Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
" V. 15 THE OBIAHA DAIL < Y BEE : THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 18 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , THUHSDAY MOUNINO NOV. 18. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. DtlHmcl by cnnier m ntivrartof the city at trmity citils per it cot H. - - - Mannjcr. TKtit'iions : ; : ncMKEF * OrncK. No. 13. NiuiiTEnnon No. 23. MINOll MU.VriO.N. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Now full floods at Hoilor's. Connor & MuHeo f-oll sluvui. Panels al ifit.oO per do/en at Schmidt's Main &treel. Klectiic door bolls , littrtflar alarms and every form of domoMit : electrical appli ances tit the Now i'ork Plumbing Co. Weather strips at Chapman's , lOSMuin. See that your books are made by More house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Dr. Hanchctt.ollicoNo 12 Pearl streets lU'.sidoneo 1'JO Fourth street. Telephone No. 10. _ _ Ordnryottr coal anil wood from C. H Fuel company before tin advance hi price No. 0 I ! ) UMx/y. Telephone I'M. Everybody's store , Rood place to buy goods , No. 823 Main street. Mrs. A. S. Hull Is prepared to do dressmiking on short notice and at reasonable enable prices. No. ! U8 Broadway. Good overcoat $2.1)0 , pants $1 to $3.50 , other goods In proportion. Everybody's store , 82:5 : Main. The best stove I ever had in the verdict of thousands who have used the lladiant Homo base burner. Cooper & McGcc , agents. _ Sec West Point base heater. Latest improvements in heating stoves. W. A , WOOD. Substantial abstracts of titles and rca ehtato loans. .1. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 1'carl btreet. Council Hlulls. All varieties of gnmo iintl fish. Oysters all styles. Short orders a specialty. Doc & Hil'ly's101 llroadwuy. Just look iu their window. Five Huti'lred Overcoats for Boys auil Children from $1.50 up. up.MKTCALF Hitos Stamping and full variety of cmbroidory > n i materials. Mrs. I1.J * . Nilea , 403U'dwiy. Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. II. P. Nlles , Jso. 102 It road way. E. II. Shcafo & Co. , loan money on cliattlo security of every description ; of fice .No. 500 Broadway , upstairs. P. C. DoVol soils Slcwart , Climax , Acorn and Westminster hard coal burn 1 ers. Charier Oak and Acorn cook stoves and ranges. Kconomr steam and warm air furnaecs , No. 001 Broadway. Try Gurland Cook stove for soft coal , Cooper and McGue luive them. Don't buy your new suit or overcoat until you look at lliosu at Mclcalf Bros. Call for everything you nncd , bottom prices , Everybody's store , 823 Alain. Mrs. Dr. D Trnesdoll , a graduate of "tntrToronto , Canada , Therapeutics in stitute , is prepared to treat all classcsof _ diseases "ami demonstrate the curative power of electricity" in accordance , with a now and complete system oi Klcc tro- Thcrapeulics , consisting of Galvanism , Magnetism , KIcctro-Maguetjsiu and Static Kleelrieity. Ifomalc diseases a specialty. Loeuted : vt No. 807 Broad- wny , second lloor. Ollice hours 9 a. m. to 0 p. in. He AVantcd to Touch. CUMMISI ; , OA. Nov. 10. The public- Rchool svstom of Ueorgta is tin impover ished institution. It contracts with its teachers for a U'rm ' of sixly-livo days at live cents per day per capita , and settles with them at about sixty-live cents on the dollar. The teacher must acec-pt this or persuade the kind-hearted patron to p.ay the lemainder. Anyone enjoying the lu dicrous can spend a healthful half hour at certain of ttic o oxaminallons , espec ially when the commi.ssionur , as in this case , possesses a natural vein of humor. The applicant was a man of about ! < ) , with aeliu..p east of feature and a body lialf as broad as long , lie said he didn't claim to Know all wasn't a graduate , etc' , but he did know enough to teach them heatlum down at Shake ! tig. : cause he'd toadied there four years , and they didn't know nutliin yit. The oflictnl Miid he'd a'-k a few primary questions , and be gan with : "Wluit is a Ictlc-rV" "A thingereeked feometimes and some times 'taint. " "What is a syllable ? " "Hits a word split in two , " "How many partn of speech ? " "Three coarse , fine and superfine. " "Wliutis a vorby" "Jilt's snthiif that tackles onto siitliin' , or shows that snthin taukles onto hit. " "What is reading ? " "Hit's talkin' from a book. " "How do you leach reading ? " " .Sometimes by coaxin' and sometimes by a boiird. " "What is geogra ) > hv ? " "Hain't no dns ts ! ( n that. " "But you might have , How would you teach it ? " "Bv askin' 'em questions , " "Wluit are the lundamcnlal rules of nrlthmoliov" "I'nndti what ? " "Fumlaincntnl rules. " "Don't know him. " " 1 hiul no rcforenou to an individual. 