Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1886, Image 5

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3am Jones's ' Sermon at the Exposition
Building Last Niglit.
Pour I'ny Kor Poor " \Vnrk "Why Yottn/r /
Men Arc Awhamnil of Goil
Get In tlic lllitht
Bain .Tours.
"You can bank on'1 Sam Jones , to use
one of his expressions , Thn blr//.ard has
not succeeded in knocking him out yet.
At 8 o'clock last evening he faced nn
audience ot about five hundred rioowlo at
the exposition building. A do/.i'ii ladies
wcro present. The ministers present
wore Unvs. House , Harsha , Shcrrill and
Ensign. After a short song service Mr.
Jones announced that he would talk
chiefly to young men , as his audience
was composed mostly ot Ilium He said
and was also running the meeting ,
nnd that it must bo all right to go
on with the work , for ( Jed never
works against Himself and whatever llu
docs is right. Ilo spoke lirst of the ne
cessity of choslngthu bible for a guide
and likened it unto a man who buys a
machine that he don't know anytliintr
about. Hu must taku the catalogue and
directions furnished by the maker of the
machine before ho can get it into run
ning order. So it is with man and the
biblo. The blbic is the guide. Hod niado
man anil God made tlio bible , und the
man can not be run with any satisfaction
to himself or gootl to his fellows except
on the plan directed by God m llio bible.
Speaking further on lids Hue , Mr. Jones
8ald :
Now , brother , when 1 see a man In fill
multiform characteristics , nnd look nt hit
mental and moral and physical make up , I
Hay to you all 1 don't understand myself , anil
J say that up to twenty-four years or i o 1
didn't answer aslnglo purpose , It looks like ,
for which 1 was created , hut I got hold of a
little book , called thn Bible , anil begun to set
111 } sell In order , and the first thing 1 It now I
was In good order , and 1 have bcun miming
along Hafcl and gloriously now for fourteen
years , am' I came to the deliberate conclu
sion lu God that made this boot : mnile
me , and .0 God that inadu mo made this
book. It will answer tlio cud for which It
was created , and if you try to run humanity
by any other plan In the uuiveisu , then you
will liud out , sooner or Inter , that
you do not know yourself. The great trouble
with humanity Is that we move oil on
phllosphy. and false plans and false WHVH ,
Nothing but disaster can oveitako us In
every Instance. Tlicre is a way , nnd a i Ight
way , ami there Is u wrong way. Tne wrong
way leads to disaster aud the ri.'lit waj leads
to right results. Now \\o bay sometimes "llmt
is a light principle. " That Is jood giammar
and it Is good .sense , but when you say that In
awronBprinoinlo there Is no such thing as
a wrong principle. There Is a light princi
ple , however. I'llnclplo means a ride ; means
astiaight edge. It means a straight Hue.
Well now , suppose 1 say : "Tuat lt > a crooked
straight line. " That would be nonsense ,
wouldn't It ? " A wrong principle and
a crooked fitr.iight line are exactly the same
thine when yon say It. lint whenls.iy :
"That principle Is right ; that stialglit line
Is straight then 1 am talking Hcn e. Now
priiielplo Is bottomed on something. Wrong
principle Is a contradiction In terms
111:1.1. : IB norioMiis. : " ,
has no foundation , and heaven is topless and
has a foundation. Vou can build when 5011
have a loiiiulallon on which to build. If a
man bulllis on band down conies his house
when the utoim heats upon it , jiibt when ho
needs one. Wo all know what a s > tonn Is.
When tlio wind blows and the storm howls
then down comes his house. It yon don't
tnko heed loour foundation theio is awoibo
sloim than this coming to you ; theio Is a
fltorm that will \onhopolcsblyliito
perdition. What Is the foundation on which
a man can biiilu ? It Is the word ol Cod.
Some people tie < - ' leave to diller with the Loiil
when lie f > avs , " .Look not upon the w hie when
it is red , when it glveth its color in the can
At last It blteth like and adder and stlugeth
like a serpent. That man hack thcie bays ,
"That will never do ; it never lias hurt mo
nud never will , " "bntii I could trace him ton
yeats from to-day as his wile stands over his
bed , and when the last moment came ho said
"Oh , wife. God Haiti thn truth when ho said
'At last It blteth like and adder anil stingeth
llkoaserueut. ' This room is full of hissing
Horpentsand thoybltoat mo at eveiy tnin. "
1 picked up one of your morning papops , tlio
oilier inoinlng and U said before your city
Judge , there went four poor follows standing
before him at ono at ono time with tlio jimjams -
jams , with delcrluni tromens. What do you
think of that ? This much vou ran bank on.
When Hod says a tiling Is so. It is so aud all
who have got to do Is to it. Every toml
man in the world Is a witness that God toltl
the truth when ho said a thin. , anil every bad
man Is a witness to the same proposition.
I tell you In truth and love to-night , thatliun-
dreds and hundreds of men have bought mo
on the cars , at my room , and In the parlors of
the hotels , and talked with mo about their
lives , and i have never yet had a man say tome
mo , "lam sorry I Borvrul God ; lamboiry 1
Have done right : " but all of them say , "lam
ao sorrv that I did wrong ; 1 am
That is the way they talk. "Wheio with alt
shall a young man cleanse his ways. " My
way Is not clean and I know It. My way is
not right and I know It. What will I do.
