Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertlfcmcnts underthis hoid , 10 cent * per
line lor the firft Insertion , 7 coats for each sub-
Bcqucnt Intort on , and Jl.SO line per month
No advertisement taken for Ic'g thnn 25 cents
for tlio flrst 1n crtion. Scren word * will bo
counts to tbo line ; they must run consecu
tively mid must bo pnld In advance. All ndror-
tlscTnt'Mtfl must bo handed in before 8 o'clo-k
p.m. , and under no circumstances will theybe
taken ordUrontlnucd t > y telephone.
Pnrtlis ( ulvertlMnif In thesu c olurnnfl find hiv-
Inn the nnswrt flidretsed ! In cnro of Tur. Urn
will tilonso nek for ncheck toonnblothcm tojrct
Uiclr letter * , ( is none will bo delivered except
on tircsentntlcin of check. All answers to * d
vortlfemonts should bo enr1o ed Inontelopps.
TiroNKY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. .1.
t > L w nnd P. . L Squire , 111. ) rnrimin bt. , I'm-
ton hotel bulldlnp. S23
fPO I/JAN Money Loans placed on 1m-
JLprotod rcnl ostnto In city or county for
Now r.nitlnml I.onn ft Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , nnd Clitonifo Ms 813
I'nHolNTMnonojMo oani i enny term *
M. Harris , Hoora 5 , Fronzcr 11 IK . .npp
' . LOAX At low rules , on ( rood
city property. llntchor& Co.,1210 Douirlaa
_ _ ' ,
MONi\ : loan nn city and f nrm property ,
low rates , Stewart 4 Co. , Iloom 3. Iron
Ilnnk. frU
Si ONHV TO LOAN-At roasonnblo ratoa , on
furniture , flno watches nnd other personal
jmiporty. U..I. Cnswoll , room 11 * Iron llanlc
ImlldliiK , 12th and rnrnnm.
$30,000 to loin. Hums tm nnd upwards ,
Lowest ratos. Domls , 16th and Douglas sts ,
* g'j )
< N r.Y TO" LOAN O. V. In ) % Is A Co. Heal
Estate nnd Loan Agents 1505 I'urnani st.
' "
"V ,
OJfBV TO r.OAN On ronl cstnlo nnd ohnt-
lels. D L. Thomas. 2i)7 )
MONI1Y TO l.tMN In sums of $2,0 U and
upwards on first class real estate security.
I'ottcr * fohli , 1515 1'arnara st. VI
MOM5T I.OANI.U ntO i * . Heed .tCVs
ofllcg.on furniture , pianos , hoif BwnRons ,
liornonnl property of all hlndn , nnd nil other rvr-
t It Irs of value , without removal. U10 8 l.lth ,
a Comml elon store. All
MONI'Y If jouhnvcKood notes to soil , or
wish to Ixinow on it-ill I'Stnto or olmtleU
lit fiilrlntorusl , call cinJ. II. 1'uirottu , 10th mid
Uhlcnifiiuls- OOP.
ttrXXi.OOO TolonnonOinalui city pioportyntfl
P porcont. O. W. Day. ever 1 llJ DuuKinRBt.
T OAN3 I.ouiu Loan * .
Hcnl o ° tnte lonns.
Collatuuil loans.
Chattel loiiiiH.
LoiiKtiino lonnq.
Hhort tlmo loans.
Money nlwnyn on hand o loan on any np-
aroMMlsnourlty. .
InvestinontBPCUrltlcs bought nnd sold.
Onmna Vmaiulal cxthiinKU , 110J rnrnnni
_ t'ortictt
fI'KH OI3NT Jloncy to onn. J.J. Mnhoney ,
MONEVto lonn by the imdornlRiicil , who hai
tlio only propel ly nrKitnl/od loan agency
InOmnha Ixians of f0 ! to (1,000 made on ftir-
nlturr , plnnon. orRnnc , horses , wfifrons , machln-
oryo. . . without removal No delays. All
biiFlncsft strictly confidential. T < onnn fo made
tlmt nny part can be paid at nny time , each pay.
mont rcdiiclnp : the cost pro ratn. Advnncoi
made on flno watchf nnd diamonds. Persons
Bhould oarofullv consMor who thov are doallnir
with , as mnny now concerns are dally comlnir
Into oilflti nee- Should you n < > od money , rill
nnd SOB mo. W. R. Croft , Itooni 4 , Wlthnoll
IlulUIInu , ICtll nnd Ilarnoy , : W" >
_ _
TTlOlt drnc Btock.iiNo two cop-
J- per lountt nnd half dO7Hlltor ffliiss-holdor .
Tor pntlluulBM uddross K. B. ItoliertK , Norfolk ,
Nub. llrigl
171OIC SAl.i : Store nnd stock of poncral mor-
JthandNo In n io u near Omalin. will tuUo
jiart piij ment In city real rstuto Address T 21 ,
Jlco olllcc. lit U'O'
\V"riI- : | > AUTNI'lt-I'mly or Kcntlimiui ,
' V with bniall capital , to tnkc < hnlr Interest In
established , purmnnont , llrstllii''S ulty Lusl-
iip.-s. piiyiiiHr,000 to $4,000 joaily : wood ten-
mis lor Hcllliiff : Krnml cluincu for riRlit pnrty.
Address ti 19 , lluo olllco. CUU
TTIOItSAI-i : Ono of the bust pn > In hotels In
JL1 this olty , niiiklnw money fnBt. liegt of
reasons for splhnif. SSJiQU cpnti required to cut
It P. K. Lee , liMT rnrnnm st. 475
Foil SALIC Ilhidwnro Hnamom Wo offer
our shelf nnd heavy hardware business foi
mile , together with our lenso nnd ( rood will.
'Jrano Inmost In the rltv nnd locution the beat.
Itetlrlnir from the budnots caune for soiling1
The Iliium nardwnro Co. , 10'8 O St. , Lincoln.
POIt HALi : All furnished commercial Hotel
" 8 rooms , also mimplo room , livery barn ,
wind mill ; only hotel In town. Uiadshaw Neb.
21. 7. HotctiUlsd , 700 nlB *
TTIOlt H/VIi : - Ono of the oldest and boat pny-
JInirOrocery Uiislncss In thoclty. Tor par
ticulars , Inriulro at 1415 J.mci at. tAW
H f ot , KarmsLand8 money loaned.
Domls. ICth and JLtouuliv * Itroets. S'M
3OST fSSioward Sunday Nov. II. pair dta-
J moiid onrlngs. 1 Inder loa ont Dunbuum's
restaurant , 1511 raruiun si. , aud rocolvo re-
% rnrd. 033 13
LOHT.-A emnll liny lioiholtn blanket and
bailor. Hclilrn to U. J. C. , U dior& Huebolls
foundry , Bidfonl placo. Llboial toward.HI
"I'R small gold watch with mono-
Jgnuii M J < . W. on back. 1'indor please lonvo
nt this olllco. ; ) lr
UP-On LeavenwoTttrstriionr"
Line , B dark rod cow , ropa on horns ,
Ills ) .
MADAM ALASKA rovcals past precant and
futurn , how mnny In family , ntrn , cto , , how
to holdiiirectlonsnf husband or loror. Hntls-
factlon guaranteed , ii cents and upwards 613
B.lfithlt. 71
PKIt ONAL-\VIIIou kindly return silk urn-
brolla , In cute , lot ! by mo In olllco or pbiro
ot biiBlnciM und locvlvo runard. J. L. Jtloe ,
loom n , over Commurclal Nat Dank. Wi is
I. > iilfcONAL ; A choir lender and prect'iitor , of
citonjHu oxporlcneo , dcbiros an OHUHBIV
inont in u Piotostnnt chureli. lloferenccs of
thn most satlifutlciiy cliuructcr. Address 1.
\ > , lleo olllco , Kt'j 18 *
JJiilhONAI : adliis wlshlnjf gooil domeatiu
help can lie well supplied by cHlllnv at
Onialm Kmplojinent lluresu , 119 North 16Ui ,
h U , Ciounau blook. 617.
13 - uenrmim ifc < weny-eKi.
