Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Sam Jonas Talks Anti-VThiskey to a Unlf-
Pro2en Half-Thousand.
They UcloiiR to the Devil's Chain
Gang The Science of ttio llcnrt
Last. Nit-Ill's Sermon
Stop Drinking.
Snin's Small Amllcnco nnd Talk.
Thcru wcro : ibout live hundred people
in tin ) exposition building last evening at
the Sain Jones revival meeting. The
number made but n small speck In the
vast auditorium. The building was chilly
and the presence of but n few ladies ren
dered tlio place doubly uninviting.
The female choir of last choir was ab
sent from the stage , find in its place was
arrayed u number 'of young men , who
did their best to assist in the musical ex
Mr. Maxwell , the gentleman who has
been conducting thu musical exorcises ,
did not mtiko an early appearance. Ills
absence was occasioned by fatigue and
liotirsonoss , nnd in hiH stead was Air. Ex-
cell , whoso conduct of tlio 11111810.11 fea
tures differed from Mr. Maxwell's in Unit
it appealed more folicitiousl.y to the
muaijre aggregation of worshippers.
An iiidelinlto number of hymns wcro
Htmg , some of which wcro rendered by
the choir , and others by thu audience.
Thu stage had about t lie same number of
clergymen as it contained Monday night.
Mr. Joplin , secretary of the V. M. G. A. ,
intulu an appeal to the audience to con
tribute in the collection so liberally that
tine amount realized might put to sli.ime
the larger audiences which had earlier in
the week contributed so mciigorly to the
revival fund.
Mr. Will Tabor presided at the organ
with his usual skill , and rendered in
valuable service to the vocal exercises ,
Mr. Sam'l Jones : it length appeared.
He looked oven more fatigued ilum he
did on the preceding evening. In speak
ing he adapted his voice to the si/.e of the
uudieneo which he was addressing. When
ho raised It beyond .strength necessary to
bu heard by those farthest from him on
the lloor , ho showed in a slight manner
the effect of over-exertion and : i slight
cold. Ilo spoke as follows :
t believe God will bless a congregation ot
people who will como out tluou h such
weather ns thlsonsucli anight. I don'lbellevu
them is a man who walks the earth that 1
would have Rene out such a nlirht as this to
hear him preach , linn surprised to see so
many hero such a nl ht. and now let us enter
Into this service to bo blessed by this service.
tSuroly wo will not come out through the
B tor in and snow of this night without u bless-
Jnjj from God , and wb Invite your attention
to thesn words : " 'If any man will do His will
ho shall know ot the doctrine , whether it beef
of ( led or whether I speak ol myself. " These
were tlio words of the Lord Jesus when ho
was surrounded by the sharp , shrewd I'lmrl-
sces and the cunning , calculating Saddueos ,
nnd the learned doctors of the law. They
were questioniiifj him , they were probing
him , they wcro dissecting every
utterance of his lips. Hut Jesus ,
knowing their thoughts and knowing
their doubts , said , "If any man will do the
willot'tiod he shall know of the doctrine. "
Ho throw the caiintlot down at their feet and
challenged them to the test. Now all other
sciences art learned with the head. The sci
ence of astronomy , the science of astrology ,
the science of iieology and the science ot
mathematics , all those sciences uro learned
with the head , but the .science of Christ cruel-
lied is a
I grant you this much. In any ago a man
who proclaimed any wonderful truth to thu
wotld met with opposition. When ( iallleo
discovered that this world rotated on its axis
ho was arraigned and convicted und pub
lished to the world as the liro.itest heretic of
the age , and yet , as ho retracted and walked
out trom that august body , ho f aid. "And
yet the world rolls on. " And to-day 1 bo-
fi eve every human being In thisclvillzcd land
ielle es In Galileo's doctrine except the Itov.
3Ir. Jiuspar , of lEichmoiid , Virginia , am' ' ho
clings to It that the 'Sun do
move. " I suppose ho is Iho only hu
man be Inc. in America to-day that docs
not bollcro iiKinllleoaiul his grand discov
ery. When Watts discovered that steam had
power unlimited ho was arraigned at tlio bar
of Hamburg , tried and convicted as ono of
the greatest heretics of the world. And yet
when Kultoii constructed his engine , or Stev
enson , anil the engine was nred up until thu
Kaugu Indicated so many pounds ot steam ,
and the engineer pulled the throttle open
and the engine riHhcd elf , the Inlldel world
looking on said : "Jt Is true. It is true. "
When llarvcy discovered that the blood
circulated from the heart to tno extremities
and back again , men sil : < l the earth may ro
tate , them may ho power in steam , hut hero Is
11 man who tells us that the blood circulates
i'rom the heart to the nxtromitics und buck
again. And they tried him and convicted
linn as ono of the world's greatest heretics.
And yet to-day as soon as a phv-
Rlcian walks into my sick room ho
lays bin linger on my puls-o and tolls
the nature ot my disease and determines my
sickness by the motion of my pulso. Wo re-
panl llarvoy to-day as ono of thn woilu's
grandest discoverers.
When Morse discovered that ho could sit n
Iiundiedmiles from a friend and hold n pri
vate conversation with him on a wire with
one hundred miles Intervening , then iniidul
Immunity looked on and bald the earth does
rotate , and blood does circulate , and thcic is
power In steam , but l.cru is a man who tells
us tliathocim tall ; to a triend one hundred
miles distant from him. And ho was ar
raigned und convicted us one of thowoild'rt
grandest humbugs. And tluuo Is not a little
uoy now in town but that knows that he can
go Into the Western Union ollico In this cily
and hold a cniivciv.illon with a man sitting
at the ticker in iho city of Liverpool or Lon
don. All opposition to these grand dlscov-
cites bus died away long ago , lint Jesus ,
eighteen bundled years ago
JIAni ! TllliOllAXI ) IHSfOVKIlV
that his blood could clcaiitiu lioin sin and his
grace could s.ivo men. and that
blood has benn washing tlio nations for eigh
teen hundred years. And yet to-day I hero
nioas many inlidels in thn world as theio
were In any airo of the win Id's history. Why
is thlbV It involves something more than the
mere agreeing that then ) l.s power In steam ,
that there is truth in blood circulating , Hint
there U truth in thn idea ol thu earth's rotat
ing. Anil u man believe that , and tliink
all the whisky , ami tell all the lle.i. und have
as many wives as ho pleases , but when u
man believes Hint Jesus Christ's precious
blood saves him Uom sin , he cannot drink
any moru whbky , and ho cannot tell any
mure lies , and ho cannot client his neighbors
anil dotraud his creditors. Yon say that faith
in Je.-itu Christ piecludcs thu Idea , and 1 Hay
If the belief In thu truth ot Hie science ot
mathematics Involved the fact that you could
not drink any whisky , tlieie would bo hun
dreds of pcupla in Omaha to-night who
would not tiellovu in the science of
mathematics. VUien you talio Christianity
as ttue , .slid Kiy i believe it , ft
involves the fact that I give myself to Cod
mull eschew all the wron. . A nil there U
thu great dilllcnlty with humanity. I never
mid any troublu gettiiu a man straight if ho
was willing to milt the \\roug , and who * aid
lie was willing to mut everything that is
wiouir and ally himself with the right , ilut
these men that want to have their own way
nnd talk about personal llbeily J And of all
the consolidated , concentrated humbugs of
tldfi nniver&o. It Is Iho man who will get up
and talk about sumptuary laws. Jlo means
consumi > tuury laws. He wants the blessed
.piivlleL'oot consuming everything that lU-sh
could desire. Jlo lwllcves in everybody prac
ticing a consuinptuary law. A non-sump
tuary law HUMUS u consuniptiuiry law. IVr-
sonal libeity , which gives u man thu right to
liruak his wife's heart and beggar Ids child-
ifn ; who wants such liberty as that ? 1 hear
u man talk about personal libeity ; hu has got
no preacher to lord It over him , and
no church to boss ( dm. Ho is a frco
man. 1 get within ten feet of
him and hear the chains tattling. Uo be-
lOJlfc'S tO
THit : > KVIl4S fllAIN CIAVQ.
