Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1886, Image 1

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The Grounds on Which Mia. Sebright Asks
For a Divorce.
M'nldcmnr'fl ln Snyn Ills Son Cnnnot
Accnpt the Ilulgnrlnn Throne
Threatened llcpubllcnn Uprising -
rising In Kpaln.
The Mclirlctit O wo In Court.
LONDON , Nov. 12. The Sebrlght divorce
case wns brought up for preliminary hearing
to-day. The nction Is brought by Mrs.
Arthur Sebrlght , who asks to have her mar
riage declared void on the grounds that she
was induced to consent to have tlio cere
mony performed by fear , nnd that the mar
riage lias never been consummated. The
plaintiff Is the daughter of Lady Scott , of
Southampton , nnd 1 s noted for her beauty.
Tlio defendant Is n well known London
club man. The plaintiff's friends assert that
thu defendant , coveting her private
fortune of 8200,000 , matured to In-
' " " * velglu her into linanclnl transactions
"v which finally fell upon her for settlement at
n time when she had to choose between re
fusing to pay nnd be compromised , or es
caping by marrying the defendant nnd per-
mlttln/ him to liquidate. At tlio hearing
to-day Mr. Sebrlght's counsel admitted thu
marriage , which ho says was performed nt
n registrar's last January. Ho contended ,
however , that no marital relation had ever
taken place ; that the unities had never lived
together , and that there had been
no' Impropilety In the financial trans
actions whicli caused thu marriage.
Mr. Sebrlght had Induced the petitioner to
accept ceitnln bills , nnd she hnd been led to
bellevo that the marriage ceremony between
her nnd tne respondent would relieve her of
linanelal liability incurred. The judco said
L lie thought that under these circumstances It
would bu Impossible to nullify thu marriage ,
and announced that ho would hear the testi
mony with u view to deciding if there was
HUlllclent reason to grant a divorce. Mrs.
Sebrlght was called to thu witness stand and
Bworn. Shu testlllcd that through her father
the had inherited In tier own
name SK > 0,000 , in addition to n
reversion of S1.V,000 ) on the death of her
mother. She had met Mr. Sebrlght when she
was hut llfteen years of age , and the ac
quaintance had been continuous. Ho pro
posed marriage to her after they hnd been
acquaintances n short time only , but her
mother declined to permit nn engagement.
Mr. Scbrlu'hlcontinued his visits to thuhuuse ,
and was received on terms of irieiulshlp.
l-'lnally Mr. Seabrlght Induced the witness lo
engage herself to him in marriage unknown
to her mother. After this he persuaded her
to sign "bits of paper" which he supplied.
Eventually witness ascertained Hint she had
appended her nnino to notes nnd
bills nnd made herself liable for sums
amounting to SW.Oi'i. When they were
hoivcd upon her she appealed to Sebright.
Ho said the only way she could savu hersell
from ruin was by marrying him. This , wit
ness said , she refused to do. Mr. Sebrlght
, next requested witness to meet him alone ,
t Shu did so. llo took her to n place unknown
' to her , but which she learned was a rejtlstrj
olllce. Slut tylshod to leave thu room the
moment she found where shu was. Counl
Balhanny , a friend of Sebrlght's , who was
present , locked the door , and Sebright said
to her that lie would shoot her if she dared
Jf to show that she was not acting with tree
f will in the marriage which ho was about tc
have performed between them. Ho then
| L forced n ling on her linger , and witness throv
% . it oil' nnd again tried to leave the room
) Sebright seized her by the arm nnd forcee
her back nnd made her sign the register
Witness said thatshedld not hear the reglstrai
read the form of inarrlagcuor hear him say
anything. "I was too upset and too dread
fully frUhtencd , " she declared , "to hear any
thing at the time. "
The registrar being sworn deposed that
when Mrs. Scbrlcht was before him she was
agitated , but that shu repeated the marriage
declaration without nny hesitation , nnd alsc
tlio marriage form when Sebright took lie :
hand , Witness added that subsequently tin
lady throw the nmrrkigo ring on thu lloor
but slinied the registry without hesltatloi
or demurring.
Lady Scott , Mrs. Sebrlght's mother , niu
two doctors tcstllied that the petitioner wa :
completely broken down , mentally and phys
ically. after tlio ceremony , and was alwayi
tremulous nnd crvlng , and In constant terror
At this point thuliearing in thu case was ad
jourii'id. During the proceedings the cour
was crowded with people belonging to th <
nristociatlc class.
A Rcrmhllcnii Scheme Frustrated
Cry From Cuba.
ICopvriuM JSSO tin Jdine.i Gonlon liennctt. ' ]
MADIIID , Nov. 12. | Now York Hornli
Cable Special to the Um : . | 1 nm able t
state that extensive precautions were takei
last night in Madrid and the whole of Spain
because the government discovered by It
diplomatic agents abroad , nnd by the vlgl
lance of General Dnhan , the new dlrccto
general of thu political police , that the rcpuL
- llcans had prepared n movement to wan
uniting in the principal garrisons and n
naval dockyards of tlio capital nlso , Thi
plnn , oven If successful , would hnvo cause
the fall of the present cabinet , before th
corles meets November IS , thus avoiding di
bates nnd revelations. The republicans sect
In fear that the precautions will continu
until the cortcd assemble * . The dcpressloi
t will be severe If an outbreak occurrs ,
The republican coalition deputies held
1 meeting to-day in the congressional con
mitten room. They resolved to authorlz
their loaders Sunoics Salmeron , Marga
nnd Aycarae to declare in the coming sei
slon of the cortcs that the members of tli
coalition unanimously consider it ueccssar
nnd legitimate to use force in order to Instir
u triumph of their ideas so long as the goi
eminent refuses to re-estahllsh un
versal suliYnga nnd pass laws prolcctln
them In the exercise of their individual righ1
ngnlnst the arbitrary nets of the uiithoritie
They also resolved to Invlto Xorllla to rctur
lo Spain if the reforms mentioned ai
granted. The Castelar party took no side e
part in the meeting , and their organs' blnn
those- who were present for th'o nttitue
Tim police nro watching nil ports , owin
to rumors that Spanish revolutionists nbron
nro preparing to return to Spain nnd th :
/.orilln Is promoting a rls > lnr. Tl
despots for rums and barrecl
nnd telegraph olllccs are strung !
guaidcd , The colonels commanding tl
troops In Valencia nnd linicelona nro su
pected ot disloyalty , nnd nro being close !
watched , Tim homo secretary , civil uoverni
und ( Jeneral Pnvla remained In consullaUc
< the whole of Thursday in consequence- i
1 thu minors.
V- The pi Inclpal planters ot the province e
Jff Malagas , Culu , have telegraphed to tl
Y-f * Madrid government nnd the loadlnc papci
Ftntlni : that nt thu present prices it is In
, possible to make Iho sutrar crops pay the co ;
of production. They thcrofoiu implore tli
foverniuent to suppress nil export , dutii
on uisjar nnd nlso lo . 'suppress entirely tli
fourth column of the Cuban tariff and ei
courage the prompt introduction of fr <
Inbor , or Cuban asrlculturo will bo ru'iu1 '
The papers say they will support tlio fuba
petition , which Is partly.forestalled by U
plans the minister for the colonies will pr
\ cent at the next sosslon of the cortcs.
