EE. SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER M. 1S8G. TWELVE PAGES. NU JIB Kit ir.O. WOE AND WAUGHTY. Good and Bad Doings at the Gay Capjtal of Franco , A MOST AUDACIOUS SWINDLER. I.-J * * Millions of Franca Gonfidcnccd by a Gonnt From a. Russian Nobleman , HIS CAPTURE AND ESCAPE. Rocliefort's ' Peroration on the Death of the English Jockey , Arohcr. SPORT AND SOCIETY AT PAU. Numerous Arrivals For the Grand Hunt to Take Place This Weak. ALL THE NEV/S FROM BERLIN. The Programme For the Oominrr Opening of the Reichstag Completed. KALNOCKY ON THE SITUATION. lie Declares l or Kiiropcnn I'cnco nfl AH It Can tic Mnlutnlneil lu Honor Other 1'or- olgn AITaii'H. Points From Pnrls. lCop/ifi/it | / ; / JfiMi lv Jiiint * ( toiilim llcnnttt. ' ] PAUIS , Nov. 13 [ New Vork Herald Cable Special to llio Uu.1 : We learned llio death of I'aul Uert with mixed feelings. There' publicans mourn him as a Duplex or a Mont calm , the Catholics liaidly dlssemblu their Katlsfacllnn. and the antl Vlvlsectlonlsts openly rejoice , friends and eiiemies alike , hovvnv ei , deplore his death as a loss to science , and unite In sjmpithy with his charming' American widow , e\copt In tlio chamber , wl.ere tier pension of 12,000 francs was only tcd after the stonily opposition of the cleilcal and roallsts. headed by Bishop Preppel ami M. DoLUeirieic , who was nol silenced until M. Derreeinet himself , amid w lid s-houts and exclamations fiom thu light and thu left , ascended Ihe tribune and with his small voice , peisiudad the chamber to judge the question with the heart mi : TASIINO riiA/i : . The fasting fever is Doting Tails to dcith. Nobod ) eaies a son whether Succl's or Mer- littl's sniveling stomachs can holdout fony ( lavs 01 whether both will perish in the at tempt. Scores ot Imitnlors linvo spiung nj with mushroom giowth , among them a voting and handsome Ameilciu lady , who began b ) lulling In love with Meilattl. and now , out of puio sympathy with him , is about to begin thirty das' fast. Two Italian ladies have also fallen In love with Mcilntti. They ob tain private interviews with him and nearly dilve him wild with their Highly gossip am flirtations. Ihcso dimscls also propose lasting. MOST At'DACIOI'S SWINDI. O. The most audacious swindling oiteiallon ol tlioyeat.ot which Francis Kianclt , the Al- rcctorof the Monde Klnanclei , is tlio hero , causes a pinlc among the persons whosi piopeity Uconlidcd to the hands ot truslecs Franck occupied a splendid apaitmentin tno ruedu laPaix witli his wile and daughters Ho ca\o delightful dinner paitics and ama toui tlioatrical entertainments , and wasoftei seen in the Hois behind a dashhur pair o OrlolT Irollers. Ho was gcntlcmaul ) am dUnilicd in his appcatance , diessed in tlr latest lashlon , but without ostentation. Hi principal victim Is a Russian land owner who had blind confidence in FrancK's intcg rity. Trunk spoke to the will enthusiastic eloquence about Tunis and per suaded him to buy land there to build chateau and slait vast farms for th produce of wlno and grain an uapyrus lo make cheap paper with. Fianci stated fiom Tunis wllh a power of altornu liom thu Itnsslan In his pocket and bough land light and left but in Ids own name Ho then sold them and Invested the ptoceed In French nnd Ameilcan securities. II lontlnucd to semi the Russian , who reside In 1'ails , the photographs of the Chilean and farms that he bought , and suddenly made a dash for llussla , wheio his client owned a gold inlno , and b ) means ol a power of attor ney obtained laigo sums of ready money , lie coolly toolc possession of a largo amount of lamlly plile , pictures and stattmiy belonging to tlio Kns- slan , sold them , nnd pocketed the money , all except thu plate , which he kept , mciel ) sub stituting his own fmiillj eiest instead of the fr Ituss'an'h. ' Tranck worked w lib such e\tia- 01.Unary i.ipldlt ) that thu Russian , who liad gone pailildgo shooting In thu lllack 1'oiest , knew nothing about It until I ho unexpectedly lehuned to 1'arls , and then tound Ftanck slatting for Amciica with all thu plumlei. The Russian j was tliumlerstinck with ami/emeu * , and no- titled Hie police. Franck was aitc&ted , and I w hllu being taken lo Ihu Maslas ptlson in a cab by Iwo policemen undei the command of Corimral Santrre , I HI suddenly complained of a frightful colic. Ho ucisnndcd Ihu police to let him enter a restaurant In thu line Rivol , KrancU managed to escipe by the back door , leaving the police standing sentry in the res taurant. Franck proceeded with liclitnlng speed to the Credit Ljonnuls , where he ca = lied a check of 1 , ' ,0,000 fiaucs , and the cn- tlte police of 1'arlft have not ) ct been able to gut scent of him. The amount of money he cmbe//lcd from his Russian client alone ex ceeds : i.tWOCXK ) francs. Trunk , upon thu recommendation of the puial nuncio at Paris was cteated a few jeais ago u count by 1'opu Leo XIII , Jl MV.sll ItlOl's DIS \ PIiKA.NCi ; : . The my.steilous dlsnppeatiincu of M , Delulvia , a Spanish genilenmn known In I'arlb lilgh life , and a member of thu Jockey club , causes ( ho gicatost anxiety , llu Is man led and thu father of a family. Ho seldom plued cauls ami led quite an ex emplary Hie. On Friday last he paid a visit to some friends In thu Chumps Kfoscs , and lias not been he ml of since. Hols now sti | > - jioscd lo liavo started lor Xew VoiU. lie Is torly ) cais old , of medium height , with a blonde complexion. He looks nnd dresses like an Kngtlshman , and U ol Mexican oilgln , KOVJI Qt't si ION" . Tliecomtof iiiH'.il ] | lias had a liniil nut to crack this week , involving a curious point ot law. A laVcrnamed ) Dehituche , with Ills mother and n servant , were murdered last jearnt I iiloli ( do Dion , borne tlmubefoiu Ills death Detahacho had madu a w 111 , leaing nil his pioprrty to his mother , Thu case hinged on thu question as to whether the BOU died beluio tiu ) inotliei , or the mothci before the son. Had Mme. Dclchache sur- vlved the lawyer even lor n minute the protvs irty would have legally descended to her natural heir. 