lie has cot liberty to get drunk aiul maKe a
brute of himself ; tie lia * license to bo : i liar ,
If ho wants to. rtml tirofrtno tlio name of Go < l
nsiuuclins no Ilkcss Iichas cot the liberty to
bo licentious. Uuinembor , there Is n fcrcat
dcnl of difference between liberty nntl license.
Liberty means tlio privilege of dolne rlilit ;
llcpiino means 1 nave jot ; now the power tote
( to wrong. That Is It. Von never heard of n
iieihon nskliiR lor the liberty to sell whisky.
Mo wants n licence to sell whisky. Did you
ever of n notiM ) of Ill-fnmo wantlnulib-
nrty to run tlio house. Xo ; they always
want a license. License means I want you
to crant me the power to do wrontr ; liberty
means the power to do rlilit. ? When wo con
found these two words wo have made n mis
take that may cost us our Route.Vo have
made a mistake as lonz as eternity. The
privilege to do rl l't ' , that Is liberty.
1 was talking ton man some tlmo ago. Ho
said , "Jones , 1 am a frco man. " 'N ell , "
snld I. " 1 will tell you , If you had walked up
and slanped me on"my Jaw , and nursed luelo
my face , and conn nlone. and staid sober and
mippoitcd your family and dona rlalit , I
would have thoiiclit ten times PS mueli of
you an ] do , but you lm\o KOIIO with a boot-
heel and stimiicd the lift1 out of your wile's
heai t and the blood out of your family. " Talk
about freedom , Cod deliver me from the
treed nir. that lets mu butcher my homo and
taiully and makes my Irleuds us pud HI death.
Who L-ives a man thn rl 'lit to do that'.1 IVr-
soual liberty 1 That Is what Is the matter
with this country. Personal liberty I That
means communlfim ; and when every man
coinmcnees to do just as ho pleases , you have
the worst form of anarchy mid communism
that ever was contracted. And when a com
munity enters Into a compact each man glvus
up certain privileges and certain
lights for the peed of the whole.
And when ho outers In a compact
ol society he l.s wllllui ; to leave olT every
thing that will harm -society and that will In *
sure beuelits of KOOI ! to this community.
Civil liberty means nothing more than that I
have civoo up certain ilshK thai I am enjoy
ing a liberty that brlnus irood to the | > eople.
lint no man can do a thinp that wrongs so
ciety without Hrsl iottlni ; the , but 1
blame you for u'iviim Inem the license. Sii | > -
IXISD wo hail n mayor and alderman In this
city of Omaha , and the mayor hud two sons
nnd each aldcriimu had two sons , ami sup.
pose a bur keeper was to come up and say ,
'Mr. mayor , you and the alderman I will
Siva yon a Sl.U.W apleco for a lici'iiso to do-
Uiiucli your ten boys. " The mayor and alder
man ol this town would kirk that mini out of
Ilio board muetiiii , ' . You come hero and otfcr
mo a 810,000 to makoa drunkard out of my
boyiiud ruin him forever. Why , sir , It is
an insult ; every license they Krunt Is for the
piivilcKO of
It may bo sumo mother's hey or some
father's boy , and it may bo poielmnca their
own children will bo swout oil with tlio fear
ful tide. 1 say that Christianity not only de
mands that you nssKtit to tliiuirs tiial are trno
but It also demands that you clvu up the
things lliat Christianity condemns and come
lilai a man and sham tlio bonelltsof the
atonement of .losus Christ. A man is a
Christian just in proportion as ho assents to
the Until of the atonement and lives himself
up to the truth ot tlio atonement. Now , hero
is a grand proof. It has got more witnesses
to-day to the truth of its own power to save
than every oilier proposition In the universe.
Look at the millions to-day , look at the
two hundred millions that stand up and
.say that the blood of Christ lias power
to save sinners. It lias been saving them bv
the millions. It saved my mother ; it saved
my fattier ; it bus been Having millions for
years , and hear 1 am lost myself , and all God
askH me to do Is to commit myself to his
saving powur. That has saved to tlio utter
most all that have come to ( Jed through his
atonement. If any man will do the will of
God ho shall know of the doctrine. Now I
say thatCHWSTIAIf
just like anything else may be tested. Tlio
science of mathematics lias been demon
strated as a true science. Suppose a man
doubted tlio truth of tlio science of math
ematics , and ho would say , "Jones , now
demonstrate to mo that mathematics are
true. " and 1 say "twice two are tour. " Ilo
would say , "Now Jones do not bo silly.
Give me n propjsltion thai will demonstrate
the truth of mathematics. " 1 would say , "six
times six are thirty-six , " and he says. "Jones
do not talk your silly talk. " I said "I see
you are a man who demands some example.
Come over with mo to France. They are co-
ing to tunnel the Al.s | and they want to begin -
gin on tlio Switzerland side and on Franco's
Hide ; they want to go through tlio Alps witli
u hUhwav. Mathematics says If you want to
go tluough there and begin on both sides at
onoo I will show you whore to heir n and I
will direct you throuu'li the dark heart of
that mountain. The engineers tot their in
struments and the index linger points to a
place where tlio lirst spade of dirt shall uo
removed. They work on and on until thou
sands and thousands of dollars are expended
and months and months otlmo are ex
pended , and now they begin to wonder , sup
pose mathematics maKe a mistake. Millions
uro sunk rluht here but mathematics says yon
can bank on me ; yon can trust
me ; I will tiring you together riu'lit
in the heait of that niount.iin.
