Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by cnrrlcr In nnyfmrtof the city M
twenty c * ti per week.
H. YT. TILTOX , - - Malinger.
N.Y. Plumbing Co.
Now fall poods nt Ucitpr's.
Cooper & AIcGco sell hard ware.
Weather strips atClmpir.iin's , 105Main *
Panels at $3.50 per do/en at Schmidt's
gallery , Main street.
1'ronarattons are being made for a wed
ding on Vine street for next week.
Keller & Harlo liavo sold their Main
street livery stable to Seaman & Kelly.
The Kellar combination at the opera
hoiisu this afternoon and again to-night.
Jack Hnnley's combination of first-class
professional pugilists at the Broadway
theatre to-night.
Justice Hendncks yesterday united In
marriage Mr. Guo.rgo W. Dalton and Miss
S. J. Adams , botli of this city.
Hays & Gleason have commenced a suit
against the city claiming $ it : ( ) on homo
old and unpaid grading certilleates.
Dressed chickens are beginning to ar
rive in quantities , and are selling at
wholesale at 8 cents , turkeys 10 cunts.
Seeming impossibilities will ho per
formed again this afternoon and evening
jxt the opera house by the Kellar combi
The firemen will soon begin thn sale of
tickets for thuir annual ball. The citi
zens should sec to It Unit tlio boys are
given a benefit.
The Council IMnfl's Cracker baiors'
mnsiio | ball takes place next Tuesday
night and not Monday as has been an
nounced by mistake.
Airs. Green , mother of tlio late Mrs.
Hattie Sadowski. desires to publicly
thank her kind friends for their help and
sympathy In her great sorrow.
S. T. Walker lias commonccd a suit
against the city claiming $1,000 damages
on account of a change of grade , whereby
his residence , corner of Fourth and Story
streets , has been injured.
Thomas AlcFaddon , of Layton township -
ship , has been charged with having won
the affuctions of a maiden in that part
of the county , and then betrayed her.
Ho is to huvo a hearing before Justice
The police court yesterday did not in
dicate that the city ; was full of roughs , as
"it , " of the evening prohibition organ
claims. There were only two homeless
wanderers charged with vairranoy , and
they were allowed to go on the promise
to go on thuir journey , they appearing to
bo no desperadoes.
The next regular mcetinc of the
Knights of Labor , to bo hold on Wednes
day evening of next week , is to bo ad
dressed by State Master Workman M. L.
Wheat , of Colfax , Ja. Ho is said to boone
ono of the most interesting speakers of
tlio order , and the members are looking
forward to his coming as a sure treat.
The Daughters of Hcbukah arc to give
a suluct ball Wednesday evening , Novem
ber 21 , in Temple hall. : The commit
tee on invitations consists of Miss Barbara
Anderson , Mrs. J. M. Matthews , Aliss
Liz/io llauor , Mr. A. J. Mandol , Mr. T.
G. Allison and Mr. T. C. E. Brenneman.
Only those holding invitations will be
The case of Dr. Bollingcr against
Jlackelinan held the attention of the sup
erior court and a jury yesterday. The
case is ono brought to recover for a
doctor's bill , and the defense claims that
ho should not recover because the pa
tient did not recover , a counter claim
for damages being sot up on the ground
of malpractice.
When the young man of tbo Evening
Herald writes to the Dos Moines Register
that Council 15lull's is "a paradise for
thieves and thugs , " that paper comes out
nnd endorses the sentiment , as "a fair
fitatcment of the facts. " Then it spends
Its remaining breath in calling every
body but ittelf "enemies to Council
Bluffs. "
The boom ma.y cause a rise in thu price
of some things , but tlio young man who
serves as Council Bluffs' correspondent
of the State Register can still bo had at
the old price 25 cents , that being tlio
amount paid for a "bpecial,1' sent by
mail , in which Council lilull's is de
nounced as "thu paradlbo of tluuves and
thugs. "
Those interested in the district school
entertainment to bo given at the opera
house next Thursday evening , desired
greatly to got a chance to use sonic bill
boards , being occupied by the Kellar
combination , which appears at the opura
tins afternoon and evening. On learn
ing their desire , Mr. I'rcd Hadson , the
manager of the Kollar combination ,
courteously and generously gave up thu
USD of the desired boards , n courtesy
which will be greatly appreciated by the
"district school" folks.
