Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1886, Image 1

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Business in Nebraska Almost Entirely Sus
pended on Account of the Elements.
TrnliiH on All the Itallroads In llotli
States IJIooknded The Storm In
tlio Northwest of Unprece
dented Violence.
Tlio Storm In Nebraska.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 17. Tele
gram to tlio UEI.J : Business In this city Is
j > rnctlcally suspended on account ot tlio great
Blonn. A. few engines In tlio lallroad yalds
aru trying to move around , hut nil train1 ; on
nil tlio roads loading out ot the city are
nlmiulonuil. A special train with
three locomotives aiul tv snowplow -
plow started at 0 a. in. for
Omaha , lint at noon It was snowed In at Wa-
vcrly , the first station east of Lincoln. No
trains will bo started until tlio abatement of
the storm , and live hundred men am being
gathered toucther to open the roads then as
speedily as possible. The B. & M. ofilchils re
port this IsSthe llrst effectual blockade that
ever occinred on tlio road In November , and
It seems to have coino wholly unexpected.
Tlio storm now seems to bu practically
ended ntul scarcely n wheel l.s niovlnu on
any line of the road In thu South I'lalto
country. Superintendent Calvcrt , of the It.
& M. , says of the storm that it Is tlio worst
tlio rood hits ever had to contend with , and
with every train abandoned It would seem
that the statement needed no verification ,
At fi0 ; : this evening a train arrived lit Lin
coln from Alchlsoii and Immediately started
back iuiiln ! < It was the only moving train
on the It. t M. through HIM day. Thu storm
commenced In ralu nt Atchlson and tlio
Ronthern part of the state , and hence that one
line was not .seriously blocked. Ail over the
rest of tlio H. & M. system all trains arc
abandoned , and passonucr trains are laid by
nt David City , Oxlord , Superior , ant ) north of
Grand Island. TheclToitsto keep the line
open from Omaha to Lincoln even failed ,
and men expect that two days more
will not see uvular trains on all the lines.
The Northwestern line to Fremont Is burled ,
the Missouri 1'ticllic ditto , and the Union Pa-
nllic have a train In tlio drifts four miles
from the city and nnotlier near Beatrice. In
the city limits yard engines have been kept
moving us much us possible , but the two Mis
souri 1 ncllle and ono of the Northwestern
locomotives aru standing dead In the yards
hero and drifted last In the snow.
In tlio city no business whatever was
transacted to-day except the delivery of coal ,
and every team was busy at this from day
light to dark. The banks reported nothing
t all doing , the express olllccs received and
collected no goods whatever , und the blockade -
ado suppressed the arrival of any mail. The
storm not belli * accompanied by severe
cold saved a good ( \ Knof \ siiirerlng In thecity
that otherwise must have occurred. Hut six
families weie loportod In the morning in
need of Immedlato assistance , which was
procured. A man was found in a barn In n
dazed and nearly frozen condition , but after
some unnecessary time spent In Undine who
were the proper authorities to care for him ho
was removed to police headquarters. The
high wind did some damage In different parts
of the city , blowing do\vn , In ono instance ,
thu fr.ime of a new church building that was
ni ) icady for enclosing.
AitAPAiioK. Neb. , .Nov. 17. [ Special Tel
egram to tlio Uii : . ] Monday a severe wind
and snow storm commenced here , continuing
for thiity-six hours. AH trains were delayed
and no mall has arrived slncu Monday even
ing. Thu storm has abated and trains aio
expected this attcrnoon. All business has
been stopped. A great many car loads of
broom corn are side-tracked hero waiting
for the track to ho cleared.
OAKLAND , Neb. , .Nov. 17.Special to the
BKK.I A genuine bll//.aid set In yesterday
morn ing , thu wind bio wing ut a tearful rate all
day and last night , and is still raging. The
air Is full of snow and Is dilltlng. ho trains
to-day. The freight tlmtlett linns at 5 o'clock
yesterday evening stuck In a cut south of
hero and will remain until the snow can bo
shoveled nway. One car load of hogs Is In n
drift of snow. Tlio severity of the storm was
unexpected , and no doubt stock bus sutVcred.
All business has been suspended except
saloons. Snow shovelers will bu in demand
niter the storm abates.
In Iowa.
Sioux CITY , la. , Nov. 17. [ Special Tele-
Brain to the BKI : . ] The snow storm nnd
blizzard has been raging hero nil dny with
unabated fury. Towards evening the ther
mometer gradually descended and the cold
became Intense. The storm is undoubtedly
ono of the severest known In this section for
many years. Not a train has moved to-dny
nnd hence no mall tins been received.
Neither Is any expected to nrrlvo to-night.
The blockade is complete and the wind is
fitlll very high. The fall of snow Is very
great and It may bo some days before Sioux
City can reach the outside wet Id.
The Illinois Central train ttiat should have
reached hero last night Is snow bound at
Storm Lake. The passenger duo hero last
night on thu St. Paul road was abandoned
near Worthlngton , Minn. The Northwest
ern nnd Southern Dakota arc all abandoned ,
ns are likewise the Nebraska lines. Thr
HlouxClty * Paclllc Is ell'ecttiallv blockaded
to Council lllutfB nnd the Sioux City
train is said to be stuck in the trnunfur yard
nt that point. Nothing can tie dona until tl.u
storm abates. Last night Kdmund Pundlo-
ton , son of Judge Pendlcton , aged about
fouitceii years , hccanio lost in thu storm.
Young Peinlleton carries papers for thu
Kvemiif : Tribune. Not returning by Dor 10
o'clock , his family became greatly alarmed.
The storm was then raging with great norco
ness. An alarm was sounded and many
c.ltl/uns joined In the search , which was kept
up dm Ing the night without success. This
morning ho was found at the residence of
( leorgo Hurd , to which he had crawled on
Ids hands and knees late In the night , and
upon leaching there was almost perished.
It was almost a miraculous escape ,
Dis : Mni.vus , la. , Nov. 17. Itepoits from
nil p.irt of thu state show that to-day's storm
Is ono of thu gteatest suvurlty , Ail thu nar
row gauge toads enteilng this city have been
abandoned nnd no Irnlns have come llnougb
on them since morning. The Northwestern
has abandoned trilns on its main line west
ot JeiTeistin , and thu Itock Island has laid oil
Its Heights. Passenger trains from the went
tire four IIOIHS behind time. But little snow
has fallen here during thu day , but a hlu-1
wind pievailcd with cold nud hlir/.aid like
_ _ _ _ _
ICoportH from thn NortInvest ,
ST. 1'Airr. , Nov. 17. Snow bngati falling
early yesterday morning nnd continued alt
lay , though thu fall was Dalit A'fter mM
iil < ; lit Ian night , however , a genulnn bilz/ard
set In and this morning people found the
streets and sidewalks badly blocked , so that
travel was next In impossible. Kcports Indi
eatu that thu blizzard began In thu western
part of this .state nnd swept east and south
through Wisconsin nnd Iowa , llnllroad
navel is gtcntly Impededand .street cars find
It almost Impossible to inn. The wind Is
blowing hard and diiftlni ; s-now. No sn
faturm late uecuiiX'd. 50 enily in Km season for
The snow storm which becan here Monday
night has now ( ' . ' p. m , ) been racing lor
niiuily forty-olght hours and shows no uign
of nbatcm > tnt. Street cars have not been
i milling hi either St. Paul or .Minneapolis
to-day and trains on all iailr < > nds aio tlneo to
hlx hours late. While thu storm seems to be
general thioughoui thu nortlmcM it is nu
violent In soutlurii Dakota.
