Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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A Pointed Extract from a Magazine Upon
the Subject ,
Sam .Tones * Chareeil WHli
1'nttliiK n Check DaniDcr on
Some Social Invents.
? Iodcri > SlintiiH In Society.
Ikooltlyn Ixlaga ine : Nothlni ; la so
clearly apparent to the intelligent ob-
scrx'cr yf modern society a the many
deceptions and the false glitter which it
contains. There are social circles into
which ono may enter xvhero the false and
deceptive find no place , but these ti"o In
the minority. Glance at the average
society of to-dav , and there Is but little In
it that is really xvhat one supposes it to
be. lloxv often is It that xvo Und men
and xvomcn carrying impressions of
xvealth and station far bcjond their real
income ! Dignity is found to bo only pre
tension , refinement an artificial gloss ,
and intelligence but a verbal display.
While satin dresses are xvorn xvhero the
plainest muslin is scarcely within the
xvcaror'H income' , broadcloth , xvhero the
simplest business-suit , if honestly paid
for , xvouid almost bo a draft upon the
revenue received. 1'loxvors are xvorn in
mofuilott , jexvelry loaned , and carriages
hired by those to xvliom the acquirement
ol the necessities of daily life is a strug
gle. Society , instead of being made a
great compact designed lo piomoto the
good of man and xvoman , Is usotl only as
a cunning contrivance to palm oil' unreal
virtues , and gix'o to the unsophisticated
wrong and injurious impression , llostand
hostess share in the general dcccntion with
their gucsta.althoiiirh neither is conscious
ot the other's deceit. Tlie china on the
table of the hostess is admiied and its
possession enxiud by her gue t , xvhilo the
lormer in ictiirn is driven to a madden
ing jcalosy at the gorgeous garments of
her uuost The guest knows not that the
china is lo.incd. and the hostess is igno
rant of the unpaid bill of tliodrcsiinaker.
The furniture , heavy portieios , and ex
pensive draperies are examined xvith ad
miration , and bo lixed becomes the at
lontion of the guest upon the embellish
ments of the home of her hostess that no
room is left in the mind for a suspicion
for a plan of purchase commonly knoxvn
as the "inbt.illment. " Tlie .xoung man ,
with only a cursory knoxvlodge of the
cost of feminine apparel , regards xx hat is
onlx incMiensho silk or sitin ; as the rich
est goods the market all'od.s. The young
lady , in turn silently calculates her
oliapoiotfR income by the iloxvers ho
bends , tlio livened carriage in which ho
oscotLs her to the reception , and tlio full-
tlross suit in xvhich no is arraved. Her
untrained mind knows not the existence
of places xvlierc a luftcli may bo had by a
modest indulgence in beverage , and es-
tabli-hinenUs xxhero clothing is sold for a
night. _
Soclety'H Doings In Oinnhn.
The incompatibility of society and Sam
Jones has been conclusively proven tlio
past xveok , While biich a noxcl and
original entertainment is in piogcss , tlio
moro monotonous and conventional
drama of social life must necessarily
come to a standstill until tiie sensational
ist bliall have c.xhausud his dynamite and
mtched his tent elsewhere. Even the
card plaxors liavo barkened unto tlie
voice of tins modern ptophot as ho de
nounced , in his own picturesque l.mJ
guage , the gieat social evil , card playing ,
and not a nrogi essivc euchre party"
held during the xveck. The only in
dulgence in cauls reeorlod xx'ero one or
txvo iinifl'ensivo little parties , and
when the devotion of xvoman to cards is
so great thatsiio can enjoy putting in an
entire allot noon at it , xvit'h a party com
posed o.xohiMvoly of her oxvn HOX , she
mav xvcll be abandoned as a hopeless
Fiibjcct for the revivalist and loft to tolloxv
her incomprehensible infatuation.
Even tlie opcia house bufioieu through
Sam Jones , and tlie audiences wore unus
ually moderate for Ihis lheUre-goipg :
town until thu ballet along and
men went back to their lirst love xvith
nndiminislied ardor HlacK Crook is a
highly artistic spectacle irom an anatom
ical standpoint , xvhich is no doubt tlio
reason for its popularity , and Omaha
people cannot be accused of a lack of
apple-elation for it.
A Club Hop.
The Metropolitan club gave their second
end party Thursday night at Metropoli
tan hall. The allair xvas successful and
enjoyable fiom a social point of viexv
About tifty couples Jiom tlio host Joxvish
socictv xvero present , and a number of
strangers fiom the larger eastern cities
sxvelled the gatlierinjr. Among those
present xvoro noticed Air. and Mrs. Max.
Moxer , Mr. and Mr.s llellman , Mr. and
Mrs llellcr , Mr and Mrs ( Jahn , Mr and
Mrs. Itchfcldt , Mr. and Mrs. Loxxcnthal ,
Mr and Mrs. llevn.ftlr and Mrs. Adolph
Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Sloman , Mr ami
Mrs Martin Calm , Mrs Wise , of Detroit ;
Mr and Mrs KautVman , Mr. and Mrs.
Mor'.t7 Mover , Mr and Mrs Ilaas , Mr.
and Mr.s. Albeit Calm , Mrs. 1'isner , Miss
Schlosinger , Mi s Ilrandeis , Mi s Kinds-
Koph , MissSoniinlilll , Miss Hrccker , Miss
Jxosenfnld , the Misses Kothscliild , Mr.
> chlesinger , Mr Hrandeis , Mr Fisher.
Mr Oborfolder.Mr lUinrman. Mv Mover ; ,
Mr hhilV. Mr. Zunder of New York ,
Messrs. I'oxvell and Schimdlgof Chicago.
Many bright and handsome toilets wore
Mrh. Haas xvoro a prune coloied x'ch'ct
goxvn xvith nn.xcd brocade front.
Airs. Loxvcnthal , xx-liito silk and lace
dress xxith moire sash.
. .Mis.Sonnahill , laxcndcr caahmcro and
Mi-s Hlccker of Milxvaukco , a blonde of
the pinust t.xpc , xxab divH-ed in xvhito
\eilhigcombined \ xvith brocade , sleeve-
Jess ami loxv , cnrsage tilled in xvith lace.
Miss .SohleMiiiier. xvhito bouretto cloth
couled and trimmed with molro.
Mrs. l.owcnliililt of Lincoln , heavy
black gni.s urain and eut jet.
Miss Hoihschild , pain guen lloxvex'ercd
silk combined xvith satin.
Mlsi Itosonstook of Klko , Nevada , a
piquant brimctte worn pale piik ) surali ,
xvith pearl beaded front drapery , con-ago.
hli'uvulc.-s and dccolctte. Shu earned a
lunnl.Miimi gaii/at fan ,
Miss Hrandeis looked especially xxcll in
back silk xxith lacn sluovus
Clitini X
Mi and Mrs 1. M. Trayuor xvcro the
tibjtctsofa complete Mirprbo Alondaj
oviiiiing. A number ot friends knexx thai
the ixventielh anniversary of their mar
riagi ! fell on thai date and took advan
tage of the occasion to gather en masse
\ \ \ Mis. Traynor's pleasant homo ami
utter their good xvishcs they xx'enide-
Imhlfully enteriaincd until a late hour.
the ull.iir having theaddeil enjoyment ol
tmiug xx holly iniproiniitn Among those
present xxereMr and .Sirs , Haitman , Mr ,
and Mrs Korty , Mr , and Mia U K.