Eleetiio door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances nt the New York Plumbing Co.
Mrs , A. S. Hull is prepared to do dress
making on short notice- and at reasonable
prices , No. : i28 Broadway.
All varieties of game and lish. Oysters
all Htylos. Short orders a specialty , Doc
, & Billy's , -101 Broadway. Just look in
their window.
A. Grft/.y Hey ,
A boy named Riley Bradshaw , who
lives on South Eighth street , was arrested
yesterday on complaint of his mother ,
who said ho tried to kill her with an axe ,
and was smashing up the furniture in the
house. The boy is not quite riuht in his
mind , and has been cared for at I ho
Institution for the feeblo-inimled in Glen-
wood , She says that the boy has told
her tlnifl and again that ho sot tire to the
depot in Glcnwood , and she believes ho
dhl. _
Call for everything you need , bottom
priced , Everybody's More , 623Alain ,
Host dinner In the city at Dee and
Billy's , 404 Broadway , 25 cents.
Seal brand oysters at H. J. Palmer's ,
WANTKD By a practical printer and
local writer of experience , a situation on
A good woukly , in a good town in western
Iowa. Address J. 1) . , earn BEE , Council
Bluffs ,
Accidentally Ulllcil Himself.
John Laylni , who accidentally shot
himself last week while examining a re
volver he had just purchased , has died
from the effects of the wound , The ball
passed through the lower part of the
abdomen and lodged in ( he left hip.
Dr. Hauohett.otlieoNo. 12 Pearl streets
Residence 120 Fourth struct. Telephone
No. 10.
brand oyttors at II. J , Pulmer.s.
Stamphujnnd full variety of embroidery
nmUjriaU. Mrs , H. P. Nlfus , 403B'dway.
P. C , UnVol sells Stewart , Climax ,
Acorn and Westminster hard coal burn-
era. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves
pud rtxnjrei. Economy aciln : and warm
ir furnaces , No. 601 Broadway.
Planning For a New and Larger Oonntj
A Driver Tossoil Out of Ills Wncon
and Jtnctly Hurt A Crazy Hey Goes
For His Mother With an Axe
Uncle Kitm'H Now House.
JlirMir lltfluf ) . ir. Cmft * .
For others live If you would make
Your own life lull of pence wlillo hero ;
( ilxobnlm to wounded hearts Hint actl
And broken spirits kindly cheer.
For every Rood nnd worthy drcJ
Will prove to thee n heavenly dower ,
Anil each kind thoiuht nml wont a seed
Of golden truit or fragrant llowcr.
Tlini clvo your hoatt to othpr. , woe ? ,
Your hand to othuis wants address ,
Ami taste the joy of him who knows
The path of sweet unselilslnu\ .
The rose that oiions wide its hrcist ,
HecetvcH the sunshine nnd the ilc\v ,
The soul inat ulvi-3 Is truly blest
And shines in heavenly beauty , loo.
Farewell Hosolutlotis.
The two retiring membcM of I lie board
of supervisors of this county mikc : u very
happy e.vit , uccompanlud us tbov are by
the friendliness unit esteem of the other
lucmbors , and with the assurance on
every hand that the nublii * generally en
dorses their oflicisil actions. The mem
bers of the board who enjoyed a linal
feast at the homo of A. C. Cvaham pre
sented him with nn elegant gold-headed
cane , which will i-ervo art : i happy re
minder of the days spent in attending to
thn county's inlore.sts. The remaining
mem bars of I lie hoard also adopted the
following resolutions , which have been
ordered .spread on the records. They ex
press sontimeutH which will meet with
the endorsement of the county at largo :
WIIKICCAS , The term of ollice of A. C.
