my stci 'lujy to announce lo thc-
prople of tlio state ot loiva , the death of
Chester A. Aithur , late inesk'cjvt ' of the
United States- . Inaugurated as ttic clilef
magistrate of the union under trying cTr-
cumstauces , lie soon won thiough his com-
lueiuhiblo adiiiinisliatlon of thu governmi'iit
thnadminitlon of Ids fileiuls and the coiill-
deuct ) ul the i'too ] ) ! , Steadfast In the dls-
rhartjo of duty , pencrous In victory , brave In
defeat , and patient In suffering , the dis
tinguished statesman whoso death wo now
mourn Is eminently worthyof such a lasting
tribute as just and crcatful nations over paid
to the memory of their noblest , sous. Now
theiefore , I , William Larmboe , governor of
the state of Iowa , do hereby request Miat the
public buildings of the state bo draped In
inournliur and the Hags thereon dlsplavcd at
half mast until after the day of burial , and
that on that day all stale departments bo
Signed by the Governor :
FIIAM < D. SAPKSON , Secretary of State.
' NoimflilnlvjTouuons.
'sinpwi-cckuil \\hnlors tlcsoucd From
Klarvailon atul Inhumanity.
ST. JoitN , N. K , Nov. W-tSpeclat Tele
gram to the llr.i : . ] The Pctcrhcad whaler
Catherine , Captain Uen/le , left pott on
March IS on a whale and seal tisbliiR voyaeo
In Davis straits and Cumberland gulf. The
ship's company numbered tvvonty-live. The
western voy.i o to Cape I'.uowell was one MIC-
cesloii : ot teniilc ( 'iles , with mountainous
seas. The ship labored much and stiaincd
heavily. The months of July and August
were passed In vainly endeavoring to reach
the oil Holds. September . " 0 tlio captain had
to beach the ship , which was leaktn ? rabidly
and last settliue down. Seaicelv wns the
whaler beached when she swun over on a
iccf , which pierced her bottom and sides ,
onveitliiR her Into a complete wreck. The
oats were Immediately lowered and pio-
Ision.s , nautical Instruments and clothing
lansfeiicd , and witli sails set. and oars
minitd the shipwrecked crow sot out In the
ope of ciosslm : the path ot some Dundee or
sewfoundland whaler. During ten weary
ays and nights , with meager food , no flro ,
10 water only ice the Peteihead whalers
went thiongh a terrible ordeal from
ixposure. Cramped In thnlr boats and In-
nniciently clothed , they sailed and rowed
10111 Now Gonwlls , where IheCallioiIno was
leached , a distance of 300 miles , till they
cached JJlack Lead Island. Hero thcio Is a
tation house , owned by Williams & Co. , of
.ondoii. It Is kept by a liusslan linn named
Frederick Sheaimann , with a German and
Italian as assistants. Iho shipwrecked ciew
ivcio hero treated with tlio gieatest Inhu-
-iiauity. They were not allowed the. shelter
ot the station for themselves or clothing.
The Italian cook stealthly conveyed to them
HI occasional biscuit and cup ot coffee , and
thoj were forced to quarter Ihcmsolves on
liosidtable Esquimaux , who shaied with them
Ihcir miserable toopicks or wigwams , their
camp lires aud their seal or walrush llesh.
Kortuuatelv , on the 10th of Octobor. the
steamship Eagle , Captain Jackuun , hove in
sight ! ' , when signals were undo fiom the
'sland. The Kaglo rapidly bore down troin
ihu noitli. took the Peterbead whalers on
board and in liveil safely with them at St.
Johns WednesJay. The Eagle was the lat
of tiie wlmllnc lleet so fur north , and had
plio unfortunately passed In the night or In a
lenso lei : , the whole little colony on Black
ead island , now numbering some fifty
souls , must have perished niKeiably liom
starvation , theio being less than two mouths'
iiovisions on hand.
Afl'irn ! In
CIIICAOO , Nov. 11)--An ) additional number
of workmen weto engaged by the packing
louses nt the union stock yards this mom-
ng. The ti oops of cavalry were ordered re-
cved fiom duty to-day. The last of the
state troops will probably depait from the
yards to-monow.
The grand jmy tonoieil the bill against the
Plnkeitoii men charged by the coronet's jury
with complicity In the death of Lawrence
Kegloy. near the union stock yards. They
have all been discharged.
One largo packing Iirm to-day cave employ
ment in their ofteoto ! ; two members of the
First lesiaient who were summaiily dls-
chaiged by their foimcr employers for the
reason that they obeyed the goveinor's call
and went to the stock yaids with the state
troous. Ono ot these elti'/ens was Henry J.