Withnoll , Mr. and Mr * Haney , Mr ami
Mrs. Sliull , Mr > . Kimball , Ida Fleming ,
Miss Jennie McAiisluuil , Miss Nellk
Moin < , the jMisscs Johnson , tlie Mis , es
J'lu'lus , the Misses Withncll. Mr Iteitson ,
Mr. Dovallon , Mr. Uairier , i' . N. Loon-
aid , J. II. .Morion , Frank Itroxvn. Hovel
1'ranco. 11. Foster , John MoUonahl , Mis > s
Li//io Itrafis.
Among reuicinbrannc'S ( hat xvcru son )
xvas a bisque pull from Mr and Mr.s
Jlaiuiy ; a pair Of hand-painte-i vac *
from air. and Mrs. WUliams , a tunt iluli
from Mr. and Mrs. llarlman ; a vase from
Mr. and Mrs. 1) ) . Shnll : pair of frosted
vases from the Misses Witlmcll ; china
basket , the Mi 'cs Johnson : handsome
pore -lain plaque with landscape and
pansic" , Mrs. Mumaiich , pair ofva cs Nellie Morscj yasc , Miss Liz/.Je
Tlin Ilynerlftn Piirty.
Tiio Ilypjrion Club gax-o llictsccond
party of the SOTSOU at the exposition av
nev Tuesday exenlng. Dancing xxns
commenced shortly after 0 o'clock , when
Sam Jones had finished his discourse in
the main hall. A programme of sixteen
dances kent the merry throng busy until
after midnight. Supper xvas .orveil at
the intermission bv Danbaum. Among
those present xvero : Mr. Hurccss and
Miss Kelly. Mr. Uartel nnd Miss Klla
Scott , Mr. Clarkson , Miss C'lark on and
Miss Porcman , Mr. ( "randall and Miss
Wilkins , Mr. ( ? ullln and Mibs
Hobins. Mr. Koudrickrand Miss Mollie
King. Mr. Sherman and Miss Sue King ,
Mr. Craig nnd Miss Hughes Mr. J Me-
Creary and Miss Coombe , Kills and Miss
Hlrdic Parker , Air. 11 15. Smith and Aliss
Hello La xv ron co , Air. LivcM'y and Miss
AlcKonna , Air. Wakofiiold and Aliss Dun
can , Mr. Liicus. Aliss Lucas and Mrs
Richardson. Mr. Scribner and Miss Ship
man , Air. Alllligan and Ali s Hello Scott ,
Air. Kocslers and Aliss Alstadt , Air.
Wooilburn and Alis Hcgan , Air. ( Jratton
and Aliss Canliolil , Air McHrido and Aliss
1'annio Alarsh , Air. AlcClune and Aliss
Axvherdy , Air. Kelly and Airs. Kelly Air.
Hryans and Aliss Jrancis , Air Scarlo and
Aliss Campbell. Air. Alillet and Aliss Ale-
Croary , B. H. Smith and Aliss Nellie Sex-
aucr , Mr. Strvkcr and Aliss Alerriam , Air
lleeks and Aliss Hailey , Air , Sclimidt and
Miss Dcnmau , Air. lliencn and Aliss ( 'at-
lahan. Air. ( irosoxvith and Aliss Do Laud ,
Air. Day , Aliss Leighloo and Aliss Hioxvn.
Air. J'atou and Aliss Kelly , Mr. Akinsami
Miss Williams , Air. Howard , Aliss Van
Uurcn , Air. Kdliolm , Thomas Hlackmorc.
nnd Itccltatlotm.
The home of Air. and Airs Albert Calm ,
on Farnam street , xvas the scene of a
very pleasant card party Alonday night ,
given in honorof Airs Calm's guest , Miss
Alillie Calm , of Nexv York The evMiimr
xvas varied xvith some excellent recita
tions bv Air. Haor and Air. Sclnll' . Those
picsenl xvcio Air und Airs. Andrcxv Hose-
xvalor , Air. and Mrs lleyn , Air and Airs
Haer , Air. and Airs Martin Calm , Air and
Airs. Katx , Air. and Airs. 1'olack. Air and
Airs , llellman. Air. and Airs. Nexvman ,
Air and Airs Oberfeldsr , Aliss llosoxviter ,
Aliss 1'eil , of Olevoland : Miss Sonnahill ,
the Aliases Hoihschild. Aliss Roscnstock ,
of Klko , .Nevada ; Aliss Hrandeis , Aliss
JJreckor , of Alilxvaukeo ; Miss Hcndit , Air.
liergman , Air. Fisher , Air. Wise , Air.
Oberfelder , Air. Sehiu" . A line btippor
made a not unobjectionable break in the
course of the cx'ening's entertainment.
The Coffee Club.
Airs. Adolph Alex or cntci tamed tlio
Ladies' Coffee club , "Wednesday , xvith : i
very elegant lunch at the Alillard hotel.
The menu cards xvero the daintiest of the
scries , being of ragged shagiccn , xvith
the xvonls "Our Codec Club" jirmted
above a miniature china cup , sugar boxvl
or teapot , tied xvilh yelloxv libbon at the
left upper corner of the card. The menu
included olives , oyster pates princcsso ,
celery , shrimp salad , chicken croquettes
xvitli mushrooms , roast mallard duck
xvith jelly , cold slaxx ; , Vienna rolls , Clhar-
lotle Russc , pistachio cicam , cake , fruit ,
collee. Those who sat doxvn xveio Alls.
llellman , Airs , llellcr , Airs. Nexvman ,
Airs. AIaAloycr , Airs. L. Heller ,
Airs. Foreman of Fremont , Airs
AloiitAlev'i" , Airs. Oberfeldcr. Airs.
Fischer , Mrs. RHifoUlt , Airs. 1'olack , AIis
( ioldsinith , Airs Alejer , Mid. lleyn , Mrs.
Adler , Airs , Aleiulolsolin.
ilnppy liniit-H.
"The Happy Hour's Club" is the name
of a now society recently organised in
this city , xvitli a membership of lifl.v-livc.
C. J. Smith is president and Frank
Hurkloy secretary. The club has en
gaged the Masonic hall for a scries of
lour patties , tlie lirst to be jrix-en next
Tiiesilav ox'eninjr. Tlio grand match
xx-ill begin promptly at ! ) o'clock , and it is
tlie intention to adjourn not later than
12 HO The club fat-arts out xvitli every
prospect of an enjoyable xvintcr season.
Music nnd Mirth.
Airs. Robert. Purvis gave a delightful
party Wednesday night in honor of Aliss
Nellie Uieckcr of Alilxvaiikee , xvho is
visiting Mrs. Heller. Fine music xvas a
feature of llio eveninir , Aliss Urocker
gixing several chariiiing vocal and in-
blrumenlal sclectioiiH. Airs. Martin Calm
and Aliss Hobinson of Council UluD's were
among other contributors to the evening's
enjoyment. There xvero about thirty
guests present.
The Bcziquo club met at Airs. Coutanl's
Monday afternoon. The organi/ation is
limited to the weaker sex , and meets
afternoons from about UiO to 5. Tlie
members ate Alr.s. YostAirs. S. B. Jones ,
Airs. C. \Voolxvorth , Ahs. ( iarrabrant ,
Alr.s. Smith , Airs Andrexxs , Airs. Sargont ,
Ahs W. F Allen , Airs. Barton , Airs Dr.
