Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 15, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisement * under this ho tl , in cents per
line tor the flrrt Intcrttoh , " cents for rnch sub-
Bequent Imort'on. nnd Jl.M n llncpcrtnrmth
No ndvcrtlcoinant , taken for le s than 2.1 cents
lor the flru Imcrt on. Seven word1 ? will bo
totinled to the lltio : they must 11.11 con ofu
lively nnU mud bo pnlii in nth arce. All adver-
tlBuncnt-s tmi t be hnntfol In bnforo " o'clo It umlrr no plrcum tnnrp , win Ihoj lie
lahcn or dU < ontlmi d by telephone.
Piirtks wUcrt Mnir ) ihesu olumnsndMiv -
lnrthoflnBworiiH'drf'Sfil In euro of TKR HKP.
will iil n o n U for achccV tocnnblothrm to ( jet
their letters , na none wlil bo doliteiod oxpopt
on pre onUitlc.n of check. All MISWOM to nd-
vorti fm nt choiild bo pne1o ed In envelope * .
14TOMJV to loan , ca h on hand , no delay J.
M W.nnd Ii U Sqiine , llii : 1'arnam at. , Pa * .
ton hotel hul'd.nir. fi i
rpo LOAN Money Linns pl.iccd on lin
J pro\od rcnl estnto In elty or county f < ir
Now PnuJnnd IxiitnV Trust Co , by Douglas
t.ounty bank , leth nud Culpago Ms. Sill
OPHKOF.NTinonprto onnj onr.y twins W.
M. llnrrls , lloum'fi , KronrorlHk , opp P.O.
451 lice V
MONl.Vro LOAN At few rates , on irooit
rlty propotty. HnlchorAt Co.,1210 Dotiirlng
street. 42J.
MONIJY to lonn on city unit farm property ,
low rates , Stowiirt A. Co. , lloom .1. Iron
Hunk. ( VM
MONKY'TO LOAN At "ToMonnblo'rato/ , on
furniture , fine wntcho * . and other potsotnl
proporty. C.J. Cnswoll , room 10 Iron Hank
building , 12th nndKarnain. MM
_ _ _
$ .1OOOO to lonn. Bums tfM nnd upwnrdl ,
Lowest rates. Uemls , 15th and Douglas BU.
Estate and Loan Ayeuts 1C0.1 Parnnm Nt.
5i OMjy TO LOAN On roul ostto and oli-t-
icU. I ) I. Thomas. -J7
MONKY TO LOAN In sums of JS.O u nnd
npwnrds on first class real oatute si.ourity.
I'oltf r st I ohb , IMS Piiriinin st. TO
M O.NKY LOANt.M nl C. P. lpod& | Co sToun
, on furniture , pianos. Inn < eBwnons ,
pernonul property of all kinds , nnd nil other articles
ticles of value , without removal. IIIO 9 13th ,
over llliiKhatn a Commission store. All bnal-
nesBstrlotly eonniontlnl. ! 3UO
MONt'V If you hnvojrnnd notes to soil , or
wish to borrow on real esttito or chattels
nt fnlr Interest , call on J. II , Part otto , 10th and
Chicago Bis- GOO.
$ 'tnfXn Tolnan onOmnhu city property utC
percent. U. W. Dny , ever MI2 DotiK'a'st. '
.OAN8 Loiins Lonnv
Chattel IOIIIIH.
iHinirtlme loans.
Short llmoloniis.
Money tilwajs on hand to lonn on any an-
piovcdsi curlty.
I cstment BecurltlcB bouirht nnd sold.
Oinniin financial exchntiKO , 1MJ Pnrnum
_ Cm belt Mnnnnor. _ _ _ _ _ J1" ! _ _
CKVT Money to oan. J. J. Mahonfy ,
GPKIl rnrnatn. ilI
_ _
_ _ _ _
GI'KIt < ; KNr money to loan. It. C Patterson ,
13th and DotiKlaa. ! 0i
to lo'in by the imdprslmieM. ho hn
MON1IY proporlv orranl/od ( loun nuency
In Omaha lLonne of $10 to $ lom ) nindo on fur
tilturo. pianos. orBims , horses , wntrons , mnchln
cry , &o. , without removal. No dolajs. All
buplnccui etrlctly confldcnttal Lonns so mndo
Hint any pert can bo pnld nt any time , cnchinv' \
raont rcduclnK the cost pro ratn. Artvnncoi
rondo on flno watches nnd diamonds. Pcrsotn
uliould carefully consider who thor nro deallim
with , in mnny now concerns nro dnily comtnc
Into exlutenop. Should you need money , ml
nnd Boa mo , W. II. Croft , Ilooro 4 , Wlthnel
Jlnl/dlntr , irth nnd Hnrnoy. 8H <
FOIt SAIiK A peed piiylmr and prolltnbk
business In ono of the best locations In
tills city. Small stock of oods nnd lent \urj <
icnsomiblo. AitdrcssT. 0 , Ileo ollice. Nil 14 *
"RHW SAirK"OlTTtUNT A irood hofol nild
1 lurnituro In AtKln on , Neb ; terms reason'
able. Address A , 3. ilcald , O'NoIII , Null.f8
f8 ( ? 14 *
TfOH SALK-Cheap , n complete country
printing ollico. Addicsi Wusp olllco ,
Wiihoo , Nob. M3 17 *
TT7ANTHD-T'AirTNKH Lady or "pntTcmnn ,
ii with smnllonpltal. to take half lntoro t In
pstnhllmied , permanent. Mist-pins * city l.usl-
iio H.pnyinirfJOO tnlnoi jonrly : peed reasons -
sons tor sulllnir ; grand chance for rljjht putty ,
Addrces B IK. llco olllco. dill
"IjlOim AI.K Onoof the host piylng liotoU In
J this city. nviKln ; * money fiiBt. Host of
iciisons for sollinir. $ ? .riMcasb lotjulrod lo irut
UC. I' . Lee , 1207 rariium st. 47.1
_ _
TpOK 8ALKIlhiilwaro IlusmcssWo offoi
-L our shelf and heavy hardwnro business toi
Mnl ( , tojfothor whh our leuso nml jrond will
'Inwo Innrmt In the eltv and location the best
lletlrlnir from the business cause for solllnt ;
Thu linuiu Ilaidwaro Co. ; 10 8 O st , Llntoln
_ _ J l
TTHHt. SAI.K All furnished commorcinl hotel
JL 2H room * , also xamplo room , livery bum
wind mill ; only hotel In towu. liradshaw Nub
M. F. Hotchkluri. 71X1 n18 *
FOIt SAI.H Ono of the oldest und best pay
Inir ( irocnry llusliR-ss In tlio city. Per par
tloul rHlniiiilroatlin.I. iie-st. U33
H fxtflFnrms.l.nnd9 money lonnnil
llomls , 15th and Uoiltrlas strouts. 2 G
rOST notwcpn t'nlon dopotund Fnrniim st.
J ( inn black loiithor pmao coiitululutr ? ( !
three ' 0 und ono f ilRold plocos and l in Kllvoi
The llndor will bo handsomely rauurdod by ri
lurnliursame to thlsolhce. Wl-ll *
T pST A nlc < TTnp rotiei Kinder"cTin hu\
- Hione by prtylmr ohurKoa nt Jus Stephci
Mmi's , toili unit Hnrney. mi-17
T OSTOn thrt street , a plain sold rlnir. lie
.1 J wnrd lor return tu HUH olllcc. 11)8 ) U *
IOSTLiidyV smiill Riild wntch with innnc
'vrnin M I. W. on back , finder pluaso lout
nt Hits olllco. U11
17IOHN1 > The best howmw iniicnlno txi b
- - boiiKlit for money. lluuilrcrtJ of thorn no'
In use nromaltlnv homos Imppy liy their pro
' nco If you need a muchfno yvnd to or o ill o
Iho Union ManulHCturhu Co. , 210 North Hit
htieet , Omaha , 80(1 ( 11
MADAM ALASKA rnionls nnt presimt an
tuturo , how many In familynu , etc , , hoi
lo bold nlloctlona of nunbnnd or lover , niitls
lactloii Kiiaranteed , 23 cents and upwards. M
H.1W hit 271
1'liKSOMAI , .
Ir > KllSONAf Ijulles will MVO money by tin ;
IIIH thoircloakd und maps ut the HopiiU
Iflltl Howiud. lTJU-15
_ _ _ _ _
1 > l'.ltSONAI1rTjiin7i8 iTiiinpii-Lanipa If yu
mint an extra KOOI ! Unlit to ruadorwoi
by.PHll nnd Bra iiauo ; Imvo onu of the lie
lumps In the city for llwlit Cull andbcultni
tint Piano lump * at Moody's China Mom , Hi
r.ud li\ciiHirtHtit'ct ) , | 8JI U
'IJP.llftONAL llooni in lit n wniltcd liy y uii
u.anot ntrloily holier bnbile ; lufcrciui
nnd taken. Addicss T Ii , Itco utUu > ,
_ _ _ 101 15
1 JP.ItKONAL l.naios If jou nntit aperfoctdoi
I Itijrtnachlno , ono of thu inislc-t runniii ,
the mont slniplo IncoiutriU'tlon , onu Hint cs
IMI run by child , Kot thn Piilon hnwlmr mi
ililuo Address I'nlon MiMiutautnrltik Co . 2
North IHthMt , Oinnhn , KUT-11
16 pniros , tl columns , Tim Novembur Is
litbt out ooutiilni nearly ! 'ji lulvuitl-omentii i
ladles and jrontlomcii nuntlnjeorruipondenl
til-o a fciipcrb full-pnwu enuravlnv dublj/iu
I'tpiebily ' lor our Jonriud ciitlllu I "A Muldun
Dream,1' Jt Is one of thu rlclied pk-turescvi
pitiiluceil on p iper , and iniiht bo scun to bo u
piodutcct. Sullico io i-ny cvurj uiiinarrledpe
ion sluiiild posfei It. Siimplu copies ICc. iUc
Addrol llinut und Hiiud , 67 C'J ' Dcnrlxirn 8
Clliciuo , III. _ | _ HH21-2S
1 > P.HvXAti A ehoir louder and precentor , i
- \teushu oxiwricnco , doMroJ an vnvutl
incut In a Pmtostanl church llefeieucos i
ilia ino t cutbtUL-tuiy ouiiuu'ter.
' . ) , leo ! otllcc. td'j
Sounder * bt , tor ale ut bpccial Liujtni
J , I. . Itlio i Co. tiki 14
IIP.HSONAL Dairy for diile nud farm lo rci
J. L. Kioo A. Co. Kid U
' _ _
"JKHbONAIr-LmtlOi wlahlna jrooit domost
help can bo well Mipplled by cullluit i
Oniuhu Kniploymcnt lluiuau , ll'J Nortli JOt
tt. " , Crouiiao block. _ 517.
> Kltl = ONAI.-K. doCampl's School of MUJ
ttnJ VuU'uCultuic , I N Ifith bt. room
001 Dog 5'
1 > KllhONAL MUs A. Lllneiiornn , profcsslun
nurno with K ° ° d rin'oimuenJiitUms , i'
outhlJth btreot , 3d floor , rooui No. n , or
Iiurinan'c dry ( roods stgrc. J.Si-uJ !