When the Fanco's side was sitting down
at dinner Switzerland side nicked up their
tools and went to work after dinner and
Francis heard the rumbling of the picks and
they picked up their tools and went to work ,
and in tiftcen minutes the middle wall fell
out and they struck one the other to tlio
hundredth part of an inch. Now , brother ,
Christianity can be demonstrated on just that
principle , and right now I will show you.
There is a blind man. lie was born blind.
This earth could never touch a case like that.
Jesus looked on the blind man , took some of
the earth and moistened It with sDittal and
rubbed It on the blind man's eves and said 1:0
wash yourself In yonder pool ; ho went to
tlio pool , washed his eyes , and saw trees and
rocks and mountains and waters that ho
never saw befora. If any man will
DO TIM : wu.i. OF HOD
ho shall know the doctrine. What Is the will
of God ? Cease to do evil , learn to do well ,
that is the will of God. "Let the wicked
man forsake his way and tlio unrighteous
man his thoiuhts and como to God and ho
wilt abundantly pardon. What Is tlmwlllof
( Jed ? Uepunt and bo converted. What Is
tlio will of God ? That wo should all be holy
and we should quit the things that are wrong
and tlo the things thatarc right.
If any man will do the willet God let him
get In tlio road to heaven and inovo olf. If.
you want to be a Christian , God wants 3-011
to bo one. If you want to lie Havcd , God
wants you to bo saved. If you want to bo
saved from sin saved In heaven , God wants
you to holn you. All that God can do with
you i simply como and meet the conditions
of salvation and you are a saved man. If
any man shall do the will of Goil ho shall
know the doctrine. I remember oncit a
little Incident which Illustrates the points
we are on to-night. I remember that ( luring
a revival mcctliiat ono of my churches ,
them was a man who was a
Ho had been a mourner lor lilteen vc.irs. Ilo
wanted to bo lollgloiH. Any meacher could
stait a meeting with uccrialnty that ho
would have one. Ho was the Hist ono to
come every time. When I started my meet-
in ? ko was my mourner and about the
thlulor fourth day of the meeting , I knew
him. 1 f.aid , "Mr. Nester , they tell mo you
liavo boon Iji'epinir this tlilnij up lor Jil'teen
year * , do you want tn bo a Christian' . " ' Ho
wild , "Yes , I do. " "Well , " said 1 , "to-night
when the church Is opcm-d , you walk up and
join , fjlvo your lieart to God. " And hit said.
"lam never going to join the church until I
get religion.1' 1 said , 'Mavo vou not tried It
onyournlan for ten or lilteen years without
Mieci'ssV Aiul ho said , " \ ts : , " and that ho
was guiim to stick to Hand tnat ho wasn't
Koisiz to join the chinch until ho got religion ,
To my Hhtiiiilshiuonl Hull nUlit when
i opened the church ho walked
up and joined tlio church. I said
"Mr. Nester , have yon got luiigion , " and ho
said , "No , I am willing to do any way to got
it. " J'hu next day I invited him to dinner
with me. I was well acquainted witli him
and llvi'd near him. Alter dinner Ills wife
anil mine walked over to a neighbors nnd
lelt us with the children to manago. 1 h.ild ,
"Mr. Nestov yon wnteh tliu children and lead
tlio papers and I will go and Ho down and
hleep an hour or so.- ' I wont in and laid
down n ml when I woke ho was as happy as
ho could lie. "I liked to have wakened you
up a while ago , " hu said. "God saved mo
ju t now and 1 am just as happy as 1 ran bo
and 1 wanted to go all over town and tell It , "
Audi said how was It. and ho said "I was
reading this paper and got saved. " Hit said
"I was reading of a poor sink woman , and
slu' committed herbeif to fiod , and 1 turned
uiid mid 1 liavobcon a poor sin-sick man for
twttnty years , and tlio joy of peace leaped
into my soul. 1 said , "Mr. Nosier , on my
plan you could mind eight children , iciil the
yourself up „ - - .
dono. That Is the thn thing God wants us to
do. If uny man willdotlie will of God ho
shall liium'all the doctrine. Jf you will do
the bes-t tiling yqu Know how to do God will
incut you half way , L don't care what gort of
n nmu i'was.or how J lived. If I had .an op
portunity 1 would stand up nnd confess
Christ every tnltuite , and then quit ovcry-
- to myself everything
that was right. 1 know there area peed
many. 1 know there nro a great many who
believe that
itKT.imo.v ts A. vr.nv MYSTr.mot'n TIIIVO *
and you would have to cot Into the great
mystery to get It. Kellglon Is simple , and
God's terms are simple , and all ho wants you
to do Is to walk up lIKe a man and say I swear
eternal allegiance to the right and
give myself to Tlmo from this
moment I heard Sam Small onto explain
this doctrine of roeticr\tlon. lie said Roma
of us had a good deal trouble about this second
end birth. Ho nays 1 think HKTC nro
analogies that will explain that Ho say.1)
there is a German , a Frenchman , and an
Englishman. They come over to America ,
they taku the oath of allegiance to tlio
United Slate * . They sever their allcslanco
with Grrmany , Franco and England. They
take the oath , they renounce their allegiance
to Germany , Franco and Kntrland , and anew
now man Is born. Ilo says three months airo
I walked up to God nnd renounced the devil
and n Christian was born to God. There Is
no trouble about It. The trouble Is you wont
take It. Christianity loan Intelligent thing.
Clirlstiiinanity demands Intelligent action
on your part. It l.s the denouncing ol every
thing that Is wrong and doing every
thing that Is right. Trusting every
thing to Christ , whoso blood bought for you
veliulon. If any man will do the will of God
ho shall know the doctrine. That man sit
ting out there says If I llnd tlio bible
tnie 1 will irlvc myself to Clod. 1 cannot bc-
llovo It. Suppose that I should my that
the Uock Island runs to Chicago In ilt'tecn
hours , suppose that I should I was on tlio
train when it ran through In liftecn hours
then ho should say you have been the victim
ot deception. 1 tell you it don't run through
in nfteen hours to Chicago. You say you
don't believe , como and get on the train with
mu and I will show you. Wo would say , 1
have not the money to pay my faro. I said
If you will go I will pav you for your time ,
and ho s.iys 1 can't co anyhow.
YOU AUK A. oiti.vr : mo IIUMIIUO.