\tlthioino muans , cli elro-s lo 001 r i < i > oiid
\UllialHdyofHUitHbloairo Olijeot , lunlrlnio
ny. Addrniis rurtcspondlnic Uurcuu , \ \ liber
I\eli. lUi > 'loMgtamp toi icply. 1(1110 ( *
PRIISONAL-Wllllhopirponwno traded ! < l
Ilk iinibriilla for my now ono with UIIXK !
Imndln plci o return It. 'I his Is umbivllu No. 3.
J , L IliBo. ru l I'rtutu iigi-iit , roum 0 , aor Com-
imiciHlNnt bunk 10)1 ) IK
1SONAI-1I ; | lUl'iimpi R School o
wnd VoU'O Culture , Ki N liith et. , room 6.
001 lcc,5- )
1 > iilsON.VL ; Ml-s A. I llnonrrnn , " '
imreo ith trooil rucommundHtluni : J7
MHillilHih sticet , J.t lloor , room No. n , orcv
loiman's ) dry Kood ktore , HiQtJ
rl > KJtSONAL Knights of 1 ahur as ell a non.
I unions will tlud toini thlni ; to llu Inlnie-l
iif llmli poukcitbonksliy culllnir At thoonl ) Ilai.
tiitlu Kioiu , tin N I Ht I : st , bet Ottllfainlaand
Wt lister. M'-MIl
TrKU ! > ONAI.-ror bale-Tho HmM ncro In
.1 Omahn , for fJ.MW , unuthlia cuth J U
] | iee \ Co. , ntoiu U , mur Uiimuonial b.iuU.
" "
> iilhONAI : - * . ) Niinnlo V. arrcu
clnmoiant. Ue1lc .tl ruul tuislniiss Medium
ItiMin .No. a , J-J North at , Omaha , N b.
inoiitM.vr Huno mcinmlr. A
3 U ULMIQ. ate
< < ltoiu HAM ) in ten luioona. No . .
| Tl no position , rapid it eptuob. t-end tui.r. : :
lor tUal lessen. It , M IVrnln , Detroit. Mich.
SUJQOt Ol'blT.NOailAIMlYHnd type-wrlT
Inv , Kuom > 7aiiJS , Iron Hank , (1\\ . llakdr ,
WS N 2l _
MATIllMONlAL-Pkptr c-'inUim nanrly X
adrtiinu < < ntk Irom Ittdi't And r lu <
JI.BU wuutloif uorr * pQUtlmlfc , .Sant i ] ll *
/or ) 'J r nt Adilrcss. liiOi'lCi : Hand , Tt > lit
A nSTHACT OP TITI.r MrnlOiM on Miort
jti. notice from my complete set of books. It.
C. Patterson , lltn and llarnoy. 694
T7K ) It ItKNT Organs , } 2 per niontu. ilo pe ,
U13 DouglBJU 303
F oil I.X tTHANi-Somo ( ) : nnn vncnnt lots fnr
hordes nnd slock , llnllou llro , 151" Pong-
1 as st. r78 2J
"l OK IlK > r Prjunre Piano , f 1 montniT. A
TTIOIl SALt'- Soft 'coal olTlco steve peed as
JL1 nowiS ; cost tI8. 1011 Davenport st.
fftoK SAI.H-A family * lolzh. Kiiqulro nt
L. ( lotornmont Stables , tor. llth nud Chicago
utrcets. 1.W 18 *
TTlOlt SALK Nlco tonni , wnirnn nr.d linrnes :
JL ? will inko n Rood single horse lit trado. Ap-
.lX'S. llthot. ftV ) 2t *
iK Slot c , No 20 Splendid , In porfcct
T. J. Heard .V llro ,1119 Douglas St.
sI.K Alinnn now rndlmit hotiio * to\o
No. fie , Apply to Tlios. O'Connor , nis S
n. U7 ! ) a ; *
S.VIiR fliio road hnn o , with now
luiftify nnd hmnci , co < t8l25 : must tic sold
nt oncoiu nrdlosi ofaluo. . Inquire at 1105
IiouKl < i8 t. 703
"rfuTH SAI.K I'tirnituro and ion o 01 ix-room
J.1 house , tlmo on pnrt. Cnll 1203 North i'th
street , two blocks from Hod C r lino. 8iU
fTtOlt BAIiK Plmoton buggy , ono top lui
JL' cheap , A. llospo. uslii
H IO1ISKS txiH.rftrms.I.nncis money loaned ,
lie nils 15tli nnd Doiiida * Directs 2V * >
FOH SAI.K Ctm ip. iron columns ind win
dow cnptBitltnhlq for front on lirlck build'
Inff. KorunrtlotiliiMiipply nt thlsodlcc. (1) )
WANTKD Olrl to do ediionil houscworV ,
Immodlntoly.niH S. lltlist. I U
WANTKD ntit lor cmiornl liousoworkot-
odpt wnxtilnu. Apply nt Inrfro hnnsn in
front of Cre's'itou ' ' Coll'-go ' , end of Wolistor st.
1 W IB-
ANTII : > A jrlrl for fronurul liotHounrk.
Iii'tuiro ' 1710 at. Mnry'n n\c. HJ 20 *
\ l/1A / rii : ) ( lirl wanted for ironoral lmu ewer -
> wor . nouthu ust corner of S.'d nnd Miiaon
Htrcets. Coed ! waiter paid I''u0
WANT ID A first class cook , \uislipr mill
Ironcr In family of thrco ; no otliors nooJ
apply : 1003 I'ariiain st. 113 18 *
" \\7ANTI3D Ontichainl > orinnM und ono COOK ;
> Oorninn profonod. Apply U. S Hotel. lUth
nnd DoiiKlas his 107 19
: ! ) A competent jrlrl for pencral
lioticcwnik. Apply iitouto , "Hl Howard
et. corl'Hik n\o UO1 *
N'llIO ( iood t'lrl for ( tenortil housework.
No 1130 South Ninth st I'M ' Hi
\VANTPl ) .m Indies .V. KOUM to lo rn lolo-
' Rrnphy I'rnspcptvood for position whun
rotnpctont ; address . .1. 1) . , Hoani 1 , Crounso
blk.Oiimlm. 1J7
"l\rANTii-Cnmpitont : mlddlo-nitPd womnii
* totakucnruof bub } . Apply at Hit Uon-
vontst. S.VJ
" \17"A > TI3I Atonco a competent ttM In con
ITonlunt lioujoliold , 41u Coinent Mrs
Oto lli < yn. 7 J
_ _ _ -
'AN'CIIO A laundio * * nt Occidental hotel ,
lmmodlHtoly. _ _ _ 775
\ \ L" ANTIM ) ( lood slrl tor Kcnt.ral housoiMirK.
1 1 JJ'nruoin. II K )
W AN"Tin : ( ! irlfor uenoinl housonoric. nt
Vlrtflnln avo. -m
WANTKU-lJlnlng room girl nt the Kminct
_ house _ 57S _
WANTii-Glil ; forKi > noral llniisework : fei- !
man prcfcnod. Mis. U H. Whctlor , 5 1
South With fit. 4S1
: i > Lady of line ta to to assUt In
iV copying biihlnoss , can work at homo IT
preferroil : permanent woi K , ( rood pay. no ser
vants wanted. Hours 10 to 5. Art Copying
Itooms.ittJN.Ifith ot. JO
llonl I state ,
lioonis 1 , S nnd 3 , Uedltk HlocK , KO S. Kith St.
I ) CO L-2
\ \ 7'ANT1H A capable man who nnderatntids
\ > woikuboutH phico nndtiuoof fiirniu.0.
ItoforonCoroqnuod. Mrs M. Clatkson.-'JlU bt.