'Iho doctors , however , bi lng tuclr opinion on evidence , held Hint Dc.iliche ! ! died nfler her. His direct heirs consequently Inherit his fortune , " IS 1II.AM. " llonrl Itoohfort , who Is nlmost as pisslon- ntel ) devoted lo lioiso racing as journalism , lias made Atelier's iieath the occasion for thn following outburst of Analo-phobia : " 1'iT- land , " ho wtltes In the Intransigent ! , "is In tears. Thu simc men who look on with indifference - difference while the Ittsh farmers , unable to pi > thcit rents , arc dilven from their homes , nnd the pnttlots who defended them nre hnngid ; the couknds who applaud the bom- budiiient of Alexandria , thu massacre of New Xeahnder. ' . and thouxteimlnatlun In dian races , sob into their classes of gin , in compnti ) with their spouse1" , leultlmnle or othei wise , who dishevel their b. ck hair In Icspur at tlie great bereavement which has 'alien on the-country of ( Hailstone , Uron nnd Shakespeare. Atelier is In whoso irms will the duche. * 'sus ' , enamored of his top wets and breeches , and red , green or ) ellow lackel , now fall'.1 lie was mrllei thannn ale , with teeth HKU thn hoofs of the liorxes lie ode , but ho seemed to them nclorablu when m stuck his spurs Into thu belly of the marc on which he lode Hist past the wlnnln post. " mi : HTOIIM'S HAVOC. ThoAmerlcins w Interim ; in tlio sunny townson the Rlvleta aio likelv to have their enjomonts seiiously disttiibeii b ) the un precedented violence of the slot ms and " .Ms now vv otklng havoc along the Mcitltern "in M-iboaid. All Ihu restnmanls along lh\ \ fi nish toad near LaMadto.iie have been i pt away. The beach near Marseilles is stl ill with the wiecksot countless pleas'tro b Is. The rose gardens of Cannes mo inundated and a thick lavcr of sand covets thu bouluv aid LaCrol/eltc. Railway communication be tween Nice and Genoi Is Interrupted In several places , vvhllt ) the Palllon , usually a dtled up ditch , has suddent ) developed Into n roaring tonent Enoinions waves nto dashing over the boulevard dtt Midi , while the embankment supporting the promenade ues Anglais Is eiumbllng aw a ) and threatened with annihilation. 111K KOYAT. rASHIO.V. Despite the wind and weather fashion Is faithful to the Riviera. Mmitonuis lilllng , and Ihu king and tiieen of Wintembiirg wit'i ' a brilliant suit , havu already aitlvc-d nt Nice. The czarina is expected at Cannes with the C/aiewItih. liei health compels her to live In strict seclusion. The ) will be followed by the giand duke and duchess of Mecklenbun : , the Duchess d'Luvnes , Prince Cantaciizeno and thu grand duke of Hadcn , who , 1 iindci- stand , has taken the chateau dcs Toms foi the whiter. Hut the lions of the Cannes' teison wlllprobabl ) be Prince Waldamai and the delegites of the HuUarian sobranje. COMINO \TI1IMOMAI. . srSsAIIO.V. Thu wedding of .Miss Louisa C.nioll to the Count Jean do ICeigutlay will be the next mattlmonial sensation in the Ameilcan colony. The eetcmoii ) will take place in Kills not , as erroneously stated , at Cannes , immediately nftei the rettitn of ( Jovernot Can oil , the bride elect's father , fiom Ameilca. Thuoung couple think ol spend ing thu hone ) moon In the south. Count Jem is a tall , dark , handsome ) oung ulllu-i , quite unspoiled by his mundane cxpeilonces. lie Is a splendid hoiscmau , and divides his time between his regimental duties and the ( julet pleasures of homo life In a cliatming countiy seat near Pails. ro nuii.D A'rcrAin.i : cituncit. Thu English like the Amcricitis aio slid not to have a icspectable place of worship ncai the Champs Kl ) sees. Filed by Hie ex ample of the Anierlc in colony , Sh Richaul Wallace has givenXIO.OOOtovvaitUheelection . of u chinch In the Rue des Has-jlns , on tlie site at present encumbeiud bv the buiMuig playlully nicknamed the " I'm Tabjrnaclo , " or "baulino Hox. " TWO I'HCTTY DKF.SSr.S. I have seen two very pietty dresses lids veck , ono being a bill dress for the Piincess Unlit/in , a long train of drapery ot nile gieen , crape do cliene , ovei a he ivy "bouil- lonno' ' of cmeiald velvet , the trout of ill- ngonnlly slilped nllo plush , with alteinatu of Iridescent beads and Hat pistllle diops , the panels ot emerald velvet. On the leftside were two uioiro ribbons , atlached at the waist with windmill bows , and painted bodice - dice of crcnc do cliene , with stomacher of iiidcsccnt beads and braces of daik green velvet , with no sleeves , the right epinlets being of bend fringe ; from the chest to tlio left shoulder , folds ol velvet and moire bows. Another was a walking costume worn on Wednesda ) morning by thu pieltiest li uro In Pails that of Mine. Ferdinand Hlscholf- Mieim , nee Mamie Pa ) no a short , round skillet ot a decn colot known as Danish red , of lulle , covered in black velvet applliriies and tiellis woik. Hcneath are exquisite ! ) diaped shott tunluof black , smooth cashmeio , a material that Is coming Into tavor once again , a sm ill , tUhtlittlnglailoi co-Hand a bonnetof Danish cloth oinnmu'itcd vvilh llncu black feathers nnd sacia slmplk'ltas in an expensive form. srAuii : roil iiovti : . The following Ameticans silled on the N'ormandlo fiom ll.ivru lodiy : K. A. Per kins , C. W. Prankaid , A. L. Monis , John ( lot ? , L. Nordlhuet , K. C. Richmond , Mrs. I' . Jones , Miss St illord , Ml s King and Mis. L. H. Notrls. THH SEASON AT PAU. It Opens Ijito Itut Cooil Hport Prom- lbil. l. 1'AU ( via Hnviu ) , Nov. H [ Now Voik Herald Cable Special to the HIM : . ] The MMSOII heio Is deeideuly behind this , but tlii-ie have been n large nninbei ot arrivals dining the last vvock , and the long faces of the Pan hotel keepeis , trades people and volt- uilirs are now snmcwhit inightenin , : up. Among the latest arrivals me MLS. liuiton , with liei twodauglitcisand Mis. Foster-Hat- ham. As thesolailli's.wliOaie great attiaetions In Pan societywere absent last ) eat , the news ot thch return was hailed with enthusiasm , and hcctncombs of futted calves are about to bu shin in their honor. As tlie hunting men , like every one else , havn been late In nriivlng , thu ollleial ovetturo of the Pan hunt has been postponed to next Thuisday , Thu rendezvous is llxed after the time-hon ored custom for o'clock , nt the Alle es do Morlnas , nnd of comsu all Pan will bo there on hoiseback , In cnirlages oren on foot , to witness the stmt. Hut It is haidl ) probable that there will be ninte than a io/cn ! in ul | of thu leguloi hunting lot who irean to ride fitralght It Is sifo to predict tliat both Miss Hittton and Miss liuiton will bo out and will be found , as usual , tiding well to the fiont. Mis. Foibes-Mouan , who tor the last four vv Inters has been the pride nnd glory of the Pan hunt , Is hunting at Melton this ) ear , nnd will bu u gteat loss in society as well as in thu woildof sport" . riiF.i.jMiNAHY sronr. Althoiuh hunting has not ) ct regularly commenced hlr Victor Hrookc , the master of the Pan hunt , has not been idle. He has a few couples out nearly every luoinlnj ; drowning