Jones , Alls. Carrier.
Small and Knrly.
W. P. Stevens is visiling in Kansas
The Misses Dundy arc visiting Airs.
L C Burr in Lincoln.
Douglas Graves , of Lincoln , is a guest
of the Alisses \ \ itlmell.
Ahs Loxveiithal , of Lincoln , is visiting
Air. ami Airs. Martin Calm.
Airs , Goiieral Dandy entertained Ihe
Ladies' club Friday afternoon ,
A L. Wing , of Jackson. Alieh. . is visit
ing his daughter , Aim , C W Kulley.
Alr.s. Woodforil of I'onnosscoxx'ill spend
the xvinter xvith her daughter , Airs Diet/
Airs. Allan Koch is enjoying a visit
from her mother , Airs. Wctmoroof Klgiu ,
Illinois ,
Col 11. 12. Bonestee.1 of Niohrara. xvell
knoxvn in Omaha , has been elected state
Air. Duller , organist of Tiinily has
taken a half interest In Wood bridge's
niiisiu store.
Prof. Walther expects to remove lo
Lincoln shortly , xvhcio ho is oflored a
large class.
Airs. C , F Bergner Is enjoying a x'isit
from her mother , xxho xvill .spend the
xvintc.r with her.
Airs John Francis entertained a fexv of
her friends at lunch Tuesday , to meetlior
sister .Mis. IVhur , of St Joe.
( i. Knighl White , who has spout the
bummer in the .Yelloxxstonn Park xxilh
Captain Kinginau , is again in Omaha.
Thu "Japanese" juggler of Kellar's
company is .in Englishman xxith a xxife
and four children xvho accompany liini.
Air. ami Mis. Naliau Franko xvill give
a conceit at Fiemoiit next Fiiday cxo-
nmg. Air. Franko xvill conduct the at Fiemont College , /joing / them
exori Fiiday
Aliss Maiela Manning , a former resi
dent of Omaha , noted for her musical
( kill , xvas ivccntlx married in Cuoluhtei ,
Can , to Robcit M. Child , of Bo-ton.
A thealie p'irty at the Black Crook en
tertainment I "lid ay night consisted ol
Air , and Alls' AI. H. Hiichcock , Air. and
Air * \ \ in J. Tlngiio. of Port Chester ,
N. V. , Aliss Lake and Aliss Aliny.
Mrs. Ilayden , a former indefatigable
xvorker in Tiiiiity parish , is convalescing
fioin u Jong and severe illness that was
almost fatal. .Mrs. llayilon nnd her
daughter. All * * Jennlu are domiciled in
tiiii cosy hwisu , 3 I.J.J Howard streiit.
U is bi'giiiuhi } ; lo Leak out that for some
time past Stexvart Hayden has been a
Benedict. His friends are not axvaro of
the fnct that ho xvas married the latter
part of July to a niece of Dr. Sxvctnam ,
Aliss Pnchard , of Catlctt-sburg , Kv. Air.
nnd Airs. Hayden are living at 20J3 How
Airs. L. AI. Bennett gave a reception
yesterday afternoon from 0 to 0. She
xvas assisted in receiving by Airs Reed
ami Aliss Balcombo. The jmlots xvero
piofu ely decorated xx-ith floxxcrs , and an
unusual number of handsome reception
dresses wore noticed.
Art Gossip.
Aliss Loxvo is doing some exquisite
xvork on china.
Rex-el Franco ha done some line crayon
xvork in heads and landscapes.
Airs. Horlon has painted u dining room
piece of a coxv's head from naluro.
The latest artistic fid is to Icax-o un
finished xvork on your parlor easel.
Aliss Ball has painted a lire screen of
olix-e green plush xvilh double ponies to
bo mounted in brass.
Airs. Aliimaugh has finished a china
cup and bearing a sxvarm of Hies xvith
gauzy transparonl xvings.
A. Rolhcry has compleled a creditable
craion likeness of Kstello Clayton , the
actress , soft in finish , yet clear and lift-
All the amateur artists arc seized xvith
n mania for cupids. The atmosphere of
the studios is thick wild xvinged chil
Mis. Bcrgnor is preparing a handsome
frame of repousse xvork. L'ligo ix'y
leaves stand out in bold relief against a
Hat-hammered background.
Aliss Alurray is a somexvhnt recent ac
quisition to our art coteiio. She Is a
very progressive artist and Her xvork has
gained her many encomiums.
Airs. S. P. Alorso has done a fire screen
for Airs. A. D. Alorse , which has occas
ioned much comment. It is in three
p-inels , decorated xvitli lloxvor studios.
Aliss May Her is xvorking on a cup ami
saucer of odd design. The ground is in
dark lakey red , tlio turned over corners
being in quachcand gold. Delicate pink
blossoms are in reliof.
Aliss Joslin is xvorking on a difficult
figure piece "Sxvcot Violets. " She has
been very successful in the draxving and
m catching the Bxveet. aich e.xurossion of
tlio child i face as she stands in her tat
tered shaxvl holding a basket of Iloxvers.
Aliss Balbach han completed pome ox--
quisilo oy.ster plates. Each depression is
tinted in dlfleicnt shades to imitate the
pearly lining of a shell , bctxvecn each
shell sea messes are imitated and in the
centre of the plates arc grotesque
Military iMoveinciits.
Lieutenant Colonel Fletcher , of the
Second infantry , is ordered hero from
Fort Robinson.
Bishop Quintan ! , of Tonncssso , tlio
founder of the Sexvaneo college , xvas tlie
guest of Lieutenant Powell this xveek.
The bishop preached at Trinity last Sun
day morning.
Lieutenant Ames has obtained a two
months leave of absence.
A music class has been organized at
Fort Omaha by Mr _ . Trench , for the pur
pose of insti tic'tinej in sight reading. The
class meets Tuesdays and Fridays. Aliss
Miller , Aliss Earlo and Air. General
Wheaton arc among those xvho have become -
come members.
Tlie drama "Our Boys , " xvas recently
given by the amateur club at Ft. Sidiicv ,
Die proceeds to be gix'on to the build
ing tund of tlie Episcopal church.
Mrs. Higignson went to Chicago
C. II. Doxvcv is spending a fexv weeks
in the Black Hills.
Aliss Louise Squires is dangerously ill
with diphtheria.
Airs. Korty and Airs , llorlou xvill visit
Chicago uo.xt xveek.
Airs. Foreman ot Fremont is visiting
Airs. Adolph Aleyer.
Alr.s. A. S. Paddock.of Bcatiicc , is visit
ing friends m Omaha.
Aliss Caiter , of Louisville , Kv. , is visit-
iiisr her sister. Airs. Jos. Uarneau.
C. F. Whitney is enjoying a visit from
his mother , a resident of DCS Monies.
Airs. Col. W. II. Webster , of Central
City , is visiting the family of Col. John
Airs. J. R. Johnson xvill return to Cali
fornia , in early January , to spend the
Aliss Jjams , xvho has spent several
months in the east , has re tinned to
Airs. ( ' . Young loft Thursday for a visit
to friends in Kansas City and Weslorn
The Hex N. C. McClure and xvifo of
San Fiancisco are visiting Air. John
Mrs. Balbach expects to leave for the
south after Christmas to spend the sex'ore
season there.
