, x tfr THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? flKEDAY NOVEMBER It ) , 1880. GATHERED FROM THE CITH , How Jackman Swindled the Pair Associa- tion. THE GREAT STORM ENDS , How tlio Train * nrc Uunnlnc Ilnll Kotos I'ollws Court Local lijiconloi Tlio Pull- mail Tn.\ . l-'aets Alidtil Junkman. Since Itio lirst disclosure was made scv- of.il weeks ago regarding tlio short dual' Inirs of W. J. Jaekimin , formerly of this otty , anil now , it is presumed , in exile , innuinoniblc of his borrowing lrick.4 have been brought to mind. Besides tlm mini' ber of the people whom he has left un paid , both in this city and Lincoln , 1 % the Omaha Kair association. Ono of Ju''kniiin's pretenses was thai ! hoviis a horseman of ] ) rofoun < l informa tion , and with tin ; clicuk and glib tongue which ho displayed on nil uch occasions , managed to get himtclf admitcd union < ] the judges , ami sometimes as clerk of the raceh which have occurred lately in this city. city.At the fair a year ago , when ho had lost his standing among the .journalist. ' and was "tele < rrai > hing editorials to the ' * of Louis .Jaekmau Globe-Democrat , St. , wits given employment as a clerk of the fair board. Here he soon got an inside into things and was relied nnon to do a great many thing * , which lie did to his own advantage , while the last fair was in progress , Jackman had not yet re gained lilw former plane of respectability , and upon urgent solicitation , was given employment again by the fair board and put in charge of the race entries , which no was to work subject to the supervision of Major Wheeler. Since the close of the tair there has been pome checking -fioing on. especially with regard to Jack- man , and at last accounts , although the work had not been completed , it was fell that the Jaekman shortage would be about live hundred dollars , and thu board that amount behind. In all the races at tlio lime of entry , tlio horse owner paid one-lifth of the entrance fee. while tlio other four-lifths had lo bo paid before the start. Nearly all of this latter sum was paid to Jackman , and Major Wheeler , it is supposed , placed implicjt confidence in him , only to lind when it was too late , that both himsulf and the fair association had been badly swindled , THE N TAX. The Injunction to I'revent Its Collec tion The representatives of I lie Pullman Pal ace Car companymadc a formal applica tion before Judge Brewer in the United States court yesterday uftcrnoonjfor mi iu < junction to prevent the states of Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska from collecting : i state tax on the rolling stock of the co rnoration. A full review of the position tttknnby the company in this matter lias al ready appeared in the Hni : , and no further extended mention of the case is needed. The state of Kansas was represented bv Attorney ( Jcnoral Bradford. General Cowin was to have appeared for Douglas- county , but as he was trying a case be- I'oro Judge Duiidy , could not bo present. Baker , attorney general of Iowa , was not on hand , having been delayed by the storm. He telegraphed , however , that ho was coining. The Pullman company was represented by its principal solicitor , Mr. Altrcd Ennis , of Chicago , assisted by Air. Berry , of the same place. Mr. A. J. Popplcton was also present as n sort of corns of in spection lor the Union Pacilic , but took no part in the argument. The company's claim in resisting the state tax levied by Kansas was pro- bcuted by Mr. Berry in a long bill , the reading of which consumed ten minutes. Mr. Berry stated that the bills in tlio application for injunction against Iowa and Nebraska were sub stantially the same as tlio one he had read. read.Mr. Mr. Berry , who made tlio opening argu ment , stated tlio company based its de mand for an injunction on tlie ground Hint the corporation transacted an inter state commerce , and that its cars trav eled through ditl'eront states and were local to no one state. The tax which it is bought to enforce against tlio company in Onnlia and Douglas county amounts to $3,800. Two other counties along the line ot the Mis- bouri Pacilic , south of this county , claim n tax against the corporation , the aggre gate in the state being $12,000. After hearing tlie case Judge Brewer granted a restraining order in the cases brought from Kansas until December 12. The Iowa cases were taken under advise- inent. In the Ncbnihka cases the court issued a temporary injunction. The dual hearing of the case will come up tit the next term of the court. THIS WlT Tlio Cold Oontly Motloi-atcs Train Tii Ik. Yostonlity morning brok < j olonlrnnd colii The winds liiid gene to rest , leaving thu snow on both s'ulo\vilk ; : uul streets jwela'd into cakes almost hard ; IH ico. J5y ! ) o'clock the sun began to bo felt , mid tliu&oHoMinxot the surfaeu uneour- iigoil anil inatlo easy tlio work of hun dreds , amateur and profoislonal , who bet to work to clear the walks. Uy