Tlio best thing In the world for you to do Is
toswapwa > s. Suppose L walk over heie a
few blocks. All at once I eomo across two
steel mils .stretched acioss ties. 1 say to my-
t.clf what are these ? What are these tori' 1 had never seen a railroad , or a
train of cars. I say what Is tins. I c.umot
toll , I will try nnd Und out. 1 will get my
wheelbarrow and roll It a few feet , but 1 do
not roll It more than ten bteps bofoio 1 see it
is not built for a wheelbarrow. 1 get a two-
horse wiuon aud drive It along on that truck
live or ten leet , and I say , take that oil , it
was not built for a wngon , but
1 go down to thn round-house anil look at
a giand locomotive , its smoke .stack , its
trucks , its cab , tender and everything. 1 look
It OUT from head to foot and then ( see the
wheels with the flanges ou them , and t say I
believe that thing Is made lor that tiaek , I
take that engine oat , toll it ngou the track ,
tire it up and pull the tlnottlo open , and see
It steal away at fifty miles nn hour. I s.iy
that way was built tor that engine anil that
engine tor that way. A locomotive engine
on the tiack Is onuoC the most omnipotent
tilings I ever looked at in my Ilfo. It will
pull toiiB In evmy car and foity to tlio
engine. Jiibtlnok at It in Us power ami
beauty as It moves along. A locomolho
engine whllo It Is llio most omnipotent thing
you over looked at upon the tiack , did vou
over .see one off the track ? Is It not thn most
helpless thing you ever looked at' . ' It cannot
move I ( sell much less pull ail ) thing else. Lot
mo 6.1V to you light here , theio Is a way.
It is the way of the bible ami
the Ion commandments. It Is thn
way Christ led. lleiuistliu way If a man
walks in it. J look at this hlsliwny , 1 am
Kiiilig to say what It Is for. 1 lend an ox up ' '
on this moral way and see that It don't suit
him. I a lioixo upon that way and it
don't suit him. Thou 1 take this imnnl way
aud measure Its dlntiinri'.s 1 look nt tys
gmuds ami oveiythlnc ami then look at my >
soul and say I Iwiletti my soul was made foi
that waj , and that way was math ) tor mj i
mil. Ou that highway my Mini inns sue-
ocsstullv , but taiio my soul off from the high'
way ot holiness and let us try
TUB inn r IIOAII or IMIOPAM rv ,
Wo run tlio soul out on tlio dirt load of pro-
faiiltv and It does not run ten feet until it la
mired down In guilt and shame. Let us inn
tlio soul out on the dh t load of licentious-
ni'.ss und see how soon if mires down In galll ' '
ami ruin. Take Urn.soul and run It out on thu ,
dirt roul of iuhUclityaiid It tinntriiii t n fool
until the road Is leiiml up ahead of eta
and 1 say my soul Is not cultal to t'ul '
sort of a road. Olf from tlio wav 1 see my >
houl Mined and U duos not KO atull , hut when
my soul Is up on the highway of morality 1
seal am miming gloriously , my wllfl anil
children urn proud of me , aud God looks on
me with delight I am upon the way thai
lead * from earth to luuvou. That makes nit
bteiS God and do rlcht. and 1 wish even
man hero to-night would get the le\eragool
Almighty 1'owur under him and lift un !
V back unto thn way that leads to heaven niu
sav " 1 have been doing wrong ; 1 have dent
thine * I would not liatemy mother know ergs
an ) thliiglo the world. I imve done thing !
I would not Jt.ivu tuy s'stw ' know. 1 am
clnd thrso things are kept from those I lorn
1 ashamed of tuo whole buMnoiJ , but 1 will
nevecboasliamedof anothpr thin * whllo 1
llvo. " 1 tan see men nn any prominent
street In this city who are not ashamed to go
into a gro/gcry. They walk In aim get a
drink. 1 hear their sneer * on the street
and they arc not ashamed to swear ,
men driving up in broad
to fOiatiifloss houses in a
carriage , hut when 1 want you bovs to Como
to God and irlvo your hearts to Him you are
asl/amed / ot God. Ohl pnnr nnd doui ruled
humanity 1 It seems to of nil that Is
bad niitl is ashamed of all that Is good. 1
heard a chrislaln man say , ho was riding on
a tialn through Georgia homo months ago , ou
which \\ere two iwn who were drunk. They
fiat in the cars anil ctirod and blacktiuaidcd
and made Uiomsclviu ridiculous. They were
cursing loud ami fuming their bottle up bo-
foie ladles aud men , and drinking. lie saiii :
"Isat there thinking that these mon did not
luvo ( anvbody to doubt who their master was
and who < c servants they were , They hadn't
been In this car ten minutes before they let
ever ) body know they worn
and they seemed to delight In It , They
cursed loud and turned their bottles up ami
urauk. " Ho says , "I have been on this car
live hours and there Is not a person the car
that knows I am a chtlslaln , These poor
fellows are not ashamed to lei the world know
they are the servants nt the dovll , but 1 have
been on this train fivn hours and nobody
knows that Iain a servant ot Christ , I am
ashamed of myself. " lie said to himself ,
"What can I do to let It bo known whoso
servant 1 am ? Thov have spoken out , now I
out to speak out. " Ho naid "Directly the
train down and stopped at a w.uer station
nnd 1 broke out singing "I am the child of a
King ; my Father Is rich In houses and
lands. " Ho said "Everybody turned around
ami looked at muas much as to hay you are
n Christian. I sang on anil dheetly ono of
thobU uillli.xns got mad aiMl said 'Stop that
singing. ' And I bald 'You stop Hint cursing , '
and he said 'What business Is it ol joins If I , ' and 1 said 'What business is It to you
If I si in ; ' , " He said 'It Is not usiiid to slug entrains
trains , ' ami 1 s.ud M wish It win not usual to
curse ontialiis. ' 'Well.'said he , "No more
. ' 'Well ' .itd 1 'No '
singing. , s > , innie ctirsln , ' .