1 meant the principal rules of arithme tic" tic""You "You menu the way how ? " "Yes. " "Can't ] is' remember. " This of course is an exceptional subject ot ignorance , hnt the public school teach ers in thu ( Jeorgia backwoods aru not proverbial for their much learning. There are some good schools , however , and this county has two or three of a higher grade. The high school hero is presided over by a clover young lawyer a ( ieor- gian anil a gcnllomau of cultivated taste , lied Star Cough Cure has the endorse ment from experience of the most promi nent men. _ The libel law of Texas is more strin gent than any of the other states of the union , A newspaper can be sued in every county where it circulates , forcing it to keep a stall'of attorneys distributed over the state , All the known French plays , since the earliest times , have been collected in Paris. They number 18.003. If your children are cross or peevish- wakeful at night , with flashes of fever , white around thu nostrils , rings around the eyes , pick their nose , toss the hands or feet in sleep , you have positive signs they are troubled with worms. Dr. J. H. McLean's Vermifuge will remove the worms , and restore your children to blooming sparkling health. Weather strips at Chapman'a , 105 Main' , Host dinner in the city at Doc and Hilly'6,404 Broadway , 25 cents. NEWS OF A VERY STORMY DAY Snow and Wind Almost Snccoeu in Suspend ing Business and Travel THE RAILROADS PARALYZED. Lucky Iltittnwnr Jailed I'"or For- Rcry Suing A llnllroiul- Quiet Other News of the III tiffs , The Storm. Business WAS neailyuta standstill in the city all day yesterday on account of the terrible fctorm. The strcels were nearly deserted and no street cars were running. The dummy trains were also abandoned , and mail trains , with the ex ception of the " 2" and Kansas City & Council Bhifls , failed to ar rive. The Koch I land train was blocked near Wcslon and the St. I'aul train was stalled at Tcmpleton. Altogether it was the worst November dny that Council Blufl's has experienced In many years. A Ijucky Hunnwfiy. Yesterday an omnibus team at the Rock Island depot became frightened and ran away. In Iho course of their luisty Ilight they slruck a hack , badly damaging it , and also collided with a mail wagon , doing considerable dttmngo. Fortunately , however , no one was in jured ami the frightened team was cap tured without much difficulty. Jnllcd For Forcery. O. P. Webster , who was arrested at Crescent for forging the name of II. A. Terry to a note at that place , was brought to Ihis city yesterday to await the action of the grand jury , and was lodged in jail. Suing n. ltn.IIro.itl. Yesterday George Heaton commenced suit against the Chicago , Burlington & Qnincy railroad company for $300 dam ages which he claims to have sustained by the burning of a shed. He alleges that the building was set on lire by a spark from a passing locomotive. Released on Ball. John Casey , charged with committing an assault upon Deputy Sheriff llaines , was released yesterday upon furnishing bail. Quietly AVctitled. J. M. Smith , merchant tailor of this city , was quietly married to Miss Jennie E. Barrett , daughter of the Duulap mer chant , at the Catholic church at thu latter place. Work of Horse Thieves. A horse and buggy were stolen by mis creants At Hastings yesterday. The thieves have not yet been captured , Rub the "painful points" thoroughly when allhcted with neuralgia with Salva tion Oil , the great pain anniliilator. Price 25 cents a bottle. Dr Bull's Cough Syrup cures croupy cough that sounds so much like nails driven into the child's collin. THREE MEN FROM GEORGIA. An