THE OJilAHA. DAILY BEE : ffHIDAY. NOVEMBER 19 , 1S86. 5 THE WHEELS AGAIN TURN , Lincoln Once Moro in Oommnnication By Hail With Iho ' utaide World. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Papers Filed nt tJic Capitol l > y Tlirco Urgnnl/.ntlonq HiiHtinnd nnd WI Co Sen ltd tlio Penitent- Inrjr Court NotoB. Irnow TUB ntr.'n MNOot.v ntinp. 5.1 Tim H. At M.roact resumed business yesterday , Ibo main linn cast of Lincoln through continuous work being kept ojicn nearly all llio time ( luring the storm , nncl largo forces of men wore sent out la every direction early yesterday morning. Superintendent McConifT came In from Wymorc Into yesterday , and expected to have his roads cluar by last night al least. Trains began moving on nil branches ot the H. & M. system yesterday except the Atchison & Nebraska branch to Colum bus , the announcement being ma < lo in regard to thiH line that regular Irainq for the ilay were abandoned. The Nebraska line to Nebraska City was also completely closed up to n p in. , but with prospects that It would bo opened during the even ing. On the Union I'nclfio road at coon communication : open north of Lin coin to Valparaiso and houth from Lincoln to ISeatrlcc. Regular trains were an nounced to leave on schedule' tlmo In the evening , although the linn to Omaha was not to a certainty cleared at that time. The moderate weather of the day aided In thp speeily cleaning np of traflic. AKTICLKS O1' IKCOKI'OIIATION of the Hronson Marble Finish company liavo been tiled with the tecrctary of state. The articles locate the place of business of the corporation at SVymore , Cage county. The business of the corpo ration is that of introducing , manufac turing , selling royalties or territories of si certain compounded preparation for the smooth finish of plastering known as llronson'a inurblo finish. The capital Block of the company is flxcit at ? 100,000 , divided into shares of ยง 100 each , the corporation to start business when $50,000 in stook liavo been sub- hcribcd , and the limit of the corporation is fixed at fifty years. The indebtedness is never to exceed one-third of the capi tal stock. The incorporators of thp as- Mioinlion aie E. A. Ilronson , Benjamin Ko.vnolds. C U. Hodgcrs , C. C. (1 afford , E. 1" . Reynolds , Jr. . T. A. Ilarriman. Tlir. TAMOHA bTATK HANK , of the town of Tumora , Seward county , has filed its articles of incorporation at the secretary's ollice , tin1 corporate limit of ttiu bank neing from November 1,1880 , to November 1 , 11)00. ) The articles rccito the business to bo transacted. The paid tip capital htock of the bank is $20,000 , divided into shares of $100 each , the limit of the capital .stock of the bank at f 50,000. The ineorporators of the bank arc E. L' . Warner , F. l\ Mead , M. T. Mead , J. W. Burnes , L. L. Mcllvains. TIIK CIOAKMAKnits' UNION , No. 03 , of Omaha , has tiled its ai tides of incorporation at the state house , the ob ject of the association being , as stated , the elevation of the financial , moral and intellectual welfare of its mem bers by furnishing employment , by pecuniary aid in case of Mckness or death by advancing money for traveling expenses , by defending members in legal" dillicultics , using all honorable means to cll'cct a national federation by using nil honorable means to secure the prohibition of child laoor , the establishment of a not mal day's labor , thnabolition of tenement , labor , and so on to the end of a long chapter. The ar ticles aio signed by the ollicers of the union. STATE IlOL'Si : NOTT.S. The secretary of state was at work yes terday arranging the propositions for bid.s for the publication of the biennial reports of the state ollieors , and for the printing of the bills at the coming session of the legislature. The bids will DO pub lished at an early day. The school lands of Cherry county have been appraised for the purpose of leasing , the average appraisement averaging about $ 'J pur aero. Commissioner beott announces thaUalus of .school lauds will bo withheld ftu ther until the coming of sprhi"- . SKNT TO TltK TEN. In the district court yesterday William Conlm plead guilty to receiving and holding stolen goods , and ho was sen tenced to two years and six months at the pen. The goods were part of these taken from Schmidt's store attho time of the burglary. Conlin's wife. Airs. Kli/.a- both Conlln , plead not guilty to the same ofl'unse and was put upon trial , the jury only being out live minutes and return ing a vordiot of gmltvand llio jndjro Hontcnced her to a year in the pen. This woman is the notorious Mrs. Little , who has boon a hard character in the city fern n long time. In September Conlin married her uftor a bawdy house ac quaintance of thrcti days and she isdoublo bis age. Conlln himself appearing like nn Intolllgmil citl/ens who ought to bo in bettor business. The pair are two out of a gang of thieves and their incarceration in the pan will clear the atmosphere in police circles ton limited extent and it is hoped put a stop to some of the crooked work that hw been going on in the city. HUI'KKMK COUNT IIOINGS. Court mitt Wednesday pmsuant to ad journment. Mr. Edward 1) ) Upton was admitted to practice Uonns VH Carter , leave given phiintllVto llio reply brief by December 1 , IBbll : Mabon vs Tootle , mo tion to strike allldavits sustained , Ault- man V.H Stlchler , argued and Mihmittcd. Court adjourned to Tuesday , November tlt ! , whim a call of the tlocHut of causes from Ilia Tenth judicial district will bo had. The foot of the general docket will bo o.ilk'd as soon as thp Tenth district causes are diipo ed of. ur.nsiONs rnin. : Kay \n. Null , llrioi trnin Onsti county. HP- M'ri'd mid icin.uided. Opinion by Cnlil ) , J , 1. The , in im action of ruplevln being founded upon an alleged conspir acy between li , tliu agent of the pl.iin- tilf , and 11 , tnci maker of thn chattel inottgngo. under which phiintiu"eliims to ilelnmd the woilltoij , of H. by means of iho making , delivery , and foreclosing of said mortgage , and Mild II , having boon called as a wilnusj by the plalntlll , and being under urn < u-cxaminution by do- feiuhint's counsel , and 'laving ' stated in reply to u question put by counsel , that hount to board with It. shortly after the nxcuulion by K. of the moitgngo Hold , ertor on the part of the court to rcfiiMj to allow It. to 8t > iu in rnply to u question put by plnntitV's counul , how ho caint ) to go to the house of K to boaul , y. 