cove-is with tlio old hounds or training the ) oung ones to run the drags. Last Thursday blr Victor , having pi ovlonslyquiellv notified hia ft lends , let gu an uncommonly good bag- iiui'i at La Madeline. Sir Victor and his on Ronnjbrook , Mr ll.irry Htillon and his slsleis , blr John Nurent , Messrs. Toby , Calrnc" , William Liwren c , Thomas Uur- pcss , Wntlswortli Holers and vounc C.irron were nrcscnt The run was unusually good , The 1 fox was a stout one and full of grit Uy dodging Ilia hounds nt the commencement In the I Inlrlcacles of the Madeline wood , he man- ancd for himself a goid starl , which oniblcd him I ; lo got his wind nnd deliberately make his 1 point. Ho ran over some of the biggest pirtsof j the whole country , and was finally killed near Scndctz nfter ncirly an hour's run. There wet e two or llnco ililersliung up nnd ono man got hawed , but no harm was done. TUP. MOl'XTS. Sir Victor Hrookols mn nHiccntlymounled nnd tides ncross country In a way that Is n caution to timid souls. Mr. William Liw- i once , the son of Mr. Frank Lawrence , of Now Vork , sent alon In line st ) le n shipely ba I ) Irish linntci jusl sent out to drive from County ( Mcatl ) . Sir John Nugent rode a nice looking 1 horse belonging to Mr. lliitton. Mcssts. Rogeis , Hmgess and Hirron weio well mounted by Litrcgiln , the providence of < hunt n. ; men In this coiinttv. Liitegaln Is I the only lover left of nil the old lot vv ho has nil i ) hnntets to hire that can no n jatd. 11s : AND inxsi us. Pan would not bo Pan without teadtlnklii nnd i dinner giving. Accordingly tea nnd dinners i liavo alteady begun inasmallwav. List weuk Mi . Morris Post , Mine , do Lassenee , nco Miss Etta Pint of New Tfork , and Mis. Liw fence gave sin ill dinners. On Tuesdi ) .Mine , de Licence gave a lawn len tils party nt her villa on thu Route do Lat- bcis. Tim IlKVUTIKS AT I'VU. Theio is an unusually laigo number of pretty debutantes this season and thu mnt- ilcd ladies will not bo able to monopolize qnltu us much of tlio attention a ? hns been often thecaso. Among the pietllcst of the buds ate Miss Lillv Kane , Miss lionets , Miss Moirls , tlie two Misses limtons , Miss Podesta and Miss Hairon. Ofthe mat ricd women Mis (5ralum ( Stew- ait is by universal consent , allowed lo be beauty. Shu is n tall and gtacoful brunette , wllh a level ) Ilgure and bjautlful eyes , with of thu Italian look , although she is English and was a Miss Elllcn beloio her mariiage. Among the blondes Mis. Mot- ris Post one ol jho prettiest , is quite en bc-auto this ) eat. Oilier well-known belles aio Mme. De Lissuiice , Mine. De Cundni. Mis. Flt/gei.iltl , Mme. Clulnot and Mrs. Digb ) Cojcott. i\riru.D : si'oinixo vuuiv.u.o. It Is iiimored tint Do.ujy Smith comes out in the beginning of December witli tlnce or four liunteis. His arrival Is nnxlousl ) awaited b ) the haul ildlug brigade. Messrs. Thotn , ronanceniid Jimmy .lamiesou will also aiilvosbottly. Mi. Jamicson is lo bu mauled In Dublin next week and stalls Im- modlalel.v alter the coiemoii ) with his ) oung wile lor Pan. OUU BKUljI.N BUDGET. Matters AVhlch Will He llsiussoil In I hi * Uoiniili : Koichsl i < * . HKiti.ii , Nov. n. [ Special Cibljgiam to the Hu : . ] The piorammo ol the telciista , ; opens with the discussion ot the repoit ot the budget , commisslonuis on lotulgn aft.iiis and mailne. It is uncciialn whethci the government will nroposo anewoi nu mc-ntcd tax ition. The oill'lal papeis as eit that the governmeut has dccld < > d against allempt- ingto luvy new imposts , Pilnco Bismaick postponing fuitliei fixation piojojts until tlie incetiiu ol the next iclchbtig. In the hope that the electorate will letiirn n moie submissive majorltv. Coupled vv Ith Iho statements that there will bo piesented no new tiMtion piopos.tls are vague hints that the government is preparing reonus ! ot linanualadminijtrationsuggesting a Uis-'uised scheme ot incieiscd duties , HIM.NOT oi't-osi : nuiuttvr. ixcunvsi : . No section In the lelchsta'i will oppose an increase of the maiine budget , n lamer nu- pioptlatlon being conslitcrod n necessity. It is admitted that the licet Is uncquil to the wants of the countiy fordelonso and offense. A sharp contest is expected In the picsunt session over the subject ot the milltaiy sep- tenate. Tlio question will piobxbly bo lim ited to deciding In principle VThother to maintain or to modity the soptcnate. the term expltin. ; Match ill , l bS. The govein- mentis aftaid to hazard a perilous debate and It is not likely that thu military budget will bo produced or that tlio discussion of the septenato question will go bujotul thu princi ple. It is reported tint Prince Ulsinuckis considering the scheme ot asking tor a budget lot a period of lour jears. In ollleial chcles thu asser tion Is still nude Urit the government does not dieam of an ) thing except a sente- natf. As to thu relative position of the differ- out p u ties on the question , 109 votes , con sisting ot both groups of the conservatives , national liberals an I sjvonl .independents aroassined to thu govt'rnmont The abso lute majoiit ) lequircd lo eiiry on business is 1JW. The eentet holds thebilaiico ol powet. TIM : cAt'st : The eagerness of Pilncn Histnirclc to ar rive ntncomplete modus vlvendi with the Vatican arises liom the necessity of the gin- eminent obtaining Iho vote of the cuntci. It t 1'ilute Hlsmirck concedes the admission to Germ tny ot all the catholic ordeiR , the centei will votu for a soptonate. inn JII.I.A ness or riifNci : AMIOI.IIM VXY Prince Hlsiuaick accorded M. lletbette , Fienchambtssidor , his Hrst Inteivlow ) es terday. Thu tone of thu olllc al muss ii guarded on the question ot the lelitions be. twecn Gemini ) and Franco , but the clngrh of the menibeis of the 1'iencli embassy Is tin concealed. The reception accoided M Her- bcttu by Prince Histuaick was not favoiabl to French designs In Egypt. It Is lepoitet tlut M. llerbettuassiued tlio chancellor of the absolute neutialltyof Fiance In thu event of win In the east Prince liismarck has been silent during the week and lias vouch safed no hint of the policy to bo lullowed by Germany. coxoi.usinx or TUG roxconu VT IMMIXKXI- Ulshup Kapp iccenlly returned ( torn Rome. Ho has had several Interviews with Count Herbert liismarck and Di. Von Gosslci , mill Ister of i-ccleslaslical alfali s , which stiengthen Iho reports that the conclusion ot the con cern ! at with the Vatican U Imminent Tlio Prussian Catholic press declines that the con cordat is not needed , an entente being suf- llclont