Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    . . _ - , - . - . - r irr ' TV A TT IT T > T7IT7' ' A V TtffWTCMTCTCT ? . 17. 188(1. (
Trading in tlio Wheat Pit Very Ball , But
Values Firm at n Good Advance.
provisions Showing No Slcns of Ac
tivity Tlio Cnltlc HiiftlncflM Un-
Hnilsfhctory to Kverjlwtly
UOK 1'rlocs Steady.
CittrAno , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram to
the JJr.i.J : Wlicat was very dull to-day , but
tlio market was quite linn and a good ad
vance Is noted. Foiclgn markets display n
decided firmness , quite at variance with tlio
temper of those on tills side , and several prl-
vnlu cables make mention of asllcht advance
In Liverpool. Seaboard clcniances show up
handsomely nijam this week and thcie Is little -
tlo doubt ot the existence of a oed foretell
demand for our wheat at present pnccs. It
tlio out movement keep ? up at the late It has
been coins out for the last two weeks the ex
port for November will be fully tip to tlio av
erage of the preceding four months , which
\\otild bring the total shipments for the lirst
live months of the llscal year tip to about
05,000,000 bushels. The northwest Is f > tlll
( mildly bearish and the motemcnt fiom the
Interior Is as large as ever. The country is
JOIIKOII wheat anywhere from 40,000,000 to
00,000,000 bushels in the burket shops at this
vtrlt.iitf , but these trades aio u dead weight
and add to the depression Instead of reliev
ing It. Those who deal legitimately seem to
haveall tltcy want , and In consequence the
market lias no acthe aggressive supportfrom
any ( [ mirier. At the outside to-day the price
ol December was 74S'c , and the price of May
Hlc. At 1 o'clock December was quoted
at 7IVi January at TSe and May
at 81 ' ( c. This was substantially the
highest ranee of the morning. At no time
dm iiij : the torcnoonvns the market acme ,
and at no time was tbo tone other than stub
bornly and Inertly strong. OuLsldo orders
vcrc few and far between , and local trading
was Hcht. Corn was strong and fairly ac
tive In n speculative way. Heports aio begin
ning to come In niultitudlnonsly from the
eouutiy ciistlnc discredit and rldlculo en the
last govetmm-nt estimate. This somewhat
alaimed the shorts , and as the market is over-
hold , the effect of tlm nervousness on the part
of tlm hear clement is qnlcKly felt. There-
suit to day was tin advancii ot J/c In prices.
Quotations at tlio end of the long session
were Jttjfc for December , 3lJ ( e lor .Innuary ,
and 41 ? ( < r41Xe for May. There was no
change ot Impoitaiice In onts ; Mav closed at
OU ( " 05 < ; c. i'lovlslonsshow no signs of a
bealtliv hpi'culatho activity , and brokeis In
the ho/ product have little to do except to
Maud aiound and watch each other. A lair
Shipping Inquiry (01 ( green hams Is rcpoitod.
Consumers arc dlsplujlng nioio activity to
lay In supplies than was uxpected. 'Hie evi
dent reluctance of packers to sell Incicases
the eaBcrness of Imjers. This activity ,
\\lilchaRyetlsonlylargo but not remarka
ble , has not communicated itself
to the speculative Held and probably will not
until the packets see thoii way clear for the
winter. Many of them are by no means cer
tain that the double IH permanent ! } settled lit
the yaids. Meanwhile the packers at other
points aie proliting by the interruption to
business at the stock yards.
t0p. ! : : ! m. tu the attnrnoon hoard wheat
was active , strong and higher on icportof
nlxtee.ii boatloads being taken at New \ oik
for export and lu sympathy with corn. Corn
was active and higher tiom heavy covoiuip
by shorts and received considerable htrenuth
Irom the break In lake Height iates. , Wheat
fitiotig and higher at 73 ( fJWJ&s torNovem-
bur 746h' ' % 74Jic for Decumher. Corn excited ,
fitiong'and higher at > Wc for November ,
SiVJfi1 tor December , 37'jc for Jannaiy , 41fe
for May. Oatsstiong at20cfor November ,
2iiKc toi December. 1'oik steady nt SU. 11 for
November , S'.un for December , 510.03 tor
January. J/aid S-VJO for November. S5.'Jj
lor .January. Shoit libs steady at fc.US lor
Janmuy , Sn.171 lor Ketiruaiy.
BMSii. in. Puts on .December wheat 71a e
Rollers , calls 75c bid. J'uts on May coin
e , calls -tic bid.
CHICAGO , Nov. 17. ( Special Telegram to
the UKI : . ] CATTi.n Ti.ulo continues slow
and unsatisfaftoiy to all concerned. The re :
ceipts at this point are not excessive , but the
recent labor troubles scum to have thrown
the whole trade out of gear. Then again
eastern matkcts are mote than well supplied
with homegrown stock , as , for Instance ,
there wcioovor 100 cars of New York and (
Pennsylvania cattle on the market yesterday
out of. 160 cars all told. The prospects aio
not at all favoinblo for any gieat Imptove-
jiient In the demand and no snow at all lor
nuy mateiial advance In prices. A few so-
rallcd Christmas Deevcs are making what
would seem to be good pi Ices , } et they are
not paying. The Icedcr and shipper is not
making any nionej out ot investments. Na
tive bulcheirt' htofk ! > liable to sell a bhado
higher within the mt month or so , ns the
inn of rangers and 'JVxans is about over for
the season. Thu stoekor and feeder tiado 10-
iiuilns dull and uiibathfactoiy. C'oiiiitrymen
only want heavy tcedets , say tiom l.tOJ ) to
1.10J Ibs. Light btorkeisaioaliuost unsaleable. .
The Mock calf tiado is ovoi fm the hcason.
Then ) was onlv one load on the maiket to-
diiv. ShtppliiK steers. 13.W to l.WO IJis , c
( & CO ; 120J to l,0 : ! Ibs , FMJOgU)0 ( : HM to 1'JOO
lus , sa.iiOcnil.'O ' : cows , bulls and mixed , l"to
( if.,70 : bulk , 81.n5it'.VJS : tin ouch Texas cows ' ,
Sl.COi.M ( ) ; steers , 'J.-Oijf.J.-tO ) ; westein raug-
i-rt. wiiak ; natives and naif bleeds , S'J.10C < 4
: i.7.r > : wintered Toxiins. J'J.7r.i.'r ? : ) . Sales :
01 Montana * , lastilbs , k" . ' > \ 7 feedeis. 10111
Ibs'J UO : ill Montanas , lill.'l llw , Si.75 ; ; ; 18
Hlonlaiias , 12W IDs , SilM ; Ifi Montanas , l'M
Ibs , $ : > . & ( ) ; KM Montanas , IIJOJ Ib5 , W.75r.l ;
lontnna'M \ \ \ > s , S3.75.
llodh Tiado was actl\o and prices steady
as eompaied with yeatcnlay , but iOoiJ. > o
" . , week a o. Howh and-
York. Nov. Id. MOVBV On call
active at &ejiu per cent , closing at 0 per cent
ecu t
dTKin.ixo EvriiAXon Dull and steady ; ) lor bixty day bills ; SI.M'i lor de-
" '
. - bonds were
' " '
"hro'cKs The stock mnikct presented n i bet
ter appeaiance than for man v weeks' . 1 iioimir-
lietoiiened win vvhiit Irregular , hut generallv
btroiiL ! at advani-os over last evening's timil
ilgnres , ranplnu' from & to % per cent. In
J iiulsvillfl . \ : Nashville tnuling was oethi' ,
nnd MIIIIO slight heavlne.In enily dealings
hoon dbaiLMii'd | ) | and the murket becaim )
utrong. Now Kiigland and Loulsvlllu &
Nabhvlllo wt'io hpecial leatmes. 'I lain a
In Iteadlng beganandf.7,0008hares
ot this , stock chanecil bands In an hour ,
wlthanetadvani'H ot Us per cent. In the
lust hour Iho market became fuveilsti and ii-
regular and so closed.
oent bonds. . 100'4 ' N. W 120
' ' ' '
New 4's. . . . . . . . I'-r X.Y. U
PiiclncG'sof'95. 12V ( Uieuon Iran. . . .
Continl Pacitie. . 47 PaellicMail . .
C.iVf A
} ' '
preiprreo. . . . 1C ? P'P. . 0..1. . - -
c , b. A * " Itock Island .