Presently the man took his seat ami coin *
incnccd nqaiii. 1 biokeout singing Mestis
lover of my bind , let mo to thy bosom llv. '
Tlio fellow stopped cursing and said
'I doii't want any mine singing. ' 1
said ' 1 don't w.iut any more of that
ciiising. ' Ho sa\s ' 1 will put you outof this
car. ' 'Then' says 1 'you will have to co out
with me , but as long as you curse t am going
losing. 1 Imve as much right to sine for
Jesus Christ as you have to eur'-o lor tlio
tlovil nmi I want jou to know it. When
they i cached the next station the conductor
put them elf the train , and I RIIUR and no
body ollercdto put mo elf but the
for the way they dona" There mo many
fellows In this country who are ashamed to
let It be known that they are serv.mts of the
Lord. The sinners In this town take
tno In Icttliiit tlio world know that they ate
servants of the dovll. There is too much of
that in this country. When I look any of
> ou bovs and young men In thu face and see
that ) ou want to bo good , and sci vn God , and
do right , and wish to como forward as a can-
d date lor the better life , ami jou are
ashamed to come and let it bo known that
yon want to bo good , you ouirht to pr.xy God
almighty lo put some b.ickboiio
In jou nnd say "right Is right
anil 1 will do it no matter
who know It. " Some say : " 1 have not
courage to como up. " Uoys. have courage to
duro to do right and daio to bo true. 1 would
rather bo ono hey that Is not afraid to let the
wet Id know that he wants to be good , than to
bo a thousands of thosn town bullies wholovn
to cure on thostreet ami show tlio world that
thev aio servants of the dovll. "Wheio withal
shall a young man clenso his ways. " A
young man ashamed too in the bait way
that a man over walked in , a young man who
Is ashamed to walk lu the way that his
mother walkin : the pathway that angels
walk In. "Where withal shall a young man
cloinso Ids ways. " The plain English ol it
Is , "where shall a young man do what
ho wants totlo. ' How In the world can a
yaung'inan be what ho ought to bo anil what
hN mother and God wants him to be ? Hy
taking need thereto according to the word ot
God. Take ( Ids little book. Tills bonk says
walk uprightly. How did they bet that post
upright ? The man who set that post upright
used aspiritlevolandthcnsaid it was upright
"The path of the just is a shining light thai
shincth moro and moro unto the perfect day. "
"Tho w.vy ol the transgressor Is hard. " There
are thousands In this city who will testify to
that in the court honso to-morrow morning.
1 lemeinber while I was In Louisville , as
lirother Morris stood on the stont of the eitj'
hall pleaching , and the great tlirong stood
around him , and just ns ho was entering Into
tlio heart of his service , the police corps made
It way through the crowd and marched about
thirty culprits to ( ho woikhonso lordrunken
ness aud debauchery , lirother Moil Is said
"There goes a living , walking domoiibtratioi
ol the truth of what 1 am telling jou. The
devil Is mighty hard on his crowd. It is a
wonder they do not quit him. " You woiih"
not woik lor any man in the world tlui
ttoatod you
Ho makes you work for nothing and .
llko lo have said , you board yourselves , bti
some of von have your poor wives to boari
you and others board on voupooroldmotliois
and servo the devil tlio year around. 1 wa
sitting at the dinner table at the Paxtoi
house the other day. Two commercial met
were sitting near mo nnd ono said to the
others , "i have qidto drinking. " And othe
said "how long since j'ou have drank ;
drop ? " The lirst one roplled , "six mouths. '
" \Vliatiuadeyou \ quit" says the other. "
saw that ft woultl not pry ; It was hurting m
and I am just as certain as 1 can bo If nn.
man In the world tested It I nm the man
Well , now , the dovll has got different trick
to run on different follows. He will mak
you rte this and that , The dovll has all soil
of jobs which lie will put you at and whichever
over you are the most expert at ho will pu
you to. A poor little follow woi ks all day fo
nothing and makes his kin folks board hit
anil fieqnoutly makes the town board bin :
Ou , how sad that Is.
How did they get the corner of that bile
block upright ? They used the line an
pluuiot. Now , my friends , listen. You
want to get your Ilto and character upright.