Alls ? Fearon has boon absent from her
post at Bitnnison's tlie past xveek on ac
count oi illness.
D. G. Hull left for South Bend , Ind. .
Wednesday , to visit Ins daughter who is
attending school there.
Air. and Airs , Win. J. Tincuo of Fort
Chester , N Y. are gnusts ot Air. and
Alr.s. O. AI. Hitchcock.
George W. Holbrook's many friends
xvill icgret to learn that he is kept In his
room by sex ere illness ,
J B. Christian , a prominent citi/.en of
Hamburg , visited Omaha last xxeek xvith
a party oi grain buyers
Airs. J. T.J Cl.irlc has returned from a
visit to Nexv York and xvill losunie her
classes in music mat week.
Airs. Frank Glass has romovoil to
Springliold , Nebraska , whore she is
domiciled xvith her husband.
Mrs. Wells , who has been hero in an
extended visit to her sister. Aliss Fees ,
returned to Columbus , Ohio , lust xveok.
Mr and Airs. Fisher , of St. Joo. havti
been spending a fexv days xvith Air. and
Alr.s John Francis. Air Fisher is a
pi eminent tea merchant of St. Joe.
Aliss Hoagland has returned from a
xisittoSt Louis accompanied by Aliss
Garr.'ird , of Cincinnati and Aliss Strong ,
of i'crre I uto.
Air. and Airs. Goo. \ \ ittnm. of Council
Blulls , accompanied by Alr.s , Annie
Cooper , of Irvin , la. , are guest.s of Air.
nnd Mis. 0'Bojlo.
Alr.s , Colonel Burke , of San Francisco ,
formerly a resident ot Omaha , xvho has
\isitingatGeueral O"Bricn'sleftfor ,
homo U cdncsday.
Dr Chas. Smith has been in Davenport
llio past xveek attending the imirriairo of
his hrother , Air. Will Smith , xvhich came
oil Thursday and xvas a sxvoll alUur.
The Hex * , C S. Withcrspoon , who has
bcmf heic on a visit xvith Air and Airs. 12.
Morony for tlio past Unco xveoUs , left for
his homo in Salem , Ohio , last Wednes
Sadlo Ilamblcton who has been
xisitmg her ci.unlmother. Airs. R. II.
Clarksonriitmncd to her home in Alinno-
apolis Thursday accompanied by Airs' ,
/annor , Air. MilKpaiigh's1 sister.
On next Wednesday evening , Airs. T.
( i. Alagrano , tlio pouular ami successful
tcnohorof dancinsr xxill gix-o u soiree to
her pupils and friends. Neat invitations
hax'e been issued for the ox'out xx hicli is
to come oil'in Metropolitan hall.
Rev. Willard Scott xvill pronch in the
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church
this morning at 10 3U Evening serx ieo
xvill bo omitted to-night , but resumed
next Sunday tm'uing. Sunday school at
noon ,
The Annual ; Me tine of the Association
Now Being Held in Onnha.
The MoJTAt mit-cstlcatlon Again 151-
cjclo Hives- Vow CollcRC
A Kae In HatpUrcT -
lltes mid Other Local ,
Following the grand iitcccsa of the
Jmaha turn veroin at St. Joe last sum-
icr , came last night the annual gather-
ng of the Missouri Valley turn bc/.irk.
'his is composed of all the societies
xhich took part In the turn fest mention-
d , represented-the cities of Atchi on ,
2udora , Kansas City , Loavonivorth ,
.axvroncc , Alarysvillo , Noxxton , St.
oseph , Topeka , Valley Falls , Wichita
ml Omaha. Delegates commenced to
.rrivo yesterday morninsr , and xx lion the
ecoptt'on to them opened in Gcrmania
tall , last evening , tlio folloxving made
heir appearance :
TOIMIKA. Plilflp Mosor , ( ! eo.Tauber , Clisxs.
XiriusoN-Alftcd Meier , A. Dclgbrt , AI.
ilarciis ,
Laxxrciiro Juo.ValrulT. .
Alnrysx llio August Helm , Paul Wltlc , Sam
St.Ioippn H. AI. Kaslor , I. II. Itoth , S.
.lexei.F.O. . Knehl.
Wiclilta-Jmi. Kiiinncnlr.
Lonxeuxxorth L 11. Rotlicnbercer , 11.
OnritiaItoborl Hnsotmvcii : , Ooo. Anlhcs ,
'redIrandcs , W. F.Stoeckur , Win. Blot-del ,
5. F. Klsasser , Jacob Jobst.
Kansas City has txvo turn vorcms , the
'Social" ' and the "Varxvacrls. " The dele
gates of these associations telegraphed
hat they had been delayed , but xvouid
irrive eaily this inoufmg The ac-
irediled gentlemen ale as folloxvs1 :
'Social1' l-'rans N ness , Henry Stnben-
anch.J. R. Bollingur. "Vorxvaoits"
Jhas. Ilorold , D.ufl Gillo , D. Schu-
Wichita John Kimmcrlc. ( Alternate ,
John Henselieidt.
The Alissouri Valley Turn be/ark is
noxv in its txvonty-fourtli year , and xvas
never mot o prosperous than at present.
The olliuers at uresent. having boon in
losition during the last year , arc as fol-
oxvh : Philip Andres , president ; Ernest
: ; . Grubo , secretary Julius T. Fcstner ,
iuancial secretary , Charles 12. Burmestor ,
schat/anoistur ; Henry Kummcioxv. be-
/iiksturnxxart ; Louis Heinnod and Dr.
R. S. Lucko , adjuncts.
The delegates , members of the Omaha
.urnvcrin and friends xvcrcsealed aiound
ables arranged in the form ot llio V.
Ueor and cigars xvero passed around , and
mmeuiatoly after each person had par-
lakcn of his lit st.sip and indulged in his
lirst xv hi IT , Louis Jloimrod , president of
the Omaha rijreln , rose , and in a neat
speech in Gormhn , bade the guests xvel-
come. Ho rh'efi'ca'led ' ' upon Justice An
dres , presidtfhf'o't the be/ark , to preside ,
xvliich that 'gc'mlcunm ' did xvith much
earnestness. ' "
All the delegates are men far beyond
the years o'f active turning. They have
all been thrjjugk the school , hoxxoxvr ,
and shoxv both , in face and ligiirc tlio
masculine virility und development , the
benefits derivcdifrqm such early indul
gence. They ai oan intelligent collection of
gentleman , und though their enjoyment
of tlie exercises xvas not as demonstrative
as that of llip yoyngor athletes , itfas
none the less keen and huartfclt.
The xvallst > f thp hall have the folloxv-
ing.mottos rjtp.p icd. expressly tor tho'oc
casion. "U ilkoAimon 21 iton TasrHiit-
/mig in Omalia , It Nov. 80 : " "Balm
Eroi ; " "Gut Heil ; " lllrifeoh , Fioi , Staik ,
Frcii. "
Tlie ex'cning xx-as given over to merri
ment. Stories were told , jokes cracked ,
speeches made , song sung , and in the
meantime , the steifel and the "Irink
horn" ciroulali'd xvitli remarkable
ccloiity. In proportion to the frequency
of iu rounds , the spirits of the banqueters
arose , ami the enjoyment seemed to be
most complete.
