Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 17. 1886. TJ1E .DAILY BKK COUNCIL BLUFFS. WEDNESDAY MOHNINf ! NOV. 17. OFFICE , NO. 12. I'EARl , STREET. Jtllurtil 1-j rnriicr In niiy pnitof Uiocltj-nt tututy nuts ptr week. H. W. Tit/ro.v , - - - .Mnii.iRer. nr Kr.faOmcG. No. IT. Illinois \o.2J. Ml.NOIt MKNTION. N. V. I'lilillljllisCo. Nt v full fiowls ut Hi'itor's. Cooiipr & l < : Cici ! soil stoves. Punch nt Sa.fiO per at Schmidt's jrullury , Main stn-ol. Tour drunks wuro ye.sltirdny lined in ] > olk'H court. Nightly im'HltiKS at llic Y. M.C. A. lodiiis this week. Jtidjje Lonfhourow wns banqueted Ijy the Carroll county bar last owning. Mr.H. Hicc and Mrs. Jackson untortainrd tliu married ladies' jirogrussivo oucliru ulnb this evening. The paper mill is now running full bhiht. ' 1 hu enterprise promise * to bu : i threat miccoss every way. Council HluUs Loiliro No. 3. Daughters of Ilobiiknli , I. O. O. F. , is to give n yrand select ball Thunksyiving evening ill Temple hall. W 11. iMoiitelth has commenced suit n < ; ainht the nlty for $1,000 on account of damniies to liis property by reason of the new sewer ditch. L. I'iulcy , of Uttumwa , la. , and Miss N A. Finloy , of tlio same place , were yesterday united in marriage by Justice N. Suliur ? at his ollice. The cere mony did not. for once , iluprivc the bride of tier maiden name. Now comes tlio event of the season , the Christmas Market in December , by tlio Woman's Exchange. Christmas gifts for friends will bo oflcred for .sale. A series of entertainments , good music , etc. , will loud its attractions. A Scotchman applied yesterday to the county cii rk for a marriage permit. Jn the co'nverMition attending tlie transac tion it was revealed that the applicant's father used to own a mine in which tlio clerk's fatiier worked years ago. It is stated on good authority that a for mer Council Hluil's clerk , now of North 1'lattc , is to bo united in marriage on Thanksgiving afternoon ut-1 o'clock , to a young lady residing on Madison street , the daughter of a Hroadway grocer. The ( icrstcnberg's are not content with having a notoriety in one city at a time , but are trying to monopoli/.e Omaha and Council Hlulls ut once. Fred is in limbo in Omaha on a charge of larceny , and his wife is locked up on this side for gen eral cussed nc&s. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Warren de sire to return their most sincere thanks to their many friends for the beautiful gift presented to them on Monday eve and to assuie them that the same is most cordially appreciated as a token of their esteem and Iricndship. A. I'arrott is now caged for fifteen days , lie has been making a great deal of trouble for his family , and has driven them out of thn house by his drunken threats to cut their throats. It is to be hoped that the term in the county jail may so sicken him of tlio city that he may at its expiration conclude to leave it. Mr. Smith , tlio recorder of Crawford countj' , has bought the McMahon abstract books , and will soon come to this city and assume charge of the ollico. lie is said to be an expert in this line of busi ness and a gentleman who in every \vnv will be a great addition to the business and social circles of the city. One citizen stopped into the city clerk's ollico yesterday and as he opened his wal let said lie wanted to pay his dog tav. Such is the name that he gave to the li cense under the "pop" ordinance. The significance of the title is not real clear , but it is probably so called because there is so much barking attending its pay ment. The evening prohibition sheet has at last got uslmmed of its declaration that the correspondent sent : i "fair statement of the facts" to the DCS Mp'mcs Register when he declared "Council 151ull's to be a imradiso for thieves and thugs. " It is nigh time that it was shamed into silence. It evidently has discovered that Coun cil HluH's will not stand by a paper which endorses nu insult to the city as it did. There was a successful dress rehearsal of the District ' chool last evening , and everything indicates that tlio cntoi'tain- men ! to bo t'ivon at tlio opera house Fri day evening will bo one of the most suc cessful homo entertainments ever given hero. The sale of tickets has been phe nomenal , nearly