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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TllUKHDAY , NOVEMBER 18 , 1886. " AN OFF DAY FOR THE "BULLS , Hews From tlio Northwoit Oausea Hcavj Selling of Wheat By Speculators. A WEAK FEELING PREVALENT. KarolRn News Pnllq to Help 1'rlccs The Cattle Sl.irkct DC- pressed nml Pi-Ices Lower Qttotntlons. CHICAGO UIIICAOO , Nov. 17. ( Special Telegram to the Hun. ] The regular bo.nd of trade cable did not ( ; et throuuli to-day , and private ad vices fiom foreign shores were meagre. The burden of private dispatches concerning foreign markets was that they were firm only for spot wheat and for wheat that would nrrlve In the near future. That there Is urgent demand at the seaboard for ocean Irclght room admits of llttlo doubt. Foreigners f.ccm willing to take all the u1 heat they can get out of the country at this moment , hut that quantity Is limited , The local markets opened llrm and higher. The boom yesterday afternoon lasted tlnoiuh thu night , and llrst trades In December \\cre on a basis of 74XCf ? 74Vc , .MnyueliiR quoted nt * 3c. Price * only got ' ( , ' 0 higher , when end less < | iuutltic $ of long property came out. 111110111111011 sold right ami left , and Is supposed to have unloidett nnywhero from 1,000- 000 to 2,000000 bushels of Decem ber wheat. Koscnbzum and other heavy dealers tt ere selling all the morning against wheat bought In thu not th west , and to add to the discomforts of the situation news was wafted In from Minneapolis in a tlozun dif ferent forms that tlio latest and most rcl lable estimates placed the yield of wheat in. Minnesota seta at ! K > , 000.000 bushels. The railroad tracks up In thatbtctlon are rcpiesentedtobegroan- luc under the loatt of wheat they are com pelled to Mippoit , and railroad olllclals tes tify that this forward movement would be twice as heavy If cars could bo piovhled to haul the grain. If millers arc bullish at heart they keep thulr ical sentiments concealed ad mirably. The market weakened under the pri'MSiiru of realizing bales of speculative noldinu's and sales against possessed grain , reacting by 1 o'clock Jfc from the prices of the morning. The last trades of the long session w-ero at 7474-Yc for December , 75c tor January , and Sl' ' e for May. The decline was bteady ami th bears \\cro encouraged to cot on top and help thu market down to the best of their ability. The natural strength of the maikets nearest the loreliii bmcrs proved liibtilllclent to coun teract thu Hood ol untavoiftblo advices from the bcarlin : down this way. Corn moved In sympathy wltli wheat. Jt opened Htronuat an advance of 'fCt-V1 , December beini ; diioted at 37c anil May at4v.'c , and declined - clined J4@ c , the 1 o'clock rangn being at the bottom , vi30 : > fc tor December , : ; fa ( < 5 JiO e for .liuiuniy , ami He lor May. Kcalpeia who had mme long yes- teiday got from under to-day , and the feeling all around was one of weakness ami decrepitude. Oats weio .slightly lo\ver , but nolhini : of confluence was done. Jn Diovisloiis iiothim ; has yet transplretl to arouse the speculative market from its lethar gic. stale. Price chanfies arc insicniitcaut , and tlio market was without now leatiues. 20 ! p. in , Wheat was weak on the after noon board , sellinit down to 73c for Decem ber , wberu it closed. There was said to b some helling out of long wheat by piominent local operators. Coin was ttiict | and fairly Htuady. Pork was a little higher , closing at 5510.0 % for.lanuary. Ci'itn 2:40 P. m. Privileges on December Wheat , 73,1iOi73 * c , and 74c , ( sellers. OI1ICAGOMVI2 STOCK. r- CnirAoo , Nov. 17. [ Special Teleciam to - the Ur.K. ] CATTLE Tiade reiualiib in a de- rr picssed condition , not only in Chicago , but nt all points where cattle are sold hi larne r nuiubcis. The receipts at Chicago are not heavy , but at nearly all points in the east the maikets aru oveistocked. The unsettled con dition of the labor matket contributes largely towaids tills depression. On tlio surlaco matters bcem quiet enough , but there is a JCOD nmlercunent of discontent that booner or later seems likely to come to the surface , accompanied with mine or less disturbance und perhaps violent outbieaks , along with tntdn being slow. To-day pi Ices woie weak , aome salesmen quoting n decline of lfc as compared with Monday on the onll- ary run ol fat cattle , and there are ccitaln Undcblrablu but uiiilul and lleslw bteers that acll at exttemely low tiunrcs and for which tlicio bceius to bo no fixed values. The run ot rangers nnd Texans continues to dwliulln ( town to small propottloiis nnd the outlook tor common native butchers' stock is nmru DioiuMng , yet the same N just now making vorv low jirices. The stocker and leetler trade presents no ne.\v features , and about the List load of stock calves for the season was bold to-da > atStO per head. Shipping Rteeis. 1,350 to l.MXJlbs. , Sl.25 ( ! 5.00 ; 1,200 to : ibs , . . s.Mvi4,20 : ; ) ; yjo to 1.200 ibs. , S .00iil.70 ! ; btockeis and fcedors , 81.HOv.'i3.4. > ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl. Uc < i"i.OO ; bulk , S2.oe ( < W.-.JO ; thiough Tevai cattlu weak ; cows , Sl.iW ( < ? 2.2.'i ; stecib.v.I0.40 ! : ! ; 500 yeaillnt'H , S7.00 pei head. U'csti'in iniiKcrs , nominal ; nativesnud half bleeds , S2.7.1gn ( 75 ; cows , S2.l ® iin ; wintered Texans , ) lions Tlio market was active , tt'lth n slight up turn , but no essential advance , clos ing llrm. Koiuh niul common nm > be quoted rit 3.r > " ( ri3.C { ) : lair to coed mixed , S3.70WH.75 ; e t nilseil , S3.W ( t ! ) M ; tancy heavy , S3..iO ( < tj . 