Hero Is tlio sinner ; L look at him and say
thcro is nothing in your condition that will
hinder you being saved. 1 know what 1 was
once. I am talking about and know that Jesus
Christ saved mo a Dinner just like you. Von
will say they have played deception on you.
i nay no , they have not. 1 know that Ho
saved mo. My brother , let mo help you to
Christ. It reminds moot a Iriend. I sav to
him ( hero Isabrlglit over the hill , and ho
says L don't bcllevo It. nnd I says cumo and L
will show It to you. Ho wont go , but 1 catch
hold of him and pull him to the top of the
hill. When I get him whcro 1 can sen the
llirht ho turns his head around , and when I
turn his head back he puts his hands over his
oycs , and when ho takes Ids hands down lie
shuts his eyes. There are many sinners that
move op these Hues. 1 never saw an honest
man searching for God but what lie found
Htm. Just as sure as you hunt for God in
eai nest , you will llnd Him. Talk about doubt
ing the truth of ielliIou. ; Can you make me
believe that I didn't have on u coat or shoes ?
Vou might umko mo believe 1 am not in
Omaha , out you could not make mo believe ,
ns long as 1 was able to bee , Unit Jesus Christ
didn't save me. A poor sinner fourteen years
111:0. i am tike a lellow shouting at camp
meeting. Ho says If you don't believe 1 have
got religion , go and ask my wile , she knows.
God help us to-night to establish this Im
portant question , one involving my soul for
eternity , and Lam going to test the matter
and irive myself to God to-ntuht. I wish you
would. This is a blessed hour to surrender
to God ,
"Dolsiys arc
If you nro pale , emaciated , have , n
hacking cough , with night-sweats , spit
ting of blood and shortness of breath , yon
have no time to lose. Do not hesitatu too
lonp : Hill you are past cure ; for , taken
in its early stages , consumption can bo
cure ; ! by tlio use of Dr. LMcroo's "Golden
Medical Discovery. " ns thousands can
testify. Hy druggist's. '
A ronnsylvnnln. Politician Offered ( lie
Attorney Generalship.
SCKANTO.V , Pa. , Nov. 1C. It was publicly
announced here to-day that Hon. Charles It.
JJucltalow , member ot congress elect from
tlio Eleventh district , had been tendered the
olflcn of attorney general by 1'icsldent Cleve
land. A reporter interviewed several of
Uuckalow's pcisonal friend ; ) , ono o thorn n
member of the congressional conference that
nominated him , and alt continued tlio rumor.
The member of tlio conference referred to
stated that liuckalow himself expected that
the ofiico would bo tendered to him before
the recent election.
WA.sniNnro.v. iNov. 10. Tlio press item
from Scran Ion , I'a. , stating that ft was pub
licly announced in that city to-day that tlio
ollico of attorney general had been tendered
Hon. Charles A. Huckalow , was shown
Colonel Laiuont , the president's private sec
retary , by an Associated I'ress ronoiter to
night. In reference to It Colonel l.amont
said : "Thero Is nothing utall in that. There
is no vacancy In that ollice. and. " ho added ,
withasmile , "I don't ' think there is likely to
bo one. There Is no basis for any such story
whatever. "
An Important Decision.
WAsm.voTON , Nov. 10. Tlio first comp-
tiolier of the treasury rendered a decision to
day which will bo of interest to holders of
government bonds. There has just been pre
sented lor redemption a $50 five percent bond
Issued under the act of March ) , 1SOJ , which
provides that the bonds of that issue shall bo
payable forty years after date , with the
option of the government of redemption at
any time alter the expiration ot two years.
The bond in question was embraced in the
call made in IbV.l. and has just been presented
with all the coupons detached. The comp
troller decides that as the nominal valno of
the miniatured detached coupons In meatcr
than tlio face value of the hoinl itself the
bond cannot bo redeemed until such coupons
shall have been presented.
A. Close Contest.
TnuxroN. Jx. J. , Nov. 1(1. ( The result of
( ho recount in tlio Second assembly district
has not yet been decided. Chief Justice
Jleasloy disposed of ten disputed votes this
morning by giving live to Walter , democrat ,
two to Jours , republican , nnd three blank.
This gives Jones a plurality of one , but tlio
democrats will count the votes'In the First
Ward , First 1'recinet , which poll book gives
only-115 votes , while thcro ate 410 tickets on
the string. The extra vote is a republican
ballot , and , according to Chief Justice Ueas-
ley's decision this morning , must lie thrown
out in order to make the poll book and string
correspond. Should this bu done the lesult
would bo u tie.
Of IntnroHt to Army OlUonrs.
WASIH.NOTON , Nov. 10. A general order
has been Issued by the war department to
take ell'ect January 1 next , providing that
when an olllcor is granted leave of absence
it will bo charged to the year or years In
which It ilrst occuned in the order of priority
to date , and any balance of the accrued leave
remaining shall stand to his credit for future
leaves. .No credit for leave , however , shall
hland for more than four years. This order
as staled U intended to give more olllcers the
lull benefit of cumulative leave privilege In
which they have been restricted for ten years
Grcnt Pint in Pomiuylvanln.
IlAnmsni'itn , Pa. , Nov. .10. A great fuels
raging on the Jiluo mountains near this bor-
oiuh. Dry leaves are causing the Humes to
spread with remarkable rapidity , Arthur
Miller , who was appointed poor master by
the rounty commissioners , sent a tclo ram to
the latter at lioadlng this morning and was
authorized to employ ns largo a lorce of men
as necessary to extinguish the tiro. Farm
bulldlnirs and fences am cndangeroJ.
Parliament IMsHolvod ,
TOIIONTO , Nov. 10. Tlio dissolution of the
Ontario parliament is olllcially announced.
Now elections for the province of Ontario
takes place December .
Two Denver citizens , bufl'alo hunting
In 1'nrk county , Colorado , walked twen
ty-live miles unit thought they were
amuly rcpuiil when they discovered u big
bull bison standing alone in the "very
heart of a mountain fastness. " Of course
they joyfully killed this lonely represent
ative of u ouco mighty
ThavatDf of the so called medical lake
near Spokane is so charged with certain
salts that It is like lye and Is used in
making soap. When the \viuil blows the
wnvcs peen make soap suits of the wilt cr
the froth or hither piling In masses ul on i
' '
the 'shore , H
The Oity Council Hold a Busy find Heated
A Sheriff1 In the Snow Callitwny'a
Citizens Srttl .aeil . The Whites
of Sin Court Matters
Other liocnls.
"The Council ,
The counoilinon wcro at cro3 points
last night. Tlio room was cold .and most
of the aldermen apparently out of tem
per. Every question that came up was
discussed tit length nnd with more or less
hunt. It was nftor 11 o'clock when the
session luijnurned , Tlio following busi
ness was transacted :
From Ilio Mayor Approving ordin
ances adopted at the last meeting , Kile ,
From tlio Marshal Asking that a com
mittee of the council bo appointed to
make an investigation of the Mollat case
in order that the blame of it may rest
where it belongs.
