THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 13 , 1886 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , The Price of Wheat Keeps Within an Ex ceedingly Narrow Rasgo. CORN WEAK AND RECEIPTS LIGHT I rr * IMons Strongrr nn < l Values Avcr- ORO Hlfilitjr Cntllo Slow nt Unset- t > il Prices Hogs Active- Market CJuolntlotiH. CHICAGO t'UODUOi : MAUKIJT. CIIICAOO , Nov 12. iSpcplnlTolccram to thn llnr. ] Tlio cash wheat brokers nt Now Yotk llRitreU outlast night tlilrty-llvo boat loads of wheat as taken for export and gave the destination of the \cssel ? . The pit did not set tlic effect o this yesterday , for busi ness done one day In export wheat Is kept injuriously Indefinite until the next , BO thatvvhllo the reports were current jester- day of good business. nobody was In a posi tion to prove It. Confirmation of the re ports .vesterday was the main hull Influence. A llttlu HtfiirlnK shows that the export movement In New York Is laree enough In fact to ho quite encouraging. . Theclcaranccs are uneven , so that the bears are every now and then given an oiorlunlty | ) | to cast dis credit on the alleged exports , but that thn movement Is bonande Is shown by the ofllcial export HKIUPI at the cud of each week. If Itfo \ not that the receipts In the northwest were as extraordinary as the export move- incut , the bulls would bo feeling In line leather. Wheat all day kept very close to 74J4L' . At times the tliuics ; were a fraction above , and at other times a fraction below , but the range was exceedingly narrow. The receipts at Minneapolis of riK.OOO bushels of wheat was the depressing Inlluence. and better cables was the Inlluenco holding the maiket. Another of the recent bulls hns turned tail. . .TonesMcConnlck it Ken nett vvero be.irs to-day. For fortnight Nut Jones has been dolm ; tlio talking for the bull sidonnd abandonment by him was cer tainly llttln lielp to the decline. The feeling juit at the moment is ceitainly onu of crcnt dunicssion. All great traders heio now. with out exception , aic now open beats , and the natural bulls , the "countiynien , " MO doing nothlni ; except perhaps n little bnjlng thioucli bucket nliops. Corn was weaker and prices dccllnetl ( iiH'c. Ueci'ints weie light , but a large run was estimated tor to-morrow. The shinning demand was lieht and rcccivcis complained about thedllliculty In eftecllnc sales. Olfor- InirH of futines wuio lieo and the snpplv of Imj Ing orders light. The opening sales weto the highest anil theelosing the lowest De cember sold lit oi'tJftNlj.e and closed at 1 o'clock at SCc.May sold at 41@-llIic and 41Xc , ana closed at 41'f.c. Provisions \veie generally quiet but strongci' and prices on mess pork and short ribs iivur- auod higher. There was no piessmo to sell for future dellvciy , and with a talr demand finin shorts pilees weio easily advanced. MesiDoiksoldatSD.lU tflO.lO lor January and closed at S10 0-JJrf. Lard was slow and held at sn.W@'i.li2 > . December short libs advanced r > c , and February sold at $5.20 © 0.2-iM and closed at 53.20 asked. ' 1'M : iM. i . A htlll easier tone prevailed In afternoon tiadiiiL' , December setting back to 74'f ' TIVi' . OIloriiiRS weio libeinl. The llnal closings weio as follows : Wheat ac tive and steady ; Tll'-jC for November , 74'jfi ? ; 7IVe tor December , Corn steady ; : iA } R lor November , ! ! 0e lor December , 41@ll1gcfor .May. Oats quiet ; 2554o for Novcinticr , 2ii Vc for December , folk steady ; SO.1) ! for No vember. SO.J5 : for December. Lard unchanged. Short ribs unrhatucd. 2:45 : i1. M. Puts on December wheat , 7-41 * ® 7llfc ; calls , 7-lKc. Puts onMay coin , -He ; calls , CHICAGO M Vi : STOCK. CIIICAOO , Nov. 12. [ Special Telegram to the Br.i.J : CAI H.IJ The iccelnts were Inriroly ovei tlio lirst t-stlmatcs , the e.irly arrivals - rivals showing only about 0,000 and later estl 'mates at 7,000. To add to the many other dllllciiltles that are now besetting trade there Is a scarcity of cars for shipment east. Many of the lending shippers had to hold their cat tle over last night for want of transportation. This Is almost as creat a drawback as the strike of beef butchcis. As a matter of course trade was dull and prices unsettled , with the chances that values would drop lOQlSe be fore the present accumulations weio worked off. Thcru was scarcely anything sellinir In tlio fat cattle lino. A lew loads ot pilino Christmas steers made 51.1)0(35.10. ) ( The 4.50(24.75 ( cattle were entirely neitlocted dur ing the forenoon. No one bccmed to want them. Largo lots of good and nsof ill steers aui belling within a range ot S3.70 ® 1.00 , and Kood butchering block as low as S-.W ! ) ( < V > .2. ' > . Native butchers' stock is helling a shade htrongeron account of the scarcity of Toxans. Jfango stock Is about all In tor the M'.ibon. Theio Is a lair demand tor lieavv leeders at the current range ot prices , but light Mockcis HIM not wanted. lion * The market opened active under a fitrong demand tiom speculator , who seemed to take chances ot celling out after paying fu * higher than vesterday. The packets are not jet In u position to operate their houses on account of tlio strike and shippers cannot gut cam to tuknnvvay tlio stock bought yes- teulay. S-neial thousand hogs aie lying In tlio shipping pens for want ot | > oitition. : The receipts are gradually falling olT and hhonldtheiM beany imnrovemuut in tlio de mand pi Ices would rally. Hough and com mon sold down to j $ ) 'JOftlUiO ; best mixed , Si. : Qi.7r { ; ; host heavy , Sii-bO ® ; light foils , WGiW. _ F1NANU1AU Now York. Nov. 12. MOVKY On call ncthn at ' > ( < < 10 per cent , closing at 5 per cent nskeil , PituiK Jlr.uoANTiu : 1'ArF.i : 4(25 ( per cent. STIIIII.IXO EXCIIANOK Dull and unset tled : actual lates S-l.bOffor sixty day bills ; 8I.S4 lor demand. GoVKHXMh.STS Government bonds were dull but bteady. SjToruK At the opening of stocks the changes fi'om last evening ranged fiom ? < i pet- cent below to : IH per eeiit above. Some weak ness was developed immediately after the opening , but the maikct boon rallied and be came dull , Later tlu-to was another .small decline , but towaid ( lie end of the day tliuro was n decided rise , In which Cameion Coal and Wnbiibh piuteircd were conspicuous. The maikot closed hteady to Him. geneially n shade lower than the best pi Ices leached. STOCKS OX WA.LI. STItKKT. 