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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1886)
HE OMAHA DAILY SIXTEENTH YEAE. OAIAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBEK 1 ( > , 188G , NUMBER 151. STRIKERS BEING TAKEN BACK Thoufiands of Workmen Present Themselves At the Yards For Employment. CAREFUL SELECTIONS ARC MADE A Ilppo iltors."OUci | ili-cil I'rotn Knoli Man Ki Inimrc Against Smitten AYnlk-OutH Affairs Still Iliully Mixed Up. Tim Hint of nit Ill-Ailvl ie l Strike. Cinfo , Nov. 15 | Special Telegram tr tlic Hr.i.J : 'llio great stilko at the stock j arils lias proved n great farco. After cany1 Ing ( Icncrnl Master Workman l'ovvderly' order In their pockets for three days the. al leged leaders ot llio workmen Saturday nlghl imnoiiiKed Unit the order vvas forthu men tr. return to work. Sunday found thousinds ol the strikers angry and icbclllous. The day WHS spent In holding iimutlngH of the loca ! assemblies. F.vervvvhere speeches were made repudiating l'o\\deily and declaring thai they would take up Iho light for themselves All day long it looked nslf the tight was do elarcd oil by thu leaders and again deelaret on l > y their followers. At a meeting of the PackerH * association Armour said that If am member of the militia companies lost hi1 situation thiough going on duty he wouli larnlsh him 0110 himself. Adjutant ( lunera Nanresaid he woidtl Keep the militia 01 duty for live weeks if necessary , liulmldat Inn of non union men will not bo toleiated and anyone Insulting a now Imnd will bi promptly discharged. " ( ieneial ordci Xo 10 , " of Shcrlll liaitihetl , by Commandlni Deputy J. 11. Bmku , worked very well thl morning. This order specified seven ditlci cut points of enhance to Packiimtovvi where tlm workmen of the different house wereto report. General Fll/slmmon divided his forces bo as to iruan each of these points well It was estimated that fully 20.000 woili men lined the approaches to thu pael Ing houses. Troops were- stationed n nil the main appro-idles and assistc thu deputies in keeping the men li line to nw.ilt the arrival of the hiipeiln tendcnts ol the various working canes , to en gage Biich men us weru ne"ded In their n H pectivu liotises. The troops covered suul l eng stretches that the blue Jin appeared very thin , but the join panics were held in rescivo to inovo to an ; point demanding their presence. Th greatest throng was on Forty-thlid strcel wlduli is nearly otio mile In leninh , wher nearly ! ! ,000 men and bojswero congregate asearlvusT o'clock. At this point Captali Uclou/u's Company " 11" of the Second in lantij vvas deplojed to keep the lat ; o crow In line. As thu ciowd Incicased Captan Stuart's company was sent to relnfoico II Thu cio\vds showed a disposition to scatte through the jards at will , but obeyed the in junction to lumain In line opposite tliel lormui places of employment when ordero to tlo so. It was not known how many ot th men would bo wanted by the packers , vvh weiu to meet them and turnlsh stamped tick t'tstostich as they wished admitted througl the lines. Thu spirit of thu men who wen not wanted was hard to estimate , and so I won generally supposed that the mornini hours would give rise to disturbances. Ii this every one was mistaken. Kven the stiik IMS whohpcut jesterday In trying to oppos Povvderlys order to work , weio wlththci fellows at tin ) lines this moinlng ready in admission , Iteprespiuatlves of the dlffuron packing house.s met tin ! men arcoidlng to th Hlierlff'H eiders and the tickets which thu uavo out were grasped as oaserly as If the , had been tickets for a pri/o drawing wide ! was about to takt ; place. I. 1) ) . Hairy and A A. Carleton madol a tour of l'ackingto\M toitother at an early horn this morning. Th strikers having \piessod conslduiabln dh satisfaction with the order to return to wor ! at ten hours a day nud having voted to K turn only under protest , the two ri'i lesentatlves or thu goneial exec iitlvo board wmo anxious t learn how many would present themselves n the packing houses foi umiloyment. ] Th delegates were gratllied by seeini : n generf letiirn of the old hands this morning. Mai ngi'r Oudahy , of Armout & Co. . said th.i they had taken back about live hundred < their old men this moiulng. 'lids was a that could buutlll/cd on short notice , lloli Btruclod Doputi Sheilll Uuiku , however , t inlorintliori'stot the iincmplovcd that thei would bo work tor them in a llttlo vvhlli They wi'io told not to bo dissittslled and In pailent. Thostiiku hasgieatlv dlsotganUc the business of the packers. They havenrj now suHlcieiit hogs and rattlu bought torn in full foico and It will take a week 01 tw get organ i/ed , but the busy season I now coining on and the prospects of wor for all aie not discounting. It is salu th. gieat discontent has spruint up among tli now hands who took the places of .stilkei slnco they heard the news ot the eml of tli light. Many ot them have already exptesse a doslioto quit woik. All such will bo pil oil and sent baek to thoii homes to-day. Sue ( d the imported men as aie competent an choose to continue will bo letalncd and pj < tccted at all lia/ards. All the strikers taken bank nro eompeilc lo nign a paper. In which they anico not t leave then wink without sivinc their emplo < eis two weeks notice. On the other hand , th packets agree not to dlseeliargo their me without giving them two weeks notice. T htlll tuitlier bind the men to the agri-emeu each ono Is icijulred to deposit i.-O w lib h ! emplojei , this bum to bo taken gractnallj 01 ot his wages. Contiaiy to expectation the dayatthnstoc yards was moio quiet than lor seu'ial weok' All told aoout 10,000 strikers ninito formi npplicatlon for work , Not over 10 per ceil vveiu given immcdlato employment , Th Indications this evening aio ot a dccldedl peaculul rhaiacter. No dlstuibances hav been leported. Tlilrtv-llvn Imported men ( Ariuoui Hiesliincd this afteiuoon and VMM furnished with an escort of troops to II depot. The men were hooted onthuwa1 but ( hero was no demonstration of vloleuci ThostnUeiH who have letnmedto wink hav alieady begun to make it veiv unpleasant ft the new men , In a ( inlet mannei. No eve acts but iiumoioiis llttlo tilings occulted th afternoon calculated to hanovv up tlm fw Ings without lurnishing a ieal pietext ft rouiplaint. If things remain as quiet t moiiow ( Jnnt'ial I'll/sliiiuions savs ho wl lecommond to tlm govctnor that fhn tiooi L > o withdrawn Wi'ducsdav , orThuibday. At a mcollng of the packet's as oclallo this afternoon , thu question of