Mr. Leo moved that the prayer of the
marshal bo granted , ami that a special
committee of live , three of whom shall
bo domocrau , bo appointed to make an
investigation of the case. Ilo wanted
three democrats on the committee so
they could not kick ut the report. Mr.
Leo's motion was adopted nnd the fol
lowing councilmou named ns thn com
mittee : Lee. Lowry , Selirocder , Kaspor
and ( loodriun.
From the Marshal Suspending John
Kobbins for drunkenness and J. J. Donl-
van for disorderly conduct and insubor
dination. L'olieo.
From the Holler Inspector Submitting
report of business of his ollico for the
month ending October 1)1. ) Public prop
erty and improvements.
Of Edward Muslioll Asking damages
by reason of change of grade on Sherman
street City Attorney.
Of H. P. UOCK bud and John Filmore
Claiming damages for personal injuries
received by falling into an unprotected
ditch on Twonty-Mxth and Dodge streets
on the evening of October i-'li. City At
torney and Chairman of the Hoard of
Public Works.
Of F. J. McShane , J. C. Drexel and M.
0. Maul Ollering tlfiO.OOO for Jellerson
Square. Public property and improve
W. F. Sweesy Protesting against thu
adoption of the plot of Hoggs & Hill's
proposed ninetli addition on the ground
that the streets no not correspondent
with the streets of the city of Omaha. City
Of Cierman Association Appealing
from the award of damages made by tlio
council's committee on property on
llarnoy street. City attorney.
By Lee Instructing the president of
the council to appoint a committee of
live to confer with the committees of the
board of trade and citi/cus , on the sub
ject of amendments to the city charters.
Adopted. The chairappointed : Jicchcl ,
Lee , Lowry , Manoy and JJailoy.
By Goodrii-h That $125 be appro
priated to defray Hie expenses of the
committee on lire and water works to
Chicago and return for tlio purchase of a
turn table truck.
Mr. Scbroeder moved that the resolu
tion bo laid upon the table. Mr. Leo
Haiti ho did not want to go on the tour ,
but as ID seemed necessary , lie did not
propose to giVe his own tune and pay his
own expenses. After some talk the reso
lution was adopted on a yea and nay
vote , Couiioilmen Ford , Uoodmau and
Schrocdur voting in the negative.
Hy Schroeder instructing the chair
man of tlio board of public works to
hurry up the paving contractors on
Lcavonwortli and Marcy streets.
15y Schrocdur Instructing the city
marshal to order squatters to remove
their houses from Center street , between
Twentieth and Tweuty-lirst streets.
Finance and Claims Reporting ad
versely to the claim of W. J. Hahn lor
sfl.OUO for making up the assessment
book and tax list lor 1880 , and recom
mending that $000 bo allowed tor the
work. Adopted.
Finance and claims Reporting that
they did not think it desirable to clothe
tlio couneilnron with police authority ,
and therefore recommending that the
proposition of Max Moycr & Co , for fur
nishing the councilmou with badges bo
not aecoptod. Adopted.
The same committee made a somewhat
lengthy report upon the resolution , which
had been referred to them , allowing the
gas inspector extra compensation for
horse hire. Tlio committee gave reasons
at length for reporting adversely to the
resolution. The report was adopted.
( irude.s and grading Presenting chum
of Contractor Fox for s5,000 ! for extra
work done at llnrnoy street. The report
drew out a discussion upon the amount
of work done by the contractor in excess
of tlio rwiuironiunts of his contract and
was linally recommitted.
( trades and ( trading Reporting in
favor of narrowing 1'aoille street from
Seventh street to Tenth slrcot. The re
port was opposed by Mr. Kaspar and Mr.
Ford , both of whom opposed the narrow
ing of any more streets in tlio city. Re
Police Reporting bill of Omaha Safe
works for $100 for sufo purchased for the
marshal's ollico. Mr , Dailoy opposed tlio
adoption of tlio report on tlio ground that
the committee on public properly and
improvements had reported that they
could got a safe for,1 ! ; } ; un , | was decided
that such safe bo iiurchasedy Ho thought ;
the marshal had no business to buy the
Hufo and ho therefore moved that the bill
bo rojeelcd. Mr. Kaspar and Mr. Cheney
explained that the purchase had been
made under a misunderstanding and
favored thu tiijoption of the report. In
the dismission Mr , Kaspar and Mr ,
] > ailoyoxuhniigcdcomplimuntsandhadto
bo called down by rap of llrcchnirmairfl
gtivul. Ford took occasion to1 abuse the
marshal , which brought Mr. uco to the
lloor with tlm remark that ho was willing
to coiicudo nil of the brains of Hie coun
cil to the Third ward reformer.Tlio re
port of the cvipuiiltcu on public property
und improvements hud aullioi'i/.ed the
adoption of the resolution giving the
marshal power to make the purchase and
it was probably upon u misunderstand
ing. On motion of Mr , Leo the report
was reforrnd'to the committee on finance
and claims fn ono wuok.
.Special ordinance making appropria
tions for Um payment ol liabilities ,
amounting Jlo. f 111,140.03 , increased iu
October. Passed.
Granting to the Omaha llorso Rallwr.y
the right to coiibtruct and use two tracks
across the Eleventh btrcot viaduct. Via
ducts and railways.
Diicluring thu necessity of opening
Twentieth from Lake btreet to Locust
street. Passed.
Narrowing Twenty-fourth street from
thu center line ot section i ) to Ci& ; > ius
street. Grades and grading.
Ordering the extension of the water
mains on West Farnuin street. Passed.
Granting to thu Union Pacific thu right
louse a certain part of Sixth street tor
fcidntrack purposes , Passed.
Ordering grading of Eleventh street
from Williams street to ISuncroft struct.
Grades and grading ,
Ordering' grading of Leavcnworth
street from' .Seventh filrcot to lot 2 in
blpck 20S. Gf.idcs and jjruding.
Changing the grade of Ninth street
from Pac-llie street to Poppleton nvehuo
nnd of Pierce street from Sixth street to
Seventh street. Passed.
Establishing the grade of Thirty-first
street Irom Fnrnam btrcet to Leavcn
worth street , ( trades and grading.
Declaring the necessity of oxtomltnc
Locust street front Twentieth street to
Twcntv-fourlh street. Passed.
Extending California street from Sim-
nysldo addition to Swecsy's addition.
Passed ,
Establishing the gradn of Twenty-
eighth street from Farnamstreet to How
ard street. Passed.
Widening Twenty-seventh avenue from
Drake's addition to Swccsy's addition.
