Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Tbc Republican State Ooinmittee Meetu and
Settles Campaign Debts ,
Gatticrlngortlie Kind-Supreme Court
Doings Senrolilnn I'nr a Stray-
hitf ( Ilr-Other ) Capital
City N'own.
IrnOM Tiirnr.r.'B MXCOT.M ntiaciw.1
The linal meeting of the republican
state committee was hold at the Capital
hotel yesterday , Judge Weaver , chair
man ; W. V. Hcchel , of Omaha , treasurer ;
L. D.Richards , of Fremont ; K. M. Love ,
of Ainsworth , and others of the commit
tee being in attendance. There were
present at the meuling Congressman Dor-
hey , of Fremont , Governor-elect John M.
Thnyer iind other stale olllcurs , and the
linal settlement uf accounts of the cam
paign were maih'.lrsaving a balance in the
treasury after the payment of till hills.
The excellent In republican ma
jorities on the stale Uokot entire was the
subject of comment of a congratulatory
character. Congressman Dorsey was
especially congratulated over the excel
lent majority that ho roelvud , ami his
ondorsonicnt by the people is a subject of
it good dual of satisfaction to hi.s Lincoln
Mr. Dorsey will leave for Ihu scat of
war in about two wueks to be present at
thu opening of congress three weeks
from yesterday. Congressman Weaver
will leave for Washington the last of
tlio present week , goingin advance of the
rest of the delegation as ho is a member
of the spcuiaL conference committee of
the two branches that have a Hireling
prior to thu session to consider thu
Oulloin and Reagan into.-stalu commerce
bills , the former of which has passed thu
nenati ) and the latter thu honsu. Mr.
Weaver , through the nast three yours
that ho has been in congress , has been
taking an active part in legislation as a
member of the commerce committee in
thu hotisu , and his selection on the com
mittee is a credit to thu state as well as
Gunural Thayer left at noon yesterday
to visit and address n Grand Army post
nt Wymorc , and the governor heums to
boas actively engaged as ever in Grand
Army work notwithstanding the fact that
ho has passed through a campaign
for six weeks took every hour of his
time. As the general Hat in Hie corridor
of the hotel Monday evening he was long
in conversation with a well-known jurist
of the state who was entirely happy in
the fact that the stale had honored the
general again aflur llio years that ho had
been in ruti.umunt at thu hands of the
politicians who defeated him for the
second term in the .senate.
I.OOKIXO ovin : Tin :
at Urn state capital yesterday were Sena
tor-elect Snell , of Jcllbrson county , Sena-
to-uluct Conger , ot Sherman county , and
Senator-elect Hrown , of Clay county
Mr. 1'ishburn , of Saline county , the gen
( Ionian who tied with Mr. Cingfor repre
sentative , was also in thu city yesteiday ,
coming direct from the county sent of hi.s
county where the tie was decided in a
drawing , in which Mr. Fishburn came oil
victor. Mr. Fishburn tell as though lin
hail passed through two elections , but his
fortune In winning on the tie did not un
duly ealto him. Hois a popular man of
his county and will bo heard from.
KurnuMp. roLur ot' NKIIUASICA.
Court met yesterday pursuant to ad
journmont. The following named gentle
men were admitted to practice : Thomas
L. Redlon , Henry Niinii , J. F. Hale.
Lang vs Stevens , dismissed ; Mclntosh
vs McFntosh , dismissed ; J'rnnior vs Al-
worth , continued : Senior vs Sciigcr , con
The following cases were argued and
mihmitted : Honns v.s Carter , Simnson vs
Armstrong , Wilgyoki vs Tlmm-on , mo
tion : Cool vsRouhu , Roberts v.s Heishtser ,
Maben vs Tootle , motion ; Frilv.s Gros
nicklans , "A alkor vs H.iggerly. Court
adjourned to this morning at 8M : ! o'clock.
A Gage county man was in Lincoln a
few hours yesterday in search of his
daughter , who was described as a brigli
girl of eighteen years of ago ,
who had comu to Lincoln some
time since for honest employ
inent , but of whom word had roachct
homo this wcok that she was going to the
bad , and either had or was about to become
come an Inmate of some of thu numerous
dons of ill-fame with which Lincoln is in
festocl. It took but very few inquiries foi
tlio father to ascertain that thu girl luu
loft in bad company two days ngn for
Crcston , and thither ho went in pur-mi
on the afternoon train.
that was set for a preliminary hearing ii
county court yesterday was continued bj
mutual consent of counsel on both sidua
until 1) ) o'clocK Saturday morning. Thu
inlurest in this case continues to absorb n
good dual of attention , and thu dufunsu
are evidently at work upon public
opinion to show that there i.s a job of
persecution in llio case , and tlio talk of
the amount of crookedness ranges from
throe or four to thirty of forty forged
orders or time checks. It has been hinted
that attempts have been made at com
promise that were not accepted on the
part of thu company.