( nihnin and Henry Itishtnn , members
of the board of supervisors , will expire
prior to the next regular session of the
board , therefore bo it
Resolved , That wo tondcr to Messrs ,
Graham and Rishton , the retiring mem
bers , our sincere thanks for their uniform
kindness and considerations towards
those associated with them ollicially , and
that wo desire to hereby express our
hearty appreciation of the high charac
ter. .strict integrity , impartiality , x.eal
and the faithful performance of till
oflicial duties which have distinguished
them in the discharge of the responsible
duties appertaining to their positions as
members of the board of supervisors and
which have won the confidence , respect
and esteem , not only of tlioir associates ,
but also of all o'tliers brought in contact
with them in their ollicial relations.
Seal sacqucs , fur trimmings , teal caps ,
etc. , at MEicALt'lliios.
Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. H. P.
Niles , Iso.1W ( Broadway.
A New County Fnriu.
There is some discussion as to the ad
visability of disposing of the present
poor-farm , and securing another nnd a
larger ono. The expense of maintaining
the paupers of the county io now quite
large , sinil it is claimed that it can bo
materially reduced by having a larger
and bettor farm , and better accommoda
tions for this purpose. A plan is being
considered for getting a large amount of
land near the institution for the deaf and
dumb , and of erecting there suitable
buildings , including nn insane asylum
for the care of chronic cases , instead of
having them kept at other institutions at
tlio county's expense. This will involve
the selling of the wresont farm , and the
investment of some additional money in
the now ono and its buildings. One of
the obstacles. to the plan is ymt torth in
the fact that the county lias just built a
new jail and is building a lame and ex
pensive court house , thus leading many
to feel that further enterprises had better
bo postponed for the present. The plan
is being considered , however , and it is
among the probabilities of the future at
Headquarters for gloves and mittens at
E. II. Shcafo & Co. , loan money on
chattle security of every description ; of
fice .No. 500 Ikoadway , upstairs.
See West Point base heater. Latest
improvements in heating stoves.
The Kellar combination appeared at
the opera house last evening. Kollar is
certainly a wonder , and his tricks and
weird cabinet mysteries held the closest
attention of the audience , and excited
expressions of surprise on all sides. He
is the best in his line of any who have
visited Council lilull's in years , and ho
makes no claim of employing supernat
ural agonoios , although many of the
feats performed appear to bo beyond the
ken or cunning of man. There is a great
variety in the entertainment , and the
details of the performance would bo
necessary to give thu reader a clear Idea
of how wonderfully skillful in magio
Kellar is. Some of the spiritualists de
clare ho is a natural medium , but ho
claims to bo nbla to reproduce any so-
called spiritualistic mumfcstation by
natural means. There are many novel
ties introduced into the entertainment.
and the success last night ensures a full
house for ihi.s afternoon ana livening ,
See that your books are made by More-
house & Co , , room 1 , Everett block ,
Order your coal and wood from C. 1J
Fuel company before an advance in price
Np , 53'J ' HMwy. Telephone ItJO.
Everybody's store , good place to buy
goods , No. tt1 ; ! Main street.
Uncle Hum'H House ,
Work on the roof of the government
building is progressing as rapidly as pos
sible. There are only six men at work ,
but as the contractors have until the 23th
of December no\t to complete the aumo
there is no great rush.
The plumbing is shortly to bo let and
parties are now liguring out their esti
mates. As soon as the plumbing can be
gin , so as not to luteriero with the rooting
workmen , it will no doubt be pushed to
completion. The work of making con
nection with the sewers is to be included
in the plumbing contract.
Try a ( iarlund Cook stove lor soft coal.
Cooper & McUco have them ,
The best stove I ever had is the verdict
of thousands who have used the Radiant
Home bhse burner , Cooper & McGco ,
Bgents. _
Crippling a Driver.
Yesterday forenoon a. young man
named MuCalumet , driving u delivery
wngon for ICuucno Jlotta'/ was seriously
injured by the horfe luuniug nway ,
Emashipg the wagon , and throwing qut
the boy , who is aged about sixteen years.
Ho fell on to the curbstone canslnt ; a
fracture of one rib , and some apparently
Internal injuries. He was removed to thu
home of his parents on nppor Hroadway ,
and Dr. Montgomery called to attend
Weather strips at Chapman's , 105Maln.
