Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Arrest of Division Snpeiintonclont Thomp
son's Chief Olerk.
A IjUtlo Agreement nrotighl to Iilcbt
Alilcb Was Made ItePot-c Klcotlon
Official Ilcturnn Coming In
Capital NOXVM.
Irnow THK itKr's javcornuaKAr.l
The talk on the streets of Lincoln
/eslerday xvas largely confined to the
nrrest of K , U. Coon , chief clerk under
Division Superintendent D. E , Thomp-
non , of the B. < & M. The arrcut xvas
made late tlio dav before , and done in
the most quiet manner possible , but yes
terday the city had possession of it , and
the queries were nil turned toward the
facts of the case. Inquiry at the rooms
of the county court show that the charges
against Coons are for obtaining money
under false pretenses , and xvhen he xvas
taken before County Judge Parker the
preliminary hearing xvas defetrcd until
Tuesday next , Coons giving bonds to
the amount of $ r > 00 for his appearance ,
with ( Jran Knslgnas his bondsman. The
facts elicited from a vigorous use of a
pump are at best meagre , but the arrest
was made on tie unearthing of an al
leged bogus time-chock collected by Coons
In the name of a party unknown to the
company or its pay-rolls. It is very
freely alleged that this is but ono of many
transactions of a like character , and
xvhllo the present case wns
taken on the one instance developed ,
it is premised that it is only
the beginning of the end , and amidst thu
many rumors alloat aru others stating
that a high life beyond I ho limits of : v not
heavy salary has involved other indebt
edness on the part of Mr. Coons tint will
cause outside parties to hustle. The ar
rest has certainly created a sensation ,
and the channels of discussion recite that
Coons' purchase of u { 500 fast horse and
many pleasure trips and expensive foci-
oty outlays have all contributed toxvard
leading him to a , life beyond the limits of
his salary. Mr. Coons , in social circles ,
has always been pomilar. and in his bus
iness relations with the B. it Al. has al
ways heretofore stood xvpll and to all
appearance ? above suspicion , facts , all of
them , tli : , < make his apparent downfall
all the more noticeable , and xyhich xvill
lead his preliminary hearing to be
watched xxith a great deal of interest. A
number of subpu'iias hax'o been issued
for xx ituobses m the case among other em
ployee's , and the.secruoy maintained by
the company in regard to the ca e ren
ders the facts of the progress made in un
earthing additional evidence meagre at
There xvas a "deal" in the hospital for
the insane question of the removal of the
head , that has been known to a fexv for
some time , but guarded from newspaper
vimv xvitli all the strategy that the king
of the institution could command. Some
time before the election , xvhen the gov
ernor had decided to remox'o the super
intendent , Church Howe appeared on
the bceno and interceded for thu doctor
mid bejjced of the governor not to re
move Matthexvson until after the elec
tion , promising the governor to dohxMr
into the hands the resignation of Matthew-
son if the extension xvas granted. The
governor has been waiting and is noxv
waiting liku patience on a monument for
that aforesaid resignation , and why it
does not come is evidently a thing un
known to the gubernatorial department
and liable to remain unknown so far as
Howe is concerned , although in the grand
deal Matthe.wson has done his part in
giving all but seven votes in the precinct
whuiu the asylum is located for IIowe ,
and evidently thinks llowo is
paid xvithout thu further hand
ing ovei of any resignation
whatever. Meanxvhilo the governor is
vainly xvaiting for Ho we to pull the string ,
and like Diekeus1 Micawbcr waiting lor
Hoiuethinir to turn up , and the board who
have xvaited patiently for this triangular
agreement to focus , hax'e adjourned
action in the matter for one xvcok. In the
meantime , while the governor is waiting
for Church Howe to fullill his part of the
contract and produce the resignation ,
the king at the hospital is liku the dis
ciple on Hat creek , "putting in his best
licks" for hiimnlf ox'ory time and besides
fortifying himself with letters bulldo/.ud
from employes anil letters from parties
xvho have friends in the asylum ami know
hi * power , he has tuken legal adxice to
thwart if possible the governor's deter
mination to remove him , and is evidently
laying the xvires to light the governor
with all the schemes he can concoct.
Ex'idontly ho is clinging to the hopeless
idea that if he. can oxeriide the present
state government he can do the same in
future. If Church IIouc would exhibit
the fact that. Im really intended to fullill
his part of the contract , that resignation
would be forthcoming.
have Doen received by the secretary of
Utah ; from all but liftecn of the counties ,
leaving the totals entirely too incomplete
for publication as 'lliu pioposcd
amendment is snowed under , thu returns
iiulieutlnjr that fact from the commence
ment , ami the vote on the question of
pieforcnco for United States senator is
ono of which Senator Van Wyk may
xvell be proud , especially when the bitter
opposition the vote met In a majority of
counties is considered , an opposition so
determined that in Fevural counties thu
ballots of this kind xx-ero not counted at
all. Doxvn in 'i.ige comity ex-Senator
Paddock cntcicd the Held in opposition
to Van Wyck and had his name printed
on thn tickets , and , xet In his own county
Mr. Paddock was found not the choice of
the people , the vote for preference an ifk
licially lotmned xliowiiig Van Wyek :
J.070 nml Mr Paddock 1,511. Cass and
Otoe counties osprt-Med a picfcicnco for
Senator Van Wjck by a large majority of
the votes cast in the counties , a peculiar
ity of the vole being that in the two
counties thev only dillcicd one votu ,
( /'ass pasting for Van Wyck si , 18totos
and Ototi'-VlN ) .
From up in Howard county , the
homo of u parly noxv unknown to fame
named .Mm Paul , a-voto was taken and
( Miivassed and returned on the United
Stales senator question , which shows on
the record that threw u.uidldutt'o were in
tlie held. These , xvitli the x'otes of eaoh ,
are enumerated a.s follows : J M. Paul U.
