Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Bam Jones Tells How to Knock Oat His
Satanic Majesty ,
"Wliya Gootl Mnn Can Not Hln fJuly
Clmruli Hjpocrltrn Inrltcit to
1'nrtlei hnst
i Sermon.
H.ini Jones ,
The rclnrn of pleasant weather cave
Sam Jones another largo audience at the
exposition building last nlglit. Fully
three thousand people were present when
lie began Ills talk at 8 o'clock. A largo
number of local and visiting clergymen
occupied beat' ) on the platform , llcv. 0.
W. Savage , pastor of tlic Howard Street
M , K. church , ofTorctl the prayer of the
evening. Mr. J xccll sang "The Model
Plinroli" in a most excellent manner.
Mr , Jones then took charge of the meet
ing , and nuked all who were members of
any church to stand up so ho could tell
liow hti should address them. Evidently
plbusod with the showing , lie dcliveicd
the following discourse :
1 propose liiKlinga text over hero In the
third chapter of the first cplsllo ccnoral of
Ht. John. Tills Is uood for each of us whether
vvo nro lit the church or out of tlio church.
It we are not in embers of any church we ad-
ndtc pure Christianity. Wo like the highest
attainment In Christianity , and vvo select this
crsc , it Is the ninth verso : "Whosoever Is
born nfOod does not commit sin , for 11 Is seed
i-cnialiicth In him , and no cannot sin hocauso
ho Is born of Cod. " 1 might say that this
TCTHO of scripture Rave mo nioro trouble the
llrftt jeais of my Christian life thin perhaps
all cither verses to ho found in the bible , i
flcaicely ever read this verso without the cold
Chills runnliiK over me "lio that Is horn ol
( Iod docs not commit sin , for Ills seed ro-
in.iinetli in him and ho cannot sin because ho
Is born of Oofl. " if I were to sav now tliat
ovcijbody will say , "I agree with 3 ou. " If 1
vvcro to say tliat a truthful man cannot toll a
lie , over > body would sav , "t agree with you
again. " if 1 wcro to say that a solici man
cannot got drunk , yon would saj , "i aiiico to
that. " If I were to way a chaste man tannot
bo vulgar , > uu would siy. "I agree with you ,
sir. " Hut when I say a clirlstlan cannot bin.
a good man cannot do wrong , why t
get tlie woBld up in arms In a
minute. Well , now. 11 logic Is worth any
thing and you can mix common sense and
religion , brother , let us consider the pioposl-
tion before us to-night , and I believe verily
that a man's moid condition has : i great dcil
to no with what the gtupel is lo him. To
homo of us present , ( Ids text Is a sword cut-
tlngevon totho divldliu asunder of Joint
and marrow , to others of us it is the hicad of
lite , and jour moral condition determines
whether the word of ( ted shall bo a sword or
whether It shall be bread. The bible , like
Uluist hlnibolf , Is an open sccict. I see a
d)7cn ( men Mandlnjr In the prudence tit
Christ , cloven of them are hciibus and
riiarlsees. Jesus tnnu to them and sajs
"Whom say jo that I am ? " and they bald ,
"Vou are tlio .son of a harlot and an im-
poster. " And lie dinns his eyes on Simon
Tclcr and Moid , "Whom bay jo that I am ,
.Simon ? " I wish t could have looked at
t B/'non's / face as It glistened under the iiovvcr
ol his answer. And Simon looked at his
Jjoitl , nnu said , "Thou ait tlio Christ , the son
of the living dod. " Jlut , you bee Sln.oii
1'elor hid tfot Into the sccict and Jesus
Christ was an open secret. Jlnt to the
Bcrlbes and .Pharisees hypocrites lie was nn
Impostor and the HOII ot a hailot.
Tin- bible Itself is a cunningly devised fable
to borne men hut to others It is tlio bread of
life. An Honest looking gentleman came up
liciolast night , Hpoketo to mo kindly and
Hidd , "Mr. Jtinos 1 want to shake hands with
you , 1 lioliovu in Uod but 1 do nut believe in
5 Moses or In Chribt. " "Well , " bald I , "do you
claim to bean Israclltft'i' " Jlo said "Yes I
am. " "Well , " said I , "If jou arc an Israelite
in whom is no guile , 1 call vou brother. "
"Hut , " ho said , "i don't bofiovo In Jesus
Christ. Bind lie , "Air. Jones , let mo glvo
vou my card , " and ho i cached his card lt > mo.
1 looked at It as 1 walked ever tlio platloim ,
nnd I lind ho Is a commercial traveler for a
\Yhoc..alo ! liquor house and of cour-to ho did
nor IIKMKVK rv .iK.sra cnnisr.
I don't bollove I would olthcr if 1 wis trav
eling In the interest of a whul ale liquor
bouse. 1 tell you my brcthcren what a man
is dolne has all to do w ith what he believes ,
J. have tumid that out. Now wo Imvo got a
plain , and them could not bo a moio simply
Htuled , text. It Is just a string nf inonosyf.
lahlc utterances "He that is born of ( led
dftlli not commit sin for his seed leimdncth
In him , and ho cannot sin because lie is horn
of Uod. " Now let us go candidly
and prayerfully Into this di cus lon
Now In order that J may hco this text clearly
i Rive part of the context , i will read the
vetse , "lichold whatmannor of the love the
.Father has bestowed upon us tliat vvo should
bocallcd thu son of Uod. The \\oild knotvtilli
us not because It Knew him not , brethren vve
ate now the sun of Uod and It docs not jot
appear that we shall be ; but wo Know tliat ,
when woflhnll appeal , weshidl ho HKO Him ;
for wo shall she Him as ho Is. " Then the
lirst thing that is mix-crested by the contnxt is
tlio princely chaiactor of Christ , unU verily
the character of everj- man who is truly a
Christian. .Urothcr , vvo frequently sine , "I
AIII child of a kinc : my lather is rich. " That
isnotHeiitlmont , Ills divine Is the
void ot ( iod. I am llm child of the King ;
thu noblest blood of all worldsconrscs through
my veins ; 1 have been adopted ; my
name Is written there. I am
the child of the King. Well , now I
notice another tliinu. There Is a great deal
In blood. I am not talking about Bourbon
blood or aristocratic blood. I scarcely ever
Mo a boy that Is croud of his father , but his
lather is ashamed of him. lam not running
oiitlmt Ulnd of blood. 1 am talking about
good blood. Them IH a good In blood
too. Thoio Is a * much In blood afl in any
thing else , and I say how grateful a man
tiimht to be when he can look to ids father as
a noble princely man and to his mother as a
good noble woman. There m advantage to
any man upon the face of tlio earth , liow
many alloy has drifted to tlio vuiy verge ot
.eat motion in disxnpatlon and wickedness ,
"hen , In HOIIIO thonditlnl moment , some
Wild friend would walk up and say , "Young
k'ltu , why ilo you live as > < m do. i know
nioiir mother , she was a princely woman , J
y know jour lather , ho was a man that every
body honored , nnd why will jou livens jou
ilo , " and the boy walked elf alone and burled
his fueit In his hands and H.IVS to himself ,
" 1 h true , my mother wasanoblu woman unit
nly lather was a princely man. and by the
gmcnof ( Iod I wlH rcfoim my life this hour ,
nntl I will be the worth v sou of tmch n father
anil mother as 1 hud. " Hoys , hots , If you
had a pure mother and a good fatlier , main-
tnlnthe blood and character of yeiir noble
father and nf your pure mother. U Is pain
ful to see the child ol a vagabond go down ,
D the son ot a worthy fatlier and 11 pmc ,
i mother as ho wallows In sin nmt nllmo
< neiv ilny. Hoys hold joursolvcs unaudbo
trim to jour mother and father , i'rlncejy
I'lmractcr and eh r 1st Inn cliir.icter. Kvery
piott'stor of religion piofcsses to bu a son of
thu Lord Almighty and daughter of the Lord
AlmlKhtr.nml 1 tell \mi another thin * . When
a man stops up with pioleMlone Ilko that this
world Htands and looks ou and sajs , "Now
> on Imvo niado a woiiik'itul profession. Wo
want you to the up to it now ; we are going
to wateli you. " And Mother 1 am bo glad
that the woild docs watch us. Let r , iiioiuhoi
ol thnchiiich tell a lie. The woild points a
tiiiL'Ui at him and b.ijs , "Look thenthuio U
a member of the church told a point blank
His" Let H member ot the church take a
uiliiknml Iho woild bay * "liecannot slay
sober ; ain't hoa nlcocharacter to boa pro-
Ci > ! > iing christl.m. " I used to look on , and I
Used to nay just what 1 am i > a > ing now. Wo
ilMid to have our balls and , whuii wfl did , 1
haw MutliudUtb , ll.iptif > tn and 1'ies.byterians
there. I said , "What me jou ( loins here ,
this U the worldV conccin , " and
used to tax them with things liku that.
