Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Bam Joues' Sermon on Repentance at the
Exposition Last Night.
AVImt Jones Thlnkn of Aninsoincnts
A Sunday HvcnliiR Sermon I 'or
Men Only No Service
Interest in the revival meetings at the
exposition building increases with each
cll'ort of the revivalist. When Mr. Jones
stepped lotlio platform at 8 o'clock last
night nn audsoneu of between iivo anil
six thousand people faced uiul sur
rounded him. The time until 8 o'clock
was taken up by a song service led by
Mr. Kxccll and his choir which is increas
ing nightly in point of numbers. When
Mr. Jones arrived he announced that Mr.
Kxcoll would sing "Keep in do Middle ob
do Komi. " Mr , Jones said ttm song had
just religion enough in it to save it , He
hoped everybody could get some good
out of the song. After the holo. which
was excellently rendered , Mr. Jones
began his address as follows :
Wo invite your attention to these words ,
the ninth verso of the first chapter of tliu
First Kpistles feonoral of St. John. "If
wo confess our tuns Ho is faithful and
just to forgive us our sins and clcanso us
from nil unrighteousness. " This Is an
epitome of the gospel , it Is tlio whole
gospel in a nut shell , in a few lines , and
thorn nro two sides o { the gospel. There
is a human side and a divine side just as
much as there is a human and a divine
Hide to fanning. Now the human side of
farming Is to plow and plant and work.
is the Mmshino and the rain , the seed
time anil the harvest. They are very dis
tinct yet it takes Cod and man both to
make a crop in this country. Uod shines
and rains and yon plow and hou. I grant
you there are it great many farmers in
the west and in Nebraska who would
likn to swap sides With God and let him
plow and hoc while they ruin and shine ,
I IIBVO no doubt of that. I suspect that
this part of the country is allhctud with
la/.y fanners as much us tlio east. How
inuoh easier it would bo for one to just
rain and shine on this country and lot
( loil do the plowing and booing. Well
noH'j brother , if yon look at Hint in a
sensible Htaniinoiut I would hate to sec
ttio Lord turn over the summer cloud to
you. Yon would thunder heavily ,
wouldn't yon ? You would burn uu this
wholu world in an hour with the electric-
ily in the cloud , to .say nothing of the
other mischief yon might accomplish.
Tlio Lord delines his side of farming and
ho defines your side. Now some people
don't know how even to pray for bread. 1
believe that the prayer , " ( Jive mo this day
my daily bread , " I bulicvo that is an
honest , sincere prayer and that wo ought
to pray it , but 1 am going to look for the
answer of my prayer
on a stalk up ntioiit four feet from the
ground. Now there is human
und divine side to the gos
pel. It in mine to confess , to
repent of my sins and it is God's to par
don , to forgive and to save , You do your
part and tlio Lord .stands pjcdged to do
his part. I know of no diligent farmer
in this country that ho doesn't make
bread for the eater and seed for the
sowor. God has pledged both the scud
time and the harvest to the fanner. God
has pledged to every sinner in this world ,
if you will attend to your part in this
work of salvation 1 will ! attend to mine. "
I might bo permitted to say that the
great fault with the ministry to-day is not
taut the preachers are not consecrated
men. It is not true that thoyuroonions ;
it is not true that they are not honest ; it
is not true that thep do not preach the
truth , but I have discerned this faot : nine
preachers out of every ten arc preaching
the divine side of the gospel and utterly
You remember once our Saviour came
down to the sea shore and saw the disci-
pics , worn out with the night's work and
toil , as they tislicd in the still hours of
the night. lo ! approached the poor , hun
gry , weary fellows and said to them ho
know their thoughts and the bad luck
they had had ho said , "Cast your nets
on the other side of the ship , " and they
said , "Wiry , Master , wo have toiled all
night and taken nothing , nevertheless ,
at Thy command , down goes the not on
the other side of the elnp , " and when
they drew it , up it broke with the lishcs.
Tlio preacher that is preaching on tlio
divine Bide , God bless you , brother ; cast
your not on the human side of the ship
audit will break with the llshos. And
how natural it is for preachers to preach
the love of God , how natural it is for us
to preach a .Saviour able to save unto the
uttermost ; how natural it is for us to
preach how God has promised a
moans of grace to save men , and
how natural it is for us to neglect
toHtoll that fellow , "Now you do
your part , or if you don't God's part will
amount to nothing so far us you are con
cerned. "
The Gospnl of Josns Christ may bo
llkonod unto n , passenger train on which
pcoplo ride to glory. Some people
think , "Why , 1 need not got aboard. " It
in like it man whose all depended on his
going to Chicago. Ho will go to the
depot , whcro tliu Chicago , Uurlington &
Qnincr train stands with her steam all
tip and ready to move , and ho will count
the coaches , look at tlio engine und let
tiui train movn olV and leave him , and
then ho will go homo and his wife looks
at him snpdscd and says , "Why.husbund
T thought you weru going to Chicago V"
And ho says , "So I was. " And his wife
says , "Why didn't you go ? " "I didn't
do anything , I just
and the train went oil * and left mo , that
is all , 1 didn't throw rocks at the en
gineer , I didn't cuss the conductor , the
train just went oft' and loft me. " Lot mo
any to you this : The gospel of Jesus
Christ conic * to save , and if you will got
aboard according to God's plau you will
bo all right , but you needn't go to judg
ment and tell the Lord you didirt da
nnythiiiir. It is not only the giving to
you of tlio means of grace that takes a
man to heaven , but , moro thiin that , it la
the accepting of the means of grace. You
must get aboard. Now let us consider
for a few minutes the nature that this in
to iia. "If wo confess our sins , hit is faith
ful and just to forgive us our sins and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness. "
This is your part , of tuo gospel , now let
us look at the Lord's purt , which Is to tint
oil'ect , that whatever is God's part ho will
iiecomplish. That is as curtain us wo arc
in this building to-night. Lot us take
this term hero "If wo repent of onr.sins , "
1 like that term and it implies the same
in the words of the text , if wo confess
our Bins. Now rcpontcnco to the sinnot
on his way to heaven is just what the
alphabet is to a man of learning as lie
climbs the sllnporest and highest steps
of earthly philosophy or soleneo.
Now , brother , just what the alphabet is
to } mau of learning just thnt thine <
iientancuis to thn binncr. Tim first re
ligious thing I over did in my lifo was tc
ropont. Well , I luvo been repenting
every since and the last thing I over dc
is to enter into a hearty repentance before
fore- God and go to heiiven a poor sinner ,
saved by grace , that is ropenUinco. Well ,
it is uu e ontitil thing now that wo un
derstand what you mean by repentance.