all tlio seats being al ready taken in the parqnelto , and some in the dress circle. Those who want the choice of seats should slop into Hushncll's at once. The third annual masquerade ball of the Council Hluil's paid lire department is to bo given in Temple hall noNt Tuesday evening. The boys are meeting with good hiiccess in the sale of tickets , and they ought to. The all'air itself will bo enjoyable to all participants , and .tho cause is \yorthy ono. The lircmen are I not overpaid , and the services rendered by them entitle thorn to a rousing benelit nt least once a year. Ono of the boot and shoo house.s night before last , alter the business of the day was over , sought to save the expense of advertising in a newspaper , and soi/ing u paint brush the proprietor decorated the sidewalks with pictures of foot- lirints leading to his store , with appropriate legends about the bar gains to bo found there. Hu got his work done just in time for tlio snow storm , which covered up the paintings and spoiled the advertisingbchemo. The merchant was discouraged , but ho ought to learn the lesson that the newspapers are the only sure advertising mediums , going before the people , rain or Miami , and carrying the news of bargains into tin ) homes ot all , even when snow storms blouk the roads. The salvation army is fast gaining ground hero , and the interest in the meet ings is increasing as shown by the attend ance. The sound of workers hero are lo s noisy and tlio meetings more orderly than in many nlaces , and still they are millleiontly novel to altract many to iho hall every night. The women are hard workers and economical , ami are evi dently sacrificing much for their peculiar ideas. They live In the hall , to save ex pense , and board themselves in the most meagre way. They do their janitor work , and every morning can bo seen sweeping out , carrying water , and doing other necessary work about the place. Then thorn is considerable street work to bo done , selling papers , and talking to sinners , and the meeting as conducted by them must bo us hard work us any. How much of the proceeds of their sacrifice and labor has to 1:0 to tlio headquarters is not known , but it is generally under stood that n goodly pur cent of their meagro receipts has to bo thus given to those who lill higher and easier places. Whatever may be thought of the good judgment of the women thus worKing hero , they certainly uro bticrillcing much and enduring much , Personal l'arairiii > Iii. Miss Loomis is visiting friends in ( Jrln- noil. noil.Charles Charles M , llurd 1ms moved into his now residence on Oakland avenue. Weather strips nt Chapman's , 105 Alain * Best dinner in the city at Doc and Jlilly's , 401 Uroadway , 25 cunts. A No One Hurt Seriously , and Only Freight Destroyed , GATHERING OF IOWA SCRIBES. A. Novel Hot In tlic Snow Storm A Hot Chimney Arrest of n Mlndcu ( Jrnln Dealer A Worthy Connie Surpriscil. Smnslilnc ft Yesterday nftornoon it was rumored on the streets that n fearful accident had happened at lieu ton's station on thu Chi- cajro , Iturlington & Qulncy railroail , anil that several passengers who were on the outgoing "Q" passenger train hail been killed lu the accident , and that three passenger coaches had been burned up. C Humors spread swiftly on the street ntul weru not delayed by the snow blockade - ado which delayed everything else. Those connected with the Chicago , Hurlington it Quluc.y road were very ret icent and appeared to know nothing of thu truth or falsity of tlui rumors nlloat , but the facts elicited from persons who were acquainted with thu details of the accident are as below : On account of tlie late arrival of the Union I'acilio train yesterday morning , all the eastern lines held their trains at tlie transfer for the Union Pacific. The Chicago , Hurlington & Quincy train ilid not leave until 1 o'clock p. in , , as did all the other lines , ami when the "Q" pas senger train known as No , 4 reached Ilentons , fifteen miles below Council Blnll'H , it crashed into Iho rear end of freight train No. 21 , which had left Coun cil Hluil's only tiftceu minutes ahead of tlie passenger. The passenger train was 111 charge of Conductor WY J Jamison and Engineer Mike Burke , both of Crcston , the eastern terminus of