to protect the chinch , but that If Pilnce liismarck concedes an ample concordat thn valican will readily accept it , AVII.I. COMllVTAlTACIvS I'I'OS TUB CIIUUCH. Tlio North Get man Giui-tto quotes this story from the HalloGazettc : "Ctown Prince Fredcilck William , while Inspecting the re cently icatorcd high altar of the Meracbers cathedral , perceived tlie absence of the cross. In a moment of inspiration the crown prince went to the sacristy , lifted tlio crucifix reverently with both hands , ant ! carried It to the altar , upon which ho placed It Then , turning to those accom panying him , lie exclaimed : "Do ) ou not believe this sacted .symbol will remain for ttver here. " This action is taken to Imply that the crown prince Is prepaid ! to combat nil attacks upon the church. Till. MKItCHAXr FI.PKT. According to ollleial returns for the present ) oar the German merchant licet Is composed of 4,105 , vessels having a reglsteud seagoing tonnage of 1,2S2-HO tons and the crows num ber 38tiil : men. As compared with the re turns for the ) ear 188,1 these figures show a de crease in the numbarof TCSCS ! of 132 and a following oil In tonnace of 11.S39 tons. ri.snn roit vntiMXu. The trade court nt Anchor has sentenced fifty-three compositors to pay damage to their empoers ! for le.ivlnq work and joining In n strike without Rlvlntr notice. TIM : noVAt. TIIIIA or ninit.tx. The necounts of tlio Herlln Roval theater , Including I Ihe opcia , show that the cost to the t tile Is 2WO , ( > 00 marks ntimmllv. Of Iils. 1 iuiiiittUaam)3Mr , ) contributor 4' DOJ ) 1t marks fiom his urlvate purse , besides paying tlio dcllctt Incurred by the opera and billet , which do not pav , ovvunr to the largo silarlcs paid 1fl 1 lo nrtlstos. llctr Nleminn contracts to slug forty-eight nlirhta for 31.000 marks , Herr Belbirltone 1 , iccelvR-s 10.0M marks > oirly and 1I the tenor bnlfo , Hotnn , Is mid 1S.OOJ mirks. I Frausichs llulTmestct rerchiw C.t.000 mat 1 lei , Fiiuleln Heath 20,0)0 ! ) , Franleln . Itennn I ! U.003 mil Ftauletn Pattenl 10,000. The drama yields n linndsomo suiplus. Tlio Issue of musical vv oiks ot Ficdciicktho Gtc.1t commences with twenty-live lluto con- cctlos cdlled by Birge , of Lclpjlc. Gald- maik'sncw ' opeia , "Morion , " will be pro- dnrcdIn VlenniimNovemberlO. Iho princi pal artists appealing In onora will be Fran Mitetna and lleireu , Wllkelmann and licis- hcnbeiir. O11D AVI ) r.NDS. Tlicpollcool Havaila have expelled State Aichltect lleesslcr trom the country lei ns- shtliiK in asoelillstlcaglUlton The body ol Hen Ktobs , a , tu'ombcr of the Heilln inutile pal council , has been found in Giunwnlde. llu hall committed suicide by shooting himself tlnouijli the head. A wilt had been issued agiliisthlm for the embezzlement mont ot ttttst funds. Prof. , of KoenU'sberp , is dead. K MAOURV'S OPINION. Hungary Is Ior Pence If Consistent With Honor. [ r < > f > ui ttild IWib'l JmiKS ( ? < irrt i Itenn'tt 1 Ut tA-Pis : i n , Nov. 1.1 [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Hr.i : . ] In the Hun garian delegation Count Kalnocky saiii : "Our inteiests me Involved in the Hulg.ulnn question only wheie principle or treaties aie conceincd. Tlio action of Gcnetal Kaulbats Ii is Justly ii ritated publlu opinion , but even here the temporaly must bo distinguished from the perminent. Ho succeeded only in making Kusslan IntcrfutcncQ unpleasantly felt and In tinning Euiopcan sympathy to Htilgaria. He appioves fully the proaiaiumu ol Mlnlstei TIs/a We have interests in the oilent , but not enl ) tbeie. Justicllcct befoie taking a slop tovvard causing hnropcati dcvelopmonls wh'c'i may moblli/o .I.OOJ.OOD. soldiers. Diplomacy hns kept the Hulgailan question liom becomlnir Einopoan. Had Russia sent a commissioner to Hulgarla to take charge of the government or attempted occupition of the ports 01 country , we should have taken a H-solnlo position. ' 11ns dangei seems nvctled , mid a poicclul solution withoul injuring our interests Is highly piobable. It at any moment we become com pelled to act energetically , wo shall not lack filends and supporler.s. Though Gfumany has no Inteicst in Hulgana while peace is kept , it will make a stand In case of any decisive moment. If wo must stand up for om ri/hts , wo1 shall llnd In England a sine and clTcctlvo support Italy will also , at n given moment , protect her interest in tlie east. Russia , Iiovvevet , assines us that she will keep the treaties and neithei weaken Hulgailan autonomy nor cause a constitu tional change without an ncteement of the " powois Hofr F.ilk nsked whether Count Kalnocky would allow the tempmary military occupa tion of Hulgaila. Count Kalnocky leplicd : "Without the consent of the powcis , not even tempmary occupation. " Count Andiassy , amid gcnoial appl uisp , slid : "No sen iblo man in Hungary wishes wai nut nil peace , so long as it cm be kept withoul piejtidicc to honor. " A ttirthei discussion will take place on 'I uesday. A Murder Uloarcil Up. [ Capurlolit lkt * > ' ' ) / James Cardan lleiuictt. ' ] VirNXA , Nov. 1.1. | N'ew York Herald Ciblo Special lo the Hi.p.J 'llio perpe- ttitotof the msterious stieet minder of Jacob Sclilossbetg , proprletoi of a pilntlng olllce , hasat , last be-on discovered. Tlie tbeorle0 of robbei ) and revenge having been dlscaided , the police lookup the idea ol the murdei liavlnt ; been committed by a despait- ing beg ai who had been ret used alms. Pei- sons Immediately caino lorvvard willi coi- roboratlvo evidence , and a lallor , who had refused chaiity to a btgsar aiisvvetins to the desciiptlon of the murderer that very even ing , tound on examination a .slit In his coat and waistcoat showing an ntlotnpt to stab him. A vagabond name Gcrhatdtus Krcltlei was nnestcd atid recognized by all Iho wit nesses. Ho liad on his pctson n bloud stained knife. He fonueilya gold-bcntet nnd liad lattly been released tiom prison. Hcg- gais will now reap a harvest liom the tenor ol peisons whom they accost , and additional I police precautions have been taken. Itoynl I Ifnpuifufit IbStl Jij/ James fluiilim llcnnrtt.l Hill ssi i i.s , N'ov. 1'J. Now Yotk ' - laid Cablu-Suecial to the HIE. : | Hie death of the Flemish cook , who foi eighteen has prepired ( he meals ol the Empress Cailotta , has c i cited a panic In the Chateau do lioiicli- ont , the picsent residence ot Maximilian's widow , The empress lives in constant tcnoi ot bulne poisoned. Since she lost her chef , whom she ttiisted , she has lufnsed to touch an ) thing solid but bieid. and tiembles at llio sight ol