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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1886)
SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , F1UDAY MOKNING , NOVEMBEK 19. 2880 , NUMBEK 154. THE SUDDEN CALL OF DEATH , Ex-Presidont Chester A , Arthur Answers the Reveille of Eternity , A PEACEFUL AND PAINLESS END Kxprrsslnns of Hot-row nnil tlcgrct Over the Hvent Hkolcli of Ills Ijlio From Hoy-hood to Man- liood'H Cnrnor. Dentil of Kx-l'rcflidi'nt Arthur. WASIIINOTON , Nov. lb. fSpecial Telegram totlie IJi.i.J : Cltl/onsof Washington were startled this morning at seeing upon rising fiom their night's slumber , Hags al half mast , nnil learning that It was a icipectful recog nition of the death of their late piesideiit , Chester A. Arthur. It has been well known liero that tlio health of General Arthur was wi 'ckcd when Im lull tlm whllu house a year ago March last , and that 1m suffered for many months thereafter with gasttltK but no ono waspiepaied to hear of his death , coming as It did without admonition. A gentleman who saw Geneial Arthur two months since Infoimeil your coriespondent that tlm ex-president was In very fechlo [ health and that his body was covered witli ' spots Indicative of blood poison , but another wlio saw him less than n fortnight since , reported that he was very much Improved In health and would un doubtedly bu out again during tlm winter and was nhcady discussing business affairs. By tils ainlablu qualities General Aithur won many very warm personal friends In Wash ington dining his Incumbency of tlm chief executive chair , and Ids demise will cause sincere regret in Washington. His friends nnd enemies lieio wcro alike ardent and bteadfast. Undoubtedly there will bo a gen eral suspension of business hero on the f n- jmial day. and the eitl/ens of tlm national capital will join In mourning. To the sur prise of most people , It Is ascertained now that ex-President Arthur was not a wealthy man , Ids possessions being estimated nt less than 5100,000. LINCOLN ON HIS KOHMttll Cllll.r. CniCAdo , Nov. IB. [ Special Telegram to tlm Biti : . ] " 11 Is with greal I heard tlm news of ex-President Arthur's death , " said BoburtT. Lincoln loa reporter to day. "It was no surprise to me , however. When I saw him last July , it was manifest that he could not live lone , although at that time he did not seem tc consider himself as- near death as he appealed to he and as his physician told me ho was. I would not care to give any lengthy expression regarding him in this way. but I will say that although my acmialntancu really began with my official connection , not only did 1 learn to respect him most highly , but to have great personal affection for him. Ho assumed tlm presi dency under circumstances very em barrassing , and it has always seemed to mo that ho over came tlm dllllcultles surrounding him in an admirable manner. While lie was an earnest republican , Im was , above all , a patriotic eitl- yen , and 1 know of no net of Ids In which he did not liavu at heatt Urn public Interest. Hi ? administration , 1 think Ills universally conceded - coded , was. as far as ho was actually respon sible , ublu and dignified. His ofliclal ap pointments , on which tlm welfnru of the country is so dependent , wcie always con sidered by him with tlm gicatest care , and K any of them were subject to criticism , 1 am sure It was because of misinformation given him. Ho was especially caincst In carrying out not only the letter but tlm spirit of the civil service act which was passed during Ids administration. In dealing with our foreign relations he was as earnest and patriotic as could bo desired. There was in his tlmo nc need for aggressiveness , even it' those upon whom the responsibility rests for keeping our countiy ready for such action had so pto vldcd that aggressiveness with foieign couu tiles might not bo tlm cause of at least tern poiary disaster to us. He clearly recognized our situation In this tegard and especially urged congress to strengthen his hands. He was , In short , a president of whom the country Is proud and for whom It may wel mourn. " Niw : YOIIIC , Nov. IS. [ Piess.j Kx-Piesl dcnlAitliur died at 5 o'clock this moining Tlm news oi the death of ox-President Aithur came as a great surprise , notwith Ktandlng the alaimlng minors us to hi' health during the summer months. Thu sup posed improvement In his condition noted during Ids stay In New London , Conn. , nnd tlm apparent conlideiicu expressed by friends wlio remained clusu to him cre ated tlm Impression that his hc.iltti had been ladically Improved , giving him a promise of a lenmvcd leasu of lifu , Ills disease was one affecting tlm kidneys , unit those neatest him had no faith In III' permanent recovciy , hut his sudden demist ] was not spoken ot. Ho began to sink rap idlv shoitly alter midnight , and bv : o'clock it was known that death was ap Droacldng. Hu passed away without appar ent pain. His death was unexiiected , it nol being supposed outside of Ids house that ht was In any Immediate danger. AH soon as tlm news of Arthur's death wa' madu niildic maiiv HIIKS on public and pil vatu buildings \\oie placed at half mast , Aitliiirhad lived at 1 ,1 Lexington avontm lei twenty yeaisiir nmiu. A stioUu of cerebral anonle.Ny , sudden but not wholly unexpected bv attending physicians , teimlnated his life , Tlm htiolco eamo In his nleup between Tues day iilahtand U'l'dncsdav moinlng , and hi did not rally theieatter. His deatli was painless loss , and lor hours befoio tlm end came hi was unconscious. Ills son and daughter , his sister , his found law piutner. Sherman W. Knuvals , and Sur rogiUy UoJllns weiuat his bedside. On hi' rmurn from Now London six weeks ago hi ; health was no bettor than when hu left tlu city. As time pasted no neimanmitimprovu ment came , and tlm physicians lea rod sunn Filch sudden t-trokn as tliu onu to whicl hu succumbed ; with tlm beginning of tin picscnt week a maiked cliangu for tlm belle set In , At eight o'clock , ycsteiday morniiiL' Ids attendant found Arthur lying on his sldi briMtliing heavily and could not arousti him Dr. ( ieoigu A. Peters , his physicinn , who wa1 Miiiimoned at once , said ho was suf feting fiom n stiouo of cum lijjl apopluxy. A small blood vcssc in llm brain had been hoisted ami paralysi : of the light sulu ensued. Noull'ous wen spa.'t'd to tnlng tlm patient baekto conscious lies * . Tlmy were all failures. Ailliur la' ' motionless ii.'iii speechless all day , and las iiliiht at 0 O'clock , tlm enteeblei pulse , moro ilinicii ! ! le-spiiation um other signs of physical fai'iiro ' Indicated ti tlm physicians that tlm end Vru.s diawin. near. Tlm cliangu fur tlm worse cwimoi > . * rapidly , and his sistoi and children gatlic < at his bedside. Dr. William A. Vallentim and Smro-rato liollins slajcd with him dur lin ; tlm nlt'lit. Aillutr'b stienvth ebbed out slowly