A Sioux Falls special says more snow has
already fallen than during the entire season
last winter , The wind Is blowing n heavy
Kalfl troiu the ninth and drilling thu snow
very badly. Trains on nearly all roads tire
abandoned. The tcmpi'raluro Is at zero and
falling. ' There Is also a strong electilcal dis
turbance. Canton , Kagan and other points
btatu that thu storm Is no less seme there.
Sioux CITV , la. , Nov. IT , A special to tlio
Journal fioui Canton , Dak , . Bays attain will
100 pas enters on bonrd Is snowed In olovoi.
uillw wtel oi there. T-iepasieugcrsaio bclnx
fed from n small station near by. The snmo
special also says the Milwaukee railway Is
lined with dead cnirlnes In dtlfts.
General Storm News.
CHICAGO , Nov. 17. Kvcr since 7 o'clock
last night n steady drizzling ralu has been
falling , serv
ice oflico hero show that from every station
east of thu Mississippi rain Is reported , while
from all stations west colder weather and
snow Ischionlcled. Throughout Iowa , Wis
consin and Minnesota snow stoims arc pre
vailing. Much colder temperature and snow
Is predicted by the signal service oflico for
Chicago and vicinity within the next twenty-
lour hours. Telegraphic communication la
Honotisly delayed In all direction * .
ST. loNAn. , Mich. , Nov. 17. During the
terrible gale and snow storm last nl ht Hie
schooner , I' . S. Marsh , loaded with coal , ran
on the beach just Inside ( iralinm's Point.
The captain signalled nt 10 o'clock this
morning that she would go to pieces. Help
1ms been sent , her. but It Is impossible to do
anything to help the vessel to-day on account
of the big SKIS which she lays broadside to
and which are mowing larger. Another
ichoonor l.s ashore ncross thn point tour miles
Irom here.
Mn.WAfKr.K , WK. Nov. 17. TheKvcnlng
Wisconsin's ( irecn Bay special says : The
banco Dlxon foundered oif Kmvmmco this
morning , and two seamen were drowned.
Another barge is riding in the bcakcis and
Hying nflluiml of dlstiess. Thociowof the
schooner Ishpemnng are waiting orders at
Later advices from Knwaunco state that
the barge Kmeratd foundered at noon. Kivo
lives were lost. Mate Brevln was saved , but
Is still unconscious. It Is expected that n
third batge , which is riding In the breakers ,
will go to pieces soon.
DI.MVKU , Nov. 17. . The light snow which
fell In Colorado Monday and Tuesday proves
to be much heavier In western Kansas nnd
Nebraska. The west-bound Kansas I'aelllc
mall has been snowbound at lirookvillo since
Monday. The east-bound Is delayed nt lingo
but expects to get through to-morrow. No
Btnllngton train has arrived since yesterday
morning. Kxpect to get through to-night.
The Santa Ko trains have been out since yes
terday. His Impossible to say when they
will get through. All Colorado roads are
open and running on time. Tlie thermome
ter here Is 4 donees below. Other portions
of thu state va ry from this to 'JO decrees
Fair and Warmer \Veatlinr.
For Nebraska nnd Iowa Fair and
warmer weather.
The National Association Discusses
Cattle Discuses nt Length.
CHICAGO , Nov. 17. 1'ho Consolidated Cat
tle Growers' association of tiio United States
to-day resumed the deliberations of their an
nual convention. The session was opened
by Dr. Salmon , of the national buroan of
animal Industry , who read n paper on pleuro-
After the raedlng of Dr. Salmon's paper the
committee on resolutions presented their re-
uortrecommending the adoption of the fol
lowing resolution :
Whereas , It has been fully demonstrated
to the convention by the testimony ot pro
fessional veterinarian : ) of the Highest ability
nnd experience that contagions pleuro-pneti-
monlaexists in au active form among certain
cattle in the city of Chicago : and
Whereas , From the fatal character of this
disease , and the dllllculty In extirpating it ,
the existence of it near the greatest cattle
market of the United States constitutes a
danger to the chief food supply ot this coun
try ; and
Whereas , The further progress of this dis
ease , causing other states to prohibit the in
troduction of cattle trom this state threatens
an entire Interruption of intcr-stato commerce -
merco In this vitally Important article of
tradu and will result In losses of magnitude
Hint cannot bo expressed In figures ; and
Whereas , It is the belief of this convention
that a disease so dangerous and whoso consequences
quences would bo so disastrous and far-reach
ing cannot be adequately met and controlled
by local authorities acting under state legis
lation , therefore , bo it
Hesolvcd , 1. That this convention holds it
to bu the duty of thu national government to
undertake the suppression of this disease.
3. That this .should budono immediately In a
most thorough and competent manner and
without regard to cost. 8. That congress
should atits | approaching session and with
out any unnecessary delay , provide by law
appropriate machinery and ample funds for
tins purpose , and
Itcsnlved , Tnat a committee of live be ap
pointed by the chair , to bo known as tno
committee on legislation , whose duty it shall
bo to go to Washington during the , coming
wlntor , and endeavor to obtain the passage
of 8uch laws us will accomplish the above
The committee have considered the address
of Dr. Uadsdon and indorse fully his views
in roitard to thu summary destruction of cat
tlo diseased with plcuro-pnouuionhi thailhavo
been exposed to this disease. Tlmy liirther
endorse his views in regard to the prompt
payment for cattle destroyed and they urge
on this convention the ndoption of such n
measure by the work of committees or other
wise as will serve the above ends In tlio
speediest and most effective manner. Tlio
committed f Hither recommends the npooint-
mcnt of a committee on legislation and ono
on the duties of local Government toward
contagions diseases of eattle. They also
lec'ommeud the adoption of thu following ad
ditional resolution.
K-jsolved , That It Is the duty of federal ,
states and municipal authorities to unite in
an otl'oit to oxtlrpato nleiiro-pneiimonia
wherever It may bu found , by destroying dis
eased cattle nml thosu having been exposed
to thu disease so farns possible , purifying all
picinisoson which the disease has existed and
adopting .stringent sanitary regulations with
rcirard to the management of eattlu in feed
ing stations.