'iO ; light soils SAMH.ita.'JO ; Yorkcis , 5'J.bO iS'J.t5. F1NANUIAU York. Nov. 17. MONKT On call quiet nt : ! ' , < < 7 per cunt , closing at IJ-j per cent usked. PllIMK AlKUCANTILK P.YPBK 4Q5 per cent. STiitu.iNn nxcitAXfli : Dull nnd unsettled ; ncttia ! rates. for blxly day Dills ; Sl.bO for deuinnd. liovr.HSMi.XT8 tiovernuient bonds were dull but htcady , .vi orKS Stocks were nctlvo but the ad- Vaiieo In prices was checked. Pi lees ( it the opening bliout-il an ailvaiii'O mil nine troiu > to K l"'r emit , l.tu'l > at\aiina , Jersey Central nnd Northcui l'i\"ilio lueferred bolnp con spicuous lor gnlns made. Heading. Union ] .U'llio nnil Philadelphia ijits were thu slioum'.it stocks of tliti morning , but tlio unn- cinl list leeeded fiom th'j opi'llillR ll ures , thoiiKli thu IO-SUH were u'encially rcKnlned bo- foio noon. Alter n sll'bt ( reaction the mar ket eloietl rather heavy at or neai thu lowest prices ol the day. STOCKS ON VTAT.T. STllKET. tA rent bonds. . . 100'j 1C. itN. W . . . . 0. h. 4)i's ) lln * { tireluued. . Nuw 4's. 120'N. ' V. 0 PnclllcO'sof'W. liV'iOit ! > BonTnin. . Central Pacltlc. . 47 > < > Pu lno Mail . . C..VA pti'ierrea. 1(0 ( P. P. 0 14if : C. li. it U. . . Hock Ihlnnd 12rtV U I , . , v.\V. . . . lj. , tS , K. . . . S < J 1) . &K. U prefened. . . 71'f 0. , M. AirJt. P. . . P5 preferred prefened. . . l'JOij Illinois Central St. P. A-0 6HV 1. , 11. , t\\ ' . . . . . 17 I preferred. . . 115 KatifrasitToxas. 87 | Texas Pacllio. , . 21 % LiikuShoie MS , Union 1'acllic. . . ( WJs L. it N OlV. \ . , St. U JB P. . 20Ji Mich. Central. . . V5 prefeired. . . SSr llo.l'ncltlo \VehtcrnUnlon. . Northern Pac. . . ' - " . ) O. . U. vVN ptcierrtd. . . G4Jf I'HOlJUOirMAltKKT. Chlcnco. Nov. 17 , Klour Steaily nnd unchanged : winter wheat rlour , S4.0.X. 4.10 ; Eouthern , S\Wui-i.W : ; Wisconsin , S4-Ki$4.iu ( ) ( ; Mlcbl an boft bfirlni ; wbeat , SU.SO ( f4.10 : Min nesota bakers , 53.W ) . < (4.10patents ; , S4.Kd44.00 ; low uradcs.j l,75@J.75 ; iyo Hour. ituel | nt in barrels , and S3.U033.20 In Wheat Opened strong : 'fCi c nbovo close ye teiilay , iilcloson } < C' lower than yes tiinluy'.s clo > o ; rash , noinlnnl ; Dcct'iuber ; JKc ; Jauuary4l o ; May , bo\'c , Corn Acti\e nt oj enlnir and l/o belter nbout steady ; cash , Sf > o ; lieceinbur ' 6XoJnnuaiy. ; isoijc : May. < l ? c. Oats Dull , lienvy unit Inacllvo'.cash , nonil nal ; Decembei , S0c ; Alny , SO 'c. at 5Jc. rlarley Timothy seed Prime. gl.G7tl.C7X. ( Pork /ery'llttln dolup , was week tally ind declludKW -'i became bteadler , ii > covered ndd dec'llned nnd closed h.islu t cash and December , so. 17V nary , sio.o4. ; ' * - - - la We Iltl clar , lC. 'fc y ; ova nci-y , liQJxj ; dairy , Ciieesp Firm ; full cream cheddfus nnd lint * . UV < U2ej young Americas , HJiQU'ic ; skims. 7u/9e. Kc.s irKgCOc. lliiles Heavy green sailed , S'/c : llzht , * & ! ) < ; hull hide. * , O c ; dry salted , ll@l'-'c ; dry Hint , iwHc : ; calt skins , SQtOjfc ; dea cons , fiOc ettcli. Tallow No. l country , 3Vc : No , 2 2Xc : cake , S'fc. IJpofllow. Shipment.1 * . Flfiur.bbM LUOM 12 , ( > 00 \Vhent.bil IfiO.noo W.OOO Cotn. bu 271UOJ 171,000 Oatd.uu 181,00 M.OOO H > e , bu 5.000 3.000 Uariev.Dit 101.0JO 01.000 St. l.nitls Nov. 17.-AVhcat-iasy : ; No. 2 red , cash , 7Ce ; December. 70)40 ) bid ; J tin nary , 7sonnd nominal ; .May , 84Jfc. Corn I'usy ; No. 2 , mixed , cash , : i's < < 55 " ' "j ; Decemucr , 3l\c ; January , aicjilay , O.its Eis.v : No. C , mixed , cash , 2 December , jr.'fe ' ; May , 28jfc , Ilve-Kasvatcbjfc.- - . - Whlsky-81.1S. 1'ork I'hin at SO 87f@10.00. Lard Steady nt S" > .b.X HtttU'r Autno mid llrm ; creamery , 2315 27c ; dairy , IKuUle. Afternoon Hoaid Wheat Weak at He otter. Corn 'sc lower. Oats Unchanged. Toloilo , Nov. 17. Wheat Weak and oxver ; cavh , 70J < c hid. Corn Dull ; cash , IWc. Oats NcKlucted. Knns.iH City. Nov. 17. Wlicnt Dull ; No. 2 red. cash , C0 > ic bid ; January. C2c bid ; Muv , 702/c bid. Corn Strong ; No. 2 , cash , BOc bid : Decem ber , W e : May , X , ) < c. Oats Nominal ; cash , 24 'cbld , Now Orleans , Nov. 17. Corn Kltmer ; mixed , 474Sc ; yellow , -S4 ) c ; white 40 © & 0c. 0c.Oats Oats Firm at Me. Iliu Products Firmer , but not generally il hcr. 1 'ink Scarce and llrm at 810.'r10.37K. J.aid Kelined tieice , O.OO. UiilK Meats Shoulders , S."i.l2' < ; lone clear and clear rlhs , SO.l'JJ.MO. ' i. Cornmeal Kasler tit S'-.o5. Ijlverpool , Nov. 17. Wheat Firm with fair demand , and holders offer sparingly ; led western snriiiK , Cs bd ( Cs 10d per cental ; winter , ( is ililOiCsUd. Corn Klrm with lair dnmand ; now mixed western , 4s 4Kd per cental. Flour In poor demand but steady at Ss 7d. 7d.New New York , Nov. 17. Wheat Opened firm hut closed heavy ; receipt * , HU.COO ; ox- poits , 60,000 ; ungraded red , 74f } ( 7Hc : No. U red , 72 c ; No. 1 rod , Nl' c : No. 2 ted. b-l'4c In elevator , ( Niic ntloat , i > 5@b.r > ) e f. o. b. ; December COMIIC ! | at We. Coin Cash opened llrm , closing weaker ; cemuiT cloiinc at 45'fc. Oats \ shade easier ; receipts , Ol.OOO ; ex ports , 7.V mixed western , a-J'rfM'Wc ; white weMcrn. : ! r @tOr ; . J'etroleuui Steady ; united closed at 74c. KKCH Steady. 1'ork Qtilet'and very steady. Laid- Model ately active ; western .steam spot , .20iTO.t2tf ! ; December , SG.UOftJO 21. Butter Quiet and linn ; western , U' @ > c. Cheese Quiet and firm. Milwaukee , Nov. 17. Wheat Weak ; cash , 7lc : December , 71 Ve ; January , ' 2'i'c. ' Corn-r'irm ; No. S , 3i"c. Oats-Steady ; No. ti , CCc. llye-llicher ; Xo. 1 , fiCe. Harlev Steady ; No. 