McFarland , ot M. D. Wells & Co. , assignee
ot A. S. Gage & Co. , and tlio otherof Muiford
McKenzie , ticket sellers.
A license has been issued fora cornoralion
to be known ns the Chicago Co-Oneiativo
Packing and Provision company. The In-
coriioratois are Knltfhts or Labor. It Is
claimed that S'W.OOO is ahcadv subscribed ,
with only ntotalof S50.000 needed. The ques
tion Is being considered of biiylnicoattlo Irom
taimeis diiect. it is expected to employ
1,1:00 : men.
A Sliclc Su-liidlor.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 19. An oflicer returned
tills morn ing tiom Kansas City with Chailcs
J. Lovojoy in custody , who was arrested on
the charge of obtaining money under false
pietenscs. Last Maich It Is stated Love
joy appealed In tills city as a Kansas City
business man , and repiesented that ho was
the head of the mcicantllc house ot Lovojoy
& Co. The concern had depots at New
Kiowa , St. Johns and Lovejoy Springs , in
evcr > one of which a lucrative business was
sustained. Lovojoy secured from the
National liank of Illinois a loan of Sl.i.OOO ,
and fiom Kiel ) , Nathan > t Fischer obtained a
credit consignment of § 2,800 wortli of mer
chandise. Several more linns aio al-o
cieditois in amounts aggregating , so lai as
can now be estimated , somethlnir moio than
510.CO ; ) . When the loans and credits ma-
tuied , Lovtijoy v : Co. tailed to icspoiid. The
prisoner has secured counsel to dulend him ,
Uu declined to bo Interviewed.
I'rcpnrliid the Appropriation IllllH.
WASIIINOION , Nov. 10. The clerk of the
house api > roprlation committee nml assist
ant are preparing for the meeting ot the
committee Monday next. The response of
members Indicates tlicio will bo a quorum
present. The complete estimate for the civil
service 1)111 ) will be in shape tor the committee
to act niion Monday. The estimates of tlio
fortification bill and pensions bill have
been received and the legislative estimates
aieoxpeeted by Monday. Tlio sundry civil
bill will bo taken in > by n suh-eoiiimitteo Im
mediately upon their assembly and probably
will bo leady to teport totho house within a
day 01 two alter congress convenes.
Run Francisco Haces ,
SAN FnANnsco , Nov. 10 , The e.xti.iday
of the blooded horse meeting had n fair at
tendance , with tlio weather and track line.
Five-eighths mile : Minnie H won. Tom
Atclilson and Deitlo Jl raJi a dead heat for
second place. Time 1:111. :
Mile and an eighth : Dunbar won , Collier
second , Argo thiid. Time 1.VI. :
Seven eighths mile : Cleveland won , Nell-
son second , Donltu third. Time l'Ji. :
Tlneo-qiuirters mile ; rdalone Cotton won ,
F.sti alia second , Hettie It third. Time 1:14 : if
Preparing For n Strike.
I'Ai.r. Itivin : , Mass. , Nov. H' ' . A strike
Will be probably Inaugurated hero within a
month in which 20,030 cotton operatives will
take pait unless the manufacturers grant an
Increuso of wagci to their employes. Thu
demand was made tvvowfeks ago by the
splnueis to have wages lealoicil to the rates
paid In IbSI. v
Masons uncl 'Iheir Charities.
Si. . Lous , > , 'ov , 10. Th < j Masonic Ilellef
association of the United Stales and Canada ,
held Its final soasion to-day. Itepoits of
\arious committees \veio piesented. Tlio
most important ( ji those adoptul was that
which recommended tliu formation ol a mil-
foim system for thu dispensing ; ol charity.
Lost in the Storm.
Nonroi.K , Neb. Nov. 1U. ( Special Tele
gram to the Hii5.J : Advices Irom Hcnnctt
state that the. Convei so cat tit ) company lost
suventv-llve to one bundled cattle by the late
A Chinaman's HlacU Friday.
SAN FiiANcisco , Nov. 10. TOIIK AliHIns ,
convicted of the minder o ! a Chinese woman
tour yeais ago. witi hanged this atteinoon ,
The Fli-n Itcuord.
Jiisnv : : CJTV , Nov. 10. Krltog's cmbroid-
eiy factory burned this moiulug. Loss ,
000 ; tully uuuicd.
A Denial of the Enmor That Ho is a Be
liever in That Religion.
