Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advcrtlsotnonts under thU liotd , 10 cents per
line tor the first Intortion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent insertion , and $1.f.o n line per month
No advertisement taken for lets than 2" > cents
for tlio flr t Insertion. Seven words will bo
counted to the line : they mutt run consecu
tively nnd must bo paid In ndvnnce. All adver
tisements imm be handed In before 2 o'clock
p.m. , nnd under no clrcum'tances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by tolophono.
1'nrtlts advcrti'lnsr Inthcsu columns nnd hiv
ing the answers addressed In cfiro of TUT. Her.
will plense nsk for n choc's toennblo thorn to get
their Icttorp. u none will be delivered except
on prc cntntlon of chock. All answers to ad-
Tortlscmcntfl should be mc-losed In envelope" .
TO 1.0 Aa-
TVfONHY to tonn , cnsh on hnml , no detny. .1.
ALV. . ntnl B. I * 8 < iulic , 1413 I'urnnin Et. , I'nr-
ton hotel building. 821
rpO LOAN Money Loan * placed on Im-
I iirovoil ronl p tntn In city or county for
Noir Knglnnd Ixinn & Trust Co , , by Douglng
County bunk , ICth nnd rtts. 813
G I'KIl CKNT money to oan ; easy terms. W.
M. Harris , ItoomC , I'renror Hlk , , opp. 1 * . O.
J Wl lice 2
_ " _ _ " _
MONiYT(7"i.OAN At "low rate * , on qood
elty property. Hatcher i Co. , 1210 Dotmias
itrect. 2.
_ _
MONUVtoloiinon city and farm property ,
low rntca , Stewart & Co. , Koom : i , Iron
Hank n J
MONRV TO I.OAN-AI reasonable rates , on
furniture , fine watchci and other purional
. C..I. Caswoll , room 19 Iron Hank
milling , mil and Vnrnnm. H _
$3O.OOO to loan. Sums 1500 and upwards ,
Lowest ratea , Uoiiils , IStU and Uouila < i sis.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! ! * * > "
M ONKV TO I.OAN-0 F. Davis ft Co. lto"al
Bstateand Loan Agents 1505 I'nnmm st.
M' ONKV ' TO I.OAN-On real estate and
lets. O I. Thomas. L"
MONRV T > iOAN-in sums of $2iru na
upwards on first-class real ostnto security.
Potter & Cobb , Ifil5 1'nrnnra st. TO
M NIY I.OANI'.Dntc. r.itecd.tco's.Loan
offlcs , on furniture , pianos , horsrs.waRons ,
personal property or all klnd , and all ether nr-
titles orvBluo , without romoral. 319 S 13th ,
oxer IMriKtiamM CommlPslon store. All binl-
ness strictly contldontlin. 800
MONKY If joii have ( rood notes to soil , or
wish to borrow on rcaloslato or ohnttols
at fair Ititoiost , call on J. It , Parrotlo , 10th and
Clilcnuosts * COB.
< l'riOn,000 To loan on Omaha city property ntfl
P percent. 0. W. Dayover MI2 DotiBmsat.
TOANS Louna Loans.
Heal estate lonna.
Collntnral loans.
Chattel loans.
Longtime loans.
Hhorttlino loans.
Money nlwayii on hand o loan on any ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omnnu Financial exchange , 16U ) raniain.
GI'KK CKNT Money to ( jail. J. J. .Mahoney ,
1WJ Farnam. II
6 1'Klt CENT money to loan. It. 0 1'nttorson ,
13th and Douglas. UOI
MONKY to loan by the nnilersluiiofl , who has
the only proporlv orRiinl/od loan affoney
In Omaha Loans of $10 to f 1,000 made on fur-
nlturo , pianos. orKanx , hordes , wagons , machln-
ry , fto. , without removal. No ilolaya. All
business ftrlctly confldontlal I onns to made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rain. Advnncoi
made on line watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who thov are dcallnv
with , as mnny new concerns are dally comlnir
Into existence. Should you need money , call
nnd sea me. W. It. Croft , Koom I , Wlthnell
llulldlnif , ICth nnd Harno ; . 305
"IT OKSAI.K ( . 'lioap.adriiff stock.alto two cop-
J-1 jier loiiiitsniul half do/ silver Klnss-hnldur-i.
Tor paitleulars udUruss It. S Koliurts. Norfolk.
Nob. 11521 *
FOR SAr.i : Store nnd stock ofonei'iil ( mor-
rhandl < o In 11 town noiir Omaha , will laKe
part payment In city real estate. Addrcss'J'21 ,
ituo olllcc 114 20 *
FOIt PA till Host paying Lunch Countorand
Chop Housoln the city , ( lood rontons lor
selling. C. L Ilanchott , 1321 DoiiKlua.
OM 17 *
FOIt BALIi Cheap , a complete country
prlutliiK1 otllco. Address Wasp olllco ,
Wahoo , Neb. W15 17 *
WANTKD-1'AItTNEIt-I.ady or pentli'rann.
with hiuall capital , to take half interest In
cstabllahcd , permanent. Unit-class city l/u i-
-8.jiayiitr * 2OUO to fl.OOU j early ; ( rood icii-
sons for selling ; Krand chance for rlrht | pinty.
Address S 49 , lleo olllce. CG'l
I.U Ono or the host pnyliiff hotels In
Jthis city , mnklnpr money fnst. Dost of
reasons for Kt'llinif. $ U,5H ) cash lomiliod to get
It. C. K. Lee , 1207 Fnrnim St. 475
fjlOll SALU-llnidwiuo llusmcss- offer
JL our shoir and lioB\ybnnlwiiro business ror
ale , together with our lonso and Kood will.
'Irano larirost In the cltv anil location the best ,
lletlrliifr from the business cause for soiling
The Uuum Hardware Co. , 1028 O Bt , , Lincoln.
TJIOIl SAI.H All furnished commercial hotel
A X8 rooms , also Hiimplo room , livery barn ,
wind mill ; only Motel In town. HruiUlmw Nob.
M. f. llotcbklss. 7CO nl8 *
FOK HAM : One of the oldest and best pay-
Inir Orooery HnslncHS In the city. For pur-
.lniiulro 8tHl' > Jonesst. W3
H fotsFarraslj > nds money loaned.
Dcmls. 1MH nnd Douglas Btroots. 295
T OST J2S reward Sunday Nov. 14 , pair illii-
JJ mend onrhiKH. Finder leave at Danbaum's
lontauruut , 1511Farnam at. , und locolvo ro
ward. 98318
LOST-Lady's small gold wntch wltli mono
gram M. K Vf. on back. Finder pluaso luuvo
at this olllco. ; un
T7IOUND A uid cnw , with wiilta spots on fore-
Jhoud. . Appli Cmd , on Cut-ins and 2Uth sis.
N.ll 10 1724 1
MADAM ALASKA reveals past present and
future , how many In family , ago , etc , , how
to hold affections of husband or lovor. Satis
faction guaranteed. Kocenti ana upward * . 113
8.18th 8t.
PUHSONAL Wltljou kindly rottiui Mlk uni-
brulla , In cneo , left by mo Iu olllco or plaeo
of huuliievs and rocolvo reward. J , L. Ilice
loom U , over Commercial Nat Hank. "Jl is
i A choir loader nnd picocntor , of
X cxtonilvo oxp.irlunco , denirus nil engage-
inout in a PnitOHtiint cliuri'h. Ifofiircnoo * of
( ho most siitbl'uctoiy olmuicler , Address T.
t' , Iteo olllco. 8.VJ IS'
PKItSONALLadles wishing good domestlo
hflp can be violl Mipplled by calling at
Omalm Kmploymout Ililreiui , IlU Noitli ICth ,
St. , Croiinso . .
It A gentleman aged tvvonly-clght.
JL with lomo means , dcsliert to correspond
with n lady of mutable ugo Objeot , matrimo
ny. Address Corresponding Uiironu , Wlltior
Neb. Kncloso btamp lor reply , 101 ID *
1)KHSONAL Will the person who tiaded old
silk umbrella for my now one with waxed
linndlo pluaso return It. This Is umbrella No , 2.
.1 , L Itloo , ronl estate agent , room 0 , over Com
mercial Nat bank , 001 ib
1 : il.s7lNAI < K. doCampU Sohool of Muslo
and YoJcoCultuiu , 121 N , 10th tt. , room 0.
601 Deo5
. . . lA.J.llneiiernu , piofeeslonal
niirKo with good reioirinieuilatioiia. ( U7
outh Ulh street , 3 > l lloor , i oem No. A , over
Dormaii's dry good a store. 4S2-nI )
"I JHHSONAL IfiilgliTs'or Labor ns welTflii tioiii
.1. unions will llml bomcthiug to the Intelc.-t
of their i > occtto. > na oy calling nt the only Iliu-
fIn Store , (110 N Itith bt. bet Cillfoinln nnd
wobaler. fc4Jklll
JJKKS4INA1 , For Siile-Tliu llnest ucio In
Omnha , for f.l/iOO , ono ihint cafh. J. U
Hire & Co. , room 0 , ov ur Commercial bank.
IJiitS'NAI-Mrs. : Dr Naiiiua V. Wnrren
ilnirvoynnt , Mrdlcal flnd buninesi Medium
Koom No. 3,121 Noith 10th t. , Omaha , N b.