Mcmbcisol thechiiieh nacd to go Into the
grocery to drink with us and 1 would bay
'old tellow whcio Is your icllglon , what are
you doing In licit' . " laniboglad the woild
viltlzcsiis. 1 tell yen I am so triad that the
world watches us wo need It , wu need It. 1
inn bO the world Is not wllliui ; for us to
bc.hjpociitesaiid thiuwlng It into our lares.
You profess ono thing aim live another , I
don't Ilko it 1 will tell you another tlmij ; 1
don't like to see peopleM > . eisltivo | to criti
cism , that I * not a good biun. You Iho light ,
hold vour head tip and be a man nnd lot iho
woild ay what it pleases. As 1 have said
IIIAIIV a time , a hor&o that h.i > unbound spots
uil hliuoucouni to him with u curiy comb
and before J on get lo him ho Will bojln to
Kfck , but It the noise Is sound all over and
> ou go up ( o him with a comb ho
wilt lean tin against you nnd must
let jou curry him all over. ( Laticlitcr. I
K\cty Christian man protests to be tlio son
of the Lord Cod Almighty and joint heir
with , lu < > us Christ , and when ho maked a pro
fession like that In this world , all wo ask oC
.von Is to live up to It , and If jou don't they
vv 111 liav ono respect for you. Now here , j on
old sinners , when you rome to dlo would j'ou
fond for ono of those dancing fellows to pray
for-you ? You
joii when jou die , now do jou ? If 3-011 wcro
n < lylng Muncr to-night , would jou send for
that member of Iho church who went Into
the groc'Ty nnd took a drink with j on. I'oii
don't want any svvlli tubs around you when
jnti come to dlo , do jou ? hoopli-ss swill tubs ,
no sir , no .sir , thank ( .Sod this world respects
n trim Christian living up to his profession.
Is not that true cM'ijwheio and
anywhere. 1 It'll yon another thine that
Ihoro Is no motive ao high , thcro Is no mo
tive so gland In llfo as the motive that
prompts mo to maintain my profession as a
Christian man.
The "ccond thought of th" context ix , "Ho
lli.ithath this Hlinll bo Ilko Christ , lie shall
ho purhlcd oven as Clulst Is puio. " 1'nrlty.
ISIossed are the pure of heart , for they shall
Bee ( Iod. Thu hardest thliu a man ever
tiled to do to lie a good man with n bad
heart. To bo achiistlan without rcllirlon Is
Ilkeaman trjlnirtogot adtlnk out of the
tumuli of a spring which was muddy. Ilo
was trylnir to clean the branch and a man
came a'loncand said , "What arr > you trvlng
to do1 "Trtlng the branch , wi i
can eel a drink of watci"aiid ho said , "Vou
had better KO up there at tlio heidand drive
tlio lie ? out of thOHurliK , and It wilt clean
Iho branch right aw ay. " Tint Is lllto you.
of j-oiir heart you will have no trouble * art-
ting it. It is the fountain wo Imvo to do with.
Von can't have a good m in without vou havn
n good hem t. A man's lite Is never bettor
than the hcait , but It is alwajs about .13
I'lirlly. Ills not drlnklnir h Ing and steal
ing that is liurtiiigchristhinity , though broth
els of ( no church do all thee things. That Is
not what hurts christl.uiitv. It is these little
doubtful things , these llttlo qupstloniblo :
things. Abiotlicrot the church said to mo ,
ho VVIIH a PLTMIIU ! friend of mine , ho s.iid ,
"Jones , 1 heard jou preach last night , and
you gave It to caid pl.ijm pretty heavdy.
I play cards , and I can't see any harm In it ,
but if you can convince mo that there Is any
harm In it i will quit It. " Ho was a dcnc'in '
in the liaptidt church. I said , "Well , Bill ,
theie is DUO thing for you to confess , " and ho
said "What1. " ' 1 said , "That jou ain't worth
row nun \xi > i.r.AD TO icrrj. votr
in the chinch. " "Ves , " ho said , " 1 ain't
much account In tlio chinch. " 1 bald , "Vou
admit vou ate no account , 1 have not no time
to tool avvav with that sort. Now , as to
whether it Is wrong to play cards or not , Hill ,
wait until jou net wliero vou enjoy
icllglon and then play all the cards
jou want to. but first get right. You admit
jou are dead , 111 ' out what killed jou and
then quit that , and then doanj thing elso. jou
c.m live and do asa Christian. Tlio Lord
Knows 1 do all things i w.iut to. if I want
to piny c.u ds I do it. but thank ( iodldon't
want to do It. " Listen. If I want to sle.d. 1 ; I dopvriytliliig that I want to do , but
thank Cod L don't want to do any of the o
things. 1 Imvo stolen everything In this
town 1 wanted to steal , but thank Cod 1
iicu'i wanted to .steal anj thing.
I'initj' . 1 linvoliavn pnno to every dance
in Omaha I wanted to. Law , brothers , tills
old world knows who Is In earnest and who
is not. Whenever any body sends jou a caid
or an invitation toaballor to agamoot cauls
or hoiui'thiiip of that sort , they have got v on
down as a In pocrito in the church of ( iod ,
and if you go they have got It about right.
1 will take my biotherClondtMininu whohas
been hero six months , and Jirothor llnrsha
who has been hero ten years , have von over
received an Invitation to a ball ? [ Mr.
Jlarsha. " . " don't
"Noslr."J They invite that
sort. Thank Oed 1 luvo not only never been
to one of these places , but i have never bu-en
invited to one. This old world knows who
to invite. ' 1 hat Is the truth. The no\t time
you get j'oui nlco embossed cards , elegantly
ju luted , jou think ot tiiat , that they have
nnd you aio going to show them that jou aio
one. This old world knows who to fool with.
