Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Towdorly Declares the Strike Off , But the
Men Undecided.
Tfiit la the Opinion of Committeeman -
man Carlcidn WorlcliiK Up the
Co-Opcratlvc 1'lan All
( Julot nt the Vards.
The Strike Still On.
CHICAGO , Nov. IX [ .Special Telegram to
the llr.t : . ] The end of the big strike Is
looked for , but It docs not come. Meanwhile
mnny forces are at work to complicate the
Bltnatlon between thu men and their em
ployers. Thu visit of Mr. Carleton to the
scene of Ihodlsturbtnco has as jet resulted
In no goodnnd there Is much disappointment
on eveiy hnnd that he docs not npeak out , as
It is believed ho Is nulhorbed lo do so by
Powderly , and send Iho men back ( o their
places while Ihey are } cl vacant. It Is now
thought Carleton , after looking the ground
over , has found the situation more compli
cated than it looked to thu membeis of the
national executive cuininlttoo at a distance ,
nnd that lie hesitates lo glvo Iho ueneral
order for surrender and defeat. While the
lenders aio woiking for a settlement the
local ngltnlorsaro fixing for turlhei light. A
meeting of the trades'assembly Is called for
, 'i o'clock to morrow aflei noon nt rilzgcinld's
hall , corner of Adams and Ualstcd streets.
Thu meeting will be for thu purpose ol en
couraging and assisting thu strikers. The
members of the boycott board are uiged to be
present , and the local assemblies dcclaio
their Intention to make war on Armour's
ineatH whether a general bojcott Is ordered
or not. Still others nro considering thu meat
and bread question In a more serious and
Bcnsiblu light. Local dealers about the stock
yards who have been extending credit to Iho
Httlkcisand their famlllesaru taking up tiielr
p.iss books and tefuslng credit lo tlio woik-
men , many of whom In ono week of idleness
nro out of cash and In ncedot food and cloth-
The most Important .scheme tallied of In
. connecllun with Iho strike is ihepioposoil
co-oper.illvu packing liouso lo bo started , as
is claimed , by Knights ol Laboi. Let the
settlement come when It will , lliuro will bo
thousands of old workmen shut out. The
co-operatlvo soclelv works enllrelv wllliln
tlio order of the Knights of Labor , and the
claim Is Inado that they will be provided foi.
Ground with buildings thnt only need re
modeling has been bought on Fifty-third
el reel , htoek in the concern will bo sold only
to Knights , nnd the corpoiatlons will be tin-
nblu lo gobble It up or control thu plint. The
Knights claim that stockmen from the
country and their symunthizuisnt nil western
points will furnish them with all thu stock
thov want to kill. The canned goods of the
establishment will bear a stamp and willbu
bought by the fraternity all over Iho counlry.
It Is a great scheme , nnd as Carleton and
oilier coolheaded men nro said lo IK ; on Iho
committee to innnago it , the scheme may
inaternli/o ! Into a hig enterprise.
In an Interview Carlelon said : "Tho pack
ers did nn exceedingly politic thing when
thrty withdrew from theii position ot hostil
ity to thu Ivniwhts of Labor. Thov undoubt
edly did it solely foi business reasons , but it
mule this struggle more amicable. Now. ns
* 1 look at It , the light is a tair and srjuaio ono
between the men and their enmloyois over
' ' the question of hotits , In which there need hone
no bitterness. In other words , there isn't in
tills contest , so fur as I have found , anv mean
and embittering side Issues. The men hnvu
a right to slilvu for eight hours ; the pickers
the light to strive fet ten. There has been
Boino gossip of some secret side Issue t'tat
/ might eml liter this struggle , but so fai as I
liavu found It ts all gossip , and 1 have iound
'iio basis for it , "
"In this sort of n strutrgle , what arc your
views as to the iiov cottV"
. "My viewsure ; those of Powderly. Ills are
well known , He Is against thu bojcott ex
cept in the extremes ! of eases , ns , foi instinct1 ,
3vho.ii the existence ol the Knights of Labor
is attacked. "
"Is thisstilke , vvhcroit Is.simplvaotralslit-
"forvvard question over hours , ono of those ex
treme casesy
t "It is not unless there is some such secret
eldo Isstio as has been gossiped about , but
whic'i has not been told me. "
Deputy Sheriff liurkesnld to-da.v Hint about
onu tnousand men came into the yards and
went to work this morning In addition to
-thoso who went to woik } "Of
these , " said Mr. Burke , "about tour hundred
werofiom Iho lanks of the stiikeis. They
vero principally Armour's. Swift's , and
Jlorris * men. There nro n great main more
ot the old men who are comlnulo work Mon
day whether thov are oiderud back or not.
.nidging Irom thu number ot men from out
side places who have been unloaded from
trains at the v arils during the last two weeics.
nnil the number who como In to woilccveiy
morning , nnd LO to their homes or boarding
places In this cltv in the evening , theiu can
not bo much less than r > ,000 now at work.
This Is about ono-thhil of the number who
Btrnck. At all tlio larger houses , such as Ar-
niotir's , Swifl's Morris' , Cuilali8 , Halulj's ,
Kllbethorn's and 1'owlui's killing was in pro-
ciess today , moru or less extensively. At
bwlft'H slims were posted up llils inorninu'
that beginning witli to-monovv thu Imported
men who board In the packing liouso wilt be
chaired 15 cents for each meal.
A conference was held at the ofllco of
Packer Halely with a congressman present
as a mediator. The delHieiatlon opened with
the examination of Iho schedule presented by
Mr. llately , f bowing the wages pud in
Chlcaco on the ten hour lusls'percent
higher tban elsewhere. The conference
lasted until noon , when Carlelon andLiwlei
f veio barred out bv Hatelv , who was In a
very happy state of mind. None of the tile
would ulvo any information about the talk ,
except to say It was of an nnolllelal ami
purely private natuie. All men quiet and
ordotly at the } arils to-day.
1'lils afternoon t,0K ! ( ) strikers gathered
about the dwelling of the Armour enuihuo
who was attacked 5osteiday while attemvit-
Ini ! to moyo his household goods to another
neighborhood. This cmploo Is a Kill lit ot
JUihni but refused to go out with Iho others.
Jlo again had his goods upon the wagons
thisnltornooii when net upon b > thu mob.
Thuciowd weio dUpeised b > a company of
inllltla , who leltn squad of Pinkerion men
to protect thu loods. The mob quickly 01-
Ktiniml and neatly oveipovveied the Pinkerton -
ton guard , when anothei companv arrived on
u double quick , chniged throimh the mob nnd
arrested six men and routed thu others.
' Them were no casualties
At a meeting of thu strlkeis to-nlL-ht n dis
patch vvas lead by Mi. H my from i'owdurly
orilerln the stiike oil nnd thu men toietiiin
to woik. Thu sentiment of thu meeting was
equally divided and fin the r action In thu
matter vvas postponed until Monday.
It appears tint Hairj hns hud Iho oedei
in IIIN iHissession sliuo Wednesday , Ho
claims to have delated its piniiiulnatinn
bolely for the piirpnso of satisfying lniusnll
tin t its nulhenlleily. Thu scene In the
meeting when the older was read was In
many respects an extraoidliury one. Uiiry
M-Jtad not nnisheil the aunouiuemeiit betoru
the as embiaiu was in an uproar. The men
rose to theii feet and shouted they would not
go linek , that they would slaivo tx-fore they
would suriender , nnd they would liivo eight
houisor nothlntr. Aftei much heated talk
llii ) qiie.stIon of obein 01 not obi ing was
left ojien bv postponement uhtil Monday ,
After the luctltu lliiliy said he thought
If Mi. Powdeily and the general exeeutho
hoard were hero Ihelr Judgment would bo
dlirei-ent. Jiariy cliarirocl that the trouble on
thu part of HIM nickers was merely a political
move to contiol the town election next spring
nnd Iho question of oUht or tun lionis. The
packets weio afraid the labor men would
elect an nssessoi who would increase prop-
trtv valuation. Thoaimyof men impoited
vero piineliullv brought hero as a colon } of
votciato contiol thosirin | election ,
> In tlia > OeIlriiun of Drink.
lULEiou , N. 0. , Nov. ii. : Dr. T. C. Pow
ell , a phvbician of high soul U and profes-
eionaUtandiiik' , shot and kllltvl K. C. Sharp ,
6ou ut State Hepresentativo-Klect John J ,
aiinrp , In a bar-room In Kocky Mount lust
cienlng. The sliootlui : was done In a delir
ium of drink. Dr. Powell was given Into
the hands of a demity to lx committed to the
Turboio Jail. When halt way between
ftock > Mounoand Tarboro at II p. m , tlv of
I'owiill'anlends met and took the prisoner
buui the deputy.
Ills Fourth Annual .XICHsagc to the In *
tcrlor Department.
