1HE OMAHA , DAILY BEE : , NOVEMBER 19 , 1880 , THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. : nM3 or sumcniPTiovt Dnllr ( Mornl.iif Edition ) including Sunday Hrr. Ono tear . . . . . . . . 810M For BIT Month- ) . . . . . 6 tfl For Tlircn Months . 2 W Utio Omntin SMtnlny Her , mulled to nnjr iwldrow , Onu Your. . , . . . . . . 200 nrricr. No. MI * NI > snn FATIVASI srnnrr. Nrtr VOIIK OHirr , IIOHM ra inimsK WMIHNO WAAUISUTON omcE.No Sl3luuuiJi.siiiStuik.r. Connrsi'ONimvrc : All communlottioii-i itslntlr.fr to ni-vri torinl in ill tor should bo u < lJi < .6sod to thu Km- ron ur THk * ' All butlnonli-tttrs unit rnmlttnneose'noilM lie lulilros.soil to Tun HE * ' I'ri.t HIIINO Cowr-Aiv , , O vin. Drafts. cliKfks and poitoillco onlor * tobotn& < 1oi > anblototliooiilor ( > fliocoiipuii ! ) . TH ! BEE PUBllSHINicipm , PflOPBIETORS , E. . Kitrrois. Till : DAIIiV IJCK. Sworn Btntcinunt of Cli ciilatlon. ' Btnto of Nctiri kn , ( County ( if Hondas. ) H < ( ! eo. H. T/Pchuck , secretary of Ilio llco I'ubllHhiiiK romiiatiy , ilot's solemnly swear that the actual circulation of tlio Dnlly Ken tor the week ending Nov. 12tb , 18S > 0 , was as follows : Saturday. Nov. 0 nvr , btiiiilnv. Nov. 7 VUMi jMondny , Nov. y. IM.M'J Tuesday. ! ) i- ' . < o Wednesday. 10 12IKO Tlmr daj. 11 1-4H0 ! Filtlaj , I'i iv > , use Av crnco ja.o ' 3 , , ( iio. It. ' 1/qrnuch. BiilKcribed mil sworn to In inj presence Uils 10th ilny of November , A. I ) . IHSd. N. P. KKII. , fJjKAL ] A'otniy Public. ( ico. ] . T/Holiupk. bcliic first duly sworn ; clopo-es mid sajs that liu is sccietary of the Jnc PiiblMilincompany , that Ilio actual nv- crairo d.illj plrculatlon ot the Uallv Ileo for tlio inontli of Jniinary , IBS ! , was 10 nt8 copies , Ir for lYbinary.lbM ) , 10,6113 copies ; for March. IBM1 , , lira ? copU-s ; foi Api II , 18bO , 12,101 copies : inrMav. 1SM1. is.-nu Copies : tor Jntiu. lbS.1I'J.EOS copies ; tor .Inly s O , Ui : ; I copies : for August , IW-n , 12-tOI copic , ir .September. lb.sr , ni.tu ) copies ; for October , isfl , I2l > s.j copli-s. Gi.o U. T/scntirK. Subscribed and svvmn to before too this 8th day of November , A. ! > . , 1SM1. rKMT , , ISKALI Notarv Public. ItUTiiKitroitn B H vi rs is now the only living ox-prcsidont of the Unitctl Slates SNOW plowing will now take llic pl.ieo of subsoiliiig in tins ngrioultuial st.ito. Tlio railroads urc chiefly intoicslod in this kind of farming. WITH n hog market u cunt higher in Omaha than in Kansas City , our stock yards open tin- pork packing season with u grateful boom for hog grovvois. A coKitLsi-ONUuxr writes two columns dcsctlbmg "tho continental divldo. " If lie can throw any light upon tlio rumored architectural "divldo" in connection with the now hospital , his information will be load with great local iiilcicst. Ann there- any citi/ens who will bo willing to m.iko a pronosition for th j high school grounds ? With $150,000 of fered for Jeflerson square , our school yai d ought to bring a nice liguic if the coun cil would only entertain such a tender. PUUSIDENT Ci.U'KLANi > has rcstoictl Mr. Uonton , convicted of tlio crime of inakinjr democratic speeches white holding - ing olllco in Missouri. Mr. Cleveland limy see the time when ( lemocr.itic speeches in Missouri will notsivu him from the wrath of disgruntled bourbons in Ilia next nonitnatini ; convention. SENATCM VAN WICK'S heinous crime of not assisting to oust republicans , from oflicc in northern Nebi a ka is dwelt upon nt length by Dr. Miller. A gi cater ofTensc in the eyes of tlio nulrogue editor lias been tlio senator's refusal to play into the hands of thoeoiporations during Ills ( ivo years nt Washington. This the doctor discretely says nothing about. Tun .statement of Dr. Lcisonring.ro- i ! Carding his connection with the Modal case is clear and explicit. It relieves him of ail blamu so far as his treatment of the unfortunate man was concerned. As soon ns he saw Mr. Mortal's coiulition ho promptly otdered liim to the hospital , and attended to his physical comfort. That was nil that ho could do. But why has not Omaha n police surgeon , always on duty at the station house : md icady to glvo immediate attention to cases as they nro brought in. There is the fault to bo rcnii'dii d. Tin : Omaha llorso Hallway company is one of the most ptolltublo of our local onterprisos. Its franchlno cost it nothing. It is heavily pationi/ed by our people. Uut whenever wo are treated to a Hurry ot snow , truflle is suspended and the pub lic is forced to wait for hours after tlio finovv fall IIOH ceased bcfoio the cars in- Biimo running. In othci cities the scrap ers and sweepers on the horse railways begin work as soon as a storm s.ots in and continue operations until the tracks are clear. In Omaha \\ork with an null , quntoil soraper comiuunces after the storm is over , and hordes und ears are laid up Bomotimus for days until the tracks aio scraped clear. Tlipro Must lie No .lolililni ; . TJiuro always is ami always will Inj inoio or less danger of collision between coutraetots , iirchitects and Mipciintend , cuts of public ) buildings. Our city and county are not llkoly to bo exempt fiom jobbing of that mituie The only safeguard - guard is a vigilant press and hom-at pub lic oIll'ihiK A very ugly rumor comes to us that FiankVallern has auihluuly taken a deep inteutit in Ilio adoption of plans for the now county hospital , and that ho has been buttonholing Cominis- BloncrTlnuno in this connection , l ury- body knows what Trunk Walters' busi ness ib. He is a ] > : oiuotur of corrupt fiohemos , a leginlatho go-betwenn for jobbers and never known to bo associated with .straight work , Mr. Tun mo has been a little more intl- juato with Mr. Walton , than a man in his position ought to bo , but we hope for the public- good that ho has not jet commit ted himself to any scheme in this connec tion that wilt give unpleasant notoiioty to him und nwj bring him into tumble. . Thuro must bo no jobbery in the now county hospital. Th imibt bo no put- up jobs by architects , contractors or commissioners. Kvoij thing connected vhh the bullditig of this institution