O , H , Van Wyel > 017 , Church Mown , U.
In the vote on the amendment to the con
stitution , Nomaha county heads the list
* . in oiijioMlion , the votu standing far , 9'lj
against , l.W iloliiixon county oppo-ed
by a vote ot ! 1SI for and 1)10 ) ugauist , and
Washington count ) gave a majority of
200 against it. The lowest prohibition
vote. cut tor that state tirkot in tiny
eouut > xvas II , cast in Keya Paha.
A coNbinrriox.u , coNvr.KiioK
is the latest discussion in political circles
and it looks as though a concerted move
ment would ho Inaugurated | n the com
ing legislature to pioxidu for fetich a can-
> onion , Mhkh if hr > | i | will open up u
good many question * , among xvl.ich
might tie enumerated the question of
railway regulation , the inoru.-tio of
judicial districts , the proVibitiouqiu-BUcm ,
AH Increasein , the number of supreme
judges and their salaries , relocation ol
ihc.ttatu capital , incrensini ; the imnnbor.
Ship of llio leg Ulurc and u multitude
of IPM Important questions that n con
stitutional convention xvould consider
and act
that have been given a hearinz in I ho supreme
premo court during the present term und
xvhich have been occupying the attention
of the attorney ceneral are the state
against Jack Marion , from 'Jago county ,
argued , and the loxvcr cottit sustained
The Plato against Ca cy , uteo fiom Gage
county , xvas argued and submitted , and
iJ as by tlio court reversed and remanded.
The stale case against Horolu , that excited -
cited so much interest in the Lancaster
district court , has been argued and is
noxv under advisement , and the case
brought f torn Dodge county against a
I'u partj- ' named Parks , who In Fremont xvas
sentenced , for suborning perjury , has been
argued and submitted to thu court. In
the line of civic cases that the state has
been interested in , thu Dakota bond case
takes lirocedenco , and is now under ad
visementand there remains to be argued
txvo cases in regard to the registering of
certain bonds from Daxves and ork
counties that the secretary of state and
auditor have refused to register , and
mandamus proceedings have been insti
tuted in the.supreme court to compel the
ITEMS ix ntiif.f.
The celebrated Daxvsou will case has
been under discussion of late under a
recent decision xvhieh allectb nothing ,
merely stating that the casein question
xvas xvrongfully removed from the state
to the federnl courts ami remanding it
back to its place of inception. Insofar
as thu merits of the case are concerned ,
they do not seem to be n fleeted in the
least by the remanding , and the otl'orts
evidently made to impress the idea that
a decision atlecting the ultimate findings
has been reached , are erroneous
Tlio McKnteo murder case xvas called
in the district court yesterday afternoon
and xvill consume all of to-day , judging
from the progress made up to last even
ing. This is thu casein xvhicli thu do-
lendanl , James McHntee , stands indicted
for minder in the second degree , the in
dictment being found on the evidence of
his excessive cruelty to his txvelvc-ycar-
old daughter , xvho died fiom the ollccts ,
.13 demonstrated in the post mortem ex
amination , of beatings administered to
her at tlio hands of her father Thu case
xvill be closely contested.
The jury in the case of Lewis , ono of
thu state fair parties arrested on the
charge of picking a man's pocket of $1'- ,
after an all night's xvrestlo with the evi
dence in tlio case , came into court yes
terday noon , having failed to agree. The
district attorney and Mr Stearns prose
cuted this case and D. ( J. Courtnav de
District court opens at Nebraska City
on Monday next and District Attorney
Strode will then adjourn to Otoe county
for xvork. Theio xvill be some Unity
criminal cases left in the court hero for
others to manage if they liax-o a hearing.
Tlio following Nebraskans xvcro at the
capital city yesterday : J. C. Fislibnrn ,
Do Witt ; Carl Wittu , Niobrara ; A D
Hicks , Sexvard : James Connelly , Valen
tine ; T. II. Clark , Omaha , K. H. Wood-
bridge , Omaha ; C M.Muidock , Wymoro ;
( ! . L. Laxvs. MeCook ; J. H. Agen , Ord ;
John Peters , Albion ; 11. C. Lett , Denver.
Three C's There arc tiirce c's that
srif.a the childien and carry them oil' .
The thrco c's are colds , coughs and
croup. Mothers ! Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
saves the little onu's lives !
If men are sull'enng tortures xvitli tooth
ache , they should not tiy to smile and
look cool and handsomo. How much
xvisur to ease the pain xvitli a bottle of Sal
vation Oil. Pi ice -0 cents.
JIoxv aien tilvo by Coiitractlnc Ijlltle
Debts Which They Never
Intend to Pay.
Chicago News : "Tho prompt payment
of this little bill of $3 establishes your
credit all over this city , " haul a noi tli bide
business man.
" do tl'.itv"
"liow you explain xvas
"I shall put you down on this list un
der the head ot 'Pays Cash , ' heansxyerod.
holding up n printed sheet. "This will
bo cent to all other members of our
association , and by referring to it they
xvill see your stuudin < r and knoxv hoxv to
deal with yon.
" small bills " ho "
"These , continued"are
the hardest ones wo have to collect , i
xvould rather have a large bill against a
man than a small one , because then I
generally knoxv my customer beforehand
und all I have to do is to send around my
collector or mail the bill thu tirst of the
month. We lose a great deal on small
bills. Parties continually put oft" the col
lector and halt the time they never intend
to pay anything. If xvc sue it xvill cost
more than the bill amounts to. There
are a great many people in this city xvho
take advantage of that tact. They are
dendbeats. Thofv will leave mo an order
for a foxv groceries at the store , and then
xvhon they are dunned they xvill go some-
xvhoro else and repeat the operation.