"Jmlo" Hmiloninn "IMnclicil. "
Several days ago the police received
word from Dcnlson , la. , to arrest a col
ored man known as "Dude" Henderson ,
who it was claimed , was a fugitive from
justice. The police got no trace of the
"dudo" until last evening , and Captain
O'Uricn and Oflicer Ucswick went up
on Pierce street and In looking
around "Rotton Row "
, they came
across a man that they stiDUOhcil wn thn
ono " . 'sritOil. Y > iiilo they were in conver
sation with him n colored woman pushed
her head oiitof thedoor and said , "Hello ,
Dude Henderson , what you doing heroi
when you como from DCS Moines ?
This was identification enough for the
ollieers , nnd they placed him in the city
jail , where he gave his name as Leo Hen-
der.son. The ollieers train Demsoii will
probably come for him this morning.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rea
estate loans. J.V. . & E. L. .Squire. No.
101 Pearl street. Council IMnlVs.
Personal I'nrnirrnnlis ,
C. Lefllcr , of St. Louis , Is at the IJcch-
1) ) . Hunt , of Avoca , is registered at the
E. A. Clark , of Cedar Rapids , is at the
W. II. Lehman , of DCS Moines , is at the
Alfred K. Smith , of Rutland , Vt. , is at
the Pacific.
J. G. Rain , of DCS Moines , is a Pacific
house guest.
Charles Wright , of Marion , is stopping
nt the Pacific.
E. P. Raymond , of Malcon , is an
Ogden guest.
John llobrickor , of Quinoy , Is a Dcch-
telo hotel guest.
J. A. Hamilton , of Ncola , was a Ulull's
visitor yesterday.
C. 1) . Pnrrlsli , of DCS Monies , is agncst
at the Ogden house.
E. P. Ryan and wife , of Saratoga , N ,
Y. , are at the Pacific.
C. H. Woodward , of Burlington , is
a guest of the Pacific.
City Marshal Herbert of Atlanta , was
in the city yesterday.
J. K. Davison , of the Logan Courier ,
was in the city yesterday.
George II. Boebc , of Marshalltown , is
among the Ogdcn arrivals.
Captain Xunscn , a St. Louis grain mer
chant , was in the city yesterday.
B. C. Stoclil , of Chicago , came in Irom
Chicago last night and is at the Bechtele.
II. E. Klein , of Burlington , is among
the Ogden arrivals that came in 1-ist
Rev.Mr. Roboy and family left Malvern
a few days ago to take up their perma
nent resilience in Florida , the change
being necessary on account of his ill
Good overcoat ? 2.oO , punts $1 to $3.50 ,
other goods in proportion. Everybody's
store , 8 3 Main.
Itcgular anil Sound Sloop an Essential
to Hoaltli.
The Lancet : It is manifestly impossible
to lay down any universally applicable
rule as to the number of hours which it
is desirable to sleep. Probably no two
persons require precisely the same
amount of slumber , and it is scarcely
likely that any person necds _ the same
length of slcop on all occasions. Even
the most monotonous lives involve the
expenditure of varying quantities of
energy , and make differing demands on
thn stores of nerve and muscle power on
several days. We do not , of course ,
mean to iniply that sleep is the season of
recuperation. That is unlikely in
view of the ascertained facts
in relation to tissue-feeding
and physiological change ; but it is never
theless true in practice that prolonged or
exceptionally severe exertion , whether of
brain or muscle , requires a correspond
ingly lengthy or deep repose. Sneaking
broadly , sleep is the stale in which the
Jires arc , to say , damped down and the
machinery lias opportunity for-cooling.
The bow Is , as it were , unstrung , and
may recover its elasticity during the re
curring periods of slumber. The great
point is to secure what Bichat character
ized as general sleep made up of particu
lar sleeps. The whole body should bo
rested so far as any avoidable demand
on its energy is concerned during sleep.
The Irishman who explained that a short
sleep did for him because when ho slept
ho "paid attintion to it''uttered a truth
in liis witticism. If sleep bo thorough ,
then a short spell will do more good than
a much longer duration of sleep that is
incomplete and imperfect , both in Its
nature and in its ollects. We cannot
discuss the physiology of sleep in
this phico.but two or three propositions ,
based on experience and observation ,
may bo briefly set , down by way of sug
gestion worth thinking out for special
application in individual cases.