Interesting Knnmncn 'Which Would He True If It Were Not Fictitious. In 1803 June of that year Ihrco con federate soldiers serving in the army of Virginia returned to their homes" in Fanniu county , on a furlough of thirty days each , says the Atlanta Constitution. They were uieii of no education and with out patriotism. They had entered the army "for the fun ol the thing. ' ' A ' - them that fun year's-service taught was an unknown quantity in the tinny , but , instead , that lucre were great hardships and constant danger of loss of life. At the expiralion of Ihe thirty days granted them by their furlough they agreed that they would not return to the army. In other words , they determined todoscrt. F'Uinin county is n mountainous re gion. It , therefore , not diflicult for the three deserters to to hide themselves as to bo entirely out of the way of ollicors .vent in search of them. They remained in hiding until the war ended. The subsequent history ot these de serters was singular. Their names were Thomas , Bowman and Walls. They were unmarried. From 1805 to 1875 they remained in Fannin county , most of Ihe lime manufacturing illicit whisky. In June of the latter year they wore sur prised by a party of revenue men in a distillery situated in a mountain gorgts. They \vbro brought to Atlanta , where they were tried upon the chargn of illicit distilling ami were convicted. Each was sentenced to serve a term of two years in the Albany , N. Y. . penitentiary. In > ) une , 1877 , the three deserters , now ox-convicts , were liberated Thomas ob tained work on ti Hudson river steamer. Bowman enlisted in the United States army , and was sent west to light Indians. Wafts went to Florida , where ho obtained employment as a brakeman on a railroad. In June , 1S7H , Thomas married an Irish woman who lived in Now York City. About the same time Bowman married a squaw of the Apache Iribe of Indians , W tilts In the thu same month and year , married a Cuban woman , whom ho met in .Jacksonville , The degree of education possessed by the thrcu wives was about the same us thai possessed , by Iheir hus bands. Living so widely apart , it never occur red to Iho three ex-convicts that they would ever ngaln meet. Bui in June , 187 ! ) , Thomas was employed by Iho owner of n St. John's river steamer to { io to Florida. At the same time Bowman's command was bunt to St. Augustine. While passing through Jacksonville they mot Watts , iho three ox-convicts deter mined to celebrate their reunion by a banquet , which was provided for them by thu keeper of n cheap restaurant. Their wives joined thorn at Ihe banquet , at which great conviviality reigned. The next morning the the wives of the three ox-convicts died very suddenly. The ice cream they had eaten at thu ban quet had poisoned thum. It was in Juno , 1BSO , that the three ox- convicts met again. Jacksonville was iho place. They were on liiuir way to Faiiiiin county. F.ach had heard thai the few acres of laud ho owned had suddenly become of great value , by reason of the discovery of gold. They traveled to gether , each full of wonderful plans for the future. When they reached Fannin county they discovered that what they had heard was untrue. They wore bit terly disappointed , naturally , and to con sole themselves set up n distillery and proceeded once more to manufacture illicit whisky. It is not known how long Iho threeex - convicts remained in Fannin county , but in Juno , 1881. they were living in Chi cago. They llien disappeared and were heard of no more until June , 18i0. On the 1th of that mouth an explosion oc curred in a biunll houseon a back street in Chicago , The occupants of the house , three men , were killed. Police investiga tion developed thai they were engaged in thu manufacture of dynamite at the time of iho explosion , presumably for supplying the anarchists. The owner of the nouso said that ho had rented it to the three men whoso names were.Thomas , Bowman , and Watts. The most agonizing nuurnlpia pain goes down before the marvelous power of St. Jacob's Oil. A Ctttiiiitiff Creditor. Dry ( ? cods Chronicle ; Some years ago four merchant creditors from nn casltrn city started in