Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Dagget Tolls How Ho Set the Barker Block
CD Ablaze.
Ilnll Notes-United State * Couit
Army Marksmanship I r. licls-
curing Will Hito the
MofTVut Jury.
Yesterday morning Marshal Ciimmings
'front ' In the patroiwagon ; to the depot , at 8
o'clock , to meet Daggclt. the man who
claimed to have set the Marker building
on lire , and who was expected to arrive
from Lincoln. lint ho did not como on
the Union Pacific train.
At 1UMO o'clock the patrol wagon made
a second trip , on the arrival of the 15. &
M. train , with Olllccr Ttmilnill on board.
This lime it returned with Chief of Police
Hertcli , of Lincoln , and the young man
mentioned. All were driven to the po
lice station , where Daugett was seen by a
BIE : reporter.
Ho is a low-sized slight man
swarthy features , piercing black
eyes , denoting l-retioh extrac
tion. Ho was dressed in a dark
vest , rough shirt , faded grov pantaloons ,
worn out shoes with a sun-browed short
frock coat , and a dingy silk cap which was
tightly drawn down upon the head. Ho
were a slight mustach and on his chin a
feeble down strove earnestly to fashion
itself into a beard. At lirst sight ho
would bo taken for a tramp , and later
acquaintance butconllrmsthuinipression ,
although ho is of a kindly disposition
which is not always found in such itincr-
To a number of inquiries from the
UIE reporter on told the following Htory :
"My name is Lascher U. Daggctt. I am
twenty-nine years of age. My homo is in
liacine , Win. , where my parents reside.
My mother is a French woman. I am a
printer by trade. I learned the trade
at my homo , though 1 have not worked
at the business for live years. I came out
to those parts last September and came
over to this city from Council Blull's.
with Barnum'ri circus. I was
not working for the circus. I have
remained hero since , but I have not bcc.i
at work except one week that 1 helped a
carpenter and four days nnd a half that I
worked in Garncairs cracker factory.
The Jast job was in the ivcek before the
Barker lire. 1 received four dollars and
n half for my work. Yes , 1 could get
work , but I could not find anything that
was not too hard for mo. 1 lived
nround nnd slept around as best
1 oould and on the night
of the fire , all my money , the $4.00 1 had
received from Garncau , was gone. I
spent it in drinking whisky. I felt tired
ihat evening and I walked up Farnam
street , wont up the front stairway lead
ing to the second iloor of the Baker
building. I went into the room there
which in all full of windows and I lay
down under one of the carpenter tables
and went to sleep. This was
about half past 0 o'clock. No ,
there was nobody around. There were
two carpenter benches in the room , the
ono 1 slept under was the one farthest
from Farnam street and about fifteen feet
from the head of the stairs. Botli of thcso
benches ran east and west. I had not
slept very long. 1 don't think it was
more than half an hour , because it was
cold , and the cold woke mo. I raised up
to light my pipe and scratched my match
on my pants. The match broke and the
head fell in the shavings. I looked for
it , but couldn't lindit. I couldn't bo euro
that it had blazed , but I think there was
a little lire on it. I then fumbled in my
pocket for another match , and while I
was doing this. I noticed the shavings on
lire , and then I knew that my match was
lighted as it foil in the shavings. I jumped
up and commenced to stamp
to put out the tare , but it
was too big , and 1 gave it
up and went down stairs. I was afraid
it would catch a man who went upstairs
about three minutes after I had laid down.
When I reached the strcct.peoplo already
had noticed the lire , and were crying
out , but none of them took notice of me
as I wont down the stairs and got in
nmongst them. I felt that everybody
HUBpectcd mo though , and before the lire
was out , I wont away sat down in a
saloon a couple of blocks from the build
ing. Then I walked around for a while
and went to bed in a lodging liouso a
couple of blocks below the Faxton
liouso. Yes my money was all gone
but I pawned my coat with the lodging
man and ho gave mo a 15-cent bed. Next
day I walked around the country and fin
ally got to Lincoln , where the marshal
gave mo lodging in the station. This
niado mo feel kindly to him and I told
him the story that I have told you. " Ho
then told how lie felt ho was followed
and suspected of the cririo. so that ho
could not bo at ease , and us ho told this ,
his eyes were bathed in tears. Daggett is
not a man disposed to bo in his
words , and although the cause of great
loss , and a wreck as to his life's pros
pects , there was nothing about him to
suggest that ho was not telling a straight
forward story , the result of which caused
him trrcat pain.
