Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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The Case Progressing Slowly Deforo the
District Oonrt.
fi"tuc tilRht Thrown Upon ilic
KesiK iaS'i ! i of MerJrevr Various
ing1 ? / u * > ut tlio
Hlnio Cnptln ) ,
rnr BKE'R t.irtcot,1 * mtiutAn.1
Tht ! Mclutco murder trial has been
Iho case of interest in the district court ,
and as predicted by the HIE. : is being
closely contested , All of the first day's
proceedings and Up to 10 o'clock yester
day the prosecution had the floor , six
witnesses nnd the dying statement of the
child being the evidence placed before
the jury on direct examination. The
principal witnesses wcro the mother and
nisicr of the dead child unit two physi
cians1. ilnniPS Mclntec , the prisoner nt
the bar , is n man evidently over sixty
years of age , a farmer living in the north
part of Lancaster county and n native of
Ireland. The evidence for the state ad
duced the factsthattho preliminary hear
ing last Hummer brought out , that the
child died from wounds inflicted by her
father. Some time before the abuse oc
curred Molnlcc and his wife separated ,
liis wife coming to Lincoln nnd support
ing herself In town , Mclnlce holding lethe
the farm and keeping the child , who
afterwards died. The testimony sots
out that in .Inly , 1333 , McTnteo
kicked his daughter , llcrlhn Mclutco ,
on the hip , inflicting injuries- from which
the child died. After the injuries had
been inflicted the mother nought antl ob
tained possession of tlio child , aconlirmed
invalid , who for mouths suffered , falling
nil the lime in health until the past sum
mer , when she died. The dying declara
tions > if the child recite n pitiful tale of
mistreatment nnd suffering , which evi
dently nr < i entitled lo'n great deal of
weight , They were taken by the state a
phort time , but a few days before tlio
death of the child anil after the death
Home two weeks to ascertain the cause of
tlio child's deatli the preliminary hearing
then in progress was adjourned over long
enough for the coroner to oxlmmo the
remains anil hold a post mortem. At
this post mortem the effort , was made by
Mclnteu's attorneys to prove by physi
cians that deatli occurred from hereditary
diseases , but the testimony of the physi
cians was that death occurred from
injuries inflicted. The defense
in the present trial seems to
be to establish this fact of disease and
that Mclntco's mistreatment is false.
The witnesses as a rule are dull if not
really ignorant , and tlio attorney for the
dnfcnso exercised a good deal of limn in
attempting to lie up and confuse tlio
testimony of Mrs. Melnteo ami her
daughter , but their story in the main ro
inained unshaken. While tlio prosccu <
tion had the case some of the prisoner's
friends createtl disturbance by mutterings -
ings against the testimony ami character-
i/ing the testimony of some of the wit
nesses as d d lies. When this continued
in the hearing of District Attorney
Strode , he arose and dressed down the
disturbers in a vigorous manner , promis
ing if tliu court did not stop them to mil
a warrant in the hands of the sheriff and
give them enough of it. If tlio prisoner' *
witnesses had any muttering * * to make
after that they did it beneath ll.clr breath
This episode was duplicated yesterdaj
forenoon in a milder form whim Mr.
Strode brought a little Iciao language
to bear upon Mr. Sawyer , the
defendant's attorney for attempting to
'iterjuet a speech to the jury after an ob
etiou had been sustained.
Al noon yesterday three out of the
twenty-one witnesses subpoenaed for the
defense had been hoard anil it looked
very probubltf that thu case would con
tinue over until to day before a verdict
is reached. The dofi'iiso is reinforced bj
these witnesses , who seem determined tr
do what they can to assist Mclutco , antf
serious family dilliciiltics between Me
Jnteii and his wifn seem to be hidden
llnoughout the progress of the trial.
Tlio railway commissioners have received
coived an answer in reply to the petilioi
of citizens at the Knby side track it
Leonard county. The reply conies to
tlio commissioners from General Mana
ger Holdridge. of the H. & M. , am
Mates that his company will comply will
tlie request asked ami open the statioi
for business nt that point , ami will
place n permanent agent at the station.