should bo filmed on openly and abu o Loaid , Wo are aware already that there has lieim an undei handed ulfortto improp- vrly control same of the physicians on the adribtuy hoard and wo shall not bo enrpriscd if the tuma uuno is being trmd vriih the comniissiouerij. Dortttt of Clicstcr A. Arthur. The death of cx-1'rcsldcnt Chester A. Arthur will c.iusn profound sorrow to the Amcnrnn ncoplo. Although his disease was generally regarded as dangcrou * , if not fatal , the announcement of his death was a sad surprise. General Arthur first acquired national prominence during the memorable con test over the New York eollectorship. The intense zeal with which Hoscoo Conk- ling opposed his removal made thn strug gle over the continuation of Mr Arthur's ' successor 0110 of the most exciting epi sodes it. the political history of the country nmee the war General Arthur's nommation to the > lco presidency , after the sovi'iMliis light in the Chicago con * \onlioilof 1S3J , was as much u surprise to himself a it wa $ In tin * republican masses , lie hail gone to Chicago as one of the 800 stalwarts who died with Grant , ' and had no idea of be ng madu a candi date for the ccnn < l place on the national ticket It was one of the strokes of political policy on tlio part of Kx-Oov * crnor Detinison , of Ohio , \ylio headed tl'u delegation fiom that Mate , and. was a peace-oll'ering on the part of General Oarficld's filends and supporters to the Conkllng faction. At the time a coii'idoralilo portion of the republican party did not reg.nl this ac tion as wise. The c uutidato certainly had no claim to so luili ; an honor at the bauds of the party. There was even a doubt respecting his ability to accept ibly disehaigo tlio duties of the position in the light of biib-tc- qticnt events , however , no one will ques tion that the choice of the convention was eminently judicious and who It did not immediatolv Satisfy tne stalwart element of the party , hut General Arthur un doubtedly e\erteil an mllucnci ; in finally bringing that element into action In sup port of the nnrty , thus .securing New York to the republicans , then believed to bo necesi.iry to the success of the party in the election. The period of national solicitude and borrow , while President Garfield lav in mortal agony awaiting the coining of death at Washington and Hlberon , made a poivoifut test of the character and pi- triotism of General Arthur. It was an opportunity which might liavo been taken advantigo of by a man losspatiiolic than ambitious.fieo I'icsident Arthur was publicly advised , and doubtless privately also , to assuniu the executive functions , which it was held the disability el ui-,0 of the constitution autlioi i/ed him to do. lie not only paid no attention to such counsel , but by his conduct gave assur ance to the people th if , nothing could be fat ( her from his thought , and tliat lie would become the president only .11 the event of the dcatu of tlio man whom they had elected to that ollicu This should have inspired public confidence in Gen eral Arthur , but when the time camn for him to take the presidential ollica the feeling was very general that it was an added misfoituno winch the- country would deplore. The administrition of President Arthur was not remarkably eventful , but very early in its course tlio public apprehension that existed respect ing it at the beginning gave place to a feeling of conndcnco that the untried and untrusted executive hail tlio wisdom to know his responsibilities and duties and the patriotism and courage to perform them. It is not too much to say that no administration binco the foundation of the government closed amid a more gen eral veidict of popular approval than that of President Arthur , and per haps his strongest endorsement is in the fact that a very laige clement of the republican party strongly desired his nomination for the presidency in 1831 , and believed that a fatal blunder was committed when this was not done. No man could have had a higher or justor ostim ito of the character of the ox cutivo otlico ot its dignity and its duties , its prerogatives and its obliga tions than did President Arthur , and while ho never allowed its rights to bo in vaded ho also never forgot that it belonged - longed to the people. There were no announcement ] durinir his lei m notitying the pp.oplc that at certain periods he would not ho accessible to them. Few presidents wore so faithful and indefati gable in the pctfornunco of duty , anil while ho was not by nature an aggiesslvo or stubborn man , ho had decided con vie- tionson i.ll questions of public concern which ho could lirmly adhere to when opposed. At the beginning of Ida admin istration tlio party in his own state was broken into hostile factions , and through out the country it was tilled with distiust and misgiving. His policy closed the breaches , rcstoicd conlidcnco , and the party again becamu strong , compact and hopeful , with every assiu.inco of success in the ensuing national campaign under a leader who could ha\o held it together. The two moil soiioiis mistakes in the publiolife of Chester A. Aithur worn his participation in the contest of lloscoo ConKling for re-election to the &enato after he had resigned in consequence of the issue with President Garlield , and the indirect intluenco which it was iillcgod he exerted in behalt of thu nomination of I'olger for governor of Now York. The former was due to thn lojalty of his friendship , which was a strong tiait of his charactnr , though ho hold it ir. sub jection after ho became piusidcnt. In the latter ease ho may have been piomptod by personal ambition , though the tiuth of Ilio clmtgo has been ques tioned. U will not bo claimed that Aithur was a great jtato-man , but ho was a judicious , patriotic und sale man , and thureforo especially suited to thu time and the cirmim&innccs in which he acted. If the icoord he leaves is lens biilliant than bomu others , llicru is none more honuiablc. AineiKlini ; Ilio hlnln Constitution , The iiiturns to thu secretary ot Htato i om all but two .small counties t > how that the proposed