TirATHIMOMAL-Papor cnntivns nearly JtW
J.Uudvcitidtiiients from ladies und gentle
men wanting corro ponilonii. Sent 2 monthi
lor 10 cent * . AilJros , llvlpinjr Hand. 70 La
fc'allo street. Chicago. _ b8J 20 *
H ntACTa OF TITLII furnlehed on short
notice from my complete iut of books. It.
C. I'ntterBOn. 15tn nd Huriioy. cut
TT > OHiilNT-Siiu ro Hjano IU inontBlv. A"
V Uotpe. U13 Uouvla * . 373
CHOllTHAND-Tn ten Icseons. No ,
t no postlon | , rapid M upoooh Send
for trial le son. H. M. Peniln , Dctroli. Mich.
_ _ s _ HMIB _
"IT OIt IlKNI Largo tlcan teiwoisT cheap.
J-1 Omaha Towpl Co , 1517 Howard si.
ll THAtTSOVTniK furnished on Bhort
notice. H. C , Patterson , 15th nud Harnoy.
_ _
SCHOOL OF sriiNOttKAPIIY nnd t po-"writ-
Ing , Hooms 7 nnd 8 , Iron Hank. O.w. Hakor.
_ _ _ _ LI _ _ _ vm N2I
plote sot of nbjtrnet books on short notice
H.J3. Patterson , 15th and Harnoy. _ 531
FOltltKNT Organs. (2 per month. Hospo ,
1513 Douglas. 3ttj
_ _
TT'OH ' UXtl fANOr. Some nne vacant lots for
J. horses nnd stock. Htillou Hros , 15 IB Doug-
Ins St. 978 2J
ItK.NT Squiiro Pmno , Ji raonttilv.
Hoipo 1B13 Dotljrla - 3
FOR A Ur.tjIAllbUnna complctn nlMraot of
tillo uoto tlio olllco of 1C. C. 1'nttor on ,
IStli and Harnoy. r > U
7710H SALU llio flxturos of n first class bur-
JL. liurelinpforsalo ; ( norjIliliiK cninploto lor
two workmen ; Itcost mo $ < t" > 0 nnd I will take
SJOOunAh ; Kood location. KOOI ! room and ron-
oonaldn tonn ; reason Tor sollltur. n broken log-
Address A. Wheaten , Orleans , Nub. 1000 17 *
T710II SAl.lf Soft ooaT ollfpo litvo ( teed as
J-1 now , (8 ; cost SIB. 1011 Diounport at.
"lilOlt 8AM5 Nice loam , wnifon nnd hnrnesi :
Jwill tnkoa good blnglo iiorsu In trade Apt -
t > lyfi ± i8. 1 1th nt. V'Vj ' St
_ _
Foil SAljII Stove , No. M Splendid , In pnrfect
order. T. J. Hoard .V lira. ,1110 Douglas fit.
FOR SAI.i : Cheap ; a uood tonm ortntiloa
nnd linrnuoH. Imiulm of ( ! . A. Klnkelut
N. 1C. 1'alrbank .V Co. , laril refinery. DM 17 *
1 neil SAf.r. All the tool * and fixtures or my
moat market , n splendid chanro to ire Into
the btiBlnoss xrllh Rinnll CHiiHnl.nll the bulhllnxs
will bo rented ehuap. Full Inrormatlon Khun
on application I.utmo heir from you if you
want a bargain. I' . Casey , Walnut , Iowa.
_ IKVI7 *
"ITIOlt SAI.i ; Altno < t now i.ullmit homo slot o
JL' No. 00 , Apply to Thod. O'Connor , ills S
mil st. P7'J .a *
_ _
FOK MALI : Flno mad horse , with now
InigKy and harness , cost $ IJ.ri ; must bo old
atoncc rujfardloss of Mil no. Inqulro at 1405
Douglas st. 709
ITIDK HAIjK rninitnro an < l IOIHO ot six-room
X1 hoiiRu , time on part. Cull 1'JftS North "t\i \
Ptreol , two blocks from Ucd Car lino. KU
FOH BAI.K Plinoton buggy , ono top bnirgy
cheap , A. Hospo. " 41n'"J
H OUSES Lots.I'ai ins , Lanfls money loaned.
llcmls 15th and DoiiRlR streets. V'i
FOK SAI.n Cnoiip. iron columns nnd win
dow caps suitable ror front on brick build-
Ing. Fornnrtloiilar'iiipply at thlsoincc. K1J
WANTKD-A tlrst class cook , waslinr and
Ironcr In family of three ; no othur need
npply ; IsiOj I'nrnnin sr. 11' ! 1H
\\7'V < Tii : > One I'lmmboriimld nnd ono conic ;
> Gorman preferred. Apply U. S. Hotel , luth
and Doiieliia stg 107 1'J
TJT7"ANrHI > A fompcteut Klrl for ircncrnl
Tf liousownik. Apply ul once , 2S1 Howard
Bt , cor I'ark ave Uj 2l
\\rAVrii : ) Competent Rlrl for irciioral
TT housework In private family. Imtnlroln
store 007 S. 13tn street. U87 17"
U'ANTIJU A peed ( rlrl lor Kcnoial liougc-
worlts small family ; good place fora
steady Kill Inquire of C. U llncKson. 213 N.
ICth St. . MtiBQlilu block. Ilil 17
W ANTI5D A fl st cla' dlulnK rooIn irhl and
aclmmbeimaldatthn City hotol. l'5S ' 17 *
w ANT HI ) ( food irlrl forpcnoral housework.
No U3S South Ninth St. JIM ' . ' 0
WANTED A iflr ! for gonornl hoitsowork
No washing. Inquire nt Inrgo bouse In
Iront of Crelghton College , head of Wobbler
St. 014.17
'ANTEU-Cook nt 807 n IBtli. 937 r
\\7 ANTF.D ill ) lidlcs X gents to loirn tele-
1 graphy Prospect good for position when
competent ; address W. J. D. , Hoom 1 , Crouusu
blk.Onmhu 137
WANTKD Competent mlddlo-aged woman
totako caioof baby. Apply nt44il Con
vent st. 8.V )
/ ANH'KD-OIrl forgoneral housauork. 220J
' Douglas Bt. h'M
WANTKD Atoncon competent girl in con
vonlcnt household , 4W Convent Mrs
Oco. Hpyn. 792
WANTKD A laundress nt Occidental hotel ,
immediately. 775
"VI ' AXTKD Good lrl tor KOiicral housowoi I : .
> _ 1012 Fiiruam. _ _ _ _ _ _ UJi
WANTIID Uirl , for general housoworu. at
_ fi08 Virginia avo. _ Oi7 _ _
WANTKD Dining room Ktrl nt the 1'mmct
_ 1101180. _ 57H _
WANlTD-Girl forgenoral HouseworK : tier-
man piefcrred. MM. U II. Whcoior , r > 21
\TTA > 'Tii : > Lady of line taste to nisl t In
TT copying biiHlnoss , can work at homo 1C
preferred : permanent work , treed pay. no ser
vants wanted. Hours 10 to 5. Art Copying
llooms , 322 N. 10th St. 2JO
Heal Kstato.
Kooms 1 , 2 and 3 , llcdlik Illock , 320 S. IMli St.
! l(0 ( 22
r 7ANTF.D-A bicad bilker at 52J Main street ,
Council llluffs. 101-lli *
WANl'I'.U A > oniip mini to take care of u
carrla o tonm nnd cow ; must nndoiataud
the care of horses. IiKjulre of C. L. Krlckson.
213 N. IBthst. OS2 17
WANTED A boy about II yours old towoik
In bourdliij ; house. Inquli e 8ii ; N KHli.
lGt ) 1C
WANTiiBcnts : for Omaha and every
town In Nebraska. Tim best selling nrtlclu
ever put on the inaiUet. llvo'ybody uses It
Hltr money. Address T 23 , c.iro lleo. 'MS Ib *
WANTIin Acenta wltn good appearances
for n now article ; cun make JJio $8 u day
Call at 1131S inth at. 07.1 21 *
\\TANTJi : > An otperlcnced clothing snloj-
V man who can speak Ucrimin. J. L , Jlran-
dies & Sons , i'AW S. lUth st. 1U8
w" A young ( lonmin boy to learn
the bakers uncle , at the Paxton hotel
U'O 18
\\7ANTED Oo ( l agouti to represent llio
"Old Hclhiblu" Singh ) Men's Endowment
association , ? lOQil at marrlagu after being n
member at least two j ears , Addrosti Chus. H
Knapp , socretarjr , MlnniiaiiolN. Minn. 1CIJ-2Q
\\rANTIJD Siilofinan who will sell our line
> > of spring and summer cottonndos , jeans ,
cashmeres , llunnols , Beornnekorfl and ging
hams In connection with their other business
Liberal commission paid. Addreis wltti rtfer-
imco , Fionk D. La Lnimo & Co.Manufueturer3 ,
_ Xov-i 1 20 _
WANrin Wo want A few agents loneli I ho
Dannmeyer's hydraiilio Waiher on oom.
mission. A very good paying business for good
men. Apply at 9.-2 Douglua. _ OMl 21 * _ _
AOK.VTS In the city or country uan maUo5 to
$10 ii day gulling our specialties. N.V. .
No\ oily company. 12J7 Farnam tt. _ B77
" \\7ANTKI > Teauibtprs and rorkinon f o.