So far as the stops , the shavings on the
floor , the two tables and their location
and direction are concerned , his story
was corroborated by the contractor of
the building. With a slight allowance )
for a mistake-of a few minutes , the time
at which the mimes were discovered
would tally with that when Daggett let
his match head fall into the shavings.
His story of having pawned ids coat for
lodging was af torwarils found to bo truth
ful uy a BKH reporter , who called at
Louis' liftoeu cent rooms on Farnam be
tween Klovonth and Twelfth streets , Mr.
Louis remembered Doggut and described
him accurately , as did also a lady who
was present during the interview.
Doggot wont to the lodging
houst ) soon after the lire was ex
tinguished , and ho had a now , soft over-
coal which had not been worn very long.
That he pawned next morning after the
lire , The garment ho pawned to Lewis
is a dark bmo jacket in the lust stages of
usefulness. .
Daggott tojd his story to a number of
people , union ! ; whom were the linker
brothers : , the contractor. Chief Galllgan ,
and a hostjof others who called at the
juilontof uiirlosity to see him. Daggctt
was locked up to await developments ,
About ( ho Manner of Con-
the Kiilo of LotH.
County Treasurer Iljlln said yesterday
heQhad finished the publlo sale of lots on
which delinquent taxes had accumulated ,
but was still making a few private sales
of lots. Altogether , about three hundred
lots have been bold so far , und the num
ber eventually will roach fully live hund
There is a certain class of money-sharks
which makes a business of buying up
tlieso tax titios by paying the amount of
taxes duo , Ut courao titles acquired in
this \vfiV uro imperfect , even after the
lapse of a long timo. Any diiliuqueul
may , within two years after the sale pi
property redeem the same by paying in
at the county treasurer's otlico the
amount of delinquency , together with 20
per cent interest , This is turned over to
the man who hits purchased the lot. Oc
casionally this way the money shark wi.'l '
receive a handsome profit on his invest
ment. Or tiio delinquent may not ru-
deiuutlio property within two years , and
the nurchuscer may .then take possession
of it , though under a * oiuowliat clouded
In ninny case1) the lots nro redeemed
mnicdiately. For Instance , yesterday a
man came into the treasurer's ofllco nnd
redeemed n lot which had been sold the
dav before. He was chnrgcil 1 cent in
terest , which magnificent sum will bo
mid over , with the principal , to the man
ivho purchased the property at the de
linquent sale ,
The Department Mnkes tlic IJcst
Avornjjo on itccorcl.
For the last two .years the department
of the 1'latto lias ranked very high in the
matter of marksmanship , thanks to the
energetic efforts of the Instructor of rille
practice , Colonel Henry. It has however
remained for the department to "lower
Lho record" ( to use a sporting phrase )
In the matter of skirmish Qring. This
lias been done according to re
ports just received by Colonel Henry.
Major Van Horn , of Company A , Seven-
tci'iith Infantry , stationed at Fort Hits-
Hell , reports that his company made the
wonderful record of ill,30 out of a possi
ble 100. in skirmish IIring at Ilguro tar
gets. The highest average over made in
this department before was 80 , which
was achieved last year. The best record
over made in any department before was
38.09 the achievement of Company 1C.
Kightli infantry , of the Department of
"I liuvo no doubt" said Col Honrv to
day "that the Department of the L'latto
would take higher rank In the matter of
Firing than any other department in
.America , if wo could leave out Fort
lu Chesnc. This is a post , which has been
but recently organi/.ed. and the soldiers
liad no time for practice , lly a recent
order , the average of this post will have
to bo counted and it will probably lower
our record. "
Chaplain McAdam , of Fort Omaha has
been ordered to Fort Itusscll , to take the
place of Chaplain Brady , recently de
ceased ,
flicy nro Charccd With Itoubtnc
From the U. 1 * . Freight.