Tcrrihlo , Kuroinan Floods.
I'AKis , Nov. 13t-Thq city of Nice ha ! > < > {
visited by enormous waves from the Medltc
rautau. TUu water swept .away the < iua
and promenade on the Anglais plantation.
Upwards of ono hundred people have been
carried oil their feet and the quays are cov
ered with sand. The devastation wrought by
the waves extends two miles nlonp Nice's
wntcr front. At Cannes , which Is twenty-live
miles from Nice , n fierce storm lias been ragIng -
Ing nnd two vessels nro known to hnvo been
wrecked. Men standing nn thu quays were
carried out lo sea on the enormous waves.
The Crolsetto promenade wn destro ycd.
Haiti nmonmlnc to almost n deluge lias been
falling for four days at ( lap. the capital of
the department of Harries , Alps. A number
of houses haVe been utterly destroyed by
Hoods resulting from water falls. The city of
Alx Is so badly Hooded that travel in the
streets Is Impossible cxceiit in boats. In
Nimcs two parishes nro under water and an
other Is isolated by Hoods.
LONDO.V. Nov. 13. A dispatch from Genoa
says that Hoods have rauscd enormous dam-
ngo In that region. The railways at Vontl-
mlL'Hn nppcars to have suffered severely , it
will require months of labor to reopen the
road. A wealthy man named Kocca ,
whllo viewing the stoun Irout
ho terrace of the Dlqulnto hotel , was
truck by an enormous wave and washed Into
he sea. Tlio body Ims not been found. Tlio
clng and queen of Wnrtemlmrg , who were
raveling to Lyons , were detained n whole
light at Vcntlmlgila.
LONDON , Nov. 12. Tlio local government
oard has made public Us reply to n letter
eccntly addressed to It by the social dem-
jcrntlo ledcratlon , cnlllng attention to the
llcgcd enormous Increasu In the number of
oor and unemployed In London. Thu
ward's reply asserts that In the month of
October , 1SM5 , the porccntngo ot pnnpers In
Condon was W to every 1,000 , of population ,
vlillo In the same month of the lyear 1SC.3
ho percrntngo was 43 to 1,000 , nnd argues
hat these figures prove that If pauperism
lees Increase In London , the government
vlll be diiltc nble to manage it and its nt-
cndunt evils. Tne board promises to assist
ocal authorities in the work of relieving the
I0or *
The RrltlHli Grain Trade.
LIVEIIPOOLNOV. 12.The leading weekly
rain clrculunr says : Prices nro firmer in
,11 branches. There Is n greater dlsoosltlon
o do business on speculation. Millers nro
ecelvlng small supplies from farmers. An
advance is paid for English nnd foreign
ivheat in the principal markets. Cnrgoes
are held tor higher rates. There was a good
ittendnnco at to-day's market , with a better
'one. A lair trade was done In wheat at ox-
remo rates. Klour wns linn , with hnprovec
nnulry. Maize was In moderate request at
nn improvement of } d.
The Situation in Biirmnh ,
MANDALAY , Nov. 12. Civil war is Inade
quate to restore order in liurmah , nnd severe
neasures of repression are imminent. The
Dacolts subject to cruel torture all native ?
suspected of loyalty to the British. The :
also , for the purpose of arousing hostility
'o the British , spread false reports. I'm
British Intend to restore King Theebaw te
.lie throne nnd then leave the country.
\VnIdy Can't Go.
SOFIA. Nov. 12. The king of Denmark , 01
behalf of his son , Prlnco Waldemar , has sen
a telegram to Tirnova expressing thanks fo
ho honor conferred upon his son , but declin
, ng upon nny condition to allow him t <
accept the throne. It Is therefore needless t (
semi a deputation to Cannes to meet I'rinci
Wnldemar. _ _ _ _ _ _
A Celebrated Jockey's Funeral.
LONDON , Nov. 12. The funeral of Frci
Archer took place nt Newmarket , iinslnes ;
was suspended i the whole town. Amoiif ;
the mourners wore Lord Grosvenor , liaron
Allngton , Lord Carncross , the Messrs. Tater
sail and n largo number of persons iiitcrestei
In the turf. One hundred wreaths wen
; ilacod upon the jockey's cotliu.
Evidence of Victory ,
BOMHAY , Nov. 12. The Ghlizal rebels ii
Afghanistan have been attacked by the At
ghan general sent to subdue them nnd badl ;
defeated.The u'cueral sent to Cabul tei
cartloads of heads of rebels killed in battl
as a token of the victory his forces bad won
A Denial From the Vatican ,
ROME , Nov. 12. The Vatican donle
Stampas' statement that the pope has sen
n note to Kngland nsklng for the establish
ment of diplomatic relations between thn
country nnd the Holy See.
Another Socialist Demonstration.
LONDON , Nov. 1Thu socialists announc
that a monster demonstration will bu held i
Trafalgar Square on the 21st lust. They als
announce that n socialist deputation will cal
uuon Lord Salisbury.
St.ituo of "Washington.
BKHI.IN , Nov. IB. An equestrian statue o
Washington , destined for tlio city of Philr
pclnhla , has just been finished here. Hwi
bu shipped in December.
A Berlin Theatre Flrn.
BnnuN , Nov. 12. Tim Harding Cnslni
this city , took lire last night while a ball wn
in progress. Four persons were killed and
largu number Injured.
titcnntlo Nnvnl Display.
LONDON , Nov. 12. It Is proposed to hold
gigantic naval display nt SpUhcad In hone
ol' the queen' ; ; jubilee.
Tlio Ijaconlc rietily Which Was Sen
to the I'oTiHlon Dnpiirtmeiit.
AnniAX , Mtcli. , Nov. 12. Special Pcnslo
Accnt Hairy wns sent to this city to seem
evidence of the sanity or insanity of Hasca
M. Cole , of the Dally Times. Cole Is by n
means wealthy , hut ho voluntarily relh
qulshed the pension of S1Q a month whlc
had been granted for a disease nontractr
during service in tlio late war. Tha penslo
department proposed , in case Cole proved I
bo insane , to becuio the appoln
ment of n competent gunrdlai
tlnou''li whom the pension could ho paid. T
save Iho deputincMt : ) Cole sent the depar
ment all lily papers when ho believed hlinse
cured of his disease. A Icttor from Wnshlni
ton asking It ho was alive or dead , nnd if tl
latter , date of death , received tno lacon
reply , "Alive. " Cole Is a bellover In tl
faith cure , nnd thinks the disease would ce
tnlnly loturn if lie should allow the ncnslo
to resume , "for , " ho says , "tho Lord woul
not allow tno to enjoy good health nnd
pension for being sick nt the bnmo time. "
Thn Cnmoroni Hrokon up.