Mary Ha o , 13J 18 *
WANTPD Agents for Omaha ana every
town In Ncbrasl.a. Tlm lio-t soiling aitlflo
ovorputon tno market. Uvo'jbody uses It
llllf money. Address T - ' , euro lite. % 8 IS *
" \TANTiD : An o.xporloncod boot nnd shoo
' Piilosiiian Ono vho can gpiMk ( luiman
and Ilngllsh. August Doimnnu.o07OU3fll1 , fa ,
l.lth st. 110
Agents wltn good
fora now article ; can make Jito $8 ad ly
Call at S l.lth st. U75 21 *
" \ITANni : > An experienced clothing snlov
VT man who < nn speak ( jcrmnn. J. L llr in
dies A. Sons , 500 S. Uth st. 108
ITANITD A yoiniR Gorman boy to icurn
r the bakers trade , nt tbo Paxtou hotel
U'O 18 *
" \17ANTKD Good aijonts to represent the
V "Old Helliible" Single Men's Endowment
association$1AID at marriage after beluga
member at le ist two years. Address Chas II
Knapp , secretary , illiincapoll < . Minn U.1J " 0
) baltsman who will sell our line
of spring and nummor cottonndus. jeans ,
liiKiri'S , tlanuuls , loorsuukers und King-
hams In connection with tliolr other buslnoss
Liberal commission paid. Adilie-a " It itfor-
oiii-o , Kiank U. I..i Lanne & Co , MiuuifiK-'tiiruid ,
_ _ _
W AN FK u Wo want a fownvents to sell the
Daimnieyor'H h > draulio Washer on oom-
inlsslon A very good paying business for good
in on. Ajiplynt OK DoiiKlus. _ ON ) ' . ' 1 * _
A HUNTS In the city 01 country oiiu mukof.1 to
$10 n day soiling our Hpecinlties. N. W
Nou'ltj ' company. 1J07 Farnam ht. _ 577
- nnd rockmon fo.
Wyoming ; S3 u duy All nintni's wor k
Allhrlght's Laoor Agency , 130J rurnam st.
WANT1U ) Ily nn experienced dressmaker ,
work In prlvato fumlhvi. Addiutu Mlsi
lUnnlngri'ii , 1515 P. lUth tt. H , ' lh-
'ANTii : > Bltiintlon curing for
\ \
rooms ; npply-00' . ' Webster st.
WANIT.H 1'oMtlon by a JOIIIIK man us
Llork or wnltur In rcHtuiniuil or tmtlnr )
houst ; . llino Had tocinl > < uirs cxporienio.
AddiossJ. ti. , farmert.1 Hou"u. 141 18 *
ANTUI ) . Situation by n fill in prluito
family without children. Apply MiiK'sict
lloiirton.lth Mr , llaumibtor , cornur llth nnd
Hariiey. 1J > 16'
ANTKD. Situation 113 ninrilod mercuutllo
limn I U > iursi usulork in store , olllc-e , do-
ilvoryiu olherH ; M > onU mid c'oriospond.s llu-
WW < I.iiKlish. ( lermiiii , hpjulth mid partly
IVencn. Ti'J7 , Dally lleo _ Ki M"
W ANTii : > filtuatlou Uy young- mar
ried man of experience In K''noml
hutdwnio : also puiui | business. AdJreis Lock
Uoii'CI , Mttluuii , lu. Uo lb *
_ _
-Situation by n ouiifr man , wll-
llntrtodo mast Hiixhlni ? , five ycutrj nv-
pctlcncotis clerk. Itctcrcncud tuinithed. 'I' , ,
IS , Iteo otllce. h'7 18 *
\v rANTiif0 : man to Join tht "Old Uel.a'jlu" '
bliiKlo Men's Undowmciu Association of
Minn Ono thousand dollar * nt marriage .
f UUWOulio lily paid. Willn lot riruuliui 0
II. Knapp , bocictary , Mliiiieapuln. Minn I'J-- ' *
\ \ 'A > Tiil : Milk U Ibero K farmer MtuHtcil
nn nny rullroiid runnlnX'.S indny tiulm Into
Omnli i "nil ivlshc'd n permanent market for
in like Only tlioso who i'i lurnUh mill , tbo
year round wanted ti nn wi > r , Aio there nnv
In Iowa near Council llluUf , oo flttintodAd -
dlCJiT , 24 , IlC'OonicO. D9J-IU
tt'.VM'r.i Tu rent. lur-tlKhed , uhnuaeof J
or4 rooms. Addreii T II , lieeotllt * .
bH ) 18'
_ _
\ \ id buy onuTttwo o' fctocX in
iil bO'Jnlof tltldtt , a. A. rf.tttnun 151J
\\'A.vrKI > 5rt men to nit liuckwiicnt cnkes
ii and maple syrup every morn ! ' ! * at Norris'
llpntiinraiit. li'th St. bet. Da Ice ami llotitf ) is.
SutilfUt oourd per west , tX-'i-il ; muil
" "
rioil KKM'-Sirttir"eomtorlal.lii lionecJ17
' per uiouth T. a ClurLaun , l.1'J H. Hth n.
_ J _ _ ?
TTUm HKM'-A Br t class restauriint , Inqulr *
.L1 of Leo , Nlchol A Co. Hi
17UHI HUNT House. 4 room ? , Harncy trct :
I. imJ.'lst , $ W pel uioiith.also Imiito ui'tir M.
Mary'sni o , t rooms , } ! 3 per uiojiih S. A. Io
nian. 1M3 rurnani BI. 117
FMl ItRNT-A three glory brick liouto on
CxlUcruia 6t , fTi pur month. J. ( I. llvans
4. Co. VM U
OH IIK.ST A fcovtn roomed hgw ffwitli all
Modern lent imloucaj on ( Vtrux it. f id per
month. J , II. llviuu A Co. 903 1 a
'fT'Oll ' SUtHv OooU 0 ia HtSOtl llUrtst.
JlonnrNT-NowTroomhouee In Hi\ticom
JL ! I'lnco ; JfO per month. J. II. Kuins A ; Co.
1J Oll HKNT Ten-loom housonow. Just fin
ished. Cor Sidnnd Hurt. Ilns nil modern
Improvements. Apply at 1510 Douglns t Od
lloor. WV21'
FOIl HIINr A fit o mid seven room house
by Hallou llros , 1110 DougHsM. 071 18
HKNT A store nnd bnsement on n ( rood
FOIt ] . Inquire of Lee , Nlchol A Co. ,
Hoom 23 , Wlttinell block. OU
" "
? ! IUJNTVA It-room house with barn for 4
1 horses. Ainu n ntooni house siillablo for
lifmrdlnir houso. Apply to M K. Martin , nil S.
Cth st. TO
FOIl HKNT. Now hoii'o. 5 rooms , 4 blocks
from streetcar ; $14 per month. Urnhnin ,
CrolKhton block 12.1 2t
THOU HKVT-Sto7o 2FxiO. wllh fourTooms bo-
JO hlndjfUn month , 271iCumlntf. Wi
Foil HUNT A dosIrahloTti room"linu o ; ono
block south f-t. Mnry'B nvonuo corner 20th
and Lcavtnwortli sts f. J. Council 881 18
OltllKNT Kleirnnt 10 room ro'idenoo on
Farnam ft , all modern Improvements , fur-
tilttiroand carpet for * ao ! : all new : nm compelled -
polled to iihoup on account ol Illness Ad-
di oss H 1C , Ilcc ollloo. ol2
' filOlf liTN r To room"brTclThoiso7 air mod-
JL ? crn Improvements on ctroct curllno , apply
to Mrs. Mart P.irrott , 2,1) ( ) rnrnaiu. B.I7 IS *
171 OH ItlJNr An ollsrlblo ton room hou o In n
JL ; lirRt-clftPS neighborhood , near street tars
nnd within ton minutes walk tnmi the post of-
lleo Applvto llnrko & llarktilnw , ton ! estate-
ftironts , Douglas street , nozt to corner ot Uf.
tocnth. 7i (
TJlOlFHi'.N r lleildenco No. IH14 'Fiirnnm „
- 11 rooms , nil modern Improrcmonis Itnnt ,
TTiper month , cnrpoti nnd furnltiiro for sulo.
pply 8. A. .Sloinan. I5U Tarn un st.
, < \ > iki , > i l.arirohousn mth modern Im-
J provuiniitits , 2'uh and rnrnnm sts. A. P
'ukcy , 1WI ! Karimm nt. OSJ
710R unvS-80 ncrosTniijolninir clTy north-
- cstRiiltahlo lor dairy or moikot irnnlon.
pplyto Thco. Williams , Hce Olllco , 9U Fni--
nun ,
n\lt \ HUNT StOlo22xM ) , 1110 Jncksotl St.7RH
Foil KKNT- Large , elegantly furnt'lied imr-
lor. All modern eonu-nloncos , Hlthtirst-
ilnss boiinl Suit iblu for four ircntlomeii.