TAKF. noi > ' RPIKIT i.cvir : ,
and plumct , which Is the blc.ssnd book , and
If you want to get your Ufa straight up aud
down , square your lifo by that , anil just as
certain as you am allvo you will bo upright
bofoio man anil God and at last icach
heaven. How I wish these young men
would give themselves to God. Kschow the
evil. I know what It Is piactlcally , boys. I
used to drink , dance and frolic with you ami
go to these places with you , I know all about
IU I know all thme Is In It. 1 know it from
the bottom to the top. I have known the
other side lor just fourteen vears , and I am
like David when ho said. "Aday m tlivcourt
Is better than a thousand , 1 would rather lie
a doorkeeper In the House of God
than to dwell In the tenth of wickedness. "
Men do not have to do things that they are
anhamed ofhen a man gets to bo |
Christian , or things that his conscience tells
him not to do. Godsay , "choose this day
whom wo will seive. " IJoys , hoys , buys ,
God bless you , 1 wNi 1 could take you by
the hands everyone of you to-night and give
you ono hard , long , stionc pull , and pull you
over on the right side and have you slay there
fuHivor. You may get neatly to the line
where you mav como , t hava been thoiii walk
right up to the line and put tiio root over and
hold It tlieie , and pull It hack nnd dluat last
mi saved. .Some of you are mighty close to
the line with ono foot over. Just put the.
other foot over and you are on ( Ion's side
and safe forovor. Some of you in o light
whore Jesus said to the lawyer , "Thou art
not far from the kingdom ol God. " Stop
' ov r and you will bo safe fornvur. Oh , my
brother , my young man , to-night snttle Hie
iitiest'on ' , mill say "I will bu for the Lord
lioui thU time until I die. "
Arquitted ,
The soronil trial of Fred Uurstenberg ,
accused of the larceny of a lot of goods
from the proprietor of Paul's park , was
concluded In the district court yesterday ,
the jury returning n verdict of acquittal.
In the first trial , about a mouth ago , the
- jury failed to agree upon a verdict.
( icrslonborg Is a peculiar charaelor. Ho
a linuly educated German with good
business ( nullifications , but aoems to have
a peculiar faculty of getting into trouble.
For several years he was a familiar figure
in tlu ) Kliills police and justice courts ,
and mis finally chased out of that place
by the uuthoritios , and at once appeared
m his familiar role in the courts of this
city. At the present time his wife is in
jii : ) In t'ounoil liluft's awaiting trial on
the charge of disturbing the peace.
The report of continued miraculous
cunt ; nt the shrine of Knock , Ireland.has
, increased the oxuitniueut nnd ruiigioua
fervor in thu west of Ireland ,
Food for Hogs Kxpcrlments.
Prairie Tanner : Tlio \ \ isconsm Agri
cultural Experiment station has been
making some feeding experiments , and ,
among others , nine plain bred Digs , with
some Berkshire blood In them , were used
to determine the relative value of corn
meal , shorts , and n mixture of the two ,
for feeding purposes. The pigs , weigh'
Ing about 180 pounds each , were separ
ated Into three lots. Lot No. 1 was fed
wet corn meal , lot No. 3 wet shorts , nnd
lot No. S n mixture of each in equal pro
portions. Each lot was fed nil they
would cat up clean for forty-two days.
The corn was estimated at 83 conta per
bushel , nnd the shorts cost 70 cents per
100 pounds. The result indicated that to
produce a pound of porlc with meal alone ,
cost 4.3 cents , requiring 5.0 pounds of
meal. It required the same amount of
shorts , costing 3 7 cents , to produce a
pound of increase , But 3.3 cents worth
of the mixture produced the same result.
While a single experiment is by no means
conclusive , it would indicate that a mix-
tnro of corn and shorts will make cheaper
liork than corn nlono , ovou when shorts
cost considerable moro than the price
paid ut thu Wisconsin Experiment sta
tion. Experiments witli regard U > the
valtlo of cooked und uncooked food at
the station , indicated that it cost one-
half cent more per pound to make pork
from cooked food , apart from the ex
pense of cooking.
How ( o .TiulRo Shncp.
Practical Fanner : Purity ot blood is
invaluable , especially in llio niulu sheep ,
as ho is chiefly to bo relied on when
crossing , or improvmc the breed is de
sired. The English Downs are consid
ered the best for producing first-class
mutton , while the Merinos are remembered -
bored for producing the linest wool. The
principal points sought for in sheep arc
Ihosu that give evidence nf Iheir fatten
ing properties ; a straight back , broad
loins , roundness of body are valuable
points. A good-formed animal is ono
with plentv of llesh evenly put ou , and
a little bone as possible. Tlio following
gives requirements for mutton sheep :
Huad , moderately line ; nostrils wide ;
eyes prominent ; oars broad , moderately
long , thin and covered with short hair ;
collar full from breast and shoulders ,
tapering gradually all the way
to where the neck and head
join ; neck short , thick and strong and
free from coarse aud loose skin.
Shoulders broad nnd full , and at the
same' time joined so gradually to the col
lar forward and the chino backward as
not to leave tlio least hollow in either
place. Fore logs , the mutton on the arm
or fore thigh should como quite to Uio
knee ; leg with hoavv bone and upright ,
clear from superfluous skin , should
stand square and well apart ; breast ,
broad and well forward , keeping the legs
wide apart ; girth or chest , full and deep ;
fore Hank quite full , not showing hollow
behind shoulder ; back and loin , broad ,
flat and straight , from which thu ribs
must spring with a line circular arch.