Sleep is a distinctly natural function
and , therefore , botli as regards its induc
tion find management , outrht to be pur-
formend in conformity with natural
laws. That it is n state which recur peri
odically is evident from the rotation of
day and nisrht , and approximately wo
ought to go to sleep when the light tails
and waku with the sun rise , it will
therefore bo evident that nature meant
us to sleep longer in the winter than in
the summer , for thobiilliciently plain rea
son that the maintainonco of animal heat
during the cold season necessarily re
quires a larger consumption of energy
( nan is expended on this vital purpose
In the warm season. It has been alleged
that the organism takes in and
stores just as much oxygen
during sleep as it has expended during
thu waking hours , and when the reserves
are replenished wakes ; but this Is only
a half-truth , in so far as it is truth at all.
What happens is rather a rest from the
rapid movements of waking life , during
which the slower activities of function
have time to overtake the faster ones.
Recuperation by nutrition is a more tardy
process than consumption by work and
heat production , and if the hare were not
to slcop the tortoise would bo left hope
lessly behind. It is essential to health
that the tortoise should not lag far in thu
rear , and sleep must bo just as long as
will enable the laggard nutritive pro-
ct'&sas. Practically , therefore , a man
should sleep until ho is refreshed. The
mistake many persons make is in at
tempting to govern wliut must bo a matter -
tor of instinct by volitional control.
When wo are weary wo ought to sleep ,
nnd when wo waku wo should got up.
There are no more vicious habits than
adopting measures to " .keep awake , " or
employing artitlces , or , still worse , re
sorting to drugs and other devices to in
duce or prolong sleep. Dozing is the very
demoralization of thu sleep function , and
from that pernicious habit arises much of
the so-called sleeplessness more accur
ately wakef illness from which multitudes
That day Is not the time for sleep is evi
dent upon the faca of the fact that nature
has provlijcd the night , wherein no man
can or ought to work , Instead of trying ,
to lay down arbitrary rules as to the
length of sleep , it would be wiser in a
common souse and physiological way to
say , work while it is day , sleep when you
ar weary , which will be at night if the
day has been spent in honest and cucr-
pttlo labor. Vhpn-you wake , rise- ; and
if tile day's work ha * been sutUciently
well done , the time of waking will not
bo earlier than sum-No. Thu ilillienltic.i
about sleep and sleeplessness apart
from dreams are almost uniformly
fruits of a perverse refusal to comply
with the laws of nature. Take , for ex
ample , the case of a man who cannot
sleep at night , or rather who , Having
fallen asleep wakes. If ho is what is
called strong-minded , he thinks , or per
haps reads , and falls asleep again , This
being ronoatcd , .lays the foundation
of n habit of waking in the night and
thinking or reading to induct ) sleep. Before -
fore long the thinking or reading falls to
induce sleep , and habitual sleeplessness
occurs , for which remedies are Sought
and mischief is done. ! f the wakeful
man would only reuse himself on wak
ing and get up and do a full day's work
of any sort , and not doze during the day ,
when next the night came round his nix-
Icon or twenty hours of wakefnlness
would be rewarded by a sleep of nine or
ten hours in length ; and ono or two of
thcso manful struggles against n per-
vortcd tendency to abnormal habit would
rectify the error nnd avert the calamity.
The cure for sleeplessness nrist bo natu
ral , because sleep is a state of natural
rythmlcal function. You cannot tamper
with the striking movement of a clock
without injuring it , and you cannot tam
per with orderly recurrence of sleep with
out impairing "the very constitution of
things on which the orderly performance
of that function depends.
Special Sale
Cloaks this Week
Mail Orders promitttu attended to.
401 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
If yon wish n really cheap suit to order ,
Co to William Grover , ( lute of Chicago ) ,
.No. 1 ! ) North Main St. next to American
Dist. Telcirraph oflice. Ho will make
you a , line fitting ull-wool suit for $23.
i'tints to order $ G.