A paiier on "legislation on Conta
gious Disease , " lead by Klmer Wash-
liiirno yesteiilay , was discussed intun-mlnntu
speeches by the delegates. A lengthy report
from the resolution committee on the actions
which congress had taken on the subject
under discussion was presented by Dr. Uads
den , and It was supplemented by speeches
from Hon. . .lamesVllvon \ , of Iowa , lion.
( Icorgo 1 ! . I-army , United States com
missioner of nKrlciiltnie ; Dr. D. 1C.
Salmon nnd Senator Shelby M ,
Cullum. VaiIons means of crndlc.iting the
cattle disease weiu proposed , nnd Lorlng ex-
piessed the belief that an appropriation of
S16U , ( > oo iiy congress would bo Kiilllelcnt for
the purpose. By a vote the extermination of
Infected cntllo WAS ivcoinmimded , anil Inocu
lation with virtu of infectious diseases was
disapprove 1 of. Legislation in laver of
greater protection tor cattle was suggested.
The tolluwins : resolution was adopted by n
vote of-IS to 'iS ;
Kesohed , That In the sense of this conven
tion Hatch , the present chairman of thu agri
cultural eoiiimlitee , is responsible for the
lack ( it prooor legislation competent to icrap-
ph < with thu pre slni ; need of thu rcat cattle
Industry of the nation ,
t'onscntiiit ; to a Lnnso.
DnsMoi.NKS , la. , Nov. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bit.l : : The bondholders of the
Dos Moines & Fort Dodsre rallioad company
have issued a circular , In which they say :
This company having agreed upon a lea n
by the CUIca o , Hock Island AI'achio rail
way company , nt a rental of SO | Hr ) cent of
thu gross earnings , nnd a guarantee to bo
stamped on tin ; bonds by thu lessee , nsreelns
t * S'sy luleicst Oil the Hot extension bonds
at the ratu ol I per CO" ' , r. ! ! < l MIIOU the Income
bonds at the rate of : yj ! per cent "
annum , also to advance ffiu money to pay
deferred intoiest on scrip now outstanding ;
tliPiiiforo , In order to consummate the Icaso
beliiio January 1,1SS7 , when the llrst Interest
\vil ! bo paid thereunder , and In view of the
fa'-t that this company can only pay U per
cunt on its t'uv. . mottgagu and extension
bonds , und nothing on Its Income bonds , It
Is necessary to have forthwith the assent of
the holders uf the bonds.
Sentenced to Hang ,
Cit.vni.r.s Cm' , la. , Nov. 17. [ Special
Telegram to the Bii.J : : Chester IJIIIows was
lo-dny convicted of murder and sentenced to
death for thu kllllin ; of his. Jiclce last July ,
because t > In > refused to marry him. If hung ,
he will bo the second pcr&vu to bu liunj in
I on a in twenty
Two Daring Aeronauts Take tto Most Per
ilous Trip of the Century ,
A FuriousStorm ! DrivesXtirmllirouRti
Dnrkness and Aavcs , Hue I'lnally
Tlioni Snfely on
Terra I'lrnia.
Vp In a Inll ( ( on ,
tfSO b\i \ James ( toitlmt Htnntlt , ' ]
I'Aitts ( via Havre ) , Nov. 17. [ New York-
Herald Special Caulecyrain to the
HKK. ] Tlio aeronaut llapao/.a , who
In Ills balloon , the Unbl/.os , accom
plished on Sunday one of the most successful
aerial voyages of tills century , telegraphs tlio
following account of his exciting journey :
A.IACCIO. Tuesday , Nov. 10. After waiting
forso\cral days for a northwesterly wind ,
M , Foudete , a member of the Debra/,7.a mis
sion , and I started atI o'clock on Sunday
afternoon In my balloon , the Oabl/os , from
the place St. Michael , Marseilles. Our
Intention % vns to reach Corsica.
Wo took with us some carrier
pigeons and enough food and wuter
to last for three days. As soon as the balloon
was released she wont straight out to sea ,
almost skimming the surface of the water.
Tliun bho rose and , taking a westerly direc
tion , passed over Toulon. As wo passed
over that city , M. Foudero nud 1 distinctly
heard the report , of a cannon , followed by the
sound ot steam whistles. I had arranged
that these signals should be given us when
wo were sighted , so that in case we found It
necessary to land , wo should know that boats
were ready to take us ashore. It was then C
o'clo-k In the evening. It was almost dark ,
nnd the he.ivy black clouds which loomed up
iu the dlstanco showed that n
However , wo decided to continue our route ,
nnd let loose three pigeons to let our friends
on land know that wo Intended to pass the
night mid sky and earth. As we were approach
preach ! ng Hyeres , a sudden gale swept the
balloon from the coast. It had become pitch
dark nnd wo weio Hying through the air at
almost lightning speed. With the greatest
dlfllciilty wo man aged to strike a light , and
then on reading our compass wo found wo
were going out to sea toward the coast of
Africa. Luckily , at about half-past
7 the wind veered round to the west. Then
the storm broke down upon us. Hall fell
upon tlio balloon and sounded as If a hundred
drummers were beating taps. Jt drove us
down about to the level ofthosra. The half
hour that followed I shall not forget to my
dying day The sea was rough and wave
atter wave broke against the car of the
balloon. Ono minute wo were rising just
nbove the foamy crests , the next we were
being driven down Into an abyss whose
depth the darkness prevented us from see
of being iu the presence of death without
any chance of warding him elf came over
us. Then wo took courage and decided that
If ourballoon was swamped we could nt any
rate swim for our lives. Olf went our
clothes ; olt ( lew our shoes. Wo threw every
thing overboard except tlio car , and in our
de.spcratn excitement forgot that the cruel
storm was beating on our naked bodies.
"A light , thank ( Jed , n llilit. ? " It must
have been nbont 9 o'clock. The gale still
blew nt Its height , nnd wo had given up all
ope , when wo cutizht sight ot that light.
There flashed its friendly rays , nnd our
balloon was being driven in its direc
tion. It turned out to ba the lighthouse on
the Island of Snngulnalre , which lies to the
south of the gulf of Ajacclo.
An hour later wo touched laud in
n field near Anplcto , ono of the
subuibs of the Ajacclo. Wo had some dif
ficulty in landing , because of our want of bal
last. The balloon bounced about , giving us
a terrible slinking up as wo wnro dragged
over four miles ot rough country. When wo
stood on terra lirma wo could have reached
our destination in six hours. Ajacclo isJO
English miles from Marseilles ns the crow
llles , but the course wo were forced to take
must have been over four hundred miles.
HpnniHll AITalrs.
ICojijirlsflit ISSfl / * ! / Jam Gnnlon Dennett. ' ]
MAUitit ) , Nov. 17. | Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Bnu.l The minister of
the colonies this evening submitted to the
council of ministers and obtained their ap
probation ot the terms agreed to between
lilm and Marquis Camillas , president of the
trans-Atlantic line of steamships , for the
renewal and extension of the contract ex
piring January 1 , lbS7 , on the conditions
wired to the Herald a lew days ago. The
eortes will bu asked to approve the subsidies
and commercial privileges granted to the
lloyal mail lines. Kvlimslvo precautions are
being taken In Madrid and thu provinces to
night , thoevo of the meeting of the eortes ,
to prevent the republican manifestations
which have lately been apprehended.