A good old woman gave mn the best deli-
nition that over I heard.Shoiuid. . ' 1 cuii
toll you what repentance is,1 I said ,
'WhalV She said , 'it is being so sorry
for your meanness that you are not
ageing to do it anymore.1 1 said'that
is goou , thnt 13 the best I ever hoard m
my life. ' She said , 'I will tell you what
religion is too , ' 1 said , 'what/ehosaid Ml
is this , I am so glad God has forgiven me
that I don't want to do wrong any
more. ' I said , 'that is the best
definition of religion that I have cvci
heard in my life. Now what docs re-
pcntanco mean , if you will boil it all
down Into one sentence it means this ,
that is the wliolo thing in a nut shell. A
great many pcoplo think that crying and
sniveling is repentance. They thlrk they
can coma up to the altar anil snub and
cry and moan and they say that is re
pentance. Now snubbing and crying is
no muro ropcntanco than my coat is bam
Jones , not ono bit. If you want to cry
ever your sins because you have been
such a sinner , cry , but crying is not re-
pcnlanco. Hero lot mo give you an illus
tration. I have got a boy. 1 say ho is
twenty-one years ol l , he is coming homo
drunk every night , 1 am troubled to
death about the way ho is carrying on
ho is a prodigal , drunknn boy and
every night when he comes homo
ho comes into the room whore wife and I
sit and ho says , "father I am so sorry I
got drunk again to-day. " Ho is drunk
as usual , anil lie just cries and cries and
he keeps it up until linally I say , "Look
hero , boy , you have got to quit drinking
whisky or quit blubbering , one or the
other , I won't stand both. I won't put
up with it. " A day or two after that ho
comes homo sober und looks mo in the
face and says , "father , I've drunk my
last drop. 1 am going to do what you
want me to , I am going to live and die a
sober and industrious boy. " I said ,
"son , give mo your hand. May God
bless yon and help you now , son , you've
( jiilt , and
YOU NEEDN'T ni.umiKu AND car
another bit now , because you are done ,
but until you did quit , all your blubber
ing and crying would not be worth a
cent in tlio world. Now you've quit vour
meanness you needn't blubber , but if
you've not all the blubbering in the
world don't amount to a cent. "
Now suppose I had been doing wrong
to my neighbor. I go to him and say to
him , "Neighbor I am sorry L luivu botm
doing you wrong , I will quit , I will
never do so any moro. 1 hope you will
forcivo mu. " Is there a neighbor in this
world who wouldn't forgive you If yon
would go to him and talk1 that way ? If
you ever tlono anyone a wrong , listen ,
havn yon over gone to that person and
confessed it and uskcd him to forgive
yon J 1 dare say every manly man hero ,
maybe , has done that very tiling. Then
sir , did you ever have n gentlemen to re
fuse to forgive you when you wont to
him and confessed 3-011 had done wrong
and promised not to do so any moro.
is less kind than your neighbor ? All
you have got to do is to go ovur to him
and tell him "I have done wrong. I am
sorry for it. I will do it no more.
Lord , forgive me for your Son's
sake , " and you stand a par
doned man from the Instant. That
is the principal in this case. "If wo re
pent of our sins" now repenting means
something ; I want you to get hold of
that. You needn't to go around God
whining and crying and making out like
you wanted to bo good and wanted to bo
saved when you have not quit the things
that are wrong. That doesn't amount
to a thing in the world. A great many
of us are not willing to quit our mean
ness right short oil. Wo want to sort o'
taper oil , like those follows that taper oil'
drinking. They can't quit all of a sud
den. What would you think of u fel
Stole $10 yesterday , and is not going to
steal but if ! ) to-day , and $8 to-mnrrow ,
and $7 the next day , and ho is taperinsi.
Now what do you think of thatv Now
how do you like that sort of a doctrine ,
looking at it in a common-sense way ?
Suppose yon say "I urn going to quit nil
my sins but ono" ? Well , ono sin in a
man's lifo is like ono leak in u ship ,
it will sink your soul before it
reaches the other shore. It is
not the giving up of ono sin , or
fifty sins , but repentance means the giv
ing up of all sins. Oh , God , to give up
the things that are wrong in thy sight ,
before they have injured me.
Repentance. I don't know , but it
seems to mo that it is no wonder thai a
great many people never become re-
licious. I recollect once when I was at a
southern city carrying on a meeting , I
invited these anxious ones to the front
and 1 was talking among them and a
young lady raised hortaco upand looked
mo in the face and said , "Mr. Jones , do
you bcliovo there is any harm in danc
ing ? " and I said , "You poor , little , silly
thing , have you como up lioro to this
altar to quutro ! with God's minister ,
whether you dance or not1 I would bo
afraid God would kill mo in my tracks if
1 did a thing like that. Toor , little , silly
thing. I reckon
on that occasion. I know that the crank
sticks out right hero. I know I am a
crank ; I know I am called a crank , but 1
want to loll you that you can't call mo
anything else in the world that I will bo
prouder of than that term crank. If St.
Paul had lived in this day lie would have
been the most consummate crank that
over walked the face of this earth. I am
Kort o' proud of the title , and if you
want to insult me call me an average
Christian. I'll get made in a minute then ,
if you call mo an nverogo Christian.
You say , "Don't you want our young
pcoplo to have any aintisonicutJ" Look
hero , what is the matter with the young
pcoplo of this country V Is it not the
amusements that ruin thorn ? If it Is let
us head them oil' . Father , I will tell you
about the way to settle tins thing. Would
you bo willing that your daughter should
marry n young man just like your son ?
Would you , if you know that young man
that was courting your daughter was a
flic-simile of vour eldest son ? Would yon
Do willing that your daughter would
throw her lifo into a current like that ?
And mother , if yon know the girl your
son was going to marry was just like your
daughter , would you bo willing for vour
son to go and marry her ? That is the
way to test those things. What sort of
children are yon raising on
That is the way to look at it. Hut I
have to get my children out into society ;
if I don't they will did old maids. [ Laugh
ter. ] Listen , mother , ralso a daughter
that is mi honor to your name and bless
ing to the church and boys will hear of It
live hundred miles from hero and como
and hunt her up. [ Laughter. ] I guess
It is those giddy-headed little things
that you huvo to outpushto marry oil' ,
it you have u God-fearing , sensible girl
yon don't have to push nor a bit ; they
will hunt her 500 miles , they will
[ Laughter. ] I am sorry for trie old
mother that just thinks from Monday
morning to Sunday night how t > ho will
rack her daughters about so as to marry
them off before they get to bo old maids.
i "Laughter. ] I mean what 1 say.