am with It his life. It was 5 o'clock when tlu rndcatim. Ho had been uutiuMy eenselos-i lei boms and died without a stuig le , Hi was htty-sivjeau old , The lemains wen jUven in chaigo of au uudeitaUcr tills morn ing. ing.Aithiii had bcon a widower seven years Ills wile , who was Miss ivllen llerndon bu loru Im mauled her , was tlm daughter of ; ofticer. Sim died In Isli' ' . Of their twi 'illdu'ii ' , Clte.stor Allen is twenty-two year old. He gi.idiwled from Princeton eollegu ; \ear-.itto , and U a student in tlm Columbi l.uv school. His pi training hero wa In llm law oillcn uf itiinsom , tlui mm of wlilcl the uvprcs'dvnt was a memticrup to tlm llm ot Ins tleitmn us vicu president on tlm G.u liuM ticket. Tlm daughter. Miss Nellie , o whom Arthur was very fond , is fouiteei yea it ! old. Tue lunc/al will lake place Saturday froi ho Church of tlm Heavenly Itcst , Kev. Dr. Parker Morgan olllola'lng. ' Arthur's remains will bo bulled in the Albany cemetery In his family plot. Dr. Peters says to-day : "Arthur died of cerebral apoplexy , that is. It was the Imino- Ilato cause. It was one of the ways In which Ids ttoubio mlylit have taken at any time , so that the event was not unexpected , For two or thrcn years Aithur sulfcicd from an en- laigcd and eiitcoblea lieart , and a vanety of symntoms that alarmed his 11 lends were a tmtutal result of this condition , Ho had kidney troublc-Ilright's dlseate but it was not tlio catiso of bin death. A man of less powerful constitution would havosuccumbcd sooner. Hisgreat ph.vslcal strength pulled him through as far as tlds. Aitlmr was nnt only physically strong but a good man , and tliosj wno weic closert to him In Ills trouble lealncd tlm vnlnc of him most hlghlf. " It Is expected that members of ex-Prcsldont Aithur's cabinet will bo asked to net as pall * bcareisattlm fnnerul. The remains now lie In the parlor on thu second lloor of thu unos tentatious icslduncu wheio tlm owner passed aw ay. A very fovv days ago , In conversation with Aqueduct Commissioner Fish , who called on him , ex-Piesident Arthur made tlm followinc despalilng remark : "After all iifo Is not win tli living tor. and I miclit as vvellglvo up the strugitlo for It now as any othei time , and submit to tlm inevitable. " M"NiAMT rou TIII : VINKIIAI. . In order to allow time tor tlmunival of tlm cabinet members tlm date of the funeral of us-Presldent Aithur has been changed to Monday , November'-"J , at "o'clock. Kx-Piesident Aithur's private secretary was busy until 10 p. m. to-night , when the hoiisij was closed , In receiving visitors and aiisweilni : teloiriams. Kuv. Dr. I ) . Paiker Morgan will olllclatu at tlm luiieial assisted bv Kuv. W. A. Leonard , rector of St. John's church In Washington. ' 1 lie funeral services will be very wlmpliTlm remains will be conveyed on n special train to Albany. Major Ceneral Scholield called at tlm house lo-nkht and tendered tlm seivlces of his military foree for tlm tuneral. A uuaid of honor was accepted. The number ot men has not been decided. m.KflKAMs or ro.Nnoi.KNVK. The following dispatches weiu lucelvcd to night : WASIIINOTOX. Nov. is. Tlmpiesidcntwill attend the tuneral of ex-Piestdent Aithur nnd bo accompanied by sueiclary ol state , sec retary of the navy , secrctaiy of the inteiior and postmaster goncial.UANIKI UANIKI , S. LAMONT. STATK or NKW YOIIIC , KMCITIVI : : CiiAMiicit , AI.IIANV. N. Y. , Nov. IS. Allen Arthur : In the great sorrow which your be reavement tilings , 1 desiioto expiess my sin cere sympatliy. DAVID H. HILL. CoLi'MiiL-s , O. , Nov. 18. C. A. Arthur , Jr. : Tlm people ot Ohio leain with profound sor- lovv of tuedeathof your llliistiious tather.and on their lichalf I tender the slnccrest sym pathy in this hour ot your bereavement J. U. WAsniNfiToN' , Nov. IS. Chester A. Ar thur , jr. : Accept my protound sympathy with you in the death of yotn tatlierand my appicciation of his distinguished character and services. A committee of the senate will attend tlm JOHN SnmiMAX. Picsldent ot tlm Senate. SAXFitANc-isro , Nov. 18. Chstur A. Ar thur , jr. : Accept my protound sympathy in this liourot sonow. W. J. Fi.ounxn : . CiiiCAiui , Nov. IS. Chester A. Aithur , jr. : You have my proton ml sj mpatliv. WAI.TKH 0. linnsiiAvr. CincAoo. Nov. IS. Chester A. Aithur , jr. : Mrs. Lincoln aiidmysell hear with great sor- lovv of the death of > our lather and tnndor you and your sister and aunts our sincere condolence. ItoiiEitrT. JJINCOLN. \VAbiiis-u'ioN , Nov. 18. Mrs. T. K. Me- Klioy : Mrs. Sheridan and myself send our t-inceie sympaty in the bereavement yon and tlio family of ex-President Aithur have sus tained in his deatli to-day. Wo otter ourcoii- dolence and respect at this sad time. P. H. Siir.r.mAX , Lieutenant Ccncral. WASHIXHTOX , Nov. IS. Mis. T. K. Me- Elroy : J regret extremely the mislortiino that has fallen upon you in the death ot Con- cm ! Arthur. My IOIIK and intimate acquaint ance with him makes it a personal loss to me. In his nubile lllo ho boio himself with so much dignity in tlm most tiylug circum stances as to have merited tlm highest public lavorand icgard. 1 desire to convey to you my piofound sympathy and regrets. WlLI.IA.Sl C , WlHTXKY. YOUNOSTOWX , O. , Mov. 18. Chester and Nelllo Aithur : I Have just learned with sorrow ot tlm death of your father. Accept my heartfelt sympathy in your gieat bereave ment. JOHN A. LOOAN. WASHINGTON , Nov. is. Mrs. T. 1C. MeKhoy : Accept assurance of my deepest sympathy and sincere sorrow. Ai.rxANnnii ( iitnoon. Secietary Kusslan Legation. 10 ATTKxn Tin : rrxniiAL. WASIIIXO-ION , Nov. 18. The senatois below named will attend tlm funeral on behalf half of tlm senate : John Sherman , ( ieorcc F. Kdmnmls , John A. Logan , William K. Allison , M. C. Butler , James I ) . Cameron , 1) . W. Vooihees , Warner Miller. Oorgc C. Vest , A. P. ( iorman , Joseph K. llawley and .lames K. Jones. TIII : punsiDKNi's I'IIOCLAVIATIOX. WAMiixo'iox , Nov. lb. Tlm picsidcnt to day issued the following : Kxicrrivi : ; MANSION' . Washington To thu People of the United States : It Is my painful dutv to announce tlm du.ith of Ches ter A. Ailhur , late piunidunt ol tlm United States , which occuucd after an illness ot long duration at an eaily hour this mornini ; at his residence In thu city of Now York. Ar thur was called to tlm chair of tlm chieC magistracy of tlm union by tlm tragedy which vast its shadow over tlmuntiro govern ment. Ills assumption ot the grave duties was marked by an nvldont and conscientious hciisuof ids responsibilities and an earnest desliu to meet them in n patriotic and benev olent spliit With dignity and ability 1m .sustained tlm Important duties of his nation , and his reputation , pei.sonal vvoitli , conspicuous nnd patriotic fidelity will long bo cherished by his fellow countrymen. In token ol ie- Rpcct to tlm memoiy ol lint deceased , it is or dered that Urn execntivi ) mansion and thu several