After they have xxorked out iho neigh
borhood they remove to some other part
of the city , there to continue the no-pay
policy. I expect some folks almost manage -
ago to live in this xx-ay , and make quite a
lospeetablo appearance.
'I don't kuoxv hoxv much ono can make
by pi-noticing this Kind of dishonesty. Of
course mien customers have no particular
credit. They aio generally on salaries ,
or are working by the diy. Probably a
man of family , xvho is receiving $ IB or
$20 n xveelc. and xvpn't live within his
means , could work this racket at the rate
of say $ 15 a month , thus virtually adding
almost $ -.100 a year to his income. With
the precautions noxv taken by many small
business men , he is bound to be found
out , but in a city of nearly three quarters
of it million of population , like Chicago ,
he can operate his scheme for a consider
able time.
Ueforc tackling the boarding-house
steak , lubricate xour jaws by using St.
Jacobs Oil.
Our Nexv Yoik financiers now redding
in Canada must lootr out that tnu linun-
ciers there don't get the best of them.
Ono of these .shaip Canucks recently sold
n steer which he had driven into toxvn for
fjli Hi fore delivering it he sold it again ,
receiving $5 on account Then repeated
the opotation and received V-'J downand
delivered the animal. The last purchaser
lound that the steer was under chattel
mortgage to a fourth person
Prapirad with strict regard toPnrltr , Stranjfli , and
lleUtbfulnM * . Dr. 1'ricu UftUujtPondercuaula *
DQAmtaonULlmeAlumot l'hofpb tes.Dr I'rko'a
jv { ttf im , Vintii * . X Qon. fitc &vo 6Ucioc&ljr
r&VfW3POWar CX Cwxe& M # > Sr [ ft
The fintcst Crnzo llmt Hnq Sprtins
Up In New York Oltjr.
A noxv York correspondent of the Bos
ton Globe write ? : There nre not tailors
enough in thlscity xvho underMiiml the art
of cutting and sewing xx omen'.s jrarmciits
to supply the demand caused by the craze
among faslnonoblo xvomcn for tailor-
made garments Thu art is a noeullar
onu and requires moro skill than the
tailoring for men's coatsvests and trous
ers. The ( liircrenco lies in the necessity
for closely fitting the curving tigure of u
tightly-laccdnnd bustle-adorned woman ,
in cutting xx hose garments there is
no plain sailing above thu xvalst ,
such ns the nimple figure of a
man presents. Tlie shops in which
xvoineu aru noxv ordering jackets , ulsters ,
and sacntius increase faster than
the xvorking tailors ore able to learn the
new trade. The dressmakers must bo
snlToring , for many women are noxv or
dering whole suits made in tailor shops.
The theory behind this new fashion is
that men display moro taste than xumien
in devising nexv forms ot drapery , new
combinations of goods and colors , and
styles of ornamentation Then , again ,
cloth is decreed by fashion for all street
dresses this inter , and it has nalr.nilly
followed that the skirts shall be made in
the sumo place xvhore the jack
ets and xvaisls aio put together. Women
aio not entirely crowded out by this noxv
fashion , howcvur.
It is a mistake to suppose that xvotnen's
tailors and men dressmakers numsitro
their women customers as thev do thu
men xvho como to thorn. The measures
are taken by women , and thu nii'ii do not
actually touch or handle their lady cus
tomers , except in "lilting" them after the
suits arc made. ' 1 ho mistaken notion
that men dressmakers and xvomen's
tailors held thu Mime relationship to their
customers that the old-fa&hionod female
dressmakers did to xvomon of old hin
dered the development of the noxv de
parture for a long xvliile. Hut , as a mat
ter of fact , women measure the lady cus
tomers in complete attire ( in the pres
ence of the tailor , of course , ) ami xvonion
assist the customers on xx ith the hew irar-
nients xvhen they are to be littcd. Women
me not intrusted xvilh the making of
saoques , jackets , ulsters , or xvusts , hoxv-
ever , because these hax'o to be
lined , seamed , and in all respects
treated exactly as men's coats and
vests are , and th.'rein lies the
mystery and knack of a trade that is im
posing a tux of trom 51) ) to 100 per cent ,
more money per dtcss from the well-to-
do women of the land than they used to
pay before the new garments came into
vogue. Of late the female dressmakeis
have been obliged to inmate the tailor-
made garments insolf-clefonso.and nearly
all the ui.terprisinir ones are doing their
best to Keep iheir customeis by produc
ing garments that aru in most respects as
like the ones made by men as one pea is
like another. \ \ omen xvho cannot afford
to go to the men ami get the magic trade
mark ofI Fifth avenue woman's tailor
sewed on the collars of their jackets sri'l
tailor-made garments of thoirold diess-
makers and march the streets as proudly
as their moro fortunate sisters.
There is only ono place in xvhich a man
can detect the dillerenco between the iron-
nine and the bogus tailor-mailo jacket.
That place is the theater. Vour leal
MX ell , xvho backs her stvle with a ple
thoric portmonnaio , xvalks to her or
chestra chair , shrugs her shoulders xvitli
a compressive xvriggle that drops the col
lar of the. jacket down her back , pulls ono
sloox'o oil'and then the other , and dually
folus the garment outside in xvitli much
ostensatiotis indillerenco and tosses it
over the back of the chair so as to have
the collar with the Fifth avenue label ex
posed exactly under the nose of thu lady
in the seat behind her. The spurious and
economical sxvell does , nothing of the
sort. Reaching her seat she turns her
back to the stage and her face to the
lolks in the next row , squirm * out of her
jacket , folds it outside out and hangs it
so skillfully over thu back of her chair
that no one but a mind-reader can ever
( liseoxcr xvholher it has the light stamp
within or no .stamp at 'ill. Hue everyone
knows by the xvay the garment is folded
xvhother"it is the genuine article or not.