Cattlemen Petitioning.
DKNVJMI , Nov. 17. 1'romlncnt cattle men
hero and elsowheru In Colorado , also New
Mexico , are signing a petition to the railroad
companies centering in St. Louis , asking
them to givu their Influence towards the es
tablishment of cattlemen's stock yards nt thu
wcstslduof St. Louts. There appeals to bo
a unanimous leullng among westein cattle
glowers that the establishment of yards at
this point will tend to distribute shipments
nnd loren Cliicairo , Kansas C'lty and other
drussed beef syndicates to pay imirii reason
able pi Ices for range eattlu , pivHtiiit prices
being KII low us to inaku thu uusiuess un-
No Itlnocl Spilled.
JliniMoxp , Va. , Nov. 17 , The case against
( Jcorjjo 1) . Wise , arrested yesterday , on the
chariro of being about to engage In n duel ,
was dismissed to-day. It appears that U'Iso's
arrest was premature , as warrants were
Issued both against Wlso and Colonel Lamb
in apprehension of a hostile meeting , nnd It
was not Intended that they bo served unless
lnmb should come to Klehmoml. From pres
ent Indications ( hero are no prospects of the
matter beiug carried any limber.
I'remdntitlnl Appoint men is ,
WAPIII.NCTO.V , Nov. 17. The president to
day nmdo the following appointments :
Charles Jones , of Wisconsin , to bo United
States consul nt rraguc ; Alexander C.Jones ,
of West Virginia , to bo consul at Chin Klang ;
Kdmiind Johnson , of Now Jersey , to bo con-
Mil at Kohl ; 1'ay Director .lames Fulton , U.
. " , " . , ( - " > bo chief of the bureau of provisions
and clothing ami payus ? > ta-Keuei'al U. S. N.
A Htrniulcrt Onera Coinimnj- .
Lixioi.x , HI. , Nov. 17. The Dora Wlloy
ocia ) company became embarrassed hero last
night by having their bsegago attached for
debt. They have encasements in Spring
field , I'eoria and other Illinois cities.
Illinois Odd Fellows.
.Si'niyoFiiu : > , III. , Nov. 17. The Urand
lodge of Odd Follows elected the following
ollicers to-dny ; Urand Master , Joseph S.
Carr , of Jerseyvlllo ; Daputy Orand Master ,
Ucoru'e F. IJouaid , Paris : Grand \Varden \ ,
John Swlt/.er , of Chicago. The otiiei' olllcers
will b. elected to-munvw ,
The City Joyful Over OoinpletitiK the
HrATittrE , Neb. , Nov. 17. [ Special to the
UKE.J The comlne event of this city Is the
celebration over the completion of the water
works Novembcr23. The matter is In charge
of the mayor and the council nnd they are
sparing no pains to make the day n grand
success. The city ofllcers and llro depart
ment , ' of other cities in the state are Invited.
There Is to bo a race for a prize , but which Is
toboconllncd to the UejUrlco ho e teams.
Tlio boys here have beef organized but a
short time and would hardly consent to con
test with pjofessloual te.Vlns which might bo
present. They are Improving rapidly , how
ever , under the management of Captain
llerron , the efllelentchief ofthollro depart
A slight description of our waterworks
system might bo of Interest. The entire
contract lias been tilled by the Holly com-
p.inv , and Is the direct pressure system , with
neither standplpa or reservoir. A largo well
was tlrst put down , but on finding that it
would not supply enough water , a pipe was
laid to the river , the water taken from there
and fettered Into the well , nnd it makes n
sullleient supply of good water for ail pur
poses. The waterworks bulldluus stand Just
west ot the Burlington .t Missouri depot
near the liver ; are built of brick , and are nn
ornament to the city.
The city Is supplied with three good hose
carts , fully equipped , nnd last night at u
benefit concert for the lire department , about
Srxw was lalsed to go towards buying a hook
and ladder truck.
Ijtnnoln Court Notes.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the BII.J : : In the session of the Lan
caster district court to-day the jury in the
case ot'Stowart.of the Stewart Chute Lumber
company , who has been on trial for two days'
for forgery , brought In a verdict of acqulttnl
and ho was discharged. Ho immediately
presented the Chicago members of the linn ,
who were present prosecuting him on the
Indictment , with a suit for damages , suing
them for S'tO.OOO , the same amount that Chute
sued for In acaso presented thu day before.
This makes two cases of damnces against the
Chicago parties tliat nggrcgato § 100,000 and
the end apparently Is not yet.
The district court was also engaged in
throwing out of court a number ot the law
and order cases , and It looks ns though all
these cases would flash In the pan , which
surprise none who have become acquainted
with the character of the man who was im
ported to work them up , Ono of these cases
was dismissed without any evidence being
heard and another was dismissed on the uvl-
donco presented by the prosecution.
In Jnstico Brown's court to-dny n colored
man of the city swore out a warrant against n
colored man named Charles Murpliv , who
had ran away with his ( Williams ) wife. This
Murphy , it is stated , Is the party who recently
served a term in tlio penitentiary for rape ,
nnd the lirst intimation that Williams had
that ills wife was going wrone was about two
weeks ago , when she suddenly left Home and
the city at the same time. It Is claimed that
Murphy and the runawav wife are now liv
ing together out at Noith 1'latte and the ef
fort will bu made to bring them to punish
ment , although they have a good start to
keep out of the way of the officers.
nit * Fire at Mend.
MIAD , Neb. , Nov. 17. iSpedal to the
Bui : . ] The town of Mead wns put Into con
siderable excitement Monday evening at
about U o'clock by the announcement that
tlio store building of W. iU" . licckcr , jr. , had
caught lire. The fire was totally beyond con
trol when discovered , and tlio result was the
entire building , in connection with the Mead
Advocate printing olllce and C. W. Wilson's
drug store adjoining it on the north , were
consumed. It was n narrow escape for the
entire town , and but tor the strenuous ef
forts put forth by the crowd the whole busi
ness portion of the town would have un
doubtedly burned to ashes. In the printing
olllce everything was burned , including the
Advocate subscrlntlon books , all account
books , files , etc. , with all the material , while
in the stores ot Wilson and Becker nearly nil
the stock was saved. .Becker's tamily were
living in the upper story of thu latter build
ing , and lost nearly everything. Both build
ings and printing oflico carried light Insur
ance. The cause of tlio lire is not known ,
and there Is some suspicion that It was the
work of some incendiary. The lire was
started in the coal house on thu south sldoof
Becker's building. Total loss from 57,000 to
{ 8,01)0. )
The Kailrond Facilities.