department bulldincs bo di.ipcd In mourning for a period ol thirty days , mid that on tlm day of the funeral all public bus iness in tlm departments bo suspended. Tlm seciclaiyof warand of tlm navy will cause orders to be Issued for appropiiati : mllltaiy and naval honois to be lundeied on that day. Done at the city of Washington this eighteenth day ot November , in tlm > carol our Loul onu thousand eight bundled ami eighty-six , and of tlm Indeneiidenci ) ol tliu United States ol Ameilca tlm onu bundled and eleventh. Uitovi II'I.IVILANII : : , By tlm Piesldeiit : T. F. HAVAIIU , Secretary of State , novriixoi ! HII.I.'S IMIOCLAMATION. Ai IIANV , N. Y. , Nov. n Tlm lollovving was Issued this afternoon : Statoot Nmv Yoik Pioclamatlon by tlir ( iovernur : By tlm death of a distinguished cltl/L-n tlm people of tlm state are aiialii called to mourn. Chester A. Arthur entered into test at his le-sidenee in New York Clt > earl ) this morning. Ho had always made hi- homo vvlililn our state , ami from Ins earl.v manhood had occupied within H places ol iiohtlcal distinction , AH a citi/cn o ! New Yorlc statu ho was clcetul vice pr < Jl ! ' dent by llm vvliolu people. Upon tlm death of I'ic.sldciit Cailiuld lie became mesldent b > succession , and with dignity to himself am w itli honor to the country lie filled that liluh olllco In om country. In all his Itto lie loiu ) without abuse tlm naiim of a gentleman , To lemember thu services ami admiring char aeterof President Aithur it is lilting that vu .should by Midi action as may bo deemed an pioprlatoevpress our sonow In his death and show roM > ect for llm hlgholliclal position vvhicli huhi'ld by tlmcholcj of his counliy it' ' U. Dom5 ? t tliecnpltol In tlm city of Albany , on tlm eiuii'ceuth ' day ot Novemtier , in tin v ear ol our Ltud ono thoii.-and eight him ( Iredand okhtj-slx , By tlm ( iovc-rnor , DAVID B , Hn L. WILLIAM U. itin : , Private Secretary. Ciovernor Hill has Usiicd an nnlrr that tin il.Ksbn placed r.t.luilt mast on all ariuoiie In tlm state. liBsoi.fTioxb or iiKsi'r.rr. biMtixoi'iKi.D , 111. , Nov. is. Tlm gram led uofUdd 1'ullovvsadopted tlm follovviui to-day : Wlii-reas , Tills Krand loiliq has learnei with uiufiuind turret ot tlm duatli of thut dls tiiik-uislied citizen , statesman and patriot Chester A , Arthur , o.x-prceidentotttm L'nltci States ; and Whereas , His manly/nuilitles of head am lieart , his high moral character , his ability a a statesman and his lolly patriotism al him as a man whc : > o death J * to bi leplorcd by every lover of his country , ie- gardlcssof party , sect or creed : therefore licsolvcd , That In tlm death of ex-President Arthur the nation has lost onn of its foic- uost men , his family n kind , loving and ender father , and tlm people a faithful and conscientious servant. Resolved , That In his great ofllco of chief executive of the nation ids conduct was such as to secure a strong hold upon the hearts and affections ot the people whom ho served. Kesolved. That a .suilablo memorial pngo bo set apart In the journal of this lodge ap- iropriak'ly Inscribed to llm memory of L'hestor A. Arthur , twcntv-llrst president of tlm United states. JOHN c. Svurit , ( Signed. ) J. O. HuMi'iiiinv , F. BIIOSO. . or KSTLCM , WASIIINOTOX. Nov. 18. Attorney ( Jcne.ral Carland said that ho had known cx-1'rosl- dent Arthur Intimately and had every reason to esteem him both as a friend and as a pub lic nlllclnl. Arthur occupied a very tiylnt ? position as president , entcrlni ; tlm white iiouso , as he did , dniini : tlm political excite ment which followed tlm death of President U afield , and Ills administration was marked by ability of a high order. Secietary Laniar s.iid that Arthur's death would touch the hearts of many people with grief. Called to tlm iiresidenev under the most painful and trying circumstances , lie bore his hotiois with dignity and adminis tered the cxecutivo department Ina manner that was just to all sections. Ho was highly esteemed and especially liked bv many of tlio southern senators nnd icnrespntatives. Postmaster General v lias slid that Aithur's administration of tlm government had com mended him very stionglv to the tespect of the people , and especially under tlm veiy tiyinirciieumstances under whieli ho took the otllcc , his administration might be called leinarkahly successful. No Inst.inco ot tlm manner In which ho performed the duties ot tlm nUli o of president In tlm previous history of tlm country olleis a moro commendatory recoid , Secretary Whitnov said : "I knew and es teemed Piesident Arthur very Idghlv long before he became president. I dcumcd him a much abler man than was his repute when lie was placed upon tlm ticket. 1 regtot his d"ath personally , for he was a most genial gentleman , and leaves a largo cirelo of iricnds , who will bo filled wltii regiet. sKinrii or ins i.iri : . fTlieio Is something painful and sadden ing In the dc.ith ot Chester A. Arthur at the ago of lifty-six. Hu was horn In Falrfmld , AM. , in 1K0. ! His father was a Baptist doctor of divinity , and a line classical scholar. Chester's t-arly lito was one ot hard work , lie was a barefoot hey who did farm chores for liisliviiiK , in his childhood , but he never made any tussnboutlt. Hu was a craduate of Union colleiro. N. Y. , and paid lor his education liimsclt by teaching in other ways. In college he was tlm most popular of stud ents. Tall , commanding and handsome , his manners were at oncu dignified and winning. Ho was courtesy itself to all. He had dark. hiilliant ojes nnd dark , curling hair , ilo was a lirst-class scholar , too. Ciieat tilings 'vero piedieted for him. Ho .studied law. again paying for Ids education himsclt. When only twcntv-one he was piiuclpalof a boys' academy at Noitli 1'ovv- nal , Vt. He was sti icily economical , obliged to be so. When ho had saved . " > 00 he beijan tlm practice of law , first in tlm west then in New York cltv. Mr. Arthurs first days were his best davs. Ho came Irom college full of enthusiasm and detei mined to do richt at all cost. Ho was intensely anti-slavery in his con victions. Ho had hardly settled in Nnvv Yorlc and was only twenty-two years old when a law case was put into his hands that tiled both his principles and his intellect. It was the colebiated Lemmoii slave case , to decide - cido whether , under tlm laws of New York , slaves wrought Into the state did not become flee. Aithur took up tlm sidu ot tlm slaves and won thelrcamo triumphantly. Tlm tiials were carried tin from court to court , nnd Charles O'Connor was the opposing counsel to him , but the bravo yonujr man won. From thatdavon it was settled that slaves brought into New Yorlc by tiiulr own ers became free. Then Aithur took up thu grievance of a negro woman who had been put otf a street car on account ot color. He sued the company and collected damages , and again from that day on , colored peonlo had