Nr.w YoitK , Nov. 12. Violet Cameron , (
l.oid LomUdaht's opera troupe , has decided I
nbiindon Iho proposed lour of thn princlp
elth's of this country. ' The unpleasant not
ilcty gained by the star nnd her lordly mnn ;
nger caused number of out of town man
gers to cancel their dates of tlio company i
tholr lumues. This taken with the tact tin
their outrage-incut ut the Casino has been
ilminciu ! and artistic failure- , decided the lei
to take hli troupe homo again ,
Schooner Readied.
CHICAGO. Nov. 12. The heavy gale , whU
had been blowing on LakeMlchlgan all uleli
drove the small schooner , "Ncllio Wandc
hicli , " of Mnrlnctte , AVis. , on iho beach
quarter of n inllo from tlio nhoro this mor
Ing. The crew consibting ot a captain nnd
teaman escaped by jumping upon tlio brenl
water. Thu schooner had n load of slab
which wove washed , overboard.
NKW VOIIK , Nov. 13 , The total numb
of business failures oe-oiirrlng throughout tl
United Status and Canada , is ! ! ii for the la
seven days.
Mn.WAfKr.i : , Nov. 12. The Kvenine Wl
cousin special says : The Nation Vehlc
compunv's works , nt Itaclno Junction , aro-l
Iheh.xndsof its principal ci editor , Addlsc
Uibceur Imliauapplls. Liabilities , S-0,0- ,
A Slight Disturbance at the Yards Promptly
Sat Upon By Deputies ,
Two Train * Lends of Noii-Unlon Jtcu
Taken ( o Work , nnd Agents Almmd
For More The Militia Still
on IMokut Duty.
The 1'lfxocH of Strikers Heine Filled.
CHICAGO , Nov. 12. ( Special Telegram to
the IHu.1 It was about C:30 : this morning
when Packlngtown began to assume the np-
uearanco of business activity. Long before
this the militia had been posted on picket
duty around the yards , nnd soon the rush of
men in search of work began. At 0:43 :
o'clock a train of six cars pulled out on the
Lake Shore road , Every car wns jammed.
The cars were designed to hold sixty pcoplo
acli , hut It Is safe to say that COO men got oil
.hoso . six cars. This train was followed by
nothcroftho same kind , Most of the men
, vent Into Armour & Oo.'shouso nnd a few
wittered to the various packinghouses In the
ards. At Washington Hutcher's Sous
louse fully 0,000 men were in line wnltlnc
'or a chance to reach the breakfast tables. A
eng line of deputy sheriffs kept the crowd in
irder. A similar scene Is enacted every
nornlng In Armour & Co.'s three dining
oems , nnd In those of Swift *
'o. . Noise Morris , nnd Fowler Bros ,
There was n large increase In the nuinbci
if men at work to-day , nnd It would
eem that In a few days the houses would
mvo full gangs nt work. Ono packer , on
ooklng over n crowd ot a thousand or more ,
remarked that the mat crlnl wns none of the
best nnd would need considerable weeding
out before it would bo very serviceable. Then
Is a crowd of colored people among tlir Inr
jtorted men. Of the imported men one was
recognized ns an ex-captain in the Thirtieth
inccn's dragoons , onn of the crack Kngllsli
regiments. Seven years ago ho drove throncli
London in ills own drag nnd kept four ser
vants. He was a prime tavorito , but lived
above his means and this morning applied
"orn position at 82 a day. A prominent
.tackcr , who replied to a question as to the
probability of a speedy settlement , said thai
whllo they would all willingly have peace
they would not now take back all or even
nny largo percentage of the strikers. In the
lirst place there wns not nearly ns mucli
business to transact ns formerly , owing to
the loss ot European contracts , which the I in
pending trouble bad proven ted competition
for by the Chicago packers , and in the secom ;
place the employers were provided will
many uood men who had come to them ir
their time of need , and who would be kept ni
work. They would not be allowed to go a ;
they were at the settlement ot tlie last strike
because they were much stronger In mimboi
nnd because if they were not protected anc
were forced to leave by Intimidation tlioj
would never bu wllllnir to uo to work nni
hell ) the packers out in nny trouble in tin
future. "Liesides this the election Is over , '
said the speaker , "and wu an ; convinced thai
the authorities will not dare to wink at 1x113
violations ot the law which the striken
might commit In assaulting the now men , a ;
they might do In order to gain votes befon
the election. You can put It down that thi :
time the new men will be protected , am
will not bo driven from their places bj
strlkeis. "
A dispatch received from Peoria , says tha
Fowler liros. have nn necnt there organizing
a force to work in tliclr packing houses a
Chlcat'o , Omaha and Kansas Cltv. Thongen
Is expected to secure 100 men to-day.
T. 1J. Harry's action in retard to thoaliegci
dispatch from Powdnrly , sent to Iho board o
trade and Fowler Uros. ' yesterday , Is ver
dinicult to understand. 11 ho had plain ) :
said that ho did not bellevo it genuine hi
could easily have saved the men from belli )
misled Into the belief that tlio strike Had boci
declared off. As It was , ills conduct. If no
his words , encouraged belief In the gen
uiness of the dispatch , and had ns much todi
with giving the false report currency as tin
dispatch itself.
Ono small riot , promptly nipped In the bud
was all that occurred at the stock yards tc
day to relieve the monotony of the situation
A hundred or so of strikers attempted to tea
in pieces the ontlit of a recently engaged em
ployo of Armour & Co. , who was moving to i
new place of residence. Some of the sheriff *
deputies interfered before much damage wa
done , but the mob remained In the vicinit1
for some time , and ut last accounts the nri
fortunate employe was still under protoctloi
of astrone guard. There Is n larco Increas
In the number of men at work , and it wouli
seem that in a few days the houses wo ill
have full trangs at work. A committee con
sistlng of Messrs. Harry , larleton , Marshal
and Schilling , was In session all morning a
the Transit nouso. Numerous visitors wer
ushered up stairs to the room in which th
committee sat , but no amount of inqiilr
could elicit any Information , A new featnr
of the strike Is the boycotting of Armour'
meats by District Assemblies 57 and 2-1
Knights of Labor. A local boycott has bcei
placed on Underwood & Co.