] / I. ! t W. . . . llO iht. L. & S. K. . . . SO
nJAH-G. . . . . . . ' U-rred. . . j
' . . ietlpt1"1
piofcrm' ' 16JS. ] ; rc - 1"-1-
1 11 & \V . . . 17 * l preferred. . .
KansaBAToxas. St'iTexas Pacjlio . .
LakcHhoro WK Union Pac'to '
L.fcN i rt-Sii\V. \ , Sst..Ui\5l' .
Mich. Central. . Wi prt-ferml.
MaPaclflo uo 6\NVMcrn , Uulou ,
Northern Pao. . W\4p. \ . It. \ N - . . UbJ
tu of erred. . , Wj
Clitoauo. Nov. 10. Flour Quiet and
ui"lmicr7d { winter whrat Hour , W-M U"-
fiUUinrilU * ' * j w\jf " W ( i i v\ji * - - - i - . -f
JdlcblEWisoIlsprtnir wheut , SU,50Ca.10i ; Miu-
tatake .kk5i 4.10patenl8.8taa ; ( ) < . Js
Iowgraao3 , ) .76 < J.755 rjo tlour , quiet at
SRiSV' < r3 , < X ) In
. ' bnrtoK and S3.X ( > < J3.20 In
Wheat Flrinrr : advanced -H&r nbovr eloo
jcMtrdav ! , and rinsed V V above yester
day's clo < e ; cash , 7.1 13-inc ; Deeembcr ,
" 11-
Corn Moderately active and linn ; o.ienod
about at ye tordfiy's close , closing J-t Ic
liiL'bfi ; cash , Wtc ; December , 30ic ; Jan
uary. ii7' , c ; May , il c.
Oats Dullstroiii'nnd slightly fiimcr ; cash ,
SOc : December , " ' } < o : Mny ,
live KirniiT at fc. ( .
liarley Me.
1'oik Quirt , tmillna limited ; advanred
2iiirc early receiled fi(7Hc. (
eteadyiifi'nVidc'iiiiiiies ; cash'and December ,
i'j , t.V .lannary , S10.01.
J.ard Dull , easier nnd prlrcs omewliat In
favor of biivers ; cash and December , W.W ) ;
January , &v.r .
Hulk Meats Short ribs. S > .1' ' ; shouldei ,
: shoi t clear , S'iV'f. " > '
Hiitjer-Finn ; creamery , IG c ; dairy ,
1'lrm with peed demand ; full-
cream ehedd-irs llaK IHfCtl'ic ; young Amer-
j lli-avv gieun salted , S'/c : llcht ,
i-jtf'W bull hhles , OJfo ; dry sailed , tl < S12c ;
( fiy Hint , issues c.xlt skins , Jkvjtu c ; dea
cons. 60o earn.
Tallow No. 1 country , 3fr ; No , 2
2 'c : cake , ujfe.
Flour.M'i. '
Wheat , lit ) 15VWO & .000
Corn. DU 131.10) ) 2S .two
Onts.bu 1X5,00 7) ) 000
Kyo , llll ( VOW 3.0X )
Unrlev.oii 70.0 n ) TO.OtW
New York. Nov. 1C . Wheat-ltenilpt ,
201,000 ; cvpoits , 1 < 0,000 ; cash , hhadubetli'r ;
options advanred W < tc , elosln. ; Him ; un-
gr.uleil led. TIK Vi' ' e ; No. It red ,
No. I red , fcUc ; No. 2 u-d , WUWSlHu ' "
elevator , Sftfttsi'tfc allnat , l , ' < ; r. iitJ4c I. o. b. ;
December closing at STi
Corn-l Uglier , closing ilrmiiecelpls.nooo ;
cxpoitM. 4'J.OUO ; ungraded , 44' , C' ' > l"'jp ' ; N"-v <
4J > xe ; No. U. 4ft ( ? l5'.je In eli'vator , 4"i"i ( ! Uic
atloO . 45"4 < iWOe iland I. side , closing at 41 0.
Oats-Oush , rather weak : reeeltits lll.OJd ;
e.\ ports , : sn ; mixed , : wi.r : Hc ; white , : Hf.t lOc.
Petroleum . Flint ; united closed at lO.&u. '
Kgcs Firm ; % \estcrn , 'AKfiaSc. ,
1'oik Firm and quiet ; mess quoted at
S10.CO@10..M foi old ; S10.UC ® 11.00 for new.
hard- Shade lower ; westein steam spot ,
" ' , .20 tf..23 : December , SH.200JO 21.
Butter Firm ami In falrOcmand for grades ;
we'C n , lOC- . , . _
Cheese IJtiletand linn ; western Hat , 11 ®
Milwaukee. ] Nov. 10. Wheat Strong ;
cash3u : December , 72K < - ' ; January , 7J'iC. '
Corn IJioopIng ; No. ' - ' , : 3c.
Oats-Dull ( ; No. 2 , 2Tc.
llye Unn ; : No. l , .Mac. )
Harlov-Slcady I ! ; No. 2 , WJ'.fe. '
Piiivlslons Active ; pork , November and
December > S'J.45 ,
Clnctnnntl. Nov. 10. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 led. 7ic. (
Corn-uiet ; No. 2 mixed , : m < iKf
Oats Finn ; No. 2 iiilxuil , 'Jh'ic. '
II Kyo I Fair demand : No. ' . ' , OOc.
J'oilc N'ouilnalatS.50. ! )
Lard-Quiet \ at S-VJO.
Whiskv Firm at 81,13.
„ Nov. 10. Whcat-Wrak
and i dull ; No. 1 hard cash , 71'4e ; December ,
7la4'e ; January , w c ; May , 7Si < fc : No. 1
noithern , easli , 'J > jc : December. 70e ; Jan-
nary , Tie ; May , 7C fe ; No. 2 northern , rash ,
( VTJ c ; IJccumbcr , esc ; January , C'Je ; May ,
'Ylour-Steixdy ; patents , SI.15KI.25 i bakers ,
' .16j3.r" (
'JteceipTs Wheat , 233.000 bn. ; flour , 100 bills.
bhipmeuU-Wheat , bC.UOObu. ; Hour , 17,100
St. ijonlx , Nov. 10. Wheat-Strong and
higher ; Vo. 'J red , casli JTri'Vc Ducuiiilier ,
Goirii-FIrm and higher ; No. 2 , mixed ,
cash , tt-ICKUijc ; Decembei , Sl e bid ; Jauu-
" '
' ' '
i - : JSo' . 2 , mixed , cash , % ;
December i , 2fieMay ; , 304c.
Kvc K.ISV at 50 > i ( : .
1'ork Finn nt ? n.b7'4@10.00.
J.ard-Stcady at 9" .V > .
Uutter Active and linn ; cicatneiy , 2-/J5
27c ; daliv , 14 ( < Z24c.
Aftoiubon IJoiiul Wheat Finn at c
higher. Coint'J'bU higher. Oats Him
at Jje higher.
Ijlvoppoul , Nov. 10. Wheat In better
demand and ste.ulv ; No , 2 winter , Cs Ojd ;
bpring , linn atGsb } < d.
Flour Jn poor demand but steady at Ss
Corn In fair demand ; spot , December ,
( inner at 4s. 4d ; November and January ,
btcady at 4sId
Toledo , Xov. 1C. Wheat-Firmer ; cash ,
Corn Firm and steady ; cash , 8s > ) c.
Oats Steady ; c.ish. 'J7 c.
Kansas City , Xov. 1C . Wheat-Quiet t ;
Xo. a red. cash , Mi e bid ; December , olc
Coin hi longer ; No. 2 , cash 29. 0 bid ; De
ccmber , 2'i ' e ; May , 34e hid
Oats Nominal ; cashST > easked.
Now OrlnaiiR. Nov. 10. Corn Fiimcr :
mixed , 47 < v ic ! ; yellow , 4bIOc ; white l < Jd
50e.Oats Firm at 30c.
Hoi ; 1'iodiicts I'irmcr ' , but not generally
' ' '
' - nnd linn at S10.M@10.37Jif.
J/ird-ltellncd tince , SB.OO.
UulK Meats Shoulders. S.,12,1 ; ; long
clear and ch'.ir ribs , Sti.rJJ lC.'O.
Coriuneal Kaslcr at S-.Uj.
ijivn STOCK.