the rljiht to ride unquestioned in the public conveyances of New York. As a member of tlm stall of Governor Mor gan , of New York , during tlm war , it fell to himtocmiip icgiments of soldiers and for ward them to tliu 1 rout. tie did tills admi- i.ibly , and In this vvoik hogotthetltio of gen eral. Tim title is n civil , not a mllitaiy one. He was Governor Morgan's adjutant. After wards 1m was collector of tlm port of New- York and vice president. It is said to have been directly opposed to Ids ft lend , KOSOOP Conkllng's wish that ho accepted tlm second place on tlio ( Jarlield ticket. His election to tlm vico-presidcncy , his as sumption of tlm duties of tlm presidency when tlm lamented Ganicld was stricken down by an assassin , and his defeat for tlm republican nomination in 1SS-I. are matters witli vvliich readcisof tliu Bin : are familiar. Tlm split in the republican paitylnNow York wrecked Aithur s fortunes politically. Tlm bitter and tmal quairol that resulted In consequence between himself and his warm est friends dlstiesspd him and rendcied Ids lifo not pleasant socially. Ho Is said to hav had a h\ed bellet that tlm American people had misunderstood him and not given him his dues , and that thosu on whom bo lavished tav or and friendship had turned aguhibt him ami tiled to do film Injury. Mr. Aithnr's wilu died in 1870. He was devotedly attached to her and never le-mar- iled. Ho lived alone with Ills ehildien , a son and daughter , in his house on Lexington av enue. His son Allan Is not greatly lematka- hie , except for having broken a marriage en- gairomrnt with a chauning gill while his father wns president. Ills littio daughter Nellie was tlm sweet. briuht flower that clmoicd his life In tlm White house. Shu is now Hearing woman hood and lesombles her lather in lace ami fc.ituics. So , ftom having started In lite with the highest piospects and asph.itions , with all that iiatuto could do for him In the way ol physique , and with n line brain , tioiu begin ning witli abiavo record on tlm hideof liberty and justice , tlm ux-piesldent finished nis ca- leer In eli -cinity , at his homo In Now York. Until ids long and painlul illness called at tention to him au'aln , ills imiim had scarcely been mentioned .since hu left Washington , an IrJHli hand Hill. LONDON , Nov. IN A committee of the cabinet , composed of Loul ICandnlpli Churchill , 'Sir Michael Hicks-lteach , Lmil Waslilmin and HI. lion. William U-no Smith , is prcpailnga land bill for Iicland , Tlm lirst draft is based upon an extension ol the Ashboitino act. it limits thu tenants' ' purchase of lands to holdings under sixty acres. If tlio commission sanctions tlm linns- fertile imperial trcasmy will advance tlu amount , tlm commission paying four-tilths U ttm landlord and letaining Dm other fiftl until tlm teiiants'anniril installments amount to one-tilth of thobtlpiihitiMl sum. Tunaiit.s' ji.ij incuts shall uxlemi overthiity-nlnoyears , \vlth Interest atI percent per annum , as in the Aslibonriio act. Tlm total necessary to lit guaranteed Uy tlm lieasury Is estimated al rJ % ° 00iO , } . The sales under tlm Ahhlminiu act having aicadyu.\haiisti ! > dtlm paillaumnl ary giaK1 of S.OiXi.OOO it Is lepoited that tin goveinment , t.tiiig to pailianmiit's letto- spectivo sanction , nil * ordered tlm treasury to continue to makoadvanif tlm icpoii Iw trim this action < ixpo > tis tlio " e.rmmmt to a attack for biracli ot constllutlt'U , A Kilropc.iu War 1'redlclod. Dfiii.ix. Nov. IS. Tlm Nation gives tin details which , It says , will bo carried out In the event of a Kusslan war , If Itiissia should result to aims , says tlm Nation , an Austrian nimy will invadoSeivia , thu fleets of Kim- ' ind nnd Austiia and Italy will occupy tin Kiixinu sea , Germany will watch Poland , ami it Fiance should ally herself with Itussit ; tlm Italians will occupy the Alps , Sentenced to SIYoara. . CIIIOAOO , Nov. 18. The trial of Asa J , Buruis for llm attempted murder of two tc nialo employes of Dun's mercantile agcncj was concluded this afternoon. Buiriis wa : found guilty and sentenced to six years ii tlm penitentiary. Thu defvnsu attempted t < show that Iturrus was insane and not res ponslble. Tlm ci him for which he was tnci w as committed about a j car ago. Nebraska unit lovva Wnathcr. Tor Nebraska and Iowa F4ir weather followed r'V ' I'slit ' inius , slightly warmer , NATIONAL CATTliK CKOAV13KS. Important HtiHlncsiTrnnsncteil nt the { jnst Day's Session. CHICAOO , 111. , Nov. 19. A telegram from Colonel Lament , president of llm National Hanch association , pledging the support ot his association In stamping out pleura * pneumonia , was icceivcd by tlm convcnttoti , of cattle growers this morning. A letter fiom Warner Miller , of the senate committee on agilrulturo , promising his support to the cattle bill now before conercsa , was also readas was n communication from the Uctail Butchers' association of New York and Brooklyn , expressing sympathy lor efforts being made to stamp 'out plcuro-pneumonla. A motion that tlm executive committee assess nil associations renrcsnnted In the convention pro tataoii their nmmbcisliip for llm purpose of deleaving tlm expenses of a committee to ba sent to Washington In Urn Interest of legislation for cattle ludustiies , was cart led after n lengthy discussion. The following was also adopted : Resolved , That this convention , composed ot men from more than tliiitv states and ter ritories of tlm union , rcptcvnllng tlm tttim- Ing and stock glowing Interests ot the ontlro country and especially of the western states and Ifirlloiii.'s Itcieby declare that tlmy cor dially ondoisc tlm statements ot Govcinor Hauser of Montana , Govcinor Wairenof Wyoming , nnd Governor Stephenson of Idaho , in their iccent ofllcl.U leports to the secrctaty of tlm Interior upon the question of the Injury and Injustice to the men who mo uudeavoi Ing to ei eate homesaiid snppoi t their families under the privations andtiialsof fiontlurlllo ; that the bund elmiL'es of liiiud made to tlm commissioner against thesn men aiu not founded In fact ; that tlm Isolated In stances of fiaml picsoiit no ground for tlm unlvctsal proscription lie hr.sdeclared aalnst thesu men : and , lastly , that under cover of an intention to preserve tho-so lands for actual settlers , 1m is In reality and In fact Investigating and conducting , throuqh his special ngunts , n system of espionage foreign to our institutions , unworthy of Ameilcan cltl/enshlp , and by suspicion of illegality thus cast upon tlio entiles and titles ot tlm fanning class as a whole , a vast Injustice Is done to them by which no public good Is seemed or obtained. In thu afternoon a consolidation with the "National Cattle and Horse Growcis' Asso ciation , " under tlm head of tlm ' Consoli dated Cattle Glowers' Association of tlm United States" WAS effected. The following officers were elected without a dissenting