amendment to the constitu tion which provided for longer seisioiib of the legislature and higher pay of mem bers fulls about four thousand short ot n majority of all the votes cast at the No. vember election. Tin * ia the second time that I hid amendment has failed of the neeessaiy majority , although five-sixths of these who did vote , voted in its fa\or. This brings us to the question whether any amendment to the constitution xub- mitted at a general election would carry under the tilling of the supreme court that a majority of all the \ otcj cast for any ulficei at the election is necessary to make an amendment valid. In the cloven jcars since the present constitution was adopted , wo haVe \oted on ourht or ton amendments with the same result. The amendment to glvo woman the franchise was tcatly the only ono tliut dro\r out more thnn a majority of the entire vote ot the state , but in th.it instance the vote against the amendment was in the ma jority. On the amendment to cr" > ' n railroad commission which wa su mitted two jejirs ago the vote was bi.i cly a majority of all the votes casi , uuttlueo fourths of those who voted wcto oppose ! to the amendment. In view of the fact that the state has outgrown the present constitution , which was adopted when wo had a population of less than a quarter of a million , wo are now confronted with a serious prob lem. Wo mustcithcrgo without necessary constitutional revision or n now constitu tion n"'st uu framed. It is almost Imwur- ntivo that our judiciary should bo increased - creased , reorganized and paid salaries which will attract the nljlest'anii jnoat ' successful lawyers to thq'bo'tjch. The ex ecutive offices which are now lunitei' in number arc scarcolj * able to cope with the work with which they are biirde-noi ! as members of various boards , including public buildings and land commissions , the bogus niihoad commission and com missioners in charge oj the reform schools , penitentiary , hospitals for the Insane , hospitals for the blind , home for the filondless , deaf and dumb institute , etc. Our educational s\iem is deficient , expensive and cumbeisomo Wo neei ! a .stale board of education to innnage and control the entire system , beginning with district schools and end ing with thu university , it is snlf-oviileiit that those needed changes can only bo brought about by a constitutional convention. The only question is whether sueli a con-untion can bo sately called during the burly burly of the next legislature , which will waste nearly the litst half of the session in thu senatorial light and will barely have lime to make the apportionmentpass the liws which are absolutely required b > local wauls and make tutnropnations for conducting the state institutions dur ing the coming two3ears. A Sqmirc Uncle Down. The picsident has suiienderod to the Missouri pleasure in the case of M. E. Itenton , who less than a month ago lie suspended from the ollieo of United Stales attorney for the weslcin district of Missouii lor haingviolated the ex ecutive older against "pernicious ac- tivity1' in politics on the part of federal olllco holders. It is the liist conspicuous and complete back down the president has made. For thai end some other reasons it is peculiarly interesting. Alter reading the letter of Honion to the attnr- n'jy general any candid man will admit that his course was clearly in the line of "pernicious activity as defined by the terms and implied in the spintoftho president's order , or as ho is now pleased to call it , "warning. " By his own confcsiion lienlon made numerous political speeches in various places be tween September 23 and October 10 , and these were not delivered to "neighbors and friends , " nor woie the times and places "merely incident il. " They weio miido in puisnanco of requests of the democratic state central committee and of democratic candidates for congiess , and with the concurionce of the United States senators from Missouri. The ar rangement was effected with the full knowledge of all theay paities of the ex istence of the president's "warning , " anil it is probable that the question ot its consistency with tint order was dis cussed. This is Miggestod by the statement of lionton that ho relied for justincalion of his action upon the clause of the executive order which says that "individual interest and activity in po litical nflairs is by no means con demned , " and that "officeholders aie neither disfranchised nor forbidden to exercise political privileges,1' to which it is evident he gave a most liberal con struction. It is more likely , however , that ho relied mainly upon senatorial and other assurances of protection , and as the result shows not mistakenly. Theio could not bo a clearer case of the disregard and violation of an order which has been accepted and construed in two instances by heads of depart ments , as forbidding the sort of "per nicious activity" in politics of which Uonton was by his own confession guilty. How does the president explain tlio re 's crsal of judgment on Benton and jus tify his square back down ? It is to bo noted that he acknowledges having acted in the matter of suspension on ex pane evidence. A newspaper containing a list of lionton's engagements to speak was submitted to him and ho was "led to believe - lieve in many of the days specified the court was in session. " It docs not ap pear that he took any trouble to cor rectly inform himself , though ho mitrlit have doneso with very little expenditure of time or oh"ort. The fact was ho had no idea of what a hornet's nest ho would stir up in trying to nmkn nn example of a Mioiiri democrat , and did not sup pose , what he has doubtless since learned , that so binall n matter ua this would lose him tlio snppoit of that state , by no means assured now , In the next national democratic convention , But on n ie- examination of the case the president Roes to the other extreme , and accepts tlio Mutemunt of the suspended olllclal as conclusive. What that amounts to , in the way of defense , simply is Hint his politicwoik ] did not interfere with his being in couit when his services wore tequired tluiio. 