XJliltSONAI , If you trant .omothlnir epcol
In rt'nl eetato Larsmlnj , call on J. I. lucy
la. KM ll
T BIISON AtKn 'ghtu of f nlmr M well ax tiott-
* unions Will Ilnd wmrtlilnir to the lnteie t
of tliplr potkot hooks by OA.Imif . nt the only Hup-
{ ruin 8toro , 61U N 16th at bet California nnd
Wohalof. IH1M11
the finest IrO npro farms
- In lloono cnuntr , nltb sploudld Impiovo-
men ) * , for $ .lOMlncfudlnsrfHi , ) worth of farm
Iraplempiiti. $1 * 00 ciioli. Ixicntedonly 7 mile *
Irom Albion , the county pent. Tlih Is nn un
doubted hnrsrnln. Mu t bo old within n few
( Injs If at nil. .1.1 , iiico & . Co. , Uooiii 0 , over
Comtncrcliil Nat I bank KVU \
Slr. DNnnme V.\v nrrcn
clnirvoynnt , Mrdlcnl and bimlnees Medium
lioom No. 3 , 121 Nortli ICUi ft , Omnhn , Nnb.
BAN.lO-Qulckly tnuehtby the Pnrtec Hroth-
DIB , the famous Ininjolits. A perfect
jrunrnnteed ( ivory kwan. Instruction pirlors
MlnorthlSthJt trJrl4
1 > AHTIia wlshlntf wnMiln/und Ironlnp done
A ploaia nddresi T10 , llco olllcc. Harbor
ton elan specialty. U3J 14 *
U H OUT HA N iPsTT'lvf'N PS ovenlnffs or liy
v J tnidl by experienced nrnctlcnl ctctio rnphcr.
PiXamlnatlon of niclhod and practice drills tor
dictntlon nnd toportlnw requested. Terms , $1
tier month. Satlalaotlon ( ruarantecd. Adliess
T17 Ilro olllco IUJ U *
MATIUMONIA-Pnp r cnntnltn licnrly"200
iiihertiioineiil" Irom Indies nud irentlo-
men wanting corro'pondonts. "out 2 months
for 111 cents Ad J rocs. Helping Hand , 7il l.n
Sallo street , Chicago. &si ! 2G
" " "
'lOKAOr received "ii"t
tdPiit , elegant building nud low prices.
"A IWTIlACTlTJT TTf iniTunit'bpiroti"
-ti notice from my eomplnlo set of books. H ,
C , Patterson , l.ltn nnd Hnrney. f > 'JI
"yTllSTKACTS OKTT f faT furnished on short
xx notlco. U. C. I'uUerMii , IDlh and Harnoy ,
UCHCTnl , Of SPKNOOHAPIIY and typo'-rlt-
' lux , Hooms 7 and , Iron Hank. O.\Y. linker.
i ATlATnTilll ) AIISTKACiy rom my com
plotu sot of abstract bmks on short uutlco
It. C. I'litUirsnu , loth and Hariioy. fiJl
POll JtlINT Or un , $ J per inontli. JlOi < pc ,
JB1J L'oinrliw _ _ . IIJJ
"I71OII KKNT Pquaro Piano , T monthlv. A
J ? Hosnn lulS
p OUA lUtlit-UlLi ; And oD.nplvtn abitniotof
J2 tdloirotothti olllco of IL U. Pattoi on ,
15th nnd rianiuy. 5' * _
nKll ICUNT Squuro I'luno $ a inontnlj. A
FOIt UJNI ! Laririr clnim" towels unonp.
Omuh.i Towel Co. , 151 * Itownr.t St.
OK hAlTri-I'iosh Milch Cows nt intli and
Mmth.lBt. South Uth. 87.1 ir > *
YTiOllHALP. Ono cook Hto-o , t small boaters , 2
-L1 base burners ui > time , ! U.i North must.
W" 11 *
OK"HALI-sfoTeTNo.irn"Splcu : lid. In perfect
order. T. J. llciird A : uro. , Ill I Doittrhis st.
1710H B A LU Pn niltui o of sK room IIOIISL- .
JU llouso for rent. Cull at 17111 lioujlas at ,
iOI ) H *
IjlOH SAM'i All the tooMitn 1 llxturosof my
-i' niont marliut. asplonlld chanto to ire Into
the htisihics-t with Fiii'ill capital , all the bulldiiiK-s
will hn t cntod cheap. Pull Information u-Utu
on application. Lutmo heir from > oii if you
want a bargain. P. Casey , \Vuliiut. _ Initn.
SAL1 ! Team of horaei. Sclilo-ln c-r
Foil , OH 8. lUlh st. f > .Vi 14
SAlK-Plno hnrbO , with now
IriOlt nnd harness , costSIM ; must be sold
nt once ro ardloja of value. Iiuiulro at 1103
DOIIB ! H st. 7ml
SA l.i : Ktirnituro unit icu o ol Mr-room
honeo , time on pftrt. Call l-'OJ North L7th
street , two blocks from Hed Car line. b1) ) !
"ITIOIt SMiR Plinoton buggy , ono top Imtrjry
-L cheap , A llospo. 2-In'J !
H Lots IIBI nnLatidR money lonnod.
Uith and Douglas atroots. 2l > >
FOIt SAl , ! ! Lnoiip. iron columns tint win
dow cnpssultahlf ) for front on brick build-
Injf. Pornartloularsiipply at thlsoiUco. 81.1
A\rANTIU-NuriO ghl nt 2J11 Donirlns st.
ANTUD Ti\o irood A No. 1 wnltora ill
W LU o and Lot Live Colfco I Ton so. KI7 11 *
W ANTRI ) 10 llrst class Ironoia , cor "Ith and
nt. 'J4 '
_ _ _
W"ANriJD immc llntely , peed irirflor t-roi > .
oral housowoik two muiiK aday.KOOd
homo for need ulrl ; wuvros three dollars put
weok. MM. C. P. Pattoruon , 12 'J ' North l th bt ,
\\TANT1U ) Oood elrl forcronouil tiousowoik
IT Small lninll > ; inriulri' at2U Noith tilth at
Mnsonlo block. B.17 14 *
WANTttO-Ultl for hoiit.0 work , 1720 C'ass ht ,
hSI 10
\\TANTKD : M ) imiips .t fronts to io rn tele-
V i Rriiphy Prospect L'OD 1 fur position when
competpiit ; address W. J. 1) . , Hooin I , Croutiso
bik.Omnha. 1 7
WANTIIDCompitont inlddlo-BKPd woman
to tiiku euro of bain * . Apply attill Con-
vonl st. 8V )
\ \ / ANTI'.Il-lrl ( ! forgonoial tionaiiwork. 2AK
DoitK'las ft. 20
WANTIIl ) At OIIPP a competent irlrl In con
vonlont household , 4ti. Co live nt Mis ,
Oc < > llftyn. 7P
WAN'L'lin-Vounic Indies ( .irtlHi ) to do ham
pnlntln on Blusi tubes nt liomo Cull in
ofllce in lotundii of Pintoii hotel. Harder
Chemical Plro Kz Co. , ( Juo. F. Waile. i
ANTit : > A Inumlrosi otOecidontal hotel
_ _ ] mmodlutoly. 776
V , * AVTIJIJ (3ood ( girl lor general housowoi K
l'.U3 Fnruitm. C-N
| TANi'iii : Oirl.foruonornl housoworic. a
> _ OW Vlnrlnlu avo. - 917 _
W ANTUD Dininn room girl nt the P.tnmoi
house , _ 51H _ _
WANTHO-OIrl forifimerat Housework : Uor
man pi-efcrrud. Mm. D II.Vlicoler , r > i
South aith at. _ _ Wl
{ ! > Lady room iiialo. Hoforonru
exclnint'i > il I41U Chlcuiru street. M7
\\7ANTKO-LBdy of line fisto to nssisuT
W copylntr biiBlneis , can -rrorltftl homo ll
preforroil ; permanent work , irooJ pay noser
viiuts wanted. Hours lu to 0. Art Copying
W ANTUD Three ( food bootand Hhoo Miles
men for a I'lilo nro tiouic. Ono cunh fu
town , Nobnwkn und Kiuiaas ; onh smh ulu
Imvo un oitubhhhed trudo Hood apply. Addrea
II , a , euro of Lord 4. ThomiiH , Clilcuij-o , III.
028 14
-\\-\N I'lID Rood n onts tn ropipkont th
TI "Old Heliiiblu" tiinglo Men's Kmlowmou
ns ocliitloii.Jl.oOil nt innrrluk'o nftur ImlUK
meniborat loust two yparti. Address Clius II
Kuutip , tecrotuiy , Mliincnp < ilU. Minn , Ikll-'W
* Immedlutely , II7J N. Ktl
C. Loula i. Son. Ul2lfi'
TANTKD lllirtit uwnvntcood boybctweo
I 11 andl3 > uius. 1717 fct. Muij'ii uvi line.
unii *
T\rAM'ii : > rlALP.SMA.S' . A npcoinlty fliitoi
ii mini illi o\purlenco and trnod ruferonii
Innillre liiiforo It o'clock Monday mornlnu
Oeo U lloll , PKII , PuimiinSt O.KH-
\\'AN'I III ) A por.tlPiiiiin wtio'tolnii'lni'i's nbl
I * itles will communil nt least $ . ' ,000 per i om
M umuiu'ov ot brunch otllcci In Oinuha ; wim
push cupltul nnd security tui Mock ie luircd. (
C. bt. Clulr , Chluaifii , III , ail II'
\\7AVniO Plisi cliikg moo to luiudlo Hi
i ' new Union Mtwinir Mublno It Is th
best mnehlno In thu market and ( fives oniii
Biitlsfai-tlon over ) time. Call or write to tliom
Union MraiutaoturliiL' Co , 219 N inth Ht ,
Oinuhii. HH'il
\\rANTHD A ( food bii'lnei-i" inun to innni
> r fucturti tt'id ( .oil a now hon idiold urllcl
lu tliUsliituon royaltyor dlspti-i ) or tn
flulo lnvo tltriulon Itnltud , I' . Hradliun
CblciiKO , III. I'lK-H ' *
\VrANTii-PuIosniRn : who will sell our I In
ii ofHprlnirnud hiimmor cotlonndo" . jean :
cusHiiucros , llunnola , goarsuokord und t'iiu
hums in connection with their other bimines ;
Llbenil couiniltJiloii pnliL Adilre < iIU < rbfor
euro , Finnic D. I.n Lnnno X Co.Munufncturcii
Pblhmelphln , Pemir. . _ Xov-mi )
WANTGU AKdiitN Hi "nJil S lull . ; tl Illi
clmneo for elttier Udlcii ui tontleiuci
Cull In iiftiirnoon.
lo UrANl'KIlpiTlPiccii ! nuUcr at.Strntog
it _ _ Dairy. 71i II *
" ' " " " " " '
w" : for oui new bur rlii
proof ; door fastener ; lifsl . clliinr nuvcit
over mudc : Just out ; nothing like it ; i-ell
itbelflur u prollt : , wrllonulok K. 1' . Horn
Co.7 : ! lnhe4l.Uv l'Ulldlni , Chicago , 111. cu ; n
\\/ANTKD Hook ket-pur , unmiirrlud m *
prclurro , ! . Apply with references. KOOI
SI , Omuhn Nat. Hunk llulldliur. 871 13
WAXTKlYoWant few aveiitl to soil th
Dantimoyor'a hjdr ubn Wnjher on eon
illusion. A very irood pa ) Inif bUiluesa for ( too
men. Apply ut ft ! Do.nflm , ( k > 0 21 *
A ORST3 In the city or country pfin tnnke.1 to n day scllinr o ir spe Inlttes. v. Vf ,
Norcl'y eompnay , UU7 Pitman fct. 677
A.NlED-1'ook mrontg , O'Nollf S"Co .pin >
llsaers andjioneral iRents for subscription
books , box 1OT , OmnhnNeb. . Kil n U
W.TNlTil-A ; rn iiFboy. IVDonnhon Se
Shorfy , 15th st , noit to thn pu toillco
V\7AS'iBt7 ToaTnU rs HU I rurk > no7i foF
'i Wyoming ! J'J a d y. All winlor'a work.
