Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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A < l trtl rnicnU tinder this hcd. lOeenUpcr
line tor Ilio flr t Insertion , " cents for cnchiiib-
tt-qui nt In'orlion. nnd f 1.50 n line prr month
No aiHcrtivinont taken for 1cm than V.I ccnta
lor Uio flrst In'crtlon. Seven wotds will bo
toun'ed ' to thu line : thr-y must nin consecu
tively ami mii tbo pnld in advance. All adver
tisements mtKt be hnnrtcil tn before U o'clo k
p.n .nndrmlor no circutnManecswill they bo
tfckf n or discontinued V v tolcphonp.
Partita advcrtislnc In tlicsu lOlr.mns nnd hiv
ing Ihn nnswpr * tu'ilrestpj ' lu cure of THE Her.
wllltft ! onk tor n check tonnnblothpm to get
their letters , ns none will bo ilollverpil except
on pre'nnlntlon of rlirck. All answera to a < l-
Terti emoritR ehotikl lie pnplo crl In onvelopps.
T < 0 LOAN Money I.rans placed ori IrTT
JL proved rrnl fstato In city or county for
New Hiwlnnd Loan tc Trust Co , by Douglas
County hunk , ICth and ChlPngo sis. _ ei.1
! CF.NT inonoy to oan : cn y terms. W ,
OP1H , llootn'5 , Frcn/.t-r till ; . opp. P. 0.
4M Hoc 2'in
t low Tntps , on good
M Plly propctty. Ilntcher.V O > . ,121i ( Doitglm
utrcet. .
city and farm jiroporty ,
MONICVtolonnon art i. Co. , Itoom i ) , linn
Hank. f > J
_ _ _ _
TO I.OAN-At rpasonahlo latos , on
MONI5Y , flnp watches and other personal
property. C..I. Caswnll , room 1'J ' Iron Hank
iiulldliig , 12th nnd Furnam. _ _ al <
nnOOO to Innn. Hums 1500 and upwards ,
$ Ixjwcst rates , neuils , 15th and Douglas els.
O KY ToToAN-b7F. Davis fTcn. Heal
M Estate anil Loan Agents 1001 1'limnm st.
_ _ _ 2-16 _ _
MONKY TOI.OAN-On ical estate and oh t-
tols. D I. Thomas. 2' 7
4 > NKT' ) ov-In sutnof $20u nml
upwards on tlrst class real estate security.
Potter x Cobb , ISIS l-'iirnarn st. ra
_ _
MONKY l7oANI.I atO. F. Heed & Co'sI.o"aii
oflloB.ou furnlturp. pianos , horsos.wngont ,
peisonnl property of all kinds , nnd nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. HID H 13th ,
over Illngham's Commission store. All IniBl *
neesstrlctly cnnllrtoiitlnl. itUO
_ _ _
"VIONI-IV If you have good ncilim to sell , or
J'lwish to borrow on teal nstato or chnttols
nl fair Inlurnst , call on J. H. Parrottu , 10th and
Chicago gtv _ BOfl.
$ fiXOOi ( ) ) ToloiinonOmiilm city property nt 8
per cant. 0. W. Day , over 1313 Uouglusst ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ ilOl
TOANS Loans Ixinns.
Itpal estate loans.
Collateral loans.
Chattel loans.
Longtime loans.
Short tlmo loans.
Money nlwayi on band to loan on any np-
srovoil security.
Investmentsccurltlea bought and sold.
Omatm Financial exchange , 160 1 Inriiam.
Corbett Mummer. _ _ _ Itft ! _
GPRK4'Kvr Money to oan. J. J. Million'/ ' ,
1509 Farnam. _ Si : _
1'KIl CKNT monpy to loan. It. C Pnttorson ,
G 13th and IJoughis. 11)4 )
lo loan by the nuclei signed , who hn <
MONKY proporlv organl/od loiin agency
In Omaha lxinnot flOto Jl.ouo made on fur
niture , pianos , organ ? , horses , wagons , machin
ery , &o. , without removal No dolnys. All
JniKlnePS strictly ponfldontlnl Lonns so maile
that any pnrt can bo pnld nt any time , each par-
mont reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on flno watches nml diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who thev nro dealing
with , M many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money , pal
nd see mo. W. R. Croft , Itoom 4 , WIthnel
Itulldlmr , 1.1th nnd Hnrnoy. : ior >
HA HDWAIin Yonnir man of oxporlunco wll
Invest or loan J2.000 In lianlwnro or otboi
Rood Iiusiuoss. Ilookkcepor Addi-oss Haidwaro
CMP Ilemphlll & ilooro , DCS Molnos. Iowa.
7 7 11 *
TfUmsALE One of the best bakeries In the
-U city ; roa oiis for selling , slclincss. Aildics :
S 71 , Ileoollloo. 7C1 ll
l SINKSS CHANCK need openlnfTfor'i
crockery and Bla s are store , on one of tin
liveliest streets , without any competition. In
eiilio | at Dormiinn's , rx)9ri ) nth. 74813
WANTI3D To trado. Improved N ) mid u sec
tion nC wild land for stock of hardwaru 01
I. . Uvana , Itoom 5 , P. O. Hulldinif
OU7 11 *
I SAI.II llest paytnir I.unch Counter anil
Chop Hoiifo In the City , flood reasons foi
C L. Hanchott , 1U.M Douglas
_ _
WANTnn-l'AHTNr.Il-Lady or Kcntleman
with hmall cupltul. to take hair interest Ir
established , permanent , tlrst-cliiss city Lusl
IIPS. imyiiirf.UOO ! tolHX ( ) j early ; jsood rca
cons tor Mllnit : erand chunco for right party
Address 8 4V. Dee olllcc. 6C9
FOIl BALE-TO acres lylntr alons ? II. * 5f. lly.
two nilips Irom stock yards. $ .1.1.01) ppi
ncro If sold wlillo owner is hero. Wood niiou !
can be cutoff to part pay for it. Easy terms
Address S 40 , flco Olllco. _ 4'l4.llt
* | 7l ( llsAti : Ono of the host paying hotels Ii
JU this city , maklnir money fast. Host ol
oiis for -cllini ? . S-J > X1 cosh roriulred to co
It. C. U. Leo , 1207 Farnitn st. 475
FOlpALK- itifdwaro Ilusmoss- offe
our shelf mid heavy hardware business fo
ale , together with our lease and peed will
Truno larjrest In the city and location the best
lletirliifr from the bualness cause for Boiling
The Ilnuin Hardware Co. , 1023 O st , Lincoln.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 787
Poll 8AM3 All furnished commercial hole
2d rooms , also sumplo room , livery barn
wind mill ; only holul in town. Uradshaw Nefc
M. F. Hotchkida. : co u8 !
"I71OH SAI.r. Ono of the oldest and best pay-
Jv InirOrocery lliisinesa in thecity. For par
tluulurs.liinulreat 14 Jonuii at. VOa
H I O USES Lots , Fnrmi.LandH inonoy lonnoil
Remit , ir.lh and itouglAS ttrouts. 205
3OST A liluo plaid llannol drcsionCallforin
-J bt ; lenvu al i5 ! u2Jd st And net reward.
TOST Hot draco and Vinton 011 17th , moot
1 Phaiim pmo with silver trimming , lleturi
II. Hiigodorn 21st aud Lake it or Paulson .
Miller , nt5 N Ifllh bt. 7Uil 12 *
LOST -Lu.licj1 breastpin. Finder please tc
turn to S. ( Iout7.1112 Harnoy Bt t 12 *
LOST A Imby's silver bib plfi with Inltinls M
H. M. Lost about Nov. ; i. A suitable reward
th. ward will bu paid on Its return to 2alJ Howan
nt. 74513 *
LOST -Laily's small gold watch with mom ;
gram M. L. W. on back. L'linlur ploasolpu\ <
tit this olllco. U15
rpAKF.N UP-At Phillip Stoyer _ barn on mill
1 tiiryioad.ii buyhoiao with halter , 3 whit
frot. 7M II *
1710UND A bunch ot keys , cor. 10th and I'ai
A num. Owner can have Miine by culling n
UiU ollico and paying for insertion. R > 2
jClalrvoyant. _
MADAM ALASKA reveals past present an
futurn , how miuiy In family , ago , etc. , bov
to holdatr < tciloiiftof biiaband or tovor. Sails
faction guaranteed. ix.'oiH ana upvrards. 51
S. lUthit. 271
ASS day boaid at 1C07 Davenport.
B72 II *
1 > F.llSONAL-Ladles wishing good domcstl
L help can he viell kiippliad by I'ulllng a
Omaha Hmploymeiii Hurenu , 110 North Mil
St. , Crnunso block. 51T
1 > HHSoNAli K do Camjil'6 School of Muil
and Voice Culunc , 121-N. lOih ot. . HKIIU 0
COl I e 5
1 > BHSONAI/ i A. l.tliu-ncrnii , profrsalom
nuran with good rri-cminienjiitlon.s. OJ
ninth IJth ttreet , Ud floor , room No. 5 , ovc
J > onmm's dry goodt rtoru. M ! nil
1iilSOXAl : -Mr * . Dr Nnimia V. Warrei
clairvu > nnt. nud bUoltmaj Medluu
llcxiiu No. 3 , Kl North ICth it. , Omaha , Neb.
MAl"IIMNlAfr-Paror ( i-ouliilns nearly 20
iHiiortidi'inciit.-i from ludlca mid ecnlli
men wanting eoira ponJonu. Sent 2 mouth
Uir IU onti. Addroid , Helping lUtnl. 7U i ,
fnlo ! trofi , Chicago. si/KC *
B 'Ifllt A OK reorlvc.l iir ISK ) Dndgo ( t. , convc
nlcnt , t-livuut bulidiuv and low pric-os.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HU 1
AllsTIIACTS OF TJ'l I.U furnithiU r < u shor
tuitu-a from uiy complvtc wjt of books. II
C. l'atlet oii15tn.n > l Hurnry. all
A "sTuACTsToK TITLE ; furntthc.l un shor
2notite. . H. C. l'aucr.ou. ( ith tiud Ilarnov
ilOKT .ltJB-4nlot ) , a upurior u p-rlgh
plaoo , 22 U California it. tit 13 >
UOIOOI. OF STKXOmtPltr nn.1 . . . . . . . . .