IT Wyoming ; fin day All winter's wor k
Allbilgut'i l.auor Agoucy , I30d Farmtm st.
WANTP.D Situation Hy younic inur-
rled man of otpcrlcnco In general
Inirdvrare ; also pump business ) . Address LocU
Hex 201 , Malvorn. la. MO ls
" \\TANTI5I-Pltnntton l 7 n voung man , wll
> > ling to do iiias.1 . anything , live years ex-
perlenciuis clem. Iteferences luiniaheil. T. ,
I.1 , Hco olllee. b77 18 *
\T.\NTIID-.WOmtm to Jomthe"Old Holmblu"
> Slnglu Mun'd Kndnwiuenl Association or
Minn ono thoiiMind dollars ul miirriiigo Over
( I''O.wiO alroudy paid. Wrlto lor circumrs. O
II. Knnpp.u'cietary. Mliinuapolls. Minn. 113 2J
\\r.\NTin ; To rent A smtill fi or 8 room cot
tagov > ithin easy nccoss of street can.
Address P O box 2b4 , city , tel 17 *
\ \ 'ANTiMill : -l3 there n farmer tltuntoil
11 on any uillroail running Sunday tralni Into
Omaha who wishes a permanent mnrkut for
milk ? Only those uho can furubh milk tliu
year round wanted to answer. Arothureauy
In Iowa near Council llhiffi , bo Bltuatud ? Ad-
drebsT.24 , Uce otllco. 000-19
yi/ANTKIl lloora and board for boy 4 years
old and room for man. Apply Cooper' *
thop , B ocor7lh and l.eavonwottli. 871 11 *
VTirANTKl ) To rent , furnlghed , u house of 3
IT oriiooma. Addieis'l'll , Ueaollloo.
8tO 18 *
WAXTKI ) Immodiately. La.Iy , mlddU-
agtd , nnd one man to Instruct nd t ko
ch&riruor books In Decuuibar. J , O. Sm
lOUOlilvu.-oit. 193 IT
-\\7ANTnt- io buy ono share o' stock In
T Omaha board of trade. S. A. Slomnn.lS12
rarnam st. 67t
\\TANTBO M men to eat bucTiwhont cakM
* ' nnd maple syrup every mornlni at Norrls'
Itcstaiirant , IRth St. bet. Dodge nnd Douglas.
Strnlght board per week , $3.25 ; 21 meal tickets ,
( .150. SUP.
Foil HKNT-Houso. 8 rooms , Hnrnoy street
nnd2lBt10 per month , nlso IIOUSA near St
Mary's nvo. 6 rooms , } 23 per month S. A. Slo-
man , 1512 Farnnm st. 117
1OK HUNT Seven-room cottngo In ft'nmut
J Hill , terms reasonable. Apply to D. W.
Saxe , 14.M Fnrnam st. 109 17
fOH HP.ST-A throe story brick house on
- * - ' California st , $75 per month. J. H. Uvnns
A Co. y.i2 18
FOH HKNT A von roomed hou o with nil
modern conveniences on Collar st. ( to per
month , J , H , Kvnns & Co. VX18
Foil HUNT New 7 room liotiso In Hnnscom
Plneo ; $40 per month. J. H , Kviins & Co.
I. HKNT Ton-loom housenow. Just nn-
I > hod. Cor fud und Hurt. HIM all modern
ImpYovomonts. Apply nt 1519 Dougiaa st tld
lloor. 995-21 *
POH HKNT A flvonud seven room house
by Halloa llros. , 1510 Douglas st. 070 IS
FOIt HiNT-Oood : barn nt 011 Hiirtst.
W519 *
1Oll HUNT A 3-room house with barn for t
hor. o9. Atsj n l room house suttablo for
bonrdlug house. Apply to M , F. Martin , : II4 8.
15th st. W3 17
1J > ( ) KUiNT : A store and basement on a good
1 business st. Ituiulro of Lee , Nlchol * Co. ,
Hoom 2.1 , Wlthnell block. OIJ
FOH HKNT-Storo 20x10.-with four rooms be
hind ; $ ! 5 n month. 2riCumIng. UJJ
FOH HUNT AdosirablulOroom "hou o ; o"no
block fiouth St. Mary's nvomlo corner 20th
and Leavi'uwoithsta. Jf , J. Connell 83118
FOIlllKXT Klognnt 10 room residence on
Farnnin Hi. nil modern improvements , fur
niture and carpet for > &lo ; nil now ; nm com
pelled to give up on account ol Illness. Ad
dress It 10 , lleo olllco. 512
HUNT 10 room brloSJmuso , nil mod-
-L cm Improvements on street car line , npply
to Mrs. Mar.t I'lirrott , 2iil Farnam. 8.17 IN *
FOR HKNT An ollglblo ton room lieu o hi n
hist-elnss neighborhood , near street ears
and within ton minutes walk from tbo post of-
lice Appli-to llarlco & llnrkulaw , real estate
ngcits , Douglas street , next lo corner ol nr-
tocntli. 7l9 !
TTIOH HKNl'-Itogldonco No. PU ) Farnam"FtT
JL' 11 rooms , nil modiirn ImprpvomlMiig Itont ,
$75 per month , carpels and furniture for snlo.
Apply S. A. aioiiinn , 1M3 Tarn im St. 328
FlliiNT ; ; LnrgoliDiiso with mo lorn ini-
provonumtfl. 2'.ith anil Karimm sis. A , P
Tukcy , l0l ! ! Farnum st. P32
Foil I'.ICNT BO acrns ndjolnmg city north
west , suitable for dairy or mnrkct irnriloti.
Apply to Tiico Williams , Hoe Oillco , UI4 Fur-
nam. K
P'K KBN r-sioro 22x00,1110 JncKson etv
FOIt linNT Nicely furnlstiod rooms nnd
board , (11 ( UN lllth St. 4M20 *
17OH itiNT--iicgnntly : : furnlshod rooms also
1 llrst oliiss tnblo board , at 2011 Hurts ! . , on
Twentieth 8t ; street car lino. i'Ol ' PI *
TT > OH HKNT-Nicely fiirni lioil front room
' with Ore und home privileges. Audross T
20 , lleo otllco. 05720
FOH HKM' UnfiirulshiMl front room ror
housekeeping , 1I115 Do K'o st. HID IV *
FOK HKNI' I/ovelv suitj nt moms for goli-
tlenuui and wltcor uvo ( 'ontlomnn , 1 ill )
\VobstorSt. 91) 18 *
1T1OH HKNT Plensnnt furu'shod ' rooms with
JJ use ot bath , I'JIU Wohnor St UIH20 *
nKNC-Furiiished rooms. 1010 Dodgo.
Ml 17 *
F ii.N r rutnlshud room. 1,10 N. 17lh.
Foil KUVT Two nlcoly fiirnlsliod rooms ,
suitable for 2 or3 iruutlomoii. Lovely loca
tion with every modern Improvement 1415
.1 ones all cot 0.25
HKNT Nice winter rooms. 1W1 Far-
nuin. S33 !
IJ > OH Ur.VT-I'loisint and finely furnished
A' trent room for ( totitlunion only , 2 > Ui Fiir-
mim. wv ; iu
FOH HUNT Nlcelv furnished loom for two
pontlumnn ; modern conveniences. CIO N.
17th st. 11 ! )
HUNT Furnished rooms , with board ,
suitable for man and wllo or two gontlo-
FFOH Davenport St. 82 ! ) ID *
F OK KKNT-Klojjnnt furnished rooms , 1C07
Douglas. Hoforonccs require I. C51
TTUIHHKNT Furul-.hed . room for ono or two
JO gnntlpmon : furmtuio new , plans int loca
tion ; Howard St. , bet. 3th and 9th. ; south Mdo.
42.1 _ _
HUNT Furnished rooms for light house
keeping. Hoomoi.s block , cor rithiV Howard.
FOK HUNT Nlooly lurnNhoil front room at
51fi South 20th , near St. .Mary's iivoiiuo. 870.
"fil OUHKNT Furnished room , 1810 liodgo. 2i.J
TTtOll HU.NT A nlcoly TuiTTlslio 1 froTTt room
JL1 with alcove , to gentlenioii only , lit No. 1811
Farnam flt , 5U1
F OK KIN : r Newly furnished roora.Mil St
Mary'd live. 311
( iu Ki\r Nlcolv furnibhod room. ItOl
Chlcatro st 701
F I OK HISMT Two furnished rooms , 1.I12 N.
19th streot. D.M18'
Jll HUNT A largo , olognnlly furnished
room , for two gentlemen. 1'Jl'J Dod ojit.
rVOH HE NT Nicely furnished front rooms
P with board. 2021 Wobntor 8t. Mil 17 *
FOHHKNT-Nlcofuinislied room. 8237
Dodgost. Uas , bath i and furniico heat.