WASIIIVOTOV , Nov 11Tho ! Interior de
partment to-day received n copy of the fourth
annual mossaee of Hon. D.V. . Hiislnhead ,
principal chief of the Cherokee nation , In
dian territory , to HIP national council silting
atTahlequah , November 2 , 1 31. Ho sas ,
among oilier things : I deem It my duty to
Invite attention to thu subject of the pro
posed confederation ot nations and tribes of
the territory , with the hopu that } oii will
lake some nclion of a dullnlto character look
ing to the formation of an International gov
eminent , clothed with such functions and
powers as It may deem pioper to confer upon
It , The Importance not to say necessity
for such action is suggested by the fact that
there arc bills before congress providing for
the erection of a lerrltoiy of the United
States out of so cilled "No Man's Land , "
with portions of the 1ml I in tcnllorj , as maybe
bo included by consent of thu tribes residing
thereon. Thus an Inslduous pchetuo for In
vading and ( Hsmcnihcrim : the territory Is
sought to bo carried out. which , In my opin
ion could be defeated In advance and n
union of thu tribes In the confederation
through which they would stand toircthcron
all ( | iiestlons Involving the Inteiests of all ,
Such nn orgnnlritton would not only con
serve the Intfrcs * of the whole territory , but
It would command the respect of the people
nlul government of the United States- . The
danger nnd power of Iho while man lies
chiefly In his combination of forces. It be
hooves us lo prolit by example. The Indian
territory , occupied by thirty tribes each , ns
In olden da } & , distinct tiom others. Invites
Invasion of their rlirhts from the sellish nnd
unscrupulous. Tlio Indian leiillory , with
her thirty ttlbes bound together bv a consti
tutional compact into ono federal body poll-
tie , would , In my opinion , be able , by v Irtuo
of moral force such union would exert , and
by the combined wisdom and united action
ot all , to resist nil schemes for the dismem-
beimont of ourcountrj and the Invasion of
our political and oilier tight" .
Tlio Indlnnn legislature.
INDIANAPOLIS , Nov. I'l. The ten days al
lowed by law for the filing of notices ot con
tests aftei an elecllon expired yesletday , and
Iho privilege has been exercised to nn un
usual extent. Thu legislature cleeled on
Tuesday , Novembei 2 , as shown on the face
of tlio icturns , will stand on joint ballot
seventy-six demociats and seventy-four re
publicans , glvlii ! ? the democrals two major
ity. The republicans will have conttol ot
the house and the democrats the senile. The
coming contest hangs on the election of a
United Slates senator to succeed ( iencial
llairison , and both parties will make a stub
born tight for the pi ire. The democrats hav e
tiled notices of contest asalnst tour icpubli-
can members-elect of the house and nunlnst
six of thn nine senntois elected by the icpub-
licans. Thn chaiges on vvliich lliese contests
nro based Include incliclhtllty on constHu-
lional urounds , bribery , corruption , etc. The
republicans propose lo contest the seats of
tlnee democratic members of the house and
onu senator. The legislature will assemble
on Thuisday , J.umarv C , anil an exciting
limu Is considered certain.
Knclnc at San Francisco.
FisAxrisco , Nov. 1J. ! The openiue
day ot the fall meeting of the Blood Horse as
sociation vvas commeuced to-day under most
favorable auspices. The attendance was
very largo and the track and weathei supuib.
Mile anil sixteenth , all ages : Argo won ,
INrelli scco ml , Laura Gardner third. Time
Two-year-old fillies , three quaitcrs mile :
Napan won , GrisettCd second , Gardner llurd.
Time lirJ4.
Threeemolds : Mollic McCarthy's Last
won , Monte Christo second , Moonlight tuiitl ,
Two-jear-old colts : C. II. Toilil won. .liin
Dnffi second , Laredo tbiid , TIIIIU l-JJt. :
bovon-c'ighllis mlle , bnndicnp , all naes :
Cliauco won , Berlin 1C second , Fiucl Collier
Ihlid. Tmiu-ltfO'f.
Olllcern Elected.
MKVV YOKK , Nov. I'.i. At a meeting of tlio
stockholders of the I'aeilic Postal Telegraph
Cable company bold in tins city to-day , tliu
following officers were olccted : President ,
, lohn U' . Mackay ; vice president , W. C. Van
Horn , vice piesldent of lite Canadian 1'acilie
K.UIrond company ; liensurei , K. C. Platt ;
secretarv. J. O. blevcns ; directors , Sii
( ieorpj Stephens , picildeut of the Cnnndiaii
Pacific railroad companv ; C.t \ Ilosmei , A.
] J. Chandler , H. Jtuscncr , II. Do Ca ; c and
J. O. Stevens.
Tlio New Yirk Mn-\c ralty A'oto.
Nivv : V'oitK. Xov. 13. Tlio board of county
can v assort , made their loport tills arternuon
on the lobtilt of the Lite election. Tlio licurcs
do not alter tlio result as furnished by tlio
Associated piess on election night. The of
ficial returns for nuvor are : llovvitt. ! Kfi.Vi ) ;
( leort'c. 0 ,110 ; , 00,413 , and Ward-
well , Osi.
A niji Trot A j ranged.
SA v Pit we isc o , Nov. iJ. : A trotting i.tcc ,
free foi all , fora sum of S",003 , has been ar
ranged lo take place nt the lay District
track , this city , November 27. The following
famous Irotlers are enlered : Ainb , iccord
I'M' : Guv Wllks , 15 ; Cluirlus Hillon , 17U ;
Hairy Wllkes , II > ; Anlevalo , 10 : K. ,
HW. _ _
The undertakers' exltibits at Hie- Minne
apolis oxpusilion tutract many persons
who seem much inlorostcd in shrouds and
collins. Otio of the most interested was
a inmnrkably tall woman , who , after
tra/mg long ; ut some oxlremely cnmforta-
bio looking eollins , said lliat shu wished
she ini ht be laid ut rest in ono of them.
'Hut , " she added vvilh a sigh us slio
tinned tivv.iy , "I don't niijiposu jou have
got tiny lony enough for me1
The cxliibllion of ohrvs intlicniiinis at
Cosmopolitan lull , Now York ,
Tuesday of nest week , will be. it is said.
ubout the tincst 'how thnt the Now * Yoik
llorlic'iillural society has vet Iield. llun-
dieds of thousands ot tlowurd will be dis-
lil.i.yeil , of nil the vanolius nnd in many
designs boinn inii nilicent specimens of
Ihu InrKor kinds will < io seen , und hureons ,
fans , elo , of chr\sanihuimtm , * will bens
ns the special uttrautioiis.
Tins division of labor uud Improved ma
c'hinerv urn dot UK avvuy with iho thor-
ousjli liiurinn of trades , \W\nn \ Iho
tuesenl Kener.ition of .shooniakors nnd
blueloiiiiths are dead it will bo hard work
to liud u man who can make n oomplntu
boot or nmko u iiorsoshoo und mills und
then shoe Iho horse properly.
In Milwaukee M rs. X. jiut G , " ) in < rold
in u snjjar box- for sufo keupiiiK. Later
she missed the money nnd vviis solely
pu//Ied to lix upon tlio thief. The oilier
diij' she strunk u spoon n uinst n com In
u jar of purservos. Then finally slio
found all the 11101103' . She had sweetened
the preserves with jold us well us sugar.
Klov en old ladles huhl a tea pittyut
Arc-ado , N Y , , last vveok , the youngest
belnjr seventy ono years of ayro , 'tlio si vet r-
tifro hevunty-tliree years und two months ,
und the combined : iios 8J5 yours ; threu
vvtiro ever eighty ; all hud beeu nituried ,
und nliiovvuro widows.
A Cliiuamaii hns purchased for $10.090
thu uxelusivti privilege of selling opium
in Panama The money is duvoted parity
to hospitals and partly to leducing thn
"Tho Nutivo ( ieniua of Tennes = ne , as
llliistiated by Her Inventors , " is Iho
heading a Mompliis paper put over the
iiniiouneemunt that u p itent for a f-ito
hud been mauled to u gifted sou ot thut
otutu. _
On thoD.tlrymplolarm , In Cubscouuty ,
D.ikotn , 7SO auros of land uro being
plowed ever every duy.
Soniu ladles boots shown in a Boston
shop window are $103 si pair. The buttons -
tons } ook iiko diamonds.
A Minneapolis nun is building a $30,00 ! )
o' ' ; hoiisu right in the heart of the town ,
"Sunset" to Eise Again to the Front Rank
in the LIouso ,
diaries AVInch Arc Ajit to Ilcsnlt in
n Unit Ituptui-o J'tm Clilokcn
Un\lni ; I'nslilon Wash *
The First Dcmncrnt.
WASHISOTOV , Nov. 11. ISix-cial Corrc-
spondonco of tlio IJr.r. ] Democratic rcjiro-
'pntntUvs airlsliiR Imru from ovcrypart ol
tlio coiiiitrj-niinounco with silicic uimnlintty
tliatSutmtt Cox ot Now York , tlio lalo iiiln-
Islcr to Tin key , will be tlio leader of thulr
side of the Iiouso In tlio riltlplh congress.