VIng , Kooms 7 and 8 , Iron Hank. O.W. ilakor.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D1" 24
rpHKES , Knsrs.xhnibfi.etn. . planted t roe for
. - persons buying of Douglas Co. Nurseries
GOJIoward. Prop. . P. O. box art , M7-nl2
" UAlLvNTflF.D AIWTHAITS roni nTrcon7
Idotu * < st of nbMrnrt bonks on short notleo
II. C. J'ttttersoD , 1Mb nnd Hnruoy. .VU
JT1OIt HUNT Organs. 12 per month , jln pe ,
Jj 151D Douglas il'ij
'T7VHI HKNT Pqunro Piano , $1 monthlr. A
J. llopnn J5I3 Douglas. ; i93
| 7HUA HELlAnF.KAnd i-omptcto nlntrnot of
.1 ! t.tlo . eoto the ollico of It , U , Patterson ,
llth nnd Hium-y. Kti
JP Hoftpo. 1511 Douglas.
F oit HK > r Largo clean towels , " chcnp7
Om.tha Towel Co , 1517 Howard st.
723 n 17 *
"IJ1OII SAI.r. Chpnp , nmnre sound nnd gentle.
J- ! Inquire n w. cor. itlil and Uutiilng.
7P3 13'
SAIiK A grocers delivery wagon only a
fuw mouths In use with Jacobs on & Tim-
ncnson,3l5SI4tli. 771 U *
Ft SAM ; Stove , No 10 Splendid , In perfect
order. V. J. Heard . " . lint . 141J Douglas st.
s\t.i : Fiirnlturo of lx room houif.
FOIl for rent. Call at 1719 Douglas st.
i03 14 *
"l/1lt SAI.l' All Iho tools atnl llxtttrcsof my
J. ment miirkut. n splendid ehnncn to ire Into
ho business with small capital , all the Imlldlngs
will b-rpiitotl cheap. Full Information glvt-n
on application. LKina heir from Von if you
vvant a bargain. P. Casey , Walnut , Hlna.
lib.1-17 *
MIOIl SAIiK Tomn ot horses. Sphle lnger
C Ilios , 014 S. loth st. , KM H
SAlTl-il- CoivarTi Co. . 10s N 14th st , a
Poll stzo Uadlaiit Homo double hoatnr.
75 13 *
SAM-Finn : rnad horse , vr'th ' new
ITVOIl ) anil Imrncscnsl5lmust : behold
nt once lognrdlcn of valuo. Inquireat 1103
Douglus } t , 70lt
. Furniture and lca eel sir-room
FilllSAI.K on part. Cull 1UB North -7th
slroot , two blocks from Hcd Car line. Ml
IJIOIl 8LH I'haoton buggy , ono top buggy
IV cheap , A. Ilospo. "ji- i
Ixits FarmsLands--motley loaned.
HOUSKs 15th and Uouga.s ! streets. 201
FOIl SALU Cnoap , iron columns and win
dow caps suitable for fronton brick build
ing. Forpartloiiliirsapply at this om'e. SU
WAXTIIU A iany TbciiTTtTio play
pltnii accompanlnipnls and pluv smHll
part in drama. K. O. C. Itoom 11 , OOCH House.
WANTI3I > Atonco n compeli'iit gill In con
venlont housuhuld. 46J Convent Mrs
Oeo. Iloyu. Tie
" \\7AXTKD-A irlrl for gono'iil hou o ( irk , PT-
VT ( optwa'lilng Apply Inriro hoiihe Iron !
of Crclghiou collcrfo hcuil ot Webster Bt.
VVAXTF.U dill for ircncrnl housework. 804
' ' S21MSI. t07 13 *
AV " 7"ANVlIT ) 2 clrls lor gemiial if'Tiist worTTnt
Mrs. P. I'luunery'u , 1010 S 10th Mr.
811 IS * _
'YV'AX'i'I'.O 3 good girls lor uenonil house-
TT work. 212south 10th st. 7.1011 *
117 A STUD A fli-t-cla 9 lautulrcsi at fiiand
> > Union hotel , South Omaha. 771M1 * _
WANTHD Alaundroea at Occidoutal hotel ,
Immediately. 77ii
WAN'l ED Ciood irlrl for Bem-ral housovrorlc
In a small family. Mn t beagoodcnok
andlaundrcdd. Wairusfl per nosk. H24 Park
avc. 701 13
. A clrl to do lisht house worn ; ap
ply at once ut northeast corUUd and Chailos
ss. 7M 11'
ANTFl-Olrllor housework , 1211 Uavt'n-
poit. CW ! U *
WANTED A good girl for general hou < o-
worn.ntK2J youth Cello o streetMia. .
Louis Hcllon 70 11 *
Tl'ANTUO ( Jooil alrl lor general housework.
II 1U12 Foruam. O'JJ
ASTUD A Kh'l for Keneial housework
Call 2218 I.t'Uenworth Bt. 1171 11 *
TXTA fTKU Girl , for general housoworu , at
> 60S Vlra-lnla avo. 'J17
A NT13O Atonco n woman cook at Pliitte
Valley Hoii3e'hlaiid , Neb , oai 12 *
A competent person to do housework
work at 82 ! South2Jth street. 0.11-11
"VVTANTIUJ Dining room girl at the Huimot
T house. _ * ! ? _ _
- lloiisewurli : ( Jpr-
WANTnD-dlrlforBCiieral ) II. Wheeler , .1.4
South -.iJtli st ! 8J _
\\TANTBIi fndy room mnto. Iteforoutea
i i excliangod. 141(1 ( Chicago street. f > 87
A\rA NTED A dish washer at MllIorVlfpat uT
> lint , 1004 N IBth i-t. 402
\\TANTKO-Laay of mm taste to assist In
IT copying business , can wor at homo if
preferred : permanent work , good pay. no ser
vants wanted. Hours 10 to 3. Art Copying
Itooras , 3J2 * i. 18th st. 2JO
ANTKD-ABontsiU&ieS. Uth at. : a rare
chance for cither ladles or uontleiiifn
Call in iiftornoon. _ 80.1 14
WANTED -TnlloriBond cutter can tret stead ?
employment and uood wa ca. Adurcia ]
4 lluoo fjlco. _ SO'J 11 *
WANTED A nratchuM harbor nt Califoinlt
homo baibcruhop , llth and Uou lns.
811 11
\VANTmi-aood nwpnts ; J4..V ) to $11 H day
> ' guaranteed auood worker. Call after C
o'clock 14IU S. 13th > t. 71511 *
W'ANTED Experioucud miikor at Saratoga
V > Dairy. _ _ _ _ 7U14 *
WANTKli-Talioif Immediately. J. CoheiT
_ : st. _ ecu i3
\VANTUD A Rent * ) for our nnw burirlar
IT proof door fabtener ; best gelling novulty
eror madp ; Just out ; nothing IIL it ; nclla
iuclf. Marvo profits : write oiilek. K. F. Home
Co , , : t l.akenlde bulldlnir , Chicago , HI. 070 14
"VVANTIID Ilov who can got up early , Ap
* > ply Heo Mall Itoom bet 0 and II o'clock
a. m , a
WANTKD A young man. ns porter , lo coin
well recommended. WTJ south 10th 61
Apply bctwoen 12 and 3 p. m. 752 U *
W .VNTJSI > Wuwant a few nvents to hell the
Damimuyor'B iijdtaulic Washer on coin
A very good paying UutliiONS for good
men. Apply nt 923 Douglas. CHI vil"
AGHNTd In the oily or country "rim" make ! f" ' ti
III ) a day selllnir our spe-laltics. N W
Novelty compiiuy. 1207 Farnum bt. .177
VV" ANTRlNlTook"agentsT tN eTlT * Co , iiiib"
T llsaers nnd guneral uKcntb for subscrlptloi
boots , box 41W , Omalm Nub. 02J n it
" \\7A. > TKl > IVainsti-rs nnd rnrktnen for
\/yomlnir ; t. udoy All vvintor'n work ,
Allbriylil'j Labor Agency , lUM Fiiriutm st ,
WANTii&ltiiHtloanr : nirooooouiicr
Has bud ten years expcrluuce. Can jfiv
( rood r > f renicii. Address F. P. II , H e oitico
Council ItlutTf. 7J3
\X7ANTnD-PobltlonbyyounKman ni kook
T kruper. copyl t , or oihue work , ( iooc
rcfeicnie. Atldrusit , S W , lloo Otlici ; .
749 12 *
_ _ _
\.VrANniM'o ; ltlon ns housekeeper nr'cookii
' private fumlly. Iiui'ilro Tims. MuSa
m > ut uiurLut , ICth t > t. , bot. llurc am
if. 782 10 *
WANTUD-Situallou. A jounir man win
uiuleratands the earn of hoises wuhesa
Bltiiiitloa in drlvor , S 7 Ueeoaict * . 705 1 1 *
ANTFD-A UltUtttlon In a icrmiiry ilorr'
by u young mail with Hyo 'e\poriuiiee
Inference furiiicbed. Addrt b S.OI , lieu ollico
700 11'
W AN rri Position by younu lady as as
Mstant hoodkecpor , cDjiylst or olllci
work. Good reftreULpiMreu S , 52 , Dee oillce.
A\rANTKU A iHfitiiiii by a tiard-worUnv
' younv niun at gomi'ihiiig ro pcotablc
good rclDrenco. .Addre * T U , IJce olhce.
hO't 13 *
WANTlio Sluulluu by a competent cook
und lau'.idretf , I.-IHH' icfnii-ucrs glvou
Cull or AdJicis H. 11. II. 711 24th it cor Cntt.
WANTKD I'.islf.on v.-itli some rullroadJoHii
or ImiirunnioompHn } or tiueinefs houet
In Iho city of Omaha , at moderate wages , by a
j oiiiig man of 2-1 yeari , who hat been tor ne rlv
two year * cashier of a national bunk , am ! luu
otlmr bluliieAl ciiierlciicu. Thu best reference
gl\eu. AdJri s N. J. Tilmblr , Omaha Hue.
KI7 H'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
WASTUSltimtlon ; as too , * , straugvr In
city ; drat-cuss ! ehcrt order. Address T. 2
7M1I *
y of a > oark' ejpi'rtfnre. Oood refar
uci4. AJ4r u S. 54 , U offlc * . tSd.JV *
L\"ANTKIV-A competent person to col clt
' subscriptions for wrll known
ournnl , Address. "Tho Pro < to , " Omaha.
M7-I2 *
WANTF.D-trfinro fpcoml hand hanl coal
burner to heat room S5X12.1 ; al o larpo
fl.ittnp ofllcoilefk ; inuotlia In good condition
and cheap. Address 1207 Douglas ft. 7X ! ) 11 *
\\fANTl ! ! ) To n\clmn-o n wagon for n two
T > whocloil cart. lft.'i Howard it 13 11 *
\\rANTKD t'tifurnWuhl room , fam-
' lly prof errpd , within iv few blocks of MU-
nrtlliotdl. AddreMS 87 ilco otllco , 7J-1 II *
WANTKD Cottages nnd unfurnished room *
for ili ! nit > ! e ton'ints. Koyos HnntliiR
\gcncy , Mth and Douglas. _ 7.11 14 *
\\M > Tni > Will trade a good Improved farm
Itlo rlPir , seven mll s from ! Hoairlcp fern
n Bloc * of tlothlnir or boots and fthnos , will pav
fl/rUcttah. Addrcta OTH llcotrlco.'Iace Co ,
S'cli. 7"ifl 10
_ _ _ _ _
\\rANTKD To rent n small homo , good loc * .