1'UOUUOC MAKKKT. Chlcnco , Nov. 12. Flour Quiet and unchancuit ; winter wht > at Hour , 4.0-X4.10 ; southern , Sa.TOca4.00 ; Wlhcoitsln , S4 00 4.10 ; . . . sacks. Wheat-Oneiicd stronp and V@sb'e hlghci , rlnshiK abotrt as jeMorday anil dull ; cash , TJ > 5o ; December , 74S-lt > o ; January , 7 > c : Way , fel'te. Corn Quiet : opened a slindo better but drclhuM \ < Slfa i-loslni ; 40 below v.estei- Uay' closeIMS.II , : ajic : December , 8Cc : Jan- u.iry. afljiAo ; May. 41 1-lfie Oats OIIOIHH ! tinner , tx > came dull and slow and weakened , closing tlui same to ' 40 under \osUvday ; cabh , tau'o ; Dtvembor , soie ; May , so\K Ky e Finn at We. lUrUy Quirt nt6lc. Timothy beat Prime , JI.C7. \ 1'ork .Stroufierj ndvancca re- l 7Ve and clo ed ow'ct ' nnd easy ; cash and December. SAM ; January , 810.03. I.ard-Dull but steady : cash , SWti'tf ' ; DrrunWr , sr 5 > 0 : Janimry , S5.95. Hulk Mtats-bhonlders , $ ) .10 r.20 ; short clear , $ XSX < j.W ; short ribs. SV.15 for Jan- nary. Uiitter 1'lrin and steady ; creamery , l.T ® e : dairy. llf JCe. Ci'fifi ! : Finn , plictlthrs fnll-crram flat' , joting Aincrlc.1 , ll QU'-vUc ; Steaily. llittei Ilravy green illed , fully eurrd , Wii o : lieht. do , 8 ; < i t-J/r : dnmnecd , 7 'V' ' ! bull hides , O' c : dry salted. ll@I2c ; dry flint , iVrfHc ; Mlt skins , 8@10Kc ; deacons , & 0o each. Tallow Mo. 1 country , 3)f@3Xc ; No , 2 3c : cake , 8Jic. Kwclpt Shipment * . Flonr.bbls . 14.0. * U.OOO Wheat , bu . 7 ! > ,000 W.OOO Corn. DU . truxw 73XX ( ) OaKbu . 10,1,000 W.OUO Hyc , bn . . < W9 20.000 Duriev.oii . 47,000 69,000 St. Jonl , Nov. 12. WliPnt Haw ; No. 2 ed , cuih , 747H'Cl7So ; December , 70 , January , "f ; ilav. l > 4rfM' ( c. Corn-Ktisv ; No. vi. mixed , cash , ) pcember. : ilc bhl ; May , :3'fc. : ' Oats-Finn ; No. 2. mixed ; cash , 7ic ! ; Docombcr , 20ebd ! ; May , live Slraily at 60. 1'oik Vlrinat St ) . Lnrd-Eisyat $ * > . Hutler Quiet nnd linn. A FTKUXOOX HoAitn Wheat , } c higher. Corn , steady and unchanged. Oats , un hanged. Knnftnfl City , Nov. 12. AVhcat Dull ; No. 2 red. cash , OO c bid ; December , Clo bid ; May. ? 0\c hid. Coin-gtiiet ; No. 2 , cash. SWtfcbld ; December - cembor , 2J fp bid ; May , 35c bid. O , ts Nominal. New Orleans , Noy. 12. Corn Quiet and Him. Him.Oats Oats Qnlot. Ho ; 1'ioilucts firmer , but not generally iluher. Poik Plriucr at S10.W. Laid Itellncd ticice , SO.OO. UnlK .Meats Shonhlcr-t , sr.12jf ! ; long clear and clear ribs , SO.t'J ! > tfi.j0.25. Cornmeal Quiut at 82.15. Toletlo , Nov. 12. Wheat-Dull and weak ; cash , 7 < 5J e. Corn Steady ; cash , 3Sc. OaDull ; tash27 c. LilvcrpoDi , Nov. 12. Wheat In fair ilpiimnd ; linn ; No. a winter , GsOd ; biirlng , bKd. Flour In fair demand nnd steady nt 8s 7d. Corn In fair demand ; spot steady atts d ; November and December dull.t Is 4d ; January , dull at 4s 3 > d. Now York. Nov. 12. Wheat Kerolpts , 2 ! > 2WK ) ; exports , ItW.OOO ; cash , shade stronger , closing weak ; options opened h@ ! { hkher , later vveakoned , declined } { < < tw ; rloslnen little Mc.uller ; initialled red , 7tM77Jio ; No. rod. 8J/c ; No. 2 ltd , 84c In elevator , 84 f bri calloat ; Deeomner closed at b ! > } nc. Corn Lower ; leceipts , 12,000 ! ! ; expoits , 84,000 ; nncradcd , 4)@l'ic ) ; No. 2.4.roin elevator , tr. > f@iriiC afloat ; Deembcr closed at irc. Oats Shade stronger : receipts 48.000 ; ex ports , 1,000 ; mixed western , S'JfSSlc ; white western , 35i ( < 40c. Petroleum Jtellned firm ; united closed at ? Xe. 1'oik Firm and quiet. Lard Eask'r ; vvestorn steam spot , SC.20 00 an. lluttcr rirm ; choice stock , western , 22 ® o Chre e Steady demand moderate ; western flnt.llj@mc. , S teady and In f.ilr inquiry. Milwaukee , Nov. 12. Wheat Weak ; cash , 71'4c ' ; December , 72j e ; January , TJc. Coin Ste.ulv ; No. 2 , ! 5j.Kc. Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 20c. Kyc lIlRher ; No. l,05e. Ilarlov Steadier ; No. 2 , 52Ve. I'rovibions HlKliet ; pork , November and December , S'J.3. ! ! Cincinnati. Nov. 12. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 red , ? 5r 75Uc. Corn rirmer ; No. 2 mixed , SCl c. Oats Steady : No. 2 , mixed , 2i5 c. Kye Finn : No. 2 , .We. 1'ork Steady at S'J.tO. ' ' Lard Quiet'at Sr .b5 5.90. Whisky Finn at 51.13. Minneapolis. Nov. 12. Wheat Opened weak , closed quiet ; No. 1 hard eash,72c ; De cember , 72J c ; January , 73Xe ; May , , y c ; No. HecDlpts WlKtat , 322,000 bu. ( shipments , 34,000 bu. ; Hour , 28,000 bbls. _ LIVE STOCK. Chlouco. Nov. 12. The Drover's Journal rcnortnas follows : Cattle llccclpts , 7,000 : dull ; 10rt20c lower ; shlopiiiK steers , 53.30(25.00 ( ; stockers and feeders , S2.03@3. through Tcxa3 cattle 10air.c ( lower , S2.00@3.00 ; western rangers , 15 ( gi'ic lower : natives nnd half-breeds , s > 2.UJ ( < 5 y.OO ; wintered Texans S2.55g.00. ( : ) llojs Iteceipts , 18,000 ; slow , rlosine weak ; rouirh and mixed. SH.KO(33.0. ( > ; nacklnc and shiiiplncr , Si.OO@J.S5 : ; light , 83.iOSi.75 : ( : ; skips , S'J.25 ; } .00. Slicop Iteceints , 3.0JO : natives , S2.0014.00 ; vvostetn , Si.00ci : < : ! .40 ; To.xans , S2.00c < i2.00 ; Iambs , Saoo@-t.-IO. Hr. I-oulH , Nov. 12. Cattle Receipts. 000 ; shipments , 150 ; steady ; choice native steers , S4.SO@i.bO ; stocUeis , fair to good , 52.00 . ' W ) . lloirs Iterclpts. 