In the district court yesterday the case
of the slate against Stewart , ot Stewart
Chute Lumber company , for forgery , was
. continued , the state closing its part early
in the morning hour and the dofensn
ojcupying tlio time until the noon recess
in giving their side of the caso. Jn the
afternoon arguments by counsel were
being madu and thu case was being most
ulluutunlly long drawn out. This , it
might be slated , i.s only one of a number
of cases against the imrtic.s at the bar ,
and it is not at all probable that they
will all receive a hearing at the present
term of thu court.
A hippodrome pugilistic encounter at
Tomplu hall is advertised for Saturday
evening next at which time Jack llanloy
will meet Jnuk Dnscoll , and numerous
aspirants who want to bo tough will
assist in completing the programme with
exhibitions in boxing. It would appear
from thu announcement that Hanluy is
biiuk in the ring again , and thuru nro un
doubtedly enough people who think miuh
eiiteitainments are manly who will join
in tlio procession in giving thu sluirgors.
an audioncu and paying their expenses
down from Omaha , what action thu
authorities will take is not known at
Thu city council at their meeting Monday -
day evening met with a little surprise by
the announcoimmt from tliu sewer com
mittee that Mr , Koismover , Ihu con.
tractor on thu work , hud thrown lip the
job and could not complete it Thu an-
lUJiiucimiunt was also madu that two dif
ferent parties worn ready to taku the con
tract from his hands , and yesterday was
bet for a .special meeting to act in the
matter. The work of laying thosoworago
pipes in thu vicinity ot thu H. & M. depot
and grounds has been attended with ex
traordinary expunso. and it Is evidently
not a paying job under the contract as
.Detective Pound returned homo from
Wymore yesterday , wliero ho had been in
the Interest of thu Nebraska Detective
association , which made the arivsts of
thu grain bureaus at Liberty , and not the
Pinkerlon agency , as reported in thu
Statu Journal. Thu detective also fur
nishes thu information that the party who
throw add upon Attorney Cobbuy , at
Nvmoro , has bcon captured In that town
and will bo given a hearing mafcwdnya.
_ I ho three lodges of Knights of Pythias
in the city have committees appointed for
tlio arranuemjnt of a grand knights'
banquet , to be civoil at tlio banquet
room and the Uas'.lo hall of the lodges on
O and Tenth f-trects. The date set for
the occasion Is the evening before
Thanksgiving and all the members of
the dilleront lodges of the uity with
friends will be bidden to the feast that
w.ll . be a Thanksgiving dinner in itself ,
and the provisions remaining will bo
given to Lliler Ilowo for use among the
Street car travel was entirely slopped
yosiordav by the unntnected and heavy
fall of now , and it was the noon hour
oefore the snow plows were arranged
and In working order to clear the tracks.
The blockade made walk.tig through the
Irifts the only ultimatum.
Dr. Kntiup , of York , was in the city
yosterdny and was amonir the list of
hose who were watching the political
ikies at tlio state capital. The doctor .s
ninio is frequently mentioned nsaprob.i-
jln successor to Malhuw on as Miuerin-
tondoiit for the hospital for llio in
( Jiid Slaughter , who has been in the
city the past three days making all solid
between himself and the Lancaster dele
gation in the lower IIOUMJ , returnijd home
ward yesterday. The members elect
for ( lie house in Lancaster county will
indoiibludly take delight in voting for
jail tor chief cleric of the house.
"This reminds me ot the day after elec
tion , " waul an e\-Chnreh Howe man as
10 met a fellow pilgrim ploughing
-hroiigh thu drills ycsterdav. "This is
really comfortable and natural , ' con
tinued tint speaker , "and if they will
hoist thu black Hag on the government
building and keep a cold wave with us
Richard uill be himself agnn.
The report enmu to the capital yester
day tint the vote of Sloiiv county was
not to bo canvassed at all owing to irrcji-
tilaritics in the lime of the can for tlio
election. As but some four hundred votes
were easf in tlio cotintv the failure to
canvass would not alter the results in
ixny instance .