To-night many people are of the opinlo
that the slock yards strike will bu settled Ix
fore Monday. The supposition is tha
Armour knows more about the probabilitio
nnd possibilities of a settlement tnan an
ono. Ho to-day decides not to take any mermen
men until Monday , and It Is this fact tha
gives color to thohtiliof that the matter wli
be settled before that day. Many rumors n
to the settlement are in circulation , but non
that could bo continued. One report was thn
thn proprietors of two smallc
establishments had agreed t
withdraw from the packers' association an
by taking their plcic of the most sklllfr
tormer employes of Armour , Fowler an
other lending packers , attempt to cnln pre ;
tigo on that scorn ns well as uy starting n
KnmhtH of Labor houses. The striken
leaders received as well ns sent many tele
gra'iis during the dny nnd evening , but abs <
lately declined to nay n word as to whothu
or not the condition of affairs had bee
altered. In thnnltenioon Mr. Carleton , m
companlcd by Harry nnd the stilkers' o ;
ccutlvo committee , left their head
quarters ostensibly to call at tli
down town ofllce of the packers. Lai
to-night Messrs. liarry and Carleton sai
they "had bcnn woiklnga certain line , th
Import of which they were not at liberty t
explain. " Carleton admitted that 1m had n
engagement tomeota membcrof the Packen
association to-morrow , but said ho had a
Idea that the meeting would ho fruitless an
that tlio packers merely wished to show th ;
the employers' original plan had not ix-o
changed. Messrs. Harry and Oarleton di
nled that they had been In confeienco wit
any of the packers and intimated that the
secret departure from the stock yards w :
merely a ruse to rid themselves of a swarm (
reporters. Tlio opinion Is general union
well-posted strikers that Important Instrn
tions hnvo been received from Powderly , an
that thu loaders are engaged in shaping thu
policy to accord with the Ideas ot the geiien
master workman ,
The Cnnnty Kobhcnl ,
ST. PAur. , Nov. 12. A telegram fro
Montevideo , Minn. , says ; At 2 o'clock th
morning the court house of Lacgnl , Pn
county , was broken Into , The end of 11
brick vault was battered down and the coi
plcto cdunty records taken. Tlio bun/li
proof safe of the county treasurer was al
taken. Thfisafo is said to contain consldn
able money belonging totheconnty. Mndlsc
was voted the county boat nt ttie lust electloi
Governor Hubbaid received a tulecram fro
thu county recorder slating that thu rccorc
were being removed to Madison and askli
for Instructions. Governor llubbai
answered : "County attorney nnd sheriff wi
be a bio to secure obedience to thu law ai
the court , "
A Colored Houst.
SKDALIA , Nov. 12. Charles Hudson , c
ored , who plead'guilty to Incest Wedm
day. saturated Ids clothing and bed In tl
cell yesterday morning with real oil and thi
applied .a match. He was fatally burned. 1
gave us a reason for ills attempt at tulcli
that he wa. $ afraid bo would bu hsuged f <
his crime. . t
Mooily'n Church in Clilcnco Nearly
Destroyed fly Fire.
CmcAOo , Nov. 12. JSpeclnl Telegram
to the I : E. ] Moody's old church had a
narrow escape from total destruction by
lire this morning. As it was the loss will bo
S'i\000. The church was built with money
solicited by Mr. Moody from every part of
the world , the idea of each contributor ownIng -
Ing n brick liolng Inaugurated in the course
of this collection. It succeeded the old Ub-
ernacle which , before the Rro of 1871 , stood
at the corner of Illinois street nnd La Snllo
avenue , where Moody began his career as n
"ay preacher. The llrst story was put up.
iTiion the panic ot 1S7H nrrdsled progress , nnd
"nr two years the great evangelist used this
icomitleto structure for his ministrations ,
n lt > 7. > the finished building was dedicated ,
reo of debt. Moody nnd Satikoy held a
nest successful revival pcason there then ,
'hd total cost was 3100,000 ;
A Hnttlo With Monkeyx.
Piiovittn.NCB , It , L , Nov. 12. ( Special
I'elegram to thu JllKii.J Thomas Muiphy ,
eepcr of animals , had n terrible battle with
.wo largo vicious monkeys yesterday , and
ecclvcd Injuries wliich will lay him up for
iome time. Murphy went into the cage to
ilean it out and had been working there
omo time when suddenly , without warning ,
\ large monkey , mimed Hen , threw itself
ipon Murphy with such force ns to hurl him
o the lloor of the caire. Then began a ler-
Ilic tight. Hen used his teetli and paws with
he wlldness of n tiger , nnd In a short time
ivas joined by his mate. Together they
"oncht n powerful battle. Murpliy was
iovcrcd with blood , nnd it was several inin-
ites before ho could make Ills escape , but
inally succeeded In getting out ,
leaving the lierco brutes behind the bars.
Murpliy was taken to the hospital
ivhero ho was found to bn fearfully lacerated.
The entire upper portion of his body was bit-
'en ' , scratched nnd torn. His lelt check wns
nearly torn olT. Sixteen stitches wore token
n It , There wns a largo hole In the fleshy
iart of his loft breast nnd tour more stitches
ivero required there. His * arms nnd hands
required seven stitches. Tlio unfortunate
inan Is suffering great pain.
IVifo MurdcrcrH Executed.
ANNA , 11. , Nov. 12.-William S. Wilson
ivas hanged at Jonesboro to-day In the jail
fnrd , for the murder of his wife. The con-
.lemned man are n hearty dinner , nnd at 1:30 :
kvas led from the cell and taken to the scaf-
old , and at a p , in. the trap was sprunir. Ills
neck was not broken , but death ensued from
strangulation. After hanelng twenty-four
minutes the body was cut down and placed In
coflln. Before stepping upon the fatal trap
Wilson cave ilio assembled audience , both 111-
sldc and outside the enclosure , a short speech
'n which lie admonished husbands : "lie tine
: oyour wives : wives , be true to your hus
bands. " llo also asked the people to ho char
itable to his seven little children. Wilson's
crime was committed In the eastern part of
tills county , in January of this year. Comlnc
homo alter ono of his customary absences he
found u number of young men from the
neighborhood cutting wood for his neglected
family. His wife kindly asked him in. He
seemed enraged , went in , and presently n
pistol shot was heard and his wife staggered
out nnd fell dead.
Los ANGKI.KS , Cal. , Nov. 12. Albert O.
liavnton , who shot and killed his wife and J.
U. Klpp , September 17 last , was hanu-ed tills
afternoon. On the day mentioned above
Jtaynton beat Ills wife. She Hed to Kipp's
house for protection. Baynton pursued her
and shot her and then shot Kipp , who at
tempted to defend her.
Hoke's Extradition.
MONTREAL , Nov. 14. 1'no lloko extradi
tion case was continued , before Judge Dupaf
to-day , when C. F. Clarke'one of the direc.
tors of the Pcorla National bank , was cross-
examined by Hoke's counsel. His evidence
> vas to the clfcct that no charge had been
aid against Iloke for forgery until recently ,
and no indictment had been laid before the
grand jury , notwithstanding that the de
falcation amounted to nearly two hundred
thousand dollars , \Vhen Iloku was nr >
rested in Canada these proceedings were in
stltuted against him. There.appears to bo nc
doubt that lloko's extradition will be
In the case of John F. Iloke , the Peoria
bank defaulter , F. C. Clarke , one of the dl
rectors , to-day tc.stllicd that the total aiuounl
of lloke's drtalcntlnn was SlbS.OOO , of whicl :
S78.000 had been taken from the Mechanics' '
National bank , thu predecessor of the Mor
chants' Natlonnl bank. Clarke also lestlliei
thai Mrs. Hoku had handed 840,000 to UK
bank since the defalcation.
MyatcrloiiH Murder.