the leiiL'lh < time It would bu nei'tssaiy to keep Mio dopi ties mid milltl.i atihuvnrds' was dlscitssoi No action was taken except to decldo thai wasadvlsablo tliev shoubl bo it'talned lor tlmo at least after the houses have tilled thu ( ( implement. The question of u'quiilng or foilelt itepoMt was about tl only other hublect brought up. i\aetln men condition upon ro-cmploymcnt generally approved by tuosu but Rssoc'liition as"a body did in adopt It fonnally. Legal ndvico on the n > titer tor will bo taken. It being I eared that a foi of agroemcnt bus not yet been devised tin would bo binding In law. Storm 1U , In. , Xov. 15. l iofos ( y > Foster announces n second class stoim ( * * conslderablo magnltudo and foico thioii ! ; " thu central poitlon of the United State" ciossliiK the .Mississippi iher Tbuisday , tl 1Mb , orltlnn teiitfoiir Jiours theion Tlio northern poitlon of the stoim will pi olpitatobiiovv , the southern portion lain. I'rotipciHors to Ilo Ilounood. OAMIWII.L , Kan , Nov. 15. A cinnpaii of boldles has been ordered lo this pl.u 1 rom Fort Konoto keep prospectors out i the Indian Tuultory. Thu meattst oxclt nunit piuvalls. Thousands of claims hav been btukod out In Ihe tt-irllorv bolovv Cab w nil , w ht > ro sllvel U bflluvcd to AiHlnlOl | | Surioor of L'lisloins. W.\i > iuvaio.v , Nov. \ \ The proMdei this afteuioon apitolnted I.evvU J. \\'ell \ ( sirovor of customs for thu port of Mlolilcu Oily , lud. , lu the dUtiivt of Chtcaffo. ATTHMt'1j-i ) lUllHUHV. \n Hncllsli Slilptiilldcr'H Agnlnst Tills Government. ISWiy \ Jiitnts ( Jatdnn lltnnttt. ] LO.VDO.V , Xov. 15.-rN'evv York Herald Cable Sjicclal to the DKI : . | John Ward , a imminent shipbuilder ot Dumbarton on thu Jljdo , has just delivered a lecture on "Do- itructlvo Aid In Kaxal Warfare" at the ; 5recnock Institute. In the rourso of the evening he undo himself the express author ty lor what have hitherto been more unde fined rumois and as such discredited at the embassy here. Shipbuilder Ward ald : " 1 find a circular advertised In tills country by the United States navy department asking tot designs for an aimorcd crul er and an armored lino- ) f-battlo ship. The tciius of the eiicular show that the United States gov- eminent wished the designs to comu from those In this country who , at the conn try's expense , have similar duslgnsto get out for our own navv. The honorarium of fered for this betrayal of tiust was SI.\010 , with a further sum for working draw Ings , I leu ; is a humiliating slate of tilings : First ihat a foieign govctnmont should have cause to know the ulllcacy of n bilbo upon our government olllctals ; and second , that a rtioudty government should not sample tti lay stie.h u temptation In the way ot wcalt patiiots. Of the United States government wo might expect better tilings. " The press to ilaj in the provinces seem tt believe this , and comment on It. Salisbury mitt tlio LONDON , Xov. 10. The council of thr social democratic fedoratloii will send a letter to thu Maupils ot Salisbury dem.inding that he , as piimo minister , receive adeptita tlon of unemployed woikingmun on next Sunday afternoon , and hear from thorn tin statement of reasons for L'oveinment assist anee. The letter wlllglvuasa reason foi naming Sunday foriccelvlng the deputation that It Is thu only day convenient foi tin persons who will compose the deputation to wait formally upon thu prime minister , be cause tliev are compelled to spend alt tlioii time on the other days of the week seeking work , and the document will caution the ptomier fiom attempttiu to evade the depu tation , ami ask him to leliaiu from tollovv- Ing this week Ids custom of going Into the country on Saturday. I < Ynrful Itallroutl Accident. PA tug , Nov. l.r . li'uithur parlleiilais have been received of a railroad accident at Sis the department ot llasso Alpcs. li appears about 330,000 cubic metres ot rockj eaith fell from Mt. (5or\os , overwhelmlne tlio train vvhicti was proceeding at lull spml from Maisuilles. Olio liist-elass catriage wa einshed to atoms and thouugino ovortuincd , The ililvor , giiaul , telegram clerk and foui I'nglish passengeis v\eio killed instantly and two othuish.ivo since died of theh injuilos. In SoriXov. . 11. Captain XobokotT hac been deltveicd to the litisslan consul ai Bougas. It Is rumored that Uussla is inobHi/iiif tioops. It Is staled on authoilty that Pi incc Waldo mat is iicisoually willing to accept tin thiunoolliulgaila. Siilcltlt ) tifa I'rincc. HOVIK , Xov. 13. Piinco Koccoglovinc Bonaparte , who was wounded while scrvlnt as \oluntcer in tlie French army in Ton quill , committed suicide by sbootlnc himself He had lately shown signs of Insanity. A Civil Service Decision. NEW Yoitic , Xov. 15. Thomas 13. Jlanis ono ot the employes of the custom house , vva1 le examined recently with a vlowof promo tion. XotwithstantlliiiJ the fact that lib per ccnta o was the highest the piomollon wa : given to another man , an "llonoiably ills cliarged soldier , " to whom It was claimed tin law gives prefeiencc. Harris wrote tt President Cleveland to know why ho hat been set aside oy a man fai below him in tin civil service examination. Thu casts wasro lerred to Collector Maliono , who in tun rofencd it to the civil seivico commission Yesterday thoii decision was iccolvcd Thoj are of the opinion that the pioterencesarc fo admission to the classliit'd seivice , and do no extend to piomotlon tbcieln. They hold tha in a competitive examination for promolioi in the civ il service those graded highest in flu icgistei should in all cases bo the lust ceitl lied to the appointing otllcor. The Italllmore At Ohio Moot Inc. B.u.uviom : , Nov. 15. At the anniia meeting ot the stock holdt'is oC the Haiti iiioio A , Ohio lailway company to-day there port of President Oanott showetltho receipt : of the main system tor the past vcarhad beei s ! ts47OJO ; expcnsox , 8 1,020,000 , or S' less than the oainlnus. The cost ot ing tlm load was 5J.10 per cent upon tin eainiiU'S. The whole value ot the siiiKliu fund Is 8710,000. Washington biancl carninss weie So-AOOO , and the OXPPIISI- 8'Jl.OTO ' , slmwlna ; nut earnings of 5iJ5,000 TlmcarniiiKSof all branches , Including tha to Washington , were SlM'ii.tKk ) ; expenses Sl'- > ,00il,000lt'a\ ; a net balance ofSD.iisO.tOO , The president , sK | > iklngot the JJaltimoio i\ \ OhioTt'le iauh coinjuiiy. sahl the earning lei the iKcvil year ending Septembci : iO liai bcon 17J jiei cent compared wlthlbM. am 41.J5 pur cent compaied witli IbsS. Then was no change in the dliectoiy. Patrons ol Husbandry. PlIIl Al > KI l'lilXov. . 