. Nov. 10. The Drover's Joutnal
Cattle Itecelpta , 7.000 head ; market weak
and 10c lowei : hhliiiiinn Meurs ? : i.uiiO : !
5.00 ; fitockers and iecder- . S2.0V-M.-10 - cows.
bulls ami niKed. S1.40i.'J.70 ( ; UiilU. Sl.aio ?
2.-.r ; ; tlnoiuli Texas iteets , ? 2.40' < ri.lU : !
western rangers , weak ; natives and
halt-breeds , 5r2.70@ .75 ; nlnteiml 'loxnn > ,
Ho-'s Kccolpts 37,000 head : maiket stioiur ;
rough and inlxen , suv l M ) ; packing and
Milnplnir , * J.7o ® .0 < ; light , S3.50ntl.00 ; bkips ,
' . ' . '
S'J.2.'i03.U. ) ,
Sheen lleeolpts , O.OOD ; niaikot .steadv ;
natives , S'-.OO&il.OO ; western , S.i.OOi-i.i.OO ;
Te\tins , S2.ooc 3.oo ; Iambs , S3.00@-i.5J.
Ht. lioiilH , Nov. Ifl. Cattle Keci'IpK
3.000 ; shipments , 1,200 ; bulk ot tecelpts were
thin , common Tnxtuis ; choice native steeiM ,
F4.W5l.7.'i : ; meilluiii to good hhlppina stei'is ,
§ 3.'iOi ( 4,25 : hutelieis' steers , medium to
eholce , S3,00iil,10 ( ; feeders , fair to good ( ,
S2.MC ) 3.'J.'i ; hUickeisi. lair to good. S2.COvtcJ 7. " > .
Hogs Iteei'liits , 0,100 ; fihlimients , l.otxi ;
artivo at sllglitly easier tnjurus ; all sold ; :
closed Ilrm : ehoiro heavy and bulchoiv
Felecthms , $ VMu 1.00 ; packing , tali to best ,
S3.70ii(3.tK ( ) ; Yoikers , medium to choice.
S3 OO y.K ) ; pigs , common to good , S'.WM
Kaunas City , Xov. 10. Cutllo Receipts ,
3,3'JO : bhlinnenth , 1,400 ; maiket blow
for feeding bleerw ; good lo eholee , > 4.1.ViO
4.00 ; common to inedliiin , S'VXi(4,10j ' ! stock-
CIS , 52 2.VU-J.75 ; feeding kteein , gJ.WWjj.i.dO ;
cows , Sl.r > ( Ku2.70.
Hoj-b Iteeeljits , 13,000 ; shipments , none ;
maikelwe.ik and WujlSc lowei ; common to
choice ,
Tuesday K\etiine , Nov. 10.
CATTI.K Tin ) lecelpts were light and there
was not ninch dotiiK on the tnaiUet. ( orn- '
IwliMttloweio In talr reiiuest and everything
In was .sold. The maruet remains about
bteadv. Feeders weio moving very ly.thev
Hoes The receipts weio heavier than thov
h.ive boon tor several months. The maiket
opened strong at yesterday's prices and I ov
erythiiiK In sold quickly. In the afternoon
the market for heavy hogs weakened Sloe ,
i on
3 n-
other hujcr on the market who will
want heavy hogs , so that there will not be
any question about heavy ho.-s belling , but
that fact does not till the demand lor light
'siir.KP ' There Is nothing doing on the
Oattlo . 1CO
" .4 l 0
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
"heep . .V.V..V.V..V.V-V . . . . . . . . . 200
. . - „ 'Price * .
Showlnetho prevailing prlcai nald for live
@ 1.CO
Choicestet-rs , liooto UOJlbs. . . . . § 1.40
Medium steers , 1250 to 135J Ibs.
( ioodfeeders , , , . , , 3.00
41oodtochoicaeorti-fe < i co\vs . . . i@3.00
Hangucowu > . . < . /7 | * flf\
Fair to medium grass cows
Upocl toclioScouulU
Lichtand nicilttim nee ? . . .
( SoiHl lo choice litMW r m.4 . . . . ] .
( iood to choice mixed no < s..i. rf.vrO
HotiL'ti throw outs 'i.OO '
(5ood ( to choice sheep "
Falrtonood sheen _ . . . . . . _ .
Itepresciitntivo Male1) .
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
4 < . . . . 3271) ) 0. . .105.- ; S2.70
cuiN-rtn i .f.ti" .
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
37. . , .1214 SI. 0
No.W. . Av. I'r. No. Av. IV.
W. . . .1000 S3.10 1 -110J
II. . . .lO'.tf ' 3.10
O'lix-riit ) ST.Vfi"
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
No. Av. Shk. IV. Nn. Av. Shk. Pr.
w ) . . w Wi 't-nr , fii.io80
ra . ' . , ' t 4J ici..a : i a
MJ..B31 ( I'M W..W KO
to .vj. . A aw
im 3fi- 7o..s.v.i NI
. - jt ) 8.0 j ra..sito
f,7 310 I'M C.7..WI 101 ! ! .st )
12. ) . fMH3 ! N )
: i.7u
no. . 3:0 : t.7o
nn.ot : : : .7u 4i..rK ) NI
.7o w.ii : > o
: i.70 I.KW : 200 3.vo
4l. ! IMS 3.10 TO .1W. " > 20J iist )
< ! ( ) . . 3- ! 2JO 3.70 .V.I..2S3 K ) 3.8J
5) ) . . 3w.i : : i.-io wi..a j 40
5I. .3VJ 410 I ! . ' ! ) 05. . 27 : } 210 3.SO
CO . 'iVJ I'JO 3.70 C.2rO ! ) 3.0 3.S )
ill. . 2X0 Ml 3.70 0--ri7 12(1 ( 3.S )
r,7. . .W ) a-o 3.7 r.ii..24V 3:0 3.So
11U. 2y.l 1.20 3.72J , ' 2.17. .278 4-tl ) 3.H )
17J .WU ! ) 3.7.W..2'.K ) -JOJ 3.SI
fis. .iirj ( -to 375 inn.Jos BO 3. 6
fi'J. illl toW 3. ! > 0 7I..2J1) ) 200 3.V ,
O1. .2fi0 W ) 3.bO 5'J.'J
UnngR of Prices.
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for loids of hogs on this m uket during
the past seven da ) s and lor the same time
last year :
Oct7TO Nov. issu. Nov. ISM.
oth M no 3.0) ) 013.17'
toth II I ! ' , < i&UO : t LI < it.i.w :
II til 3.7.- . Wl IK ) JI.CS'.j ' a.iu wi.u'o
12tll 3.75 © 'I 1(0 ( . a 10 ! | a 70 ffi ) BJ ao ) aci-UT
Utll 4.2r. ti.iii :
Inth' ' 4 O.'i 3 cr , : i.\r > Simdiiy
lOthl 3.VO ; i a- , an 85 33J . ! 3) )
Showing the number of oars of rattle , lions
and sheep shipped trom South Omaha during
thu day :
No. cars. Itotite. Destination.
0 . .15. . . . .Randolph , la
. .Ii. . . . ( Jiafton , N'-b '
No. cais. loilto. { Destination.
S . .K. AM. , .Nebraska City
No. cars. Koute. Destination.
N. W Chicago
All.sales of stock in this maiket aio made
percwt. live weight otherwise stated.
Dead hogs hell at K" pur Ib. for nil weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less tun 100 bs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and , stags SO Ibs , by the public Inspector.
Hogs all sold.
Cattle market dull.
Light hogs in demand.
Coin-ted steers sold well.
The run of cattle Is light.
Heavy hogs closed lower.
T. F. Piimphrey , Fiiend , was in
Hog maiket veiy mm on liirht weights.
More hogs in from Iowa than ever before.
J. 1) . Ilatchwell. Uwl Oak , la , , was in lookIng -
Ing lor leeders.
A. Andoison. Mead , was at thoyauls , and
sold two loads ot hogs.
William Scott , Cieston , la. , was hero and
sold lour loads ot hogs.
fieorce Wenagh , Denuison , was in and : l
maiUuteil a load ot hogs.
A. S. Uriglit. Climb rlanil , la. , was in and 1
disposed ot tout loads ot hogs.
N. I ) . Heiggreen , Wahoo. was In and sold i
40 head of choice coin-led .steers.