AIlbrlKht's Labor Agency , 1301 Purnutn st.
U'ANTKOVorkliy a peed carpenter , can
tlofrntnlnjrortrlmtnintf. Wneoi tnodrr-
ate If stoatly work can bn wot. 0. I. , 7 7 S. Zfiih
etri > ct. U.O-1.V *
\\TANTKD Position wanted \tv \ jmuu ? mnn
ii whobiisbeon fomc-nrly twoyoats ehshlor
or n nntionnl bunk nnd hud other bu lnc.-n ot-
pt-ricnwi : real o tate liuslpcss ptofurrod ! mod-
oratn wn c , b--it refori > nco. Address M. L.
Trlmber , 1011 DodKO stipot. Wl 10
\\TANTKD "Itnatlon to do ootid wnrt ! nnd
ii plain soHlnif Inprlvato fnmlly. Add PAS
T 13 lp.ollico. ) Sri U *
WANTRO-Sltuntlon by n vnunir tnun , wll-
I nir todo mo t nnythlntIHo .umrs nt-
pcrlence IIH clerk , Koforcncoj tuin s'uid. T. ,
U , llco olllce. b7i 18 *
\\Ai3Vp.O \ you ii if lady deslies totlo dress-
11 miiklii by the dny in private families.
VdJrcss 71U North 20th st. MO U.
. \7ANTID-Sltuatnn ! | Dy n frooil bookkeoner.
ii Has hid ton yearsoipeilcnoo Cunglvo
oed rbforenr-cs Address I' . P. ll , Hoc onlco ,
' llliilK 7.U 14 *
WAXVE ) Podtion by j" uinit liidy m ns
slitnnt bookko"por , ropvUt or ell > po
irk. Coot ] ruforonoo. Addtoss S , t > 2 , lion o lico.
rr.D-1'oMtmn nomokecpcroi i-ook
WAN - as fn
prlv.ilo family. liuinlro 'lbo < . McNu1
nara inurkct , lltth st. , bet. Hift and
iVob'tor 7S : if
WANTIID Two lOOTigwilh boird by pnntlo *
mini , \vlfe iiu.l Hire.'uhll Iron , stnto lo-
allty uinl tcriiu. AilJro < a " 1" . la" llco oilloo
itt ) Pi *
V\rANTr.D ulo.ilora EitJ Brucois , pmTtlon
' Vitn'ul ' 1 > y o\ierioncoJ | taatur nnd naloi-
innn. T H.Jloe olllou. W10 U
11 AN ri.ii To nnt , fitrnl lipd , a ho'is-uol 3
i oi'4 toiinm. AJiJicodT II , HoooRloo.
S'O lb
V\AN'rKD Pnfosltiniwofofcar londol liosod
ii troi'di within U li.ocin of I'uMon ho.ol ;
nil or udiliiMi d i > o KVu lo , } , in , niiKor ,
caio Pattun hotel , city. K9 u
\ \ AN'llJii to buy otio Htiaio 0' Ptoolc In
Omnhii board ol li.ulu. S. A. .Sloman.ljia
'arnain st. u71
\ \ ; ANTKl ) Will trudo n good Improvi-d fHim
i * ttlo olnir , SHVCMI mll-n trnui' > o.u rtco lor
n stoc.t of ulothhiiror hoot < nnd 8' > o , will pav
iHic.inli AddtOAsO T 11 HiMtrlco , iiaim Co ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
\S 'ANTID ! ( ottiiKcsiiii'l ' unfuinl-'liod rooms
i for ilixlrabio ten mts. Ko > cs iteiitlun
fcni' } , l"lli imil loii'luj. 7.M 14 *
U'ASTKD M ) men to i'.it btickwhu it calon
mid map'o"yrup tnory mormnjiit Noiris'
Itpstailiiint , lilth > t liot. DntUo nnd Do.iiflu
btrulsht hoard ] > or ncoK.SJ . 'i ; Jl meal tic'tut'i ' ,
$ .1011. 'JuO.
_ _
WANTIJU Stoelc of dry jroodi , clothltif and
> ronl8 furnUliui- m .4 or bootJ un I fihcios
In oMihiuiKO for Oinaliu teal osl no. Sjhlcsln-
pur lltos.lillS. lUth > > U 5i ; ) 11
HUNT--U oed burn ul 2011 Hurt i-t.
IK)1 ) IK'
FOU HKNI'S'oioUO'JtO , with finiriooms lo- )
blnd.1u ; ; month. 27
POl ! IIP.NT Splendid ID-room house one
block liom St. Mai-j's nvp , hntli loom , etn
Also li-rontn IIOIKC blocks HO'-t ' Pnrimm
Htrect pcbool nuildliv , chertp. Olurk & Pronch ,
" ' ' . ' H4 11
Foil UKNI'-A dim rahloTT ) tonni'linimo ; one
block south M. Mary snvonnocomor .lith
and Leurun worth sta M. J. Count' II NH is
Foil lt'T : -in loom lii-lch hoi'so , nil mod
ern Improvomcnts on treot , apply
tn Mis. Miir.i Pnrititt , .illi Parnam. b.,1 lh'
lOU IIRNT The nHiiloncu of .1. Lvman , 0-"i
\\ilio\v avo. . Council IllutU. Wrliu or Inquire -
quire on the premise * , 7S1 lu
KlINT A Ktoro nnd lu t-nonr No lilt'
il n-nid ft. Impure on the prpml o oZ
(100 HIjTHItlK. 7 < t IU'
' An oll"lbli ) ten room lion o in n
- - - inn euro iipltlilmrlioo. ! , near stiopt curi
and \\Itiun ton minutes null : from tli post of-
llco. Applv to Ihuko & Knrlulaw. icil citato
ano its , DoitKlus street , uovt to eotucr ol HI-
teenlh. 7 'J
pfOll UPNT- houbos , cor SUt andjTIavk his.
FOU HUNT Ilosldonto No , 1'II4 ' Vumiiui t-t , ,
11 moms , all niudorn ImprovimiciiiH Jlent ,
? 7r , per month , carpets nnd furnltiiio 101h.tlc. .
Apply 8. A. Sloman , IMJ Karnimst. _ JPSJ _
) ltltiST ; l.-xr ohoj80 with moloril itn-
ptovonnintg. 2' ' th and Karnam MS. A. I1
Tnkpy , lilOl l-'urimm st. in.
IriOIl HUNT llouso ol ton 1001:19 , with barn ,
_ J _ IMi S rtlmc. _ f.7il
FOlt KKNT 80 acrm adjoining city nortli-
west , Riiltnhlo lor d'ury or m.irkut triinlun
Appl ) to TlieuVilllami , lloo OlilcoUl-l i'ar-
11:1111. : rOti
P'U UKM Store 22VJO , IHU Jaokion Bt.
"jT\ol \ < ItI.N'l' r.leifiiut 10 room residence on
iFnrnnm Ht , all modern Improvuiiicnts , fur-
nitiiro und cnrpottor M ! O ; all now ; am compelled -
polled to rlvo up on Recount ot Illness. Ad-
IS , neooflUo. fd2
[ Oil HUNT. Three nice unfuinUhed looms.
ll.W Howard M. 0211J j *
) lt IIKNT Sonny , cheerful loom , wltb
lioiinl , u o of priiio and tinth Ploasuul
liom ic. Turms reiisonablo. .111 Ploasjnt stioot ,
17011 lliNT--iiesruntly : : furnlfihod loom , will ;
I1 nrstdiass table tioaiit , nt 2011 Iuithl.oi !
Twuntivlh f > t ; tdroctcarline. Wl ! ' ) >
T71OH HH.NT--Two newly furnlalio I roomt nl
-L 10 U .South iin'htocntli : si „ nuar Plerco.
P07 1 1
_ _
HK'NT A nlcelv furnl-liol front loon :
with K IH. bnth and all modern coin culmieo-i
-111 ( 'ill toi ma strout. K.iT > II
FOIt lIKJfT Bliiirantly furnished Irotit KI..II
fur nun ( ir two cenllemcn , Ii block- . Iron :
tie < . | otllcu ; bus BUS , Cuinnco nnd bnlh. IC.M N
Klhst. OOJ H"
ITfOIl IIKNT Purnlrhud uiouia. lUin Doilue.
I ? 841 17 *
IJIOU KIJ.NT I'll i Dialled loom. 010 N. 17th.
JL1 ulb
FOIt UKNT-Twti nlt-ely furnished rooms
Hiiltablo lor ' . ' or .1 vontlomon. l/ovoly locn
tlou with o\ory iiiudorn Improvomunt. 141.
.lonoshtroct t.'t
IT10II Ul'iN'T A part or Ihn nholnr.tnfur
' nlshitil 1-iiuso Hel'oionco ruinilii < d. Ad
ilio.sft S C6 llco olllco. 7.'I7 U *
J,1l It ItllVT Piirnlsliod room with hoard foi
man and t > Ho. .1 8 n Ifith Ht. 7M 14'
" 171 o itUKN r Piiinl hod room in 15 Purniim ,
HKN'T I'liriilDhuil fnml mum. Ilio
Purniiiii. lilt HI'
* | 71Oit HUNT Nui' wintiT room * . ll l Pur
- iimm. . MS 1U
Olt lll'Nr IbiM'tiieiit four moms ; nlio tui
F filinlslud 1001113. I'M' Xoitti I'Jth HI
HIb.13 1,1 *
17011 HISXT-Hoom , Wi N IHn bt ,
J-1 T > 10 *
nnMiius , l2. $ $
per mo , IMS I'limam .1 , 7U 16 *
Hi.NTPIc.annnt'nndllnely : fiirnisboi
- irunt loom fui ( rontlomon only , 'Ji-'il'iir
nuni. Nil U
F IOH IIKVr Furni-bod room , southp st cor
10th and .Inckmn htM. M | ] & '
Foil ItnVTJiodinrt. . nlcoly fumlshel ; mo.l
cnitorcnt SMPIemntst. M7 n
1T OIt Hi.NT-HiillbiHl-ioomiSultublo7or : iren
i.1 tleinun , IHT1 DoJxe. 8V M'
li'tJlt IIKNT In hont-o nltb nil modern mi
J pnm-incntB.ouo lirK ; blltln * room will
bbdiuoin.uijiciitomililo. . b'J7 N. lilJi utrool
twt n *
_ _
lUIM' Nlielr furnUhiiil looms. Tnrni
icii-oiriMo , 1J1I N , 17th fct , M doornurtl
"hi rmiin. hS3 11 *
\\rAXTiD : Toi ont two rooms , suitable fo
i huubdkccplnir forfamllpof throo.lutroo
lucullty. AddrealT , , 1lloo olliccB7II 15'
ITIOIt HixT-2unfuinlsUcd :
JL1 st.Near depot , BS3 14-
FOH IIKNT A idtely furnlbhtil front rooi
M ith board , 1 17 a 17lli. 757 15 *
Foil KKNT AFtoTistli of Nov. , y raninTiT
south 18 street for IIS a month. Apply nee
e outh mil. -liTjia *
fTlOinrvT ! fnicely Turnlsheil room * , dou-
,1 } Mo i-nrlorsi nnil one bad room lVKt Btsth.