voice : D. W. Smith , of Illinois. Piesident ; W. A. Pomers , of .Missouri , fust vice president ; Kimcr Washbiirne , Illinois , second vice presi dent ; Henry K. Alvord. jr. , Massachusetts , third vice piesldeiit ; A. H. Saunders , Illi nois , secietary ; John Clay , jr. , Wyoming teiritory , treasurer. An executive commit tee was chosen , consisting of lifteen mem- bcis fiom as many dillerentstates. Tim con vention adiomned subject to call of execu tive committee. Kesoliitions were submitted reciting tliu advance in livestock and dressed beel rates fiom Chicago , denouncing tlm action of tlm tailroads as Indirect opposition to tlm In- teiests of all cattle growers and fcedeis ot tlm west and an extortion which should no longer bo endnicd. Tlm resolutions called on all the different jive stock uxehangcs ot tlm country to join in a protest to eongiess to piovent unjust discrimination. Tlm resolutions weio unanimously adopted. A resolution was also adopted urging tlm picsl- to embody hi his message to congress a clause urging action by congress to insure tlm stamping out of contagious diseases. A scries of reso lutions offeied bv Gianvlllu Stewart , of Montana , were adopted , calling upon con gress to iuiuove tliu Indian tribes living alone tliu Canadian boundary line , and thus prevent international complications , allow ing land to bo enteied lor settlement. The resolutions also demanded tliatlands bo given to Indians in severally ac'-ordimr to their needs , and ciair.c ! tim piVjsunt system of eating for Indians. ' , ' JONAS ItKtVITOINTUD. The Austrian Government Withdraws Its Objection to Him. WASHINGTON' , Nov. 18. It is learnel at ihedepaitment of statu that tlm rcappoint- nmnt by thu president yestcnViy of Charles Jonas , ol Wisconsin , as United States con sul at Prague has no bearing upon the case ol Keiley , wlio had been nominated as minis ter to Austiia , nor can It be construed to in dicate a puipoao on tlm part of either tlm United Slates or Austria to recede from tlm positions assumed in tlm case. Although a statement was published at tlm date of Jonas' original appointment last year that tlm Austrian goveinment had refused his exequatur on tlm ground that 1m had been concerned in a conspiracy ntaiiiht the life of tlm emperor , yet the charge was cllectually disproved by Jonas , and no objection was made to his appointment by tlm Austrian goveinment on that scoie. Tlm real objection was one entliely provincial in Its nature. Jonas formerly ic-dded in Praguu and was a member of ono of two powerful factions into which tlio Inhabitants weio di vided. His assignmcntto tlm postof United States consul at that city was in consequence lecelved with ill favor bv the faction to which 1m had been opposed , and fids lact was deemed of sullicient wclglit hy tlm Am- tiian government to jtisttly an ( infection to thoappointmcnt. Jonas returned fiom Kit- io)3 ) betoie leaching his post nnd icpalied to Ills home in Wisconsin. MoanwiiilothoAiis- liian government had Inquired lurtlier into the matter , and satisfied Itself that there vv ere no substantial objections to the reception ol Jonas , tlm piotest against tlm appointment was withdrawn , and as Jonas was still urged for the post by a laigo number ol Geimans and Bohemians In Wisconsin his appoint ment was yesleiday renewed. The Fire Kecoril. M vines , Ind. , Nov. 18. Tlm house bclone- inz to n fanner named James Johnson , about aqiiaiterof n mlle from Liuidsvllle , binned tillsmoiiiintr. His two datmhters , aged ie- speetively eighteen and twenty years , were burned to n cinder , Johnson , his wlfu and two sons escaping in their night clothes. A yoiin : : man named Tinner employed by Johnson , was so i-uveiely bmned in making ills uscane that 1m will piobably die , CiurAi.o , Nov. is The News Caiml III , special says that last night's liiu binned tlncu shoo shops , two saloons , mlliinciy store , hotel , icst.uirant , bather shop and lolhlng stoic on Main street , Nearly all thu goods were saved. Insurance li ht. Ciur vno. Nov. 11. The Filet 1'iesbjteilaii chinch of tliu Town of Lake was totally de stroyed by lire tills morning. Tlio loss la about SM.OOO ; liisuiancit unknown. Tin church bumed witli such rapidity that tlic entire htineturo was a mass of llames when tlm tire derailment miiveil. Tlm planing mill of J. K. Bnssell t Co. burned this ovening. Los-i , 5(10,100. ( P.irlsh .V ; Co. , maniilactuicrsof rmtaln good * , and K. A. Haitwcll A : Co. , sasli , door and blind mannfiictuieis , share In thu loss. Partly iiisiiicd. CHK Ano.Nov.l8.-Tlm Jally ) News' Joiiel (111. ( ) special sajs : All thu business block. on llm island between Kant and West Joiiel and between tlm canal and river bridge wore entliely consumed by 1(10 ( tills monihiL' , Total loss , 800,000 ; iofal insuiance , r- . , ' { ' . ' " > Jjro is supposed to have caught by trie- lion tiuTI. a c.iblu eiiain , Illinois Xju ! ' uU : Oiiaril. Ciurao , Nov. lb. MumSr' " oMho HI ! iiols National Guardassociatioumeti.Tf ) Uitl annual convention to-day. A legislative committee was appointed , consisting of Colonel nel Fred Bennett , .lollet ; Colonel . L. Dls ton ; ( Julney , Lieutenant Colonel Farlln Q Ball , Chicago ! Captain C , Ar. Jaqmtli , Paris ; Captain Taylor K. Blown , Chicago. Several mattets ot great inteiest to tlm natlona uuaid wilt bo brought betoio tlm next session of tlm leglslatiiie , and tlil-t committee Is ex peeled to look alter them , Cutting Down AValiaHh CiiirAno , Nov. ia In the matter ot per centages ruling in Jim trlpartato pool , the arbitrators to-day decided that llm Wabasli by tl.o lo > ot ceitain of Its Council Ulutl lines , is no IOIIL-CJ entitled to an iciial : | hbaii with tlm Jlock Isuiud and St. Paul , It ha notliceu decldodyct how much U bhall re cci\e , PERILS OF A JOCKEY'S ' LIFE English Medical Journals Claim Archer's Death Was Oansccl by Overtraining ! WHAT NOTED RIDERS THINK London l'rr s Comment on thn linto Kx-Prosldont A Prcncli "Woman's l itecr Fronk "MSlllonnlro Ter ry's I'oatimmonn llolr. AVhnt Cnnsc-d Are-hrr's [ fYjifuM | HutliyJamtsttonlon Hciuifll.l LONDON , Nov. IS. | Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to Hie Uii. ] The gossip about Fred Arclicrsicductlon In weight hav ing weakened him nnd caused his death , lias uaUiially eAcHed medical attenllo'n , nntl tlm current Lancet takes up tlmsubjecl under the Imadlnp "Perilsof a Jockey's Life. " After sitting nil these , tlm aitlclu continues : "Lit tle does tlio iniiiUtiulu gueis how deala ! mice the jockey pays lor this ciicour.iglni : shout and popular npplauso tlial erects his vletoiy. It Is nut going too far to say that the sulleilngs and priva tions entailed by a severe coutso of training , protracted years , are on physiological gronnds.ccrtaln to jeopatdize health , uvon 1C It cannot bo proved that ihoy sacilllcc life. In not : v few instances jockeys have boon known to sicken