Mr. lieldlng. of Melding liros. . Coining ,
la. , eame In and sold live loads of hogs.
( 'eorgo Diekson , Kmerson , was inquiring
forieedeis. Intends to ship heie later.
C. C. Coiiig , Platte Center , citno in with a
carol' hogs which he sold on the maiket.
It. ( } . Vincent , Cunihoil.uid. la. , was look
ing over tlm yards and will ship here later.
The C. . U. & Q. and 15. & M. bioughr in
forty-live cars ot hogs and two cais ot sheep
to day.
Kd Lancaster , Holmsville , was looking
over the maiket with a view ot shipping
hogs here.
J. S Damron , David City , was in to-day
looking over the ground with the Idea Sf
bhipping heie later.
M. ICyne , St. Michael , Neb. , ciiue in to-day
with two loads ot corn-led steers , whioh &
sold on thu maiket.
Stewart & Co. , Council I5lnfls , have innilc
arrangements to bnv hogs for theit packing
hoti-e next week. They will icqulie heavy
ho s and about 1,030 per day.
Tuesday , Nov. 10.
Tlicfallotvlnq price ? are jor round lot * of
produce , at million tlio market to-d < t\i. \ ' edt
( ; uitilois ( ! ( on friMi repreteni tnc price * at
which mttHlttc orders arc filled.
Eis ( The lecclptsaie light and the rte-
nmid gooil for strictly fnsh 0'us at 20 a Me.
Htiui.n The demand is very busk ; all
grades ate selling at highei pnees than last
week. Choice stock suit ible toi table Jls
aetlve. Fii"hereainervfanrv , : > 0e : lioslid-iirv ,
choice , 2VW7c ; eholeoeoiintiy roll , 2i ( < 4 < > e :
choice countrv , solid packed , . " -OJilc ( ; good
country toll , 20 , < .v ; good countrv , solid
lucked , 10 < < Slse ; Fair , ll@15c ; common ,
* '
' Full cream Ihts , 2 in bov , 13e ;
Young Americas , 4 In b..v , 13J c : laney
h\\ss,15 | ; Swiss , choice , He ; bilel l'J lUu ;
Liinhurg. 12c.
i'oi-j.rnv Airivals of dressed imiiltty
have teen moio nientltnl far the past low
days. Inn the wonthei thus far has been unite -
tavorable and rather low prices weiopie-
valllng. A good deal of ponltiy coinin. iteto
our maiket Is nooily dressed , and bujeis fm
biiell aiehiud toliliu , Live poultiy rontliue ! .
( iiiite dull. Dresseil poulliy , chickens ,
eholce , per Ib , owll- ) ; lair to good , tkitsc ;
turkeys , choice. 12c l c ; talr to good , ' ' itc- ;
ducks , choice , lie ; geesi ? , choice , Uc. _ Llvi. ! .
old chickens , clioieo , ] ) ordo/ _ . , 1.10 ;
young chlcUens , eliok-i' . SJ.2.VM 10 ; vonnt ;
ehickens , Kood.S2.OOfJ.Ui ; ducks , g2.r,0.
S.75 ; uccse , 50,00 .03 ; tuikojs , & 7.0'Jc' ' ?
0 00.
( ! AVIE Pralrio chickens are Boiling on
arrival at quotations. Mallard duelc are
doing well. Teal and mixed are In moderate
lenuest. Quail wanted. Snipe and plover
only lair. Deei , antolopoand elk \iryr < c.irco
anil much call for. Piairio ehlrkens. choice ,
pur do/ , S3.Mu.l.7V. ) niiall , SIAOCS..OO ; snipe ,
plover , etc. , gl.00visi.2fl : dneks.mallard , S1.7 : > ;
ducks , teal , fel.25 ; ducks , mixed , Sl.OO ; geese ,
fca.00i < . .i&0 ; deer , saddles , perib , 11@12 < > ; deer ,
carcasses , b'i/Uc ' ; antelope , saddles , Il ( < fl2i ) ;
antelope , caieasse.s , 7 ( < ' 'Jo : elk , saddles , 10 ( < {
lie ; elk. caicissus , OM'e : jack rabbits , per
iloS3.50 ( < J4.UU : binall rabbits , per doSl.OO
ONIONS There Is a good supiily on the
market at pieaent. Thu bulk of the sales
aiu uolng niiuh ) from the stores In small lots ,
Unions , choicit bulk , per bu , 7ft "Wo : choice ,
fiom store , ! KiiiJl ) , < X > j choice , fiom stoie , pur
bid. SJ.7&Q3.00.
POTATOKS The nmket Is not quite as
stiong as a week ago , mild weather being
tlm principal cause. Receipts havu been
quite liberal , and all dealers have morn or
less stock laid away for winter use , and will
only buy now when an e\tra line car is
being olfered to thorn at slightly lower
figures. Potatoes , choice , per bu , 60 JVxj !
good , 4X ! < J47r.
SVVEKT POTATOES Cholco stock scarce :
and much railed for. Choice homu-grown ,
per Ib , 2o ; ehoiro Jersey , p r lib ) , 54.50.
Ai't'i.KS Hecelpts of apples are largo and
the demand equally MI , e.soeeially tot Mich >
igan block , Quito a good many barrels of
Missouri and Illinois trult sininu the market
now , boine of them having rTecu kept here
for weeks n I ready , and are undcsliablo for
anyone wishing to lay In a winter supply.
Common htock,81.7&S2cholceMlssourl ; tocK ,
$2.003J.2-j Micnlgau stock , HOOfiiW ; fancy
Michigan , S3.00.
C'Ei.Eny The receipts are so heavy that
dealers are unable to dispose of it all.
Choice stock Is selling at30@jc ( ) per doz.
OVSTKIIS- The cooler weather Is bracing
un trade. Pi Ices remain unchanged.
Mediums , 25c : standards , 30 ; selects , 35c ;
N. Y. counts. 40c.
LBMON& Mebslna , per box 57.00 ; M&l
On\Ni i ° florl.1.1 c ii 'i ' c , j-pr - lov , $ \ < X > ;
. .lamaif'.ifhoi * t per bW , t' ' " < i : Jamaica ? ,
* ' . r W
S-lo hbl lot * , per bbl , 5. ' .0 ; Cataw ba , V >
, , , u , , , , . , , Ham. SIIB.U cured ,
ll'.e ' ; bioakfat baron , sugar-cure. ,
linnclc1 ? ' ' , l"'i Miouhleis. Mtear-ciiico ,
fii.'p1 oiear side bacon , Xodry ; salted sides ,
7c ! drlrlbcef , hams' , He : tilled bepr , n-K-
uAr IV : iiit > s pork , per bbl. MJ.60 ; lard. 40
1U ' cant Fallto'0iv ' < 0 ? 10' ' " ' lxlul ! 51b
IlK\.s infef oi stvck , S0.75'ill.01 ; good
Ic.-ui eo'untr.v. Sl.oowl/r. : medium. hand
l-ked , ? l.Ojl.Ciha1i.r ; picked navy , Sl.OO
C <
Fioi n < VNJ > Miu.irt Kr - \ \ Inter wheat
out boU q lalilj patent , J < 2.7. . ; second iiti.U-
v ) ; Ivt quality sinlng wheat
our ' pal'Mit , S'robran..V : > cpercwtchot : > ped
CHI'7iV per rvt ; white corn meal. 'M"
oilow corn meal , ' tw percwr. seicomng , ( We
irrewl ; hominy. S'On per evvt : MiorK .VHJ
wrrw-f graham , Sl.GO ; hay , In bales , $ ' > . ' * ) &
.00 per Ion.
Gpiioriil Market * .
Wool Medium l ifJOc per Ib : line heavy ,
light. lOu lV ; coarse , 14 ( < { Ue ; ; hurry
; n bulehers , fl' c ; geeon cured ,
o'4t . .i viu Hint.'Hi:11 ' : ; drj salt. l ( VJUc ) ;
gieeneilf skills " < < .e ; damaged hides ,
wo-thnds priie. Tullow-3 > .fe ( Jrease--
'rimewliito. jV'i. yellow , 2c ; brown. n
llll'ep Pclli5 , 'i'CJToC. ,
l r VTIII u I'liine slaughter solo leather ,
8.'c : 'inline oak solo leather , Itt lso. Uppur
le.ithei per fool , 20.rt2.Vs hem , kip , S *
iik kin h.MW.i'1 : Fteneh kip , Sl.00ytl.20 ; ;
icm.calf , ? l.oo , < fl.Ui : oak call. 8I.OOvnl.2A ;
Kii'iich call , 51 2. > Ml 0 : Morocco , hoot ieg ,
tOdt3.V : Moiwr'i oil pebble.2sQ3.'c ; toppings
and ftinVJOc.