Of course \lils expression nnist bo ratllicd by
n tnajorltv of tlio o wliolll occupy ( .eats on
tlio east side of the next liouso In December.
1S.ST , but ltls\orj likely thai the old mum-
bors will lia\o tholi t\ay and that ""
Cox , nssomu onu liasi'lirlstened him shico ho
arose njalii so tincxiiuctedly In congiess , will
bo the luador of ilamocrncy. Tlio wreer of
Coxdiirlnc thoinst ] fowiears , anil the con-
cral dtlft of the leaderships on both sides of
the House , show how uncertain Is politics
and how qulekly inon nro inado nnd forgotten
In publlu life. Of l.ito > cars men arc leaders
in both the honsonnd senate by \ Irtuo ot proin-
Inent chairmanships or the championship of
piomtiii'nt measures , lioforo the \Mr the
Ieadeidhlp3 ent to inon ot billllaney , nnd
only tliosolio had the master minds loured
In thu iiroccedlnKs. \\asnuttili the 1'orty-
seventh concress Iho j ears aio that Sun
set Cov was icKnrdcil as a man of Kreat men
tal foicc. For jears ho liud wrote tunny
things and made the liouso nnr by his \\it
nnd humor , but ho uiis not ri-ganled as n
statesmnii. Hootind up n corner In the
Forty-sixth commas which made him feel
bcmo nssiu.incc. anil ho asked foithocom- } vote for tliu.speakershli > . Jlo was
given a set back , as he was when ho w.ui'cd
to bo speaker when Mi. Carlisle lirst Jan.
Uno of the most serious objections to him
was that ho was too funny nnd would not bo
tmfllclently dlgnilled In the chair. Ad chair
man of the committee on naval ntTalrs In the
last congress ho Ird the move lor a rccon-
stiiU'ted muy and tteoionstiHted his
powet to think unil reason like n states
man. And had not the tiioposltlon
to revise thotanll been so proininuntl } boforc
the house , thus pushing forwiiid Morrison
and Uandall as Ualt'rs of tlio two respective
factions in the party , Cox would thi-n have
gene to the toio fiont as tlio leader. Ho
could hold tlio house better any man in
it in debate , and Imd a way of ridiculing
piopositions very profound so that his he.ireis
were unable to iathom his Information ami
concluded he had no limit of knowledge.
iJuttiunsot Cox is a close student. .Like
Tom Iteed. ol Maine , ho reads c\orj thing
nnd lorgets nothing , and 1m has a knack ot
throw Ing out in hi.s remaiks what ho has
which givc.s him use of it In the be t possible
advantage , lie is pnnoiblnlly good-natured ,
and has foA' personal enemies , because ho ib
not > Uious. Jlis wito brought enough money
into the family to place them beyond the dan
ger ot want , so that ho can bo as Hbural
jiocuniaril > as ho Is in mind.
Evidently the CM a for new leaders lint conic.
Sonalois Ingalls. Harrison and Allison in
the UPIKU bi.incli ot conmpss , and AIossis.
Cox , McKiiilfy.lCeud , lirnwn. Ilendersoiinnd
other ioungi-i men in the l.ouse. come to the
tiont with liosli blood , while Senators Kd-
miiiuis , Morrlll. K\airs , Itutlnr. Brown ana
Messrs. Uand.ill , Holinan , Kelly nnd other
old leaders In the house go to the icar. Active-
work , earnonness nnd olomienco tell now ,
nnd slow bialns and slow bodies rue to bo rel-
ugateil. i
TJU : I'ourn TiioujiLi:1 : ? .
Havoc thUMtens the jiolice oignnl/.ition ot
\\tisliliii7ton \ , piindinir Iho investigation of
the serious ch.ircc * ulrcnl.itccl by Lieutenant
Arnold , one ol the best known and oldest
otlicen on thi ) force , that thf majoi ot yio-
lien had issued instructions lor nit mombcis
or the toico to watch tlio n.embers ot Con
gress espouinllv , and get ill thu polnteis pos
sible against ihan lelating to their private
character , so ns I o ghe him the tinner hand
vvhi'ii ho wanted legislation. Lieutenant
Arnold is bemi : tiled foi Insubordination
and conduct unbecoming an olhcer In con
nection vrith the dissemination of this state
ment. Theail.iirlscieatiiiL' .ilmost ajun'o '
among thu police , as Lienle.ii uit Ainold
bcems to liavo the "dead wood" on all
vulnerable oilliers , nnd those who testily
ag.mibt him will ha/aitl then positions , ft
they hav u ever laid themselves open to at-
tnpfc. It seems tint the Metropolltin
iiolico mo given to constant bickerings ami
have lor jcais been subject to I'vei-recuriing
it'orcniii/anons. Vears ago they weie
I'hauod witli receivlna : immunity money
Irom thogtmiblwb nnil bad women , and then
vvcreaiiaigned forfnvorlni ; Hie saloon men
who kept open plates on bnndny. This re
sulted in tun reoruani/ations ; but themoials
ol tlmelty impioved b > the moio strict en-
loicement ot the Jaws. The police here aie
iiaid from 5 ! 0 ( ) a jear upwaids. The avurnvo
is piob.ibly 81'JOOa ji-ar. An eiloithas been
made many timet. to have congress hicicnso
thult pay , gl\o tlit'in penslnns , fiiinlsh iini-
foiius , etc. , and so the gossip alleccd to have
come Ho n Lieutenant Arnold , to thoellfct
that the mavor < vns iircpaiinglo compel con
gress to grint his demands , was Kcneially
believed. The whole police oigani/atinn is
under tlio control ot the thicn
ilistnct commisslonois vho ate just now engaged -
gaged In oxtondlnu ; Massachusetts jucntie
two miles out in the country , nnd which Is
iilUwd to be a special bcncnt to real estate
boomers. , nnil theii positions suggest glujjcrlj
liaudllng ol the p' ' Tlieni have
liei'ii no ical sensational scindils in the xit.v
government sine < tindnjrt of bhephind , Init
II cro seems ( o have bi'cn a Miioulileilnir iut >
toi > eats , ami it is not at all iinllkclv
that it will now buisl foitli in flumes. If
Lieiiteiiant Arnold Is lumoml theio is no
telling what inav follow. Hi- knows moio
ot tno Inside ot tliogovi'rnment-of thooltj as
well ns police aftalrs than niy : man now ton-
necled with It.
nn : r\siiioN\in hpoitr.
' Come out t < > m > place and I'll outeilain
jou with a boxing match between n p.iii of
my game chiekens-a legulai old-tashloncd
senipplncr , " Mid the proprietor ot ono of ihu
leading c > ib lioiiies In the iioithein hitliiiibs
to jour i wiei < i > oidont ! this morning , "Voti
have noverM-en roostuis 'hoxl' " ho pontin-
lied , sliowlng surprise , "Oh ! that Is the must
iashlonahlit amiisemeiit 1 have. Tlio swells
eoinu out almost oveiy ilay , take n inn on the
race com se , call foi a sciappln : ; match be
tween a pair of rimstc ! * , then got dinners for
their Indies and dilvo into the cltv In the
tncning. I have some wives ot congress
men , occasionally the wlfo 01 dan liter ot n
senator unil iilteii the ladles ol department
olllclals at mv club lioiiso to witness this
sport. 'I'hfiu is nothing cruel about It unit It
U to the fashionables ot Washington what
bull liu'hts aio to thu Udloi nt the City of
Mexico. U'e simply nut coilv'H o i the spins
of the chickens and let them Ir.nup the
breath out of each other. It mukos n t'amoy
old HMHtoi lilind with niL'Q to knock Ids nn-
taironist down nnd see him get npngain and
at It , with noblonUin bight and no unpaiont
Injnij inflicted. "
There nto thieti or four of these club
hoiisea within a dlbtiucoot four miles ot the
white liouso. All aio noith of thu city ,
1'ath Inuin niPu rouisc , wlmro private hpnrts
niu mado. When a couple ot eiti/eiib got
Iheli lilood up b > dashing uronnd each otlier
out on I ho so line ni nK Ihev lejuir to onu of
the pilvato club house tracks to settle the
question of bpt'fd. ricmiently such men as
Senators Hnilei , Herk , \ est , l nstis , Cameron ,
Jilacklimn , UepiesentativesVellburn. . Uob-
citson , lielmont , Ulls > s , etc. , are seen nt these
iil.kcfs. nnd laruu sums ot money iuss hands
in settling a dlsptito iner a conplu of road
sters. A higli-sirung politician passes another -
other with a dash on Iho road ; n challenge
follows nnd the horses an hour Inter nro on
the track racing. Generally thu load u-hlcle
Tne club houses are popular reports on Snn-
dayH. .Men go t hero for a drive , drinks und
a sociable time. No one not a number U ad
mitted. 'Ihu memberships cost SI" usually ,
and nro for thu purtns | of keeping out In-
lormers audio cuidu Ihu Sunday laws , SellIng -
Ing anything to member * ot club houca is not
iinluw tul hero.
