Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    .ttAil.Y IVEE : FJKIDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1886.
j jilt
WLeat Considerably Pirraer , Though Not
Especially Active.
Corn nnil OnlMltliotit Features of
Bitccliil Interest Provisions Show
Inurrnncil Activity- Ad
vances In Ho ; : ? .
CHICAOO I'ltoDUor. MAHiurr.
Uinc.uio , Nov. IS. ISpeclal Tclcsiani to
the BI.K.-\Vlieal ] was consldciiibly firmer
to-day , ll.oimh tliu market was not e pcd illy
active. Itocutpls at nortliwi-stmn points
weie light , but that may have been caused by
llio storms In that quarter. In fact such
BCCIIIS to have been the case. A late dispatch
from IMIIsbury made the jlcld In Mfnnc ota
and Dakota J : .000OCO bushels Instead of
W,000,000 btishejs. The wires vvoiked badly
to-day , at.d coniiininlc.ttlon with the outside
woild was uncertain. New York sent u
good many buying union , and the tone of
seaboard maikrU Is stronsui than Chicago
or any of the tmrioundliig markets. The
lepoilsof clearances afford a necessary ex
planation. They arclarjo enough to denote
tliu existence of n healthy demand for Amer
ican v > heat. The market here vvns nariovv.
Thu attitude of several ot the nilildle-vvelclit
tempers bullisli , and as none ot the stars
of the liisl magnitude were in night they were
enabled to bold pilces level and ivoik a sllmit
advance. The opening was at vcsteiduv's
dosing range , ami ijuotatlonsatl o'clock were
! © ? hlKbcr , orrhjht at the c.ill pilce.
Corn ruled steady and without fuatuins of
apeclal inteiest. The storm was still the un-
deilyliifr featuie , though It could
not be observed traders were
wild with excitement to buy. There a
piuvaillng Indisposition to w-ll rather tlia.i a
desire to Invest , and thn lightness of the
speculative oireilnits rendcied the modest
i-iTorts ol th bull party more liilluentlal.
The voliiinu of tiadliiK wits not laigv , us may
1m entbeiud fioiu tliu above , and the range
of piices was nutiovv. Oats were pxtteinely
quiet , and values iindcivveiit a sllBlit change
almost none. An increased animation was
observable In piovlslons. The market was
linn , and the ti'iidimcy of pilces was In the
nirectlou of a higher range. ' 1 hei specula
tive tnulo was In Januaiy nud l-cbruniy ,
tlioiiRli n few ttades in iMarch and May pork
wu repinled. Analis at the ymds aao
a sumlniaiioinial loneiind lliep.ickcis are
fcellni ; " sensu of malltude , security and
conlldcnce In the tutnro. An advance ol luc
in pork and rx ; In ribs is iceorded as theiesult
of the mmnlUK'S operation.
aMii. : m. In tlieafteinooiiwhealwasllrm ,
though no hlijhur. A tfood export Inquiry
wits tlie main c.utse of stroimlh. toi n was
iUiet | , tlioiucb ste.idy. 1'oik was moderately
iiVlivoatidstioiiB. Heavy wiles by lliitejiln-
Min failed to bu-ak the nnirket.heat
7 : : ; ' e for November. 74 0 for Decomber.
7IJiC for Jnnuaiy. Corn easiei nt .Jie lor
November , 'M c for December , : MJfeJJpjfc ?
forJanunrv. 4laV. lor May. O.Us quiet at
AWc for November , 2ic ( for December.
I'orlc sleadv at SO..Vi lor Mtvember , Si * . . " lor
December , S10.1. " . lor.lanuary. Laid 5WUK
for Xovciubi'r , S5.W t for December , faltort
ribs quiet nt Sn.viJ.'j ' lor January , S.vr. lor
J-'ebniaiy. , ,
SM5 , p. m. 1'ids on necembei wheat ,
ll-'bc ' ; cai'ls , ll/ , ® * ! 1.
CiurAoo , Xov. 18. iSprclal Tolecram to
the HBK.J CA.TIU. Thcie was little or
nnllilue new in this maikot. The inn is
light and will show a laice falllru off as
compared with last week , jet this fact does
not , seem to help mattcis In any way , as tlio
eastern markets aioovet supplied vvlthliome-
giovvn cattle. Tlio IJiltMi markets continue
dull with Ameilcaii ictnu'erator beef selling
ntf an ! best Amoiican live cattle at 110
lljtfc. Tlicro is boarei'ly a market in this
country w hero Chicago dressed beef can bo
hhlpped and piy out. In our market to-day
the demand was , perhaps , a shade 111010
nctivo than yestciday. > et Hade was slow ,
but piieos were higher. Shipping steers ,
HIM ) to ir.oo Ihs , SWOfttS.OO ; 11200 to iu,0 : , Ibs ,
? : ; to woo ibs , S3.oj@i.rx ) : stock-
eisaml feedei.s. Sl.OOM'I.W ) ; cows , bulls and
mixed , Sl.'AXgiW ) ! Imlk , $ J.OOf < f'J.iO. ! Tlnoiiuli
Texas cuttle steady , cows , S1.00@S.25 : steers ,
$ ' . ' .40 ( < ia.80. Western i angers nominal.
lloos All the speculators and most of the
shipper * , together with u lariro number of
packets , were on the market with tlio deter
mination to buy everything that vvcais hair ,
hence , under this active competition , piic-'s
iidvanccd with cxtrnoroliiury leaps and
bounds , closing strong and 15c higher on
common nml ' 'dc higher on anythlmrtliat was
good 01 assorted. Uglit. either Yorkers or
good mixed , heemed In stronu doimind * ami
went olT like hot c.iUes. Koiiuh and common
may bo nuotcd at 5 : .CO < < 4i.73 : ; lair to good
mixed , S400 ( ei.0" > ; the host mixed. 81.10 ®
l.irr tnncy heavy , S1.l5'rf.SO ; light sorts.
Si.O'eft.lO : ; Yoikeis , Si.osQJ.lo.
York. Nov. IS. MOVBT On call
nidetlat JtiJO per cent , closing at ff ? ) percent.
PllIMK MlCllCANTILB t'AI'Klt 4@5 | er
I'xcriKOKQuiet and steady ;
siciiMl rates tor ilxty day bills ; Sl.fcO
lor deninnu.
( iov'KitNMf.VTS liovcriimcnt bonds weio
dull lint rtictiily.
S rot Kb The volume of business In stock-s
was hcilotisly alleoted by the Intelruplion of
telegraph commnnlo.Ulun , especially with
Ulilenuo. Tlio openliiK was active butteii-
erallj at a decline of V to'i per cent , 'liiero
were somn fin Iher riljilt losses In eai [ y deal-
Inns , but the m.irket . soon milled and became
htionjr. It then ( inleted down , but lemained
linn with slight le.icllous until the
V eent bonds. . . 100V 0. itN. W 120
fi.b.-iX'n iio < priifcned. . . HHf
N wV ? . WTUN'.Y.O. . li : %
I'nelllcn'Hof "J5 VtV ( Oieiron Tian. . . . 37
Oeiitral 1'auitlc. . - I'acllie Mall
O. A A H'J 1)s 15. . . .
° ' " ' ' " ICO P. O.
C. Hi. Aii' . . . . . KKi Koek Island. . . . . lUO !
1) . 1 , . .t\y Hl t. L. , v.-b. K. . . n.w
1) . A It U. jireferred. 71W
JCilu. . . : 9tfO..Sl.iVSt.l' ; . . .
prefi'riei1. . . 1 Hnrefeiied. \ . . . VMV
Illinois Central. me * . 11 J . IVI i \ . . . . . . .