Yesterday morning there was half a
do/.cn angry men in the vicinity of the
Ifnion 1'acilic depot. They had been dis
charged by Mr. Ouslcr , the agontlfrom ttio
employ of the company as freight hand
lers and the reason assigned was break-
ng open packages m transit
and pilfering therefrom. They were in-
Jignant over their treatment , and had
just returned from a visitto Superintend
ent Smith , who said ho could not take
any action in their case until they had
Irst protested to Mr. Kouns or Ah1. Dor-
I'anco. They were waiting for Mr.
[ Conns , who was sick Thursday , who ,
t was expected , would yesterday hear
their objections. The names of the
parties discharged are withheld ,
until the matter is finally adjusted. They
all deny the charge of theft , and in the
event of not being reinstated propose to
sue Air. Otisler for defamation of charac
ter. They have already secured legal
advice and hired an attorney for the
imrposc. Thursday a fellow name
Mnrtha who was suspected of having in
correctly informed upon the men , was
met by ono of them. Ho was asked to
go to the superintendent and prove his
charge- , but refused , used hard words ,
when ono of his enraged victims struck
and broke his nose.
The Dodxo Street Grade.
A meeting of of Dodge street property
lolders was held Thursday night at the
oflico of Scott & Scott , there being prcsn.nt
3ity Engineer A. Rosewater , C. K. Scott ,
G. II. Hoggs , S. It. Johnson , Geo. B. Lake ,
* & JVU UUJ * A t JVUllUllAUf II * X * * J ? U\JOJ V *
Jr. J. 0. Donisc , M. Goldsmith , Geo.
Stebbins , H. W. Yatcs , G. M. Hitchcock ,
J. J. Monell , L. P. and M.F. Funkhouser ,
Chas. Huntington and W. J. Broatch.
The motion that a change of grade on
Dodge street from Seventeenth to city
limits is desirable was carried with but
thrco dissenting votes.
There was a great diversity of opinion
as to how much it should bo cut , but a
compromise was finally carried that a
cut of not less than eight feet at Twenti
eth street and tv cut of four feet from
Twenty-fourth street west should bo
made was carried almost unanimously.
That a change is need is shown by the
statement of the city engineer that it
would not be safe to pave as the grade
now existing is almost twice as steep as
St. Mary's avenue.
Justice ncrkn.
Mary Looks yesterday morning obtaind
a writ of replevin against her stepfather ,
Fred Evald , who bho claims wrongfully
withholds from her a bed and all the
clothing pertaining thereto , which the
plaintill' avers was given to her by her
mother before the latter's death.
Yesterday afternoon the case of the state
against Valentino Lipp , for receiving
money under false pretenses came up in
this court. Solomon Kulisli was the
complaining witness. His statement was
that Lipp received from him $135 which
ho stated three workmen engaged in
building a liouso in South Omaha re
quired for services , when in fact they
were in no way entitled to the 11101103 * .
The case went to Judge Bcrka on change
of venu from Judge Anderson.
"Truth" Pftyiiif ; Its NotcH.
Yesterday morning John Hannon
brought suit in Justice Berka's oflico to
prevent a settlement between the present
managcrbof"Truth" | and the former pub
lishers of "Progress" before the latter
shall agree to pay him the sum of $10 duo
him for services upon tho.lattor sheet. The
material ofProgress" was purchased
and convened into "Truth , " notes being
given by the stockholders of the latter
tor gradual payments , which arc now
hold by General O'Brien , To-day thcso
nolcs arc to bo paid , anil of the amount
to bo paid Mr. Hannon wants reserved
$10 above claimed. Attorney Ktiliu is
Mr. Hannon's attorney.
Missouri Valley Turn Ilo/.lrlc.
The Missouri Valley Turn boir.lrk mccli
in this city this evening. This is com
posed of turner voreins in the cities
Kansas City and St. Joe , Mis
souri ; Omalia in Nebraska nnd
Topoka. Atoluson , Lawrence , Mary-
villo ami Fedorla in Kansas. These so
cieties will bo represented by delegates ,
to whom a reception will bo
tendered in Gorinanla hall. On
Sunday morning and Monday , the
sessions of llio be/.irk will bo hold. On
Sunday night a grand gymnastic exhibi
tion concert and ball will bo givuu in
honor of the delegates ,
Admitted to the l-'odcral Bar.