8I ! > 13
10H HF.NT FiirnUliod rooms and boird.nil
Pleas int. Ml 17 *
F niiitKM ? Six nicely furnished rooms at
No , 714 N. WIi street. 43. . 17 *
"OOOMS Moderate pilco. lovely view , vor/
Jv oti/y and warm , nt northeast corner of
rnrnum nnd 20th I'J.'C IHI1
F HUNT Fiinilshod room suitable for :
J goutloiii ( > nUJ9 ; Kith st. li.'ifl : ; o *
FOH IH'.NTKlngnntly furnished fiont cham
ber , suite of room * , hot und cold water , gas
and bath. 1G15 Capitol avo. tltfl 21 *
IilH IIKNT llodioom with prlvilcgo nf par-
Mor. Inr.ulrolSia California 0(17 ( IS
IT KIINT ncsIrublofuniUlied rooms. 1811
1 Clip nro. V72 18 *
o.'t UKNT-Furnlshel room , tlx dollars ,
I1 202i Hamoy. i51 18 *
Foil ur.NT IlamUoinely fiirnlshi'd ' houco In
deslrablo locality. H.iven & MnMnhoii ,
1010 Iliirneysr. ! io 18
I71OH HUNT I'lO'nant single or doubls room
- 1for gfiutlemcn , healed with atoinn , gim ,
bath , hot and col < MVRtor. 211 S2ldiir Farnam ,
I > SJ H
'fflOH lir.XT Lirgo front room , good oftlce
-I.1 locution. II. Vf. Iluntien9 , 1IU3 Farnam.
\yANTF.D-FiirnisliPd loom , with boaid. liy n
T Hcntloman and wlro , fortho uinlori iniiHt
bo first elans and In private family. Aildro-f > T
25 , Ileoodlcu 1)1 ) 1S
\\MNTnn-A sulto of rooms and board by
man and vvlfo and oUldicn. Address ,
tinting- location and price , T , 18. Hoe offlcn.
105-18 *
" 17)OH ) ( iniuk sales lift jour property with
I ? lleiuiwa Jt Co. , opp. P. O. 10022
; Fire room houam cor Hurdott and
: iat , f-Y-iXi , | 3iO ( down b il. monthly.
Ono i room house on Illondo t > t , ( i block
from Saiinilera.JI.VKXJ.faoo down , bnl. montlily ,
Thrno 6 room houses cor , Cmcago uud UUtli , , JJOO down , bal. $ a month.
Three Gi oem houses on Culilorulo it. $2,000 ,
r-'OO down , bil. (25 month
Ono 5 room house on north 17th at , $ J,5"X ) , J500
downba ) J2J mouth.
One 10 room bouiu la Smith Park at a bar-
{ ram.
Also 3 vacant lots In Smith Park.
I'arU & Fowler. 1KJ Douglas St. 833 17
ANTED-To rent to April nrst furnUUod
hou a of 5 to b rooms ; good rosponilbht
party. Addrem , ttatlntf torma and locution T
20 , lloo office. ioj 17 *
AQOOU Trn.E-W rr nty deed and ab-
( tract free with every lot ( n Hush ASolbr't
add to South OmuUa , only S blosUs from South
Stock VftrJt Prlo a iV3 la $4 ; only (50 oiub.
Hu b8 lb/SU 3 16th it , i
STdP paying rent end buy a ntco now 6
roomed house with city w ter and gas , 2
blocks from street c rs , pivvod streets , 1 mlle
from P. O , price * JOJ , | ,49J cash , bnl J3i per
month. D. C. raltorsonf O.nAlia Nat. Hnntc.
753 17
_ j
OVTLTNO OHKKX-Our now addition Is
west ot Walnut Hill , on Hamilton street.
Hy selecting lots at $150 for inslda and (175 for
corners , you will mata a good Investment
Term lflper cent cash and f5 monthly. No
charge for showing the lots. Marihnll A : Lo-
l > eck , 1609 Farnam 310
G Heal ; n t to ,
Hooros 1,3 ( iml3HodloK Hlook.JCOS 1.1th St.
BM 22
rpttr MOTnn : Heal r.tato Agency , offer the
JL following choice barealns ;
1 let In Shlnn'sSrd addition , good 5 room house
J700caMiS-V 0.
Lot 2 block I. Hillside No , 2. JOW M h ; $1,001.
Slots In Klnir's add , lOVIexcli , (200 cash , bal
ance * " > 0 every three months. A bargain.
Lot 23 block S Hlmobaugu & Patterson's add.
$110 i oa h.
< ! corno r lot'in Arlington , $1.000 cnch.
1 lot on Hamilton st , . ( l.rHXl ; $ i75 cash.
Lots Iu Cntnlpa place , $ JO ; $ JU9 cnsh , ijalanco
ca y.
Lot 11 Mock V. Prospect place , $1,500 ; ' 5 cash ,
cheapest lot In the city.
: > full lots on Sauudert , ono n corner , $9uOO , 'i
Ono elcEHint lot lnShlnnf 2d add , GO ft front ,
$1,200. Don't lot this slip.
Nice n room house coiner lot , 03x120 , Shlnn s
3.1addi. < WO , > { iftsh.
1 lot In Poster's ndd , $2.000. \ \ cash.
ricganloast front lot In Plainvlow , on 20th st ,
7W ) .
Full lot on Lcnronworth st. A bargain atOne
Ono of the finest lots In Hillside No. 1 for
(1.400 , $1.0 Ocash
Flno lot In WnstSldP400 , $7iicash.
Ono good lot 111 Washington niiuaM.1 , $2,2V ( ) .
Two lots , ono n corner , the llncet lots In Hans-
coin place , ( V > 00.
Tvto lots In .Icromo Park , $1,100 each , ( .TOO
On D ot the best lots In Hnncotu place for
(2.ruo. Jilio cash.
Finest east front lot In Hanscom place , $2,50) ,
$ 1 , 00 J cnsh.
An olojfant east front In Hanscom place , $1-
300.Tlio best lot in Potter's ndd for (1,100. This Is
140 feet iiust front , cnsy terms.
Soveinl choice lots In Ambler place , (503 , $150
ca b. hnlnmo monthly.
2 east trent lots on Saundersst , ono n coiner ,
f ! ,100 , ( TiKl cash , baliiueo long time.
2 line ca t front lots In Snull's add. f.l.MM.
Kino fi room nouso , Llku's ndd , ( J.250 , $100
ca ° h.
Flno aero In Holvldero , (4M.
Full lot on I.nUo street with good house , (2,250 ,
} 0)0cash , bitlniico Ion ? tlmo.
Two lots in Chucniliin , (1,200 each , $150 each
cuMi. H iliinci ) n fill easy.
Full lot in l' V. Smith's add on 20th tit , cast
front , gcod i ) room house , f 1,000. Cable llnu
PIIS-.OSH now.
Nlnco smith front lot In Shlnn'S Ud ndd , CO ft
front , SI , 20) , J.'iJ wish.
Lot fl. Itros plneo , fiiixlf , on PnrK nvo next to
Oon. Dnndj'srusidcnoeaaj terms. Ctillatofllco
lor price.
Ton acits siiltnblo for sub dividing.
Full lot In Slilnn'sild ndd. nice fi loom bouse ,
$2OtH , $ MXJ cnsh , bnlnnco easy.
This Is only n paitlnl ll t of our bargains , nnd
If joii wnnt business or resilience piopcrty iu
nnv part ol the city call on us and wo onn suit
joii. The Mottor Heal Ustnto Agency , 211 S.
15th St. 013.
/"lOUNKItlotlii Van Ilouien place , JS',0 ; &MO
\J cn > h , bal. in 1 , 2 andI years. Itoltor &
Campbell , Koom 1 , 1501 rnriiam st. 831
AOOO ) TITLIi Warranty need nnd nb trnct
fioo vrlth ever > lot In Hiiali & Solby'ti add.
to South Omiiliii.only S blocks from South
stock Yard" . Prices. * iTO to Sli" > ; only J30 cash.
Hush ft cclby,218 S 15th st. ( ilO
BOWMNO CllKKNlow.8150. lOperenutCiUh
and (5 per month. > Marshall & Lobeok ,
Aleuts , 1503 rarnam street. 013
A GOOD TlTLll-Warranty ilecd and lib
stMct free with evenlol In Uush & Solby's
add to South Otnalui. Only 8 blooKfrom South
Stock Yards Prices tiw'to $ l.5 ; only f W cash.
Uush&Solby.UlSSlJthst. Oil
A GOOD TITI/K Wnrrauty deed and abstract
free with every lot In Hush i : Hclby'H add.
to South Omiiha , only M blocks from South
Stock Yards Prices. ? 2V ) to fl'J'ijonly S" > )
cash. Hush & Selby,218 9 15th 91. 010
SALE HOIIMI 10 rooms with 2 lota on
llancioft nnd nth sty In N. J. Smith's jilaou
7 1
T\Ti : OFFIlIt forsiilo , ten dass only , a nice
T olnht room cottiiRO on lUth stret , just
Foiith ot St. Murj's a\onuo ; eoinouicnt to
tinslnoss.strent ciin. , ohnruliKS , nnd HLhools ;
will rent for SIO per mouih. Can maV'n ihl-.ii
naDrnln If cold iinlck. Cnttu o Is all ready for
oecupiucjllieks ft ln > { hriim , 215 south
15th streot. Opera HOIIFO Illock. 87(10 (
TITLK Warranty dond anil nli < trnct
free with every lot In ( tush & Selby's add.
to Soulli Oiipihn , onlv 8 blocks from South
Stock Yards. Price ? , $ IV ) to f 1J5 ; only JfiD cisli.