'J , MS' ' e. I'rmislons l-'irm ; pork , November and December 8H.47K. Ciiiolnnatl. Nov. 17. Wheat Fair de mand : No. 2 led , 7Cc. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , SC' c. Oats Khmer : No. 2 mixed , u& ) < rg2Jc. ( Kyo Firm ; No. 2. ,17c. Potlc Nominal ntsn/iu. I.anl Fnmer at $ ri.m. Whlskv Firm atSl.13. Mlniicnpoilt , Nov. 17. Wheat Dull ; millers out of the market unless at lower tigmus ; railroads blockaded by snow and Flour Patents , S4.i : > l.25 ; bakers , S3.15 ® 'Kecelpts Wheat , 307.500 bti. bhipmcntd Wheat , 50.000 bu. ; Hour , 10,000 bbls. _ STOCK. , Nov. 17. The Drover's Journal rcnortsas follows : Cattle Receipts , 0,000 head : matket very dull and 10@ifx ! lower : shipping steers , 53.0005.00 ; stockers and feeders , 81.tKffl.4'i ) : { ; eows , bulls and mixed , Sl.10fitn.00 ; hulk. 52.00 2. 0 ; throni ; ! ! Tc\ii3 steers , S2.40i.4U : ; ycarlincs , $ r.OO per head ; western ran < ; eis , nominal ; natives and hulf-hrecds , S-.75@ 3.75 ; winti'icilTcxunx. S2.sJ..IiO. ) ! llo'js Itfi'olpts , 33,000 head ; maiketstsoni' , closing 10o lilcner ; inimli and mixed , S3.r > Gc ( $ ) ; jiapklns' and bhinpinc. Vi.bO ® J.05 ; li"ht , S3..WC4.00 : skips , S2.yra3.M. ( Sheep Itec'eliiN , 5.COJ ; market slow ; l Coo lower ; natives , S'i.OO .OO ; westetn , & 3.00 ( { 3.50 ; lambs , S3.00 * ) no. St. L.imls , Nov. 17.-Cattlo-Keceipts , 1.100 ; shipments . , 300 ; choice native bti'i-rs Sr-iiO'iH fn | to iood - ; | ; hhlpplui ; steers , S .COiJar ( ; butehers' stecis , common to ehoicc , 53.00(3 ( 1. ! .rj ; fecder.-s , fair to oed , 52M ( < i) ) ; stockeis. fair to ( 'OOd , $2.CO < Ci 70. 1 loirs Hi'ceipK 7.000 ; shipment * , 1,000 ; active and a bhaile hluher ; ehoico heavy and butchers' st'lectlons. S.l.0i@1.0i ; ] ) ack- Inif , medium to best , .a3.70ut3.'jO ' ; Tinkers , fair to choice. 5r3.fi5 ; pigs , common to good , Su'.SOtftf.GO. llnimnH Oily. Nov. 17-C.ittlo-Hoceipts , 4,000 ; hhlimienis , 700 ; shippeis weak and a shade lower ; common to choice , SJ.304.0 ( ( ; ; stockeis aetlvo ' . ' . ' ' * . , at S''iVii'J..1 ! ; Icedint : i'W , S2.SOdW.GO ; cows. Sl.Wiji2.70. Hoxs-Iteceipts , 10.IHJO ; ; active and lOu hlghei ; common to choice , ' OMAHA Ll\'K STOCK. Wednesday EvPiiInc , Nov. 17. Tlio heavy fall of snow has pttwented tlio arrival of stock trains. There v > as tonio .stock In the yaids left o\er liom tliu ptnvlous day , but It could not bo handled on account of the drills In tlio alloys. Tlio p Ung Inures veritable to keep luunlntr , having a supply ot hogs bought j OMAHA WilOljISSAhB MARICI3TS. Gcnurul 1'rottuco. o Wednesday , Nov. 17. T/ic/olloicdn / ; prices a/c jor roioui tots nf produce , as sold on tlic market to-daii. 'Die ipintiitlonit on fruit * icpreieiit tnejiricca at wltk'ti mitMltie orders nra Illtal. I'.aiiS-Tho lecolpts are light nnd the de- mtiiul good for htrlctly frosli esfijs nt JOft.-'c. ltrrni : : Thu demaiul Isury luibk ; all grades are selllnc at higher prices than last \\eelr. Choice block sultablo for tnblo use Is netlvo. FiO'hcreamerrfancviOc ! ; fresh dairy , choice , i" > C < i'J7c ; choice country roll , 'J4W ' > xj : choice country , solid packed , 2v@i4c'sood ! ; country toll , 20 2ic ; good country , t-olid packed , 10slSc ( ; Knlr , ll@15o ; common , " Full creain flats , 2 In box , 13c ; Ydtini : Americas , 4 in box , 13 > fc ; fancy SwIsj.lfHi ; .Swisschoice , Ho ; brick.rji@13o ; hlinburi ; , l-c. Pnui.TUV Anlvnls of dressed poultry have been more pientltul for the past lew days , but the oatlier thus far has been un favorable ) and ratlwr low pi lees vt ore pre vailing , A good deal of poultry coining to our market Is poorly dressed , nml buj urs for such uru haid to Hud. Uv poultry continues qulto dull. Diesscd poultry , chickens , choice , per Ib , 010j ( ; fair to good , ( Xtfsc ; ; turkeys , choice. 1'JyjlSc ; lair to good . " " llc ; ducks , choice , lie ; Kcese , choice , lie ' , , Live , 2.75 ; geese , 50.00yib.00 ; turkeys , ( i A ME Prairie chickens are selling on arrival ot quotations. Mallard duck aru doing \\cll. Teal and mixed arc In moderate request. Quail wanted. Snipe and plover only fair. Deer , antelope and elk very scarce and much call for. Prairie chickens , choice , perdoz. S3.'fl.ui75 : ; quail , S1.75@iOO ; snlpo. nlnvpr. cli * Sl.ftViri'JS ; rluptia rnnllnnl st 7 carcasses , B&Oc ; antelope , saddle- . , antelope , carcasses , 7ffl'Jc ; elk , saddles , 10Q He ; elk , carcasses , ( KtfTc : jack rabbits , per duz , SsS.50@-i.00 : small r.\bblts , perdoz , Sl.OO ' ro Is a good supply. on the market nt present , Thu bulk of the f.ilcs nre bpiug made from tlio store i In small I it Onions , choice bulK , per bu , 7. > j .iOc { choice , from storo. Wr@Sl.ooj choice , from store , pei- bbl , S'J.7r < 33.00. POTATO- ! : ? The market Is not rmlta ns strong ns n week ago , mild weather belnc the principal cause. liwlpts ba\e been miite liberal , and all dealers have more or loss slock laid nvnv for wlntei- e , and will only buy now when an extra line enr 1 * beliiK ottered to them at Mlthtly lower figures. Potatoes , choice , per bu , M OK- ; good , 4.'Kit47c. SWKBT POTATOES Choice Mock scarce and much called for. Choice hoim'-giown , jicr Ib , 2c ; choice Jersey , per bbl , S4..V ) , APPI.F.S Receipts of apples are largo and the demand equally so , especially for Mich igan stock , ( Julie ncood many barrels of Missouri and Illinois truitnrc on the market now , some of them havlnc been kept heio for weeks alteady , and nro undesliable lot Anyone wishing , to lay In a wlnlor supph. Common stoek&I.7V < { 2eholccMls ; oiii I xtock , SJ.OO&i.S'i : Michigan stock , 2.00 < * ! . . > . ) ; fancy Michigan , S3.00. CEI.P.HY The receipts are so heavy that dealers nro unable to di po e or it all. Choice slock Is selling at-V IDo per doz. Ov.sTr.iisTho cooler weather Is bi.iclng ni > trade. Prices remain nnchnnu'cd. M edlums 05c ; standards , SO ; select ? , i5c ; N. Y. counts. 