Having opened a cloth and trimming
house in connection with the merchant
tailoring establishment , I would respect
fully invite an inspection of .same. Par-
tics dchlroiis of obtaining cloth by the
yard mid making up their own goods can
here be accommodated.
Trimmings of all kinds furnished.
Goods cut to order. In fact anything you
wish can be furnished at bottom prices.
Don't forget a line lilting suit to order
for § 0. ) , pants $0 , and cloths and trim
mings at equally low figures.
Win. Grover , No. 11 North Mam St. ,
next door to American District Telegraph
o 111 co.
niplithcrln Is npnni nmklnjr its nnniinl visita
tion. Ten ycarb' trial of Olt.THOS. JBFFMUIS1
ItKMHDV lor Unit ftitnl innlmly bus demon.
struted tlio filet Hint It la Intiilllblo IIH u prevent
ive itmlciirn. If you permit your children to
Ulo with dlphtliurin , "Tlielr blood be upon your
lieiul. " For snlo only nt tlio olllco. No 'SI South
Mh btrcet , Council limits , In. , or uuiit by express
on receipt of price. f3.
Fioin tlio Umnlm lleo :
.Mr. J. H. lluller , ofllnzel Trllrottawnttnmle )
Co. , lovru , nnil his family of olnven persons ,
nei-o nil nick with niHllirnnnt dlplitlierln. livery
ono of them Imvo recovered by tlie UFO of Dr.
JeHcrls' I'invcmllvo nnd Cure lor Diphtheria ,
without the aid of nphynlciim.
C. II Hliikesleo , of No. HID Campbell street ,
Omnhii , who recently lost H bountiful nnd l.i-
terodtliiK daughter , Hgod about 1G yearn , liy
diphtheria , under the treatment of one of the
best phyblolanx In Omaha , writes to Dr. Jelleris ,
of this city ; "Your remedy for diphtheria canio
too lute , our dear daughter WHS uylntr MUCH It
wag received. I am eatlelled that her lifo could
have bnen saved. Another ono ot ourchllclren
who had the diphtheria , liar throat waa tilled
up with the putrid ulcnratlon , wo used your
medicine and In twelve hours the disease was
completely subdual. , . In the tutnro we will
keep your mcdlc'lno at all timed In our house.
Wo feel tbnt it eavod the life of one of our chil
dren. Wo are very 'thnnklul to you , nnd only
regret that wo did not call on you t-oonor. "
From the Council lluiirs Dally Globe :
M. A. MoI'lKo , editor ot the Cambria ( Kbens-
burtr , I'a. ) 1'reeimin , bus been the personal
friend of the editor n ttio Qlobo for more than
twenty years , and in known whortivur ho U
known HS one of the bet men llvinir. Ills family
was raraired with illphthorla , ami locally din-
tressed. Bomo of DrJcfTurla' , Dlphtneriu Cure
waa iifod , and the lives of the iBatof his child
ren saved , l.etters.fmm Mr. Mol'lKu ara un
bounded In their OTpresblons of frrutltudo for
flndtiikgomo means of avertlmr the lobs of all
his little onus. Five of Mr. > leI > ike'B children
out of olght died from diphtheria before be had
on opportunity of iislnir lr , JotTorlj remedy.
Dyspeptic , why H\Ajn misery and die in dls-
pair with eunciir of jhl > stomach ? Dr. Thomas
Jctforis cures every tfcuse of indigestion nnd
constipation in a very.ahort ijtne. llest of rcf.
erencea given , pjjpepsiu is the cause of
ninety per cent of all diseased conditions.
Trice (5 for two weeks ticatment.
Dr. Jetforls' diphtheria medicine Is Infallible
for nil kinds of toie throats. Indispenslble In
putrid sore throat , in malignant scarlat fever ,
changing it in 48 hours to the simple form , Intiil-
llblo cure lor all Inllammiitory , uleoratlve , putrid -
rid , cancerous uloerutlon of the irornb and all
caturrhal conditions.
Full printed iuitructloni how to use the medi
cines gent with them. Xo doctor required.