Pa cd ,
The council then adjourned to meet on
Thursday evening of next week.
Ked Star Cough Cure i.s the onlysnfo
remedy that can worst n full grown cold.
The Committee ol' PhyfllolntiH nntl Bur-
RCOIH Milken Its llcnort ,
The physicians nnd surgeons , selected
by the county commissioners to report
upon the sanitary features of the plans
presented by the competing architects ,
for the now county hospital met Monday
night and unanimously recommended
the plan presented by Mr. Cochran , of
Chicago , as worthy of Ilrst place ; that of
Mendelssohn , Fisher ft Lawrlo , of this
city , second place , nnd that of Mr.Moyora
of Detroit , third place.
The plans of Mr. John Cochran , of
Chicago , and Mendelssohn. Fisher &
Lawrlo , of Omaha , both contemplate
what is called the navlllion style in hos
pital construction , the chief features of
which arc wide extension of the different
wards , isolation of the patients nnd the
freest use of sunlight throughout. Both
of these plans are drawn for ti long
frontage , with the insane asylum in one
wing , and the surgical and medical
boards in the other , nnd the administra
tion building , with rooms and offices
for doctors and attendants , in the center.
In each , the kitchen is separated from
the hospital proper. Each has a
maternity ward , whore lying-in cases
can bo treated away from the noise
of other portions of the building , and
In each , accommodations are nilordcd
for surgical demonstrations and clinical
treatment of interesting cases.
Mr. Cochran'8 plan , which has boon
awarded the first choice by the board of
physicians intil surgeons , is a modifica
tion of the plans used in the Cook county
and the Michael Reese hospitals of Chicago
cage , which are admittedly tlio most
modern , convenient and best built in the
west. Mr. Cochran's plan , contemplates
the immediate ) construction of throe
wards , radiating like 'lingers backward
from the frontline of the structure and
joined to a corridor running parallel to
the front , to which , by extension , us
many more wards can bo added
in tlic future ns the necessities of the
county may _ demand.
The special sanitary features of Mr.
Cochran's plan are the system of heating
by indirect radiation , Ilio system of ven
tilation and the ample arrangements
made by which sunlight enters every
ward at all hours of the day. In its ar
chitectural appearance Mr. Cochran's
plan is somewhat inferior to that of Men
delssohn , Fisher & Lawric , the latter , by
reason of its more broken roof-line and
central tower , being more picturesque
and pleasing to the eye.
Many of the excellent features of Mr.
Cochran's design , which , it may be said ,
are common to all the best hospitals of
the day , are reproduced in the plan of
Messrs. Mendelssohn , Fisher & Lawric ,
which receives second place in the award
of the physicians and surgeons.
Frorii an architectural point of view ,
the Mendelssohn plan i.s decidedly su
perior to any presented. The massing of
the connected buildings and the conjunc
tion of the broken-lino roofs , are artis
tically designed , while the features of the
interior arrangement are in a line with
modern ideas dud planned after pome of
the best modeled hospitals of the east.
Had Messrs. Mendelssohn , Fisher and
Lawrio been aware that the board was
willing to e.xpond $100,000 more than the
amount called for by their plan they
would doubtless have been able to mod
ify the details , so as to make it equal to
the best presented. As it was ,
it stood easily superior to all the designs
oliere.d except the ono selected , which re
quires the expenditure of nearly double
the amount for which the Mc'idolssobn
plan can be built. The design for a hos
pital presented by E. E. Meyers , of De
troit , is a sightly' and imposing pile , the
chief feature of which is that it is absolutely
. Other details
lutely lire-proof throughout.
tails are sacrificed to this all-important
consideration. The plan it-solf i.s commo
dious but seems to lack the feature of iso
lation of the insane asylum from
thn hospital portion to which
more attention is paid by
other architects. With Hits en-option ,
Mr. Meyers' plan is an excellent one for
the money. Hud the amount which thn
commissioners wire willing to expend
boon more delinitcly known , ills probable
that there would have been less room for
dilVeronoes of opinion on the part of the
judges between tlio plan of Mr. Meyers
and other of his competitors.
The commissioners will not bo bound
by a doeinion of the advisory board of
nnv.sieians and surgeons , but it is pro
bable that the opinion of the latter will
have great weight in making up the
limit verdict. . Whatever plan of the
llirco recommended In adopted , Douglas
county will bo in possession of one of the
lineM , most complete and Imnd.soiueat
hospital in thu country.
The great oarsman , Haitian , recom
mends St. Jacobs Oil for sprains , .strains
and bruises.
Rev. C. W , Blodgett , presiding older of
the Atlantic District of the Methodist
Episcopal church , iowa , and Rov. Fred
Harris , pastor at Atlantic und Rov. W ,
W. Daunor , pastor at Avoca , la. , are in
the city , guests at the Arcade in attend
ance at the Jones1 meetings.
A Bitmaps sxo\vin IN.
SliorllT Urown nml His Prisoner In n
8no - l > Hn.
ShorlfV Ilt-own , of Dixon county , hac
nn unusual experience In tins city last
night. He arrived in the city on the
Chlengo , St. Paul , Minneapolis it Omaha
yesterday afternoon in charge of a pris
oner named John Kolman , whom he
was taking to Lincoln to serve
asonlcnco in the penitentiary for horse
.stealing. They arrived at thn depot too
late to catch the westbound H A : M. tram
and Mr. Urown decided to remain over
in thiscily until this morning. Ho called
a cab ami putting his prisoner into it
started for the county jail. Attherornerot
Tenth muMIarnoy the cabman turned to
go till llarnoy street when
tlie gcutip.ephyrthtU was bowling along
in that vicinity caught the cub and , rJtcr
toying with it a few seconds , turned it
upside down in a .snow drift , Thu sherill
and his prisoner pulled themselves out of
tlio crush unhurt. The slicnu" began
helping the cabman to get his vehk-le
in Rhapo and did not notice
Kclmuii , who made the of his op
portunity and Marled on a dash for free
dom. Ho was handeulled , however , and
only made a short run before ho brought
up in a ditch filled with snow and found
the sherill' right after him. He gave up
and was led to jail.
Assurances Given to a Cullaway Dc.lo-
gallon 1)y ) the Union Paullto.
Quite a delegation ot Callawuy's prom-
nont men spent yesterday in Omaha , in
consultation with Union Pacific ollleials
regarding the location of a depot at that
place. Among the party were J. Woods
Smith , J. W. Owen ? , a real estate man ,
William Halwny. nn extensive horse
ranchman and livnryman , and A. Y.