Articles of incorporation were tiled with
the secretary ot state incorporating
the Kads 'Publishing company , with
business location at Omaha , capital slock
if 50.000. and A. It. Kads , Henry Gibson ,
1) . 6. liunbar , C. 1' . Jiently and A. C ,
Troup as lucorporators ,
The National Life Insurance company
has complied with the state laws and
been admitted to transact business in the
Htate of Nebraska.
Keturns yesterday had boon received
from nil but nine counties in the state nt
thu secretary of state's olliee , and ollleial
figures will soou bo obtainable on thu
Tin : ) IUM : a NATION
of McGruw , in Nemaha county , lo make
room for Howo-to run for the legislature ,
had n little light thrown upon it by a
Nemaha county man , who gave it as his
understanding of the efforts made in that
direction , that Dr. McGrow in case ho
resigned and Howe succeeded him , waste
to have thu prlnclpalship of the state nor
mal school at Peru in exchange for his
resignation , it eviduntlv being tlio inten
tion of those who would like to work
such a scheme to use thn board of public )
lands and buildings for such a purpose.
It Is not deemed jirolmblo , however , thai
the vinegar in this case will caluh any
AiiotrrTHK CITV ,
A pilgrim from the shrine of Hachus
was up in police court yesterday ror the
usual seutencu , He was found the tiny
before trying to IIMJ the entire street fern
n promenade , and when Ollieer Malone
fouml him he was so limp ami helpless
that u dray was called to cart him to thu
cooler , \\ldlu was being searched by
tlit ) jailer he protested that he was of an
nrlMocrntiu family in Illinois and hit re
cited Mie names ot a hunibur of prominent
Lincoln people to establish his character ,
but his appearance was all direct o\i-
deuce to the contrary.
Among the new business blocks being
iHiblifd toward completion are the Ho-
hannoii liros , three story structure on
Tenth and N. streets and the Montgom
ery and Hilliugsly Inuldinirs on Lluvuntli
ami N , both great additions to Lincoln's
line business houses.
Police court ground out n light grists
yesterday , only three plain every day
cases of intoxication coming up for a
hearing. Thu city jailer is at present
f.s feeding ami wanning twelve city piison-
ers at the city jail ,
. Marshal Ho'ach was in Omaha yesterday
whither ho conducted tlio pilgrim , Dag *
gelt , who confesses to tiring accidentally
tint Haknr block.
Lancaster county has thus far the pres
ent term of court sentenced ten prisoners
to the penitentiary for teuus of servitudn
In that institution , eight of whom have
boon turned over to tliu warden.
J 11. Threw , thu nuwly elected presi
dent of the Western league of ball players ,
is homo from thu annual meeting at
J opoka and stops > vill bu taken at once
by the Lincoln club to organUu lU team.
lodge of Select Knights. A. O. U. W. ,
was instituted in Lincoln from among the
memufis of the local lodtes on Thursday
i cning The Select Knights start out
with a membership of twenty.
Tim demand for rooms nt the different
hotels in the c.ty for the session of the
legislature has opened out briskly anil
any legislator who wants to stop at a
first-class hotel on his three dollars a day
nd mdeage had better speak early.
To night the Pi sv < lL/.ette ! , " written bv
Mr. 1'harle.s Trlich ol thn State Journal ,
Mil be presented nt tint People's 'theatre
> v the IJornard Madison Square company.
" ( Jen. C. H. Van Wyck , of Nebraska
1ity. nnd State Senator Klcet Paul
"elirnh } ! ' " nd Hou. John C. Watson
vere in Lincoln yestertlay ,
lion Gilbert L. Laws , secretary of
stale eleet , returned home to MeCook yes-
erdnv. He will return to Lincoln some
imo tliiring tlie Doming mouth to take
ip his residcnco rit the state capital.
Two railroad ninn pounded themselves
or three or four rounds down near the
Inpot yesterday , nnd satisfied their nngcr
without drawing tlio police or a crowd.
AT mi : HOTELS ,
Yesterday \\nra noted among others
ho following Noliniskans : G. H.Chrlstin ,
) mnha : K L. Wilson , St. PaulE. .