"Iteforo Aiiraui S. Hewitt moved to > T w
York. " b-ild I'x-UoNernOr 1'rice , ot Nuvv Jer-
tie ) , llip other clay , "iiu Uveillu tny district
and ran for the Icfflnhlure. It was In the
primitive days of pilule's , but the sumo fen-
sltlvcnes4 existed nmong the people that cro
nies surprises at elections now ndnvs. How-
Ill's canipalKircrowillerte and passion ran
high , but ho had n Mt ( ihnjority on his side
and did not feel alarmeU nt any time. Jlo
made n personal C4U" > .V < 3 and spoke nt every
shoolhouso In the rfnt-townshlps. Then , ns
now , he was pc tcied w ith Insomnia nnd had
tocxeiclso the grtatcst care to keep tip his
nervous svstcm. A. nolso or any kind
of cxcltcmonl resnitod In sleepless nights.
in these da > s the farmer's stinng
n bell around the neck of every cow , horse ,
sheep and other aniinil running at large , A
cow bell was a terror to llewllt and made It
Impossible for him to sleep , Afler a
few nlghls in the country ho was nearly
worn out and told a friend thnt ho would bo
compelled to cancel life engagements nnd go
hnck home , as ho couldn't sleep witli those
Infernal hells tinkllnc around nt night.
"I will ilx them. ' roplkii the tilond. ' 1
will go ahead of > on and have the faimrrs
take Ihu bells off till jou have passed the
neighborhood , nnd will explain thu reason. '
"Hewitt consented to this. The bells vvcro
not heard at nights and hi slept. Hut ho
wasdclcntod. Ho ran n thousand behind his
ticket , and the losses weio in the country.
Onu day ho met onuol his old countiy friends
In the city nnd nsked him vvhal had canned
the dissension against him In the out town
" 'Well. ' replied the farmer , somewhat em
barrassed , 'to toll jou the truth the country
pronto thought you w ore putting on too many
airs when jou went bo far us to attack cow
bells. ' " PICKKTT'R WIDOW.
1 , ( nn Ins over the railing at the panorama
of the battle of Hull Kun jesterdiy. vvas n
lady sostrlklng in appenranco thnt shoal-
ttacted Ihu large audlmicu and the icctuter
who explained the sanituimry conllici on
theeinv.iss. Tail nnd willowy , with n form
divinely round and plump , n wealth of jet
black hair , inr e , pit icing black ejes , be-
ncitli long , silken Ia hes , and n complexion
ns t lir nnd clear as n pure deml-brnnnutle can
have. ' 1 no lady looked both beautiful nnd
intelligent , while she was affectionate and
generous. People asked who &hu was. The
huh iin/ed Intently upon that portion ot the
battle which vvas fomriit on the railroad nnd
where thu blood of men Is said to have run In
sticams over the ground. ! * o one. Deemed to
lecogiii/ethe Inly llll the lecttnei described
the portion ol the baltlo she seemed to study.
Ho said :
"Tho conflict hero can onlv he likened to
fealiuesot the battle nt CetUsbinu' , and Iho
dash made at this point is slid lo have
erjualli'd the famous I'lckett's ehaige. "
Instantly the lady's fitcowns -Iow with
excitement , and .she tinned twlco around in
lull view of Iho audience. Then it was dis
covered hho was the widow of Ceneiat
1'ickett , thai dashing Vinilninii who led Iho
confederate cluuges nt Gettvslnirg which
makes n chapter In history. The Icctmer did
not know thu lad- , and her idonill ) was made
known by accident.
Mrs. 1'iekott is now living hero. She 1 $
borne upon the rolls of the Inleilor depait-
nient as n laborer at SV ) a monlh , nllhonuli
shu is assigned to clciicnl work , hho is a
cultured l.ulyand moves in thu highest cir
cles ot society. Many of the iclalivcs of ie-
nowned soldiers on both s'dos ' of Iho Into
vvat are In e < | iial obscinity heiu now.
in : WASN'T THI : nostf.
A stoty is told llliistiatingtho pomposltv of
the new public pi inter. Mr. Benedict Is fond
of everclsim : his authority , and olten goes
imtslclont his olllco to doit , 'Iho other day
he went into Ihu lot in the icnr of Ills ollice
building , where slood a iiumbei of wagons ,
loidlng 01 unloading goods. All wore busy
except one. IVichfil ny on the seat ot the
vehicle was a diivurpllalt asleop.
"What dotnir WteteV' cried
me jon out the
public printer , cv inclii ! : some iinpctiiotisnes-j.
Sitting hero , of coilf : "fe ; " leplied the bablo
drlvpr. - i
"Well , pet down ttteroUnd go to woik. vnu
stucrilcviU" hotlv veiled Hie public printer.
"Move , there. " ho ionmuiod } , "or I'll ills-
clnrgeyou. " ' "
The ifriver never lilidgett , but i culled :
"Well , hah , jon'll have to see Mr.
about that. " 1 . ; .
vvas one of Knqx's express wnu'ons.
Some of the tlUtliiL'tilslivd ' cituens of
Washincton are bocomirig piaetlcal jokers.
'I'hcothei dava mfttf stopped Onernl Hel-
knnp on the sheet anil torn him an old storj' .
The general HsjtewdwiHr great pitiotico to
tlieend and then , wlfhoutniov Ing a muscle in
his free nnd wiUi girat delibeialion took
n little biir of cht miits.'trnm ' his pockets ,
opened it out and c\tctillcd it wnth the Balu-
" ' "
tntion :
"Have ono V" " ' .
The stoii tullei pissbdon withoutrcsponse.
Senator Htitlet inet Senator Vest on the
stieet ono day. The latter ' "aid he had a bad
cold. Without a woid the South Cniollna
statesman ( hew out a snnll box , opened and
extended it. When the Mis'oml senator in
serted his thumb and ungci. the box snapped
with a spring , Molding the Missouimn like
Ihu clamps ( if a crab. It vvas a li ick box.
iiirin ( jrii.K ; mr.usioss. :
Cioneial Jielknap. who was Piesidont
Oianl's secietarv of ; war , was to-tlav shown
the mention made a weelc ago about the
idlosvncrnsies of Ceneral blonowall Jack-
sou. in which Iho latter repiesented as
believing for many jears that he was lop
sided ,
S3"l guess that Is true , " said Oeneral liel-
knap. " 1 have been toldthtit .lackson imag
ined that he cwdd teel his food go down on
the Inside of his light Ipj ; as fast as he ale it.
Hut I don't think thoie was anything cia/y
nbniit llmt ; that is unless 1 am crn/y , too.
Whj , It I dtink airl.iss ot sheiry 1 can leel
it 1:0 lust intlv dow n my leg to my great toe ,
w here I have gout. "
The s imo can bo said ot Hv-Spcaker linn-
dall. H sa.vs that a glass of buisrnndy can
travel down Ids lei ; In twenty .seconds and
stait his gout in full blast.
United Status Mono-j noj-coltcd.
WASHIM-ION , Nov. 1 ! ! . The department
of .state has received a communication from
: he consul atLatluayar , Vene/tiela , In which
IK informs the department that the Vene/-
tielan goveniment has established a mint at
Cnnicns and began to coin the product ol Ihu
gold mines ot that cotintn . The consul en-
clones the cojiy of n clecieo issued bj I'lesl-
lent Hlanco , which declares tint loicUn
noneywlll heic-attei be legnrdod ns mer-
ch'indlse , and will bo lecuived nt the "Veuc/-
uelan maiket rate. The olllceis ot the
go\crnmont mo loibidden to iccclvo anj
nherthnn Vene/iu'liin money and foreluii
( -oh I coins enmpiuheiitii'd in the tinlls of
M.irrhT , 1ST ! ) and .lull fl , Issl. The Impor-
alien ol all loiuign silvei mono is piohih-
led. The dnj of the Issue ol tlu deca-o tliu
olliccrs ot themlntolleud to puich.u.o dmlng
the next eight davs foiel n silver coin at thu
ate of M ) cents toreieli United btatesdollai.
j he consul savs that ellorts to inciensu then
sllxei bullion bj di'ieciatlng ] ) thohilvei coins
il the United Mates nnd othei cotintiies
tHen the dollar must tail nnd conse-
they will boeNpoited.
Sloiiu Itcport.s.