40o. LEMONS Messina , per box 87.00 ; Malaga. So.oojiri.oo. Florida choice , per bov , S..OO ; .Tamalcas , choice , per bbl , S tO ; Jntnalea * , choice , per box , S4.00. UUAPF.S Malaga , per bbl. S 00 ; Malnca , C-10 bbl lots , per bbl , S5.M ; Catawba , Uib baskets , , 75c. PttovisioNs Ham , sucar-cured , IIU ® HV c ; bicakfast bacon , siiirar-cuied , boneless , 10e ; shoulders , sucar-cuied , oj c ; clear side bacon , vc ; dry salted sides , 7Ve : dried beef , hams , lie ; dried beer , ree- ulnr , 12 ; mess pork , per bbl. ? 12.Mj ) lard. 40 Ib cans. Fairbanks , 7'fc ; 10 , 5 nnd : Mb palls , Fairbanks , 7'.1i.'Mc ; , HEANH Inferior stock. S0.75Q1.00 ; Rood clean countiy. S1.00iil.2.'i ( ; medium , hanil picked. $1.5031.00 ; hand picked navy , 51-00 6(11.0. ( Fi.otm AMU Mti.t.sTUFKi \ \ Inter wheat flour , best qualit ) patent , 82.75 : second qual ity. 32.10 ; best quality sprint ? wheat Uour , patent , 2.fiObran..I ; > Ocpcrcwtclioppcd ; feed , 70c per cwt : white corn meal , We ; yellowcorn meal , f-oc percwt ; sorcnnini ; , fioc percwt ; hominy , S2.0)por cwt ; short" , nv percwt : craham , 31.COhay ; , In bales , S.VXKri 0.00 ocr ton. General Mnrkoti. WOOL Medium I8@20c per Ib ; linn heavy , 14C(5lGc ; lliht. 10@lSe ; coaiso , 14Qioc ; burry wool , 2 ( < 4."c otf. lltDr.s ( iteen butclicr < , 0 ! c ; geeen cured , 8M ( < t Kcdrv ; Hint , UMliie ; dry salt. 0(2lOc ( ; creen calf skins , Wcti' c ; dnmatced hides , two-thllds price , 'lltllow Jlifc. C5tease Primuwlilto , Ho : ycllosv , 2c ; brown , IJf bhcep Pelts , 2ri@rJc. LKATIIKII Prinui slaughter solo leather , Siic : prime oak sole leather , ! > 'i(3c. ( : ' Upjer leather per foot , 20 ( 2. % ; hum , kip , 2.riWVic ; oak kip. 85y.r'o ' ; French kip , Sl.00crfl.20 ; hem , calf , S1.001.10 : o.ilc cair. S1.00 ( < tl.25 ; Freiicli calt , Sl.-5 ( ! l.bO ; Morocco , boot log , 80W3.'c : Morocco oil pebble , 2S'jj32c ; toppings and linings , no ctyoc. HEAVY UAnowAin : iron , rate S2.30 ; plow stiel special east , 4e ; crucible steel , Oc ; cast tools , do. liyitit-c ; wagon spokes , per set , S1.75t3.00 ( ( ; hubs , i > er set , 51.25 ; telloes , bawed dry. S1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axels each. 75e ; square nuts , pur Ib. lQ < ! 71c ; cell chain , per Ib. 0 < < l3c ; malleable. Ciifbc ; iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , n- ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7tfsp ( ; liurden's horseshoes , 1 1.40 ; Burden's mule shoes 55,40. Darhett \viie , In car lots , ? I.OO per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , 10 to 50 , S2.50 ; steel nails 2.05. Shot , S1.V ( > ; buckshot , Sl.b'i ; oriental jiowder , kegs , S2.50 ; do. half kegs , S2 00 ; do. quarter kegs , J l.r > 0 : blasting kegs S2.83 ; I use , per 10 feet. C.C. head bar , S10. \AitNisttr.s Uancls , per gallon : furni ture , extra , Sl.tO ; furniture , No. 1. Sl.OO ; coach u-ctru , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1,51.20 : Da- mar , extra , 51.75 ; Japnn , 70c ; asphaltum , extia fie ; shellac , S3.M ) ; haid oil linisli , S1.50. bi'iuns Coloirno spirits. 1S3 proof , S1.17 ; do 101 iroof. SI. 18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : do 1SS proof. { { 1.10. Alcohol , IbS iiroof , S2.1S per wine gallon. ItedlbtilU-d whiskies , Sl.OOta 1.50. tiln , blendeil. S1..WM 2.00 ; Keiituckj bourbons , S2.000.)0 ( ( ) ; Kentucky - tucky ami Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00ifi..ljO ; Golden Sheaf boutbon ami iyu whiskies , Sl.50i33.oo. Jlrundies , imported , S5.00C.ia.r.O ; domestic , $1.0 : ! ( 3.00. ( ! ins importcfl , SI.50 ( JJO.OO ; domestic , S1.2.V 3.00. Champagnes , Imported , per caseS2S.OOiJ33.00 ( ; American , per case , SlO.OO.ain.OO. ( PAINTS i.vOn. White lead. Omalm.P.-P. , 7 } c ; white lead , St. Louis , pine. V7.75 ; Mar- bellies gteen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 2o ; Fionch zinc , creen seal , 12c ; French zi tie. red seal , lie ; French zinc , in vaiuish asst , 20c ; I'rench zinc , 75c ; vermilllon , American , ISc ; Indian red , lOc : rose pinic. lie : Arenetlan red , Cook- son's , 29 0 ; Venetian led. American , lc ; red lead , 7 c : chroino yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yellow , K , l-'e ; ochre , rochclle , 3o ; ochte. ! tench , 2Jfc ; ochi-e , Amcilcan , l } < c ; Winter's mineral , 2'j'p ; Lehlgh blown , 'JHc ; Siianibh bro\vn , 2 > c ; I'riiico's icitieral , 3c. 3c.DHY DHY I'AINT White lead , 8e ; Frcncli sine , 12e ; Paris whitiuir , 2' ' < , c ; whiting , SJfc ; whiting , com'l , Uio ; lampblack , Ger- iminstown. 12c ; lampblack , oidinary , be ; Prussian bluo,55cnltramaiine , Ibc ; vandyK- brown , be ; umber , burnt. 4o ; umber , law , 4 o sioniiH , burnt. 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane gifcn , ireiinlne , 23c. 1'aris green , common , S2c ; cliromu green. N. Y. . 20c ; chronn green K , I''c ; vermilllon , Knulhh , In oil , 7.V ; raw and htiint umber , 1 1 ! > cans , I2c ; raw anil burnt s enna , 12c : vandyke brown , l".c ; relined - lined lampblack , 12e ; coach bl.tcl ; and ivory black , H'.c ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue , 40o : ultramailne bhifk. l c ; chromo gicen.lj. , M. iV I ) . , 10e ; blind and bhuttergieen. I. . . M. A I ) . , Ida : Pans green , IV ; Indian ted , IHc ; Venetian led , ' . 