1'hls is of a piece with the plea ot Mr. Vilas , in dolenso of Ins political wuikln Wisconsin , that thoio was no business in the postolllco depart ment -quiring i ( his attention Wo nro not infotmod as to the extent of the duties of the United .States district at touioy m we-atc-rn Missouri , but the posi tion must bo very nearly a sinecure If ho can Und time outside of its requirements to make a do/en political speeches nt numerous points fni apart in the eoiuso nf two wooks. It i evident in the letter jf the president that ho had some doubt * bout the ability of n man to do this lUthout neglecting his duty , but the mis- .thing was not btroiig enough to over- : omo his confidence in the "flunk tone" ind other convincing clmriictciistics of [ teuton's statement , naukcd by the de mand of Senator Vest and the assurance Jint a Cleveland delegation from Mis souri would bo impossible unless Benton was restored By this aetlon Uio prosi- lent has practically annulled his July 'warning" and opened tlio way for all Iho "pernicious activity1' ' in politics that my reasonable democrat can desire. \ll that an oillceliolder , being a demo- Tat , will have to do hereafter iato cstib- ish the fuel , for which it is presumed its jii-rdonul statumtmt will 'bo suOicleuti that his political work did not Interfere with hla official ( luiles , andhq will not bo interfered with. Mr. Cleveland Is hedg ing , and when n man bcclns this opera tion there is no Ulliug to what extreme ho will not go. go.bt bt lt)6rn ) Pnuts. The methods by winch tlio Omaha llerahl has been imposing upon advertis ing patrons both nt homo and abroad have been a proper subject for exposure , but wo have r6fralncd from comment , lirsl , because the Herald is in no sense n competitor of the IEE ? , and in the next place because wo wished to avoid even the semblance of jealousy and rivalry. But when the Herald goes out of Its way to couple with its impostuio a libellous .assault npou/ho Character of our "gpc- Clo.l" telegraphic service , wo feel called upon to exhibit the inllqtoi ! concern in its true light. The proof of tlio pudding is In the eat ing thereof. The false pretenses tinder which the Herald has been advertising itself as tl'o ' lending paper of this section liavo doubtless deceived parties who uo not know the relative standing of papers , but facts are stubborn things. The llemld advertises its weekly circulation at over ttOrO , but it h is paid from $1 to $1 23 pot week po tairo on its weekly edi tion , which shows conclusively that it circulates through the postollice out side of this county less than l.OOJ. Its weekly circulation in this county does not exceed 100 copies. In other words the weekly c'nculation of this ' 'great" paper is less than 1,100 copies all told. If wo are incorrect produce your postollico receipts and wo will apologi hand somely. On the other hand wo are ready to produce our postollleo receipts that show a weekly circulation of fully [ M.OOO exclusive of Douglas county. The circulation of the daily Herald which it is claimed by our blow haul con- temporuy lias increased in proportion mote than any paper west of Chicago during the pnsl year , amounts to less than 1,000 copies delivered by cai i let- in Omaha , where the BI.JJ dolivcis by camer between five : uid six thousand. The fact that the Herald lias always refused to compete lor the city advertising when a sworn statement of circulation was required shows that it is in no condition to compete for official business. With all its efforts of tlnow- ing Sunday papers into baci : and front yaids and donating thousands of papers to newsdealers all over the state Uio HcraM has uttuilv failed to laiso its regu lar subscription ciiculation bo. > onda pal try few hundred. While it keeps up its imposture by printing at its head the cl lim of "the largest actual paid clicu- lation of any daily in Nebiaska , " the fact icmaina that the BIE : ch culatcs mole papers in Nestern Iowa than the Herald does in Nebraska , and that the Bir , by its daily sworn statements covering a period often ton months , shows an increase of nearly fi.OOO dailies in that time , which is moro than the whole average daily circulation of theJicrnW And this cheeky swindle is kept up by the llciald fiom day to day and week to week. Facts aio very stun- bom things. Tlio failure of the Herald to inflate its circulation permanently by all sorts of devices has cau-cd the pub lishers , ns a necessity , to cut down the pi/o of the daily so that to day it , is the smallest motning paper in Omaha while the Bic : is the largest. Tlio i eduction in s'r/a is equal to noaily twelve inches of space on the. page or nearly 100 inches on the eight pages. The same Imposture is kept up about the telegraphic service , 'iho Herald has contracted tor the United Press ropoit at a comparatively low toll , and that re- poit , piintcd by nearly two hundred papers in the country , is rehashed as "special cable dispatches" and ' 'special telegrams" to the Omaha Ho aid. The greater portion of th s report is simply a duplicate , differently worded , of the reg ular press report , which the Ifcrnhl throws out purposely to deceive its pat- ions into the belief that it has 'freshor"ncw8 than any other paper. As a matter of fact the New York Herald special cable service which the Bii : prints exclusively west of Chicago and which iscopytighted to make it exclusive , costs the BKK more money every year than the cntiio telegraphic service of the Her ald. During the past two bunilaj s the BIE : has published more than 10,001) ) words of special cable service from the capitals of Kurope , and its American " .specials" wired to it exclusively by its paid agents at Washington , New lork , Chicago cage , DesMoines and Lincoln made up 10,000 words moro. If this biaggart und swindling concern deslies to compare telegr iph loll receipts , wo will accommodate them with great | ) leasuie. The amount paid last year by the BII : ; for telegraph tolls will moio than cover the telegraphic expenses of all the lailios m Nebraska. The taunt that