We don't xvlsh to see any of our read-
era defrauded , and must warn them
against the. many counterfeits of tiie
"Garland bloves and Ranges. " These ar
ticles are without doubt tlio best that we
hare scon both beautiful and useful.
The Queen of Itnly'H Coral Necklace.
Com t Journal : Thu queen of Italy on
almost all occasions xvears a coral neck
lace , even xvtien diamonds and pcarlrt
burden the graceful neck and bust. The
little coral nccKlacu has its history. The
young prince , of Naples xvas but five
years old xvhen , xvalkmg one clay in
Venice xvith his tutor , ho xvas greatly
tempted by a coral necklace exhibited in
u shop window. His idea was to make it
a present to his mother , but the uricrj
asked xvas far too princely for the little
prince , as it was stipurb coral , and IIP ,
thcreforo , proved himself no bad judge.
lie bcggeil the jeweler to let him pur
chase tlie necklace bit by bit , and to pay
down all lie had about mm for the hrst
portion of tlio necklace , namely , fifty
Jiri ; the remainder of the lirl to follow an
ho got them. Tlio Prince insisted on fak-
ingaxvay a i > ortion of the strinjr of coral
on account , and in the course of txvo
yeais ho had saved enough to pay oir
the moitgagoon his coral property , and
got it all. Then ho gave it with pride
to his mother , and thu tutor told the story
of its purchase.
Cure ofljlTcr Complaint.
IOWA FALLS , HardinCo , , Ia.Juno881 ,
I have been using Allcock'B Porous
Plasters for four years , and I think L
could not get along xvithout them , tor
along times I was allllctcd xvitli a pain
under my tight shoulder blade ; I also
had considerable diHiciilty in breathing.
F applied an Allcock's Porous Plaster on
my back , nnd ono on my chest. I kept
changing them oxciytoiir days , and at
the end of tlhco weeks was entiroy
cured. E S SrtvKt : < s.
A Jjiulj 3ladn Chevalier < if Ihe
< > r tloiuir.
London Times ; Hosa Honhuiir and
half a do7in ( other ladies are knights
for the niiihculinti form ehevalier is re
tained in their case-of the Legion of
Honor. An addition has just been made
to their number. Mine Dioulafoy , xxifo
of the head of the inisRiou
nt Susiana , xvu- > yesterday ( October 2(1 ( , )
formally decorated at the Louvre.
Kilo has in tint Itut live xirs < ; made
several urehii'olngieal jonrneyh in Poixla ,
and hiis enriched the Louvre xvitli .some
Mil-lent und admirable frie/cn M. ( Job-
let ( U'biicd thu ceremony to take
in the room xvhoro these trciunrcs iiuj
( lupoiitcd. Mine Dioulafoy is ti young
aud delicate looUnir xxoiuan.
In rases of fc\er and ague , thn blood is
ns < uli'ctuillthoiit'li : ' not so diingcroiisly
poisoned b\'thu emuvia of the utiniis-
I > here ns it could be by the deadliest PCI-
-on. Dr. .1. H. MoLeanN ChilU and b'ovcr
Cure xvill eradicate this iioLoit from the
system. CO cenN a bottle.
A new usu for tobacco plant has been
disravercd. Jus Mem ? a'nd xxasto , it it
claimed , are eMial to linen i.igs in the
manufacture ot paper. Tobacco xvnsto
costs loss than $10 a ton , linen rug ! > $70 toui
$ SO , Thetuisno expense in sorting ( he
former ami very little shrinkage , us
ngainat a loss of oiuvthird of rags. The
3 early tobacco waste is r-stimatctt by the
census rnport ut from ,000,000 to
1,000,000of pounds.
All coughs and colds ( hat we. endure.
Quickly lice fiom Ucd blur Cough C'uro.
The Story of An Ala nia Criminal nnd His
nihlrrthnrlor1 XVIili n Trnll of
J.loinl Iriini liiliinejr A Skcluli
of John1' \Vrley
Atlanta Constitution * In the pri'on of
slope iM > . ! 2 of tlttj I'ratV mini's at Hir-
mlnghnm , Ali .t is to bo scon n kill ,
lirultliv looking xxhito man of about
lifty-cijrlit yenr * . xvhoso lonu white liir : !
anil deep cavert.onseycs and hard feat
ures attract th attention of the visitor.
His bunk la covcied with books and sta
tionery , and in the corner near it is n
stand on xvhicn there is a large biblo.xvcll
worn by constant wn. Tim man xvhoti
: ippiou'lH'l : ( beckons , ami , stopping sud
denly , places his hand across his tore-
head , mid , as if seeming to gra p n
thought , savs : "God has ordered voti to
conm unto me and yon have eonio. "
He. holds out hit dotty hand : ind tend
erly grasm your ? -mil sa > H : "Comesin
ner , to mi1 nnil be saxed , for 1 am the way
and the life. " Mo readies for his bible ,
selects a chapter , and roads in clear and
distinct ailiciilatiun thu xuuds of ( ted ,
and , closing hi ? book suddenly , begins to
deliver a lecture on what IIP IIH * read ,
and tclU 3 on xniiat good 1m had done
jou. Hi : tolls \ouho has read
no less than eighteen tunes from cover to
cover , can repeat it by heart , and that IIP
is irspited by its teachings to do good to
John Wesley Unloose is ono of the most
remarkable c'riniinals in Soiithurn pris-
ons.whoso iifo has been a earner of crmii *
followed by a tr.iil of blood almost liom
his infancy , who is now serving a lite
sentence for murder. Tin1 daring deeds
and thrilling escapes from justice by this
strange man would till a volume
Nmu x'uais ago la ; mmdcicd a man
named Aldrich in Shelby county and lied
to the woods whore Ins lived in thu swamp
and where ho ovailud the ollieers of the
law nut I ho bee.uni' bold to rei'lrlosonivg.