this division of the load. The snow was falling fast and somewhat hindered the view , but when Uurke saw the freight train , ho reversed his engine and applied tlie air brakes hut it was too late , lie saw a col lision was a dead certainty and with his lircman jumped from the cmrino. saving thi'ir lives' as the engine wus "ditoiicd and the caboose attached to tlio rear end of the freight train and the last two freight ears were telescoped and took lire with their contents. Luckily no one was seriously hijured. The wreck caused a blockade and lie- layed trains lust night. Dr. Ilanchett.otlieoNo 12 Pearl streets Residence 120 lourth street. Telephone No. 10. Order your coal and wood from C. 1 $ Fuel company before an advance in price No. 031) ) B'dw y. Telephone 13G. ! IT "WAS SNOW USE To Go on With the lianii\i * > t Tor tlic Newspaper Men. The Southwestern Press association met in accordance with announcement , in the parlors of the Ogden house , ycster- day. The attendance was not large , on account of the storm and tlio belated trains. Among those present were : C. W. Snyder , Red Oak Express ; C. A. Lisle , Clarinda Herald ; L. Young , At lantic Telegraph ; W. M. Ashton , Guthrie Center ; S. 11. Olmstuad , Missouri Valley News ; Robert Simons , Sidney Union ; F. C.Clark. Red O.ik Sim ; P. U. Clark , Tabor Beacon ; W. II. Gardner , Ayoca Delta ; A. G. Lucas , Bedford Republican. The meagre attendance caused ti post ponement of the programme arranged until the annual meeting , which will probably take place in June next , at this place. The urrangcmento for the ban- ( juet were also postponed until the next meeting. It is to bo regretted that the weather so seriously interlered with tlie meeting , but by the time they gather hero again Council Hluil's will bo in the midst of its great boom , and the scribes will be given an opportunity to see the city under more favorable circumstances than they could possibly do yesterday. Weather strips at Chapman's , 105 Main. See that your books are made by More house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. The First Rill. The beautiful commenced coming down about U o'clock yesterday morning , and kept busy at it all day. The snow was heavy and wet , and packed snugty. By noon time there was fully eight inches on the level , and where tlio wind caught it right it blocked badly. The trams were late in arriving and departing. The street cars found ft ditlicultto ulod along , and were almost abandoned in the after noon. There was but a feeble attempt made to keep even the main sidewalks cleared , and this attempt was not success ful , as the snow fell so rapidly and con stantly. There was a great increase of activity among those dealing in winter clothing and cold weather supplies. Yesterday was a specially active day in the arctic trade. Overshoes were in creat demand , and dealers could hardly hand them out fast enough. Tho"o was also a showing that few in proportion had became prepared with suitable hand coverings. Two enterpris ing young men inndu a novel bet con cerning this , ouo wagering a dollar that three-fourths of the men and boys who passed a certain store would have their liiuuU in their pockets. The young man who did tlio tallying stood inside tlio store door cheeking them oil'as they went by. A largo proportion , a majority in fact , of those who passed along the street had their hands in thnir pockets , but it was not ranching ( juite up to the 70 per cent. The young man , fear ful of losing his big dollar , proceeded to drum ni > a crowd tor his side of the bet , He stationed himsclt a few doors away , hailed his friends as they drew near , ami prevailed on them to put their hands in side , so as to help linn out. He was still falling short , and so ho hired tlio district telegraph boys to march backwards and forwards with their hands in their packets , thus swelling his side of thu count. Ho got the necessary number within the allotted time , but the other ono protested , and will contest tlie elec tion. tion.The The first sleighbclls of the season jingled yesterday , but the constantly falling snow prevented any great de mand lor sleighs among the livery stables , there being little pleasure in any riding or driving. Electiio door bells , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at tlio Now York Plumbing Co. Only a Scorch. Yesterday afternoon the chimney of Mrs. M. E. Amy's residence , ou Sixth street , opposite St. Paul's church , caught lire.and was certainly as narrow an escape from a disastrous lire as of ten occurs. Tlio bucket brigade hud to work hard and long with salt nnd water to make any impression ou the burning soot , and the heat was so intense that some of the wood work of the house was scorched. _ I1. O. DoVol soils Stewart , Climax , Acorn and Westminster hard coal burn- era. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves and ranges. Economy steam and warm air furnaces , No. 004 Broadway. A Grain Dealer Arrested. Sheriff Reel returned yesterday from Illinois , bringing back with him Mine Anr , who is wanted at Mindcn for larceny. The prisoner was until lately engaged in the grain business at that place , and suddenly disappeared , leav ing a number of mourning creditors. It is supposed that ho took with him a largo quantity of money which rightfully be longed to others. There has been a hunt for some time , but it was not until lately that he was located , he. being on a visit to relatives rn Sccor , 111. , where he was captured. He denies that he got away with any sum of money , and says it wns fcimply a bnsincss failure , which caused a heavy loss to him as well as to his cred itors. What proncrty was left behind was speedily seized on wilts of attach ment. Everybody's store , good place to buy goods , No. Hi3 Main street. Mrs. A. 8. Hall is prepared to do dressmaking on short notice and at reasonable enable prices. No. < 5i8 Broadway. Happily Surprised. Surprise parties have again com menced ami this time Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Warren , of North Ninth street , were the ones surprised. About 8:110 : Monday evening about forty in two detachments , led by Mrs. ( f II. Brown anil Mrs. F. U. Warner , in vaded tlioir residence and presented an elegant china tea set as a token of their esteem anil the 20th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Warren's wedded life. Great praise Is due to Mrs. Urown ami Mrs. \ \ arnor for the complete success of the same. After a bountiful repast of the good things of life , prepared by the visitors , and a few hours of pleasure , tlio numer ous friends dep.irted wondering who would bo the next ono. "We think we can tell. " Who ? Good overcoat.ta.oO , pants $1 to $3.00 , other goods in proportion. Everybody's store , b' , ' ! ! Main. A Smart Speculator. New York Mail : There is a woman in this city who visits every house that hangs put a rod Hag. Speculating in unctions is her whole source of income. She lias the reputation of being a sharp buyer and active bidder. She has been known to net $50 in a sintrlo day. If she buys goods at a private sale she sends them to an auction house at once. Her purchases include everything from a tin cup to a grand piano. She has never been known to make a losing speculation. The best stove 1 ever had is the verdict of thousands who haye used the Radiant Homo base burner. Cooper & McGec , agents. Plenty ofJust Such. Wall Street News : A New Yorker who was in Illinois a couple of weeks ago afc- tended a political meeting one night and hoard tlio speaker talk finance , free trade , protection , war , peace , statistics , internal improvements , a new navy , the needs of the country and so on for two hour , and ho went away so much im pressed with the orator's ability that he asked a stranger : " \ \ ho was that smart fellow who made the long speech y" 'That ! Why that was Si Johnson , of the Fourth ward , who couldn't even run a $ ,000 cooper shop on $10,000 capital. See West Point bae boater. Latest improvements in heating stoves. W. A. WOOD. _ A AVcstern Octupiit. Wall Street News : It is said tiiat some of the western railroads even control the religion along their lines. A new resi dent of Ellondalo , Dak. , banded in a letter to one of the churches , and was asked : "Did you come by the Blank & Blank railroad1' "No. " "Do thn ' elevator you patroui/o company's vator at tills station ? " 'No. " "Have you signed a petition for lower freight rates ? " "Ihave. " "Then yon had bettor take back your letter and apply to the