' tlon In Flr l ward prole-Trod. IN ould rout H
ir inoio rooms or Hat suitable- for light hou o-
leoping or pint of house with prlvntn fatnliy.
AddWs R f.1 * HOH ollico. _ 7M M |
UA ! TJli ! 60 men to eat buoUvTlieit cukps
nnd mafiln syrup ovcry mornlnir at Norris'
llestaurniit , Ifith St. hot , led ) o and Dnuirlis ,
Straight board per eoK , ) .2521 | meal ttcKcts ,
$ . ! ) . -M.
_ _
\ITANriJD-Tobtiy , n llrnnnJ bntglar proof
'V s.ifp. Biiltnblo for n country Ad
tlresjS , ft I , caic l co ofllcp. _ < M8 11'
U AMTR1l-to buy onn shftre o * flock In
Omalm board'of trade. S. A. Sloman.lll' !
larnamst. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " ' "
\\rANTHD Slock of dry jrooil , clothln/ and
geiils' furnlshlnir goods or boots nnd shoos
in exchange for Oinahx t-ual estate. Hchloxln.
gor llros. , Bit . 10th St. _ 500 14 _
AT ANTKlT-'ni rent flit of 3 to : . looms for
' light honse'tceplnj , would rent i eons : In
bou o with private tiiiully or a small housu.
Aildro s at once S.V4 Itcu oHlcc. < 5 < II *
\ \ ANTID : : M ladies fc gouw tolo-ni toie.
Ti graphy Pro | XH'tat > od for position when
oo-iipelent : address W. J , D. , lloom I , Crouiisu
blk. Omaha. 117 !
' Ili\T : Nice cottiiTollvo rooms. SMI
FO'l st.f is pet month. Imiulro.l Don-
nor , 11115 Douglas Wll 12 *
FOIl HUNT n > ou MMlcn oFjri.yiii n. ( ' - "
Willow n\e .Councilllliiirs. Wilti-
iiuiruon tbotiu'Bines , 781
Full HI-NT : A store and baoiiiPiit No. Mil
llownrd st. Iniiuirc on tin ; pi-amides of
( leo. lllfrglns. 734IB *
Foil Ili'.N r An elUrlblo ten t-oom hnu o In n
hrst-cl.iRR netghhorhood. near ftroot cars
and vvllliin Ion minutes walk from Inenost of-
tlco. Apply to llarkeV llnrkiilnw ; iciil Ohtntci
nuuiHs Douglas street , next to corner ol Fif
teenth. 7 l _
"lyOll KENT A nlco now coltngoon Kuiuain
J-1 ttu jiur month. .Inquire nt llyron Heed
&Co. 7J1 11 *
FOll UFNT 2 houf-L"'rcor"2 t and Claik tsT
7111 15 *
diPlH-INl' sTore UuUdinjr. S2X4fl , vitirfi
rooms fliiished above , on 21th and Mason
Kta. jj : per month. .A. IVTukcy , l'01 ! Farnam
L ' ' * '
_ ) - - -
T/'yU ' HUNT- Large list ol brick nnd frame
-C MOIOS. Hats and fttrnkhod rooms ; best lo
cation Kovs , Ifitli nnd Ioug1as , over Itny-
' U'JI ' 111 *
iiioiid'sjowi'lry store.
FOlTItns r-llesiilpncu Nor Wt Farn'im M , ,
II rooms , all modrjrn Impnvemoiiis. Hpnt ,
7.1 per inoinh.c'.arpols anil fuinitiiro for sale.
Apply S. A. Slomiin. 1512 riirnnin jt. i1'3
IIKNT-targohoiiso with modern Im-
FOR - . 2tnh aud rariiam sts. A. L' '
Tukey , 1301 fai-iniin st. ! W2
FOIt HUNT Ilouso of ten looms , with ham ,
1512S _ nth St. W8
fTtOIl RKNT 80 acres adjoining city north-
- wcf > t , suitable tor diitry or market gardKii.
Apply to Thoo. Williaius , Itce Oitico , UU
'nV > K HKNT Sloro 22x00,1110 Jackson stv
A. i S3
FUKKKNT ElegiuTt 10 rooai residence ori
Fariinir , st. all modern improvements , fur-
nlluroand carpet for sale ; all new ; nm com
pelled to give up on account ot illness. Ad
Ureas It 15 , Bon office. 513
Jj TtliXT Store suitable forTTostauranF ,
JD 1412 S 13th st. Peterson. fi78
TTOil Itl'.NT Nicely furnished nxim ? recnnllj
-f lltteil up : sipmre piano. Sultablo for gen
tl man and wife or geiitlemon : iMmll.vconvcnl
entc& ; board It ( Joshed. Olb North 17th st.
7 = i2 U *
TTOII HF.NT Ulegiuitly furnished front roon :
-1 ? for ono i/r two gentlemen. A blocks fron :
imstoQIco ; has gas , turmice and Imlh. 3iN \
17th st. f09 12
irOU HUNT Furnished loom lu private fnm
-L1 lly with use ol parlor nnd piano. Itofur
cncosrpqiihed. Apply 2210 Capitol avenuo.
774 12
ITlOIt RUNT rurnlblmil front room. IWi
X1 Farnam. 101 12 *
[ TlOlt lliXT Furulshod room. 610 N. Kth.
} 018
FOR RKVT Two nicely furnished rooms
suitable for 2 or ! l irentlemon. Lovely loca
tlon with every modem Improvement 141.
.lonosstroct. -5
OU ' iinfur
RKNT-I'ioosant turnl-dipd and
nlshod room * with USD of oath. ID 10
ster street. 8.11 12 *
FOIt HKST Sunny , cheerful room , wTfl
board , u ; > o of piniio and bath. Pleasanl
home. Terms reasonable. D.J ! Ploasint street
631) 13 *
7 OlTillNT ] ; One furnishoifT7olit ioom am
J 1 closet , siiltaolo for Ior2 gontlomon. S. W ,
cor. 22d and Loavenworth , 62S 12 *
FOIl HKN'T A part or ttm whole of a fur
nished l-onse Kefeiotice ruiiilicd. | Address
dross S CC Dee ollico. 737 14 *
FOll HUNT A pleasant , netit furnished from
room lor ono or two gentlemen. Paclllc St. ,
corner of 131 list. 7.17 U *
ItKNT A pleasant sltula or doubli
loom. Heated with Hteim. llath gas , ho
and cold water. 211 S. 2M near Farnum.
750 12
F" HUNT Oood , furnished rooms. 311 N
bt. , betuuuu Davunport nnd Chicago si a
BOS 11 *
HKNT Fiiriilibed room with board foi
manundwito. 61b n , Ifllh st. 7B5 12 *
HUNT Itooms with all modern conve
niences , luqiilro 20.JT Farnam St.
r ! 12'
JJ10 ItllllNT Furnlsheil mom I' ) 1.1 I'urnnm ,
F OH HKNT Nicely iumitslioil room. ItO
Clitca.o st ? J1
H HKNT I'muhhcdfrout room : inqiiiii
A. Hospe. tOt 10
WAiNTF.D To rent 2 or ! ! good sl/ed dowi
btalrri moms , liirnlshed for light home
keeping In good location. Adihc gT , fl. lleo ol
tlct * . 314 12 *
IfiOll ltiNT Elegant furnished rooms , lli'j '
1 Dougla-i. llpri'iimces lequlre I. 551
. . Hi.NT : Small furnished room. 2031 Ht
tlnry'a' ' avu. . 74J 12 *
Foil HUNT Largo front room , nicely fur
iiUUod , sullablH for two pr r oiiH,8tovo and
coal rurniiili-iliii ( : : N'-.M r , bttvruen Daveuiiot
und Clilcugo tiuctn. 714 1-
Fll ItKNT 2 uufiunhhu.l rooms , u w oormi
llth nnd WlliUiins 707 11 *
T71OR Kl'-Nl' I'urnUlied room for gunthumin
JL1 Inqulro IWi Cats * t. bOO 14 *
FOIt HUNT furniihi-d rooms cmivonlent lo
housuMoeplnjr N W cor ibth uml Clark.
_ _
T/UIK KK\T-HU nlCHly furnUliod room9 B
J1 No. 714 N' . Ifih Hireet. 4 < A1 17 *
POHHRNT Fronl ottlm , second floor ; I6t
St. , near Farnum' Will real ono or twi
rooms. Address S , 3) , lieu othce. 410
TTlOIl ItiiST-A liHiuUomoly i'lirnlshed Iroir
.1 ? roam , all modern conveniences , withprlv
llpgeof home. Address a ) ' , IlimotHcu. 70122
170H UK.ST FourorrtTn mifmnUhcd room
J1 lor house knepmir nt Mi Virginia uvonuo
aii.i rangfi and fiiiultiliH fo'r s&v , 772 1C
Oil HE.NT"-A iilrriy" ruruia.til front ioon
wllhuoaid , 117 a 17th. 757 li *
Il 1IRXT-3 well ruriiuhed room 7i5j
r-'ariiam ft , "d rjoir , ixioniS. . 7 JJ r.
front t'uumhc Iroom suit
-L1 ublu for man and vvlfu. UUI n , 13th.
'tC8 U *
_ _
Tmoit HKNT Alter 13th or Nov. , 8 rooms 01
X' wiuth IH ttreut for f la a uiontb. Apply ; wi
oulh Ibtu. tat U *
TrnointKNT auli-ely furuljhcU roouti. dent
-t bio ntrlor , aad eau bed room , MW in th
707 Itt *
TCPIOU. ItKNT'- Fur tb wlnttr. filrlilshd
-L1 Uoui > > . Kuqiilrc at Mill-rd Ilylsl Drui
Store. ; wu
m *
llton KENT Fuml14 ! room for nn"brtwo
I- gentlemen : furqijuro new , ple-nstnt loon-
Ion ; Howard St. , boUStb. nud Oth. ; south * Mo.