3,000 : shliiments , COO ; stiong atri@10c higlicr. nil round , closed firm ; Yoikers , medium to bt-st , S0@y.70. ! KaiiHiiK City , Nov. 12. Cittle Iteceipts , 2,000 ; shipments , none : good , Him ; common slow and weak ; good to eliolvu S4.10 ( < 14 , < 0. IIoijs Kecelpt1 * , n.OOO ; slilpments , none ; active ut lOc higher ; common to choice W.CO ( < 3.b5 ' OMAHA lilVK STOCIC. Filday Evening. Nov. 12. CATTI.I : There am no especially new lea- tnre in the maikct. Receipts continue light. Corn-fed eat tie sold falily well und beveial bunches changed hands. There was some activity In thu feeder market. llor.s The lecelpts weio heavier than yes terday. Tlio market opened active nnd every thing sola quickly at prices about steady vv 1th yesterday , Notlilng was lett over except what cumu lu very late. Thu hogs are aver aging very heavy. Packers prefer light weights or light mixed , Sur.ii' : There was one small bunch sold. Cuttle PCO llojjs. . 2 WO bhecp 600 Prevailing I'rloea. Shovvlm ; thu pruvaillnK prices paid for live stock on tills maiket. Cliolca steers , KBO to 1SOO Ihs 84.2-4,70 Choice steers , llOUto 1 00 Ibs H.75M4.40 Medium hteers , l'J50 to 1350 Ibs. . . .00 < .u4.5 ] ( Jood feeders , ii.O.'XA&OO ( iood to choice corn-ted cows 2.KOM ; ! " ' UangucowH 'J.'J'iSrJ Kair to medium urass cows 2.00 c2.2. i ( lood to choice U'.ills , 1.50 Ijlu'ht mid medium IIORS 3.TO@3.bO ( ! oed to choice lit-.ivy UOKS ( ' : ) .7r ( ! oed to choice mixed aojcs U. ( > 5C M.75 Konuh throw outs S.SO ( 3.GO ( ! ooii toclioicu hheei ) 2.75r > M.25 Fatrtoeood sheep s.2S@ii.ta Hoprosoututivo Males. CO IIX KKU STin'.llS. No. Av. J'r. No. Av. Pr. 20. . .Wll $4.00 S3..iabG S4.CO 14..1251 4.25 I'KCIlGltS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 101..UHJ7 S2.C5 145..1050 53.00 COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 20..1041 S2.W ) 2 , . . , b&O fibO UAXOK COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. C'J , . . . HIS 52.45 2J , . . . IKi'J S2.0 HULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 18..1S33 § 1.50 10.1200 Sl.&O ' No. Av. IV. No. Av. Pr. U5. . . . HO 53.00. HOOK. No. Av. Slit. IV. No. AV. Shk. IV O7.i0 : , { ! ! 00 ? A05 64. . 20(3 ( 3 ( S3.75 61.UO ; 200 8.r,5 Ci..20J 200 3.75 Ki.itl7 ! 200 3.R5 C5..21W 120 8.75 05 .801 HW U.70 01. . 250 100 3.75 71..2.JD 100 8.70 68. .278 ICO 3.75 49.34'J 40 8,70 CJ..294 240 3.75 S1..85U 240 3.70 51. . 321 320 3.75 flt.i71 : ! 2tO 8.70 09. .975 M ) 8.75 ISO , . 201 320 3.70 C3..2SJ 200 a.75 57 , . 808 bO 3.70 54. . 288 200 8.75 M..300 240 3.70 61..8J7 240 8.75 53..2U3 bO 8.70 69..2UJ bO 3.75 54..2TJ SO 3.70 . 63. . 274 60 3.75 54 ; 82i ) bO 3.70 63. .278 120 175 51. .339 'J > 0 3.70 C7..2 < U 80 8.60 6S..3IO 200 70 M..240 40 S. 0 6J..201 240 & ? ! { SO.1 ! 120 3.W ) 67.f 9 BO 3.75 131..28.-I 320 3.M ) 53..ROO 120 3.75 r,9..2.Vl 120 H.W ) f,2..2Sl 120 8.75 67. . 231 2SO 3.80 50. .ZiS W 3.75 CJ..2S3 120 8.bO tlnnpc of Price1 * . Sliowlnc the hlclicst and lowest prices iaid for loads of hogs on this maikct during he past seven da ) s and for the sauio time astyear : Oct. NOV. 1MO. | .NOV. ISSo. eth $1. 0 ( H3 70 $300 7th . oo Sundnv. Mil 3.70 n ft' . ftW 70 Suiulny Oth n no < w M .TOO ft/317' } 10th Sunday 3.M ® V > 0 3.15 < < M.W : iitu 3.T5 SV1 90 n.(52i ( ! 4M.80 3.10 ffM.20 12th 3.7S W 90 : io3 i o 01 zo Shipments. Showing thn number of cars of cattle , boss and sheep shipped from South Omaha during the day : TATTI.n. iVo. ears. Kotilo. Destination. 20 U. iVM..Mound City. Mo. 1 H. &M . . . .Syracuse. Neb. 1 B. AM. Western All siles of stock in this market are made per cvvt. llvo weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at KC per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weUhlnc less 100 Ih3. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs. and stags SO Ibs , by the public Inspector. Notes. Hogs all sold , Light hogs wanted. Cattle market steady. A way up hoc ; market. Hogs averaging 180 to 2Vi ( Ibs sell the best. Shufelt Bros. , Mound City , Mo. , had In a load of Cattle. J. Spollman , Tekamah , was hero with three loads of hogs. Potter & S. had In three loads of sheep 'rom Elm Creek. Mr. Cleaver , Malvcrn , la. , was here with a load of fut cows. C. D. Wclker , Cedar Ilaplds. was here with live loads of cattle. II. O. Hull. Anita , la. , was hero and inar- IteU'd a load of hog * . Thomas Mortimer , Weston , was hero with seven loads of cattle. V. W. Storrldee had In two loads of cattle from Council Bluffs. L. W. Copland , Western , was hero .and bought 24 head ot feeders. J. F. Lower. Stiomsbuig , was heio and marketed a load ofofs. \ \ . Fiirriniiton it Son , Lvons , had In a load of liogs aud a load of cattle. John Hall , Creston , la , , a hcavs Ice dealer , was a visitor at the yards. Heavy ho < s sell because the packers arc un able to get enough light hogs. K. C. Nimnn , White Cloud , Kan. , was hcto and bought 100 head of feeders. Fowler Bios. , Llpton and Hammond killed over three thousand hogs to-dny. Thomas lioss , Stromsburg , was In aud sold two loads of hogs on the market. Notions left over oxcent two loads which arrived alter thu close of the market. Knight llros. , Ciie > onne. were on the mar ket with two double-deck loads of sheep. John Lute , Paxton , was hero with two ctrs of cattle , too late for the day's market. K. K. Gardner , of Gardner Bros. , was hero witli thirteen loads of cattle from Pine Bluffs. Mr. Green , of the linn of Green & Meeker , Greenwood , was heiuaiulmatkctedtwo loads ol hogs. A. 11. Swan , manazcr of the Swan Land & Cattlu company , was here with thirteen loads of cattle. Heavy , rough sows that have been used for breeding , are not wanted , und bold 10(3,20i ( : below good hogs. "Aceoullnc to our dispatches to-day , " ic- marked n lioir man , "the top of tlie bos mai- ket In Chicago ia SJ.bO for the best. Jtouch heavy boss brought the same price hero to day , showing that we are above Chicago , not baying anvthlng about thedillercncu in trans portation. " On thcmaiket with hogs : Fl M. Jelfrev , Osceola ; Oitunbi'tg it Co. , W.ihou ; .1. K. Keynold . Council BlunV Clark Bios. , C. W. ' Do'ot , G. K. Ealit'tt. Council Bluffs ; W. H. Wilson it Co. , Nickei-ion ; Gardiner , A. it Co. , Dodco ; F. O. Hawks , Cedar Itapitta ; S. Boverldge , Fremont ; Genoa Klevator Co. , Genoa : ; : I. . M. Mucklln. Fullciton ; W. H. Kiceman , Oakland ; J. H. Johnson. Blair ; C. W. Miller Concout ; JJ. C. llasson , Wake- held. held.Amonz Amonz others having hoes on the market were the followUK ! : G. Grosvenor , Tekamah ; O. Burgflss , Weeping Water ; Kipp it L. , Huuiplneys ; Townsend it F. , Hockvillo ; . ) . Wlllielmseii , Dannebiog : C. C. Corrig , Platte Centei : J. Culver , Modalc ; J. M. Miller. An- lora ; Sncll & Agnew , Ashland ; I'aimelo it M. South liond ; T. M. Slialli-iiberjcr , Brad- Rhaw-.1. Buck , Cicte ; J. C. Welch , Clarinda ; Virgin & Nelson. St.iplehuist ; W. Daugh- erty. llnvvthorn ; Sotithvvlck Bros. , Atlantic ; F. Hovnolds , Lorah ; J. Lansing , Fairlield ; Chailcs Ktidat it Co. , Pierce. OMAHA -WilOliISSAJUE MAIUC12T9. General Produce. Friday , Nov. 12. Ttiefollowlnri prices are jor round lots nf produce , as sold on tlie market to-daii. Tlie Quotations onfrnlt ? rcpreicnt tue prices ut rvhlch nutnliic orders arc Illlcil. K < ! ns Receipts crmal to tlie demand , a lather easy lecling existing jut at jiieseiit. Co hi vv i-atlicr would undoubtedly have a stimulating ellect upon tlie nmiUct. lCgars , .stiictly Iresh. candled , 20e. HnTEii The demand Is very brisk ; all giaded ate selling at higher prices than last week. Choice stock suitable tor table use Is active. PiG.hcicainetrf.incvOc : ! ; tioslidilry , choice , 22i ' > c ; clioice country roll. choice country , solid packed , 2 ! ' ' country loll , Ib ( ; i0c ; good countiy , solid packed , lOifflbc ; Fail , 14@10c ; common , I'ol'i.THY Airlvals of dressed poultiy have been moio plentiful for thu past lew days , but the weather thus far has been iin- tnvorablo and i.itbor low pi Ices woio pre vailing. A gootl deal of poultry comlii' , ' to our market Is poorly diossed , and buyers lor btieli archaid to luul. Llvo poultiy continues quite dull. Dressed poultry , chickens , choice , per Ib , WSIOc ; lair to good , ( iWsc ; turkeys , choice. 12ic ( ; ; ; fair to good , UffUle ; ducks , choiix ) , He ; geese , choice , lie. Live , old chickens , choice , per do . , S2.25@2.40 ; young chickens , choice. S2.2.'ii < 2 40 ; voting chickens , good , $ i.00 2.25 ; ducks , - " - " " 2.75 ; gccse , SO.OO b.oO ; turkeys , U.OO. U.OO.Ciir.r.sK Full cream flats , 2 in box. lite ; Young Americas , 4 In bo * , iiXc : : lancy hwiss.lSc ; Swiss , choice , lie ; biickl'J @lJc ! ; Llmbiiric , 1'- ' . GAVIE Pralrlo chickens are selling on airival at quotations. Mallard duck aru doing well. Teal and mixed are In moderate rciii- ( ] . Quail wanted. Snipe and plover only fair. Deer , antelopuand elk very scarce anil much call for. 1'rairio chickens , choice , per doSi.OO : ; quail , Si.50 : snipe , plover , etc. , xai.25 : duckH.mullard , SI 75 ; ducks , teal , S1.2.j ducks , mixed , 81.00 ; icui'so , SsS.OO © : i.fjO ; deer , saddles , per Jb , ll@12e ; deer , carcas.sos , 8(2yc ( ; antelope , saddles , U@12o ; antelope , careasse.s , 7ff ( ! > e ; elk , ( .addles , 10 ® lie ; elK , carcasses , 0 ( < 7c : jack rabbits , per doz , Sa60@-l.00 ; small rabbits , put doSl.OO i. r . POTATOKS The market Is not quite as stionc as a week ago , mild weather being thn principal cause. Iteceipts have been quite liberal , and all dealers have more or less stock laid away tor whiter use , and will only buy now when an extra line car Is being offered to them at slightly lower Humes. Potatoes , choice , per bu , 60@Wc ; good.4rxa 7e. ONIONS There Is a cond supply on the market at present. T hu bulk of the sales are being made from the stores In small lots , Onionb , choice bulk , per bu , TSCgQUti ; choice , fiom stor * , OOc@Sl.00 ; choice , from store , per bbl , 82.75(5:1.00. : HWEKT POTATOES Choice stock scarce and much called for. Choice home-grown , per Ib , 2c ; choice Jersey , per bbl , S3.50 , Ai'Pi.KS Receipts of apples are largo and the demand equally so , especially for Mich igan stock , Quito a good many barrels of Missouri and Illinois trait are on ttie market now , some of them havini ; been kept here for weeks already , and are undesirable for Michigan. 53.00. UEi-ERy The receipts are so heavy that dealers are unable to dispose ot it all. Choice stock Is spiling at8K.3MOc ( per do * . OvbTEits The cooler eat her is bracing up trade. I'rlces toinaln uiiclianKed. > fedlums , Vic : btandards , 30 ; selects , &c ; N. Y. counts. 40o. LEUOKS Measlna , per box 37.00 ; Malaga. Florida choice , per box , S6.oa ; Jamaica ) * , choice , per bbl , 510.00 ; Jauialcas , choice , per box , S5.W. uit.iir.Malaga > , per bbl , S * ° 0 : Malaga , 5-10 bbl lots , per bbl , S5.50 ; Catawbt , l > Ib basketsi 75c. PKO VISION'S Ham. sugar-cured , 11'4(1 ' ( ? lllic ; breakfast tncon , smrar-cureit , joneless , lOc ; shoulders , snear-ctired , CKc ; clear side bacon , Sdry ; salted sides 7\c : dried beef , hams , He ; dried beer , rec- ular , 12c ; mess pork , per bbl. ; lard. 40 Jb cans. Fairbanks , Itfc ; 10 , 5 and Mb tails , Fairbanks , 7'i@S < \ BnAKfl Inferior .stock. iO,7r > @ 1.03 ; good clean country. SLOO@1\ ; medium , band licked , Sl.CpOiiJl.00 ; hand picked navy , Sl.GO t&l.O. . i Fi.orn An Miu.STtnVs Winter wheat lour , best quality patent , S2.75 : second ntial- ity. 52.40 ; best qilrthty spring wheat lour , patent , Si.CObranOcpcrcntchopped ; ; Teed , 70c per cvvt : white corn meal , Wc ) : jellovvcorn meal , Kks par cvvt : screening , OOc percwt ; hominy , 82.00t > er cvvt ! shorts , r > v. percwt ; erahaui , Sl.CO ; hay , In bales , 55.60 , $ } .00ucr ton. Gil/us / Corn , 2Cc ; now oats , 25c ; rye : > 3c ; wheat. No. 2.f > 5c. General Stapkct . AVooi. Medium lS@20c per Ib ; fine heavy , 14(3lOc ( ; light , KxaiSc ; coarse , 14 < i < lGo ; buriy wool , 2 ( < t."x3 olt. liiiis ) Green butchers , ot c ; Reeen cured , ; iWj ! ) < cj drv Hint , llMlUc ; dry salt , IKHlOa ; ireen calf skins , IK ti' ' c ; dauiaeml hides , two-tlilrds price. Tallow ; i > fc. ( ircaso Prime white , : l < < : yellow , 2c : brown , I/ Sshccn Pelts , 2.