Tlio Ijnto lilcotlon Salt ! to Have K
pressed the Popular Keeling A
J'lcnsnnt Incident About liv-
rreslilont Artlntr.
No Foundation tn r'nct" > .
WASUIXOTO.V , Nov. 10. fSpccial Telceratn
to the Hnt.J : In a recent special to the UIK :
1 cptoted an Indiana lepnbllcan as sayinc
that a few years ao ho was told by a frlond
at Mtnneipolts that Ulshnp Ireland had In
his possession a letter wiltlcn by Mr. Ulalno
to Ids mother , In which the plumed knight
spoke of his faith In the Catholic lellgloti
andsaldholntendcdieturnlng tothat church.
1 have made Investigation for tholuslsof that
asseillon and bolleu1 , althouirh It was made
by n Kentlennni whoso name Is known to
evoiy household In Indiana , It has no Inunda
tion In fact ; theio Is not ono iota of
ttuth In it , and thalilt Is but just to Mr.
HIainctosay that 1 do not think that such a
letter , as my Informant describes , Is or ever
IMS been tn existence. 1' . S. HIATII. :
THK DIVISION or n.vuor.x.
Dakotalans who ha\e been In Washington
slnco their recant elections have expressed
the belief that the territory will soon bo
divided , and Uiat at least tlio southern half
admitted to Statehood. They look upon the
vole cast In all parts of Dakota us the
sttongest possible evidence of on almost
universal deslro lor division and statehood ,
and say It will now bo an absolute wanto of
time to have an election 10 determine any
question iclatlngto statehood , as the Issues
were so definitely drawn In the recent can
vass a.s to make the wish of the people plain
to anybody. Wherever opponents of division
and statehood weio candidates they were
oveiwhelmlngly defeated by trlendsof the
( tovernor Pierce , of Dakota , has been In
the city lor a few days , consulting thu presi
dent and other officials about alfairs of his
dominion , and to your cotrespondontev-
prcsscd tlie belief that Dakota will prevail in
tlie house aud her cause bo favored as soon
as the measurocan bo given a fair hcarinir.
Although Governor Pierce lives in the local
ity beiulng the most aulent opposition to be
found aiioinst division and statehood lie Is
an odvocatoof bolh tiiopositions and believes
tlio wish ot the people as expressed on the 'Jd
lust , attlm polls oiiL'ht to b recognised. Ho
Is inclined to the belief that the piopositiou
will not now lind such stein dcmociatlc op
position as it has encountered In the past.
Tliero Is a blory In chculation to-uleht
growing out of the police Investigation ,
which is of a sensational character. It is
stated that nn lawyer , a staunch
democrat , wont to President Cleveland to-
dav and told him that unless ho divested of
ollicial ermine certain men connected witli
tlie city government , there was danger of his
being involved in a sc.inoal thct it was
chaigcd , and upon seenilutjlv plausible
giounds , that various District ofllceis were
intciested in real estate speculations , tlio
success of which depended upon tlie exten
sion of Massachusetts avenue , which is to bo
done at the government's expense , and that
the real estate syndicate lelied upon the fact
that the president owned propeity to bo
benehtted by the Improvement to carry it
through and secure congressional eniloise-
ment. It is stated that Mr. Cleveland was
Impressed with tlie statement made to him.
as it dealt in names f.nd figures , and rccllcd
that immediately after ex-Picsident Arthur's
funeral ho would institute an Inquiry In his
own way , and if atfairs appeared thnn as
they do now , there would bo some vacancies
cieated in ollicn here.
r.x-simiTAiiv : : ioni ! : ox.
Kx-Secictaiy IJobebon is again piomlnent
on the avenue and may be seen dnv ing about
in an equipage diawn by an iion-giay hoiso
similar in many respects to the ollicial turn
out ot the postollico dcpaitmcnt. Private
business engrosses the time of the ex-min
ister ot maiinc , and ho is app.uently In bet
ter health and .spiiits since lie has put aside
tlie cares ot ollicial life. Mr. Itobeson will
lemaln in Washington dining tlie session of
congress and will not take an active pait in
politics again.
" 1 once saw Piesldcut Arthur do a very
neat thing. " said an officer of the govern
ment to-da.r. "It was at one of his dav re
ceptions. Ho uaed to hold his reception up
stairs In Ids business ollico and not down
stairs , as Mr. Cleveland doe.s. People went
Into It tluongli the room occupied by tlio
president's pnvato secietary , ami came out
through the entrance to tlie president's loom.