RUNT TJlPcnn filrnls'iort ' room" , NW7
FOR , lloforoncas require 1. Gil
TTIOUIIRVT Fnnil'heX room for ono or two
J. irpntlpmonl fnrnif'tro now , ploisintlocu
tion , ' Howard St. , bot. 8lh nnd 9th. ; south side.
T7IOU HKVT Nicely furnished rooms nnd
JJ board , fUONlPtlist. 4O U *
HUNT PitrnlsliKd roorns fnrilftlit houTo
FOH . Doomors klaok , cor Ath & Howard
ijiiitfilBN r-Nicely ftmlsho i t ront'room nt
J SlOSouth 20th , near fit. Mary's iivonuo. Bra
"Tpoit IIKNT i'urnishrrToomJ'i5T6"ioiiioT ( isSJ
"IT'OiriinNT" ' nicely furnlaho I ( rant room
I with nlpore , to Kontlomon only , < xt No. 1311
Fnrnntn st. fill
-'NoulyfurnisTiod room.2-111 SL
Foil ' nve. 311
liirvtv-NlcolV furnished rooin. ItOJ
Foil st 71M
"ITiOll IinNI' Pourorllvn unfurnished rooms
II for IIOIIRO keeiunir at ivH Vir lnln aventin ;
nlso rnniro ami furnlturo for snlo. 774 in *
furnished front rooms
J1 with board. 20JI Wolistornl. Ml 17 *
11 P.NT Nicely niniUhpT "rooTii T
DodKO st. ( Ins , bnth nud furnace bent.
811) ) 13
HUNT Purnl'hod rooms nnd bonF'.fi ' ? ! Wl 17 *
IioiniKVT iliorinty furnMiol
' a'do for inun nnd wifos nho 2 omnllor
rooms. lUd ISth st nnir DoilRlns. 8.1414 *
TTIOIt HPNT-Pnrnliliod i-oom for Bcnt'oman. '
L' Inquire IKHCuss St. 1)1014 ) *
ftirnhho.1 rooms nt
No 71 N nth street. uci 17 *
PmURN'T-Kionf olll.'o focnnd lloor ; Ifith
St. , ne r P'irii un Will rent ono or two
room 4 Addio < fl 8 , : IO , Iloc-onicOH Mil
HUNT Purnlshod front room : Inqulro
llosro fOI Itl
It IIXT-A Lirffp , uleiuiitly furnUh
Y <
room , for two i-entloinen I'll'.l Dodiro
; SM-fjirtp fioulroom irnnd oilloc
loonllon. 11. W. Huntross. in : > I'nrnnni ,
"VTOIIllliro' the bo'tnb < n In lades' nnd
Jgents' tiudcrwoiir at the lleelih o. liil'i ' How-
aid. uaj n
101t IIKNT- * only fitinlshed ioom foriron-
tlomcn.-'Oll llnrnoyHt. till-U
POUS\Li--A two Mory fr.imo buildlnir K4v
It ) , nearly ni'iv ; chenp for cnsti.ddrr > .s
postolllco box 377. HU 15
rplIP llni'sf Oiipl front corner on Hcoivln nvo. ,
J lOOvrO , only f . ) ; $ ' . ' .tvi ) bihmio :
anj-trrm * tosnlt puiehiwor V. I ) . Tanner \
Co , IBli Howard ht. K.M 15
T'MUKI' I'lvn loom hon os cor. Itnrdctt nnd
1 21st , ? 2VW. ( fn down b U. monthly
Ono I loom hoi no on I'lotido i-t. lt bloe't
from S inndc R , l'M'i.4U)0lonii ' ; ) ( , b.ii. nuiuthlr.
Three fi room ho.ises cor. > IIIPIIKO nnd ! )0th. )
2.fino , riooilowtnbai 8'1 month
Tin co 1 loom I'm teen Cnlllornln st. J'J.'H'O ,
STVi down. hil. $21 month
Ono.lioo n lioitMion uorlli 17th bt , f2rrO , Jr.W )
ilonn b 1 | 2 j month
Ono 10 room him e In Smith Purk at a bar-
Al o a viiciitil lots In Smith Park.
I'uik X fowler , I < " ! Douitlns St. 8VJ 17
\\T O , Slinivni : . K nl Hitato Hnwaliw-
Full lot , P. front , nlco no'.v , cottaKuu
rooniH. N S < th ht . S ! U" > 0
' ,5 lot and coltu-o ; 5 rooms , Just I milo
f i om P 0 . 11 0
1'ull lot , I' , rront , ; pottaes on 20th t.
cubic * line , noir Sliernmn st . .1(100 (
Full lot .mil ri loom cotti'RO on L'iko si.
near 2uth . , . U.I'X )
Now i' < > l 'ntro ' I ! rooms , Ipllnr , cl torn and
well. S Jill ca hlvil nn > y . tCJO
1-rootn cnttivreand ' , J lot Parker's add ,
m ar mi-lino . . . l.'OU
1-rooin cottiirit , lot III till , cell ir nnd cis
tern , near Sio-miu ! aco. , 5-75 cash ,
Ii ilnnpp mnnllily . . . . . . . . -030
V'nll lot , 01x140 , 'I treed cottmros worth
SI.DW , onN ait'.i ' Bt nparOlnr't ' . 00.0
Pull lot and IHI/O tiou < - ( > ami burn that
rents tor 70 per month , on Davenport
neir 1 ih . . . . . 701) )
' 5 I > t and b uis-e , CIH < ypni 11th . . . . "W
1 nil lot , now 10-room liouau on Ceor la
are . , i „ _ . , - . . HOO )
t-'eornor IntB rni ! 'rotffl Ifotlje , Vfit'lnlo
and I'opplcton avos. . . * . 0 ! < 0
( S ) foot on haiinJeis "t. iie'if Patrick nvo.I'M
Vacant I/oU.
Pull lot 8 front. Hud Curd pliipo $ ia"i.
7 lutx In Plulnviow , S7.10 to f < JO ( 'noli.
l.otillvl'C. , lust oil Hiiiinlors , S front , Sl.O'i
Cm nor lot JTith nnd Patrick nvo , 5 > v',0 fl.
y lots In Hill r Oak , each , l , < m
2 Inla In Ilanscom pl-iep , lioth ? ' , r > OU. U
tlota In Kllbv place , Jl.ino.
Jllots in Kllty ) i.licc.jl.s-io. .
2 lots porncr , l'o tors adit , ? : ! .liOX
Full lot on Hint neiifsrcirs. fl.ii.11
Nlco Hero lot In Itelvedcre , ? 4" > IJ.
li)0 ) nci-ps , B uilltfs Irom P. O. , $130 per
41 , sOor ICO acres near stock yards , S.JOD per
Oeoil lot , on Chicago , iinirfUUh , ? lfnn.
8 boitiuitul corner lots , Iliinscom Plac-e ,
? n.e o.
H slu'htly lota on Lowe ave . each 51,000.
Full lot on Cn-s , near'i7th.l.10) )
"S-hrlver I'lnco" lots. 5j'1 ! ! to $110 , 1-10 cn h ,
balHiu-ii monthly. W. U. Shrlvor ,
751 1& Opp Postollk-c.
rElIIP MOTTF.U Heal Potato Ageitpy , olfor tlio
-L followltiffiholeo baru'iitiis ;
1 Irt In Hh.mrnJrd addition , ifoodf , room house
5711-1 cash. S-.Uji ) .
l itSblodt I , MlllnliloN'o. S , $ ' DI i-rtsh ; Sl.fiOl.
t ! lolH in Khm's add. $ 'J o > loh. ? 2HO , nsli , bill-
niifL' S10 pvory thrco monttip. A linrHraln.
LotM lilook 2 Hlmohautfh H Piilter.-on's nild.
SIM 'a o'i h.
' . ' eoinor lotfin Arlington. Jl.OtWoneb.
1 lot on Hnmllton St. . l.mll : ? ! , " : < ciih. .
Lots In C.italpa plueo , f'AM ; $ . ' 00 cash , balance
OH y.
Lot 11 block F. Prnspost plnco , $ lr > 00 ; 'i cnsli ,
cheiipo-t lol in thoeitv.
: i tnll lotsonSaundeis , onoit corner , $0,503 , l't
cii'-h ,
Ono oleznnt lot In Slilun's'd : add , BO If front ,
$1 AM , ) . Don't let iliU slip.
Nlco fi room 11011 = 0 comet lot , 0.1x120 , Shlnn's
I lot In l-"ofitor' adil , ? ; .0li ) , > i piinh. aiiteiist front lot In Plamvlow , on ' "Oth st (
5-/W. ,
Pull lot on Leavunworth ht. A bargain at
f < 2.1.
2.1.Onn of the finest Iota In Hll-iile ! NTo. 1 for
J1.4IM ) , * I.O 0ii-h
Pine lot In Witht Sldc , 4n , $7.1 'ash.
Ono ir-jod lot In WiHlilnvtnn R IUII--P. $ . ' , ' .lio.
Two lots , one n corner , the tlnust lots In Mans.
com place , J'.l'Hl.
Two lots In Jeiome Park , (1,100 ouch , $ : 1
Onn ot the best loti In Hnnrcom plnco fet
? 2."oil. Jim cHsh ,
finest e.iut fiont lot In Ilanscom place , $ , ' , r,0) ) ,
cast front In Iluu com place , $1 ,
a xi.
The b < i3t lot In Potter's add for f 11CO. This U
140 feet KhM fiont.eimy turms ,
hovei ill iihnlco lou In Ainblor placu , (501 , JU > <
cui < h , hnlanco montlil ) .
'J nni triint loin on bnnndcrs st , one n eoi HIT
f.l.UKi , $7i ) cash , hnl meo loiur time.
J line cant front loU in SluilTrt add , M/iA ) .
Pinu T roum nounu , Lako'ti add , { J.'il1) , ? l'i '
ra h.
Finn iieio In Itnlxldero , SIS' ) .
Pii II lot ou LnkOBliciitiiUlnrooJIioujo , f ' . 'JW
f O.K ) , ash , bxliuicii innw J linn.
Two lolRin Cliirondnfi , fl.riufl o eh , $150 oacli
, . .
1'ull lot In P. V. Smith's ndd on 2rtth nt , n.m
front , frciHt II room li iihe , $ IU , . Cable lint
ngfositnow. jji
Niiirehoulh front lot In ? liliiu'a 3d ndd , Ofl f !
, .
Lot il , Heos plnve ' fL on J' trK nio neil t (
Ciim. liiiiJy'c"iOdiJciic-V\nj ) \ terniH. tall ut oinci
Co1' price.
