Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17 , 1SSU , SPECIAL NOTIONS Advertisements under ibis he d , 10cont per line tor the first Iri'Cition , 7 cents for each S.ib- nequent Infortlon , nnd $1.50 n per month No ndvcrtisoment tnken for IOP thnn 2- > cents for the first Insertion. Seven words will be counted to the line ; they must r n consecu tively nnd must bo pmd In mlraticc. All ndver- tlscmcnt * ntnt bo honded In bnforo 2 o'elo'lt p.m.und under no clrcum'tnnces wlll-tho ) bo tnVcn or dl mntlntkd by telephone. Purtlos advert.tlnir In thosu ( oiumns r.nd hiv- Inpthonnswcrs tu'drossed In csro of Tnxllr.E Tlll plcnso nek for n check toptinblnthcm to : ct their letteri . n none will be delivered except on prepcntntlon of ehcclc. All rmswera lo ( id- vcrtt ements phonld be encloeed In onvelopei" . vsen Tl t ONT.y lo Inntii onsh on linnd , no tlelny. .1. v J.v , nnd IX It. 0-iuliu , 1413 Kurnnm St. , 'nr- Ion hotel build nff. T'O LOAN Money l iRlii placed on Im- JLpnnoil real ctato In city or county for Now Knulnnd l-oiui \ Trust Co. , by Uoyi County bank , inth nnd Chloiigo fti. 813 G PKIl CRNT money lo o n ! nnsy terms. W. M. Harris , Itoiiin 5 , Tronzor Hilt . "pp. P. 0. 4."il lice 2 * MOMY TO LOAN At low rates , on irood city property. Hnlehor & Co , , 1216 Doimlna street. 42J. MONHYtoloan on city nnd Innn property , low rutcj , Htowurt & Co. , lloom 3 , Iron Hank. f.M MONEY TO T.OAN At ronRonnhlo rntos , on fiirnltiiio. fine wntchoi nnd other porsnnil property. O.J. Cnswoll , room 11 * Iron Hank fmlldlnir , 12th nnd Knrnani. 21M $ .10,000 to loan. Sums IfiOJ nml upwmds , lowest rntoM. Ueinls , 15th nnd Uouuln Bts. M ONKY TO I.OAJO. . K. Duvls * Co. Heal Kstntennd l.uan Agents IW ) . " > rarimm st. 2J.1 . SiONKV - TO rOAN-On real ostnto nnd oh-t- tels. 1) J. Thomas. 2'J7 ' ' l\KY To"lJ\N-in sums of $27)jT ) mi upwnrds on llrstclam real estate security. Potter A Colih , 151,1 Pnrnnin st. MOSlJVrl.OANrcu at oTr. lleeil A Cos.Uan ofllcp , on furniture , pianos , horsps.wnRona , licrponnl property of nil kinds , nnd nil other nr- tides of value , without removal. U19 H 13th , overlllnKhnm sCommli-ploii store. All bus ! ncssMrletly conlhiontlnl. 3UO MONI'.Y If you have Rood notes to soil , or wish to borrow on real estate or chattels nt Hilr Intcrcj-t , call onJ , II. Pairotto , IBth nnd Chlcn < { 0 sis1 CM. _ CM.ntu OfWO.ttK ) To loan on Omaha city property ntu * P percent O. W. Day. over 1.112 Doupla . aui T\OANS-lonus-Loans. llenl ostnto loans. Collnteinl loans. I'hnttol loam ) . 1/oiiK tlmo lonns. Hhorlllmolonns. Money nlwiiyB on linnd o lonn on nny ap proved security. Investment securities hoiurht nnd sold. Omnlm I'limnclnl ciclmnue , 1MJ rnrnnm _ _ Corbett Miimnicr. _ 'Ml _ GPKIICKM' Money to onn. J. J. JIahoney , IWwrarnnm. ! l G pnit CENT money to loan. II. 0 Patterson , llllh nnd Doiiitlnik m _ M ONKV to lonn by the undersigned , who hna the only proporlv onmnl/od loan nironoy In Omnlm. Ixinn * ot f 10 to JIW ( ) made on fur niture , piano" , organs horses , wnsons , machln- ery , ic. , vfltlmut removal. No dolnye. All buslncM ctrletly rontldnnttnl. Iioans so mndo thnt nny pnrt cnn bo paid nt nny tlmo , enoh pns1- Kent rednclmi the eo t pro rntn. Advnncns made on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons rhnuld cnrofully consider who thov nro c'r-nllni ; with , ns many now concerns nro dnlly lumlnit Into exlMence. Should you need money , call imd ( too mo. W. H. Croft , Hooro 4 , Wlthncll Ilulldlnir , 15th nnd Hnrncy. H05 BUSZBESS CHANCES. 3/lOlt SAL1' tlest pnylnp Lunch Counter and ( hop House In the city Good reasons lor eclllng. U. L. Ilnuchott , IU21 Douglas. 9.13 17" "IT'OIl SALli Cheap , n complete country L1 pilntlnjc olllco. Address Wasp otllco , AVnhoo , Nob. EG5 17 * \VANTnn-PAUTN"nil-Indy or Ronttcman. T t with iiiiinll capital , to taUo half Interest In established , permanent , llibt-class city Ltisl- no-s. paynia fi.OtX ) to f 1,000 j early ; peed ica- sons lor sulllmr ; irrand chance for rlylit party. Addrc&s S 40 , lleo olllco. r.W ) FOIIS ALi : _ One of the host pnylnjj hotels in this city , maklnir money fast. liest of leasons for sellinp. f2.r > iKlcash loqulrod lo ret It C. 1 ! . Lou , 12U7 Fm nnin Ft. 475 TTOU 8ALU-Il idwnio Ilusnioss Wo oiler Jour shelf ami heavy hnrdwnro business for calc , toxethor with our lease ami peed will , Trann larircst In the city nnd locution the best. Ketlrlnp from the business CRIISQ lor Belling The llniim Hardware Co , , 10-3 O St. , Lincoln , 787 I : All furnished commercial hotel J2d looms , also sninplu room , livery barn , wind mill ; only hotel In town , linulslmw Nob. M. F. HolchkNs. TW nib * FOIC SAI.iOne : of the oldest and host pny- Inif Grocery llnslness In thoelty. 1'or par- tlculiuslniulro | at 1415 Jones st. 103 H' I'SKS Lots.Knrms.Lnnda money lonned. Ttcmls. Ifitli nnd Douplas streets. 2"5 LOST. IOS' ) ' A nice Inp tobe. Tinder can Imvo . Bnmo by imjlnp charKCS t Jnu. Stephen- ton's. 10th ami Hurney. Kll-17 T OST-J25 reward-Sunday Nov. II , pair dln- Jj moml cnilntrs. Kinder leavont Dnnbaum'.s loslaurant , 1'illjl-'arimm St. , and locolvo ro- > vard. WJ 18 LOST -Lady'd small pold wiitch with mono- urnm 51 J * W. on buolc. Fludur please Icavo at I his olllco. 315 FOUND. FOUND brown pony ; owner cnn recover Hume by nrovinp property mid pnji os nl 1214 limp i. 071111 * Clairvoyant. MADAM ALASKA reveals pnst present nnd luturo , how many In familyturu , etc , , how to hold affections of husband or lovor. Satis faction guaranteed. 25 cents and upward * . M2 t > . 10th Bt. 271 piilSONAL-Will : you kindly letiirn silk uiu- J brelht , In case , loll by mo in olllco or place of business und recuivo reward. J , L flier , loomO , over Commercial Nut Paul : , iwi is 1MIHHONAL A choir leader nnd precentor , of extensive oxp'Hluncn , desires an OIIKIIKO- inont In it Protestant chureh. lluforenccj of tlio most siitlsluctory elmincter. Address T. li , lieu olllcc. hvj 18 * "OKILSONALLndldK wlshlnif ( rood domesTio a. help c.iii be well supplied by oalllmr at Omaha Employment lluieuu , ll'J North llllh , bt. , Cronnse block. 017. I3iitSONAI : > A gentleman awed tvrcnty-clKlit , with aoino menus , dcslicri to coric.-iHind Mllh a lady of suilablo 111:0 Object , iimlilmo- uy. Artdiess Conesimndlnp Hurenu , Wilnor T 'eb , incUiMi : btamp lorieply. 101 1U * 1JKHSONAL-WI1I the person who tindod < il < i Bilk umbrella fur my new ono vvilli vvavetl linndlu plcai-e return It. This is umbrella No. 2. .1 , L , Illoe , n'ul estnto iigcnt , loomO , ever Com- meicliil Nat bunk out lt > 1 nilSONAL K. lie t.'iiinpr < Bt-hool of" > luslo and Voice Culture , ISl N. ICth tt. . room 0. GUI Dean * ' * | > iHHONAt Ml > s A. Lllncnerau. piofessional J. nurse with good recommondatlons. 11)7 nouthiuth street , ; ld Hoar , room No. 5 , over Dorinnn'B dry Koods More , is.-nJJ T > 7jltSONAL-KnlBhts of Labor us well us non"- .1 unions will find t > omethii | | ! to the Intiiruit ol their piickctbonku by oailini ; at the only liar- ( 'alii Store , UIU N 10th bt , bet California nnd Webster. M'.MIl | jr.HhONAI-Por Salo-Tho finest ncio In J Ouiiiha , for ( U/iOO , Diio-thlril cii-h J. L. lllce \ Co , , room t ) , ov cr Lomiuoicial bank. 1)iilSONAIi ; Jlra. Dr. Nannie Y. W urren clairvojnnt. Medical and business Medium lloom No. 3KNorth IGth bt. , Omnhn , Nob. M1BCELLAWEOU3. MATKIMONIAL Puiior contaiiu nearly 00 advertisements from ladlns nnd Kcnllc- men wmitluif ferro pondents. Sent 2 months for 10 criits Addrcts. Helping- Hand , 711 l.n ealln lre i , Chicago. 