15. At to-daj' : session ol the National Orange , Patrons o Husbandry , a resolution was submitted ant rofenod to the committee on the good of th outer , piovlding lor thu holding ol all futur annual sessions of the unngoin Washing ton. Hosoliitlons were passed providing to tlio holding of the next annual session si Lansing , .Mich. , and Klmira , X. V. Th resolution was dctoated , making provlsioi foi obtaining legislation fiom congress ii tavorol the fanners ot the euuiitiy. The Coinpli'ollei's IjatoHt WvfiHistnov , Nov. 15. First Comptiollc Duiliam has made a ruling that the clmli man of u concessional commltteo has th right to .suspend the cleric of a commute and appoint another person In his plac dining a u-ce sol tlm committee , but tha his action muit bo apiinned by the commit tec , or t'Ko ' the suspended cleilc must b telnstated. lltuiUo holds that In a ca o o this kind a cleik Is not entitled to componsj tlon during the pciiod of his suspension. Not J'leiiru-l'iiouinoiiin , IvniwAi-ons , Nov. is. Ii. Salmon , o tbubmcau of animal Industry , dopai tmon t o agilculturo , who has boon Investicatln alleyed plcuio-pncumonia In Clinton an Kiirroiindl ng counties , savi > that the diseas Is not pli'iiro pneumonia but vurmlcula broueliitU , caused by animaUeatlng aceitali spcciey id woim toiind on vt'gctaiion In tha count ) . Tlie disease U not contagious , lloodleinon on Trial , Nrw VOIIK , Xov. 15. The vvoik of scctu ing a Jury to tiy uvAidPiman JlcQundc con menccd tills uioriiliiir in OPO of the comts c goneial aesslons. The court loom wa L'ltnvik'd , The work proceeded until six jurors Iia been sek'c'tecl , when un adjoin iiiuciit vva taken till to-moiio\v , A Ili'okcu HLtTirr. HOCK. A > k , Xov , is. The Firs National bink ot Pine IthitT , Ail ; . , closed it doors tills moinliiir. Nothing U > et know ; as to the extent of the liabilities. Tno BUS pension was caused by diatu on cotton am commission uieichunts not belnj ; honored. Kl ln Dairy M tivkot. Ciuc\oo , Xov. 15. The inter-Ocean * KU-in UU. ) spoclalsays : On the board o trade today lit l > boxes of skim cheese toll n < iiihrat7'Je , Vr > pounds of butter , ies\i \ hr.atTj'J x ; total talcs , S.'O.ITO.W , MR , BLAINE'S ' RIGHT BOWER Stephen B , Elkins Expresses Himself on the Probabilities For 1888. THE CHANCES FOR CLEVELAND A Itlg Diminution In the Nnmlirr of Fourth ClnsH Postolltccs nntl the CniiNcs Thcrpl'or Scnutor Allison in Washington. Ijlttlo Sny. \ \ ' vMiivoios , Xov. IS [ Special Tclpginni lo tne Uii.l-S. : : H. i'.lklns , who Is Mr. Itlatnu's most conlldentlal political adviser , and who was at the head of the lepiiblican national eommlltre In issi , has been moving around these parts pretty actively during Ihe past w eok on busnipss. To-day he w as asked by jour cotiespoudent it Mr , Hlr.inowas Decking the nomliiatlon to bo made In IS s. "Xo , 1 would not put It that way , " ho to- piled , "jel hu is tlio most availableiinn in the pattv , and I do not believe IIP was ever so popular as now. He has giown with the people wonderfully since ho made the lace a couple of jeais ago. He will gut more sttcngtti from the south at the next conven tion than he did the last time. " "You speak ot what ho will do as if he weio a candidate , " was ob-eived. "Weil , " ippIed | Mi. Klklns , hesitatingly , "I do not mean to say ho is a candidate , nor do 1 want to convey the Idea that I do not think ho will be tbo nominee. I have not said a word to him about what lie will or will not do. 1 see Ihat Mi. lllaluc is ci willed with beliur in New York Decollating with llemy ( Jeorgo for thu labor vole. I cin say wllh tlic utmost poslUvptiess Ihat ho never saw Henry ( lourgc , and docs not know him. Mr. Itlainv is thinking moro about writing than any thing else. He Is in lovu with his pen , and told mo that ho never uot so much satisfac tion out of any vvoik , and 1 may add piolit , as lie did tiom ids book. Hut all men have tnoipor less aspiiation to be president , anil Mr. lllalnu is human. Hu Is doing nothing , 1 know , to boom himself for tbo place , and U it comes to him It will be by thu Ircu will olfering of the people. 1 believe ho could be elected , lint It 1 were to speculate at Ibis time on the nominee 1 should inmo a western man Senatoi Sherman 01 Senator llairison. The latter would make a very stiong candidate. Xo , 1 do not think that the demociats will nominate Cluv eland that is , unless he changes Ids tactics. The illsallection In bis paity is vvidespiead. You would besuiprlsetl to know bow slroiiir the opposition to Cleveland is. Washington atmosphcie Is always so saturated with sym- path } lor the admiiilstia'lon that vou cannot judge ol it tlit-re tlnougliout the countiv. Tliey aio vvaimly ooposoii to Cleveland. He inns his whole administration , and tlieio Is none but Cleveland Individual : ! in it. He mai pclaso the mugwumps , but they will not control tlie dcmoci.Uic convention , nor will they elect a piesidunt. Tlio coming will deteiinino who is to bo the man in eftliei partj. II Cleveland is not nominated I be lieve it will bu Sam It indall. A protectionist must bu nominated by the demociats to savu tlio south. south.KOUUTII CLX S POSTOI TIOKS. Foutth class postolliccs are diminishing very rapidly. In ono day almost one hun dred weie discontinued. Opposite tlie ordei for discontinuance Is vviitten tlm words , "Xo candidate , " 01 "No postmastui. " The post masters lOilcn or disqualify , and as no ouu w ill servo the olllcos aru discontinued. These places pay fiom Sib to 5101 a jeai , and it is veiy seldom that an office vvoith 111010 than tliulnttei ligiues is discontinued. Most of the rctiiingothci'is have held the places for years. Some aru tliod of them , while otheis dislike the administiation. Otton postmas ters try to resign and cannot. Tuoy give Don d oil entciiug their olllcus. and as no one can bo tound to tike the olllco the dcpait- nient icfuses lo lelinqnisli the bondsmen till a suceessm is found. As the poitmastoi Is unwilling to assume thn losponsibillties of a substitute or an acting postmaster , lie consp- ( lucntly serves , sometimes for yeais , against Ills will. A great many men and women who sousht anil vvero given little po = tollicus when the present admiiilstiation came In are showing their disappointment In olllcial lift ) by bog ging to be lullpved. In ninny Instances tlioy nave shifted tlio olllco trom ono to another member ot tlm lamily till all have hail a whaclcat it. Many men hive had their wives 01 sistois or motliiTs-lii-law appointed. Thu 1 