Mr It. 11. Goulding , of this city , has
established a news bureau for the winter
mouths , and is prepared to contract with
all papers in the stale lo supply them
weekly with a budget of the latest news
at the stale capital.
K.vSunator M. P. Kincaid , of Holt
county , and ox-Survovor General 1) . V.
Stephenson , of Richardson county , were
among the parties now out ot active pol
itics who wore at thu stale capilal yester
Grand Chancellor John Morri on , of
the Knights of Pythias , leaves to-d-iy for
an olliuial visit to the lodges in Omaha.
Ho expcots Vice Grand Chancellor Chap
man , of Krrmont 10 accompany him.
The Walters Comedy company ! > hold
ing a week's engagement at the People's
theatre the present week , and the house
seems to be making week stands with
popular companies a .success.
Attorney L. A. Golf , A. II. Conch ,
Harry Merriam , of the Pythian Spur ,
and ' 'Colonel" A. II. Forbes , of Omaha ,
wcio metropolitan visitors on a business
visit to Lincoln yesterday.
Jamus II. Ilol/er , of thu Seward IMade ,
was a visitor at the capital city yestur-
The returns were all received at llio
ollice of the secretary of state yesterday ,
Madison being Ihe last county on the list
to report.
A western newspaper says that the
latest sensation is a St. Louis horio that
chews tobacco ; but thu greatest sensation
is Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup.
Salvation Oil is the
greatest pain-de
stroyer of the airo. It speedily annihi
lates pain , wiiui her from a out , brui c.
scald , burn , frost-bite , or from a wound
of any other kind. Price only twenty-live
Thpttn.Jah'H AVIfo.
A Hindu in The London Queen : The
following anecdote illustrates the ex
treme delicacy of sentiment among the
Rajpoot women. The celebrated Knjah
Joy Sing of Amber had married a Pi inc-
ess of Harvati , wliosu simple provincial
manners and sross subjected bur to the
tmndinago of the refined and supurbly
dressed ladies of the court of Amber.
Ono day the Ilnjnh began playfully to
make remarks about the swooping jupon
of llio princc&s , and taking up a pair of
scissors , said he would reduce it to the
fashionable length. Highly offended at
this nlayful remarks , she seized his
sword , and , assuming a threatening at-
tiludo , said that in the house to which
she belonged they were not used to such
jests , that mutual rcspoot was the guar
dian not only of happiness but of virtue ,
and she assured him that if ho again
dared to it'.siilt ' her ho would Iind that
the daughter of Harvati could use a
sword butter than thu pritieo of Amber
his scissors.
Tlio Crlokct's H
Urooklyn Eagle : I have a bioyclo in
good running order which I would liku
to exchange for a pair of winter clothes ;
length ot log , thirty-six ; and a heavy
overcoat. Gerald Do La Kockiebotham.
I would like to exchange- good "A"
tent , with complete campln outfit , for 11
month's board m a private family. Is'o
objection to children or only two meals
Sunday. Chester A. Do Uondauks.
Any person having anything useful
that ho would like to exchange for two
or three uulr ? ot long stockings , u Nor
folk Jacket , pair knickerbockers and : iu
Alpenstock , can fiirtt a customer by ad
dressing the iindornigned. Something
heavy or fur lined preferred. Augusltis
1 have a good straw hat with a broad
ribbon , oniy worn ono season. This is a
rare chance for the right kind of a man
with something to oat. Aflor to-morrow
this olfur will ba withdrawn. Al. T.
I have a valuable sun-timbrolla , witcli
as nevaw beau out of thu family bufaw ,
but witch 1 have consumed to imwt with
faw sanitary reasons , Gentlemen \\ilh
niiaccoptionablorefurunciH , having a res
taurant ticket and a capo hovacoat , verv
long , to dispose oil'will be accommodated
by addressing J. Clitimley-Horvis
rows-Harrows. Alfiu.awf Cfub-Ouso.
Two and tennis-
good bathing-suits a -
racket for three square meals. Address ,
in confidence Harold Pittiboy.
1 will uNchiingu n village cart , nearly
now , for a ton of Laeawakaua slate , egg
sUu. S. 1C. Meaux.
Mr. Goodman , aged seventy-six , and
Mrs. Ireland , aged sixty-eight , of Farm-
ington , In , , had to run av ay from their
children in order to gel mariied.