, .
lir.AVY IlAiimv.vitr.-lron , rale Si30 ;
plow > .ti el special cast , 4c ; eiuclble steel , lie ;
cast tools , do. r. ( fiisc ; wagon sliokes , per set.
S1.75a300 ( ; IllilH. per Ret. S1.2 ; > ; tulloi's ,
tawed dri l.WI ; tomrues , each , 75i ; axels
each. esiiuaii : ! nuts , per Ib. l.67le ; col
chain , perlb.rti.jt2c ; miilleablr. Oysc ; iron
wedge" . Ceciowbar.- ; > , < ; hariovv teeth , 4e ;
.spring steel , 7c c ; liurden's hoiseMioes ,
it.40Iiirden'.s ; { mule shoes , $ VW. liarhed
\vliB In car lots , PI.OO tier 100 Ibs.
N"U rates , lUt. . ) W , SJ M ; steel nails , S2 05.
.Shot. pl.HV. hiiekshot , M.81 } ; oriental jiowder.
kegs S2.80Sdo. hall kegs , fc2tK ) ; do. quailer
kegs , Sl.50 ! biasting k gs , y. H ; I use , per 10
fcet.OV. I.eadbir.SW.
v AUMsiinx-Hariels , per gallon : " , ; . ; : . " .
ture. oxtrn , S1.10 ; fuinitme. No. L - l-'J ' !
coach extia , JI.4d ? ; coach , No. l , ? 1.20 Da-
mar , extra 51.75 ; .lanan , 70e ; astihaltuin ,
extra 8'.c ; shellac , S3.M ) ; hard oil linlsh ,
Vbi > iitn8-Colognosulrits. 18S proof , S1.17 ;
do 101 proof. SI.IV. .spitUs , w-eoiid < iua'il ' > .
101 proot , # 1.17 : do t b pioot. 81.10. Alcohol.
Ib8 proof , 52.18 * per wlno gallon. Kedistllled
whiskies , Sl.00jil.60. ( iln , blended , S1.SOQ8
" 00 * Ki'iitttrkj boiirlmii < , S2.KaflOO ( ) ( ; Ken-
titcky and Pennsylvania ryes. S'J.OOrffi.W ' ;
Golden Sheaf bombon and n-o vvhlskles ,
S1.50a ( .oo. Unindles , impoited , S.',0 , :
domestic , Sl.iiOwj.'i.OO. ( ! ins. imported , SM.M )
. . : domestic , Sl.a. ' .
Impoited. per case. S'Js.OOQi'Ui.OO ; American ,
e. 8lO.Oi.Slil.OO. ( )
iv Oii.-Whito lead. Onmha.1 * P. ,
, ,
5C ; vermilliim , Ameiican , l c ; Indian
. . . . . . . . . .
iinire , rujncu , vj , * fii * , - .w. ,
m'c ; Winter's mltu-ial. e : Kehigli blown ,
J < c ; Spanish brown , 2' < ic ; I'rinco's ,
Diiv P VI.VTS White lead , Sc ; Flench sine ,
.e : Paris whltimr. 2'11o ; whiting , gilders ,
.jfc ; whiting. com'I , l e ; hmpbliek , dei-
miinstown. 12o ; lampblack , ordinary , v ;
Prussian blmvYic ; ultramarine , lse ; vandyk-
htown , be ; umber , burnt , to ; uuiber. iinv , i e
.sienna , buinr , 4r ; hienna , raw , 4r ; Pane
gieen , genuine. SKc , Palis green , common ,
22c ; chiomo green. N. Y. . 20 ? ; clironn green
1C , 12c : vermllllon , Kngll&h , In oil , < fie ;
law and buint uuiber , 1 Ib cans , 12e ; i.iw and
butnt sienna , 12c : vandvko brown , l..e ; re-
lined lampblack , 12c ; couch blark and Ivory
black , lOc ; drop black. We ; Piussmn bine ,
-uie : 111 ll ill llttl 11 ItJ black. ISc ; chrome greenI , . ,
M. & D. , Kic ; blind and shutter gicen.L. . M.
it D , lOc ; Paris green , iv ; Ir.diati red. . inc ;
Venetian led , ! V ; 'I uscan. 2Jc ; Amenciui
\erinilllon. ) . L. iV n.-uc ; yellow oclne , 2c ; lj.
M. & O. D. , ISe ; good ochre , ICc ; patent ; irmliiinir color light ualc dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ; isli. I2e.
Uiti-ns " vxn . Actil , carbolic ,
32C ; acid"taitario , We ; balsam copaiba , per
Ib. 43cbuk ; sassafras , per Ib , lOe ; calomel ; i ,
per Ib , 78c , ehlnolionidia. pei o40e ; chloio-
loim , per llWe , ; Dover's powders , pei I' ,
81.23 ; epsom talts , per Hi , Wglyceiine \ ,
pure , per Ib. 2o ; lead , acetate , per lt , Sic ;
oil. raster , No. 1. pet gal. , S1.60e ; oil castor > ,
No. 2 ' per gal. , SI. 10 ; oil olive , ner gal. , S1.40 ;
oil or'iL'aniiinn. SOc ; onluiii , 83.20 ; ( iiiinlne ,
P. it W. and K. AS , , per nt , 70o ; _ potassium
iodide , per Ib , SJ.S5 ; salirln. P'r oz , 40c ; Mil-
tihate inorphlne , per 07. . S'-.3. > ; sulphur , per
lb,4c ; strychnine , pci o , M.'J > .
I'irKl.nR-Mediiilii , in bbls , Sfl.W ) : do. in
hull bliN , Si.75 ; hin.ill , in tibls. S" 50 ; do , in
halt bills , S-l.'iV gherkins , inbblti , W.GO ; do ,
- . r , , , 31.20 ; Xew
Orleans , per u'allon 8Nit40c ; niaolo svinp.
halt bbls , "old time , " pot Dillon , ' Jo ; 1 . -
lon cans * HIT i doSle.oo ; hall gallon cans.
HJI doSJi.Oi ; quatt cans , S3.iw. : !
. S r vitrii-.MIt ror Klas1 II ) . m- > : mirror
L'hiss , ! ) Ib , nv : minor tclo-'S , till . ) , ow ;
tli.ives' corn. 1 lo. Oc ; Klncsfoid's corn. 1 Ib ,
? c ; Klnirsloiil'sKloss , 1 Ib. 7e : KiiiL'sloril s
KIO-.S , ii Hi. 7 > 'e. Kincbloid's pure , 'A Ib , . ' { e ;
ICiiiL-stordsbiilk. In. ,
Tonvrco 1'injr , , 42c ; hor&cslim' ,
7e : star , iiflp ; BP arheai ! , i''o : piperheidsieK ; ,
eec : Kuldhhlfld , 3e ! ; meiiy win , SJc : J. i.
'TonAcro SmoKlii" , Puiliam , Is , Me ; Ks
5Ct ( "is " > 7e : > s ( X ) ( ? ; niceischnill , ilJi' * : Old
st\le " , 't-Jo ; V , X. 0. , l/ie / ; hphit emeutnc. .
"M < ! iciins-rerca'ldie. ; hiju.uo cases ,
51 10 : mule stinan * . Sl.'J't. , , , , , , ,
( ANnv-.Mixeil. ( / ll' ' c ; stick , H' < ( * Tfe.
CitAf Knits ( i.uniMn'8 Mid.i , butter anil
picnic , .V e ; creams , y e ; BliMCi sn.ijs.bJic ) ;
cltv sod.i , 7Mc. , . , .
SoAiKiik's ' savon impoi al , S2,0 , ;
Kuk's satinet. .W.03 ; Kirk's standard , WO , ;
Knit's white 51.1)0 ) ; Kiik's white- !
cap. S0..0 ; dome , ? ' 5.h5 ; washboaul , 5.5.10 ;
cloud. S3 T. * > . . . . ,
E X inch. Ve ; ? * Inch , 10iic ; ; } eh ,
'Diiir.n FiiriT-No. 1 quarter anples , . ? ( <
4c ; In evaporated bojos , ' . 'fH@ ' ' " S' ; . V' ' * ek- }
bunh's , lioxus. ! i/6fa'.i'jr ; nearhes a.iit Lake.