BnA.Titic'i : , Neb. , Nov. 17. ( Special to the
BIK.J : Commencing on last Sunday the
Union Pacific rallioad company put on more
passenger trains between tills point and
Kansas City , leaving hero for Kansas City at
8:45 : a. m. and arriving from thereat 7:05 : p.
m. , dally. The fact that they are running a
chair car on the day trains between here and
Omaha has largely Increased their passenger
business. The liock Island road l.s at work
with three engines laying track east from
this point. Track laying is completed from
Falrhury to this point except about tlireo
miles just west of hero , wheio the grading Is
not quite finished. Tim foundation for their
depot on South Sixth street Is finished. This
will bo used for both freight and passi nger
business tor n while , but the rumor Is that It
will combine with the Union I'aelllc , ( which
Is going to build anyway ) in a union depot.
The Union I'acllie company are piling ma
terial In their yards hero for sldo tracks nnd
round house which is necessary to accommo
date ( lie business of n division station.
A Itla/.n nt Lincoln.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Nov. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bin : . ] A 1 p. in. to-day the
depot hotel and Tieran's block , opposite the
B. tfc.M. passenger depot , were discovered to
bo on lire , and the entire lire department wns
palled out nnd plowed Its way throti''h the
almost Impassable streets to tlio place , and
alter an hour's hard work thu lire ; was cnr-
ncrcd nnd the buildings saved , although well
flooded. Most of thu furniture ami slocks
were removed and the diimagu Is from this
cause an.l water , amounting to some 3iooo : , ,
largely eovcied with insurance. The lire-
men had a hard storm to face , but they did
excellent work ,
Death of n Minister.
BKATWCE , Neb. , Nov. 17. [ Special to the
Bii.J : : Uev. W. II. Price , of Odcll , n real es
tate dealer , died in this city. JIo had been
brooding over business troubles for some
time , and being In poor health Ids mind gave
away. Hu was adjudged insane by the board
of Insanity about n week ago nnd was being
kept hero until ho could net into the asylum ,
when ho died. Ho was buried yesteiduy by
members of the Dunkard church , ho having
been a minister of that denomination.
Union Veteran IjoKlon.
rnTsnrno , Nov. 17 , The national en
campment of the Union Veteran legion was
oiganlzed to-day In Grand Army hall , this
city , and the following o'lllcers elected : Na
tional Commander , ( ioorgo B. Chalmers ,
Pittsburg ; Senior Vice National Commander ,
John FoxConncIl _ BlutlV , la. ; Junior VIce
Vessel OoiiiK to I'lccen.
CHICAGO , Nov. 17. The Intel Ocean Maul-
towoc ( WIs. ) special says ; The schooner
Nellie Itedln/jton / Is reported to b3 going to
pieces at Two 1 livers. She had been at anchor
off the north pier all day. She shipped ono
of her anchors at S p. m. nud drilled against
thu noith pier , nnd If the sea keeps on will go
to pieces beioru morning , ' Three of her crew
have reached the harbor pcr ! all light , but
there are seven more men on board whoso
lives are In danger. The life-saVing crow
can do nothing to help them on account f
tU sea , which is vtry large. '
Cleveland Restores Attorney Bcnton to His
Office in Missouri.
The President Explains Ills Order to
onicc-IIoldcra and KlmlH a Iioop
Iloto Tlu-ouch AVhluli the
Democrat Squeezes.
Suspension Ucsoiiulcd.
Nov. 17. Tlio following
correspondence was made public by the-uresl-
dent lo-nlchli
Niosno : , Mo. , Nov. 10. Hon. A. 11. ( Jar-
land. Attorney ( leneral Sir : \ our letter of
the 1st lust , with enclosuies apprising mo
of the basis of my suspension from the olllro
of attorney of thn United Status for the
western dtstiict of Missouri Is received , i
deslio to make a plain statement of thu facts
In relation to my list of appointments to
make campaign speeches. The .United
States disliict court for thu eastern division
district convened on the Oth day of Septem
ber. I had been there ulth my assistant
several days prior to that date picparinga
case for trial. The district . busi
ness ( except a few cases ot
equity ) wns finished on the 24th
ot September nnd on thu following
day court adjourned. On the night of the
JMli IspokoatJolTeri-on City. I then went
to Kansas City , and Bush , my assistant , nnd
1 prepared ourselves for the October term of
court for the western division , Meanwhile ,
1 had , at the earnest solicitation of Messrs. F.
Dockery , Cravens and others , candidates for
congress , nnd the democratic .state central
committee , and with the knowledge of Sen
ators Coekrell and Vest , agieed to make some
campaign speeches. Alter so arranging
them ns to time so as to not Interfere with any
oflloial business , I cave the list to D. H.
Shields , chairman , and this list was pub
lished , the dates beginning September au at
7 p. m. , at Aurora , Mo. The appointments
were Hindu on each side of my district , so
that 1 could and did leach Kansas City once
each week to look alter the routine business
of my olllce. My assistant , W. M. Kusli , was
in the olllce all the time 1 was away. Two of
my appointments made ( Webb City and
Sarcoxio ) were conveniently to Joplln ,
where I appeared In two Important cases on
the 14th ot October before Clark Crafort ,
United Stntes commissioner. 1 filled en
gagements to Saturday. October 10. At Seneca
Monday , October 18 , district court for the
western division began the term.
Kvery Indictment and " Information was
prepaied. In consequence of this the grand
jury was dismissed at uoon of the third day.
1 had thouaht I would get through with the
business of this short term In one week. I
had two engagements to speak during that
week. One at St. Joseph 1 did not lill ; the
other , at Kansas City , i did lill at night after
the adjournment of court. J found on Satur
day , the 2Jd ot October , I had six Import
ant cases which 1 believed should bo
tried. On that night 1 camu here
got my partner , Hon. Joseph Cravens- ,
lion John T. Tecl. of Mount Vernon , and
Dr. James Evans , of Nichols , Green county ,
to agree to lill my appointments , beginning
witli Southwest City on thu 20th ot October ,
and announced ready lor trial the hour thu
district court docket was called. 1 leniRincd
in court jVttendlnir to cases until I received
the president's letter suspending me. As to
my record as a public olllcor , 1 am willing for
the department reports of my success In
trials , the court oflicurs ot the circuit nnd
district courts , and those who had business
witn the office , to say. I relied on the fol-
lowing.ciauso of the president's letter of July
19 in iimklnc engagements to speak :
"Individual InUuest and activity in politi
cal affairs is by r7 < 5 menus condemned. Of
fice holders are neither disfranchised nor for
bidden to exercise political privileges , but
their privilege is not enlarged nor is their
duty to patty increased to pernicious actlv-
itv by ollico holding. "
If making political speeches Is the cause of
my suspension , lean make no defense ; but
if it is inferied 1 neglected my official duties
Dy so doing , 1 am not guilty and ask full
scrutiny into tlio facts , i respectfully ask
that this communication bo referred to the
president with such recommendation as you
deem just. I have but to add that 1 had no
idea that making political speeches would bo
taken as a violation of the president's letter
of J illy IU , 1SSO. Very respectfully.