Among t'ne gentlemen xvho spoke xverc
Colonel II. W. Kastar , editor of the St.
Jo "VolksplaH ; " George 1'aubor , of Topeka -
peka ; Alfred Aloyor , ot Atcliison ; John
Walruir. of Laxvfcnoc. Ch.ules E. Bur-
mcster , of Omaha , recited an
amusing piece in German and
lead an excellently written and
highly enteitaining selection in Knglish.
Alessrs W. Wideman , Ala/ LcnHcnrv
Schilling and FranLeiiy. .sang several
interesting quaitcltes and Prof. Ilemple
introduced a camel impiovised for the
occasion , upon whicn he delix'oiod a
short lecture on natural histoiy xxlncli
took the audience by storm. The gath
ering adjourned at a late hour , heartily
delighted with the entertainment. Tlio
band of the Second infantry was present
in llio earlier part of the evening.
This moining llio lirst session of llio
be/.irk xvill be held at 10 o'clock in Gor-
mania hall , and to morroxv Iwo more
sessions will lake placp. This evcninir
their xvill lie a gymnastic entertainment
at the same place xvilh Hie following
J'KOOll.VMXIi : .
Oxcrtuic Second lin.inlry band.
Chili sxvlnIiu Henry Kiinimi'ioxv.
Selection "Bettclstiiilciit" Mlllueeltc ,
Second Iiilantrv band
'I nridnirlth hoii/iintal bar ,
Oinali.iTiiniveieiii 1st class
Diii'l plntioand violin ,
Paul Ib'inuulis anil .Max LcnU
Tiimini : on p italic ! bais ,
( ) inilm Tiniixeieln 2d cluss
I'olixmgil "Horjiict of Meloilics , "
HnchCM Inlantiy baud
This xvill be folloxvd by a ball. The
athletic o\orcises xvill be peitormeil by
the folloxving mombois of the lirst class
of thu Omaha xcicin under the direction
of Piof Kinnineroxx" Robert Hosen/.xvoig ;
Wm Schiil/o. G F Elsa.ssor. Win. H.
Bloeilel , Albeit llolnt/e , Carl Rchschuh ,
and J'om Alaraxcck ,
The lloor iminaccrs xvill bo Ernst
( Jrubc. Hubert Hosonxxvoig and Henry
The oomiuitten of arrangements are
Ernst Grube'.f AYV. . Sioeckor , Louis
lleiuiiod , John , Jjaumer , H Kmnmoroxv ,
Hobeit Roson/.xveig and \Vin. \ Sclliil/e.
\Vluil llio I'roijc'lHi'K Think of Him
Omaha tins hu ] Sam Jones far a xveek
and the icsiiri ot liis xxork is interesting to
xvitnoss , IIo came in the face ot pre
dicted failure fiom the 8tait. Cettain
nexvsvapors ami many people fn-uly u\-
] ) rc5si-d the yiiinuiu that the special at
tention of tin'people would not bo at
tracted by Ins meetings and that the at
tendance , after the sight-Eceing curiosity
of the people had been satlslicd , would
not be xx'orthQni'hution. Air. Jones .lias
doliviued six evening sermons and hN
aiulieuco each evening has nuiiibcred
ovei lixc thousand peoplexxlnle his alter-
noon sermons al the First Piesb terian
clnirjli have been delivered to largo
and increasing audiences , People
xvho xvcnt to hear him at lirst out of
curiosity are noxv attending llio meetings
rcgulatly and appatontly enjoy hearinir
Air. Jones toll the truths he has been
culled to preach iu his plain , matter-of-
fact , and sometimes blunt , manner. The
threatened opposition to his meeting , on
the part of certain ministers , has failed
signally tomntcriali/n but in its stead has
been shoxvn a hearty suppoitof thomox-o-
menl by many of the leading paslorsof
tlio city. A Br.K reporter yesterday vis
ited a number of the pastors of the diller-
C'lit churches and In lesponse to the
query : "What do jou think of '
Jones And his methods ? ' * received the
following expression of opinions
Hev.V . , ) . Harsha , l-irst 1'rcsbytcrian
church " 1 regard Sam Jones as an In
tensely earnest nml ell'icu'iit man. His
individuality makes him only the more
powerful for everyone sees that he means
every xvord ho ays and not only moans it
but flx-cs it. Tlio methods of n man who
accomplishes xvhat ho docs in the way of
winning souls to Christ are above criti
cism. God has set his seal ttnoii him and
any one xvho bcliex'os in God's h.xiul at
all mustjecognl/o the impress I believe
ho will bo the means of moving this city
for good in a xvny it has never been
moved before , if xvc Christian people do
our duty. "
llev. W U. Henderson , Noith Prcsby-
teiiaii church -"I will say candidly that
1 like Mr. Jonc ? . ! ! ' is thoroughly hon
est and consecrated to his xvork. The
more 1 see of him the more 1 am 1m-
pressed with the belief that ho xvill bo in
strumental in biinging about a tiioioiigh
and far-reaching revix'al of religion Unit
xvo so mucli need in Omaha. "
Nov. C.V. \ . Siivngc , Seward street M , K.
church " 1 like him woll. He is doing
ami xvill do more good than any evan
gelist xvo have over had in Omaha. His
Method , you know , is based upon hij
lateinent that xvhen you lill an old buck
.till of shot you can lend him whore you
iX-ant to. Ho pours hot shot xvlthout fear
or favor. Ho is disarming the prejudice
ol the pcoplo and is scoring u grand trl
umph. "
Hev. A. F. Sherrill , First Congroga-
ional church "Mr. Jonts is thoroughly
ncasiiest , a good man and xvill do good
icre as ho grows on the Christian people.
; Ie is a man of a great deal of brain and
'ortillty of thought , has a most original
style and is irresistible in his xvay of get-
.ing truths before the penplo. Ho xvill
surely do a great-good in the city. "
A number ot the pastois xvho could not
ic reached by the rcpmter , among them
< ox' . House , Rev. Hilton and Hey.
Jlendenning have shoxvn their
sympathy with the revival
'jy attending the meetings and tak-
ng part in them. A number of the
opinions of paitios outside the church
nay bo of interest in this connection'
, ) . B. Harsha , D. L > . , president of Hollo-
nio college "L never heard Mr. Jones
, mtil to-day , and 1 havn been most favor-
nhly impressed with him. Ho adopts tlio
'axvycr stjlo a good deal in making his
points. I like him and xvill try and get
! iim togodoxvn to Hellovuc and talk to
our students before he pocs axvay. "
Mis. G. W. Clark , suporintedcnt W. C.
T. U. , Buckingham homo "Ho has more
good , sanctified common sense than any
evangelist xvo have ever had in Omaha ,
and if he don't stir up Omaha we chris-
: ians will bo to blame. "
W. Thompson " ! like Jones and think
.10 is doing a tjood xvork. I don't care if
I am in the saloon business , it is a good
: hinsr to have u revival once in a xvhilo.