. 'our blocks south ot Paxton , 1409 Jones st
TIOIl IlKNT NIcolj futnlshed rooms and
board. f,19 N UK h St. 4 H 20
Itl'.NT Kletranlly furnlshod rooms nl o
17O11 oliismiiblo boardnt 2011 Unit St. , on
rwontluhst : slro < tear lino. t'Ol ' 1'J ' *
FOH HUNT-Nicely fuinl lied front room
with flro nnd homo ptjllojfes. . Aildresg T
0 , Ilco olllco. 05720
FOIl HKN"l' lxvelr suits of looms for frcn
tlonnm nnd wife or t o gontluinnii , Mil )
Vcbstur St Oli 1H *
10H H15NT Pleasant lurnlsliod rooms with
use ol bath , I'HU U'obtor St
FOU KIM < niinlslicd loom. CIO N. 17th
1)18 )
FOIt KKNT-Tvro ulcPly furnlshol looms ,
suitable for - ' or J irentlumon Lovely locu
tion with oxoiy modiirn Iniprovcmont 1415
.lonesstroet . K" >
_ _
17IOH UINT : Nice winter teems I'OI I'nr-
-U nnin. " '
OK HKVl'-I'loisniit and flnulr furnlshod
1 iront loom for KOtitlcinon only , 'JU'ilai-
luun 8(5t ( 19
TTlOltUKNl' Nltoly furnished room for t o
Jt ! ( fontlomiiu : inoU'iiioon\c ( iitonces. 010 N.
17th t II1' '
FOIt HKNT FuinlshiMl rooms , with board ,
suitable for mnn und wife or two cntlo-
noii , 1814 Davenport st. 823 1U *
FOK UKXT-r.lesant fuinished rooms. Ib37
Douirlns Horoioncoa roijuirol. 611
TTtOll ItBVT I'lirnlslipd room for onoortno
J. ffontlomon : furnltiiro now , piousmt loci-
Uon ; HowurJ St. , bet fth and 'Jtti. ; south side.
HUNT rurnlshod rooms for light housr >
keeping. Hcomois tlook , tor Mi it Howard.
NT "urnlshed room , 1810 Loilgo. K
FOIl HEN I' A nlculy furulshol Irontioom
with aloove , to Koutlomcn only , nt No. 1811
Farnam st. 5W
F OH llRS r NowiyTiunlshoJ rooin.2" > il"stT
Mary's are. lilt
FF FF OK KKNT Nlcolv turnished room. 1K)9 )
ciiio n.f st 7Hi
F Olt ItHN'T Two furnuhnd room ? , 1102 N.
lOthsticet. OJ81B *
-fT ItllST A large , olo/antly fiirnlsheil
i ? room , for two gontlcmon. 1U1D DoJijojjt.
F OH HEN r Nicely furnished room ! iS7
Uod est , Oas , bath andlurnnco heat
81' ( 13
ROOMS Moderate piico. lovely \Iow , o y
ooy nnd warm , nt northeast cornei of
Farnnin nnd Jltli 11KI. "JOI
F 1OH itnNl' riirnlshod loom aultablo for 2
BOlillomon , KJ 8 lUlh st. V > 20 *
FOH HBNTKloifuntly furnished fiont chain-
bor , sullo of rooms , hot and cold wutor. gus
nnd bath. 1011 Capitol iuo. IK-fl 3t *
IriOH HUNT Ilodioom ltb piUllogoof par-
1 lor. Inquire 1513 California 067 18
. Itl.N r Doslrablo fuinlshcd rooms , 1811
1 Cap avo. UK lh
FO't HUNT Furnlshod room , Bit dollars ,
: ) * > Harnoy. IW'J ' lb
Foil KUN'T Handsomely fiiriil hod houxo In
dosltablo locality. lUivcn & MuMul.on ,
1010 Iluinoyst. U70 18
FOIl HUNT Itoomfurnished urunfiirnlMiod ,
OTJJWobstorst. lll.t >
IJfOH HUNT Pleasant slnulo or double room
JL ; lor RontJoineii , heated with gtonm , ( .MIS , and eolu watoi. 211 S2td nr Knrnnin ,
( Ii ) IS
Foil Ui : > f Larvc front , room ( rood ollice
location. II. IV. Huntiuss.IXJi Fnrnam.
VA'ANTKI ) OmlHriro or t o small untiir-
' nl.-hoit rooms not o\or six blncUs Irom
Vourteonth und I'm num. Address I' , < are of
S P. Morse * Co. 144 16
\I7ANTKD Furnished room , ltd boaid.hv n
> Hcnllornan nnd wile , for the w liilor : nuiHt
bo flrst claKf * and In prlvato family. AihlrossT
r > , Uoo olnco HI 1 *
WANTKU A sulto of looms and board by
man and nifu nnd chlldicn. Addrubs ,
stating loL-itlon an t priceT , 18. lleo otTlce.
10j 18 *
t ) . Heal ,
U'l 1178 , inth stroot.
N'i : lot on llnrtstrool.l 8,10,0110 third c.ish.
( Iralmni , t'rcl litou lllock- , 121 20
I7IOH iiukk : itnloa lUt ) onr propcit > with
JL1 Jloimua A Co. , opp. P O , 1002J
A noon Tiri.H-U'niianty dool and ab
stract fri'O with evoryliu [ u Hiibh & Sitlby's
add to South Om ihii , only 8 hlooks from Houlli
htuck Yard ) , . Prlci t SiW lo tlJo ; only < M oiish.
Hii.ll&Soby,2l8 ! ! S I'.tli st illd
BO\VL1N J < tltiRV-Onr now addition H
west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton Bticot.
llys lo ( tlnirloisat f 15) for luildeaud HTi fin
corners , you will make n good luyostmonl.
T rm > 10por cent cash and * 5 monthly. No
rb.Hrp"forkUonlui ; iho lota MariUall A ; Lo
bcck.lSO'J Farunin : ) IO
K v.
VJI Iteul lislBte ,
ltoomsl.2 midS.Hodlok IllockJ.'OS ISiliSt.
UtW i-J
OOlt.NDIllotln Vaa Ituuicn pkcu , JH. ; ( .101 , bal. in 1 , -ninl J years , llultor &
Campbell , Itooni 1,1J01) ) I'm nnin st. P-'J
A OOOHTITLKVnrrantr ueedaud abstract
froanllh every lot lu llush i. Salbj's aild.
to South Omaha , only B blocks from South
Slock Yards. I'ricon , H a lu ii.'j ; only fV ) cash ,
I5th6I. U10
EMNK lot , ( Jcorsjln n\euuo , J-.OOO , Graham ,
J CrelKbtonJIIock. l.M 'M
IOH < ) ulck s lo3 list vour pfopor'y with Flack
' i Hoinun , room U , frunter block. b4J
NAI.K-M ft fionilnif bu Do.ljju st 2
blocksj it of tbo pootofilco. A bargain nt
$18,500 : ( IUtXiO cash Marshall & Lobcck. IMJ
H < ) lliis UHl'armsIniumoney loaned.
Iletuls , 15lh und lieu la. ? stroc'ta , 2 5
. . _ _
EOHSALKOH HKN'T-Nioe 7-lOOin house in
-A- * Orchard Hill : new und incMleru built , butli *
room , mantle , eto. , Kood bat n. and cistern : will
feoltchc tt | > ir trtUumoucu. lllcltl X Inuhrani ,
. . . .r. MOTTrn TIcnl TNtato Apcncy , offer the
JL following-choice bat trains :
I let In Phmn 3rdnddlllonKO < dJroomhouFC-
$7lWcn h , $ -.000. ,
LotStilook I , ltlll Ur.No. 3. $0 ( M < ht Sl.WJ.
Slots 111 KliiR'a mid. JtVOotch. | i"0 tftfthtlml *
nnco f V ) every three mont hs. A bnrrnln ,
I < it2Sliiock2lllmcbauth ( A , Pnttonon'ii mlA.
f IW > i cash.
} i-orner lotsm Arlington , $ t.ono csch.
1 lot ou Hamilton su.'f 1 OO1) ) : J775 ensh.
1/ot 1WO' t'A)0 ) cish balance
/ * In Cntalpa place , , ,
Lot II Mock F. Project plnce , $ l,500i ' { ensh ,
cheapest lot In the city.