a lispatcli which appeared in tlio llcnild ono morning appeared in the BKI : the icxt evening hardly justifies calling oui elegraphio service bogus. Tills morn ng's llciald contains a column on .John Jacob Astor which loaders of the BKP. will at once reeogni/o as a copy of our New York loiter pub ishod last Sunday and paid for oMr , Franklin 1'ile The irrraM'it ' onior- > rise in this case' ' , ns in its .st.ilo Clara ; iollo letter copied eich ; week fiom a Cin cinnati paper of tlmjncvious week under ri changed data docs not draw on its > , irio sttings , ff thlo ILrald will conllno tsolf to bogus claims on its own account without libeling the1 Bi.u , fiuther roler- mco to its collap- as the "gi cutest daily west of Chicago" if 1th the "largest actual wid circulation , " will not bo made by us will bo mi factionallbin in the sincere regret which republicans every where wiil oxprorisl over the death of General Aitlitii. Ho did much as presi dent to wipe out t io , distinction between blalwart and mugwump In thu ranks of he party and to bliow the country how a foimerly active partisan could adapt him self to the position of chief executive of a lation. _ THi : KIKIjI ) OP IXDUS'JUV. Two hundred nnd eleven out of SC5tmt- ) i'fb In Washington mo Knights of Labor * A pond many of tlio Now Kngland ninnu- fiictureis are building houses lor their work- neii. neii.Tho The cotton earn mills of Utica are 11111- ilui , ' nlKht und itii ) , and liavo orders unuu h for a ) ear to coma , A silk factory hasjiist been completed at < 'nltnn > Ilk ; , N. Y. , nud silk iiiaddncry from Kurojie-is belli ) : put In. Thuiatcst reports from the lending Iron and steel centres show fin Influx of Inqulrlc for materials of all kinds. Natural KM is being used as an Ulumlnnn under several intents. The same aiuoan EUrs moro light than artificial gas. Plant can be erected nt a small cost. Some scientific people In St , Louis arc rcc onniKMulinz innnufncturcrs to sink well from 1,600 to 2,000 feet for natural jas. 1'on thousand acres of land sixteen miles frnti E \stSt. Louis have been leased and opera tlons will be commenced nt onco. If imttira gas cannot bo found two or thrco llrius wll probably inovo Intotho Ohio gas fields. 'Iho trade conditions are Iniprovmf ? cvci al this Iato date. The consumptive ren.uhc menta ot the country ore so heavy tint acen nuilatloiis of stock are found to bcdinicult Inciuirlos from all quarters of the oountr ; show Hint bujors , builder * , projoctoisand In \cstora are qul to confident of a cnntlnitnnci of the vhionms ttadouml manufacturing con dltlnim that have existed since the 1st of Sep ( ember , The news from > ownclanl ( manufactur hiff centers shows n liberal Mipply of order for boots and shoes , , cloth for winter am sprlnsme , and for manufacturlnir product' ' of a hundred varieties. The New Knelnni manufacturers are pfepnrlnu to Increase lliol : immifactiirim : capacities boll : bv steam am water power , nnd already contracts tiave beet placed with builders of cintliicsaud tmtchlu cry for tlio Increase of steam power. 'Ihls l ! especially true In ttio larger mills. Before t'loopenlnir ' of aiuliiK there w.111 bi hetween twenty and thirty now national 01- Kanlntlons formed respresenlliiK as moiij dlireteut lines of Industry throughout tin United Slates. This nnlionnF ort'anlratlot of l.tlnii by Individual emits Is ono of tiio'dc pr.itnres Inaugurated at the last two Natloua ( oiiventlousof tlio Knlichts ot Labor. Till' domrtiiro hns the deepest sknllleatlon. lcl ciaftwlll attend to itsown attain and per feel plans and establish inlew for Its GUI separate craft , but all will bo suboidliiatu tf Iho qctu r.il .assembly. During the past few davs projects for the cotmtiuctlon ot between 7OOJand 8,0K ( > mile * of lallro.an hue been made public. The do niand foi those new roads If piesented thl- winter , us they prolmblv will ue , will ha\i the u If eel ol crowdlnir piices up to a hlgliei limit and nf stlmulatlnt ; industry In everv biauch. litllroad building will bo entered upon ni"5t jear cm a scale of unprecedented ni.iirnltuile. .Ve irlv all the leading iiillioaiU tlmiimhcmt tin : country liavo been palnini ; in stienctli , and a competitive Hpirlt Isjnowlde vcloplnir itsell which will result In hc.ivv In M-stinoiils for tlio put pose of ciailway e.xtcn sion. _ _ A111 Not Know U'hero to Hcgin. St. . iitiWDf | OT < ch. When the picsident bcclns to mend Ill- fences , ho wiil haidty know whcio to begin amidst such a inclusion of starting points. Uio Next ProHlilcnt. Taken altogether , tlio loluniH mean tiiat the next president of Iho United Slates will bo the nomltieo of the national icpublican party. Jinn Had 1m I > ny. A'cu' 1'ort Telrgnim. Muzvvnmpcry has had Its day. Fioliibl- tlou as a tblrd-paitv movement Ins spent Its force ; but oriranl/ed labor will have tmicli to do with deteiinlning the people's chioce in ISbl _ Ouj-lit to Feel Complimented. Chhauo Timci. 51. Ihitholdl Is Slid to be nmjrv because of the failure to light the Btatuo ot Libcity. Ho onghl to feel \eiy much complimented that New York has not jetbc 'un to cover the statue with advoitlsim ; plncaids. A I'ashaio. Jnm ? The world was made when a man was born. lie must taste for hhiisull the foibldden springs : lie can ne\er take warning fiom old-fash ioned thing- . ; Ho must tight as a boy , lie must drink as a joutli ; lie must kiss , he must love , lie must swear to the truth Of the friend ot his soul ; he must laugh to scorn 'Iho hint of deceit In a wonnn'sejes Tbat are clear as the wells of Paiadise. And o he pees on till the world ( irous old , Till his tongue has grown cautious , Ids heait has gi own cold , Till the smile leaves his mouth and Iho ling leaves his liiiuli. And ho shirks the bright headache you ask him to quaff ; llo glows formal with men and w Ith women polite. And distrustful of both when tliov're oul of his sln'ht : Then ho cats for his palate , and drinks for bis head. And loves for his pleasure and 'tis time ho vv urc dead I STATE JOTTINGS. Albion sighs for an athletic music teacher. Norfolk is enjoying the luxury of a daily paper. Twenty-three train crows make Chad- ron their headquarters. The human and the hoi'o race for the drinks in Juniata. The farmer holds the fitaku and botli lake corn. Nebraska Cily sends to Omaha for hogs , doubtless because the mctiopolN is iho packing house headquarters in moio than one sense. The Fremont , Klkhorn t Missouri Valley company havn settled with nearly ovoiy farmer for the right of way through Boonc county , and ttiero are very few eases left for fccttlomont by iho ap.