( cpontatiCQ means I have quit ; I am
done ; I won't do those things that are
wrong ; I won't do them. Do yon mean
tosay , te stand up t lie re in this intelli
gent audience- and say that dancing is
not the tasbion. that dancing ia wrong *
The bishop of New York City , a few
months ago , publicly suld , "Nineteen
out of twenty at the confessional oi
fallen women told me , 'I got my
downward step to death and hell at the
ball room. ' " Now II nineteen out ol
every twenty fallen womeu at the con
fessional say they got their
1 guess wo had bolter think there
is something wrong- about it. Those are
statistics and facts you cannot doubt to
suvo your life. And I will tail you
another tiling , too , I nay It to an iutelll-
gent audience of this town , and I say it
to the ( athcr and mother of tMs town ,
already our world is cursed with enough
lost women. You can call mo whatyo'u
may but you never looked in the face of
n mortal man who prizes thn virtue of
women more than the humble speaker
to-night. I would put a wall a mile high
around every pure girl in the worjdi I
say ronentancft means " 1 will quit that.
I will Icnvo that. I will take this. " That
is what repentance means. It means
"Lord , that is wrong and I will quit it
and this is right and I will do it. "
Hcliglon is the inost reasonable thing in
the world. The Lord don't want you to
quit anything except what Ishurttngyon.
\ou can only say turn loose the tilings
that will dam you , everything that I
wrong in lifo I give up forever. I wis
not do those things any moro. That is re
pentance. If we confess our sins lit ) is
faithful and just to forgive your sins. Let
mo tell you brother , hero is the platform
that every ono of us can walk upon and
be saved to-night.
- > Ho is faithful and just to forgive our
sins. This is God's promises. Out in some
of these western states they have ponds
or pools to water their cattle. Frequently
the cattle walk down to the pond. Some
of the farmers have built a big Inch wall
around the water and put the platform
all around the water and at ono side of
the platform they put a trough and they
weather boatd around the trough on the
outside so that the cuttle cannot get to the
trough or see the trough. There is not
a drop of water In the trough. If an old
steer was to rear up on the weather board
and look down ho could not see a drop of
water in the trough and would say there
is no use of going down to it at all. Hut
the big old steer don't know anything
what is in the trough and walks around
it on the platform and the pressure of his
weight on the platform forces the water
up into the trough and uy the
time ho gets to the trough it is
full of water. Hero is the fiillilimcnt of
God's promise right there. The pool of
the water of lifo and this weather board
ing hero , Mr. Tindall and Darwin and other fellows climb up and look
over and say there is not a drop of water
in that trough. My scientific exploration
tells me that there is not a particle of
water in the trough , but glory to God ,
fourteen years ago , I , a poor sinner ,
walked to the platform and the pressure
of my sins forced the water of lifo into
the trough unit 1 have been rejoiced four
teen years. Glory be to God.
around the church who don't believe
anything. Some of us preachers tell
these little in-luldlcs that there is no
chance for them ; that there is no chance
at all. That little fellow out there has
not got his pin.pealhers on him yet. He
lias hardly got sense enough
for his mother to risk him
out by himself ; ho has got to
bo watched and protected. Poor little
( inlidel ) . He is as skeptical as bo can
be. ( Applause ) . The preacher will tell
him Sunday morning that if ho don't be
lieve the whale swallowed Jonah and
Christ turned the water into wine , and
the three Hebrew children went down
into the furnace , he will bo damned as
auro as ho lives. The little in-iiddlo don't
behove it. Ho considers not the bible
but the preacher. Ho is told God has
phut the gates of the kingdom of heavnn ,
and there is no chance for him at all.
God docs not care any moro for what you
have in that small head of yours than for
the sort of boots you have on your feet.
God docs not say , give mo your head ,
but he says give me your heart , and if
you will give all your heart
to God to-night he will take
all the kink out of it bcforo
daylight the next morning. ( Laughter ) .
Poor little in-liddles , lam sorry for them ,
and that preachers do not treat them
right. I have caught many an in-liddles.
( Laughter. ) I never string them , T put
them in the bucket for pait. ( Laughter. )
I over lislicd with , they are not big
enough to string. ( Laughter. ) I say ,
my brethren , no matter what's in your
head , no matter what sort of boot you
have or if you don't know the way just
run you hand up in the dark and say , 'U
God take my hand , 1 want to bo better
and I want to do better. ' How simple it
is to get religion. Wo have mystilied this
whole business. My little Bob has more re
ligious sense who ho was live years old than
his father had when ho was twenty-four.
It took me about a week to give myself
to God and to fall down and bo saved by
Ills Dower ; but when my little Hob was
live years old. I got homo on Monday
afternoon and when I walked Into the
house I met my wife and none of the
children ivero around. I said , "where
are the children ? " She said , "they are
all up listening to Hrother George Smith ,
a Sunday school secretary. They are
very much interested. " 1 stood there a
few minutes talking and directly little
Hob came in and I took him up and
kissed him , and his mother said , "Hob.
what kind of a meeting dill you have ? "
and he said , "Wo had a good meeting. "
She said , "What did yon do ? " and ho
said "Mr. Smith preached a big sermon
and Invited us all up to the altar. " His
mother said "Did you po Hob ? " and ho
said "yes. " She said , "What did yon gofer
for V" and ho said "I wont to have my
sins forgiven ; " She said , "Did you got
them forgiven ? " and ho said "yes , "
and she said "How do you know ? " and
ho said "Mr. Smith said if wo would go
up and ask God's forgivonnoss he would
forgive us and wo did , " And I asked
him , "Hob will you sin any more ? " and
" I I will. " And I
ho said , "yes , expect .
said "what will you do then , " and ho
said , "I will wait till Mr. Smith comes
around and I will go up again. "
I Laughter ] , You see the little follow had
it all in a nut shell , the only thing ho had
wrong was the priest idea in the boy's
accepting pardon at the baud of God. If
wo confess our sins Ho Is faith
ful and just to forgive our shin.
Thcro is another thing , Afwr I was con
verted I used to think , well , 1 never can
walk the streets of heaven with my head
God saw mo do all that meanness. How
can I ever hold up my head in heaven.