In the line one afternoon weio two prcltv
\oung ladles. They were evidently much
embarrassed. When they reached the presi
dent they looked up shyly ami wote goinc
past without shaking hands vv Ith him. Such
was their embariassment that the president
put out his hand and detained them , paying :
" 1 cannot allow two such charming ladles to
leave without shakim. " hands with them. "
The young ladles blushed and inssed the
Usual greetings. The president chatted with
them lor several minutes , putting them per
fectly at their ease. Two liapny young ladles
went out of the white house that atternoon. "
NVTIONAli l.iflHI..V10lfS : ! 1.00K1NO VVTI.r , .
"Evidently tlio weight of the camnalgn
which culminated at the beginning of this
month did not tall as hard upon the should-
eis of tlie statesmen and politicians who par
ticipated In it as compalgns usually do , " said
an employ ol the capitol to-day. ' 'They look
tresh and healthy , and most of them are In
good spirits. I never saw Senator hheriuun
looking so well. Ills face Is lull and uidily
and his "ton as clastic as fifteen ye irs a .so. 1
do believe that that man has more vitality
about him than any one I ever saw ol his
slender build. Men who have campaigned
with him says ho can go night and day with
out legnlar meals or sleep , thioiigh lain and
snow , and boascheeifid and heailyasll ho
was In siinshlno. lie has a way of adjusting
himself to the suiroundings and keeping up
Ms spiiits which Is admirable.
( luneial Ilavvley , who was looking palo
nml vvoiniwlien eongiess adjoin lied , is full
of vigor again. A letter from an Indlaiilan
says that seiiulor Hairison came out ot his
wonderful campaign stronger mentally and
plijslcally limn beloioho entered It. Tlio
same news comes Irom Senator Van Wyek ,
the vigorous stittesuinn from Nohiaska , Ho
Is another man who lights remarkably well
and is capable of standing great wear and
tear , .lolly Senator Palmer of Michigan ,
goes about humming little ditties with the
same nonchalance that always characterizes
him and makes people so fond ot his com
pany ,
"But Mr. Itundall does not look well , " con
tinued tliestalesmaiilcconiiols.seiir , "and I
sometimes fear his health Is tailing him
i.ipldly. Ho looks thin and white-faced , and
his gout troubles him a meat deal. Mr.
Springer also appeals Jaded. But Buiiah
WllkiiiK , of Ohio , and Ben Butterworth , ot
the same state , flash un like diamonds. The
eampaUn seems to have agieed splendidly
with both ot them. I hear that Mr. Hewitt is
in better health than ho has been toi some
time , and that Sunset Cox will come back as
blight as a dollar. "
iin.irAiiv MATI nit" .
7i7uty-niuo nmii of the Eighth Infantry ,
which Is iniuf'orders ! to the Depaitmunt of
the Platle , have ! > * 'H tiansterred to ihu
Ninth Infantry to enable ti.C" ) to icmaln in
Aimy ftiiloitghs authorized : Private . 11 , . . .
Iliovvn , Company K , Fourth Inlantiy , I'oit
Sixikane. vVunhltigton tenitoiy , ono month ;
PilnclphtMusician Osc.u ( iiett. Klghteentli L
Infantry , Foil Hayes. Kansas , four
months , to go abroad ; First Sergeant A. J.
.Smith , Company B , Tvventj-filth Infantry ,
KOI t Shelling , Minnesota , lilty days1 Sei-
geant Bernaid IL Younir , 'Ijoop C.
Seventh cavalry , Foil Meiule , Dakota , fitly
days Irom December 1 ; Tiuiupeler Benjamin
Hoekhigs aud Piivato William Howard ,
Troop K , Ninth cavalry , Foil Duehcsnc ,
l.'tuh , four months each on re-enlistment.
Aimy leaves granted : Captain Andiew H.
Itu.ssol ) , ordnance corps , 'S ancouvcr bai racks ,
Washington territory , lifteen days extension ;
Captain James M. JJell , Seventh cavalry ,
lltU'cn ' dujs. ( o take effect when
he Is discharged as it witness be-
foio the United States couit
at Omaha ; Major David D. Vau " " ' '
Twentieth Infantry , Tort AsMnlbolne , Mont , ,
Waller | j. Flnloy , Ninth cavalry , Foil l.eav
enworth , one month : First Lieutenant I'.d-
ward S. Chaidn , Fifteentli Infantry , Fort
llemlilnn , Dakotn. lifteen days' extension ;
Lieutenant C. U. llaidln , Klgliteenth Infan
try , Fort Have" , Haims , two mouths from
December 'J ; First Llcutonant Ablel L.