Hush & sulby. 21S S Tith st. 111(1 (
RBAIi ESTATK What IPIVO you in Council
Ulnlfa bu-luoss or leaidt'noo property to
trade lor a irood larmln Itcpitbllo county , Knn-
sn , or n Imlf section , ono mlle from stntlnn In
Puwnnoeoiinty. Nobra kii. Address H. H. W. ,
Ileoollico Omnlia. " 8' )
_ _ _ _ _
TITI.K Warranty deed and nb-
AOOOD free with o\ciy lot In Hnsli & Solbv'H
add to South Omnlia , only 8 blocks from South
Stocic Yards. I'rleos * : " > ) to $ ( . ' 5 ; only Jj3 casb.
Itii'-h A SolDr,2H S l-tli St. _ B1
" i00l ) TITI.i ; Warrnnij'deoir mid ab
stract free wlln every lotin Hiish&Sliulby's
add to South Oin.ilm , only 8 blocks from South
Slock Yards Prices SJ.V ) toIZi ; only $ SO i-nsli.
Huih& > plby,218S St. 610
IPOltquIck sales list vonr proper'y ' with I'lack
& Homnn , loom 11 , Froiuor block. 840
TT1O11 SAI.K-B6 It. frontln ? on Docile st. 3
-t ! blocks east of the postolllco. A bargain at
$ < 8nOD ; tlJ.OOO cash. Marshall & Lobock. 1509
Farnam. : 9
H IOIISKS lx >'itiilmonoytoanert. .
llemls , IDth and Domrlas strneti 2'J" ' >
TmOHSALEOK HKNT-Nleo 7-room house in
J Oiolmrd Hill : now aim modern built , bathroom -
room , mautlo , etc. . goixl bam nnd cistern ; will
sollohoap If taken atonco. Hicks & liiu-hnuii ,
215 S ICth St. 00.IB
EAST nnd nortn front lot , cor ith nnd Eis-
kino , on cur line , a bargain , $1 373. Itoltor &
Campbell , room l,15J'l ' Farniim. H.'l
DlOTT.iL THOMA8lms lad out an addition
to the city of Omnlia named Mast-otto , anil
womitlco tlmt the mroota nro proiierlv named
Hocco , l/ireii70. llotlln.i. I'lppo and Froderlok ,
und eoolng that the same Is on the Holt Hall
way and at a point where the Oiimhn Northern
It. II piomi ° oi Jalrly to mike n Junction with
the Hell Line , and lots only MO'i ' to t:0 : < ) , wo
think the location wull named , and tlmt the iiur-
chnscrs will liuvoii Mascotto. aa the Indications
point thi ) lots to bo worth from $ i > Jto ? < iii )
Boon. Thust lots HID to be sold on oonlniul , ' ! )
percent cash ami tiiilnncn f 'i per month. Apply
to Dexter L , Thomas , lloom 8Crolghtnn bile
4S < dou 3
Heal IMato ,
Hooms 1,2 and , ltodlck Hlock , : KO S. IStli St.
GENHINn HAItdAINS-Two corner lots in
llnrdotto court , only I blocks Irom SHIIII-
dor's htrool ears.v. . .M Iliishinun. lloom 10 ,
IJushiimn Hloclc.N licor ICtli ami Douglas.
_ _ _ _ _
AOOOD TITLII-wiimmty deed "aiid iinT
stract free with e'nry lot In Itmh ft Selhy's
add to South Omaha , only 8 blocks lio'ii Houth
Stocks Ynids. Prices * JV ) to Jl' 5 ; omy J.V ) cash.
HIIBII& , felby , 2IS S IStli 8 | . _ fllii
ACOOD TITIiR Warwuty deed nnd eh
btnict free with ut'an'lot In Hush &Sliolb > '
add to Snolh Omaha , only , H hlnuks from South
StoeK YnrdN Prleo $ i' > 0 to Jt ' ; only $11 ciisli ,
(1001) ( TITLi-vVnri-.inty : dool and ub
Rtraot free with ovary lot In HJ ! I A. Selby's
ndil to Souiii llmiina. Onli'H blocks fioin Houth
Stook Vaiils , Prleo jHO tiiflJo ; only ( A ) ciuli
Hush iSi-luy , 218 S 15th st. tllil
11HAInSTATK AND l7)ANS-H. ) It. Hill &
11A Co.JIS SJith at 'J70
A OOOI ) TiTLK-Wnriiftitjr deed and nu-
strui t free with ev nry lot in Husli It Soiby'a
add tn South Omnlia. only 8 blocks from South
Slock yards , I'rlco * f 'tl to JI2.V only fV ) cnsh.
Hllali & Solby , 21H S I .Mil b % II1B
BVIHMI.N-tflfoot loifJsoiith front , on liar-
ney fit. neur2iltii , wh /on 1 8 room house
J7.WO. Heltor&Cumpbc
. ' been withdrawn
except block IU , wuich I * noknowlcdgod lo
bo the choleoof the whole nddltion. Forxnlo
only for u short time by btockdiilo \ Mitchell ,
ir.ui nod if o i. WJ2J
Al lots In Albright's
Annex m nuctlon prices. K. Aylesworth.
2188.15th hi. U42 IB
HOUhKS Iot , Furms.l.ands money loaned
Hernia , istfa and Oouglag stroota. 2J3
Foit SAI.K At a great bargain fur a few
ooks only , ten thonnum acre * of land all
selei-ltd ut f l.tx ) perncro ; f.-IO ca h uud b yourd.
ilartliall & I/ > beck , I.pij3 Farnam C-U
Foil 8ALK-2lot 44xlJ2feet , frontinif north
on ilribtol street , Imir way between Saun-
ileisuiidSute , near street CUM. City waterln
front , f03 each , 1-4 cash , balance iu 1,2 and 3
years. Address 8 Ulleo olBce. 258
GOOD TlTl.E Warranty dotxl and ab
stract free with every lot In Hush & Helby'd
add to South Oinuha ; only 8 blocks from South
Stock Yards ? Prlooj $251 lo JiiV. only | iO cash ,
Kuah & S lby , i8S ! JOih Bt- ( SIS
A OO01) TItLT5-WnrMnty dne > l nnd ab
stract free with pvery lot In Hush & Pollxy'd
ndd to South OmMia , only S blicks from South
Stock V rda Prices $ r > 3 to $ (2jonly ( ; $50 cash.
llush A-Snlby.2331&th | Bt. f.lft
Heal Ilstnt * .
Hoomsl.2nnd3llellckIllock,3 S IHh St.
900 2J
WJTOl pa-ini rent and buy n nlco now 6-
O roomed house with city wntor nnd gas , 2
Mocks from street ons , nnved strents , 1 mile
f rom P. O , price (1,001 , $40) cash , bsl $ i'i per
month. D. C. Patterson , Omaha .Nat. Hank.
763 17
STOP paring rent and buy n nlco new a-
roomed house with oltj water nnd gn , 2
Mocks from street cirj , psvod streets , 1 mlle
from P O. , pneo $3iWO , $10) e sh. bnl $2T , per
month , D C. Patterson , Omnhn Nat , llnnK.
758 17
\\7Rliavccashbuyers for birgalm In ronl
IT pstite List your proper ! v with us.
Flack & Homnn , room 11 , Fronzcr bloeic.
AOCTD ? TITI.KWaninty deed nnd nb-
Btrftctfroo with every lol in Hush St Snlbr's
nld to South Omnlia , only 8 blnoks from South
Stook YnnK. Prlcos W > 0 to $125 ; only ( " > 3 cash.
llush * Solby,2l8 aiMhst. Clfl
A GOOD TtTLP-Warrnnty deed nnd nhitraot
free with every lot In Hush & Solbv's ndd.
to South Omalia.onfyS blocks from South Stock
Yards. Pi lees (2.V ) to $ iii ! only $50 cash. Hush
ASoloy. 2I8S. IMh 81. (116 (
TTIOHSAt.n Cheap , IU acres well improve. ! ,
JL1 mlle north of donf nnd dumb Institute.
Adjoining lots sell for (2,00) Apply .1 , F.ltooh ,
on promises. 80t ) n9 *
AOOOD TITL1 ! Warranty deed and nbttinct
free with ovcry lot tn Hush & Solby's ndd.
to South Omaha , only 8 blocks from South Stock
Yards , I'llceaf ) to ? U'i ; only SW cash , llush
* Solby , 218 S. 15th st. ( lia
AOOODTITLK Warranlvdoed and nostrnot
frso with every lot In Uush & Solby's ndd.
toSotlth Omaha. only HblocVis from South Stoek
Yants , Prices Ji'iO to $ U5 ; only (50 cash. Hush
Si Solby.2l3S. 15th st. 010
TTHMl SAI.K Four now slx-rootuoil houses ,
L1 splendid location , smith front , ouey pay
ments by llallou llros , 131B Douglas st.U77
U77 23
( Teen TITIi-Wnrranty : deed nnd alt-
sttnct free with every lot In Hush & Sethi's
add to South Onmhn , only S bloulcs f 10111 South
Stock Yards. 1'rluos ( iVto ) 1123 ; only $ " > 0 cash ,
Hush .1 Solby. ' ! 1SS 15th Bt. QIC
J3 Heul Kstiitoand Loan ItroUois ,
Fronzor block Omi Postolllco.
AM foot south fiont lot on Hnrnoy at. lor
S.l.jJO ; cash , $2,000.
Now4-room cottage forlWO , S100 dowimnd
; 2'i per mouth.