Prof , Clias , Ludwig Von Sesger
Medicine at tha Itofiil Ualremltri
Knlclit nf thu Auitrixn OrJer uf lh Iroa
i'mitnt KnlBlit Comuindor of tne Itorul hpitntsti
Orderuf li liellu : KriU'lil of tlia H'ljrul 1'ruKluti Or-
derof tliulloa Kniila : OUuruller of tbd Li'gljn at
il3Sl | U\Caytf ? > * S8rAlnBHI'TO.NIO ihoall .t b (
coiilounilp > l null thuliorUe of InisUr cureallf. ItU
111 nosunsoof tliu wonlu i > ut nt rumeJr , 1 urn tbor-
ouKlilr coii ors iitwltUU iiia.lo of pni | > r.UUm uud
kiion U to IKI nol onlr n Ictlllmala pliarumcoutlcal
produiUbutulxiiriirtlirof tliu blub tomniouJatluui
lllia.rocelreJInull i.arHof llio world. IIontvnt
FKpnce of llfi-f , Com , Quinine , Iron and CulUara ,
vblch are illMiiltrid In pure genuine bpinlibltuperUf
Ini luulleto all whoaro llun Doirn , Nerroui , Dri-
peptic , Itllloiii , M.ilnrlau * or aitlctuJ wllb VKUC kU-
HerHajesly's Favorltle GosmatlcGlycerliia
II rd t > r Her HoraUIIshntMtUe Trlnren of Walej
anUlba uuUIIUr. Kor tba Hln. ( Ximi > l ilon , Kruu-
lloniA'Uapi'lua. ' OX Of drusiUti. UO's ( lenulna hrup aufSar < parllltmi
oJ uilUo buitiMrnparUmlutUo uii
SotnctlilnK of llio Dullness of Tliomns
J. Ijlptonln Oinnluinnd El cwliorc.
There nro rorjr few people , outsHlo of n
small circle of business inun , who realize
tlio iinjiorlanco niul ningtiltudu of the
pork packing Industry and the strength
of the llrms entrant ! in it. A few clay ?
a < ; o a paukln house was opened In South
Omaha , an event which was duly chroni
cled by the UKK , but It is to bo doubted if
the nainu "Lipton's House1' inadu any
Creator Iniprussioii upon the inlds of the
readers than anv other ninno would have
done. Yet the proprietor of the new
paokin house at South Omaha , Mr.
Thomas , ! . Lipton , bears the distirtion of
being ono of the largest retail provision
dealers in the world. In addition to the
packing house at South Omaha ho has
,0110 in Chic'igo known as the .Johiislnmi
Packing company. The principal retail
Htoro is in ( Jlasgow , but h Iris no loss
than thirty others located In the ehief
cities of liroat Britain In front of thcso
immense stores it is no uncommon thing
to see a crowd of people cov
ering" the Mtlewalk , crowding ,
pushing and pulling one another in an
endeavor to gain admittance. Tliis is
ahvaya the ease at the tlmo of tlio holi
days when snecial attractions are to bo
had or at any season when a notable re
duction is made , lor n limited tini , In
the price ot any favorite article of food ,
Within ono may - < eo the counters , shelves
anil slabs of solid white marble , glisten
ing In their , while upon them
arc piled tons of the choicest dairy pro
duce upon ono side , and of the fmc > t hog
product ! ) , ham , bacon , lard , etc. , upon
the other , while the clerks and assistants
arr.ivcd in spotleis wliitu linen caps and
aprons , supply the wants of the surging
crowd of customers. The floors and
walls are tiled in elaborate and Hslcful
patterns , while the weights , scales , guard
rails , etc. , are of polished l ras . In
everything the most scrupulous uciitncss
is observed. Nothing that could give the
least oflunso to llio most particular ens-
tomer is allowed In any of the Mores.
In addition to supplying iiis customers
witli hog products from his Omaha and
Chicago packing houses , Mr Lipton has
been a largo consumer of American
cheese. One of the leading features of
his holiday display is the immense cheeses
made in this county. Last month three
of thcso cheeses , weighing 3,500 to 4,000
pounds each , and about tour and one-half
ieet in height by twenty feet in ciroum-
feri'iice , were snipped to Liverpool. In
manufacturing these cheeses it wasncccs-
btiry to construct a monster , and
when each cheese cam-1 fioni thu Dress it
was essential to move it swinging upon
trunnions , so that it might be turned and
set either end up , much as Lieutenant
Gorring swung the obelisk this with
out marring the form of the cheese and
not causing if to bulge or change its form
in any nay. The success of this applica
tion of mechanical devices was complete.