The following attorneys have been ad
mitted within the past two or three days
to practice in the United States circuit
and district courts ;
Alex. Athoy. Burnett , NobBeniamin
S. Baker , Pah-bury , Neb , ; T. O.C. Harri
son , Grand Island ; T. J. Miihoney , J. T.
Morlarity , Omaha ; F. N. Prout , Blue
Springs ; Geo. N. Shcc&loy. David City ;
A. U. Talbot , Lincoln.
If you buy lumber anywhere without
llrst getting Hoaglands prices you will
lose money.
Died in the I'oor House.
Mrs , Keeps , one of the elderly inmates
of the poor hquso , who has relatives in
this city , died Thursday but her friends
can not bo found ,
Why it Has Been Delayed-Ilnllrond
An official of the B , & M. said yesterday
that the Ashland cutolT would not be com-
iletcd in time to allow trains to run over
t much before December 1st if , indeed , it
would then. The fact is that the B. & M.
ms been delayed in the completion of
.his cu'oA'by a hoggish piece of work of
the Missouri Pacific. A largo cut about
40 or 50 feet deep and 2,000 feet long hade
o bo made about eight miles beyond the
> lockyards. This was necessary for the
laying ; of the track of both the B. & M.
and Missouri Pacific branches. The B.
& M. agreed to bear its share of
the o.\penso of making this joint
cut provided the Missouri Pacilio would do
: ho work. Thisnroposilion was accepted
bv the Missouri Pacific. Their contrac
tors , however , have made the cut on ono
side for the Missouri Pacific , leaving the
ithor side to bo taken aw.\y afterwards.
I'hls work the contractors have been cu-
jagod on for some weeks , carrying it on
at their leisure. The last yard of dirt
will bo taken out in time to allow the
tracklaving to ho commenced on Mon
day. Light miles of track tire to bo laid
This will make the distance between
Omaha ami Lincoln ono of fifty-four
miles , and will shorten the time to about
iwo hours. The twenty-minute loss of
lime at Oreapolis under the present sys
tem will , of course , bo done away with.
IJesidcs that , the number of stops between
Omaha and Lincoln will bo greatly re
The Chicago & Northwestern has is
sued circulars announcing that its branch
trom Lake City , Calhoun count- , Iowa ,
to Wall Lake Junction , Sao county , and
trom Mapleton to Onawa , Monona
county , will be opened on Monday , No
vember 1C.
Yesterday morning , there was quito an
inllttx of Chicago & Northwestern men to
this city. They compiled the following
jentlpinen ; II. P. McCullough , general
Ireight agent at Chicago ; J. U. Menden-
liall , traveling freight agent at Cedar
Llapids , K. C. Morehouse , general freight
agent of the Sioux City & St. Paul ,
and the Fremont & Elkhorn Valley
: oad , at Missouri Valley. Emmons
lilaino is a son of James G. Blainc ,
, vliom , however , ho resembles only in a
: cw features He is a gentleman of
ncdium height , compact build , full feat
ures and dark complexion. His eyes are
lark and his hair close and rapidly tuni
ng gray. Ho was attired in a drab suit ,
uid were a seasonable black hat. He
las been with the Chicago & North
western some years.
Yesterday morning in itsC:15 : run , the
itock yards enginejumped ; the track ontho
Twentieth street viaduct and came to a
itand upon the trestU work. The side
lean ; was the only thing which interfer-
; d with it boincr precipitated to the street
) clew , a dibtanco ol twenty feet. No
naterial damage was sustained.
S. S. Stevens , general western agent of
ho C. H. I. & P. , left for Cliicago
Thursday evening.
Matt Clair , traveling passenger agent
eft for the west Thursday nignt.
Sam C. Nash , assistant general freight
igcnt Union Pacific , headquarters at Salt
jake , left for Chicago Thursday evening.
Dr. Ijclscnrinc Indignant AVhat Tic
The text of the verdict returned by the
MoHatl jury is presented elsewhere in
hcBnE. As will be seen by reference to
t , Dr. Lciscnring , the city physician , is
severely scored. lie , in common with
ho police , is charged with criminal ucgj
igcncc and ignorance.