MeGiiitie , Wilbur : II. M Wells. Crete ;
W. II. Oilier. Oilier ; T. C. Wheedon ,
York ; Trank II. Galbrnith , Albion ; IJ.
l-'oss , Omaha ; Dr. J. S. IJoicc , Crete ; E.
Van Tylo , Omaha.
For weak lungs"pitting of bloodshort
ness of hicuth , eoiisiitnption , nightsweats
mil all lingering cotnriH. Dr. Pierces
"Golden Medical 1) sjovery" is n sovereign
eign remedy. Sunerior lo cod liver oil.
I5y druggists ,
[ 'ho Vnlun of n Certificate or Itlrlh In
Itnly A Koinnnllo Story *
The Met that the marriage of Mies
I'annie Rogers , a young Milwaukee latly.
to a wealthy nobleman in Italy has been
postponed because her birth certificate
cannot be produced , as required by the
civil laws of Itnlv , lias made public a ro
mantic story. The lady , who is now in
ripain , has unlisted llev. Mr. , n
leading minister of this city , in an ell or t
lo lind the missing certificate , but thus
tar ho has been ui.suecessful. Miss Rog
ers u as born in a humble cottage on
Hanover stieet , in Milwaukee. When
she was quite young her father commit
ted a crime for which ho was sentenced
to a term in Hit ! .state prison , and a few
months before the expiration of his sen
tence he became involved in nn alterca
tion with n guard. Seizing a shovel , ho
was about to strike the guard with it ,
when the latter shot him dead.
His wife , meantime , by laundry work
had eked out a miserable existence for
herself ami family of little children ,
among whom was the little girl now be
trothed lo a wealthy Italian. The latter'a
pretty face attracted the notice of a
wealthy Milwaukee latly , who adopted
and educated her Her natural aptitude
for music was cultivated , anil she received
a line musical education. About this
lime her fosler-tathor , a boartt of trade
man , became involved in heavy specula
tions , and in an attempt to save himself
obtained money by false pretenses , and
ho was sent to the same state prison
where her father had been killed. Fuel
ing the disgrace of her husband's crime ,
thu wife , with her adopted daughter ,
went abroad. The foster mother , posses
sing a line musical education , has gained
a hying as a teacher. They made Italy
their homo for a lime , then Franco , bill
arc now in Spain. Tlio young lady had
all this time been in correspondence ilh
her more intimate friends .in tiiis city.
Her letters told of iier advance
ment in her musical studies
and her travels. A few weeks ago
she informed her Milwaukee eorrespon
dent of her engagement to a weajthy
Italian physician , and Unit thu marriage
was to occur shortly. She asked one of
her particular friends to do her a favor.
She requested that a copy of her bap
tismal certificate be secured of Uob. Mr.
llealy to bu forwarded to her , as the
ceiemony under the laws of the country
could not be perfouued unless the record
was produced. Mr. Llealy having left
the city , the letter was referred to Mr.
EvcrsK , who secured n copy of the de
sired certificate and forwarded it to her.
15ut last week Mr.Eversz received a leiter
direct from from her saying thai .shy had
made a mistake , Instead of her bap
tismal certificate , her birth certilicato
had been demanded , consequently thu
ceremony had been postponed until .New
Year's dtyr , ponJing the receipts of n copj
of thu birth certiticale , which she requested
quested Mr. Eversvs to forward her in
Although n birth certificate of every
person born in Milwaukee county is required
quired to be filed in the office of the rrg
istcr of deed ) . Mr Everz , after a thor
ongh search , has been unable lo lind the
desired certificate. Ho is hopeful of find
ing eillicr the mother of the young latly
or some person who knew her and may
bo willing to sign n birth certificate
which he can have recorded and a copy
of which can be sent to her in lime to
prevent u further postponement of the
Two Itlc Events to Conio off Tlilw
Arrangements xvcro completed yesterday
day for a Ixventy-lix'o milo race bclweor
Prmco and Fred Shaxv , of Glenxvood
lown , * The uvonl will come oft'in the
exposition building a week from no.x
Saturday , November20. Prince agioci
to give Shaxv a qtrirtor of a mile start , o :
txvo an d one-quarter laps. In additioi
lo thu big tacu there is to be a four-mill
race for local amateurs , and a one-mill
race for boys. The programme xvil
doubtless furnish an interesting oven
ing's entertainment.