9 a S 'IOItAUTTeoolved ; at 15V. ) Dodge 8t , iilent , clcjunt building nnd low prices. , NM 10 A lfsniACTotK ) TITLK luriilthe.l oil short .fV notice trom my complete set or books. It. C , Patterson , IMu and Harnoy iai Squhre f'luuo * J uiODialr. A I I-artto cletin lowuis , cheap. 'fovrel Cu. , 1517 JIOMurd V-'S nt7 A tlSTHACTS OP TlTJ.r. fnrh Shod on sllort JL\ . notice , H. C. Patterson , loth and Hnrnoy. _ _ GX ) _ _ _ VJCHOOL OP"Sf KNOB HAP lTftnd "tj-pA-wrll- VIny , Hooms7nnd8 , Iron Hunk , G.W. linker. _ _ VK N 21 ( irAHANTlIP.D AllStltACTS rntn my com v pleto sol of nbMrnrt honks on short notice It. C. Pnllors'Ou , 16th nnd Hnrnoy. Ml F , per mrnitn. Hod | > o , 1213 DouKlna. 313 FOtriTxcHAMOH-Pomo Ono viionnt totsTor Iiorsc3 nnd slock. Ilallou llro ? , 1G1R Doug- la" st , 1-78 2J _ _ _ ' ! A ( O il Jll : Mqnnro l'inno , $ In om nTv. A - HoRtie 1513 DoiiBln * . 803 _ TTOH A HILT : UUi : nnd complcto alHtmot of JJ t.tle eoto tlio olllco of It. C. Patterson , 15th nnd Harnoy. r > . < 2 BA1Z M1SCEI.IAKZOTJS. _ _ TT'OH SALR Tlio fixture" ! of a first class bnr- JL1 borshop fortune ) overvthliiK complete lor twiiwoikmbii ) Itcost ino tti'iii nnd I will tnko tJKK-nsh ! ( rood location , ( rood room nnd roa- PomiMotoiins ; rn.isnn for Rolllnir , abrouen les. Address A. Wheaton , Orleans , Neb. 100017 * TilOll SALir Sort conl olircrj Rt7ivo" > oed ui JL ? now , 18 ; cost $18. Ifdl Davenport t. 10U IS _ " 171011 8ALI' Nice fenin.wauon nnd hnrness ! JL1 will tnko n ( 'ood single horse 111 Undo Ap ply B23 S. 1 1 1 h fit. VM 21 * _ offRALPStove , No. 20 SplomlidTin perfect order. T. J. Heard & lire , 1111) ) Douglas st. 710 FOH 8ALK Cheap ; n ( food team of mules nnd hnrneps. Inquire nf G. A. Klnkelnt tf. K. Pulrbnnk > k Co. , lard rcHncry. nsi 17 * TfUir5ALi-AirthrTlm ) : > ls and fixtures of my JL' moat market , a splen lid cliinCo to no Into the business w lib small eapltnl , all the buildings will bo rented chenp. Full Informntlon ( riven 3ti application. Luttno heir from j on if you rtnut n bargnln. P. Casey , Walnut , lowit , _ _ _ _ UKVI 1 < 8A Ll- ; Almost new radiant homo f > tov o No. DO , Apply to Thos. O'Connor , ills S 12th st. ? ) S3 * "ITXOlt SAI.t : Kino road horbO , vv'th ' new I' btiffny nud humous , eostl-5 ! must be fold t once regardless of value. Iii'iulio at 1105 outflas st. 7tti Po'll SAI.H Piirnitnro nnd len < o ot six-room house , time on part. Cull I2IU North X7th street , two blocks irom lied Car Him. WJ S\LK Phaeton btiBKyono top ohenp , A. Hospo. 2slirr.i H ixitx rnrms.Ltxnris money loaned. Ilemls Ifith and DoiiKln Etreets. 'J' ' > FOH SALi : Cneap , iron columns nnd win dow caps suitable ror front cm brick build- nir. Kornnrtlcularsipplv at thlsotllcc. fU WAHTUD FEMALE HK1.P. AY 7ANTI5D flood Klrl lor Konoral boiife oi k 1 ntDlSS. ilthst. WI7II1 AYv \v TANTllD ( Joodplrl at 2.M N. l th street Immediately : good wnpes. Will 10 * WANTiii : A tomnctcnt nil ! for ucncral honsownrk. Apply at once , 2K12 Howard 8t. cor Put k nvo Ui 21 * WANTIJD Competent ( flrl for ironcral housework In private lamily. ItKiulioln StoioB07S rJttisireet. IW7 17' \\'ANTKi > A peed irlrl lor uencral lioue- ' work ; small family ; ( food plnco torn Ptciuly plrl Iinjnlroof 0. U Kticl.son.212 N. llithst , MiiBonie block. l "l 17 . ) A first-class dlnlnK-roomtrlil and n chambermaid at thn City hotel. U59 17 * WANTHI ) Imincdlntely. n ( 'lrl for nono- inl housework nt N. U. cor Poppleton and Dunne. Good WIIKOI. 1151 10 * J Laundress at Summit restaurant ? 17AN1I3D deed irlrl for ( ronernl housework. > No 11110 South Ninth st. 05" 20 "IX7"ANTI3I A ulr ! for ponornl housework > Nownshhiff. Inquire at Inrgo house In front ot CrelKUton College , head of Webster St. UH.17 IVfAN rii > A cook at Summit lestnurnnt. r > l'3" > 16 * \VTAM UU-Cook ill 607 u ICth. 1)37 ) 17 * W ANTI3H--A sul for g-fneral housework. ISOSCasast. 1154 1C' IfANTUD-Ghl for house work , ir.'O Cass st. > 83 > IB * " \\rANTI2l ) 110 Indies .V ROIUH to lo TII tele- prnphy Pie pcct urood lor puslilon when competent ; address W. J. 1) , , Itoom I , Croiinse blk.Oinaha. 1117 Competent middle-aired woman to take care ol baby. Apply at 41U Con- rent st. 85T ED Glrlforgcnurnl liotiaework. WANTii : > At once a competent ilrl In eon vonlent household , 4IU Convent Mi4. Gco. Heyn. 702 W ANTl'.D A laundresil at Occidental hotel , Immediately. _ 775 7ANTii : ) Good ijlrl tor Kcnornl housework. ' " \\rANTKD Girl , for general housework , at JrV 5Qj _ Virginia nvo. _ 17 _ _ WANTUD Dlulmj room Kirl nt the r.ramot htntso. f 7S WANTUU-Glil forpenoral HousoworU : Ger man piefcriod. Mrs. D II. Wheeler , 5'1 Poulli 20th at. 4S1 \\7 AN riiO Lndy room mnto. Itoforences _ T T exolianK'od141tl _ _ _ Chicago street. OU7 \\TANTii : Lady of flne tnsto to nssist In TT copylnp business , can vrork at homo If preferred : permanent work , peed pay. no scr- vantfl wiuitud. Hours IU to 5. Art Copying Itooms.U.'y N. IGth St. 2 0 GKKliOUV Jc IIADMiYi Heal retntc , Itooma 1,2 nnd 3 , Itedlvk Dlocl : , 320 S. l.Mh St. nco ss WAJJTli : ) ANTI2D A broad baker at 623 Main street , v\ Council lllulfB. 10I-1C * vvv vv 7ANT13D A peed boy nbont 11 or 15 years old. Green Tree House. ! KMJ 17 " \\TANi'ii : > A JOIIIIK man to take care of a T > cmrlairo team and cow ; must understand tlie cam ot liorsen. Inijulre of C. L. KricKson. 212 N. IBth at. U82 17 " \\7ANTP.D A boy about 14 j ears old lo work > r In boarding house. Imiuiiu bill N Kith. _ U04 jll \\TANTIU ) ABCiits f ) r Omaha and every > > town In Nebraska. The best Holllnv urtlclo ever put on the market. Hvn'-ybody uses it Hlir monoy. AddrossT22 , eaio lice. UU8 18 * WANTKU Agents wit n peed nppoarunces fora newartlelu ; can muko f jiofKaduy Call lit imm.lthst. U75 21 * \\TANTI5I ) A Shoemaker , ut once , at Homy > T Dohlo A : Co.8 Boot and Sliou btore , 141'J rarnnin street Uil 10 \\"ANTii : ) Good nyents tn ropioseiit Iho "Old Itellable" rilnirlu Men'H Kndowinont lUsocliitlon , f IMII nt marriage after boliiK a member at least two j ears. Address Chns , H Knaiip , secretary , MliiiieapoHd , Minn. IUJ-20 \\rANTlil-hale mnnwho vvlll bell our llnu TI ortpilntr and Hiimmur coltouailes , jeans , ensslmeros , llnnnols , eeorsuekois nml KIIK- ( hums In connection vUtU their other business. LlbeialeoaimlKilon pnld. vvltl' reference - once , 1'iiink D. La Laniiu VCu.Mnnufaoturert < , Phllnileliilila. Peiiiia. .Nov.l.l.LM _ _ W ANI'Kli Wo want a tmr ntioni to sell I ho DHiinniejer's lijdninlio Washer on cpm- inUslou. A very cooil pnylnif bnslaoas torirood jnen , Apply nt KiJJoiifIig. | : _ iW ) 21 * AfKXTri In the city or country c.m innkoI5 to" tin it day EClllnir our specInHica. N. W. Novell ooiiimiiy. | UI7 I'.irnam et. _ _ 677 _ _ WANriiToauiituri aiuT locknion for Wyomhitr ; 3iiiliiy All VN niter's work. Allbrlifht'B Labor Agcnc ) , t'JOS rarniimst. SITUATION WAUTED. \ \ TANTP.D.feltimtlon lly jotint' Tl tied man ol' experience in KL hardware : also pumpbuBmesb , Addicss Look Iloz2lil , Mulvcrn. In. Ut-U lb " \\T"ANTiD Po-ltlon wanted by > ounjr man > i who Inisboeu fornutrly tvru > ears cHSliier ot n nnlional bank nnd had other btisluoj ) ex perience ; ictil estate liuslncss preferred ; mod- eiato wares , boil reference. AdUrceS M. U Trlmbcr , loll Dodtfo slicct. 'J01 1C * WANTIJU Sitnntlon by n V'OUUK mnn , wll- llngtodo marl nnyililiiv , llv yenri ex perience as clerk. HcUrcucci luniulied. T. , K. lleo olllce. 