'I'ho ' imu.sllon lining contmed to thu ! of the right lo the pos e slon of the prop erly at data of the coinniencoment of the notion , iividonco offered by thnplaintifl'U ; proMi that at thu sale of thu property , on forccloiiini of the mnrlgago , somu linn after the replevin of the same , he used diligence to procure bidderfrom abroad and to sell the property at the boat price. Held , properly refused. it. Thoru being no evidence of a fraudU1 lent intent on the part of K. in ext > cutin < the chattel mortgage under wjdch | ilain till'claims thu goods in question ; Held error on the part of llio court to charge alter and modify the several instruction ! offered by iil.ilntifl'uml sot out In full ii the opinion , by add ing thereto , the wordi "or unless ho ( tlio plaintiff ) had notice o BtU'h f.uUs as. would load a limn of ordi pruduucu aud diligence tea kuowl eiljro of such fraudulent intent on iho I part of U. " 4. There being no evidence before llio court ( hat any witness had sworn falselv , but the main witness for the plaintiff be fore his linnl dismissal as such witness , having asked leave to make n correction nnd retraction of a part of his testimony : Hold , error on the part of the court to give in charge to the jury the maxim , falsis in nuus , falsis in omnibus. fi. Upon tliii evidence ! Held , error on the part of the court to submit to the jury for their special ( hiding the ques tion whether the mortgage ot plaintiff is fraudulent and void as against de fendant , Kmler vs Twiddle. Apnenl from Adams county , Adlruicil. Opinion by Mnxvtull , ( .III. J. 1. Where the testimony on behalf of the plaintiff and defendant in nearly equally balanced , and Is conlllctiug , the finding and judgment will not bo net nsido. AVIIcor vs Brown. Error from Ilnrlan county. llp\prsett and remanded. Opinion by Maxwell. Ch J. An action ol replevin was commenced before a justice of the peace , and a return made by the sheriff , showing the value of the goods to bu 4821.41. The justice then prepared a transcript ) of the pro ceedings for the district court , but whether it was liled or not does not ap pear. Soon afterwards the plaintiff and defendant appeared before the justice nnd caused the following entry lo bo made on his docket ! "l5y agreement of both parties , this suit is dismissed nml Iho sheriff is ordered lo return said goods to defendant , from whoso possession they were taken. " Hold , thai independ ently ot the quo tion of the jurisdiction of the justice , it was a valid agreement to dismiss the notion , and that it the prop- rly Was in possession of the sheriff , it k-ns his duly to return it to the party nun whom ho bail taken it. Sliiti1 , ex rel. Soldl-n vs llarka. Qttowar- * ninto. Ouuso dismissed. Opinion by Ut't'ip , .T. 1. In amending an not , it may be ties- glinted by its title or chapter in the com- tilled statutes. Doggo vs The State , 17 Neb. , 140. 8 The provisions of section 10 , article G , of the constitution of the slate , which requires that "all laws relating to courts ihall bo general and uniform opera- ion , and tlio organi/ation , jurisdiction , ; > ewers , proceeding and practice of sill courts of the same class or grade , so far OH regulated bv law , and the force and .illcut of the proceedings , judgments and leerces of Hiioli courts severally shall bo uniform , " is not violated by the enact ment of a law limiting the number of 'tisliccs af the peace in cities of the lirst ihibs lo three , to bo elected in di.stricts to bq created by the board of county com missioners ot the counties \\hioliHieh cities are situated. i. A law which is general and uniform throughout the state , operating alike upon all persons und localities ot a class , or who are brought within Iho relations and circumstances provided for , is not objectionable as wanting uniformity of operation. Sam ; vs Ueers. Krior from Doduc county. Alllrmi'd. Opinion by KUCJO , J. 1. Motions for a now tiinl , whether the grounds theiefor are that the verdict is igainst the weight of evidence , or for accident or surprise , newly discovered evidence , or for a like cause , are ad dressed to the sound discretion of thn court , and in such cases a decision of the district court in granting a now trial will not bo i overset ! nnleas there has been nn abuse of faiich discretion. U. Upon a motion to set aside the verdict of the jury in which questions ol fact sire involved , the court hearing the motion becomes the judge of Mich questions ol fact , and his decision thereon must bo linal , unless clearly and manifestly wrong. 