Mr. Prince has also made arrangement
for a grand siv day race to commence
month thu ' 'IHIt ,
this on Already a large
number of entries have boon secured
The men xvill race eight hours a day.
The folloxving bicyclists arc expected to
start : lliirlium , champion of England ,
vVoalbrook , Prince , Morgan , Schock ,
Ilardln.Snydor , Fnudborg , Shaxv , Ding-
luy , Maloney and Mcinll.
l\LLErt'SUNGpALSAv \ [ | !
t > YFO\
; * s
JXHH S Co fifty5Gn,0
Mnh Sot-i Forth the GrlOT-
nnccq of bcnvcr'n Morclmntn.
To the Denver Trlbiino-Kepubllcsin :
Kvory hidustrlnl interest In this country
is boine literally crnslicil to tli-sUli by ex
tortions of railroiids.
Many of our lepislntors , some of our
courti nnd fully three-fourths of our
metropolitan newspapers luivc lone since
boconio tlio subservient tools of railroad
Scores of our proui'.acjit ' pollticiniis
who seek olnction for thu solo put jjaso of
sclllnir out In tliesi _ > niitorlil : stnipKlo.jinfi
( irnwiiiR n Bhiary , wlilch tlioy arc inca-
p-iblo of earning in an v other capaeit.yaro
the pledged and pliant sprvunts of tlioso
soulless corporation1 * , the common prop
erty of highest bidder , the fruits of
padded political conventions and Jmlns
Jscariots to tlio people whom they bra
zenly nnd hypocritically pretend to rep-
re eut.
These corporation * manipulate our
elections. They control our legislature.- }
nnd subsidize our so-called free pru s to
that dc < * r.idin ; extent which precludes It
from KivinK utterance to n single honest
sentiment not in strict conformity with
thn dictates of railroad mngnatua and
railroad riupq.
Every ollichil position wlilch railroad *
lind it profitable to control is made tlio
subject of otxtn , barefaced and mtscrunu-
IOIIH barter and sale , wliilo our political
atmosphere is corrupted to that loathsome.
condition that would disgrace the mot > t
unclean thing.
Not feathllcd with that unscrupulous
legislation which look one-half of the
public domain of the west from the roach
of honest toil nud .squalid poverty and
placed it snuggly In the pockets of rnil-
roa.j rings ; not content with tlio untold
millions of dollars showered upon them
as subsidies by tin ; debused nnd iniqui
tous politicians nboyo referred lo ; over
looking the millions wrung from coun
ties , cities and towns by their unjust and
oppressive demands ; forgetting Iho tens
of thousands of business men who have
been linai'clally ruined by the gross and
outrageous discriminations of railroads
against persons uml localities ; unmind
ful of the burdens they have Imposed
on honest toil to pay the scandalous
rates of freight on everything
winch labor produces or consumes : ig
noring the fact these roads ( which were
built almost wholly by government aid )
have in many instances noon bonded for
live times their actual cost , they now col
lect of western ohiupors the outr.iccous
rates to pay the interest on these exag
gerated and inflated values.
Their unscrupulous impudence in di
verting our freights to suit tlio conveni
ence. of pools , is only equaled by their
bra/uu lawlessness in breaking open
packages of goods consigned to tlicm for
Every cent is exacted that any business
can or will possibly stand , and our cases
of goods are lawlessly broken open lost
the prattling babe should nccidently get
n rubber toy or a tin whistle on which
these voracious money-gatherers had not
collected their $1'n ! hundred pounds as
freight from Chicago to this city.
Freights Irom New Y"ork to Chicago
are 08 cents per hundred. Wo pay on
the .same goods from Chicago lo Denver
! } ! ! nor hundred.