1 tilts of tlm wholesale changes In louitli- class postolllci's dining the present eighteen months are retmnln now in the shape of al out tlic abolition ot about ono bundled olli- ces a week. inn iru VTIOVIV voitnr rAnoi.iv v. It begins to look hku the IndiMiendent or fusion movement in Xoith Carolina had as sumed , with one fell swoop , pioporlions imltoas foimidablo as the readjustee ovci iiMChed In YliKlnla or the fusion paily In Maine. ' 1 ho basis for all this in North Caio- Una are the road laws and election lav , s. Undei the pie > eiit system the poor mount aineer of that slate tliu man who nevci ow licit a horse 01 steer 01 cow and nev cr will Is compelled to do as muchwoik to main tain the highway as the wealthy man who owns thousands ot acies and counts his live stock by the liundied. Thopiesoiit election laws pi ice in the hands of the govt'inoi the entire election maehini'iy. He b authorl/cd and dlii'cted to designate In each county a supenisoi ot election , and that pel son selects a uontieiu and tie select select a thlid. Oneot the thieo must rppiu- sent the opposite paity. They design lie the peivlsois lei townships , and the township men are picsitmul lo bu selected in the same manner as thu county siipei visors. Tht eliaiiman of the county demociatlc central commltteo Is usually the chaiiman ot tlic county boaid ol snpenisois , so the com- plexlon of the goveinm's politics is rained down to elc ( tlon products. During- the 10- cent > Miupilgn tholaboring mon weioaioused on the load subject , and tlm proposition lie foio them was the enactment ot laws piovld- Ing lei assessment taxation ot piopeity foi mad impiov fluents , the same as aio on tht < statutes ot Ohio. Indiana and some othei st ites. The laboring mon \\eru told that it the leglslatiuo could bo n's-uoil fiom the democracy thu laws would bo clmiged so that tbosu who had no propeity would no have to work the loads ; that tlio contiol ol tlio elections would bodelccatPd to the people , and they iclmkcd , so the state ticket and thr Icglslatuii' , on joint ballot , irf Independent 01 lejtublican. Jlepuhlicans liom thu state non In this city say thu sentiment ospip.ssed al tlio polls will piccludu thu democrats fiom op posing the change on the iiml aid eleetioi : laws ; that it would bu political t > . .citle foi them to do so , MIUTMIV MJVVS. Army leaves granted : Fiist Llcutenanl Caitcr J > ' , 11. Maccanlpy , HSsUtant sui goon , Camp Popliu lihrr , Montanii , twenty dnvs : Major Cluirlcs Smart , Mirgoon , ono month ! Captain ICmeibon U. Llfcum , Nineteenth in- lantrv , three months' pxtenslon. Lieutenant lltilphV. . Hint. F.loyentli Intantiy , has been ordeicd liom Itlsmaick tc. Yankton , Dak , , as a wilncs * betoio tlic United States court theie. A letter 1ms been lecelved fiom thn com mander of the gnvernoiV { iuud , Columbus , making inquii.v about the national ui'ul to L" held hero nuxt May. l'iilsON\I. : MRMIOX. hc-natoi Allison basarilvcd in tlie city and taken up his winter lesldencu at lltilii - moiit avenue. Ho wai In his commlttpa loom at the capital neaily all atteinoon , get- tin , ; lead ) for vvoik. j'ostorricn CUAVOKS. David ( } . Hines was to-day appolntnl jostmaster ) at liupeiial , < 'liaso county , vice Thomas Mercer , lemovrd , Also thu fol low ing ln > ; iovva : Miss Kmmu Wolford , Johnson , Lailc , Woith county , vice Simon Law sou , removed ; l.conidus Smith. Lawn Hill , Haidin county , vice Orrln A. Turner , rosicncd ; A. McCraeMn , Outatlo , fetoroj county , vlceT. M. Colfelt , lomoved , Changes havn bcon ordered In the tlmo Kluiclulei ot Nebraska star mall louttvs aa follow s : JJioken J3o\T \ to Tlutn Creck-Lea\e J3rcto ] How Mondavs Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. ; arrive at Ocotito byliKOp. . in. Leave OcontoTuesdav ? , Thursihys anil Saturdays at 7 a. m. ; anlve at llrokon Bow by 3:30 : p. m. Leave Ocotito 1'uesdayo , Thursdavs and Silurdays at 7 a. in. ; arrive at Plum Creek at ! i:30 : p. m. Leave Plum Creek Mondays , Wedne daysand Fridays at 8 a. in. : arrlvoat ' Oconto bv'-ltiXJp. m. Albion'to H.irrett Leivo Albion Mondays and Fridays at 7 a. m. ; airivo at Uairctt by r > p in. Leave Harretl Tuesdays and Satur days at 7 n. m. : airivo at Albion by 5 p. m. nncibio.Ns. tmpoftnnt Cnses rinully Scttlcit by the Hlshest Court. WASHI.VOTO.V , Xov. IS. A decision vvas rcndoicdb > the United Slates supreme court to-day In this case ot the Choi-taw Xatlon against tlm United Slates. Thn suit was brought in onlur to obtiln a judicial settlo- mi'iit ot all tli J ottstlni claims of tin Choctaw - taw Xatlon agilnst the United Slates gov ernment. Tills court , In n Ion ; and c.iro- lully piepirud opinion by Justice MUtliovvs , liolds tint the Clioi'tvw Vition Is entitled to judgment ayilust tun Uiilt-J Stilus for the followlngsuim : Firs * , SVL'il * , subject to adodiictionof Sr > ' ) ,0 pild under tlio act of 1 :1 : ; second , for nnpild annuities , SV\4I'J ' : thlid , for huds tiken in IKing tlio boundary between tlio state of Aikaiisas and the C'hoctiw Nation , = 03,103. Thu judgment of tlie court of claims Is thcioforj luvorsod , and the cause Is reminded to tint court with In- situations lo enter Jiulemunt In contoriulty with tldb opinion. D A decision was also i cndcrcd by the couil in tnu patent case of the Consolidated halety Yalvu company , appellant , against Augustus H. Kitnklc , apnoal Horn the United States circuit court for the northern district cf Illinois. This vvas a suit In equity brought bs the consolidate. ' ! compiny to lecover dam ages tor an alleged Infringement of Its pitout upon an Improved safety valve. This cotut holds that tlie defendant's ' valves do not in- filiicethu consolidated Safety Yalvo com pany's patents. The decree ot the circuit couit isthorufoio affirmed. Opinion by Jits- tlco UlatchforiL A decision was alsorendcied bvtho court in the case of the town of Oregon , III.against Kll/a Jennings , biought here by writ of eiior Irom tlio United States circuit court for the no.ttiurn distiict ot Illinois. Tills was a suit biougbt upon coupons of a seiles ot bonds issued bv the tow n ot Oregon as a do nation to tlio Ogle t Carroll county ralhoad company. Tnu validity of the bonds was at tacked in the couit below upon grounds of various Informalities and irregularities , mostly technical , in ttio proceedings which led to the issue of tlio bonds. Tlio court holds that them was In the execution of tlio bonds no fiaud or liicgulailtlcs ; that the ap pointment ot tlio suivoior who Issued them was valid , and the town is estopped