_ _ _ _
IT OU HP.NT Fiirnllhe 1 front room fiiiltablo
JP formnnand wlfo or 2 gentlemen. Kent
reasonable , IMM'iiriyin si. _ 713 11 *
TpOIl HENT FnrnlMKil house 5 blocks from P ,
-I ; O. Address Slo < JX box SIJ. ? ! ! 11 *
Tr NlcMFTurnHTioiT rooms l\nJ
JL board , MSN What. 4U 14 *
Tbn KI-fNf Funu-Sited roomVYor light nfliiti *
-13 keeping : . Iloomors block , cor 8th .V Howard.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Aft < > r.Ncv. 10 , tumUhrtl room *
J ntais north Wtu st. 34112 *
inou RlfNT Nieufy furnl hpd Ironl rooiifftF
J ninSouth 20th , near St. Mary's iivonuc. 870.
liXT Furm-sabd
17XMI llKNT" Frt o iioor for il/Tit
JL ; tilr.nir purpose * . Centrally loc tPJ. Low
rent. 1207l''arnaniSt. ' upstnlis. 434 ,
F ( lin KSf TJh-lr furnlshoF'rt.'id hosted
roe i n stiiuhle Tor two gentlemen at 19JI
Farnsmst. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M4 _ _
IjMHt IU2NT A "nicely furnlthoil front ronta
J-1 with alcove , to ( rontlunion only , nt No. 1811
Furntni it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " o' 4 _
F OR RK.xr Nuwly furnished robin" , ilil St.
Mary's ure _ nil
Tjv5ll IlKNT A Iirgp , clnnntlr fnrnlsliPil
L1 room , for two gentlemen. l'.U9 Dodo st ,
IjVHl ItKNT Lurirr Ironlroom good oaloo
C locution. H. W. lluntrcM , lUi ; Furnnm
SAI.l-LoU : In Illltsldo mM No. 1
FOIl lots onWebstor st , ( each ) $1BW. !
Two lots on Cnsa st , loach ) $1.101) ,
HoUMjnnd lot on l nldwHI street ,
llousoand lot on Franklin strcor.
House nnd lot In Walnut Hill add.
1L W. IluntrcH4 , lw-t Farnam st.
TT'Olt ' SALK Hoti o 10 rooms with''lots on
E llancroft und ah ttts. In N , .1 Smith's pliu'O
. , KSTATK-Whnt have you in Council
Ulnlla buslnoss or residence property to
trade lor a irood larm In Hepublio county. Knn
MIS , or iilniir section , ono inllo from stutloii In
I'll w nno county , Nebra ka. Addros 11. II. W ,
Ilccolllcu , Omnlia. _ 78)
GOOD lof , Went I'umliitf add. , J4.W. ( Ualmm ,
rrolHhtnii Ulodt. 7,0 , 1,1
O NK ncro In nelvedero , f4")0. Hnmmoml 701 4 ,
O041U TI ri.K-Wnrranty deed ntid alu
straetfrco with every lot In Hush \ Selby's
aild to South Onrihn , only 8 blocks from South
Stock VimU. l'rloo < SIVito $ I1V only 350 eaah ,
Itusli & Solby , ' ! H S 1'ith ml , filtf
"I71OH SATiKM lots in Kowlcr plaeo , Potith
J2 Omaha , HOO yards from h'owlor Hios1. pnek *
In house , mnlthiroht. 1'ricpt SIV ) t ( t'M.
TerniB lXcush. Chmip , treed and miru. .1. II.
Kvuns , .VOo. , hole ag-cills. 727 II
A < 1OOI TITIi-\Va : roity ileod iindan
Miaet lion lth every lot In Hnch 5. Selhy'n
add to Miuth Uinnha. only 8 blockn from South
Stock YnnU. Prices $211) ) to SI23 ; only f.10 oitsh.
Uush & Solby. 21 ? S 11th sL Kill
D"-HOOM IIOIHO , " eloscts , cistern , cellar : also
Bullion InUtillMir 2v24 with bar and llxtinus
complotn : also burn inzlt * , lot rOvtAO , all for
$ ! , MX ) . (1,200 rash , bill , moiitlilv p.iymonts.
Hammond > V ( lltij-on , 1.114 Douglas st. 702
Lor Close to SiitindorH st. , bargain nt f'OO.
Graham , Crulghton IllocK. 770 11
HAHIiis" * HAUI1IS , " : iFs. Mtlist. Spoelnl
bariralns In llaitseom Placo. Now is the
time to bur lots in outh Omaha. We luivo 4
lots at a bargain It taken in a few days.bill
bill It
L .OOK1 Lcokt
. !
who ileslro to set ahead
in tul woill , read the following HIK ! ave wlint
joii think of this ehanco to make muuh'moiiey
fiom little.
AnisUcId ,
Anisf.eld ,
Is beautifully situated on the norm sklo of
liancroit , Il'i ' bocics' ! ' < -aHt of 10thSt. .
In tlio ln t couple qfyo irs South 10th st. hits
undergone it rand itraiialorination. In-tond
of iho liiuh , almost Inaccessible blulTs that lor-
morly di eve all travel to other j-treof.tlidro now
appears a inuifiilnceiit etrctch o" ldc street
properly graded to within ono block of Han-
croft and piivuil nitli anphalt to Center. Water
unditiianmlna aie Uld to u point Just this aldo
of llanerott. as am ale sewer pipes. Thestieot
oara , by virtue of their franchise tocro'-atliu
Tenth street viaduct , are bound bv contract to
have their curs nmiilnc to Uancroft ntiuet
within ono year of thu completion of that
struct uro.
Pioperty on Tenth atroet north of Williams
run hardly bo bought. HO extravagant urc the
prices usknd. south of Willluins tlioy gradually
deert-asu until at Uancroft and Tenth they nre
sold at from J'.OOOup.
AnisUcId Addition , iia above stated , is but
thieo and 'i blocks uait of Tenth , and Is north
of llunerort on a beautiful plateau ltm < l with
Mth ST. , Houses are all about and beyond thix
choice addition , and lota lets desirable , and sop-
arittfd only by the street , are valued at from
JI.IKXlto Sl.Wlll.
Thlh bc'iutlfnl addition is owned and placed
on the market by parties who arc Intimately
identified wltli and wnll Intormed as to the
Drouth of Omaha , and tin1 piobalilo increase or
decrease of Mtluci.t.iit they mo not liotf.s nnd
t-uly believe In the adagu of "llvo and lot live"
for thin renson , and for the more potent
one , tn lit they muku n ( food prodt on
the original Investment , they have decided
to otfor 28 of bountiful lots lit prices
ransinu f rom $40'J to $ Si ) ) and on the following
verr liberal terms : For an tSiM ) lot n cash pay
ment ot $ KW , thu balance III ) per month. For
a 1400 lot a cash pa > ment of t.'jO , bulanco also
J10 per month. This 1 an opportunity and II
Is for you to decide , 90 com n early It you dodirr
tosccuroonii or menu of lUe-Hj lots , for thoj
urenure to to as goon us aein. and nextycui
you 0:111 : brll thoJi luo.k to mo at double the
iirloo you now pay for them.
.1. P. Hammond , 117 S. 18th ft.
T71OH SALE A 4-room hou o wun lot , front-
Jiiiff on two stiocts , $1,100.
1 7-room house , 1 .l-room houce with lots
flouting- two slrrnts. both S'J,2.V ) .
I 4-room house ami hulf lot , Cl.2.10 : 10 per cent
cam , balance monthly paymnntH , all thu abovt
within thrce uartors of u mlle of povtnllice
Cor. lol , llth and Pacitlc , Utixl.'l ! . with throe
elegant cottttKo ? , would rent for $75 uci
month , for n few days at JS.UOJ.
Fnim loans at luweir ratuof lneret. (
Fln > t-cla-u ) ical Cbtalc rnortifiiKC-s or com.
tnorclnl papcir , discounted. Mead A : Jamlu nu ,
HIS .1.1th Bt. 1V14
. Ul'TD.N rfi CO. .
MA. Farnara , have the followliiK Oill
Kdue Insl < lfl I'roiwrty for sale for ( i days ;
UJilU2 on Howard street , IM tent from IStli
street. Klevon room IIOIHO. Pavinir and all
other assosmcnts and taxM paid , for thu ni.
tremely low price of tll.VJO , onu-hulC rash.
Ofiil.t ; , corner 14th nnd Chicago titrpcts.r
ulco cottttges , n 01 ill $ li,0 ) for $ l'-VriOO , one-
third cash.
( Wx78. cor. 10th and Dayenport streets. 10th
street Cahlo line will go north of Furnam ;
trackage ; very cheap for M.O-jO , J2.CW3 cash.
lilJil'JJ corner 12tn and J nen. An awful
treed piocn of huslncea property
HVxI.Uon Farnara uatt of 2d ! ! Htreot Do you
know that the largest and molt elr ant retail
dry good * and other ntoros will bo on Farnani
between Irih and 23d streets insldn ol flvo yuan
Thm property will then b worth $ to Jl.MK
front fiMit. Itcannowbo Ixiuirht for ( Jj.OOO ;
will Hell 22 feet for EM ) per front foot.
CiliUJ-CO ft from cor of 12th und Jacitsonj
Improved some , f 18,000. 4 cash ,
Bftxlltt ror 14td nnd Jacknon ; Improved ome ,
ailxllB CO feet from cor llth and Howard , neil
to property owned Ixr I'red Amea , of llo tuu
and thn Illli st vlmlij fl..W ; Wm cash
Lot with lrooiii l luii ) e on'liitst , KWfcet fron
Pt. Mary'navr , ( fOodbarn , city watpr , otc ; } 7 , '
OOOj ono-thiril cusb .J.oolc thU up , It will pa >
you. , '
ISfiillW to 17 foot allny on 8Stn Bt , 131 tci-t from
Farnam t ; will 6elU4iHi or thn wholn for fl-
prr front foot ; onu-uilnl cajli. tia liner n-Bl
oenco property tlmu jnK
Corner , oust front , on 10th st , nearly opposite
now llrowncll hill ; , paved Htieet , water anil
power pipes to curb jfne ami paid for. This It
irolnu to be the .nott , distinctively fashionable
ritKldenci ) portion ofitliii city. Hero u ucornoi
lot that irlll besnrt Uf4/imb > * fern 1887 Istlirnuirb
It can now ha bought , for H.OJO ; ono Ililid cash
balanre citsy. . ,
liMilll u. e. corj.-Tlli and Do.ltfo . ; orpoctcil
cabin line ; f S.SOO , l-ifL-Hfh.
78 feet fiont on Sttplnry'H ave.,21th at. ; fine
rcnidenca : f 11.000. Uaoh. .