1 drank whisky hard for ttirco years before I
was converted and never n man Iroin
tlio day I gave my heart to Cod to ask mo to
take a drink wit'i him. Somehow or other
this old world Units out when a man is in
Purity. They catch us with these little
tiicKs. I know how men aiocntlced Into sin.
lleio is a man MUui' ; on tlio top of the comb
of a livoMory building whittling with a peat 1-
hamllcd penknife. The llttlo kntfo slips out
of his hand and slides down to the rdgo of
the building. Jlo jits there and lookh nt it
but something say to him "jon had bettei not
try to get it , jou might fall oh" . " Something
s.ild to him "folks have been that close to the
edge of the house and did not fall otr. " Ho
said "it is true , tlio little knife never cost mo
but lull'a dollar but 1 wish 1 had it. " Some
thing bccms to say to him "you li.ul bettor not
try to get It. " Hut ho Said "I will risk It ,
oilier fellows have gone that far and have not
fallen oil. " So ho eases himself down cmo-
lullyto tlio very verge of the building and
gi.isps the knlte in Ids hand , his foot slips
and no Is crushed to a jelly on the sidewalk ,
but ho got the knlfo. [ Laughter. ] There Is
that member of the church , she Is Invited to a
ball. Something saya to her "liiero
Is not nnoiigh in that to warp
jour Christian life. " She savs "otlioib
li.iv o danced and trot to he.ivon. I will risk
It , " She goes to ( ha b.ill and dances and Is
estranged from Cod. bho dances at the ball
IK sun nois : TO iir.r.r. FOKKVIH : ,
nut she got tlio danco. There Is a in in that
says , "I don't see any harm In drinking
whiskey. " i do not sou that It will hurt mo
much , out men IMVO died who havodono
these things. Touch not , tnato not , imiidlo
not. lie drank all that ho wanted nnd sank
down to hell at last , but on tlio way ho diank
tl the whiskey ho wanted. Tlio best vvav
, ) ou do to-night is to do right. Let wrong
alone. 1 tell you , my biothron , never let the
b.inner of Jesus Christ tr.ill In the dust.
Keep this pure , ilo.v 1 wish 1 could HOO the
Christian chinch to-d.ty pure like the llttlo
ermine , thn beautiful , little , fastidious
animal , Its hair and skin Is as white as
the driven snow. The host way to catch It is
to wet Its pathway as it goes out by sprink
ling mud and dirt In Its pathw.iy , and when
It goes back to the point w hero the mud and
dlit Is sprinkled it will llodovvn and subject
itself to ba captured betoro It will smirch
ono of its beautiful white Imlr * . I want our church so that they will bo subject
to death before they will smirch tholr charac
ter. Thcro Is not enough money In Omaha
to pay n chrinthin ninn toHinlich liU charac
ter , The truth of the Is that tlmy
never will bo what we oiuht
to until wo look upon sin with ahlioicnco.
At the junction ot Uvo rivers down In Al'i-
bamathcio l the llnost and best land tint
vou o\cr looked upon. 1 saw Ihoro laigo
( rets glowing together , six or eight feet
apart , and I saw that they covered the whole
gmund with their bows nd blooms , hickory ,
walnut , and oak trees , and I looked under
their foliage , and every ray of sunshlno had
been shut out by tlio leaves mid boughs , The
ground was clean , and when 1 looked on that
beautiful piece ot ground , i suld ; That Is
preoccupied , nothing oNo will giovv there.
These tu-cs Imvo got the around , Vou might
take grass and sow It and It would never
come up , much less grow. Von urn preoccupied -
occupied ground. Let the good man niUi
the vn tuts of thc.splrit. goodness , kindness ,
long-Millerlng.imi faith and Mend them with
the heart , let these traces of thu viitues of the
spirit , and any man can coma around
and how an j thing else that ho wants
to and It won't como up , ho wants tliogiound
pro-occupied. To illuMiato Iho pie-oecupi-
ilon. The world Rays to the member ol a
ehuicli , "will yimuo to the theatre to-night. , '
"No , this Is tlio nlsiht 1 visit thoMcir , "will
jou go to-morrow night , " "no , that is pu > w-
meetiir.- night and 1 novcr miss uravor meet
ing. " "Will you go the next nluhl ? " "No. "
"Why ? " "that is Utu nh'ht vo moet at the
parlors of the church to study the Sabbath
school lesson. " "Will
you to thu next
night ? " "No" " " "
"Why ? "Hint is the night
vvlfo and 1 go around to the lulirmnry and
Oiphanshnmo. 'Hint Is thu only tlmo Hint 1
hauigot and I UAVG to go there that nlirht. "
"When cmj ion go ? " "Idonot think a nighr
In Iho next tun thousand vn.ars. Thvy nin all
idled tin with woiK ot Cod. " Vou fate a man
when he itt > o busy serving Cod that ho lias
not got a minutnto irlvototlio dovll. lluls
getting ahead of the devil. Uod always lluds
work for willing hands to do. Tlio devil
iilw ays rinds work for the idle hamU4odo ,
and thcio are so many idle chrlotiUis in this
world , if jou don't go to the prayer mooting
of course > ou will uo U1 thu theater. If you
do not visit tlio slok-'one night In the week
of course youoin pJay cauls. The best thing
to get ahead of tlui devil Is to bo up to your
chin In fotnl things for God and humanity.
Jil'10 the whole ( hlnj is Illustrated ,
Let us rome up and work.
the Lord can trust us and
cau tiauk on us , Ton roooUccloao day
the Lotd said to Salan "Look at my s6r\nnt
Job ; ttiero Is none 1 ko him 111 the world. "
The devil atd "Job Is serving jou for Ids
property , If vou Will take that away from
hi in you will sec thai ho will not servo jou. "
The Lord iald. "i c.ui bank on Jot ) , you can
strip him of his property. " AVe see directly
one messenger comes nnd tolls Jo J that his
cattle are destroyed , another ids camel ! ) and
another his children , nnd 'when the last me-
seiner ran no and told him that the last vcs *
tago of his proji rty had bpen swept away
Job stood titi and Paid "tho Lord glvelli and
the Lord takcth away J blessed bo the name
of the Lord. " I Imagine the devil stood
aghast , and said
"ADAM 1'Kt.r. TIIH VKtlY flliST t ICIC
I mido at him. ho tumbled at Iho llrst tempta
tion , but hero Is Jot ) , after losln-r nil his prop-
cm , ho stands lojal to Cod. " Then the
devil said , "If j ou w ill tnko his health fiom
him he will curse j-on to your face. " The
Lord said. "Do j-onr wor t , but leave tlio
nieatli of llfo In Ids body. " The next wo
know Job was lying on an ash bank scraping
himself with a potsherd. Tlmdovil had got
his vVilo on Ills si do and the devil has carried
a point when ho got rUollovv'a vvlfn with him.
Them's many n man , since I have bocn
pre.rcldng. said he. "Mr. Jones , t wanted to
get up so bad tlio other night , but my
wlfn never lets mo prav in the family
without a quarrel , " Ho said "tho truth of tlio
business Is that wo have to miarrcl to Imvo
family prayeis , and I don't know whether
that would pay or not. " When the devil got
Job's vvlfo , and the body was a mass of
putrefaction , she said "Curso Uod and dlo. "
Job looked lit ) and said , "Though Ho slay mo
In Him will Itiust. " And I Imagine the
devil stood aghast. The Loid stepped upon
tlio scene and said , "Job , como , let us take a
walk. " " 1 will glvo jou moio In jour
latter than yon had In jour former.