8 full lots on Snundcrs , ono a corner , f (1,5)0 ( , ' (
Ono < jlPrnnt ( tot InPhlnn'sSd adcl.BO ft front ,
11.31)0. Don't lot this flip.
Nice S room hou oroincr tot , OH tISO , Slilnn s
ni mid. $ . ' , (500 ( , > < en h.
Hot In Footer's ndd , M.onO , < { .
front lot 111 Plmnvloir , on 20th st ,
$7. < 0
Pull lot on Lcavcnwoith st. A blriraln atOne
Ono of thn finest lots In Itlllsldo No. 1 for
f 1.400 , $1,0 iOcn h
rinolol In W < .tSMp$4nn , $7r > cosh. .
Ono mod lot InVn hlnirtou squn-ot 2,2X1.
Two lots , ono n cornci , the llnost lots In linns-
coin place , f Vo.
Two lots In Jerome Pnrk , $1,100 , cncli , f.100
Ono ol the best lota In Itan ° com place for
f-J.'Un ) , $ ( VV ) ca h.
l'lno t east front lot In Hnnscom plaoo , tS.VI ) ,
f 1.001 cash.
An elegant east front In Itnnjcom place , Jl-
' "
"The beat lot In PottcrV mid for 51 30 This 19
HO fret n st front , cnsy turms.
Sovrrnl oholeo lots in Ambler place , $50) , J150
ciixh , bnlanco monthly.
2 east front lots on Snundcrs st , ono n coiner ,
51.ICW , J700 casli.lialaneo lotijr tnno.
2 line cast front lots In Phull'sadd , MW ) .
Pine 6 nom House , Lake's add , M- , $400
Pine ncro In llolvlderc , $45) .
Vull lot on Lako6lioctwlthioodhiilo | , 12,200 ,
TOiHcash , bAliinro Ion ? tlmo.
Two lots in Claiondon , fl.'JOO each , f 150 each
o'i ' h. Ililnnco nwful easy.
Full lot In Ii V Smith s ndd on 21th Bt , east
front , R-tod "room houtp , $1,00) . Cable line
Nlnc-o south front lot In Shlnn's Uil ndd , 00 ft
front , $1,21)1 ) , (151 emh.
1 )1 0 , Hecs plnco , ( Wxlfts , on Parit nvn nort to
Oon. Dnndj'grcsldcnooas } terms. Call lit office
for prleo.
Tun acres MiltnMo for pnli dlIdlncr. .
Full lot In ShlnirhlMndd.nlco 5 room houao ,
J2,000 , $ SnOcasti , balance easy.
ThUlsnnlt n pat t ml list or our tinrpalns. and
If } oil\Mint business or ri'ldnnco property In
nnv pnrt uf thn uitj call on us and wo can suit
son. The Hotter llonl Kstnto Agency , 211 S.
llitli Bt. 01-1.
T i'ri n\iryoNii :
U. Hcollatnto ,
Ufl 117 S. Ifith stieet.
Iy AST nml nortti fiont lot , cor 2iith nnd Kis-
ii Kino , on car line , a hanrnln , $1,273. Keller A
Campbell , room 1,1'iX ' ariiiim 8J1
ITx Illlt L THOMAS lias laid outnn addition
to the city of Oinnlm niiniod Mnvotto , nnd
wo notleo ttmt tlio streets nro pmporlv nnmed
Itoeco , Loron/o. llottlna. Plppo and Frederick ,
nndsoolmr tlmt the biune Is on the Holt Hull
\vnj tiiul at iv point whom tlioOiinvhn Noitbein promises lull ly to tnako a Junction with
the Holt l.lnr , nnd lots oillv flO ) to fJOl , e
think the location well named , nnd that the pur
clinsors will lm\o n Mascotte. ns the Indleiitlnns
pomttholots to bo worth liom fi tofK ( ( )
goon rtiosolotsitroto he sold on contract,2)
percent ensh iinilbnliitiro $ < liipr month \pply
to Dovtei L. Thomas , Itooiu 3 Crolghtun blk
GiiiuioiiY & IIADLIY : ,
Hull IMnte ,
Rooms 1,2 nmlS.llcdlok Illook , .120 S , nth St.
l ! fi _ _
. HAUtlAI\S-Tno corner lots in
Itmdotto coin t. only 4 blocks fioin Saun-
dor's stieot cur1v. . M , , Ilushmiin , lioom 10 ,
lliishmnn lllock , N K cor 10th ami Dpuglai.
AOOOI ) TtTLKVurrnntv deed nnd nt ) .
Btuict trot , with OTor > lot In llu < h X Selby'H
Rdd to Pont Ii Oninlm. only 8 blocks from outh
Stocks Vnrils Prices S yj to $ l.'i ; omy f VI cash.
Hush A. ? olb,2IS.S 15th st tilfi
A GOOD TITLR Warranty deed and rl >
Htiuct ft eon ltd every lot In Huxli &Snolbv'
mid to Suoth Oinnlia , only S hlo-k from South
block Vnnls. Piicn ST. ) to } 4 : onlyJM cash
Hubh & "olby , 218 S 1 > th st GUI
) TITLE-Warranty deed nml nb
struct frc-o with corlot In H ish A. Selbj's
add to South Omalin OnlyH blocks from South
Mock Vnnls. PrlLoftSiUtoflii ; only f"i ) cii h
Hush & Seluy , 2H S I5tht. Ulfl
Hcnl Hstntt ,
1,19 117 S Ifith stroot.
Co.113 _ _ S. 15th st 70 _
AOOOD TITLE Wiirnmty deed nnd nu-
stract free with c\on lot In Hush .Vhoiliy'R
ndd to t outh Omaha , only 8 blocks from South
Stockaids. Pilcoa S-'l ) to $1.5 ; only 551) ) ensh.
Hush Shelby , 218 & 15th St. 016
B\KOAIV (0 ( foot lot. south front , on Hnr-
noy t. iioariMth , wlthirooil Bioom houno
$7rAO. Hcltoi &Ciimpboll. bSl
EVEHVlot In 0 hns been withdrawn
except block P ) , which Is noknowltdi-'od to
bo the cholcoof the whole addition , lorsulo
only for n short time by btookdale & Mitoucll ,
15K. ' '
AltAKOAlX ninvon lots In Albilchfs
Annov nt auction price * . 1 . Ailo'.ttorth.
21 S. 11th st. fe 18
H Jjou , I nrmsI.Tinls money loatiod
Ilomls , 15th and Duuglna Btroots. 'J'll
Foil SAI.Kt u great tuirgnlu for a few
weoksonlv. ton thoiiHiinci ncres of land all
solcttLdut f4 ( X ) poi aero : > - . 10 cash aud 8 > onm.
Jlaishull & , I.obeeU , UK ) 1'nrnniu D5J
TTtOK SAlh-13lit < i44zLU feet , ft ontlng north
J } on Ilrlstol Btroot , hall VMiy bctweun Saun-
der and State , nonrstieet cars. Oily water in
trout , fOJ oash , I-t eaih , batunco in l"andt
} oars. Address S 14 , llou olllco. " 58
HOOD TIl'MJ Warranty deed and ! 7Tr
Btractfrt'o ltli every lot In Hush & Solhy's
odd to South Omutin ; only 8 blockn from South
block Yards. I'rlcos $21) to f til ; only SM cash.
HiiKh & Selby.SISS " 15tli t _ fljO
GOO"lT riTTlj Wttrranty cleod ami ab
stract frno w Ith every lot In Hush & Selby's
ndd to South Omiilm. only 8 blooks from Noiitli
Moi-k Yards I'riees $ i1J to f lii ; only J5) cash
lliibli iVSelby. 'lH S IMh st. filfl
Idml 1'j-tnto.
llooras 1 , 3 nnd U , liedlok ltlotkio : S. 15th SI.
Dw ) S3
Wi : Inn o ciibh hu jciH for bargains In real
oitiite LUt your propintv Hlth us.
Flack i. Hainan , room 11 , rienrxir liloun.