KIcKant IJ-room lioiibc- , full lot : all modern
Impiuvomiints , linn jjnin , ovcritblnir Hi tt cluna
clou to Jim od i > truMi.iiiid in nplondid iiflg liboi
hood i $ ll.iOO , TJ
tteuiember these- urn InM'lo bai-xiilni. \ \ ' <
have lots ami l.inJti , lnu > rovc-J and uiiltnprovuJ
anywhere In Omaha iui'1 vlohiltvi itheusn
i-afllf you want to buy or sell. Wo Tuiv tli
tlnfiit itul mtatu rlja In tlio citv and "It Is u <
trouble to show oed ( . " M , A , Upton A'o. : ' .
IMiiFariiamgi. m
FOUSAM : 121ot 44xrJ2feet , fioutliirnortl
on Bristol struct , half Wrtf lirtweeu Saun
d i nnd State , near street cura. City water li
front , f 300 each , ! < ca h , balance in 1,3 und ;
ye.tra. Address a 14 , line olllto. 2S8
QOOl ) TITLE . Warranty deed and al
struct frco ulthuvury lot In Itush i Sclby'i
niil to South Omaha ; only ft blocks from Houtt
Stock Yards. Prices 12.13 to C425 ; only $ M ) catb
llut-h 4 Sulhy.iHa J5th st _ 010
7Oo7r rlTU5-Wi4rnuity deed an-l ab
atract free wttU every lot In Uuabi Selbj'i
add to HouthUniiti ! . only 8 blooVs from houtt
titack Vanli I'rlcus Ii53 to f 1-J' only ? cnsli ,
Hush * S lby,3I8 S ISth st. 016
f J3\.iW : Uftlit > twonSt. MHry'Aiuc. and
' ; cuuorth St. , $ aXJ. ( Or h .in , C. t btni
T\7K IIAVR eon < t < int Ininlry for all klml
of buMncvM an I residence property If
rou liwo any property for oilo list amn with
19 SchlcshlRcr llros. , 81,4 S. 10th Ml 14 _
F'Mt SAlTh - ? rt "Trbntinj TinTn6dRo" . a
Mocks * a t of the prutoftlep. A bar ts.ln nt
S'S.Wu ' : U,000 cajh. Marshall & Lobcck , 1.W9
Karnnm , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :
PINK rust front lots In llan cotn Place JJf-0
to $ VM cheaper than tuljolnliiif property
I' . 11. Tanner \ Co. , 1AI. > Howard > t 729-11
IT'OK \ , : - - ln Kowpr | plaoo. . South
A ? OinP.h.i , : WJ yards from Fowler Hros . pick *
njr house , southwest. Prleos JT.V ) to $ V > 1.
r rnis ' { faMi. Clump , goud and guro. . ' . II.
[ 'rnns A : ( , ' < > . , solo mrents. 7J7 11
. > ' ltht We have
btlj ITS for irood houses iui.1 lots for homos
Rhu-ln prlrofrom $ t.00)to ft.m ) Wo : il o
ia\PKO\ernl irood bargains lu lots centr lly lo-
rated. sis u
" \ ' ad6irTITI.KVnTranTy c d and an
xV lri\otfrre with overv lot In H-ish > V Solhy's
add to oiith Oniana. Only H blocks from Smith
Slopk Yards. Price iJIO to f 42,1 ; only $ .10 cash
Hush * Seloy,21SS loth nt. _ !
KXTKirr * THOMAS haThlld out an1iTdin"oil
D totliorltyof Omaliii iiiimul MascottP , and
wo notice tiat thn Mi-cut ! " are property nmt > d
lloeco , l/ircn.o. Hottln.i. Plppo nnd Frederick ,
and serin .r Hint the tame Is on the Holt Hall
way and nt a point whoic. the Omaha Northern
II. II. proml p < i fnhlvto make a Junction with
Iho Pelt Mac , and lots only f 10) tn tSK ) , wo
Ihlttk thn location well named , and Hint thn iiilr-
chixcrs will have n Mn oottr , as the ludlcalloui !
polntthnlots to bu worth trom JTJJtoIKH )
ioon. Thcsn lotnarp to bpsold on oonlraot.20
per pent push and bahinco > 1 ppr month. Apply
VJ Dc.xtur L. TliomaJ , lloom H Urotxhton lilk .
TTMNl'i lots in .leronm Park and Kllby Plnc
X ! $ fi1J to fl.'JO. ) puch , term * oujjr .
I' ! > . Tanni-t * Co _ , JfilSJInwml st p4' !
" " "
O KrTLfTNl-ril A lltTUTwo "i-ornor" lots in
Itnrdetti' court , only 4 bloeks fiom Saiin-
dor's xtronl car * , w M IHishnun. lloom 10 ,
Itushinan Itlock , N I ! cor lUth and louilrn.
_ _ _ _ _
( Teen fflTTKviirriiTily ifeol "niiil an-
stuu3t frecwlth e 'ory lot In IliHh .V Srlhy's
ndd to South Omaha , onlt a block * fiom South
Stocks Yanli. Prices * JV ) to $ l-i ; only $ .Vl cash.
Hush .V5elby , 21K S Ifitli st , _ _ f.lil .
I 3th st lol , KtrUwood add , iiOJ ; luuirnln. ( Ira-
I hum. ( 'relifhton Ink 77U III
HP.AI 115 S. Mth st IJ70 _
. A. SI.OMAN 1JI2 Farniim st. .
S. Heal Instate ,
4)tlers Iho following choice liivutmcntK In In
side litHlncfsand rosidpncu propel ty :
Cor llth nnd Mm tlm tlnoly improved
litr'tlll f 0iVX )
JnekMin st. nunr 17th liiiprovcmcntsruiil
fiKlpprninntli 7,200
8. Kith st. near Hartman school 40x1113. .
d. nth Bt. near l.cavoiiworlh 50x110 Improved -
proved , . ilWW
20-at , noixr ! t Mary's ave n.OXl
Cor. Chicago near ' 'Ixt SIKIJJ I2tljfl
Cor. near 24tli st Hiivl I.'J houses H.IHXI
" California 24th , Ul.T2.l : houses . . . K.'WtJ '
Dodge steel , corner , Ilxl21 ) In grndi * 'J.SHI
Douiflns" noar22il , nixM ! 7 , * ) "
Farmtm " cor Smith st , Imrgaln . . . l.'WJ
" near court hou o,40xiM : Imp. 1S.OHI
" " cor. 33j , miclv Improved. . . 14,000
Virginia nvp . Mxl.11 , il-room IIOIISP . . . . 2,10(1 (
Howard st near lth. ( ) Improved 5,010
llarni-y . .t.iif r21th , fiOxlti. 7VM
Furnam st. ror I'llh..KJxIft ) , Impioved. . . . 41.WO
Ilarncy s-u near illst.SJiia'J s.OJfl
JncKsoii St. . opp > , ( loo's new hotel , IWx
133 Iran 1.1,000
Ixavoiiwortli cor inih , Improved , rent
$900 HW1
" " Seldon , 11x112 . . . 2iOI
23th st. ncnr r.carcuwoitli. 100x143 Imp 4.20J
) T1TL15 Wirrantv iteod anil abstract
free with every lot In Iln li .V Sclliy's add.
lo South Omnlia , only K tilouks from South
stock Yards , prices , $2.10 lo JI-Ti ; only $10 cash ,
Ittiah&Plbj ,218 H Mth st. OIA
S < U 14
( ( ! OOD TlTTiF ; Warnuitj'Tlffod and nhstrHui
free with every lot In Hush A Selby'et add ,
lo Sonlh Omnlia , onlv & blocks from South
Stock Vards. Prices , f2.YJ to $425 ; only S53 cisa.
Uush .t Seiby. 21S S l.lth st. Alii
rOT Next to corner , on Hurt st , 'i block
J trom paUugJl.WJJ. . Grahum , Cn-lchion
Illock. 770 lit
MOOD Tiri.K Wurnuitr dooJ and ab
A struct fn-fj with evuiy lot in llnali .t Sclby'i
ndd to South Uiiiiihu , onlj H blocks lioni South
Stock Vards. PIICHST > ( l lo J4JJ ; only JO cash ,
Hush. & Solby,2I.S S Mth t > t. 010
south and cast front , Lowe's add
COHVKIt , CrulKhton blk. 770 U
GOOD TITI E Warranty douil nnd ab
A stract fruo with every lot m Uush .t Selhv'f
add to South Umahn , only 8 blocks from Boutl
Stofk Ynrda. Prlco S2.V ) to J425 ; only f.10 oasb.
Hush & Solby. 11S ! S l.lth st , flirt
A GOOD TITLfc Warranty deed and al
-4-struct fico wlthovery lot In Ilu.shXSethi's
Hddto South Omaha , onlj-8 blocks I rom South
Stock Yards. Prices f WO to H ; only JMca-h ,
liusli * Solby,2lS S IMh st OIR
FOKyALK-fi' ) lots In Fowler plac , South
Oninliu. 3JO yards from Fowler llros' . pack-
Inir house , "outhwesU Prices fl.F ! > ) to $51X1
Tcirms 'i ca h. Cheap , g-ood and Hit re. J. II.
, solo airenta. 72711
Fiankllst. . snut front , J2.000 ,
Orahum , Creitfhton Iilock. 770 U
pajlnv rent and buy n nlcn novr ( V
STOP hoiifin with city water and irn" , ' .
blocUB from street cars , paved streets , 1 milr
f rom I' . O. . prlrn ? 2IXJ ) , $401) cash , balt2i pel
month. 1) . C. Patterson , O.nahu Nat. UIUIK.