-.Q7&C. : n I'rlnui slaughter solo leather , In. sxjiswc ! Frencii kip , j hem , calf , : oak call , i , . French call , S1.2- > @l.bO ! Morocco , boot leg , Moiocro oil pebble. 28iiWc ( : ; toppings iin.vvv llAiiDWAiir. iron , ratn ; plow Bttol sjieclal cast , 4e ; crucible steel , Oc ; cast tools , do , J2@lSc ; wasron apoku-t , per set , S1.75W300 ; hubs , per set , Sl.M ; telloes , Bavvcd dry , Sl.W ) ; tongues , each , 75c ; a\els each. 75c ; snuaio nuts , per Ib. lS"lc ; cell chain , per Ib. 0@13c ; malleable , C ( < c ; iron vvcdups , Cc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; sprinp stool , TQibc ; Huidon's horsohlioes , S-1.40 ; Burden's mule shoes , $ " .40. Harbod wire , In car lots , St.OO per 100 Ibn. Nails , laics , lOtofiO , 82.50 ; steel nails , S2.03. Shot , Sl.0.5 ; buckshot , Sl.M ; oriental powder , ki-ps , S3 50 ; do. half kcRs , S00 : do. quarter kens , $1.50 ; blasting kegs , &Z..V > \ ( use , per 10 feet. Cc. Lead bar , S W. VAIINISHKS Hauels , per gallon ; I'lirnl- ' ture , extra , s$1.10 $ ; furnitinv. No. 1. Sl.OO ; coach e\tra , SI. 40 ; coach , No. l , S1.20 : Da- mar , extra , SI. 75 ; Japan , 70c ; aspli.iltum , extra SJc ; shellac , S3.CK ) ; hard Oil llnlsh , $ ItMJ. tsi'iiiiTS Colocne spirits , IBS proof , SI. 17 ; do 101 pioof , SI. 18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : do 18S pioof. 81.10. Alcohol , Ib8 proof , S'J.18 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , Sl.OO ( il.50. Gin , blended , S1.NX8 'J.OO ; Kentucky Tboiirbons , 5 00(30.00 ( ; Ken tucky and I'ennsylvania lye , SJ.OOva0.)0 } ; Golden bouibon and rvo whiskies , S1.50(33.oo. ( IJr.mdles. imported , S5.00@S..0 . ; domestic , SUO@3.00. ( Jlns , Impoitcn , S4.M ) ( ftfi.OO ; domestic , S1.25r300. ( ChampaKiii's , impoited. per case , ? 'iS.OO(33.l.OO ( ; American , per case , S10.00t2ir..OO. ( TAINTS iv On , White lead. Omalu , ! ' . P. , 7kc ; wlntolead , St. Louis , pine. S7.75 ; Mar seilles crcon. 1 to.r > Ib cans , 'Jc ; 1 icneh 7inc , creen seal , 12c ; French zinc , led seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst , 20e ; French zinc , 75c ; vernillllon , American , ISc ; Indian red , lOc ; rose plnit. 14c ; Venetian red , Cook- snn's , 23fc ; Venetian red , Ameiican , IV c ; red lead , 7Kc : rhrorao yellow , genuine , .We ; cliiotno yellow , K , r.'c ; oclno , roclielle. ! ic ; ochre , French , 'Jfc ; ochn- , American , ll c ; Winter's tnlneial , 2l r ; Lehlgh blown , 2) ) < cj Spanish brown , 2J c ; i'rlnco's mineral , 3c. 3c.Duv Duv PAINTS White lead. 8c ; French sine , 12o ; Paris vvliitinir , 2 c ; v\ hit I UK , ulldcrs , 2fe ; whiting , com'l , Ike ; lampblack , ( ! er- iiKiiistown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prusblnii bluc.Vic ; ultramarine , ISc ; vandylc- biown , 8e ; umber , buint. Jo ; timber , raw , 4 o sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienn.i , raw , 4o ; Pane green , uennine , 2 , > c , Paris ( jieeii , common , 22c ; chiome srcen , N. Y. , 20c ; chronn green K , I'Jc ; vernillllon , English , In oil , 75c : raw and burnt umber , l U cans , 12c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c ; Vandyke brown , Uic ; relined lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black. ICc ; drop black , We ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. 18c ; chrome green , L. , M. < fc 1) . , Ific ; blind and shutter green , L.M. it D. , lOc ; Paris creen , IBc ; Indian led , Ifle ; Venetian rod , flc ; ' 1 nscan , " c ; vermilllon , L. it 1) . , 20cVollovv ; oclne , lc ! ; L. M. & O. D. , I8o ; gooa oclne , Ific ; patent ilrvor , 8c ; Kralninp color , llu'ht oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and , 1'Jc. Inui9ANi > CHEMICALS. Acid , carbolic , I2c ? ; acid , tartaric , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per lt > , 4Hc : bark sassafras , per 11) ) , lOc ; calomel , per ft , 78c , rliinclionldia , per o , 40c ; chloio- i 01 in , per ft , Me ; Dover's powders , per Ib , Sl.'A > ; epsom salts , per It ) , aj c ; glycuiine , pun- , per Ib , 2 > c ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 21c ; oil , castor , No. 1. per ghl. , S1.50c ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , SI. 10 ; oil olive , per gal. , 11.10 ; oil orlirannnm. 50e ; opium , S'1.20 ' ; quininp , P. A W. and K. &S , , per oz , 70c ; potassium Iodide , per tb , S'i.8 > ; s.jlicln. per oz , 40c ; sul- pliaio morphine , per of. S'J.1 : ! ; ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ; strjciiutno , per oz , Sl. " . Grocers' Jjlst. PICKI.IS : Mi'dinm. in bbls , SO SO ; do. In half bbls , S3.75 ; small , In dbls. 750 ; do , In halt bbls. S4.'r , ; gherkins , In bbls , SB.50 ; do , In half bbls , S4.75. SYHUINo. . 70. 4-gaIlon krgs , S1.20 ; Now Orleans , per gallon 85f4B ( ! ( ! ; maple bvrnp. half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 72c ; 1 gal lon cans , ner do810.00 ; lull gallon cans , per doS5.00 ; qitaitcans , 3'i.fw. Si'AHCH Miiror glas . 1 Ib. 5Jfc : minor gloss , . ' ! Ib , 5Kc : minor gloss , ulb , thaws' corn , 1 Ib , Co ; KIngslord's com , 1 Ib , 7c ; Klnnsford's gloss , l Ib. 7c : Ivingsloid's irlosrf , 0 Ib. 7Ke. Klnustorti's pure , : ilb , 7Jfc ; Kliiiihlordsbtilk , 4c. Toii.vcf o Plug , pllm.iv , 42c ; horscsiioe , S7c ; star , liflc ; spcarlieailWe : plperheldblck , fiOc ; gold shield , 3lc ; meny war , 2 ; > e : J. T. J. . Ma. Toiivcro Smokiiv. , Duihain , Is , 5)0 ) ; 3 < a. file ; M"s. 57i' : ' ( .s , GOe ; mcericlinm , .We ; old styliJJo ; V. N. O. , Ifie ; .spiilt cured , 4"e. J Per caddie , ! 15e ; bquaio eases , 51.70 ; mule square , 31.20 , CANIIY Mixed , ! ) (3n'iC ( | ; stick , S1.1) ) . Garm-au's soda , butter and picnic , 5' e ; creams,8Hc ; glnyersnapsb c ; cltv soda , 7 } c. SOAPS Kirk's savon impeilal , S20 ; Kuk's satinet. SH.OO ; Klik's standaiil , SU.Oj ; Klrk'H wliito Itusshm , S4.00 ; Kirk's wliito- cap , SO.W ) ; dome , S3.85 ; wasliboaid , SU.10 ; white cloud. 