Ton aeira nultnlilc forVnlcdlvldlnir.
I'ull lot In Hhlnn'stUl ndd. nlco 0 room house
$ J.IMU , t n cncli , linlaufd niny ,
TnNlsonU nprttiuUJUi of our linrRalns. nm
if jou anl buslnehi or lesMoncu jiioperty It
iinv pnrt of tbonity eatVon urf nnd wo CHII KII |
jou. The Mutter Koidi Kbtutt Agency , 211 ri
10th st. ' UIJ.
AUOOli Tiri.r.yiiiranty deel and lib
Btrnot frnowlth 01 cry lot In Ituili .V Selby'
ndd to South Omnh'i. oul ) < Idonks fioin SoutI
Stock VnriK Prli'M ! W lo 4 > 4i ; only p.10 cash
ItushJk Selhy. 2I H lltji ft mil
onth iimi p-ut front , Lowe's add
W f s.V ) . ( irahum , Creiuhton blk , 770 1'J
Anoni ) Tiri7i-Wirriity : dnu'l und nli
Htnul f rco with every lot in Huiti A Selbv'
add loSouth Omalni , on | > ? btiicks fioin Soutl
\iinln. ] 'i' ' < ( > Ji.Vltn gta ; only $50 outl
. Old
AtiOOIl TITLK-Wairamy deca nnd ill
fctnujt free wlthovtiiyiut In Iliish.lHolby'
mid to South Om Aim , only 8 blocks iromNiull
Mock Vard * I'riiva IJ.VJt'J fl-3on ! ) loOcasli
Hiuh 4 Selby , ' , ' 18 j * 15th at. _ IB
Tor-On Frunklln St. . south front , ! 00
j ( iiahuin , CrclsliKin lilook. 770 U
STOP pnjiiitf rent nnd Ouy a nlco new f
roomed hotiso wltb city water and jras ,
blocks fiom btruet t-ars , pave4 stioeta , 1 mil
from P. 0 , urico-X ( ) ) , $400 cash , bal $21 po
month. U. C. Pattonon , O.uuha Nut limit.
COHMJIt lot In Vnn lleilpi plact > , | U ; 1 ,
cu-h , bal. la I , .and J yuan , iteltur ,
! , Ituom 1 , IWJ runium L UJ
f \ ODD R-room hiiuse , lot 7Jxl82 , nonr school
V Rndcliiirch. chonp nt $ 'rJU. ) llaminoiul A
Gibson , 1114 IWusflnsst 7iVi
AfJHXM ) TI fliE WnrhinSyTlool an fabstriet
free with every lottn llush * Polby't add.
lo South Omn'ia.only S blocks from South Stock
ynrd . Pi tees J3.10 to $ ti ! only $5) cash Husti
* Solby , Si8 s. th et. < im
"I71OIISA t < C Cbeap , Id aoros well tmprovo ! , ' {
JL1 mlle north of dmf and dumb institute.
Ailjolnlrte lots soil for f J.WJ Apply .r. IMIoch ,
on promLscs. SOB nio *
A 0001) TITLK-Wnrranty dno.l nnd abjtrnct
jV free with ovorv lot in ItuMi & Selhv's ndd
lo ? outh Otii'thi.onlr 8 bloa < s from South Slock
Prices $ iV ) to $ ! _ > : only $ > Jcah ltnh
. 15th t. CM
HATt 11P.H k CO . I2IU llonclns M , Mlllnrd
hott-l block , oiler a few speuinl bargains ;
Neat r > room hoit o i\th | lot In Miller nnd
rnldHcll s addition , near Iflth street J..ROJ
Tlirjo Idts on Himletto Mreet , nenr
minders , for n few days o icli . . . . . . 1.SIV )
Sit'ots In Plains lew. $7tK ) to . . . OU
fiood i-esldonop on Hamilton strout
Irene . . 4,0"0
Two hundred nnd olithty foot on Purntim
( trectncnr Mtmmlt Plncn.
Two splendid lot In Shlnn's nfld nt ? s"iO carti.
Two lots In Ixiwo's ndd. on Hamilton
street nrnr a M . . . 3.1UO
Vnlniitilo hu < tltic8.s Property In McCand-
llsli Place 1.700
Pplpndld trnplc nropprty near intti st. nnd
U. P. shop" , St.XOto . . . R i3
A InrirollJ-tof cholco proper ! ) for sale and
oxchnnito. D.'l 11
AdOO'l TITMI W-irrnntv itncit nnd nhstrnot
free with every lot In Hush it Solby's add.
to Soulh Oinahi , only R Plonks from South
stuck Yards Pi ices. SJ.10 to Mil ; only WJ cash ,
tush .V. oolby , 2I H 15th t. Oil
Ml 14
UOOl > TITIjK-Warrint.v lei 'l and alistrict
Iroowlth i' very lot In It ish .V Solhy's add
o otith Onmha , only Hhlocks from o'lthdtock '
I'ards , Prlct'i fWto ! < li5j only 1Juisli. Itush
! k Solby , 3ISH. .r.thst. . _ _ filO
H OUMCS i jta , I'arms.tMints money loitiKil
llrmK bMh nn I Unnslns streets Wl
\ri .UNON III51OHTJ-l'or linattts nnd v rpy | |
i of seonury tins irpn od in Omaha. HI I U *
Tjioil s.Vl.Kt a I'roit Ittr nln for a fuiir
1Loksonly , ton thous nut IICIPS of I mil all
elected nt * l.i l per uerc : Si 10 1 ash and H j onrn
JlBrchall \ I.ohock , 11 ilt I'arnum BU
1T10U -12loWllTlUli-Pt. . fronting north
J1 on Ilnslol slti'ot , hull way butnrKun sunn-
lotsniidStati' , noirstu'et curs. Cltvitlerin
ront. f-l'l ' oauh. 1-4 cmh , hiilunco In linndn
pars. Addrois S It. lion nJlli-o. " .IS
" " " ( l"oTri lTrMr-\Varianiy deed and ! ih-
stru 't iron wltn oven lot In Hush \ SclbjV
nild to South < Hn ilia ; only H blocks from onth
Meek Ynrds Prli'o * Jl lo ? lii ; only $50 cash.
tush & Si'lb } . JI8 3 Idlh st. HM !
B NMotsr G1 I0pi-rcuntenh
nml $ . " > nor motitli. l irshall it l oinpk ,
, l&'U ' V'trtiim street. ' .U ! )
U.K $ J..Oi ) . Sevuii-ltonm Home and
! H foot lot , So-ltli IVant , no ir corner Klnir
undSowaid street. Prod \V. dray , yth nnd
' ) onj.'lnb AL. 711 in
iOICl ) '
-t liookl
look I
Men 'ifmull noanswho dcslro to cet nhind
.n thUwoil 1 , rpid the lullouinir and s"o wlmt
jou Hunk ot this clinnco to inalio much money
lioin little
Allisllold ,
AnMlelil ,
Amilleld ,
beiiutlfnll ) iitnatod rn the norlti aldo of
HiitKHoit , II' ' , blocks , ea1ol ! 10th Bt.
lntlipla t oonp'oot ' ye ri South 10th st his
UiloijfonoH IT ttifl iMnsformati m. Inite-id
01 the In ihnlmo t iiiipponslhli' l > luir < tlutt tor-
tnerly ( U eve all travel loot li ( > < > el .i hero now
-ippenis n iruij'inllccnt Miotch ot \ \ lIe HIICDI
tiroi oily tnidpd to within one bio k of linn-
cioft nml paved with aiphalt to ' onlur Water
mil UPS mulns mo litld to a po nt just this h'do '
if llnnuolt. a iiiiiiiUoeuwrrplpps 'lliu street
, 'nrs , by \ irtiicof thuir fiiiiKnun topr athn
'J eiith street viaduct , tire hound bv contnu't to
hu\o thiir c ritinuttn < ; to Hniii-rofl stresl
within OIIB ypnr ot the iomileton ; of that
Strui turn
Pniperty on Tenth street north of Wlllmms
can hiinllybi- bought , fo oxt-avn nnt nro the
prices n knd. oilth ot WlllluuiH they crjiluiilly
( IcciciiMMintli nt Hnncrolt and Tenth the ) are
Gold in I rnm $2.0 HI up.
Anl tl-il ( ! Addition , us above t ited. Is mil
three nnd ' 5 blocks east of lenth. nnd n noilh
ol Umiurolt on a bo intlliil platouu level with
loth st. , HOIIBCB aio nil .ib nit an 1 buvon t thU
elioleond'lltion. nnd lots le-sdeshiihle tind sep-
nrati'd only by the street , nio valued at liom
fl.onlto JI.WU.
Tills benntlful addition ! c owned and plncod
on the nuul-Pt by pnrtu > wbouro Intlmntoly
! : i5U".i < fit ! : i'.ml Well InlOnne.l nH to till )
itrnwth of Omnhii , nml the piob iblo lneiea"c or
( ledieiiMiof values , I ut the ) nrn not hops nnd
t"uly belluve in the adage of "li\o and lot I vo '
1 1 ir this ic.i oii , nnd for tlio moio notout
onp , that they in'ike a good prc.lii on
the original ln\estinpnl. they haxo decided
to o'fiir ' * of tlKMo brnutltul I its at prices
iimiitnir liom ? IOJ to JSlJnndon tlio full < iMliiK
vorr llliori.Unrin * ; : Tor an ? Sio lot acish p i\ -
niDMt nf - IOl , thobiilanci' SlOpur mnnth Porn
n $ ttfllotacisi ! piinnent ot < r > ) . uiilnncn ni > - ell
? ll ( nor month. 'Ihis I" nn opnuuunltv nnd It
Is for you to decide , sciuomo omlv it jou doiiro
to Bccuroono or more of thee lots , for they
nrosnro lo ire as couii us soon , un 1 nu\rypnr
you O'tn Mill thu n buck t'i mo at double the
nrlco you now pa > I'oi them.
.1. Hummoud , 117 S. tilth st.
Olllco open ovcnlni , " ! . fa : U
BAI'lJACf ' HOIIKO ot n room1" " . etv : miter
nn t cell ir , tosetliur with stone buddlnr on
Si I Mip."t near l.eHVonnorth , icints forabout
$10 ] nir month ; lot 4l'iV-'H ' feet. Prlco $ llJ ! ) ,
hfilt oihh.bnlnnce Iuid3 yours , J P. Mum-
mond,117S. Ifilh bt.
EI.l'.flAN'T 10 room insldtmco on Piukavo
All niodcni ImprovcmentH Etoam ho it
throi-unout the hou o , two hlory utithlo nnd
eiirrliiqra Ii ni o. "tone Wrtllti about the ffronnd.i.
Lotillx1-IOll,5J01-3 cash. J. F-Ihaninnml , 117
R. lith st.
f > lST , nPir Clark , now fi-iontn hnum , nonl
< i ci'lliir , wall nnd eiKKirn routs fur " $ M , eiblo
line nlio ulj laid jm-t bphhid It ou " 1st. ( 'liirlc
Rl onloio.1 inivcil to "tth this full ; one ol'lliu
br t Inr-ainfl on the list Lot IHlTl'K ; price
$ J.(01 ( , ? - > 00 cash , S ibiiico I , " nnd 3 yours J. P.