II vnnisoMit iti\r.i.Nov.lU. : J'aille'eiim-
ng liom Wesl Virginia today report eight
nchc's of hiiow In the I'ondlelon inountain in
lie Alleghenies and Mill talliiu , TJiu nur
my stands /eio'tliero and II lias been
snowing nil day.
i'dt ( , Y , , Nov. 1 ! ) , Il has
H'cn r lining , snow Invalid blowing foi Ihu Iwenl.v-lour IIIIIIM. Consideiablo snow
ins fallen , but it nk'lts ' Aery inpidly , hist
light thuwln.i toiudrjwij tt'iices and stripped
reos. The Hudson If , niiifsually high. His
; rowlng coldei. AilweaU-ia trains aio de-
i.v ed ' J
Ci KVPtAVD , Nov. in Voithein Ohio dis-
iitches lioinaiiotis L v " ' within hftv miles
it Iho Inlto lepoit tuH'ru hiiow stoims yistei-
la\ and nlglii. In mail } places MIOU
ell to adiplh ol a foot , yiciitb intuilcrin , ;
with railroading.
Tim New Sllvtr (7oi Illiuates.
AVAsuindroN , Nov. 13. In viuvv of Iho
fact that miny of thl-'nevy ' ; dollar silver cei-
tincates weru Issued llfttjjib they woio pei-
fecth dry nnd have slum become binned t > \
Hsu the tieasiiry dejiarlinrni hns jitlopted a
new which it is thought will
correct this defect in all inline usues. Thu
( leahin for the bad : of the new S5 ceitlllcates
ins jiist l Hiti adopted. It will bo pilnted in
a lidit shadoof gieen und will represent live
ilaliduid hlhi'r dollar gioupi'd so ns to ovei-
lap each other. 1'lm ? J ( H-rtincates willbu
leady toi issue in , \ lew da > s.
An Aiitilont nonunion ! .
tltoMot'T , N. X. , Nov. 13. The original
lettci wiitten by Hunodlct Arnold to the
American people In vimiifatlon of ln > char
acter alter thu attempted betrayal of his roun-
trj Into the hands of thu Hritlsh is now in
possession of the Kingston Krocman. It was
found In nil old lute Hi's ' altt'tnoon In Kineh-
ton DJ 0. F. Caiu r. Ijiu letter IB written in
afiec. , iluwlng nasct ,
The OfGcia 1 Vote of All But Three Ooun-
tioa Received by the Secretary of Stato-
Ijcnvltt nndFo \ \ Arrlic In Sloni
Olty Miami Jury nt Work on *
tlio lltulclook Onso Another
Town Otis Well.
Olllolnl'olo. .
Ltxroi.N' , Neb. , Nov. ! . [ Special Tele-
pram to the Uir..J The secretary of stito
titi to this evening has received the ofllclnl
election ictuins from all but three of thu
counties In the state. There aru seventy-
seven counties In which elections vvcie
held and seventy-threo have reported ,
Itlaine , Madison and Sioux being the clelin-
( ] UonU. Krotn Iho rotiirns thus far It Is ) ) os >
slblo to very closely sum up the results for
all practical purposes. Theao results show
that Thnjer , lor governor , will have 77,000
votes : North , r.2,000 ; Hardy , 8.COO , and Uur-
rows 1,400. ( ionetnt Thaver will lead the
ticket some t,500 ! , atnl It will bo
teen that his plurality wilt bo 25,003
In Iho state. For comparison the vote
for Daw us two jears ngo vvns 7-,8.5 ! ! , for
Morton , .VT.'JtU , showing in the present elec
tion that the loptihlicans have made substan
tial gains over the vole cast for the heads of
the ticket. Two years aeo In the vote then
Morton ran somow hat ahead of thu ticket ,
but the hiu'hcst volu on Iho lepuhllcan ticket
then vvas 7-4y.VJ , for 12. 1' . Hotrgon for secre
tary of slate , that vote being out of a total
vote of l"l,0fd. The elections show that the
pioposcd amendment to the constitution will
navoclosc to r > ooo , voles and will lack some
l.UOOof having a mnjoilty ot all the votes
cast , which the supreme court hns decided is
necessaty in order to carry a constitnllonal
_ _ _ _ _
A Tough ( lets tlio AVorstoftt.
I'Ai'ii.uov , Neb. , Nov. in.-Speclal [ Telegram
totheHr.ii.l-lntelllgcnco Is jtistieceived heio
ot a bloody affray on "The Island , " opposite
Uellcvito , Thursday night. A dance vvas In
progiess at the house of I'otu Marco , a squatter -
tor , who makes his homo on the Island.
Karly In tlio evening seveial toughs from the
Iowa side , headed bv the nortoriotis Hick
Oden. went to the Island to bieak up the
dance. They shot all tlio windows nut of
Marco's house , but hurt nobody. Marco
sei/ed a shotgun and tilled Oden with a loid
of goose shot. Bill , an innocent s-prcUtor
was shot in the back but not fatally hurt. 11
is thought Oden. will die.
A Covvrudly Act.
HAT Sruivns , Neb. , Nov. 13. [ Special
Telegram to the Mm : . ] S. .1. Uryant wasai-
rested ihls evening charged with having
thrown a bottle of nitric acid upon the head
oT. J. Cobby , an attorney of Wymore , on
tlio morning ol Novembers. When arrested
Uryant wore a pair of pants burned with
acid nnd an examination ot Ids house re
vealed a bottle ot acid and some bidlv
burned garments , probably worn upon thu
visit. Brv ant is a live stock dealer , geueially
tespectut. Ho was held In 55,000.
Aebrnskn 1 < iither.ins.
Sn > NmNeb. A ov. in. [ Special lo the
Hr.n 1 Tlio vvestem conference of the Ne
braska synod of the Lutheran church con
vened in Sidney on the Oth , 10th and llth
inst. Ilev. Adim Slump vvas chosen presi
dent. 'Jlio conference was favoicd with
seveial able and lolling addresses by 15ov. .1.
N. Linker , secretary of Iho church extension
board , ami pi esident ol the American , Ger
man und Scandinavian I society.
The conleieneo had a pleas ml and very
piohtablo meeting.
Stock IVodlnji Yards Destroyed.
I'Ai-tULio.N , .Neb. , Nov. Hi. iSpecial Tele-
gi.nn to the Uii : : . | The extensive stock
feeding } aids lecently completed in South
I'apilllon by K. Hunt A Co. , burned to-night.
Kortunnlelv the pens wore nearly clear of
stock and only 150 hogs weio binned. The
lire is supposed to have been the work of an
incendiary. Mono of the buildings weio
destroved. The loss on lions and ho s is es
timated at ? ! , ODO ; insured in thu PluonK of
lUookh n.
Ail.joiirnniiMiC oi Cniitt.
ScutJ.iit : , Neb. , Nov. II ! . fSpecial Telc-
giam lo Iho Um : . ] Distiict court adjourned
to-night until Iho second .Uondav in robru-
aiy , at ter.i week's w oik. One veidict is Iho
us lit ol Uioteim , the jmics disagieeing in
all the others. Among tlioso on which tlio
furies hung weie the casu airainst Neio
Thomas for lape and fapodrik lor horsu-
bleating. _
Storm on the I ake.
Os'vnfio , N. Y. , Nov. 13. The lug Pioctor
left here foi Chai lotto last night , before the
storm , withllio barccs Bolivia nnd K. C.
Duel In low. She got lost in the snow storm
and hei barges broke away. The tug anally
got into Chailotto , but nothing hits been
he. ltd Irom the baiqos. Theru were six men
on each Imge. Tnov aio pinbibl } lost.
Seveiai wreckb are repoited along Iho south
Dally Paper For Norfolk.
Nf-ur.r.K , Neb. , Nov. 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the DM : . I The ninnber of the
Noifolk Dally ( ! a/utte. a morning papci
under Iho mann.remunt of KranK Shaipe and
the editorship ol ( ! . li. Van Voirt. appeals
lo-mnttow. It will bo induiieiutent with leaning.
Thn Grand .liu-y ntVnrlr. .
SKIUX : CITV , li. , Nov. 1. ! ISpecial Tele
gram to the I5ii.j : 11. L. Leavltt and wife
aiubiek from Chicago , and the grand Jiuy
atentwoik on Ihu Haddock case. Quito .1
iiumbei ol witnesses hnvubeon examlnoit.
There Issomo talk of Leavitt bfdng Indie ted ,
although LoaIll's te-tlmon > wis seemed
upon tlio piomlsi ) of the local nnd state
aiilhoilllos that ho would not ho upon con-
sideinllon of his luining state's pvidence.
Another now witness hns be n developed in
Ihn person of I ) . A. Neal. Ilo sayj
Unit Saloon-Keeper Adelsliell nslced him a
dnv 01 NO lietoie the miiidii whether ho knuw
ot a tout , ) ! eh.inieter who wanted to do a
p o eel woik and ti'l big money , and ex
plained thai tint tMiloon Ketpeis would h no a
meeting ami mnku niian.remi > nts to do up
seveial preachers , in the h > pu of putting an
end to tlio iiiohlbitlon business. Neal 1110
l > ( Hed lending n hand In thu woik. .lust
\\liatwiilbuilevelnjMil , if anything , fnmi
this witness dues notjt.C .ippeti. Tlmaullon
of thu jui ) 13 awaited with great Inteiest.
oi' Stockholders.