Smith , general merchant. Their visit to
Omaha was caused by a report , which
has proved to be wholly false , that the
depot was to bo located about a mile and
a half beyond Cullawuy in response to
the bids ot a ring of speculators who had
purchased n tract of land there and pro
posed to build up n rival town and ruin
Cullawny. The Union Pacific ofllcinls
assured the Cullawuy representatives that
they need have no fear of such a thing
being done by that company , whoso pol
icy had never been to ruin established
towns by any such underhanded methods ,
and that Calhnvay would get si depot
when the branch' Hue from Kearney
reached that point. The Callaway gen
tlemen accordingly wont home well sat-
Callaway is a growing town of nearly
200 pormanunt residents. There are
already twenty-eight business houses ,
representing the various lines ot trade.
llierc has been invested about $10,000 , in
business buildings. All this lias been
done in six months ; Tlio Union Pacific
branch from Ki'nrnoy is expected to reach
Callaway early next season , as will also
the H. t M. . and hopes are also enter
tained that the Rock Island will strike
the same place. If all this is brought
about , Callaway will be one of the best
towns anil railroad centers in the west.
No name is better and -more pleasant ! v
and widely known than that of Mr. ,1.
A. Pozzoni. For Years he has made him
self famous by the elegant perfumes and
complexion powder that , bears his name
the latter having found its way to th
belles of Paris Germany and London
Everybody admires beauty in ladies
Nothing will do more to produce or en
hance it than a use of Mr. Pox/.oni's pre
< -
Tuttle & Allison. Ins. Agts. , 211 S. 13th.
Wanted His AVifo.
About 11 o'clock last night the police
were called to the Planter's bouse by a
report that a light was in progress at that
place. Captain Cormiek anil Sargeunt
Mostyn responded to the alarm , and
found the proprietor of the hotel and his
clerk engaged in an altercation with a
fellow named Jas. Morin. Morin had
been found in the hallway in the second
story of the hotel and was lired out. Ho
labored under the. delusion that his wife
and her lover wore in the hotel some
place , and ho insisted upon making a
personal examination ot the rooms. Ho
was arrested and charged with disturb
ing the peace.
The bank clearances yesterday were
? 01-t,2' > 8.01.
Delecrntn.s from oncainpuionts of the Union
Veterian Leirion in New York. Ohio , Iowa ,
Indiana , Massachusetts and Pennsylvania
will meet in Piltsburu to-day for the
purpose of forming a national encampment.
A cold wave Is predicted by the signal ser
vice at < Jhlcaio. ; The teinperaturo will fall
tilteon to twenty degrees in tlio next twenty
or thirty-six hours.
Louis Hammers , n bookbinder of Pltthbure.
stabbed and killed his brother-in-law , William
Heath , last evening on account ot an old
The official count In Missouri shows that
the legislature will bo democratic by n ma
jority of forty-four instead of lilly , as pre
viously reported.
Chairman Cnrtin. of the congressional
committee to invcstigato the southwestern
railroad troubles , Kays that tlio committee
has been unable to secure the testimony of
Mr. Iloxloon account of Iholatter'n health.
A meeting ol HID committee will not beheld
held until just prior to or after the opening
of congress.
Delegate Harry Boys that n new stillfo will
bo inaugurated at the Chicago packing houses
11 the packers coin pel their employe * to Mgn
un iron-clad agioeuient. The butchers' as
sembly , Knights of Labor , at a meeting last
night passed a resolution not to sign tlio
obnoxious contract.
' non-union Lake Shore
Percy O'Moiini , a -
switchman , was altaekeilln Chicago by live
stock yards btnkui.s , whereupon ho pullrd a
revolver and shot one of bin assailants dead ,
U'Meara was tailed ,
A Sioux ! itv Tribune rarrier boy , a son of
.ludgo I'ciidlRton , was in a snow dilft on
ld route hi > t evening and has not yet been
ton nd ,
akes cold meats a luxury
Am all mor ? < > r li'ji iiiri'cU-il l > y catarrh. The cjc In mr lioud for -eiirn
nid ; p.ihl out Jiundruilx of ilullur * lor niuillrliui. I
become Intlumc'd.ioil ml ivulcry , wltu dull , heavy
n npik.unil my oym were m ere that i nmldiiot
imlulictwuculUomithrrcHro roaringtiming njUci Kiiiur ienl : miii'li. 1 bpgnii In luke lluuiln Hi.r 'i-
In Uieram.iuut Huroctlinri tlio hearing It utrocloj ; purllla mill now my viiturrli I * nfirly : cuivil , tl'U
tliu inibu Is it HJVITC fcuflVror , "ilh lit rimMunt nn- wi > > iinoti ! uf my liodU nil gone , iuy niipotllu U
riijiifurluljloillxclinruii. bud Lreutli , niul loss of tliu fc'ood In fact I foal line Miioili riorsun. | . IIOnlV Siir-
H'nso iif Miu'll. All Ihi-bo i1isHzn < < 'utjio Djrnintnmn B'liiarlllu U tliu only modluino that tint ttoiio mu per
< ltii | > | > ojr wlicn tlic Jl i'a o i ouicil by JIooJ' Har- manent cooJ. " MKs. A. CL'NM.vcaAM , I'rovldi'ntc ,
fHpartUii , lilch expels from tlio tluod the Imimrltr It. I.
from wliltli futairhuilctii. toiic > an < l restores tliu dl - "HcoJ'sH.irtapirllla linn ti lpcil mo morn fur ca-
ca cilorijnstolicultliaiiJ bullJiui" " tlio wlig'u ' * } liuili iii.d impuiu bt',0'4 tlinn uuvlUiiitf i-l 'j 1 vvcr
lo-n , . " . . N. V.
used. A , KTa. ) uo.
BB tiuro to Rot Hood's Snrcnparllla.
Oilarrli In ( lie HeiuS ;
In > . tomttlmei n ro.irlnbu / > ln.7 iniinrl , nr
I u cd IlociVi nriiurlllu | for OatJrrli , nnd re-
' ' tnappliiK Ilku tliu ranjrlof npl > til : iru .ii uil liy
reived great rcllof uuU beni'llt from It. 'J'liocnturrli '
ciilurrli , tliat cjn'Odmnlr clliujirtiuii'ilu nnd very
was very illi > Hjioe.ibloriiicclallr | In tl-o winter , cuiin- '
' . -
common dbense. lluol'd H'rijpnrillu , UiuKrt'nl
Inuronslaiit illscliarto from my no o , ilnelng noUcs
.iu' ' jjr il loumdy fotula
, Is u pcculhrly
liuny earn.nii l pain In the baclcof my ui'Uj , Tlio
[ Itio liluuil. If oj
, nlilcli It ruron \iurltynx \ >
effort lt > clear my liruilin the niurnlnn by liuRlliijt '
tufferlrooicnlarrli , try Uool'SarJp4rllltt , lUo jii-
. Hoi.iTs .
unili-plltliuviai.JU'nrul. | apjrlIU sa u
murtlicflumicdiJtel- In tlmu 1 vut entirely viillur medicine.