Hammond , 117 : lth ! st.
NUWhmiM > ofr > roomeon f/iko st. Ju > t nest
of Ihtli , buy window , \ > neh , ton ! IIOIIHO , cis
tern etc Li.t 3'XIO ' , pi ce SI.'J.O. f40leiHh , littl
nnuo time , J. K llmiimond , 117 H. llth st
TJ AHIidiunco for a homo , 'I loom In-Ill ; house
i lili biiuflniefit. irood well and clxtiifn In
Omnhn Yiow ; piiro l.i1U , $ KI ) ciiih , luiluuo
1(1 ( per month J. K. Iliiinniouil , 117 S loth H ,
RKAimi'l'f , N. w. cor. lot In Dulsht .V
Lymun'tt addition. Price t'M 'icisli. ' J
V Ilaninioiii ] , 117 H. lilth M
MAdNlFlt'UNTu w cor on Kurniim sticot
Kino linu-o and burn on proinl oa , city
unt'ir , iturf , HovMirutrc , etc. Allspcclnl and ro'- -
nlni liiTttS paid. I'rlcn 511'XW ' , H cunli. J if.
Hammond , II7HHUI1 t.1
UVItH llnnrnln on I'Uh st. Pine \ " , ctory
tin ise. 7 Kinina , . wittiir , Bewern > fo2- ;
Horv biillUitir in re r , Miour nnd w ( ll biilll.
fiiiitnlilii lor any purpo > ooven to IIIUIIVIHO ot
hniii > ii room. StoniiwuIkH about pr < ) mlsc < i und
hiiaullfiil stone nmlmnkmont "nil with lion
KHHI lu front , lot . 'ttxl Ii , with adilltional 1'Jx SI
nxtenilliiKto ulluy. P'ico f 4,5)l ) : 2 , < X)1ciiBh ) , bnl
I a/id / 'i yours. J. H. Hammond , 117 8 ll'.tli hL.
Pl.NK n room houso. InYnlnnt bill , larBc
r.iomr , city wulor and lot ( JOYlX ) fenl. Prlwi
$ ! , MV ) TcirniH , $ bid cusy terms. J ,
R llmmmind. 117 ti.JMh , ! < . _
AjOOl ) TITM ! Wiirwntj" 'load airl al > .
striiut frno wltb every lot In Husli \ Selby'f
ndd to South Omahi , only K blocks from outh
Stock Yardi. I'rlciH fill lo ? IJ.j ; only ? 1) ) easli
lluuli A..celby,2 ; h itli ri.l.
Heal I'stiitoand Loan Ilrokeiti ,
Prniuor lilock OIMI Posioiilep.
A If ) font fouth fiont lot on ll.iincy 81. lot
$ . * > , 'KIO ; casliir2Uil.
Now 4-room cottnyo lor i 1,100 , flUO down ntul
T'i per month.
Two otfl front t-rnom cottti es onn block nit
Kiundcrtst. lor $1,10 1 caeli , 15IUJ diinu and f- ! '
per month
A iint it-iauiii cottage , Ju-tt ulf p ivn 1 Htroi't ,
ne-u-fl huol and church , ti spluitdid barjfiiin tui
fa.uoii ) ( ) very I < T-V ti'rnif.
Onu of the lipsl coriH'Mon N'ortli Mth ft
trontson Ihriii'Iruotss ' fUo < il lot HlxIKI , will
four2 hlory IUHI < " renting for $ l.0 per mouth
tor ) * , Tlierot-n't a bettor Inr.'iilri In tli (
city. Tliuuround ulune Nortli the mnnoy , if
it bus IIMfi Mi oot lroutniu.
l'i\- Iron ! lots in Hiiti-cum plneoon Vliplnli
inn iinil I'lill Slinrldun t. , ut ? i-"i ( ) uud * 1-IV
each ou out.y torinB , ami ono a special bar uli
We'liavoHplendld bariraliH In South Oinutii
prupnily Moro money has bnon um le In No. ill
Omiiliu rcnl ustatu in tin ) IHBI lv montii thni
nnywIit'iodUo ! < ' - ' <
) TITLK-VViirranty d ed un I nh
AfiOOI free with averv lot In llnsh S ; hoiliy'i
ndtl to South Omatn. Onl/K block fiom rfoutl
dluck Yunln Prices J-J7) ) to $1 M ; only $ VI c-mli
Hush i : helby,2I8 8 1MU M. Ul'l
d > 7Unlllot ( Klrknool add , loth t. ninli
P CiPlifhtonblk. _ _ 770 lj _
) TITLK-Wni runty dew ! and nb t rac
AOOOI witti every lot In Hush If Helby's adil
tu South Omuha. only S block * from Houtl
r-t'M-k YHrds. I'rlto2VI tu IU5 ; only $
ctiah. HualiA Solby , 218 H ISth . < IO
' S Ixiti.Vsrmii.lrtiiiJi - money lonnert
H' U ) , I6tli und UoJitlaj stroeu 2'JJ
\IUiAl.V ( Of not lot. Mi ith front , on Ilin
B ney Ht. near 'Ml > , wjth j-uu-l U niuiu limit ,
S7.COU. Ilcltcr 4 CttUJpLoll. m
STOP p\yln | < r rani nnft buy * nlpp new fl-
rootnod hon e with olrv water ( iut ; jcn , S
blooks from strop ! PITS , pixvod trcnto , f tnllo
from P.O.prlco JJ.cfll. $40) ) pn h , b .l.1por
month , 1) . C. Patterson , Omaha Nat , Hunk.
J3l ? !
STOP pnvlnr rent nmt buy ft nlco nnw 6
roomed hoiup with ell ) water nnd uni , .3
blocks from street cnr , pued Irooi" , 1 mlle
from I1 O. . pr $ .V W , $40) ) e < \ h. bnljilper
month. 1) C. Patterson , Oinulm Nftt. IlmiK.
7M 17
Wli hnvopsvVi buyers for tnrirnln ln rent
otnto l.t t your iiroportv with us.
llnck .VHoAtnn , room II , Fictizor block- .
ipOH 8.\IiB A 4-room honsj wtiit lol , front-
Inc on two street j , JI. M.
17 room house , 1 .1 room hoiKn with lot <
front nif oiUwnstrffCti. both 12'W ) .
1 4.rooin houAunnd linlf lot.l IA" > 1 ; b ) per emit.
CIIMI , bnlanco motilhly na > menlH , all thu nbovo
within thri'eititnrtnM of n mlle of po tdlllco
l > ir lot , llth mil Pneitle , tfitlT , with three
cloirant i-oltniro < , nould rent for $7.1 | irr
month , for a foxvda.xsnt $3WJ )
I'ann lenns at lowest rat of interest.
Flr tH'ln H roil e'tnto niortifnup * , or rnm-
tnorclnl paper , illiconnloit Mmvl > V Jamie * > n ,
318 . 1.1th st ft
" ' ' " "
( fooiTTrn.H-Ttt'nrrn'nS deed "mid Tib
Btraet f reo n It n every lot In ltu h & 8lu lby >
mldtn South Onuiliii , only 8 block * from South
Stock YiinK Prleoo * 2'iO to $4 J > ! tnily f .10 ea h.
IliiBh .V * < oltiy,21R.S l.'iii st. fllfl
KOItOt A avtx. full lot 0110 block from otrnitt
I car. only f ! , ' U , adjolnlnic lots hol.l at
t.r > v"i. A bpomal biiraiiln. ! ' . II Tanner A Co. ,
ICl.l Howard ft. KJ1 1.1
? | saluilljt vour propiT'y with I'laok
.Vlloman , loom II , l-'ronrcr block. SKI _
UllAVlS cotiHtant Impilry for nll iliiiu
of business tin 1 lo lilencn property If
yon huvpiiny property for silo IMt sump with
us Si'iln ! liiti'rh-mill4 | S lHh ( Ml 1
blocks Mtit of Itin pO'tollli-n A tinrvaln nt
M/iOii : $10,000 oush Mirahnll iLobeoU. . IWU
dOOIl TITI.U-Wiirntnty iloed nnd al >
stiaot frco with overv lot In H tsh & Solhy s
dd to ntith Oiimnit. Only n blocks from South
lock VunK Prlud i" > ) toU.'i ; only f.'i3 CH'ti
lii liHelnyHS | Iflthst. _ _ llltl _
Bill ! it lot. Klrkwoo ladd , f0) ) ; burpiln Ora-
ham. ( Vemhton Ink. 7701 ° !
AIi P.STATB A Xn VoANS-ll. 11. fl.ill .V
Co. Ill S lit ll t 111(1 (
P \I.i-lly : Bchlesitmor Ilios. ,
UK South Kith --tipet
lOTfcplonSfith st. near I'nnuiiulll n'H all or
fiacio lots In pink , $1-5 per uric.
"nsytorms. Thl l < very dealr.ihlu tor e rdcn-
iinpro\ed , near city ; IIOIM < \ bnrn.
Tlbs.eloClieup MO I on easy tiirins.
IAI | In Solileslnfer's addition $ J1J In $ .111) ) , on
'ii" ' } tui ins fil * * 14
\ OOOI ) Tl I'Ll' Warranty dii'd und ali-
-rvntinct frco with cvorv lot In Hush A Scihy s
uld to South Omiiliu , only fl Mocks from Suillli
stock vards. PtlupsMI to $ U1 ; only ? V ) cash.
( llMl Aolby , 218 S lith St. 016
OH \LK-lfou-o III moms withslntaon
Itanciott nudUhsu In N , J HmlUi'Hplnoo
i -
f 1OOI lot , \Vost Cnmlniradd. " , $1.19. ( IniliHin
ll CrolKlitun Illock. 7,011
' < llStr.V-Oilr : now nddltlon U
BOUTifS'l Walnut Hill , on Hamilton Htrvot.
ly Roloctluvlotg nl $ Til for innido nnd fl7" > for
coinerc. yon will miiku M peed Invenl incut.
"dims 10 per cent c'isli and J5 monthly. No
luiri'c foi Rhuwm ? the loU Marshall A ! . ( >
ioel , lina Frtrnnm _ UIO
ONH acre In llelrpdnro. SITU. Hammond .V
Clbwn , IfiU Umiirlusiit 7JI
: ( ) i > Tl r.i : Warranty decil and nb
sliiK't free with ovorv lot In Itush \ Snlbi a
mid to South Onvt'in. only H blonks tiom South
Mock Vnrds. Pilcn41Jtufl2ioiily : StOcnili ,
tush & Solby , 'ill S ttr _ illrt
OOoT > TlTrn-\Va runty dcod nml iib-
strart froi with eiorr l"t In Itusll A. Selhv's
Add toouth Oiimlm , onlr H liiouks tiom South
' 'took Ynnli l'rlc. ' < ; JVlto lv.3 ; only Mtuitsh.
'tush .t Noilly , SiH S lith ht. HliI
- luiUM.'J Llnsnls , oUlcrn , ( Pllar : alrto
' / Hidiiun bntllliiv 'JOxIl with Inir nnd ll\tin 03
coriiiiln' , ! ; ai-.ii burn Plxli , lot fiOvino , all for
fl.MH ) . * . ! . ' . ; in cash , luil monllilv pnjmunta.