llis camp xx as in a dense post oak tlnokc.t
Hat , and in piaees almost impenetrable ,
mid a man could Indu himself in it for
Veais and no one could linil him. Dti-
Hose cut through the undergrowth and
on an island .snriounded \ < y xxatoron
nearly ml sides , erected himself and wile
iv lint of such trees : iml driftwood as he
could secure 'I he frame in the hxvaint )
xxas plentiful and he lixed on it spveial
da s llcsiiflcicd much iiom exposmc
nnil cold and his liair grew almost gray
Hut tor his splendid nhxsumu IK * could
never haxe undeigoiie xxhat lie did
The couple could stind the hardships
no long" ! ' , and left tor Montexallo. lie
appeal cil as a common farmer , but was
detected in spile of his assumed inno
ceuee. It was whispered around that ho
was in town , and the quiet ot the villag
was thrilled with excitement. Hiavoeit
i/erts armed themselves with ( Icteinuna-
turn to captuio him. He was ti-iding in
lliu store of Mr Clay Reynolds , and was
in the room when Air. Kdxvard Vest
walked in with a shotjrun and ordered his
surrender Ho laughed anil dashed
through n window as Vest lircd wiilo of
the mark.
When UtiBose escaped bedashed out of
the back yaid of the store closely fol
lowed bv' his wife , \vbo hereamed as she
i .in. Half u do/en xuUi njstolsand guns ,
led by Messrs. K. Vest and John ( Jarncr ,
ran him thioiiirh an old liuld. liiinirns
they went. Both Dulioso and his xvifj
fell , and the crowd drew lit ) to Hud it a ,
ruse. He was nlnccil in jail , but ,
by his faithful xxito , made his
escape. Ilo was recaptured and es
caped no less than live times from the
jail , which was regarded secure. He WHS
lemoved to the Clulton jail , from which
ho escaped twice , and was regarded by
the people as a man inspired by God.
'Ihe country was in a state of tenor , and
did not know what course to pursue He
was finally captured bj-an urmod band
was tried by a jury composed of goot
citi/.ens , and sentenced to the pcmtonti
ary tor Iifo. Ho was sent to the 1'rati
minus to work out his sentence. In Jan
unar , 1881 , he made adanngaiid success
fill escape from the Pratt mines. A part.y
xriisorganr/ud and .started to capture the
noted desperado , consisting of tlio ollieers
of the Pratt mines prison , the sherifl o
Clinton and the famous K , O. Cransxvell
with his pack of bloodhounds. Thon.irt
xvent to the former home of Uuliois
twenty-eight miles from Clinton , on tin1
Coosa'river , where his wife lived and had
assisted in hid escape. The house xvai
de.seitcd , but evidences imlicati'd Ilia
they had been there. The bloodhound
xvero made to ciiclc around tin
premises , and it was discovers
the pair had escaped live lioiin
before. DuIJoso and his xvi )
xvere run by the ogs until next night.
Thn next morning his trail was followed
to Canton and struck sixteen hours old
xvhich was followed thrco miles xvhei
their fierce biav told the fugitives Inn
been found Ho and his wife weroasleoi
on a bed of pine sti.ixv , and \xero awak
itnud by the bark ot the dogs. DuHosi
left his' wife and ran 100 yaiusandgot bu
bind a tiuo and began to liio as the dog' '
gathered iirouml him , He killed one of tlio
hounds , and : us thu others of Urn pack
caught the sight of blood they became
fren/.icd and m.ulc a dash for him , when
CratiMxoll roilu uu and called them oil' .
DuBoso swore ha xxould never bo taken
alive , and liied at the men , who tired '
b.iek , and in the exchange of shots his
arm was bioken.
When the prisoner was handctilli'd ho
turned to the crowd with a sneer , and
said ;
"Well , have got me this tune ;
but I'll make a break again. "
He next escaped from the mines in i
Mai1 , " 't ' when ho did not go , for he dis -
covered the dogs word after him by their
yells. Ho made a circle of txvo miles and
i illumed to the prison , and as ho gave
himself up to the giiftrd , said :
' There is iu > use trying togotaxvay
Horn those bloodhomiifs 1 hax'u come
buck home. " '
DuHose was taken xvith n peculiar
mania for bible study , ] and beseeuhed the
prison management Jo allow him to have
a bible in his bunk , xxhieh xvas allowed
him , xvitli paper , poit and ink He xvioto
poetry and prose fmni the bible , and
would till page after page of foolacap i ) >
papjr xvith his xwitm3. He xvould
preach to the convicts , and has biien the
bible oracle of the pjaco Ho pioaohcs
and teaches and imagines himself the son
of ( Jod. Hi ; conoohvd the idea in Febru
ary , 1881 , that he mnst last forty days
and nights , and refused to oat. but xvus
prevented from doing so by the prison
authorities. He doturmincd to do so or
make his escape , xvhich caused him to fie
moru carefully xvatehed by t'io ' guards.
Ho nailed his opjioitumty , and one day
at H o'clock in the afternoon
passed the mining boss in the
frlopo xxlth u crowd of convicts xvho
xvuro behind in tlioir ta. k , and asked him
if ho bail any objection to his unloading
an extra car. Pumiisaloii xvas granted
him , and at sjipper lie turned up missing '
xvhen the count xvas made. It xvas
thought lie xva.s trying to escape through
lliu uiiuo to the old entry , and several
miners were detailed to look for him ,
xvhich search proved fruitless and xvas
gix'cn up. The ne\t daj the entire mine
xvus searched xvith experienced miners
with lanterns and lights without linding
him , and ft reward offlO was otl'ered for
bis body , dead of uliv cita , ho was believed
in be in. the rnino Bomowhcro. For SOT-
nrnl davs two men wutohcd ovcry inch of
room they could walk , over , and were
about to give up , xvhpn ono of thorn
spied n light in the farthest end of an
abnndoncd section and xvenl toward it ,
win it suddenly it was blown out. It was
decided it xv'as n light in idu by Dtilloso ,
bdt no ono would approach it for fear of
being killed. The light xvas seen again ,
bvt the authorities concluded ho xvoultl
need food and como out.