The noor man pays more freight on a
yard of brown duck than the rich man
pays on n yard of $5 silk. Ho pays as
much on n yard of ' . ' 0-cent jeans as the
bondholder pays on ayaid of 5 broad
Out of ono day's toil where he earns a
dollar , he gives to the railroads 40 per
cent on every calico dress he buvs his
wife or child. A cotton bolt costing 0
cents in Chicago pays 3 cents freight to
Denver , just TO per cent
Tlio tanner's wheat which sells for fit )
cents in Colorado and Nebraska , is. worth
? 1 in New York , and why ?
California fruit sells for live times the
prieo hero that it brings in California ,
and wliylf
Shippers are compelled to haul their
rreight for miles by team alongside of
railioads in Colorado to avoid tlio bur
densome rates imposed.
Every politician who claims to control
a vote is the pampered pet and favorite
of our oppressors. Their pockets are
filled with railroad passes without money
and without price , save ns a reward for
their fidelity to a constant and coutin
nous betraviil of the people.
Uitli tlio business men and shippers
who pay the running expenses of these
roads it' is quite a dilierent thing. The
few favors which are reluctantly extended
to them are doled out through such sur
roundings of mock solemnity , pretended
privacy and avowed dishonesty , as to
plnco the receiver more in the light of n
criminal than that of a paying patton.
There is method in all this , but the fact
exists that wo pay for hauling nine-tenths
of the deatl beats in tlio land. All this is
to maintain the honor of a pool , which is
in every sense a combination against in
dustry , u conspiracy to extort high and
unjust rates from tlio people and a trans
parent imposition upon the rights of
every shipper in the west.
Every laborer , every manufacturer ,
every business in our midst is writhing
under these oppressive burdens. Every
toiler must give up ono or two extra
hours of labor each day to satisfy the in-
Miliato greed of railroad bondholders ,
Many ofour western railroad men are
keenly alive to the situation. They tin
derstaml tlio gross injustices wo are tel
crating. Hut their hands are tied by tlio
astute liguroheails of the cast , who know
nothing of this country , care nothing for
our welfare , have no conception of our
wants , and whoso sole ambition is to bo
the relative of some defunct millionaire
and occasionally ride through this conn
try in a palace car , and drink wine at the
expense of the men the ? arc driving to
Manufactories in Colorado , whore fuel
is bo plentful , nro driven out of existence
by the high rates on coal. Thousands of
Colorado mines are idle to-day because
of the excessive rates on ore. Our pow
der factory , our match factories , ourhoan
works , have long since felt the withering
blight of these oppresaivo discrimina
tions ,
Millions of dollars which ought to re
ward labor , beautify Colorado homes ,
build up mannfatories anil furnish em
ployment for our thousands of idle me
chanics , are squeezed , dollar by dollar ,
from the masses and stull'ed into the coffers
fors of foreign bondholders. Colorado
pays i3,000.0i ( ) freight on ores every year
in excess of fair and just rates. Denver
pays s-jJOO.OOO in e.xeess or. coal nlono anc
millions more on grain , lumber and mer
cluimliso ,
The people of the west have quietly
bubmittcd to this disgraceful imposition
long enough. They have placed tlieii
faith in tlio political demagogues of al
parties for years , without any good nt
suits. Thinking men : ire united on this
question. The gross injustice they have
fiultcrcd calls for open and firm revolt
from every man having the least claim to
manhood or independence All hope for
nul from political panics is vain. The
people must grapple with this question in
that feailess manner which the subjeo
requires , and it is high time the work
began. Respectfully , / . Siuu : ,
Hcd Star Cough Cure is wholly vegota
bio. No narcotics. Twenty-live cents a
The Salllnc Packets of 1842.