water. Shu spends hei lime hunting about for objects which she Imagines she has lost , Her physical health Is excellent , but liei feni of poison has brought Jon lepeated nervous ntiacks , which ate luv ing disastrous cltoct on her mentally. War Implement Hxtilhit Almniloneit. fttf 1dint Ontilin Jiennttt. ] HUUSSKLS , Nov. 11 [ New Voik Herald Cable Special to the UKH. ] The project for an International exhibition ot war Imple ments lu Hiitssels III U&s has entiiely col- lased , foreign governmcnti having declined to ptttlclpate h | tie show , widen would have disclosed their milltaiy scctets. liaton Sn- dnlnu , late managnr of the gieat liel Cockcrlll hon vrorlcs near Liege , is about to start for China , whither he hns been called by Its government to establish Immense ar- bcnnls and v ast ship building ynids. The "noodle" Cases. NEW Yonh , Nov. 13. Counsel foi James A. Richmond and Jacob Shaip , undei indict ment on Iho charge of having bribed tlio "boodle" aldermen while olliclals of the lirondvva/ road , gave nollce lo da ) of a mo tion tint they be Informed of the evidence i ) upon which the indictments were found. ' I They make aflidavIt that they did not bribe , nor vveto they privy to any brlbet ) of mcmbm of the council ; that the ) under stand the Indictments weiti tound on lalsu evidence , and they want to know its cluiuc- tei in order that tuny ma ) piepai their de ft-use. lloa.- the .Men ) Sleigh xN. V , . Nov. 1U. A lieav ) ; fall of snow here last night and it Is leputled 1 tvvelvo to tvventv inches dcepat Auburn and ( jenuva , und still snowing. LITTLE PHIL'S ' PRODUCTION , The General of the Army Submits His Report. HIS OPINION OF DESERTERS. Tlio Troops oT Unnecessary Posts licliiK Tiiiiisforrcil to Where They are Btoic Nceileil Atkins on tin * Imll.ltiH. Honort of HIP tJoticral of the Arm ) . WvsiiiMirox , N'ov. 13. [ Special Telo- to the Hi r. 1 Uenerat Sherldnn , In his nnnual icnurl Issued to-day , dwells nt Icnsth upon affairs In tlio division of the Missouri and spo-Ilios a good ot work which has bc'cn going on In the depiriiuont of the Platte. llosisthatwhllothodlvlslon haslmd nn troubles apprnichim ; a condition ot hos- tllltics ( hiring the joir , main npi'tatlons of a minor nature have been lendeied necessary to suppress piedatorv inltls In Montana by Indians fioiu onorescnation directed inainlv against the Indians of other lesorvatloiis , to 1 rntect Indian agents from Insolence and insubordination of tholr charges and to seetitosctllers fiom the Itwloss demands ot roving bands \\lio have been pn milled , on one pretense or nnothei , to leavu their ic-ser- vations. "Vniirfiio luports,1' lie sis , "of dllllcnltlos noith and not ( Invest of Fort Lewis , In sonthctn Colorado , have ncces- s-ltnted the movements of hoops In that direc tion , nml tlm establishment of t\vo summer cimps In the Itlue mountlan region have quieted all fears and satlshed the settlers. So that all com plaints hive now cowed. " Hilling the year General Sheridan state- ' , Foil Ftcd Stocle , In the department of the Platle , and Fort Kills. In the dopittmont of Dakota , have been aban doned. "In their both of " day these- posts , ho sis , "played most Importint parts In the settlement of the north n-nl northwest. Their usefulness havln ? pissed away , the ex penses of their maintenance has been stopp'd by tlio removal of their ganlsons to othei points , it Is my dcslro to perseveio In this policy of abandonInir thu smill posts , and the Minis of money allotted this \earto Torts Ktibsell , Htluy and Koblnson and the post of Han Anloine , all In tlio Division of the Mis souri , will aid materially In carrvlng It out. " The report endorses Scnatoi Mindei son's bill lor the lelliement of ofllcuis and the in. crease of infantry regiments to tvvolvo com panies and adding " > , OOJ men to the nimy. Tlmuencinl calls attention to thepiofessional deseiteis and lecomme'ids that they bu mnikcd with indelible ink as soon as con victed liy court The leai of detec tion , he thinks , would piovcnt such criminals from again olfi-rlm. ' themselves 101 enlist ment and would , in his ojlnlon. tuimlnato toicvei the lupeatod deseitions that me lie- quently piaitlced by bad nnd vicious char- acloi.s , vvlio apuear lost to all sense ot obliga- lion and commit the crime foi the pleiismoor convenience ot getting tiom one place to an other. The rjpoit shows tint at the date of the list returns , the. nunv of the United States consisted ot " ,10i olllceis and iilOlO men. Under the lie id ot divi sion of tlio Atlantic Slierldin re- leis Ici-linglv1 to the Ue.itII of ( ! en- erol HaiirocK. llu .si > s no military operations of importance nave occnrreit in this dhlslon dining thu jenr. Ihe lecom- mennatlons heictofoie uiado by Geneial Scholicld and his prcdeccssoi iclalivo to the concentiation at some suitable point ot o\- eral lUht battenes lor thch bi-lter instinctlon arurenewed and attention is eilled to loititi- ( ation ami aimameut of om sei coists iving alone thu Atlantic ocean. 'Ihe. adjustment m ulo wllh the Chev- cnnes and Arapahoes by the president thiough tlic medium of tholleiiteiiintgeueial in .Inly , iWi , has relieved all hiitalionin the Indian territory , but tinops in that ic-lon have been Kept constant ! ) emploid in the prevention ot unlawful vettlemenls in the Oklahoma countiy and its invaislon by lieids ot rattle. Unless some le lslition is had which will specially lix the status ol Oklahoma land lie teats its in my advantages in the way of bcaiitilul landscapes and teitile soil will prove a continual temptation to the vontiir- some population neat its boidei , which In u shot i peiioil could make it a prospeioiis state. Ho states that it was tils ideate to lemove to Florida the Indians held as pus- oners bv ( Ciook , last November , but ho defencd such aotlon. Concral bhcililan savs : "Tlio loss of Captain Ciivvfoulwas much to be rc-gictted , as ho would In my opinion have teiminated the cruel and bloody alioelticsliiili continued theieitter fni nianv months. " Theiepoit thru relates in detail the clicuuit-tames attending the qnnlllied suiiendur ot ( icioniino to licncial Ctook upon teims vvliieh wciii not appioved by the president and thu subsequenteseaneot the ehlel vvlthtwent ) vvaiiloisand thiiteen women. Touching the relict of ( ieneial Crook and Ins leplacemont bv General Miles , Sheridan said It grow out ot the Ciook seemed wedded to the the policy of operating almost exclusively with Indian stouts , and as Ins experience was ot creitweiicht Ills nollcj could not bo changed without Ills removal toanothei hclu. The icitoit sif > : " ( Ieneial Miles went to woik with commendahleeal. . Ills troops followed up the liostlles with vlgoious en- uigv , nroku up theh camps by attacks loin or live times , ami gave tlit'in no test until thej Hiiiiendmed on .septombui I , uiidci circum stances and conditions , however , that should not , In my judgment , penult tlinli lielng tinned over to the eivil aullioiities lei pun ishment , us was Intended l > > thu picslilnnl. On Septembers they went started by ( .emual Miles to Fort.Marion , Kla , without authoi- Ity. but atalatei date stopped at .San Ait- tonlo till their llnal disposition could u < ide cided niion. 