NEIIHASICA CITY , Neb. , Nov. 12. ISpccia
Telegram to the Biu. : | The body of J. B
O'lirtcn , n prominent farmer living ncai
Beatrice , this county , was found tins morn
Ing n short distance from homo ii
n badly bruised condition , and ul
though his team in which IK
left this yesterday morning , was found loosi
from the wagon in n cornlield , with the bar
ness broken. It Is thought now that O'Brlei
may have been murdered and this ruse of ;
runaway team made by the perpetrators
The coroner has been summoned to tlu
Tlio deceased leaves a wife and sovcra
children nnd was a man of good social nm
sober character.
Much excitement exist ? in the neighbor
hood. Thu sheriff has gone to thn scene
Developments are anxiously looked for.
A I.ltllo BOV'H Accident.
Ooi.i'M lies , Neb. , Nov. 12 , fSpecial Tclo
gram to the Bii.J : : Willie , the elovcn-year
old boy of ( Seorgo Fulton , whllo U'lidinj
round a power corn shelter , had his righ
hand drawn Into the coirs of the apron , lit
torally grinding otr the baud and forearu
nhove the wrist , lacerating and tearing th
muscles so horribly that Jr. Schut * , who wa
called to attend the ease , had to nmputnti
nbimt two more Indies of the arm. thu lil'.l
1eilo\v enduring thu operation with patlcnc
nnd fortitude , the boy resting well alter tin
arm was dressed.
A Chnrohly Hnnc'ni * .
i'itiNns , Nov. [ Special Telegram ti
the Hi'i : . ] There was a "hanging beu" a
this place yesterday , nnd great enthnslnsn
prevailed , in fact , the clt'zcns took ptldo li
tlio affair , thn occasion being the hanuing o
the church bell in' the steeple of the now Con
grr-gatlonal church. It was the lirst hanglui
of the kind In Sheridan county.
Died From Sclf-Inillotnd Injuries.
hour CITY , Nov. 12. [ Special Teli'grnn
to the BIK. : | Frank Noolau , who shot him
self with suicidal Intent theiiilcht of Novom
bcr 1 , died this afternoon from blood poison
ing. His father arrived Monday last nn
will take the remains to bU homo in Madl
son , Wls. , for interment.
A Itald ontald Knolibors.
Cii.vmvicic , Mo , , Nov , ' 1U About 1 o'cloe
yesterday morning about ono hundrc
"Bald ICnobbeiV entered town and began
raid on the saloons , their object being t
burst open barrels and pour the whisky on
but while they were nt work the citizen
opened tire on them , seriously woundln
ono of the gang , who was carried awn'
The lire was returned und more than K
shots lired. The ' 'bald Knobbers" wei
stampeded. The affair caused much nxdti
Could Not Htuud Prosperity.
Niw Yoitif , Nbv. 1-1 Judge Cowing I
thocoutt of general sessions to-day dispose
of the case. of "jioodle" Alderman lUcCab
holding that he need not bu sent to thu lust
tution , but might no cared for by his wif <
Tlio judge llxed ball nt 82,000 for the pri
oner's production lu court should lie rccovi
his reason.
CmrAoo , III. , Nov. 12. The Daily Ncwi
Mattoon ( III. ) special says : The Jleckhai
house , n largo frame hotel , burned this mon
JUB ; loss , gS.OOU ; Insurance , $5
The Ohio' Senator Considers It a Victory
For tic Republicans
Colorado's Onlay I'reaohcr Politician
mid Ills Almost SuccOHHnil l < 'ii > ht
lAir Congress Carlisle's Sent
to lie Contested.
Sonntor Hhcrninii'H Views.
WASIHNHTON , Nov. 12. [ SpecialTelegram
to the JJKK.J Senator Sherman is at his
Wnshlnaton homo now. Ho nrrls-cd last
night from Now York , llo says the recent
elections hnvo boon n great surprise to both
parties , but have been favorable to the repub
licans , llo is gratified over the gains In
Ohio nnd thinks Inbor hns become n factor so
important In politics that It must bo recog
nized. ' 'In Ohio , for some reason which It
would be dlfllcult to explain , the Knights of
Libor made n determined light against ( Sen-
oral Kennedy and reduced the rcirular ma
jority In ono county nioro than ton thousand
votes. There Is ono noticeable Icaturu In the
labor movement. It Is confined almost en
tirely to cities and towns. People living In
the country districts rarely change their poli
tics. There nre counties In Ohio that have
given democratic majorities from Andrew
.1 nelson's time down. The vote against
Speaker Carlisle wns confined almost entirely
to the clt'es ' In ills district. Undoubtedly the
result of the election is a blow at free trade.
1 bellevo that there has been n decided
growth in protection ideas all over
the country and especially In the south.
The people are Impressed with the
fact that American Industries should bo pro
tected. The democrats in the south who
have naturally voted with the democrats
when It comes to the direct question : Shall
tlio duty on tliis or that article bo removed V
will vote with the republicans before they
will consent to it. Industries are starting
ip in many places in the south and the pco
ilo will naturally wish to protect them. Free
rode , in my judgment , has received n very
severe sot back. The outlook Is very promts-
tig for the republicans In 1SS8. "
Omaha has been allowed three additional
etter carriers , to begin December 1.
Captain Charles O. Uradluv , Twentieth in
fantry , Fort Mnginnis , Montana , has been
granted twenty days leave. First Lieutenant ,
. ' "rands J. Ives , nssistint sargcon. has been
assigned by C'cnernl Crook to duty nt Fort
David , AKussell , Wyoming.
Army forlouuhs authorized : Private Peter
chmldt , Company 13 Nineteenth infantry ,
? ort Chirk , Texas , four months , with permis
sion to go abroad : Private Charles Kveiott ,
Company A , Fifteenth infantry , Fort Kan-
dall , Dakota , three months : Lieutenant John
S. Pnrko. Jr. , Twenty-first infantry , who was
promoted October 21 to first lieutenant by tlio
etirement of First Lieutenant Robert P.
l'"letchcr , has been ordered from Forl
Duchusno , Utah , to his new company , C , nt
Fort Sidney , Neb.
Senator Allison , of Iowa , is expected here
about the 20ih lust. , when lie will bi'giu work
in Ills committ e on appropriations.
Many inquiries are made in political circles
icre nsto who the IJev. Myron W. Jteed is
Keed , the man who came BO near deteatlmj
Judge Symep , the present republican incuin-
jqntipLEon ressfroni Colorado. Thero.waf
so much apathy In'flio ranks of tlio dciiitV
erats in Colorado toward the administration ,
nnd Judge'Symcs stood so well before the
people there thnt ills majority was calculate J
nn in the thousands. Like n skyrocket ,
liowover , the preacher-politician flashed upon
the horizon and came so near sweeping the
state that the result Is yet In doubt.