Chambers' Journal : At the period o
which 1 speak the eaillng packets whicl
ran between London nnd Now York and
between Liverpool and that pore the
rooms AS the little cabins ranged on
either side of the saloon were termed
were below the sea level. Tlio.y were In
commodious , dark and ill ventilated ; in
fact , the only light they enjoyed was thai
furnished by small pieces of ground glass
nsertcd In the deck overhead nhd from
ho. fanlights in the jdpors opening to the
saloon , and th's was so poor that the
occupants of the state-rooms could not
oven dress themselves without nianlng
use of a lamp. The solo ventilation ot
hem was that alVorded by the removal of
ttio saloon skylights , which , of course ,
could only bo done In line weather , The
consequence was that the closeness of
the atmosphere in the state-room was at
nil times most unpleasant , while Iho
smell of the bilge-wafer was so offensive
as to create nausea independent of that
arising from the motion ot thovcssel. Tn
tlio winter , on the other hand , the cold
.rns frequently severe. There was , it is
Iruo , n stove in the oalooh , but the heat
from it soarcciy : a do itself appreciably
felt in the side cabins. In other matters
Ilicro was the same absence of urovision
for the comfort of passengers. The fresh
water required for drinklng _ and cooking
purposes was carried in casks , and , when
the ship had a full cargo , many of these
were placed on deck , with the result that
their contents wcro sometimes im
pregnated with salt water from the waves
? hinpcd in heavy weather. At all times
the water was most unpalatable , it being
muddy and lilled with various impurities
from the old worm-eaten barrels in
which It was bnpt. Not only was the
water bad , but the supply occasionally
proved inadequate , mid when the voyage
was an unusually long ono the nccessit5'
would arise of nlacing tlio passengers
on short allowance. There was always a
cow _ on board , but there was no other
milk to be had than what she supplied ,
no way of preserving it having been dts-
coveted. Canned fruit and vegetables
were equally unknown. There was com
monly n fair provision of mutton and
pork , live sheep and pigs being parried ,
but of other fresh meat , and of fish tlio
stock was generally exhausted by the lime
tlio vessel ha I been a few days at sea ,
refrigerators nt that period not having
been invented.
Salvation Oil sl'otild be the companion
of every traveling man. It extinguishes
pain , whether resulting from a cut , a
burn , n bruise , or a sprain.
Chaueor says : "For gold In plnsikois a
cordial. " J'or all that sutler fiom hoarse
ness , eold in ( lie chest , lung trouble or
bronchitis. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup is
golden "phtsiko. " Price 25 cents.
The Debating Powers or Gladstone
nnd Churchill.
I was much interested in the appear
ance of Mr. Gladstone as ho arose to
speak , .says Hon. Sotli Low , in the Hrook-
lyn iMaga/.ino for November. A rather
small , worn man. he seemed from the
visitors' gallery , who c thin , gray hair
betokened age , but whose active move
ment as lie rose to his fuel indicated
abundant vigor. With a perfectly quiet
manner , but with now and then a grace
ful gesture , his words came out in
smoothly flowing sentences , directly to
the point. At times with n touch of irony ,
and oftc i with a .quiet humor which
never failed of its mark , ho showed him
self tlio master of parliamentary fence
which all men know him to be. When
ho bat down it was evident tlieio was
nothing left of the notion. Later on in
the spring , as the fight waxed hauler
and heavier against him , ho displayed
with all the lire of youth those wonderful
qualities which have made him , oven to
his contemporaries , a marvel. Men BUY
he never lights better than when the bat
tle is desperate. \ \ ith a courage born of
the most complete conviction , that
slonpcd at no risk nnd no labor , with an
alertness that took in the whole Hold ,
with an eloquence that da/wled even his
enemies , like a very Ca'ur do Lion , lie
fought almost single-handed the unequal
light. At a distance looking at him it
would seem wholly beyond his physical
powers. Close at hand his face is
marked , indeed , with the lines and wrin
kles of inanv campaigns , and you see
before yon still an old man , but you pee
also what at n distance you mi s , that
the lines are the lines of endurance and
hardy strength more than of weakness
and old ago. Lord Randolph Churchill ,
on the oilier hand , is a young man , small
and nervous-mannered , but ho has about
him the look of a good tighter. His re
markable address to tlio electors of
1'addington in the last election repre
sents only one side of him. and that not
an admirable one surelv.though it is fair ,
ncrhnps , to give the" explanation of it
which is current with some of his friends.