A GOI ) TITLU-Wii-iunty duod und ab
stract fron nlth ciory lot In Hush Bolbr's
add to outh Omaha , enl > 8 blocks trom South
block Vuula. I'rlcos JJiO to SU9 ; only JM cash.
lluuh It Bolby'l8 S 11th Rt. BIO
AGOOO TITL1' Warninty ilond and abstract
free with u\ory lot in Itusli .VSelby'8 add.
to South ) K blocks from South Stock
Yards. I'l lens * 'V ) to f tl' > \ only $51 cufeh , Husn
& Selhy , iilB B. IMh st. Old
FOItSALi ; Cheap , Id acres well unpiovod.'t '
mlle north of iloiif and dumb institute.
Adjoining lots soil foi J..OO ) Apply .1. IMIoch ,
on promises. Nul nl'J1 '
A HOOD TITLU-Warrnntydeed and alt , tract
fioo witherori lot in Hu h At Solhy's mid
to Smith Orimhn.oniy 6 liloom fiombiiuth Stock
Vmds I'i Ices * iVloU1 ) ; only fWuiHh Hush
BO\VI.I > li HliKSTots : , * 5) lOporcontcrtsh
and f5 nor month. , Mnishall & Lobeuk ,
iO'JVnriiam streut. _ B4
OTrt raliultw t tJ51 rntli Ciialmm ,
J Cioightonllloek. IJJI 2J
_ _
" ' ' "
"r r
t ) Jleiil
1IJ i 117 S. luth Btrcot.
A (1OOD ( TITLE-wAfriuty deed nnl nb
ntrnct free with e\lrr lot In Hush & Hulhy s
ndd to Soiitli Omnlia. tnl/S blocKfrom South
Stork Yards Prices * ' , ( i ) to $ l.5 ; only f > ' ) cash.
Hush&Selby,21H815tlYJ. Opl
AOOOI ) riTfiE WnHriiuty deed nndniHtrict
fico nlthovciy lot Hi Hush ihdtjys add.
to South Omiiliu , Diilyri blocks from South
block Vards PriceAJM lo * ' - ! > ! only * " )
rush. Huelii Bolby,2lSs ! 15th a. CIO
AQOODTITLK-WurrUitj duod und nd trd3i
free n ith ot oiy lot in It isli > V ; . ' . , s iuU
to South Omahnonly 8blocks 'm-n South Stock
Yards , Prices JiV ) tu gi. " , only ? JCHSI | HuMi
A. .Vlhy/'IS H , 15tn si. 61i (
FOIl sAi.K Four new eU-roomed houses ,
tvlendld location , outh I rout , HUBy pgy.
lucntb by Hullou Ilios , 151U Dou laset.
A410ll > TlTI.K-ttarranly doeil mid ah. i
struct free with every lot In Hiibli & Bolhy's
add to Bouth Omaha , onlj H blocks fioin South l
Stock Yaids. Prkos JiVlto fli'i ; only $50 eugh ,
Hiisli & SolbySij 5 mil St , B18
COIINEH lot. Lawn's addition , $ S * > 0 : Houih and
cast tionu Oruhaiu , Cinlghton Illook ,
\VKOFKKltforbale , ti-n diiB only , u niui
IT olKht-room cottnup nn I'Jth stiot , Judt
south ot St. Mur > 's uveitue ; ooltvoniunt to
nusliicga.blrcHit cars , church" * , and schooL , j
will rout for 110 per mont i. Can raiiVo. tnU n
bargain If gold quick. Oittu/u U all rtady. for
oocupancj. Hicks i Im-Ji .m , UJ5 outlt-
Idtb utreut. Opera Ifouio CiOCk. 87 i 1
Heal H tnto nnit lxin llrokers ,
Kron/or block Onn .
A (10 ( foot south front tot on Harney it. for
. , , .
Now room cottnjro for $1,100 , 5100 down nn.l
f 5 per month.
Two cast front 4 room eottaips ono block off
PaundcrKst. f r t iUMotchf fluj down and 1-5
per month.
Anewfl rooniroltnirp , Jn t oT pivot Street ,
noi r heel and churoh , ns , > UmJlil bnr alii for
fJ.flOJi ( > iMnrrfMsy terms.
tnn ) of the b t eornerson North Ifltli t ,
frontson throe Ktreet ! sl/o of lot tl'ixisi , with
fourJ su > ry houses rentintr for $ I.Mpor innnth ,
foi-Jll.tioi , There Isn't n bolter tnnrnln In the
city. Ihnirmtind Alone Is north the money , as
It 1ms : iis ft , street frontauo. . .
Kn t Irontlots In IIin roni place on Virginia
nre. nnd Phil Snorldnn ot , nt $ l'JVi nml t\nt \
each on ei y tornis , nnd ono n spoolal Mnraln
at SI.'Kl ) .
\Velm\csn1endld birenln * In Poulh Omalii
property. More1 money tins imon nm'lo ' In South
Omahn real extatu lu the last six month than
nn ) whuro cl"o ? ' ' '
AOOOI ) TlTlii : Wnrrauty deoil and ab
stract free with every lot in Hu ! i A. Solbv's
nddtoSouth Oinnhn , nnlv 8 Mnoks from Soulli
Htooknnls. . Price * x.V ) to $125 { oul ) $50 en h
Hu'h.V Solhy.21 < S r.thst. 6U
Bt.V.OANT lot on Hurl Bireet , oiiolinlblock
from tinvlnv nmi unr line , $ IS ) ) ; ono thlid
ctt h. GrahamCiolvhton lllock. 124 20 _
A HOD ( TTLi-\Vnrrnntv ! : ilcn I nnd abstract
free wliliotcrv lot lu Hush .V lelbj'sndl.
to Soulli ninthi , onlr 8 blocks from South
Stock Yards. Prices , * TO to $435 ; only $5) cisli.
- - - llSSlMhst. fil *
) TITt.K-VVnrrauty deed nnd ab
stract free with oxcry lot In Hnsn & Solbrs
add to South Om > lm , only 1 bloolts from South
Slock Yimls. I'rlcos < JV1 to ? J5 ; only W cash.
Hush i. Solbr.aH 8 IHIi St. Bin _ _
A OOtTl ) TlTLi ; WnrrniitJ deed nmf nb-
-tV stiactficowltnovory lotin Hush A. Shelby's
add to South Onnlui. only H blocks trom South
Stock Yards Pneos Ji'O to f I Jt ; only NO cash.
Hush _ st. itlfi
I710H SALU A 4-room house witn lot , front-
JL' IIIK on two utroots , f lvo.
17-room house , I 1 nmin house wllh lots
iiontmsinnlwo streets , liolli $ V-W ,
14-room hoii'o nnd half lot. $1.250 ! 10 | > or cent
ca n , \liinee monthly pa > mnnts , all the n\io\ \
within three < iunrtor of iimllo of postoilloo
Cor. lot , 11th and Paelllc , ( Mtl3. . with three
clo ant cntlnirco , would lent for $71 per
nmnth.forn fowdnjsnt f'/vi )
Tftrin Idiiim ftt lowest i nto of IntpreM.
Plrst-f'lnss ion ! cstnlo inortirajre" , or com
mnrclnl piper , discounted Mead .V Jaiuloson ,
H18S. K.tltHt ff'
A GOOD Tiri.l. Warranty deed nnd nh
str.iot free nlthu\aiylot In Ituoh.VSolbj'fl
ndd to South Omaha , only 8 blocks I tarn South
Stock Yards Prleos $ iV ) to f lii : onlj $50eash
KushJE bclby,218 8 l' > th st. Old
Henl l > tato.
Itoomsl.SnndS.Hcdlck Illock.a.'OS llth t.
Bargains I'D Real Eslak
Douglas and IMJi Sis.
Ix > t with douliln cottaeo , H rooms oncli ,
rciiM lot $ HiW poi j imi. only . . . .M.IOO
IOK14J.coiner on Ciilifornln St. . " "Ptoiv
lionets ii 00111 lor 11 block of 0 inoroi. A
tint gain . 12,000
n noio lots. Tote HiIlllaiito i *
lloiisoiiiul tut , llaullioino ndd 1,500
in\lMlon Murcor a\o . now house U.IOO
llonso and liil. tu\ciiiiiit ) | , iio.u "Till. . . . " , < ,0
1 ot mid larfto hou o on Caldwull st 4r > xj
Tolo 111 Illlaiito , iicro lots , thonp Sttli
Lots In lliiiiletto ( onrt . ' ' " ' ' '
' lotundstoio.-ltliKtrrot 4,510
House anil li iicic , Culifoinlii Micot " .IX )
5lota , < 'a sstioot . . . . K < iO
104x1115,0 iinoi.nii Hurt 8t.liou-o. A.U . . . 3,7 0
"lots In Oichurd Hill , nc ir robcrvolr . . . . l"iCO
lot ' 0 blncK 1' , West IIlKI add 2rillO
Lots In Van lie iron I'liiLO f -r >
SUhtlj ncro , llolvolcro . . . 575
2 be nit I hil lots , rallfornlitRtreot $ l. > 'ri to 1,500
Call und let moshotrjoii noma ot the many
barttuins I have listed.