'c ' ; Tuscan. ' . " > ; Ameilcan vei million , L. t I ) . , 'JOc : yellow oehie , ' V ; I/ . M. & O. D. , lsc ; good ochre , Iflp ; patent drver , 8c ; graining color , light oak , daik oak , \\.ilnut , che-itmit and nsh , 1'Jc. Dut us AND OiiKMir M.S. Actrt , carbolic , 32c ; acid , tartaric , .V.'o ; balsam eopaibn , per Ib , 4'V : luik assalias. per 11 > , 10c ; calomel , per tt , 7&c , ehlnclionldla , per o40i _ " , chloro- iorm , per tt > , fic ( ) ; Dover's powders , pet lh , S1.2. > ; epsom baits , per 11) , 3'-ic ; glycciiliu , pure , JHT Ib. 2 > c ; It-ad , arotale. per Jb , 2lc ; oil , castor , No. 1. per gl. , Sl.rXJc ; oil castor , No , 2 , per gal. , 51. 10 ; oil ol've , per gal. , SI. 10 ; oil orliraiiuum , Me ; opium , & 3.20 ; quinint.1 , P. & W. and It. its , , per o70o ; potisslnm iodide , p.'r llj , S2.S5 ; balicin , p.'roz. 40c ; biil- nhata mornhliie , ) icr oS2.3'i ; sulphur , per 1I < , Ic ; btiH'hinno , PCI o81.25. . Grocers * filst. PICM.IIS Medium. In bbls , go.r.O : do , In halt bbls , $3,75 ; hiiiall. in bbls. S7.VI ; do , in liall hbls. S4.2o ; gheikins , In bbls , Se.50 ; do , in lialf bbls. S4.75. Sviifi' No. 70. 1-gnllon kegs , ? 1.20 ; Now Orleans , per cation Jb&f40o ; maple b.vrup. halt bbls , "old time , " per gallon , We ; 1 gal lon cans , tier doz , 10,00 ; halt gallon cans , IHT do ? , 5.00 ; iimitcaiih | , S3.0J , ST.U'.CII Mliroi glasn. 1 Ib , ft , * , ' < . ; mlrroi gloss , 3 Ib , 5lc : mliror gloss , Dili , 0 } c ; < ira\es' corn , 1 11) , Co ; Klngsloid's coin , I Ib , 7c ; KIliL'sloid's nloss , i jit. 7c : Klnirstoid's irioss , 0 Ib , 7Ko. Kluasfort''s pure , 3 Ib , 7 0 ; Kingsfoidshnlk , 4c. ToiiAcr o Plug , clinux , 42e ; hoispshoe , 37c ; .star. iiOe ; spearhead , 3Uu : plperheldsick , Me : gold shield , Sic ; merry war , ' ia : J. T. J. , ! f'C. ToiiAcro Smoklii' ' , Diirhnm , Is , 51c ; JJs Sic : > fs 57e : ' * , s , fiOc ; mefr.schnm , 30i : old btyle , tf-'e ; V. N. O,15e ; spirit cuien , lie. ilAicnr.s Per caddie , 2bc ; souaio c S1.70 ; mulosquaie , 31.20. CANDV Jllxed. IKjill c ; stick. c. CitACKr.its ( iainwui's soda , butler and cap , Sii.50 ; dome , S3.S5 ; wnshboaid , 53.10 : tthltHeloud. S3. 75. - Inch. We ; % Inch , lO c ; . DniKi ) Fnt'iT No. 1 Qtiaiter apples , 3 ? 4c ; In evaporated boxe > , ( > @ 9 > u ; black berries , boxes. y/s@'JXc ; peaches , Salt Lake , l&bO , 7JiM/fc ; peaehos , evaporated , 15' @ 17c : raspberries , new , 10Wc420o ; cuiients , c ; prunes , now , 4 > ir4I ( ? c. iib Pott'dercu , "ujl e ; cut loaf 7c ; granulated , fijfc ; confectioners' A o ; standaid extra C , SXfrf c : extra -Vt&SKu ; metllum yello\v , 4J < ( B"u- , CAN.VKD ( Jooos Oyblers , btandard , per case. 53.25 ; straw berries , 2 Ib. per case. 52.00 ; rasjiDerrlc.s. 2 Ib , per case , y..oO ; California rears , per case , S4..liO ; apricots , per casj ; 64.00 ; peaclies , per case , $5.25 ; white cherries - ries , per case , 50.00 ; plums , jier case , 53.0 % blueberries per case , ? lb5 ; e.'g plums , 2 Ib percAsu , 52.50 : plneapplt-s , 3 Ib , per case 3.2035.75 ; I Ib macUorel , per doz , 81.U ) ; 1 Ib salmon , perdoz , Sl.55@1.60 ; 2 Ib goose , berries , per cube , S1.70 ; 2 Ib string beans , per case , S1.70 ; 2 Ibllmabeaiib , per case. Sl.tX ) ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per case , S2.40 ; 2 Ib early June ixsas , per case. 83.75 ; 3 Ib toma toes. S.MO@2.25. COFKF.KS Ordinary grades , l2Uc fair , 130t3Kc ; prime. 13X@lJc ; choice , 14'15c ; fancy green and > ellow , 15U'6c ( ' ; old cov- ernnicnt Java , 20@'Wc ; interior Java , 1 30c ; Alocha , 22i J4o ; Arbucklo' * loaded , 17Kc" Vfl anehlin s X\\\ r. Tiied , 17Vc ; s , 17 o , On no\m > s. No.1 Cora. s. 1. s. 13 , 14 and 10 ft . $17.50 Na'J " ' 12 , Hand 18 U . 14.75 No.J " " 12 , 14 and 18 ft . . 13.M No.4 _ " _ 2. _ 12l4andl8 ft. . . . . . J2.00 ni > tr Ili ftl4 ft IB ft'l3 ' ftso ft ± J tt' ' ft uo wm.ieuosoK.OJIK'.OO22.00SUM ( ' : \8 io.r 'icati ' IRM.K.OO HUM 21.00 SUM 2llO IflflOjIB.VnS.S' ) 17.00 18.Oja.002100 Ill2 lf'.5. IC.yilrt.M17.00 | 18.CW2i.OO2iOO ! JI4-SXS . . . . lil.Win.AlilO 517.00 | | IS.OO'-OIW'-JO00 ' No. t , 4 A ; fl Inch , 13 ami U f U , rouh. . .317.01 No. 3 , 4 A Ohicli , 13niul II ft. . roiiBh , . . 14.00 rmt.iNo AND rAtiriTiov. I'tcom. , i In AVhlto I'ino Partition. . . . SM.OO . e t . . . . < 2TiW SM Com.V In. Korwnv Pine Ccllln ? . . . . M.OJ A Olncli , whltopltu1 , S > ) C . SiO.OO COinch. " : I ) . 21.M STOCK BOAIIDS. . A 12 Inch , s.1 s. 4(1 ( 0 . J.V..OO Illiiludi " " 4'JI ) . U.1.60 No. 1 , cnm. 12 In. , s. Is. . 10. 13 A 20 ft. . . 21.00 No. a , " " " ' " . . . is.w No. 2 , " " " 13 AM ft . 17.00 " " " lift . 10.00 PIMP i.Ar. No. 1. tilaln.Snml id tnoli . 317..10 No. 2 , pUin.S and 10 Inch . 15.W : I.A.TII. POSTVviilto Cedar , 0 In. , Ks , 12c ; 8 In. FINHHINO. 1st nnil ! M , clear , 1'4- Inch , s. 2 s . oj , clear , 1 liit'li. s. 2 s. . . . . 4.'i.00 fi , clear , l , f. 1'4 ' , 2 in . 47.M ) U select , 1 inch , . 2 s . Ust'lect. I1 * , U'JI" DIRECTORY JWOFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. JJEVINS & CHUKCHIU , , N-W. Cor , irtli and Douglas Sts. \ \ \ J. COXNEMj , 3133. Hth Street ( JEO1UJE W. DOANK , ATTORNEY AT LAW , rsJconcr'6 Dlock , 15th and GEOHCE S. SMITH 1H,6 Farnnjn Street. I , . 