I..H.AW. . 17' ' * preferred. . .
a7'i , Texas l'.iclllc. . .
Lake Shore U'HiDnion r.iollio. . .
L. i\rN fi-J'HW.St. , L. & I' . .
Mich. Crulial. . .
Jto. Pad no 11(1 ( lU Union.
Noithein Pac. . . ! i ! 4 0. . II.
pieferrtd. . .
Cliiuauo. Xov. IS , Flour Steady and
micliamrcil : winter vvlieat Hour ,
lo\v ; r.HU'S,5 l.T-WiWSj r.vo Hour , miiet at
Vi.5iia.r)0 : ( In bariels. and sy.ooga.iiO In
, ,
Wheat Tiadliin slow and no now features
developed ; opened at about yoMontnjV close ,
I'loslnt : aboui 'to liotlcreash. ; ? S'4e ' ; Decem
ber , 7 Mto ; Jaimnry , 7 ll-10c ; ilay ,
Corn Advanced WfiiVf. becaiuo vveakor
nnd closed nt about jeiti'idaj'h prices cash ,
SAKc : December , ) 'sc ; Januaiy , w ! > fe ; May ,
41 T.K.C.
Uatii Dull. Prltfl nvernBliii ; Might ! v easier ;
easli. 25 fc ; IHwmber.SoQc ; Hay , yo ; o tor
Kye KV ,
jnry ! ! fr''l'e.
na\ . i'edft5yc. .
Timothy seed 1'nuie , 6J.C7.
1'oikSteadier ; advanced IDfflSc on the
vvholo raime , vvhlch was moderately well nip-
polled ; rabh and December , SU.M ; Jnnuury ,
SU'.OX '
hard Trading lUht but prlros lit in and
X ° hiirhei ; cabhaiidDecembei , 5.U2XJau- ;
" '
' '
'I'lu'lk Mc-ats-Slioulders. SMO.ii.VSO ; shoit |
clear. S'j.t.VivVH ) ; blunt libs. 55.4i' ' < .
liutter Stead > ; cieamery , 17@3'c ; dairy ,
Chwie Firm ; full eream clieddan ? and
flaU. ll Oilio ; young Americas , Ui@l'-"ic ;
skhns. tic.
green salted , 8 'c ; llpht ,
* - ; ? < ' < iv ; uiul hklc * , C' c ; drv Called , imti-v ,
dry flint , l.MHc ; calf skins , SKglO'fo ; dea
cons. BOo each.
Tallow No. I country , 3 < { c ; No , 2
Ker-clutA Shipments.'a ' iw.ow "
\Vbcal.bu M.fXW ifi.oco
Corn. DU 12U03 W.030
OnKDU 10H.OU ) i'--OOOO
Kye , hit 4.01 , OJO
JjRtlVy.Dtl 01,0-JO 40,000
New York. Nov. ! . Wheat Uerelpt ,
40,000 ; export , sri.ouO ; eash firm ; options
ottcnvd rum nml itdvnnced M'tV. l.uer lined
\itjlliu mill IIIDI mumiuv * ,4V * - * - -
easier nnd settled back JjM'/tc. ' cio.slnp
steady : ungraded led , HKdSiXfe ; No. n red ,
P2J4r ; ; No. 1 led , SSo ; No. Sicd , ( M'vC'fM"
In elevator , MQ'-.Oc . afloat , or rail delivered ;
December closing nt Me. . ,
Corn Cash , llrm butnulet ; options V"
imaiii'ic inoai ; uccemoer CIOSIDK mi > > u.
( Tats-Julct ( ; rccolpK 01,000 ; eMioits , noiiev
mixed western , S-'Xii c ; white western , : i-i
Petroleum Steady ; united closed at 74t.'o.
Ku'irs Firm nnd In lair deiuiuid ; westeiu ,
" Polk SI cad v and quiet.
Laifl-Hhrher and moie ncllvo ; western
steam spot. WJl ; December , WWlMCft' .
Uuttor Quiet and tirm ; westein , l''o > e.
Cheese-Quiet and llrm ; western Hat , 1155
12'fc. '
nillwni'tlcoc. Nov. IS. Wheat-Strong ;
cash , 71c ; December , 7ljjc ; ; January , V c.
Corn Dull ! No. 2 , Wfe.
( Kits Steadj ; No. 'J , .
Ityelllulioi ; No.fl , f'-0 | ,
' " '
Provisions Higher ; Jioil" , November nnd
December S'J.5" .
Olnctnnntl. Nov. IS. Wheat Klrmci ;
' ( Jorn Klim'lnnd blgher ; No. 3 mixed , WjC.
Oats-riim ; No. a mixed. ' ! < .
Uyo-Kirtii and hlghui ; N . - ' . > S3.
Whisky-Firm at 51.10.
Minneapolis. Nov. 18. Wheat-Dull ;
No. 1 haul , cash. "Use ; December , 71 { c Jan
uary. 7J' c ; May , 7 ! ; No. 1 northern , caMi
ami December , 7Uc ; January , Tic ; May , iOc :
No. 2 1101 them , cash , and December , < > Xi ; Jan-
- ' . , > : < l.25 ; bakeis , Sii-lS
jSccelpts Wheat , W. WO bii.
-Wheat , S'J.ooobu. . ; Hour , SJ.o .
St. Ioul , Nov. IS. - Whpat - Abmit
SV' ' c ; DeiTinber , IM1 , . . ,
Kvc Sti one at 57c.
WlilskT-KiimntSl W.
Pork Kh in at SO Hr G
Laid-Kasy at 5 > .bOW > .s. > .
Ditltef Firm and nhly active ; eieamoiy ,
SBrtlU'c ; daily , Ma.t3.1c.
Afteiuoon Jio.ini-\Vhcat \ Mrm at , e
higher. Com-Shade eusler. Oats Un-
ICnnsuri City , Nov. IS. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red. cash , ( W' ' e bid : December , OUbc
bidMtiv ; , 70c bid. , , , , ,
Corn StriidyNo. : 2. c.Hh , : :0c : bid ; Jauu-
aiy , r o ; < - bid ; May , li-V c bid.
Oats No quotations.
Ijlvcrpoul , Nov. 18. Wheat Finn with
fair demand , and holders oiler sparlimi.v ;
California No. 1. 7j , 7s Id jier cental ; red
vvcstein . , spiing , OsM ( Gslid ; westein winter ,
RQ Ifl.l " ? * .
, ,
Corn-Finn with fair demand ; new mixed
westein , 4s4' ' jd percental.
Now Orloiiim , Nov. 18 Corn Flimer ;
mixed , -I7 ( > ! ! e ; > elow ! , l8(3H'Jc ( ; white Mdf
50c.O.xts Kirm at SCc.
llo < l'i outlets 1'lraier , but not gencially
' '
K'ik-Scaree and lirm at S10.U1@10.37K.
JJulK .Meats Shoulders. * .i.l'2J ; long
cleai and clear ribs , SO 12' Ci'JO. ! ( ! Kaslcr at $2.03.
Cliicngo , Nov. IS. Tlio Drover's Journal
renoi Is as follows :
Cattle lieceipts , 5,000 : intnkct moie active
and lOe lilgher : ono ear of Ibro-lb steers
sold at S.VJ.T siilpplnK .stceis. & .JOOC"uOO ;
stockcrs and leeders. Sl.oofcW.oO ; rims , bulls
ami mixed , Sl.2r < 32.bO ; bulk. S2.00vj4i.20 ;
tin ougli Texas steers , < 5'J. tOSi.X : : ) .