and die lioin iicutc Inll.uiiination , brought on byexposuie wlillu the physical powers were at tlw lowest line of lesistanee ; or , by repeated chills , have fallen victims to phtysls , Such was poor young Constable's fntt1. Unfoi Innately sweating to bring down the weight ofnjockoy In a short , time Is otlen entailed on those constitutionally 111 titled to withstand llio shock. Starving nnd sweating ate no mean factors In producing shocks. It Is little short of monstrous that Archer should , by the necessities of his engage ments bo required to leduce his weight from over ten stone to eight and one-half stone. In order lie might lido St. M ii in. Typhoid fever was assigned as the last illness from which the great jockey sintered. This maybe bo so , but If It was , the onset must have been unusually Insidious for dclhlum to li.ivo supervened on I lie date mentioned. The verdict of the juiy was technically correct , but to the un- selentllle mind It carries a stigma which no one would wish to be attached to the memory of the late popular jockey. That lo was bereft ol his reason cannot bo doubted. At the .s.ima tlmo wo would assert that the latal cat.ibtiophe quite a sufli- cient cause in the recent physical strain and its consequences , without assuming that them was any underlying or latent basis ot even temporary insanity. Th'1 current British Medical Journal fol lows a str.iln looking to his severe pihatlons dining tlm previous sK weelcs. iiAcn TiiACKinr.As. Visiting to-day , on the lleiald's account , the Noithampton races , L took occasion to Interview there several jockeys on the sub ject of the piivatlotis of reducing weight. 1 arrived while the first lace , the Ncwo handi cap , was being run , wlilcli was won by Charles Wood , on Mr. Kcnlrcw's Thunder storm , After he dismounted and passed the scales correctly , I spoke to him. Ho Is about live feet two , with a robust , healthy appear ance , inclined to bo slightly bandy , and was wealing his yellow silk jacket and cardinal cap. lie has for a number of years filled the second place on the Hat ot winning jock eys to Archer. Ho said : "I never waste except for an exceptional mount. Even then mv wasting toldom exceeds tlirco or four pounds , \vhicli makes me feel very weak. Try yoiirselt to do without your ordinary food , taking in stead Turkish baths and seidlitz powders for a week , and you will also feel bad , I can tell you. As to newspaper agitation to raise weights. 1 think it improbable , as the present arrangement ncrmits light weights to ride , which otherwise would debar them. " Concluding , lie said ho was suio that wast ing by physic shortens a jockey's life and was one ol the causes of Aielmi's Illness and death. TOCICKY WATTS' oriNiox. I had just left Wood when 1 met John Watts , dressjd In orange , with a purple belt and orange c.ip , coming from the weighing room to lido Mr. JolloiTe'sBonnioChailie , lor the third race tlm mile selling ulatc. Watts \\ill bo remcmbcied in Amcilca as the rider of Keene's Fo < chnll to victory in the biidgcshlre race. He is a tall , line built young man , with light hair , blue eyes and very gentlemanly spoken. He said : "J never waste as Aiclier did. Jlo was con tinually physicking himself. I get a lew pounds weight off by dally walking exeicise. On , Archer's feet were so vciy tender he was unable to walk. During the winter I only get to about iw : pounds , keepIng - Ing my weight down by hunting , and just bofoio the racing season 1 have only to ic- diico myself about seven pounds. 1 have all my life enjoyed good health , which 1 attrib- u to to my walking eveicisu , and I nm MHO II jockeys ceneially would exeit themselves a little and walk Instead of icly- ing on physic.tliey would enjoy health the same as I do. As to lalsing tlm weights , I am sine it would ho a great ndvantagu to all heavy and middle weight jockeys' health. " At this point the boy brought liannle Charlie to us , and \\lillo shaking hands to mount , Watts leininded moot John Oslmrno , who Is OUT hfty years ol age. adding : "John is tiding now as well as over , and tlm only medicine ho takes is walking , walking. " mi : 1'isTisr iiiiiuu rvi.K * . This raeowas won by Fied Wehhon Kceen- trlclty , III W. L , Slovons' colors , claret with a blue cap , and was U'ebb's only mount dur ing the day , I saw him slioitly alter , fully dicssed In a dark tweed suit , with a long peppci and saltuoloicd ulntcr down to his hccl.s. Ho Is tall , with dark hair and bright eyes , Americans who came to Kpsom In IbSl to see IioijuoisMII will lememhur Webb ildlng Periglno , the lavorlio , anil who llmshed second. Webb In thought by many to be the finest ilderof the pieountday. Ho said : "I don't for a moment think wastinu'caused Aichur's death. Hucaiuht typhoid fever as you or 1 mignt have caiuht It. 1 lw\o lead the mcdlcaljouinals on tlm subject , and must nay the writess know vciy little of what tlmy are wilting about. In n few weeks , when the racing season Is over , 1 will weigh about 147 pounds , and 11 idu during the bcason at 1'Jl pounds. My wasting Is tliu same as \\V.M . plenty of walking , with an occasional doscol piiy c , " \\II\T AitciiifrS rcrnssou THINKS. Iliad a few minutewISU George Uaiictt before thu last lare-tlio lloiii-child plato Hu was dieted to lido K. C. Starsey's Modistu In pretty colors ot cinnamon , with old gold sleeves and cap. Hu Is a slioit , bright , lespoctfui young fellow , with blown ey 3 and hair , and was wearing a heavy red black tllk muuk-r round bis throat , as It had become bitter cold , Jt is generally undei- fctood that George Barrett will Mtcceed Atcher us the Prince ot Wales' joekey , and next yea ; bu nt the liead of } lm list ol winning joclteys. Ho said : ' ' 'l' < 33 , 1 read the medical journals ar.d think \oryllttle of them. I waste , pjrhsp ? , as innch as anyone , but the medicine 1 u o Is cheap. 1 cat a small mutton chop for bioakfast and then take a long walk , which gives olio good health and icduces my weight when I require it , " As to his younger brother , Ficdvho Is fir ; > t jockey to Leopold Kothschlld , and whose services nm sought after moio than any other Unlit weight , ho said : 'Trod suffers from a weak elu-st ; consequently IIP Is not able to do so much walking as I do. Hut by combin ing phjsle with walking ho manages to keep in fairly good health. " f My tliin opinion Is that If jockeys would take plenij of walking they would seldom bo 111 as many ate now \vho lely solely on physm. HIS POSTHUMOUS ltrIK. The Mttle One Horn to Inherit Terry's Mltllmm. l ( ' | ) ) | /i tvlil iWiliiiJitmrnUunlnn nrnnrtt. ] PAnis , xv. , lS.