3. Upon a trial in the district court in a proceeding under the provisions of the statute for the support and maintenance of illegitimate children , evidence that plaintiff has had intercourse with other men before the bi-th of the child , and clearly outside of the period of gestation , is immaterial to thej-isnc and therefore inadmissible in evidence. Evidence of Mich intercourse is admissible only for tliu purpose of showing thai another , tliun the person charged , is Iho father of the child. Nothing but superlative merit can ac count for the phenomenal reputation achieved by Salvation Oil. It kills puin. Price 25 cents. The Darwinian theory perplexes the multitude. They object to descendants from monkeys. Hut not oven a , baby ob jects to Dr. Mull's Cough Syrup. A Negro Family Tiirnitisr Wlilto. Chicago News : In a clinical lecture at tlio college of physicians and surgeons last evening Dr. Henry J. Reynolds called attention to the peculiar case of : i colored boy in tlio city whoso skin is gradually turning white. Such cases are rare , the doctor said , but tins case was especially peculiar in , while the father and mother of the boy wore both negroes , the mother and six of tlio twelve children were also spotted. One of the remaining children had wiiite hair over a part of his scalp , while the other five wore all black. Tlio changes in all of the spotted members ol the familv began while they were still young. The disease which causes this clianiru was known asyitillgo. and was probably duo to an impaired function of the nerves that presided over the nutrition of the part , which pioduced an imperfect mipply or distribution of the pigment or coloring matter ot the skin The family are all otherwise healthy. Ilnlford Suuce excelled bv none. Try It. A Huston IMorcluint of Oilier Da > p < . Dry Cioodu Chronicle : Nathaniel llip- loy Cobb , of Boston , onu of these noble merchants of the earlier days , was gen- oroiib'huartod and consciotioiis in the highest degree. Infaet , ho wo so bene\o- lent that in November , 1841 , ho drew up the following rumarknblo document : Ily theenico nt Cod I will never bu worth more tliun WfXX ) ) . Uv thb KTOCU of < ! o < l , 1 \vill uhonnc-fiiinth of the ni-t pinlitHot mv business to rliarltinlnnnil religions uses. 1C Initiator woith twxxi i will irlvo onn-lmlf my ni't proiits , and II I nin t-vei worth 5 ! 0w * ) 1 will k'i\e thiiv-louitliM , und tlio whole at lor my Illtli'tli thousand. So help mo ( ! od , or plvotoa more tnlthtul steward nnd set inu aside. N. K. Coins. tto\flinbi > r , 1R21. He adhered lo this covenant with thu strictest lldolity. Sauue is in\ahul > lo foi soup etc. Kent KHIIUO Transfers. Tinfollowing transfers wore Him ! Nov. 17 , with the county clerk : ( Jon N' lllcKs and wltu to , lane Mi'Cliire , w UntlotO blucU-1 , KounUo A : Uutli's ndil , vxl-Sl.fiX ) . Almy . ) IVrryixml husband lo 1 rank L ( Jiet'iuy i-t al , lot 10 , blojkt ) , llaiiscoin 1'lacc , wd S'J.IOO. Joseph llllssand wife to A H Fitch , lots 25 nnd : , block IT , linnM-oni I'mou , wdSii. . . ' > OJ. ( Ji'oV AIIHH and \\lto to Kll/a \lctton , lots , block , Xinvpoit , wd-b"XJ. ) Ada I1 Drake et nl to Frank 1) llrown ot al , lot 4. blockB , Dnilio's add , wd Sl.OV ) . Ada T li.\lai el nl to Frank I ) lirmvn et ul , lot. % bloclca , Drake's add , wd 81,00. Win T tM-un ; and wlfu to.I U Coiikli I and ' - ' , block U , Koutitzu'B add. wd-SC.iX . Alfred U Unnmyto Henry Mies , part of lot 4 , U.iiaii'fl add , wd-Sl.'JOO. Dexter L Thorn is and \ > Ife to Henry Mies , lots ib and 111 , block 0. Kllby I'laci' , wd SI,400. Kliraboth J Fenw Irk to Oitharlne Ken wick , o ime-llilril of lot 7. blocK ICS , wd StlOU. KO.MI ! Wilson and wltu to Otto l.obeck , part of nw M. no ) ( , 1 , H , I'l and no ) / , lie f , 1. U. 12. and n } f , wv W , 0. U , Wd - S1U.MJT.MI. CeoK ( 'li\tonot al to Kathnrlno M Still- welt , lot 0 , block : t , Drnkf'b add , wd $1,750. , OtoT Wnlkurandwifu to Saiuuol Mnrlcod ct ul , lot 1,1'ruyn's axibdivjblon , vdJ,50U. . NEW BIOGRAPHY OF LINCOLN. Sketches of the Biographers and Gossip About Their Habits of Work , RESULT OF 10 YEARS LABOR. Interesting Tilings About Lincoln and Ilia Relations With Tflvato Secretaries. I called upon Colonel John Hay lo-dixy writes Frank George Carpenter , the Washington correspondent of the Cleve land Leader and had n chat with him about the biography of Abraham Lincoln , which ho and Mr. John G. Nicolay are wrilinc , and Iho first chapters of which are published in this month's Century Magazine. The publication of this biography - graphy is looked upon here as the liter ary event of Iho year. The close rein- lions of llio biographers to the martyred president during the most eventful parts of his life , their high standing as literary men , Iho facilities they have had for the preparation of the work , and the sKtcen and more years during which they have almost boon constantly engaged upon it , lead to the general belief that it will bo the authentic and lasting history of the times of which it treats and the .standard biography of the great and loved presi dent who is its hero. * * The biographers , Colonel John Hay and Mr. John G. Nicolav , are two of the most inteiesting oharacteis of this city ol j Amt men. Itoth are in the prime of life , rtieolay being a little over fitly , and lluv live or H'IV ye.ira younger. Itoth have find long public careers , and the lives of both have run strangely clo'-e ' together. Colonel Hay tolls mo ho met Nicolay \vl\on ho was a schoolboy , aud when Nicolay was still under ago. It was in ritUlield , Pike county , 111. Nicolay , who is of Gorman descent , had conio as a child with his parents to Cincinnati , had attended the schools there , and was now beginning lite in Illinois as a PI inter and editor. At llio ago of c ghtccu ho had resolved to becoiuo a printer , nnd had entered the print ing ollice. Ho advanced so fnst that in one 3 ear he was associate editor , and at the end of two years was editor and pro prietor. It was such that Hay loineiu- bcrs him Shortly niter this young liny attended school at Sprliiglield , where his uncle , Milton Hay , was a loading lawyer. Hero he lirst saw Lincoln , and , as a boy of twelve , had conceived a great admir ation for him. His family and Abraham Lincoln attciuk'd the same church , and ho can remember having plaved thu truant