Hois Ucci'lpts1",000 ) ; market opened 10 ,
20c higher , closing with .r'10c lot ; louiih
and mixed , s : > . < > 0 < $ I.OV packing and sliiii-
pimr , S.bO@l.'iO : ; light , S3.GOiCI.10 ; skips ,
Sheop-Kecelpts , 2,000 ; market steady ; na-
tlvos. S'J.00 - 1.00cbtern ; , SD.OOCi : ! . . " ) ; le.xans
S1.'JO@'J.OO ; lambs , fel.OJC ! < i 1.50.
St. Louis , Nov. 1" . Cattle Uccolpts ,
1.1CK ) ; shipments.100 ; Him ; choice nalivo
steeis , S4.oc : : < N 75 ; fair to good fchlppini
steers. S'l.BSTiM.lO ; tair to good feeders , S2.50U ( !
9.15 ; ( , lockuis. tair to coed , S2.COW-.75.
Hoes HocelpK 7.000 ; bhlpmonis , 2,00f ) . llgmes tanging trom 5e
to IOc higher than 3 esterday's elo-e. Receipts
still continuelar below tlio vvr-uts of local
packers. CJioIco heavy and butchers' selec
tions. SJ.OOOJ.15 ; packing , fair to best , VU0 |
( ( (4.10 ; Yoikeis , medium to extin , ! l.bO@4.00 ;
pigs , common to choice , Sr2.S9fii3.70.
Thursday Evening , Nov. 13.
CATTLE. Theiovveie no fiesh receipts and
thciewasno market. The on tire force ol
the yaids was employed in icmoving the
snow from the pens ana allevswhcio It had
dnfted. , . .
lloos. Tlicro were a few loads In which
sold icadlly nt ptices about btn.idy with J lies-
day's maiket. Ono cholea brought 5 > o..i >
but tliat could hardly bo taken as a guide lei
the market.
bheep-Nothlns doing on the market.
ShowlnsrtliuprDvallln pricm paid for live
stock on tills niiiiket.
Cliolco steers , 1S10 to inoo Ihs S
Cliolco hteurs , lioo to 1:10J : Ibs JU.Xs .W
Medium bteeis , 1S50 to ino : Ibs. . . >
( Jood feeders , ii.V ( > ( < S. < > 0
( ! oed to choice corn-ted cows i..W.i/3.00 (
Hangecovvs 'i'J.iy..riO
Fair to medium sr.ts.scowti 2.Wa ) ! . ' .
( Jood to cltoico nulls l.TKai.OO
LiL-lit nnd medium nogs ; ! '
Coed tocholeu luuvv : i.tJ.Xf. .7S
( iood toehold ) mixed nous ; i.70 ( < i..l.NO
Kougli tlnow outs .V'1'15'- ! .
( ( lood to rlioii-o sheep 2.7.V < &Vi1i
Fair to good bhecp a.1. > Q2.W )
No. Av. Silk. Pr. No. Av. Silk. Pi.
50..W18 I'M SH.70 01..2VO 200 S3 M )
ri'l..250 210 ! ! .h ! ) M.IM : 2W S.SII
117. . ' . " . 'O ' 2bU H.W ) 57. .Si ! ) 210 ! i.K )
ll ! 2 'i < 5 2IU 3.N ) fla./JS'i 10'J I1.SU
( I1..2.V1 ICO 3.SO 5I..U1 ! ! 41) ) ! J. H
tO . ! ! S 120 ! ! .W ) 01 .2VJ bl > 38.1
120. .31'J COO 3.bO 57 . 'iUJ 11.03
n ul'l'riccs.
Showlim the highest and lowest
paid for lovls ot hogs on this market dining
llio p.v-t seven dais and for tlio s.imo tune :
Oct. ISi-J. Nov.
12tli$1 | 75 CV1 SO fMIJ O-ltO
Mill ! a 7u 4U a j
Htn 4.2.1 G.I.K SuiiUny
l..tii < r
lOth ! I
> -t
All sites of stock in thU miirket are made
percwt. live weight nli"is otherwlfo slated.
Dead ho s sell at Ko per Ib. tor all url hts.
"Skins , " or hon's wulzhlng loss than 100 Ibs.
no value. Piegnant ovvsaio docked 0 Ibs.
and btacaSU Ibs , b > thepublii ! iuspeutor.
Mgbt hogs wanted.
Only a few hogs in and all sold.
On tin ) maikelvltti IIOKS ; 1 1C. Hen ley ,
II. O. Hull and Itoden A / . , Council 13lulls ;
1) . P. Callowsy , Allautlc la.
J. H. Reynolds , Atlantic , la. , tvns
hcie vvltli two loads of hog * that h.ul ,
been torlv-elght bom a on the ruad on account
ot the aiiovr blockade. , | ,
Gqnoral I'rocluce.
Thursday , NOT. 18.
77iollou'ii7 / { prlf-M are jor rouiui low o/
pro < l ( < ce , as sold on the tntitktt to laji. Ttie
yuotiifloiu ou/ruUj represent ine rlco ol
W'/tdi ( outiUteorder * are filled.
' Koos Tlie cutting off ol lecclpts has Sttrn-
nlaled the maiket to some patent and
arc < elllntr all the vva > fromS.Vt2Jc.
UrTTF.n The receipts continue livid , while
the dcmnntl Is good and the market tirm.
Values remain about the same. Fie-Ji
crcamenr , 2tVn ; cc ; fresh dalij , choice , Mo !
eliolco country. 2JC43 < o ; poou country , 20 $
220 ; lair , ; common , C$12. lull cteam flats 2 In box. l3o ! ;
Young Americas , 4 In bov , ISXes faney
hvvlpsl.1c ; Swiss , choice , He : brick , 12fQIBc ; ;
1/niuiirff , I2e.
Pori.Tiiv'The demand for live poultry Is
very light and It Is lnvv sale. There Is n
veiy fair demand tor dre ed l > oultry.
Dres ed poultiy , chickens , elmlce ,
per Ib , S'aOc ; fair to good. OfSfct * ;
turkeys choice , Il tl2c ; fair to good , U ] 0' ;
duck ! " , choice , lie ; geese , choice , lie. Iilvo ,
old chickens , choice , per do/ . , 52.00(52.2.1 ;
xoungehickens , choice. 32.WK tJ 2,1 ; ducks ,
fc 2.50(42.7.1 ( ; geese , 50.00it8.00 ; tuikeyj , $7.00
( ? 00.
( ! AVIU The cold weather has stim
ulated the market nnd m Ices me good.
Piairie chickens. eholee , per do ? ,
5n.'ovrfn.7.i ; tiuail , Sl..i ( ( > ' .ou : snipe , plover ,
etc. , SLO c 1.2.1 : tlui'ns , mallard , PI 7.1 ;
ducks teal , Sl.2.1 ; ducks , mixed , SI.OO ; geese ,
5B.OO'rtV)0 ; deorsaddlesperlb , I1rU2 ( < > ; deer ,
carcasses Suite ; antelope , Diddle * , ll@12c ;
niitelopc , carcasses , 7it3e ; elk , saddles. 104 $
lie ; elk. calcines iVJ7e : jack tabblts , per
tin/ , § : j..10 ( < t.00 : small rabbits per doSI.OO
ONION'S Tlio market is well supplied but
( hero Is a gicnt deal of poor stock In which Is
slow sale. Choicer vcllovv onions sell well.
Onions , choice bulk..n r bit , wyouc : choice ,
fioin stor. ' , lHj(351.005 ) ( choice , liom stole. per
Hbl ) , S'l 75Mu,00 ; choice yellow , pei bush , Wci5 )
POTAroi.s Stocks are moving falilv well
nnd then1 Nn good many eoniini ; in. The
Thesloi in and colder weather may tend to
hurry up tlin'o dealois who have not put In
theli lull winter stocks. Potatoes , cliolco ,
per bit , WlTMIe ; peed , V 47i' .