de grees biniiiess wagons anil sleighs for ploaMiio made their apiii-aranoe , ihougli the street c-irs reinainiid in their shells , I'Jows had boon early set to work and at 11 o'clock the great mass of light snow had been put aside , and immediately a gang of men was set to picking iliu tro/.un snow from oil'tlio rails. This work was especially needed on Farnam , wh'jro the snow was packed the hardest. Cars ran on the Twentieth street line as far as tliu opera house , there fouth compelled to return. At lli'.lO o'clock a car from the depot pa ? > sed up l-'urnam street , being the lirst in thirty- six hours , Karly in the afternoon .Super intendent .Smith , who was in charge of tlio picking gang , thought the track would be in condition to enable the cars to run before evening , A force of men -was aho put to work on the principal busincns thoroiightares clearing the snow uway from the sewer entrances and tinder the crowing aprons , to facilitate the How of water when ( lie f mi should como particularly warm. Another - other gan" worked industriously on the Hags of the street crossings removing their coating of trodden snow and mak ing them easy and less dangerous to walk. Observer Polloek yesterday mornins : stated that the instrument showed IIMIOW- fal | of about eighteen inches in thoeily Of course tjds hits been much incroase'd by the drifting in intmr plruvs. Indications unow a general rUe of tcmitcrituro throughout the west and northwest with clear weather , TUB Tii.ms. The attention of hundreds of peonlo was centered upon tlm trains , sotnu which contained cither business representatives or friends and relatives , shut m > in the cars'at various stations. Yesterday morn ing gave evidence of remo\lng this atten tion bccatiso in the absence of wind mid consequent drifting and with considerable energy , tlioro seemed Jittlo to fear that movement in the right direction on all the lines would not Do made. Wednesday nlght.all the eastern lines coming into Council Hinds repor ted , us they did also yesterday morning , when trains started cast over tlio same lines , The U. M. St. P. & O. sent out its morn ing train but did not know how far it would bo able to push through the drifts. The li. from the cast was twenty-five minutes late on this aide , the Kansas City was on time , while the 1 ! . & M , was about thirlv minute ? late. Tlio Union Pacific yesterday morn ing issued tlio following bulletin concerning tlio running of its trains ; NoI of sixteenth arrived in Omaha 8.-15 yesterday. No. 2 of sixteenth and seven teenth , and No. 2 of seventeenth passed Bullion N.-'iO this morning with plow ahead. Kxpeet to como through without trouble. No. 1 of sixteenth stilt at Soluty lor , expect to get started west , at cloven yo tprdnv No wires west of ( irand 'Island rwo sections of N > . < ) leave Omaha lo-ilny with plow ahead. It was reportjdvestordaymorning that the two trams on the Union l'ar-ilie.which ( were caught in I In ; drifts one at Valley and the other at Columbtis , would arrive in tins city about 1 ' ' , ( ) in the afternoon. Ac cordingly a number of friends assembled to meet the MIOW bound onus as they disembarked. Hut the trains did not arrive. A-now plow wliicli wont out yo-tcrday nioriungat IlJO ! oVlock , it is thought , go' fait itsr-lf in the banks and thus impeded the entry of tlio trains. No. ! t. on the Union Pacific , went out ut 'J o'clock yesterday afternoon. The second division ol the Lnion Pa cific excursion to California left Hie depot yesterday afternoon al S20 : ! o'clock. It should have led Wednesday but was wo- ventud bv , the storm. The Kock Island train , which arrived In the Ululls at 1 ! JO o'clock yesterday , afternoon , carried several passengers for tlio excursion who were held up in the drifts Wednesday in Iowa. The excursion train was tele graphed to this side and held till the ar rival of the late onus. It consisted of two day coaches and the sleepers Oporto , Yellowstone , and the new sleeper North West , There wore about forty passengers on board , and they were all in charge of Iloyt Sherman , general passenger agent of the Union I'acilio at Salt Lake City. No.1 on the U. P. , which was hold at Elkhorn in tlio drifts , arrived last night. Jt was cut out by the snow plow with three engines mentioned in these columns yesterday. The snow plow then turned around and returned to the city. The passengers wore supplied with food from the station and slept comfortablv in the cars at night , since Tuesday. Local Laconics. George Kay "I am busy at present writing to several good players , whom wo have in view for our club no\t year. Wo shall probably not commence signing players until no.