Di.s Miii.vrs , I.i , , Nov. 1:1 : [ Special Telo- to the HUE. ] A. meeting of thu stock-
lohhi'S of Ihu Dnbiniue .t Noithweslurn tall-
to id was held heiu to-day , when Ihu fifty
mllea of lailroad constructed h > Iho compiny
was traiihlt-rrcd to tliu Minneapolis t
Nortliwcstein. The st < K < kholdurs. of thu
fniinei eoiiipiny iccehed lor eauli
lilt ) sliaiesdi theii slock , twohhaius of pre-
fened , and tlneo hlniroi of common stork in
Iho Minneapolis tv ; Niitliwo > tuin. Tlio ti.ins
ler on these condltluus was hlghlv satlsfae-
ioiy to nil coiKttned. IJv ft resolution pished
redigni/lnu the 1'iiportaiit aid given bv lu-
liiiiie | the building tit the roul , the
name ol Diibiuiiiti will be cngiatted in thu
olllclal title ol the ion ) ,
"It KnookN Iho SnoH , "
and pverylhingin the ntilnro of cni- ] )
tinns , lilotche * . , piniplus , iileor ? , seroful-
cms lininoianil | * consiiiiiption
vvliich is nothing nuiro nor l s than
scrofula of the lulled , coinplclolj- of
thu svatoui , It suiiiiilatesu
thu liver , ( ones up tiiu stonmoli , ru nlatus
thu buwoU. iniiilios the blood , and builds
up Iho weak placiiJ of tlio bed } . It is n
purely vegetable , compound , and will do
more than is claimed for it Wo retur to
Dr. Piercu'b "Uoldcn Medical Discov
ery. "
Seventeen out of the thirty-four candi
dates for alderuiuu m Now York were
liquor dealer. .
A lvcrtl cnients Utidorthls hold. lOeetiUpcr
line lor the first tn ( irtion,7 cents for cncli sub-
feqiiPiit ln ortlon. nnd tl.Mi n line per month
No advertisement tnkcn for lc s tlmn 25 oonts
for the first Inorrtlon , ? ovcn words will bo
counted to tlic line ; they t- t rim ronsocu-
tlvoly find mint bo paid In mlvtinep. All ndvor-
UfcmpnH mu t bo linmled In before 2 o'clo k
p , m. , unil under no elrcum tance will tliuj betaken
taken or dl oonllnutd by telephone.
I'firtlcs artvcrtlMni ? In thc c' tolumns end Inv-
InjrthonnswprnniMreMCd In euro of Tun Ilr.t
will I.PH O nsk for ft chock loonnblo thnm to pet
tliclr lettering none will bo dollrorpd except
on provMitntlon of check. All nniwors to ad-
% ( irtifcments Miould bo enclof r l In
SAUJ A > rooil pi ) In ? nnd m-olltnbln
1 bmliip's In ono of the IIPSI locutions In
tnlsclly. Small stock ot ( room nod enl very
ion omiblo. AtWrossT.O , lleo olllco. Bl > l 14 *
li\OH \ HAI.lf OH lUlNl'A" ( rood Tiolol"iind"
J lurnlturo In AtKlii'on , N'nli , toims ica on-
ablo. Address A. J Monls , O'Nollli Noli.ivCB
ivCB 14 *
FOIl 8AMJ-riienp , n complete country
printing olllco. Address VAmp oilico ,
Wnboo , f ob. M517'
ANTlTlI'A TN HH-I.ndy or jrontlrrann ,
W with htunltctipltnl. to tiikoluilt IntcroH li\
established , pormuiicnt , first-em city Lusl
no's imymi : ? 2 , < )00 to SIW ) joarly ; itooil ren-
FOIIS forffllliip ; crrnncl olmiioo for rlKht pmy.
Address 8 t'J , lleo ollloo. 6W )
T71OIIS AM : Otmof the boM'pnv itur hnleU In
JP thU city. ranking money fait. Host of
icnions for EOllmir. t- , ' > HI cash 10 lUlrod to ? pt
It 0. li Leu , 1207 1'ixrmm t. 473
Foil 8AI.1J-llnidwiiro Dimness-VVti oifcr
oitrfdielf ntid hcnvy himlwaro bnslne * * for
snip , together with oui loiuo nnd ( rood win ,
1 rnno Inrirost In the cltv nnd locution the bent ,
l.ctlrlntr from llio bu lnoM cnu o lot Bulllnjr
The Ilaiim Ilnrdwnro Co , 1023 O St. , Lincoln ,
"II1 ( > 11 SA Mi All furnished commercial hotrl
J28 rooms , nNo Biimplo room , llvory bnrti ,
wind mill : only hotel In town. lirudthnw Neb.
M. P. Hotcliklss. 700 nIS *
Poll SAI.K Ono ot the oldest and host pnj -
Imr ( Jroccry llttslness In thoclly. 1'or par-
tcnlnruln ! > | iilru nl lir > .Kno9 si. IMS
HOlNlls j.ots.riirinp.L.mid * moiicj lonnod.
Hemis. 15th nnd JDoimlns stioets. 2 ° 5
1OST Itotweon I'nlon depot And I iirniim st ,
J olio bluck leather purse c-oiitiilnlntf $ ( ) < ,
tlirci ! if.'Onnd one1 Ki ofd piece * mid flm slluir
The Under will lie handsomely rcmnrdc'd by re-
luriiliiKHnino to tlil.sollice. tUl-14'
JOST On th < troet , n plnln pold rhm. He-
- / \uirillorrotuintutlii3olllco. WW U *
TOST-Ijndj'n amnll po'd ' vriitch with mono-
Hram M I * W. on buck. Finder ] ) | OISD IP. no
nt this oOleo. .ll-i
"l7IOLNI'lho bo-t Bowinc niiicnlno to bo
- * - bought for money. Hundreds of thum now
In UPO nroiniiklnir homes Imppy by their pros-
once. If > ou need n iniiclilni ) sum ! to ore ill on
the Union Manutncturlnj ; Co. , " 10 North It.tli
sti-cot , OiiiiUin. 8JI ) 14
MADAM ALASKA loxenls ii-Ht pro'cnt and
luturo , how mnny In fnmflv , nito , etc , , how
to hold alloclIons of husband or lotnr. hntls-
fiutlon ffufirantced. - ' , cents nnd uptrnriM. 6U
S. 10th St. S71
Pl'HSON'AIj I.ndli-1 wilt six u mcinuj br buy-
Ill ) ; their clonks imJ \ \ rnps at the Itcehu c ,
W10 Howniit. H-.i-ri
PnrOXAr/-T.uinpa Lumps Lnnips If jou
wint nn ovtrn jrood li nt to iciidoruorlc
by.onll unil see us ; HO hu\o one of tin1 hcst
lumps In the city for lluht ( . 'nil and see It nnd
the 1'Jnno IIIIIIIH ut Mood j ' 3 Chlnu stoio , irth
nnd Daxonnorlgticct. 69111
PIWOXAL-- mnto nnntcil by
n. i\n of slrlclb Hohor ImlillB ; ic
given uud lakuii. Addict T l'i , lite olfltu.
1 > iilbOXAL : Ladles Ifjou want apcrfecteow"
Inir inuclilno , unool the onsle t rnnnlnp ,
tlio most slinplu In ton'.tructloti , ono that can
In- run bv u olilld , net the t nl n buninir inii-
chlni ) Afldtr.s I ulun JlMiuriictilrlnif ( Jo. , 210
North IMlibt , Oimihu. MI7-14
M.vrTt ni < ) STX"iiAruit , iirhi iiiubtnitwi"
IB pii cs , dl column * . The N < n ember Nsito
lust out oiiutnlns npnily Ilrti ndvi'itNornpiit" ol
liidlu mid Ke'itlutneii wnntlii ) ; coiros ] > ou < Ioiit4.
uNo n superb lull-piiKU uiiKriMiiu : dislKUed
fitiislloi | oui journal entitle 1 "A M.ildun'3
Dtoini. It in one of thu riche-t iilcturut over
pioducud on pniicr , and mu-t bo s-etm to lie ap-
iuoi'iilcd ' SulliLo to Miy erorj uiiiiiiu tlud pui-
BOH should pot8ts It. S.'inpln copies lOchlUin.
. \ildic-B lleurt mid Hand , 07 l > 9 Dpiirhoin St. ,
Chini-o , Jll. _ _ _ _ nil 218
13Kll-ONATj A pho r londpi nnd pivccntnr , of
r\H'iiol\n o\p ) iloiipo , dcbiies an UIK.UKO-
incut In u 1'ioto-tnnt tlnirph. ItofprPiices ot
the most satNtactoiy chaiautor. Addios * ' ! .
U , lieu ollice. K1U 18
] * > in < SNAIilno ( t busliiois pioperty on
Miundi-rh st. for sale al bpcuial barfralii.
J.LHUoiCo _ _ _ 'I'iL- ' '
IJUHSONAL Dalrj for sule and faiin to rout.