758 17
iJUOANT LOT UVi'abor Place tor. . . nS
liloifant lot in Kirkwood for . IHX
Cor. lot. east and north front , on cur north pait of clty.a baitrnln . . 1,27 :
Lot In Kllby Place . A
Two east front lots on Virginia ave. , in
HanocoDi Pluce. each . 1,7W
Elegant 7-room | IOUM > , 2 full lots.ou Park
avo. . near I.o wenwortU st. , uhoap lit. . 8,0tf
Lot. In Park I'laro . Ii7i
Klovant lot In block ' .I , Han com Plarn . . " , 'M
The host built house In the city , with
citv wuter , gaa. bathroom , clr-ctrhi
belli ) , hardwood nnleh Inside , hentvd
with furnace , on cor. lot Vxliri ) 011 Vir-
irliihi , north of l.oav n orth t . 7rKX
South front lot In Walnut Hill , two
hlockg trom I > owu are. and ono Hock
from Hamilton St. , n 1th elcyant it-room
cottujp , city water , blato mantel , etc. ,
u bargain at , . 2,901
The finest built 7-room cottimo in Amb
ler Place , with two east front lota ; let
us show j on this property . B.Tft
Helter & Campbell ,
57311 lloom I , irflD Farnam St
GOOD.rioomhoui.e , lot 72x18' , neiir schoo
andohnrch.choap at J-VWO. Haminoml 3
Cibson , 1,114 , Doughis bt. 7O1
frpo with every lot In llusli lHolhj- ' add
to South Oinalm.only rt blocks from Soiilh Slocl
Yards. Pilces S2.10 to fl21 ; only $ M casli. Hunt
A Siilby , 218 H. llth UU 81tl _
rICS/vrR ( Cheap , 1(1 ( iicros well impiovod,1 !
mlle north of deaf and dumb hiHlituta
Adjoining lots Boll for $2,00) ) . Apply J. P.tool- ]
on promls . KO& ul9 *
AfiOOD TITIiK Warranty deed and ahstrac
fine with every lot in Hush Ac Holby's add
to South OiMHhH.onlyrt blocks finm South Btocl
Yards. Prices $250 toU5 ; only $ iX ) cash Itusl
iSelhy.SlBt. . 16th st. nil
HALi-fly Sohlcsui erTlro7. ,
014 South 10th street.
1W. fcoton 2.1th at. nc'ir Farnum , will cell iilio
part ,
Curio lots In lrnnm park , $125 per iiorn
Uusy terra" . Tills Is very Uealrablo for earden
Ing.M ) acres , improveil. near city ; house , barn
cribs , TIC. Cheap ana on e-isy terim
Iots In Sehk-ilu JL-I-'B ml lition JJV ) to $310 , in
entiy lurinM. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 'r ' > M. _
AOOOI ) TlTLK Warranty deed an I no
btract free vritli every lot In Hush tfctby'
add to South Omalm. only 8 blocks from Soutl
Slocky-iils. Prices $ . ' .VI to $423 ; only $ .V ) cash
' ' - " ,2USI5tli st. OiS
" "
W.I 14
BAHOAIN HIIIKO 8 rooms , barm and
bulldlnvrs , lot lixll ) ) ft near l.u'i
till for f 4.WJ , ono-thlrd cuMi.
I' I ) . Tanner A : Co. , IrtIS Howard st , ,23-11
GOOD TTI'I.HVarnmti deed nnd ati'trac
A freuwlth every lot In ItuuliV Snlby'sitdil
In South Onmha.only 8 blocks from South Slou )
Yards , Prices * iV ) to I4' Ji only $ W cash , llu l
Via ! rt. ir.ih t. _ BIS
( ( - . ixju , Karma , I.HMU money Inanoi
HllSKixju and Douxlat triH > l > . 295
TrKlTNoTrilurOHT.S-For beauty and varmtj
V of Hcetieiy unsurpaised la Omaha. Ml II
IilOll SALK At a Krejt birgaiu for a fov
weeks only , ten tuoiumui iicrus of Unit ul
Eel ctcd til JI.WJ perni'in : S.MOi-Hih und S vean
Mi-f > hell * fxioeukM \ ) Farnum tot
( HUil'.N-Our nuvr addition i
wtist of Wulnul Hill , on Hamilton Hticiil
lly selecting lota at flMfor Jiuldoiind 9175 fo
corner * , you will rauko a goo. I Investment
Terms 10 per cent cnth and 15 monthly. N <
cliur t ) for showing tlio lots. Maxaball A. Ic
tieck.ISOTFarnam 310
i.DOO. Suvun-IU > om Ifoiirio an
- 33 foot lot. South Krtilt , near corner Kin
nnd Sewnrd. street , ircd W. Gruy , Vlb an
kt , 741 18
FQIl SALE Two tine tl und T room hoixe
two U > tm-ju.h.U modern Improvements , U
cludltijc bath rooms. Krutai , u ) iule , ful nai
ait IT natur , ubout ( UJOouih , baUoce eaiy I4irmi
QF. 0. Taouor t Co , 1015 Howard it. Ttt-U
A GOOD TITLE Warranty rtcpil and nK
ract frpowitncvpry lot In HnshiShnlhy's
add to South Omaha , only 8 blocks trom South
Stock Yard * . Prlro * $250 to $42j { only $ .10 cash.
Hush &Selbr,2t5S 15th St. filfl
A GOOD TtTI.KWarranty deed nnd ab
stract free -nlth ovcry lot 111 llnsn A Selby t
mid to South Omalm. only 8 blocks f rom South
tock VnnK Prices $35) ) lo $125 } only S1 rash.
ililshXSltVSl S13thsL 61
AHAIU1AIN for n few ddvs Four fix loom
houses and bMommit cor .Wth indChicago ,
P2SJO ; M Odownbalanr $2.1ppr mouth. 'Ihreo
Ivo room hnii c * < oor 21st nnd Hurdrtt. S',2 * ' !
flVUdown , tnl11 ppr month.
TVTO iHo loom hoii'ps cor 21th and Hurdett ,
$2,000 ! JM ) down , bnl t'.fi per month.
One ftvtj room tmusn nnd good bvrn ono block
rom Snnndcrs on Hurdett , tV * 9 : J.I.X ) down ,
bal monthly ,
Ono throb room house on Iltondo bolwppit
SannikM and 21th , $ I , < > . < 0 ; $ KU doivn ,
One MX room cor 27th anil llurdptt , $ ' ,300 ;
f3K ) down , bsl $21 prrmontli
TVTO six room hou ps North 17th , ono Mock
From IHi , $ . . ' .10. ) : svMilown , bal monthly.
OIIP homo In Smith Park at n bar-gain , also .t
w lol In Smith Pivr * .
Park fc Fun lor , IVU Douglas st 7fO 13
STOP paying rent and buy n nlco n < * w fl <
roomed hout-o with city water and gas , 2
Ittoeks from Mrppt psrs , nirpil strnots , I mile
from P. O. , price $ ' , i > OJ , $40) ) cash , lul $ T > per
month. I ) . 0. Patterson , Omalm Nat. It ink ,
7M 17
STOP paying rent and buy u nlep n w ( I-
roomed house with olt ) water and ga * . 2
lIook from street ears , pavpd slrppts. 1 miln
from P O.pnrfl t''HW ' , $40J cash , bol $2.1 per
month. D C. P. ttpr > oit , Omaha Nat. Haute.
7.V 17
, \T H. MOTTKIl lU-nl listato Agency , oiler
I the following eliolco bargnlMS
1 lot In Shlnn's ; ui addltioit.good ft room house
rwiCBih. $ JO.W.
Lot 2 block I , HHMilP No. 2 , Omciish : fl.CflO.
2lot In KlilTsndd , $ ! HI i-nch , JiH onsh , hill-
DPI-"I | | every Ihieo months. A birunln.
1 .ot 28 [ , lock 2 Hltnebaugh A P.ittprson's ndd
$4.HI 'a. cash.
2 corner lot ? In Afllnton , Jl.OD enph.
I lot on Hamilton st , $ l. < ui ; * -'M cash.
Cat.ilpn place , f'.MJ ' : $2ix ) cash , balance
Urtll block I'.Proapwtpluoo. $ IW3 : ' { oath ,
ilio | > i- | lot In the oity.
: i full lots on Sautiilor , one 11 cnriuir , f il,50J , ! 4
Onoelegant lot In Phlnn's2d add.fiO ft front.
Sl.'Kl. Don't lot this slip.
NIcoCi room hoiiso comer lot , 0.112(1 ( , Shlnn's
! M add , $ . ' , i ) j , S ca li.
I lot in Foster's a Id , $2non , 'a ct h.
Corner lot In Klrkwoo I , $7-1. ' i cash.
F.lcaraiii past front lot In Plalnvlcw , on Mth
Htll [ tot on Ixnivcnworth St A bargain at
Olio of Ihn linen lots lu Hillside No. 1 for
. ,
1'lne lot InVmt Slilr , SIO'l. ' * ' ! u i < h
Onn fcrooil lot in \ \ iiHJiliuton RiiliirOi | $1.20(1. (
Two lots , ouo n rumor , the llnoji Into In
an com j'laci1. $ " > . " > M.
HTwo lots In .loromo I'arlc , ! } line each , f)01 : )
Onn or the 1 > < "U lot.1 In Hiui ( ! oni'H I'lucr for
Flno't oust front lot in Han com Place , $2,103 ,
An elegant east front In Ilinsc-om Place ,
$ I'UJ )
The bcsl lot in Potter's aid. for $1TX ) This
isI40 leot past Irotil , c M'terms.
Several choice lots lu Ambler Place , $ .WO : $150
ish , bnlanuo monthly
2 cat t fnint lots on Sminders st. ono n cor
ner , ? : iIUO , $71)0 cash , balance long tlino
2 tlnoo.nt I runt lots In Shull's itilil. , ftnno
Fine 5 loom house , Lake's add , $2'M1IOO ;
Fliio : ifr - ill Helvldcro. JI.'O.
This Is only n partial list of our bat gains , mvl
If you waul business rosidoncu property In
any part of the city call on us and wo ran suit
you. W H. .Motter Heal Kstnti ) Agency. 2II S.
llthst , XX 11
Tni.ACIC ilcllOMVN ,
X1 Heal I-Xtiito and Loan Hrokois.
Frotuer block lnt | Postnltloo.
A HO foot south fioiit lol on iturnoy at. tor
Jl.riX ) ; cashJ2.000.
New i-rooin cottage for S1.500 , S100 down and
r- " > per month.
Two oust tiont 4-room cottages ono block off
Saundi-ntt. lor $ . ' ,10 j each , 41UJ down and S25
per month.
A now u-iooni cottage , ) u t olT pave 1 Mtreot ,
near -hool nnd church , a splendid bargain for
$2.'H)0on ' ) very ssy terms.
Ono of the host corners on North ICth st ,
fronts on three streets : i/o | of lot OUxTU , with
four2 story houses renting for $120 per month ,
lorSII.dUJ , There Isn't a better birgaiu In tlio
city. The ground nlimn Is vrorth the money , ns
It has : il f t street Irontage.
Dust tiont Iota in Hnnscom plncooii Virginia
n\o. and Phil Sheridan ht. , at * I.S.'iO and IJ. U
paah on easy terms , and oiui u uiicoiul hurcalu
We haveflplendld bnrgains in gouth Omaha
property. Moro money has been marlo In South
Omaha real itbtntu in tlm last six month than
anywhere else. TB5
AHOI.V. . Hiir"tTt , Ti blk from oir llnoTiiid
B paving , Graham , Crul''htoptiU. )
770 115
B oiTLl NO ( iiiVlot .t SO. lUpcrcentcssh
nnd fl per month. Marshall i Lobeuk ,
Aeonts , I5DD rHrnara utront. _ ! ) < a
TITLK-Warranty cli-eil nnd ah
AfiOOD free with every tot in llu-li & Selliy'B
add to South Oinahii. Onl/8 block Ciom South
Stock Yards. Prloon ? 3. > 0 to Sl.'ft ; only SM onsh.