\t week. " .1. L. I < ovett "J do not claim , as a weather prophet , to hold rank with Pro fessor Wiirgins , but would like to venture the assertion that this big storm will bo succeeded by two or three weeks of In dian summer. I know something about Nebraska weather myself. " Councilman C. S. Goodrich : "I sec by one of the morning papers that the mem bers of the Cummiiifc-s investigating com mittee arc reported to have left town "on alleged business , " in order to avoid the investigation. This is as false as it is ridiculous. Not one of the comniittco has left the city. Afraid to investigate Cumniing.slVliy , wo arc not afraid to investigate any man living. " A Hotel Man "An ill wind does not blow us good , when it comes with tlio ferocity which it did yesterday. It cuts oil' many of our guests , and those it leaves with us sometimes got out of money , and have to bo accommodated until they can hear for the house. Be sides , they set around , loll at all hours at their rooms , play cards and drink and want more attention than seventeen the atrical companies. Wo earn every cent we get out of them. " G. Watson "The street car company have but little excuse for cutting off their limited accommodation on the lirst night of the storm. They made little effort to keep the track open U'inking that in the face of the wind and very little snow the people would behove it was impossible to keep a clear track. Hut a well-equipped ami energetic company would nsivo fought that storm and cars would have run yesterday. " Hail Notf-s. The meeting of the superintendents of the Union Pacilic , which was to have been held this week at Denver , has been postponed to next week , November 22. Superintendent J. J. Dickey , of the Western Union , has returned from his trip to St. Joe , Kansas City and Atchi- son. Ho reports all the lines in good con dition. The Western Union is building , ho saya. a line from Itantrico to Manhat tan , Kan. , winch will bo open for busi ness in a few days. The Union Pacific lias been greatly hampered for Mio past day or two , in ob taining news from the west , on account of the dilapidated condition of its wires. The linemen have been busily at work , however , for the past twenty-four hours , and telegraphic communication with all quarters will soon be perfect. Tim report that thu Union Pacilic had raised its stock rates from Council Bluffs to South Omaha from * ( ( to ? 10 a car. is denounced by tlm freight ollieisilsa s un true. They say furthermore thane such- raise is contemplated. Stolen Clotlihi ; . ' . John Taylor is tlio name of a man who was sent up bv Judge Stonberg three weeks ago for stealing several suits of clothes belonging to throe laboring men employed in tlio smelting works. When Taylor was sontenood to thirty days on bread and water , ho grow defiant and said ho would not toll whore the clothes had been sold. Twenty days of his sen tence arc now past , and the bread and water diet has so subdued Taylor's obstinacy that ho bi-gged for a chance to tell the whereabouts of the stolen property , on condition that the ether tun days of bread and water diet , should bo remitted. This Judge Ston berg consented to , and yesterday Taylor guvotlio police information that ho had sold the clothes at the second-hand store of Moton Tenth ami Uodgo streets , A .search warrant was sworn out and put in the hands of the police , who made a thorough search of the placo. Thev failed , however , to discover the slightest trace ot the missing goods , A Ilurao SockH Shelter. Hearing an unusual noi o Wednesday evening about 8 o'clock , General Smith , who resides on South Twentieth street , went into his yard , and found one of the citra horses used by the horse car com- pau.vto | draw thecars up St. Mary's avenue hill hail taken refuge from the storm on his porch. The general put a blanket on the poor brast , and notilied the young man having charge of tlieso annuals. Jt is suggested that the horse car company cruet a shed on tlio vacant lot at the inter section ot St. Mary's aveuuo and Twenti eth street , where those horses may bo sheltered fn rj such weather as that of Wednesday night. CII.UHMAN Kveeuiivo Committee of the Nebraska Humane Society , The I.nte J/.II. Crt-lyhton. The funeral of the late James II. Crcighlon will take place from his late rcsidhcpo , 1718 Cass , this morning at 6:20 : o'clock. Tha.rcmuiiis wjll bo con veyed to the church of tlio Holy- Family , where a solemn high mass -of requiem will bo chanted , after which tho'y will bo interred iu the Holy Sepulchre cemetery , NO FIXING UP. Koblnioii's Attorneys Will Not Thlnlc of Ills Compromising Ills Knit. Up to the present time Mr. A. D. Jones has filed no answer to the petition of Mr. Uobinson , the California ! ! , who sues for n largo interest in the property now known ns that of A. 1) . Jones. Ho has yet , ol cour.'c , some wucks in winch to do tiiis , but n movement Is on foot which , if suc cessful , will prevent the casu from com ing to trial. It is notning Jess , it Is said , than an effort on the part of Mr. Jones to have the dispute quietly .settled , and thus avoid dragging the matter into the courts. It is further stated that in compliance with this de'inj Mr. Jones has already sent for