I will bless vour latter davs glori
ously. " I will toll you about all
you need to do Is to get in such close rela
tions with Uod as that , so that the Lord can
say , "I can trust them and bank on them
overvwlieio and tinder all elreiims'tancos In
life. " Let us hope the Lord will gho us
this sort of religion.
Itnrtnltvoali nt the
At the Satin day morning borviccs nt
tlio synairoKtio Muster MOS.CJS Miller , son
of 11. Miilor , a nowlj' nrrivcd merchant
from Savannah , Gi . , will undergo tlio
usual rites of B-.rmitvoali or confirma
tion , prescribed by the doctrines of the
Jewish denomination. This service en
forces the obsoiviince of the law , Unit
nil males having attained their thirteenth
birthday should make : i public avowal of
their .ifllliathm with the faith cf their
fathord , whilst females , on tlio other
liind : , inako their expressions of their
adhesion to their faitli on the occasion of
the Jewish feast of Pentecost , which
happens 111 the month of May of each
your. _
ttnno Hall Tip' ) .
( JporffoKtiy itntl Frank Unndlo have
tlioir hands full these days taking care of
the correspondence with babe ball piny-
o'rs who want to cast their fortunes with
the Omaha team next year , i'ho.y have a
iiumbor of first class men partly encaged
nnd will begin milking contracts next
Ono of the most important matters and
one that must bo decided soon is the se
lection of grounds for tlio coming year.
L'lvo different localities have been olibrcd
and the committee will soon Imvo r moot
ing of the directors called to report their
Manager Snocd , of the Memphis nine.
has written for dile.s : in Oiivthu April a7
mid ! ? 8. Ho will be accommodated.
A innt our Theatricals.
The meeting mentioned previously in
the HKK to select pieces and choose cast
of characters for the dramutic perform
ance to be given by the Hebrew young
ladies and gentlemen of Dr. Uenson's
congregation was held last Sunday after
noon. About thirty young Indies nnd
gentlemen wore present nnd full details
of the proceedings , describing pieces and
characters , will soon bo published in
these columns.
A Vow Electric I/lilit Company.
Articles of incorporation were filed
with the county clerk yesteidiiy of the
Omaha Illuminating company. The incorporators -
corporators , who are 0. C. Warren , II.
C. Clarke , I" . G. Ilimob.iugli , Frame War
ren and 1 { . W. Ureekcnrhlgo , associate
themselves togclhei with a capital stock
ofliOOOp , for the purpose of doing a
general illuminating business , especially
tjie operation of : m incandescent electric
light system.
Wantw u Divorce.
Margarctta Shcmpolk commenced
action in the district court yesterday for
a divorce from her husband , Henry
tShcnipolk. She alleges that she was
warned to tlio defendant in 1874 in
Omaha and Unit their family consists of
throe children. In the la&t few years
Henry hits become an habitual drunkard
and Hlio don't want to live with him uny
longer , She asks for a divorce and the
custody of hotchildren. .
Licensed to Wed.
Judge McGiilloch issued marriage
licenses yesterday to the following
parties :
Name. Residence. Age.
Carl I * . Slionbcr . Omaha . US
Annie U. Johnson . Omaha . 2 ;
Julius i'lopor . Omaha . : tj !
Mis. AnnnSchnlU . Omaha . : w
i : . H. KIniball . Oumha . iii
Viola T. Hair . Omaha . 25
Whom Nobody O VVIIH.
A dilapidated specimen of humanity
applied for aid to Commissioner O'Kcefo
yesterday afternoon. Ho was a young
follow not more than twenty ycara of
ago. He had fallen from a wagon at
Columbus and had his collar buno frau-
lured , Ho hud received no medical at
tention and was in great imin. He wsts
sent to Chicago , whore lie claimed to
have friends ,
North Plalto'H Distinction.
The signal service reports give North
Platte the distinction of having 119011 the
coldest place in the country yesterday
morning. At G o'clock tlio thermometer
eegibtorud four degrees below /oro , while
in Omaha tlio x.uro point was not reached
At Fargo , Dak. , the thermometer regis
tered but two degrees below /.eio.
Tlio llanlny Combination.
A. S. Forbes lias returned from Lin
coln , where ho arr.uigml for the up pear-
aneo of Jack Hanloy in a scientific glove
contoU with Jack DrUcoll , a Lincoln
heavy weight , on Saturday night. Prof.
Kd Miller. Baby Ilarnus and other local
sports will go along and features
ol the entertainment.
The Fort Omaha Bill.
Tlioni will be a mooting of the bon-d
of trade on Saturday afternoon at a
o'clock to got an expression of the mem
bers upon the proposed change of the
location of Foil Omaha. Senator Man-
dorson , the author of the bill , has been
invited to be present at the meeting ami
explain its scope and purposes ,
The Canadian Clinmiilon.
Fred \\cstbroko , the ulmnipiou blcy-
clUt of Canada , has boon challungod tea
a race iu this city with Prince's unknown.
Ue writes to George Kay , from hi ? homo
at Itrnmford , Ontario , that he will lie Iiore
in December to m.iko a race with any
wheelman who will meet him ,
A Kmiavvav.
A team attached to one of tlio Nebraska
oil company's wagons , ran away attjouth
Omaha yesterday. They madj ! tvvoj laps
around tlio Exchange building and had
started on the third when they were
caught. No damage was done ,
Tlio Comlnn fsntlonat Prill The I'rcsl-
tlcnt's ' Greatest KITort.
WAiitiNOTojr , Nov. IS. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEK.-Ccncral ] 11. 11 , Wright ,
roniinandlns the first brigade ot the Iowa
( iunrds , has written a letter to the secretary
of the national drill to bo held here In May
next. ThW Is the famous "Northwestern
brlsndo" formerly commanded by Hrigadler
Central C , * S. licntly , so early
iccoidcd as an actlvo and val
uable friend of the national drill.
General Wright commanded at the Mobllo
drill of ISM , tinder Ccneral Hciitlj' , nnd ho
Is iv veteran both In active and national
guard service. .His Jotter Is partly personal ,
but the following mtracts are made from It :
"I ha\o icad oven-thing about vour drill as
I do all connected with
tin national guards In tholr
annual competitive dillls and encampments.
Yon certainly have met with ( littering suc
cess In the capital city In arranging for May.
issj , and 1 congratulate jour well di'sorved
Hiicees' ) . The gunrd nil over the countrj ale
enthusiastic , and yon can look for a
veiy laigo attendance. We have forty-eight
companies In this state , with eUhi good
bands and three life and drum corps : ten of
the eornpjnles are very line , well drilled and
elo.'antly uniformed , and we hope to send at
least a lutlallon of six companies and a band.
lam going tontranuo business mntteis so
that I can attend , with as many
ot my Rt.ift as can eel avvav
from business at that pcason. My
atalf represents all rlasscs of business
judges ot the state couits. doctois , manufac-
tuicrs , railroad and mercantile Interests , and
two ol my nldes are vouths at
school at Harvard and Poughkeepsle.
1 failed < o go to Savannah last year , and
have icgrctted It ever since. They tendered
mo cnmmnnd of the camp , thanks to tricnds
at Mobllo and other southern cities , I shall
be L'hul to give you any assistance In this
part of the country widen 1 can. "
It Is the bcllcl of all the inlluontlu men
who have aril veil here HIIICO the elections
this month that although this session of con-
cress will bo a very shoit one , it will In ail
probability develop a picsidcnllal candidate
lor either political paitj"H will demon
strate the power ot the men to concentrate , "
said one statesman at thocapitol this mornIng -
Ing , "and will forge to the toie front UIOMI
who can propose practicable schemes for lift
ing the ciuiiurj- out of the dilemmas ills In.