- praiseta. George Schofield , a Siinnilors county farmer , aired sixty , paint-d his inteiior department with laiidatim al Cedar Blufls and a stomach pump failed to work him , The bluzaid had no terrors for him ; he i at rest. An aitcsian well is being bored at riiadron to get a little water to mix with the whiskey , but none of the strange liquid has yet boon struck. The tunic claj' has been gene llirough nnd Iho immediate work is of considerable in terest. A valuable her o was stolen from the Htablo of Mr. Iliggins in Hastings Sun day night. A neighbor lost a harness , and another a buggy the name night , proving that Iho tliinf know the ln > ot Iho ground , nnd wont oil' with the nluri- iler in lirst-cltiss style. The first "no" of the season foil in a 1'airlield parlor Monday evening when the belie of the town declined an oiler of iisleigh ride from a sentimental and con- mlcratoyoung man. Coining aMtido the snowy billow.1 thin "no" left a melancholy vacuum in Henry's hoatt and cutter. A Syracuse livo-voar-old , well advanced in domestic cconomj and the moper out lines of the ( irocian Imnd , used her lunch Ijnskol for a bustlo. When the hopeful's discovered the unnatural " mother "pro- luborance , " she promptly i educed the swelling and diosiud her down A joung woman named ftluiy Hall was decoyed from Hrownsv illo to a lonely wet in Iowa by a debauchee , and loll ilck and penniless In an abandoned : > nbin. She was discovered and taken to Urownsville , wlicrnsho isboing caicil for > y charitable ! ladies 1'ho unfortunate is not oxpeetod to recover. The gay and giddy of Ainsvuirlh will iionopoli/o the riiiK on the night of N'ovember "Ttli , for the Alothor llubbaid > hindig. It is thought that nil the noc- .tirnul lobes of Iho tillage will bo in at * .endanco that evening Thu men will aeh iiho two pillow slips for 1'athor Iliibbatd pants. ( leorgo liuixard , living on Plum ciock , Itrown county , roeontl > lo-a his little girl n thu canyon , and the n.other wonl one n search , looking long and anxiously up ind down the cinyon and it so wrought ipon her mind that she became tonumr. inly insane , and l' 5 now gene to Iowa > n a visit to friends in hope nho may ro iover. Tlio child waa found the , uno Jiiy , having sustained no injury , Jules'1'ogeity is a man of maans and nuch leisure in Omaha. Ho is uonstiin- ionully opposed to shovelling MIOW or ither wearying oxertiou. Hti uroo t * seasonable hour Wednesday morning nnd niullllntt himself to breast th bli/.7ard , started for his business ofllcc Right nl Iho front door step he encountered torod a drift of sulllolonl proportions t < cause a halt. It strctohcu awav in in unbroken licit ! four feet deep , over gal nnd out into the street. 1-ogorty dt tcrmlncd to get there somehow , am backing up a few paces , made a slidiii ] da h over the billows. Ho skitnniod th di 1ft for n distance of ton feet , when h pedals struck iho gate , nnd ho disap poured headforemost in Iho outside dnf the prettiest dive that half a do/.ci nciqhbors over witnessed. Kvcn his ago mellowed wife joined in the loud laughtu that lintshly smote on Fogerty's ear when ho rose to the surface , envclopci In powdered crystals , a Santa Clans n discuiso. Ho plowed his weary wui down town and lomaincd there till tlii thaw sot in. Prttu1 Store's in Politico. Chieaso Herald- Colonel Moonlight lately the democratic candidate for gov ernor in Kansas , declares that thoditij stores defeated him. Under tlio so-callei ptohibllory law Iho ha-o n monopoly o the beer nnd liquor Ualllc , and , ns a ro suit , aio'celling yasl ( | iiantities of intoxl cants nt oxhoibitant rates. The only dif tcronco , ho discovers in tlio Bltuiitior since tin ; abolition of ( ho saloons Is thn Imuor now costs moio money than it did the amount bold and consumed being ai largo as over. Beer w Inch druggists buj nt thirteen cents a bottle Is retailed stead ily enough at thirty cents a oottlo Whisky bought by then at 511.50 per gallon i : hold at $1.50 per pint. All thai is needed lo gel a supply of beer or whiskv is tc obtain a pctnnt fiom Iho ptobatc jiulgo , ami as thai lunctionaiy derives u icvei in of live cents for oveiy permit issued ho i' not likely to be over-pat tiuular about sal' isfying himself of the genuineness of the application. Kvery man who is Mok , m vyho may think thai ho will bo sick , is en titled under Iho law to have some medi cine , and as a consoquoticn Kansas has become one of Jtho nnhoallliiest stales in thu Union. The invalid presents himsell lo the probate judge , nominates his dis ease , pajs his fee , icccivos his permit , proceeds to thu drugstore , nominates his poison , iceeives it , paying" tlneo pi ices theretor , and goes homo tVomtncie- coids which the dispensaries aio coin- polled to keep it appears that whisky is good for everything from a bald head to tailing eyesight and curvature of the spine , and that Iho people am resorting to that icmedv in inciensinjr numbois evety month. Enjoying a monopoly of the tiado and reaping piolits which promi.se soon to make the Ivans is drug gist a inillionaiie , this now social factor has also become a power in polities. According to Colonel Moonlight ovcry druggist is enthusiastically in tavor ot the piohibition law. Its enactment has put money into his puiMi and us con tinuance will make linn iich. Ho is llierufoiu ardently in favor of any paity which pronn-us to retain tlio law As the it-publican campaign was made in defense of Hie nresent system the diu < ' - gists au.ijed themselves on the side of that organi/iition.and by assessing them selves ? KM ) npieec they weie able to raise a eoiruption