The chcesiw present a great uniformity
of form am ! solidity , and are of remark
able excellence of qualitv , fully _ equal to
the best cheese 01 ordinary si/.e. The
sides are upright , the edges sharp , the
tops and bottoms Ibt and the whole as
perfect inform as a first-class fifty-pound
choose. These gigantic cheeses will , in
accordance with a custom of several
years' standihg , be cut at Mr. Lipton'a
leading retail houses , The excitement
attending the cutting of ono of these
cheeses , which had been for weeks ex
hibited in one of the great windows , c'in
hardly bo imagined. In order to increase
the interest gold and silver coins arc
sijittored through the cheeses. It is said
that many of the customers cannot wait
to reach homo before examining their
purchase , and tear open the packages in
the street , in hopes of lindintra valuable
com The lucky ones usually rush back
and buy another piece with the hope of a
continuance of thu good fortune.
Pure blood is absolutely necessary in
order to enjoy periect ; health. Hood's
Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and
strengthens the system.
The AVaRCS of Sin in Its Scoond Pro
The last production of ' 'Tim Wages of
Sin" took place at the lioyd last night.
The night was snowy and cold , yet the
audience was reasonably largo , and satis
factorily appreciative. As a whole , the
company is inferior to that which pro
duced the same pi ceo hero last season ,
ami yet , it gave a strong representation
to the piece , but that of last year scarcely
loft anything to bo desired. Of all who
figured in the cast a year ago. Mr. Chas.
O. Manbury as llio curate remains. His
work is intense , and his effort throughout
of the most conscientious order. Moral
ists , however , may take exception to his
pummeling of the villain in the fourth
act , which results in the lattur's death ,
because the fistimifl's which loud to it
have been superinduced more by jeal
ousy , hatred , and a dcsiro for rovongo.
than as a means of saving the curate's
life. This inconsistency is the fault
rather of playwright than the actor ,
yet , strange to say , it is a species of mock-
heroic morality , which is not altogether
foreign to inigos of some of the later En
glish writer.- ) . Stephen Alarler , thu vic
tim in this case was undoubtedly a brute ,
and deserved punishment , perhaps oven
death , but it ill iiccumo a clergyman to
seel ; him out with thu heroic Ktatu that
ono or other of them must die. Of cnnrs/j
the villain dies , and the clergyman , it is
hoped , comes by hi.s own.
It may bo well , however , for Mr. Man-
bur > to know that his present company
is travelling mainly on the reputation of
the old one , and , it ho should bring the
piece hero next year , success will largely
depend upon an approximation to the
original presentation huro.
In Nebraska during the week ending No
vember lit , 1880. furnished by Win. Van
Vleekof tlio postolllco department
Postmasters Appointed. Citmro , Ous
ter county , Mrs. PhehoK. liotts ; Klkhorn ,
Douglas county , John W. CJooilhart ;
Lutes. ICoya , 1'aha county , James Lever-
ick ; McOann. Cherry county , William li ,
Carter ; MeOleaii , Keya Piiliu county ,
William L Uowan ; : Moore , Hall county ,
James \V. \ Chancy ; Uoca , Dam-aster
comity , William II. Diinhamj Tyghe ,
Keith county , Jacob A. WortYerdus ; -
etio , Sherman comity , J. M. 8n viler ;
Whittier , Lincoln county , Robert S.
Discontinued. ISlaokhlrd. Holt county ;
High , Cnstcr county , Isla , Saundois
county ; Obi , Cnster counter county ;
Ulack Grove , Sarny county ; Ulvordnlo ,
Itnll'alo county ; Sweden , Lenox county ;
Tiiibott , Knov county ; Wolf Ureek , Paw
nee county ,
Postmastor.s Appointed. Arbor Hill ,
Adair county , A. C. Smith ; L'livo. I'olic
county , Lnciim P. Wilcox ; Fairview ,
Jones county , Mrs. Jane Meliowan , Iowa
Centre , Story county , Mrs. Agues T.
lligby ; Payne , Fremont county , Thomas
C Wood ; I'ilot drove , Leo county , Henry
J. M. Otto ; llingstod , Kminct county ,
Hans Johnson ; Stanhope , Hamilton
county , li. E Tardal.
Discontinued. Anna , itnona Vista
county White Ash , Washington county.
I'ermit * .
Superintendent Whitlook issued build
ing permits yesterday as follows.