It is hardly necessary to observe that
ho doctor is wrathy. When the verdict
was reported to him ho fairly bubbled
over with rage. "Why , it's an outrage , "
10 remarked to Coroner Drcxcl. "I shall
certainly sue that jury for liboll"
To a icportcr who interviewed him this
afternoon , Dr. Leisenring said. "I don't
sec why the jury should have censured
me m the verdict. They had no reason
'or doingflo. 1 take it that they arc a lot
of cranks. "
"Is it true that you intend to sue the
jury for libel ? " was asked of him.
"Yes , sir ; I shall handle thorn without
gloves , " lie replied. "I have placed the
matter in the hands of my attorney , who
denounces the verdict as an out
rage. Ho saj's that I ought
criminal damagesirom the jury.1
"What connection did you have with the
case ? "
"Nono whatever , except that about
nine o'clock that Sunday I was called in
and did all I could for the poor follow. I
bathed his head , washed and dressed his
wounds , gave him some medicine , and
made him as comfortable as possible.
Then 1 ordered him to bo taken within to
the hospital , the poorhouse or his own
liouso , where he could receive good
care. "
"Ilow was it that you failed to bo
present at the inquest ? "
"Because 1 wasn't properly notified.
Coroner Drexcl told mo about halt past
1 in the afternoon that ho wanted mo to
bo present , but I hail several calls to
make , and didn't get back to my ollico
until about 3 o'clock. No subpuma was
served on me , and 1 supposed that iho in
quest was over by that timo. If I had
been properly notified , I would gladly
have been present. "
Another Batch or Indictments Itc-
turncd Yenterday ,
The federal grand jury returned
another batch of indictments yesterday
morning. The prisoners indicted were ar
raigned yesterday morning and'thoso who
were not able to engage lawyers were
assigned counsel by ludgo Dundy.
The men indicted tip to the present
time arc as follows :
Patrick MoNulty , breaking down and
destroying mail box ; Christ Hartman , for
contempt of court ; Frank White , giving
liquor to Indians ; William Garnett , sell
ing liquor to Indians ; W. Y. Solyn , . ' oiling
liquor to Indians ; Jacob Kunkles and 0.
llepner , making counterfeit coin ; C.
Homier , passing counterfeit cojn ; Jacob
Uunkles , passing counterfeit coin , Timothy
thy Spring , selling and giving liquor to
The grand jurv has considerable work
before it , and will bo in session for a day
or two at least. By ordorof Judge Dundy
they are boarding at the I'axton hotel.
Judge Dundy has been engaged to-day
in hearing the case of John 1. Blair vs ,
Cuininir county , a suit on bonds.
Walnut Hill Must Change Its Name
for a Poutofltca.
The BIK : some weeks ago contained
the announcement that application had
been made to the postal department al
Washington for the establishment of a
postollico at Walnut Hill , It was stated
tiiat the application would , in all prob
ability , be acted upon favorably. Yes
terday , however , papers were received
from the postofllco department at Wash
ington denying the request , at least , so
far as the name of the ollice in the suburb
was citt crncd , This was done on the
ground that tliero is at present in this
state a postollico known as Walnut
Grows , and to establish ono hero
as Walnut Hill , would lead to mistakes ,
confusion and annoyance. When this
announcement was made , another name
was siig t'eiud , uuuiuly , Nashville , m
honor of E. W. Nrisb , of the smelting
works , who has built a magnificent resi
dence and owns quite nn amount of
property in the neighborhood. Post
master Coutant , when spoken to about
Lho mattersaidthatwhlc ! ho was plra. ed
with the extreme worthiness of Mr. Nash ,
who was sought to bo honored , yet ho
felt the name of Nashville would also bean
an occasion of nnnoyanco and delay.