Mr. Hobin on , requesting him to call upon him , for thu purpose of talkituz over the matter. Mr. Robinson , it is known , soul back answer to the effect that if Mr. Jones wNiud to sen him hu had better call at thtiCalifornian's house. He had nothing to sav in the promises , and said that if Mr. Jones wanted to talk the matter over , the lall"r could call upon or meet him in the olllet ) of his attorneys. This plan did not seem satisfactory , and accordingly Mr. Jones endeavored to have held a mooting , with J. U. Mogoath as referee or witness. This , too , was de clined by Mr. Robinson , so that at the prcM-nt time nothing butfor otfulncss era a real hearty law suit will & itlico. MOW OUTI-UTS KOK N13\VSIA1 KKH. Ttic Omalii : Typo Koiitutry and Sup ply HOIIHO for I'rlntuiM atitl I'llllllHllCff. Tlio Western Newspaper Union at Omaha is prepared at all tunes to oiitlit publishers on sho'-t notice with pre.skus , type , rules , borders , inks , composition , sticks ami rules , and In lauL everything in tlio linu of printers and publishers supplies. Butler terms and more liberal prices can bo secured than by sending to Chicago or olsuwlioru. Save money by buying near homo. Second hand goods in the printing line bought and sold. We often have great bargains in this particu lar. Send for TUB PIUNTKUS' AUXIUAUY , our monthly trade journal , that gives lists of gootls and prices and from time to time proclaims unequalled bargains in- new and second hand material. \Visn-us : : NB\VSPAPIH : UNION , 12th Street , bet. HowardanU Jackson , Ouialt Naboraska. AMUSIiMliNTS. Hartley Campbell's great spectacular drama , "Clio , " will receive its lirst pro duction at Jioyd's Opera house to night. Tlio company numbers some fitly people , and brings its entire New York cast and complete original scenery as in the great run at Niblo's Garden theatre , Now York City. Ono startling and re alistic scenic effect is that of "Fabian's Curse and the Great Earthquake Scone , " accompanied with vivid lightning , totter- inir walls and falling columns. The com pany carries a beautiful and rclined bal lot , led by Mile. Adele Cornalba , the world's greatest premier Ballerina Asso- luta. Mr. John L. liitrlcigli , tlio power ful romantic actor , .heads the cast. Crowded houses have greeted the com pany in New York , ISpston. Philadelphia , Baltimore and Washington as un doubtedly will bo the case of tlio engage ment in tliis city. Tlio Grand.J . J > ury. "The grand jury brought in a lot of in dictments yesterday morning , " said Dis trict Attorney Lambcrtson yesterday "but wo can not give them for publica tion yet , as most of the parties are not ycl under arrest. " These indictments arc nearly all in the matter of land frauds , such as fraudulent entries under the homestead act , false swearing , etc. , etc. A few of them ate under the law prohibiting cattlemen from fencing in the public domain. Fet some time past the government has tried to put a stop to this illegal fencing bv obtaining injunctions against the stocu men. Now it proposes to give the law breakers a dose of tno criminal medicine , The Dead Soldier. The funeral of Hugh Devlin , the pri vate of company E , Second infantry , who was found frozen to death Wednesday morning at Fort Omaha , will take place this morning at the post. Devlin was a man thirty-nine years oi ago and has served for twenty years in the United States army. Devlin's comrade , who was supposed to have been lost in the snow , turned up Wednesday after a few hours , safe and sound. How to Get Kid of . Family Physician : The arsenic treat ment is well adapted for warts. The top of the wart should cither bo sliced oil with a sharp Knife , cut oil' with a pair of scissors or destroyed with a drop of some caustic , such as nitric acid. It is then to bo painted with the arsenic solution two or three times a day. In a short time it umjergocsa change and appears to break up into a number of pieces. It may then bo removed or turned out without the slightest pain or dilliculty. There are several other means of getting rid of warts. Their vitality is low , and they are usually readily destroyed by the applica tion of the caustic or astringent. The strong ascetic acid Known as the "glacial' ' ascetic acid is often used for this purpose. It should bo applied with a glass rod until the wart is pretty well sodden with the acid. It may have to bo ap plied more than once , and care should bo taken to prevent it from coming in contact with the surrounding skin , or it may cause a blister. Small warts occur ring in numbers may usually bo got rid of certainly and p-unlessly by keeping them coiistantlymoist with u lotion made by adding two drams of dilute nitric acid to a pint of water. Lunar caustic is sometimes used for warts , but its action is , as a rule , too superficial to be of iniiuh service. When warts or warty growths occur on the nose , lips or any part besides - sides the hands chromic acid may bo used. The