Belly , straight on under line ; quarters ,
long"anil full , with mutton quilo down to
the hock ; hook should stand neither inner
nor out , but straight ; twist , or junction
inside the thighs , deep , wide and full ,
which , with a broad breast , will keep thu
legs open and upright ; the whole body
should bo covered with wool , of a closu
texture , of good length and line quality.
Winter Gardening.
The use of sash and healing inanuro is
yearly becoming more and moro com
mon among farmers in the forcing of
vegetables for transplanting to the open
ground in llio spring. Those hot-beds
nro not loss seldom found umouir subur
ban residents. The reason why they are
not still more common is from the fact
that people must buy _ the heating ma
nure , and the expense is an obstacle. It
is a mistake , however , to suppose there is
any loss hero. Manure is required for
the garden , ami when it has exhausted its
heat in thu hot-bed it is in just the proper
condition to apply lethe soil , and tuodoil
of thn bed has in the meantime absorbed
all tlio gases given up by the heat gener
ated except that small portion absorbed
by the plants within llio framo.
If this fact were bctlcr known winler
gardening would como lo be moro and
moro practiced by both farmers nnd vil
lage residents. All that is required
is iv pit two feet deep to accommo
date the heating man uro , the frame
having double walls six inches thick ,
filled with tnnbark. the frame rising nol
more than four inches above the surface
of the ground at the front , and about six
inches at the hack. With proper protec
tiou of the whole against wind by means
of evergreen hedges and solid bean
fence , and a foot oFslongh juiy to cover
the glass at night , and in very severe
weather when the sun does not shine
radish , lettuce , parsley , popper-grass
etc. , may bo grown all winter , lettuce
forming 'the principal crop. If the lettuce
tuco plants have boon started in Novom
Dor two full crops may bo taken duriiif
llio winler. The care of the bed once tin
crop is transplanted is not onerous. It ii
simply a question of watching , covering
early ut night and not uncovering in tin
morning until the sun shines fully 01
the glass , There are times when llio Imj
must bo left on the lid continuously , on
account of intense fiee/.lni : weather , yet
this is seldom , if the sun shines ,
The satisfaction of having plenty of
lettuces Is alone sullicioiit to repay thu
labor , where the heating manure may bo
had , and , as a rule , however plenty lot-
tu.ce may bo had in the oily markets , it Is
seldom liad in its best condition in the
suburbs , and never in thu country unless
raised at the homo.
The I.nut nil Ik tlio Uluhcnt.
Hoard's Dairyman : Why the first milk
drawn from u row al each milking is the
poorest , and why that drawn last , the
" . trippings , " is the richest , has been the
subject of Dr. Sturtovant's and Prof. Ar
nold's organics , and together they seem
to have given the true reasons. Prof ,
Arnold llrst says it is not because the
cow's udder is like an open vessel , in
which the cream can rise , bus there is no
.such thing as a bacKvvard motion to milk ,
or any ot Its elements , aflor it bus once
started from the point of formation , but
the duct ? converge into the one in the
teat. Dr. Sturtovant says that tlio heav
ier , moro liquid part of the milk will
inovo through the milk tubes moro easily
than the solid aad lighter portion , much
on the principle , wo suppose , thatapcbblo
would move downward in a tubii ot run
ning water fatter than the water , and
that accounts for partot the result. Professor -
fessor Arnold say ? that in addition to
this cause the ftft of the milk , after it
has passed the initial point of secretion ,
is absorbed into the general circulation
ftuster than the proteinc is , and so be
comes poorer in fat the longer it is re
tained in the udder , The faeta correspond
spend with this view , for it has been
proved that the per cent of butter fat in
creases with thu shortness of the time be
tween milklngs , that It udds wonderfully
to thu butter pi eduction of the cow Yj
milk her every six hours over milking
oneo in twenty-four hours , Wo suppose ,
thu above being into , that the cow milked
every M\ hours , if she produced moro
butter , would need additional food to
give lior the fat for her system that she
would otherwise abstract from her own
milk. .It is u fact , wo believe , in most
cases that the phenomenal cows , whim
under tent milked hr-ut
, am every oijiht - >
with the utmost regularity , and this ac
counts for part of the wonders they uor-
HeuHonatile JlliKH anil SungostlouH.
lie caretul in feeding nnw corn. The
old , well-dried corn slnuld bo fed lirst ,
so ns to give tlio now corn ns much time
as possible for dnlug.
Now is the time to begin on corn for
the hogs. Feed old corn , begin with only
a small quantity , and feed largely on
corn near the close , just before slaugh
tering tlio hogs.
Milking should bo done nnd milk
should be kept only where the surround
ing air is pure and frco from all objec
tionable aud tainting odors. Milking in
a foul-smelling slablo or yard allects the
fluid and imparts nn Injurious taint.
While fowls will go n long time with
out water , says a poultry writer , yet lay
ing liens will lay more eggs if their drink
ing fountains are kept well supplied
with pure , fresh and cool water. It is
said that a healthy fowl will drink twenty
limes a day ; its heart beats leO times a
minute ; in hot days it will pant and halt
for breath. Put yourselves In u like con
dition. Then would not n cool drink bo
appreciated ? The next llmo you see a
Hock sufl'cring sprinkle the coop with
wntcr , and give a fresh pall and see how
quickly the fowls cease to pant nnd go to
clucking oil' in comfort , They will give
you extra cgirs to moro than pay for such
There ore few markets tn which enough
diU'erenco is made in the price of hay on
ncbount of quality. Excepting those who
feed fancy horses , few men tire particu
lar enough what they give to their
teams. Hay full of weeds nnd stained
withal sells within $3 or ? 0 per ton ns
_ . . . . _ _ _ : itiug . _ .
only ono exception to this rule. Clover
hay is alwuvs low in price. Even when
we'll cured It usually sells low. Munh
clover , however , is badly stained and
musty , as it is the kind of hay mosl til 111-
cull to euro well.