"I iniiiumd \ ( HlKoii , 1114 Douglas Ht 7UJ
Lor Closutn'-'niin leis r. , bu aln nt fjno
Gnihum , CrolRhton Itlocic. 77U \ \
"VTIOKFIJK foi nle , tt-n diysonlv. a nice
IT cl/ht room pottuito on liilh stiet , juat
Fouth ot St Man's avomio ! convenient to
liiiKlnoss.ctrpot purs , chnrulio * , and schools ;
will rent lor 31(1 ( per month. Can this a
hill uiiln If cold iinloW. Oitla'rolH ' nil iet\dy for
nocup i"C ' , -Ii cfci & ! , ! , S'rt "Bofilh
inth street. Op rn Motion ( Mock. 871 in
( IOC ) I ) TITI.ISWarranty
A frco ulth ovorv lot In ItiiHli Sulhj'H ad 1.
o Soulh Oiirihit , nnlr 8 blocks fn > m South
Slock Yards. 1'iiuns , " ) to $ U1 ; only S5J otsli.
'limli .V aoiby. aia S lith st. _ filil
Of Nnxt to corner , on Hurt st . 'i lilook.
I J from pa\lnsj , 51,80) . drahum , Urelirhton
Hock 770 III
RP.AL KSTATII Whnt huve you in Council
Illnirs business or lesldoneo properly to
trade toi a irood farm In Itepn'ilic county. l\nn
Kiis.or n half section , onu mlle from Hint Ion in
I'liwneucounty , Nebraska. Address It. H W ,
lloo olllco , Omiiliu. "S3
) T1TI.KWarrnnty .loed'Vnd nl >
ACOOI f i eo Ith o\ cry lot tn Itii-n & Sidbv s
add lo South Omnhn. only S bloclts from "outh
Stock Yards. Prlco ? SHI to $ IJ.1 ; onlj ? .1I Push.
Hush 4 SelDv.'H S I th Ft. Idil _
> AST and norln front loU cor Until und KIN-
l Klno.oneiir line , a bnrBiiln , $17" > Hoiter \
Campbell , room 1,1,1' ) ' ) I'arnnm. HU
DHXTRlTL THO'MAH linrinlifoiitnh"Addition
to thoclty or Om ihu nnmud Mnsr-otto , nud
wo notice ttiat Ihu Ktrouts nro piopnrly ninnod
Hoi co , Loroiuo , llctlin.i. Pippo and 1 rodericl. ,
nnd soclni ; that the A'imo Is nn the Roll Hull-
wuvand at a point whom thoOmiiliu Northern promNos tnlrly to muko n Jnnctlrin wllli
the Mult Line , and lots only $ ! ! > > to $ . ' 00. wn
think the lucfttiim well named , and that the pur-
chiuors will Imvo a Muse-otto , as thu IndlcntmtH
poiuttliB lots to bo north Irom $1UtoMj )
Boon Tlioso lots nro lu bn sold on contract , 20
pur cent ( > ash and biiliineu $1 pur month. Apply
to DexierL. Tliiimus , Ituoui o CrolKhnm bl'c
/"IKSriM : I1AHOAIN'I'wo corner lott , m
vi Itiirdoltccourt , only 4 blocks Irom Buun
dnr'sstreot cur . W. M lluahmnn. Honin 111 ,
lliishmiiii Illock , N II cor lUh and Douirl.i * .
.11:1 :
( ) Tfl'LIIVnrranty deed and mi
AIOOI fret with o rory lot i'l Uui < b & Sulby'r
add to South Omaha , only 8 blocks Irom .Soutl
Slocks YiudB. Prices 52K ) to f l.'l ; oiliy $ .V ) cash
llush A : 'olhy , 2ll ! H st. _ _ _ _ | ll _
AllOOD TITLKVairii'ity ' iioed nnd 'I '
struct lioew th ever > lot In Hush A.8mdl > >
ndd lo Siiolh Omaha , only if bin ks from Soutl
Hlook YarN. Prlcti J-'W to J4J1 ; only.1fl citsh
Hush & * olbi , 2ia S Ulli at. l
4-HOOM hriisu , cloots , niiitryclf > tprn , IIHIII
lotiiOtlM ; must lin fold ; prluo Jil.J'J ) . Ham
m nd It ( iil uii , 1.114 Dout/litsst. 701
Kcal Mntiito Iran * fort.
Tlio following I rniislVr.i wisro liloil NOY
I1. ) , wllli llin fotiiitY clurk ;
.John A McSlmno In Mlle ( ! WIKiin , loU 1
2 anil .1 , lilk i1 ! , wt" > l shlcv d SITS ,
IVIci'b LHlsi'nrtnv uuil wile lo KC ! I.piseii
linir , lot 1 , lilk'i , In J.wisoiirinu's mill , w il-
Jainiis C'rulifliton inil wif lo lliii ; ! : Mm
iihv , paitut loL'Jl , llurbiicii nild. w < t tr-l , ( > < J
Tli'iij K Smith to TMIIIIIUI llnuk , lot 'J , bll
f.O , i ) il , xvil'i.iO ) .
Ilonn M'liiiinhi'il.iiii to Clms UMN'iiIln
turn , lot I , hlk'J , Kirkwnuil , \ \ il > 7IK ) .
I.iitiii.ui I' I'limi and wile to KUin P.ul.
lut'J. Hiultir-i p.nk.wd 51,001) ) .
IMUIC 1C Cuii.ilun euil lu ( Minion Olcult
lot" , niuk'HHilil , wit &I.IXO
.lolill IM I < U i-'il ( ! und wild to .lurolj Kline
wJI"t I , lilk'll ! , O M , wd-8ir. ! ) .
liubcit itospn .u'itf ' lo lm lf. D Uoltni'xvi
illltllv > 4 lots Id , 17 , Its , ID unit ; , I illi 1 , Wois
mill , w dJUHi
Mary A Kllintt el ; il to Hans JlmiUci
KIIM. lot Iti , blk 11 , bliulfb : Md .idil , w il-
- SiW )
iluusll Kiil nail \Mlu tn Daniel W Klui'l
lol in , bll ; II , .sintll'- -'iiu mJil. w il-SI.W-0.
Pair el ; Keail to Halo Itc.ulv r > 'j ' tcet lot
blk : > , ( { mini's aiiil , i | e SI.
Ati.iistiH Kounl/tt ut at to .Inliri Koslck }
lots 1 nml - ' , bliM k . ' , I'ouist Mill , w d
.MiirlinViltiut \ nnlilu lu , laciiti ( J
lot 7. lilock iw : , ) M , \ \ --.0nCO. : .
, liir < M ! > ( iii \V \ Iteillord nnd wife In A 1
HouiT. lots 1 , iitl ! 4 , lilk 1 and pittollnt.
blk 1. Haw Him IH add , \ \ d--5ici. ( )
JnlliTMinV \ llcdlind and wife to A 1
Honcr , uiiiliv 1A l t A , Ila\'llionip add , w d-
& 1.00) .
Jaiii'nJ ( Mi' catli mill wlfotn KKIIIK lui !
bins ! : > li'ct lot 1Clatl : pi .iv. w dS * x
A h 1'iiddotk and wito tu Win S
han , lots il tul' , tilU 1. 1 'addoek l > lactf. w- -
-Si 1"0
li > ioii I'eeil .ui'l ' wife to S > lvc-tt'r ( 'm :
niiiulrani , u < 4 n u ol n o ! II , M , i : < , 1
.icrcs , w il-is' ; .00i ) .
UeolfdW .Shields and \viln to AinltTMi :
riiritiii.iii , lotft , blk 0 , J'.itucU'i. aild , \ \ d-
tl , , l7.VJ. /
Hditli It Ilaidy ami lin.l ) to 1'icd U [ .eAcr
' int' . lot,8 , tilU H. SlojfrItlciuinls ainlTi
' . .
Fred ( Lop onriiis to Kline rJ Ir y , lot I
blk 14. Mi'jfis , Kiphnubi uiul 1'il'lunS add , i
-i .
0 h H lynU'iid did to Kniorj K Kayiiiuiu
lot 21. blk I , HlmuUii IiS lij I'ullL'laOu'
btlt ) . H U - SJW ,
Bapis in Real Uslalc.Sts.
l/ot nlth itntiMp eottn o , rooms eooh ,
tonlsfor $ Ui porjeur.ooly . . . . . . . . . .
llrlitlU' , wirncronUil fortilti it. . 2 2-Moir
linitovKU'Uoinfor u block of o inoi-ov. A
bnifr.lln .
o llrtlllnnto CwJ
i.f.p ntul lot , Hanthoiiionilil I.WX )
ITiULiOoii Mntc'iiriirn . now hnn n II.IOO
llouso nml lot , Ioupnrt I , no irjth ! > , .T > 0
1 nl iinil lHrm > lioiKonn Ou' l i'll st 4rX )
Cole llrllllnnti'.iRToloM , uhpup ! ) Vl
Ixitii III ll.irilulto IXiurt . "CO
H lot nit I onio.tttlhMrwt 4.MO
lloiifonnil H ncre , rahtoinln slicct . 3,1 H )
5lot"ii' < < fl lrcet . . WO
UHvliA'"irnnion Hurt M.linn o. A.O. . . . M.'O
" lo(4 ( In Orclmnl lllll. rcworvolr . . . . . l.tO :
Lot .flblnckl' , We tI5inlmlil . IVA )
Iot ln Vnn Ho iron I'luco . KS1
Slulilly nurn , llt'lvn 'urn ' . R73
2 bn.intirnl lots. Cnllfonil i trout $1.2 U to I.WJ
Cull i\tiil \ lot nio'tliowyiiil Monin or thti
bntuitin * I
Proposals for Grain , Hay , Straw nnd Bran.
OMUIV , Nebraska , November Sth , liwft. f
OP.ALKD Propovils , In triplicate , subject leO
O tlioitsual conditions , will bo lecoUcd at till *
olllco until one o'clock p in. , ronlrnl stnnditrd
tlino , Hcei'uitior 8 , IBS' ' , nnd at sumo time nt
ollices of the iiimrlr.r'ii'istortt nsnied below , for
guppljhiK nt thn follow UK iianiod po-H.tliu
ftt nil ) , hay , straw nnd linin rciUlrcddurltur | the
dlv months pndlmr .June 31 , ms7t \ : Onmhn
Depot , i lic.icnno Depot , Port ? Oinnhn , Sidney ,
lliulwer , lloumnH , Washuklo , Nlnbrura , llobln-
son , Camp Pilot Hull n and CiuupMcdlclnnlluttu.
Piplplomo will beulveu Ii ) articles ofdomostln
production nnd iniinulnctnrc , conditions of
jirlcp. nnd ( inaltlv bplnjr rqtml , nnd RiiPh profer-
cnco lveu to nillt'lcH or Ami rli'im nioiluctloii
und mannlni'tuio pn d teed on Iho Pnolflncoast
to the pit Mit of the iimsumptlon rennlied tiy
thu public aorvlco tl'oro. Pniposiils for either
cla-oof Hiippllos numtlontd , or for quantities
le'.stlion the wlioln minimi. H III bo loctMved.