1) . BlttLMKS , Attorney at Law , KooniS I'rcnzcr Illoclt liiposltol'ostonicc. PHYSICIANS. CirAItLES JiOSEirATElt , M. V. , Physician & Surgaon , 2MS. 12tli ? t , cor. T'mnnm. Iron Hunk IlulliHiifc- . Olllculiours 1 uiul 7 to U p. m. 10 to 1on Suntlny , < > s. MOFH-'HAX. m. , Physician and Surgeon , OFFICE , V.IV. Cor. 14th and Douglas. OlTico Tvluiihuno 4i > S. ItusIJt'iicoTclcphono 12. Vlp. Surgeon and Physician OFFICE. N.W. Co14th and Douylas St , OnicoTclouhonclKj llcsidenco TclouhonoJSS Phyelclan and Surgeon. Hcsldonco , No. H07 Jonc ? Street Offlco , Wlthnoll llloolt , Telephonu , rusldunco , No. 125. olllcc.Sia _ DO , JAS. BECKETT PHTSICJAHAKD SoitaEoy , _ pmce and HcsMcnce , VH N. ICthSt. II. A. U'OIILKV , M. I ) . , Office HW Dodpo Stroot. Tclophnno IV. _ Hesldeuuo 171 Cupltnl Avo. Tulcphone'itO. VANCAMPM. L ) . , ni'l Dolite St. . I ft ilonr W3 t of V O. Tnlco nle ntor lo looms 1MU third floor. Tclephono No 12 * ItcBldoncc.CJSN. 20th stroot. Tclopliono No.M P.JI. CIlADWtCIC , Physician anil Surgeon , Telephone 589. Oflicosn 3. Hth Bt R. W. CONNKLL , M. D. , Horaoeopr.tlilst , ) . 313 S. Hth st. Telephone 13J. soiS afrnm Office , Ci'oiiiists IJloel ; , Ho m 5 , Kitliand Caji tJl A omie. Oinaliii , Nehrasku. Kesitlcneo 2010 Webster st. INSURANCE. C. T. TAYLOK , Qonoral treat HEW YORK LE ! IHSU311J3 CO OfilcoCor. Htli nml nntiirlns SN. Js ll'S Ordiniiiy I.lfi' , Kmlmi inont , Mm ted nnUouinont , 1'lvo Vo'tr Hlvld"iil ( I'lun nnil thu j' Noii-1'orlultlnsr Tuntluo I'nllclos.s - tcto ovw f W.OW.dOJ. AL'onts w.intoj. N. u. Qcnoral Aiunt Provident Savins Llh Assiu C3 of Now Yorlt. Jllllanl Ho o. H'oot ' , Omnlio. Ilio Hr'etlyXaturil rp-m'tim 1 I n " Aetna avoiit'oyonrl7 ( cost ilurlinf 183J , 1811 and ltU3 , nt ntjo o7.or J10.0JO , was ? 78. " ' . FINE JOB PRINTING. Printers , Book Binders And ninnk liook Maniircotnrrrs. Nos. 105 * and 10SS.lltlistrrotOiiinliii , : , ' < ) b. J.r. Kinilio , Super > Imciuleiit HinderTolpiliono | No. UJX HARNESS. J. F. SEGER UnniilKCturcr mul dealer 1 liurucij , biiildlos , wlilpj , horse rlotitfnp. 'tc. All trrnili's of hurntwi always Kept on htmd op mmlc to or.lrr. Itopalrlnir n eppfliiitr H N. tfitli Sf Let. loJgo and Capital Avo. I ' _ AUCTIONEER. A. W. COWAN & CO. Auction and Commission Consignments solicited ; furniture boiiirhtnnl sold. Sales of live Btouk and household furni ture atprlratu residences is n epcclnlty vritti in. Humembertho place. West i PrJUcbor'd bloc < N must. No 111) . STOVtS and TINWARE. UhO. J. AKMU11UST , Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery , KU. Alto Tin UooSn ? , Outtorlngpoutln ? , anl Qencral Job Tinnlnir. Tito best of work ati < i ro4 BonaUIuuburirea. Milk fans and other tlawaru uttock. uwa Cumlu , ' St , OmuUa , Dentists , Dentists , 13H Farn m Stroa MEAT MARKETS. 13th Street Market , All kinds of frosn and suit mona conitantly on hand. Poultry , cum , etc. , In cn on. K HrituciiTUSo. . 13th stroot. Notice of Publication , Notice Is hereby Riven that books for Rtiliaorlptlon to the capital Mock of theClilenpo , Omaha A. outhwr < tern Knilrond Company. will h oponcrt in the city of OniBhn , on Drcurn * bvrCth , iPSJ. CHAltIrS K. FAHU1S , FltANK I. . OAOA. . \C011 W. IIOl'DKIt , WM. .1. lllIOATni , jnsr.i'ii M. Mirrt'Ai.r. ntdMt KDMUN1) M. IIAHTI.17TT. Dissolution Notice , On nnil after the 1Mb day of November. 18SO , tlio imrtni-Mhlp licretoforo OTl"tliir between Chnrlcs Kril and Kitipir 1'odolnk , Is horchy illftiolvcd by mutual consent. All aecuunts will bo Settled by Kaspur 1'odolnk. niAiius KIIUO , KASt'AK 1'OUOl.AK. FIRST MTIOML BANK U.S. DKt'OSlTOUY. Omaha , Nobraskiw Cnpltnl . $500,000 Surplus . 100,000 Herman Kountze , President John A. Crolghton , Vioo Proildont. W. IL Mecquler , Aju'l Oashar s. P. FLOOD , A. ( i.MrOAMrniir , Member CaU o toti Cotlileralier Saw Orleaim Cot ton Rjc'ne A Ht. loul ton i : chutiie and Olilca- Mcrchnnt > I''iUmune. I o llonrd of Trade. S. S. FLOYD & CO IIUOICKKS IN And Stocks , For Fiature Delivery AVill be Heady for liiislni'ss About No vember 7tli. 10 ! ) ami 111 SOUTH tilth ST. Telephone K * . Itcler i i PI llnrX , < ffitilm WM-A.PAXTON , 1'rcs. KIl.WJLi.t , Vlcc-1'rcs ion TrustCo 215 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. LOANS MABE ON REAL ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Bonds Negotiated. HOUT. L. O vnt.inif ! , r. U. JOIIN OV , Trensurer. Ofllcc , 1411 1-2 Furimin. < Ccsl ! cncu. UOtli und C'alH'oriiln. OSOAE HANSEN , AWO Onicelll S. 1-Jthst. Books opcnenctl , posted , examined and bal anccd. Tradesmen.1 ! bills , letter O. F. BATIS & CO. Nebraska Laod Agency General dealers in real estate and ical cs tate mortgag'-s , 1005 Farnam st. , Omah Nebraska. " TS Bfll KEISVtTA irJily cute iflnf * I 13 < l tit H rflKtl ' .outhlul error. FfSrj" I DSSIil > crTOU lc6llll .la oloa SElU&i I tSSn5.B llr ) Ix , , , , | , cu Monhaod , 01 J I ndrtd ktT llort TiUI pmt-j" lie. iu. Tr < t Bn . 111 ; . A , U. til. IN CO. , No. ItTUi-bW < m Stml , 111. t.OO u r I'jctace. fcU fur 05.00. JOBBEBS' D2RSGTQRY Artists' Material. A. JfOSJ'K , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , mi : Doiisl.ia Ftrcet , Agricultural Implements. C ilUJiClilLL rA liKEJt , Wholcsllo Donlcr In Asrriciiltural Inijilenient' ? , Wagons , nnd lined . Jonrs ptrci > t , bctwueii tti und lnh. Ouialiu.Nc-li , o Affrienltural tc.Vliole le , Omnh * . A RLIXORENDORFtVi MARTIX WlmlcsuloDvnlars In A rlL-iirtiirnl Iiiiplcuieiila , sona nnd nugiiiiM. .01. 1 , 'JO'i nnd . 