There are now thirteen Nashvillcs , in as
many states in the union , and , in the
the hurry of distributing mail ,
clerks in very many instances
are prone to send letters with
the name of Nashvillb upon them to the
most widely known town of the name , in
Tennessee. This generally results in a
delay of several days , and that delay
would in many instances bo experienced
It was thought that the name of Mrr-
cer , in honor of Dr. Mercer , who is tiio
father of Walnut Hill , would bo given to
the place , but it seems that has been ( ire-
vented by the fact that tliero is already
\ Mercer station in this state , though It
las no postoflicc.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of
purity , strength and wholesomeness. More
economical than the ordinary kinds and
cannot be sold in competition with the mul-
: itiule of low test , short weight alum 01
phosphate powd 'rs. Sold only in cans.
Royal Baring Powder Co. , 403 Wall St. ,
New York.
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Room 9 Williams Building , cor. 15th and
Dodge sts. , Omaha.
Hours 8 to 12a.m. 2to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplub 3O,000
II. W. Yates , President.
A. K. Touzalin. v"ico President.
W. li S. Hughes , Cashier.
DinECTons :
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Koed.
A. E. Toufcalin.
Cor 12th and Farnam Sts
A Geacral Banking Business Transacted.
N , "W. HARRIS & Co.
RnunC Of Counties , Cities and others of
OUnUw lilKliKradotiouKhtnaU sold. Enntorn
otlico 68 Devonshire St. . iloston. Correspond
ence solicited.
No pains are
to make
these meats
that can bo
Peop1o of
are highly
with them.
If your CSrocer nr nrni'ketinan < ! n not Kfbt * |
them. Bend tllrcct to Armour .b Co , . C'ulcuju ,
. . . astlnK Diseases.
Ilequlroa no cookies Our nook , The (
and Feeding of In'nnts , mailed treo.
COLIDEO. OOODALa 44 CO , , lioatOU.
Or llio Liquor Habit , I'okilltrly
Cured by Adaviliiliitprlng lr ,
llalucu' Uitklcn Npccllic.
it can be given In A cup of toHee or ten without
tilt know ledge of tb tnon luLUi ; It , It absolutely
barmlev ) , anil will oO' ot a permm.cnI nod tpeody
cxue , wlivllitr the patival lift moderate drinker uj
u uicobollc Hreclc. It bai been nlveu In Hiou-
naurtnol OA > ei , and In every I Ustinov r yerfert cure
baa followed. It never ( ! ) * The fcystvm enc
Impregnated ivltu the Hpat-13 ; , It uttui
luipoojlblllty for Ibe liquor appetite to eiUl
A.UHN & CO. , Car. I3tb und Doaslni , and
IHIIi & Cninlua Hl . , Onibbn , Ncb.
ft. D , FUST tilt & Kilo , ,
Council IMulU , lorra.
Call or write for pninpUlst containing huodredn
rJt3ttmoMliU IiomtliutKCl wimitu uud laecjrum
.l uoxte ol tut loiiuuv. . _ _ , „
Ladies to Work for Us at Their Own
$7 to $10 Per Week Can Bs Quietly Hide
No photo , pulntlne ; no cnnratilnf , ( 'or full utlcir >
. ! . . ! . addn. . . . { .Iog , KST AIIT co
l ftctril ht. lloitun , MJ > . , UCtxS I
The cold waves have been so long in coming that our expectations as
to the sale of heavy overcoats have not been quite realized. In antici
pation of a cold fall and early winter , we laid in the most extensive line
of overcoats ever offered'to the people of Omaha. These overcoats
must be sold. It is better for us to sell them at a sacrifice than to carry
this immense stock , so we have marked down the prices on the same as
follows :
100 Hens' heavy Grey Beaver Overcoats , cassimere lined ,
reduced from , $6 to $3,60 ,
100 Mens' heavy blue Chinchilla Beaver Overcoats , reduced
from $9 to $5,50 ,
65 Hens' heavy blue Chinchilla Storm Overcoats , extra long
with cassimere lining , trimmed with large fur collar and
cuifsreducedfrom$12,50to$8 , This Coat cannot be bought
elsewhere for less than $14 ,
80 Hens' all wool worsted Overcoats , in black and brown , re
duced from $12 to $7,75 ,
Please bear in mind that all these goods are new and fresh , and man
ufactured for the season by us , and that we guarantee every article to
be as represented or the money will be refunded , All goods at strictly
one price at the
Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omalia.