Baptist church , two blocks down and around the corner. That church hauls most everything by mule teams , while we stand iii with the railroad. " Substantial abstracts of titles and rea estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. Iso. 101 Pearl street. Council HlulKs. The first candidate for admission to Brown university under the recent vote of the faculty , permitting women to enter , presented herself last week. The young woman is a graduate of the classical department of the Providence high school , and passed through the studies required of candidates for admis sion to the freshman class. The lady has not entered for any degree at Brown , but is a special student in chemistry alcne. All varieties of game and fish. Oysters all styles. Short orders a specialty , Doe & Billy'sIOJ Broadway. Just look in their window. Five Huii'lred Overcoats for Boys and Children from * 1.00 up. BUDS The vintage in Franco this year is better than was anticipated. Good crops are reported from Burgundy , Chablis , and the Cote d'Or. In the Heranlt and Rouissillon the yield is above the aver age. The same is said of the champagne district. _ _ In 1870 the village of Durham , N. C. , contained .ViO inhabitants. Now it lias 0,000. and two or threii thousand just out side the boundaries. The valuation has ri-nn from ? . ' 0OJO to.fa.OOO/WO. Tobacco , cotton and woolen lactories account for this. _ Stampiiigand full variety of embroidery materials. Mrs. 11. P. Niies102 B'dway. A certain prominent dramatist has some painful recollection ot his "utility'1 days on the stjise. "Nothing,1' ho says , "could exceed the agony of standing on the stage without * pcakng ! a word in tlio trial scene of 'Thn Merchant of Venice , ' which lasted thirty-six minutes. I did that for 300 nights. If any one wants to reali/.c it , lot him stand , still and silent , In the middle of his room for half an hour1 Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. II , P. Nilcs , No.10'J Broadway. * Too Had , Wall Street News : The president of a Wisconsin agricultural works sat up all night to look over the books of his cashier , UIH next morning said to him : "James , I lind a deficit of sfl.BSoJin your accounts , as closed on the aisl of last December. " " 1 throw myself on your mercy , " re sponded the cashier , "but tlio amount is only f900. I used the money in speculat ing , and I'll turn over all my personal property to make good the loss.1 When the president came to go over his figures again ho found the supposed de ficit to lie in the fact that he had added , the year 1880 to the column , but it was too Into for the cashier to retract. Ho hud given himself dead awny. E. II. Sheafo & Co. , Joan money on cbattle security of every description } of fice No , 000 Broadway , upstairs. Advices from Australia slate tllnl pro posals are being made for the establish ment of independent cable couimuuica tioii between Australia and Et'gland by way of Canada , Vancouver's Hand Mid Now /calami The project , which n svu- dicnto is supposed to have in hand , is fa vorably regarded by the English and Ca nadian governments. Try Garland Cook etovc for soft coal , Cooper and McGco have them. During n seveVe thunderstorm at Wells- ville , Mo. , la t August , a vivid Hash ot lightning photographed on the smooth White celling of the Methodist church the face of an old man with long How ing hair and beard. It is described as a weird and shadowy portrait , and the su perstitions sav that it is the photograph of the storm king. Don't buy your new suit or overcoat until you look at the o at Mclcalf Bros. A burglar broke into a store nt Spring field , Mass. , the other night , and left a piece of one of his shoestrings on the window where he entered. W. S. Smith was arrested , a pait of ono of his shoestring - string- ! was gone , the remaining piece corresponded with the piece found in the window , and so Smith is to bo tried for tlio burglary. Call for everything you need , bottom prices , Everybody's store , B'JIiMain. Two contlemcn of Bay City , Mich. , went to a spiritualistic sennce , and agreed to pay $2 each if allowed to converse - verso with departed friends whom thov could recognize. Ono called for the spirit of his sister Nellie , and it eaino and spoke to