For fourteen Hiivs Dullo o remained In
his place of exclusion without teed or
water , and did not budge until thu
tifteenth day , when ho hoard the men
running thu | > umu in thn slope , and ho
made a noiso. The mon stopned work
and abandoned the pumps , thinking It
xvas n ghost thuy saxv. Ono strong minor ,
braver than hm companions , caught him
and carried him to the top. Ho was a
strand ! looking sight , and had changed
almost beyond recognition ; Ills hair had
grown xvhito , his tramo xvas bent , and
xvhat xvas oncoa xvell developed physical
man was a nartlal xvreck' Ho acted
strangely , and would not oat or drink ,
and for several days xvas unlit for work
of any kind. He has never been the same
person , and is not required , on account
of hi- ? physical condition , to do haul
Thn place whereho xvas concealed for
so lonjr xvas a remarkable stronghold , on
which ho bad xvorkul for months.
Wheni DuHose's xyife is is not knoxvn ,
but ho sxvears that ( Jnd has promised
him to let liiiu escape , xvh'ch ' he will do
when ho gets an opportunity in the
meantime , he is im gentle as" " a lamb , and
spends his limo reading the Bible.
Another lill'o Huroil.
About Ixvo years ago a prominent citi
zen of Chicago was told by his physicians
thatho must die. They mid his system
xvas so debilitated ( hat there xvas nothing
left 'o ' build on. Ho made up his mind to
try a "nnxv departure.1 Hi ) got some of
Ir ' ' "Golden "
) 1'ierce's Medical Discovery"
and look it aecoiding to directions. Ho
beiran to imnrove I'Loneo He kept up
thu treatment for omo months ami is to
day a xvell man Ho the "Discov-
ury" saved bin life.
Why Dili the I5ililo Try to Kill
London Telegraph : An extraordinary
afl'a r has just occurred in the St. Snlpico
qti'irter in Paris. A voting xvomanwhoso
mother keeps a millinery establishment
in the Imialitr. xvas married tint other day
to a man not much older than hcr.sclf ,
and xvho is a native of Tours. After the
ceremony thu young couple xvent to a.
hotel xvhere they look rooms for a dav
or txvo previous to their departure for
Tours. The next morning the bride xvus :
seen to open the shutters of ono of the
xvmdoxvs of her room , climb over the
balcony , and thtoxv herself headtoromost
into space.
Slut xvas picked up insensible by a
priest iiiKJ another person passing at the
time. U was lound that she had leeeixcd
no external injuiios , but the nlood ( lowed
profusely Ironi her nosliils The girl has
recovered consciousness , and is _ appar
ently xvell , but she refused to disclose to
her mother the motixes xvhieh itniiolled
her to atlcmt ] ) suicide in so dotei mined a
manner. She is only eighteen jearsold ,
ami had left a convent school just before
her murriago. Her husband xvas so ox-cr-
como xvhen he saw her brought back to
the bridal chamber covered with blood
that , ho could not speak.
Ilnirord Sauce Is c.iiltal ) for Uj speptlcs.
A Hostnn publisher says that 10f,000 )
copies of the lirst volume of Hla'iio's
book were printed 'lint but .5,000 of the
second volume. The author gets a rov-
alty of 75 cents on each volume sold ,
which m-ikes his receipts xvhen the edi
tion is exhausted , $131,350. If Mr. Hiaino
had known book publishing as xvell as ho
knoxx's polities ho could have made from
$50,000 to $73,0.10 moro it is said.
Investigations by Dr. R. Von Helmhol/
described to the Herlm Koral society con
firm the statements that the formation of
cloud in saturated air is induced solely
by particles of dust and that the liner and
sparser are the dust particles the more
sloxvlv is the cloud formed. These results
are also confirmatory of Protestor Tyn-
dall's explanation that the blue color of
the sky is due to lloating dust.
Worse Thftn u Fire Alarm.
Ono of the most dreadful alarms that
can bo sounded in a mother's ears is pro
duced by croup ; dreadful , because it is
knoxvn to bo dangerous ; the more dread
ful becnuso the life of ix loved one is in
jeopardy. Chamberlain's ' Cough Remedy
is .1 navqr failing safeguard against this
dangerous disease. Its reputation as a
prcvcntitix'e and cure of croup is fully
anil firmly established. In fact it is the
only remedy xvluch can alxvnys bo re
lied , upon.
The Oldest Military Body in the
Court Journal : Af acourt of assistants
of the honorable artillery company held
at Armory house , Finsbury , on Monday
last , it xx-as n solxrcd , on motion of Cap-
lain Woolmer Williams , "That the court
at its next meeting do take into consider
ation the best means of celebrating thor
: r > lth ) anniversary of the incorporation of
the regiment , occurring on August 25 ,
1887. " It is understood that the event
xvill bo made the/occasion for great fes
tivities , which xvill bo attended by a rep
resentative number ol the members of the
ancient and honorable artillery of Hos-
ton. United States , an "offshoot" of the
regiment xvhich xvsus founded by a mem
ber of the honoiable company of London ,
xvho emigrated to Hoiton in KK18 a hun
dred undone yoaro after the incorpora
tion of the patent stem by royal charter
of Henry VIII ,
rw.y.ovr.s Mi : H'A'iii : ) coMi'i.xioxrow-
For infant's toilet is mi indlfiponsablo ar
ticle , healing .ill excoriations immediate-
y. Mothers should use it freely on thn
iltlo ones It is perfectly harmless , For
nlo by druggi.ils
SThotoxvnsand villages in South Lin-
colnshiiu , Kngland , lately sullercd from
MI oxtr.ioi ( Unary plague of small Hies
known as "nudges , " xvhich made them
selves almost unbearable m connection
with the nose , eyes and mouth. Thu air
was literally with them , and mini-
born of i > cr oiisxvcru almost coyuio I from
head to toot xvilh the tiresome insects.