Natural to Get Well.
Youth's Companion : The body , to a
large extent , is a machine which , when
disarranged , repairs itself. Physicians
tell us of the vis medicatrlx naturco the
power to heal inherent m nature. It is
natural to gel well. The boy's recupera
tive resources are not equal to every need ,
but they are very great. It is because of
this oven that the well man tends to keep
well , if he conforms to nature's laws , for
the sybtom is over full of poisoru from its
own waste , the disposal of which nature
has provided for boiler than any city for
llio disposal of its deadly slnvagc.
Take the case of any ordinary would.
It needs only to have its disrupted parts
brought togolher , and nature docs Ihe
healing : and cvon in many cases where
tlio parts are nol brought togethor.naturo
( ills up the space with new flesh. So na
ture will mend a broken bone , on the
simple condition that the adjusted parls
be allowed the requisite rest.
Dyspepsia , whether induced by im
proper eating , tlio neglect of exercise ,
brain overwork , or care , worry and fret ,
will in llmo disappear on removal of llio
cause and compliance with Ibe law of
The busl physicians now freely admit
thatlvnhoio patients , in the great major
ity of cases , would rocoveo without a
drop of medicine : that they need medi
cine monjlv to prqmoto case and comfort
nnd that p iru air is boiler for Ilium than
all drugs , The same is true of some
other diseases. Moro and more is it
being admitted that , in uo case , do drugs
nave any curative power , but only aid
nature , as the surgeon aids m the case of
a badly broken limb , py removing irri-
laling' bits , opicuho , etc. , and securing
thu proper adjustment and fixation of the
parts ,
The old-time doctors greatly overdosed
people , in multitudes of cases literally
dosed people to death. Within less than
twenly years a personal friend , called lo
watch u neighbor , far gone in consump
tion , was shown eleven different mcdi-
cine.s , each of which she was to adminis
ter during the night , according lo the va
rying symptoms.
It cannot be too strongly emphasized
that tluso who observe thc'laws of their
physical nature are likely to keep wctl
and oven infectious diseases have little
power over suuh persons , and would
wholly disappear if all observed thobo
How Mrs. Ijow Wallace Disposed of
the Sultan's Present to lior
] ) US 1)1111(1.
Minneapolis Journal : Dave Wallace ,
brother of General Lew Wallace , was
reading the foreign news and his eye fell
on a dispatch about the present to Mrs.
Sunset Cox from the sultan that congress
would not lot her accept. "That's noth
ing , " ho said , with a reflective look.
"Sunset is in great luck if ho hasn't any
thing worse than congress to deal with.
When Lew was over there the sultan
wanted to do the proper caper and ho
gave him ono of tlio prettiest Georgian
girls in the harem. For a slave , you
know I suppose that's quite the custom
among those eastern people. Hu sent
her rijiht to Lew's house and Low was
down to his oflico and his wife went to
the door. She's one of thn best naturcd
women in tlio world , vou know , but
when bhe found out who that pretty girl
was and what she was sent for , she did
got about thu hottest , I suppose , that a
woman could. She told the chief of the
eunuchs that Low was out nnd ho had
bettor call again , and when Lew came
up to lunch she got down the United
Stales constitution and the revised
statutes and the broomstick and con
vinced him in about eleven seconds that
being a government ollicial and her hus
band ho couldn't accept presents from
thu sultan under any circumstances.
That's what Lew out with the old man ,
lie said that Giaour had no taste. Oh , 1
toll you Sunset's in good luck ; lie's only
got congress to handle. "
The JlaiiKlity Wllo.
Boston Hecord : In ono of the cities
thai lie over against Boston llieni lives
a family whoso masculine head is a man
who has won considerable wealth , from
humble beginnings not nnliko of
Commodore Vanderbilt. with the diller-
once that while ho , like Yaudurbill , began
as a boatman ho was expanded inlo the
hanking business instead of into the rail-
roan business. Ever since he beeaino a
banker his excellent wife has boon smit
ten with the great importance of her hus
band's now occupation , and has adver
tised it on every no.ssiblo occasion. The
horso-car conductors oh the line which
runs Into her city nil know her , and .smilo
when she outers tlio , car and grandly
utters her command :
"Conductor , let mo elf at my husband's
bank ?
Ono dav lately a tnUiiplsh-looklng old
follow with a rod no-e got on the ear
just as the banker's wife delivered her
usual order to tint conductor. The old
man pulled himself together , anil called
out witti a magnificent uir that was ini
mitable : i >
"Conductor , lot mo off at my old
woman's peanut stand ! " '
A roar wont through the air , and "my
husbiind'H bank" has 'bcon alluded to
moro thun over since llit : ( time.
liny Hudson's iOo knit caps ,
The Canfield M'f'g. Co. has removed
to 1200 and 1208 Douglas st , ! Jd and 1th
You can bur turnuuro cheaper of A.