Smith , Foitiih cavalry , Fort lluachnaelm ,
Arl/onn , one mouth's sick leave ; First Lieu
tenant Joseph W. Duncan , Twent\-tirst In-
tantry , Fort Duchestie , I'lah. two months.
I'OM At. Oil VNHK9.
Joseph P. llonowlck was to-day appolntod
postiiiiinierat Duncan , Platte county , \lee C.
S. Webster , lemoved.
Tlio following Iowa postmasters were ap
pointed to-iliy : 1 < M win .M. Lawyer , Central
City , Linn county , vleo X. U. L.uvver , ie-
signed ; llclcu Thompson , Diiuhnr , Marshall
county , vh-e J. Knirer , leslgned ; Sebastian
Ludwlg , FlemingNlile , Linn eountv , vice J.
M. I'cnnlnutou , lesigned : Cintles Kelley ,
Movicoua , Itoono county , \lceO. H. McCabe ,
A. 11. Cummlngs , ol DCS Molnes , In. , Is In
the city.
Mr. and Mr . John ( Salnos. of Des Molnes.
are vlslling Mr. and Mis. Stalley , at UTI A
stieet , Southeast.
KdmitndH Didn't licllovn in 1111
nml Couldn't AVork POP Him.
MOM IM-.I , VI. , Nov. 10.
Telegiam totho Biiv. : | Tlio following Is an
extract tiom a letter written by Senator
Edmunds , which was sent yestenlay lo the
editor of the Daily Vermonter for imbiica-
Mon by the person to whom Ityas addressed.
It has been kept tiom the public ucaily two
year.s , and Is ptobably Hie only peisonal ex
planation from Senator Kdmunds which the
public has obtained conceinliu : his position
In the last presidential campaign. The pel sou
by whom It was received is well known , and
I can vouch for its authority , though the
leclplent desires that his name bo withheld :
WASHINGTON' , Ajull 5 , lb8T > . Dear Sir : I
have j our kind and voiy welcome letter of
the 10th , aud tlianu you hcai illy for H. Ills
line my position was Hying , for on lellection
1 tell that It was farbettcr tuat the republican
ticket should succeed ( whatever my peisonal
opinion hail been and was concerning a can
didate ) , than that the L-O vein men t hhould go
into Iho hands of the democratic party. But
I eould not , under any clicnmstances or
temptation , say that 1 believed something
about a candidate that I did not believe , and
If I weie to make speeches ami say what I did
believe as to certain tiaiisactlons , etc. , 01 was
( so speaking ) , toioluseto answer questions
on these tonics , It would be especially
for the party than staying at home. I know ,
tlieiefore , that 1 did the best thlni : for the
party that an honest man could do.
HlK lionds Ii'or ArcnmloiT.
Sioux CITY , la. Nov. 10. [ Tele
gram to the Bii.J : : The pal ties against
whom into bills woio found yesterday by the
grand jury in the Haddlck case ; appeared In
court this afternoon and. were placed under
bond. A l rjjjcnrwiColspectators was pres
ent and muoU. interest manifested. Little
else has been talked aboutsince the verdict
of the jury was rendered , and much dis
cussion Is Indulged In as \vhcther the
court would accept bonds at all In scvciut of
the cases. The case of Natt Cassman , In
dicted a.s a conspirator to whin Walker , was
first called and his bond was fixed at § 1,000.
When the ease of John Au-nsdorf was
touched considerable paileying was Indulged
In by the attorneys on botli sides. Judge
Lewis finally consented to fix the bond at
S'JS.UOO on thn charge of minder. Each of the
other defendants were placed under Slfi.OOO
bonds. Tlio bonds In the conspiracy cases
were not fixed.
Took lllNOvvn Life.
Di'nrQUi : , la. , Nov. 10. [ Special
gram to the Bn.JCeihaii : ) Solner , a younir
man In good circumstances , died this morn
ing fiom a dose of mixed morphine , chloro
form and aconite. Ho was around yester
day and made arrangements with an under
taker for the funeral. It was supposed ho
was joking , and little attention was paid to
what he said. He also notified N.A. Miller
of his Intention to kill hlmselt , and the latter
notified the proprietors of the Jefferson
house , wheio Solner boarded , ot what the
latter hail said. A watch was placed
on him , but in spite of it lie swal
lowed the deadly doso. IIo was receiving
S'JOO per month fiom an estate iccently left
him in Holland. Mr. Solner was well edu
cated and spoke live languages. Ho had le-
cently siilfeiod fiom iheumatisiii , and to Ibis
is attributed the rash act.