-New | Yoik Herald Cable Special to the llr.i : . | 1 saw to-day Mrs Juan Pedro Terry , who , drsplto hnr tryIng - Ing PiiciiiiistntieiM , looked evceedlnuly smart , w Ith a pretty halo of curly golden hair sur- 1011 ml I n liui elilldlike taco nnd big blue eves. Her baby girl , just three davs old , In embroidered lobes , was lying asleep upon the nuise'skneo. The baby is the Imago of Its latlier , the same featuies and black hair , of which the now comer has a largo quantity , Mis. Tony is anxious to get back to Now York , and as soon as she is able to travel will lotiirn , taking with her tlm body of her hus band for burial In thu family vault at ( irccn- wood. The fortune left Is 510,030,090 , of which one-third goes to the widow and the rest to the d.uiL'litor , the Interest to tlm widow , in ease of the buby dying , Mrs. Terry becomes the sole possessor of the entire fortune. Mrs. Terry has travel led for the last six years , hope ! id of the change of climate giving health to her hus band. Unnapplly , consumntlon never par dons at the age of thlrty-livn. Mr. Tony died suddenly at Mentono In the aims of his wifo. Jlo arrived much exhausted In tlm south of Franco and took to this bed , from which 1m never rose. His last moments weie calm. Ho picssed his wife's hand nnd said : " 1 fool I nm going this time Kate , dailing , " He then tlnew his head back upon the pillow , Ills teeth chattel ing , but his gaze never quitting his wife's face. "Juan , kiss mo , " sahl his wife , sobbing. Ills lips advanced , but death was too swift and lie died vie giving her tlm siipiemo caress. A few momenta before ho whispered : "Emilo ( brother ot Mr.Tcrrj ) will look after you , dear. " Mr. Teiry's lawyer. Frumino , of No. m Nassau stieet , New Yoik , had a little time before diavvn up a second will which icmaincd unsUncd. Uy this Iiistiuinunt one-halt the fortune was left for the wife. Uut this disposition was pre vented by one of Mr. Terry's biotheis , wlio , taking Into consideration the Spanish and not tlm American law , said that Mr. Terry could not le.ivo more than ono-thltd to his wifo. The second will , however. Mrs. Terry can led with her. When dylncho asked Un it to sign , but ills nearness to death had nish np et everyone , and the will was not forth coming. The baby Terry was born ono month to date alter its fathers tle.ith and christened Jeanctte Terescta. Mrs. Terry will bo homo in New York about the end of December. She docs not appreciate Paris nnd said she would not live In this city for anything. A AVOMAN'S WAY. She Fires n Itevolvor to Draw Atten tion to Her \Vnos. [ Copyrfu'it ' 18SG by Jam's ( Joxli l Itrnnelt.l PA ins Nov. 18. [ New York Herald Cable Special to thoUnK.J I send yon thu par ticulars of another scandal. At 1:20 : o'clock tills afternoon , in fiont of the chamber of ( ioiiities , just as a stream of lepresontatlves and vlsltots , among whom weio Kmlllo Cas- telarand many ladies , wcro cnteiing tlm building , live loud reports of a levolvcr re sounded and lo-i'choed tliiongh the couit yaul. ladies shrieked "dynamite , dynamite , " otheis fainted away. Bishop Freppcla , in liih well known miiplo ecclesiastical lobes and with a gold snuff box in Ids hand , rushed out frantically to sco what was the matter. Paul DeCassaguacI looked on calmly , smoking a cigarette. Tim cause of tlm panic was a von- eiablo woman of lilty , with white hair , dark eyes nnd a very hooked nnso , but well diesscd. Sim stood at tlm door of the deputies' entianco with a revolver , fiom the 11111/7)0 ) of which sinoko was emerging Into the air. WHY sin : rimj : > . Tlm attendants and thu police qnlcUy pinioned her arms and took away the lovol- ver. Sim was then led hcforc the qucstors , and said , in reply to Intciiogatlons : "Yon suppose I am No ; not so. * For over six years I have b en trying to ob tain justice by lawsuits in tlm tribunals. 1 mciely liied theio shots to call attention to my rase. In tiring at the building wheio justice Is supposed to residd 1 hoped to make justice come out of it. 1 hope at least that M. Lauueue , deputy lor Vancluse , will ob tain justice lor mo as soon as ho knows my ease. " The pxciti'inent soon subsided and tlm chamhcrs went on with their discussion of the budget. COMaiKNTS ON AU'i'Ut'U'S DHATII AVIint tlm London I'linors Kay of the [ ( 'CIJIHI 'o'l' ' ' ' ISiiliiiJiiini-t ( liinl'in Jlfniifll.1 LONDON , Nov. W , 'la ' , m. | Nmv York Herald - ald Cable -Special to the lii.i : . j Tlm moiii- iug papcis contain eurt dispatelms about tlm death of ex-President Aithur. Thu I'lnonl- rlocmluusly siyiifditoilally : "Ho will bo best ii'inembeicd as a 'honlvant. . ' he sue eoasfiilly ilv.illed In this chaiacter tlm gieat Sam Ward. No dinner pal ties of the tlmo weiosolamons as those of Arthur's In the eaily days of Oclmonlco'.s , the woild-wide leputntlon ot which Unions lestanrant ho was laigclylnstrumental In making. " Tlm Daily Mows is moro coinpllmuntary nnd says. "Some of President Arthur's bust qualities vvero .shown In tlm mingled Dim ness and temper with w liicli ho faced a ma jority hostile tn his government In tlm house , while never oncolorlelting Us respect nor llm c > niidenco of tlm nation. " The btand.ird conclude"Pivshhmt : Aithur did as well as could be oxpectcd , hut failed to keep bad advisers at a distance. " As lcl for .Mori ) Tinio , Soi'iA. Nov. 18 , Itegents have asked Oen- oral Kamiiais togivo tiicm tlmo to leply to his ultimatum. Tlitiy wish till tlm nnd nt tlio week , when all the mlnbters vv 111 bo In tlm city. It is believed that Ccncrul Kaulbais has been iiibtructeil to lind a pretext to end his mission In Bulgaria liy some coup d'etat which would make his dupaituro a necessity. Tim suspicion prevails that ho Is attempting to woik UP a case out of tlm In cident ot theaucstot Russians. 10 Li'uvo SortA. Nov. ! * The war has liibitucted ( ieneitil Kaulli rs to leave Hulemia at once with nil Kusslan couaids if hib note to tlm icg'ency demundlng the dUmlssal liom olllro ol'itl , commandant at I'lill- lii-popolls- not compiled with. In event i > { ik'i'-HUui' Kaulliars has bewi ordered to iiidto all HiiisUhb In Uiilgana and Kastern Ken nfella undei the caio of tholierman asen' at Kulla. KuulUais 1 $ UKpucl'-d tu KMVU Spha Saturday , A LIMITED RUNS ON ROCKS Wreck of a Fasseuger Train by a Lanilsliila NearPittsbttrg , CARS SMASHED TO SPLINTERS Mnny Ior ! onn Sot-loiisly ltnroil , | lint Only Two Kntnlty Hurt K\ol- i\\K Sennet Anionu the Uo- cupants In ttiu Sleepers. A Uinltoi ! Wreolr. I'lTisiifiid , Nov. is. 