L. Fitch A Co. , 12th at. , bet Farnam and
Douglas , { ban anv other ulaco in the city.
A. Morsman , M. 1) . D. I ) . S. DnntU
Residence otlicc 1031 Capitol avu lirst floor
Karagu's clothes has tine workmanship
and latest styles.
Bargain Corner Cuss nnd 3d , 07x100 ,
? 1GOO ; $800 cabh. S. A. SLOMAK ,
1012 Farnam st.
Tlio Court
On Tuesday and yesterday visits to the
court house were attended by risk of life.
Tlio janitors were busy removing the
parti colored netting from the chandel
iers in the various rooms of the building
and allowed the snow to drift in and
cover up the steps , which became ns
slick as a toboggan slide nnd made it Im
possible. for any but skilled athletes to
got into or outof ( ho building without
adopting the crawling or sliding methods
that are sometimes attended by risk nnd
always unbecoming. Sheriff Coburn was
lifted into Ids ollico with n blonk nnd
tackle 3'csterday and then made n kick to
the commissioners that resulted in a par
tial cleaning ot the steps.
The Court Onll.
Judge Wnkolny will devote the remain
ing days of this week in the bearing of
civil causes. The following is the call
for lo day :
Lovl vs Mtthloon.
O'Neill vsHiggina.
Goellncr vs Omaha Nail Manufacturing
Hrunlng ot al. vs Hoist.
Yerga vs Omaha ,
Fit/patrlck vs Omaha ,
Schollcr vs Omaha.
Morton vs Jones.
Tom Latct al. vs IJco Publishing Com
Lowe vs Omaha.
Fencers Klnoil.
During the present term of the district
United States courts , Frank McAultu" and
Itetibon Lisco , foreman of the Club ranch
in Cheyenne county , plead guilty to the
charge of Illegal fencing of the public
domain. They wore lined $10 nnd costs
by Judge Dun'dy , the penally in each case
amounting to something over $100. The
land department has i ? uod strict instruc
tions to Its agents to institute suits
ngiunst all fencers and to push them to a
speedy trial.
Ijlconnetl to Wed.
Judge McCulloch issued marriage
licenses yesterday to the following
parties :
Name. Itesidonco. Apo.
I J. 1) . Porter . Omaha . a
I Alice Williams . Omaha . BO
I H. O. Barnes . Omaha. . . . . . 23
1 Jessie BI. Lyons . Klkhorn , Neb. . . .10
i Kmanuel Oehrle . Omaha . 18
I KlUnbeth J. > 'eiiwlck..Onmhii .
The KptnliiliiK Wnllfl.
The retaining walls of the court house
are completely buried in snow drifts.
Contractor Hrennan reports that in lif-
teen working days the walls can bp com-
Tileted. He hopes to bo able to linisli the
job yd llus full.
Thomas H. Davis , advance agent for
" 'o London " which
the "Lights , was
played , here two seasons ago , is at tlio
Milhi holul.
Propnr d\vlth strict Tosird to rnrlty , StronRtb,8ni
llcaltbfalnees. lr. ) J'nio'u Hiking Powder contains
no Ammonia , LImOiAlum or Puoapnatee. Dr.I'rlce'e
Extracts , Vanilla , Lemon , otc. , JlavorCeUcioufily.
Ladies to Work for TTs at Xhoir Own
$7 to $10 Per Week Can Be Quietly Made
No photo , pa lull UK ; no cnnraislng. For full otlonr.
ulur. .
II II Tl I ll
Men ufrerlnjfromI.a ( IVlKort
invcil. . . * , etc. , rwulilng from la *
dlncrctlons , eicatrt or orgrwork ,
i rod wllli ut HluuBob
rl c.l > rUie
Mlttfitl/rn. Slit ll < l be rc d
br f ll is A plarnl In thn liaiull
I nF their Son" , gyIttilele | wllb
_ Information of valua la Kllmru.
MARSTOH RtMJDT CO. 19 Park Pl c , New York.
Mention Onuiha Btto.
. bk ft * . Pllf M IUU > l. l * II *
. . . , . . . . . . . .
Bo. I tit I < H Ih. .I ' uw. k > <
I h Te r poilil for the nbe > T ill" * " : bT > " > ' "
thoumdi of CIIM of thci worn lln I * nl < | f l.jmr " "Mae
ii " l > i > fncnr < l lnd ul , loMmnelinirfiiUb In uefflcicr
5h"l will i nd TWO BOTTLES 1'HEB. li > fMt r with VAU- .
HAplBTIIEiTI8Bi > ntM dl tti .l.i . rj oir rer. Ol
tint * f.O. t40T B. im. T. A. 8UCtm ) , l 1'eulBt. N. Y
Ilccontly Ilullt. Neirlf Purulalied
The Tremont ,
J. C. KIT/OKKAJJJ& HON , i'rnjirlolon.
Cor. tth nnd 1'fts , Lincoln , Nub.
Ilalc II/jO per day. tilrcet can frooiliouso to any
ran ot uie o > 'r ' ,
Architect ,
OHlcoi-ai. 31 mid 42 , ni'jlmnls Ulock , Lincoln.
Mob. Kleviitcironlltu slicot.
liit-efloroi llri-erter of
BnoiiTHoim Cirri. !