Tnoonst Iront 4-room cottayos ono block off
Snundur * sU for $2,10) each , * IO ) dev > n and 925
per mouth.
Anou-U-ioomcottago.just off pnvol Ptroet ,
near a < hnol and church , a splundld bargiiln for
(2.tiOOoinury onsy terms.
Ono oC the best cornoison Noith IGtli si ,
f rents on throe streets ; sl/o or lot 1)5x181 ) , with
Ioiir2-sUiry liousos renting for (120 per month ,
lorlliU ) , There Isn't n bettor turgaln Iu the
city. Tlio ground alone Is worth the money , ns
It hits . ' 118ft. struct Irontnao.
Hast Iront lots In H.mscom plneo on Virginia
uvo. and Phil Slicrldnu St. , at ? l'fl nnd f ! , . ! ' >
each on onsy terms , and one n special bargain
, .
We have splendid bargains In South Omaha
property. Mono money has boon made In South
Omalm real estate In the last six month than
anywhere clso 705
A ROOD TLTl.i : Warrants deed ami nb-
cxstrnelf roe with every lot in Hush St Selbv's
ndd to South Omaha , only 8 blocks from South
Stock Yards. Price ? " 50 to $125 ; only (50 cash
Hush & Solby. 218 S 15th st. Old
FOH SALK A 4-room housu wiin lot , front
ing on two streets , $1,11X1.
17-room house , 1 ,1 room house with lots
fronting on two streets , both * . ' ,2"iO.
1 4-room house nnd half lut.(1.25J:10 : per cent
cnsn , balance monthly payments , nil the nbovo
within three quarters of n mlle ot postolllcu
Cor lot , llth nnd Pnoltls , 6 x13 ! . with three
elegant cottages , vumlit lent Tor (73 per
monthTor a rowdn > fl at $3,033.
Farm loans at lowest rnto of Interest.
Fir t-clnss ro il estate mortgages , or com
mercial paper , discounted. Mead St Jamlesoii ,
HIS S. I5th st ( Kit
OOOD TITLi : Warranty deca liud ah-
Ftrnot fron with every tot In Hush SSclby's
ndd to South Omaha , only H blocks tro-ii South
Stoclc Yards I'rlfes J.)1) to J4J5 ; only JSlo.ish.
Selby,2IS S 15th st Old
Heiil lli-tato ,
Il0"oni3l,2andnllcdlclt BlockK20S. 1.1th St.
Hili ) 22
Proposals for Grain , Hay , Straw and Bran.
OrncROfCiiircQirAiiTciiHARruK , }
OMMIA , Nebinsku. Novomlior bth , 18h8. )
SILIH ! ) 1'iopomls In trlpllcnto , subject to
tbo usual conditions will be iccolvod nt this
olllco until ouo o'clock p. iu.ccutinl stiindiird
time , December H , IS'V ' , nnd at same tlnio nt
ollicosof the ( iimrtorni'i'tnrs mimed below , for
eupplylnir nt the lollowmg mimed po > ts , the
grain , huv , ftrnu nnd hran icqnlrcd duilmr I ho
Bit months undlnir .Iiino 3) ) , 1US7 , viOmalm :
Depot , ohojnnno Depot , l'ort Omnhn , Sidney ,
llrlduor , OoiiifkiH , WiHlmliio , Nlnbrarii , llobln-
BOH , Ciimpl'ilot ilutlo nnd Camp Medicine ilntte.
Piuluiiincu will boglvoii to aillelosof doinostlo
product'ou ' nud niiinulneturo , oondltions of
prlco and quality belnir ciiual , nnd such preference -
once Klvnn to aitlelosof American nnmiietlon
nnd iiinniifactiuo produced on the Pacific const
lo thi ) extent of the consumption roiilrod ) by
the public soi vice there. I'mpo-'tilR for either
clihsof uuppllos mentioned , or for quintltlcs
less then llio nholu requited , will bo iccolvod.
The government reserves the right to reject
any or nil proposals or to accept proposals for
less qnantltv than total bid for. lllnnk mopo-
sals , and full information will bo furnished on
application to thli olllco , or to the qimitonnni-
tcrs where the supplies are inriulied. Kn-
velopos containing proposals should bu markod.
"Proposals lor nt , " and
add rested to tlio undersigned , or the qunrtcr-
icnstcrs nt posts name I ntinio.
(1. 11. DANDV , Chief Quartermaster ,
U. S. Marshall's ' Sale ,
the. Circuit Court ot the United States , for
the District of Nebraska.
Tootle. Ho'Oit Si Co. V" . Levl Cov.
I'ubllo notlco Is hereby given
nneo nnd by vlrtuo of an older of Mlle , In tlio
Mbovo cniihe , busriiur < lnto Iho 2Jid ! uny of Sep
tember. laMI , I , iillh : L Illerhowoi , United
State-iMnrKhnI for nald district , will , on tint 4th
day ol DueumterIH8U , atllio hourof ten o'clock
In the forenoon of said day , nt the north door
of the IT. S. Couit Ho ifl" nnd Postollleti build
ing , In the city of Omalm. dtulo nnd district of
Nebraska , poll nt auction tlio rollottlngdcscilticd
property , to-wlt : Tlie east hiilf ( U't ' ) of the
MiiithvvL'sl fiuaitor ( hW'i ) nnd th v\est half
( W'iiof tliosoiilliuiistiiuiulor ( SI'.U ) orsedlon
fouitecn (14) ( ) , towiiKhlp ten ( I I ) , noith of rnngo
six dii , nest In Hamilton lounly , NobrnsKa.
Also the niir'hwo t ofmrter ( NW'ior ) section
thirty-six CM ) , town iilp nlovon ( II ) , north ol
rxnco elalit ( S ) vvost In Hamilton county. No-
Levied upon and taken by virtue of
an Older of ntln'ihmout. ' i , . HiniiiiowKii ,
U. S. Mar-dml District of Nubrnslcn.
H\nvrouii , AMKS.V Khi.i.v.
Attornuys lor I'lalnlltT. n1-IO-17-24dl
Master's Hale.
In thf. Circuit Court of the Unlleil Stntos for the
DlMilctorNnlun ka ,
William F. Hull , )
vrf. MII Chancery.
Henry A. Kennedy ct id , )
ronr.ui OSUIIB OK noinfuriK ,
1)IMILIC iiolkii IK hereby given Hint In pursii-
aiKiuind by vlitiiii lit u decree onloii'd In
thonbiivn cause.on tlio imhdny of December ,
IKHTj , I , Hills L. HleibovuT. Special Master In
chancery in said comt. will , on llio Hiilli day
of Novornhor , 1 " , ut Ihohonrof IU o'clock in
I hn loieiioon of the. said dny , at llio f rout ( nm Hi )
door ol Iho United States court IIOIIHO and post
ollleo building. In the elly of Omiiba. Douglas
( otint.v , stntu nud dlnlil < t of Nidirat-Ka , fiellat
auction tlxi following dfacilbcd piopeily , to-
wit :
The east half of the south ea = t quarter nnd
lot A NOR. six ( ii ) nnd seven (7) ( ) , all In section
eighteen (18' ( ' , township eight ( " ) north , iiuiuo
eighteen (18) ( ) we"t of i > P. M , being ( taunted In
I'hclps county. Btato of Nohia kn.
Hiicrlnl Master in ( linneery.
D. H. RrritN , Solicitor for Complainant.
020-27 110-17
Supolies for 1887.
The I'nlon Piiclllo Hnllnny Company Invites
Tenders , fonts vvholomipplyof ataulo nrliclbg
for the ) t-iir is 7 , A list of articles will bo fur.
nWiol upon application , For pjrllculars nd
ilressJ. J. llun , Ucnerid r-'toroKeDpor.Oinnhtt -
Nebniskn. 8. .t. UALLAWAY ,
Proposals for Curbing.
SI5ALKO Proposals ivill be received uy the
uudurdlgnoa until U oclocVa. inNovum -
l.mwth , ItWi , lor curbing Hint purt of Farimin
street. In paving district No. U ) , iu nuiordiiuoo
with i Inns und fjieclllcnlions on nlu In the olllcn
of the Hoard ol rubliu Work- .
I'roposuUvlll I'o made on printed blank * fur
nlshodby the board , to bo accompanied with a
cm tilled check In Ihojsiun of ono thousand dol-
laiti , pavablolo tno city of Omaha , as an evi-
dencoof good faith.
The board ioM < ivo9 the right to reject any
or all blda and to wiilvodi'Iecta.
Chairman Hoard of Publlu Works.
_ Omaha.Npb. Noy.jitli.llWl. n'J 10-1617
Notlco to Contractors.
I have about 8,000 to 10.000 yards of dirt to
move. Hid s will bo received nt myofllce until
Wednesday. Nor. 17. JOHN HAMLIN.