1 3,7)ii47ll ) ( e ; peaelies , evaiionited. r 'jOfi '
17e ; laspbeirios , new , I'l' ' iOe ; ciinents ,
"vtgii c ; prunes , nnw , IJ 'ifrl'iie.
hi iiAKs Powdered. 7rt/c ( ? ' ; cut nit A
.U. l
C. fi'tWi' ' e : medium jellow , 4J G.JC.
CANS-ID Coons-OjsleiN , "tii ( l < u'l ( ; I'0" ' " ;
rase. * 3.i'stiawberrles ; , 2 Ib , pci case , 5 > . > .00 ,
laspbeirleVUb , per case. W.IK ) ; Cnllloinni
pears , pei case , S4..VI ; iiiileots | , per casj ;
SI.GO ; peaches , pc-r case , * 'i25 ; white ehi-r-
rles , pei rae , iil.OO ; puniis. per i-aso , * J. < . " ,
hluelierries jiei ease , Sl.h. ' . : o g iiluins. 2 i Ib
lierea-e , * i7J : pineapnles. 2 Ib , per raso
S.2U ! - > .75 ; 1 Ib maelero' ' . pei < ! < IA 8l.i > 0 :
1 ] b salmon , pei do ? , SI.6vai.CO ; 2 Ib goose ,
beules , per case. S1.75 ; 2 Ib htiing beans. ] ier
case , el.70-JiblimaIx-aiis ; I'er case 31.u ) ;
2lb marrowlat pensI per case. S-.lO ; Ulb'
eaily .luno peas , porc w. , 5Af1 ; 'b toma
toes , 62.10 ( 2.2T . , . .
CorFiii''i Ordinary grades , l ' c iajr ,
13 ( . 13)e ) ; prime , 13' ( aHe : choleo , 14lj6Jl'tl
lanoy gieen and jollow , l-X'Slflo ; " " ' '
ernmotil Java , 20a-Jia ) ; nleiiiir .lava , ItlMOC ;
20c ; Mooln , -'id-Jlc ! Arhncklo's toasted ,
' 17 e ; MeLuiiKhlin's XXXX roasted , l. e ;
Dilworth's , I7l4o ; Jtcd Cross ,
1 UA , W , _ . . _ .
No. 1 Com. B. 1. s. 12..H al",1 ! K . - H'S ?
Vo a " 1 ? U and 13 ft. . . . . . u.7.i
No 3 " " 'J l ad 10 It
S ? " _ 12. IV and 16 ft
imlr. lo
rt'n ' tt'la ' ' - J 'sift ' '
12 fns ft i.0 fta ft
/21.00 /
No. 1 , 4 A0 Inch , laand H ft , rough..817.05
No. 2 , 4 it flinch , 12 and 14 ft. . lough. . . H.OU
lbteoni. , lii White Pine ParUtioii.- .
' ' 27. -
5d Com. 5tf In. Norway Pine Celllne ! . ! . 27.H.W '
A 6lnch , white pine , W ! C . S29.00
Oeinch , 81 D . -U-O
A 13 Inch. 8.1s. 4(10 ( JSAOO
n r. ! inch " " a i ) . ii.f.50
. . . . * . . Sl.OO
lb.'X )
S 17.00
No. 1 , plftln.S amUo Inch. . S1T.50
No. 3 , plain.s anil 10 Incli
siUNot.r. ? , urn.
XK clear. $3. ) ; A Mnndaid , S1W ; No. 1 ,
SUC ; Lath. S'J.25.
POSTS White Cedar. 0 In. , Us , We ; 8 In.
l tand 2d. clear , l > < inch , s. a s
Ud , cicsr , 1 Inch. 1.2 s . 4..00
PKI clear , IV , l't ' , 3 in
K select , 1 inch , s. 3 s 29.00
U select , l' { . I'i.-Jln . SO. 00
Omaha , Nobraikn.
Cixpitnl . $600,000
Surplus . 100,000
llorman Kountzc , President
John A. Crolghton , Vloo President.
W. IL Mozquler. Ass't Cashst
Capital Stock $1CO,000
Liability of Stockholders . . . . 300,000
1 lir only roRiilnr * n vines bank In tlio state. Flvo
per cent interval piilil on doinislts.
orrrcins :
OnyO. njutnn. I'roslilont ! . ) . .1. Ilrown. Vlco
I'rosiUent . . . . . . . : _ L . M. . Itenn.'tt , Miiitrtirliitt 1)1-
rector : Julin 1JV . I IK it * Cnslilor.
Mirth KUh Street ,
Ili in Capltnl , - - - - $100,000 ,
Oio. : K. itAltKlIU , I'rcslilcnt.
ROUT. I. . tlAHUCHS , Vlcc-1'rcsldont.
1' . It JOIINSON.Cnsliicr.
S\MUCT.H..10ltNSOVt OKO. K. llAltlCEIl ,
Itoiir. V. OAiiMCiif , WM. SKIVERS
A t-'ciipral banking business tinnsactod.
liitctcst nllonuil on tlmn denoslts.
S.S.KI.OOD. A. 0 ilrCAMrlUJI.I.
Mpmh < > r < i lvp t < > n Cot-1 Member fjpr orle Hi ; I'ol-
tcni KX'KI- St Louis tiui KkPhnnic anil Chic i-
JlcrcliiuiH Ktclianw. I KO lluanl ot ' 1 ratio.
S. S. FLOYD & : CO
Grain , Provisions , Petroleum
And Stocks ,
For Future Delivery
Will be Heady for Unsiiii'ss About Xo-
vt'inbci1 7li. (
EII bou'ra * iuii : ST.
Telephone fjl
Itefcrto ltNntlonnl ; UnnK.Omnlm
Philadelphia Market
Cor. Sauiulero mid Clnrko Stro sts.
Keeps wily -tnl.iss iciMts. llolcillsim j MPCI ;
nin licltvis Von c-iin llnil thi-io nil kinds of
I'oiiltiy. ilaino , Visli nml Snii'-nttL's just IP
iisum iiftcktnjrlioii-u ll' buultr.
COll. hAl'MiJtb ' A l CLAItld STS.
Nebraska I National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
Burplub 30,000
II. ] W. Yato , Prcsidenf.
A. K. Ton/Klin. Vice President.
\V 11 S. Hughes , Cashier.
mni'CTon < i :
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
II. W. Yutes , Lewis S. Keod.
A. K. Ton/iilin.
Cor l tli and nirnnni Sis
A tjtr.cral BankitiK J'.nsiness Tiuiisaclcd.
N7"w71iARiF I & co.
r > rtpji { v j Ot Coiintlor * , ( itl'1 niiil otlmrsof
S3y53tJ3 lilKh irrmlo tioiif , lit anil nolil Kiutcrii :
ofnoo U Dovonshlro St. . llofton. CoircBpotul-
eiicy tolicllc-il.
Sriists' Material.
' '
A. IWtil'E , ,7H ,
Artists' ilaterials , 1'iunoy and Organs , 1
Ilriitfl.ia btrcot. Onii.lin.
Agricultural Implements.
IA ItKEll ,
\Vtiolc. jilo Dealer In
AETrfruItnral ImplcincniWnpons * ,
mid llnccl. . Jnnot Mrcct , liotuccn OU
iindlllbOiiiHbaNib. _ _
JjISlXGEli tC JIETClt L'r CO. ,
AfrricuHural Iiniilcnients ,
WKL-inii.rnrrlmf.llni.vlc8 , Ulc. , Wliolf > alo. Omaha.
\Vliolc uloncalrraln
Agricultural Imiilcnionls ,
tVncoin nml Ilusclcs. ' .01 , inj.HB .ind ! > J7 , JQnfd tet
Butter and Eggs.