the same frnin of cars for the purpose of altnching the property of a certain debtor in an interior town. Ho owed each ono separately , mul each was suspicious of the object of the other , but did not dare say a word about it , although they were vll acquainted. When they ar rived at the station , which was two or three miles rom where the debtor did business , tney found but a solitary cab , to which all rushed. Thno got in and re fused admittance to the fourth , and tlm cab started. The fourth ran after ami got upon Iho outside with the driver. Ho asked the driver if ho wanted to sell his horse. The driver replied that ho did not wiMit Io do ; that ho was not worth morn than $ .10 , but he would not sell him for that , llo was asked if ho would take $100 for thu animal , "Yes. " said Jehu. The fourth man quickly paid ovej1 Iho money , took the reins and backed the cab up againsltho bank , slipped it from the har ness and tlpued it up so that the door could not be readily opened , jumped upon the horse's back and rode oil'al n qtileK lope , while Ihc insiders wore ga/.lng oul of Ihe window , llo rode to a lawyer , and had a writ made out and served and his debt secured , and got around to the hotel jti't as the "insiders" came up pulling and blowing. The cabman soon bought back his horio for $50. The "sold men tillered to reimburse the fortunate one , who had found property sutlieieut to pay his debt , if ho would not "let on" about the affair at home. Captain Mitchell , of the bark Antolne Sala , New York and Havana trade , came homo in May , entirely helpless with rheu matism. He went to the mountains , bill receiving no benefit , at his wife's request began to take Hood's Sarsuparilla. lie immediately began to improve ; in two months his rheumatism was all gone , and he sailed in eommand of his vessel a well man. Hood's Snrsparillu. will help you. Sold by all druggists. Horace Groeley's niumlcr. The Journalist ! Mr. Clreeloy was a queer character , and could be funny when he liked. He was one of the originators of Ihe American Institute1 , and naturally took a deep interest in its wel fare. When the annual exhibition was In progress the Tribune was full of it. Sometimes Mr. ( Jrceley took a hack at it himself. Though a strictly temperance m 11 n he one day astonished the stall' by writing a paragraph on tins wine exhibit , saying it included port , sherry , claret , Cliquot , Mumm , Rooderer and cham pagne. The stall' were laughing over the oidgeutle.mau's blunder , when he came in and asked the cause. The slip of his pen belli" : pointed out , Mr. Cireoloy re marked in his squeaky voice : "Wa'al , I'm about the only man on Ihis paper whoeould make- such ad d foolish mis take as thai. " The multiplication of gin mills and their attendant throngs of drunken "bummers' ' around Ihe Brooklyn end of the bridge is actually driving passengers from that highway back to the ferry , as serts the New York Tribune. A person who defrauds another of his money by selling a spurious article is bad enough ; but when he injures health by his trickery ho is a monster. Beware of the imitations of the "Garland Stoves : ma Ranges" and preserve your health. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such us Lost , Found To Loan , For Snle , To Itent , VSnnts , floiirdlnir , etc. , trill bolnscrtod In thin column fit. the low ratoof TEN CENTS 1'Btt LINE fortlio first Insor- lonnnd lriveContaPorl < tnforcach ( subsequent ln ortlon. I.iiivo advertisements nt our oflico No. 13 1'cal street , near Uroaclwuy , Council UIulTs. WANTS. F Olt HUNT IHirnlsncd rooms , U10 Illuirs. t WANTI2D--A boy with pony to carry lice route. SALE Old pnpors for salt ) lit the lioo FOR olDcc. I'nrtli'S intcnilinir tn t > o married WANTED arc \7nntod to u. ll at the Pryor'e Uco job odicc to select tliolr \ \ eddini ? curile. MURDER ! ! Diphtheria H nsain iimltlnR 111 nniiunl vlsltn- lion. Ten yetirs' trfiilof 1)11. THO.S. .IBFrUIUS' KKMKDV lor that fatal inplady lius duinon- Etrntcdthofuotthatit Is Inlnlliblo lisa provcnt- Ivo nndcnrn. If you penult your children to dlo with illplilliorin. "Tliclr lilood ho upon your heiid. " For halo only nt the olllcu. No