There are several emergencies calling for
statesmen , and opportunities present them
selves forgeiilns.1'
Kvery.v here the remark Is made that Mr.
Cleveland is making ready to prove himself
equal to thorn easion in his mossauo to con-
giess. it Is said that ho Is exercising the
gicatest care and judgment , and that he ex
pects to make this the document ol his lite.
The message xvlli bo anticipated bj- con nss
with the most Intense interest , Mr. Cleveland ,
It is s.dd , will try to solve the problem now-
presented In the tlneatened wreck ol our
national hanking system ; that ho willmiiko
an elTnrt to point out to the national Ic isla-
tine what should bo dnno In the foieign
issues arising ; what disposition ought to uo
made ot the public land , commerce and
many other matters before the people and
crowding congiess for action. Ills predicted
also tint the labor question will be touched
upon veiv forcibly , and tlio whole lieid of
technicalities in statesmanship gone ovei.
The mPs-.aL'0 will bo tlio beat evidence ol the
fitness or uniitness qt Mr. Clovclind to oe-
cupj- the position ho is In ol anything he 1ms
shown since ho came into the white hoti e.
and it will , couiMcssiucn s.iy , make
or break him for tlio struggle of IbSS.
.Mr. Cleveland has now been In the executive
mansion over twenty months. He has had
a taste ot every possible plmseof presidential
life in a time ot peace , and he is able to lay
down , at this distance fsom a national cam-
i ) il.'ii , his unbiased conclusions and t.ivo out
his best advice. Ho lacks not experience or
familiarity with his duties and should not ho
wanting In tlio necessities of the hour. Those
who have talked with him recently nbont the
needs of the time and the probabilities ot
concessional work say he feels the gravity
of the position hn occupies and Intends to tiy
to bo master ol tlio situation. Whatever ho
savs m his message majsuicly bo said to be
his own. He is credited with directing tlio
details of thn work of the odicors under him
more minutelv than has ever anv of his pre
decessors. AVith tlio opportunities before
him tlio foithcnmlng presidential messisco
may bo regarded us a vciy impoiUnt docu
ment In every respect
c-Ausns or mrsixKss ACTIVITY.
Stock biokers prolen > to bee an allinily or
sympathy between the rise in the maikcts
and the bond calls. 'I hey Saj-tlieliuidatlon ( ]
of so much of the assets ot national banks
and tlio retirement of so much bank circula
tion means investments in railroad nnd other
securities and hence their apnrcciation. The
rise in ail securities outside of Lovernment
bonds since the latter have been raided nas
been fai greater than tlio proportionate re
demption ot bonds , and statesmen savtlieio
can bo no special svmpathy between the two
circumstances. They are Inclined with
the railroad men to believe that the
apprecktion ot all stocks represent
ing common carriers Is due to the
heavy crops and the relief of business dis
tress geiierallj' . The advance of railroad
stockw cairies with It a rise In all other per
sonal values. The Cranger roads , the states
men Hay , are advancing by virtue of having
determined , for aw hllo at least , to hold their
lands secured from the government , and also
the development ot the country through
Which they pass.
A special fiom Washin ton to a Now York
paper this inouiing savs that Hon. Cilbert K.
1'ieice , govornoi of Dakota , is to become
managing editor of the St. I'aul J'loneer
1'icss v.hen ho retires from the gubernatorial
chair. When horeaday or two ago. Cover-
nor Pierce intimated tliat he. Intended to ro-
cntnr the newspaper profession , shortly , and
It is asserted by Ins friends that ho has had a
tender fiom the St. I'aul paper. Governor
I'icrco told President Cleveland tliat ho was
ready to rotliu fiom the duties of his present
position when Mi. Cleveland might bo dis
posed to leliovo him. The president replied
that he had not vet selected Pierce's suc
cessor and Intimated that he was in no hurry
to do so. Justpicvloiis to his appointment ,
Mr. Pierce was forsevoral months the Wash
ington correspondent of the Chicago News ,
and durlir- that time was Aithur's principle
lieutenant hero in Interviewing southern del-
pgalc.s on their way to the Chicago conven
tion ,
Kmcry L. IJeasou was to-daj' appointed
postmaster at Korest Jlnino , I'owesheik
countjla. . , vice W. ,1. Smith , resigned.
IJepreRRiitiulvcH at liana nail.
CiuoAno. Nov. 18. Hepresonlatlves of the
league and association base ball clubs woio
in .session again this morning. Amendments
to the constitution were being consldeied ,
the chief light being , the hame afl last year ,
over thn proposition to recognl/o Sunday
games. It Is not expected that the league
will u-'reu to Sunday games. As to the ques
tion of dropping ono ol the clubs now In the
lea uc , It was Intimated that the question
would not , probably , be detei mined at this
The meeting of base ball malingers today
adopted several amendments to tno constitu
tion. It was decided to make "Persistence
In an unuceept < 'dj resignation" cause for ex
pulsion. It is ntmorcd that this is a blow at
the Kansas City club , the resignation nf
which from the league will be deumndrd , It
is. said , and If lofuseil the now amendment
will Ito enforced. Tlio election of ollirors
for thn ensuing jear resulted as fol
lows : President ! N. K. i oung Washington ;
directors. W. Al .Vlnnnlek. Plttsbtirg- . K
.Monger , Kansas City ; J. I ) , U ly , New York ;
A. J. Iteach , Ptiilidulplila. Jty hpeclal con-
tiact the Washington. Phlladclpliii and St.
Louis clubs wuie authoiiml to make their
admission cliujgo ' i Instead of M ) cents ,
the Idea being \n \ penult thee clubs to meet
existing co nprtlllon. Tlio St. Louis club
vvrs allowed t < V iplay Sunday games
anv outside club ) but not with any
ClUll , T
Stoinis in I'oiinHylvniiiu ,
, Pn. , Nov. 18. 1'ust onlay
a rain &torm Kit In and continued all day.
Tim rain defended in torrents , and last
night the wind commenced blowing In galc.s.
This morning about ' / o'clock a louilar tor
nado btinck the town. Houses rocked to and
fio.und suvcial wcio lifted fiom tholr founda
tions. It Is Impossible now to tell the ex
tent of the damage , which was the greatest
In the- iiml dbti lets. Tlio cpiis of houses
were blow n in , barns leveled jo the ground ,
school houses upset , trees toin out by tliu
loots , and lonces caiiiodnway , Muoli fear
and uxcitoiiieiit prevallod , and the Jives of
many at varlmis times were In lininlnent
ilaiiier. Up to this time no loss of life Is
lenoitod ,
WH.KISIIniin. : . Pa. , Nov. 18. A brlof put
oesjrnrlho cu lone , accompanied bvajaln
Atorm , | > revajli l hem and In thu Wyoming
valley tfild uiuru'ug , eau | n < Inlonsu oxuitu.
menl while It lasted , llools of houses In
vntlotls part of the oily were torn off , tele
graph and telephone- wires to nil parts greatly
damaged , nnd trees ( mapped in two. At
Kingston , a tnllo from herr. the Catholic
chinch was wrecked. At Parlous , three
miles distant , Kobert Johnson , a carpenter ,
was struck by a llrlnj plank and Instantly
killed. _ _ _ _
' Meeting of Ilninnnltarlnni.