Lightest Running , Simplest in Construction and Noiseless.
Address for particulars ,
Manufacturing Co , ,
12O 7i. IGlIi .St. Oiniilin , X
1 3th 81 , Car. Capitol IWcnue ,
ion tnr TIIBATMENT or A .
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
PR. r/loMErlAIYlY. PropIotoi ; .
mcleciljcira * Hnipllul null 1'rliatu hmUlco
Wu Uavo the facilities , np | > iratni nnd rrmodlc *
for tlioeucceisfiil trealmer.t of o > ery form of dl .
cau requiring tllhi'rincdloal or fciir.jlcal . treatment ,
UQllrnito inocniiioaudliiv itlg tufortliOiiiiclvc
it corrcupoiiilvrltliin. I.onu cxpcrlcnco lu treat'
Ing cases by loiter enables un to treat Diuuy cuci
Bcumtitlr 'ly ithout ncolng them
WUITK roll flllCULAH ou Deformities and
Drncoi , Club Feet , C'lirtiUurca of the Hpliio
UlEA6H or WOMKN , ] Mlr , Tuinors , Cauccii ,
Cfttarrh , Uruncliltli , Inhalation , Electricity , I'arfcl.
yU , Epilepjj , Kidney , Eye , Ear , KUn , lllood ami
all iiirglcul
Iliittcrlei ) , lulinlor * , Urni-M , Trumirfl , mid
all kind * of Medical nnd Surgical Appiluuec * , mau-
ufactureJ and for > alu.
Tlio only reliable medical Institute making
Private , Special i Nervous Diseases
from uli tcvtrcuiFoprodiiccdUccofifully ! tmitcd.
We. cnu remove Bjrphlllttc polioa from tlicijttcm
without mercury ,
New reitwatl\ treatment for Ion of vltnl power
Call and consult ui or ecnd name and post-adieu
Rildrcji plainly written encloeo atatup , and we
will Mind you , In plalu nrapuer , our
WON I'mvATB , Si'ccui. isu NMI\GU * DISBASEH ,
HEMtJUtiVriKM49 , fll'ERMA.TOnilMU'A , IHrOIZN-
cr , Hrniius , noNOUitmui , GLEET , Vir.lcornr ,
UniNinr OitOANi , or tend history of your cate fur
an opinion.
J'ereona unable to > lilt 118 may ho treated at tlitlr
homoe , by correspondence , Medlclnct and Initni-
mxnti Funt by mall or exprcta bl'.UUJtni.V I1 AC 1C
RU FROM mark ! to Indicate
contents or tender. One. pcrional interview preferred
ferred if convenient. Fifty rooms fur tlio acui
modntlon of patient ! Hoard and attendance tt
reasonable prices Addrvn * all J.ctteru to
Omalia Medical and Surgical institute ,
Cor. 1 3th St. ant ) Culta ! Ave. . OMAHA. HED.
ft 01.0 WORLD
H r
Cat locun aod Prlcei on application. SUd by
ben r rrl K IiulliUm t.nd Dtalcri.
ChlcaplMllwaukee&StraulRIy _ ,
Chicago , AND Milwrtuken ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Collar
Clinton , Dubuijiio , Davenport ,
Kock IslandFreoport , Kockfortl ,
Elgin , llaJlson , Juncrfville ,
Itelolt , Wiiionn , a Crosse ,
Audull other Important points Hast , NortUoast
and Soutbenst.
Fortliroviffli tickets call on tlm Tin Wet Agon
nt 1401 I'arnum ntreut ( In I'axton Hotel ) , or a
Union Paclfla Depot ,
Pullman bluouers unfl the flnait Dlnltiv Cnrfl
intbowuiIJ urn run on Inn rnttlii lined of tlio
ClIlCAdO , Mll.WUJKBH * 8T. I'AtU , ItAII.WAY ,
nnd every attention I' paid to puasuugorv by
courteous employes of the company.
Jt. MII.I.KH , Uoiicrttl MHniigor.
J , F. TIICKKII , AntMBiit ( luitnral Manner.