Wbouth Sthntroet.Counell lIliilTs , Iiu. or boat by cjprcts on receipt of price , f a. From the Oinulm Hue : .Mr. J. H. lltttlcr. or Hel Dell.Tottiurnltnmlo Co. , lowu , nnil hw family of cloven persons , \\ere all hlcU with iniiliirtiant dlphthurln. Kvcry one of them hiivo rocoveied ! > the u o of Dr. .Icllerls' 1'iHvciitiro mid Cnro lor Dlphtlicrln , without the uiil of a ulnvicliiu. C. II. lllnkefilce , ot No UIU Campbell street , Onuthii , who rrcontly lost n beautiful and 11- tert tliiK diiiiKlitcr. iijfcd about lli yonr , by illphtheilii , iniiloi' thu treitlinont of onu of the best pliyxluIanM In Om.tlui , uiltosto Dr..lolU'ris. ot tbiseity : "Vour ronioily for diphthoriii euiiio too Intn , our dcariliu-'htor was dyiiiR : hi > a It was roeolvud. 1 am Kittened that her life could huviiboou avotl. Another on of our children who had the dlphthcrin. hur thiont wus lll'cd ' up with the putrid iilcoratlon , wo used your iiKiiticIno and intwrlvo hours the dl8en ovna completely Eiibaifd. In the lutiiro wo will koupyour mudlnlno at all \\ine \ * In our IIOIIPO. Wo feel that It suvu.UUo life of ono of our chll- dron.Vo uro very thanuftil to you , and otily roaret tlmt wo did not cnll on you sooner. " From the Council niulTd llally Olnuot M. A. Mol'luo , Oilltor ot tboCnmhrla ( Kbcns- biirtr , I'n. ) Kroomnn , has boon the pcrdonnl It-lend of the editor of the Olobo lor more thun twenty joars , and Is known wherever ho it known us OUR or the bo.-u men living. UN lamlly WHS rat-apod with diphtheria , and Ktcatly dls- tidssud. Ninitior Dr. JutForls' Diphtheria Cure was lined , nnil the lives of Ilio lost of hlRchlld- rcn saved. Lotlors from Jtr. Mul'lkn are un- bonndod In their cxprn sloni of Knitltiulo for flndlngr some niL-ans of nverllnur the loss of all lilsllttlo nnoH. 1'ive of Mr. Mul'lko's children out ot oliht died fiom dinhthorla hoforo lie had an opportunity of uslnz Dr. JoITorls remedy. DVHI'KCHIAl DVHI'KI'HIV ! Dyspeptic , why live In misery and din in. dls- pair with ennc-iir of the otomncn ? Dr. Thomas Jtiram ciirert every cn = e of Indlro9tlnn | and constipation In u very short time. Host of ref erences ifivon. Dyspepsia IH the eaitja of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions , I'rlco $5 for two works tronttncnt. Dr. Judnris' dlplitherlu uiodlclno la Infalllhlo for all kinds of t > oru throats. Indispcnslulo In putrldsoro throat , In Hcarlot fuver , oliiiiirliiK ( It In 4fi hours to the uimplo form. Infal lible cure for all Inllammatorv , ulvoratlvo , put- ild , cancnrons ulcoriiiionof the womb tnd all catarrlial eon'lltlons. ' I'ull printed Instructions how to ueo the tneill- ernes sent lth thorn. No doctor lequlrud. Dr. JctTerla' remedies can only bo obtained at hie ofllro. No. - i South Kluhtn Btront , Council lllullfl. low a , or tent Ay express on roculpt of price $3. If you wish a really cheap suit to order , go to William ( Jrovor , ( Into of Chicago ) , No. 11 ! North Main Si. next to American Jist. Telegraph olliuo. llu will nittko you a line titling all-wool suit for ' ' 5. Punts to order U. Having opened a cloth nnil trimming house ID connection with the merchant tailoring establishment , J would respect fully invite an inspection of sumo. Par- tics desirous of obtaining cloth by the yard and making up their own goods can hero bo accommodated. Trininungs of all kinds furnished. Goods cut to order. In funt any tiling j-ou wish can bo furnished at bottom prices. Don't forget a line littiiiff suit to order for | i5 , pants | 0. and cloths and trim mings at equally low iigurcs. Win. Grover , No. 11 North Main St. , next door to American District Telegraph otlicc , N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Exprece. iss Broneis Special Sale -OF- R E .HEADQUARTERS FOR CARPETS AND Mail Orders ; ) j'OHJjy attended to , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Fine Jfnnglny Tramps , Jfottsc Fur nishing Goods , etc. A. J. MANDSL , Xo , 323 tC HiiS J3 > 'Otdu'Hif , COUNCIL HLUI'TS , - - - IOWA. I cMljrcrs , Journals , County and I.iuiU VorJi of All E&iiuN ufjpce- ialty Prompt Attention to Mail Orders 10REHOOSE § i GO. Room 1 Evorot Hlock , Council liluds. Stand iird Papers