That used to worry mo until one day I
read In the bible there it said , that Ho
would separate our sins from , us as far as
the east is from the west. I said , that is
good. 1 HKO that and the word of the
Lord went a little further Ho said "I will
blot out your sins out of the book
of my remombcrnnco and will remem
ber them against you no more forever -
over , " 1 thought that was glorious. I
never saw that so fully illustrated as at a
time when preaching in Louisville ono
night. J , C. Morse , ho is a pastor of a
church down in Kansas City , the Walnut
Street Methodist church. I was helping
him at that time , When the services
were ever one night wo had a , talking
meeting after the preaching was over ,
and Hrothcr Morse told how ho uso'd to
do , Ho said ho used to drink , fight , gam
ble and had done the meanest things , and
but at that time ho had been au earnest
preacher for seventeen years and the
best man I almost over saw. When the
services were dismissed his good old
mother who was sitting up in the congre
gation run up and put her anna around
nis neck und said , "James , what made
yon confess to being to mean in your
younger days ? you Know it is hot so.
You never have boon bad in your lite. "
I saw it. The good old mother had for
gotten about her boy's meanness. It was
all .blotted out of her bonk of remem
brance , and I said I can walk the golden
streets and if I confess my sins God
will blot them out and Ho will
say to me in heaven you are as though
you never done any wrong iu your life ,
Is not that a blessed privilege not only
to bo pardoned for the past , but 'to have
It separated from us ami blotted out ol
God'a remomberAnco forever. Let us
seek the lord and Itiyon want to bo saved
confess your sins and giro our hearts to
Christ. I wish 1 icould see every man
hero brought rrycfto ' Christ.
After recltinft several incidents of no
table Conversions1 under his preaching
Mr. Jones closed . .his sermon by appeal
ing to all who .wished to repent of tholr
sins to unite with the church at once and
bo saved ,
There will biCnty evening service at tlio
exposition building to-night. An after
noon meeting \Villvbo held at 3 o'clock at
the First Prosbylqjian ; church.
There will bo'a meeting at the exposi
tion building-on' ' < 'Sunday afternoon for
ladies and gentlemen. On Sunday even
ing n meeting will bo held for men only.
The MnfTntt Cnse.
Yesterday morning the jury in the
Moffutt investigation reassembled and ,
after mature deliberation , returned n
verdict to the effect "that the deceased
came to his death from typhoid fever ,
superinduced and aggravated by the
brutal and inhuman treatment received
at the hands of C. 11. Thicrman and his
wife , together with the criminal negli
gence and Ignorance of the police de
partment and the city physician , Dr.
Loisonring. [ Signed ]
JOUN 11. ,
AUTIIUI : II. Humus ,
( tKOitoE MEDLOCK. "
-The police are indignant because they
wore not given an opportunity to explain
their side of the case moro fully. .Mar
shal Ciimmings says that ho knew some
facts about the case , nnd ought to have
been subpumacd s a witness.
The funeral of the deceased took place
yesterday afternoon from the hall of
Alyrllo ledge K. of P. nnd was attended
by the ledge in question , Nebraska No
1 anil ( her brother lodges of the city.
The remains were Interred in Prospect
_ _ _ _ _
" . "
Black Crook.
The popularity of the ballot was well
attested last evening by the immense
crowd nt the opera house. Orchestra
chairs wore at a premium and tlio entire
parquet presented the appearance ol a
skating rink. In mrgnlftconco of scenic
ollectsthe performance fully met all ex
pectations. W. H. Wallis , as " Hlack
Crook , " was as demoniac as possible and
supplied till the blood and thunder and
brimstone that might be desired.
Jay Hunt , us "Gruppo , " the servant of
Ulack Crook , supplied the funny vein
and gave the nearest approach to acting
of anything that was done. The ballot
was as line as anything that has been
seen he c , and introduced several novel
ties. The premieres. Mlle Taglmna and
Mile- Vivian brought the poetry of motion
to the acme of perfection and the cory-
phus were graceful and well formed ,
making a brilliant ensemble.
The Mpxon family are among the most
accomplished athletes that have ever
visited Omaha , and Hcllac , the Japanese
juggler , was another unusual feature.
The "Hlack Crook" will be repealed
this afternoon and evening.
"Monto Oristo In German. "
To-morrow night ono of the greatest
dramatisations which has ever been made
from u novel will be presented by the
Gorman Comedy company at Hoyd's
opera house. It is that ot "Monto
Cristo , " the piece made famous by
Edward Thorno-and still later by James
O'Neill. It will bo put on the stage with
great attention to scenic detail , and will
comprise in the cast Messrs. Huurcis.
Puls , Schmitz , Koch , Denicko ami
Mesdamcs Puls , Ahl , Haureis and Koch ,
together with a number of auxiliaries.
Simmons Bound Over.
The trial of George Simmons , the
painter who assaulted James Konzio , and
pounded him up so badly in the Union
Pacific shop two weeks ago , occurred in
Juitgo Stenberg's court yesterday after
noon. A large numbcrof witnesses were
examined , Simmons trying to show that
the assault was iu self ilefenfe. Ho was
hold to answer to the district court in
bonds of $1,000.
Card ol' TlmnkH.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. P. Hale , residing at
No. 1351 N. Seventeenth street , would ex
press their gratitude for the kind atten
tion of their neighbors upon the occasion ,
the loss of their thrcc-wcoks-old baby ,
Oscar F. , whoso burial took place this
morning. The memory of our sweet
born will always bo associated with your
tender sympathy with us in our bereave
Bulltllng I'crmlts.
Superintendent Whitlock issued build
ing permits yesterday as follows :
11. Honly , frame barn , 2720 I'opplnton
avenue $ ! ! 50
Alex Jticlmrdson.ouo-.story frame cot-
UIRO , l3l ! north ! Mth 500
Georco W. Ames , one-story onice , 150T
fc'arnum COO
Fred Krucr , brick boiler and refrigerator -
ator house , 1007 Jackson 5,000
Four permits aggregating S9.-150
A $ r , OOO Blow.
Frit/ Schwartz filed a suit for dam
ages for | 5,000 against Anton Holohera-
bet. The petitioner alleges on Novem
ber 7 the defendant struck him with a
beer mullet , injuring him In the amount
claimed ,
.Too Cntchllcld
Will lecture before the Omaha Reform
club Saturday evening , November 1't , at
Hiiekingham hall. Mr. Critehliold held a
series of temperance meetings in Omaha
last spring , and is a most earnest and
interesting lecturer. All are invitO'J.
Admission .1
to Die.
Thomas Meanoy. , a printer of this city ,
far advanced in consumption , left yester
day afternoon for riiis homo in England ,
though some of , hls friends think ho will
die before ho real-lies lib destination.