Iluycrs of IJtillov nnd EKK * >
ltcfrlcnlnr nml J'nckli c llnusp. lltli nn I Leaven-
woilhfat.r Pjft.JI.'Jnt > al ± t _ _ _ _
Builders' Hardware and Scales ,
ldcraMinnlwari ) < fe Scale Jfc pair Sliop
iiocliunlco'Tojls and Iluffulo Scales. HOiDi-i. U il. ,
. Dninlii , Ni b ,
LEtf , Fltl7i > cl ) CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware am ! Nails ,
Tinware , Mn'ct Iron. Ktc. ABIMIIB fnr IIowu t
undMlapill'imilcriii Omiilia Nfli.
JtECTOlt .0 n'JLHEMlY. CO. > ,
Wliolcsalo llardwni-p.
WPftern ( ipcrU tot Jeffrrion Meet Nalli. Aiijtln
1'ovtdcrCu , r lrlninV MunderJ l-ralf > Loratr
IClU mill ItBrnt'r. llmalm.
_ _ .
Engineers and Contractors ,
„ . . „ imdConlrnftorH ,
Brldsei. Vl.iUucU. HoofTroBtes , Hteiim IMo lr
' ' ! O k ' lilb bt. , l
J'lllDi' ttC'l I'lneHiUlKeljumbir
lurnatn , Oin ImN , l .
furniture ,
Wliolcsalo Dealers In I'urniturs.
rt. , Otuuliu , Nb.
S filfJ YElilCK ,
Fiirnlturo , ] ! oailiii'i ( Upliolstery ,
Mlrron.etc. 1806.1303 and 1810 r m m n. , luaht.
'Iron Works.
Iron WorkH ,
Wrought nrt Cwt Iron Building Work , Iron Molm ,' II ani ' miUllrder .Hie in P.nplnvi. limit
Wi ri UUM'Kouiidrr , Machine and UUctmnllU
Wort om"ntiS Work.U.I' , lly nUKtji > li * > it.
Boots and Shoes.
t y Yr.i .vHE *
* 7/O13 CXM/IMAT ,
M nufacttrfrsnnil ; WholfMlcI ) ttcn In
Hoots and Shoes ,
Complete * to k of Iliitit'or < lee < t < lw j on h n J
WU S ISlhM .Onmtn.Nch. A T. Au lln , ARfiil.
ir. r. MOHSI : .P co.
s of Itoots nml Shoos.
Kit rurnnni I ft .Otusha.Nfb. Mnuufncloij , Summer
ilrrcl , lUinlini.
. r. hixnsKi'tV co.
Wliolosnlo Itiilibcr Itoott nml S
Rubllcr nml Oiled CIoJ.HiiR mill Kelt llool' , 3)9 ) S.
Apt. for Aiilicuscr-Httsh Urcwlnjr Ass'u Ilrnndn. VHiiflllinlwel > frnnrt Ktlnnger.
I.n cr lleer Hrowcrg ,
1SJ1 North l th Streel , UinMin , N b.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Onmliii Cofl'oo nml Splco Mills.
5 CVrB < culy < ij > iinSryClliip | ! I nil Hl ° c' Hil wYlnf afj
MrieLO iKhn , .Neb.
( ! ATE8 , COLK MJlMS ,
Homo , , Colloo nnd Spir Mills M'f'jr Co.
( ' iToo HntiiU-ri nml pliaUrlnJcri . M nnfnciurr
of lUUlmt l'rtwl r. nir "ln . K\tnel < . Maine. Mr
iinof i'0f inr I > | i rkiiuelli > inolJleiid Kuatteil
! AG LI : c
.lolin Kiionctor , 1'rop.
Mamifnetiiri-r or Onh.inlfeil Iron "nil < ? orl.Cw' !
. lOlh nt. . m h .N a.
! ' 11OLTK ,
Mninifacturcrs of
Ornnnicntnl ( ialvanbcd Cornlrps ,
Dormer Wludotiii , Klnstn.WclallrfkjIlisht.i'tr. 8108.
151' ) fl.OniMm , _ _
ESTER ? cdJtyicjn ironies ,
lSprcht , Prop.
O lT-\nlreil Iron rornlcr . rlc. , S'V | 'Vr.lmIIr ? , 5ill"t" !
cntMc.lnllo'-krllslil. HMaiiiHIU _ H l.'lli H . ) umlii . _
"dsrAlfA CAItPKT CO".C
Jobber * of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths lilies ,
Mnoleiinid , Malllngd. Ktc 1S1I Dougl J iltcct.
, S. A. 01lCirAHI ) ,
Wholesale Carpi-t" , Oil Cloths ,
M Uliifi , Curtain ( ! oed , Hie. H23 1'arnaiu blrcet ,
Crocker/ and Notions.
ir. / . wm G m\ \
Agent for llicMnnufnctiireisnna linrorleroof
( "roekcry , Classwiiro ,
Lnmpj , riiluiui ! ) * , etc. Oince , 317 South Uth Bt.
Unnilm , > ih.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and .lobbinp.
nnllcr. Kecinml ITwluco. t'oniilKnincniii Bollclied.
JKaifqiMrlPrii for h'niienaru , llony lion iiiid
Commission jrcrclmnts.
rru'U ' , I'lfuliicoand TniTislons. Oninlii. Xeb.
Storagro and Commission Morcliant.
t-nc c l illisHn toIVK < ( 'Ill-cue. Poultry , damn ,
ly t M. IHiIlli Il5'-olllll Hlh flUMlt
CO. ,
Proiltifo Cominib&ion
roultrr. lliitlcr , ( Jimp. 1 until , etc. S20 H. llthrt
iiui.ihii.i > b ,
Ocneral Coiniiiission Jlercluints.
Ami Jol-l - r , rForol5. , . . nnd .m. . ;
oiKliMKOMiilw. iiirioui . .
'llilttet'iitti ' t .Omnln.Nili. Tcl plmiio . . :
mjiortcrii nnd linIO' < iled alOM In
Ktiliitn Produce ,
rorelenl > omp tlcnncl rallfnrnla KrulU ml Coranjli.
lion llerclianu. lOIH.IUhst. Oalj xclu5lT
fruit liouio In Om inn.
Coal ancLime. .
/ ' . MILESTONE cC COl ,
Dc.ilcn In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Offlcoanilyaid , li'lh nml .N'lcliolan MB. , Oroalia , Kcb.
' lAT.
UKO.I . .M. . .nrrpi. r. F. Oonnu AIC , V. I're
J A. SUNDHILAHU , Sec. mid 1rea .
Jobbr-rs of Hard and Soft Coal.
203Poulh ThlrtociilliHtrcit , Onmliii. Nub.
Jlannfit'tiircrs of'lllinoH WliKo Limp.
AnillilliKri of Owl HII.I Coinrcnjput , l'l tlrr ,
IJu'c Iliiir. lire nr'i ' It. Diuln. Tlio nml ' 'W" ' -
'jelr-uVi'ineiill. .
F. JPA Y l > CO. ,
Jobbers oT riullf.Nul" nnd''l .ii . 1 111 .imam t'l-
Oiiiiili. . .
Stock Coinnitssion.
Itr/tlfE < fiOXfi ,
Live Stork Coininission.
noo. llii'l P , Manoxcr.
DillonStoplt VsrdsP Omilii. 'lelepliono JS7.
Llvo Slock Coiinnisilun Mi-rclmnlH ,
ts ol ziny and nil Ulmln of Pioili sctlclieil.
Dillon Slockanli. . . niiiahH. Ni-b
Cigars ami Tobacco.
Jobbers of Clones , 'J'obncpo ' ,
Qun nml Ainmnnllion , ! ! ' . to371 S tllU it. , 10M ) to
10JI IMnunjJt OMiHhii. i-'li.
iln mifacHirers ol' Fine Citrar ,
And AVliolCr'nln llonliMfl in l.fat ToluTos , Kuk. . .19 !
ami HON. Ulh ftn-Bl. O < nliu.
JlOUSEl ! .I1 1l'OtlLAXI * ,
WliolOHalo liiu'cri ' In
H , Tobaccos , I'iiios and Smokers'
ACpiit for I ) . r.eMorii lorf .V Co . I'lne-rainiid jiiiok.
Tobuopoa. Ullwitukep . .
Inr , W Ifwinrln. No. JU
NorlliHUtueutU ilraet. Oinjln , Neb.
Dry Doods.
M. E. HMlTll ,0 CO , ,
Dry Goods , Ftirnlsliintf Hoods ona
ll'B and 1101 DouElnf C"r. lllli St. Omjhii. Ni b. )
Distil I ors.