677 18' \\rANrGD-Pualtion us nousekeoiivr or cook lu il private family , Imiuiiu 'Ihos McNn * mnra moat tuurLet , Idth bt. , bou Hurt nud Webfter 782 IU * WAHT3. \\7AM'ii : ) To rent A small 6 or 0 room cot- 11 I nee vvjthln easy access of street curd. Addri'aa I' O box am , city , ftil 17 * \ \ . \NTKD Milk Is there n farmer situated I i on any nillroad ruunlng Sunday trains fnto Omnlm who wlslieJ u permniieat mr.rket for milk ? Only those vtho can furnish milk the > ear round wuntixl to answer. Are there nny In Iowa near Council UluUd , EO situated ? Ad- iltffi T , 21 , JUc OlliCC , 1V WANTKD-.A comforih'bV ) lieifed room , with bonnl In private family within 10 minutes walk of 10th nnd Faronm Terms murt bo moderate , lloferencos. Address T w lien office. 73 16 * \VANTii : ) Itoom nnd bonrd for boy 4 years i * old nr.d room for mnn. Apply Cooper' * shop , socor7lh and Lenvenworth. 971 11 * ANTI-D-Torent. . furnlched , nhousobf 3 > or 4 looms. AddtxtS ) T 11 , lluaonico. 0 18 * Immediately. I.ndy , middle- I T nsoil , nnd ono mnn ( o Instruct nml tnko chnrRonf books In December. J. II. Smith , 1013 Chicago St. 103 17 \\TANTljli to buy one shivro o' dock In ' Omnlm bonrd of trade , S , A. iilomnn.UU Parnnmst. fi71 \\TANTI2D-WI1I trailo a ifoo.l Imprurcil fai m i' ttloeloirseven mllov friin lioat rlco tor n etofc of elothlnir or boots nnd shno , will pav > l/rJUoiiali. Address O T H Ileatrlce , ilnno Co , Net. . _ "A IV [ \X'AN'TKD 50 men to out buckwheat cnkes 'i nnd maple syrup every morninznt Norrls' ttettnuinnt , lltlt SU bet , Dodiro und Dotulis , Strhlhl board per weoKJ.35 ; 21 menl tickets , M M. win. ron BZUT iiounus AUO LOTS. " | 7Hll ) HRVi'-A three story brick hon o on * ' Calllornl stS75por monlh. .1.11. ivuns : & Co. we is FOIl 1115ST-A seven roomed hnu o with nil modern conveniences on Colfn\ . TU > per montli. J. II. P.vnni it Co. VX.18 \ TTlOIt HINT : Now 7-room hou o In Hnnscotn A' Place ; $10 per month. J. II. P.vuns X Co. WU-IB IJ OK IlKNr Ten. loom hoilto , new. Just Iln- Mtcd. Cor. 2d : ) and Hurt. Has nil modern Improvements. Appl > nt 1510 Doilirlaa .st. 3d lloor. 035-21 * Oil HI.NT A five and sovcn loom house gOil ItnlloM llroi , 1510 UoURlns st , 1'TO 18 F Olt HINT ! Good bnrn atSOll Ilnrtnt. I OIt HUNT Ail-mom hnuso with hanfor 4 horses Alsn a U ronm Imnse sultiihlo for boiinllnp hou o. Apply to M . K. Martin , 31 ' ' , S. 15th st. ! icl7 ) FOlt i : 'NT A store and basement on n irood business nt. luinlro of l.uo , Nichol .V Co. , Itoom23 , Wltnucll block , Oil Foil UKN rStoruWxlO. . lUi four rooms be hind ; $ 15 n month. 27r > Cumlnir. 902 FOH HUNT Splendid iO-room house ono block tiom St. Mary'B nve , bath room.eto. Also 5-room hoii o bK blocks west Pitrnnin strict school muldlnir , cheap. Clink.t I'ronoli , 15IK Dou lnsSt. ! H4 111 "IT'Oll HUNT A desirable IU ro > m lioiisb'oiio ; .1 block south St. Marv's nvonno corner 2th ( ! nnd Lcivvenworth sts. M. .1. Council. 89113 FOKKKXT lllcpant 10 room residence on Farnair. st. all modern tmpioveitients , fur- nlturoand carpet for snlo ; all now ; am com pelled to plvo up on account ol Illness. Ad- di ess 1115 , Hue olllco. 512 FOH Ti5S'T-dtTroom brick"bmso7 nll"inod cm Improvements on.treot cur line , apply to Mrs. Mar.C Parrott , 2011) ) rnrnnm. K17 m * UPAT ThoroMdencu of J. LymKu , 0211 Willow avo. . Counol ! ISIulls. Wilto or In iiuiroou thopiemisus , 781 1C * Foil ltiXT : A store nnd ba-"omcnt No. 1(111 ( Unwind 81. Iii'iulrt' ' on the proMil-es of Goo , lllctflns. 784 111 * lixr An ollirlbloten room house In u -L tirst-cliips nel hhoiliooil. near street ears and ultliin ten minutes walk from the post of fice. Applv to llatko & Ilaik.ilaw. estate agents , Ueiiclns street , next to corner ot I'll teenlh. 7ii'J FOUHKNl' llcsldonco No. 1011 Piirnam st , , 11 rooms , all modern linnrovemonis. Kent , J75por month , carpets and furniture for sale. Apply S. A. Slomaii , 1512 ( . ' sr. 38 "T7 < OIl ItKNT-Lnriioliouao with moiiorn Im- 1. provoments. 2'Hh ' nnd Farnnm sts. A. P Tukoy , 1301 Parnam st. tftfl Foil HUNT 80 ncio3 ndjolnin ? cily north west , suitable tor dairy or market irardon. Apply to Theo. Williams. Hoc Ofllco , Oil Fnr- niitn. 6'JS POIl JIKNT Store 22KIX ) , IHO Jackson St. 783 POIt HUNT Nicely furnished ronniP and board , 019 NIDth st. 4't.t 20 * FOR HUNTKIcKimtly fiirnlshod room , ivlth first class tnlile 2011 liuit Hi. , on Trtcntiethst ; street carliiib. COt li ! FOlt linNT Nicely furnished front room wltbOroand homo privileges. Andress T 2Jlice ollicc. U5720 FOH HP.NT Unfurnished front 100111 for liousokcoplnff , 1015 Dodpo st. ! UO ! " JT'OH KENT Lovolv suite of rooms forfroti- tleman and wife or two ( jonUcmou , 1.10 Webster St. on. 18 * F IOIt HUNT Pleasant furnished rooms witl use of bath , 1810 WohHur St ! llit.2u * POH iiNT ruinlslied i-ooms , lOlfl Dnilnu. Ml 17 * FOR 11J3NT Furnished loom. 010 N. 17th. 1)18 ) FOlt HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms suitable for 2 orS pcntlomon. Lovely loca tion with every modern improvement 141" Jones street. 0 > J EOll UKNT-rurnlshod front rnom. 11KII rarnnm. 101 IB"- F 1 OK HKNT Nice winter rooms. UK ) I Far B. P53 ID * OK UKN'T-lIoom , 007V5 N 17tli St. 875 18 * FOlt HHNT-3 furnished rooms. ? I2. fl . 517 per mo , 1818 Karnam 81. B70 15 * IlKXT-I'lonsatit and flnelv fiiinlKhoi I ' trout room for t'oittloinoii only , 2l)2 ) * > Kar mini. Ed ) PJ FOKItnN-T After iith : of Nov. , rooms 01 south 18 street lor $15 n month. Applv UM south IStlN ' _ _ HIj16' FOlt UKNT ; i nicely furnished rooms , dou bio parlors , nnd ono bed room , 50i Sltth 707 IB * _ Foil KIJNT Klepnnt furnished rooms , 1W Douplas. References reiiiliod. | 5 * > 1 TjlOItllRNT I'urnlshed room for ono or two Jpontlemcn ; furniture new , pleasiint loon tlon ; Howard St. , bet. 8th and Dth. ; south side. _ _ _ _ 43.1 FOIt 1U5ST rurnlshed rooms for Unlit house Keeping , HeomorH block , cor cth& Howard Poll Iir.NTNicely furnished front room nt fiinSonthS'ltli ' , near St. Mary's avenue. 87a NT I'liriiisliodrooiiiTilllll Dodge. 2' ) . FCTiriTlJNU' "A nicely with alcove , to Kcntlomou only , at No. Karitnm st. 53 1T10U itKNT NuwlyTurnlshod room. Sill StT J-1 Mary's ave. : ill E'OK KKNT-Nicelv furnihliod loom. IhOJ Chicago st. 7'.1' ) FOlt HUNT Four or ( ho iinfurnMiod rooms forhniiHokoopmir at OH Virginia nvonuo ; nlso raiiruand ( furiiltino for Bnlo. 772 16 * "iriOH HUNT Two furniMied looms , 1:102 : N. JJ IU I list i eel. UJ8 lh * Foil IlKNl'-Putnlsiiod Iiont room ; inqulro A. llo po. KM 111 Foil KIINT A J.irire , ele/antlv fiirnUhail loom , tor two Kcntleineii. J'.U'J ' lt > di < u r-l. TJ OIl ItH.NT-N'iioly furnished front room J1 with board. 2U.'l Webster fit. 64317 * T OIUIBNT Nloely "furnished room 222 JDodfest. . Gas , bath nud furnace heat. 811)19 ) _ I7HlTlUNT-l''urnu7liod : rooms und ; Jl Ploasiint. Ml i ; * F OK UINT ; si\ nicely fiinibho I rooms n No. 711 N , Mill btieel. 4'.I5 ' 17' KOOMS Modointu price , lovnly view , very co/y nml warm , lit uoitlnvesl corner of Knrnani and 20th 1UJ4. IKil TTIOH JCiNT : Kurnli > lied room sultuUIn for 2 -L1 Kciiticiurn , : ' s icth st , ii.'j ; 20 * I poll HUNTllcnntly ! furnished fiontvhnin 1 her , sultu nf looms , hot and cold water , tra und bath. 1015 Capitol nvo. ltxi ; : I ; > OIl Itl'.N'T llcdioom vvllh iirivllo o of pnr 'lor. Jurjitli 01513 California M7 Id Ii Olt HUNT Desirable iurnblicd looms , 181 ' Cap in e. 972 j I7 < Oil HUNT l-'uinishcd room , bix dollars 1 2021 llurney. ilOlt la * Foil KKXr-UnndsoiuoiyruriilbbodliouFuT deilrnblo locality. Huren k MuMuhou 1010 Ilmueybt. U7U 18 17 > 0ll RUST Ploajaut single or double roon - - for gentlemen , heated with steam , FII * bath , hot aud cola water. 