A. V. II , UAin-KNTKit , Uonutal I'ttssmtror and
UM > . K UK A Fro it n , Aesletant General Paiaun-
cer and Ticket AKOIII
J , T. CLARK , Oeueral Superintendent.
Men suITrrlnK from > . < | Vlcor ,
IWrtmlnllrlillll ? . l.i.i U , , r
I rvrlntnrl4f. I'rrranlurn
blrcllnr , ! o.rf Kutllntflroni | n.
' . ,
cilvrfl vlll.i..t Mtauil'ch
. hliuul'l ml
r K. lira ' IK
lir F thf rl A ( lUred tit Ilie ImtuU
M tlulrhonl.
_ _ _ _ < Infoimallon of v luf lo hit into ,
MARSION RIMtcr CO. 10 Park Place , New York.
Mention Omnlm llco.
and Jail Work.
1020 l''arnam ' Street. Oualm. Neb.
Successors to Jno G Jacobs ,
AM )
At tlio oldhtanil 11071'urnanist , Ovik-rs
by tctegraiih to.k'ltcd siiul pniiiiptly nt-
tended to , Tolciilioije No , ' , ' 25 ,
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only mad to tnho for DPS Molnm. Mnr-
fthnlllonn , I ( vlnr IlMiililp , Clinton , H > Tlr , Ulucfx *
ire , MllwHiikflo iinil nil points cmt. To tliutmo-
nlo of Kubraika , Colorado , WycimliiK , riMli ,
lilnhoNnviidn , Oirpnn , Wiisliln/lou nnd Cull' , ofTcT * oiiiioiior ii'lviintnirei not jioesl-
bin by any otliur lln * .
Autonir a tnvrof the niiinnroim points of su-
perloiltv onjnyrrt by llio pulrons of ihlHrnml
uutwonn Oinulin Mini ( 'lilrnxo , urn ItH twc trnlns
a day of DAV CUACIIKS whlcli are tlio Unrst
tnnt hnmnn nil mill inuuiiulty OHII crratr. Its
I'AIMCH Bl.nKI'INQ CAH8 , which Hrn moduli
ofoomfort niul oleffiincu lit I'.UU/m DltAW-
INO ItOOM CAHH , iliidili nnsFidJ by finy.niiit Us
wldvly cuhilirntod I'AI.ATIAh IllMNII UAII8 ,
the nqnnl or irhlrli c'unnotiu \ found olnewlirrc.
At Council lllufTH Ilin tuiliiflof the I'nlon I'ltol-
do Rr. coiiiiorl In I'mon Depot with those of
tlm Chlcairo & Knrili\M'8tirn Ity. In Chlcniro
the trAliiB of this line innko close connection
with thn > n of nil CHE lorn line1. !
rorllotiolt , ( 'olunilniH. IndlitnniiolK Clnoln-
nntl. Nliiiriini I'HllB.lliiiriiln , I'ltUliniK.Toronto ,
JtontriMil. lloetnn , Ki r Vork , I'hlliidolplilH , Hal-
tlinorViiehlnntou anil nil rolnm In tha unit ,
a k tlio tlokot ciui'Mt for tlrkntk via the
"NOUrilWUSTKUN. " . . .
If you wlsli tin ) l'i'"t aopninmoilntloiil. All
UcUot utrentb fell Ikkuto vlallild lluu.
. iirfjiurr. n. \VII.SO.N .
, Ocnl. 1'iUs r , AKont"
. , . pr.MB. :
aonl.Wcftorn At. City I'nn Aal
Mil rniniun St , Oinuhit , Neb.
Red Star Line
Carrylnif thoIlclKlum nnd Unllod Stutoj
iluilba > luiu int-o butuiUtty
Between Aniiuern & How York
TO THE RHINE , , , <
Salon from t'W ' toST. . ) . Kxourslon trip fron-
1110 to tlik Suvond Cabin , outwunl I15 |
iiivpalil.HSifxuumiiii.toa , Stoc-rntfe IIIUSHKO
t loir ratos. I'otar Wrluht ft aims , Uoueru
Aaonts , 05 Hroadway.Nuw .
lluiuy I'uult , Ul r'uuminiit. ; 1'utllson k Co.
MM funiuin fct - . U. U lr wuuurJS lu u