Swi.Br I'mAIOIS : There has been veiy
few In the past week and the domain ! Is cood.
Choice home-grown , per Ib , oc ; choice ,
Jersey ) , pei bbl , S4.W.
AITM : * Tlie supply in the market is lib
er eral ami the demand very cood. . A gient
in > apples have spoiled dining tlie past
lew weeks and that together with the fact
Hint .stocks aio not ns laigo us M t
year has led dealers to antlehvto a strong
iimiKotln the near fiituie. ChoicoMlssouii
stock- , Sj.OiJ32.riO : stock , 5-2..10 ;
fancy Michigan , 33.0J ; in IDtf-M bbl , lots ,
$2 7' ) .
CKI.HKY Thn glut is over and the icceipts
aio very llslif Tlio market is higher. Choice
block JiKft.lOc.
Oysi MIS The demand Is good and pi ires
aio veiy low. Countiy dealers wlio antici
pate ordcilng would do well to send in their '
nniets several days In advance ol Ihulimo
they are wanted. Mediums , 2,1c ; standards
: K ) : selects , lc : N. Y. counts. : N.- .
Mussina , per box S7.00 ; Afahiga.
OiUNor's Florida choice , per boxS.1.0J ;
.lamalcas , choice , jier bbl , fe'.CO ' ;
eholeo , per bo < c. fcl.50.
CitAi-ns-Miilaga. per bbl. 8(5.00 ( ; Malaga ,
fi-10 bbl lots , per bbl , S.1..M ) ; Cntnwba , U Ib
baskets , . 75c.
PitttvisioNs Ilnm , sugni-cnied , ll' f' ?
ll' ' e ; bieakfast b.icon , biiuai-euieil ,
boneless 10e ; shoiildeis. sinjai-ctiiPil ,
fii.rc ; side liacon , i-c ; dry Milted sides
7 > ' , e : dried beef , hatns , He ; dned beet , lea-
nlnr , 1'Jc ; mess pork , per hbl. SUI..10 ; laid. 40
Ib cans Fiilib. nks 7'4c ; 10 , .1 and : Mb
pails , Fairbanks , 7'4ti'Se.
UiAs-lnteiinr : slock PO.75.31.00 ; good
cle.xn couutl.v , Sl.OLVo ) 1.2.1 ; medium , bund
picked , SL.IOiol.CO ; hand picked navy , 51.00
! iOil.t ) (
Fi.ot'ii AMI MII.I.SITFFS U Inter wheat
( lour , best quallU patent , t'J.75 ; second
itv. S2.40 ; best quality .sming wheat
flour , patent. SAGObran.ROcpercwtchopped ; ;
feed , 70c prr cvvt ; white corn meal , ' .to- ;
jellow coin meal. bOc per ewt : soieonUig , CiOc
jiercwt ; hominy , 2.0u nor cvvt ; shorts. Wo
percwt ; craliam , & 1.CO ; hay , In bales , 55. AI * |
0.00 nor ton.
General Markets.
WOOL Medium IT'i-iOc per Ib ; line heavy ,
llwjlOc ; light. lt@l ; c ; , HC l&o ; burry
vvool.2C ( 5ootl.
liiiis : ( ! reon butcher ? , tJ'ffe ; gceen cuiod ,
B CiSKc ; drv tllnl , ll We ; diy halt. WSlOo ;
Kieen call skins , ' .Kwy'-ri1 ' ; damaged hiiles ,
Ivvo-tliiids piice. 'Jallow ilj c. ( ireaso
PiiincwaUe , 3 < v yellow , 2c ; blown , lsf
bhceu Pelts. Si&'ibe.
LnATiinu-Pninu .slaughter solo lontiicr ,
SJc : prime oak Mtlo leather , iWQ.isc. Uppei
leather pei foot , ; hem. Kip. 2a& vc ' > ,
oak kip. b.5 yic : Trench kip , Sl.OOC < t.-0 ;
hem , calf , S1.00(1.10 ( : o.ik calf. ( $1.00 $ 1.25 ;
Ftt'iicli call , S1.2)@l.h'J ; Moiocco , liool ieg ,
hOwiWc : Morocco oil pebble.tiMi'ttc ; tojipings
ntnl linings , OOiaoOo. , . . , .
UIA.VY llAiiw.Mir : iron , rate > 2..jO ;
plow steel special cast , Ac ; crucible steel , Oc ;
cast tools do. 12fcjP c ; wagon spokes per set ,
Sl.75wy.03 ; hubs , per bet , st.2.1 ; icllocb ,
bavved dry , Sl.W ) ; tongues , each , 7.1c ; axels
each. 7.1c : snitaie nuts , per Ib. l-71c ; coil
chain , peril ) . 0J12e ; malleable , ( j c ; iron
\\edges , Cc ; crowbars Oc ; haiiovv teeth , 4e ;
spilnir stcui , 7 ( < Se ; Uuiden's hoise shoes ,
W.W ; nnlen'3 mule shoes , $1.40. Hiibed
wire , in car lols , S4.00 per 100 , Ibs
Nails , rates , 10 lo .10 , S2..10 ; steel nails , s2.G3.
Sliot , Sl.ui ; buckshot , 51.81 ; oilentnl powder ,
kegs 5:2 50 ; do. half kegs 52 00 ; do. quarter
kegs , $1.60 : blasting kegs , ? 2.1 : ! ; fuse , per 10
feet. Cic. Lend bar , Clrt
VAitvisiinslianels , per gallon : furni
ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture. No. 1. SI.OO ;
coach o.\tia , SI. JO ; coach , N'o. l , S1.20 : Ja
mar , cxtr.i , 51.7.1 ; Japan , 70y ; nsnlmltinn ,
extra 85c ; shellac , 53.50 ; haul oil liuisli
SI 50.
biMiins ColosnosnIrIK IKS proof , 81.17
do 101 pioof. S1.1S ; spirib , second quality
101 proof , SI.17 : do 1 ] ) roof. 81.10. Alcohol
18S pioof , per wine gallon. KcdlstllU'i
whiskies , 51.00rfl.SO. ( Jin , blended , t
2.00 ; Kentuekv bourbons S2.00ylOOO ;
tucky and Peiiiisylv.uila i.ves , 5iOO > < i
( luhlen Sheaf boinbon und no will'
Pl.flOrtaoo. Itr.uidtes , imported , SI.OO'
domestic , Sl.JiOijrD.oo , ( iins , Imnoitcd ,
( irt.OO ; domestic , § 1.2.Vu00. Chainpatiui.- ?
imported , per ea-e , SJS.OJiii.w.OO ; Ameiicaii
per case , 810.00.u ( > ic..rx ) .
I'AIMS IN On , Wlille lead. Omaha.P. P.
7kc ; white lead , St. houi.s , pine. Sr.7.1 ; Mar
heilles green , 1 to r. Ib fans , 2f ; 1 rench zinc
urron ( , eil , 12e ; Fninchinc. . red SIM I. lie
' lu varnish asst , 20c ; Ireuol
U'lntnr'a W : Lfblsh IHOVVII ,
c.DKV PAINTS White lend , So ; riench sine ,
12o ; Paris \MiItlinr. 'i'ic ' ; whitlns , t-'llders
UJ/e ; whiting , eom'l , ! ' < ; Ininpbhtek , < > er-
miinstovvn. 12c ; himpbiacl ; , oidlnaiy. > x ;
Prussian biue.Mcultraiiiaiitie , ; , le l ; vandyk-
Ji'u : vciMnilluii , uiiuiiau , in on , i v- ,
iavv and bmnt unibor. 1 Ib cam , lie ; jaw nnd
burntBltmiia , 12c ; vaiidyko biowu , Vie : rc-
liui'il l.unpbl.ick , ISc ; coach blade and Ivoiy
black. IOc ; drop black , itic ; 1'iiifudiiii biiu1 ,
-KK1 ; iiltr.uuarliKi black. ISc ; olironio Kicon.h. ,
M. .t I ) . , ! < ! < ; blind and shnttoi Bieen , I. . . .M.
& I ) . , Irta : Tans crecn , 1S . ; led , ISc- ;
Vi'iiftlaii n-d , fti ; Tuscan. ' . " .V ; American
venulllloii. li , & 1) . , 'Me : yellow ocliie , 2e ; li.