.1. L Kico .V Co. Km 14
PntSONALl.adlos wlshlni ; ( rood dome-tin
hi'Ip can bo well Riippllod by onllluv nt
'tmnliii lmplo > ment llureiui , 119 North 10th ,
tt. , Cniuiisu liloclv. all.
j-E dorampl'H LhooI of Milslo
and Voice Cultui-p , 121 N. ICth SL , room 0.
BJl Dec S
IJIIHhON M < Mips A. Lllncnernii , protpisioniil
nurse with Rood reiomuiondutloiit , r , 17
routlilllli Btieot , 3d lloor , room No. Ft , o\or
Doi mnn'u dry K < > oil4 stom. .WJ-n13
PEIISONAL If jou want comothlnir spo lnl
In real tbtiito baigains , ciilltm J L Hlco cV
) ) ; - , Knlyhtsol I nborasttoll us non
unlniixnlll Unil KHIH tliln 'lo ilio Inloio-t
or lliclr po lictuooUsbj cailliiK at the only Iliu-
KH\n \ Fioie , Ul'J ' N Kith ht bet Cillloinlu mid
Wpbsior. WJdll
I > > -"ON"AL Ono of thollnnat Ufl HCID fiiiins
In roono oo mi tv , with splendid linpio\o
npntH , lor f 1OH ) , Inuiidlnjr f4 l orlh ol fniiti
injciiii'nts. | | M.'dO i-iisli l.ocilted only 7 miles
nun Allnon , the ( omit ) fipat 'IhH Is an 1111 *
loilhtdl biiiv.ilii , MUM 1)0 ) od ! within u IMV
hi ) i. It nt all. .1 L Illce V Lo. , Room I ) , o\or
oiiimiK'iul Nat I bnnk tUli 11
L Mrs Ur Niiiuun V.Vnrion
clam oj imt. Midlcil mid liislnp ) = ? Medium
Itoom Xo. 3 , ] 'l North Ikth U , Oiiuha , Neb
BANJO Qnlokly lanuhtb } Ilici I'm tie Iliolh-
ci a , the famous lianjolsls. Api'tliol lun
iruiirnnti'cil nvoi kssja Inati m lion pmluis
llnoitli I8ih ft ' < - " > H
MH'IKS Hinliiiik' wii-hln. ' iiihl lionlnR donn
ilease mldriiss T It ) , Hoe ollice Harbor
ii spo ( iitlly.
c\Pliln < oibj
J mull bv oxporlonfod iiuiPlkal hlitnoj-'niiiln'r.
.Mimlniitioii or method and pi , iclae drills lor
liciaihiu aad i ( iiortlnir | miueijted. 'Jc'inm , f >
ler inonth. bstislactlon t'liuiauteed. Adiioas
J'17 III o olllco m. 4
MATIIIMOMAL-Nipor Tonlitlns npitil > vil
advertisumenth Irom hiding and ir ( ntlci-
nen wiinliiijf eiire"ponduntj ( , enl 'J months
ni ID ( oiits Addiuss , Iliililn0r | lliinil , 7 < i Mi
htll'oMrnut.ClllctlKO. ' _ ' 8H9 20 *
' '
i ; rcooUod'aT'l'il'l
J nlent , cloeiint InilldiiiK und lo piluus
_ Hit 10
' TITM : lurinthoil on hliort
not no I mm my complete sot ol IIOOUP It.
. I'.ittei-on ran ami Humpy. r'nl\0'iv7)KT'irji : Tiirinsliitllm short
notice It. ( ' . Vntleraon , ITith and llnrnoj ,
_ _
Dnioiii , or hii.s'iu\i'HViinTilrpc.-urit- : ( ) ( .
D IIIK' , Uooms * undif , lion limilc. U U.lUkur.
f \H\NTI. . HI ) AlISTiuT' iS "nun in > com
- ' plelo MI ! of nh-irapt honks nn nhort notloe
UC ruttuifcon , l.'iih and llarnoy tJl
FdltllKNT Uremia , * J pur intrnih ilofp ,
IfilJ 1
HUNT-Siiuro | 1'iuno , f 1 inontlilv
FIR 16II Kou Us JJl
rTi'JIl ' A ItEI.IAIlMirtiid . oiniikti ) nl.stiiiot of
-13 till" itoto Iho olllco of It. C. I'utturxon ,
Mh nnd Union } . _ _ _ _ _ 5JJ _
fnoit KI'N r-Sqlliro t'luuu U moiidllr. A
- ? Hntpu. J513 lioualiis. _ 33H
"IT'cfit iil.'NT Lnrifo chiuii towt'ln , Ltionp.
J-1 Umahu Towul Co , 1517 llou anl si.T
T U n7 ! *
IJIOH hAI.RFiesli MiUh Cowa at nth und
C Muillnbt. hontli Utll. K7J IS *
' , Oi.ocooU . stoxc , t small healers , s
FOI18AL1' . - , on time , 'J.J ) .North ir.tiini
Ki7 11 *
AtiE Stov , No. SObpl-ndiJ. in pTft ' t
order T < J. Uo ri } i , ll.-u , U1 ) UOU i.
. . RUn T'lirnlujro ' of | T room hniKo.
Hotiau for rent , ( .ml M 1719 Uougltn M
, 108 14 *
iron SAM ! Ml the InoUnml fixtureof IMV
I1 inont innrkut n itlendlil clmnco to tro line
the litnlncM with mitll cnpltnl , nil the Milldliiiri
trlil bn rcntoil cheap Kiill Infornmtlon irlxpn
on piillcntlnn Utmo heir from .von if you
vumt a bnrtnln. lChscy , Walnut , . Iowa.
TpOH HAI.IJ-rtno rotd horsp , with new
I' IIIIBWJ nnd ImniPM , po t mi : mut bo oM
nt once nvnrdltMi of vnluo. liiipitio nt I40i
fiVill SAI.I : rurmtiiionnd iprt'o rs. . . ,
120 } .North
t lluo.
l nii 9\t.i-l'hneton : biipcy. ono top buiriry"
* - chcnp , A lloipo "sln.i )
* L Jlcmla 15th nnd Doutljii streets. Sl'V ' '
jiou : Cnpup. iron columns niid wTJv
now PIIH < iiltilil < ) for front on lirlck build.
" - rot pnrtloulitrA ipply nt thin oniro. S13
I'.D-Nur o Klrl nt 3'U lou ) l T7u
WAN-nn-Tvro"irooil : A No. I nTiltorg n't
Mvo Btnl Lot l.lio Cnlfci1 llou o 107-14 *
\V\Js7l'lrlnmslc''l' ; \ ' < 9 IfOiiors , cor'4th nnd
' ' DodKO Ht , sSj 14 *
WAN I ilT ) Ininip llntelv , peed ulrl for TrPiT.
eril tioimovork two moils ndiu.cuud
homo Tor coed ilrl ; wauicf Ihreo ilolliirs iior
vviok. Mis C. IM'nttcrbon , U'-j North nth st.
\VA ' M' Cionil itlrl for Honorul , , , „ , - „ , ,
) ' Miinllfamll ) ; Itniuiruut.'lJ 1Noilh Ilitli si
Mnsonle IiloeK. s , > 7 I4
\\rANI : ) - ( forhon o workri ? . '
\\T.vN'll'.I ) IIO hdlps & R-nnts to lo rn telu-
' ' Kraphy I'rnspei t irood for po < | ion | when
conipetcnt : nddrcBs VV. .1 1) , Itoom 1. Croiiino
blk.Omnlin 117
WANTKDCoinpitpnt middle si-i > dvoiimii
to tnko euro of li.ib ) . . \iply | nt 44H Oou-
vent st. sTi'J
AN n'.l ) ( ilrl forRoncrnl homework. 1)J )
DoitKlns st. 0
" \\rA Tii : ) Atonre n competent phi In eon
' volilunt hutischoM , lui Convent Mrs
Oto Ilciti. 7'jj
-Vinn > r lixillia ( mtlntsl to ilolmiul
' pnililln oiiBlusjtnlie * nt liomu fnlliit
dfloe in lotunilii ol 1'ivxlim hotnl. llanUn
Cliviiilciil I Iio l.x d ) , ( Jco , f. V\ nile , iniiiuiKcir.