lime and time again in order that hu might attend cam paign mnctintrs where Lincoln 10 bpeiik. While he was still at Springfield Nicolay came there as an as sistant to the secretary of state , and after ' Hay had graduated n't Urown University and come back to Springfield to study law with his unelo , lie and Nicolay were airaiu associated , and this time as close friends. They both belonged to the little coterie of young men of the Illinois cap ital known n the "stato house boys " Both were daily brought into contact with Abraham Lincoln , Hay studying law in the ollico of Logan < ! c Hay , which tvas on the same floor with that of Lincoln it llerndon , and Nicol.iy being conncclud with him as u personal and political tncud. * # This was at the lime when Lincoln and Douglas weie the giants of Illinois poli tics , and one of Hay's strongest imnres- sions of Lincon was received shortly after he began his law studies. Lincoln came into the office with a magazine in his hand. Hcontained an article bv Stephen A. Douglas on "Popular Sovereignty. " Ho gestured with tnu maga'/.ino as ho bnoke , and said to Hay's uncle : Milt liny , this will never do ! Douglas treats it as a matter of indifference morally whether slavery is voted up or voted down. Itellyouit will never do. " V During Lincoln' presidential cam paign , Nicolay helped him with his corro- .spondcncu , and after the election Lincoln appointed him his private secretary and look him to \ \ aslnngton. Al this time Hay had just been admitted to the bar , and ho went along to see the inaugura tion. He had no thought of any ollicu , but during the few days ho stopped in Washington Nicolay tou'nd that the pres ident's work , in Iho then busy limes of 18(51 ( , was more llian ono man could do. Provident Lincoln asked Hay lo assist Nicolay , and ho thu.s became assistant private , secretary , and as such remained at the White House during the whole of Lincoln's administration , with the exception ot a few months when He served in the army as colonel and as sistant adjutant , general under Generals Hunter-and Gilmoro. Hay was with President Lincoln at his death , and after 11 both ho and Nicolay entered the diplo matic service. Itoth were stationed ut Paris , Nicolay as consul general and Hay as secretary of legation During their stay abroad their iclations won- very COM ! > , and when they returned they edited for : i short time the Chicago llu- publican together. After this they worked togi'thor al Washington , Colonel Hay as assistant secretary of state and Mr. Nic olay as marshal of the supreme court. During tlio years since then Ihclr rela tions have boon , if anything , closer than over. Colonel Hay spends much of his time at Washington , and Nicolay goes often to Cleveland. They own together a roiiiantie country home in tlio Hooky Mountains called "Crystal Patlc. " Nico- lay spent some time therewith his daugh ter during the past year , and the young ladv. who has a remarkable talent for painting , has brought buck Romu boaiiti- fill sketches in oil of Hooky Mountain scenery. Hoth Hay rind NIoolny sire well oft. Nicolay owns a very comfortable home on Capitol Hill. II" gets a good salary as marshal of the supreme court , in n thrifty , go-ahead follow , and has madesoinu very good investments. Hay is a millionaire , and ho has a magnificent homo hero and in L hive- land. His Washington IIOUHO is perhaps one of the lineal in the United Stales. It is across from the white house and in the very centre of social , political and historical Washington. The ground upon which it ! > built co.-t ? < ! a foot , and the noted architect , HiolinrdFon , consider * it ono of his best works. It in very rlokly furnished , and Colonel Hay's library has windows looking out upon Lafayette purlt. the treasury , the wliito house , and the state , war and navy dep-irtinuiil. This library is , 1 judge , about twenty foot wide by forty foot long. It m llu- ishml in old Knglish oak , with a wains- coating of books , and above these a nail of magnolia leaves in low relief , painted by Cottier , of Now York. Its Lei ing is paneled in oak. Great beams cross each other at right untried , and in the center of each caisson is a dit > o of oak , llio grain of which slums through the gold leaf with which it is covered This library has many cosy nooks and cornets , ft has n big lire-place , with easy seats , over which are cnnojilos of oak. It has alcoves where ono can sit and look out upon Lafayette park , and its walls are hung with bountiful pictures , aud some pretty curio meets the eye whichever way it turns. Over the man tle is a madonna , by Sassofurrato in n gold frumo of Florentine onk , beautifully carved , and on ono Of the shelves of the library lies a death musk of Abraham Lincoln. On another there is u bronze medallion of W. 1) ) . Howvlls about twelve by fourteen Inches in Bl/o and a striking likcnc s It was made by Latkln Mcadoin Florence about two years. Then there is n portrait of Henry James by Lafjrgo , which is very fine. It presents the novelist as a young man and shows quite a contrast lo his photograps of to-dav. Upon Colonel Hay's desk is a brotixo Chinese incense burner as big as a teaki-ttlo , and the desk itself is a largo Hat ono of onk with a curious bent wood clialr such as Harrett uses in his nlaying of Hamlet. All of the surroundings are thee of elegant ease and luxury , rather than those of hard week and arduous tmestigution. * M This fine library , however , is not Col onel Hay's workshop. The room in which ho docs his writing , and where he works nvery morning from half-past 8 o'clock till 1 ! ) . is in the top of the house' , nnd ills very plainly fin nishcd , Its linislt ifl a delicate terra cotta. Ills well lighted , nnd its windows give fine views of the greater part of Washington. Two low ca es of shelves , n couple of tables , and a chair or two make up its furniture , and the three hundred volumes upon the shelves are books relut ng solely to the work upon which ho is engaged. 