Ml Jaxv , as a matter of fact , is founded
on the bible , and it is a good tiling to go
back to the source once in awhile. If xve
did not there would bo no contt oiling the
pcoplo at all. "
\ Newspaper Man "I have hcaid all
of Jones' ex-ening talks so far. I did netlike
like him at lirst , but ho grows on jou. In
the lirst place no man can sit near him
xvhilo ho is preaching ami watch his
salloxv face light up and his whole being
throxvn into the earnestness of his elloit
and doubt his honest sincerity for one
moment. He is one of the best men to
hold and tlioioughly inteiwt an
andienco that I ever lieaid. His com
parisons are the strongest features of Ins
sermon. They are generally made xvith
well knoxvn objects in every duj iise ( aic
often common enough to bo amusing.
but iilxvayn contain food for lots of
thought. Altogether ho is ono of the
most remarkable med I over heard. "
' ynhTiituAi'.s : SKKVICIX
At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mr.
Jones addrcsscil sin audience of 400 per
sons , mostly ladies , at the Fust Presby
terian church. He spoke on the scripu-
to nil compaii.son of a righteous man to a
palm tree and the xvicked to a bay tree.
"The palm tree,1' said the evangelist , "is
said to be good for U7 ( > dilFeiont things.
The < -ap is used for medii .ne , the fiuit
for food , the wood and bark for mechani
cal purposes. So it should bo with the
righteous man. lloxv many of you are
palm trees ? How many of you aie good
for 870 different things in religion ? Too
manyofj-ou say , 'don't ask me to do
any more in the church ; I am doing all
lean , ' Until jou are good forUTC dif
ferent things' in Christian usefulness
then you may complain , but you aliould
not do so before that time.
lloxv long would a met chant
keep a clerk xvho xvouid stand around
xvith his hands folded , and say 'I am xvnl-
ing to xvork , but xvhat can 1 do ? ' And
yet you stand hero in thn church of
Christ for 3 ears , and do nothing for his
sake Von read vour little bible and say
your little prayers , and expect to go to
heaven on a little two-wheeled religion
of that kind. These olrt sinners xvill out
run you oxery stop in the load. What
xvexvantisa Clni-'tianity with more git
up and git to it. A Christian man or xvo-
man should be like a palm tree ; groxv in
any climate anil be useful in nil things ;
not like the bay tico that xvill glow only
in suuinps and for.sakcn place , and beef
of no use or value to any ono.
Mr. Jones closed his meeting xvith an
urgent appeal to tbe inombcis ot tlio
olinrehus ot the city to join in the move
ment and help to make it a success.
ro-iux's. suivioi.s.
At "o'clock this attci noon Mr. Jones
will preach at the exposition building to
all who mayxush to hear him. At 7 ISO
o'clock thihcx'cnmir ho xvill preach a ser
mon to men only. During the week
.serx ices xvill beheld each altrrno i at
th" 1'irst Prnihv tcritin chin eh and at the
exposition buildmir in the cxenida. It is
expected that Sam Small v. ill airivo to
day or to-morrow to aid in the meetings
otthisxxeek. _
unit lnllH. .
The folloxving births xvoro leported lo
tlie city pli\sieian during the week :
Henry and Annie Cool : , a boj , Henry and
Jes = io llollms. a boy ; John and Suio
O'Neil , a girl ; Ole and Johrna Frederick
fft . . . , , . . . , ,
, a girl ; John and Mary Hanson , a
giil.Tho sollowing deaths xvoro reported to
Dr. Loisenring dining the week : Anna
Heinhait , 1(1. ( Oscar 11. Qiiissganl , ! ; .1
W. Bosen , ill ; W. M.bhaxv , HI-Mai v F
Kdvxuiei , ! l , Joseph Clary7 , Bibi Dun
can ; Maiy K. Tisher , 71 ; Michael H.
Hiloy. W ; George W. Ander.son , 8
month : ) , Fred Jess , 2. Aonry LC\MS , ,0 ,
Michael Douglas , infant ; J W. Mollatt ,
ill ) . Flora A Hughes , si daxs ; P.itiick
McCarthy , 78 ; Mnggio Lynch 7 ; John
Smith , 8 ; Mary Proetrich , II ; Henry
Homieth. 07 , Mary Moynr7 ; Mrs. Hansen -
sen , SJ , Joseph Jaros , 08 ; Burtha bpot-
man , ' . ' .
film Took I'olwon.
Hullo Allen , a frail female , xvho holds
forth at Idil North Ninth stieot , in a lit
of jealonsj over her lox-cr , xvho xvorks in
the ruinous restaurant , took a tlosu of
poison last night and nvoxved her inten
tion of going to the land x\hcro Jovoia
cense from trilling The timely
of the doctor saved her and Hello will
tarry here yet a little longer.
Omaha's Orphans
Hev. M , P Dowling , S , J , the olorjnoiil
vice president of Creighton college , will
deliver a lecluro on the 8th of next
month in Hoyd's Opera house , under the
aiifpioions of O. K. of A , His subject
will bo "Social Inequalities and their
Kemedics. " The proceeds xvill bo applied
tu the support of the orphans of Oniulia.
llrovltlo * .
The pratrol wagon ii to be kept hereafter -
after in the Jollerson Square stables.
The successful engagement of the
"Black Crook" ended last night afler a
succession of croxxnlcd houses.
Thiex'es xxenl through Alex Wiggins'
barn on North Nineteenth street , on I'ti-
day night , and captured u set of harness
and txvo bales of liny , which they hauled
way in a wagon.
Wallace the little son of Mr and Mrs.
amos Falconer , died at 5 o'clock jester-
ajevening. . The funeral xvill take place
torn the residence , on Saddle creek , at 'J
' 'clock on Monday afternoon.
lr toy , by request , xxill give a public
xposllorj- lecture upon the international
cries of Sunday school lessons ex cry
iVednosday evening at 7 o'clock , to xhteh
caehers of all churches are cordially lu
lled. This xvill occupy half an hour and
rill precede the regulat prayer-meeting
ervice. Place- First Christian church ,
orncr Twentieth street and Capital avc-
ma , Dr. Foj * xvill open the Sunday
chool of the Christian church every
.ord's day xxith a short sermon adapted
0 the minds of children. This is to bo a
gular feature of the school.
Thultov. Dr Williams , of St Barnabas ,
xvill speak this afternoon at St.
Philip's chapel upon the subject of the
xvork of the Protestant I'.piscopal church
iniong the colored people of the southern
lull's. This subject recelxed a huge part
> f the attention of the late general con-
on'.ion at Chicago , and a presentation of
, he leading facts concerning it hero xvill
ttovo of great interest to tin ! colored elt-
/ons of Onviha. Seiviccs begin at 'J..iO
clock. Everybody Invited.
Fiiday evening last , at the Third Con
gregational church , corner of Nineteenth
and Spiiicis stieets , xvas the scene of u
goodly gathering of Welsh people , to
whom xvas delivered a sermon in an able
: md ellective manner by Kev Mr , Miles ,
> f Hod Oak. la. The congregation nutn-
: > oted about seventy persons , xvhtoh by
"ar exceeded every expectation At the
lo o of the meeting a proposition xvas
cndcred by Mr. Miles of this city to call
1 committee to investigate and discuss
.he most favorable plan lo further the
religious cause of the Welsh in Omaha ,
xvhieh x\-as unanimouslv adopted. Notice
of same xxill bo made known lalor.
Detective Noligh and two of his opera-
.ives returned yesterday from Hod Oak ,
a , , xvhero they had been engaged in
xvorkiug up a case against S. D. McGntre
and J. S. Morkor , two men xxho are
accused of burning the barn of a Mont
gomery county farmer. Both men are
icld to the district court.