211 S 2Jd ur I'urnum UM ) 16 FOH IU5NT Two furnished roojus in privut family for tontlcmcu only (4 und (13 pc month. rJcffnot location. Also furnished ur lloo near postolllco. Addrcwi J1. O. bsx 5'.H ' OiiintiazorcttUut looaist ) u-J 7 ur-sUiIrs So lili DoujfUi ( U VH Iii * FQH 11F.NT Furn hed rooms , with lionnl , Aiiltnblo for men nnd wife or two pentlo- nch , 1M4 Davenport jit. P29 19 * [ jiolt rtt'NT T.nrjc front room , pooil olllco L ? locution. H. W. Huritrcs i IU ) rarnnm. B5J AND HOOStS. WANTED A sulfe of rooms nnd bonrd by tnnn nnd wife nnd children. Address , tntlna location nn 1 price , T , It * . Iloe olflce. 105 If * roa . hou os cor Hnrdctt nnd 21st , * 2m Ml ) down bii. monthly. Ono 4 room hniitrs on Hlondn t-l. > , ' , Mock rom Siunrtern , H.'H'I$330 down , 1ml. monthly. Three fl room honsl-s cor. Chicago nnd SOtll. t2,6cX ) , $ K dnwnbal jr. month. Thico 5 room hou os on Cnlllornln St. f2,000 , r.HKl iown , bO. $ . ' > month. One5 room hon eon iiotthKth at , J3,5'X ) , f500 downlnl t25 month. One 10 room house In Smith Park nt n bnr- Also il vneint lots In Prnlth Park. Park & Kowler , 112. ! Do iclaj SI , 800 17 WANTnD-Toidit to Aprfl llr l rnrnl hod house of 5 to 8 rooms ; ( tend responslblo pnrtv. Address , stating terms and location T ill , lloo onice. iai-17 * A < H I ) Tl rt.r. Warranty doel nnd nb- strnot free with every lot In Kuli i Selby's uld to South Onnh'i. only Sbloatts from South Stock Ynrds. Prices fr J lo $4 ; only f50 onsh. Hush & Sulby,218 8 15th st 010 A uoon TITI.K Warrnnty deed nnd nb- xstraulf reo with every lot in Hush * Selbv'a add to South Umnhn , only S blocks from South Stock Yards. Price J'-'Wl to $ 125 ; only $50 en h Uush it : Solby , KISS 15th st. Clfl ) TITLK W nrranty deed nnd nb- AOOOI strnot free with every lot In Itush A.3olb > 's add to South Omnlm , only S blocks Irom South Stock Ynrds. Priwa $ MO ti ? ir > ; only f50eash. Hush & Selby,21 S 11th st. 010 piyimt real nnd buy iv nice now ft STOP roomed house with cltv wnter and was , 2 blocks from street en's , pivcJ streets , I mlle from P. O . iirico SAW ) , 8 < 00 cash , bal $2i per month. D. C. Pnttoisou , O.iinhnNnt ItaiiK. 75817 OWL Hl OIlKHV-Our now addition s west of Walnut Hill , on llamlltoil stioot. HvsclDctliiKlotsat ! T > ) for Insldoand $175 for corners , you will make n ( rood Investment. Terms 10 pur cent cash and SA monthly. No ehnu-oforshowlns the lots. Marahall .V Lo- berk.LVJ'lP.irnam 310 KUGOIIY 4:1IADLUY. JT llenl rstnto. Itooms 1,2 nnd 3llodlck lllock,3MS. Ifitli St. rpIIP MOTTRll Heal P. < tnto Apcncy , offer the - followbiB ehulee bunralns ; 1 Irt in Shmn o.iul addition , Kood 5 room house 571X1 cash , f2K)0 ) , Lot 2 lllock I. Hillside No. 2 , ? ! )03 ) ea = h ! fl.COl. 2 lots In Klmr'sadd. JUKIoieh , J2UO e.ish , bill- mice ? VJ eveiy three months. A bnriruln. Lof.-i blnek2 Illniohanah & Patterson's add. $450 H cash. f corner lofin Arlington. JI.WO ) cncli. 1 let on II million sr. . VI.U'JJ ' ; ? rr , c.ish. Lots In Catalpn place , $900 ; S-OJ cash , balance ca y. Lotll block P. Pto'poct place , 51li03 ; 'i ' cash , cheapest lot in the city. 3 full lots on Saundeia , one n corner , tG,500 , ' ca h. One lojrnnt lot lnSlilnn'a2d iuldC3 ft front , fl,2iJ. ) Don't let this sp. | , Nice 5 room honso coiner lot , (3020 ( , Shinn's'iO. ' M cn h. 1 lot liiKostor'snddrn.OiO , < { cash , P.lctfiiutoast front lot in Pl.imvlew , on "Oih st , $750. Pull lot on Leavenworth st. A bnnr.ala nt $8'1One One of ( ho finest lota In HllUlde No. 1 lor $1.400 , 51.0 OcnMi Pine lot In Wn t Slde , < S4on , f75eash. Ono p-jod lot In Washington squa-e , f 2,200. Two lots , one a coiner , the llnest lots in Hans- coin place , f 5,500. T o lots ill Jerome Park , $1,100 each , Z''M cash. Ono ot the best lots In Hnn com place for J2.i09. ; SfiDll c.T-h. Pmest east front lot In Hnincoiu place , ? 2G03 , Jl.OOJensli. An elcaant cast front In Hnnscom place , 51- : M > . The best lot In Potter's add for f I/5CO. This Is HO feet east front , onsy terms. Soveinl choice lots In Ambler plnco , J503 , ? 150 cash , balnnco monthly. 2 east Iront lots on Snunders st , one n coiner , f'l.l'Hi ' , 5700 cash.hal'Uieo ' lonir time. 2 line cast front lots In SliulP.s add , ? nlK ) ) . Kino 5 room liousu , Laku'b add , J'-Ti'J ' , f 103 cn = h. Kino aero in Belvldero , $4W. Kill ) lot on Lnkoslrc'it with good house , $2,2)0 , 3DOcHli , balaneo Ion ? time. T o lots in Clarcivlon. $1,200 each , f50 ! each C'isii. ' H ilancu awlnl e'isv. Pull lot In IX V Smith's add on 20th Bt , ea t front , Kcod n room house. ? 4OOJ. Cable line passes it now. Ninco south front lot In Shinn'a : id udd , W ft front , $ ! . ( , $ i leash. Lottl , HeoBplsco , CiixlG' ' , on Pnrir nvo no\t to Gun. Dandy'a losldcno onuy terms. Cull at oflico for ( irlco. Ten IICICB suitable for sub-illvldlinr. Full lot In Sliinn'sttil add. nice 5 160111 house , $2.000 , $ ? IH ) cash , balance cnsv. This Is only n paitlal ll"t of our bnrprnlns , and if yon want business or icsldenco property In nny pnrt of the city call on us and wo cnn suit you. The Mottor Heal Kstnto Agency , 211 S. 15th St. SMB. COHN'EItlotin Ynn llcnren place , SS10 ; MM ca-li , bal. in I , 2 and .1 years. Keller J Campbell , Huom 1,1503 Karmim at. 8.M O \I3 ncro In Helvcdoro , J4W. Hammond & Gibson , init Douglas st. 701 AOOOI ) Tirii-Wnrrnnty deed and ab sti act frco with every lot In Hush fcSelbj' add to South Omaha , only .S blocks from South Stock Yards. Prices filJto 5I2 > ; only SM cash , Hiioh & Solhy , ' 'B S I itli st. filO A GOOD TITLU-Wv runty deed nnd nb- straot free n Itli every lot In llnsh & Solby's add to South Onmha. only H blocks from South Stock Ynrds Prices J'JIO to $125 ; only $ S ) cash. Uush k Selhy , 218 a 15th at. ( lid 5-HOOM IIOIHO , " eloets , elstorn , cellar ; nlao saloon hull liinr 2J\J ( with bar und nxtuios coinplHto : nlso burn llizlrt , lot 50x150 , all ( or ITI.MK ) . $ , bal. montlilv payments. Iliuiiinond , t ( lih-on , 1511 (10OI ) It-room house , lot 73vltt ( , near school * and oliurch , cheap fit $2,1)00. ) Hammond & Gibbon , 1514 DoilKlas st. 705 A GOOD TITLM Warranty deed and abstract free with every lotin Itnsh & Solhy'H add. to South Oinalm.onlys btoslts Irom South Slock Yards. Pi ices ? 2Vto flJJ ; only f50 cash. Husb A.Selby,218S. 15lli st. 61U Foils/vLIJ Cheap , ill acres well improved. ! } mlle ninth of deal and dumb Institute. Adjoining lots sell for $2,00) Apply .1. KI loch , on promises. 80U nlll * AGOODTITLK-Wnrranfydccd and nbUraet free with every lot in Hush A ; Solby's add , to South Oarilm.onlyS bloo s from South Stock Ynuls. Prices $250 to fUi ; only 50 cash. Hush ASelb.v.218S. 15th st. Gill A 'GOOD TITU" Warranty need and abstract -tx fieo with overylot In Hush isSolliy's add. to South Omaha , only 8 liloxks from South Mock Yards. Prices , $ iV ) to S1.I5 ; only ? 50 cash , Hush & . > olby,21SH 15th St. OIC A GOOD TITLHVm runty deed nnd ( instruct free with ovorv lot In It'inh .V Solby's add. to South Omnlm , only 8 blocks from Soul It Stock Yards , 1'iicos $ j : > 0 to tu : > ; only f 50 cash. Hush A : Solby , 218 S. 15th st. fill ! Foil * ALi : Pournow , six-roomed houses , splendid locating , south Iiont , easy pay- incuts by llallnu llms , 1511) ) DotlKlasHt. 77 2J HOl'sIIS Lotg , riirniMiiinds inonoy leaned Hernia , 15th an.l.loiKlu ) stiteH. 