_ _ _ NKS U
\\7"ANTIJI ) A limndross nt Oceuloiitnl hotel ,
_ > Jlninioillati l } ' . _ _ _ 775
\\"AN 1 1 f ) ( ioollrlUirKcnin ( ! riiou owiricI
UMJ rariuun. _ _ ij
\\7 i ii : > i.irl , foi Konoial huusonorx , nt
7W r > 0-i Vlrulnln mo. _ 577
W ANT I'.il-llliiliiif room plrl nt tlio I'.iniuut
homo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 578
WANni-ilrl : ( forKcuoinlHoii < m\oik : ( ! er-
man prvfurrod. Mrs. 1) H.liccicr , 5-1
South 2Uth st. _ 481 _ _
WANIii : > r.aily room nmto. HnfcrcnrtH
CAoliiuiuotl I41il ClikiiL'd Ktiou 507
T'yT'ANTi : ! ) Lnfly of line t into to noslst lit
M ropylnp liusino s , eui work at homo If
pteforrod : poniiiini'nt HOIK , ( rood puj no ser
vants wanted. Hours 10 to 5 Art C\ > | > v Inir
au.N.iiith st. an
" \\TAj rii-Tliroomiod : ) boot nnd "lino fnTo
men for atliloiiuo liousu Ono ( Mich lor
loua , Nclunikii nnd Kansas ; onh su li Mho
lin\tMinnsinbli hed timloiiucd nppl > . Address
II. b. , cnio of l.oia \ ' 1 honius , CnkUKii , 111
tUS 1J1 _
AAN 1131) Ooml nconts to iupn < cnt tlio
"Old Id llnble' HniRlo Jlen's Undovrniont
association , fl.'OD ' nt innnhmn nftri Indiijr
inenitiornt loisttnn jciirAdilress rhiK II
Knapp , hecrotiuy , Minneapolis , Hmn. Vi-M
W AVI iCook i : ! Immrdlntcly. aIj > T Itllli
bl. II C. Ijouli i. ? on P1S15 *
121) ) HlBht imnx n Kood liny bctv\ ecu
11 and 1' ! jours. 1717 M. UIUJ'M iivenuo
IH7 14 *
\\TANTr.l ) SAI.r.bMAN-A speclulty sals-
TI iniiii with eviu rlcnio nnil irood reloienie.
Inquire' before 11 o'clock Monday mornliu , ' .
Oeo C Itcll , r lt , riunuin t U.SI1 *
yA'ANTI'D A pcMlc'innn wliosftbuslnc s ulill-
' files ill onniinmid nl li ast f ' , OOH pi i j cm- ,
f.s mnnii"or < if branch olll < o In Oninha ; some
< ! nsi | ciipllul Mild Hcc'iirlly Tor stock loiinlrcd. O.
C bt. Llulr. Chii afe-o , 111. U15 11 *
nTAN'inU 1'irst ilii s men ( u iiiindle ilio
now Cnlon fronlntr Mubino It In tlio
best mnc'hlno In the iniul.nt nmllves ( entire
Mitlsfurtlon ovt i > time ) , fall or n i ito lo thum
t nion Mnnuliioturlnir Co , 219 N. lldh M. ,
Onmhii. b'l--l t
WA.N'l'iCI ) A KOOI | business ninn lo iimnii-
fucturo anil soil u nuw household nitlclo
In tills Blntii on rojilly , or n II dispose of III n
Ftnio liu' ' , tljfiulin liuitetl , I1' , lliiidlmrj ,
Chieutro , 111 , Ullj-U *
\\rAN mi ) hnlusmnn Iior III sell our ll'no
> > olspiln und Hiiiiimur < cillonnilii" . jemiH ,
onsminercs , Iliinnel" , sooisiickniH nml KliiK-
hiiins In coiinci tlon Ith tliolr other l > iiflii ( > ] 5.
Llbot'il commission pnld Addrost \ $ rcrc-r-
ence , I'i nnk I ) I.i 1,1111110 A. Co. .Mnniil not \irevrt \ ,
I'hllndtlplilii , 1'cnim > o\--ll0
V\7ANTHI AKonlsiitStWS isth si. : it into
VT thiinco lor i ltnor ludlus l 01
Cnll m Htlernooti. _ _ fia'i 14 _
\\ANTKI ) Kxpcrfonicd milker nt Hiuntoiiii
} } _ Iliiirj. _ _ _ _ _ 71414 * _
U'ANTKn Aifonts for our now biinrlur
proof door lustenor ; ht-st foiling noxulty
oic < i niiide ; just out ; niithlimIlko it ; Ftlln
ItM-lfMiir oprollta ; 1C. 1' . Home
C < i.(7I.nlCHliie : hiillillinr , ( ; hlciiRO : , III. 1170 II *
lA'ANTI'D Hook kot-por , iinmarrlod ninn
i pioforrod Apply ltli lofuioncos Itoom
U't , Oiiinhn XiU. II ink Hulldlntr. S71 11
W \'ti KD Wownnt n rnwnaoms to sell the
Diinnmejor'N hjdiiuilio Wnihoi on com
mission A very ( rood p lyln buslnusj foruoud
men Apply ut'WJ Doiuliia. fisi ( si
AOUNTSInlluiclty oi coiinti.v oim miilvOj'i to
$1(1 ( II dllV M llillLO II 8HO IlllllOS. N VV.
Novell ) ooiiiiiiii ) . 1 )7 ) r.uniim ht. 577
\\T A vi Ti : ) iioou nii mnTi N oTiT.v i'o . pi"n >
i 1I5.K rs nnd mineral -itfi nts for8tih crlptloii
books , box 4 a , Oinulin Nc b ( i-I.'nl ' *
\\7MiT A < nh l7o\ i'liiiihou ) "S
V > ghuily , I'jtliHU nuAt to tlio | <
si ) 14
_ _ _
if\7vvil > 'JoiiTnsTeTs aiiTi roi kuion for
VS'yomhirf ! * 'u luy All winK r's work.
.fitior Anrono > , IJJi furn 1111 ht.
X \ 'AN'I IM > W ork by n peed cnrpeimi , cim
' ' do t ruining or Irlmiii nif.IIROS modi-
ntn II t-loady woiK ouuboKut. C. I/ , 7-7 S Jillh
Blrott y.'ll IV
_ _ _ _
IX'AKriCDI'oltlon wmilod by } ( imir iimii
> ' vtlioli irtlidin lot niiuil > tun joins eu liu r
ot a imtioniil Imnk nnd hmlothor litisinr.-n ox
l > < rioiuo , loikl ecliitn DUHIIII HS piulciiod. im.d
( unlit wu ( x , b" l r'ifuri ncoiddrus v | , 1.
'Jiimbir , 11,11 lodn'ehliut ) Jil 1C'
\\rANTl D stuiition | to do n\ end orK nnd
' ' plain sottiiiirlii nrhulo fninlli. Adilio-n
T II Itooolllio 811 I4
\\7ASri5D-8lmatlim by n tnuui ; ninn , wll
' ' llriito do inl nny hhitf. Iho jonia nv-
peili IHO us ilerk Itiileu uuu.i liiiniu'iod. 'I' ,
U , lieu olhci. ST , Ib'
\ \ ' AN I I'D \ jo u n if lady doxln s In do dl'tss
' * iniikiiitf li > the duy In pilvitlo IUIIIIIIDM
Ad'lusi ' 71H Xoith ' 'Utli bl KVI II
WAN"l'il-SltiKiiliii : ( fly n
fins hid Inn yeiim iixporlouoo
irood ruf'iroiid s AddroaS I' I' , ft , lluno lliu ,
I'ouucll lllullp. 7J.I 14'
\\TVNrK ) IVullmn by yiiinit lud ) us us
Ti tiistfint bool < K i > | ioi. coptM or olllon
uork ( jood rclerom e. .Vil < lloi > A , 5J , lieu olliui
liU fi'
\ l ANI rl > - I'oHitioii nx iKiiiHphtf i i oi ( onk in
11 pilvue tiiinil ) . In | iiiiu /lios Mu Nii-
iniii ( i numl miirKut , Pith ft . bol. lluri und
SViili-tcir W 1(1 *
\\fAN" ! HI'I ) o ifiO'iiB with bo ird by ( untie
' i ninn n In nn I Uirno cnlldrcn. Mule lo
millimJ tcnin AdOreit 'T. 1 " lleo uinoa
IttJ ! . .
_ _ _
\ \ rVNIiilojddiiloriFiiil : ) KrocurN , position
Vl H null' I by nxpuriuiuid tu-lor uhdMtloi-
Illllil 111 , HnoolllLO. D10 14 *
vi AN 1 1. To rent , linnlifliol , u lioutuof U
oi 4 rooniK. Addi B3 1' II , lloo olllco
h-0 Ib *
\\'AM iil : -ulo blorniroloi cnr loud of box dl
li Ki' " 1within II tioelix or I'axton hottlj
cull or uildrns ( , ( ii \Vnlo , ttineiul uiiuin.or ,
Ltiro I'uiton houl , clry tC3 11
vi'A.N I K.I-10 bil > ono kimro o' Ptook In
< i Oiiinliu tiuardui trade , b. A bloiinui.UM
ruinnmst f,7l
t V'A V i iii : \V 111 Irudo u K ( > 'l ' Iminurcu luuii
Itloi'ie i , son i iiiij * Irointlluai rlcii ( or
h si > x f < -l < ithUi s or IIOOIH und slioqs , w III puv
( < -uiU vd ! 4 i i II ( icutrKo , tin/ii Co ,