M. & O. I ) . , Ibo ; Rood ocliu > , Ific ; patent
drvcr , So ; u'lalulni ; culor. llulil u.Uc , ,
walnut , chestnut ami nsb , 1'Jc. , ,
Uuuos ) I'iiKMirvi.1 * . Acid , carbolic ,
! c ; acid , tartaiie , Wo ; bals.uu rupalb.i , per
Ib , 4:5clnik : : sa satrai. per Ib , Ida ; calomel ,
No. 2 , purgal. . 81.40 ; oil olive , nergal. , . . . .
oil orlu'.iniHHii , 50c ; opium , S.i.20 ; iiulnino ,
P , & W , and K. .tS , , per oz , 70e ; polasslum
Iodide , pc-r Il > , $ 'J.S > 5 ; sallcln. nero40c ; sul-
tiliate morphine , per 07. , SJ.i : ) ; sulphur , per
It ) , 4e ; btr.vclmine , perez , 51.2.1 ,
Orocer ' Jjl t.
PKM.KS Medium. In bbls , & 0..10 ; do , in
half bblc. , S3.75 ; small , in bbls S7..VJ ; do , in
lult bblb. Sl.2.1 ; gheikins , In bbls , S8.50 ; do ,
lii half ! > ! > ! . 81.7.1.
. . . . . . „ kegs , Sl.CO ; New
Orle.uiH , i > er cnllon ! > sOivK > c ; iiianlu syrup ,
halt bbls "old time. " per gallon , 72c ; 1 gal
lon cans , Dt-r do10.00 ; Imif gallon cans ,
pel dor , 5.00 ; ( jtiaitcans ,
STAIICII Mirror glass. 1 Ib , 5 c ; mirror
Rio * ? , a lh , fiWc ; minor ilos ; < * , Olb ,
flraves' corn , 1 U ) , 6fc ; Kinssford's com , 1 Ib ,
7c ; Kiiustoid'd floss , 1 | b. 7c ; Klnu'sford's
1:1055,6 Ib. 7Kc. Klngsfoid's puie , U Ib , 7 c ;
TOIIACCIV Plug , climax , 4lc ; horseshoe ,
37c ; star. S9o ; spearhead , ! Xic ; plperheldslck ,
OOc : gold shield , Sic ; merry war , 2ce ! : J , T.
j Sic ,
Ton\rro SmokInsr , Durbam , Is , 51o ; . . . .
5lc ; , s. 57i'iis , COc ; nieersclium , 30c ; old
stvle , 2201 V. N. O. , ISc ; splilt curea , 45c.
MATCJIIKS Per caddie , 2-Sc ; square cases ,
OANDY Mixed , Kftll' o ; stick. .
( iaineau's soda , butter and
picnic , flKc ; caaiii8SKo ; BlUBerbiians,8)ic ) ;
uicity soda ,
! Ktrk < savon Imperial , S2.70 ;
ilrk's satinet. PaOO ; Kirk's standard , S'l.05 ;
Kirk's vvhitcHusslan. S4.00 ; KlrK's vvhlte-
ap. SI.M ) { dome , SIM ; washboard , S3.10 ;
\ bite cloud. Sa7. .
Jtnri-5 : Inch. WeJ Vli 'i ' , lO o ; islnch ,
'slC. '
'slC.DHIKD Fiu IT No. 1 quarter apples , 3V < ?
e ; In evaporated bo\e , " ' " 'ir ' ; blaek-
ienle . boxes. ti (3l'V'5 ( ' ueaclie. , Salt Lake.
S O 'jC'l' ' ' c ; peachr ? , evaporated , 15' , ,
7e ; raspberries , new ItiH'caiJOe ; currents
i WC c ; prunes , new , WfU'je ' ,
.SroAii Powdered. TyjT c ; cut lo.if
f > 'tft7e ( ; cranulatrd , C' o ; confectioners' A
r.hciflc ; stnndnrd cxtia C , fAni/iV ; extra
C , iVjM ( > 4e : medium follow , 4'C.
CA\XIU : ( teens Oysters standard , per
M.GOj peaches , per CR B. WJ5 ; vvhlto ehcr-
les , per case , Si1.W ) ; p um . per , Sa.q'i ,
blueberries porw\ , Sl.s'i ; we plums. S Ib
if r case , ? ) .f)0i plneapiilns. 3 Ib , per cnso
: l.20Q' > .7. ' . ; 1 lit markciol. wr doz , S1.TO ;
Ibsalruon , perdu ; , Sl..Viai.CO ( ; a Ib coose ,
) uirle , per case , S1.7. " > ; a Ib strlni ; beans , per
ase , 51 70i'J Ibiluiabeans , pir cn o , Sl.iio ;
II ) marrowfat peas per ease. S'--lO ; U Ib
'arly June peas per case , i'J.75 ; ! ) Ib tomatoes -
toes SJ.KXJi'i.S.V
roiTUi'i Ordinary trades. lQ'ae fair ,
18'M3Jjc ' ; prime , WjflSUe : choice , U > ( jlOe ;
fancy giceii and vellow. 1.1 ( < UOc ; old cov-
ernmctil Javn , CWV * ; Interior .lava , loa , <
20o ; Mocha , 22 ( . < fJ4c : At buckle's roasted
17Kc ; Mel.nuirhlln's XXXX roa ; cd , 17V !
Dilvvoith's , 17'fe : lied Cioss , U' ' e.
Urr L/utuuor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , H and 10 ft S17.W )
No.a " 12,14 andIrt ft 14.7 : .
No.3 " " 12,14 and 16 It 1 .50
No. 4 " _ " 12.14 and 10 ft 12.00
' ' "iTlMrSsloN" AND TlVI ilHIS.
' 12 rt'u ' ri'is ' n'o ' rtlsa tt's4 ' rt
_ _ _ _ _ . _ .
] | ,
| > 03
> ; XI ) ! O.rtVIU | OUt JII.U'J ' i7.ooiaoJ.w. | . _ ' . ( < io
i\ 10.Wll > ' > .1)110.rH ) ) 17.00 18 ( ' . ' 1.0(1 ( 1.1
Jim infrt I0riiii.ri0i7b ) ) | isoo"J.oii''j.i
2l2 | . . | II.5i ! 1B.MI lli.W iV'lSi.OO ) ' J. ( > l' > -.PQ
Hill' ' 'lU-ilO ' lfi.50 | HI .10 It.OJllS.O I 'M ( M . ' ( I Oil
No. 1 , 4 A0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft , , rough. . .SVT.Oi
No. 2 , 4 \ . Cinch , 12 anil 11 ft. , lough. . . 14.0J
rriux-o AND i'Aiiirio.v.
1st com. , Jthi White ' ; - . . . . ] .
2d Com.V In. Noiwny Pine Ceiling' ' . ! ! KOU
A fiineh , white pine , 20 C S29.00
U Cinch. " -MD 21.r.0 .