WH' * * * r * r - * - *
DicTliTuB of I.lqiion .AI < 'i > linliinilPprUi. laij.ortcrti
niul JobUcraof VVInc'juuU -
rs r
CO. and ILEll 0 CO. ,
Jraporten and Jobber * of Kino Wlnri mid Uniio .
bolomnnur.oiuii'mnf If"'i.'i'm ' ' ? ? ' ? ? } ' ' Ill- '
rannUIinnrii lol Iquors.l \ \ \ llnrnojf WU
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Lavfro t Dniff , Paint , Oil & fSlnss House )
tAX J > n ua co. ,
Wltolesalo ] ) mffffisH. (
Ami neil r ln I'nlnti , Oll nd WlnauwOlm . nnln.
Drain Tile , Etc ,
' '
A. . . ) , J.W llil ( > Fonii.8ec.4.Ti tti
Jt. J.CAli oN. V l'rt > . nuilbupu
1) It A IX TILE CO. ,
Office 2138 lUh it. Oraabn. Neb. Machinery and
bupiillca tot tliinufiicturliilt C'tincot llrunrj lie.
Butchers' Toots.
liutcliurs' Toola and Hupplio-'J ' ,
, . . . w C lnei of ell kind. ! * > .In itock. 1211
Juiiyit..Uui aj
Groceries ,
7MATOA * , GALKAGllKll ,0 CO. ,
Groceries ntul rrovislons ,
7ro n < Hll S 10lhStOnii\hn. Xcb.
DYtP CO. ,
Wliolcs.ilo Orocors ,
lHh nml I.odTCtiworlli t < . , ( 'mnhn.
u' . , r.
Heavy Hanlwaro , Iron ninl Sled ,
SprlnK , Wilton torX. Il n1n ro Lumber , tic. IMS
ami l.'ll llanify n . Oninlm.
Iron nml Slecl ,
ril Currlnto Wooil Kt k , HCOTT
Kir. 1-IT nml 12I'J l.vaonnurlli C. , Omtlm , Neli.
.s'o.v.s ,
Sloven , HiuiRT ? , I'tirnaccs , Tiles.
M&ntlri. Urntci , llram ( ] oo < l . 1 and 1C.I futnnu
Donlcr in Iiinnlipv. Ltitli , Lltno ,
Doort , Kic. Ynnl ( Vrnrr'lh unil loupln i Cornet
tthnnil Don < Mi.
Wliolcsalo Ijtiiiilior ,
811S. Hlhptrept , Omaha , Vcb. f.Colpclirr , ManiiROr.
niulMiiaic Denlor3 ,
i hi Hllrir i\ri < . Dlnnipnilr , Winolip , Clitoks ,
ler'n'liiiiH ami Miiti-rlnU , no. Ml hinl 1V ( > litli
t .Cur. Doil o. liumnii ,
C. X. D1KTZ ,
irth nml rMlfori'ln PlructK , Omnliv NcK
mini * tr. Git A v ,
Lumber , Llnic , Content , Etc. , Ktc.
Cor. Clh ii ml nounlna Us. , OIII.I'JA , Nib.
To Dealers Onlj' .
Offlco , U03 Knrnim ulrof I.Omalia.
C1IAS. Ii. LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpctn iinJ rurniict Ploorlnc. lull nd lou ) la
AVholosiilo Lumber , Ktc.
Iwpnrtcil Btiil Amrrlcan Vorlliml rcmmt. Pint *
AECntrorilllw nkeo llydrniillu Coinvtit nuct licit
yuliicylillcI.lnn - .
Life Stock.
S co. ,
Of Omaha.
Mtnllcd. John f. Uoyd , S-iporlnUncJont.
Millinery anif Notions.
jr7oj7EKrEhfnsit Tf co. ,
Import ITS nn > l JoMiora nf
Millinery nml Ntitions ,
isrijl.iinrr St octOmulin.Nnh.
cir , i > co. ,
Arc the only Direct Imimrtrisof
Ocrmaii it French Toys Fancy Goods
In .Ncbnirkn. Chlcnco prices iluplliidil without nild-
IIIK IrclRht. UI5 r.iitrim KH'gt.Oini'li.1.
j. T. ftoitTyao jr jvoWc/A1 co. ,
\Vliole al. Di-wli-rs In
Notions and FnrnNIiliiB' Oooda ,
nclaiul | 0' > S Truth M , Oinitlm.
Fix YARD .r NciryEf
Notions , Ilosieryand Cents' I'ur
( lODllS.
lOnfinml 10M F.iriiniu hi , Omaliii , N'
Paper Boxes
J. L. inisKJE ,
Ma un fact nrer of Paper Roxcs ,
100 S.lUh SI . lira itii. Ni'lir.iiLii. Onlem li > mill to. niul ulll ictfl.o rroni.t | . intention.
CO Ml'AX Y ,
3Ianiifii'lnrers of Overalls ,
Joani l'.iiiU , hlilrta , llti1101 imil 11011)ouiliii ; > Ftrcct ,
Onmlm , Kili.
.Job 1'i'lntei'S lUiink Hook Makora.
And Utiuk llluiliifi. IM nml IW South 1 uurtounlh
rlrrot. Oinnlm , rich.
Atniliary Pitblislicrs.
DoslorslnTjiie. I'r ss-i nivl I'rliitPrn' Supplies. 603
Siiiilh J'-vrlflli' Ircut.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
o co. ,
Slan ifncturcru , Vucliiiiiui
s ? & Klrii-My 1'nro Apiilo Vinegar
I'ovrdpr , I I ivorlim lC lr.icl , Tnlilii H" | .
trend ! illinium Riii Kiuii ir. ! ! " . ? " , "C" ri'i ?
Kilo j.Li'im li.i lul. Hi'lor ' iml Itclluul Aiio | | | Ci
der. UOii I .MI I'liwurlU hMliujbii.
Safes , Etc.
j' . ItOYEli ( CO" ,
for Hall's Snfo & Lae\t \ Co.s'
Kirn ami llurfiir Troot Kifu , Tlma I iikn. Vaults
andJatl Woru. IUI ) I .irn ua otrctt Omiilia. .Neb.
( L AXP11EEX ,
Omaha Kitfc Worlcs.
Manufnclurcinof I TO HIII ! Iliirrlnrl'niof Hifpi , V ult
Doors , Jr.ll Work , t-htit u hint Who Wail. . < cir.
Mill ami Jiickfiiiii "in . Omglin. N
Sash , Doors , Etc.
37. Vl.J.S7Wf O IY .0 CO. ,
\Vnolenii ! ' ! Manufai'liirpnof
Snsli , DOOVH , Itlimln ami MonldiiiffH ,
Iliiinclinllirr. Ktli mill lurdtH .O'nabu.Ni'l ) .
. .
Hasii , Door , lllliuN , 3oulilinar [ < 3 ,
Mliii1'iiw. . cm I'm sjli | 'i'iiiiienili | ; ( ilrcct.
OmaUa , ! > tlj. A complrto ( toc ut lluilJi'itt'
ti co.t
Manufacturers , f > f Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
tiutii. . j t"1lnir Work nnd luloiio
Jurl oi'UiiU. ' K. Ii 'at hniHi.u
Omiilitt , l lJ
' " " "
en i 'lieu ILL J' iwi7 co. ,
Wlioloh.ilo . Pinnim , I'iie | , ritliii'S ( ,
Eteamiiii'l Wulr Hunplln IIndiiiiHili-i * f r Mint
1 07111Cu'i ( JUO'1,1. 111 ! I lifllllH tl . . ' ! III. A CO ,
' '
A. L''ti'ntAxa co. ,
IMimpH , J'ipos and KiuriiiPS.
Bt Hm VVltr. Ilallwiiy and MMIIni ! Huin > 'if Kto.
WO. Wl Turnani t , < ; " ! f lj
TrTs. irrji'i I'UMi *
. ) KXUIXR ami
"flAW 'H
iiuuim ( "aiilui. H K I rlinn. AIun kLT.
'J eleplii.iio No 10.
Tl Ullks.
' Trunks ,
Mill ird Hotel Illuclt , Omaha.
Wagons and Carriages ,
The Loud InjfO a rrlturo Faitory ,
( KbrA
HW nnd llll
Buildiny Material.
t co. ,
Dealer In All Kindiof
Material nt Wholesale.
lath Hircot and tlmoa fuel Do Track Omulm _