TUB i'iin innNT s IIKPI.Y.
EXKCUTIVI : MANSION , Nov. 10 , Hon. M.
K. Uenton Dear Sir : Your letter ot the 10th
instant addressed to the nttoiney genet at has
been submitted to me nnd carefully con
sidered. Its frank tone and all 1 know of
your character eonylnccs me of the truth
therein related touching the mutter which led
to your suspension from ollico. When 1 is
sued the warning to olllcu-holders , to which
you refer as an "older , " 1 expected to bo
much harrassed by all manner of and
friyilous tales , originating In malice
or disappointment nnd deliberate de
sign on the part of political
enemies to annov and embarrass , concei ning
indulgence by appointees under tlio prusont
admlnistmtion in "pernicious activity" In
politics , against which my warning had been
directed. I Impjil , however , by 'a careful
consldcintion of the spirit as well as the
language of such warning , that those In good
faith intending to respect It might not bu In
douut as to its miMiiiiiL' , and would
themselves apply it to the conditions
and circumstances which it was
impossible for me to specify. 1 did not in
tend to condemn the milking of a political
speech by a federal ollldat to his neighbors
and trieiids. nor at any time and place where
It was merely incidental , it the speech itself
was decent and fair. But 1 do not think such
olllclal can enter as a business a political
campaign , nnd consenting to n long list of
engagements to addiess political meetings
widely separated and of dally occurrence ,
fill such engagements without neglecting his
duty , If ho holds an ollico worth
having , nor without taking with him
in the canvass his olllclal power nnd Inllu-
ence , therefore this cause Is condemned.
The number ol speeches that can no pioperly
made cannot he spceilk < d , nor the time when ,
thu plncu where , or the ciienmstanees in
which tltuy are proper , nor can their charac
ter bo prescribed. But a correct line ot eon-
duct can bo determined on without dillicnlty ,
1 believe , In the light of u desire to preserve the
spirit of the admonition given , by divorcing
the conduct ot thu dti/.eii from the use of
olliclnl itillucnru In a political campaign.
illustrating nt all times the truth that olllclal
duty U paramount to partisan service , main
taining the dignity of olllcu-holiilnir. avoid
ing any protenci ) of control over thu political
action of others by leason of
olllclal place , and teaching n lesson
to the people that public positions
aic not bestowed or held under the pledge of
active partisan service. The printed lint
taken from n ncwjpapL'r and submitted tome
mo contains engagements to speak , and
nindo by your consentdnlly for nulto a Jong
period , ami not untiequontly twlco a ( lay , In
different parts of thu state of .Missouii ; and
1 was led to believe on many of thu
days specified the court at which you
had duties to perform , was In teflon ,
This seemed to me to pie.'ent a casn of fla
grant. delimit neglect of olllclal duty and
propiiety ; and even with the explanation
Klvt'ii , your 'WitrsO appeals to bo thoitL'litUi.s *
and nt least subject to ciiticism , But tlio
statement In your letter showing that you did
not penult campaign engagements to nuer-
feie. with the performance of ollicial duty ,
your satisfactory discharge ot such dutv dur
ing thu term , and thu belief in thu truth or
your allegations that you honestly supposed
you might properly do all that wa.s netually
done , have induced mu to iiisclnd thu outer
tuspendlngyoii from olllcu and ie-in tatu
you to the same. Yours very truly ,
Cl.LVJ.JjA.VI > .
riJ'.VKI.ANII TO fi.VIH.AM > .
Kxr.riTivi : MANSION , \VAS.JII.V \ ; TON ,
Nov. 17. Hon. A. II. ( iarland. Attorney
( ienernl - Sir : Having . fully ex
amined nnd considered thu
statements contained In the letter of Mae
cenas K. JJeuton , which you submitted to mo
nt the time of our consultation concerning
ttm matter theieln retorted to , I have deter
mined to remind the order suspending
Henton from the ollice of attorney of thu
Unltfid Slates for the western ili&trlct of
Missouri , and direct tlut lie Iw notified of his
reinstatement to his olllce. Very respect-
tully yours , UuoyjiU CJ.EYU.ASI > .
UAiH2 UATiti
Important OhntiRcs Made Tor the
Coinlni ; Season ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 17 , The following changes
have been made by tlio l.eaiuo committee on
baseball rules : The high ami low ball sys
tem of delivery has been abolished , any ball
, now being considered fair that passes the
player between his shoulder nnd knee , and
passes over thn plate. Bunting In the future
will not bo allowed. Any obvious attempt
to make n font tilt will bo scored ns n strike.
Clubs will not toss for choice of position In
the future , the right of choice resting Invari
ably with thu homo club. Five balls and
four strikes will bo allowed Instead of six
balls and three stilkesnshoretofotc. When
n batsman gets n base on balls ho shall be
cicdlted with n base hit. Batsmen shall take
n base when hit by a pitched ball. Any mo
tion whatever on the part of the pitcher made
to deceive n batter shall bo
considered a b.ilk. It in run
ning to n base the runner touches or detaches
n base bag without being touched hv n base
man ho will bo safe. Captains of clubs only
can ducstiou the umpire's decision. The old
rule requiring a runner to return to his base
on n run when a Intil hit Is made , was res
cinded. Hereafter the runner can walk to
hisbnso. No runner can have a substitute
run for him in case ot Injury , but must letlro
Irom the caimi. A batter Is out on the fonith
strike under the new ride , whether the ball Is
dropped < > r passed by the catcher. Thu ques
tion of havlnc two umpires and referee was
dropped. The pitcher s box was shortened
to live and n half feet , nnd the ullchor will bo
required to keep his forward foot firmly on
the ground when about to deliver the ball ;
his rear toot must be on the back line ot the
box and ho will be allowed to take but one
stop when delivering thu ball. The ball must
bo held in plain view of the umpire. Tlio
pitcher cannot deliver the ball to the batter
after making n feint to throw to first base ,
but must resume his position In his box.
Only twocoachers will be permitted and they
shall have the right to talk to base runners
only. In scoring when the batter is given a
base on called balls , a hit Is scored to the bat
ter and nn error to the pitcher In the mini-
marv only. All batting ertors are charged In
the summary ns nru earned runs , home runs ,
two and thrco base hits , double plavs , base on
balls , hit by pitcher , passed balls , wild
pitches time of game nnd umpire. The
pitcher will be credited for nstiikc-out. In
place of the total bases , a record of stolen
bases will be kept. Any attempt made by a
player to steal n base must bo credited
whether au cnor Is imuto or not , If n runner
Is successful In reaching n base. The com
mittee also passed a rule rcqiilrinc each asso
ciation to appoint a joint rule committee at
each annual meeting , they to act for a year.
All clubs under the jurisdiction of the na
tional agreement must abide by the rules
adopted , which are known as "tno national
rules of professional baseball clubs. "
At the annual meeting of the bonrd of
directors hold to-day , they duly awarded th o
championship of ISsfi to the Chicago club.