A 12 Inch. s. IB.Ii5 C S-V..OO
'U 12 inch " " 42 D 2.r : ! > o
No. 1 , com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. 10. Ib.V , 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 15 , " . . . lb.f.0
No. 2 " " " 12 * 14 ft 17.00
' " " Kilt I0.0n
No. l , plrJn.Sand lo Inch. 517.50
No. 2 , plaiu.S and 10 Inch 15.M
siii.s'oi.KS i.vrn.
XX clear. paiO ; A standard , Si30 ; No. 1 ,
v PosiiVhUe Cedar. C In. , JjS , 12c ; S in.
> . , OWo.
ruoi'JHK'rnit op
Philadelphia Market
Cor. SaundcrB and Clarke Streets.
Kpcpsouly llrM eji s tnrit" . lie killsnn , v Floor *
iiiul liclfi'is You can find tliftu nil Iflndiol
1'oultrj , ( iiunc , ri h inul n JUKI'S just us chuiip
us iitiv ] iacln ! r litiii'o In the cltv.
COJC. SAL.NUl'Jth AM > Ul.AKICi : h'I's.
Keep on liiiiul u lull supplj ot
GIvotliQtn a tiinl. Hcincinljcr the plnco.
All Kinds of bodaing plnnts lor salo.
Not lh of L. II VVilliiinis' lusldunca.
fss asa TOTEK , SOPRANO ,
Teacher of Vce Culture anil Singing in
fill Its Branches.
Spcclnl ntteirlon nivrn .n In-cntlilni ; nml
loKltluiatu rorinatloii ol tones. Voices tried
wltl'out chnrtfo.
V111 inUo ciisncumcnts to t-\\\K \ \ \ In church niul
conceits. , , ,
Cull or nclilrpps , comer .Inc-ib nml Johnson
hlrcelf , iifiir St. Jliuy's Avviiue Coniri'A"illoiial
orncc AND u
Hooin 1" , Arlington Hlock.
(1st ( llnildius : VVoet of 1' . O. )
Telephone No SSf
ornci : nouns-
tto P , uiulllU : : ) to 12 iu m ,
2lo4 , ona 7 to 6 p. in ,
SunOajB , 1. to 1 p. in.
Ladies to Work for Us nt Their Ov.'n
$7 to $10 Per Week Can Ba Qntitly Mido
.Siiplinlo ( in nting no inv.itiIntor Cull utictr.
. . . .
11) ) Ml" ,
Gomplels Dankiiig Fixtures and
Bosijiess ,
Also bouse niul lot ; rn ) ffooil railrnnd
nit'o town hi CVntraf Nebraska. Wil
sell tot'Pllicr or sijparato ; or will ox
duuitfo for Omaha ptopcrty.
For iinrticitlarscnUon or address
S. D. PIKE ,
60S South 9th St.
vvnniiALi : ! DK.VLKIIS IN
BaMHay.Strav/andFeetl . /
Oiuulia oiico | COi\S.l'ihi-t.'rtlciillOnoi'7 ' ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Html Ooiil Burner * hnvp the licft record In
( iirnlin. KloBimt in nppcnrnnro Tnblo nml
p ckut cutlurynnei'liaiili's tools.slov ps.n lls.t'tt
1'Al I.SKN & MIU.r.H ,
IJU1 North PHIistieel.
O ltiirti > llicDUR . < a HAHIKItl ot Ilir ilolh lnMi.ll
otii iiutcnts t. Tpr rxclu lv lJ ) will flt i > . | f < > rth fliht
tlnioivoin Iliqiillriino LrrnUtiz in BU\KV lll.1lr.VLU
tr icl'i ' rallri l. liip w.ini t n < la } < If lint futmtl Oioiiiot
pr.iri : < "i % KITTIXI. iiiiAi/i'iiriu.
niul Comfnrliittle Corset t'Torworn. hold lj ) all
alt'if. '
UKUTTY 11UUM. , Ublcnen , 1" .
NorthMcst corner I'aruaiu iiuJ 1 Jth StrcetR
Paid up Capital , $200,000
Surplus Fund - - 50,000
I'HANK Ml'ltl'JIV , HAJ1I , 15 UOGlUtP.
PicslJent. A'ice-l'rcslrlout.
HEN H. WOOD. l.l'TJIKU DllAKi ; ,
Cnslilcr. A Bt'L'nshier.
Account ? 'olloltpil inil prompt sttcntloti lTi\ cute
to all liutliicsHi'iiliiifti'il to Its cure.
1'ny llvo liur cent on time deposits.
Tboeciy porfact oub&tltute tor Mother's
mlllt. invnluabis in ClioMrn hlfantum
nnd TfiOthlno ; . - pre.dlRetstad Jood for Dys *
, .
QOODAIJ1 & CO. , Boston. Uau
No'ice of Publication.
Notice Is huit'by Kiveu tliut liooKs for
( ulisrrlptlon to Ilinciipltul stock or thuChlcnjro ,
llmnlia A : Sonthwextern Itmlroud Company ,
will bo opened in the city ot OniHhn , on Dcconi.
i > errtiiii c. ciiAitiis : K. rAiiuis ,
rilANIC f , . JARA.
.1 \c on vv. nornnu ,
.losni'ii M. > nrrArr.
onicc ni s.
Books opcncncd , posted , examined nnd bal
auceJ Tradcsmens' bills , letter
. -lOJls juisl
Artists' Material.
A. HOSJ'E , , TlT. , "
Muti'rinls , Tiunos and Organs ,
lull Mrcct. Omrlni.
Agricultural Implements.
WuolecalcDcalri In
Acrriniltiirnl ImplcniPiifs , Watrons ,
CorrlaRC * and Uiirolm. Jonoii ctrtct , between I'th '
lindlOlh Or.tHhti.Stb.
, Ktr , , VVhole ilo , O n h3.
Wliolcsnlc Dealers In
nf ont niul nupgioa. MI.W1 , Wj and V07. Jones Bt
Butter and t-ngs.
] ! ii3crs of ] 5ntti-r anil
Hcfrlderttur and Packing llouoe , tltli an I L
himlifil.U I' ft.Jl.'J'ia.Je.dmnliu
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
laccbanlce'ToolJand Buffalo Hralet. Kttj Doujlas L ,
" 1 "m1 ' * Nrt > '
LEA , FlttED 0 'CO , ,
Jobbers of IlanUvaro ami S'ails ,
TiDHare. , heft Irnn , Kt . AuoiiU for lfow ( > rxalea ,
mid Jliami 1'intdtrl u Omuliu. .Neb.
Wfflern ct'i Is fur Jeffenon f-lerl Nnll ,
I'ovdtrfo. 1-nlrbniili htani ) rd fccalui ) . Corotr
KHIi mid Harney , Oumlni
Engineers and Contractors ,
EnpIncerH and t'oulrnctoi'H ,
Brldzci , Vlndnrli. Itoof Tru cfi , fctcnin Pllo nrlflnr ,
i'llloiOnk auil I'lnellrlilve Lumber. 1ML n. , nc r
l'r.riutn , Oiunliu , . ' .cb ,
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
frouBin and Cult Iron Jlulldln.Work. . Irort Mall in.
llalliuLHKUIB nUfllrd ri.MO m Knglno Urun
Wuil , tlbiiernl Fuunilr ) , Muchlno unrt llack ! iullli
Work omco nil Worki , t' ' . 1 * . Ity aiidHtli sltuet.
Butchers' Tools.
Untcbera' Tools ami Supplies ,
* t\utt \ ot all klnd Hl * 13 li
Joneitt , Oiu6h ,
Boots and Shoes ,
Hi.\l > KEH'ED
'nclnr M nd Wholctnlo I > ctler la
Hoots niul Shoes ,
Complrtt utocv of Rubber < lool nltrat * on hum !