J allies Anderson , story and half fiaine
CJittaw , Miami. ui-arTweaty-secoiul.51,300 ,
PittiT Kilimiiul. ODD wtory frame cottauu
Pacitio uoar Twenty-fourth . , ITS
T\vo ponulta , asb'rcjiating . . $1,775
Ijnst Meat's Council.
At the council meeting last evening
there were present the mayor , in the
chair ; Aldermen iKinforth , Hammer ,
Keller and Henuott. It was S.'JO o'clock
before the meeting was called to order.
City Aii'lilor ' Kmnehan presented the
bills of the different judges and poll
clerks of tno late election , which were
referred to the liuanaial committee with
several other bill *
City Engineer 'IVistcvin reported as
sessments to private property on upper
Uroadway on account of the paving. Tlio
total amount due Smith & Co. , the pavers ,
including intersections , Is gf.'U.lHI.Ul.
Sarah 15. I ) . Hohrer , by petition , en
tered a protest against being as
sessed for sidewalks as per spe
cial assessment resolution No. 41) ) .
The petition not having been
presented within tno time allowed by
law the resolution WMS but the pe
tition was placed on file.
Mrs. Maria Mynster petitioned for a re
duction of assessment of lot No. SOJI
original plat , having paid only $ UK ) fru
it. Referred to committee on special as
Mr. J. Dlcrks stated that the Dlerks
Corn Harvester in'itinf.ietnring company
had been under the impression tint they
were to have waterworks at their now
works anil that they were to have the
same assistance tint the now canning
works had. Aldermen Honuelt stated
that several of the aldermen hail spoken
of helping this new company to the same
extent that tlio city had the eanniiiir fac
tory. The matter was referred to the
water committee
Smith < x Co. were Issued lifty-nino
bonds with erasures , and tlu-y last night
petitioned for a rcine of the bonds. A
resolution to that client was adopted.
Engineer Tostovin r-ported that Fore
man Sweeney , for Mitchell Vincent , the
Indian creel ; conlr.ietor , reports that
they have completed their contract , and
risked the council to look after the .natter
and sec if the contract had been properly
The council refused to accept an order
from the waterworks company in favor
ofS. Fiirnsworlh , for $ H,5UO , in lieu of
water rents up to March 1 , 1887 , it beiug
advance payments. .
An ordinance to extend and open Ninth I
atomic , through the new Oinnha addition
to Council Hlull's , was rend and under the
ruc.s ! laid over.
The Tenth avenue ordinance did not
come up , as it was the wish of
the council to have a full Doard when it
caine up for final action and the council
iiiireed to adjourn to meet ne\t Saturday
evening when it will no doubt be disposed
John Churchill claimed he Imd been as
sessed twice for the some euibing. He-
feiTed to linance committee.
The Methodist church entered protest
against being chanrcd ih full eniount of
pavinL'ltax.they claiming they should only
DO charged for the same width of the
street us First street.
Airs. Hock asked the taxes on certain
property be remitted as she is over
bi'venty years of ago , and has no way of
support. Granted.
The bond and contract of A. E. Avcry
to build sidewalks read and ap
Aid. D.mforth reported that ho had let
the contract lor building ; the sidewalk in
front of Dr. SVocdbury's property on
Pearl street.
Hal ford Sauce enriclies liot joints ,
hops , etc.
Homo Smart Youns
Klopstoek began Ins "Messiah" at the
age of seventeen.
Thomas Moore began to write poems
at the age of fourteen.
Milton began to woo the muse when ho
was but ten yours old
The poet Southoy began to write verses
before ho was eleven.
Schiller wrote and published a poem
on iSlocs in his fourteenth year.
Henry Kirk White published a volume
of poems at the ago of seventeen.
Dickens had produced "Pickwick Pa-
pars" before lu < was twenty-live.
Hryant's "Thanatopsis" was published
before the writer had reached the ago of
Shakosporo wrote "Hamlet11 if lie did
write it when ho was only thirty-six
years of ago.
Btilwcr Lytton , linynrd Taylor and the
poet Keats were successful maga/inc
writers at eighteen.
Fitz-Groon Hallock's best
- verses were
penned when the author was between
fourteen and seventeen years of age.
Poems by Chaucer were known and
read before the writer had reached hjs
twelfth year , and Leigh Hunt made a stir
at the ago of thirteen.
Last year the owner of a refrigerating
establishment at Sturgeon Hay , Wis. ,
froze : lfty tons of fish for winter storage.
This year he expects to traof.o twice as
A pet dog belonging to a woman who
died recently near North Sidney , N. S. ,
was so attached to her that after her
death ho refused food of every kind , and ,
following her remains to the grave ,
stayed there and starved to death.