53.75. ltoi > X Incli. OJfc ; ? u Inch , lO c ; jc. DUIII : > Ftii'iT No , 1 quarter apples , : % < < § 4c ; In evaporated boxes , tiJH&tXo ; black berries , boxes. OJy@t ! c ; pcaehes , Salt lake , IbbO , 7J @ 7 c ; poaches , evaporated , . _ 17c : raspberries , now , l'J ) ( ? iOe ; currents , oi on n : prunes , new , WoMJ c. .j Powdered , 7 7'fc ; cut leif gianulatcd , ( ! ) Ce ; confectlonerrt' A , fij rt'ic ; stnndard extra C , ri M.Vfo ; extra C. riJugnXti ; medium jellow , 4K@'C. CAX.vni ) GOODS Oysters , httinilanl , per case , 53.2V strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 32.00 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per ctise , 52.00 ; Calllornla pears , per case , 54.50 ; apricots , per casj ; Sl.CO ; peaches , per , Sr > . ! i ; white ohei- rlcs , per case , 50.00 ; plums , per case , § , blueberries , per ease , § 118. ' ) ! o.'tr plums U Ib per ease , 5J.50 ; plneapnli-s , 2 Ib , per ease : i.20@-j.75 ; l Ib maokeriil. per doSl.iJO ; llbHalmon , pcrdoz , Sl.r1.60 ; 2 Ib goose , beules , per rase. 51.75 ; S II ) .string beans , per case , 51.70Jib ; lima beans , per case , SUX ) ; -Jl > marrowfat peas , IWP cnse , o'-IO ; 2 Ib early June peas , per case , S-.75 ; 3 Ib toma toes , 82.10@2.2. ' . . CorKKKS Ordinary grades , 12 > c fair , ! 3@i3Kc ; prime , l3M@Hu : choice , 14K@l5oj lancy Kreeii and jellow , 15@10o ; old irov- ernment Java. 20@2ficinteiTor .lava , 10 > ; ® 20c ; Mocha , ? ifiSJ4o : ' Atbuukle'u loaslfd , 17Hc ; MeLaimhirn's XXXX roasted , 17 e ; Dihvortli'ii , 17 > 4c ; Heel Cross , lltfc. Dry laiaDe . Nol COM. B. 1. s. "s li'and l ft 817.60 NaS " 12. HandlOft 14.75 No.3 " " 12 14Uldl6ft ( 13.50 Ho.4 " " 12. l | pd 19 ft 12.00 ii.vtr.M-iON No. 1 , 4 & 6 Inch , 13 and U ft , rough. . .817.05 No. 3 , 4 i Olnch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 14.00 rKIU.NO AND J'AKTITIO.V. 1st com. . . , } ( In . AVhlto . I'lnu 1'artltion , . . . 533.00 jjd i. . i , 27j5o - > t < 2d Com. ? B' In. Norway Tine Celling. . . . 14.00 A 6lnch , wliito pine , 20 0 , . $29.00 oeincu. - 'at i ) . 2i.M BTOCK BOAIlDi. A 13 inch. 8.1 8. 4U U . ? 3ri.OO mainch " " 4U1) . ,2,1.50 No. 1 , cnm. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10. 18 A20 ft. . . 21.00 No.3 , " . , . , , . . . nra No.2 , " 12 & 14 ft. . . . . 17.00 16.0Q SHIP iAr. No. 1. phln.Sand 10 inch . . < 817.50 " t. 2 , pliun.8 and 10 Inch 15.50 . „ , 4Ill.Vai.Kfl , I.ATIl. \Xclear , S3 W ) ; A standard , S2.DO ; No. 1 , 51.8S ; Lath , 53.85. PosTs-Whito Cedar. 0n. \ . , f , 12c ; S In. . 1st and 5d. clear , I'/Inch , s. 3 ? S.V.OO , clear , 1 Inch , $ .2 s 4\OU Vt. clear , 1V < 14 , 3 in. 47.W ) U select , 1 inch. s. 2 s. 20.00 l ) select , i i , i tain. _ . _ . GO.OO Purify .your hlood , tone tip the sj'steni intl leunhtto the dlKC5tlvo organs by tuk- nc Hood's ' Sarsaimrilln. Sold by nl dniggists. Couldn't to It In Chlonno. Chicago Herald : In a book entitled "Ten Dollars KnotiRh"Catherine Owens iitulei takes to show that a family may live well ami .vet limit the expenditures to $10 a vvouk. This may bo true In China or Japan , but not In the county of Cook , ' state of Illinois. Hv the time 'that Cath erine Itnd purchcd a porterhouse steak or two at 0116 of thu nvomiu markets she would imajjlno that hoi $10 bill had been struck by the front end of a Minnesota lyclouo. The dank and dccayinc vegetation of egions newly cleared ot timber , exposed io the rays of the Min , is sure to nrced malaria. lr J II. McLean's ' Chills and Fever Cure , by mild and tfcnilo action will radically euro them. 50 cents R bot- tlo. tlo.EKSTHATIOHALBANK U.S. DEPOSITORY. Omaha , Nebraska * Capital $500,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kountzo , President John A. Crolghton , Vice I'rosldont. P.H.l > avl3OsshleE. W. H. Mesaulor. Ass't O-whsr WM-A.TAtTOS , 1'ies. Ii.n.AVtl.t.l.UIS.Vico-1'res I 215 S. 13tli St. , Omnlm , Neb. LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE. School , County nnd Municipal Bonds Negotiated. HonT. I. . 0 vnt.irnH , F II. JOHNSON- , Secretary. Tieasuicr. s.s.Ki.onn. A. \trcAvipuiir : , Jlcmhcral\01011 ( Cot * Iilotiiltor Ni n Drtonn i-ol- ton HX'KP \ St. l.oulD ton Kichnnuc nml Chic i- Mcrchiint I TcltunKU. I tie lltianl of trade. S. S. FLOYD & CO llltOlvUllS IN 'am ' , rroraons , iftiroiciiin And Stocks , Future Delivery Will be Heady for Business About No vember 7lli. 10 ! > itml IllbOUTH itIi ; S'B\ Telephone 824. lifter to IstlS'ntlonnl Hunk , Ouinlia KISIJOA & COIUSTOCIl , Genl. Insurance Agents , Merchant's Nntlonnl Bnnic nmlcUnp , Cor. Fnr- nHin mul Htli sts. , room l iip-stnlrs. Telephone No. ti5 Oitmba , Nebraska. RKPIII-SI..ST : Pltocnlx. London , KiiKluud $ fi,733/J7U3 Firemen's , Nowiirk , N. J 1.5.HbjiJ. li Glen'Hl'nlls , OloirsrnlH.N. V J,41)J ) b.J.tl3 niraul , PbllailelpbU I'u IpKSfM.ll WestchcBter , New Yoik.N. V 1,1 f'.IGS.SS Joliu II uncock- Mutual Ufa .Iostoit,2 ) 761,710 , 7 Ft ! HK D. MEAD , Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET WORK A SPECIALTY. Telephone COO. QO ! > South Sixteenth .Street. Notice of Publication , Notice Is hoieby trlvni that boolts for Bubsrrlitlou | 10 thn capital block of tliuClili'UMo , Oinaliu & Soiithnosturn Ititihuuil Company , will bo opened in tlio city of Oninhu. on Dccein- tier Mb , 188U. P1IA1ILKS K. rAIIHIS , 1'It.VNIC I. . 1XU1A , j < \ ( on vv. iiornnit , \V.M. .1. I1HOAT ( II , .losr.i'ii M. Mirrt'Ai.r. ntdlOt ii.MLT.Nl : ) J OEflflHA JOBBERS' DfKEGTORY Artists' Material. A. JfOSPE , JK. , Artists' JIaterials , Pianos nnd Organs 1 jll DouKliiK Mrcet , Orunlia. Agricultural Implements. IlLL J'AJiKEJt , VVbolosnlo Dnalcr In Acrrlcnltnral IniplcineiitsiVaprons \ , Carrlaecs nuU llurrl" " . Joncn rtii'ct , bctwvou tl' LISIXGEll iO METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , \\'HKOnjCnrrlilKC' . IlilcslPi , Ktc. , Wholcsnli' , Ounho. VVIiolof ale Dealers In Agricultural Implements , [ Vngnnximil Itutrclo * . ! li )3VU" ) nnilMJT , Jones st Butter and Eggs. SlcHITAXE (5 ( KCirfiOEDElt , Unyers of Butter nml Kgga. IlofrlKCrutnr Hm1 rncklni ; Ifimsp , Kill and Loin on- irnrtlifit , I' ' P. It. 11'liaik , Omuliu , Builders' Hardware and Scales. HIMEJiA UGir 0 TA YLOJi , Jliiilders'iriirdvvare&SKiiIoKepairShop Mechanics' Tools ami llutralo hralej. 