NoT.Uciit * 3111 > . llth 8t
Captain Unmptocy's Bold Raid With the
Bulldozing Brigade ,
Independent Voters Intlmldntri ] nnil
Challenged , Hallota Thrown Outer
or Destroyed , nml Otlicr
Mississippi .Methods
Practiced ,
PAWNIF : Cm' , Nab. , Nov. 15. [ Corrc-
snoiuluncoof tlio llii.j : : Humors rife svm !
ruinous hnro surfeited railroad cars and
hotel oflice.s In tlth ptrtlcu1nr : tllroction
for the two weeks last past , while street-
corner politicians liavo loudly and ener
getically proclnltncd that this quiet hamlet -
lot , on election tiny resembled Yn/.oo , of
Koinpor comity , Mississippi , or riotous
Danville , of Virglnin. To InvostiRato
the matter , and ascertain , as noarlv as
possible , the truth or falsity of those
slrungo stories , claimed by some to bo Hie
vague creations of disappointed voters
and ofllcoseekers , and by others to bo
frightful and lurroxving truths , I ramc
ticro ycatciday and tincl things as de
scribed below :
The cause of the dislurlmnco was from
the fear that several hundred "railroad
ers , " working on the new Hock Island
road , graders , bridge builders , etc. , wcro
voters nnd had expressed the determina
tion to vote. It seemed to bo n question ,
for a time , at least , in the minds of the
"ollensive stalwarts , " the kind of ballots
these men would cast. After it became
known that they would vote the
or the majority of thorn would , there was
n secret , organization as nearly as 1 e-m
ascertain , on the part of the anti-Van
Wyck and anti-McShanc crowd , headed
by the always promiscuous and promi
nent Humphrey , to deprive railroaders of
their vote , regardless of "color or previ
ous condition. " It certainly was a con
suiracy , conceived in the dark and exe
cuted in daylight falling httlo short of
bull-do/hig and intimidation. It was. if
my informants have had regard for
truth , similar to the s-omhorn outrages
with the shot-gun attachment omitted , o
K\-ioveifnor ( Butler , running for lloat
Foimtor , from the counties of I'awneo and
Johnson , a candidate as a Van Wyck
man , first and last , was. according to the
returns , beaten eleven votes. He tells me
that lie is now
AitiiAMJiNO ! ins KVIPENVI : ,
and will contest the scat \\itlt Hon. C. A.
Holmes , of .Johnson. A\ hen the evi
dence is before the committee of the sen
ate. it will tncn bo ascertained whether
or not these stories are clouds of vapor
floating on the ambient air of imaginat
ive ussci lion , or if indeed thov belong
within the confines of material fact.
To give the HKK'S reader.s some idea of
what is claimed , I have interviewed a
number of Pawnee's eiti/.oiiH.
Judge Davis said : "I nm a republican
I believe a good one but I cannot en
dorse the pi o 'codings in Pawnee on elec
tion day. In the Second ward , about
twenty minutes to'clock , ti man
came in to vote. Harry Linscy , a lawyer
of this place , took it upon himself to
challenge him. The judge * questioned
him. Linsuy questioned him , and asking
a. siring of
that had no more leaning upon the case
than if 1 would ask Air. Linsoy where
ho was going the Foiuth of July.
All this time , Mr. Davis says , the voting
was practically susncmlod , and some tuner
or fifteen old citi/ons were waiting to
"become soveroigns"and ; about this time
before they had jet been given u chance
to hand in their ballots. ,1. It. Candy ,
not u judge nor a clerk , but a candidate
for county attorney , with stiong aiiii-
Vnu U'yok proclivities , rushed tip , clap
ped the statutes of the state over the bal
lot box , and with as much sublime au
thority as was ever possessed by the c/ar
of all the Httssias , proclaimed in a tragic
voice : "Not another ballot shall go in
herd" This was about 0 o'clock , stand
ard time. Inasmuch as the notice of
election read simply " (5 ( o'clock , " voters
presumed or meant 0 o'clock sun
time , twenty minutes slower than the
other. In their statement , Mr. Walter
Story , a lawyer of the city , present at the
time , says Mr. Davis is substantially cor
rect. Walter Story further says that an
other man with whom they consumed so
mud. time , was finally deprived of his
vote by the judges refusing to administer
the final onlh , because the bewildered
man hesitated to swear tliat his ' 'inten
tions" were to livoin
Ho thought , presumably , that if he swore
to that , and would hap'pcn in the course
of time to die , ho would have perjured
himself !
Mr. Story also says that two tickets
bearing the head 'Itepubliunn Stale and
Congressional , anil Independent County
and Legislative Ticket , " wcro counted
down to the "Independent" part and
then thrown out.
The precinct ward , the court house , it
is claimed , was n scene ot wild confu
sion. This was where the dashing Can-
tain Humphrey busied himself. A. C.
Miller who has lived in Pawnee county
some ton jcars , was interviewed by mo ,
He said that during all his life ho had
never seen snoh actions. Ho said that
Humphrey arrogated to himself the au
thority of dictator , talked some and
asked do/ens of immaterial and out of
place emotions , with no other object , he
believed , than to
consume time , At this voting plnce ,
there was one old man , Mr Miller said ,
who watcd to voto. and although his ap
pearance indicated that ho was at least
sixty years of ago , ho was insulted and
confuted by being asked the question-
Are you twenty-one j ears old- and what
was your father's name ? Such irrolu-
ycnt questions were propounded with the
only object of consuming time nnu be
wildering men who wanted to exercise a
right vouchsafed to every American citi-
Another incident of hald-liondcd jus
tice was where GUI ; man went up to vote ,
nnd by the long list of confusing and
strange questions was so badly da/ud that
ho did not give the proper answers
Comg to Mr Story and telling him that
ho thought with half a chance ho had n
light to vote , Mr. .Story tool ; the statutes
and read him the questions ho would
bo obliged to answer. Ho said ha could
answer tho-o questions all right.
Mr , Btory says ho accompanied him to
the court house , where llio judges wore
informed that the gentleman was con
fused and was now willing to "swear In"
his voto. It was rejected. Humphrey
finked him if ho know what perjury
meant , and among all hands the fellow
was disfranchised , I did not interview
nnv oilier persons , thinking the above
Another happening reported , which
defeated our claim , is not altogether in
accordance with the eternal litne.-s of
thinuH , was tbal the return * from TjiLnu
Jtoek were brought in unsealed.
While no ono questions the honesty of
the carriers , the } think that such negli-
might cause some kind of n miitako.
Mr. liutler will also prove that in South
Fork precinct , tickets on which was
written the nanio of Unller wcro not
counted , besides they failed to specify
the particular lUttler when only the
original Dave was running.
George Warren , candidate for lloat
representative , buaten by the same num
ber o ( voles ns Itutler , , was Inter
He saltt that ho believed had frtlrncM
boon shown nnd nil given n chnuco ( o
vote , ho , too , would hnvo been circled.
Replying to my question , "Will you contest -
test ? " Mr. Wnrron said , "No , t think
not , and I have no doubt aboul my case.
It H good. My only nmbltion was to
vote for Senator Van Wyck , because I
believe nitn to be n friend of the pconlo
nnd n fee to corporations ; and vote for
all other railway legislation no < wiblo. I
reluctantly accepted the nomination , feel
ing the people had not elected enough
members believing as I do. Corpora
tions must be met. I then suggested
that If plcrlcd , ho had better contest.
Then Mr W. said : "I hnvo watched con
gressional and legislative bodies , and find
that no mailer how good n case is pro *
scnted , unless the body is friendly , It ii
regarded as political shrewdness to delay
the matter , often to the session's end. In
this ease I would neglect my business ,
entail unnecessary ovpenso , nnd If seated
it would not bo until after the sensational
contest. 1 believe ( Sovernor Hntler was
elected , nnd will doubtless bo seated.
As to all the statements in the nbovo
letter , I hnvo been careful not to oxng-
gorato its statements , leaving it nil to bo
determined at Lincoln this winter. The
presumption , turnover , is. that out of so
much talk , something will come. Kithor
that there was inilldnrlug on the part of
sonio politicians , or that some other pol
iticians are badly nnd sadly mistaken ,
Ai. PAimtitouinu.
jr. it. insnux ,
Genl. Insurance Agent ,
MiTchnnl'8 Nntlonnl Ilium lluildlng , Cor. FRP-
.vitn mid lltth sis. , room 1 up-Rtntrs.
Telephone No. X73 Omaha , Nebraska.
Phoenl x. London. Kngland f5,72.1T74.t3
Firemen'Ncwiiik. N. J I.KU.BVUS
( I lnn'H Kails. 0 Ion's Falls.N. V 1,4a.VJH , . S
Olranl. Philadelphia Pn l,2tf3M .71
Wi'stehuster. Now York , N. Y . . 1H.MJ.M )
lohn II uiKoctr Uutunl I.lfo , IloMoii'Jsl,710,91
Eta/ilway Time Table
The following Is the tlmo'ot arrival nud do *
pnrturoof trains by Central Standard Tmto at
Iho local depots. Trains of the C. , St. P. , M. A
O. nrrlvo and depart rrom their depot , corner ot
14th nnd WobslnrBtroots ; trains on tliu II. iV M.
C , II. iQ.nnd If. C. , St. J. A p II. from the II
, V M depot nil others from the Union 1'aelllo
Hrldgo trains will lunvo II I' , depot nt (1:33- ( :
U7J5 : alXJ : , S:1J-8:5U : 1110:00 : 11:00 : n. in. : Ill : )
1:24-1:50 : : 2:00 : U:00 : 114:00 : 5ix : > 5 :3J : P:1J- :
'Lsave Trn'iwfor for Omalm at 7:12 : Hfl:1 : > 9 : ' 1
9:42 : H1(1J5 ( : 10'I7- . 11.I7 : n. m.lJ7 : ! : IJ 2JT :
5tO-3:37 : ; : 4:37 : 5BO : 0:4J : 7:20 ; 7:5 : J 8:53- :
Ilri2p : m.