2115 FOlt s\Li : . \t u ifmat bir [ nln for u few weeks only , ten tl/piisanii aeies of land nil ficlccled at J l.ini per acre : 13.40 cash mid S v ears. Mnisliull .V Lotieck , l"jp " Puriium 5V ! K on Ili-IMol street , half vwty between Saunders - dors and State , nour street ears. City water in Iront. $ S03 onuli , l-l tush , balance In 1,2 and a yenis. Addmss s IL lice ollRo. 218 A GOOD TirLlJ VTin-.inty . deed und ub- strat free with otnry lot In Husli & Selby'a mid to South Oiiii hiiniilr ; , 8 blocks from South Stock } arils. Prlcei ti'i ) ti > $ l'i ; only | V ) ciibli. HilsliA BoIby8SI5li | [ st fill ! POIt SALUt , ,00. J evell1loonl House und X ) foot lot , SouthiKinttno ir corner Kintr nndSeu-urd street Prod W. Gray , lith nnd I intlirliin tr T41 10 A GOOD TITLi-Wiirr.iiity : d'ood nml 'iib utraet fine with every lot In Husli A ; Selliy's itdil to South Oimilm iinly U blot-k from Soutl Stock Yniils Prices f.'i ) to $ U'i ; only cash ,2l8 S IDtll st. nil > GHEGOIIY4 : HADLHY , Heal 1'-tute , ltoorasl,2 und 3 , liedick lllock,3.0 S. 15th St. DUO 23 S'JOP payliii ; rent and buy a nloo now t- ) loomed hciUMi with city wafer and us. 2 block.- , from Btreet oirs , pnvod strouta , 1 mlle from P.O.prioo f,00) , flU ) uuh , b l * 25 per month , D. C. Ptutoriun , Ouiiihu Nat. J 758 17 _ _ _ _ Q'lOP paying lent ana buy u nles ow'B- with oltji7nornnd was,2 blocks from struct cur ; , paved streets. 1 nulo trom P. O. , pr.ceiTOJ . , * 48) ) eaah , bal f 2J per montlj , J ) . GrPjucrsou , Omiihu Nat , HHUIC. 768 17 W I ! have cash buyer * for burgttluj In real Uiiato. List juur propeitr with u . i Homau , room , U , Kreuzer bloc * . LOOK ! Look ! txvtkl Mnn of small manns who dc lr to ( ret nh end nthis worl I , rend the follonlnir nml sec whsl on tltink of tui $ clmaeo to make inutli money rein little. Anlallold , Anlsflcld , Anlsfiold , < bountifully nit n Bl oil on the nnrtli side of laricrolt , H'l blocM ea t of Hull ft. In the la t couple of ye irs South 10th st. hn indeifroucH ( truiifl ti-nngformntinn , InMend of the liiahnlmo t Inneees'lhle bluffs th t for- norly drove all travel loot tier ft rcetMhe-ro now np | > onr . n inngiiltkotit utreloh ot Mile street pronorly urndcd to within ono Mo < k of linn- croft nml paved with n'plialt to Confer.Vntor Htnl Bin mulns ( ire laid to n point Just this s'do ot llnncrolt. us am nlso sewer pipes The street emu , by virtue of tholr fiancnuo to crofstho Tenth street \ Induct , nro hound be contract to mvo their enr * running to Itnncroft street within ono year nf the com plot Ion of thnt structure. Property on Tenth street north of Wlllmms cnn hardly l > u hoiiirht. so nxt-aviifriint arc the irl-o-mMiod. Miuth of Williams they HMdunlly leerenso until at llnnerolt mill Tenth they nru gold nt Irom ! 2,000up. Anlsnclil Addition , as above Mated. l hut hi PO nml 'i ' blool.semit of Tenth , anil Is north if Itiuicrott on ix be iiitllnl plateau luvol with 10th si. , Houses are nil nb'iut ntid hovonl this cholco ndilltlon , nnd lots less desirable. nnd sep arated only hv thu ctrcot , nro valued at Irom ? l.Wto ( JL&TU. Tills bo mill nl mldltton ) s owned nnd placed on the mnrM't by parties who arc Intimately dontllloil with nnd well In to nn oil aft to thn growth of Omnhn , nnd the probaulo Increase or lecronsv of values , i ut they nte not IIORS nnd truly holluve In the ndHRo or "llvo nnd lot I've" ' for this reason , nnd lor tlio morn potent one. tn. it tnoy iniiko n good pront on the oilffliml Investment. they Imvo decided to offer 2H of the o beautiful lots nt prices rnnalnr from SUM tnf 0j tuition fhn following vcrr llhornltorins ! Kor nn f * TO lot n cash pnv- ment of $10) , the balance SUlper month Kern n $400 lot n cash payment of fW , balance nl o MO per nionlh. 1 hli l nn opportunity nnd It I * for you to decide , so qotnn enrly It jou de lrn loRecuroono or more of the o lots , for they nrosuro to uo us MJOII ns soon , un I mut your yon oui : soil thoji buck tn 1110 ill ilonhlo the in-lee you now pay r r them. .1. K. llnmnionil , 117 A tilth st. OITIce open ovonlnirs. 8U ( 14 BOWI.tNOGUiriC oIs , ? 51. lOpeennteasr ami $5 ncr month. Marshall & Lobook , Aconts , IfiOSfrnrllnni street _ 'J43 A GOOD TITLP.-Warrantv deed nnd nil slr.iot frco with ovorv lotIn Hush & Selhy'n ndil to South omiih'i. onl/8 MOCK fiom South So"k : Yards Prleo $25'J ' to f I ; 5 ; only $50 cash. Htl8h&s0lby,21sS ; 1'ithst. ( US A GOOD TITLIi Wnrrnnty deed nnd abstract Ireo vvltlievery lot in Hush S Selhy's add. to "oath O'liahii. ' only 3 blocks from South .Stock Yards Price' . f2V > tn SI23 ; only 553 cash. Hush X Polby , 218 S 15th si. OK ) FOH SALK IloiiMi 10 room * with 2 lots on llancioft ami tith sts Iu N. .1. Smith's place \\T"fc OKPlflTforTTnle , ten days onlv , n nlco TT oltrht room cot ta-o on Ilitb stiot , lust fouth ot St. Mary's avenue ; convenient to business , street ears , churches , nnd schools ; will lent for ? IO per jnitilh. Can male this u bartralu If oold ( iillek. CHIaaols all ready lor occupiney. llieks \ Inuhram , 2'fi ' flouth 15th street. Oporn House lllock. 8711' ' A GOOD Tl riiU Wai riinty deed and abstract free with ovorv lot In flush * Solby'H add. to Sonlh Oarilei. onlv 8 blocks from South Stock Yards. Prices , < .KM to ? U5 ; only ? 53 ensti. Hush & -ciby.-'HS I'tth st. filrt RliAIj HEPATIC Whnt have you in Council Ulnirs business or icsd | nou propoity to trade lor a Rood Iliriu In Itepubllc county , K HU MS , or n halt section , onn mile from Mnt Inn In Pawuno county , Nebraska. Address It. II. W. , Itee olllco , Oinnhn. 78'1 ' _ _ GOOD TITLB Warranty deed and ab A stract free with every lot In Hosn & Snlbv's add lo South Omaha , onlv H blocks tiom South Mock Yards. Prices $ . ' 1) ) to $ IJj ; only 95) cash. Hush.tSolbV.2HS IfitUSt- Oil ! _ AGOOI ) TITLi : Waininty 7leed nnd ab stract free wltn every lot In ItusliSSholby's add to South Oiinhn , onlv 8 blocks trom South Stock Ynrds. Prices S2"X ) to $12j ; only 50 cash. Hush &bolby,218S l.ltti St. 1110 I ? OH quick sales list vonr proper'v Mlth Klnok & Homnn , loom II , Krun/ur block. BU ) ITMMl SAI.K-fiO It Irontln ? on Doi " blocks east of the potolllco. . A hi f 8,53& ; 11,1,000 uosh. Marslmll & Lob Htllsis Lotsl-nrin-M. inns - money loaned. Itcmls , 15th and Douglas streets. 2D5 FOlfsALK OH linST-NIco 7-roonilioitso iii Orehnrd Hill ; new nnd modern built , bath- loom , mantle , etc. , irood barn nnd cistern ; will fcclleho.ip If taken iiloncc. Hicks & Inirliram , 215 i > 15th ht. OC5 18 RAST and noTtirTront lot. cor 2iltti nnd Urs- liine. on car line , n bsrfrnln , (1,275. Hotter & Campbell , room 1,15J9 Farnam. 824 . I , THOMAS has laid outnn addition Dr.XTKIt to the city of Orn'ihi named Mnscottn , nd wo n ( Hi oo tnat the streets are properly named lloceo , fioronro. Rettln.l. Plppo and I'roderlck , and seohtir that the sime : N on the licit Kail- way and at a point whcto the Omahil Northern II. It. promiseluirly to muKe n junction with the Kelt Line , and lots onlv 1101 to f.'UO , wo think the location well nainod. and that the iiur- chnseiH will have n Masottc , ns the Indications point the lots to bo worth from fi)3to$40J ) goon Thcsi ) lotsnioto lie xold on contract , 20 percent cash and b > ilanco $ . " > vor month. Apply to Dexter Ii. Thomas , Itoom B Creltrhton bl't ' _ _ _ _ 4Batue ! 3 GltEGOHY & HADLHY. Heal I'.Mate , Itoom ? 