Used. All styles of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. C. B. National Dn.ik , M. 13. Smith fCo. . , Cltl/ciiH' Hank , Dctirc , Welb V Co. , hirst National Hunk , C. II. limiriinco Co. , OIHcar&l'Ubei-.Uaukers.c.ll rfavliu-s llnnk. OFFICER & PUSSY , COUNCIL IJLUl-TS , I A , Established 1&7 JOHN V. f-ro.NK. JACOB 1MS , STOWE & SIMS , fA SB j Practice in the State and Federal courts liooms 7 and 8 ShtiKart-Heno lllo-ik. R. L. WILLIAMS 18 N. Main st , Council lUuffla. . , and 209 S. 113th st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb. Manufacturer's AKCIII for the CALIGRAPII TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Roofing , Slate , Mantels , Plate and Window Glass , Show LVues , Elevators , ( hani andaulic , etc. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying .1 $5 hnt or bonnet , one fare will be paid ; fie , ton ml Irip. CBESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council li luffs having lEHsoa/pe And all mo 'cm improvements. 215 , 217 and 219 Main st. MAX MO1IN , Prop. FIRE IHSURHHCE lr\ \ Irje following Companies : Herman American , of New York rhtrnlx. * / Hartford. Hartford , * of Hartford * Callfornlan , of San Fianclsco , Scottish Union A National , of Edlnburg. Union , of San Fianclsco. State , ' of DCS Notncs. Wllllamiburg C/ty , of Brooklyn. Those marked with a * Insure also against loss by Wind Storma , Cyclones and Tornadoes. FOR SM.3 IN COUNCIL AMI OMAHA. ONEt" LOANED ON OOOD CITY AND FARM 1'KOl'KRTY AT LOWEST RAFES. * * * * , * * * * * * * * Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or do'iblc. MASON WISE , Council Bin ( Vs. IL X&XCE , M. Or ether Tumors romovoil without t,0 kiilfo ordniwinir of blooJ. Over thirty yours prncticiilci-porlence. No. II I'cnrl St. , Council Ululls. 127" Consultation free. BLUFFS MPET CO , We ( treiitill offering thcr/rctilctitbai' in i'cr offered in this cittj or the waul. Our Block Is as laryc and coinjitcle as an/unit can iind , and tint yitar- antce nriccs awiuj below all com petition. We IIHVC also a full line of Of all Ijrutlei and inalcc , Law , Turcoman , Chenille , Irish Point , etc. , cc. OCR RUG Department Coinj > rises Turltlsli , Sni'irnia , Kc.r- rai'li , Urnsscls , .ij-inlnstcr , etc. , at prices lower tlittn the lowest , CurtainGooisbytMard And ji.rturrn , Oil Cloths , Llneolnuns , rte , A lanjv Una of Killand Mohair 1'lushcs and I'jt- holstern { foods ; Kami C'linliv , Otto mans , Fool Heats , etc. , for Hie hol iday trade . 26 Pearl Sfireet. 1 . I. * WILLIAMS , m 506 Broadway , Council Bluffs. llcadipg Sbylas and Irppaptatrnpa opsbapbly op { d 1406 Fornam Street , Onaahn , Neb. ITS'll "IWIWPER" For n buyer to RO where the largest Stocl anil Greatest Varieties arc kept in nny OIK line. Again , if feller hm KXPKRIKNCHI ACCOMMODATIONS faithful nnil trusty help thoM ; who buy wll : l < c nurecably tcrtcd and If scllergiycs rvt I. weight * and men' . ' tires , you have three excellent reasons foi pattonlzini ; such A film , Fuel consumers oiight thcrcfore to buy oi HEATON FUEL Co. , No. 028 Uro.idwny , Council Hlufls. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND IEZO-CTSIEJS COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEEUK , WKI.LS & CO. , Wliolos'ilo Agricultural Implements , Buggies , Cnirlnecs , Pto , Jtc : Council muir , Iowa. KEYSTONE MANUFACTUKINU CO. Mnntlfitctiirersof nnil Dcalorn In Hand and Power Com Shell rs , And nKonnrul lnu | of llrst oln s ugrluulUlrnt Implpmnnts. Nos. IliOt.rai , 1.VW ntul 1607 9nnth Main Street , _ Council HiiitT * . Inwn. im'll ) 11KADLKY .ft CXX Mnntif'r * nn I Jotilmia of agricultural Implements , Wagons , Haggles , , nnd nil klmU of Vmrm Mnohlnorr. 1100 to 1118 South Mnln Slroot , Counull IlHirf * , C.ilil'K 71- ! . COUNCIL HMJFFS CAIIPKT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Curtnln Tirturog , Upholstery ( lee Etc. No. 105 llrotvltray Council DlutTg , , Kit\ I'EUKHOr & MOORE , WliolcMita Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco 8 Pipes Nos. SSMnln and 27 I'onrl Sis. Council UlutTti , lorrn. COMMISSIOX. SNYDKIt & LEAMAN , \Vholesnlo Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. 