by the recital In tlio bonds frouil asserting as asralnst a bona lido holdci that tlm stalutoiv conditions weio not duly compiled with. The ch.ugo of informality in thu oigani/allon ot tlio town meeting which iiutkoii/cd the Issue of the bonds Is held to bo without foundation. Tlio judgment of the cnmt below In favor of tbo boinllioltloi Is thi'iotorc alUrmcd. Opinion b > Justice lilatcliford. A decision was also rmired by the court in the land case of Charlos'vY. Buttoxecu - toi , niratnst thu Northern Pacific railroad company , appealed fiom the siipiemu court of Dakota The controversy In this case re lates to thu ownuiship of a tract ot land now 1 } ing In the lieai 101 tlio city ot Fmgo , Dakota , and foimcrly occupied by thu Dakota or Sioux Indians. The appellant. Unit/ , claims it by virtue of pic-cmpllon settlement made by his step sister , Frances Peuronto , and the .Northuin Pacllic company Claims it under its land grant. The co.irt holds that Pceronto could not establish any pro- cniptlon light to the land so lone as the Indian title i maincd unc\tinguishcd , bccausoan act of congiess excludes lauds in that condition from pre-emption , and tli it as soon as the laud vvas fieed trom the in- cumbiancoof the Indian title , the light of thu i.uho id compan. ' attached by vlituo of its giant. Tlio judgment ot the supiemu couit ot Dakota is aflluued. Opinion by Justlci'Field. A decision was also tendered by Iho court Inthecasu of the steamer 11 irnshurg and hei owners , appellants , au.ilnst Kinma S. Rick.irds et al. . apjicaled fiom thu United Statesciiciiit couit lor tlieeastein distiict of Pennsylvania. This was a suit brought to recovtu damages foi tlic loss ot a human lilo thiougii thu alleged caielessness and negli gence of the umploii's on boaid the steamer Haiiishmg. The court holds that in th" ab sence ot any national law glvhnr Ihu lignt ol action to ri'covut dmnagus for tlio death of a human being on Iho high seas , or navigablu watciscommunicatiuijtherevvith. asuit in ad- miraltv in tlio courts ot the United States cannot bo maintained. THU CITIZUN Ser or Army Olllcers AVho Yts- liert Stnto lliioiitnpini'iils. AV.vsn oro.v , Xov. IX The adjutant gen eral lias made public a number of rppoita liom aimy officer * who weie detailed to at tend and Inspect the annual encampmunls and evolutions ot the militia ot the slates of Alabama Maine. ' Xow Hampshlie' , . Mic'ilgan , , Minnesota , Missouri , Xow Yoik , Ohio , ICun- tuckj , Pennsylvania , lo\va , Illinois , Ycrmont , Mabsaclinsetts.lihodo iKlanil , Indiana , Kansas , Connecticut and the Teiiitoiy of Dakota. The inspections wcioconlinetl to the stales above enumerated for tlio reason that the governors of other states failed to request the wai department to detail olliccis to visit tlio encampments in thoii slates. Wlillu c'lltti'Islng the details ot the vailous oigan- l/allons , such as lack of uniformity in cloth ing , pooi attendance at loll ca'ls ' , and dis position to shirk miaul duty , and other onerous duties of .soldier lite , tlio repoits are unanimous in pialslng the line physical iiual- ideation ol liiu men who nuiku up the militia , their uxcolloncu in dull mid tactics and tliu earnest , nmnly p- | loits of the ollieeis lo Imiirovu thcli com mands ami maintain a high stamlaul ot discipline. A geliuial complaint is nmdu oL the poor riuilii ) ot anus luinishcil tliu militia , coiisistiiu In pait ol old , bully vvoin and uiiseivheablo Spilnghuld and Wiaine iiiles. Moit ol ! thu oigaiii/fttions allowed much liueiost in laiget piai'tice , and thu Maine militia is especially com- nieinleil for ils maivolous sklnnisli filing. huveialof thornpoits hpcak ol the crjing need ot thoiou ii , systematic Instruction. Tbo material is said to bo splendid , and /enl and intelligence ihu iiilo , but lacking dlicc- tlun. His hiigv'csted that the war dejiait- ment should detail olllcora to icnoit to the irovouiorsottlio vaiiousslaK's toboasslgiii'd to duty .is instructors solely , with no com * nmnd whattivoi , mid if this plan should bu adopted u is thought that the lesult would beef of gii-at viiluo lo the states. It Is recom mended Ihat closely neighboring status ae- credit visitors olllcially toststuuncampmnnts , vvlioso duty it shall bu la taku notes and ID- pot t upon mallei sot Interest to the militia. Moro study Is found to bq necessary by hub- iillcins and the usouf dummies or blocks in tactics is urged. 15 y thn nnti Hosrov , Nov 15. F.djfarLomlnid , of the film of A. C. Lombaid Sons ono of the best- known shipping linns in this put of thu countiy , committed biilcldo this forenoon In a stiango manner at Young's hotel while labeling under a lit of despondency caused bj family doubles , About 11 : 'M o'clock the odor of escaping gas vvas traced to Lombard's apaitments , the doors of which vvcro locked , Entrance vvas effected through a transom. when it was discovered that the deceased bad enteicd his bath room , nml taking a inbbvr diop light tube , had fastened one end over the gas burner , then nutting the other end into Ids mouth , laj down and inhaled the gas until he vub asphyxiated. To tlm Soldiers. WASHING ! o.v , Nov. 15. The secietary of vv ar lias decided that the soldiers belonging to Captain L-avv ton's command who were PIOV hied witli worthless shoes fiom the mill- taiv prison at Fort Leavpiivvorth wjilto in pn/MUt of ( ieionliuo's baud , shall bo fully iciiubuiscd. NEBRASKA AND IOWA NEWS A Tramp Near Sioux Oity Toiled in an At tempt to Commit a Brutal Assault , NARROWLY ESCAPES LYNCHING Saloons nt Sioux City nml lown. City to Ho Entirely Oloseil Up A I'.miifi' Near Wnhoo Snl- elites by Imtulnnum , A 1'Incky Woman. Sintrx Ctiv , la. , Xov. lf > . [ Special Tele gram to the Uiu. : ] An attempt at rape was made last Saturday nk'ht In West Folk town ship , this county , near Climbing Hill , Abou 10o'clock a man , aftotuaids giving his nauii as ( Jeorgo Ilooy , called at the resilience o Mr. McChuighn and asked lor work. Mrs McClaughn was In the house atone and toll the stranuer she did not know , as her hits band was absent at the time. Upon beliij Informed that tier husband was at a neigh bor's , bo ajskcd Mrs. McClaughn to show hlu In tlie house. This she started to the door tide do , when he urahbed her by the throat am attempted to thtovv hei to the iloor. She wa able to keep her foothold , however , and defended fended herself , but hail her clothes nlnio- torn from her body , llnoy , finally rrali/ Ing that his attempt was vain atul feat Ing the return of tin lady's husband , managed to escape. Mrs McClaughn hastily gavn the nl.vtm and r crowd started In pursuit. Joey ! was sooi found hiding in a haystack. The infuilated ctovvd procured a rope and were In tlio act ol hanging the culprit , when Constable Hun and party artlved and icscued liooy , who was brought to the city and placed In jail Booy is a voiinc Herman , a piofessional tramp , and will likely have a speedy tria and conviction. The injuicd lady Is r daughter ofC. R. Ostiandcr , a piomtneiit nad wealthy farmer. Saloons to Ho Supprcssott. Sioux CITV , la. , Xov. 