1,2 amlS.Hcdick Illook , : uo S , IStli Pt. 1'CO ' 22 l-vlNi : m\l { ( ! Al NS-T o corner V.J Ititrdcttocourt , only 4 blocks from Smin- ilcr'R itrool earn. W. vi lUishmim. Itoom 10 , liiishman IlIoclv.N 15 cor 10th and Douslas. fits AOOOI ) TITLK Warranty deed nnd an- stract rrot with o 'ory lot In Itnsh .V Solby's add to South Omaha , onlv S blocks from South Stocks Yards. Prices fr > U to ST-j ; only JW ) cash. Itush \ . rolhy , 218 S IBthBt. _ 6111 " ( Tobl ) TITI.K Warrnnty deed and rb atraut free with every lot In Uush AiSnolliv' add lo Suoth Onmhn , only 8 blocks lioin South Slock YnnK Prlco Si'iO to ? 4 1 ; only ? .V ) cash. Unsh & olby. 21S S IStli St. Olti Asl ) TITLK Warranty deed and nb tenet free with ovorv lot In It jsh & Solby's add to South Omanii. Only S blocks from South Stock Yards. Price $ ! V ) to ? 125 ; only $5) ) ea h Hush & eloy , 218 S 15th st. illfj KKAL-KSTATE AND LOANS-ll. It. ll.ill & Co. 115 S. fjtll 8t H70 _ A GOOD Trt'LIJ Warranty deed and aii- straet fieo with every lot In Hush tc Solby'n add to South Omaha , only 8 blocks trom South Stock yards. Pilcea J..V ) to $125 ; only f50 ciibh. Hush & Selby , 218 .SjBth st. 1116 BlHGAIN'-rX ) foot lot. so-itli front , on liar- noy Rt. near 2ith ! , with jjoot Broom liouso $7,500. IteltoriC.iinpboll. 8il EVKHY lot In C.irthnif ) has been withdrawn ovcept block IU , which Is aeknowledvod to be the choke o ! ' the whole addition. KorNiilo only fora short time by Stockdalo li Mitchell , 15111 Dodito t-t. ' .a)2- ) ) AIIMtCAlX P.leven lots 111 Albi limit's Annex lit auction prices , K , Aylesworth. 218S. IftthHt. 42 18 FLACK &HOMVK , Itonl I > tate and Loan Ilrokeie , l'ron/or tilui-k Opp Postolllcn. A IM foot south front lot on li.irnoy at. for $ ' , , OJOi eishif2,000. Now I room cottaire foi'JI.lOO , flOO down and $2 * > per month. Tno east Iront t-ronni cotla.'cs ono block off SaundertHl. lorJ,10J ouch , SIOJ down and 25 per month. A nowfl-roomcottnso , just otr p.ivod ftroot , nciirri.'luiol and ehurcli , u splendid bartfiUn for fS.iaa.mi very eisy ternih. Ono ot the best corners on North Ulth st , Irontuon tliico streets ; t-Lc ot lot ftrttlHI , with fnur2 story houses reiitunr for $120 per month , fnrfll.mi ) , There Isn't a bettor IfiiitHlu in the city. ThcKiiiund alone is worth the money , us it bus : JI8 ft. Htioet fruntu'ie. ' I5ast tiont lots In Hnii-eom place on Virginia live , nnd Phil Siierldau HI , ut * ' ,2.V ) nnd Jl.iV ) eaohon easy forms , and one u b.iruuin at { | , jj. WehavuHplendll luirsrulns In South Onmha properly money Hits bnnn made In South Omaha real cttnto In the Iftet bl.v month than mi ) win re else 705 SALU-A 4-muiu IIOIIBU unn tot , Iront- 1 7- room house , 1 .linoni IIOIHO with lota frontinirontvvu btrrets. both e-1) . S l-rooir , bouse nn I half lot , f l- > ) : 10 per rent ciisn. biilaneo monthly nayments , nil the abovu vrlthln thrco-iiiarturhOf | u mlle ol po-tollicu Oor. lol , nth nnd IMcitlc , MlvlU. . with three elepnntottnne . would lent for t75 per inouthforu few iU > a at f iui ) . Parm loam > at lowest rule of inloiest , Fir-t-cluss estate murU.iKce , nr com- mor < lal ptipor , discounted. Mead & Jumioson , IMh el l > H _ 4-UOOM bcii-u , co-ots ! , , baitl , lotilOxlBd ; luiist bo sold ; rlco 31 , X1. Hammond mend A" ( Jibson,1514D2pia _ _ bt ; _ 7UJ GILKUOUV jfADLIIY. Ifoul ICftate , jtooms 1,2 ami S.llcillck lllock , ir.'O S. l.Mh SI. UflJ 22 Dissolution Notice , On nnd after the Pith day of November. IfW , the partnership herctotoro exUtlni ; between Chillies Krupuill Kutpar PodolaU , U heieby dissolved by mutual consent , All Recounts , will be settled by Ku > pur 1'odo.ak. . K.\bJ'Alt fOUOLAE. 1 JO I ( III' ' , and J.4tlt. Sis. Ixit with double eottnffo , 8 rooms ouch , ronHfor$8X ) peryenronly f59J 109x14' ! , corner on ( Mlferula ( . . 2 2torV lmii psroom for n bhxk ol 6 more' . A bnignl-i 13KX1 Sncrelot.sCoto Ililllianlo JWJ House nnd lot , llnwthotnoadd lr-i > ' lo'.UlVon Mercer live. , now liousn 'l.UiO House nnd lot , Davenport. neirUTIh. . , , 2r > j I ot nnd Inrco house on Cii'dwcll st . . . . . . 4,5Ki Cote llrllllnutc , acre lots , cheap. . . " . ' " Lot * In lluitletto Court n.M V ; Iotand8toro.27tlitroet 4'ifl House nnd > i acre , Cnhtornla street S.'tM 5 lots , cn s street nO 104xlt,0en-noron Hurt Rthou < e , Ao . . . . n.7.,0 2lots In Orchard Hillnear restrvolr l.'U ) IMSM blnokV , West llnundd 2/ > > l Lois tn Van Ho'iron Place 8ii Slohtly nero , Helve'ere 575 S beautiful lots , California Mreot $ I,2VI to I.WO Call and lot mo show you someof the tunny ' i 1 have listed. Dpoolal Ordlnhnoo No. DOO. ANOnllimnciilevjItiff R dpeclul taviuiJ n * p : i- ment on eertiiln lots nud leal o late In the city of Oinnhn , lo cover the co t of oinblni ; ZCth nvcnuo fiotu Karnnm street to Douglas street. \Vhoi-ea , ft Imvlnir bojii nndbelnsrhnroby nit- judged , determined aim oMnhliMicd Unit thn several lota nnd pltoes of real e < tnto hoielnnr- terrerorrodto , Unvuotcli beenppeoinllvboiiotlt- tedtotheluHnmoiiiit Iunoliilo\letliiniliui4e sed nailhift uneh ( if Pild loin nnd nieces or real o lnte , ru4.eeti\cly. ] by i-oa-on or the einbUnr of that pai I or U'litli avenue fiom I'liruiiiu stieet to DoupliHMieot. Tnciutoititortho purpose of pnyhiK the eo t of Biich oinbMiir : UP It ordained by tlio city council of the city of Omnim : feoilou I. Thnt lhoeo t ofeurblnirtlial pnrt of " ( < th avenue , In the eity ot Ditmhn , from I'ar- nit cot to DoiiKhiH f-l rent , mild coot Uelnv tlio 8iim of * .V'il d. , bo and thn sumo Is heieby levied nnd n spfn-ecl , In proportion to the teet limit nlonirBuld lnipo\omi'ntnnd ' lucordliiKtu tpeelnl beiiollts bv ica on of until lniiro\omont | , upon the lollowlnir < ! n-eiilied lots nnd real estate , us hhouii liy the Ronei-ally lecoRiil/ed mniiof the city of Onmha , IfWI , lltlioaniped nnd published by 0.1' . Jlnyno , FniJ eo t lielnir so levied on nnld lots nud real estate , i c | icuth ely , UM lollons , to-ull : II ( Inlliicev. i IW n ir.l It 4. Perkins subd f 1 .Ino AMiSlinne.o ISislWlH , " HI IS \Vin A 1'n.Mou. w r , It f. , " 281 ' .H Section 2. Tbat said Hpevlnl taxes levied nforo- snld , on said lots unpi ctlvolj.slinll bccomoilo- llniinent afollous : one-tenth of the total mnount PO levied on onch ot Mild lots slmll liu- eomodollniiiicnt Inlltty da > sliom the IHHMIKO and npiirovol ol this oidlnaueo , otui-tentli In onouiir , ono tenth in two jeats. one tenth In tlu-eo yoursout truth In four jeniu , ono-tonth in llvo jenrs , < unlh In t-lx jimr * . one-toutli In sot en } eat * , o iu tenth In olk'ht yeiir * nnd one- tenth In nlnd jenrs nltor tnid low , nnd beliif ; from tlio iinctnKO nnd iippiovuluf th's ' onhii- UUCP lI.iLMiol' n dliKliillinentf'eept the tlr-it , fthnllilrnn Inlnioitiit the iuteofisO\eii pcreunt. | iur cent , perunnuin lioni the tlmo ( if the levy nforesald , until iho f nuiu sliall liueuino dplln- quent. A punnlty of llvo per eolit. toKcther with Intoiejt nt the into ono iier emit , per month , pnyable In advance , Hhnll bo paid on each ilellimuont initalliiiouL So"tloni. : Thnt thu oiitlio amount of tux so lex led and assessed on any or snlil lots may bo palilby the ounor of any lot , or the entire oijual jno iatn proportion < ilvld tax on any of said lots , may bo paid by any por.