Leave Hrovlwny 10 .15 p. m ; ArlvoOmaha
1100. Lv. Omnhu 10 (10 ( p. m. ; Ar. llroadway
1025. In elfeet August 2 th until furtluir no
tice. This is ndditloniil lo prcsont train service.
J.V MOHSU , 0. P. A.
Arrival nnd departure of tralm from the
Tnmsfor Depot at Council llluira :
UEl'AilT. AlllllVS.
n 7:15 : A. u. : I ) 9:15 : A. u.
IlU : 15 A. u. un0 : P.M.
C6:4t : ) i > . M. I II7UJ : P.M.
A 9:15 : A. M. I A 9:18 : A. u.
A ( l:40i : * M. I A 7:00 : r. M.
A 9:115 : A.M. I A 9:13 : A.M.
BOKO P.M. 11 0:20 : P.M.
I A 7:00 : r. u.
A 9:15 : A.M. I A 9:15 : A. M
A 8:40 : P.M. I A7.0JI- .
KANSAS cur , ST. joi & cou.vcii. ni.nrrs.
A10:0A. : ( ) M. I D 8:3,1 : A. M.
C 8:55 : P.M. I A6i5r. : , U.
A 3:00 : P.M. I A3:3Jr. : M.
sioui ctrv * PACIFIC.
A7:05 A. M. I Afi A.M.
A6:25P. : M. I AB'Wf. M.
Depart. WK3TWA11D. Arnr
. . .PsUflo Kxprofs. . . . 70a :
id:55ii : .Denver l ipress
. . Itxpresa llOJa :
8:10n . . Mull and Kxpross.
. _ Nlght _ ISijirurtS , li:4Ua :
Depart. "STjOlTlWAItD. AiiTvoT
A.M. p. it. M13SOIIHI PAUIFIC. A. ' p. u.
. .Day Hxpross fl2 ;
. . . Night Kxpreis . , . . .
1C. C. , ST. .1 & C. H.
0:20a : 8l.rib : Viil'liittsmoiUU. _ 7:00d : 7:10
Depart. NOKTHWAIII ) .
"A. M. ' . M. C. , ST. I * . , M. & O. P. M.
Sioux City Kxprcs-9.
r > :4.'c : Oalclnml Accoimiiod'n00a ! | : : !
_ Depai t. KAfrrwAiiD. Airlvo.
A. u'.Ti : M. u.ii. & g. i A.M. i p. M.
_ _ _ " 9:20 : 7:10 :
NOT1C A , tL-iilnadiilly ; II. d illy except
day ; C , daily except Smiiiiliiy ; D , daily except
will leave U. I * , depot , dinulm , at 8:40 : 7:35 :
Bo5l ; 0:00a. : m ; aKI-aua : ( : 403 ; rii 8:00 : p. m
PacificK press , 8:23 : p. m. ; Denver hx. , 10:53 :
a. m. ; Local lix.,5:05 : n. m.
r.ertvontook yunU for Omaha nt * 7:05 : 8:10 :
: ao llt.'m.m.iS:3i ! ) 3:81 : iaj : 0:05 : 85 : p. m.
Atlnntlo Kx. . la 3. O. 7H5n. : in. ; Chicago Ex. ,
le 8.0.6:07 : p.m. : f-ocal Kr. , lo. 8. 0,101 a.m.t
Mo. Pao. Rx. , le. O. .1:47 : t ) . m. ! 3d U. P. Kr-
0:09R. : m.
Hxcept Sunday.
Special Orcllnanco ITo. 07O.
AN Onlimuu'o lovj'ln a Kicclnl ) t.ivand assess-
iniint on i-nrlnln loin nnd ruul ostiitci In I hit
rltyof Omnlm , locovorlhn oHt of conctruct-
Inpr a son or In fewer Dli-triot No. ! K ) .
WIIKIIKAH : It InivliiR lii'on , iiml hili r liorol y
nilJiiilKcil , ( Iclc'riiilnuil nnd cstubllbliud tlmt the
( uuiinlloUiinil plc'ccanf mill cstnlo luirnluiiftor
inloriud to hnvo oauli hoon xiiculally licniillttod
totlio full iiinoiiMl liuroln lourd and nst-osfcod
( iHalnsI , eauh of tuld lotn nnd pleioa of ntal
pstiitt1 , lospcctlibly , liy reason of the construct-
Invof a Miwcr In Su\for Dlsiiiut No ilU.
Tiiciii.toiu. , lor Iliu pinpoko of pnyliiff the
co > , t of aurh 80 orconKlrucillon :
Iloltordiilnud by tliu city uounc'll of the city of
Omalm :
8 ( > c'tlon 1. Tlmt tlin eoit of const ructlns a
sewer in Huncr District No. ! > rt , In tliu oily of
Onmlia , hiild test lionm llio HIIIII of fU04.4i ) , bo
iiml tliKMimois lioioby Invfnd mid np o sod , In
proportion totlio fuct front nlonirmild linproro-
mrnl and iiicoidlnK to Hpiuilal boiiolltH by niu-
MID of wild liiiprovoiiinnt , upon the
dUMMllxid ! < ) ! iiml null ostuUi , a cliown by the
( rcnoially ircoKiil/ud limp of Ilioflty of Omalm ,
\ft-C \ , lithojri aphed and pnlillshod by C' . K. Mayno
Fiild cost IIDIIW hi ) luvlcd on hRld li > l nnd lul
ostnlo , rut iicctlvuly. an follown. to-wlt :
Tlionms Davis , ItDbllt IH'I. ' city . f m M
KlUdbuth Davis , ItHbllc IH ) , oily . . . M 5 $
" It7blk IMI.olty . MM
rmorson r.Slon u , It K till ; 18' ) , city . BO 51
U I' U Jt rlglit-of-nay , l'/JI ' HIJ II In llC blk
IM.olty . . atJ3
Jiis.Vd K llur.urfJ ) S ( | ft III Itfi blklUO ,
elty . . . . 1803
HulilitIlKi'vliw Co , n Wa M or It D lilk ! ' . ,
olty . . . 1037
AiinloWclllnu'.Hill It CtilklW ) , tllv . 214V
U I'll KCo , rlahl-or-wuy , ' K < \ RHOtillc
llift.olly . a
Jug .V (1 ( \ > , IhirUor.ov. 7 Hft | w 18 w 77 It 0 ,
bll < liw , cliy. . . . , . 033
PchllU lluinlnKCo.thoNXioU ) . then ' i
55 , the H 7ft'i II 77 , tlioo 415 mill tlio w Ji
of o 41 It ( I blk l ! ) , u.ty . . . : M
AnnloWellliiK , Bnw4illl ; blk IDO , cliy. . 17 08
Win 7 hlk I'O , olty . i Kl
HllunrlukMin.llHblMua.ulty . M 63
Cntlicrlnnli\i-llii r. II 1 blk O clly . . . . M fa
.lohn J lluriii' ' , It aii | 3 , olty . . . . MM
llolrSOf A f ! AltllllliH , Itblk ! SU'i , city . U KS
Miirtlm W Trail ii4llt4 , bik jr , . ; U
ICoiint/f > Hro , sf lt Jhlkiiin . 'M 'M
Paul NolKon , oil Itl hlUSi'l , olty . M ( W
ijunliioiiu Doll , wi-sofiii bik ano . . IB n
II Kramci.lta. liUiiJO.i-lty . . . . m Kl
John I * Anderson , It il lilkl l , city . W M
llonry I. KO , N MIH lilk aJ ) , liy . . . i 73
Wary A ft I * Valottu.B ; w n 8H ft i blkSWi ,
olty . . . . . . 13 Cl
r Vu'ultii ' , nSJHllltl blkaii , city . fi 16
JI CWiiKnnr , a S3 It I blk SJJii , olty . . . DCS
So'-llou ? Tlmt llio Miiocldl in vim nnd iiiwts * .
nieiHH liirlitd nnd IIS HSM ) I us itloru'iiid , hhull bo
duu Imiiio'llutuly ' upon tli ( > | us niru mid uppioy-
al ot IliN ordtimiico nnd aljili U.-iuio iluim'
! ; t : ; ! if nocpni'i truliln rirty < lie * ihrroulior :
nnd thoiciipoii , u puinilty of tun per c out filial !
bu added , tovulhur with Inluioiit at llui iat or
ono pur 'M' u nionlli , pti > ublu In ii.lvmifu liom
tlld Illlllt Hl'll IIIVI'H llCKMIKt M ) llt'lllHlllllllI.
Hi < tiiin ! l. 'I h it Ihlmirdlniiiico Hlinll tulio oloi.t !
nnd biiinforci ) from im I niter Us pi :
' , .
WM. K. Ilium. i. , I'rcMdciU Ct ) CotlllUJ.
.1. H. SOUTH tij > , t'lty ( lerk.
Appiovod NoWnhor l t , IU .
JAHKS K. llovi > , Jlayor.
Tlui-o laves aio nou-diiuund pa > al > Iulo tbo
city treiibiirrr , and will bci-omo ilulliuiuiial
] > ( jccinljr ; lilbl , IK I , iiftiir Mliloli ilatu a punully
find Intorust will bum ! led ait niton n In SLCIUII ! 2.
uU'UJt TUUUAN UUCK , City Treaui r.