Thu ftoviiinmonl ro-ur\CH the rliiht to rolect
nnyorull propostls r ( u accept propo'-nls for
less iiiinnlllv than total hid for. Hlnnk IUOHI- |
cnlo. nnd full Infoimntlon will bo funilslied on
uppllciilon lo this olllco , orto the iiunitormHS-
tn-s uhoro the Mippllcs mo iiniulreil. I5n
\oloito containing proposits | honlltio ( nmrkcd ,
"Prop ( > alK for . , nt , " nnd
luldios-pd to iho uiiilmslKiuil , or the quarter-
4tn lcrsut po ln uaeie I niio\o.
( ] . tl. DANDY , llilof QimrloillliKitor. 1
Notice. CZl
O I ) H'lll.AH COtl.NTV. f '
At a county court hold nt the coutio court
room. In'iuil , lor Hind counU.Nov nth. A D.
I. > ! ) . I'rcM'iit , .1 II , Mo 'nlloch. County Jnduo.
In the m.uterof tliu ostnto ol' Nits J Wester-
on lumtmir nnd HlliiK' the putltlon of John
.Iiihn oii.pinv bN tin il iicconnt.tlt' > d Oct.
( illi , l.-Ni , nmU' < iillowcil , mid Hint ho niny tin
iliscliHfMi'd I'nini hliiriiit na ndnilnNtnilor ot
till ) C-tlltU Of H lldIUC' < lll8Olt
I'lclrrL'il ' , 'I luil IK.O 7th. A. I ) . Iffit. nt II )
i'tloi'1. ii. in. , bn iH i nod lor licai inf , ' hnld pull-
: loii. nliLMi nil pcr-ioutt liilori'mcd In suld nuittor
mil ) iippo.irat u count ) coiut to bo hnld , In nnd
I or iilil counu , nnd nl'ow cuif-cuvhi the pi.iyin-
nl tin- mil I pctlllunnr should not bo uiiintod :
nil.1 tluit noticed ! Ilio niMik < iiuof Mild pell-
I ion and the linnrln < r thereof , bn Rhon In all
pi irtnnslniiMTStcil Inmild miilloiliy | iuhlNlilii
niop > ol this onln In tuc Oinuliii Dullr llce.ii
ncpapir ptlnud In xnid ( > iiitiloncu rach
wi'i'k lot fourMicccssUo ui"1 ! prior to BiUJ
Iny ol'hfatliiK' . ,1. II. Mi Oi'U.ocn.
A trnocopv. ronntrJudKO.
nti III S-U'n
STATP. NKHItAHK \ . llouulnq Coiintv , f :
At nuiiiin y court luild nt Ilin counly ODllrt
room. In nnd for mM o.unity , Nor. Mh , A. I > .
l il. l'rr > ont.l. II McOulloiMn'onntj Jndcu.
In the maltoi of the nMiito of Olu Nil-oil , do-
t'lii. ctl
On luiidlnir Mini lllliKr the poMtlon ot John
Johnsonput } ' nirthul liU tlnnl iiccoiint.tiled Del.
ith , 1W. 1 . ma ) boallou'cd.nnil Hint bo innylio.llH-
cliiuvod fio'ii his trust iiMndnlinislifltOi'of tlio
untiite of Hiild dcuon cil.
Onlcied , that LVu 7th , A. D ISBil. lit 19
o'clock a. in. , bo iistiirned for hem Hit , ' bald
petltfou. wlieu u'l ' pcriong InturcMtoil in snl l
mutter may uppmir ill , n ooiml v court to bo held.
In and for said county , nnd Hhcw ciuifi- : why the
puiycrot Hiild pi tllionorslionhl not boKiantod ;
mid that not leu of the pen liinoj ol wild poll
tloi and the htuiinp : thoioi f lie wl\i"j to all
pir on lnlL'io < l id in sn'jl ' nmttrr , tiyo'\SilUhlHi (
ncOpyortntS'liniffi * tii-iiiB * nmii ti .iij * * , . .
iim\hpapnr piliilol In xuld co'tnly , unto ouch
woplt lor four feUK'Cshlro necks ptlor to wild
diiy of hoiirln. ' . .1. II. if friJ.OCII ,
LA tinocopy.l County Jndq-o.
Jiilut Casement , JIIIIIOH Carll lo nnd CheMer
W. Collins , ilolend.inlH , will lilko notlco tlmton
tlm HiHt day ol Ooiob'T , itbil , Dniiiel Condon ,
plaintiff , lioielu.tiled his piitlllon In llui cuunty
I'ouil , lor Don,1 ns counly. Neb. , n iilmt mid
< lolendiinls.thn < .bjtet and prijprof which nro
to n c ivertho sum of FI nil , lor work , Inhoi and
mulct-nils tin u du.i thoiii In and nluii.1 thoion-
Klimtl .11 ol a line ofnilhoid In NcbriHua , cull
ed tno Ml ' ourl Pnplllc Ilallwny. And Hint jour
properly nnd monies in the hands of the Mis-
i-oiiii I'ncillu lladway ( ompiiny Imvo buoil ut-
lielui I and s Mil couii rt'iy ' ifiiininheiKl ,
You nio ieiiihud | io niiswoi suld petition on
or boloio thoiltli ilny of Decninhor , I"WI.
Prohato notice.
STATi : OK Nl.llltASIC A. DoiifrliiH County , ss. :
At a county com t lu 1 1 at tlio county court
room. In and lorsni | riiunty.Noviimber l.'th , A.
I ) . , IWi. 1'riifont , J. 11. Met ulloch , County
in tlio manor of Iho p Into of IMward Dynn ,
( lncellS ,
On rcnilliw und nilnrr tb petition of John
lnn ! , piayhu Hint nn Instrument pirpntlln , '
to Ho the liiHt will and lesiiiinnnl ol Mild ( lo
ci used mm I o pioicd , piobnled und idlowcd as
piiiih.nnd Hint iidmhilstiitilunofBiiid o-talo may
tiKiri-nilKKl If' liliusell , lui liulin ; thu executor lit
Hiild wl I nimo I.
Oidi 'Ol , Ihut Deiomber 14lh. A. I ) . , 18Wal 10
o'clock 11. m. , bo ii'-RlKiicil for heiirlntr
Hind pntlllonlion all peisons Interusled
in tu d mutter may npiii'iir nt a ( ouuty court to
ho held. In und lor Hnld comity , and * hnw CUURU
wli ) the | > r no" of H lid petitioner should not b
granted ; nnd Hint not Ice ol the pend < ncyol suld
I oiltlou uuil Ilio he i'ln , ' tliorpol , bo vlvcii tn
nil neiMins lulere t ' ! In Mild matter , b/
imhli'.liliiir a coi.yol this older in thu Omnliit
D. illy Ileo a newspaper primed In Mild county ,
( income h w 'clt lor lour i > uc < fslvc we ks pilor
toxiild day of lu'm-lmf.
I A true oopy.J I , II. MI Ctn.i ocn ,
nli-uM-UTuk Cciunty Jiidi/o.
Spaclai Ordinance No. 300 ,
Onllniinpulevyliikrii Kieilul | tnviinil assess.
Inont on certiiln lots and run I o-lnlo in the
cllt ol Onmlia lo cnr Ilin eo t ol onihin
2'.th ' in oiiiid liom Fnrniim street , to Onuifla *
Wlioipislt : litvinv he'll and bcliu hereby ad-
jlldued , deleiminiid .mil I'htabllHhud ' Unit the
M' i ( unl low iimi piBtos ol Hill iHtnlii liiiinlniir-
tiiriiiiiirin Ho , havon.ip'i ' been sm omllybenollt-
led In till' ' fulhimoiiiit lifioliilnvled iinu n % e-.Sd
ni.iln--l inicli ol H ijd lu's and nieces of tout
opiate , HH.ocliioiy | , hy reu-oii ol' the ( Mirblnir
of llmt purt ol'it ' Ii live iiuu liom Piiiiinm hlioet
to lioiiwlus snoot.
Tnurnlitin lortlig piirpo-u of paying Iho cost
< it Hiich oui b mr : *
lie itordiilnod by tlioelty iDiincilnf llutoltr of
O niiliii :
Scuilon I. ThtltlhiMvistofcurbhi thiil purl of
2i < lli avoniie , in Iho u ly of oiniiliu , Irom I'ur-
limn Kin nt to Diuiuliii Htriet , Mild < o-t belni ;
eHtalti , us shown hy Iho ( t'ocrilly '
inaiiof lin city of Onuiliii , lK-illltliiuinpud UU
liubbsh'il by C. H. Miiyno , SHI ) eo t li
lin .cd ou iiid lots und mill c tati > , ii po
iislolluws , tn-ni' :
lllinll.nrer . , cl B n 111 III I'ciKui * KuttTl ? | IT OH
Jim A MiH iinil'.c I.Us l.'jJIt I , ' ! ' HIM
\Viil A I'nxliui. I.I ! Il .1 , ' MIUI
* ( > < lion 2. Tluit mid Kiiucial tiufcs Inviod iiloro.
mill , on h , ml ! oi IO PIO aely.Hliull becomodn *
I niiient | us fnllonB onu-teutli of the total
iiiuouiil i-o l ' . ; oi | o.i o icli nl said lots nlinM bo.
come dniiiniient | in III u da > s liom the pmsuuu
an I uppinval of tblH oulluauio , one tunlli In
( iiiiiiuiii. 'inn teiiih in tno jiniia. onn tunthin
thieu yn.irj nii | > lotith in four yenrn , ono Inntli
In llvn > eurs. on tin bin MX vcurs , ouo-toiith
in KOI en vcuia , ono lentil Ineluhtyrnrsiindoiit ) .
tenih in limn x'Uis ' nllernul levy , and belni ;
Irinii Iho PIHHUU ; nnd ui.piDvalof th'8 ' ( ini.n-
mire Iliehnf * n d luMiillniHit ( , except tlio llr-rt.
fllmlldraw luiiiO"tiit t'iri ' nitnnf MM on per vent ,
pci i cm per iiiinuiii fio'M HID tiiwi ) ol tlnilery
iiliui tulil , iinill iho i-nnii nhnll beconin deliu-
iiuciii. A poniuty of live pur ( out. touotlior
nub intiirc > t Ht tln rate ono per rout , nor
niimlli.piyubln in iidv nw. Khali bo mi id on
fiuih dolinuucni nulal'moiiL.
S ( tim.i. | Tluittho onllio iiii'ouni of tax so
lovleil nml a is-ed unuiiyof M- | - | lots may bo
imiilliy HID on nor ot any lot.or Ilioeutlrn iximil
| uoialiipr < iportloiiir Mid tux on any ol i-ulil
( iiNimiy bo yuld b > any por.son uniiny pnrtof
Mild lot inihiii llity .layi . fiom n'd fovy.nn'l
lliorciiixiri ? ti Ii luu or pints of lots , shHll bo
pxoinptnom ' UID tliori-for.
, ' - ' ' ' .
Mill hu m rnrco 'rnmitul aftorlls
Pai > i'dOflolir.ctli , iw > n ,
Wsi. V. lUuHBi. . PrsldontClty ( ( iuttclI.
JII hOiTllMlli.t'lty Clerk.
Approved .Moember Ut , ItWI
. . J MKS II. nuvn. Mayor.
JliOBOtaxeg nronowdiit. and pnynblo to tl.o
' ' ' " 1' " ' ' " " ' W' } Vl" l'CPn"10 delinnuoiit uj
TitituAK IlutK CltyTrtttvuifur.