A llnntcrV ) Fntnl Shot.
ANAMOSA , la. , Nov. 10. [ SpecialTelegram
to tlie Bun.J Thnisday afternoon at IIH :
o'clock Julius Jones and Henry Kohcl , of
Oiin , this comity , weio out hunting duck
about one and one-half miles notthof tills
place. Kohel raised up his gun to shoot at
some ducks that wore flying over his head.
'J'ho cap snapped and he biouuht his gnu
down with the inn/v.le pointed attones to ex
amlno II , when it hung liio and dischargee1
the entiio load of duck shot into Jones'side
caiiMiiir death immediately. Ho caught
Jones hcfoio he fell , when Jones exclaimeil
"Lav mo down ami don't leave mo. I slial
die. " jJotli me well-to-do tanners ol
X In. , Nov. li ( , ISpofl.d Tetegrau
to the JJnr.j Tlio Saoneerfcst of the noith
west , apioiiiteii ] lo lit ! hold in Dubugtio ne\t
siimmei , Is abandoned , because piohibitioi
would pievent the pioposcil picnic to tul ,
iiioiiny lor tins paviiientol' o\iouses.
Diamond Jo Hovnolds will not begin the
building ot the yiou.uw steel lUuamei heu
until the I all of 1V > 7.
Inteinal Kcvcinio Collector AVebster
searched for but tailed to lind any imitation
but I in In tliis nmikut.
The goveinui's giey.s have foimed a radet t
coi pi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dedicating ; a Tompln of .1 nsticc.
M viisn u.i/iovv.v , la. , Nov. 10. [
Telegram to the Bin.I : Thu new M'uiihnll
coiiuly couit hoti'sO , Ihe finest In Iowa , was
dedicated thlsalteinoou , Jude. 11 , C. Hend
erson dellveicd the oration , A ball In the
building to-night completed the eelebratlnn ,
A largo numbi't-ol Invited gne-ts weie pres
ent , including thu county officials ot
Colonel Henderson
in : , la. , Nov. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bii.j : : A billllunt leeeptlon was
hold to-night at thu losidcneo of Colonel
Hondei-oii , the newly elected e iiigiessman
Irom this ilMiIrl. All the piomiiicnt
pioplu ol Iho city called to pay thuh le-
A hliorl Trcnsiip.-r , , Jml. , Nov. 19. The
Join mil's Vlncennes sjicehil sav. * it U
olliclally announced that II * nr > 11.
tieig , elly treasurer , is shoit In hi.-i accounts
810,000 01 Sl',000 , Ducstoiberg is Hearing
tlio end of his second teim , ami lias been n
much inspected man. Ills only attempt at
explanation is that he had been dcliuudcd by
somebody connected v\llh his olllce , but
tiuikeh no siieeihu ehaiges iitainst anyone.
His uOi'tl isamplo to cover thu sh itaic.
A l'a ! . * : o on J-'Irc.
LOVDOV , Nov. lO.-Hiuni'Jon Court palace ! )
in MidillC'ex , onlhu Thames , fvv-Uu miles
from tills c'ty , was set on liio lo day , by : ! IId
buistiugof an oil lamp. The liio slatted
in the annrtments abutting on the innervoiut
and all the-o apartments have been do-
stro.vtd. The Ihme.s have sineo totho )
adjoining buildings ami aio now laging
within alow janh ot the chapel and tlio
loval state apaitmunts. which aiu thie-.ttuneil
With dt'atructioii.
JvAnnt. 1'ho hro has been fctibdited.
> itlirafiku nml ln vu XVoutlior ,
For Nebraska and Jow.i : J'air ivt-ather ,
ftliuhtlyaimer. .
The Trial of Ex-Alilenuau McQuntlo Dis
closes a Rotten Stotj of Affairs.
Ho Gives the Name * of Iho Original
Tlilrtccrt Who Wore Hrltietl
and Kxiu'CtseH the Usunl
7ho Hoodie Aldoiinrn.
Niw YntiK , Nov. U' ' . The trial of ex-
Alderman McCJuaile. the I mile led "boodler , " '
continued this moiulng befoie a eiowdod
couit room. The taking of testimony \M\S
losumed at ll'Jiin. : m. Nlehol conducted the
oxamluatloii. Lx Aldeiman Wa'te ' lesumed
the wiliics.scliali. Ho acknowledged visits
to the ofllco of the lUoadwuj sut face tall way
company , and to seeing Maloney there.
Witness came lo New York several limes
In August , I'-SI , ho being In .Sew London ,
Conn. , In business at the IVi\uot \ house at
that time. On An nst : ' . ! of that vear he
was summoned to New Yoik by tulcvrnph.