' The Italian ministiy huvo directed that
the great collection of musical works
xvhich formed patt of the muMcal library
in Home , shall bo tion-feried to tlio
Acadonla di Santa Cecilia. Tlio collec
tion has been described as thu richest
ot Its kind in the w orld , and the catalogue
of musical xvorks which it contains is
haul to bo the most complete in exi&t-
euco. _ _
A neuiitinil PrcHmit.
The Virgin Salt Co , of Noxy Hav
Conn. , to introduce. Virgin Salt into ev
family me milking this grand oilerA
Cra/.Y Patehxvork Block , enameled in
twelve beautiful colors , and containing
the latest Fancy Stitchos.onn large Litho
graphed Caul having a bcautitui gold
mounted Ideal Pot trait in the center ,
given away with ex ery 10 ( out package
of Virgin halt. Virgin Salt has no equal
for household purposes. It is thu clean
est , purest and xvhitestSalt ever seen or
used. Remember that u largo package
costs only 10 cents , xvilh the above pres
ent. Abfciour groco'r for it.
The Arehivological Soc'ety of St. Pe
tersburg pi oposes to form a museum of
Christian antiquities , of which it is be
lieved u plentiful supply can be obtained
from the numerous ciiurches and monas
teries of the Russian empire.
irr i rv-r : : : : . : ; - . . : :
[ 175 RANDOLPH ST. ,
MWTORl , rmiAltUHIA , 1011801
Samples and Illustrated Pamphlet "Sleam Saving and Firo-Proof Materials" Fret by Mall
Drolling cnu bo done In the oven of the
Charter Oak Ilanjoor6txexvllli ( the Wlro
Cairn ) Oven Door , iiiuroperfectly thnnovor
Lay the stealc , chopi. hnm or fih on n
who broiler or turiit luck , plaebiff It In nn
oidlnniy bakepnn to catch the drippings.
Alloxv It to remain in the oxen xxlththo
doorcloMil 15 cr 'JO minutes. No turnlnsr
isicmilrrd. At Ihe end of thUtiinoltxxlll
bo found nicely cooked ready to surxo.
Tins is THI : IIIKAT. v AV TO niton. MKA.TS.
There Is no talut of coal-gas or smoke ,
nnd the meals ai e more tender and butter In
flavor than those broiled oxer the coals.
The convenience or builllng In the oxen
% xlll bo appreciated by exeiy iiouse-keeper ,
mid ndds another to the many icasons why
the Charter Oak Uan o orhtoxo xxlth the
WiroGau7oOxcnl ) < > i > rnhmildbojiiorerrcd
EtNoroRlttusrauo Cmcuuuts AMD Paw lisn. to all others noxv In the market.
H C I1K1.WKR , HAY Srmsr.s. J J McCAKKKUTV O'NriLi. City.
\V K. TEMPl.l'.rON Nemos. j.S lUKt rLATTSMOUTII.
KKAUSK , LUUKEK & WELCH , . . CoiOMBUf. 1 A FAnnr.N &SON bui-miou.
"Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. All work xvarrant-
cd. Corner Douglas and Ifith streets , Omaha
I'JS HIM. 150 111 * . 5 lln.
S t l S * 9 1H *
Crated free on board cars ,
IS * ' ( JHAj3. T , ALLEW ,
Mention Omnlin Roe.
. W. COR. 15th , OREO.E1A.
Property of ex cry description for g-.vlo m all parts of the city. Landj foi sale I
every county in Ni-bnvska.
Of Titles of Douplaa county kept. Alans of the city state or county , or any other
information dcsucU , furnibhed fico ot charge upon application.
Honors Kxtondca to Mist Winnie
Davis by AVornhipcrs ol' the
Ijost Cause.
Washington Tribune : The triumphal
tour of Mr. Jefferson Davis , late the .so-
called president of the no-called southern
confederacy , did not extend us far north
aa Richmond , much to the norroxv of the
xxoMhipers of the "Lfy-t Cause , " and they
hax-e seemed to yearn for an opportunity
to flaunt their treasonable predilections.
They have found thisi opportunity in the
perwon of Miss Winnie Davis , whoso
foundation for the notoriety into xvhich
she has been lorccd 1 = 1 that her father id
the aforesaid Jofi'erson Davis.