1 ho repot t statu- . that the at i est t of the. C'hllirihiii ludiiills , ind llii'il leiuoval to I'loiida had been otdered li > IhepieslileiH , notwlthstandlii ! ; thu objeetions oi ( ieneral .Miles that It mluht Imch irued Hut tht KO\- iniment liad t iken advantage ot the Indians , and that biich ai-tion would necessitate a WHI of extermination against the hostllos then in 0d ! Mexico. , I'lw aimy. the repoit states , Is genei uly In averv healthy and gratll.vhii eonditlon. ami tliodlhi'lpllno Is ex.client. But fovv olllcers have been tried by court maitial dining thu veai , and the opinion Is uxiires od tint the o lias not been a ponod within twenty-live jeans when so llttla nii-osslty has existed lor ihecoricotlon of those holding commissions. It is suircefted that coimress open .1 rethed list to thecvlent nt cmhrachiK olliceis now excluded from It for want ot vacancies. The repoit shows that the injunction of the aim ) In the use of the rltlu or rarbtno with which the men aio armed has been thoroughly PKI > - ecuted dmInic the > ear , and returns trom each depattmentas well as tlui results ol teg ular competition1 ! , exhibit a decided advance ment In the piuliLlcncy of the arm } In illle ' 1 ho'general renews his recommendation made in his preceding lepott tonchliuc the nl- lotment of land In soveraltj to the Inditing , the bale ol bin pins lands , and thu uc.itlnn ot a trust fund from the money ieali/cd , the In terest on vvhlih shall be tinned ovir to the Indians foi their suppoit. "In tonsldeiiii ! ; all the Indians and itsfivatlons In the teni- toiiesof Dakota and Montana , " sajs thu le iiott , "vv have an ast'rej'ato area of over 5I,5 , OOJ acres , and a population ol le-s than 45,01)0. ) The btnplns atea of neulv hi.OW Hipuro mlleb ( alieoat eiuwl to the entire state or Katisis ) would prodiuoan annual Intetest of over i/jOOXX ( ) . Tlio appropriations tot thu fiscal jearen dini : Juno : .o j lb-0 , tot fullilllm , ' I the treaties with these tribes , uinl for thoh siibslstento and civilization , nnd thu pav of emplocs Incident to such undertakings , amount to about 100,003 less than this sum. " In a Ilku mannci the insult of application ol the plan In dldc-tent western states and teiri- tmles is shown In detail , and thuieport con cludes as follows : " 'llio Indian teseivatlons ot thu United Mates contain about -.ioo.OJO .smiaie mil-- , und thcli population is about u-i,000. ( ) Twent-si\ thousand square mlle-i would locate each famllv upon halt a spctlon ot land , IfavIng.i smpliis of nboni no.ouo square miles , whlcli.ncnordlnii to thu plan I have proposed , would proJuc-o uiuiuall ) This amount ovcccds by nliout . the entire sum anproprlated lor the jnjmcnt of their an nuities and for their subsistence nnd tlvlibation , 'llio policy advocated In mv repot * would be most advantageously applied ctadtnllv , the peneral irou'rnmcnt of the Indrins bclin ; continued nwoulins to thn methods Inosiie , or stiph Improvements of t'lem ' as time and experience miy The ulthnitodcvelo'iment of the s policy would , as the Indians advance In civil- uitlim and IntelllRence , result in the return to them ot the pilncipU derived liom the sio ! of their lands , winch , until such nieus- UH-s wcie mithoii/cd bv act of COIIKIOSS. would Lo held as a ttnst for their beneiit. and thu Incomi' apnlled to thcli support. " IllKW V ltlNITOV ( I'Ol.Ki : SCVMM A few months aeo aeiv worthy man , MIJOI Dje. \\est I'olnt Rraduate. who liad held the oilire of c'.tel of the motiopollt.'in jiolke tor several vears , was deposed to lvo plncoton man solerted bv the mnvlv orKin- > 7cd board of district commissioner , riionch the new chief has had tlinrgu ot aHalts but a hoit time , the most uvcithit ; soanditl known In jearshns Just come to the sinface nd plainly shows them Is pteat need of thn commissioners cither undoing the woik by which they Innu lit about the new chief of police , oi .else thov should select a now man who moro fully compu'hcnds ' the duties of his position. I he scandal ( rrowsout ol the chaises that the new chief has been Insti nctliii ; his subordinates to watch senators nnd lepiescntallves in con- Kress to see whit pi ices thev tu < iuentd ] at tilRht. and if the p'accs ' vveio dlsteptitable the fact was to be Used as > species ol blackmail tocomncl cettain legislation In countess. It seems the chief hud a conteieiico will ) the ciptilns and lieutenants of the loice and the nutlet was discussed ot getting the Inlhteneu of eonirressmeii In lavot of legislation foi the bi'iielit of the iippiopnatious lei the foico , and It is claimed canted the mattot fuitliei than tint and the linblts ol coniriessmeii vveie disciissi d. At am rite an allalr in which a piomlm-ut voutlicmi i , now a iiiembct of the' son ite , was eonceim d some jeaw ngo , was mentioned , mill the tnct was cited that the olllccr who hid been Insttu- nicntal in exposlni ; thesonthein statesman Is now In destitute cheumstinces because of the put lie took in watching that Individual's entiam o Into a hou o ol questionable charac- tei. It was brought out in thn invcsliiMtton held on tie | ra * [ 'resident Cleveland that a ccitat * . has been In the habit ol visit ! . .siilonablc lionco ot ill icpute not tai .om the white house two or three times a week , and th it a ceitaln senatoi was in the same. No names were given. As theto is but ono speiKof in congress , the Irlendsof the mesent ollleial feel highly In dignant. The chief stoutly denies the chaiges , and at present writing Lieutenant Ainold , an ollkei ol loiigexpetience and ono well hKed by all. Is being made the scape goat. It is I nought that when cougtess meets and discusses the Dlstilct ot Columbia ap- mopiiatlon hills theie will be some music upon the tloor. o > MMt siovin : A i KINS' A.VVUAI , . Onool the most striking passives In the annual