( lonernl Tiaey hero < ibjected to lending of
the telegiam. Witiuss continued , sajliu :
that he went to the Hievoort house anil met
James ICIehmoiid. Afterward tie came down
town , and in parsing through the couit house
to the city hall tiL'alii met Klclimond.
Itnght was with Richmond. Ono of them nave
him a paper. The paper was Inliodneed In
couit and identiiied by witness. This oc-
cmied August.10. \ \ it nest then went up to
the aldcrmanic chamber. Witness said the
ti'leiirmn was to notify him of a meeting. IIo
lueslded at the meeting of the lionrd , The
maoi's veto message on tlio ftanclusu was
read and the bill passed over the veto.
The meeting was linld with closed doors.
No one was piesent but J , Kranels ICeenan ,
a newspaper man. Witness did not know
whether McQuado was mesentor nnt.oi who
drafted ( lie tcsolutlon to piss thu bill over tlio
veto. Cioss-examlmitlon elicited the tact that
theiesolutloiis weio In type willing , aceoid-
Ing to the result of a previous con
sultation ot the ahleimen. The re
pot t of the lallioid commlttoo was
lirup.ite.d In the ofllco of Scilbuei Arllilglit ,
as was also the resolution In typo-wilting.
K.x-Ahleiman } Tulgraf was next culled as
a witness. He s.ihl an iiiloimal meeting was
held III May. isst , alter tlio boaiil had
adjourned. Klsihl or ulno inoinburH were
present , of whom Mcljuado was one.
The subject discussed was tlio fact that it
was necessary to have Dili teen votes to pass
the bill. It was agiccd to meet hi the ollico
of witness within a week alter. This \\as
done , and the meet > ng held at's fae-
tiny utter business houis. This was done
belaid llinbill was inssi-d. Thlileeu alder
men weie piesent. MJuado ( was one.
Nlehol asked who else was piesent. Wit
ness named liom mi-morv Kiuney , Sayles ,
\\aite , MuCabe , Dully and Jaehne. McLaugh-
Iln was chaiimini. Delacy was iiresent. It
was agieed that thetlililien membeih pieseut
would hold togi-tlier on any ipiesiion that
eaiiU'bctoic the bo.ud. Nothing was said
about the Hioadway lallroail. It was agieed
to meet aiMln one week lateral McLamihllu's
house. Witness attended the l.iltoi meeting.
McLaug'dln ' was made ehaliman again on
Dully's motion. The Hist business was the
cptesilon ol the liroadway fianehlsu. Itvvas
said that othci companies u cable road anil
othcis wanted a Iiauchise. Jaehne , Deluoy
nml others biioko about the Hi midway Cable
Road company having oll'ered STOO.lK'O ' for
the franehlbO one-half cash and one-half
bonds. Witness did not know who the money
and stock was to go to. It was said
that tin' Surface roud had otfeiud Sf'OO.COD
cash. Witness said tlio oiTcr ot the cnbio
road was cnnsidcicd iiuiellabio and the other
conslileied the best. It was decided to accept
the oiler of the Biondwuy Suilaco load by a
unanimous vote. Witness voted tor It. The
next tpiestloii discussed was who should the
money be nntiusled with. Something vvas
said about tlio amount. Tweuly-tvvo
thousand dollais was logo to each member.
One member thought the amount should bo
: W > .000. It was said tlio lawyois had con-
eluded to only pav S'--.OOJ and that uuiouitt
was decided upon unanimously. McQnado
voted 11 ye. Another meeting was held at
McLauelillifs house , \\licro but twelve out
of the thirteen were piesent. The iiio | lufn
di'-cusscd was to select u member to hold the
money. Witness thought MeCabe said
Maloney might not be ti listed with so huge
an amount. Duffy suggested Kccnan and
ho wasclceled. . IKliey o then H.'d '
lie wished to have the meiiiheib
go to Kccnan and assiuo him it was all light.
Witness said Iho possibility ol a veto wns
considered and in that rase It was decided to
leave tno woik ol gettiui : a two-thlids vole
to Maloney. Alter the veto another meet-
in ? was held at McL'iuglilin's hotiso to dis-
CMSS It. As mote vote.s were necessary it
was unanimously voted If ) cut down each
man's shaic to S'JU.OOO. Witness said lie saw
Maloney at his house August ' "J , and thu lat
ter brought witness a panel to sign. There
weio seveial other naiiico on the nipor.