Dr. JctTerl * ' remedies can only bo obtained at
Ills office , No. 1 South Eighth street. Council
Ilium. loviu.or sent ay eipress on receipt of
price 3.
Practice in the State and Federal courts
Rooms ? and 8 Shu arl-Dono lilo k ,
GLEASON , 26 Pearl Street.
CGaL ! WOO 1
7V\en's \ furnisher ,
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
II lioadipg Styles and IrppopbabiopB ( opobapbly op tland. * * -
14O6 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb.
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to
f 10.00 per acre. School and state lauds in Minnesota on 30 years' timu 5 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given bv
No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Frcidriksen & Co. , Chicago.
, c/c
All Work Guaranteed to Give Satis
Woolen Dresses Made1 !
in the Latest Style ,
Dresses to Order ,
None but experienced hands employed.
Out of town ordtrs solicited. Refers to
those who have had work done.
Mrs. L Simmons ,
Special advcrtlEcmcntB , such as Lost , found
To Loan , Tor Sftlo , To Kent , ftnnts , liotinllntr.
etc. , will tie In sorted ia tills column nt the low
rntoof'f EN CENTS 1'Klt LINE fortho first laser-
ion and FivoCcnta Per Ltnoforcach subsequent
Insertion. Louvo ndvcrllseinents nt our ofllcn
No. 1" 1'cal street , near Uroadway , Council
TC'OH KENT Furnlsucd rooms , 010 Bluffs , t
WANTED-A boy with pony to carry IJco
FOR SALE Old papers for sale at the Doe
WANTED Parties fntondliiR to bo married
are wanted to cull lit tlio 1'ryor's ilee Job
ollice to Belcct their wcddlntr cards.
The only hotel in Council B lulls having
Fire Esoa/p ©
And all mo "ern " improvements.
215 , 217 and 210 Main st.
MAX MOHN , Prop.
We tire still offerlm. ! tJiegrculcstbtn'-
ti in
Ever offered in thin city or tlio went.
Our xtocli it * an Jai-j/c and complete
an anyytni can jlnd , anil me unar-
anfccprices ( ttvay below all com
Ifehacoaliioafnll line of
Ofallyradcs and tnale , Including
Lace , Turcoman , Chenille , frlah
1'oint , etc. , etc.
OUR RUG Department
Comprises Turkish , Smi/rnla , Jfer-
raclt , Jtnissela , Axmlnster , etc , , tit
prices lower than the lowest ,
Window Shades
And fixtures , Oil Cloths , Mattlnya ,
Llneolenms , etc. A large line of
SHIand Mohulr I'lushes and Up-
holatei'u aoods ; Kasu Chairs , Otto
mans , Foot liests , etc. , for the hol
iday trade.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , nt retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or double.
Council Blufls.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Express.
Lcdgcra , Journal * , County nnd
ItiuiU Work of AH Kinds nSpcc-
Prompt Attention ] ! ) Mail Orders
Room 1 Evcrct Block , Council Blnfls.
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
O. B. NntlnnM IJarik , M. K. Smith & Co. ,
Citizens' llnnlc , Deere , Wells fc Co. ,
fclrst Nat io mil Dank , U. II. limuranoo O > . ,
Officer &Pu6ev.UnnknrKC. It Bavliua Unnk.
B. RICE , M. B. ,
Or oilier Tumors removed without
tno jtnifo onlrnivliiff ofbloml.
Orer thnty yonrs practical experience.
Nn. 11 Tourist. , Council lllulTg.
t& Consultation treo.
18 N. Main st , Council Ulufft , In. , and 20 ! )
S. 15th fct , room 10 , Omaha , Nob.
Mimiirncturor'B Agent for tha
Tents , Awninge , Roofing , Slate , Mantels ,
Plate ant ) Window Glass , Show Cat > cs ,
Elevators , ( hand nnd.iulic , etc.
1514 Douglas St , , Omaha.
Ladies buying a 5 lint or bonnet , one fare
will lie paid ; ? io , loinul ( rip ,
Established laiT
103 ,
Iq ll e following Companies :
German American , of Nttu Yoiti
Pliant * . * of Hartfottl.