The 'bunk C clearances yesterday
amounted to | 8M,001.U3.
The trust decjllcoupou bonds of the
board of trade , Mlvo been issued. The
original basemonfbonds will bo taken up
and replaced bjijtlw new bonds.
In the county J-ourt yesterday John
Svucinu filed a .46 it against Frank Fill to
secure a claim ol $720.40 for goods sold
and delivered ,
Judge McCnlloch was engaged yester
day in tliu hearing of thocuseot O'lvecbbc
vs. Hascombo , an assault case growing
out of a quarrel over a dog light.
l crsonul
C. L. Kriokson returned from New
York yesterday , having purchased a
fine stock of goods.
O , P. Mason and Dr. T , N. Converse , of
Lincoln , and Tobias Castor , of Wilbur ,
are at the Paxton.
Frank Llttrell , one of the energetic
men who is dotting" the state with roller
mills , came into town yesterday and is
stopping at .the : Paxton.
John Kluipcl , the lea'cing wagon man
ufacturer of St , Louis , Mo. , is in town ,
spending a few days of business aha
pleasure with many friends.
Stormy Meeting of I'nssenKcr Aleuts
or ( Sim-Hound lilncs.
CIHCAOO , Nov. 13. A stormy meeting ot
passenger agents of east-bound lines was
held to-day. The Chicago & Grand Trunk
nnd Baltimore it Ohio demanded protection
nn'd authority to meet the cut rates of the
Ohlcnvjo & Atlantic , the demand being put In
the form ot a resolution nnd voted down. A
copy ol the records of the mooting were them
demnmled mid will bo laid bcforo the iiinn-
ngers of the Ornnd Trunk. It Is threatened
that the general passenger agent will bo or
dered to ignore the association and meet Its
competitors' rates. The Chlc.igo & Atlantic
is selllnc over Us counters first class tickets ,
ChlcaifotoNcw York , at $1" . Commissioner
Ulanclmrd to-tlay notliicd Iho Atchison , To-
pcka & Santa Fo company thnt he could not
servo ns their representative arbitrator in the
mutter of tlio Kansas pool. The position wns
thru tcndcrni , first to Hush Ultimo and then
to , I. F. Tucker , both of whom declined ,
Finally Ororgo M. lloguo was induced to ac-
pppt It. The meotlni of arbitrators will bo
belli some time next week.
Not tiolng able to como to nn agreement on
the question of the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Vmil's local business to Coun
cil HlulTs. members of tlm Western Posson-
gonxMOcmtlon to-day adjourned subject to
the foil of the chairman , after referring this
ns well ns oilier disputes to a speeinl committee -
toe of nmimsprs. The members of the com
mittee. nro .Marvin lluizliltt , of the North
western ; T.J. Potter , of the Burlington ; U.
It. Cable , of the Hock Island ; C. II. Clmn-
neil , of the Chicago & A ton. nnd Itoswi'll
Miller , of the St. I'nul. possible ,
agree uunn n contract and unbuilt it ( o the
general meeting for rtitlllcatlou.
r > i" pernto anil Oamey 1'rlzo Fight.
NEW YOIIK. Nov. Id. Dill Davis , 115
pound ? , and Jack Kennedy , 120 pounds ,
fought with two ounce gloves to n finish ,
Marquis of Qncp.nsbury rules , near Hock-
away this morning thirty-two round ! " . The
th-bt seven rounds were spent In carotid spar
ring. From then up to the twenty-ninth
hard llghtlnir mis done by both men. In
round twenty-nine Davis cot In nttirrlllc right
bander , completely closing up Kennedy's
left eyo. In round thirty both came ii | ) very
groggy , but dcsi.orutc lighting was done all
over the rlnir. At the end of the round tin
men could hardly wall : to their corners. In
round thh tv-ono they almost tottered to tlm
center nnd at the call of "time" they hum-
mcied each other , abandoning nil attempts at
science. At the end of the round both fell
down from sheer weakness , and nltlioiuh
both toed the mark for another round , the
referee decided the light a draw.
Infitrlntcil Ijynclicrs Foiled.
SAX FIIANCISCO , Nov. 12. An Immense
audience assembled at the Metropolitan to
night to express their indiinntioii at tlio mur
der of little JIamlo Kelly , who was so cow
ardly Miot down on Wednesday last by Alex
Goldonson. Several liory speeches were
made which created Intense excitement.
After the meeting a crowd proceeded to the
county Jnll , whcro the prisoner is confined ,
with the evident Intention of h-nching him.
The crowd was greatly Increased , and by
the time it reached its destination It num
bered 10,000. Several attempts were made to
storm the jail , but they wore unsuccessful ,
the jnll bolnir too strnnply guarded by police.
At 10 o'clock the excitement was somuwhut
subsiding , and no trouble is anticipated.
Ciittlnt ; I'uaMongor Hat OH.
ST. PAUL , Nov. 12. Them was a break In
labor rates east of here to-day which may re
sult In a railroad war. At a meeting of local
passenger agents hero yesterday It wns de
veloped that the Omnha road had a contract
with an employment agent under which labor
tickets to local points nn their Hues wore bold
at 2 pen ts per mile. A resolution to ubrotrntu
this contract failed , and to-day the Minnesota
& Northwestern and Chicago , Burlington &
Northern commenced .selling labor tickets nt
2 cents per mile to Chicago , St. Louis ,
Kansas Olty and other points. Tills is a cut
of SI to S : ) . The other roads hove not met
this cut , but will probably do so to-morrow.
Increased Iron "Work.
PiTTsnuno , Pa. , Nov. l-i The monthly
report of the condition of the blast furnaces
of the United States , published by thn
American Manufacturer to-day , shows : ili !
fiirnnces.wltnn weekly capacity ot 12-2,0-ti tons
In blast on November I , and 272 furnaces , with
a weekly capacity of ( Vf.-iyutoiis. out of blast.
At the same time List year SJ3 furnaces , hav
ing capacity of 70.72IJ tons ner week , were in
blast. The report shows an increase In the
production of charcoal iron over last year of
25 pur cent , of anthracite a1) per cent , and of
bituminous bO per cent.
Down With tlio Poles.
CiE\' : ) , 0. , Nov. 12. The circuit
court nt Warren , O. , to-day decided In favor
of the plaintiff the suit brought by a farmer
to restrain the erection ot poles in front of
his premises by an overland telephone com
pany. The court held that the erection of the
poles wns nn additional burden to the land
not contemplated In the original grant of the
highway to the public , and that the line
cannot be erected without on appropriation
from the adjoining owners. Tlio case will
carried to the supreme court.