'J7 , Jnuos it Butter and Eggs. McfylfAXE c ( ) RClfROEDER , lluyers nT Butter and n Rcfrlccritnr nnd l'iKkl."L' House , llth n I I.caven- worlliBt.r I * it. It. Tiack , Omaha. Builders' Uardwiro and Scales , JffMEnAUGir.O TAYLOR , I > nIlilcr 'Harl\varo&Se.iIolppiiIrSIiop ( ( liecliunlca'TooUund llulTHln Hcalua , Illli Du.izlui U , Omalm , Neb. LEti , FRIED cO CO. , Jobbers of Hard warn anil Nails , T.nware , Fheet iron , Kto. Aiiiintu fnr IIowu bialov , und il In in I I'ondcrl' i Oinnlio.Ni li. RECTOR ,0 WILUELMY CO. , Wholesale. Hardware. W ftprn nrcnti for JolTerton Ptt'i-l NH | | > . Austin 1'ondvrCu , Kulrtnnln Mnndnrd hcaleii. Corner 1'Jiii Lml Ilarncr , Omabn. Engineers and Contractors , JtAYMOXJ ) C CAMPBELL , Encriiirors and Contractors , Brlilt-os , Vlciliicn. Itonf'J'ruici'i , Kteam r'lo ' Drlrlnt , 1'lllni.Oaken.l j'lnellrUU-e Lumber. ISlb tt. , ccar l-nrnuui , OnmbnNeb , Furniture , DEWEY , C STONE , Dealers in Furniture. Karnam it. , Omalia , Neb. 'CJIAJtLES fillTVERICK , Furniture , Iledding1 , Upholstery , Mlrron.tlc. 1M8.1333 and 1210 rarnam t. . Oiuafra. Tron Works. J'AXTON VIERL1XG Iron Works , Wrought nd Ca > t Iron BulldlaK Work. Iron gulr , Itulltiifc' . | ln mi nudlilrdert , h'caru Kni'liin. Uru.t W"rkiir rul Foundry , Mncbluo and tllacaiiuttli Work , onite and \Vorki , U.I' . Ill andlUbmitiet. Boots and Shoes. "AMERICA * " ri.txn S , s//o / ; COM /M.vr , M nufnctiiT r nnd Whiilefftlo Dc.ilcri In Hoot 3 nnil Shoes , Complotn stock of HuMior Ono.H nlwnyt on hum ! MA . 18th > t. . Uir.ilia , Jieb. A T Aiittln , Agent. jr. r. MO its K to co Jobbers of Heels nnil Shoes. 1U1 VftrnmnM , Um.ih , .N h , Mnnufnctorjr , Summer t. llo'ton. / . T. MA/XSKT ( ! ro. Wholesale HuMier Hoofq anil Shoes. iUbller nml Oiled Clotnlnx mul roll Hoot ; , ! J S. HUi I 01. Beer. Apt. for Anhciiscr-liush llrewiiiff Ass'n PpeelM lli-nmli. VMHI , Itudnflier and iranic : ! * . STORK ll TLElT Laper IScer Hrowevs , l. > : i North Mih "trcct , Omnlin , Nob. Coffee , Spices , Etc. Oiunlia Coffee nnil Spice Mills TMs.OoffViM.Fflcrv llaklnu Ponder. Klirorlr. , . trade , l-aunatj lll . Ink KIP. till IGlMrnojr Mrnt Ouinbn , J-ob. GATES , COLE U > MILKS , Homo CofTeo ami Hnlco Mills M'f'jr Co. CoffranoAKeri ncl fplciClrlndf r , MitnnfKriurrrt of lUklnij 1'onder , H Torlng ICitmrU. Minimi. Kin. Tryono r fc otour I'tt purknce llomallleud UoadeJ Ooff . IHfellotiirxl ft.Om h , Neti. Cornice. Jolm Eponctcr , Prop. Manufacturer nt Rab/inlruit Iron ami Cornier. V33 Dodic niul 103 ind 10A y. IQlli at. . Omdim. Nl'b. KUEMVJXG tC UOLTE , Manufacturer ! ) of Ornnniontul ( Jalvnnizcd Cornices. Dormer Wlndonn , K1n l .MPi licbkl ! Utctt. 3108. IJfi si.Omaha. WESTERN CORNJCE WORKS , C. Sitceht , 1't'op. Oalrnnlreil Iron Oornlcps , etc. Bpcct'Kltnprovetl Pst- cut MctHlIc krllglit. aa NII.I MO s I''Hi ft .OnintiK. Carpets. OMAHA CARTET CO. , Jobber * of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , lines , l.lnolciumr , Mittlnui , Etc. 1511 Dnugtai street. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matttnri , Curtuln Honda , Ktc. HJ3 1'arnara fctrcot , Onaaha , Neb. Crockery and Notions. ' ir.jT. irft IG J IT , A cent for ( lie , jvmtf | oturrr nml Importer ! of Crockery , ( ilassware , Lnmpi , ( 'hluinct , I'tc. Office , 317 Suuth 13th it. Omahfi , Nub. Commission and Storage. Cominissiou anil .lobbinp. flutter. TCct' nd 1'roducc. OnnilRiimeuta solicited. llesitquaitvra for Stoneware , llerry Unxi's and. ( irapu llnikuts. 1111 DudKiiMiroUUntitbu. rEYCKE BROS. , Cnnnnissioii Merchants. Kriilts , I'roduco anil Provision , Oni.nhn , Neb. Storacrn and Commission Merchant. Specialties IlultO" . Eire * . Chfoio. Poultry. Hume , Oysters , Hto. , Ktr. 112olitli 14th streot. WIEDEMAX , ? C07 Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutter , flume , Krnlts , etc. 820 B. Oirmlifi , Neb , WEEKS < c i\TTLLARn , General Commission Merchants , Ami Jobbers of Foreign nnil Domestic Krnltn. Porra- ftpoutlciu'u iinllclteil. WnrehoukHiinil onietk. 110 Is. Tolrleentb ft. . Omaha , Neb. Telephone 7T" > . Fruits. I'.ROCCO (0 CO.7 inportorn and nltolCiiHloiloHlora In Italian Produce , ici ii. rnnic ) < tlcinl Cnllrnnitti Krultl anil Cominli. tlen Uercbunti. lOIH.Htbit. O lj eicluilT * fruit bouse In Omnba. Coal anif Lime. J' . UllLEXTOXE . 'p 'COT Dealers lu Hard and Soft Coal , OrCco and yard , ICtli nnd Kleholan ntit , Otoaba , Neb , I ard Tulrphonu , I1G7 , Dm. i . j. MI Kin , 1'res. C , P. Goonu\N , V. Proi. J. A. HUN'IKHI.ANn , Kec. mid TreRB. O3IAIIA C' { > AL , COKE 0 LIME COMPAXV , Jobbers of Hani and Soft Con I. /J3 onth Tlilrtcnnth Street , Omaha , Nob. Manufnctnrors of Illinois AVhite Lime. And Milpper of Col nnil Coke , Cement , I'la tor , Umo llulr. I Ira llrtt te. Drain , Tile and Sewer 1'ipe. ( Itllcn , I'axton nut4l. Kiiraam t. , Oinulm , .Neb. 'fflepnniinMl. Confectionery. / / 7\ FAY t ? CO JlannrncliiriiiffCoiifcctionors , Jobbers of nuUt.Nulu and Clji-s. Ull rmiiiim St. Live Stack Commission. AT. Jtriiitn ,0 .S'OA'i' , Live Stock Commission. ( 00. Iturkc1 , JlnnnBer. Union ctMk Vnrd , K lininha. 'Iclcplione M ? . S A TACK , C ( lItISE.\ ' , Live Stock Commission Merchants , ( Iblpments of nny nnd all klinU of block polioltcd. I'nlon htoct Vurdr.oinnhn , Nrb. Cigars and Tobacco. ' MAX MEYEIl , P CO. , .Tolilicrs of Cigars , Tobncco , Qung nnd Animnnltlon , Vl'i In 71 K Illli tt. , ItKO to lUil I'mnuin t , ( ) , uuliH.N'nti , WEST C VlilTfiCIlEIl , Mnnnfiicturcrs of Fhip Clears , And \TholCfnlii llculrrn In Leaf Tohaeeon , Niu. 108 ami IIUN. Hill utii'et , ( Miun , JIOUSEK , l > WOODLAND , Whoe ! nli > n Blcn In Cicrars , Tobacco" , I'ipos and Smokers' Articles. Ascnt for l > . I.eMTfl lorf A. C'o , Flno-Cut and Sinok- In/TohseeiK , Mil-vuukcu , VVUconiln. N0.3U North Mxleenth Street , O u ihn , Neb. Dry Goods. M. E. NMlTil .15 CO , , Dry Hoods , KiirnlsliIn finotlH Notions \\\i \ \ und 1101 IluuKlua , cor. llth yt. , Oinnhit , S'cb. Distillers. Dlatlllcn ol l.lquoif.Alrohol und PplrlU In pcrttre and Jolibrraof Wlnoaml l.liiuort. 