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BiiK.J To-morrow morning UK abatement orders w III bo issued by the courl and placed in the hinds of the shciilHo IK served. These direct tlio slici tit to abate tin nuisance in the saloons mentioned In the in junctions by destroying the Intoxlcatlm liquois , selling the iixtures , and to "Securely close thu building" and keep It closed for one year. AVIieie the sheriff shall llnd a saloon a-oiie the coin t will bo advised , and the build' Ing will not bo closed. In cases where ap peals have been taken delavs maj arise. In the. other ninety-six Injunction cases the abitemeut orders w 111 Issue. Iowa City's Saloons Closed. IOWA CITY , la. , Nov. in. [ Special Tele giam to the Uii : . ] The last distiict courl has effectually shut up tlic saloons and brew cries in tills locality. Tlnoe of the proml nent saloon men were lined S" > 00 each , and otlicis were sent to jail forcontcmplof courl in violating un injunction that had beer Issued against them. Among the nuiubci weie some of thu most defiant hitherto , who had been concoinod in the not a jear ago , nt Kcim-lclr. K , la . Xov. 15. [ Special Telegran to tlio 15UK.J- Last nicht burglars enteiei : tlio store ot D. lloyt , dealei hi general mci chandlso , and took goods out to tlie valuu ol S300. Several burglaries have boon com milled In this vicinity iccontly and there I1 talk of orpaniyltiK a vlgilanco committee tt look after the thieves. A Runner looses a. Tjctr. la. , Xqv. 15. LSpocial Tele giam to the 1JKK.J To day as Will Adams , runner for the Perkins house , was crossing the track between two Height cais , tin train started up and can-'ht one of his limbs under ( lie wheels , crushing it and injiiilnu linn seveiely. _ Tin co Finders Gone. Four DOOM : , la. , Nov. 15 , [ Special Tele ciam to tlio ! : : . ] Mat Carpenter , a cattle dealei , had tbiee fingers biuashed while at tempting to couple up a height tialn at Mln burn Satuulay night. Ho was not connectei with the road , and seems to have voluntcctct his scivices with very soiious etloets. Poul I'liiy CKDVH HAI-IOS. la. , Xov. 15. [ Spccla Telegram to the IJnnJ. John 1) . Smith , o Lisbon , was found dead neai the Mllwatikei Hack on batuutay night. Foul play is MIS petted. _ A Baptist Hiilcrpilsc. Sr. F.DWAIID , Neb. , Xov , lit. At the Ne braska Haptist state convention Octobci ! ! ( an educational meeting was called to con hliler the educational w oik In thu state , am to taku some action tow aid tlio establishmcn of a liaptlst college in Xcbiaska. Alter semi discussion ot vailons inelimlnary question' Mi. C. W. Scaiff , of Ciiana Island , olleiei 510,000 and twcntj-foui lots in tlio city 01 Cinnd Island to the Jiautist.s on condition that they seen ro 510,000 more and establl I their state school In that city. A comiuittci of seven , consisting of L , I ) , Holmes o Omaha , S. T. Davies of Ueatiice , Hov. A. W Clark of Yoik , A. O. Hastings of Lincoln C.V. . Siiriugiii oC Itml Cloud , .lames Pea body ol Faliuiont , and C. AV. Scarll ot Ciiam Island , was appointed to receive the pioposl- tlon ol Mr. bcarll and any other ollt is thai might bu presented by other parts ot tin ; state , A call for a convention to meet In Lincoln November HU at 4 o'clock In the Youni'i .Mon's Chiistlan association looms vv.i' isiiicd. Another eomniltle.0 of three , will ) .1 IV.ibody as chaiiman , vvas appolntetl tt pitst'iit aeoiintltution and bv law * foi a pel maneiit oii'aiu/ation. The boaitl apiiointei last vo-xr , with Mr. J. It. Davis , of Walmo clmnmin , is lenuested to bo present ut thai convention. K\piy Uaiithl cbmc'li In ( lit state Is eai iicstly ii'tiueslcd to f-ond ono 01 more- delegates to this convention , Let tin llaptlstsot X bia ka rally la their might It this call and maku thltiuntuipilso a success Wo uitMtly iioed ono good school in this slatt to which oui iicoplocan send tlieli sons ami diuglneis and woaioablo to hav it. Slial wo not V / . C. Hi-sir , Chaiiman , _ Homo Axnln. SrnovihiiriKi , Neti. , Nov. n.- [ Special tc the llnii.J L. Hcadstrom and vvlfo have ar rived homo. For several months they have been visiting thulr daily homo In Sweden , They were given a hearty icccptlon. The "Squire , " as Mr. lleadstiom Is fumlllailj called , laid the foundation tor this onteiprls- inir joung city , and lias her" Intimately coiv nccted witli oveiy moyoment"(0i tlm advance ment of its Interests. Ho ba favoiito vvitl nil lejjai'Me of natlvnnlity. Sniclilo of n AY.viioo , Neb , Nov. 15. [ Special to UK llr.r. ] J'lank Scholitld , a farmer living li Cedar precinct of this county , suicided bj takln- ' two and ono-half ounces of laiidanuui The only mason tliiit cin liu asilgnt'tl lei tin rash uct'ls that ho was recently inptiircd. Flour JMilln Itiii'iiPiI. ATLANTIP , la , Xov. 15. jSpecial Ttlo crum to tlio HII : : . ] Stephen Jho ' Hour mills atCumbeiJjud , twelve milt's from Atlantic , weio totally doitioj i > d by Hie .Sunday morn ing. Loss , Sl ,000 ; Insmance , 55'iJO , with live companies. Kntillrd 10 ii Itounty. WASIIINIHONNov. . lr . Second Comp troller Majnard has decided that a soldier who , after having served for two jcars 01 more in tlie army , deserted some month ! aftoi tbo close of the war. lint Bubscquunth iccclvod an entitled t < a bounty of SV ) nndci the.lith . secUon of tin actol'Jul > a Tim CLIIAUANCI : UKCOUD. Omnhn's Komarknlilo Incrpnsc ofSev. enlj-llxc I'er Ceut. BOSTOV. Xov.l" . [ Sprclal Tclcsrain to the UKK.I The following table , compileil from special dispatches to the Post fiom the IIIIUIA- gersof Uiolcadtngcloirlni : houspsof the Unl ted States , gives tlie .ross exchanges at cadi point for the week ending November 111 , Ibwi , In compiitson wllli thu coiic pondlng week in ISVi : Not Included in totals. Indianapolis partly estimated. Hrltlnh CJrnln Trade Uevlcw. LONDOX , Nov. 15. The M arK Lane K\- pres = , in its review of the Uiltlsh grain trade during the past week , sajs deliveries ol wheat have been veiy small. Yaluesat pio- vinclal exchanges bavo Improved 