-in on anin ) t of guidlot * within llllj iln.v-i from a'd levy , and thurenpon such lots or p.irtHof lots , hull bo exempt from anv Honor olinrwo thoielor. Section 4 , Thnt this iinllininuushall takeelfeut nnd be In foico fiom and alter its passage. Pasbpd Oetobcr Bfith , 1880. \VM. P. ItRCiiKi. . President City Coimdl. J. II SouTHAni ) , City Clerk. Aipro\od | November 1st. IS'W , .I.XMP.S 11 Ilnvn. Mayor. Those tnves nro now duo nnd P'lynblo to the city troii-uiiir , nnd will become delinquent nt shown In Secii'Hi ' . nlldSt ' i MAX lltXK City Tiensurer. Proposals for Grain , Hay , Straw and Bran. HuAiigirvimnslJKi\\uTMiJT , ! n Tin : I'I.ATII : , I Clllf.V > OH VIIA , Nobiaska , Nov ombci bthlbbO. ) Sr.AI.Hl ) Piopo-ialti , In trlplkMite , biibject to the iHiml conditions , will bo iccolvcd at IhN ollko until ono o'clock p. in. , eenttul stnndnrd time , December H , 18M1 , nnd at Biunu tlmu at olllcesof the tiunrtermustorsnnmud below , for Biipiilylni : nt the following nnmed pocts , the frraln , liny , straw and bran required during the six months ondlntr Juno BJ.1D87. vlx : On-.Ua Depot , cheyenne Depot , rene Umnhn , Sidney , llrlitcor , Douglas , WnshaUIe , Niobrara , Hobln- son , Camp Pilot llutto nnd Camp Medicine llutto. Proiornnuo will be Riven to artlclo.s or domestic production mid mnniifuctiiro , conditions of price und qnnlltv bulntr equal , nnd such iirufor- oncoBlvoiito mtlelosof American production and mnnnfftf line produced on tlie Pacific const tothooxtunt of the eonsiimptlon leiinlio.lby thu public bervlco thoio. Propo-nls for either el tsa of hiipplies montloncd , or for ( in.intltles less then Iho whole rcqulreii , 111 be leceived. 'Iho ifovnininont roMjnes the rlwht to reject any or nil proposals or to accept pinpo nl tor lessiiinntlly | than total bill foi. llliink tiropo- pnl , and full Information will be liiinl.shod on application to thK otllcu , or to the iiiattoinnm- | teis where the supplies nro icqulrcd. IJn- % eloper containing proposnlh bhoiild he mai lied. " Pi o w siils lei - nt - , " and uildi .MM ! to the nnderslttnoil , or the qunitur- iniibtcrs nt ) iosM namoil ntiovo. U It. JJANDV. Thief Qiinrtormiistor. nl Mill Grade Ordinance ITo. 39. AN Oidliinnco chantrinir thoKrado of etrect Irom"itli btieetto 2'ith avenue , In the city of Omnim , and lepcnlliiK M > much of ( irmlo Ordlnnncu No. 11 , and eo much or ! ' ordinances In conlllel herewith : Ho it ordained by the city council of the City of Omaha : Section 1. NVheren" , the owni rs of property on Dodtro street , between 'J.r > t'i btioct nnd 5h avenue , Imvo waited all diimajfes that may aiiso on account ot h'Ud clmimc. Tin.iiKHHiK , the Kiiidiiof Mild parts of llod e street Is lieroby changed and established s < i that the ehtvations shall lie as follmvH. the irriule belwcun the points cited belntrnnllDim Hlnilnlit T.lovatlon Kliivnllni : ol N.euib. ol H.t'iirb West curb of'Sfli Ftrcet . .2HI.O HI 1.0 Ilnstciirluil 2"jlh nvenne . . . 207.0 H07.0 Becllon" bo much of ( irndo OnlltiBiice No. 11 , anil so much ot all other diillnlnir the ( trade ot the nbovo Miceln , MM eonlllclK with tliepiovltlonsot this oKlliianco , Is lieieby lopenled. Section 't. This oidlnnnen nhall tnko effect nnd bo In force lioin nnd after it * p'L- = : i'e , Passed November 1st. ISWI. W i. V lliiciu.r. . President Cliy Council. .T 11. Roi'TiiAin > , City I'leik. Approved November 9lli , IbW. J A5iisi ; . llovt ) , Alujoi Proposals for Curbing. ' , , ) I'lOncisuN will be levelvnd by thn SI'AIKI underbiuneil until 11 o'clock n. in. , Ninein- bur iiUth , lb-J ) , tor oiirlihiK that part ol t'uniam street. In pn\lii'distiiet No. ( it , In accordance with | Inns nnd t-pcclllcatlnnson Illu In the ollito oftho llo.iid ol I'liblliVoiks. . Pioposnls will bo inadiion minted blanks fur nlHliedby the board , to Im ai ooiniuiiilcil vtllli a OL'illllcil check In thcisiiin ot oiietlioimand dol- laispavnbloto tnu city of Onmha , as an evi- liencoofKOod I filth. Tlio board loservo ? thn rlsrht to rojccl any or all bids and to waive doleetn. .1. i : . iioi'ai : . Chalnmm I loan I of Piibllo Works. Omaha , N li. Nov. Mli. IfsM ) . n'J 111 IU 17 Probate Notice. IN Till : MATI'lilt ol the estate of Herman Itltse , ilccita cd Kotlt'K Is huiobv Klven that the ercilllois nf said ileuu.i ed > . 'ill meet , the nilmlnUtrator of fiiuil ( i lnlc , lieloic mo eniinty Judk"J or Doutr- .Iniiuouiitv.Nebi-aaka.iil tlio ( iiiinly < HIM I room , in mid loiinly , nn iho "till duj ( it DuL-uinber , IbHii.nn the 2.ith dn > ol' I'ebriiary. li'UT.iinil on the th ilny of Apiil , 1R < 7 , at ID o'clouk , n m each ilny , for the ( impose of prc"eutln their clulinslor OMiinlaiitlon , adjii.-lineni and nlluiv unco. Sl.montlirt are alloued lor t reilitoiH to ire ont tlielrcl.ilins , a nil ono } ear for Hie adniln- { strator to Rittle tulil e-tate , fiom tho2lth day of October , IHM this notice will be puhliMiod In the Omaha Dally llee mice oaoli week lor tour VM'cks Kumfebivcl ) , prior In the 21th il.iy of Iu- ) cembor , 1NM1 , .1. II. MfCI'l-Uini. Count ) MKI-2WWUJ to CniitraclorN 1 have alioiil H.'Mto Ifp.iWj ynids of dirt tn move. Illdi will lie roechcit nt my olllco until WuiInuMluy. No17. . JOHN IIAMJ.IN , xov.uuiit * mi s. nth a. Notice. N TUP. Dibtik.t Court of Doti lnB County. Mury lllgby , Vf. Henry Idirliv , Dcfi'iulanl. | 'lliedulcnd'.uit , Henry Kluby , will take notlco that on Iho .iilb day of .Seplembei A.I ) . 1 0 , his uile. Mary It if by , llte/l In the district ( unit of DuiiKlus ( ouiity , Nobiuhku , hoi iicrlt'nn mk- Im : lorn'illvouc from hersnld lii.bliaud. Henry " ' ' " . ' toiin a * her KKiundtf for fuid action : Int. lliut horbuld hiHbiind had In en KUiliy of exticmu iruell ) lonaid- , her ; 2d , that be is un linliliiiul drunUud. und , iird Unit lie liaifulkxl to Mipport and maintain hie vtifo. Mary KU'liy. Dffciidiiut will further tnko notice thnt unless he nnavrcrs mid petition on or before thuOiihduy of Drvombrr A. D. ISSd , the utlujraliunjof eaid petition will bu tukeu to bo truxi , JlAltV UIUIIY. lly T. U. Mi.NiUAHer Alluruuy. 112-9-1C-2J Special OriUnnnco Wo. 004. AN Onflnnnco lovylnir n sprelfil tnx and A * sewtnenton eertnln lots find rcnl einttt In the city of Oinahn to cover the nno-hnU rosl of piHdlnffloth street , from Dodge Direct la Cuss struct. Whereas , it h.ivlng been nnd bomct hereby nd- Jttdpod , detcrtnlnol Hint est ibiisho.l . thnt the several It ts ntidpUvejof re l esmle hereinafter t ef nod to , Imve oaen been sneelnlly bonelltle I to the full nmount herein levied nnd ns < e < siHl n'rnlnst eieh of s.inl lots nnd pieces of ronl stiito , rpspoollroly. by roMon ot the rtrivlliiif of that pnrt or : wth street , trom Dodjto direct to ra s stieet , doiui under eonlinU with 0 , V. \ \ Illlnmo , Therefore , for the purpose of pnylng the ono- hnlfeostof cncn fiiadtiih'i Ho It ordained by theelty council ot the city of Section" ) . Thnt the one-half co t of crndliKr thnt pirt of : tli slreit. In the elty ot Omnhn , fiom DodtfC street to Cn street , said one-half of 8 lid cost belltK the sum off.,48i.m , Paid ( Trad- Itiv beitiKilone under contract with U. K. Will- IHUIS , bo nml thn siime Is hereby levied und as < rs < rd , nocoiillinrtospevlnl benellls by rensoii of said ftrndlnjr , upon Hie following lots nud tenl eslnlo as shown by the noncrnlly recognized map of the elty ofOmahn , 181 , lithographed nml tmbllshed by IX K. Mi : > no , wild cost belntr so lev led tin s.ild lots and real estate , rcspectlv ely - ly , us follows , to-Hill Drnke .t Heed , vr : It 9 blk li. Drake's ndd. $2J 1x3 It . 10 blk f > . " 4 1 25 It U blk S , W ) 73 11 It 12 Ink 5 , " ut ! nj " It 111 blk ii. 4S77 John J Hanlln , w ; II H blk 0 , " 83 73 Drake & lined , wc ; ! Illi blkO , " it 10 blk 11. " 4'1 " 8 " Itli blk It , " W 7(1 ( ' It 12 blk n , " W 78 " ItmukO. " 4'1 M ' M It ! It 14 MR 0 , " S3 83 ' vv IU II 0 blk 7 , " S't (18 ( " UIOblkT. 