Only Frothy Vnpnrincf ) .
DENVKII , Colo. , Nov. 12. The Times to
morrow will say editorially that It believes
there Is nothing in the reported Invasion of
Mexico by a filibustering expedition with A.
K. Cutting at UK head , and that the proposed
sclii'iun consists only nt the froth } ' vaporing *
of a lew schemers who desire to foist them
selves Into nlieap notorlty by very reprehen
sible means.
Government Jlovomies.
WASHINOTON , Nov. 12. The govurnmpiit
revenues so fnr lids month ogitrcgato S12S05 , .
STli. The expenditures during the same
period , Including 85110,003 pension pay
ments , were 87.05G,0W ( , being ftioJO'J,507 : less
than the receipts.
Death of a Valuable Stall ion.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 11. Tbe noted imported
stallion , Prince Clmrlle , the property of Ban
Swlseit , died at Klniendorf farm , Fayette
county , Ky. . lust night of colic. lie was
worth 820.WU.
Reported Kiinnlau Occupation.
YAIISA , Nov. 11. It H rumored here that
the Itiisslan party have taken possession of
the government ofllce at Hourgas. A itus-
linn gunboat which has boon stationed here
has just lett for Jkmrcas.
Iowa nnd Nobrankn AVimtlior.
For Nebraska Generally fair weather ,
slightly warmer ; winds generally southerly.
For Iowa Fair weather , slightly warmer ,
southerly winds.
Eyes Ears Nose
Are nil more orlcj ) aRccteil by cnlurrli. Tlio cyon
uei'oinu liiHmueu'.iucl ami Hiitorf , wlio dull , licuvy
imln between tlipini tlicrcnrorourIii'itii/ | notion
In the cur" , "ml suiiiC'Umt'.ii tlio liriirlux IK .
llioiiohOUa at-vcro siiiTcrcr. with Its conatunl un-
romfurtubloilliicliHiiie , bad brputh , iiml lota of tlio
aviuuof piucll. .Ml llirio illviim-cubto Brinploiim
illrapiioar Hhi'ii tloill cii < n iKcurcil liy llonl' bur-
cupurtllB , wliicli o i > olttfroru the tilnu.l Ihu Impurltr
from wklcli caturrli urlioi , tuiit-iuml ie > turenlbu < lla-
( mteilorguii&lo bcalui.uuil imlliUuji ttie wliolc p)9-
toui.Be suiolo pot llonrl's Fnr Hi > arllla ,
C.'alsirrli in tliu Ilciui ;
1 lined JJoutVs HurruparllU ( or CaUrrli , and re-
colvoiIjtrcntTt'llef unrtbonclltfroia It. 'I'lioouUrrli
KIIS very illniKieeableipcdalljrln tl-e irlnlcr. uiiia-
liil ! cunkUinl illK'liartc from n\f note , ringing no BOD
Inmy cars , a id iialri In tlio t ckof in-head. The
etTort to clrJir my litaci In tlie morning br lianllnx
ami iiilttliu "IT" uful , Ilord'i Harfaparllla fiifc
nil-belief luniiidlatolj"lillo ID time I was cutlrel/
ured. I mu never without tUe rucdlclno Iu mr
lioiueiu 1 llilnV Uu urllilt wuijbuuKoll.'u Mua.
G , U. lilliu , IWJ KlKltlibt | , .X.V , , WuililiiKtuD D.C.
Illown UpWith the Tcctimsoli.
Detroit 1'rco Press t I was Irnnsforrcd
to the monitor Tcciiinsch about ton
( lays previous lo the light in Mobile Hay ,
anil reached thcstution with her only the
ilay before the light came oft" . Farrnjnit
hail only been waiting for our arrival to
begin the attack , and from noon of the
4th of August until daylight of the fith
Was n busy time with us. Jivorv portion
of the Tccunisuh's machinery was over
hauled , her plating examined , nminuni-
lion replenished , nnd thoslck wore landed
and uuw men drafted to replace them. 1
had nn opportunity bofqio wo took our
j > lace In line to look over 'the prospective
battle ground und make n private cal
culation on our chances. Mobile Hay
had lonp been the bugaboo of the federal
navy. The slrcngthonlnir of its defenses ,
witli tlio probable number of torpedoes
scattered about , had been passed from
man to man until even the wiaMioaverfl
had como to consider that point mvulnur *
Fort Morgan , which must bo passed at
close range , wns n very strong fort ,
mounting about llfty guns , while Fort
( iaines , a smaller work , mounted ever
twenty. A line of pilling had been driven
across thn nay between the two works ,
and the channels wcro tilled with torpe
does. rafts , booms and tangles of rope.
In addition to the forts there were one
confederate ram and three or four gun
boats lying above the works in a position
to raku any vessel wnlch might succeed
in passing up. Thu forts mounted guns
throwing projectiles weighing from
85 to 170 pound ! ! , and the ram was iron-
plated and had powerful Hrooko rillcs
and C'olumbiads. How the crews of the
other ships felt about it I cannot say , but
1 know that on board the Tecumseh wo
talked the matter ever that night In
whispers among ourselves , and it was
agreed that at least half the licet would
be knocked to smithereens. Next morn
ing , when wo found that tlio four moni
tors were to pass in line inside of thu rest
of the licet , and come to a stand still op
posite Fort Morgan while the wooden
vessels steamed past , we felt that wo
should be sunk inside of ten minutes.
While this fooling was strong upon us
our enthusiasm for a light was not damp
ened in the least. L never saw men moro
ready to go into battle , nor moro de
termined to give the enemy the best thov
\Ve moved about 0 o'clock on the morn
ing of the Hth , the men having been piped
to early breakfast und the nio'nitor mil in
the best possible condition. The twelve
or fourteen wooden shins were lushed in
counlos and took thu outside track , while
the Tet'imiseh went ahead at the signal
and led the monitors into the bay. It was
a sight long to be remembered. The confed
erates were ready for us , as all knew.
and the llaj s over the fort streamed
away in thu light morning brcn/e , which
scarcely rippled the surface of the water.
On board of our craft the only sound
breaking tliu deep stillness as we moved
up was the throbbing of the machinery.
Kvery man was in his place and every
voicu was silent.Vo fired the first gun
of the whole licet , and from that mo
ment every man fell free to shout and
cheer and give vent to his enthusiasm.