leportol Commissioner t. I ) . < \ At- Kins which has just been ptlnted , shows the working oi the Indian landed aristocracy undo the picsent tilbal sjstcm of holding u'servalions It appears Unit the chief culti vation ot tiihil lands is done by a tew mil and enterjiislng ) red men , who pocket all tiie pioceeds mid piv no lent to the tilhe as a whole. Ol coulee their pha Is that il any other membeis of the tritic choose to till the tribal hinds thev aio at lihettv to do so , hut it appeusthatin the Indian Ictrilory , whern some veij lar n aggie ate ctops aio taised on lands held in common by paitly elvili/ed tiihesoiltlilcr and moio lullueiitial IiKMans hive mononoli/ed the best linds and much mine than would bo then bh ue ninlet an equal divislo't in sevei- alty. Commissionei Atkins accoidlnglv points out that thu piescut sjstcm of land tenmo among the icd men is vunklng vuy bidlj.and that theirovcrnment ought to in- teiveiieanddivldetlioland held In thelndlin Teiiltoiy into lots ot ICOactcs foi each head of a taiiiilyjUMl half as much foi each minor child. The general Imptcssion derived fiom Commissioner Atkn ) ' icport Is that the iues- ent sj.slum of Indian land holding is vcivim- pcrleetand unwise , and tint cotiRress should piomntlj substitute one which would be bet- tut foi both the ted men and the white. sArisfAnoin 10 mini ruuii.s. Sectetiij Lamm and Chailes 1'iaiicis Adams , Jr. , piesident ot the Union I'nclhe ralUvay company , held a dual interview tills morning conceining the disputed accounts involving a laige sum between the govern ment and therailvva ) comuany. A conclusion was ipaclicit entiiely biitlsfacloii to both pii- ties , and thu amount detot mined upon is to be immedlatel ) liquidated by Mi. Adams. ootsr. ox A loi'it or iNsi'i c HON. \ 15. bjieats , inspector of public buildings in tliesiip ( > r\isiigaichitect's \ | ollico ol thu tieisury department , will leave heio on Moudaj ne\l to inspect the government ImlliliiiKb at Nebraska City , Keokuk , Dei Molnes ami Council HlnlK He will ascer tain the pie icss ol the woik where linptove- mentsiiie lieing mule and the condition ot the buildings and unite a topoit ot the gen- tial needs. I'OSlAT , JrtlVNOI P. il. C Taidiill was to dav anpointed post- mastci at btinhope , Hamilton county , la. , vice Luey J. 1'aiker. tesigiiid , and liobett S. Kunderson at Whittle ) , Liiuoln count ) . Neb. , vleo Joseph .laclvMin , teslgned. I'ostodice sites have been changed in Ne braska is follows ; Agnew , Lincaster count ) , oiuMnlf mile boiitheist ; Ciimro , Custoi county , ono and one-halt miles west ; McCaiin , Cheirv county , tlnee-qii irteis ot a mile west ; Kcva 1'alii county , one mileeist ; Mooie , Holt county , one-half mile south ; T > ghe. Keith count ) , one half mile west ; \Vliittict \ , Lincoln count ) , thieo-qu li ters nl a mile southeast , and .Living Sptlng , i'ottiwatimie county. Iowa , tar ol a mile north. 1'ostolllces discontinued In Nebia ka : Swenden , ICno\ count ) , m ill goes to Dolphin ; T.ilbot. Knov county , mail goes to Dolphin ; UolteCieek , I'avvncti counts , mall goes to Hinchaid ; White Ash , Washington count ) , Iowa , mall to Columbus .luiic'tiou. A I'UMIir AI. SIAsAtloN spoil I II. Thlsuveninh'MCiiticsav- : little poli tical sensitlon vvis caused to dav bv aiumoi liom thecipltalthiit hcnatoi V'inVck hid attlvcd In tlieclly. An invi'silg-itlou , how- evei , levelled thu fact that he Is not lieu * tnd is not expected until about Chi 1st mas time. PKIIsOVAl Ml N HON. Mnloi ,1 urns P. Kundlelt , Ninth tnvalrv , IMS liad Ins station i haiiiied liom 1'oit Kub- inson to Kottiobiara Neb senatoi mid Mis MandJison iuoe\pc.tet ( at thu t'uitland on Mend ly. 'I IKI I'niiliii'o Moil Ailjouin. CjiirAfio , Nov. M , 1 ho membcis of the National Huttei , Cheese anil Keg association to-da ) eleited Jl. It ( iinlu ) , of DcICalb , 111. pieslilent lor thu ensuing ) < -ar. Thev hai qulto u fipltlted discussion ovei lltoiesolii- tlon by Dutton , of New otk , that nil dialeis and exhibitors otoleomaigaiini ) bebo(0ttcd Kveihod ) wanted the Ilooi at once.lmtthe teiiipeit was abated bv the uloption ol a sub btitute that thu immibcis ot thu association should hold themselves nloof trom thu Illin ois state boaid ot au'riciiltiiiu us long .is that bed ) encouragi s thosu who miniilactuii ( iloomnuaiine , J hu convention aiijouttiui sutediu. _ _ Jji-M'o A | > ! > to | > i iallon. WA-iiiN.iiox , Nov. l.i 'lliu wir depirt mi-tit to-da.v nppiovcd the allotment b > tl , Mississippi tlver CD nmisslon ot to the levies of thu Yn/oo Mississippi delta ill tilct. 'Ibis nppropilatlun will bo uxpcndii on the line ol tint leveu between Memphi and the noilh end ot Holivnr count ) , Miss ' 1 his , with the woik now being done In tin dihUicI below , will complete a loiitinuoii linuof levee tiomIcmniil.s to Vlcksbina' , i dlstanccof about "ti ( mile- . O.ih In Ion a. Dr.s MOIM.S , la. , Nov. I t. | hpeclnl Ti h giam to tlio Hi i .J A lew weeks turo a ga well was discovered ut YnK duthil count ) , which sent out gas vei ) vlolentl ) from winch u child w.isbuincd. To dav a Heinilon , the next station buvond ale. Mi II. C. Hooth , while boilng lot \vati-i , siriic ! n vein ot gas ITi teit beneath the siitfacr throw in. pinblus and sand 100 teet hlgli The rxailng can hi henil two miles awa ) . Tim falliei of Aililiu Iteitili.iidl , tintin - toituntitu uul wltublew outthu < ; .is Uul- iicsilav ni lit , -unveil in the uilj to > la\ IIo vviil on .Monday accompany llu lu inuin.s uf his ilcad iltuitcJiti i to Ins home in Did u lU'iu tiii-v will bu JiUi nt'i SULLIVAN KNOCKS RYAN OUT The Champion of Ohampions Scores Another - other Gmt Victory. ONLY THREE ROUNDS NEEDED. I'nilily Hliiecrd Iilnip iitul 1,11'olcns The Police Uiish lit Hut 'loo J > ntc to lie of Pnilily Painlyrctl. HAN Tit srisro , > iov. ii : As carl ) as o'cloik thlsevcnlng thetlouts of the pavilion were l ) < : > clcu.l by eaget crowds of peopln Impatlentlv waiting admlttancJ to sco the Sulllvan-Uan gluvu contest. When the doors vveto hnall ) opened the i.ish to obtain seats was so great Hint many pcoplu wcro badly crushed If not scilonsly injuied. \ \ hen all vveie Inside the pavilion it contained i'.tUO ' peopli1. The turns of the contest between the two stais weio six rounds with lour ounce gloves , tiiuvvlninr to take ft and llio low 'Jo per cent of the receipts. Aflei the piellmlnary set-too between local eclebrltcs Lu Mlanehe of lloa- ton , aiid < llmmiu Catioll of New Vmk , inndo their appeaiauce. Le Hlancho had a lame light hand and did not use