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hiilos inuilu in till imrtH or thn U S. nt fair
rut OH. HooinO , StiUo lllnck , Lincoln , Neb.
( lullowuy nnd Short Horn bulls ) for sale.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Corrrsnonilonco In rctrnnl to loans solicited.
Itooui 4 , ItlcharUd Block , Lincoln , Neb.
Riverside Short Horns
Of strictly pure Dates utiil llutus Tapped cittllo.
Hoitl numbers about UU bond.
KtirallloH represented : I'llborU. Cragcb
Acomta. Henici , Hose of Shuroiis , Mosj Itoiut
KnlKtitly Jluoliussw , Hat Crook VOUIIK llurja ,
I'hyllinos , Louuni und True l vo § .
llulla loraulo. 1 1'tiro llutes riltiert. 1 I'ure
Bate * CraKtra , 1 itosoof Hlmion , 1 Younv Mary.
ll'uio Crutck Bhuuk und olhora. I'omo and
InsnoottUo b rd. Addiosa , OHAS. M. IIHAN
BON , Lincoln , Nob.
When in Lincoln slop HI
National Hotel ,
And get a good dinner fo
Of nttuncn It U rtno yon tn HT th t t think I am entirely wpno. wrcmA nftff
taken Snlffg Specific. I lw\o tiuulilrd with II trry lilt la In my fare rlnro Ivt f | > rlnp.
At Ihe beginning of roM wratlur U t ( all U in vis n slight nptvaranco , tint went amir nnd
uiuncrrr returned. S.H.y. nmlmibt broke It ii | > : at lojut It | iuimj Mnlcm In foot condition
nnd 1 ( rot well It aim benefited my uiregrr.Mty In rn < a nF rick hrailucutf.uiiliunja Blurted
cult nt * breaking out on mr llttl threa ) cu old dauglilfr liM mimmrr ,
W tkln llle , Gn. , Frb. 1.1 , lMk ! HIT. JAMKd V. U. UOKRI3.
Treating oa Jllooa And Slda Disease * mM ! fire.
THIS SWIFT Srrrt"io To. , PtawcrS , AUinta , Oi.
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the
United States to Select From ,
"Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest slock. Trices the lowest. Ilepairiug a specially. All work warrant
ed. Corner Douglas and 15th blreuls. Omaha
6. IV. COR. 15th ANI > FARttAJI , OKAB3A. .
Property of every description for sale in nil parts of the city. Lauds for sale i
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Alap of the city state or county , or any other
information desired , furnished free of charge upon application.
Display at tholr varorooms ; , 1SO5 and 1307 Farnam Stt-GOt ;
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found al
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embracca tha
highest class and medium grades , including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at tha
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
( iberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
in materials or workmanship.
1308 & 1307 ' 4RNAM STRECT
Next nmwinit , This Month , on November ! ith > Jilg I'rlzes. Ho Itlunlts
With $2 You Can Secmc
One City of Barletta 100 Francs Gold Bond
These homlfi nre drawn 4 times annually , with prize's of 2,000,000 , 100,000000 ,
500,000 , 200,000,100,000 , 50,000 , etc. , down to the lowest prize of 100 Francs Gold.
Anyone tending us J2 will secure one of these Ilnnds and is then ENTITLED to
the whole prize that it may draw in next drawing , balamc payahl on easy Install
ments. This is the best investment ever offered , lieoideij tincui tainty receiving back
100 Francs Gold , you have the chance to win four time * a year. Lists of drawings
will beficnt free of charge. Money can be sent bv " reunified letter or postal note.
For further information , call on or add i csb iiEItUN HANKING CO. ,
305 Hroiidua ) , New York.
N. B. These Honds are not lottery tickets , and are by law permitted to he bold In
the United States.
I'M 1M ; ISO ll. . JW ll > . _
Crated froc on board cars ,
i , T , ALLEN , MaqagBi' ' .
* , * * * COLDWATER , Mich ,
llmttlim Onmlia lice.
Of Imported Draft Stallions ,
AtKearDcyNeb.NoY.26at 10 a. m
, . , . , . ,
Fourteen imported nnd vesriateiT il liorbus " 'ill bo Hold : 11 NonnaH : , 1 Clyde ,
1 KntfliHli Draft , and i Jldiriaii.
These liorsuHlmvn nil been in tills Kliilo tlio past BOUSOII nud itru tlioron lily
uccllm.ited , and 1m vo been sulectcd IVom Uio. stables oneudiii ii | ioi > lcr.4lund
llneHicdiiioiisof | tla-ii' clasa ,
They will bo Hold on u creditor thren equnl annual imymuntd witluntt inter
est until April 1st , lHH7inil ( 7 iicrccnt thereafter. *
This stock has henn taken under mortiraiffl und must lie snlil , UreedorB will
save time , expense , danjfer /shipment / , tiiuo for accliiu.itioiu etc.n ly
chasiiigr at this sale.
Number and pedigree will lie farnii-lied on application.
C. W , MUSH Kit , Owner , Wncoln , Neb.
0. 1' . .SIlAIjhHN'liUIUiKlt , iliimnrer , llastiiiirs. .Nr
To whom all lininiries slioulil hn HenU
F. M. WOOD , Aiictiontr , Lincoln , Neb.