1103 Duuglut bt. , Onnlm , Neb , LEE , Fit 1 ED M CO , , Johhers of Hardware ) nnd Nails , Tinware , Hhect Iron , Ktc. Accnlt for Ilowu Hcnlei , and Attaint PowderLo. , JtECTOlt < C WIL11ELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Wettern agents for Jefferton t-lei'l NM | ! , Anrtln 1'owdfrt'o , Fulrtanki htnndard r-calct. Corner lOtll aud Harrier , Oinsha. Engineers and Contractors , JIAYMOXn ,0 C AMP n ELL , Engineers nnd Contractors , Brldeti , Vladucti. Hoof TruiCPi , Htuam I'llo Drlflng , mine , Oak anil i'lno Bridge Lumber , IStuil. , Furnam , Omaba , Mb. ; Furniture. JtEWEY d ; STOXE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Karnam t. , Omaha , Keb. CllAltLEH XIIIl'EItICK , Furniture , Heddine , Upholstery , Mltrori , etc. 1306,1303 and 1210 Faroim tt. , Orna'j Iron Works. PAXTON ( YIEltLlXG Iron Works , Wrought and Call Iron Building Work. Iron Stairs. llalliW , lieunm and ( ilrUeri. htoam hnflnt-i. llrmi Work , utueral Foundry , Slachln * and Illkikinillli Work. OBlce and VVorki , U , I1. Hj.nuJ17Ui.ueet. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Boots and Shoes. x irA xn SEW SHOE COMPANY , Mannfflttnmi rind YTholomle Dcilors In Hoots and Shoes , ConipteKlock , of llnbb r CJooit * Klmri on hnnd .HV S. Ultnl. , Omnha , Neb. A. T. Auitln , Ate in. 7P. T * . MOltSE 0 CO. Jobbers of Hoots nntl Shoes. 1411 Kurnom tt , Omfthn , Neb. Manufactory , S tlrcfl , UoMmi. / , T. LJXDSEY'iV CO. Wholesale Hnbber HooN nml Shoes. lluMlcr nml OllctlClotl'li'ff " ' "I Volt Uooti , 3WS. luh _ Stivet , _ fleer. Apt. for Anheusor-Hiish Drcwlnpr Ass'u Uraml' , Fnu t.Uudneltur nml rrlanccr. STOltX cC 1LER , Lniyer JJcer Itrowcrs , 1WI North UlU MMTl , Omi > li , Net ) . Coffee , Spices , Etc. Onmliu Cofl'co nnd Splco JII1N Too.Coffoot , Snloc * naltlnit 1-oniler. MiTorlne ] trncts , Ijiundry nine. Ink , Ktc. HI Mo Ilarnojr bticotO"inhi. Neb. GATKS , COL I ! C MILKS , Jtoino ColTco nml Spice Mills MT'sr Co. IMTooIlnai'HirsfiiHl Fplpo (1rln < ) er , Man r ctnror otlUklnit I'umlfr. riivorlnir : tttr ct , Itlnl IK. I'tn Trr one < * < nt n ir 1 > rncknco llom < lllond lln iM d OnBfp , IrtTKiIownrrt nt . Onnbn Neb Corn ; ce. } : . r < 5 LK co lixicrnroiiiis , lohn Kponoter , Prop. Mainifncturrr of O l\nnltcrt Iron nml Cornlcp. CJ3 UodiiO nnd 103 nd lit N , IQtb. it. . Ilinnlia.Nob. JWEMV1XC ) .0 JtOLTK , Msnufncturcre of Oi-iiaiiicntnl ( inlvnuizcd Cornices , Dormer \Vludon , > tnnl-.Mct llcS-Vylltlitetc. | 310S. 12ti M. , omalm. COHX1VE WOHKS , C. Sppcltt , 1'fo ] ) . Onlrnnlrccl Iron fornlcrii , etc. Rncit'nltnprovpJ 1'Rt. fnt > ti-tiill-kylljlit. ( MIS nmUlO H Ulli l .Oniahn. Carpets. OMAHA CA Ul'ET CO. , Jobbom of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Clodis , l.lhulcutnn , MHlllnps. HI I DoiiRift ttrort. " " S. A. OllCJTAlflT Wholesale Cftvpt'ts , Oil Cloths , Mnttlngi , Ciirtuln Cxid ( < , Klc 1123 1'nrnam Mrcct , Omalm , Nfb. Crockery and Notions. Accntfor IhcMniiufsclvirprs .iml Irrportcriof ( ' 'rookery , Glassware , Lumps , nilmncyn , etc. Olllro , 317 Scutli 13tb at. Oniabn , M > b. Commission and Storage. CoiiiinisHion and .lobbitipf. Butter , Ktfaund Produce. CoualRitDientK solicited , llcidquartora for Hloncwiip , llerry llonu Hud ( Ir.ipo ] I 9kuiv. 1111 Dortceitropt. Omatm. rEYCKK JlltOS. , Coiinnibaion Murcliuut1' . Xrulte , Produce ntul l-rovlflon0. Ouiahn , Neb. W. J2. lt rr > DELL7 Storage and Commission Merchant. riiiltlc * nmter , E < u . t'lioeso. roullrr. tiaiue , Ojilern , Kle. , ite : llSboiilli Hill Mri'ot. Proiltico Commission Hcrcliitnls , I'oultrjHuttcr , Cnnic , 1 nilts , etc. SS3 S. lull at Ouinlia , J iti , WEEKS < 0 MILLAJID , General Commission llcreliants , And Jobber * of Torelifn unit Dimioitlc FmlU. C'orro- epondpnce snltrlted. AVurcliouKOuiul nfllco. 310 N. Iblrteentli bt. , Omnlin , Si > t > . TclpphoiieTTi. Fruits. J' . HOCCO cC CO. , mportcrst nml whnlppalvilcalors In Italian Produce , rorelcn. Dorae'tlCHnil Cilirornlu Krultn and Coramlt. ilaa Uarclmnti. 10IB.litli st. Only excluilra fruit liouse In Om ilm. Coal antf Lime. JP. aiTLEfiTONE J5'co7i Dc.iloio In Hard and t-'oft Coal , Office and yitrd , irtli and Klchol in > ls. , Omalm , Mob. Van ! Telephiinc , ! 7. Oko. r. i.A.iAuu. I ic * . f. F. Qdonm.v , V. l'rc . J. A. hUNDnnnN'n , hap. and Treii. O1IA11A CO A L , COKE C LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of JIard and Soft , Coal , 303 SoutliTlilrtcoiith Street , Onnlm , Nob. CO. , Slanufucturora of Illinois White Lime. Anil bliliipurfi of Coil nntl Colci * Coinrnt , l-lnntor , UIIIP , llulr , I Ire Hrli k , Drain. Tlio unit " -owcrripii ORlrn. I'HXton Ilutal. Firniim it. , umiha , .Ncl > . 'JelrpnniiHltll. Confectionary. . . - Mann furttiriii Confcctidiiprs , Jobticru ot KiulU.NutH nml C'Uuis. 12111 uiimm St. On ) n tin. Live Stock Commission. < ( ' .S' Live Stock Conimis&ion. Ooo. llntiic , Jlan-iKcr. Union Slock Vnrrt , H Om.ilio. 