4870 It 11 blk 7 , " lit ! 20 " II 12 blk 7 , " mi iu " It III blk 7 , " 4773 " vvlUH14blk7 , " 2.1 18 " w 112 II ti blk 8 , " 25 IIS " ItlOhlkR , " 47f > 8 " Itllblks , " 1)11 ) M J B ( ? ollln , e iniv-to It 15 blk n.tltll.slde No 1 8 .17 A KToiiMlln.ll. lOlilkd , ill 85 II W Yntiio.ll 17 blk 0 , 71 : t ! A i : Toli/alin , o 2'iU It 0 ulk 7 , U , M H 7 blk I 7 , im : u It 8 blk 7 , 87 M II W H blk 7. RS ( W A 10 blk 7 , ; ; > iu 021411 It II blk 7 , 14 84 .1 S Collins , 02511 10 It flblk 8 , 15 fVi J A Sundeil.indli7 blk 8 , ; s ru It 8 blk 8 , " 87(13 ( A S Wolcott , II 0 blk 8 , " 87 10 A P. Toiualln , U 10 blk B , " ! IH M " el'ull-IOltll blkf. " tfi Ni Gco L Miller , e it2 : It 1 blk I , West Hud 71 'KI L Itlchnulfoli.o 1IL ! It 2 blkl , " M 118 Gen LMIIIor.o I3.MI Hblh 1 , " M 08 Lymnn Itlchanl.son , o U ! Il 4 blk t , " M 118 G L Miller , o 11(2 ( It 5 blk I , " M IH Llllohaidfon.e IIIItli ! blk 1 , " ns OS Win. KlomlUff , o III ! it 7 bik 1 , " 68 OS L Itlehnrdbon , o llf ! It 8 blk 1 , " M US G L Miller , It'.Milk t , " 88 (0 ( ' II 10 blkl , " 4278 I , Itlchardsoil. oirt. : : U It blk I , " 2. ' . M LP Andorson.B M 5 ! tIti)7Sunnvslde ! ) 241 Jo ins Jensen , s 14.5 It ! 18 , " 4 115 Chas W Hamlllon , s U 5 It ; n , y 75 Section & Thai the special tares and nssoss- incuts levied and assessed as aforesaid , shall "jo duo Immollately i < pcm the pas ajto unit up- in oval ot this oidlnauce , and shall become de- llmiucnt If not paid v\llhlntlltydii ) lheienfler ; and thereupon a pinmllvor ton percent shall Im ndded , together with Interest at the into of ono per cent a month , pit ) able In advance irom thu time said t ivos become so dollniUenl. | Sectlnui : That this oidlnnncoshall take ell'cct and bu In force fiom nnd utter Its pasia c. Piis od October 2dtli. l Stl. WM. K. lli.uiir.i. . Picsldent Clly Council. J. It. Sou riiAiin , City Cletk. Approved November l t , 18l0. JAVII.S K. norn , Mayor. 'Ihesn taxes nrc now duo und pitAiihle to tlio ciltieasuier , nnd will become delimiuent on Deecmber2Ist. 1S , < H , aricr which date a penalty and interest v\lll bo added ns HIO\MI ! \ In Section 2 , nlldJt TIIUMAN DUCK , City Treasurer. Special Ordlnanoo Ho. 000. A NOrdlnanco levyIntr a special tai and asses- XV mem on ceitniii lota and leal estate in thu city of Omaha , to cover the cost of curbing 3Utn Htieet Irom William stieot to Center Ktieel. liiivinji been and beltif ( hereby djnilKoil , iletermlned and established that the everal loth and piciosnl leal estaloherelnaflor reloitcil to , Imvo each been sne lally benelltod lo the full nmount lieiein l3vlod nnd a'sessnd ii alnst each of wild lots and pieces of teal nutate , icipcctlvcl ) , liy i ensnn of the oiirhltiKof thai pint of 10th stieet fiom William stieet to Center street , TiikitcroiiE. Tor the purpose of payhiff Iho cost ol Btich curbing : Ho It ordained by the City Council of the City ol Omahu ; , Brco ! ! ! < 1. That the cost Of QurWnrtliattiRrt | _ _ ol 10th direct , In the city "of Omaha , irom'WIII- Inm street to Center street , snld cost hoinirtho sum of (2,577.14 , bo nud the fcuine Is hereby levied und nseOsnod , In proportion to the feet front nlontf said improvementand according to special benellls by re.isor. of said iinprovomont , upon the tollowlmrdescribed lots and shown by the Kcnorally recoirnl/ed mapof the city of Omaha , IhHi , llthoKraphod nnd pub lished byC 13. Mayiic : bald cost bolus w > levied on Hiild loin imd leal ciliito , luspuctlvolyus 1 1- IOHH , tii-wit : A * . - H ICouiiUo , It 17 blk2 , Poicst Hill..820 75 " It 18 " " TO ( U " It 111 " " fiO OJ " It 211 " " M 03 " It 21 " " Ml OJ " It 2i " " CD J " 11 ai " " f)0 02 " It 2t " " M Kl " II 25 " " 5 < l ( U It 20 " " r,0 62 " It 27 " " 50 63 " It2fi " W6J " II 2.1 " " 50 113 " II W " " 50 6J " It III " " 50 03 " II : i2 " " M fij " ii i blk a , - , TO " It 2 blk 'I " 0701 Hiownell Hnll.w I ! It I blk ( i , " 27.S : A A. II K'onilt/ U blkT , " 7:1 : 4 ! ) " It 10 blk 7. " 7.J IW 1'innk ICandelo , wW III ) , Kounl/.o'b2ml ud 2. . ) ill John P Iloe , 117. " 121 U PnulSnmmors. , w 183 n Ht \ $ , " 5(1 ( Hi Hciirj PDioxol , w IlUb , , ItH , " 5) ) US Miitlloltouors.wlir.'ltll , " 1012.1 llridiret K Kord , w icj : n ' * U 10 , " 50 UJ Mm y U Mack , w I IB H } J It 10. " m OJ Aii ust wibHiw. w iu : n it if n , " r , ) iu Joseph H Dennis , w lit ! n ( Jit li , " 50 IU John Chrl-tlnnseii , w IIH n ' It 12 , " 72 US 1 S Hawaiio Iil2 It 1 blk 111 , Kotuit/o'n 4th hup . : CO C.'J Ji ; Itlley.e irMt.2 : blk ID.ICoiint/e'flOli Blip f,0 1,2 Poii/.enschan.o lll.'ll : i blk 10 , ' LO 0) T li Wilson &r H Stiatton. o IBS It 4 blk 10. Knunuo'b4th sup r,0 f/i A Kount/e , o 12 ! It 5blk 10 , Kounl/o's 4lh cuii 6D 03 A C Waiteloy , n 1U ! 11 ( I blk 10 , ICouiu/u'.ti 4th sub , . , 50 63 LCnlc.o l.r : U 7 blk 10 , Konnl/.c'.s 4th sup 50 63 lILoion/eii , o I'.l ! 118 blk III. " m 83 L ASIewail.oiailtll , hlklO , " 7288 A houut/o.ltl lilltll , 70 WI Maikllnocon. US blk 11 , ' 7080 Section : , ' . That H.ilil spi'dnl taxes levied nforo- Hald , oiistild lots icspcctlvelv , plmll become ilo- llniimiit | as lollowri : ono-tenth ol iho total amount so lev led on each of Mild lots ehnll be come delinquent In liny duys fiom the passage andappioval ol'tlilsoidinance , one tnnllilnono year , one tenth In two > cars , one-tenth In tbrco jcnir , one-tenth In four ji'aiH , one-tenth In llvo jenrs , one-tenlli hi \ \ VCHI-H. ono-tenth In bovnn years , ono-tonth In oltrnt ycitrs nnd cine tenth In nlno yeaiH after hatd lovy. and bolntc from Ilia passauoand niiprovnl of fills oulliianee. I'.ach ol bald Installments , except , the llrst , hhall draw liilcicHt at the uileof sovcn pei-tont per an num Irom the tlnieol Iho levy aforesaid , until the ( .ami ) Hindi boeomo ilellininciit. A pomilty nt llvo percent. , together with Intoicst ut the ale ol one per cent , per month , payabln In ad. \ nnee , slinll bo paid on each delimiuent Install ment. Section. ! That flic enllro amount nf tax so lovUd nnd us-o-sod on any ol wild loin may bo piilil bv the owner ot any lot , or the cntlio iiiinl | pie rain pnipoillon ol Mild tax nn any of said lolti , mil ) bo paid by any peison mi any part of said lotH within ( Illy dnjr liom snld levy , and thouiupon htich lots or p.iris ot lots , Btmllbo exempt from anv llniioi'ehnrvii llieiel'or. Section t. Tliattliisonllmuifonhnlltnkooffeot and bu In fi'rco fi-um nml alter its paMimo. l'as.-ed October 2 lh , 1KS ( ! . W > i. P. Hr.uill.i.Prisldiiil Clly Council. .1.11. Hot IIIAIIIICity Clerk. Aipioved ] November 1st , I8KH. , ] AUKH 1 ! . llovn. Mayor. These liijces are now dun and payable in the oily triuiHuior , und will boRnmu delinquent ua bliown In section 2 , nllilSt TIIUMAN llucu , City Treasurer. WJI'A.PAXIOS' , Pies. L.H.Wjl.iiUMSYlce-P.-ei , TrustCo 215 S. inth St. , Ojiinlia , Ni-b. LOANS MADE ON IlEAL ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Bonds Negotiated. ItOBT. I. (1 vni.irilH , P. II. . Truab uicr. " No'.ice of Publication , Notice U lu-iuby KIVIJU tluu Imoks for sutJ.-ciipHon in Ihn viJpllul block ot thnCiileiiKO , Omaha .V Bouthwc" < ti > rii Itatlrotil Computiy. will lie oi > unol in the city or Oimihii.on Docim. berith , 1MO. l.'IIAHI.KS K. 1'AltltlS , I'ltANK L. DAGA. .I.VCOII W. IIOL'DKIl , WJI. J. IlitOATCH. JOriii'H : M. MI.-IOALP. KDMUND M.IIAUTUUT