Uiighi-Selby,2iasrith , t. 1111
_ _ _
CJ700 , full lot Ivlrkwooa add , 16th it. Riahaiu ,
P Croluhton lilk. _ ll-i ! _
AIOOI ) TITIiK Warranty deed nml nlwtraot
frne with every lot In Ktisli i Hclby'a add.
to South U mull a , only H blocl-s Irom South
Stock Yards. Prli-O" . $210 to $125 ; only $ W
iiHh. Hiiih & Solby,2l8 S ! 5th hi. _ UI _
IOUSliS UliKarm , lrt niismoiiBy [ onncd.
Ilcmls , ITitli und llonu'lns gtrnntfi , 2'J5
TITI.K Warranty deed and > ti
AGOOO 1 ret > with nvory lot In Itns h AT Shelby' '
add to Huoth Omaha , only H blocks from South
Btoek Yards. 1'i-tco * : V ) to $4Ji ; only SM cash ,
Uush &Sclby.21HS ISth st. HIS
_ _
4-KOOM hcUMi , clo ct6 ,'-iern , linrui
lotlJOxlxS ; mint behold ; prloo jl.'ith ) . Hani'
( ! lbsoill.r U Douglas Bt. 703
Proposals for Grain , Hay , Straw and Bran.
( HHCKlll'III rt'QU : A UTI'.IIM AMT.It. V
OMMIA , Nobrastn , Novimiher blh.issii. )
. Proposal * , In triplicate , Hiibjecl Id
SKAI.ED conditions , will bu ii-cohr.l ul thl >
ollico until onn o'clock p. in. , contuil Htunduril
tiuio , Dei-ombcr H , 18SC , und at I-HUIO tlmu al
ollicefl of tlm quartuviii'iktwrs niimrd below , foi
mippllng at tlio following iiiiumd po < t' . tin
grain , hay , rtrnvr nnd bum renulr d during the
aix inonthrt ondlug .Iniin Mss7 , Vl'Omahn
Dupnl. Ohojciino f ) ( > pol. Foils : Oiiiuhu , Hlilnoy
llrldgur. lriigiai ) > , Wiibhakio , Nlobrarn , Hobln
HOD , Camp Pilot Hullo and Camp Medicine Hullo
Picieienco will liiiglriMi to articles of doinesIN
prodiu-tlon und manufiii'tiiro , condition-
prlcnaiid iUiilltt | being r > < | , nnd i.iu'h ninfi-f
dice glvi-n to urtlclnsof Amerlcnii tuodurtloi
and iinmurarluio jir. duped on tint I'BoltiH co.isl
totho extfiil of Ilio coiiiiimptlun iciiulunl bj
thi > puhllo bervkn thoiu , PiopoMtl.s lor f-lthi-i
clHissoT supplies mentioned , or lor ( | U.inlltic-
liMHthou tlio whole rC'iuli-pil , will lit ! lecelvid
'Iho govdrnmoiU m t'rvcs Hie right to rejefi
any or all propo iU or to accept mopusnls foi
less iiuaiillly tlMii total bid for , Illank propo
* ul , aud full infornialion will bo lurnUlind ui
application to this otlk-i' ' , or to thoquartuimui
trri ) where th Hiippllns HIP riiiliid | , En
vnlopos contMinim ; prop' > inUhlouil : | IHJ innrktd
"Piopifixlu for 'ill-- , " um
addioisod to thn uiiderslgnu.l , or the ijunitrr
muutrrs at po ts n ii'ied abovo.
li II. DANllV. Chief QuHrloiinuUnr.-
Probata Zfotios.
IN tlm mitttciof HJO i'-iiilo ( of Knouh II
rarlor , di' en < 'd.
NotlcnU hurtiliv glvim.tlmt thfi pnnlltors n
said ili-ot'iibi-il will inert tlm mJinlnlilutrlv o
aldestHlp bulorii me , county judgool Duii/ht
county , N'l'brHxLii , ut thu county i-ouit
K.ildcounty.un tlm I Dili day of Jiiiiiiury , 1 17 , 01
tl.e lOibday of March , 1M7 , and ( in thn lOrl
ilri ) of May , IBS" , ut 10 o'ciorlc u. in. i-uih : d.i ;
lor tbu purMi | > o ot pie untlng thnli cluima lo
I'xamlimtioii , ailjiihliiitnit nnd allowance , HI :
months urn nllouiM lor i-ri'dllorn In prrm-n
Ibrlr rljilins , iiiidoiinycurfor tlm iidinlnlstralrl'
ton'tlli'n.ild nat4ilu. lium HID loth day of Nov.
lh.M ) , thlsnolUn'lll lx < plllillfliPil In IheOlimhi
Daily lice onct- each ui-i-k for loin vvn-l.KHH
i osblvi-ly , prior to Ihi' I'lthilii ' ) ot Janunr ) . |
J. II. M-l IM.I.IIl.ll , CoUlltj
llotice to Property Owuevs or
YOU are hciohv notitled to lay nidauiilk
Upon the gradol blroets 2 f i < t Irom Hi
i.-tiih linn vthuio Kin eame Is uilinl-aal/kj-iin
to the established sradu ol street lulcici ttloa
nnd allorossfngt. . .1. K HOI'HE.
Chiiiimaii Ilimidol Public , Works.
Omnlia. N b. , Nov. lot , MI. n''d0t !
Proposals ( or Grading.
. ' , ) priipobal' will hn received by tin
. iiiulorilgued uiitllll iii'lixitv H. m. Nov I ltd
ItHJ , for gradhic Hh it rnol Iioin I avM roit
the al'ej ' next north , u. per Oidiiuau > o II1 !
und i isolation o ! rouiull N'ov. lf > t. is-u , IIIK ! I :
: -oiilanc i virltn pUni' , ami Mpeclllnilluns on 111
ill thM > lriimi > r the Hourduf I'ublUWorxs. .
Itlds will lie niuilc ; upon piinteil ul mUs fin
nhhud ) > v iho bo'inl. "ml the light lu n-jcct un
or all bU5 ! Is reserved and lo WHlvn defects
J. I'JlOUdK. .
riiiilrnuni I'oaid of PiiblioVnrUs
Omaha , Men. , Km . : : nd , IKiT u-'J-l-lo-l i
\\'t have four nutit houses ami
lota in deslritblu htoalitv. wlm-li wo wil
sell clinap If takou thl.s week. Ivia
Ordinance flo. 801.
Ordliianca levying * rpoclnl lax amiassp .
AN ment tin t-cftnln lots and innl ntntn In th *
rlty of Omaha , to covt > r the cost of conMruct-
Ingn i-pwpr supplcinonlnry to the sovrorla
Sowpr Dl'triet No VJ.
AViiiur. * > , It having boon nnd bplng hproby
adjudgeddotprmlitpd nnd c-stnbllshpd Hint the
( pvpral lots nnd pleoos of real pstaln horelniftor
ipfprrpd to , hnVooneh beo.i spwinlly beno'ltoJ
to the full amount horoln levied aivt n sej ( M
ngnlnst p.-tch of said lot.s niul plccci of roul
flstnto , ro'i-wtlvcly , liy rt-ftsmi of pouMructlnc
n M'wor supplometiary to the tortr In Sewer
Di'tilot No Si.
TIIMII rum- , for the purpose of paylnjt Ilia
< > M of snob * o or ooiHUUctlotl !
HP It ordained by HIP city council of the city of
Mrtlon 1. That the io t of constructing it
sewer sitpplciiipiilary to HIP sowi r lu Sonoe
DMrlU No. 2.1 , In tlii < e l.v ot Om-iha , said co4
lining the sum of fll".4ii , bn anil Iho saino Is )
hvruh ) Ii Mcd and a csicd , In proportion to the
fuel front along sild lmpr < ni'nH-ntHiid acvord *
Ing to special Ix-wellls by reason of snld Im *
inoviunonl , iiiion the loliovvlug described lot *
nnd n-nl pslnti * as shown bv the generally tceog-
nl ; > < 4 map of tin * rlty 01 Omaha , IWV , litho
graphed and published by C. K. MnjnoJ snld
cost boliiff so Ipvlptl on snld lots nnd rpftl ostat
tppclU ( lvii * followslo-wlt :
.1 F 2 blk III , Koilnio.V Unth'tind $17
.losophlno ! l blk 10 , " 1 /
ChriMlnii AHoinpid , IllUilklO , " If 70
Koant/P ltiii4..1ITIilk 10. " 1770
S.T. . 1'riM. Chiiroh.1l I blk I.MIllnnl Place 21 M
Chits J. Kivrback,1t 2 tilK 1 , " 17 70
It ; t blk 1 , " 17 7 4 blk I , " 1770
Section : * . That tlio | i plnl taxes and assess
ments Ipi , led and ii-w d us nforpsnld , shall bo
riuii Immedliilci ) upon tlio passage and approval
of this oidlniiiu-o. and shall become dnilnqtiont
If not paid within flflr days thereat tor : ami
thereupon penalty of Km per cent shall bo
aditisl , toxi-lln-r with Inltirost at thn rain of onn
per rent a month , payable In nilvunoe from the
time Mild tuxes uisxmip so d liliiiipnt. |
Sortlonit. That this oMImuu-oshall tflknulfoct
nnd be In force Inimimdiiilor Its passage.
Passed October Htli , ItWft.
WM F liM'iiti. : . I'nxiilrnt Cits Ootincll.
.1. H. fiotrrii mil. City Clerk.
Approved October 2.1th , l ( l
WM F IUciiM , Arllng Major.
TIP | O tmes am now due and pajalilo to tlio
rlt ) tro'iiiiinr , und " 111 Inviuuu ili > Uno.uutilon
Diicembi-r l.lth , 181 , aller which duto a penalty
and Interest will ho added asshovi n In Section .
_ uljd.1 TuttMAN llw'is t'ltylrtiH'ircr
Bpoclat Ordlnnuca No. 004.
Ordlnmuo luvjlng a special lax and as-
of" uii'nt on rcrtiiln lots and intiito lu
tlipcltv of Omaha lo covtir the nmvluilf cult
ol gialliiglWth mit'it , trom Doilgu tlrout lo
Wheiviio , It having tioeii mid tilling hereby al-
jiidgnd , tU-ttirmliie I ami ust.itiltt < hpd thut Ino
sevi'ial lot.s n lid pic 'i-sof rcai I'stalnlieitilimftiir
ictVnoilto , have enuli been spei'inlly hunetlttol
tot IIP full amount herein Icviod ami asstisgeit
ngiilmtl o.ieh ol Mini lots and pleufA of real
p-tntu , Ki pootlvcly , bv inisin of the grallnjr
of that pnrt of iH'th ' sti-pot , trom Dodge atinol tn
I'a-4 stiueU ilono uiiiUucontinut with C. P.