'I clcplionti Utt. SA fACE Live Stock Commission Merchants , Elilpmcnlo of nnv nmt nil lilnils of Stock solicited. Union MocUiinln OniutiM , Cigars and Tobacco. " MAX MEYEIl r CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , 'J'olmct-o , unil Ammunition , 2 ] ! > to271 S Ulli a. , WM to lu l burniitii HI Oiniili i. .NV't > WEST < FJtTTSCJrEIt , MiiniUacJnrer.s of Fine And VVIldkrilln Donli-m In Ienf Tnbvuoi , NOD. 103 uuilllU.N , Ntli rtivpt , Onuliii , 1JOUHEH A' * WOOI > LAXl ) , Wlioloxilo Douli'ra In Cigars , Tobaccos , 1'iped mid Smokers' Articles. AEcntifor I ) , l.clilnra lorf & , Co , Kino Cut and Hmok- InyTobacoiiH , Mllwuikeo , VVI > cnnilii. No. 3li North fl | tflontl > Street , Ormlin , S'rh. Dry Goods. M. E. NMlTlf .0 CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing ( SootN Notions 1103 anil llOiDouBlJB , cnr. IIIII If t .Omiilin.Ni'l ' ) , Distillers. Dlttllleri ot l.lqiinri. Alcohol nnd Fplrlti Importers nnit JoUtji'rs ot WlnitinnU Liquors. WILL O W HI' 1HNOH n INTILLE' V CO. anil ILEIt ti CO. , Imporleri and Jolilicr of Uno Wlne nd MquorB. tioltt muniiffoiunTit of Kennetlr'n fuiilncllH IJIt- tt r nrid Donits'lo I Uunrs. | 111 ? llnrnoy ht. Drugs , Paints , Etc , H , T , CLAJIKE JtllUG CO , , Largent Drug , Paint , Oil & Glnus llouso Wotof Clilcniio Couplcto J.lnn ofwsii \ \ \ Hun * drk'e. 1111 llHrncjr ht , OmahH , GOO DM A y J > 7t UG CO. , WholcBiilo DiU gislH. And DeoUmin I'alnte , OIUund Window ( ilnii.Omaha , Drain Tile , Etc. A , II.BAl'EiMV' ' . J-W Uciironn ' TIIE irXl O X 11 I'D It A ULIC DUAlXTfLK CO , , Onto 213 P. lull ft. Onnlm. Nob. HBClilncrrand Uuppllci lor llnnulaotiirln. foment Iliulii 'Jllu. " ' ; Butchers' Tools. < " ' ' 'jAUJfi IfELLEltT' llutoliers' Tools and Supplies , Uutbgu Ci.lnfl of nil kinds uliraydd itock. H1C JODCB it , Oiualm. F DIRECTORY y , GALLAGHER P CO. , Wliolrsalo Groceries nntl I'rovlslons , _ o Tft,707.TOanJ7IIS. 10th St.Omnhn , Neb. McCOltD , llltA / ) ! * ,0 CO. , M'holcsnlo Orocera , f nnorth it ) , Otnnhi . Hardware. ir. r. VltOATClf ' Hcnvy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel , Springs , Wacnn Stock. lUrtlnitr * l.umbcr.clc. 1309 iut 1211 Ilirntr it. , Omnhn. Wholesale Iron and Steel , WfRoniimlCarrlae * Wood Block. ItenTr llard Me. I.'l7 n.mii ) l.favcimortti it , Omaha , b. ' MTLTOX llOGEltS .P SOXS , Slovcs , Inngc3 { , Furnaces , Tiles , MftnllcMiratct , llranCoodi. fai and Ktn Mrpot. Lumber. LOUIS UK A nroitn , Dealer in Lumber. Lnth , Lime , Sash , Doora , Kto. Y -CnrnPr7th nd l > ou lM | Corner Hh J > nil ! > < uiUt. CHICAGO LUMBElt CO. , Wholesale Lumber , SttS llh ( troptOnuh , Ncb. f. Oolprlier , Manager. Jewelry. EDIIOLM .0 EKWKSOX , Wholesnlo .lovvolera and Music Dealcrg. Umlrri In Sllrerwarp. niamaiulr , VVatchov Clocks , ' Jewolci'sTonlKand MnUrlali , oic. Ul mullOJ ISlh I. , cor. IfciUitp , iiniaha , Nb. C. JV. lUETZ. Lninber. 13th nnd CVillfotrH Street" , Omaha , Neb. Fit ED W. Git AY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto. Cor. Cth and nouglai sti , Omalia , Nob. HOAGLAXD , Lumber. T. W. ITAltYEY 1A7MIIER CO. , To Dealers Only. Olfico , 1(03 rnrnam trpotOmahn. CHAS. It. LEE , Hard\\ood Lumber , > Teed CnrpuU aud 1'nrquf t riooilnc. 8th nnd Doualu uniibu. JO HAr A. WAKEFJEL1) , AVholesalo Lumber , Ete. Imported and /mirlrnn rortUnd CrmciiU Plato .Agent forXtllnonkt'n llTdrntillo ( Viucntntid n t ljulnry VV hlli-I.lnie. Live Stock. YAliDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Hoyil , Supcrlnterdont , Millinery and Notions. T. Importcrn and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 171'aml 12ljIIarno7 St. set , Omaha , Nob. Hotions. c. s. Goofuticirj co , Arc tuo onlf Direct Importers of Gorman A French Toys & Fancy Goods lu Nebraska. Chicago prlcci duplicated wllhotit add * Inrtreljlit. 1415 Mtrnam f-ticetOnmliu. j. T. ftoiiTysoir XOTIOM co. , XVIiolenalo Ionli'r In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 401 nnd 101 S. 1'untli Ft , Omaha. ' riXYAlt 1) .0 8CUATEJDEIi , JobbernIn Notions , Hosiery a ml Gents' Furnishing Goods. 1000 and IOCS Kirnam nt , Oranun , N b. Paper Boxes , T. L. W1LK1E , Jlanufaetnrer of I'upcr HOICB , 10)S.llthSt..Omihii , Nebnmkii. Ordcrn by mull BO- lltliCdiinil will rvLOl\c prompt attention. Overalls. MAXlT COMl'AXY , Jlanufiictnrers of Overalls , Jeans I'anUhlrts ! , Kto. 1107 an.I HIM Douclui btrcct , Oinnhu , .Si'l ) . Printing. JtEES TlilNTTXG COMPANY Job Printers , liltuik Hook JlaUera , And Hook Hinders. 100 nnd lift South. Fourtccntll stroot. OniahjNob. Auxiliary PiibliHhers. DanlcrBlnT/po. I'riust'S Hml 1'rlntprs' Supplies. tt Poiith'J'nrcltthMtruPt. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. X MOltltIK ,0 CO. , Maiiufiirlurcrf. r ckors mid Dcnlcis In Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar lluklni ? . Powder , 1 liiTDrina Kxtini In , TuulB Pmire , 1 rcneli Mutliini null Illulnc. ( .roicrn1 M-c = lltrs ! ! Kllu n jrnt lor Vork Mate SIIIK ! lluHiied Apple Ci der. KM ] cavcnnuitb ft. . Onmliu. Safes , Etc. Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Flru and Ilnrc ar I'roof Bifon , Tlma 1/ickn , Vault * andjHil Worl. 102J I urn im Mrcct Omiiha , Nb. G. ANDltEEN , Omalia .Safe Works. Manufiictiireraof 1'lro and IlarRlarPiuofBnfea , Vault Uoore , \VjrkMuitUT nnd VVIro VVoik , Cor , llthuml.luckion Mn. , Omcha , Ndb , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. nisititoir o co. , VVIioloinlo Munuf.icturciaof Sash , Doors , ItlindH and llonldlngs , Ilrancli olTlcc , IJth nnd Uard nl , UujaliaNob. G. ! ' . LYMAX , Sash , Door , liliiidH , Mouldings , IJulldlnK 1'ipor , n 1C. 10)1 ) South Thirteenth Hlroot , ( Jlunlu.Sib. ! A cotnpleto clock of Uulldtrs' 11 aril wuri1. VOIIX MAXUFACTUltlXG CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monld'uKfrtlalrVVdrkniid ' Inttllor Iliird VVoud Flnlili Juiloptncd. K. U lor Sih and l.cmuur.'cjrtliBU. Dniahn , l < b. Pumps , ClTUllCiTILL J'l'Ml CO , Wholesale PninpR , Pipe , Fittings , Stonraaml Water hupiillvi llpaitiiiarter | fi r Mast lo3 lCo'a < if > n < ) ii , llll I uriiani UOiimUu , .Nob. A. L. TiTJtAXO COT Pumps , Pipc.s and BUam , VVat r , IlallHar und Mllllnic KupiillfB. BtO , UW , v ar.d VJ4 J urnuui t , OmHlu , Hfb. _ If. S. W1XD EXfTlXE ami 1'UMJL' COMPAXY. Il-illadar Wind Mlllfi nlraiu aud Wkter fuppllei , 1'luuit'Inu ' ( Joitln , llcltlny. limn. 1118 nnd IHJ tia * nuiu it. , Omnhn H K Fulton , iluuu er , 'J i-lt plinnaNu , 2IU. Trunks. ii. ir. A Wholesale Trunks , MIIUnI Hotel lllock , Diuah * . Wagons and Carriages. A' , rrniMPfiox7' The LcailingUarriuno Factory , < isTAUt : ism n 1409 and Hll Dodgnntrect , Om ha. Building Material. OMAHA LUMIiElt CO. , Dealer In All Klndu of JJuUdlng Material ut Wholesale. 18tU Htretl and Union 1'ncltlo Truck. Omaha.