1 hey are histories of the war , a copy of the re bellion record , lives of Lincoln , and other books of this character. Colonel Hay tells mo that ho aud Major Nicolay have bought and read oVer twelve hundred voliimes in Iheir preparation of this week. They have rofet red to thousands of others , and they have had access to all of the private papers of President Lin coln as well us to tho'o of many of the noted men of his time Said he : "We formed the idea of writ ing this history while we wore in the White House in 18'i'J ' , and we commenced making notes then During the hil two year.of our stay there the idea was con stantly in our minds and we were contin ually preparing for it. Wo took down conversations and incidents on the day of their occnrionco. I kept a dlarv , anil 1 have tliren large manuscript volumes which are Tilled with the notes of this time. Nicolav made a gieut quantity of inemorunda. We took down everything we thought important , and in thu writing of this history wo have not triMod lo our memories in a single instance. The great Hood of reminiscence which is sweeping over ttie country lias shown how unreliable is the memory of man. Men's minds change in years and the fuels impressed upon the mind of 18110 are not the same when filleied through the mind of Ih8i. ( After Mr Lincoln's death wo packed up all of Ins private papers. 1 don't know just how many there were , but there were a largo number of cheats. Wo put in charge of Hubert Lincoln , and he htinded them over to the keeping of David Davis. When we pot back to thu United States , after nn unsi-nce of five > eurs , Mr. Lin coln aud Judge Davis give these papers into our own bunds , nnd they have been subject to our control and hi-un onlv by us from that day to this. These papers comprise all of Mr. Lincoln's corrcsnond- enco , munnsenpts , papers , letter to nnd from him , und in fact everj thing. Wo huvu had in addition to this muss of ma terial a great many other private papers. Wo have bought everything wo con sidered of value , and the papers of some noted southi'i-n ollieiuls have been sold to us bv their families. " A "When did you begin ( lie writing ? " "Our investigations Inye been kept ill ) since the ueutli of President Lincoln. It was however , in 1H71. thut wo began to write , and wo have kept at it over since. 1 don't suppose u work has over been published by two authors , the labor ) f which was more equally divided between them. We have worked together in both our stud.y nnd our compositions , and there is hardly u chapter of the work which is not us much Nicnluy's us mine or mine : us Nieoluj 's. Wu have been us- hociuted together so long upon the work that we have about the sumo views in reg.ird to it. We knew wlnil the topics would bo , and we wore both studying ahead of our work ull the time. We would decide us to which topics each .should lake und would exehungo notes. After u chapter hud been written by one it would bo given to the oilier to rev ise , and by this sxslem of iiitnrchanging it will bu hard to tell weio my woik be gins or Nicoluy's ends. I doubt not the critics if they take thn trouble to jiue s will think they know who wioto the dif ferent chapters , but I don't think they will always hit the murk. Neither Nico- Jay nor myself pretend to line writing. Our onlv aim in this has boon to tell a straiirht story , und wo had a long story to toll. After wo hud gotten n start in the work wo found the muss of material so vast that only by condensation uiut abbreviation we could ever got it into reasonable limits. Wo are not able to use nearly ull of the material wo have. " "What aie your habits of work ? " " 1 begin to write at about halt-past 8 in the morning and I iiiniuiii ut my desk until a little attor 13. A thousand words 1 consider a very fair day's work , though under pressure 1 sometimes do twice as much. L lind that in abridging docu ments or correspondence I can use a Monographer to mlvuntagc. but in the composing of other matter , I wntu bet tor with my own bund. Nicolay dictates the most of his mutter , lie does it to save his eyes and a long bund rather thu nu short hand amanuensis. He writes about the same amount daily thut L do. Ho is a very quiut. mode-a man , full of energy and endowed with a remarkable power of purncvur.uu'i ) . Ho mastered shorthand because ho thought it would aid him in making the note for for this work. He is a man offnmch litorui validity , and his out break of the robell.on is the best bonk thut bus yet boon written on that period of the war. " "What induced you to publish this book in the Century Mu u/inoV" "The editors of the Century applied to us several years ago for a series of nrti- clos upon this subject , Wo declined to furnish them , nnd they Ihuii suggested llio publication of our entire work in serial form. Wo did not think il best lo consent lo this until Ihuy hud icud the manuscript we hud already prepared. After this hud been done tlmy again ollored to publish it vntiro , and ucconi punlud this with a libpral pioposition us to pajment. A gn it inducement , however , cumo from the fuel thut a largo work like ' this published in hook form could oiilM reach a limited number of tenders The Century Magu- /'me has over a million renders , und by publishing it in tins way wo will roach their whole constitueifev.'and after thu publication is completed in the inugazlno they will issue an edition of it in book form. The inugu/.ino will contain nearly the whole of the work , omitting only the short portion of it wlrioh lias been pur- tiully covered by