solution is made by dissolv ing 100 grains of orystali/.ed chromic acid in an ounce of water. J'ho solution is best applied by aid of a pointed glass rod , or. when a largo quantity is re quired , by means of a small glass tube drawn to a point. Only so much should bo applied ns will saturate tlio diseased growth , and it should not bo brought in contact with the surrounding tissues. Any superlluons acid is to bo re moved by u piece of blotting paper or wet lint. The application usually pro duces only a little temporary smarting , unless , indeed , the part is ulcerated , whun the pain is more severe anil of loiver duration. After the application of the chromic aci-.J it is a good plan to ilivss the part with lint dipped in lead lotion , as it relieves the sorenu a and restrains the mil-animation. Under tiio inlliieiico of this treatment tlio growth usvully rapidly wastes , in some cases being Llirown off altogether , and in others undergoing a partial though distinct diminution in si/.e. In thu majority of uases one application sullices , the cure uomg complete in from four to eight lays. Whun , however , the waits are very large , repeated applications may bo necessary. DIAMOND s7 \n Advance in Thuir Kiu-opcnn Value Tliut Will Soon bo Felt Hero. Now \V.rk Sun ; A recent telegram from 'uropo annouiKCd "a great revival in ho diamond trade of Urtissois" snd great laics of .diamonds to America. 'So finas ouuerned a revival of the diamond trade lout-rally in Knropo that is all right , but Mr. DrcyfusD , who is credited wiili know- ng all tliyt is to Lu known of tlio di aond business that "Urns ' ' * , says ? ls 0 more a market than isNcw York. There are only two groat1 markets , Amsterdam and Antwerp , and i next to them stand Paris and London. But it is quite true that not only lsthc.ro a gratifying activity jn the diamond trade , but a noteworthy increase in values. Thcso most precious of stones arc worth now , in the European markets , llftcen to Iwcuty pur emt more than they were a month ago. They had been appreciating gradually for a yeiu past , but have made their principal jump within a few weeks. As yet this advance Is hardly felt on this side of the watcr.but it will bo just ns peen ns the importers have to replace their present stock by new purchases in Europe. There are still hero dealers who have cheap lots on hand that they can sell low at prolit , and others who arc compelled to sell ir respective of rising values , but tlio pop ular demand \\ill soon exhaust those sources of supply and remove thulr inllu- cnco in keeping the market down , and then if tlio present European tendency continues diamonds may come to bo re garded as an expensive luxury. "A letter received lioro the other day from ouo of the principal Parisian deal ers says that ho lias sold off his entire stock of diamonds on hand at much larger prices than ho over expected to gi't , bill if ho had to replace them ho could not do . o for even n greater sum. "There are reasons for the iirosent rise in the value of diamonds , although both come to the same thing the falling offin their production. Tlio first is. that dur ing the \\ititor season at Ilio Capo there is annually a greatly diminished produc tion , oven when there is nothing to dis turb the icgular coin-so of events ; the second , that tno south African gold fields have attracted to them great num bers of tlio minors formerly employed in the diamond mines , and llfal these arc no longer operated to their full capacity. Thu actual cost of production is just about what it was whun these diamond fields were lirst developed , for. if thu cost of mining has increased with tlie deepening - ing of the mines , as it lias to the uxtuiitof some 25 per cunt , that is fully offset by tliu reduced cost of travel and transpor tation to and from the diamond mines. That thu Brazilian diamond minus have yielded comparatively little in latu years , is a fact already well known. And , by the way , the fanciful distinction in favor of 'old mine stones' no jongur exists , except in thu ardent imaginations of Ouida and other story writers , and in tlie easy credence accorded by their rentiers. Dealers only consider the color and perfection of the stone submitted for their judgment , and where it comus from. A hue blue-white stonu is a fine blue-white stone , whether it comes from Hni7.il or from Africa. Af rican diamonds were rated low at first , because nearly all of the earliest that hail entered the market were off color , but since then other and better deposits have been found , and some of the finest stones in the market to-day are from tlio cape. "The importation of diamonds is al ways greatest at this season , when the jewelry trade is most brisk , but is larger than usual this year , and the Christmas diamonds will probably be higher in price than they ever before were here. The private persons who make their pur chases abroad 'because it is tlio prouer thin" to buy one's diamonds