Tlie first shot which struck us was one
from the confederate licet. It was
ti raking shot , and glanced oft' ,
but the shock was sharp enough
to be felt all over thu ship.
and so startled those near the spot where
thu shot struck. After that , although
hit repeatedly , we did not notice the
shocks. This was owing to the fact that
every man was busy , and to the horrible
din of our own guns. Every time one
was discharged the monitor would heel
to port in a way to almost upset us , while
the cars did not lose the shock of one
discharge before another cauie.e *
were moving at slow speed , and dis
charging our guns as fast as possible ,
when we suddenly felt our craft lifted
out of the water. At the same instant
there was a terrible ripping and rending
of iron and wood , and when wo came
down it was lo disappear beneath the
water like a stone. 1 have no rocollc-
lion of being burled or thrown , or of
making any elVort of my own to escape.
The next thing I knew I was struggling
in thu water with ethers with tlio beach
so close at hand that 1 could sec the con
federate gunners at their guns and hear
every command given.
Thevwcro firing over our heads , and
the Heel was returning the lire , while
now and then shrapnel or grupn shot
spattered in the water around us. 1 saw
some of our men striking out for shore.
but being a good swimmer , nnd seeing
that the chances for reaching ono of thu
ships was equal , I struck out in the oppo
site direction and was presently picked
up by n boat. Ton or twelve of our crew
were rescued by the same boat , and wo
had scarcely buen pulled in when a gun
on tlio fort was trained on us and kept up
its lire for about twenty minutes. Its
shots dashed water over us repeatedly.
and two of the oars wcro splintered , but
wo got out of range without having a
man hit.
When the Tecumsch was raised it was
found that : i torpedo , which must have
been charged with several hundred
pounds of powder , had blown a largo
hole in her bottom and opened almost
every scam in the craft.
Two Destructive
BBiiATTMiiioito , Vt. , Nov. 12. A destruc
tive lire Is racing in tlio village of Town-
blicnd. The postolllce , two phicas of busi
ness and several residences have already
been destroyed , and a number of others are
momentarily oxpi'cted to go. There IH no
fire engine In the town , and none can reach
It from here on account of a freight wreck.
If the fire crosses tlm street thu wliolo village
will bo destroyed. A snow storm prevails.
I'lTiHiiuuo. 1'n. , Nov. lit. Shoitly alter
mldiilcht afire brokeout In Ht. I'olor's Roman
Catholic cnthfilral in Allenlmny City. Tlio
entno udliice was totally destroyed. Loss
estimated tS100,000 ; fully Insdrnd.
Si'KciAi , 8.U.K OP I.AIHIW' ANI > UF.XTS'
Snuiu& : Uo.'s.
KxtmiHivo Olilo Btorm.
CINCIN.NA.TI , Nov. 12. Itnln , accompanied
hy high winds all night , WHS followed to-day
by colder weather , with sleet nnd snow.
Telegraph wlras In every direction are In
bad ( -011111111111 in couscQiicnci' . Many are
worthless iiltOL'Otlior. IttipoitH from nil direc
tions show the atorin to be wlduspiuad.
"I IIKVO nulTerrcd wild catarrh Inmy licud for youra
and pulil out liundrcdt of dullura for nicdlrlnu. I
wtiitTotk , mid my < > jo > worn mi niru Hint I couMnot
Bt'iroricudiuucli. I britau l < > tuku lloud'n Santa-
puillluund novr lay cuurrli I * ni'urly cuii'd , tliu
Mt'iikiu- of nijhoily In nil KHIIO , my uppetlln li
Kooil hi fact I fi't'l Ilka minlhiTporiuii. Huiid'uSar-
niipurllla li tin ) only mcdlflnu Iliat linn ilono mo \ > Vt <
mnncnl good , " Mils , A. Cl .NMM'.IIAM , I'rovldf uuo ,
It. I.
"IIood'iFnrenpirlllnhii' lirlprd mo moro for cu-
Utrrli and Impuio bloj llian linjth Hit ; else I t'T r
uted. " A. IUI.I. , Byracuie , N. V.
Inthorari.toiiictlinitf n roarlnv , burIn.touml. . or
> mippliiC ! Ilku tliu roiortof u | il tul , are rnuiod tjr
outarrb , llmt extcodmuly dlucruvubla und Tt-ry
common dUeaaO , lluul'n SurMip.irllla , UiOKrwil blood
puiltler , t apocullxrly tuccnsirul remedy fur tldi
dl.pnMS , which u curve by purlf rime tbu blood. If I u
iiffer from t-uUrrh , try Hood' * tjurnniiarlllu , tu po-
cullar medicine.
" 1 Imvc.aLc.i . Ilooil' * SarHparllla for rutarrli and
It uu dunomeaiical d 4l otxuud. I recommend
It tu nil llbtn my roach. " UrtuLli U. lluuuN3 | , Ku.i
Thompson , Cl.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
fkild by idlUruKcltti. > li li for U. Prepared only by Sold by all druggUli. 11 ; li forK. 1'reimrcrt only by
C.1 , II 001) St CO. , ApbtUecarles , LOKGll , M M. C. 1. UUO1I & CO. , Apolbccuilci , 1-oirll , Mak *
10O Ouo DnlUr. 1OO I > o e One l > ullur
Hnfdly ft week passes without the men
tion by the ntMvsiiapors of smUkm duatha ,
nnd of Into the alarming frequency of the
statement that death wascansed by rheu
matism or netiraitzla of the heart cnnnot
fall to have been noticed. In nil prob
ability many Months attributed to nenrt
disease arc caused by these terrible dis
eases , which are far moro dan orons than
is goncrnllv considered. Is thuro any
positive euro ? The be , l answer to such n
question Is given by those who n AVI : HKEK
otrtnn by the nso of Athloplioros.
Lone Tine , Xeb. , Aug. lltli , 1880.
I siilVcrcu for years with neuralgia in
my head , neck and face , and have spent ,
1 know , ever f 100 in trying to tlnd some
mudleino to relieve mo , and found onlv
temporary relief in anything I tried until
1 saw an advertisement of Athloplioros.
U gave mo relief nt once , and after using
one bottle and n half 1 found Intitinii
relief. H helped und cured mo where all
other remedies failed. I have recom
mended it to several of my friends with
like good results. 1 huvo not had a re
turn of the disease ilnco taking the Ath-
lophoros over two years ago.
MKS. M , A. Moitfoun.
Altoona , Town.
Athloplioros Is giving unparalleled cat-
isfaetlon in this loenlity as a snroenro for
rheumatism , ,1. Jaqnos , a farmer nour
Greenwood P. O. . was enrod of Holatio
rheumatism uflor having bi > oii for three
months unable to walk without n crutch.