him. The other asked for his uncle John , and was astonished at hearing his relative's voice in th'u darkened room. The first man never had a sister , and the other man's uncle was not dead. Mrs. Dr. D Trucsdoll , n graduate of the Toronto , Canada , Therapeutics in stitute. is prepared to treat all classes of diseases "anil demonstrate the curative power of electricity" in accordance with a new ami complete system ol Electro- Therapeutics , consisting of Galvanism. Magnetism , Electro-Magnetism ami Static Electricity. Female diseases a specialty. Located at No. 807 Broad way , second lloor. Ollico hours 0 a. in. to 5 p. in. _ Charleston , Mass. , ifas a family that is serving the city thoroughly. The father is connected with the public works , two sons are policemen , one son occupies a positjon in a reformatory belonging to the city , two daughters arc clerks in the employ of the city , and one daughter , the youngest _ , hopes soon to obtain a posi tion as teacher in a public school , what a pull there must be somewhere. A white conyicb recently escaped from a gang working on the Georgia Midland railroad. A bloodhound wa , put on his trail and afterward found manacled to a tree with the convict's shackles. Two now dogs were started after him , and when thev caught him lie made friends with them and traded them to a negro woman for his dinner. Ho lias not been caught yet. _ _ The chewing gum yearly used by a cer tain family of eight pcrsont in Minnesota costs ? 100. SPEOI AL NOTIOlSSL Ppcclnl rulvertisemcnts , t-uch tis Ixjot , Found To Loan , For Sdlc , To Kent , V > nnts , Ko-inllnir , etc. , trill liolnsorloil In tills column ut llio low ratuofTEN CENTS PBKM.NCroriho Ih-bilnscr- lonunJ FIvoContal'd-Lhiororcauh subsequent Insertion. * I.euvo ndVLTllsoments ut our ollico No. 12 1'cal ttreet , near llronilwiiy , Counell DluKs. WANTS. p'OIt HENT-rurnlsuetl rooms , 010 lllutrs. t W.VNTl'.D-A boy ivlth pony to carry Heo route. FOR SALE Old papers for sno ! nt the BOB olDce. WANTI'D 1'nrtlcs Intonrllnif to bo married are wanted to cnll ut ttio Pryor's lleo job ollice to select tlioir weddlntr curds. MURDER ! ! Dlplithcrin Is nffBin inixklnK Its minimi vlsitn- tUiii. Ten years1 trlul of UU.THO.S .lEFKnuiS' ItrMiiV : ) Tor tlutt filial iimludy Inn dninon- Gtruled the luet tlmt It Is Inlallllilu us it prevent ive unclcum. If you permit your children to die with dlplitliurlu. "Tbulr blood bo upon your lieiid. " For tale only ut the olllcc , Xo 1 South ? tbs.lrot , Council Ofulla , In. , or'bunt by express on receipt of price , ftf. I'rom the Uiniilui Hco : Mr. J. II. llutlor , of lln/ol Dcjl.Pnttawiittamie Co. , lowu , iiuil U18 iHiuily of olunm persons , were nil aide with iniilliruant dlphtlieila , Kvery one of tliom huvo recovered bv the nso of Dr. JffforU' I'lovontlvo nnd Cuio lor DlplUhcrJn. without the uld of u physician. C. H. UUIcoUco , of No. 1110 Campbell street , Oimilm , who recently lost u beuiitltul imd i.i- teresUnif daimhier , ascd nhout 15 yours , hy dlpbllieria , under tlio treatment ot ouo ol tlio lie-it piy ! luluii < * In Onwlm , iviitosto Dr. JotrerN , of this city ; "Votir romedyi'or diphtheria cmno too Into , our dear daughter wns ilvhij- when It was recoiled I i\m salNtled that her Hfnoould havu biion savrd. Another ono ol onrc'Uildrim wlio had thodlplitlieria , uor tliront wns tilled up with the putrid ulctirnlloiiu used your medk'lue and In twelve hours the tlltH'ii owm completely Hiibiln d. In tlio futurn uo will keep your ineillnlnu at nil times In our lioiis-o Wo loul that It bavuil llio lifo ol ouo ol our chil dren.onro very thunkful to you , nnd only rturcl that wo did not call on you sooner. " From I he Council llhilfH D.illy Ulobn : M. A. Mul'lkc , editor ot tUu Ciunlirln ( Rbons- burf , I'a.l I'ri'cinnn , has bcnn llio peitionul friend of tlio editor of llio Olobu lor more tlmn twenty jours , nnd Is known whemvor ho U known us onn of tliobnstinon llvinir , Illsfiunily was rnviifrcd with dlphtherln , and ficntly ills- trosood. Somoof Dr. Jetlcrls1 Diphtheria Cure wui UHOd , nnd thu lives of tlio test of his child ren Hiivod. hollers from Mr. MclMKo are un bounded in tlioir expression * of irrntltndo for ( Indlnjr gomo mount * of nvertlnir the loss of nil his Illilo oiion. Vivo of Mr , Mel'iko's children nut ot eight died from dlptithorln before ho Iiiul un opportunity of iinlnir Itr JolIurH remedy. iiVi PW M iVHrii'fii\ : Dyspeptic , why live in mitory und die in dh- imirwithfiinciirorihoBtomarh ? Dr. Thornns JelfarU cnrcj every cuse of IndiufoUon and consllpiitlon In u very uliorl time , llect of ret'- emircH Kivon. Uysponsla 1" the cnuse of ninety per cent ol nil condilioiis. 