Licensed to Wed.
Juilgo McCulloch issued marriage
licenses j'cstcrday to the following
parties :
Name. 1'esidftiice. Apo.
( August Iliulenske Onmlia -I
1 Ucrtha Prill Omaha 1
J M. O. Worth Plattsimmth . . . . ' 29
| Madid Koiufli ; l'Jiitsmuiith - ! ( !
i N'lcolny ChPlshciK. . . .Oninlia W )
I Martini Sliiuulauil Omaha ' l
I David Mollomy Oianha -10
I Anna Hones uinulm
A titled foreigner complains that Amer
icans do not understand llio method of
address to lords , Some call these im
portations plain "Mr. , " others say
"Your Highness" and others "Your
Honor.11 "Tour Lordship11 and "My
Lord"'nro common mentis of address.
Hut them are others , among the mo-it
sensible people , who say , "Yes , sir , " or
"L am glad to know yon , sir. "
Mothers ! Hewaro of those secret rob
bers of your baby's quiob and healths
those sleepless nights , anil long hours of
tiresome vigil are caused by those terrl-
bin enemies of childhood worms - destroy
stroy them with Dr. J. U. McLean's Ver
Not knowing the Hohomian for "Mr.11
the London newspapers are constantly
putting "Herr" before Dvorak s nnmo.
The composer has protested against this
fashion with great earnestness. Gorman ,
for some unexplained reason , boinp par
ticularly obnoxious to him , and insists
on the r'Mr. , " though ho will permit the
Bohemian equivalent , "Pan.11
The largest wooden structure In the
world is said to bo the government build
ings In the capital of Now Xealand , The
block is four stories high , and occupies
an of nearly two acres , The city it-
snlf is mostly wooden on account of the
earthquakes of thn region , and is called
"i'hocltyof packing c.ises" and "Tho
city of match boxes. "
Two lighthouse keepers on the North
Carolina coast quarreled about the color
of the sea and did not exchange another
word fir three months , when both were
discharged by the government.
An artist's idea of desolation llio
minors' de-Tied c.ihins in places near
L'lttsburg where old mines or oil wells
have been abandoned , doors wide open ,
window panes broken , rooms empty.
Prepared with BtrlctrOKml toPnrlty , Strength , nnA
Hunltbf ulucss. Dr. JYILO u 11 lUiuR f'cm dor contains
r.nAmmontiI.lfflO.Almnor Phosphates. 1)1. ) 1'rlco'o
Bstructa , YwilUfii Lomoa , etc. ,
A Book thet cTfrr fnthcr
riioulil iilnco Ir Ills t ona hum ) *
and read Id iist-rvrlibtlioutmoFt
care. ( Hits oJl tlio ojmptoma
nn l tcrrlblrt rrrulls of Dlkcoscs
iluo to linrly Itc ouil J aor-
iinro. I Trot. Jean Ct > Ule )
Hiiibandj nna Hcml * of FamOf ( IA l Fiance. )
Ilien need it , TtbtlmonliiU from unlneut huntluu Due ton
For PmlnR , iJpefty , * Vcnkr.o , "Lout VItallly Etc. Bonl
ZSviS&AJiS/iTriyS'to '
HOHR PAT \nnir. ThoOrmtftcnniin
llcmcUy iBBinm tlvoruio T'ocsainiilo
3 l > act > ncp nii'l l > uuk fur ] < ) crntt In tlmnv * .
} K. U. MEDICAL CO. , Kaat , JUmi.luu.C'oun.
Hccuntlr Itullt. Nunlr rurnlihod
The Tremont ,
J. O. riT/.OICItA 1,1) & SON , Proprietors.
Cor. tth nuil I'.Sts , Lincoln , Nob.
nnteifl 71 i.criloy. btrce : curs from.Uouso to an/
imrt of Ilie e'tj' ' .
Arcliitect ,
OJllcrs-3:3.34 : tinrt Hi'jhardB Block , Lincoln ,
Nub. niovutoruuHtli Htrout.
lircoicrol nrocrtcrof
G A U.u w A Y O Airr.B. Ennurlluit.vUATTLi
Live Stock Auctioneer
Bnloa inmlo In nil pnrtA of tlio U. 8. at fair
rnlcM. Kooin.'t.StHto lllook , Lincoln , Nub ,
Galloway tunl Bhort Horn ljulla lor Htilu.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Corri'SDOinlpiico In rcinril to loan ? Hollcltod.