the war articles which have already been published in the Cen tury. " 1 A Printer's' Sweet are the uses' ' 'of adversity , the printer's copy said , but ho sot II up sweet are the uses of advertising , Sweet , in deed , to those who iu sicknsss nnd suH'or- Inghuvu seen the udvortisemcnt of some sovereign remedy which upon trial has brought thorn from death's door. "Tho best thing 1 oyer saw in my paper was the adveitiscment of Dr. Piorco's ' ( Jolden Medical Discovery ' " Is again and again the testimony of thee who have been healed by il of lung disease , bronchial nUections , tumors , ulcers , liver com plaints aud the ills to which lloah is heir , An Otnuliaii Honored. ( joncral Oust bus received the pleusing informittion that lie has been eecte ) < l vice president of the Astro Meteorological as sociation , . The honor was conferred upon him at the u'lnuut luuetingof the associa tion held al Montreal Canada. ML FAMOUS FORGERIES , The Most Daring Attempt to Imitate Bank of England Notes. A Man AVIio Committed n Crime tlmt llo Might Gain Money Nccca * enry for Ills Hlnrrla > ; e Ills Dentil oil the So.iTold ( > The first forgery on th" bank of Kug- land was executed in 1753 by a cleik to a lawyer named Hliss , residing in Lincoln's Inn , London. This clerk ( one Vnughun ) was , to some extent , a "ne'er-do-well , " and though n graduate of Oxford was compelled to accept n trilling salary. While in the service of Mr. Hllss Vntighnn engaged himself , with her parent's con sent , to Miss Bliss , audit was agreed that so soon as ho had accumulated 500 ho should marry his ufliunced As the tlmo drew near for their mar riage Vaughan felt it necessary to obtain , somehow or other , the noeossury amount ; anil us Im had not advanced his worldly position , nnd hud not the wealthy rela tions to whom ho pretended , ho con ceived the notion of forging notes to Iho iiinounl of JCnoo. .This he did , nnd tin co weeks before the appointed wedding duy ho showed his sweetheart what he said were twelve C'JO notes , us a lirst install ment ot the stipulated sum. Uy some means Mr.lJhss obtained possession of the fogenes , and then Vuughuti was ur- rc.sted. At his trirxl ho protested thut he hud no other Intention than thut of deceiving Ins intended unit her parents , but it WHH proved thut ho hud endeavored to get some of them cashed by tradesmen. Ho was executed nl I vburn verv shortly after the day on which hU wedding was lo have taken place. The next person who ventured on this dangerous course was a certain watch maker of Cirotnu Green named Multhi- noil. Commencing bj foiging Scotch not" . ' ) , ho resolved on comintr to London , and did so , iustulling himself i i fashion able apartments in the strand \ \ itliin u month ot his arrival ho hud planed and polished copper tor the plates , and hud Miecessfully changed several of his for geries. Ho traveled from town to town , distributing Ins fabricated luvors uniong mnkeopers. He wus Midi u frequent caller , too. at the establishment in Thrc.idnoeille btreot that the clerks got to Know him. Onu duv he was arrested -suspicion , and linally sentenced to death. His method of producing the water mark on his tietitious notes wus never discovered. lie piomiM > il to reveal it if liberated , but the authorities would not eoiij-Giit to ( lie arrangement. Some ten yeui utter the execution of Muttlnson u gti'ul seuie wus caused in commercial circles by constant dlttcovur- ius of forged notes Between 178(1 ( and und 178 ! ! u bundled years ago ini- metise nnmber.s of forgeries found their way to the Iink. Tradesmen nnd hunker er- , were cautioned , and the best of the Bow-street runner.- , the progenitors of modern detective were | jnt upon the truck of thu criminal or criminals. Hut ull ullumpts tit discovery proved unuvuil- mg. There was a loniporury cessation of the plugiu * of forgeries. Hut when the next government lottery WMS subscribed for mutation notes wore brought into the bunk day alter duy. This went on for years , until ut lusi a man of numerous aliases and disguises , but known to the police as "Old I'.iteh , " was arrested. ' ( 'Ins "Old I'ntoli" wus in reality Charles Pi ice , who hud Miccccdcd in making his own paper , his own copper plates , water- murks and ink , and hud niunuluctnrud busu notes to the value of thousands of pounds. "Old I'uteli1' wus probably the most accomplished criminal on record , und his wus ono of the only oven tem porary "successful" careers of crime of any duration. Onu ot his last uchievoments was the altering of u 10 note ( o ono for 100 and robbing Iho bank of ' 10 by one stroke. Immediately after his arrest hit brought about his death by his own hand whilst uwaitmg his trial. It was soinowhat re markable that none of his engruvmg nnd printing apparatus was ever discovered. In thu twenty years following 17D7 , when the first issue of notes for i.T and other small amounts took place , no fewer tliun 870 pro-icoutions for forgery were instituted by the bunk of England , the result being over three hundred execu tions. In si ? years 131,000 foniod notes were discovered. Soelever had the forgniius buoomothat .skilled bunk olorks were often in error us to thn genuinossof notes. On ono occa sion no tewor than thirteen prisoners wore convicted on the evidence of a bunk inspector specter , who discovered on the duy fol lowing the trial , and fortunately In' time to save the lives of lho-,0 innocent men , that ho hud committed an error in judg ment , und thut the nllogod forgeries were bonu lido bunk of England papor. On another occasion a clerk ut Threudneedla street cashed a forged note and did not discover his mistake until too lute. In 1H1 ! ) the government got alarmed at thu frequency of these frauds , and u com mittee of inquiry sut for some time in the