1'rlcu f. > for two wenhs tientmeiit. Dr. JutTerls' diphtheria medicine Is Infallible for all kinds of forp throats. Indfcpnnbiblu In putrid horu throat , In iimlltfimnt H'urlet lever , c'lmtiKlnKlt lnJ'lioiiiatotliiiolniiliMonn. ! | Inlul- libleeuro lor nil intliimmatory , ulcerntlve , pul- ild , catirrroiiH ulrcrntlon of the womo and nil ramnlisl conditions. l''ulpiintel | Instructions bow to use the medi cines > ent with tltvin. No doctor ioi ] > ilieil. Dr. Jctfcrla' romeilo4 | ran only be obtained at hloofliro. No. SI frouth Ehrhtn structouncil ( Illufln. Iowa , or fcnt ny express on receipt of price $ J. If yon wish n r/oally / cheap suit to order , go to William ( jiover , ( late of Chicago ) , No , 111 North Main St. next to American Dist. Tolcgraplr 'ollico. Ho will make yon a line lltlmg all-wool suit for $ " 5. Pants to order < ' . Having opened a cloth and trimming house in connection with the merchant tailoring establishment , I would respect fully invite an inspection of twine. 1'ar- tics desirous of obtaining cloth by the yard and making up their own goods can lie re bo accommodated. Trimmings of all kinds furnished. Goods cut to order. In fact any thing you wish can bo furnished at bottom prices. Don't forget a line litting suit to order for $25 , pants | U. and cloths and trim- niliura at equally low figures. Win. CJrovi-r , No. 11 North Mam St. , next door to American IMstrict Telegraph oilice. N. SCHURZ , Justice of tlie Peace Office over American Expreu. Special Sale -OF- Cloaks this Week .HEADQUARTERS i-OH CARPETS AND Mttll Orders promptly attended to. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. AND Fine Hanuiiifi L'tHipa , Jfonne Fu nisliiiif/ floods , etc. A. J. MAISTDEL , COUNCIL JH.UI'TS , IOWA. Lodgcm , .Boiirnatt , , Counts' ' ' < 1 HSaiili "iVork ol' All Siiiuls a.Neo iaEfy Prompt Attention to Mail Orders SOREHOOSE & GO. Koom 1 Evcrct I51ock , Council Binds. Sliuulurd. Pajiers Used. All ttylca of bind ing \lagi/.iucs \ and "BLANK. BOOKS. C. n. Natlonnl Ilunlt , Jl. K. Smith \ Co. , CltiVens' Ilnnk , Ilcei-p , WolU.V Co. , l Ilanc ! , C. II. Insurance t\ > . , OUlcor&'ut3oyUuiiUcrsC.ll Savings liiuik. OFPIOEB & PUSEY , COUNCIL 13LUKFH , 1A , Gbttibllshcd 1S57 JOHN V , bTONI ! . JACOII blllS. STONE & SIMS , Practice in the State and J-Vdornl courts Koonis 7 and tt SliUKiivt-Uoiio Uloik. B. L. WILLIAMS 18 N. Main st , Council Kluflj , la. , nnd SOU S. 15th st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb. Jlanufiicturor's Agent for the CALIGRAP11 TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Uoofiiii ; , Slate , Mantels , Plate and Window Glass , , Show Cases , , Elevators , ( hand andaulic , etc. FIDE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha * NEW IMP011TED STYLES OPEN. L.idic bi-ying n § 5 hat or bonnet , otic fnte \\ill be paid , Su > , i on nil Irip. GRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Bluffs having FJ r © And nil tnolcrn improvements. 215 , 217 nnd 210 Main Pt. MAX MO1IN , Trop. FIRE IHSURHHCE \t\ \ \ \\\Q \ \ \ following Companies ; Qtrman Atnetlcat , of New York Phtrnlf. * of Hartford , Hartford , * of Hartford , Caltfornlan , of San Francisco , Scottish Union A National , of Cdlnburg , Union , of San Francisco , State , * of DCS Molncs , \Vllllamsburg \ City , * of Brooklyn. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or double. MASOH WISE , Council Binds. 3B. BrIGE , M. 35. , Or ether TllinoM leinovoJ Without thokmtoorilniwiliffof blooil. Over thirty yours practical ftpurloncc. No. 11 I'carlSt. , Council Illuffs. t2F ConBUllition froo. COUNCIL BLUFFS fflPET CO , offering thcf/rctilctttliar- in Ei'cr offercil In this city or the Our stock in < rs Idnje ( ind complete an nnyyou canjintl , and tue anar- anlcc prices atutii/ below all com petition. Wchurc also a full line of OfaUf/rndet and m < iJe , iMfc , Turcoman , Chenille , Irish J'olnf , etc. , etc. OUR ROG Department ise * Ttii'kixli , Sniyrnia , Kcr- racli , Jti'itbSclH , Aji'mintilci ; etc. , at prices lott'cr than tlic towcut. CurtainGooasbytkYard v And fljfturea , Oil Clollin , J JAneolfuma , etc.I lai'/e line of Mohair I'lualten and I'p- tt ; KattfClKtlvn , Otto mans , Fool licstn , etc , , for the hol iday 2G Pear ? Street. 