Dissolution Notice.
On and atlor tlio IMh tiny ol Noiomlmr ,
tlio | iiutiiLi4lil | > hcretofoinltlMtf bo
Clnulus ICruir ami Ku p ir I'oduluk , is borutir
dl-b < owdb ! > mutual consent. Alt uccounta will
K\hI'Alt 1'ODOl.AIC.
Probate Notice.
IN tlio matter of tliu o tate ol Enoch R
Notlcols hcii'by Klxcii , that tbn creditors of
Filid dcci'ii ( ! d will meet the ndmlnlMuitiK of
Huld estate bofoio mo , oounly Jiul per Douifliig
( ! ( ) iint > , Nolinihka , ut tlio tountr court loom , in
siililriiint\on tliu lUth duj ol.liinuiuy , 1X87 , on
the I0lhdn > of Jliuth , ivs" , nnd ( in the KHh
duy of May , 1S7 ) , at 10 o'clock u. m. each day
lor the pin pose of pro-cntiiiK thi'lr iliumij lor
oxiuiiliiatlon , adjustment and nllouunoo. Six
inoiitln aio alloueil for oiodltoi ? to piesent
tlioli ( Inlins , andonu > uiirror IlioiidiiiltiMiHtrlt
tosottloMildo'.tJite. from the 10th d > ol Nov. ,
1KW1. thisnotlco will bo published In llio Omaha
Dnilj Ui'oonw oneh cck for four weeks RIIO
coashi'lj , prior to llio loth day of .Iniiinir } .
J. H. Mi'L'ui.Lorii , County
JfilO Xnrlh Kith Street ,
Paid in Capital , . . . - $100,000
GKO. K. iiAHKKK , President.
ROIt'l. L. GAHLICIIS , Vico-1'rosidcnt.
1' . H JOHNSON.Cnshlor.
Hour. L U tiii.iciis WM. SHVEHS
1 * . II JOIINbON.
A general linnUiu buslni'ss trniiBactod.
Intcrnst nllowtnl on tlmo dauoslts.
A ft '
Mi-iulii-r'NnW Orleans Cot
tuu KXKU A Ht. l.ouU ton llxch.inicn and Chlcu-
MurcliunU liictiunKC. Kfi Itnanl of trade.
Grain , Provisions , Pctroleii
And Stocks ,
For Future Delivery
Will bo Head } ' for Iliisinoss About No
vember 7tli.
10 ! ) and HI fcOUTHI lilili ST.
JlcliT lo lit hullonal Hunk , Oruilm
Ilo-t of bnr/alns iilwavn tin hand , nt loom H
Crtlxbton blocU. 1'listilooi Ninth of I' , O.
RESTORED. A victim ot
IuiUtifuiliu | > ru < iniau L-4 ;
rrrniatarp l > tta , Ncrvpuii
lUant\I j-t > lini ! ( " > 'Ifl.Ii'ivlii lilllu vain
- _ - pvi.iy known rciiifnlv. ha * riitontcrrit ( t
If-cum , Ktilrhlid nllln-nd FR El ! to hli reliawriltfc fin.
Ii"ireu.U.J.IlAhUSl > iwtunu. rui8ij New Yorktiiy
O. P. BAVI3 & CO.
Mrasto Land Agency
General dciterS in real estate and teal es >
Jsic tnortvag s , 1505 l-'arnani st , Oinali
M. It.
Genl , Insurance Agent J
Merchant's National HUIIK lluildin ? , Cor , Far-
nnin mid Mth i-tn. , room 1 up rilnlrd.
Tuiopnouo No .17 Omaha , V11
Phoenix. London , Kneliinil . .
Firemen's. Newark , N J . . . . 1,551,831
Uleu's Falfs. Illon'BValU.N. "
Olrard , Philadelphia Pa . . .
Wtuhester ( , Now Vork.N. Y . . . - . .
lobn II micoclr Mutual I.tlo .liottonJ ! 7M,71UJT ,
nCCCIIcCC H * uusos , und a new and
111 fir flCwwbiux.es8liilCl'HFutyour own
* liomoby ono who was dcuf twenty elifht
year * . Treated by most of the noted special
UU without benutlt ; cured himself in ( lireo
months , and einco then liundrudo of others ,
hFull particular * sunt on uppl oullon. T , U.
PAGE , No. 41 West JUt 3t , New i'oik City. &
The EvonU of a Lifetime Portrayed in a
Second ,
lilclitnliic n , Slow Coach Compared
U'lthtlio Itniililllyor llio O | pr-
nllon of ttio Iliinnui lit.-xln.
Pliil.'idelphia Record : A prominent
Phllmlclphla phvsloianvlio f s : v specialist -
ist in diseases of llio tnain has u wide rep-
ntittinn , it engaged writing n HUlo
book about dreams and tlreamuis. In n
discursive mood the doctor talks
about the psychological phenomenon
coiumonly spoken ol as dreams
in ' n most entertaining way. "CSon-
crally , " said ho the other evening ,
" \vo think of nothing so swift nt the olcc-
trio current , and yet a Ha < > h of lightning
is a slow coach compared with the r-xpld-
ily with which upon occasions the human
brain opcr.ilus. Nothing shows this In so
BtiiKing a manner as tlio wontlerful per
formances of the mind in dreams. The
events of icars , to the most minute detail -
tail , are roc.illed in a second ,
nntl purely Imairlnary events , covering
ycaw and decades are uletmedso as to
be retained permanently niton tlio mind ,
and are conjmed up in the httnthcdth
pnrt of a minuto. Some years -igo n
friund of mine telated to mo the particu
lars of u striking pi oof of this fact , lie
had boon nursing another friund whoso
illness was sttnh that ho icipiited eon-
stunt watching. My friend hud been at
his lied side for nearly ten honis A little -
tlo French clock stood In sin mljointng
room which sti uck the liulf hours , and
thus gave notice of the Unit ) to adminis
ter tlio patient's medicine At t ! o'clock ;
a dose of morphia had to bo given tlio
sick man , unit llio nurse was waiting for
thelittle cloek to strike Ho was very
sleepv , and could with dilHcully keep his
eyes open Presently thu iiist tinkling
sUoku of tlio hour sounded. At that mo
ment inv Iriend foil asleep til
his chair. Ho dreamed a most
wonduiful dream , the details of
winch it would bo tedious to tuliilo just
now. The events in the dream woio
spicad over tliiee years , dining which
time lu > hull been to Paris , to London , to
Now Ot leans , tiutl made innumerable
jtief trips by laud , lake and river. His
vision began with a wedding ami con-
hided with an execution , when the
licamer saw his own wife liangtid. The
nest minute details ( if life and travel and
ulvoiituro were distinctly porlrajcd , and
ny friend estimated that a no\ol of two
jig volumes could bu written in merely
iiitlining tlm c\euts of the vision. When
.10 awoke with , t btartat the climax of the
OM'ciition ho hoard the rronch clock
btiikocme. Supposing that hu had boon
tsleop several hour.s. no felt some ahum
His patient , however , was bleeping
quietly , and when he wont into the other
room to look at the clock he was aston
ished and iucieditions to lind that the
sttokoofthe clock he had heaul upon
awaking was but the second stroke for U
o'clock , emi that this wonderful dream
liad occurred between the two strokes of
the hour.
"But this is not at all an unprecedented
occurrence. It is lelated ot an English
man who fell asleep in his pulpit
during the singing of a psalm befoio the
Hurmon , that hu dreamed the events of n
life before he awoke , to find that his
slumber had lasted only during the sing
ing of a single lino. "
"C.m the brain act cohciently dining
sleep ? " asked one of the doctor's cm ions
little audience.