Hait ford , * of Hartford.
Call/ornlan. of San Francltco ,
Scottish Union A Nat/anal , of [ illnkurf.
Union , oj Han Francisco.
otatt , * of DCS Mointt ,
nilllamsburg C/ly / ( * of Brooklyn.
Those maahut with a Insun alto aoutntt Ion
Mind Storms , Cyclone ) and f
K > r77Ili { 7CTHT17 IN COUHCIL
t\ C. O. J p. [ 2. ANI > OJIAII * .
Fora biycr to RO where the largest Stock
and Greatest Varieties ore kept in nnv one '
line. Again , if seller has KxritiUKNCKD
ACCOMMODATIONS faithful and trusty help-
the c sllo buy w-ll be agreeably served ,
and if fcllcrgiics ITLI , weights and meas
ures , you have Mirce excellent reasons for
patronizing such n firm ,
I'uel consumers ought thereforeto buy of
No. 023 H road way , Council DluiTs ,
Telephone 110.
Agricultural Implements , Boggles ,
Cnrrliiifos. Vic .Up. Council Illuirs , Jo\\ .
Mimufiicttirorsof mid Dralnr * hi
Hand aid Power Com ' .Lellrs ,
Ami ngonoinl line or fir < t olnss iiurlotiltwnl
. . iinploim-ntH.
No * . IfiOl , 1W1 , 1W , nnd )5)1 ) ? oiitli Main Slroot ,
_ Council llmflX town.
Mnnuf'rs nn 1 Jobhurs of
Agricultural Implements , Y/agons / , Buggies ,
lBl1 "I1 , Mn' ' ' " of Frm Miwlilnerr.
1100 to Soutli MMn Street , Council Dlutfj ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Cloths , Curtnln riitiiroi. Upholstery Ooo
Etc. No. 105 HroiuttTRy Council lllutTj ,
cmAiis , 'witAcco , K
WboletmlH Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Kos. SSMnln utij 27 I'ourl ' Sis. Council llluff * ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No 14 I'cmrl St. Council lllurr * .
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
1 Sundries. Etc. No. 2 ! Muln St. snil
No. 21 I'oiirl St. , Council llliilIY
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Comml poti. ! No. 512 Ilr udwnr.
Council IlltitTi.
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
-AM- )
No . 10 and 18 Ponil St. . Council UlulN.
Jlniiu'ni'turoinot and Whnl < ; ; ale DealerIn
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. Eo Main St. . Council IllulTa , Iowa.
Jobbers ia Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No . 312 and Ml Hromlwiij' . Council IllnlTs.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council illnlTg , lown.
UH.S ,
Wliolesnlo Donlurs In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils
E3TO. , H1TO.
E.Theodore , A/imt , Council Uluir.i. Town.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling ,
Mnlorliil Siii-cinllli'SWholi)4Kln ) Lum
ber ol all Kinds. Ulllco No. 130 Mnia St. ,
Council lllulIU lown.
' /fl'W ANL >
Wlmlesiili )
Imported and Domestic Winss & Liquors
for St. ( iDttligril's llorli Illttord. No.U
MalnM. Couiuill Illiilli ) .
Foreign and Domestic Wlnos and
t. . Cimucfl Itlu'Jt.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
No. 411) ) llroad way , Council HlulT- ) .
Reduction in Prices ,
China , Glassv/are / , Etc. ,
At W. S. Homer & Go's , No. 23 Main st
Council Itlull'H ,
No , 328 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
.ate of the Parisian Millinery Co , , Manager.
Star Sale Stables and Mule < afds ,
Oppobltu Dummy iJiipot ,
tn3 ST
c g * .
' & * ?
cf E
fO t = < .3
liursus and mules ktjit uoiiiStnnllv on
mnd , ( or sulo ut rittnll or in cnr toads.
Oder promptly fillrd by contrnot on
short noticit. .Stock Bold on roniuiias'on.
. . - . ' .
Sni.urrit i Hoi.i-.v , 1'roprisioia.
Telephone No. 1H
Formerly of Knil Snlo .StiiblL'i , cotuer
1st. ave mid 1th