"IJeed Is what wo call in Colorado a 'daisy
itreacher , " ' said Major W. S. Peabody , of
Denver. "Ho Is onu of the best all-around
preachers and rough-and-tumble politicians 1
ever saw. Ho came to Denver from Indian
apolis n few years nco and tool
ono of tno leading mil pits of thu
city. Swarthy , nud withal unattractive ,
people leirnrded him with indifference foi
awhile. But his habits were unusual for r
minister , and they were popular , llo wcnl
on the streets everywhere , into Hie public
places , attended tlio courts , conventions ,
everywhere , and the fruits of his observa
tions were glycu from his pulpit. Ho went
out into the mining districts , remaining
weeks at limns , camping with thu boys , toll-
ins stories and making smiles everywhere
nnd nt the same time preaching on Sundays
and nt nights. llo Is an orator ,
full of Howcrs and rhetoric
nnd lie always onrnnturcs the
boys and elicits admiration froir
the ladles. Ho usually wears a great
white sombrero , nnd ottcn goes liorscbact
riding. He shambles rnrelcslly along tlu
street , but notices all and Is known and re
ceived cordially by everybody. From his ns
soclatlons ono could not tell nt n casiu
glance whether ho wns Mexican , French
American or Dutch , or whether lie was Cath
ollc , Methodist , Presbyterian , saint or sinner
But he is never vulgar or rough , nor loose ii
his remarks , nnd conducts himself with :
dignity becoming a far western preacher
Such Is the man who , an a democratic candl
dale for eonirrcss , came near dole-ating 1113
good friend , .Indue Symcs , and making tin
state elvo a majority to this administration. '
At the treasury department It is said tha
the most , serious problem to come before congress
gross , ami one ot the most momentous nov
before the country Is the national bankiiu
Interests. Ity the end of the prudent lisca
year , Juno : ! 0 next , nil of thu 510,000,030 : i pui
cents nre to bo culled in. Nearly nil of thesi
are held by Iliu banks to secure circulation
nnd us fast as they are called others must lit
deposited with the treasurer or the charter
of the banks ownlnu them will be forfeited
One of the most serious aspects In which tin
situation can bo viewed IB the dissolution o
n majority of the national banks In the smal
cities , banks having less than 5200,000 eapl
tal. Most of tliufl's are owned by the sinnl
banks , and they are notlfvlnu thoconiptrollc
of currency that they will not buy bonds a
the- premiums commanding now , am
will therefore go out of business. The largi
banks In the great cities lenort thnt they in
preparing lo reduce their ciiculatillg medlini
to the minimum 5r,0,000 nnd thnt thoywil
stay. Their capital stock will remain. Thl
process , they say nt the treasury department
acts thu MUIIO ns high license upon the snlooi
business thu bitr ones will stay in. but th
small ones will bo fiq/.en out. Thu smal
banks me the ones all'ordlng most nn !
versal accommodation. Under thu prcsen
picssuro of nubile sentiment against , th
national banks , It Is not now thought thn
congress will provide other bonds forbccurln
circulation till nfter the next preshleiithi
election , That Is three years away. It 1
conceded that eighteen months wil
not pass before the foundation I
n majority of the small banks wl !
bo removed. Then there will bo opportunlt
a Herded the lo/lslnlnre to inaugurate system
of state banks before congress can act. One
established , the state banks will bu slow t
comn back with thu national system , Thl
Is the viuw the most experienced treasury oil
cluls take of the situation. It is sm-'geste
bv an experienced national banker in thl
city that Instructions should bu clvun by al
communities to their representative In con
gress.Bo that homoactlon may be taken hefoi
next March If nction is desired. It seems t
bo a question quite as important to the pco pi
ns the bunks.
"Takolt in whatever light you will , am
leave out alt political considerations , ever ;
body must concede that thu president's mai
affluent of the a Hairs at the Kiclimond stul
fair meeting wns abominably bad , " said Di
Snowdon , editor of thu Alexandria UHzetti
onn of tlio staunche-st democratic papers 1
the Old Dominion. "I have severely crl
Icized thualfalras much because It wasbaal
managed as anything else. I belluv-i Clov <
land Is a man who will profit by exporlono
nnd 1 think this will do him some eoo <
There Is no question In the minds of VI
glnians nor those of people In Washlngtoi
. -o tar as 1 can hear but. that the prcaance c
Miss Winnie Davis In Richmond kcjit Mn
Cleveland away. Now , what vlrnlnlfci '
object to U the appaicnt coward'
manner in which the president meets nn
emcreoncy testing his moral courago. Ho
should have taken Mrs. Cleveland with him ,
nnd after the Joint reception for her ami
Miss D.xvls ho could have said , If nnvbody
wns fool enough to criticise , thnt Miss Davis
Is a rcsprclablu indy and that Mrs. Cleveland
Is not n politician. Why , I presume that If
he bad known that Miss Davis , vas going to
New York Iho other dav nt the same Hum
she wont , lie would have kept Mrs , Cleveland
otr the same train. Tlien Iho idea of the two
ladles riding within llfty feet ot each other
! * u miles and not meeting. Of course , MM
Davis was on defensive- - , and it was Mr * .
Cleveland's place to make the move ,
nfter reruslnic to mont Iho daughter
of the confederacy nt Richmond. Most
ladles , under the circumstances nnd In Mrs.
Cleveland's position , would linvo requested
Miss Davis to occupy tlio K\IIIU : \ car nnd
would have embraced the occasion to explain
the disappointment at Richmond. 1 presume ,
however , she thought 'the s.ild is soon
est mended , ' I make no secret of my bullet
that Virginia could not be induced , under
nny circumstances , to cast Its vote for Mr.
Cleveland. "
There is hut ono themoot discussion among
tlio many Virginians who como hero daily ,
nnd that Is the failure of Mrs , Cleveland to
nttend tliclr fair. The trouble seems to
coNortATin.ATiNei nixir.iiTox.
Civil Service Commissioner Kdgerton has
received scores of letters from thu most re
spectable democrats in the Fort Wavnr , Hid. ,
congressional district , rongralnlntlni : htm
niton the of Kepro-entatlvu Lowry.
Mr. Kdiierton's home is at Fort Wayne , and
although he Is n nnd Mr. 'Lowry is
n democrat he spoke his mind , privately
though remarkably plainly , to his domociatle
friends when al home on two or tliioo occa
sions during the campaign nnd advised them
to vote lor Captain white , thu lepubllcau
candidate , "because one represents the cor
ruption of olllce spoils , whllo the other Is
nbovo ollice Jobbery nnd the slum system. "
Mr. Kdgerton takes some prldu In tno over-
vlielmlng defeat of Lowry , since , ho says ,
ho canvass was made purely on the snolls
ssne. Ho thinks that If the civil
ervlco reform policy of the ndmlii-
stnttion had been hel'oro the
otcrs of Indiana for endorsement , nnd
hat It was pitted against thu spoils policy
of tlio leaders of the party there , as rnpro-
ented by Mr. Lowrv , that It would have
carried by at least 20,000. Mr. Kdgerton pie-
nres in uhnvtng colors the manner In which
wmo federal ollloers were made to no out nnd
vork for the spoils candidates , nnd is happy
lint their masters were properly rebuked.