'i he limited express coming cast on tlm Pittsuuri ; , Cincinnati & St. Louis railroad , which was dim in this city at 0 : , " > 0 this mornliiL' , was wrecked by n landslide at.tones fnrry , at tlm outsklits of llm cltv , and a number of nersons Injured , two of them it Is thought , bolng latnlly hurt. Heavy rains had loosened thu oaith along tlm i oad , nnd tlm conductor of tlm limited had been notllied to piucced catclullv , Tlm train Was limning at a into of nut moio than tun milts pel hour , and jtist us U leac'ied ' Jones feiry a mass ol locks and earth eamo tuiiibliinrdown lioiu a pieclplco lotty feet above , 'llm Hist part ol tlm train escaped , but tlm huge mass clashed into thieo.sleepoi * 111 the leaf. Tliu Interior of the lion ! car was almost completely demolished. For tunately It had a small number ol passengers , all ot whom had ml sou , and most of them wcro in tlm part ot tlm coach making their toilets. Tlm other two sleopeis wcro also badly wiecked. Wonmtt shrieked and clilldien scicanmd , while ubovo all was lieaid tlm gioans ol tlm pcoplo wedged In between tlmbcilhs and rocks , un- ablu to movo. Tlm moment tlm crnsh was heard llm en gineer stopped thu tialn , but as soon as the conductor saw the frightful results 1m gave orders to hniry to tlm union depot , wlmro tlm tialn anlvcd In a tew minutes. A full corps of surgeons and a company of attend ants weie on hand to eairv out the injured. It was found that eight passengers had bean seriously Injured. Among llm Injured vvcie two w lie will piobably die. Among tlm seri ously Injured wetu : DAVID AHNiini.M , of Plttsburg. T. A , BINNITI\ Newport. CAPTAIN C. A. Ioui > . ol PittsbnrK. Mil * . LUUTINA.NT : : GLASS , of Fort Bayaid , " ' E'A. Coimsof Now Yoik. J. C. Lir.MAK , of Indlanaiiolls. AYOD.NH I.ADY from 'i'uiio Haute , Ind. , wiioso natim is not givun. Mil. FOWIIH : , \Vasliington , D. C. In addition to tlm above names there vvoio a number of persons slkhtly injnrud. Tlm sleepers that weru so badly damnirod were "Alsatla , " "Willhimsport'1 and "Yar row. " Tlm intei lor of t'.ieh wosacompleto wieek , while tlm roofs weio caved In and the bides torn out ol tlm Cincinnati ear. AI-TEIl TIIK Hei > ortN From Various Points on tlio KfTectH of the Itlizznrd. Sr. PAIM. , Minn. , Nov. 18. Tlm weather Is moderate and snow has ceased. Tlm total .snowfall was thirteen and a half inches Tialns aio greatly delayed to-day. Sioux Cirv , In. , Nov. IS. Tlm great storm left as suddenly as It came. Tlm snow unit falling about 8 o'clock last evening. Tlio wind continued blow-in ; last night , but not haul. Tills morning opened blight and pleasant and everything Is life and activity. Tlm Sioux City A : Pacific passenger train fiom the south , tlm first train to aulvc , came In at 2 p. m. AH tlmothcr roads will soon bo opened , as the plows can move most or the diilts , and but vury little shovollnir is iieces- saiy. Tlm eil'ects ot thustoim in tlm citv is not apparent except tor tlm big piles of snow shoveled oil' tlm sidi-walks. Di'.s MOINKS , la. , Nov. 18. Tlm htorm continued witli increased severity to-day , liailroads in tlm noitlmni naitot tlm state arc blockaded. Tlm Chicng'o A ; Itock Island passenger tiain. No. 'J , was snowbound west ot here at midnight. All Chicago tiains aio snowbound on tlm west end. C me AIIO , Nov. IS. The storm on tlm lake continued all night witli consideiabie fury. Htioii' winds muvailcd liom tlm southwest witli tlm ail tilled witli snow. A number of lumber luiigeis leaclied poit tills morning , having lost some ol their canvass and sus taining other damage , but no serious dis- asteis have been reported beyond these alieady noted in last night's dispatches. Itallwav tiains from thu west and neil Invest me all delayed and a number in Wisconsin are icpoited stalled In diilts. MAio.rRm : : , Midi. , Nov. IS. A heavy gale , which sprang up Tuesday night on tim lake , is now raging Snow tell all day yos- teiday , and tlm sea gunv higher uvcry hour. At " o'clock this afternoon tlm waves do- htioyad tliu liaibor ligldlioiisi ) , tirovvinglt into tlm haihor. All tlio docks in tliu city not especially protected weio sovoicly damaged tills afternoon. Tlm snow covered tlm lake like a fog , making it impossible for tlm craf I to see their way. The barge Wallace , with thoeonsoit of tlmallacu. . are at Ghocolay beach. lour miles cast of liere. Both boats will bu a total loss. Sailors have been at win k all day trying to savu tlm crows , hut without avail. The sea Is i mining so hluh that nothing can llvt ) . Tlm lescidng ciew was nearly drowned before the ulToit to save the men wns abandoned. Tlmiolsa minor that seveial boats aiu aslmru at Prosnuu Isle , scvcial miles north of heiu , but it Is not learned what tlmy sun. Many levees are being lost on account ot tliu. sc.ncitv of life- having apparatus. Tlm schooner FIoi Ida lies on thu beach oil this cltv , a total wreck , Tlio crows ot Urn stuam baigo and schooner on tlm beach near this eitv have not vet been ii'scuud. Tlm Poitago L-il.o Canal Lllo Sav ing eiew liavu been sent lor and will arrlvo on the sceiio ot tlio wreck bv special Iriln at 10 o'clock to-night. Tlmy came liom 100 miles awav liy request ol Manager Hornby , of tlm Mai < piutte , lloiighton A : Ontonagoii railioad. CIIK Af.oov , is. Tlie record of maillio disasters dm lug tliosioim is appalling , Ite- . polls up to a late hour to-night show tlm lol- lowing VHssolt , fouiiduied : lire ) Kmeiald , n 'ar Kuwaiiee , tivu lives lost : buriro F. M. Dickinson , near Kcwanee , tlireu lives lost ; two unknown scliooneis , near I'm t Sluiman ; an unknown schoonci Hog Inland leef , find the liargu Stir ol' llm Ninth near Last Tawas. l.itu of thu cunv iinknown. Vessels known to liavu beuu iliiven iislioruitio : BaiguVallacu and con- soit , on Cboeolay bcncli , cievv.s piohalily lost ; huvui el vessels at Piesqiin Inlu , names un known. iminv lives lost ; schooner South Haven , ueai PottShcinmn , Captain Injiiicd ; scliooiier Maiy , near lili'iilielm , Unl. ; acliooiier Patlilinder , near Two Itlvurs , caigo and vussela total los ; suliooner Cuvaliiya and scows Tallahassee anil Nuliiu Clmu'li , in Nortb Dav ; hchoonvi P. S. Muish , and an unknown schoouei at Si , Ignneo ; an un known hclioonei hoiiib oi Miiskccon pier ; 11 , o nropcller Citv of Now Yoik , neat ( ' ' 'cimygan ' , ami her consult ; schooner Dl.'ln , ut , aiielior , witli etnvas gonu ; schooner J , < ! . Kalfour , near Gudeiicli , Out , all hiol.iui up ; inopcllcr Niislnia. on Gniss island. Giecn bay ; hugu Bisscll , near Kcwanee , and leak- in u' liadlv ; sclioiinur' ( iolden Age , bulovv China beach ; propeller Flnilda , oti .Mar- niiettu heacii. total * loss ; baizes Buckovv , .MeDoiig.ill. Baker , Golden Harvest , near I'awas ; two iiiiknovvn schooners on old Mnckni'iw icel. In tliu majoilty of thchii ca'es thu cii-wH iiiesttfe , but tlm lenult in u iiumbor ot otlur.i . . MI best uiiceitaiii , lloniK-pin ( ni al Hnppni tors. Ciiif-Ado , Nov. IK Li-ailing gentlemen Interested in 11 , u lleimcjiln canal piojeet'd.i''uin in tlic ( innd Pacilic hotel to-dav. Speeclms vvoio mailu by ex-Governor Bross , Judio J. II. Muipliy , ol Builln toii , la. . Congicssman Paysun , Mr. it nton J. Hall , ot D.ivuupoit , and ( ii-iivnl Homiei-fcon. Tlm follnuliu olhceis wiii , ' uleetoj : 1'icol- tlidit , Josip'i Utiuy , Di\on : hPcielaiy. David T. Littlei. f-pilniiJicId tte.i-iiu-i Murray d'aiiiiian ol ll > t iMutilivo jovejnor ( L.fs-- I jlw , UK ! IJ.iv wdt ! ap1 A ii.imlit.e ( to Wttiijiiik'tuii iial ( i tur t