hope of discovering a method by which the forgers could be frustrated. Many plans were proposed and diseussod. But none were passed. It vvas not until 1SJI that the number of forgeries wus in any way lessoned. In that year small notes were abandoned and sovereigns coined in large nnmber.s. Dining the following tun only eight executions for for. gory took place , und in 18 ! ! . ) penul seivi- tinlo for llio wus adopted instead of capi tal punishment. Il is after such events as the Derby that the bank inspectors are particularly care ful in uvuinining ull notes , Sh.ii tly ufier the Derby of 1850 , iT.,000 . bunk notes were scrutinized in ono duy alone , but the ono forged note a forgery for 503was instantly - stantly delected. Us origin was not traced. The greatest bunk of England forgery which hus jot trunspiied took place in 187J. In lliut joar tour Americans of means and education cumo over lo this country provided with capital which waste to bo used for the express nnrpo > o of do- fruuding the greul English bunk , They established themselves in London and Birmingham , and nl = o on the continent , nnd for u time obtained discount for gnu- ulno bills. After some months they be gun forging bills ot exchange , nnd by manipulating ninety-four bills obtained pee > > son | ot us much us 100,000. It was only bv , a foilimalu accident that they were discovered , and ihuy are ut present undergoing pomil servitude for llfo. Thu most strunuoiisondouvors weiu iiiiido by their fiicmU to obtain their ro- leiuso. Three Nowgato wiirduis were bribed with 100 pounds cnob und prom ised 1,000 und u true passage to any purt of the world if they would aid the con victs to escapo. During Iho trial the doors of the court hud to bu kept looked und a large num ber of police were in readiness , but every attempt nt rescue vrus frustrated. Since then some bank forgeries have been detected , Hut the gaino is not now considered to bo worth the candle. The possessor of any number of crisp rust ling "lugs , " us Cobbott called Ilium , may therefore rest nsduicd that there Is but Hlilo likelihood of uny of them bolng forgorius. MOTHEUS , DO NOT FAIL , attho first indications of a cough , to give your chil dren a few dqsos of Dr. < l H , McLean's Tar Wine Lung liaim. ' . ' 5 uuaU u bottle , Of Imported Draft Stallions , AtKcaineyMM26at , , , 10 a. m. Fourteen importpd nnd registered liorscs will bo sold : 11 Noniinns , 1 Cljdc , 1 English Draft , mid 1 Helgimi. These horses 1mvo nil been in this slate ( ho past season nnd nro thoroughly ncclitiratcd , nnd have been selected from ( hostublcs of loading iniortcrdnutl ] ) are line specimens oCthcir rluss. They will bp sold on n credit of three pqitnl annual payments witltout inter est until April 1st , UIU7 , ami 7 percent thereafter. This stock tins boon tiikon umlor mortgage and must bo sold , llrcrdcrs will aa\c time , expense , danger of shipment , time for acclimation , eh1 , , by pur chasing at ( his Hale. Number and pedigree will bo furnished on application , C. W. HOSHBK , Owner , Lincoln , Neb. 0. P. SHAIiIiBNUKllGBn , Manager , Hastings , Neb. To whom all inquiries should bo sent , r. M. WOOD. Auotioner , Lincoln , Neb. WE G. E. iSYIS RESL ESTATE and TslUST 60. S. IV. COR. lAfli AND HMRNAM , O33A.IM. Property of every description for sale m all purls of the city. Lauds for sale iu every county in Nc-bruska. A COMPLETE SET OF AHSTKACTS Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Maps ot the city state or county , or any ollior information desired , furnished fico ot charge upon application. SHERMAN ROAD CAKT. ; " BEST CART ON EARTH. " SINGLE , DOUBLE and LIGHT , msiii * . ino iin. sr. n. . . " " $ .i . S " " S > u. EASY , DURABLE and CHEAP. Crated free on board cars , fl ( } HA $ T , ALLEW , COLDWATER , Mich. Mention Oinnhn Hoc. RELIABLE JEWELER , "Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest slock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specially. All work warrant ed. Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha FRANK HISCOCK INTERVIEWED. What JJc TlilnkH of the Retirement , of niorrlnoii anil lion lit. In : i recent interview with a reporter for the New York Tiibuno , Congress man Frank llibcook said : " 1 do not feoe how the elections are to afl'ect the policy of the democratic party or the policy of the present house one way or thu other. Thu sti oncost loader of the policy has , it is true , been di-feateii. 1 refer to Mr. Morriaon. Ho believes absolutely nnd whole-heartedly in the policy for which he contended. Ho believed in it to thu extent of bein ; * indifleu > nt or insensible to the succusd of his p uty on anv other issuu. With him parly success involving ini'icly the possession of ollicus and the distribution of federal patronage was a mutter of utter indilluronco. llo was a thoioiigh believer in the doctrine of the necessity of the reduction ot custom clinics , llo cared 'lor ' nothing else in polities. I do not know who there is that can lill hi * place in the next congress , who has his linn convictions unit his honestly ol pur pose. Upon the next house will bo in cumbent the formulating of a plan for the rediictionQol the revenue. 11 is the onu imperative necessity. The called bonds wilt all be paid , nnd we will bo ac cumulating surplus revenue to a very laigo amount each year Mr. Cleveland und thu democratic party are to bu com pelled to comu right over nbsolntuly on this quuKtion of protection to the onu oc cupied by thu republican paityallho present time , or else that is to bo the grout issue buforo the country. Thu dem ocratic party is to bo foiced to fight pro tection and contest it trom u Morrison standpoint. " "How would you reduce the revenue ? " "There will bo no way to reduce reve nue except by the repeal of the internal taxed that is , upon , whisky , or tobacco , or both except by adding protected irooiis to the tree lis'l. It i.s pretty well bt'ttlod thai you can not reduce the re ceipts ot custom * by reducing the duties thunibulvos. Thu increased cmantitles of goods imported vudur the reduction will more tliun compensate lor the iliU'ercnco in the rate. Thuicfore thu revenue must bo rcduood either by adding lo the pres ent articles of the free li.