fund which made the cflous of the democial Moonlight to illumine the state fall shoit of Ihoir object Naturally enough , ho considers Ilio ding stole in jiolitics a great evil and ho sees no limit to the oppoitunUies for fiaud and corruption whicli il ollcis. It is evi dently onlv a question of time when tneio will appear in Kansas and other prohi bition states n patt which will aim to dostioy the drug store. If tlio things Colonel MoonlighlMiVHaruto lie accepted as conect it is already as deniorali/.iii"- an institution as the siloon , and under some circumstances il may become moio so. _ lt > nn'N ICiiock-Oiit. i lilcaan Herald. Some surprise w ill be manifested over the fael that the trouble with Paddy Uyan In bis engagement with John Sul livan in San Francisco was not so much his inability to hit Sullivan in the nose as Ins inadequate supply of wind. All the dispatches agree thai if lljan had had plenty of wind he might have hint Sullivan bofoie ho got thiough with him. As wind has been Puddy'.s best hold for several years , what now is loft to him ? In Hie account of iho light with which the readers of the Herald werofnvoicd it was said that Ilyan forced ilm issue from the first , and that not more than five seconds elapsed alter the opening of hostilities before ho landed a tenilio bone-rattler on Sullivan's right cheek. Liter on ho did the fi imo thing again , but it was not until the eloso of the Ihird round llial Paddy showed the felufl lui was made of. Il was then that ho exhibited Hie shining qualities which liavo made him gicat among Iho wind-jamniiii"- pugilists of the day. Hav ing niiproaohoil dangerously ne.ir to Sullivan's ' right , Paddy goi ono on the jaw which Rounded like a cannon ball sinking a board fonco. and with a limgo which did cicdil lo him ho dropped on iho oulHido of tlio ropes. When lime was called Ilyan In-ioically icfuscd to move , and as it was appaiont that ho had begun IIH great act of goiii" to sloop the roteroo decided the lighi in his antagoniHl's tavor. While , in the expressive ! anguii"c of the iiri/o iniK. it is evident that Uyan is Sullivan's "pudding , " il cannot be do med that Paddy is ( inly great in defeat Ho knows whim ho has got enouirh as well as any man in the country , and tlio w ay he takes of showing it in to bo com mended So far as Sulhv an isoncoi nod ho is to lie praised for Ins forheaiaiico in not giving it lo him in the first round. Gcimnn lliiuiH ol Lnlinr. ( Vilfi/r | , Yews Now that the liouiri of labor quo-dion is given Mich prominence in the United Stales politico economic lioid , it will bu of inluiosl to know that- these hour" am In no other countiies. Tim upoiUof the ( Jormin inspector of fuctinics for Ibbl Imvo just beiin issued. Clissif mg the retuins. it is found that most factor ics wotk ton or elnvon honi'n dtiilv , with ill least six lull dajs in thu week. These working Ion bourn lot in a largo nmioiity of thuholn \ , not rock- oiling OMirliimi In ) odinf ! the tinm ib from nli'\nn to fomtceii honrn In lli'.ail.-i oluvcn to twulvii. In cm D nulluul b ikmuis the liouis run up : w high aIvvclvn tu vivinticn. or fiomscvintv tour toki > \ intMUCH hours per wiok1 In fonieghss polishing vvoikb the mi'ii work su da-s in Hie week with Dill ijiteiiniitiiMi , mill only on bundtiys uot a proiior s-li i ji Jn the Ti Idljcig vll- Ingus Ilm iriil in.il.i 11 mil \\irr-iliuvi'i'- . , ; uid In the \ \ ostm natd Ilm poti < r , begin uoik in fiiiinniiT nl fuiii'or ti\o , and in tvinlur a < HIX , eontiniiing till ei lii nt niulit. \\itli \ such liniiii as ni ( ! o u Is matter tor wendi r that tlniuire notevon inoic - > IK i ilists in ( it nuany than thu guv [ iiiiment is already called lo di.nl with. Mr John ( } rc 'jrVationvJlle , < * al , says .St ilnrubs Oil is u .suiu i itro for rlii'Uiiiali.sin. A I'rouil Koriton Mnlbcr. Boston Hecoid. Scrap1 * of coinuisa- Jon biitweun two ladits , inorhearil on a iiiburban train a few mornings ago "So Ueorgo in at Harvaril now1' * ' * ' ( ) h , ,7Cb , this is hi necund ) oar , > ou i , ho has juat onteiud tlio t.vuani'oru " Tis vain to HMH powder ( hat i lotyctlon. but Ufao i'o//.oni's to Improve .ho coiuiilcxiuii. STORIES OF DOCTORS. Queer Ttilnpt About the M Ise Men Who Hold Our I IVCH In 'Iliuli- I niulfl. A woman In Now York , near llfty , has been a cripple for year ? nml lias suflered intensely. She spent tliousan Is and thousands of dollars in oblntnlngtlio best medical adv ice. but to no purpose Lately she consulted n numntobatik , who give her a prescription which oxpulled a tape worm of which the regular practitioners had entertained no suspieeon. Heeontly a well-known rich linancifi- , having siillered for months from more headache , bought relief at the. hands , ono after another , of all the doctors in Bos ton Tlmy told him Jlmt his brain was nllected. that his kidneys weni diseased , that ho dad liver complaint , thai il was tlio Indirecl result of ncurnlgin. etc. , etc. , etc. K-ich and all ineserltied a remcili , ho tiied the various n medico , bul none of them was of any avail. I'malty Im went abroad for II'H health , and being in Vioiinn , coiisnlteil an ninlneiit phvsiciait thert . who told him ho had a polvpus in the nose , ami that it ought to bu icmovcd immediately. The otxirnlion , a simpu. ono , was ] ) erformed , ami the linanciei hud no moro pain in his heitd. After the Kmprc s I igeno had given birtn to the nrince imperial an important operation v\ns neeessarv , nnd all ilm eel obralcd rloelnrM ot Par H and never , il American docto.'s resident theto weio culled In among them li. Johnson , now ite-iil During her treatment it was found to their cotHtei nation thai the blood had Iff I her bruin She was in momeiitniy pet 11 of losing her lifo A solo in u con sult.ition took place Nobody could ad vise except Johnson , who declared ho could mined v the evil He held her up by the heels and the blood Mowed back to her In nin Ho saved her life Not ono of the Paiismiisnjres would huvodi earned of otluringM ) moiHlioiN an indignity lethe the empress of the l-ieneli but Iho indig nity , as they aftei waul acknowledged , was preferable to hnr death A millionnito mimed Pariish had a giave ailment , and seveial leading phjsi- cians woie Mumimmed but none of them jravo him ichef Then lr ) Lewis II S tyre , u'jle , but often iiido in manners ami speech , w.