A.K. Younc was re-elected secretary for the
.seventeenth time. Herman Doscherr , ex
pelled by the Detroit club In ISbU for financial
Irregularities , was reinstated. Upon the
unanimous request of the directors , the
charges made by the Chicago club against
Captain A. A. Irwln , of Philadelphia , were
withdrawn. Tno charges were withdrawn
on conditions that rules to prevent a reciir-
lenco of the trouble will bo adopted. Rumors
that It was the intention ot tlio Pittsbnrg
base ball club to apply for admission to the
league weie continued by the. unanimous
admission ot the club nt the meeting to-dny.
W. A. Nlnick and A. 1C. Scranbrctt were
admitted to the association as representatives
of the Pittsburg team. Tlio playing rules
suggested by the joint committee were read
and accepted bf the league. It Is rumored that
the St. Louis club tendered Its resignation as
u member of the league , and that th * resigna
tion was accented. The disposition of play-
eis ba3.ltla said , been left to a committee ot
three Spaiildlng , Soden and Stearns , and
they Inivo decided that the players shall be
dovlded between Kansas City and Washing
ton. The report that St. Louis had resigned
was denied by luaguo officials , who also dis
countenanced the gossip concerning Kansas
City being denied admission. The denials
in both cases , were , however , anything but
A Tall Varn of a Poisonous Iliiid on
1'liil Armour.
CHICAGO , Nov. 17. [ Special Telosram to
tlieBKi : . ! A local paper this morning pub
lishes a lengthy account of a deliberate at
tempt by unknown parties to poison Philip
D. Armour and his whole household. It ap
pears that Monday morning asmall boy came
to Armour's house and gave to the conk a
sack ninikcd on one side "best quality buck
wheat , " and on the other "sample package. "
From the printed matter on ( no sack , the
cook was led to believe. It camu from a firm
of grocers which supplies the house with
L'oods. and so placed it on the shelf. The
butler happened to 0,01110 In , nnd , knowing
there weio explicit orders never to iccelvo
any "sample" packages In the house ,
after the boy and caught him on the street.
The boy told him the p.ic'-.ago was given
him by two men at I ho corner of
Wabasli avunuo and street
who gavu him a quarter to
deliver It , and promised him more jobs In the
future. As the boy know nothing else , the
butler took his nddtess anil let him go.
Later In thu day Mr. Armour was visited at
his hotuohy a stinngcr , who said ho had
overheard a strange conversation between
two men nt the corner of Wabash
nvenuo anil Twonty-lir- street that
morning , Ho saw them hand a pnrk-
ngfl to a boy , and ono said to the other ,
"Where aie yon sendinc that' " ' "To Ar
mours , " was the icply. "What's in If. ' "
"i'olson. " saldlho second speaker. "Whv ,
you'll kill the whole family , " said the oilier
man. "That's what 1 want to do , " liercely
retorted his companion ; ' 'theru mo too nmnv
Anuours now. If Unit Mull lakes elfect ft
will give ) us what wo want. Armour Is at
thu head of this tiling and must lie got out of
the way , " nnd the two men disappeared rap
idly round the corner. Mr. Armour thanked
his informant nnd notified Pinkerton. Ho
then hpd the package , taken to a chemist , who
found the contents to h buckwheat , but so
heavily dosed with strychnine as to have
been able to kill ado/en families , Pinkerton -
ton Is niaklnga close search lor the perpetra
tors of tlio dastaully deed ,
Armour was seen this innrnlnir by a 10-
porter and In locnid to the story said : "I
don't care to talk about It , at least just at
present. 1 don't know forthu Illo of me how
they got out. You mny say , however , that
tlio story Is quite true. "
BcdK 'i jc'H ! Wiroo | ill Mnxlnn.
CHICAGO. Nov. 17.Special [ Tohuram to
the Hnr..l The Tribune prints the following
special lioinEI Paso this morning ; A prom
inent member of the American colony at the
City ot Mexico said hero to-night , when told
about Scdgwifk's letter , that just befoio
leaving Mexico , Minister Jackson iravo him
the following account of au Interview be
tween Jackson and Sedgwick : The day niter
My 1 have. " "U ill you rail at w/1,011-0 , to
hhow the people that lUi-so H'Ports have not
estranged nsV" nskiul Um iinvoy. . ' j , . , fii.dg-
. . ' : < ! { , I Ctti ! ! t' ! < W , " ivphud Jackson , "J
sympathize with yon tlwpiy . .
but I cannot comnromisu myoiiicial position ,
and I advUu you to marina clean breast ol it
nnd admit your faults. I bnliuvo people will
be charitable with you. " Hedgwiek [ nought
his hand dov.n with a violent gesture and 10-
pllcd , " 1 have niiidn up my mind to deny the
wholu alfalr and cull it all a lie , "
A Politician' * find Tuinhlo.
low.v CITY , la , , Nov. 17. [ Special Tciu
tram to tlio Hin : -Hon. J . S. II. Farrcll. dis
trkt judge-elect , is in n serious condition
from u broken lejr , occasioned by slopping
into an nica way at hia home early je teiday
Another ISIow at Ho us l.nttnr.
MnxTi'Ui.itin , Vt. , Nov. 17. Both houses
of the legislature passed a bill providing that
nil hotels or restaurants Kilns ; oleomargarine
shall put Up laru ; : signs noticing tlio public
of th''fact. . *
Many of Them Returning to Work But Moro
Staying Out ,
Part of the Mllltln Forces Withdrawn
I'rom tlio Yards I'nukcr.q Pro-
l-'or Huslnoss Morris
Stntes Ills Position.
Workers and Strikers.
CIIICAOO , Nov. 17. ( Special Telegram to
the Bm : . | The packets hero have not given
up the Idea that the strlko l.s over because
Powderly declared It off , but nro still making
rjreparatlons.expresslvoone.s , tocarry on tholt
business. The Imported men to-day numbered
perhaps one bundled , whllo fully that num
ber loft. The trouble threatened by the butch
ers may and may not develop Into anything
serious , but If they to go to work ot
sign the agreement they will bo ordered out.
There was a wild rumor In the Town of Lnko
this afternoon that Powderly had pronounced
Ids famous "back to work" dispatch a forg
ery ; that he had offered n reward of 50iOO [
for the forger , nnd that ho wns comlne on
icro himself at once to take ncrsonat charge oC
the strike. These rumors seem to be without
n particle of foundation , Barry ntul Carlcton
are In constant communication with the ?
general master workman , and If they had * . ]
been imposed upon by a spurious telegram (
they would have discovered It long beforrt
now. They expected to leave for Philadel
phia this afternoon. There was another
umor In circulation to the effect that the
pork men would all go out again , but It wns
found baseless. Late this afternoon Barry
cinuhntlcally denied the rumor that Powderly
was coming to Chicago.