These claim that , fearing the conserva
tives , as a party , would be lost behind
their allies , the followers of Lord Hurt-
ington and Mr. Chamberlain , ho set out
to iind a ! mo of attack in which these
liberals could not follow him. He found
it in abuse of Mr. Gladstone. On this
occasion , m the house , his bearing , con
trary to what his reputation would have
led me to expect , was dignified , and ho
appeared to good advantage. Appar
ently ns much at homo as Mr. Gladstone ,
ho spoke calmly , clearly , and well. lie
showed himself well read in parliamen
tary history , and proved himself ready in
reply when interrupted , The impression
I gained at that time of his ability has not
been shaken. Jn this respect I think
there is no ono'on the conservative side
of the house to bo compared to him , and
piobably they have been wise in making
him their leader in the now house of
Only n Stoo.
When catarrh has progressed to a cer
tain extent , it is only a ttop lo that ter
ribly fital disease , consumption. If you
have catarrh , oven slightly , it in a terrible
mistake to allow it to continue its course
unchecked. Jf you will only read , yon
will lind conclusive reasons why you
should take Holid's Sarstmarilla for ca
tarrh , in the statements ol many people
who have been completely cured of tills | I
disease in its most severe forms. Send
for book containing abundant evidence , !
to C. I. Hood & Co. , proprietors of Hood's
Saisaparilhi , Lowell , Mass.
An Atinoynnco to the Well nnd nn
Affliction to the Sick.
London Lancet : Nothing is more inox *
plicable than the tenacity with which
oven sensible persons hold to the tradi
tions of any system with which they have
been associated by education and habit.
A very striking example of this is the
ringing of church bells when tlioso
places of public worship stand in the
very midst of populous districts , and
when tlioso who frequent them arc per
fectly well aware of the houis of service ,
nnd nro not in the least degree depend
ent on the sound of the bells for the op
portunity of attendance , In the old
days , when parisloncrs lived a consider
able distance from their church , when
Jiitrre n'era fay ; clocKa in private houses ,
and when tlio times of service were nn *
certain , there wcro valid reasons why
bells should bo rung to call togethnr the
worshippers , but not one of there reasons
at present exists , and the ringing of
church bells in rtities and towns Is a need
less ami vexatious ceremony. To the
sound in health it may bo an annoyance ;
wliilo to the sick it Is a very grave afllic-
lion , causing in many instances serious
injury , and wo cannot hesitate to say in
not a few cases actually aggravating
disease nnd shortening life. The practice
should undoubtedly bo abandoned , or if
prejudice bo too strong for voluntary ac
tion it ought to bo interdicted. It is in
tolerable that for thn sake of a mere sen
timent , which has no shadow of solem
nity about it , which has nothing to do
with icligion or belief , and which ( out-
.side n utilitarian purpose , which has no
place in tlie e days ) is simply u super
stition of the most stnpitl kind , annoy
ance and injury should bo perpetrated.
A ease of flagrant violation of tlio old- !
nary rules of courtesy that has pist
occurred in Liverpool , placing the
authorities ot one church in light wholly
nt variance with the spirit of common
humanity , lias raised tins question in u
manner which wo trust will give it u
practical shape. Wo would be the very
last to ollend the consciences of those
who are striving ( o uphold the religion of
the country , and uo would not pen ono
word to wound the feelings of any sin
cere worshipper ; but this matter of
church-bell ringing lias not the most re
mote connection with icligion or worship ,
anil we protest against a practice which
it ) an , and too frequently entails
consequences altogether too terribly dis
astrous to be contemplated without in
dignation. Medical practitioners will do
well to refuse certificates of the cause of
death in cases in which they have reason
to believe that the fatal issue lias been
hastened by the disturbance caused by
this practice , and leave it to coroners'
juries to give expression to the feeling
which the giievanco very justly creates.
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lleaHhfulnosa. Ur.J'rlco'a Biking 1'owdercontains
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Keccnllr Built. Kewly Furnished
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Rntonfl r/Lpenlay. Street can frombouso to anr
part or In0 cltj.
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Units foraalo , I 1'uru Itutort Kllnort. 1 1'nro
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Inspect the lii-rl. AdUiuai , CIIAS. U. lUtAN-
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jour arllcle In m ; practice , ang
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S 1119 Farnam Street.