W.i S. 13tli it , Omabil , Neb. A. T. Au > tln. Agtnt.
rr. r. MOUSE r co.
Jobbers of Hoots anil Shoes' ' .
1411 Vern.lui ft , Omnhn.Nob Manufactory , Bummer
Mtrrl. Ro ton.
X. r. LIMtSEY .0 CO.
Wholesale Kiibbpr HooN niul SHOP * .
Iiubller amlOilctl Clotnlng mul Veil IUiot , SO. ' S. lUh
et. .
Ajjt. for AiilieilseT-Dtish Hrewhiff ASS'H
fft clal Brind * . Kniitt , Pndnoiter niul I'rlnncer.
Liiffpr Uopr Uroworg ,
l..7l North IFth Street , UnmbfiXcli.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omnhii ColTcp anil Spioo Mills.
TOM. Coffee * Spl " . linking I'owiler HiTOilns
tracts , Ijiinidir Hluo , Ink. Ktr. HU 10 llnrner
Mteell > mali.i , N b
Homo CoflVo nml Splco Mills Jl'f'ir Co.
OoTeotto'Oleriinnd ] > lcoOrlndor , Mannfaetiircr
nfllnkliu I'owdcr , rlivo-InK Kitrael , Illiilnir. I'tr.
TrvonciTPOf onrl n ii.irknitrllnmulllcnd lio.irtcd
Ouffpa , tub Honnrd ft . liunha , Neb.
Cornice ,
"HA a L K co RXicE
.lolin Eponeter. Prop.
Unmideturer of aahnnlted lion and Cornice. 953
ItoiUP nnd lOJnnd IJ&.N , Itllh ( I. Omaha. Neb.
JllrEMI'lXG tx HOLTE ,
Manufacturers qf
Ornamental d'alvaniyed
Dormer Wltidoni , l1mKUeiitlrMllk1itclr. 310 B.
l.'m nt , Oinahn.
( \ Spi'dit , rrop.
OnlvnnljBil Iron ( "ornlcf. etc1. Siipifnlniurcvril I'nt-
ont Metsllc skj.iilit. | H ni. J ill ) S I.MIi n , lninli ) .
' '
S Curtains , Oil Cloths , mina ,
l.tiiolpumr , Uniting * , Kin 1J1I PnnKlm iitroi't.
" " STAl OirClIARli ,
Wbolosalc Carpels , OH Cloths ,
Mnttlniii , Curtutn ( lords Etc. 1O1 Tatnam blrcpt ,
Oronlia , hrb.
Crockery and Notions.
w. L.
Agent for the Unnnfiictimrn anil Unportere ot
Crncltcry , ( Jlnr.sM'are ,
J. mpf , fhlmnc ) ( , otc. Otfitr , 117 South 13tb et ,
Uuithn , > ( . ! ' .
Commission and Storage.
" 1) A. H Ultl7E\'t "
roininissioii uiul .loblilnpf.
llnllfr , 1'ceenml Produce. t'onilRiimcnti mllclted ,
llcnitfi\inrter fur Monnrtrp , Jloirr Uoxm
Uiapa JUiki'tv. Kit liodKi'-ln-i't.Onifthin.
' ' '
'J'EYCKE 'JiltOS. ,
Coininission Jlerclmnts.
rmlti > , I'rodiicn nrt Provisions. OmMia.ytli.
Storage and Commission Mprchaut.
HuttcHZK . Clinc , roiiltrr. ( Same ,
Ov'toriKtc , Ktc llSboulli ltlli ! trc t
J'roiluco Comini'ssion Jlerohants ? ,
roullijlluttcr , Oiiino , I'nilti , file. VJO S. I4ill it
u. Nclt.
General Commission Jierchants ,
And Johherw of Korelut ) nnd Domc 'lc Tnilti , J'orrc
spondcncc tollrlted. Wurolioii'ennd omcc.llOn.
11drtct'iitli hi , Cininhn , > HI. Tclppliono TO.
J' . JiOCCO < 0 CO. ,
mportcr nnd vholo Vodi-alorj In
Italian I'l-oiliico.
rorrlCn.Dnme'tlcand California Krnlti unil.Commti .
liua Merchants. lOlS.llth st. Oulr cicluilTt
fruit bouta In Omnlm.
Coal atuLime. .
" / ' . MILENTONE aCO. . ,
Dealers In
Hard and Kofi Coal ,
Ofllcoand rurJ.Mh nnd Nlcbol.n rln. , Oiunba , Neb.
1 n rd Telephone , W7. !
UJ.D. . . I'n . O. F. GooniiAV , V.l'ro .
J A. { itt.NiinilbAXI ) . Hoc. mid Trea * .
.lobbcvsof Hard and Sofl Coul.
SOSI onth Thirteenth Rrect , Onuhn , Neb.
. . 0 CO. ,
Manufucttu'crs of Illinoi' ' While Limo.
And fchlppers of Coil and fo'ie. Cement , I'lapler
IJme. llulr , J'lre IlrlcU. Hi dn. Tile nnd fuwerl'ipo
OSlco , 1' Tton Hotel , rarnam tt , Djiilia , .Ni'b
Telephone fell.
. FA'Y o co. ,
: T Confei tionpr ,
Jobber * uf I lUltn.Nutc nnd CU i , ' 1211 i nrnam St ,
ilni.iliA ,
Live Stock Commission.
M. JtTJlKK ,0 fiOXS ,
Live Stock Commission.
OPO. Ilurke , Altnop'r.
Union FtncU Ynrd , H ilrnnlm. Telcpbono w ?
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
BtlDruenH of cnv und all klmle of Bloc * rollollciJ ,
Union ( tocli V ar.1 > , Oinnbn , 1'tb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
1 AX MEYER .0 CO. ,
Jobbers of Ci nrs , Tolmcco ,
U'Jns and Ain'nnnltton , SIV to III H lltli it. , 1030
UJl 1-iiriM.nsl.Oniariii Sob
Jlannfaclurrrs of Fine
And \V'liolc nn ! lifalrri In l.oaf Tobiirroj , Nu .IC
null 110 fi. HI'i ' elri'ut , Omibu.
Jl OUt > Kit ( > WOODLAXJ ) ,
\MicoJ ! lo DfBlcn In
Cififurs , Tobaccos , I'ipps anil * '
Agents for 1 > . Leiden iorf A C'.i . Fine Put and Smot-
InzTob.-icroj , Milwaukee , WUconsln. No. 313
North xixtcoiithutrartl ( Imihn , Seb.
Hry CooH ,
M. E. SMlTIf ,1) ) CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnlbhliig'fionile &Kotiona
il r ; und 1101 1)ouiil > i > . cor. U1U St. , OmihH , Nt b.
niitllleri of I.liiinr | . Alcohol sml Fplrlti Iai | > ortcr *
Mill Jnbl > rr > of VVInrnnml 1.1'iuora.
WILLO nr s r u ixas DIHTI L LE > r
CO. mid ILElt < l ! CO. ,
lirportern nnd Jell r if line Wlneii and Manor * .
boluinHniilcetur , ri < if Hi'Dncdr'n Knst Indlnilllt-
t andltoiav3-lolliiinn 111 * IlnrnejM.
flri/gs , Paints , Etc.