1)TILLO ) irtil'ltllfdH JtffiTlLLE'V CO. and JLElt P CO. , Importers and Jobberof Tlno Wines and I.lqunri. tiulamanufnotuririiof Krnncdv'n tail India lilt' ti-rj und llomi's lclruoro. ] ] 1U llnrreyf-t. Drugs , Paints , Etc. IT. T. CLARKE DRUG CO. , Larget Drujr , Paint , Oil & Glass House Vcetof Cblnirn ( " ( iniplrlr 1.1 tic of IHntvlH' tiua- dries , llll lUrney tt.Oiuulio , CO. , Wholesale DiUffrjlsts. And Dcalcriln I'alnti , Ollinud Wlridun' rilam.O Drain Tile , Etc. A. l.Si BH.PI * ! J.W ! ltnroni > .Boc.4Tre i it. J. CAHSON. V.l'rvn , uml Hupt. THE UNJ OV / / YD IIA ULW JHtAIJf TTLE CO. , once IIS 8. llth at. Oniahu. Nrb. Machinery and buppllra for MauuOcturlnt ; Cuturni liraiii 'J'ilu. Hatchers' Tools. //OI7/.S1 "HE'LLI'Ui , liuti'Iit'i's' Tools and Supplies , iauiago CuilQ i of all kinds alwaygln ntuck. 11U Jonrirt .Oraaha. Groceries , ( JALUGIIEK ,0 ( hworios and Provisions , ; Ot'.fC , TTSandtn S IQIh St. , Omaha. N b AVholcsalo Grocers , ' 'Hi and teiTctiwr > rlh Mn.,0mnlit. Hardware , Heavy Hardware , Iron anil Steel , rlniis.npon ytnc , llnnlnnrc Lumber , cte , 1X0 ndlll llnriiey H , oniahn. A arnnar , " \Vholesalo \ Iron and Stool , WfeonnndCarrlijitoVro.idriloek. Henry UF.MWIINL Hie. 1317 nd 12IH lcifnwurthtt. . . Omaha. NerV. MILTON ROGIZRS , P SONS , Stoves , Nances , Furnaces , Tiles , Mautlci , tlrnles , llrasi CcxxtOiai nd ! Si1 btroet. iumier. LOWS JUtA DFO7ID , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Limp , Snsh , iKto. Yant CcrncrTth and Uouglmt Corntt Vth mid ' > > - - CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , JUS.ItlhftreetOmahaNeb. F.Colpettcr , Mar r , CKSOX. Wholesale. Jewelers andJlnaie Dealers. U lcr < In Sllrerwaro. niinuinilr , Watc " t. , cor. cor.C. C. X. D1ETZ , Lumber. ] 3lh nnd CallfornU Btrecta , Omaha , Neb. FRED W. GJIAY , Lnmbcr , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc. Cor. fth nnd nouk'laa its. , Ornnba , Neb. UQAGLAX1) . Iiiunber. T. W. HARVEYLUMltEll CO. , To Dealers Only. OBce , N0.1 Knrnam itrcet.Omahn. CHAS. R. LEE , JTanlwooil Lumber , Wood Cnrrcln and Purqnrt Flooring. th nd Doaglaf OuinhH. X A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Linnlicr , Etc. Iraported nnd American Vortliind Cement Ptati Agent forMllvtiuikeo llTdraullc rcuientnnd Heat ( Miner While 1/lmn , Life Stock. 'sTocir "rJutJLts c-a7 Of Onmliii. Limited. John F , Dojfl , 8'iperlnterd nt. Millinery and Motions. ' " I. dnEliFELDEli'tc"cO. , linportcra nnd Jobbcra of JMllinery ami Notions , 1213 and 1SI5 Hnrnnr Hl.oet , Omalm , Neb. f/otions. C. .S. GOOltRTCir < V CO. , Are tlio only Direct Importeraof Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods In cbrnrkn. riilcnffn prlceu duplicated rltbont ndd * Inz Irelclit. 111. ' . KHrniim f-trc't , Onmliii. J. T. JtOliDfSOX XOTlOlcUTt \Vholejilo Dealers In Notions anil Furnishing Goods , (0.1 and )0'i S. Tenth St. , Otnohn. VJXYA Rir&'SCIlirEID ER , ' Jobbers In Notions , Hosieryand Gents' Furnishing : Goods. l < XManrt1K3 ( r-irniim ft. O-nahn. Nob. Paper Boxes , r. L. n'l Mnniifnctnror of Paper Doses , 103S lltliHt. Otuilii. Nebrnnkti. Ordern liy mill so * HcUcdnnil will ruceivo i > roiiuit Httctitlun. Overalls. CAXFIELD MA yir COMl'AXY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jean * I'jnts , shirts , ntc. llOJnnd HOlDouiiliia Street , Ottulhn , Neb. Printing. COMl' i JVl" Jol ) Printers , lilnnk IJook Makers , And lloolt llludcrH. 1V ! mid 1W South I'ourtotntn iitruct. Omnlii.Neb. IA I'Elt CNJON Auxiliary I'lihlishera. Da lcr InTrpu , Prn o nml rrlntirs'HuppliCB. MX ) ( outli Tnclftli "tn-ct. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. .v 3iouRJH tc "co. , Mnnufacturem , Iac ! > cr9 und lic.ilcrt In Pickles' & Strict ly J'uro Apple Biltlnff I'nwder , Fluvorlns Kitrneti. Tnblo liui < e , Ireneli Miuln" ' Wfili llluliiK. Ormera' . ' -pe"l-a ! ! hole Htjent tur orK lllto tlnd Itcdficd Applo. Cl * der. lmi Leuveiiwjitli fct , , UiunlM. Safes , Etc. 7' . J'.OYER , V'CO. , for Hall's Sufo & Lock Co.s' rirn nnd I'roof 8if ? , Tlmo I/iekt , Vnulti undJnll Wiir * lirjl r'nnnim stiei-t Oinnln , Neb. G. AND HE EN , Oinalia Safe Works. M nnfnclwrcpHif Kiroand Unrein r Proof Bif PS , Vnull Uuurn.JnllVurk , Sluitiot nml Wll.i Work , Cor. lit burnt Juibhou Hit , omchu , > db , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. ArDlfiltltOlf < U CO. , \\MokTulo MamitMctiiroisnf Sn.sli , Dooi'M , Hliiiils anil Monldlnpf Iliancli onifi',12th nnd Irnrd nil. , OmtilinHcb , \ > \ iw.\n \ .vr Sash , Door , Blinds , MonlilingB , lntf 1'iiicr , etcliDl Rnutli Tlilrteonili Hired , Ouialia , i A rfiiupleitf tttuck of llullduia' llurtlvruro BO//Ar MAXrFA CTCrifJXfJ CO. , Manufacturers , of Sasfi , Doors , Blinds , Uould'ngaSlnlrWotlinml ' Intrrlnrllurd Wood Finish Ju t opened W. 15 e < 8ih .mil luncnvvorlli tl . Oinrba , Neb. Pumps , AVholoKiilo PtunpH , Pipe , Fittings , E ten ran ml Wuter Siinpllrt UenJ'iuiirliTri f r Mail ' . Illllarnum M . unmlu. NuU. A. L , STRA AY ; CO. , Pumps , I'ipes and HiidinoH , eieam. Water , Hnllnnr und Milling bupnllca. ntc V2U , V.Vandfil I urnum et . Uui.ilia. . ' < i.ln vTti. WtXD E.1 IXE ( UuTj' 17M1 * COMl'AXY. nnllai'ajr Wind Mills , rlenni and Whter PnppIe ! , IMiiiublni ; ( Joo-l , lleltln UIKII. t < 13 uml lur- iu. H K I'l'llf'U , Ma ' li > [ diiinoN < i.2IO. Trunks. U. ll."Mtl KUOFF , Wholesale Trunks , Mlilnnl llotol IllockOrunba. Wagons and Carriages , The LeH-lIiKjOun-iago Factory , ( Kir A in i8iit.ii li > ' 'S ) HW und 1111 l ) ( liu treot , Omil.n Building Material. ' tiJUAirA LUMIIER CO. , Dealer In All Kitidiof JiuiliHiiLMnteriiil at Wholesale IBlb Htroft and Ilninn I'anilc Trick ,