C. A. Iluilbert , of the Strong Manufac
turing companjWinslead , Conn. , is in
JUKI lOllC 1.
Neb. , Nox. 1 ! ! . II. 0. KUInfciz ,
of Voik , Neb. , reiiresentlnp She Plcasnnton ,
. , Star nm.surv , xxas handbaBWd In a shed
back of tlio Churchill house and lobbed of
by his as nllaiits , but they upon
him so suddenly that he can nlxe no de < ciin-
lion of the pai tics. Ills cries soon attracted
attention and a cioxxd irathered at the seene
ol the robbeix. Abairol sand xxelclilni : three
poimils , tl.TiO in sllxer and a pocket kiiite
xxeie found ; also SOIIHI papers that inny lend
totlie ideiitlne.itlon of his assailants. .1. 11.
Lnt liner , ot 1'lc.isanton , Kas. , oilers StOO re.
xxnid lor tlio Ciiptmo ot the assailants. Mr.
KlKlnlel/ iiiulei thodoctoi's charge , but Is
Joint ; xx ull.
Kditorinl Association
OUI.I.ANS Xeb. , Nov. 13. The Hepubllcnn
Valley Hditoiial association met in annnnl
session here yesterday. Olllcers were elected
follows : II. M. Cr.ano , pieslilent ; T. .J.
PiclccHt , xlce piesident ; T. J. Cleixer , scerc-
t.iiy ; O. L. Watklns. treasnier. Much busl-
nes was tran net-d for the bc'iont of tlio
fiateinltv. A lai o niniiber x\eio jiiesent ,
IncliuliiiK sex'ei.d ladles An elegant ban
quet x\as Rixea bv Coolc , of thu Orle.ins
house. In the ox enlnir Colonel I'lcKett do-
llxeiedan iiililics&on Lincoln at the opeia
house to a I.UKO iiuilit'iice. It lolloxxed
by a coinpllineiitaiy ball.
A Hnilroad Sale.
T\DiANArous , Xo\- . 13.Tho luiliaiiai- )
olls. IVriitViCincagoiallituiI division ot the
old Wnu.wh system was sold under a dccice
of foicclostne tills altuinoDii by Coiiimis-
sioner I'ishbacK. It xx'ns disuoscd ot in three
divisions : One from Indianapolis to Peru ,
si'veiiti-llvo miles ; one liom Peru lo Michi
gan City , ci.htj-eiirid miles ; one Iroiu illeh-
i au City to LannUe , thnlei'li miles. ' 1'ho
tin eo divisions wt'ic inucliaseil bv bondhold
er , the lust lei Ss" > 0,000 , the second lei S50I-
000. and the tiilni foi SIW.OCO.
Caught a Wolf.
For some dajs theie has been in jail
here a stalwart German , Cluis Wolf xvho
xvas arrested on a tclogiani from Spring-
Held , 111. Wolf would say but little about
the ciicumstances leading to his arrest ,
briefly stating the cause to ho some dilli-
eullj' gioxvingout of a cattle trade. Yes
terday Ollieer K. T Jones , ot Springneld ,
arrived hero with the necessary papiusby
xvhieh to take Well bacK 10 Illinois , on a
charge of grand larceny. From him it
IN learned that Wolf was in the employ of
Alfred 1'aylor , of .Sprmglield , biijmgeat-
tie. H is claimed that Well bought a
largo number on eiedit , and then sold
them , pocketing the. money and .skipping
for the xvest Wolf also xvoiked fora
butcher , Frank Thomas , xxho had some
shoup , xvhieh not lurng fatiinoiigh to kill ,
xxcro sold , and Well is said to have
pocKctod the proceeds When ariestcd
only $ -15 xvas loimd upon him , and it IK
said that ho has spent his ill-gotten gains
in riotous living and traveling Ho will
now have to go hack and explain Ins
actions. lie is a big , burly felloxv. weigh
ing oxer txvo hundred poundi , and stand
ing fullj si\ feet tall
An MliTiouvi ! Hill Mount.
Neaily mvry man xvho pusses doxvn
Main li cot stele | ) look at the largo hill
board opposite Grone wcg & Sohountgon'd.
After lie takes it In he laughs and re
marks : "That looks just liie ; my slate
used to when 1 lirrft wont to school. " The
'bo. iid in question is decoiated xvith u rep-
icsentatiou of an old hrokim ulate on
winch is scrambled in schoolboy hand ,
"District School , Opera House Friday ,
November 1 ! ) , Bi-uolit 'ang I Chiireh "
Atti'r the boy had written the Ut < ho em-
iiellished llu > coiutirs ol tlin .si a to with
pictures ol urchins on llnur way to a
sma I school , txvo heaits plercnil liy an
01 ror , a cat und a chinch xxinch shoxxs
one side and both ends lo the beholder.
Tim announcement is also milo that
tielid.s are llnri.x. lixncrnts , reserved scats
lilty cents , und that icscixed scats are
now an s-ile at Hiishell's All the woik on
the bourd is from the brush ol Mr C K.
riicdmann , of thuuntci piMug real estate
jinn ot Oiioll lros. ! iVCo Mi FrK-dmann
u a gi/ xxith pen , pencil or blush.
His Triiht ItHrnjnil.
Charles H Heevea airtxnd last evening
fiom Persia , la . and at the depot he
met Ira Wood. The txvo had b-on cow-
boj's several years ago in the west , and
the meeting ciuatid them app irent great
joj * They repaired to a restaurant ou
liuudxT.iy and jirocoodcd to ccinuitt their
fiienuship by indulging iu both
solids and liquids. After Tilling
up puncipally u thu luitur ,
they hied thcmselws to a saloon , xvhcre
more liquor xx-ns indulged in Wood Ijiun
took a seat and Louis aslvfd him it ie n-
tended to icnum tlurc u "hi , \ \ < , . <
said lie did and Luxi r ( i > u I
$00 xvith Ids friend for safe Iceotv
ing , Loxvis tlien stepped out on a lima
business and when he returned Wood
had disappeared. Loxvis then oflorcd a
roxvard of ? 10 to nnvbody xvho woulil
capture his xvhllom friend and banker ,
and the police , urged on by Ids liberal
oiler , succeeded in capturing the recreant
co xx boy.
_ _
Tlioy Will Co TnIInr.
Deputy Marshall Burns , of Dos Molue * ,
arrived la l evening In this city , hax ing
omc to lake the colored man , "Dude"
leiflcrson , back to Dos Molno. * , wlicra
o is xvantcd , in company xvitli his part-
tor , I'd Wil on , who Is also in the ens-
ody of the Hlnll's otllccrs. for larceny
rein a building in the night lime , It
enms that Henderson and Wilson have
teen working the boauting houses in DLS
Molncs , their plan being to skin the hat
ml coat lacks in the hall xvajs xvhile the
HMider.s xxero quietly dining. Homier-
on xxas arrested on "Uotton Hoxv" Frl *
lay mglit on a telegram from Dos
Mollies , und Wilson xxas arrested on
uesday night xvhile in tlio act of stealing
L coat belonging to W. C. Beer from the
esldenco of L. C. Baldxvlu on \ \ illoxy
incline. _
7 lie itnnlor inhibition.