0@iyd Sales of English wheat dining the week were 40,777 quarters at ! Hs. against .17,410 at 31s during tlio coriespouding peiiod last year , Flour is in demand and values aiusuppoitcd. Tiailo In foieign w boat in London Is slow , but values aiu firm. Ameiiean red Is sealer Indian wheats aie In lequost foi uiUIng w ill thu native ciop by countty mllleis. Corn i linn. Itailuy and oats are ipilet. Beans and peas aio Cd dealer. Onocirgoof wheat in- lived and one c.niro was hold. To-day tht heat trade vvas very slow , but values wen linn. Kngllsli , Ameiican , i'.usslan and In dian wheats each advanced Od. There vva' Incieascd inquby lor Hour and prices Is I'M' dealer. Corn vvas scarce. Oats weio lit cheaper. Means wciu is deatcr. Linsoet vvas quiet and Cd l Tlic Vlsllilo Supply CHICAOO , Xov. n , The secretaiy ot tin boaid of trade reports tlio visible supply o ) grain in the United btates east ot tin "Hockles. " anil In tliu Canadas for the wcok , with changes from last week , to bo us foi lows : Wheat . 53.105,000 Increase fiio.ooi Corn. . . . . . . . .ii,100.000 : Increase KS.uoi Oats . fHf,000 ( Incieaso 41,0 * live . 447,000 DecreasuKJOOi IJarloy . 2.VJT,000 , Inuieasc ll'JOCi Discussing Cattle CHICAOO , Xov. lO. A hundicdcentlemeii Interested in MOCK diseases assembled in the Oiand Pacillc club loom and becan the second national convention of veterlnanlaiis , niPiuhprrt ot live stock sanitaiy commissions , and state boaids , anil editors ot livostocV journals. The morning session vvas devotet to loutine business. In the atteinoon aerj interesting pipir on pleiiro-imeumonia wai lead by Di. Gadsden , of Philadelphia. The points of tlm lectuio wpiu Illustrated bj tin lungs ol a steer dissected for the pmuosi * . At the alternoon session papein on jileurr ] ) neumonla were load by Dr. .lolin W. ( iads den , ot Philadelphia , and Di. ( ieorgo C Fa > villc. Coloiado btatu veterinarian. Ii connection with papeis , ( Jcneial Kellcy , o. . Kansas , otTered a lesolullon that the Umtei btates commissioner of agilculluu1 bi askei to lecommend congress take charvu o : cattle quaiantinu. Dl. balmoii , of the iov eminent bureau of animal Industiy at Wash iugton , said the only dcsii.ibie poliej for tlu goveinmcnt to puisne vvas to at once slaiiuh tei all exposed animals and tllsinlect tin buildings. A general discussion occuplci the lemiiindcr ol the day , Dr. Dixon , of tin American Yuti' college , Di. Hindu- kopei , Di. ( iadsdi'ii , Dr. Hopkins , ol U'jo mini : , and Di. I'aivillp being tbo prliiPhia participants. On a motion ot Dr. Kayviile It was , as a substllitto lei Kellj's motion , ic solved that a committee of hvubu aii ) > ointe ( on losolutions , anil a committee ot live to in vosticatu and icpoit HIP status and charactui ol the disease piovalent lieie , mid siisges moans to stamp U out , . Cnttlo Growers Consolidate. Cine vr.o , Nov. 15. At the annual iiipollnt of the National Cattle ( Irowcis1 assoeiallon hold ot the Slieinian liotiso this aftoinoon , li vvas decided by a unanimous vole to mutt with tlio National Cattle and Hoiso ( iiowcis association of Ameilea. In tbo foimmg ol the now oigan'/allon It Is to ho known us tin Consolidated Cattle diovvcis' Associat'on ol the Viiiti'tl States1. Tins action Is taKun li accoidalico with thu leunnmemlatlon of Ihe conference comiiiittcp aioiutod | ) ) last \ovem her looking tovvauN Hit1 meiglng ol the tw < ilval associations. A joint meeting of tin membei s ot botli old associations Istobi held at the Chicago lioaul ot tiado Tuesda ) mmnln. ' . Hie 10th , when a formal consollihi tlon will take ] > hicc. The gonuial dele ati coiivontion ot ilv cattle gnnu'iH. to bo huh innlei the auspice- tins con lOlldalPil .iso < chitiou , will occiit at the : -imj plicu Titosda > atic'inoon and VVeduisdav. Thr * U'ur In Kentucky. Lnuisvir i r , Xov. 15.A special to tlu Couiloi-Joiiinal frays : 'Iho war in 1'cin county. Keiituckj , between the Fieuch am Kveisol factions , has bioken o-it aficsh Almost every citl/on of thu county lias taken sides w llli ono or the othei ol the-n inoiiniali meichant princes , as theynio called , Dull factions seem to have como to the conclusion that there can bu no settlemen except by ox teiminiition. itotn factions are aimed , am thu Hist shot will In lug about a geneial wai Tlio fond | jc tween 1'ieneli and J.\eisol date1 back seveial jeais. They aru rivals in bust ness and control thucntiio liado of hinua mountain eounlies. The icpoit that boll weio killed emu time ago was not tine. Tcrrihli ) Hlorm in llio IIIIIn. ItU'lli Cnv , Dak. , Nov. in [ SpQisIn Telegram to the Hi K. ] \ veiy heavy fcnov b" n Inlllng In this iesioii of thu lilael Hills foi thu past thliiy houis , with no sign : of Mopping , The ( 'iound Is c-ovcied ( o i depth of foui teen lut-ln-s. It Is said to I ) Ihu vvoist sno\v seen blneo the settlement o tliis hection , Itapld Citv Is now liglded up with th Houston-Thompson i.'lec.tile light , vvlnel tlunvs up the handsoiuublockseicclcd duiin ; tliu biiiiinier. To 1tc'oriniii/i the Itouil. Ni.w OKU , Nov. 15.TJio Hoiision f > Texas Ccutial liomlholdcH are now at woil upon apian of reor0'anl/atiun of Ihu load Onlj the outlines of the plan havu .vet beci complete J , but It Is known toincludu anas besmen t of stock. The Iiihnnn Hooilloimm NEW YOIIK , Nov. 15. FianeibMcCabo , Hi boodle alderman who vvas last vvuk ad judged iiihane , Bccureil his n-lcaso on bai Irom tlio Ludlovv street jail this ulttTiioon Tliu icqulit-U bond vvas 'j O THAT BIG POLICE SCANDAL Opening of tlio Investigation of tlio Obnigo3 At Washington , THE LIEUTENANT'S TESTIMONY Ills Story of Mnjor AVnlkci-'n Hlnck umlllnt ; Hellenic on ConK The Ohlof Domes Uuv- I UK Olvcii tlic Order. Opens. WASIIIXOIOX , N'ov. Ift-TIm trial of Pollco [ lieutenant Ai nold upon the charge of giv ing curri'iicv to false leports connecting Major Walker , superintendent ot police , with tin1 proposed espionage ot eongiessiiicn , was continued hefoio Ulstilct Commissioner Wheatly today. Lieutenant A mold was put on tlio stand In his own defense , and lopeated In substance the conveisation which ho said look place at the meeting of police lieutenants on or about October 1. Major \Valkei , the wit ness testified , at thai meeting rufoiicd with gratllicatlon to the commissioners' apptovnl ot the police estimates and said thai ho would like to have men.whoknuw mcmbersitf con gress KO and explain to them tlio wants of the depaitni'1 ' - d that If this was done he ex pected plhlln o lot ) additional men needed by the /T - "Ho then said , " continued. the .ii V "that ho thought It would Tw 'A good IhltiK for men doing duty , south of thoavenuo [ the iefer- eucu Is a dlsiuputalilu pait of thu city known as "thu division' ' ] lo nolo the habits of members of congress , and that ho would use that matter w lien he came to co before congiess. Ono of thu lieutenants my Im pression ft that it was lieutenant ( Jcssfoid leuuukcd : 'Major , then .vim ptoposo to blackmail these uvulli'men to get your esti mates tlnouuhV Thu majoi's reply was , No , not that. ' " Witness lopeated rofeiouco , which , he said , was made by some one loapioiiilncut senators visit to Colonial lleach ( an excursion lesort about forty miles down the Potomac ) , mid bis wandering thioiinh a peach oichatd looking for the Seventh street "kjais , " ( pronounced as vvoid sometime Is by thu southerner. ) " Tliero was not. " continued the witness , "ono word ot caution or mm Inund in icply to anything that was said. When tlie word 'blackmail' was used , Cant.iln Austin laughed. 1 spnko up and haid that 1 had.behn injotmcd 01 know uheio a certain piominiMit membei (1 ( mentioned no name ) could bo louiid once or twicu a week , anil tiio majoi said : 'Yes , and that house Is on tlie coiner ot Fifteenth and. 1) sticcls. ' " Wltnosb further testliictl that vvlien liuand Lieutenant Kelly lolt Major Walker's , Kelly said to him : "Now , 1 .suppose vou are going to watch membei s ol coiuit'ss' . " ' Witness replied : " 1 intend to do no such thing" To which Kellcy lojolned : "lassuic you I shall not. " Witness said he had spoken to Sergeant DIgzlns about the mallei , but cautioned him to Keep It seciet b"causo It might croite a scandal. Willies sLned a letter exoneiatlnc Majoi Walkei anil also domed ttio leporls with legaid to the maioj's order after It had leaked our. This he did to av old a scandal. At the conclusion ol Lieutenant Arnold's testimony , two or tlireo otliec wllne-ses vvero examined and then Majoi Walker was called. to the sttitul and asked Whothcr hu hud ov cr made any such suggestions as those to which Lieutenant Amold hail testilicd. "None wbalevei. " Ho replied : , Ho was asked whether , In view of Lieuten ant Ainold's lostlinonv , ho still wished to stand by w hat bo had hiuiM'H siid. lie icplicd : "iccitaiulj do in every pai- tlcular. " With this the heating closed. THI2 NATIONAL I < "l\IiiK tlm KtilCH K4ij the Coining Haso Hull Hnihon. CHICAOO , Xov. li. The joint rules com- " mlttct's consisting of icpii'-.eiitativt'B liom the National and Ameiican base ball leagues met to day The captains oL scveial ot the leading base bail clubs were Invited lo at tend and take pait in the deliheiations. Tlio vvoik of the mroting will bo toanan e a set of plajing mles that will bo agic-c.tblo to both organi/atlous and tto away with Ihe sys tem now In vogue. At the close of the tlaj'8 session numeious changes had been decided upon. In place of the Mono .it the homo plate , a Inso simlltr in sl/cout made ol white iiibboi was iccommeiiiled. 'I ho position of liist and thlid btscs was movtd Rt'vcn and a half Inches MI that the bags would he inside thu ioiil lines , thereby liclpluir the umpire In deciding whether a lilt fell in fail or tout pound. The new rules of the \muilcaii as sociation eoiici'iuintc the position of roachon weio favoinblv ictehed. They icijulio that the conclicr shall not le niaicr than htslj-hvo feet to the homo plate , tveiohy luovenling the cochei Horn miming along the line liom thlid b'a'o to the homo plate to dNcoiicuit an op- poslm : plavci. Action oil tilt1 pltflieis' mles and the location of the pitclici's box was. laid o01 until to moiiow. 'I bo leajiiu tula conceitilni ; the position of benches and bat lacks was iiicoipoiated lu th lilies of the Ameiican assnt latlon. It was iinaiiimoiiBly agieod that in filtuio all clubs plajluj , ' under nitlonal agreument shall use either SpaldIng - Ing or Itt'ich balls. Tills was douu to prevent - vent the using ol "dead" balls , K.H balls or "livelj" bills by othei associations in their exhibitions with league or association eliil > sand , and to make a stand , inl ball II was tdso ic- ( | illicd of Iho Aineiietii association that oaeli ball must 1m welched , miMuicd and M'aleil vvlihtho nauio ol the i-eciclai v upon the box containing the bill , the same as Is In voLHio In the Ic.uruc. In the using of the halls the committee suggests tli it when thu ball Is batted out of sight ol the plaviiiri auotlu'i must be substituted without waiting until tint batted bill is ictuiiitd. Whenever a ball Is iiipcd | 01 d iimu'ud , aiiothel must bo iit once biouiht Into play , ' 1 ho Ameiican association was allowed to use the Hat bat 1C It HO deilies , tin * hanut ns tlm IP.IKIU * . The league held iiiles with Hllght iiiiiillhcatluiH , also eMendcil to the association team * . The riovulunil .Mm ilnr.'Mjht fry. Ci.i vi LAND , Nov 1" ' - 'J'vvo dayw ot earn est vvoik by the police has lailed to clear up the inyhteiy suiiounding thu niuidor ( if Mrs. Jane \Vhcnlci \ last 1'ild.iv cvi'iimlicujamlii Wheolei , the woman's Inibliaiid , and Patilck ( iiavrs , a loiiuoi tenant ol the U'hccleis , aio mil nnilei am st. The coronei began the inquest lo day. J "othlug important was elle- ilid as hhowliifwho | ( ommltted thu iiiunloi. Wheeloi , In ins ttstimony , made n ttato- miiiit , however , which does not sigioo with bis stut > to thu poluo. When the police 111. st went to his liou-e Wheeler assoitcd posl * lively that 1'ati ick fJiavrs and anottiir man had com milled ihu iiiuidei , and that hu U'c- ogni/u I ( iiaves as thu man who assaulted him. Today betoio Iho coionrr U'licclur h.ild that bo wai not suiu that ( inives wits the man ; in l.itt hiKould not titllwhti It wav. Xiimtious witnesM's gave tcstlmonv whlih would lasllv oilablish an alibi lol ( Jiave.J. The loroneivill not ii'tuin hl- > verdict to- moiiow. 'Jhi police altM\oi king on u clue \\liiiheaniii into thcli jK sission on jfblcr- d.iv , and It is haid that one 01 two aiieit I will bo made to-iuuriow. A Nrio : Koltlicr iiv II I.K , Tenii. , Nov. 10.A sjeclal to Ihu Ameiicjii fiom McKeu/Ie1'uiin. , sa > s : Chailio Dinwiddlc , coloied , was anestcd lieie .Saturday night charirt'd wllli assaulting ; and lobbing oiio .lenniiiu's , a white man. About 10 o'clock to night twcnty-llvo masked men lode intritown.rumiugfiom tlio ( hittlon ot Huntingdon , and promtdc'il ill- red I ) to the ualaboose. vvheio a portion or the cioud iiihlaiitly niched Into thu cula < JKIOlttMJIll lllaUll plstlll" , ( HflDDVVt nil ! ll > guiiid 1'Jiej then uddlcd ihu Jin-gru v > ' pihlol balU.