Witness then Identiiied a panel as the ono
signed. It was a call lei the memorable
meeting nl AugustMO. WHiicssullendcd the
secret meet i m : of Uctouei " 0. McCJiiadeaud
witness weie both ine-ent at another meet-
livr at MeLaii'-'hliif house October : ; o. Them
liad been no money paid yet and lids was
the subject of discussion. Witness iccelved
Sn.OOO fieloie tlio final vole , widen was taken
December C. Up to and after that dale wit
ness hud iccelvcd Sis.oiw. iCeeiiiin paid It.
On eruas examination Kulgial said his pru-
vlotts testimony beloic the senate committee
vyas fiils-e. At 1 : J0 ! p. m. a icces ? was taken.
Altei lectss Knllpall went on the stand
again. He said that Walte had told him the
reason for the call for a special meeting vyas
that Lawyei Ljddy , who had got out an In
junction leslialnlng the boaid fiom issuing
a tiaiichlse to an\oii ! ! lor the load on liioad-
way. had consented lo raise the injunction
lot feiiV'iUO. They leaied that L\ddy would
get out aliothei injiinellon to bleed the lull-
load eoiiip.iny more. This was Hie lu.ison
Hie witness slgiu-d the e.ill. I'lillgtatf au-
I.iiuvvli dged that In * had given a eontiitdic-
tory stal'Miient beloie the senate committee.
U itlics deliuo I ' boodle" as "monev di.sholl-
estly Ht'ijtmeil. " A aln and again Lawyer
Neweombeieiid KnllKnilT's sworn denials of
uiiv knowleds" In the "boodlo" tiaii-acllone ,
asMiiL'it tliny weio timi or laNe. WitncsH
c-iieh llnio acknowledguil thai ho swoie falsely
beloro the senate commitleo. J heie wane
biavndo In the tnanni-r ril thu witness. Ho
was downcast , but when tisKi'd it he leineni-
beted tailing on Almlght.v ( ! od to
witness that ho was truthful ho
leplled , posltlvel ) : "No , I do not.
loiucmber. H never happened lo me. Icon
say now"said Kiillgratt. "that I am soiry I
was a member ol that buunl. " Witness vyas
asked If he letiirtied his "boodlo" on being
strleKen with lemoise. He aiisweird : " 1
shall il ( iod letd mo live. " "lul ! have you ? '
puisisted Iho lawior. Witness acknowledged
that lie had not. He confessed that he had
leeelved bl.OOO for Ills vote in another rail-
load matter , and ho had not i dinned It
eltlier , butdeelaii'd that ho would when lie
eould. He hud been delayed In that act hv
pressing Jamlly matters. New-combo load
the names of the "houdleis' said to be at
the meeting at Mel/iUKhlin's , and asked the
witness It in- had not named aldermen whom
lie know to b < < either dead , out ol this jiuis-
diction , cia/y , 01 in pilson liom tlio cilme.
aside liom his fellow 4VUL-.dcis | , " Dufly and i
\Vaite , , uid the dHcndaiit. Witness said ho
hail. Witness guMi the names ot thootlici'
thnli en not befoio mentioned , ns D ( nip uj ,
Cleasly. "Chaillo" Jteilly and O'Neil. When
the illiei't examination was lesumed I'ull-
giatf i-aid tliat he was not asked to inculpatn
any ono in the staii'im-nt to the UlMrlrt attoi-
ni-y. Ho hud made the stalen cut bcruiifei )
lii.s coiiscu'iiLU tioubled him and It was the
onlv juMltiition he could makii tor what tin
hid : done. Ho saiil ho telt his dltginco
l.ojnly , mure on a ( count ol bU family thnn
Ids own. Ho had received 10,0'jo tor the
'wo transactions tor which ho had been In
dicted , nud would inMom it tathocltvas
soon as hs liad a chance. 'J'lnn ended the
testimony and 1'vill ralf was taken bat 1. to
thu ill Mi let ottoinev'aniilce by a detective.
Kx-Alderman Mlehae ! Dn yiiimtliei ot the
"siiueallnu hoodlers , " was nuM Csilcil to the
chair a ml began his testlmonv , Ho > . .rH tint
alter one il ilmnifetinirsol the bo.iid elm
01 nliiuol Iho member ) ' , ineliiding Mc'Juude ( ,
had "a UUlo caucus to hx uji" lei a meel.n. . '
at KulK'ra'f's ' otllce. Witness we. t to tin
< mYu about 7 ] > , m and tumid twelve other
Hicii jfrtliwo , InciuJlutf Alcti'a'.le. ' thu