"Oh , vcs ; that is well established , and
luis but recently , in a striking incident ,
been further verified. < 'anon Knov Lit
tle , of Manchester , dre.uned that he
wrote a himn ; remembering it upon
waking , ho wioto it down on tlio Ily leaf
of a handy book , lie then fell asleep
again Wlien ho awoke the second tnno
he had forgotten the ivords of the hymn ,
anil supposed that all of the incident had
been a dream , but when he looked at the
Ily le.if in the book ho found there , sure
enough , llio votses lie had written dow n ,
and which are incorpoiatcd in sevena
liviun hooks iu Kngland.
" "It is a matter of history , as we all
know , that the. poet Coleridge con-posed
his celebrated friyzmont 'Kttbla Khan'
while asleep. Ho lell into a do/e. while
leading L'mclm'ti Pilgrim , and was in
slumber for soveial hours When ho
awakened he lomombereil an entire
pnoin which ho Inul composed during his
.sleep Ho at ouco Bci/.ed a. ncn aud wrote
down the pat t of it that had been pre
served , but was called away when he was
but half tluongh , and wan never nblo
afterward to remember tlio balance , so
that the poem has remanined as a flag-
ment. Tartiua , the musician , composed
the "Devil's Sonata" under the inspira
tion of a drcam.and mathematicians have
solved the problems in their sleep which
they were unable to master while awake.
"Hut , " continued the doctor , after a
slight pause , "strjngo as these unac
countable phenomena may seem .hum is
yet a more curious fuct in relation to
dreaming which has net or been suffi
ciently noticed. If a dtcam be but a
baseless fahiiu , to what unsubstantial
and elusive thing shall wo compare this
ilieam of a ilream ? The thing happens
often , but is .so frequently minded with
llio fantastic medley of ihe dream itself
as to bo seldom clearly defined. A very
irood friend of mine who lives in West
Philadelphia some months ago nd.ited to
me the following of this kind
winch many years ago distmhud his
slumbers , and which ueiug a within a dream , made
a great impression upon him and
Used ilself innolibly upon his memory.
' 1 was sleeping. ' said ho , 'and tell into a
dicam , hi which I imagined that I was
n , a sick room talking to tlm visiting
physician about the patient's condition ,
i thought that 1 was tired and sleepy and
the doetoi Kindly me to takoanap ,
nllming lo remnm at tint patient's bed
side while 1 obtained some re-it. 1
dienmed that I throw myself upon a sofa
and iltipt , and as 1 sli'pt I thought that I
di earned of a terrible Ihundei-stoim.anil
that I was nuukt lied hi a Hash of liglit-
nlng Opening my o\cs ] saw
the doctor by my fnund's bed ,
and spoke to him of my dicam. "Oh ! "
Haul ho , "that Is easily explained. Your
face was tovird that window thcio. and
the win.1 bli w open OHO of thu slats jott
rco there , and Jthe Mill was tluown di-
icctly in , > oiu face and thus uauedoti .
to dteam'nf thu lightning " SHU , in my
dream , 1 talked soinii time with the doc
tor , and then awoke The doctor , his
pstient , DID sick room and all had been a
di earn , dining the pi ogress of which I
had actually dreamed of the lightning
stroke , auoke from that dream and con
tinued for some time to rat r ) on tlm
tliie.ul ot the. IlislIsion. I might nuilll-
| ) lv siieli oxpeiipiices1-.ild tlm doctor ,
aa"ho prepared to bid his friends good
night , ' 'hut noiio of ilium would sooli , irl }
illnsti.itu that strangest of .ill sticngo
tings in the phenomena of. H :
brim a dream within a dream. "
The pain and misery Mifl'ered by those
who are alllicted with dysK3 ) | > "ia lire in
dcfcnbuhlo. Thu distress of the both is
equalled or surpassed by tl'O confn-iun
and tortures f ilie. mind , thus making
its victims sullcr double allliction , The
relief that is given by Hood's Sur.viita-
rjlla has caused thousands to tm thankful
for this trrcat mcdiclnn. It dispi.'lh the
causes of ( hsiuipsia and tones mi thu ill-
gesti\e organs. Try Jlootl'a .Sar aii ) )
JSMV. Cor , 13th tinil Douglas St *
513 a t th Street
AiTOnN r AT li\.vr ,
Falconer's IllocV , 13th
Attorney at Law ,
HoomB 1'roiuor lllook,0ppo ltcrostonic * .
Physician & Surgeon ,
SUP. ith St. , oor Kiirimm Iron Hunk llullitlnir.
onicoliour9Sto4 nnd" teD p.m. 10 to IS on
Sunday. _ _
O. S. IA , 1M. D. ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
OrrtCE. V.W , Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Olllco Telopliono 4Vi. ( llo ld nco Tclophono d.
Surgeon and Physician
OFFICE. N.W. Co14th and Douglas St.
II. riAHODY : , M
riiv ! olftn nad Burrcon.
, No. 1407 .loncs Stro t
Wltliiiiill llluclt , 'It'lopluiiie , i Jdliluaoo , No , 1M.
FnTBtciAM AND Stmnov ,
Omcr nnd Vtrsldcnco , 7141 _ _ _ _
VAN C.VMP M. 1) . ,
Kill rmlaro St. 1st dour " > t of 1' O. Tnko ol
ntor to rooms U-1,1 thlid llooi. Tolcpliono No
Itcsldoiicp.BIIN.20thstroot. Telephone No. * )
Physician and Surgeon ,
'olcphono ' r P9. OIHco 111 S. Hth gl
n. > , L , St. U ,
llomoooriathlst ,
Oniro. CHS. Hth st TolophotmSW.
n .
Offlco , Crounso IHook. Uo in 5. ICtliiiutl
Cap'ttil Avontio. OiiuiliH , iSchrnskii.
Kt'sitlcnccliOlO NVohstcr at.
A * . D. IIATCUEll ,
Qoneral Agent
roridont Saviajs Lif3 Assuraica Co
of Now York.
Mlllnid Ilo ol itloot , Omntiik
The stilclh ' Niitunil Vr - n 11111 ' 'Inn " Actua
aveiago yearly cost duilng IB ] ] , 18)1 aud 18S5 ,
at BBO u7 , for $10,000 , was ? 7W. .
CO. ,
Printers , Book Binders
And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. 10(1 ( and
1083.14th Btrnot.Omaha.N'ub. .F. 1'a rllo , Supor-
ntondont Illndory. Telephone No. ! J5J.
tlanuioctuii'r nnd dealer In
hniness , Midillos , whips , hot so
clot'ilng. ntu. All grades of
hnrno'-s always kept on band
or made to order. Itrpnlrlnif
n specialty 111) N. Ifith bf
but. UoJgo and Capital Avu.
Auction and Commission
ConElcnmontii aolleltod ; furnltuie Loiiichtaiil
rold. HHIOS of llvu Htook nnd honsohold fiirnl-
lurentirl\nUi | rrsldcnui's Is n upoclnlty with in.
llomomher tlm place , SVuat & Frltscliura block
N'UUiBt. No 110
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
to. Also Tin KooRu ? , auttnrlnif.Bpoutlnr , al
General JoliTumln ? . The host of work nndioa
conibloohnr ei. Milk cans aud uthur tluwar *
iistook. ZM tiumhig St. Omahn , Not ) .
Dentists ,
KI141'arnnm Strca
Omahfc , Nobraakfv.
Capital . $500,000 ,
Surplus . 100,0Gb
Hornmn Kouutzc , Proaldont
Jolm A. Ci'olffhton , Vloo L'raaldoiit.
K.H. Davis , Caahl or.
W. H. Mezguler , Ass't Ouhsr
Union TrustCo
2J6S. 13th St. , Omaha , Nob.
School , County und Mitnicipnl Doiula
Hour 1' It. JuiiN r ( ,
btiri'tary. Tii'i'suior.
AND Dnunr.i.9 3T ckr-i.
Capital-Stock . . . . . . $ lfiO,000
Liability of Stocklioldora . 300,000
'j lie only refill ir FIU ln/4 b ink In tlm stnto 1'ivo
per lent Intuic'.t paid
OuyR. Jlitton. Pri tldiMit : J. J. llrOHii. Vn-9
I'rtslilunl ; | . M , HenaoH , Maniik'uU 01-
r < M lor ; .lohu X. wabut Cutilvr.