Itoom { , Klclmixls Illock. Mnuoln , Nub.
Riverside Short Horns
Of utrlctly nuro I ! itiu niul Hates Tiippoa ciilllo.
Ilonl nuuiliL'fii iibout ( ! < ) buml.
1'iiiiillJoM it > prt > ! i < Mitoil : I'llbarts. CrnifTt ,
AconibK. Itenlu.c , Uosii of Hhiirons , Moss Kosos ,
ICnlk'btly Duuboxios , I'lul Crook Vouni , ' Marys ,
I'liylllsus , l.oiiiuiH uiHlTnici JX > V H.
Iliilli lor gain , 1 1'ilru Itittos FIIDort. 1 1'uro
DutL'0 Cnnrjf-i. 1 Jtosoof Slniion , 1 YOIIIIT Alary ,
1 1'uio Ornlok hlianlc mid othnri. t'oino ami
Innporttho liorl. AiMiess , CHAS. M. 11IIAN-
SON , Uiiuoln , Nob.
Whnn in Lincoln flop at
National Hotel ,
And ltd u ijooii Ulnuur ( o > o.
o.1'UDAWAY Prop.
The nbovo Trmjo tgnrk Is , n Qiinrnfitgo thnt Every Artlplo bonrlnor ] t l
tie ! jFlnoat mid BoHt " thnt onn _ bo m.ijclp for the prlno nnkgct.
" "
The Michigan Stove Company ,
Detroit , Mich , Chicacio , 111. Buffalo. N. Y.
FOR SA LK Ji } '
mill In. H.T III. .
Crated free on board cars ,
, T. ALLEN ,
Mention Onmha Hoc.
S.W. COK. I.llli AW FAttXAM , OMAMA.
Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. Lands foi snlo
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Map of the city state or county , or any other
information desueU , furnished free of charge upon application.
Of Imported Draft Stallions ,
Fourteen imported ami registered litM'ses will be sold : 11 Normans , 1 Clyde ,
1 English Draft , and 1 liulgiun.
These horses have nil been in this state the past season and arc thoroughly
acclimated , and have been selected from thestiiblos of leading'niportcr aml
are line specimens of their class.
They will be sold on a credit of three equal nnnnal payments without inter
est until April 1st , 111117 , and 7 per cent thercaflor.
This stock has boon taken under mortgage and must be sold. Breeders will
save time , expense , danger of .shipment , time for acclimation , etc. , by pur
chasing1 at this sale *
Number and pedigree will bo furnished on application.
C. W. MOSHEll , Owner , Lincoln , Neb.
0. P. SlLYLLKN'ltHIlUHU , Manager , Hastings , Nou.
To whom all inquiries should be sent.
F. JL WOOD. Anctloner , Lincoln , Neb.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest slock. i'rieuB tlio lownht. Itupiilrlng a specially. All work \vurrnnt-
cd. Coruur Dotifjlas iind IRtli struuts , Onialm
llidc Irom Urn pl c l ruitet lealhir o ic i ! . n 1U , ere
o hurt th rut. NOISBI.MS * Vi ) KAHV.
Clilldnu luunui innkuiiocli racket wllli them or r uh
li..a wiwJflooriiirtoirrorpeH Iliilvrxlohr null port
pftl1IUriiU.ll.tos * ' nii BojlMI.Ml Ml i i' nil
Vouili. ' , | l l ; chlldrtn'i II M _ . , ,
Haward Bros. , KOI lo ! rd St. , Omaha , Neb.
iltfsronte : Coiomcrclil NHIoml B ukOin h
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
were shipped duvlnij thn pas *
two years , will.out n drum-
orfniiurrmiil'iy. No other
Mibol'i thn world ran trnU >
fully mnlui HUjli a allowing.
Ono u'lont ( dcnlur * ouly )
wun calnuorti town.
Having in stock an unusually large line of
Consisting of Suits and Overcoats , made by the leading merchant tailors of the east. We have
decided to sell them off at a DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT from the following prices.
; . SUITS.
$25. 31 ore1 nt Tailor Muile : xt $13.00
30.00 II 14.00
U5.00 IIII 10.00
4000 II 18.S5
in.oo II 20.00
no.oo IIII IIII 2.1,50
00,00 II II 28.00
05 00 IIII IIII 30.00
If you need a good'fitting suit or overcoat , made in tne latest style , tins is the week to buy
for tne sale will only last one week , Special inducements to purchasers of OVERCOATS.