It. Theio WHS a lirett ) exhibition of sinning lei two loiimls , but in tliethird Leltlaiiche IctCaiioll git In on him with his light ami went heels over head in a hick-handed summersault. At 10 o'clock the ptoceedhiKs weio enlivened lij a. ttemendmis irash in the loft gallciy. A lot * t men had climbed upon a nniubei of show- ciscs used tor exhibits. They toppled the cases ovei , smashing them toplccctuuid badly cult Iny a l ) . At fomtcen minutes past cloven Sulllvnn and Itan made their iippeaiancc. Doth vveie elected with lotidcheeis. dipt. Hiram Cook was chosen lefeice , with Daniel .Murphy as timekeeper for Sullivan and Chailes Smith toi Ky.iu. After sinking hands llio two men spined Ihescconds foi an opening , when U.m suddenly let out with his light , catching Sullivan on the light chejk. Yells ol " ( ! lory lor Tadd ) " weio heatd all ovei the house. From this moment I He men fought savagely , Itan leading tlitoiighoiit. He followed up with auotliei nght- liander on the cheek and attemnted to toliuvv up with a stomach blow , but tell short. F.u the lust mlnnlu Ihe lighting was sosuveio that Iun ! began to show signs of hilling wind. .Sullivan took advantage and made a nNi at ICan , when both clinched , but wcic quick ! ) sepaiuted. bi ro.Mi KoUM > Ian ! iigaln forced the hghtlni : , but vv Uh less uppaient elleet , tlnmgli he ii.ichi d .Siillhans face nnd body buveial times. Ho had test some ol bin power tliiough becoming winded. Sullivan , notic ing tills , be an to foicu thu light and leading i cached who counleted atlCLtuaily. bullivan again leached lot him and landed a bed ) blow , which downed Itan , amid limit ehieis. This was repeated twice. Itnu tneil to clinch to avoid punishment , but at the end ol the louiid It was appnicnt that his chance lor victoiy was gone. Thud iCound This was a slugging match. . Sullivan , bung In bettet wind , toiced tno ; lighting liom the start. Dotn men aliuvved signs of lie.nv punishment. After tlio thitd PASS hiillivan sent in u tciiihu right- ' haiulet on ltan's faw , which sent him spinning to tne lopes , a clean knoclc dnwo. The blow rattled Uynpso It was with dllu- ctilty that he staggered to hitt feet , lie shook : ' himself togethci and in a duedway led oil with his leltfot Sullivan's face. The httor stopiied It prettily and then jepcatod his right blind on Ityan s jaw. 'llio blow waa < ! ro violent and well dhecled that went ] down as if shot out ot a cannon. It was a kuocl-out ot the cleanest kind. Uvun la ) oiu the lloor unableto move , 'the police nishcu'j in but It was too late. Theie was nothlimj for tlicm to do as the tight was ended. .Sullivan waved the time keeper back BO as lo see if Kvan had itn- thliiE inoio to say. When tlmo was called Uan was still on the lluor. btilliv.ui stooped dow n , raised him up and carried him to his comer. Thu ciowd quickly dlsap- pci.icd amid loud shouts foi Sullivan. MOItKISON h UUKHAT. Die Cause cT Hl lletirctucnt Atttl- hutud to Another Bonier. CmcAoo , Nov. W. [ Special Telegiam to the Ithn.J While John Jariett and bin tinned ill. tie association have thus fai uueii given alletedit foi the deleatof William If. Moi rlson for re election to congress , the most important factot in accomplishing It has up to this lime been unknown nnd unllioiigut ot. \oin eoi respondent learned fiom the best authoi it ) today that the National Hut- lei , Cheese and Kgg association made a bit ter light on Mortlsun and it is believed they accomplished his defeat , bomu time bcluro llio iccenl election Colonel Uobeit M. Littler , the well known advocate ot the butter inlir- ests ol this country , and M-creUi ) of the National linttti. Cheese and l'K association , caused 10 bo mailed lo all pails of Ihu conn- ti > what he btles their "bhick list" i licnl ir. 'I Ills document contained Ihe names ol all congressmen who , dining the last session , opposed thu passage ot tin1 oleomaignilno bill. JIver ) l.iimet In ever ) cotigicsiloual dlstilct where such ( ongiessiucn sought te- elcillon recelvid a coji ) ol this "black list , " which wascaielnlh ami siivuiatcl ) juepaicil bv thctoloncl.togcilici with an ingent appeal to the hirmei votui to consider his own in- tetcstsaml ilcleat the etiomies of the tiller of the soil. in partsas : "Now look to Hie hcn.ite. Already 'Ulco' Moillsou piuhctn the ol Ihe house bill in the simile and oven goesujfsir as to say II will not set u healing in that body. Is he the seerol Ihu iilntceiith ceiitmy or Is ho Hlmply posted in the pi ice ot taw mateilal' . ' Wcbo- licvehu Is icc'Koning without his host. If you hellcvo tint agriculture nnd the con sumers or thn piodm ts ol the farm have any , now in iku it minitcst. Keep this and hand ttiuieioid down to jom chlldien that It may bo hand ) ut and beloio elections. " As Moi i iso i was u v civ conspicuous opponent ol the bill , thu association made speiial vvnr upon him ind it is now believed Imtteilne , , ind no. , iron or inon y Is icspoiiblble lei IIIH deleal. The I'.cuciiiH I TIIINOVV , Nov. III. Upon rfcelvhiB Jiom the King of Denmaik a telegiam icfiixinK Ills consent lo 1'Jlnce Wuldemar's accept- anro ol the Ilulgnrlan tluone , the rccenta reslLMicd. The solnanjo voted confidence , in the legenls , tint they declined lo witiidtaw their icslgnation. The hobianje has ad join ned , all mumbeis going to faolia. A deputation will visit Lmopcan nun Is to pta ) thu powern to noniinute a c.n.didatu for the throne. Killed lor Money , li ) NVI ii. Col. , Nov. M. ( Jeoigo P. ltich iiidoon , time ileik , and A. I' . Arbuckle , suL lonttactor on the Midland road , at .Summit I'ark , tvumtv-livo mil's west of Colmndu hillings , Jinil a qnanel o\ei Rome miitiey , wliuh tuiiillid In Ailmcklu striking Kit haul- son ovei the head wllh : i h.immei , killing him. IhumindeKi was aiiestul. An IIINIIIKI Muuloror. DI'NM i ; , Cul , Nov. 1 ! . Thu stoiy of an awlul cilnut bi en ri'lived heie liom Needles , Wo. Louis Cornvviill , a raixh- man , aftei vain attempts to pM > duro a pi'ipet- ual motion mm hlnii , became i'libane and In a In n/ > stabbed his w Iff and little daiiL'htei ted d < till , but spued Ins son's lite , llu then went hit j a ueld and blow his bialns out. Siilciilo anil Aim tier. WIM u 11 > , Kan. Nov. 1. : . At 0 o'clcclc this moiniiigat thu llietlun house , Lillian ( jiiiiin hliut I'i an I ; K Loci ; wood and then lii'i > elf , liotn ihiough hlu > n tit-ad mil U is lihuvid hecaiinot live. Ills iinjci- sii < < i in In a euse ol seduction 1'liv cut- i IIIHI aj.ii ) will inc.i.atc. . | ' { . " j t ts ' ! ii