"I linve.iikeii Hood's Sar ipirllli : : fur rntnrrli und
iircd. I nm never without tlio inedlrlno In my It lim done mo a great ilod oK > 'J'1. ' I lecuiumuiid
liuiuuas I think U It wortlillt wc'g'it ' In gold , " it lib. Ittoall witiiinui-rciu-li."lLiiiu ; ; I ) . HJIJIII.NS , Kait
U. U. atuiJ , KUJKUUlliSt , X. \Viuhliiiituu U.C- , Ct.
Hood's SarsapariSia
„ „ . , . , , nllinicjl ! f . fl ; lr forfJ. r-ci nrnl puly br Soltl hyHlldructlsU. II ; ilrfor ! . ' , . Pit-pared oulj jrb
t'I 4U > OI > &CO.Ajiotli carIcii , ' - - ( J. I , HOOD & CO. . Apj'liciarl . ! .o lUMHt > .
100. 100 iollnr
at co\v . .DRUGSTORE
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. ,
"VVodohr-ri'tij-ceiUrytlwt no stiporvlsp thn
nrrntiKottioitiH for nil Iho Monthly and yimrler-
! ) Drawings of Tlio Uiul iiimi imo Ixitlery
< omimiiy , iitul liiu-ieoti | immniro nliil rnn'rol
thodruwhmft HinniKnlvos , iiiiiltlnit thn < mntc un-
cnmliielecl wllli honesty , lnlrnc s mui in pond
lulth toward all pnrli ( > , ami t > niithnrlrn thu
Compnnr tnii-e ( his rofllllcalo with fiic-tlm
lies nrouri > i mitiircsiitlauliMl ( , in its nitrciti i < -
incuts "' ' .
Wutlm uncliTPlKiuvI Hmilo unit Hunkers > vlll
nny nil I'fl7cs ilnuvn In The l/oiilelinm Stuto
I < olteilo-i which may \ > o pro-mntml ill our uotiu-
.1. II. ( KMiKSHY ,
I'rt'Siilcnt I.dtil-liina National Unnk
.1. W. Kll.mtHTll ,
I'rcsl.lont Stiito Xntloiml lliuil ! .
President Xo'vOrloimsNi.liomilJIatik.
Incorporated In 181S fori" > your * liy tlio loirU
Inttirctor Kdncittlonal ittnl Chitrlltililo purposm
With ncnpitnl ot ? liU.lWtrirlilcli ) n ro-ion'o
fnnil of ever f.ViO.UO'J ' hns sliu'o IIOIMI ml'lol.
llynnoverwhelming poptiliirvolo Its frnncliloo
THS mnilnn part of Ilio nrtount Stiuu Const It ul ton
ndotileil UuooinliorLM A. U. 187'J. '
I slnslo number drawings wl'l ' Ink
pluco monthly. II never scales or postpones.
Look nttlio followimr illstrlliiitlon :
I99tli Grand Monthly
In the Acailomy of Music , NV\v Orleans ,
'J'liosilsty. ' Doc. M , lit ! ! ! ! .
Umlcr thn jicrsonal siippn'ison ami manage
ment of Cr.N. < ! . T. JiKAIIIIKdAKI ) , Of I.llll-
Isiimn , nml Ui2X. JUIIAI. A. KAIII.Y , ot Vlr-
ei" ' ' '
Notice. Tickets are $10 only. Halves , S5
Fifths S2. Tenths SI-
firon > 3
O1.HM. . rn.iMI
HlitA.Nli J.MI.UIU. . a.OM )
IMj.Mtm : in/.K > ior
4 I.A onl'itizusor 5i ) . .
me 3.UM ' irn ]
UM. . a\ou
NIO : * . . : . ) )
an MM. 4o.ii ) )
l00 ! UK ) . . ( JII.OI )
w. cno ) )
APMioxi.M iTioxnti' r.x.
lOOAiiproxi tie n prl/onof S.MU. . . pS > , nii
mj " " . . . lu.noc
Itt " " . . 7.MC
JTO J I'rl/otsnmoiintliiKlo f SJ.Mi
Application forrntm In olnhs shonlil IKmiulo
only to thn nilico of the company In Nowilr
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Eilbct of the SOLID OVEN I3oo" .
A TKM t iind bhloln. modlunior wwlNloii'i. i.t < 'fl '
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lI"jii'lcu"W } > \"ii "nThH low'lli'sii'j'iVrrli'iil 'of Ih.i ' . '
\T i.lil : , It ( .him * ilia tiuormoun J.UJJ Ol'I jut 1't.i :
catr , oy me Juci : , _
A Trs iKiund rilrliiln , mnlluni or woll-lonu. till i.
rulnrwl ID nlMu I'OuiMl" MinlxfKlit oauifut . 'K1",1' ; , ' , lliowltuin lun f rUlit OUIM- I ( iriul.'B. HlnU
IhUlbMU ll riji.l of HIM lu'.il ' wolul.t. Italmvi
. fur . . . . . . . . . . _
Ji i i „ * u i. i-i u I I ft i W1 titf A11 l
llitJ V _ . " " _
Stuo rcn IttujTitAua "GIBCUIABJ" PKICS Lists.
R KbNNCV. . Ork. . - . .
DALLAS ft I.I.I UN , . 1U T . .
1C. C. IIRKWI.K. . lUvbvKi
II AIHDftCO . Hi-HhA-itti v.
W F. TP.MI'I.I-.ION' . r.'p .1.
I II SltiKI'CVANT ft ON , . AI- " . .
J.KASSfiCO , . . < ,
OI.DS liUOii 1
i'ANNri.i&s\vKiMiy : : , . i.
CCTII.I'.fi : VAOEH . ii
N.J. JOHNSON . N" l'i
j.J McCAI'FKUTy. . O'Ni ' - <
K IIA7.I.KWOOO. . . .
J.S. DUKI' . . . .1 . , . l'iA'
A , tT.AKMlN ,
1 A I'AlilH
Vrtit , ( iiJ j.r
tmly onu Iu tli woi > d * ?
ACOntlOUOUl L'Uctrtt tt
Celmiiino , ru'trfui , Uur lii * .
and tir : cllr . Id If u1 .
Oi > rll'VHlrl > r < l4 > uillll.'rap '
AIX i.i.i : < iikuiii iti'.i.T * i on i > it.AHiS.
; HL'HKE. luvi.srcs. IIH Wius.i AVC , fiiiU ! 0.