There was no trouble at the stock yards
this morning , although the beef butchers are 1
loud In their expressions of dissatisfaction
over the "Iron clad agreement" which
they ore called upon to sign bo- '
fine returning to work. But few
of Swift & Co.'s imni have accepted
the terms of the agreement , nnd thn balance ,
about 1,500 In n umber , nro still out. Only-
two ol Nelson Morris' old men returned to
work on the terms of the agreement , nnd the
strikers have held nil liidiiMintlon mettint )
on the subject. Thu usual number of men
anplied for their old positions at 7 o'clock
this morning , and , although out of the thou
sands of applicants but 'J.-u were hired , tlio
men dispersed quietly when told to do so at
0 o'clock. It was decided that there was no/ /
further necessity tor the presence of thu First > {
regiment , and thu boys went homo tins after- >
noon. The Second regiment and cavalry I
will stay on duty fora few days.
The number of men now nt work in tlio I
various houses is ns follows : Armour * Co. , '
1'JOO new mun and 000 old ; Fowler Bros , , 400
old and 400 now ; Chicago Packing and Pro
vision company , 200 old'men ; Nelson Morris ,
8r > new ; Swift & Co. . 475 new and 2-25 old ;
AVashlngton Butcher's Sons , 'M old ; Hubert
AVnnen & Co. , 30 old ; S. W. Allorton , CT
old ; International Packing nnd Provision
company , 00 old and M ) new ; Moran it Healv ,
114 old and SO new ; John Morroll & Co. , 135
old men.
All the now hands employed by the Chicago
cage Packing and Provision company , about
two bundled In number , left in n body this
moniliiL- , being afraid to work without the
protection of thu militia. Thu action of the
cattle butchers' assembly Tuesday night in
refusing to sign the agreement uresonted to
them at the houses of G. F. Swift & Co. , and
Nelson Morris , was received to-day with con
siderable surprise. The beef houses made no
effort to have the old hands sign the agree
ment , but ignnicd them nltoirother , nnd , as
Usual , kept killing with thu limited force on
Nelson Morris said : "We haven't asked
the cattle butchers to sign the agreement. I
they don't want to It is their privilege.
1 have all tha men 1 w.nt , and
I don't want any that will
not sign the agreement. That's my privi
legeI am going to run my own house. 1
am willing to pay my men interest on the
deposit they have. It is good for them.
They cannot afford to lie Idle , and I think
they can alford to pay a dollar a week until
they have the requisite sum up. H interests
them in my behalf. They Will want to get
along themselves and they'll want to sec mo
prosper. "
Though tlio butchers In the majority nro
unanimous against signing the paper , many
are slu'nlng , and It IIKMIIS for thn ° \\liodo
not sign It that they cannot get any woik.
They will not ho asked.
Samuel J. Collins.a Pinkuilon olllccractlni ;
ns deputy sherllTwas nnoited to-day , charged
wltli having cliibbid to death a man iiauuU
Whitman , who refused to "movoon. "
Firemen Killed in Itnltlmorc.
ItAi.TiMoitK , Nov. 17. The drug vtt.V.-
house of Buriotighs & Bros , was ontlre'.y '
burned out at noon to-day and the stock ot
Woolford .fe Shllborg , straw goods manufac
turers. In an adjoining buildliiL' , damaged by
smoke and water to the amount of SI. MO.
The Insurance Is aninle for both losses.
While the lire men weie at work thu truck oC
a ladder company c.xpsl..ed nnd fell down-
wnid Into the street. Captain Marstou ,
Charles L. Ciruiid , Frank Ktrr ami
Henry Kyan were on it at the time. MarstiM
caught on the edge ol the tout' of a house al-
joining and escaped serious Injury. 'lV- >
rest ot the men fell with the ladder , whlca
broke , and It Is thought , all had tht-ir backs
broken , ( iriind and K'err aru lopotted to
have died since and no hope lor Kyaii's re-
eoveiy Is hail. The tire Is still binning.
MOXO.NA , In. , Nov. 17. Mioburni'dtholnis
Inesspaitof the town to day mid destroyed
the Odd Fellows hall. Thu'loss Is estimated
ut S'iO.OJU. '
BAi/n.MonK , Nov. 17. Flro broke out In
the four-story btiek sasli facility , No. 4U7
West Pratt street. A bilsk wind quickly
spiead the llamus , and in less than an hour
almost the entire block , occupied oxclnslvoly
by wood-workei.s , was destroyed , Lo > s ,
S1SOIKX ) ; insurance about one-thlid ,
Cleveland I5uelu Doxvn.
Niw : \ ( IKK , Nov. 17. IHppc.hd Telegram
to the Ilr.ic.l The llerold'h Washington dis
patch says : The piesldent has piiictlcally ro-
appolntcd.M. K. Bunion as dMiict attoincy
lor the westein district ol Missouii. Bcnton
was removed for making political speeches
during the campaign , Thu plea will be mailo
In defense of this icappointment that It has
been satlslactorlly shown to the pieMdent
that Bcnton did not neglect hl.s ollicial duties
and that ho was In his olllcu during the olllce
hours and was In thu eouits when It was nee-
essniy lor him to look alter government
cases. The pnisident first olTcied Bcnton
some other ollice , but Senator Vest has stood
on the platform "restoration or nothing. "
Tlio president also learned In his cxamlna *
tiou of the case that ho could not hojiu for n
blnglo vote in the Mis emi delegation In the
national convention of l bS if Benton was
not put back , How much ( Ids Influenced
him mil not appear In the tccord of the
Western Axhociated
l-ri : ! ' ! T , Nov. 17. The annual ineotlnc ot
the Western Associated Press was held hcio
tu-day. The lepmtot thoboaidof diiwtora
showed that liusliiess v > as In satisfactory
shape. Tim following olheera were elected :
Diiectnis , Kichard Smith , Cincinnati Cnin-
inercial-dn/ette , W. N. Huldcmnn , Louisville )
Courlei-Jonrnal ; D. M. Hnuser , hi. Louis
( ilobe-Deiaociat ; W. l > . Bickham , U.iytou
Jouinnl ; W. K , Sullivan , ( 'l.ica o Journal ;
11. II. Byium , Pitt.sbuig I'hionli-Io-Telo-
graph ; and M. II. DeVoung. San 1'iaiiclseo
Clnoniclo ; Piebidcnt , J. F. M.iek , Sandusky
leu ! Mcr ; vice president , James Pluilau ,
Memphis Avalanche ; bccrctuiy , H. K. Baker ,
of Detioit.
_ _
Cuiidiioioris in < ( invention.
Ciiir.vr.o , Nov. 17. Tlio Hallway Passen
ger and i'lelKht C'onduelou' Mntiud Aid
jin-1 iicnelit A'-MicIntlon of tl i > 1'Mtul Sidles
iiiiii CaiMda met in ci , < i\cii'ion ! ru : u-dny
Will. ISO di'icgati's in