CINCINNATI , Nov. IS. Tlio Amcilcan
Itutnano association wa re-enforced this
mornin.g by the arrival of n number of now
delegates. Measures were taken to If ndcr
the services of the association as arbitrator
between tlio railioads and owners of humane
slock cars ; to mcniorlallro congress and the
president of the United Sh'.lej In reference
to the transportation of cattle ; to provide for
systematic efforts for the protection of bhds ;
for the employment of agents to visit states
nnd territories InviiK no Im nianu societies to
secure organization and legislation ; to secure
a stronger InvcstUatl on of the treatment and
condition of cattle on western ranches ; tn
provide for a systematic policy of Mock
jards : to secure uniform legislation for the
protection of children ; to secure co-operation
in the protection of children exhibited on the
stage , and to eint.iov financial agenK Iho
legislative coniuiltteo was Instructed to ask
the passage ot an act ot congress Inrorpoiat-
Ing the association. A special committee
was appointed to report at the next meeting
upon tlio best means nf caring lor clilldicn
who aio wards of the state.
Cnlirnrnlix'fl Ulllclnt Count.
Sv.v KIIANCISCO , .Nov. 18. onlclal rc'urns
fiom all the counties In the .state and bcmi-
olliclal count in San Francisco ehc Itnrtlett ,
democrat , a plurality for governor of 033 over
Swift , republican. The republicans have
elected the lieutenant governor , attorney
general , superintendent of public Instructions ,
pionie court. The democrats elided the scc-
retarj of slate , controller , tre.isurer , clerk of
the supreme court and ouu justice of the .su
premo court. The republicans have elected
tour cnngichsmcii , the democrats two. In
the nssomhlv the democrats have a majoilty
of ten on joint ballot.
McQumlo'H Trial.
Nr.vv Yomc , Nov. 18.-lu the tilnl of
Aldeiman MeQuado to-day In connection
with the Ihoadvvay Surface railroad case , ex-
Alderman and Informer Charles 11. Walto
testllicd tiiat ho vvap a member of the tall-
road committee of 1V3I , Ilo remembered
the tiling of the petition for the Broadway
franclilso : the resolution oC Alderman
O'Connor that all lianchUeshe hold at auc
tion , and that this icsnlutlon was referred to
the rallioad committee. Altei several hours'
hearing the committee granted the fianehiso
to the Hioadway Surface road , the report
being diafted by llm eonimlttoo and put It :
.shape by the railroad company.
I'ronoitticcil n Krand.
livviu : : , Nov. IS. Mr. Kohdcn , M oxican
consul at Kansas Cltj- , now here , says In an
interview that the proposed hllbtistci Ing ex
pedition to Mexico isono of the moBtilagianl
frauds ever pel polluted upon credulous
people. It was piojected bj- border rulllans
and disturbers ot tlio iieaco who made them-
.solves llab'o to punishment by the United
States government. The Mexican people
have unalterable love for their country and
would not for u moment entertain such a
scheme. Besides , unlike in the old days , the
transportation ot troops is now rapid , and
peisons attempting to put such a .scheme into
execution would very probably loose their
_ _
Senator Scucll Sued.
Pmi.AnKi.i'HiA , Nov. 18. Hon. Thomas
H. Dudley , ex-consul to Liverpool , to-day
luoiuht .suit asalnst United States Senator
William J. Sow ell for S25.000 damages for ic-
marks made by the latter in a speech at a re
publican meeting at Ciimdcn on tlio 7th of
October last. 'Iho Ian. nairo complained of
was that part of Ceneral bew ell's speech in
which it is alleged that ho said In reference
to Dudlej's opposition to him that tlio latter
for twelve v ears represented or rather mis
represented om eovcuimcnt alnoad ; that It
was charged ho grew rich bj- charging illegal
fees while consul at Liverpool , anit that ho
lobbed sea captains. lie. < t Is said , fuithei
charged that Dudley obtained his ollice by
making a dicker at the Chicago convention
which nominated Lincoln for president.
Dudley asserts that these charges are false.
nt San Prnnclsco.
SAX TKATVOISCO , Nov. 18. The attendance
was good and the weather beautiful.
Mile heats , all ages : First heat , Aigo vron ,
Marc Dai v .second , L'cho third. Time l:44)f. :
Second heat , Argo won , Oardner second ,
Kcho third. Timo-lW. :
Tvvo-j eai-olds , mlle : Safe Dan won , Vol.
tigur second , Napa third. Time 1M. :
All ages , mile and tluec-oighths : Ncilson
won. Monte Christo betond , Moonlight third.
Time arJj.
Thre-v ears-old , two miles : Cnenii won.
Time 2 : : > b > f. There weio only two stailers.
Srrlklne Svvltcliutoii nntl V.arilnicn.
Lonisvrr.r.K , Nov. 18. A Times special
fiom New Albany , Ind. , says : The switch
men and yardmen at this point on the Louis
ville , New Albany & Chicago load struck
tins morning for an advance in pay , and
work lias como to a stand still. The men
ask for ' - ! a dav. It is likely that the trouble
will be adjusted by nleht.
They Wcro Tholr Own Banker * ) .
PiTTMiintn , Pa. , Nov. 18. A Duller , Pa. ,
special says : Three masked men effected an
entrance Into tlio residence ot M.attiievv
McKcuner , of Oakland tow nsliip , last night ,
and after a light , lasting overall horn. In
which < ho MeKcener sisters , Margaict and
Jauc , weio terribly Injured , succeeded in
stealing a bucket containing nearly S10,009 ,
with which they escaped.
VOID On Indiana's State Tlukct ,
r.if , Nov. 18. The oflieinl re
turns of the recent election show the tallow
ing result on the state ticket : Kobertson.
republican , for lieutenant governor , -rli.ft.M ;
Nelhon. democrat , 2ibfiOt ; ; Cain , prohibition ,
U.lbS ; Pope , national , ! , < ' It ) ; Kobe : ( son's pin-
i.illtj- . : iil : ! > . Lalollette , republican candi-
datoloi superintendent of public Instiuctlon ,
leads his ticket witli ' > lij(9 ( votes.
I'rtckliijjtown NOVVH.
Ciucvoo , Nov. 18. The condition of
alTairs at tlie union stock jards is ] > ractlcally
unchanged. Additional men wcro oiuaged
by the packets to-day , and the houses are
gradually begin nine to opcrnto at nearly their
lull capacity , though several houses have not
yet opened their doors and remain Idlo. Thn
second regiment of infantry and ono tionp
of cavalry remain on duty , but It is expected
tliat they will be withdrawn to-morrow.
An Army Appointment.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 18. Colonel John
Mcorc , of the medical department of the
army , was to day appointed nurgeon general
by the president to Hucceeit burgeon Ceneral
Mm lay , retired.
Divine services will be held nt the
Bjnagogne this evening ,
The revenue collections yosteulay
amounted to $ Jr > 51.0l. (
The Hebrew Ladies' Jjywlng society
will meet thin afternoon at'J o'clock ' at
the synagogiiu to lill all calls tor aid from
their poor.
Mary O. Van Dorn commenced suit In
Judge McCulloeli's court yostoiday to
secure a claim of $1085 for house tent
and repairs.