Jo takes pleasmo In the election of his per
sonal friend , Colonel Robertson , to bu
icutonnnt governor. They nro near neigh-
tors , and though antagonists , aio
ho warmest triends. He says ho will go
tome and deliver tlio speech on the front
torch of Colonel Itobertson , which lie prom-
sed to mnku In thu event the latter was
elected , If ho is asked to do It , hut he will
only speak of the colonel personally.
oAttisi.i's : SIIAT TO IIK roNTisTKit.
Although thu question of whether Sneaker
Carlisle can sit In the chair and make inllnirs
when his own seat Is under control or
whether ho can bo the presiding olllcer when
ho contest ease Involving his own sent is bo-
'oru the house has been pretty well settled
n the allirmatlve1. his most intimate filends
iay that ho would no nioro think of doing
jo than n judge In court would preside when
i case of Ids own was being tried by jury. It
ho seat of Sneaker Carlisle Is really con
tested his friends say he will call another
iicmbor , and most likely a republican , to the
ihnir and make the trial ns non-partisan ns
t Is possible. The friends ot Mr. Carlisle
say ho experts his seat to bo contested.
A member of the senate committee on
udlciary writes ton triend hero that there
vlll bo fust ns many contests this winter ever
ho confirmation of nominations to fill
vacancies made by removals as there was
ast winter in proportion to the opportunities ,
lie thinks , however , that the rejection of n
number ot cases last session has wit tlio ap-
9olnting-powers- their guard ; nnd-thnt
: hero will bo less provocations than before.
I'hls announcement Is not cndotsod bv other
republicans here who are familiar with the
plans of the majority In the senate. They
savtnat whllo tno usual consn'culty will he
jivon doubtful cases and they will bo investi
gated and all care exorcised , that there will
jo no mincing , and that the stamp of disap
proval placed upon the spoils wotK last winter
was Biifllclent lo evidence the position of thu
republican party.
Till ; 1 AX > KMCTIUC ! CASK.
it Is stated upon Interested authority that
Jicre will bo no positive action in the Pan-
Electric telephone ruses before the next pres
idential election ; thnt the president has sat
down upon that scandal and does not intend
; o have any more muss over it till the time
lias passed for It to affect politics. There
may bo preliminary work , but it is asserted
that there will bu no disposition of thu case
nnd thnt thu actual issue Is to remain in statu
quo. There are salaries aggregating fiom
WOO to S-100 a day going on , however. John
Geode , of Virginia , who was rejected by the
senate ns solicitor general ; .lelfi handler and
( icncral Kpnra Uouton , as well as lesser fry ,
are on retainers.
All of the cabinet officers nro nt work upon
Iholr annual reports nnd will submit them tc
Iho president witliln n fortnight , so that of-
lichil can compile his message to congress by
the llrst Tuesday in December. It is gen
erally believed that Mr , Cleveland's message
will nmko very ninny recommendations foi
legislation , nnd thnt It will consequently be ol
unusual length , The message , of course , is
compiled from the reports ol the cabinet of
ficers. Finance , customs , the navy , postage ,
the Mexican nnd other matters will bu dls
cussed , and the position ho will take npor
them all IB very well known.
An hnbltuu of Newspipcr How lias ugiiree
up the democratic newspapers of thu country
that are lighting tlio administration , nm
concludes that there Is not a solitary promt
iicnt democratic organ that endorses it
Only the mugwump press support it. Tlu
great democratic journals ol Now York
lirooklyn. Philadelphia , Boston , Cincinnati
Richmond , Loulsvlllu.lndlanapolis , Chicago
St. Louis , Memphis , Now Orleans and tin
( intlro south oppose the administration , hi
says , and ho gives a list of them. It Is sale
there Is hut ono correspondent in Nowspanei
Row that midoises the president and hli
course , and ho icprescntsn muicwnmp papei
In New Yoik , All ol thu democratic writen the administration oppose it becniisi
it is without character. It appears to then
to bo neither democratic nor republican , am
it is notoriously weak us mugwump.
O , > f. Cummlnu' , of Omaha , IsatthoKhbltt
J. K. lluiineguui of Cedar Itaplds , lu , , ii
Senator Van Wycl ; has returned from Ne
hrasldi , and will lemaln throiuh the sessloi
ol congress ,
Charles Francis Adams , piusldt'iit n
the Union Pncllic , arrived this morn
inc. It is understood his mission is to cor.
tor with Lamnrnslo thu accounts and lliun :
cial condition of his company.
A Cclohmtcd Cuso.
HO.STON , Nov , IS. ( .Special Telegram to tli
lir.i'.J In the second day's trial of the fi
innus Wilson-Moon case. Wilson was I'm
ther cross examined by Mr. Morse , but all a
tempts to nrobo the depth ot the t'nnion
Rucrct whu'h underlies the whole rnso prove
fruitless. Lawyer King , in opening lorth
defense , said no would huso his rnso o
blackmail , which had been carried out nui
ecdstullv until tlio victim refused to go nn
fmther. llo relntcd that WllBon lirst nu
Moen 111 November , 175 : ho tlien told M. .
Moen ho had witnessed an net which li
would make n subject of criminal prosed
tlon unlc-SB ho wore paid SIOJ.OOO. Tlntdi
tails of that act went disgraceful and iintnn
counsel said , but Mr. Moen in n moment <
weakness paid thu amouut. At various tlmi
ntU'iward ho nalu Wilton large sums In ni
swrr to threats , Thu total amount nald froi
Ib75 lo Juno 7 , 1SS-J , was about S W.OJO , Fil
ally Mr. Moen determined lie would pay n
nioro , and afler lhat saw Wilson but twlct
oncn when ho wanted SUi.OOO , with \vhleh 1
go out west. Wilson tuen went to Moon1
counsel and f aid unless the 810,00'J.ih foitl
coining ho would put HID millionaire In jal
Aftr.r the defento liad reviewed the cas
Moan took the stand , Ho corroborated th :
pni t of conns'M'ri story and his trstlinnny w ;
unUnlshod when the court adlourncd.
OTOV , Nov. 1'i , The pretldont n
pointed to-day Francis A. IJolTman lubuu
praleerof merchandise In the district ot CJ
C3K < i. HI. , anil f ! ! ! rles W. lrl'i , if Iowa C1I !
la. , to bo surTur Etnternt ot .Suva-Jft.
The UnUor , Ohocso nml Egg Association
Closes Its National Mooting.
Tlio Farmers' Atllnuon Kloofa Oftlcors
rtml Adopts n Pint form -The Nil-
tlonnl Orange ot I'ntrons j
ol * llitstnuiilry.
'Tho llnlrynicHt'N Cdnvnntlon.