506 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ipg Sbyloa and Irppopbabmps Qapsbqpbly op 14OO Farnam Street , fll CAPER" For a buyer to go where the largest Stock nnd Greatest Varieties nrc kept in nny ono line. Again , if seller has Kxi'Kitiit.vcuo Ai-i OMMODATIONS faithful and trusty help- those who buy will be agreeably scned , and if seller gives rrt.i. u eights and meas ures , vou have three excellent reasons for patronizing such a firm. Fuel consumers ought tbcrc'orc ' to buy of HEATON FUEL Co . , Xo CM H roadway , Council IJlulTs. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBINQ HOTTSE3 OJF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEKUK , WKLLS & CO. , Agricultural Implements , Bn&les , -s , rte , llo Council lllutTa , lown. KKYSTONK MANUFACTURING CO ? Mnnurneltirrrsnr Rinl lpnlorlu ) Hand and Power Com ? tiellrs : , Ami iiKcmuinl line tif llr t olass n riuiilliual Itiiploiiirnlw. No ? . IfiOl , 1W ) , I.VXi Him .15,17 , outli Main Street , Council ll.ii 1T. , Iowa. I > AM1) HUADLKY * Cai Mnniifrs nn 1 Joblwrs ot agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies , . . ; * - - . - . i. . to 1110 South Mm a Street , lllun town. COUNCIL m.VWS CAKl'ET CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Ourtnln Fliturcn , ITpliolntorr Goo Etc. No. 403 llromlwaj- Council Illuffs , town. CltiAltt , KTC. 1'EUKr.OY & MOOKK , Wholc.inlo .lobbors In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. aiMaln and 27 1'onrl Sis. Council I'lutTa , lown. CO.V.U/SS/O.V. / SNYDEH & i.KAMAN , Whok < nlo Frail and Produce Commission Mercliants. No Itl'oarl St , rouiioll MhiH. I1AKU * , HAAS & CO. . Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , ' Piimlrh'S. I'tc. No. S3 Main St , and aUVmrl St. , Council lllmr . mnra. O. W. 1HJTTS , Wholesale California Frails a Specialty GtMicrnl Comml < ! lon. No. 5U Jhomhvsy , Council lllnff-i. WHIT & Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , AND- COMMISSION , Noa. 10 anil 18 I'oarl St. , Counell Illiiird. HAKXKSS. KTC. BKCKMAN , STRO1115K11N & CO. , Jlnnu'nettirers of find Whnlr ale ln ilor-ilii Loatlier , Harness , Saddlory. Etc. NoE. . Mnhi t't. . Council UlulTJown. ) . //,17 > , 'S. ETC , MKTCAL1 * IMOTllEIlS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. No .HI" mid 311 Itronilwiiv , Council Itluir ? . nKA rv IIAill ) ir.i/ ; . KKUL1XK & KELT , Wholwnln Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Vt'ooil Rloc-k. Council IllulTH , limn. UIL.S. COUNCIL HI.UI'TS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In Illuminating & Lubricate Oil ? Gi E3TO. , 23TO. P. Theodore , A cnt , Counoll llliiir . Town. A. OVnilTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling , iVud Drilled Miili'rlal Spoulilltl < > H\VlinliHiilo I.Uiii- bcroC ul ) ICimU. Ulllco No. 1W Miiiu sit- . Counril lllulls. Joiviu KS AM ) JOHN LlNDIilt , Wholusulo Imported and Domestic Wines S Liquors foi til. ( iotllmrii'H Hcrli Illttnrd. Nu. U MulnSt. Council lll.HIi. SCI1NKIDKR & BKJK ( , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Llfjuors , ( . , Council H'.u/ti. ' ) , . KIHSCHT & CO. , Y/fcolcsale / Liquor Dealers. No. IIB llroiidwny , Council Illiilfa. Reduction in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc. , , 'l At V. ' . S Ilcmcr & Co's , No. 2 ! ) Main ht Counuil Bliills , ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF MILLINERY , 320 Council Bluffs. No , Broadway , - - - Mrs. O. A. Rogers , .ate of Ihe Parisian Mil'lncry ' Co. , Manager. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , JMOAWVAY. COUNCIL HLUl'-J-'S , Duiinuy UupoU en Cf3 era t * < f llorecs anil mules l.cJt ] coiiitanlh un land , for silu : nl rotiill or in cur Jimd.s. ) dirs promiitly llllisd ijy cuntract ou Bhort iiotico , .Stock sold on cuiiinn ii. ' ) ! . .Sm.v'ruK iV. liui.t-n , I'roprlctons , Tek'iihoiio.No 11 } Forincrlj lf ) Kcil Sa ; blal.'cb , corner 1st. : ivg anU bth , strtct-