The case of Lev ! VK , Muldoon , a MI it to
get pobsoasion of real estate , was. nrgiuiil
in .liidgo Wakcdoy'rt c-ourt yestonlay ami
given to the jury. A scaled verdict will
bo ruturned.
The childriMu' ball vvldcli the ndicnra
and stipenntenduiit of the IhtlnevvSali-
bath .school gives annually , will celebrate
ita second annual event on Thursday ,
December 23 , at the Mc iopolitai ) club <
liabbi Benson retiirncd last evening
from Hustings , whofe he him been
snowed in for the past few days. Hu
lectured at Pattsmonti | | on Monday
Mr. K. H. Kimbull upd Misa Violii F
Bnrr were united in marriage yesterday
evening at tljo residence of the bridu'd
pai'onts , Hlxtcentli uml JuckboU fctrcetfi ,
Itt'v ' , Ji , F. Shurrill oUleiatuijf. \
Tlie Ornnd Jury Urines In n Batch of
Indictments ,
Slot xTnv , la. , Nov. K Thogiandjiiry
returned their repoil on tin ? Haddock case al
a o'clock this afternoon , The jury returned
Indictments arainst ; ths follovvlni : persons :
John Aronsdorf , murder and conspiracy ;
Albert ' 'lllsmarck " Sherman
, conspiracy ; Henry
man , conspiracy : Paul Leader , conspiracy ;
F. Miinchrath , Jr. , conspiracy ; Sylvester
Grandfl , conspiracy ; ( icotgo Trellwr , eonspl
racy ; Henry Pelers , conspiiacy ; L , Plath ,
conspiracy ; U. L. Leavlttconspiracy. Tlicro
were ten pilsoners present when the crime
was committed , two of whom , Leivltt and
Hlsmnrk , clilm tiiat John Aronsdorf llredtho
fatal shot. Hesldos the charge of conspiracy ,
each of the parties Is al u rhaiRCd with
murder. H l the supposition at present that
Arcnsdorf vrlll bo held without bail and the
others In heavy bonds , which with perhaps
one or two otcpptloiis , thov will bo unable to
furnish. The case will not bo reached at this
term of court , Of those Indicted , Trolber ,
Peters. Plnlh and Oranda have not been
arrested and their vvhcicabouts are unknown.
Killed by ft 9now Plow.
Di'.sMoiNr.x. la. , Nov. IS. While-a now
plow on tlic Konda narrow gauge road of the
Wabash sjstem wa- ? pushing Iliion h a dilft
near P.anota jcstcrrtay , three tiack men , a
man named Farrow and his son , and Jo-cph
Davis were sti uck nnd so seriously Ilijuied
that Karrovv and son tiled last evening.
Davh hnd both legs broken and w s other
wise seveioly hurt. The storm was so blind
ing that the men could not bo seen by the
Close oCNavigation.
KI-.OKUK , la. , N'ov , IH. [ Special Telegram
totho iir..J ! : Tlipanllioiltles Inchaigool the
Koveinment canal around the Mississippi
rapids at this place annoiinco that It wilt bo
closed on the SJOIh of November for tlie sw.a
son. This will , therelore , closp navigation
on the upper .Mississippi , whether the
weather docs 01 not , us no boats ran pass
north ol KeoKnk except through the govnn
mcnt camd.
I'ulnee Cnr Hiirncd.
HAVIIMO , la. , Nov. l . lSpecial Tele
gram totho HKB.J At mldiilglit a new Wood-
rttir iialace car , valued at Slo.OOO , was burned
on the Cential Iowa train ou the Illinois
division. Notutnlities occuircd. The Cen
tral Iowa road Is blocked above Hampton
to-day. The Chicago \ Noithwestetn was
blocked at Its western end all daj jestcrdnj' ,
but is ojieii to-daj.
Masonic Holler Association.
Si. Louis Nov. 18. Thu Masonic Uellef
association of Iho United States and Canada
held only a morning session to-day. The
oulv business of Impoitaiicc which was trans
acted wa * tin ? election of olllrers. which re
sulted as follows : President , Martin Collins ,
ot St , Louis ; lirst vice president , John H.
Pope. New Yoik ; second vine pieslilent , J.
U. ItnbiiiMin , Toionto , Canada ; ticasuror ,
Win. Delanto , New Vork ; advlsorv board ,
M. J. lllggiis. _ ) Milwaukee : L. C. William
son and 11. K. Mitchell , Toionto. Canada.
Toionto was chosen as the place ol the next
Illinois' National Guard.
CIIIC'AOO , Nov. IS. A meetlnir of com
missioned ofllcors of the National cuard of
Illinois was held hero to dav but was veiv
sltiniv attended , owing ; to the lact that the of
ficers of tlnoo Chicago leglmeiits have
been on tlutj at the stock j-aids.
Greek Asneml > ly Dissolved.
ATIIH.NS , Nov. IS. The ( Jreck ( roveinment
has dissolved the legislative assembly. The
elections for the assembly will take place in
Januaij- .
'llic List Koi1HSCI in the Hands of tlic
The tax list for 1880 , for Douglas county
was completed yesterday and placed in
the hands of County Treasurer Boln.
The list lills an even thousand pages of
the tax. ledger and has icqiiired an Im
mense amount of painstaking labor in ! ts
pieparation. Since May I , I8n , there
have been 1SS additions to Omaha and
the work of making estimations on this
property has been very considerable.
The taxes arc made on the total assessed
valuation fur thu county of 15,7W,5'J1.H : : ) .
The taxes are as follows :
State and coutitv lax . S.W.SsO.lH
Shool tax . 4tll-"J !
Libortax . n.ltl)00 )
Doglax : . l.Iii'lO'J '
Village tax . I.2IS.7U
Ditch ta\ . 'JOi > S.OO
Total . , . Sllb,0.)7.'Jl )
Uolihors Ilrt iilHcil ns Itoportors.
An old gentleman from a town in the
interior part of the state came into this
city yesterday as a witness in n ease
pending in the United States com t. Last
night ho went to the i'eoplo's theater and
after the performance stepped into a
Haloon near by to got a drink. Here hemet
met two young men who represented that
they vvrc reporters and would write him
ill ) in good etyle if lie would go to their
loom with them. The old man consented
and was being led into a tough part of
the Third ward when Ollicer Pieronut
halted the procession ami tool : the two
alleged reporters to jail. Hero thoygavo
the names of J. U. Monran and Jos. Gor
don. They are well known wneak thieves.
The old gentleman wn.s anxious after the
arrest to avoid a write-up as he was to
get it before the trouble.
Dcnth nt tlin I'oor Kami.
Patrick I'allon died at the poor farm
ypsterd'iy at the advanced ago of 05 !
yeans. The deceased was at one time in
business in this city , but Im.H been in
straitened circumstances for n number
of years. Ho has a wife and chil
dren living in Kansas.
CuttfnK < > nt Part ofn Itrnln.