CiurAu ) . Nov. 14 In the National Hut-
lor , Kgg nnd Cheese association con
vention this morning , Jnmcs An
derson , of New ork , chairman of
the committed on preserving , packing nnd
transporting eggs , ptesenled the report of
that committee. Tlio report expressed Iho
opinion that parking eggs In cases was
piefcrable to shipping them In barrels , nl-
though In Now Yotk the demand Is for bar-
lels , because the empty barrels could bo sold
neain. In regnrd lo the preservation of e'gss ,
the report says no absolutely satisfactory way
would ever bu dlscoveied until they tlrst
learned to prolong human life Indellnltely ,
Holes , of lloston , said the dealers In his city
prefeirod rases very much to barrels. When
an examination ot the mailer was made ,
they would Hnd that cases went not so much
more expensive than barrels. The conven
tion then passed to the discussion of what Is
Iho best paekniro In which to ship butter ,
which developed Into a desultory discussion
on the advantages of the tin package over or
dinary ones. Judd raised the question of tlio
action of butter on tin , nnd Inquired
It chloride of tin. which is nn active poison ,
would not bo formed thereby. Hickert , of
Iowa , explained that so long ns the Inner
surface of Hie tin wns not exposed to thg
atmosphere them would be no chloride of tin
found , Van Volkenburg oll'orod a resolution
nuking congress to make nn appropriation
early In thu session to enforce the oleomar
garine law. Douglas moved that the con
vention reiterate Its sense that nil manufac
turers nnd dealers In pure dairy products bo
required to withdraw all support and aid to
ho various organizations and associations
hrout-hout Ihu country that have personally
avorod the lllcnal traffic In olconiargarlmh
Mid who have lierelofoie aided nmnufnotur- * .
; rs and dealers of spurious butter by u.xhtb-
tlnir and dealing In such ways as to assist In
ts fraudulent sale. The resolution was *
ndoptcd. The resolution was meant as a ro-
mke to the managers of the lat stock shower
or admitting bntterine to exhibition In their
A resolution chancing the nnino of Ilia
irgnnlzatlon to Ihu "National Produce Asso-
jlatlon" was referred lo n committee to ro-
toit at the next annual meeting.
The election of olllcors resulted as follows :
'resident , 11. D. ( iiirloy , DnKulb , Ill.jsecre-
nry and treasurer , Colonel H. M. Littler ,
. 'liicngo , and ouu vice president for cacti
itatu represented. The resolution proposing
i virtual boycott of iho Illinois state board ol
agriculture- nntdllied Into a refusal of all
.lllance with that boaid until there le a
hange in the management. The resolution'
vns then adopted. The cause of the resolu-
lon was the nction of the state board In fav-
irlni ? exhibitions of oleomargarine and slm-
lar products. An adjournment wan taken
abject to thu call ol thu vice president.
National Farmers' Alliance.
CIIIC.YOO , Nov. 14 The National Farmers
illianco renewed Its deliberations this after
loon wltli President Streeter In the chair.
The committee on resolutions made a report
outlining a policy , which was discussed by
.ho chair nnd several delegates. Then foi- '
owed u talk on trallic , George F.
larding referring to the manner in which
armors nro imposed upon by thu rallrond
companies. A delegate from Wisconsin told
low bis state was blessed by farmers , and
several others spoke In the same strain.
) n the nltcrnoon n platt'orm was adopted
rvhlch favors thu union of farmers with labor
organizations to ameliorate nil the evils
tpprcssingbotli classes in common : asking
lint Iho police In nil Innro cities bo placed
inderdiioct state control ; favors a gradual
ncoiiie tax. and demands that the railroads
HiBtibjcctcd to flic closest possible supervision
) V the government. Upon the tnrill and prc-
ilbition Issues the platform is non-com-
The election of officers resulted as follows :
President , A. J. Streeter : vice president , J.
1. Uurrows ; secretarv , Milton ( 'corse ; treas-
irer , Mr , Arnold. The next convention or
.ho alliance will bo held in Minneapolis.
I'ntronnof IliiMhnndry.
Piiir.ADiu.i'iiiA , Nov. 12. At the third
lay's session of Iho National ( ! ranee , Pat
rons of Husbandry , Coles , of New Jersey , o
fered n lesolntion , which was referred to a
iommlttoe , calling upon congress lo enact
aws for the wollaro of the husbandry of the
countrv. At the afternoon nnd evening ses
sion th'o sixth degree was conferred uuon
iiisbandmun from nil pat ts of thu country.
Altogether thu degree will bo conferred on
nearly y.OOU members.
One Colored Blnii HIICB Another
Under the Civil Act.
OsicAi.oosA , In. , Nov. 12 , [ Special Tele-
cram ; to the HUE. ] A recent decision ot
Judge Johnson In u civil rights eano causes
n great deal of feeling among colored citizens
here. Tlio decision was on a demurrer to an
indictment against lien Hull , a colored bar
ber , who was Indicted under the civil ilghU
act for refusing to s'.mvo ' C. U. Bennett , a
colored restaurant kcepur. The civil rights
bill of the last legislature requires barbers ,
hotel keepers , common carrleri ) , etc. . to glvo
equal rights to nil persons regardless ot
cdor. The supreme court had decided hi the
Cedar Rapids case that the skating rink Is
not a public place , and tnat the proprietors
might exclude eoloiod people. Judge John-
MID In n full-oral opinion decided Iho law to
he valid and constitutional. Thu question In
his opinion turns upon tint power ol the leg-
islatnrotosay Unit a l > : ii bcr shop in such it
public place , and the business of such n pub
lic character as to empower Iho leglshituio
to control tlio business. Ho holds that the
question Is onu ol propriety , and not u ques
tion of power : that the lo'/lslaturu has tha
power to regulate barber shops , and ns to
whether the power ought to bo exercised or
not Is nunestlnn of disci et ion for thu logis-
latino. It follows thuiefore that coloioil men
have the same right lobe shaved as uh o
men. It Is understood that tlio case will yo
to the supreme court.
A RltrBolziirn ofOloo.
DAVi'.Ni'our. In. , Nov. 12. ( Special Telegram
gram to iho Ilii : : , ] United .States Uovcmm
Collector Thompson to-day made a , seizure ct
1,000 pounds of bopus ; butter Inn Davenport
commission house , thu packages not having
the required new government stamp upon
them. Twelve samples had previously been
procured and tested , nil but onu of them
failing to stand the test , It was disclosed that
the commission merchant boueht all the
seized goods of country butter makers-
farmers and much of It came to him un
billed limn the churn und It was ills custom
to work Hover lor the maikct. A sample of
tlild butter wns tested and hhowed much
adulteration. Hieli developments are ex
pected when thu case comes up for trial.
This Is the lirst largo ( .el/.uro of bogus butter
In thu stntu Mnco the new oleomargarine law
went Into clfcct.
A I'runilunnt Man's Dentil.
( JiiAitrroM , la. , Nov. 12. ( .Special Telu-
k-rumto thuliii.l : Mr. S , B. Tinkham , of
tills place , a well known business man t
southern Iowa , died this attcrnoon from an
overdose of iiioruliine. He was Buffering
iroui niiurnlgn ! and dining the day took over
llfty urniiiD ot morphia to relieve the pain ,
nnd was found by nls family in an uncon
scious condition , from which lieuuvcr rallied *
RIKHV Si.iriu lit Ohio ,
f'nirA io , Ndv. ta. Tlicro Is n heavy snow
f-torm pjovnllinir throughout Ohio , which in-
teifrrc , wish tPif-'rai hU )
Hlti | t'lllVt. '