William * .
Tlimolori- , for purjiiisoof paylnirthi * one-
liallcoAtot fiich niuilhm :
Hu Itoidaliu'd by thority coiinel ! ol theoltj'of
Omnlia :
Section 1. That the one-linlt nut of grading
thin pint of notli Mtrcet , In the oily ot Omiihn ,
tiom Doilgptiiu'et to l'n s meet , said omi-half
ol siild c.irt lining III'1 sum of l-,4S1.M , paid grad
ing being done un ler cmitiiiol with 0. F Will-
lams , be and the wuuo l hi-iobv luvlml and
ns < ih-i-d , uccoullnirtot-pi-olal bi'iicllts by icaion
of snld grading , upon the lollow Ing lots and real
estate mthowii by tin * KpnoiMlly riioigul7od
nrili of the city ol Omaha , issl , lltliogiaplied
and pulillsheil by C. K Mil ) no , said cost bolnir
so levledon mild loisnnd ical cstuto , rospcctlvo-
Iv , us tollovih , to-uii :
Hinku A : Ituod , w ! 12 It blk 5 , Drake's ndd. $22 83
I " 10 blk fi , " -1.125
U II blk n , " l 7
it 12 bik n , " lie : u
II Kl lillt ii , " 4H 77
.Tolm.T IIni-illu , w.'CJIt HblUT ) , " 2J 73
Dlllko A. If ( nil , \rttMlUhlU , " 22 N )
II 10 blk IS , " 42 2S
It II tilled , " HH7B
11 12 blk II , - HO 714
It III blk ( I. " 4-'l 2S
" wtttlt UlilKfl. " Si W
w : U It U blk 7 , " 2.1 M
' UlOlilkV , " 4870
" It II blk 7 , " 1112 20
" It 12 blk 7 , " 100 111
" It MlilIc 7 , "
w ; It 14 blU 7 , " 2.1 IB
w 1)2 It 0 blk , " 25 OS
" It 10 blk ti , " 47 W
" It II blk.s , " in ) HJ
JSiTollIns , oinn-lfllt l.lblk-H.HillsldoNol 837
A nToll/lilIn.It IdlilkU , " 3185
II W YtitiM.ll 17 blk II. * ' 71 13
AIJTiiii/wllii.nanj U Oolt "i " IB fiS
It 7 I.Ik 7 , " .W Si
It H l.ll. 7 , " 87 M
H W Yates , It H blk 7. " H8 ( JO
A It Tou/alln , It 10 blk 7. " : W
024'4 IIH Ilhlk7 , " 14 8H
.1 S riilllnt > , o'ilU 10 Ittlblk B , " 1) K
.1 A Sin id in hind , It 7 blk H , ! IO M
ItKblUH , " H7 03
A S Woluott , It J blk M , " H7 t.3
A H Tou/alln. II 10 blk > . " ! l'l ' Tf >
. .SIMM II 11 lillfl * , " IK HI
( luo L Miller , o I. H 1 blk I , West Hud 71 . ' 10
I , Hleliiudson. o I.UItS blk I , " fiS OS
CcoLMlller.o ititlbllrl : : , BH 08
I.Hnau Itlclniulson.o I.IMI-t blk 1 , " M Ot
< ; ii .Miller. i.J2 it r bik I. " rs enL
L tflchartisun , o.U \ HU blk 1 , " 5S OH
Wm. nemlng.ol.Ult7blkl , " 51 OS
r. Klchiuil-jon.i ) iiilt : 8 blk 1 , " CH 08
Q L Miller. ItUhlk I , " 88 40
" lilt ) blk 1. " 4278
L Klclmidson. o.rtt.lll It U blk 1 , " 21 W
LP Andor.siin.e wU \ ui7 : , Suimysldo 2 40
Jimus.lunspn.R ltr > It : \ \ " 405
ciias w iiiuni ton , H i i.n it : n , 75
8ocliou2. Tain taotii > ochiltaxp : < nnd MBJosu-
muiita levied mid iiat-essed ns nloresnid , shall 1m
duo Imme llately upon the paisngi ) unit aji-
nroval ot this ordlnanco. and shall become do-
lliuiuentif not paid within Illty days thcrealter ;
and tlu > runpon M ponutlvof tmi JMIT cent shall bu
added , together with Interest at thn rate of ona
percent a month , pjyabloln advance from thu
lime said t.ues houomo .HO dullniunnt. ]
Section : ! That thlsordlimncoshiill take effect
and bu In force fiom and after its pus iuro.
I'lissod Ootobor2jtli , ItWl.
WM. F. H > UIIKI. , President City Council.
J. II. SofiiiAun.Clty Clerk.
Appiovcd November 1st. I UFO.
JAMTS 1' . llovo , Mayor.
Tlie o taxes ar now duu and payablu to thn
cltj treasurpr. aud will beiiune ilelliiiiuinit on
] > ci > ember2lbl. Invl , utter which ilatn u pounltv
and interest will be addud as hliovvn In Section' * .
nlld'it TIIUMAN liucK , City Tronturer.
Special Ordinance No. OOO.
ANOrdlnnnco levying u special tax and assess
ment on certain InU und ical estate In the
city of Oniubn. lo cover Ihoout of curbing
"Mil iivenni ) licnn Farnam stieul to
Whoicns , It havinghpin iindhpnhoroby | ad.
judged , deteimlmid nml Cbtaiillchcd that HID
si.-vcrnl lota and pldce.s of icul ustnto herolnaf-
turrufcrrpilti ) , hiivocito'i ' boenfiieolallylienullt-
Icd tot he lull amount huieln levied iimfiissessod
iiKiitiirt eMcli ol' H'lld lolh and pieces of real
estate , iri rclivol.r. by lea'on of the curbing
of thai | inrt ol 2iith avenue fioml'ariiam aticeC
Theii-toiolortho purpose of paying Iho cost
Ilr It ordnhird ( j'y HIP city council of the city ot
O.nalia :
Section I. Thai Iho cost of curbing thut part of
2iitli nvcnuo. In Hie ol Oiniihu , i'nim Far-
iniin Htieot to Douglui hlrcct , fald co t Uclnr
Ilin sum of JMI.UI , bo and Ihosainoia hereby
Invled and nsic-i'iiil. In piopurtloii to the feet
front Blonir said Impoviimviit.aud according to
upeciul bciiellu by leuson of Mild liiiprovumeiit.
upon tlio lollowlng ifo crlbcd lots and ronl
cstatn. Ha hhown by Iho goiu-rnlly ipcogni/ed
niuiiol tlii'clty ol' Oiniilin , lt < villtioirHiiod ! | tmd
published b ) C , K. Muynu , sn il cost bolnjr BO
Invied on said lolsand real estatero-'poutlvely ,
UN follows , to-wit :
H ( iulltiKtir , H | : U n Ml It 4. Perkins NUbd.tl47 91
.Ino A Mi-Simnui-ij.'H : luOltl , " 141 IJ
Wm A Paxlon , 'r \\i \ : \ II fl , " i'CI 01
Section 2. That H.uil sueclal t\e levied uforu *
oald , on wild lots riHprotivrly-.hull bccom de-
liuiuent | us loIlowB : omvtonlh of thu total
ainoiint FO levied on each of nal'I loti shall bo-
fomu il Jlu < | iiciiit in lift r days f i out Iho | nn u t >
Hint uppioval ol tliia oidiiianco , one-tenth ( n
one yuur , ouo tuiilh lu two yoius , ouu-tt'illhtn
tineo yi-nio.ono tnulh in four jcur.s , one-tenth
In tlvo vi'in-H , oni ) ti-ulh in HX | jfiirrt , nno-tiinth
In mivn.ii . > camouo ti'iilh Iiii < lghtyrar4niulonu-
tiinth In niiiu jeais ullur cnld levy.iiiid brlnr
from thu passugn aipl niipiovnloi thin nrdin-
mice iachor : MiilliiHliilIniMiiM , iixi-iipt the first ,
Klinllilinw liili-iu.-t at tlm ratuof sovim pur cent.
PIT emit , pur annum lie i Ihu Hum of llin Invy
ulurt'xiild , until Iho I'naio hluill beromo dtilln-
iiii'nl. A pimntty nl llvu pur root. loKothor
with Inluri l ul Iho into ime per runt , per
month , piynblo In advuico , ohall bu jniid on
each delmiiuent Installment.
Suclion : i. Tlnil Itio untlio amount or lax HO
lot it > d und a'soi-rd on any of xnld lotK may bo
paid by Iho ownerof any lot , or tlioontlro eitml |
jiro inta pioporllon of itiM taxoniinyof * aj |
lots , inuy bu puiil by any person mi uny parlor
hull lotrt within till ) liny * triini mid luvy.uiid
Ihuieupiin such lot or paitsnf totK , ohall bu
i-xi'nipt fiom any Urn or cinir o tlincfor.
8ri tlon 4 , Thut Ihumrdlmilicuiihull lakauUeut
and bi > In I'oivo tioiii nnd atlurli
WM K. lliiniKU Prnslduiit CICouiiull. .
J. II Mil-ill vmi.i'ity Clvik.
Appiovtd Ninumlior Ml. IH'U.
JAUI.S i : . Iluvii. Muyui.
Th ' > tun i are iinw dun and uiyahlo 10 thn
city liPii'inor , und vrlll hecomu iciiii ! < | ucnt in
thitu-n lit Mictlon - ' .
nlldSt Tur i. v Utri'K City Treasurer ,
DKlMIV Q AltT lilllblrtll'l OKI-lei ; , I
Oiiiali t , Null. , Nov. 2nd. I'M. f
SIIAr.KI ) I'rri > o < ula. in iiipllculc , will l > u rr-
< civud ul lull nnicu iiiitil II u'i look u in ,
r'ntur < hu , Novcml < ir IIlli.ul uhli-h tliuothuv
nil ) t.onpooo.l In Ihn prtiutncu nf hl.bloinfor
ol thu lollow i\v \ klndii ;
rilntloniiry , vvnlcr xiiiiullu' , clocks , ulum. paints
nml nilii , Ittiiip' und wieUlnir , burdnuru , lumber ,
tia , niiKini material , A.C. , Ac. I.'iU ' Klvlnc iUun- |
lira nml olhi'r liiroriiialion fiirnUhuil on uppll-
futi-iii : bi'3liualily | of iirticliMro inirod : piu'ar-
( iiicoirivcn til niliclui tit daiiKBiio production.
Illi.iUirs in it ruiuublfid | to uttiu-h copy of udvi-f-
Ul"luolllloIll | >
510ittlbA.HM. < uui.itr.
DlUOUt C4p ; . A. Q. M. , U , ti. Altar.