. -ffont Urns' , I' il tt Oil * ( Mass Hotiso
Weitomilraio'omrilcte I.ln of Dn-etflito Bun-
Urleii IIMlli > riieyi > t..Oinalm ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. IS. til K 1'ict J.W nrnromiHec.4Tro 8
K. J. Cirsor. . V.l'rea. xudHupt.
Office SI3 K lltli t. Oinalm. Ncl > W lblnrr anil
( Supplies ( or.viaouf etutiii CfuitniDfiiln 'llln.
furniturf ,
Ybolerialc Dealers Itf Furniture.
Kirnim > l , Onialia , Ned.
( TJlA ltj7ES fill/rKJtWJC ,
Furniture , Heading : , Upholstery ,
Ulrron.tlc. 1SOO.HW and 1210 Karoaui it. Omtta.
Oroccrie * ,
i , r co. ,
( Irocorloo niul Provisions ,
7W , 1W , ttB ( i na tits l9thi-t..Onnlii ' " > .JS b.
Wholpsalo ( J
I'lh nml T.ciTOnno Hi U..OOI | IPI.
m , .
Hpavy Ilurdwnrp , Iron idia Sleel ,
Pprln , > Varon Stofk. ll nl ro Lumber , cic. . 1J09
_ unit _ KH _ llnrnrj- _ _ . _ Oninbi.
lf ( )
Wholpsalo Iron ami Hleel ,
Wcpnnnd Cnrrlise Wood Sloov , HCT > llnrtmr * ,
Ktc. iJIt nd HI' ' l.c vonwunh t. . ( > in lii , N h.
' '
os , Huinji"4 , I'tiriincpi ) , Tilcn ,
e * , llin ; ( ioaJn 1131 Hud \fU \ Futon *
Dcnlcr in Imnihpr , Lnth , Limp , Snsh ,
Dooff , l.'tc. Ynrilr "CorncrTlli nml Uouitai : Cornet
vtli mul Doutlti.
WliolcMtlc liinubof ,
SUB. lllh ttrrel , OmiliiN b Ifolpeupr. . Mnier.
* -
- -
Wltolpsnle Jowolcrs anrlMttsip
DsnlCM In , Dlainondo U'ln , ( Morki. I 'I
Jen lcr'iiTnoliiunil M lirUl , PvC. 101 nml IQJ 1MD
t.coi. Dodge , OtiKtlm , N
I f\ \
IJtli und Cnllfornlii Strrcli Onulii. Krb.
ED n : O'/MI ;
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ktc. . Etc.
Cor.Cth nnd Douuln. Ii , Omn'.n , Nfb.
T. If. llARrEYLrMREK CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Offlcr , H03 Knruam trecliu lia.
CJfAS. It. LEK ,
Jlunhvood Luuibci' ,
WooilCurrcl untl rarqiiFt Kloorlng. Olliund Douglnl
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported und American rortliml fumi-nt. Ftnlq
AeeiitforilUwmikre llyrtrfciilic Oetneul und licit
Qnlncj VVhlU'I.'me.
Live Stock.
srovjf YAIIDS coT
Of Omaha.
I.lialtod. John V. Bord , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
J. ( iTtEltJ ELDEIt If CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobbcm or
Millinery and Notions ,
1713 and 1213 llarne ; SL.crt. Oinahn , Noli.
c. s. aoonitrcjr.c- . ,
Arc ilii" only Illicit luiiiorlcrsof
& French To.v 3 it Fancy Goods
InNrbraikn. C'hlcnco prlcrv diipllcated nlthout > ( ld-
Incrrnlcht. HI.S r rna i Hucrl , Unuilin ,
J. T. JOlfLS'SOJfr'JVO77tM CO. ,
\Vlii > lcs lo Dt'.Tl ri In
Kotions and yuriii lihis : Goods ,
( llond iS. Tentli St , Onuhn.
Jobbers lii
Notions , Hosiery mid Genls' Furnishing1
( foods.
lOOf.anil 1(193 ( rirnttm nt O imhi , Ncli.
Paper Bo/es
Maiiufacdirci1 of Pajier Hoxcs ,
10'S UthS , ( ) rnihi N'l-linnkn. < ) rder bj mall 10 * .mil vrlll receive pro upt attention.
COMFAXY , of OvcrnIN ,
JCJIIB runts. fUtti , Ktc. 1 Iffniul 1134 Douglas Mrrcf ,
Onuhn , Noli.
Job rriiitsi-8 , Illauk Hook llakora ,
And Jloolc Hinder * . 10 > nn.1 ] l Soutli Komleeath
Anxiliiiry Piibllsliorp.
DOBlerBlnTypo , I'roMoi nnrl rrlnlt-ri'SupiOlos.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
Jlttinfaclurci ! , l'acl.iraandlP3lnriln
Strictly 1'iini Apple
llnVlwz fonder. I l.noriiiK KxtrHim , Tiibln H'liirp ,
Troncli MimtoMi WTI | Illulni' . llrooori1' r-i"CsM | !
K/lo i.idit. I.ii Vork Mlllu Jllld IttDuod Apple Ci
der. IUI01 riiTcnworth t. , OioHlu.
_ _ _ _
Safes , Etc.
"i * . JtOYElt it'CO. . ,
Apoiits for HalI'.s Safe tt [ < ock Co.s'
Flro nnd Hum ar Proof Hifon , Time Lockt , Vaults
and Jail Wor < 1911 Inr.Mci > lr < irt Oumlm , > ob.
(1. AXDltEEN ,
Onialiu Safe Works.
_ .tcltirgrMif r tf and JliirBUrl'rourParfii. Vnult
Uoorr.Jnll VYorU.MiuUi'M nnd VVHn VVoik. Cor.
lUUmiiiJacUunlit * , ' '
Saih , Doers , Etc.
JA nifiintoirfp ( ' (
VVIiflcr.o ! Manufncuirorn of
fjasli , DoorH , liliuds and . . . . , . _
IS.-ancli oDiCB.Ulli nnd lionl ta .Oaialrn , Veb ,
Sash , Door , IHintl1) ) ,
BulldlnI'tpur. . oto. 1001 Koutli ' 1 hlrtPOnlli Street ,
OmaUa.NeU. A ( omplilo Block.of lluiMeri'
Mrnufacturvrs. of Sasfi , Doors , Blinds ,
Uould'niTB ' SlalrWorLand IriUilorllrfr.l Wuiid Kliilgh
Jutlopincd. . I. cor Kiljiind l.caveu ortliBtB.
Omiilja , Neb
Pumps ,
cirmtciriLL ri'M co. ,
Wholosali' I'ltnipi , I'lpc ,
Steam and Water feuniillci llendyuiiilcr * fir Milt
i'o3itC < i'iJoo'l . llll rnrnaui t . omnlm ub.
A. L. liTRA Xfi CO. ,
rumjis , i'ipii.s und Knghwa ,
Eteaju , Water , llallwar and Mlllltiir Suppllei , Etc.
WO , Viiar.d W4 t rn m t . Ouubu. hb. .
r. S. WIxnENUIXEunil I'UMl *
KnlladiT Wln4 AliUij ntrarn and Wkter nuiip'lfr ' ,
J'luwulni ! Oo < "l . Heltlni lloiu ma and MJJ J r-
nauikt. , < iuinliii H V IVlmu , lAtnttvr.
lKlcdinno Nu : ! U.
" '
77. "W MA It II01' ' ] ' ' ,
\Vliolc.salc Truiiks ,
.Mill ird Hotel Illock , Ocuaha
Wagons anif Carriages.
" "
i"/- /f/sio.v ,
The Leading Uarrii : r Factory ,
( iTiiAiti imiLii Hin
1ID9 mid 1411 Jlodiismreet Omaha.
BuiMing Material.
Dealer in All l'-iJi : of
Duililintr Material at Wbolt ali
j 13lh HlrefHind IJnloii I'aclilc Tru < I ) uulj