in Paris or London , you know,1 are now paying very much higher prices lor them over there than thuy would hnvc lo nay here , even with the duties honestly paid. " Grant's First Published Hook. Chicago Nuws : General Grant was dubbed LL. D. by Harvard , and during tlio campaign of 1872 some ono published a burlesque in tlio form of a minute little volume about as big as a Hostage stamp , in whien were printed some of the short speeches of the silent man , under the title , "The Literary Remains of Ulysses S. Grant , Doctor ol Laws. " 1 showed a copy to the generalaltcnvard. . Ho had ncvur heard of it , and was very much amused by the little volume. After read ing it through , as ho could do in live mitiutcs.lio turned to mo with a smilo.and said : "This is very good ; you must give it tome mo ; I want to show it to Mrs. Grant , wlic docs not reali/.o what a famous man I am getting to bo. " The Ijin < llily'H Kotort. "Those biscuit , " said the professor , "aro like the statue of liberty at night , They would give better .satisfaction if they were lighter. " "Yes , " said the third floor back , "anil this piece of chicken reminds me of n great huro Bonaparte. ' ' "But neither ot jour board bills is like tlio Balkan troubles , " said the landlady. "Why so ? " asked the professor and third floor back. "Because the Balkan troubles will probably be settled. " Donovaii'8 Denial , Oflicor Donovan , who has been sus pended by Marshal Cnmmlngs on charges already mentioned in the BII : : , comes to the front with a general denial of the s'atemonts made by the marshal against him. He says that ho never broke open the trunk of Mrs. Buckley , as stated by the marshal toalim : reporter , and claims that ho was in no way implicated in tlio affair. They'll Como Some Other Time , Wednesday nitrht there was to have been a union meeting of the K. of.P.'s at the hall of Nebraska lodge. No. 1 , the occasion being the visit to this city of the Grand Chancellor of the slate , Jno. Mor risen , of Lincoln , and Vice-Grand Chan cellor Chapman , of Fremont , Owing to tlio inclemency of the weather , however , both otlieiais telegraphed that their visit \\ould have to be indefinitely postponed. Pure. This powder iwver varies , A marvel of purity , strength and wholesomr'iess. ' More economical than the ordinary ki.T'is and cannot be sold in competition with the nl'd- titude of low test , short we-ght alum 01 phosphate poml'rs. Sold only in cans. Royal Basing Powder Co.103 , Wall St. , New York. E. T. ALLEN , M , D. Eye , y/iWams / Building , cor. lOlh and Dodge tis , Omaha , Hours 6 to 13a.m. 8 lo 4 and 7 to 8 p. in Our aim leas been , and is , to supply the highest standard of ffoods tJtc lotuctit possible prices , IITe arc convinced by flic rust arm i/of i/ers at vtcr establishment , and by the rapid increase m < tnr sates , thai the public.appreciate our efforts in that behalf. IFe do not desire fo mislead in shatvinf/ only cheap low grades at a low Jtyttre , < rnd then makeup on larae projifsf for better grades. Our tray / doing b tit-linens is to JPJR& JRATJ ® on all goods , which , weans that we charge OXJB VAT 101&3J [ SR&AJL& lFgT on awry article. IFc cast sell you ft fine satin-ttncd , imported. Chinchilla leaver Orcrcoat for $2O , for irhirtt of her house * will charge yon $ V& . A Jine imported IterwtJBearrr safin lined Overcoat.for $ l& , winch cnttt I/OM tn oflier houses$27 to $ $ &t Over coats which give pleasure , com fort and service fo the wfarcv , ranr/ieig all the way from , $ : $ .6& upwards. JFront $8 to $ U.$0 u'o can sell you a fine Chinchilla. , a , plain Moscow nearer , or an elegant fur-triinmcd Storm Overcoat which -worthfully J/M / to . ) Jt7 each , more. A fin.v hn porte&JSnglish , Corkscrew Worsted Suit fori ? , which , we challenge anybody to beat in quality and 'make-up ' for $ W. We sell a variety of Heavy all-wool Cassimere Sit its from $9 to $13.SO. which , are positively sold by other houses from $12 to $ W.5O respectively. Mease note that the above statements are all solul facts , which we can substantiate. All goods at one price and marJtcd in plain gures at Hie Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omalia. 13th St , Cor. Capitol Avenue. FOR THE TTtEATJirNT OP Ai.I. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McMENAMY. Proprietor. Hixitcn icare' llosiiilal and J'rlTiito iTucticn TVc liuvc the facilities , i > ] mratu nnd remcdlc-i for tlio successful treatment of o\ cry form of ill" ia e rcqiilrliiff cither medical or eiirj-icsl treatment , nnd Invite all to come and inveetlgiitu for themselves or correspond with ni. Long experience In treat lim cases by loiter enable ? us to trtst mauy cases icientiflCAUy without tceln ? them WRITE XOH CIUUUlAlt on Dcfomltlci nnd Draccrf , Club lrect , Curvatures of the fjplno DIICAIIS or WoitKK. I'llen , Tumors , Canccra , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , I'nrnl- ysli , KpllepBy , Kldni-y , Kye , Ear , SUln , IJlooil and all nurglcal operalloni. ItiitU-ilcs , Inhalers , Urnrps , Trusses , ami nil llml < of Medical nnd Surgical Appliances , man- iifacturcd nnd for sile The only reliable nlodlcal Institute making Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases ' . . A SrfrMAI.TV. AU , CONTAUIOUS AND III.OOD DISEASES , from nlialcverCHIIFC produced , euccc-pnfully treniod Wo cin rcmo\o Syphilitic pulton from tbe eyutem without uu-rcury. New rc"toratlvo1rcBtment for lees \ltilpower , ALli COMMUNICATIONS CONI'IDICS'I'IAI , C.ill nnd consult us or tend nimu nnd iicut-office ncldrpss plainly written enclose stamp , find wo will Kjnd jou. In plain \\rapixr , our PRIVATE CJHCULMJ TO MEN uroj'mvATH , SrcciAij AM > NKIITOUI DIUBAJES , SnuN-ii. WCAKNESI , Si'KHMATOiinnraA , ISITOTEN. C7 , SVI-MII.19 , llONOr.niHBA , Gl.KET , VARIOOCBI.Z , HTiucTunE , AND AH , UIMAPEH orriiis OSNITO- URINAHV OHCANS , or eeud liietory of jour case for nn opinion. I'motis unable to visit us may lie trftaled nt Iliflr liometf , by corrt-ciiondencc JVledleinesnnd Iiistru- rnt-ntH pent by mail or criirese aEC'UUHI.y TACK- KI ) FKOM OHSKHVATlOX.no marks to Indlcnta contents or fender. One personal Interview preferred ferred If coim-nlcrit , Klfty rooms for the n-cu v modntlon nf patlcntn. lio.ird r.nil attendance At rcnsouablepiicet- Address all I.ctteru to Omalia Medical and Surgical institute , f-nr. 13lhSt. snd Caoltol-Hvo. . OH'.IU. . N"1 TfiS only DSHUlfJEenss _ made. The most ( .oi.iforlabfo aif d-'ra'Ja or vatking. Pcrfccf7it Nojvrintilas..Easy as an * olil shoo . . .filmiys retain tto sliapeT _ V.'illjiottirojf.a test in long ivalka. J MMO in 11 nfftTs aniralt sizes. Look on Sole , ( or Nmo < nd AdJrcit ct J. & T. C1US2 JS , 7K&XV VOEiK. For Sale l > y Ilaywnnl Bros. , ( iOTIIow aril Si'lei't , Oniiiliii. mufti Rational Bank OMAHA. NlIiJHASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 , Surplub 3O.OOO II. W. Vat < M. President. A. K. Ton.ulin , v"ioo J'mldont. W H S. Hughes , Cashier , uiiucioits : \V. V. Mor.se , John S. folllns , II. W. Yates , Lewis S. Kcod. A. K. Touxalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE JHON BANK , Cor 12lh tind remain Sts A lit.-.cnil Banking JUumcss Transacted. N. W. HARRIS & Co , HA A'lfKUS , CHH M CO. Countli" , dt'cs nliil othoisof uUlyUu lilKliKradvlj < nilitni ! > u bovl r. < 'jic-rr ullico UHlJevoiieUlic U. JJottoii. Corrm | > uu once bolicllcJ. THE CHICAGO SHORT LIME mis- -OP - Chicap , Milwaukee ft SL Paul B1 } THE BEST KOTITE icro OMAHA d COUKCIL BLUFFS ot TWO TRAINS DAILY nr.TWCEX OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS Clilcajfo , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Kapidu , Clinton , Uubuquo , Davenport , Kock Islaiul.Freeport , Itockford , Esin ! : , Madison , .Iiuiesvillo , Ucloit , Winonit , Ln Uroasu , And all other important points Hast , Northeast and BouthonsU Tor through tickets call on the Tlolrat Agon nt 1401 ranmm struct ( lu Puxton Hotel ) , or a Union Pacific Depot. I'ullninn Uloonors and the Unest DInliii ; Cnrs In the world mo run on the muiu lines of the ClllCAQO , Mll.WAUiiK & Sr. I'AVh IUll.WAV , iiinl every attention Is pnld to pussmigora lf oouvtcone employes of the company. K. Mn.Lini , ( icnernl Mnnnior. J. F. TucKun , Asalntaut Uunoral Manager. A. V. H. CAitrnNTi'.li , OenoiRl Passenger and Ticket AKOIIU Ono. K. HKAFFOUD , AsslEtant Gonerai gor anil Tloket Auciit J. T. CiAtin. Guuoral Supcrlntondont. Tims Table OMAHA. The followlnjr N the tlmo of arrival nncl de parture ) of tntinsby Contrul Stnmlitrd Tana nt the lot-ill ilupots. Tiiilns ot tlio 0. , St. I' . , M. .S ; O.ixi-rlve miilil ( ' | > nrt fioiutholr depot , cornorof 14th nnd Wubstdrstrools ; trains on the II. .V M. C. II. &Q. nnd 1C. 0. , Su J. to p B. from tlio II. & M. depot all others 1'rorn tliu Union I'uclllo dopot. iminOB TH.VIN3. IlddffO trains will louro U. P. depot nt fl:15- : 117 : 5 8:00-8:40-HW1 : : : UIO00 ; 11UU n. m. : 111:3 la : ) 1:50 2:00 : a:00 : lHOa 5lW : 5 : W-0:1U- 7:00 11:10 p. in. Leave Trnnsfor for Omaha nt 7:12 : nSIV-9 : : ) 9 : - inn-10i7-.Ui7 : : : : : : n. m.l.JT 2iai7 : : 3iO-a:3r-laT : : : : .1:50 : 0:12 7iO : ; T:5J-8:5'J- : ll : , p. in. I.onvo llrnndway 10 3. " p. in ; ArlvoOinnha 11 UO. I.v. nmnha lUUOp. in. ; Ar. Ilnnulnay 10" . ' ) . In olfoct AturUHt " 'Jth until furtht-r no tice. This Is udilltloiiul to pnisc-til train survlco. j.v. . Moitsi : , a. P. A. CONNnCTINfi LINKS. Arrival and tlcparturo of traliu from the Transfer Depot HtCoilui.il Illuns : UEI'AKT , AllllIVE. C-K1CAGO , HOCK IHI.AM1.V IMCIIIU. It 7:15 A.M. ; IUl.rA. M , nui5.\ : . n 0'm : i > . M. t'B:4Ui- : . | IITtOJi' . M. cnituno i NOurinviKn-.iiN. : Afl-.ir. A. M. I At:15A. ) w. A K:40iM. : . I A 7lW : I' . . C'lllOVOO , IILMILIMIIOX 4 CilIINCV. A : : A. M. I AUI"iA. * c. ucsi'ji- . . u urj : : i > . M. I A 7:00 : p.i. . CIIIOAOO , illMVAlTKI-E 4 f-T. I'AIII. A 11:15 : A. Ji , I AllriA ! : , M A 0:10 : P.M. I A7OJ : | . M KANSAS rrrv , ST , JOi : it couxcn , m.urrs. A 10:0) A. M. I ] ) ; XiA.M. CbC5i : > . M. | A fi-a5r. M. wtiiAsn , ST. I.OUIR & rAcirio. AUCOi : > . u. | A UUJ : i > . u. SIOUX CITY 1MCHIU. . A7fi'.A. : . M. I AOMA. ; M. A 0ii ; iu. . I A b-'ij IM. . Depart , WKSrWAUI ) . Arrna IM. . | UNMON I'ACIFIC..M. . I r. M. . . .7:00i : | .Uvnvur ixiru ; | rt 5:0in , . . . .Loc-JUxj , , . . . . 