-a or by increas ing thu dutioa. i'uo-mluul Cleveland IK compelled to advocate thu curtailing ot thu lice and Ihu i eduction of thu num ber of articles upon it , or elsu to llop completely over and put his parly nnd himself on thu platform aud ground that have hithui to been occupied by the re publicans.1 "How will Morrison's defeat affect this mattery" "The loss of Colonel Morrison fiom congivm , or oven thu loss of Carlisle , could not change this situation or ailed it in the slightest degree. It would have luon the Htiinu if Mou ison had been re- uleeted , While I a I way h liku ( o see 10 piiUlicans cluotcd to congress , I regiot lo see inon of Morrison's honesty ot pur pose retire. The question : IH lie has pre sumed it in one of principle , which ought not to bu obMMired by smaller and cheaper men lor party purpose. The question .should bo fairly presented to the country , Si > that every man nnd every voter can nuduritiind it and IW-H upon it. HID election nt democrats or republicans who seek to blind their constituents or the country with respect to their position upon a question like this i.s a great mis fortune. " "How about Mr. Hewitt's n-liromoiil * " " 1 regret that for the same reason that I rogrnl tlio dufuut of Mr Morrison As a lepnbllcan , of con roc 1 rejoice thai ru- publicans liavo been elootod lo succeed democrats any where. In the first place , as lo Mr Hewitt , in point of intelligence ! and ability and learning and power of ( ; \pro < < r > ioi ! It is fair to KIIJ of him thai ho hud no supoiior on his hide In cither branch of congress. I ID difl'eicd from Mr Mornson in that the latter was hoinn- wlialdlspusod lo obstruct legislation for thu siiKo of compelling the consideration of the question from his Mandnoint Mr. Hewitt was always anxious for the promotion - motion of all remedial legislation and al ways icady to enter upon that branch of biiiinuis in congress. Mr Moirisonsu- loidlnatcd everything to tlio desire to make the tarifl' question thn great Issue It is a inlsfoituno to Mr. Hewitt's party , no less than to his htiitu , that ho decided to retire from congress , because upon all money questions ho represented Ins htato with great ability and had a l.irgo mllu- ( Mice in holding Ids party up above thu wrecking and repudiating line which it showed a lundunoy to follow. " Dr. IHrailton Warren , RcleulioPhysi cian and .Surgeon , Kaotn 0 , Crounsii block corner Iflth ar l Capitol avenue Dayaud night calls promotl vMtouted to It DopKti't J'rovo The Chicago Journal : A young Chicago cage writer , during what little leisure ho has acide from his work on ono of thu morning dailies , bunds Ins ullbrts and abilities to magazine work. It had been his great ambition to sue something from his pen in print in the pages ol a coitaln well-known New York monthly , and many were the rolls of manuscript ho sent ils editors , only to see them come buck with painful regularity , and always be-iring the red ink bt.unp "Not accep ted. " "What can bo the mattorV" ho pondered. " 1 1 H because 1 am not i cap able writer ? " To test t.o matter ho re torted to a bright expediency. Taking one of Thomas Carl ylort series of lectures on "HeroVorsiiip , ho carefully transIt - torrcd it to manuscript and mailed it to the editor ot - Monthly Magazine , with u request they inform him why they could not accept his nork. At the end of a month's limn Carlylo'n work cam o back , and with i ti : no \\liicli read : "Wo have received your several writings , but regret to say that they are not up lo the standard that wo require. The lafil you soul us , and which wo re turn herewith , is somuwliat better than your former articles , but still has not Iho finished style In keeping with our publi cation. With perseverance and practice you will doubtless impiovo. " Thu young Chicagoan has sent that magazine no more copy , having very sensibly con cluded thai if Cnrlylo H siylo was not suf ficiently ' 'finished" to suit Ihuir taste , his noyor would bo. MOST PERFEGT Trrpurod with strict regard to Parity , Btr npl'j , sni HuallbfulnocB. JJr.J'rko'ullalunK'l'oucler contain * iioAmmonliWraeAlumorl'UofiiliatC5. ) Ur.I'rlco's JSatruct'jBttUl8 , Lemon , etc. , LIHCOLH BUSIHESS DIRECTORY Hunt Nowir I'l The Tremont , j. c nr/iiitAU ( : > A. KN , Cor. ttli mill 1'Ms , Lincoln , Neb HieVI JUT clublruui care trim liouio to nf purl of Hie J. H. W. HAtt KINS , Architect , Oft1ceS > . HI unit 4. . JllclmiJu llloolf , Lincoln. Nub. \atoronlltli btiuut. HroeiJof 01 Ilremlernf ( jAt i OUAI turn * . Riioiir lions CAITM F. M WOODS , Live Stock Auctioneer bnlvs mnilu In all vmtu of tinU H. at f ulr rnteK , KuuinU , Main Hlouli , l.l.icoln , Neb. Ualto\f y umliitiurt Hum bull * H H. ( JOULDING , Farm Loans and Insurance , Corrcm > oml ( > n i Ir ictrirl In loans Fol Joum4 , ItiUmrJi Illonk Mnuuln. Neb Riverside Short Horns Of Btrlclly piliu llulrsiinl Hates rupjivilo.Ullu. Herd numburd about tl > liouil. KiiniHIon KipruxoiitoJ : I'llberla. Cr.i ; , Acuiubs. Ht'iiic-H , Itojuor riliuious , MOHS Jtu404 , Jluuliiwo' , Flat Crook \ouii I'liylllBos , Ixiiiiinit nnd'IruB I/QXH lliilU lorsulo. I I'uru iliue-i 1'iluorl. I I'uro tlntfB t'ratrtrn , I Unsent Million , I Voting Jlury , 1 I'uio Ciuluk blmiik uiiU oilmen Comu mm liiiixiultho livrl. AUUiesa , OH Ad. .M. 11KAK- HON.Mittolu.N'nb When in Lincoln Mop at National Hotel , 1'rop.