-is called in and iciidcied the desired service His bill was $1,0X1. which P.urish decliiud to liquidalu on the ground that it was exorbitant 1'ho doctor , with an oath deolatcd , which was tine , thalho had sued his patient's life , but I he Iato patient still delimited Then suit was liioiiilil and the full amount iccovered , much of which thn plamtifl had lo part wi'h for lawjci's ices , borne monlli ! ) after llic milllomino had a iceurreneeof thetiouble , amlbavio was again summoned , llowenl , Iml ie fused to do anvlhing until the milleier liadiirawn n check fur $1,000 , which he did nninediately If the man had been poor the doctor would probably have made no charge , but he was resolved thai Paiiish should not bcnelit by his skill without libcinl recompense thuiefor. Tlio Miiciin Gold Allnnn. Fiom a Nat il Letter to the London Tunes South Afile.i is a country of sur mises. Itis baicly twenty jeais since the existence 01 diamonds along the Vanl liver became known , and soon after foi lowed the discoveiy of the Kiniheily mines , which in richness and e.xtcnt have nuilu eclipsed those of India and Hra/il. ' 1 hoield ol piccinus stnnc.s of all kinds and qiialiuo- extracted fiom tlio .lia- moniferons cnrlh since that time is esti mated to hiivo icaehcd four or live tons weight , of thcgiossalno of iMO.OOO.OIK ) . Diamond niininglias become one of our bellied and peimanenl indn&tiies , undi r- gioutjd shafts have HUpplaulcd opin woikinzs , a | iopulition : of about 3(0 ( ) ( ( ) inluibil thn tonnslups at the lour minis around Kimberlv , and thu otdinaij ex- pondituics distiilmted among Ihci com- mnniiy for labor , m iclimuiy and ma- tcrial employed in woiKmg amounts tone no less than & 2UOU ( > < 0 pci annum ; wlnlo li oin .J.uni.u 5 toJnlv last the amount p. lid oul to shaio-holdeis in the dividend- jiaving eompanieb was over L'2riO,000. Novin iinotliei pail of the country , since the beginning ot this year , the ex istoncc ot a icit gold field has been dcmoiiKtiatcd huvoml a doubt , a sciies of iiuiifcroiis q u n iticcfs and lodes having been discoveicil and developed , some ot them vitildmg as rich leturns of tlio prieioiiB metal IIH liavo been found in 11113 part of the world. This am iforous ti.u-t , generally termed the lc Knap gold licliN , is situated on iho easlcin side ot tlio ' 1 tansvaal , where the uplands of the Di.tkciibbuig iiioiin tains slope oil in a succession of lei races mil hrokou lulls and vallcvs to thu lowoi rangu ot Ilm Lobombo , about ono bun- Ircd and twenty inile lioin Delagoa jay. Tno greater p u t of it Is w itlnn the .eiiiloiy of the South African republ'o ' , ml it extends ever the wostoin and lonthern border into the adjoining naive - ive teiriloi'V of Swn/ilaml j'he ( loco- Illo iivor to Ilm north and tlio Ivomati Iver to the south ncaily Diicnelo the trca at prnsoiil altnictmg attention. Huhvay betwucn thorn the K.iap liver , ivith its tribniiuy , the QIILCH'H river , Iowa through the pielmisqne Knap val oy , snrioumled by an oval of hills , home ibruptly lismg to 1,000 or 2,000 cot high. Tiiu fin niation con- > ists chielly ot aigilliceims Hlates mil Fcliisls. stitiilstones ami 'onglomcratc ' , in somci places dlsliti bed ) .y gianitc , and tinvcisi-d by qrnul/ ' reefs mil igneous diKus The reefsaio for llic nosl piri verticil , and inn nlmosl di o Hist and nest , with a sotillierly imlimi mil. There has been mini ) 01 less of al- iivinl gioiind win kul in sonm of llic In ! H .mi leriaces willun the tuea , but Ilil ; eaich for and dtivelopintr of qmulicit ng is iho mdiiRti v on which all on the o iulds am iibsorbingly ongngcd 1-or eui'H piisi gold mining Iris hem nmucd with tint iiniiul piopoition nf HIII < CSK and failiii'1in the distilet ot Levdcn ii < rir iimm-diati-h miilh ol Do lump , in I L was not until issli that attention wns Irnwn to thin lee ililv l > v ilm discnvci v ot , reef on what m know n IIH Pioncir II II 'he gioimd on wmch tin nvf w is M n ted lot mod pint nl n iiiimbei of fninm tlnch we in llic | ) iopi'it\ of Mr d P , loodic , toimeil > HIIIVI-VOI ircimial of the 'raus , an ) , and thcsn wen- bought bn \ jatat eiiiiiaiiy ) | , which was at o o mined with a cm * t.il of Li 10 , ODD ami in otoratc in Manl/lmig. who thnw pen linen nf tin so fiirnix lo prompt do - , iihji-et to In onses and tovalty , n t iini'i ie ollii M lin luitlini diiM < liijimint | Lilly i IhMstviial nliiei gold lic.u ing H > I- ciu toniiil on Muuilii ! H ground uii'1 Iho on adj.ici m gmiiiniiK nt triuund t'ing to Inn inn ih , uid eastward Hi liter ( ilitiiiii.st men led in the Jnins.mu ovei'iimmt piocliiimiig ilu go\iiinmi ill iniir as a pulilm gulillaiit In ln > Icssrs B ir'icr ' Brno ( fiom the Cape ID ! nthen ) discnvei i > ! Iho Unco i' liwi fof , ami gave tlii ir ni.ni' In Ilm timing nMinlnp of Haiheiton , hioh has H-rni | g | i around It \\itlnnlho \ \ pas ) mill t months , dniM ( j Inoh iho utpmt ( it gold fiom So.it , fill i is belli M it lo havii nmountid < o l.'J/tKi thn iinpoitamc of tli"t > e ji'i .1- ladimllv lias bet n lliiiiou iilj an P s-ed niHiii the < iilomal jiiii/he j\a > i it ! irl l in the field liiiin-iimg cap u i work tlio viirioiis iiiop it i - , , the I an. . nlonv and lvnnln-ilii > e-ju-i lall is no-.v iveniigaling an < ! co n > ur.iting in tin r ovi-loiJiiii-iit. 'ind f r.in ml parts of S i'n fiiciimiMi am luiiiiiig ihe'n n\ifl ii i a/nid ng tin ii'chi.ni i s on thoglu ei < > ; os-i'jiJltli'b i/f Ilio li.irln rlun und Mi : cfs il rnun IJD b'lnin in nil-id , hovvo r ml no "p tor imin'silig ng * ' hav I < i > i ) iind in thi" < ounii v i 'i et gold * a- nl and inlclligcnciHi ciuuu- ; , ' und u < iui- ) < ( - , mii'tl tc loittti 'mill ' g I'n > ieie is no dnabt Ih-i itti'i , ! ic i ] M-O rv of tke ilinmoiiit e < ( . - tin toiinu in nit-ling up-ill i in u 1 1 urMt of | u' ' ' in i j.aiulll ) Midi 1 * u il polil ! nil- , . ical luiiiru u m > \ iruutji Vi .