141'oirl St. Council 'HulTi. HAULE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , lttB1 Sundries. No. 22 Main St. , mid No. 21 I'cnrl St. . Council Uliltri. I It I HV. O. W. 1JUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Comtnl ! cm. No. 511 Hroadw r , Council HI ii ITS. WI11T & DL'QUli'lTB , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -A.N'D- COMMISSION , Noe. 1i ( mid 18 I'o.irl St. . Council Hluirs. lUltXKSS , ETC. KECKMAN , STUOIIBIJHN & CO. , Itfimi'netiircrB of mid Wholesale Ho ilora In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. Xo. tg.i Mnln St. . Comieil Hluls , loira. J1ATS , CAl'S. ETC. METCALF BKOTIIKKs ! Jobbers in Ms , Caps and Gloves. NoIH'J and 311 Hioivlwny , Council Illutrs. KEKLIXK & FELT , Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood took , Council ntuCTs , COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Whcileciilo Dealers In Illuminating & Lubrlcatia ] Oils Gi3)Hn ) E3TO. , HiTO. P.Thcodorc , AKOHI , Uotniuil lllulfa. loiva. Luininn viuxa JTC. A. OA'EHTON & CO , Hard Wood , Soutlicrn Lambs ? , Piling , 4ncl Ilildsu JlntPrliU S [ > ocIiltlPsWIoli'4iil : ] Lum bar of all Kindrt. IKiico N'o. l.ij .Mi.ln St. , Council Itlnlfrf. Jo'.nu iTIXtiS AM ) iIQUUlt& JOHN LINUElt. Wholrhiilo Imported and Domestic Wlnas & Liquors Atom forKt. notllmiii'b llorb llittcrJ. Main St. Council UliilT.i HCJINKIDER & BKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , . . Ci/uiic-ii Il'.nfi. ' L. KIHSCHT & CO. , WLolesale Liqu.r ) Dealers. No. 113 Ilioaiway , Council HlulH. Reduction in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc. . , , , At W. S. Homer & Go's , No , 2. ° > Main st Council ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF MILLINERY , No , 320 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs. Mrs. O. A. Hogors , Late of the Parisian Millinery Co. , Manager. Star Sale Slables and Mule Yards. . imOAMVAY , COUNCIL HLUFKS , Lluuuuy Horses and mtilrs kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or In car loads. Odors promptly lilled by contract on short notice , block sold on commission. SIII.UTKH .V : , Proprietor * . Telephone No. 11-J Formerly of Iveil Sale Stables , corner lit. , uvu'auii5th btreet. I f Prof , Chas. Ludwlg Von Soeger rrofe orof Mcdlclnn at thfi Itojal I'nlvpMtyt Knlulit or tlm lloral AnttrUn Order of thfl Iron CnmniKntRlit ivinimin < ter of Ihn UOT ! Spnl n Onlerot l ibcll/ii KnlKlilor thB llnyal rniMlanOr * ilrrofliioHeil KanlPiUlmatlor or the lotion ot Ilonnr.ctc.plo. , at i I.KlIlltl CD'S hM/A IIRCKTONIO ihoiil 1 not b ootvJniniiloil wllli ttinhnnlo of Inifhj cure * ! 1i. ItH In nfi onno of the wiml n t > ntnnt remedy. I urn thor * oiifzhlrroiiTcrcnnt with Its inoto of propArAtlon anil Itiion it to IP tutt ( Milr n toglttmnto rlitrmncnntlcAl rriMtnct.butnlKoworlhy ot tlio tilth roninien < Hllnn < lthrocplvcit lnnll | iArt of Ihe wurM. U ront.iln * f pnc of Itocf , ( "ocn , tnlnlnc , Ironanit rnll T . whldi aroill olTCJ InimroKonulnoHpatilsu ImpertM CronnHlicrrr. " IiiTahinlii t < > nll who uro Him l > own , Norrnm. mi. pepticHllloti . MnlarloiM or nflletod wltli nosi klJ- n < -jr. iituAiitorIMITATIONS. HorMajesly's Favoritio CosmetlcGlycerlna lij-tlTllnrdtttlRlmpinthe Prlnreu of tniUtin nolillltr. Kor the Skin , Completion , Kruv | lin . ( 'hiiiinif. ! | | Uoti lincj . l HI. or rtnuilKM. I.llCIUO t'O'H < icn ln Sfrtip notSnriipurlllmli CutnintccJ uttlio b sl t > ir m > ! irillmnlliounUoU FRANK 0. MEAD , Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET WOK1C A SPECIALTY. Telephone COO. South Sixteenth Street. SIr CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. "Wn tto lirrcby wrtlfy tlmt o siipnrvlpo tlio nrriuiReniotUB for nil thu Monthly mul Ouurt.T- lv Dinwlncs of The I.oiilMiitm State Lottery ( oiniiiuiy , iind In IIHIHOII MIHIIIIJIO mul control tlioilin\vln 0 tlKMiisnlvc < < , limit lint the rome nr conJncteil with honesty , fulrnops HIK ! lit good fnlth townul nil pnrtloK , mul uo uutliorl e the Coinpanv to i e tills cortlllcHturlth fnc-Klm- ll s of our Bltfnatures nttneht. > il , In Its nilvortlo < incuts " 4 COM.MISSIONKHS. T > TVotho niHlerslcncil Itnnki nml Itniikors will tiny nil I'rl/cs ilrnwn in The KniiHlniiu Stnto Lotteries wtiiuhinny bo prescntoilutour coun ters. J. H. OGLKSHY , I'n'pltU'iit T.oul.olnnn National llnnk. .1. W. KII.HRKTH , Piosldont Stiilo N'utioiml Hunk. A. HAhDWI.V , I'loslilctrt N'en-Orlenns Ni.tlonul llank. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION. U Oviu HALF A MILLION UisrmnuTED STATE LOTTERY COMPAHY. Incorporntol In 18SS for'ii j'ears by tbo leiH Inlurc tor Kitiiciitloiiiil mid Cliarltiihlo purpose * with IK-HI ill nl of fl,000uih-to ) which u reserve f unit of nvat f.ViOwiO has slnoo boon uiMud. liy nnnrcrwbolniliiR : popular vote Its trnnchlso was iniulo a pnrt of t ho present StiUo Uonstitutlon ndoDtvilUecuinuurSd A. I ) . IST'J. llfiKruMilslMKlo iniiulx.'r iliawiiiKfl will Ink plauu month ) ) . It noor fcnlvs or postpones. Look at the follon-liur distribution : 199th Grand Monthly AND TUB r n EXIRAOROIIIURf OlliBTEHLT DRAWING In the Academy of Jluslc , New Orleans. Tnosilny , Dec. 1 1ItlHti. . Unilei tlioputsontil Mtpcrvison and manage- iiifiitof Oiy. : Cl. T. Uf.Annr.oAiii ) , ot Lou- isisiui , unit ( ir.x. JUIIAL. A. K.VHI.Y , ot Vlr- BlUlil' BlUlil'CAPITAL PRIZE SI50.000. Notice. Tickets are SIO only. Halves , 55 Fifths $2. Tenths SI- i GApnvu. I'IIIXKOF jifiOnoi. $ lfiOOM KillAMI I'lll/KOP WI.UW. GiiKK ) lOitAMi I'lti/.nor w.iwi. L'o.wa "I.viuii : i ui/.iHor : lU.iNX ) . . -MOM t i.\i.inl'iii/.i:8or : r.o ( ) . . MPaizK oir l , < wi ) . 2J.UKI ft ) " BX ) . . lixi " : nw. . 200 -IV ) . . 4onx , ) ' ' mnn ItKK ) " M' . DO.OJU . 100 Appioti tie n pilzeNOt $ : oo. . f O.Ofl ) 1UO " . . 10iK(5 ) ( 1W. " " . . 7,500 . ' ,3711 PilnmomiluiiTto . f ' .TOn Applirntlnn forrnlo. to cluhs shoiil , ! bo inmlo only to thu ollli'O or the company in Now Or Itnne. For fiirthor liifprma Ion wrlto cloarlr , trivlnj full ndilrt'M. POSTAL MH'Ilixproti ! .Monuy Onlord , or Now Vorlt llveln'iw in ordinary lot- ti-r. currencT by oxpron at our oxpon o nd Or M. A.nAIIPMIN , \Vii-hiijUii : ) , O. 0. . O. Money Oror3 ( pnynblo nnfl ftddrou rogistorcdlottorHto IIKW OlCbliANS NATIONAL 1IAN1C , NuwOrletina ii\ ABSOUTE"pnRFRCTbK ] ! IH BAWKGs" - AKI ) AI.I. " MEATS UOASTKD IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE 15JRE ! GAUZE OVEH DOOR I'OUKU LSCUIS1VULY OH 'l MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , Vfrjr fnvr i > fnrlii Unowtliat th'i fihrinbnK * } nf Mrkti rnnhitj , ! in u i IUHQ ov * n U frjni thirty lno in foil/ ! > r mnt. AllinHatcnuUiin8ti Inn jiuripnt.01 wktor nnil only twenty IU ! r cLMtUofiolm rmttur.aint Ir.t l < n I I .luuilil Illlliu ! ontlni < lHjliidoii ! tliunvnio raUoinjf Itiujuico , which Utlm vifiii Murur HUT Effect of tlio SOMDOVEN Door. A TI.N i iuinl birloln. iuo < liuinnr woll-loii.i. will l > tfrilUt M , IO blX 1'UUIIltntlnil ' loiir DUIlt'n * of ItOmt' 4 luuHl.fthuwlnua | o of till oil i * > imtl juiil twnltnouui ft of jiiUo. \\iiiluttin lj * It , iwnuut.of Inw lu'.il udflit , It i-'iowt Dm enormous Lyba uit ! ' ! ! rx icu fUJr. or TUG JUICE. Effect of WHIU GAUZE OVEN Door. A Trv jiouml Hirlolii , im ilium or w ll iloim. will li rnluuifl Io iiineli'iimilj tndoUlit iijurriut Jto.i.ti-J Ii.ui.t . , tnuwliiillt lo. < if 4.1-U uuuuwuf juliu. . ' " ' llii.fu..U llv | wr runt.of llm total w.if M. HfcUowi thuiei-y iualllJ > i-ni _ < f IIUTM > i M i JUILJ , SEND FOR UiusriiAiEQ CIRCULAR & PUCE LISTS. CHAHTER OA.JZ STOVES nod HANOH3 are SOLD IN KEBRASKA aa icllowa ; MilTO J IsncnnSfcSON'S . . . .OMAHA. I1 KI-NNI.V. . . . . . . GORUUJ. , DAI.I ASft I.MhON , HA = II-.I. , i : c imrwi it , iuv faim & . II AIKDttCO NtiiKAtKALiir. W I' . 'II.MI'I riON , . . . 1 II SlUKUKVASTftSON AIKIN OII , I.KASSfcCO , CHADBUI , KHAUSK , lUIIKPRVUI.CH , . . COIUMKUS. oi us IKOS : . . . .KlU.AH. J ANNU.I&SWI r.NI.Y , . I'AIKBUI V. rl'ANKI 1 N J. JOHNSON . NoKinlll-u. J f McCAFFKUTY , . O'Nuil. Cnv. K IIAZI. r.woon , . OscruiA. J S. 1 > UKI' 1'IATT-MUPTII. A. IT.AHSON , Si mil' o. UULI'N JO I'Milll S &SON. IMMUUIAN & 1KAKEU VntPOH. t iruifcombined. UuajHUittilluo ' onou ) * In the woi ! U Ktmcratlti/ _ ALoniinuo tg Klftrtc tt Mjgsir (9 ffVmrrfuf. . Scinllllc.r irrui , UuinLlr. r Comfort" ) ! o oud hir uTO. ) relit Jmudi. OvirOOO ; < * . * - Honrtht inn forpatnj.Met. DlTllURN VuUHTOKl'ra '