J. A. Ogden of this place had for years
boon troubled with rheumatism , often
times unable to work. He never found a
permanent euro until ho tried Athlo-
phoros. Shipped two bottles by express
as a present to a brother in Nebraska.
L. O. SIIAKKKII , Druggist.
Every druggist should keep Athlopho-
ros and Athlophoros Pills , but where they
cannot bo bought of thn druggist the
Athlophoros Co. , 113 Wall St. . Now York ,
will send either ( carriage paid ) on receipt
of regular price , which is if 1.00 pur bolllo
for Athlophoros and GOo. for Pills ,
Tor liver nnd klnuoy dhiensos dyaticnilii , In-
dlKoMlon , wonkncRS , nervous dnfillily , *
of women , cotixtlputlnn , lirmlncho , Imptiro
blood , ftc. , AtldopluTros 1'llls nro uncciunled. 11
GAPiTAL PRIZE , $150,000.
"Wo di ( hnroliy fortify Hint wo stiporvlsn ttm
nritmircmumfl for nil thu Monthly unit Qmirtur-
ly Drnu-liiKfl of Tlio l.imlslnim Stnto Lottery
rormmtiyami In IH-IBOM mnmiKo uiul control
tlioilrnwIiiKA llinniHolviH , mul Unit the siuno nro
oon.liictcil with lionnsty , tulmoss mul In ooil
1'nltli tonnnl nil pnitlcM , mul wo milliorl/o tliu
Company to u.-o tills curllllputo with Inu-Hm-
HI > H of our signatures alliivlit-il , In Its iiilvortlso-
Wo Dm uniUirMgncil Hunks ami llimkor * will
pay all I'ri/.c'H drawn In Tbu I.onljlmm Slide
Lotteries which inny bo presented ul our coun
President Loiilxlnnn National Hunk.
.1. W. KlIiHIlHTII ,
ProsMont Stnto Niitkmnl flank ,
President Now Orlonns Nullonul llnalc.
Incorporated In IBM fori'i yours hjr the lojjU
inturc lor Kducatloiml mul Ulinrltuulo purpciHin
with ucuiiltut or $1,000,000 to wlilcli it rosurvo
fund of over y.V 0UIO lins Mnoo lieon achlml.
Uy an overwhelming popular vote Its rrimolilio
WIIB muilou r > n rt of UioprcRGiitStaiu Constitution
adopted DocomUuriM A. D. 18711.
lla Krnnd piiiKlo number diavdiiKH will Ink
plncu monthly. It never fcnk'3 or postpones.
I < ook ut tlio following distribution :
199th Grand Monthly
In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans.
Tuesday , Dec. MS 1111(15. (
Under the personal Mipe.mson nnd manage
ment Of < il'.V. (1. T. liKAl'ltl'lAIU ( ) , Of I.IIII-
Islana , nnd ( ! iw. JUIIAI , A. EAIIIA * , of Vlr-
Blllia >
BllliaCAPITAL. . PRIZE $150,000.
Notice. Tickets are $10 only. Halves , S3
Fifths $2. Tenths $1-
I'HI/.HOK JIHnM. ( . . fBOOlM |
I'm/.tor flioi ) ) . . . r. i.tmo
I'lllZKOr i.11,001) . . . Ml.ftW
rm/Bsor ] fli xi. . . .
r > , miu. . . iit.otm
1IIK ) . . XU.OUO
m r/a. . . tivwo
100 im. . . , ao , < x > i
aw an. . . 4o.ow
em mo. . . iio.yw (
10UO . . HOJJ )
100 Appro * ut lo nprl/.esors.'Ot ) . . . . 120,00)
UK ) " " . . . . 1U.OOC
It * . " " . . . . 7.0UO
. .i
Appllcntlonfor nxtns In chilis should | m mniln
only lo tlio odlco ot tlio vompuny In Now Or
For fiirllior Inrormn'lnn wrltn clonrly , innni
rullwKJroiw. msi'AI , VOI'i.-.s Kjprcs * Mon r
Ordure , or Now Vork Kxulmni ; m ordinary lot-
tor. currency by eivroia tu our vxpoujo ad
flrCI80 < > t
Nu\vOruimsL * .
Or M. A.nAIJPfUN ,
n , D. 0.
Mnko P. O. Money Onlora pnr ble and addroM
' irUitftrd < l Ivltora to
Nuir Orleans L * .
Ami oU)0rtt ButTertiiffrota
nnrvoud ileliltlLjr ttxtiAiullii
rhrrmlo tllieme * , pinnatur *
iliMiltiifl ot y uDtf or old * ro
tQilllvcljr uud hy Dr.
Jlorne'n fnmoua Klr tro.
Mttfrnctlo JlrlU lliuUMtii'U
. ATerr rf V Rtata In the Union iiamtn UHMMI.
13 Icrtrltf-vMsty IniUntljT f-U , I'ftientnlajid vuldlO
, Whiilo iw tllr can wear Ham * belt , Klei'lHe
uBponr.erlofnwlthnmlutulU. . Avoid worlfiltm lm <
Katfuna Mid hoeuft oiminauir * Elrctrlo Trunir * Ivr
U rlura , 70O vUrrtlln'H& . Hrmt fciainirnrpAinit.lct |
Dx. W. J.HORNE. iMVU-Toa. 101 WABAEM Av. . Cuininc ,
A BtKilc tht cverr fattier
liould place In MM ttor.'a Kind *
4Uilrt > auiliiiKir ) vrjtli tlieutmojit
care. Ulrci all tutu wympUJin *
duo U ) * irlVlco * < ! Jtfuur * _ _
. . . . . . U'ruf. J u < . ' .t bie }
HuiilAnd * tu4 Irad of PVm. ( Of I'AiU Knmc-el
lilt * uued It , Tollmen. aU fi 0111 emluoitt London J'octon
For Druliu , Decay. 'iVraknMa. Krwl Vlulltr , Klc. Ktnl
onlT rpnli-l , I'rrr CoMfeiillMloti. I'rom f A M.tur , | u
U1VJA1.K AtiK.MJV. Ill i'ull ii HI. . Ae VurU
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
wcro Blilppod clurlnu tbo imot
two years , wit Iou I n drum-
i itr in uur employ. Nootlior
liuuiolu tliu world oun trutl * .
fully luolo BU3h u aliowiiij. .
Ono nL-eut ( dealer cmlyj
uaiixt Iu oHoli town ,
R.W.TANSILLACO.,55 Stale SLChicajo.
State Agents
llllllllnw \ \ I i ) iniwkj
Omaha , Neb.