1OJ ; , 11. Si M. I .Mall and 0L'u ; | . Nlitht ixints ; | < 4 . 1 i-.lOii ' ) | . _ MH'THWAUI ) . AiriU ) . A.M.11- . Mis.'ioriu 1'Auinc A.M. . u. llluu : . . . I . . Day Umir ! 9iuii . Misfit Hip IK. . , fi'V. J It U. II , BL'Oal : Hl1b : ; Via I'luttsmoiitli 7flOJ : 7:11 : " " iuiait ) | NtlltTllWAld ) . Airlvc. A. M. I' . H , T ( ' „ ST. I' . , M. .V l . I A.M. I I' . M. blj : Slinir Clly Iliprc-e-i ' . . . ] & .ir > u ; . _ . _ . _ & ; riOfuliliiiiil ) ActDiniiioU'n lUilMa1 " " Daiiiut. ' IJAbTWAHI * . _ _ Arrive. " A.M. I J-'M. I C' . . II. A. I ) . { A.M. I i' . H. a-'M _ B.oa ! . V.H riiiiunioiitii. I ' , iao : ; 7u NOTIJA.t.alnsitullyj II. ( iHily en-opt Hiiii- day ; ( ; , dally c-xtopt Saiuplaj-j Jdulj tscoijt ilondiiv. STOCK will leave U. P. d.ipot. Ouiuhii , at * 6M : 1M ( , ja5l-0OUa. : m ; 2:00-a:05-4U1-5:2J-bilio : ; p. in l'nellloKTtiru a,8-3)p , in. ; J > unv r hx.JOJj : R , in ; Loral Kx.r > : V > p. m I.fiiwmock yunls for ( uniiha at 7:0rr : 3ii : > _ :30-U : : : a.iii :3:39-33.1-.t:3)-603- : : ; : ; : - . > 5 p. m. Atlnnllo K * . lo S. tt 715u. : in. ; Cblau ii llr. . ] e 8.0. S.-07 p.m : Ixionl I'.r , lo H. O , 10:51 ft.m K Pao. Er. , lu. S. 0. D:4 : ; p. tn ; Ud 11. P. ijj. TffonRrA'iniir. } . n ( pAcia e &D < 1 l.ciurf lui i Jill , aLWOALtO.Ki "sKE AN 9 RAILWAY. Omalu , Council Bluffs CMcago. TliB only road to tnke for DCS Nfolnps. .Mnr- slmlltown.f odar HapldP , Clliilon , Dlzlo , Clilcn- RO , Mllwnnkeo nnd nil jiolnta cn t. To the people ple of Nidiriukn , Coforailo , Wyomlnirah ( Idaho , Ncrada , Orop-on , Wnshinirlon nnd Cull- fomla , lloBrrssupoiior advnntagos bin by nny ether lino. A in on if R few nf the numerous polnM of in * p erlorlty enjoyed by the patron * of thlHroiul liotwconOmiihaand ChlnnKo.iiio Its twcttnlna n day of OAV COACH K3 which Hro the flnnst that hiimnn art and inci-niilly ran crnatc. ltd PALACI5 HIr,15rlNO OAHR , * hloli inn incidnln of onmfort and nlcirnnrn Its I'A HIX3H DHAW- IN(1 KOOM CAItB , iinsurnnwidhtr nny , unit Its widely oclobrKtcd PALATIAL UININO CARB , thoeminl of which cannot bo found nlnewlinro. At Connol ) niufls the trains of the Pnlon I'ncl- flo Ry. connect In Union Depot with ( hose of the Chicago Woithwoatorn Ity. In Oilcniro tlio tinlna of this line nml-o close conneetloa wltli tlioss of all eastern llm > " . For Dntrolt , rolntnliin. Indianapolis Clnolit- natl , Nlau'iirn Fulls , nuflalo , Pltlsbiirtr. Tnrontn , Montrenl , PoBton , New York , Philidolphl i , Hal- tlmor * . WnBhlnrton and all | olnlH In the emt , ask the tlcUut nannt for tluli-id via the "NOKTnWBSTKKN. " If yon wl h thii h t no otnmodatlons. AJ1 ticket agents fell llckulu rln this line. M. IirfilllTT , n. P. WILSON. Ocnornl Miinnpor , frnt. ! Pne-j'r , Anonf 110'1"- ' ! , . II. HOLM'S , Oonl.ViRtei n Ant. I'ltv Pass A t. 1411 rnniain St. , Omaha , Nub. P. BOYEB & CO. DEM.LIWIW and Jail Work. 1020 l-'arnam - tStrcoL , U.imba. Carrylii'thollelliim ( ( Itoyal nil 1 IJnllod 8tato3 > iuii,6ullui uvory Miiuid.l/ Beiwoen Antv erj ) & New York TO THE RHIHE , CERMAHY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND PRAM l-AI.L AND VSI.STIIIt. Salon from iiO lo $ ? " > . Mxcurslon Irlp from till ) to 81HuuDiiit Galjin , diitwuni. fli ; pn-pnld , f irij OM-iU'fioii. t'X ) , Sloimiro nas8aiO ut low raius. Pcior V/rlpht k BOIIB , Uonera AtrontR , S5 llroadwny , Now VorX lluiuy Pun it , uib l-'ni-iiiiiiiHt. ; Paulson b Co. 142o l-uiiiani bt : 1) ) . O , rivintmii , 1U-M lai WILDOR'S COMPOUND OF PUES COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. 4 ( Jot Mm ( inmiinn Arlido.Tln > R-i'fnf | ii > i > iiinr lyiif Wi'iMir ' i "mimim I - t < ' ' < ! I , vcr Oil and l.lni r'liu > In.luiJ MIIIII. uni.i m-l | > > d itrrfconii In htl'inul ti i > ilu > oT uI uiiU' i-iU-Kinf Hii'Jr mm ni'innf ic lure lull anjr l > -I-MI i w | , , , u mitri-IMiK from r < ui ti , I'olds or r < jiifiiiii | > t * > , rliiul'l IM ) curufiil wIllTO MlOV IMIldlllXI tlllitlllll'-lu ' J'llO r < MtlH ll ( t UMiiurii lit li > i r.-i"Mim , n | . | ion null Iliu | ir i > rl ( orlimii'iiiiloo'l HI'ii.1.1111-s . nt UN un-ul i"ilmmm > ryriiuiplnliiif. Tlm I'limp miuuf Uina n < ir ii < > u > .t inci t luartuliiuilu-ulinu i < iw > ru combined ltli tin liiiiuf'ol KiMtrnilhr Jir , Wilbur IllMirm rb- | i-il tijr tliu iiiO'lliiil ' I IIMI'U ' Hull by A , HNS Dor. f lit'iiiltjt , Hun on , uii 1 ullU tl itm-i. 100DBRIDGE BRO'S ' , , State Agents I'UJITJIE ' TC UNO'S. PIANOS Omaha , Neb. MMIVITA . utL Lb41tDl/'d lT 5ihj , 1al i - kir I f. i tft Kivt I , iffin. Ill. | A. 11. 01.IN CO. . St. Hi V. . . bVf .Mi..l.l.l.K S ni. iootcfruUnji , bureii' ' "