Now York Tribune : An unusual sur
gical opeiatloti was performed at the
Now York hospital recently uy Dr. Hob-
nrt ! ' Weir , who excised n portion of u
woman'.s brain. The patient
was about ! I5 j'cars old From the HVinp-
toms , the Hiirgi'iuus Dr. Amidon being
called in , concluded thai -i tumor of rome
Kind existed in the brain , The patient
wan Ptheii/ed ; Dt. Weir made an mci-
nion in thu .sealp on thn right side ol tlio
head and removed a piece of bone from
the hkull about as large as thu
thn lu or end of a lien'H egg Dp Ami-
don hail located the tumor at this point ,
Upon tlio removal of the bone the subja
cunt part of thu bruin iminodlatuly mo-
trndcd through thu opening in Inn hktill ,
indioatiiiga high degree of intorcratiial
Upon examination of tint exposed
posed pint at the brain no tumor could
be found. The cartes of the proirudiiig
drain , however , appealed to be daiKcr
coloru I than is normal in brain U-.MIO
I'uilnur UHlibeo\ur uiii tumor , tliosur
gi't > ns were unable to utplace thu portion
of Iho biaiu whieh protudcd thiough tlio
hole In llm hktill. Dr. Weir thoiciipon
cut oil' Die protruding pail. 'I he hoinor
rlingu from thu kiiito vvouinl was bhort
unit was nloiiped piutl.v by ligatures up
plied to the larger blood vessels , and py
thu use of thu theiiiiocMiilei v on Iho
frenh hill face. Thu 6kn | IUS ] of tbo
bcalp were then In ought , bauk into pl.ieo
and sutured and the wound w.tb drc-sed
with the usual anti eptiu precautions
After the operation the patient
implored atul oxuresijed hersull as feeling -
ing gruit ; relief The s\mptoiiH \ of
! row ami di//Inebs. as vti'll us the
partial paralysis ol the right tide , having
disappeared entirely A microscopic ex
amihatioi ) of thu matter removed from
the patiunt'.s head hliows it to IMS brain
matter itilillr.itcd wild a new glow Ih
Nearly an ounce of matter was icimneil
from the bruin ,
SII.VKK ( " ' ( ( laic is ( ho i > c t Sott Coal.
by JW * \ \ ' > HKjjnjuu ,
818 S. lUhSt.
at caw
25 501,4 , /
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
o nlilnixxl ctmltiE ttin pott
Iwo yoira , tklUiiml a drum-
tnprfnmirrmiilov. Noolhor
lunitolii tli world rnn truUi-
fully mnkomuli ix elioTTltift.
Olio nurnt ( dfftlcr only )
wnii'crt In oich town.
_ T4NEILL ACO.,55 Stala SI.Chtft.Tia
Tory rowpMiH" knowthitthn Rhrlnk en of
roile < llii ml oovim 1 from Ihlrty-lltoin fortyjwt
cont. Allmpntcnnulnii n ontr ihoror -ntor l t
m l only timntr lifel' r c nt.of Helm mnlter. nn.l tti
Ifi1 * that IK iniiiln luthn rpjulhut | 4 inAiluiu tno iiiio.
rutlonof Ihmuloo. wliIch I < th VITAI. 1'AIiroV uxiz
Effect of tlio SOLID OVEN Boor.
A TFV inmnd Sirloin , moillutnor nelllono. . will tin
nr.DUCFlHo hix pouiHi nn.l four ounrm of lloniti-d
znnut , ftlionrlniTKlo vof thrtin pnnniUnnd twnlrooutiffli
of juliio. Whlla Hi. ) Ino N aVIJ icrfent.of thn total
iulil , It uliom the uuoriuoua l.oid Ol' I-'IFTIC 1 U
fitfiiba 111 im iui ni w I * i Kiit * n ni.iwi
_ _ of imTHMFKirnCE .ogjuica.
SOLD IN KEBBASKAns follows :
" * ' ' ' '
i > KINNLV ; , . . . . . . 'COUPON'
H AIUDftCO NiiiKAtxtCiiv.
j. KASS&CO. , . . . TIIAIIROM.
KUAUSE , 1.UUICI.K \VUI.CIl , Coiuimus.
j \NNI u.&svvn NIV :
r.i.ut.r.ft I-AOKU
J J McCAPl r.KTV O'Ntiii. Ctrv.
A. I'n\HSON SiFinirc.
j o r.ur.cN. SITOMSIIURC.
1 A I'AIHirV fchON StipfKtoB.
Wnrrnntcd abinltittlipnra
Cocoa , from wLlcli tlic cxccm of
Oil Iu tern rcinoitil. ItliaaArr < f
ttmei the tlrtngt/t ol Cocoa nilsctl
wllli Stiircli , Arrowroot orHuijar ,
and UtlH-reforo far more ctouoml.
cat , coiling Its * than one rtnt u Tt la dLllcIuim , noiirl > lilng ,
dtrrnthf ( nlng , canlly tllgMtcd , ami
nilrnlrAbly nilapted for Imalldn u
well n > for iKrxoni In Lckllli.
SoM bjr ( Inifr r ererywhero.
BAKER 8DO , , DorcWer , Mass ,
Tlie Original nud Only fiinlnr. .
Rife nd l , i Ilillal \ IUw rc..f wortlilr4 ItiilutU u > .
Indllpfnublo 1 LADIES. A.k foot llrourl.t far
"I'liwlirnlfr * * Incll b"ftr.t Uke n40tliror incluM in ,
( , ttmi | l lu u ftr | > artlculflrt tn Irtltr kr rrturn iMidL
NAME PAPrR. tlilcht. ! . . , Vhrii.lriil ,
aRli. Mnrtl.i.H MtUKrr , I'hlluilu. , I'm.
Hnldbj DrKZl'l * r rjwliiTr. ilk for
rruaa.romlilnctl. I
unly unu In the wurM ifoiieratl
nronlinuoiM Sfttlrle rf tlnam
. * . ' ' Kflfcilvo. ATU'II ! frnu
fa * OrrrlMlflllLlirMl Si-nilft impfoi liamph ;
. .J.MI I'l.KdlKIU III'.I/IK | Oil lllMAHI ; < H.
'iiM4in ' lutuili rnckul null 11cm cr irrnieh
tianl wuxlilM rmir tear rarpota Hn.tKra'1 * by io ll | 'int
pall limit , | : I ajll f anil Uur. ' , ! , , lll. . l' iia
\uull ' 1 . llillilcun'
, | In. " 1109
llayward BrosM \ Howard ( t , Omaha , Neb.
iU > r reucv ( utijiiirrrlal National fi ink omalia
A Jlolc Hint mirr fathrr
ffliuuld lilucn li liU nun1 * liamlj
uiulruuliliiikijr ) HliUutJliii < > t
cui-u. dhta ull ihu m.K | > uii
. . "
mj M.II > ' 1 < > H Ulfcffl ( 4 * * i tjrfvTgJ * f !
iluutu i'urlr Vlv. iiuJ iKiiur * liiiir Si
u > ami luiil II iiiln iif riiin > ' ( lif J A 1 ! T4III . I
IUi ui uil It. TititliuuniuU I-gin imlut t tLuJiilua po tufi
I'or l > r lrnl''vui ' , , t4. llu B i. Ix > il Vitality. Fit . . . . .
liil. I-ri < . I < i > ullutliih. VrunOA ii tuiil u
l.rf'.U.J.M-'V. lt I ulluii ht. , M - -
Jiam ijrtiir liiitlinoiniintUi Kulnl | nniolil
7lioSndci ! Electric Co. I&'J LaSaott. | |
r Men eulTrrli it from | .u i i It-ar ,
IXtrv > u * llrl.lltl J. I irt < if
uirMl , I7r ruulur
.rrnuliln r
r ftmicro iiw
I iiu t
WAESl0.1BtMfO f3. top * * I
limit on Ouiulm Jim.