The Jaek lliuiloy eonibtnatum of pngtl-
sis ami sparrers held forth at the BioaiN
ivay Variety theatre lust evening. The
ntertainmont opened with a sot-to bo-
xx con Prof Day and VA Miller , which
astod three rounds. Billy Cios uul John
Jacks , txxo local bo\eis. ne\l amused the
uidicnco , after xvhieh tlio principal event
: ) f the evening took place , being an ev-
ilhition between .lark Ilanloy and Kd ,
Miller Three rounds xvoro contested.
und although Miller xvas the physical
uperior of Hanlex' . the latter shoxved
greater skill and agility and considerably
bettered his opponent.
CnrpcntrrH Union.
The cai pouters of this city will moot at
.ho city hall on Monday nicht , Novem
ber 15 at 8 o'clock for Uio purpose of
perfecting tlio organization of a cat pen-
ler.s union. All good carpenters in the
citj' are icquostetl to attend. Delegates
"rom tlu Omaha union xvill be in attend
F. W. Moss , of Chicago , is at the Pa-
Joseph Crane , of Vinton. la. , is at the
C. Wriglil , of Chicago , is a Beclitelo
hotel guest.
C D.Thurman , of Falls City , Neb. , is
: it tun Pacilio.
Horace Kxorott has returned homo
from an eastein trip.
S. T Smith is in ou" the road to spend
Sunday xvilh his family.
Mrs. 11. Noxvman , of Creston , is visiting
icr sister Mrs. Simon Kiscman.
Airs. J. L Rltnvart and Mrs. J. N.
Baldxvm , leave to-day for Chicago
J J. Stoadman , editor of tlioNonparlul ,
left last evening for his home in Creston.
Marshal Ilcrbeit , ot Atlantic , xvas in
the city yesteiday looking for stolen
W. H II Dabney and daughter. Miss
Minnie , of Oakland , xxorc iu the city jfcs-
Olliccr ITnihank arrested a drunken
man near the Noithxvoslurn depot last
evening and convoked liim to jail The
inebiiated individual had $10 in hurd
cash in Ins clothes , which he xvouid havu
iindoiilitedly lost , had not the kindly
olliccr given him safe lodging.
Keller , the magician , entertained rather
a slim audience at the opera hous'c hint
evening , but ono thing ceitiiin , those xxho ;
xvcie fottnnatis enough to hear and see
linn in Ins wonderful tricks xxeio highly
cnteitained. _
Sxxun Bros , havu at tlieir j-sirJs on
Upper Hio.ujxvaj' a eoxv xvhieh , after hax'-
inir been diix'on fifteen miles , weighed
1,87,1 pounds. _ _
An Italian piper gives an account of a
remarkable coiillict that recently took
plate at Brote , in Sicily , betxvecn 'ouie
monks and sisters of charity. Some
Capucin monks xvoro pot milted by the
citj' authorities to occupj' a part of the
convent , xx-iiile the other part xvas used
as a hospital in charge of the sisters.
The prior of tlio monks caused a divid
ing xvall to be bioken cloxxn , and invaded
xvith the followers the hospital parted
the convent , and dilive out the sistere ,
compelling thorn to leave their patientH
without anj" assistance.
Thin plates of nutal in the backs of
books are a now London notion.
Time Tafola
The follcmliii : Is tlio tiiuu or nrnx-nl nnfl clo-
paituroof tnilinliy Ceiitrid Wlandnrd Tirna lit
thu louiU clei'iius Tniliu ( if tlio C. , St. I' . , M. &
O arrive ntul cliiimrl from Ihclrilopot , oorneroC
14tli nml XVfb-itiirHlrimts : tiiiln * on llio U. Jt.
O. II &Q mi I 1C O , u .1 .1V p II from the II.
AM. ilopot nil ottiois from tlio TJnlon I'uolllo
'U'P ° t'
o ( ruins will louvo U I' , clopot nt BT5- :
in.anbzUOSli : H.Vl llinOI : lliw n. in. : Ill : )
- - 1 . ' . ' 0 I M S : , IJ ; iW11 ( 1UD iUu : S . W l'U ' -
7:00 : ll:10p : m.
Lenvn rrniisfoi-rorOin.tlin lit 7:12 : ns:15 : 11 :
l f.Illi. . H 10ITII : : IT ii. m.t:37 2IJ : . : JT
- 3.HU..17,37 ) 5.50 8:12 : 7 .M ; 7 :5J-8:5J- :
llrii > in
I , ( MUD llroiibviy 10.15 p. in ; AilvoOimilin
II HO. IA. ( iina'ii 1(1 ( (10 ( p m ; Ar. lliomluuy
10 L" > In offoci August ' ? Mli nn'll ' fnrllioi no.
llco Tins Is atMttloim ! In pioocnt tinln nui-vloo
.1 XX" MOIIhC , ( ] . ! A.
Arrii'iil nml d | inituio ul tiiiinl fiom tlio
Tniiielcr lUf ) < > t ntCoiini.ll llhitrs :
DI.I'AIIT. AltlllXU.
rmoAfio , nocic isr.\.snk r MMIIO
JIJI. : ' , i . I ! . A. .
It'J-.r , i. M. lti.u ! : i > M.
COitJI1. M. I II'.W 0 M.
An.inx . I A' ' , is A u.
A II 4ii\ \ > I A's'W ! > t
< IIICA.O , l.UIUl\r.TON 1 gUIMl.
A SI : .5 \ . M. I Ail.l * , I vi.
iibiijp. M n manv
I A ' , .DO r. H.
rillCVOO , UH.UM'KI'X & hi' . I'ACU
A 11.11 i. M. I AD:1 : > A H
A KM i' . a. I A:0ji- :
AlUUA. : J. I DfiSK A. M ,
Cb.Uil * . M. I Ai. : ! . " ) ! ' . U
AII : : < II' . a. I A.i.'JJi' . M
MOL'.I CITV & pACina
A7.U.-.A . I A'J."WA M
AO.-'il' . U. I AH ' > ) V M ,
Depart. XX l.Sl'XV AllD. Ainvo
A.M. c M.I HMOS' p.xcirn ; . / . > t. s
. . ' . . ! ' fiioi'n . . . .Irfjrul . . . . Uriiioiw , J , ll ti.i
KI .
bjijnj ; . Mull iiinl i..Tiind | C.1M
. . . . I' ' .Sih'in K\i > uu . iu j
sut I'llXX , Utl > " A i <
A.M. I'M Mi a u'tti , 'x'irjc A.M. CM
* '
. . 9.1 i'i ' Nifcfit HvpruM . . . . Bjili
, K ? > l < ' 'v a " . . j
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"i dim i "Kuur n , Aii'Vrt.
'A. M I'M. ! U. al' , I' , M , x"X I Ar > l I'M.
b.lJA HloiirOitv I.tpii'iii I . cii ( )
fi ) iiO tumid . \ < tiiniaoU'a Ijt.V.i
1 > II. I , ISl'XV ll | ) , \ i \r
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? " < 'o ' 1 V'u "l-ttticoiitli I ! ' - ' 1
A.t 'niUilnl ! > ; ( I. i | ill o < ct t i i'i >
rinjimit c.vcupt Sltiildi ) ' ; 1) , J.uU n. > til
iloiiuiu >
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& ! - a. ! rH > - J.U6sii5 - iW : J' . m
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