Aa lar as wo can learn she differs in no
essential re.spect from the ordinary run
of young ladies In the bloom and fresh
ness of their txventy-lirst year. It has
not been claimed for her that she is ex
ceptionally beautiful , or graceful , or
talentedor has in any preeminent degree
womanly qualities to justify the national
prominence into which she has suddenly
risen. She has been nut upon a pedestal
simply because she is "Tho Child of the
southern confederacy"having been born
to Jefl'enum Davis a nhoit time before ho
left Richmond , hurredly , upon the forc
ing of Lf o's lines in f/ont of Petersburg ,
only atoppmir in hh preparations for
flight long enough togix'o the inexcusably
wicked order for the destruction of the
city an act as culpable in intent as , and
only dill'urinjr in the degree of the crime ,
from his inliniloly greater wickedness of
trying to destroy the nation to gratity his
inordinate ambition
Ileciiuse Miss Davis has such a father ,
ar.d for no other reason , hho is biting ex-
ailed above all other women south of
Maion and Dixon's liny. She holds re
coptioii ! ) in Itlehmiind , in which Khc. quite
outshines the governor of Vugimu ; she
Is elected an honorary member of a
veteran military organi/ation ; who is so
licited 10 bestow decorations on veteran
and distinguished soldiera as if t-lio were
queen in her own land , anil ( in.illy the
president of the United Stales and his
xvifo arc invited to vKit Richmond and
join her in holding a reception at the
gubernatorial mansion. Upon Ihe do-
clention of Mrs Cleveland and several
lailic'of the cabinet to make tlio journey ,
a great pother is raised about "the neo-
pie of the south being insulted by the re
fusal to meet Miss Davis. '
Tin ) latter is rapidly assuming as oflon-
hive features ni the journey of the young
ludy'ri father from lieanvolr to Mont
gomery , Atlanta and bax-annali hut
Prof , Chas , Ludwig Von Sesger
prnfrt orot MmJUlne at ilia Uoral irnlrrrilln
KnUUl nf I Im Ho , ill Aiiflrl-iK OiJnr at ilia Iron
Cniwni KuUlit Cmamanlor "f Ilia llnr * ! Pimnl'U
OrilernC li.ibelln , iCnl.'lil of ilia llnyjl l'r'i ilin Or-
dcrof limited IC jle , C'hornlier of ibu J.'JjI'in at
Honor. etc .etc , ftu > i !
con/diindecl wlih ilieliunla of lra lir euro ulli. Jill
In nnimiiC of the wuptn piilenl rtimndr , I "U tl" r ;
cuililrl' ' > "Turtant wltlilU uioU ol prapumtlon ana
kiiun It to lia inn only IvjrUliuutH i > lnrmnr < mllLMl
prii'ldU , but uliownrtnyof ttaa hltfU ronim nUntl > m <
Hliiiroculri-d li , nil rnrKot the wofld It t r > nt ni
UBi-ncn nfent \ , ( Vioi , yulnliin } r' > uni CMmu ,
Tihlrh lira dlni'ilired ID pure genuine SpinliU luiperul
Crown Sliorrr. "
liiTpu.illcita | nil whnar Uan Down , Nurroui , | ly -
ppnllc , llllluiK. Mttt rl"Bii or tfULlaU wltti ifCaU klii-
Her Majesty's Favorltle Co3in8tlcGlyc3rlii8
UMII hr Her lUvol Hl.'hriffi HID iVInrnu of
and thu nnbllltj rurllio Skin , Cuuiumilun.
llon rhnpiilnir lQuyhn i .ll i'J < f . | rui-iit ) .
1.IKIIII ] CO rt oenuir.ii .sru > > ni.lMir < | jarllljii
Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs.
At the old.-Uand 1407 Farnam fit. Orrtcrn
by telegraph so.ic.itcd and promptly at
tended to. Telephone No. i-5. !
wt + ff * rni n I NcnviTA ux nj
FREE TR Ali & ® sft * ' " .
t lllmlm I IlinkI UrrUun.Uwt Mail ! > * ,
Sm. A. . co. , h..i ; . .kjnr'
111. 1.00 D < r I'ackwre. BU for 5.00.
P. BOYEft & CO.
o- , Vaults Jimelocki
and Jai ! Work.
1020 Furuuni Street , O.uaua. Neb.
Red Star Line
CarrylnirtlioRolirliiro Ropil nut United Stutel
Jluil.Bulliiu uvtry tntuixliif
Beiween Anf wcrjj & New York
Salon from ( ni ) to $ Hxcurslon trip from
1110 to Jl.'i. Second Cabin , outwnru , JO ;
| iri'milK' ' ] ! . ; cicMirHliin (00. Stooriire imtaftva
> t low rate * . 1'otor XV riff lit 1 Boris , C\oncr \
Aients , D5 llroailrrw , Now VorK.
lluiny I'uiidt , UIH K.iniHiiidt. ; I'niiljuu t Co.
H'B Farniim Hi i I ) . O. 1 loiiinun ! . ' - ! < 1'iiin.ira it
llecentlf Ilnllt. 2 < > lr ) Kuriil > Uu4
The Tremont ,
J. C , KHV.OKKAUKV MN , I'lujtrletnra.
Cor. tth mid I'Mi , I iicoln , Nub.
lUldxIl W | i rtl / . Hlrodt curi froinf.ouu to of
litrluf IUe o'tj. '
Arcliitect ,
Omtn ) . 31 und 4J , Hl'jhuiUb HlocW , Lincoln ,
Keli. mo\nloronltli | btruct.
Ilitedtrol HrfMerof
0 i LI oi > A if CA rrr t. SlinlCtllUllVClTTM
1VOO1) S.
Live Stock Auctioneer
iniuln In nil imrls of thn U H. at fair
mien. KIHHII ! ) , Smlo Illorl. , Lincoln Nt-U
( iitllovrak uiulHUnrt Hnm hulln lornulo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
CorresnondL-nett In repirl lo limns bollcltel.
Ifourn 4 , ItU'liard * Illoi k I.lnuiiln Null.
Riverside Short Horns
Of Mrlttly puiu lliituiiinl Hats lnpjib < luatllu.
lltiid iiumhiri ulioilt Hj hnul ,
I'junlHcs r prnni > iilfiil. I'llberti , Cruifn ,
AcomliH , JU-Mku , llukuof liuion * , Mrm lloiot ,
Knivlitl > Iniuiioojoi , I liil CruuU i ouiu Miry ,
I'llllUH , I > llHtlH UHll fl > IC I.OVt'1
Hulls Inrnitln 1 rum < liuci 1'illierl. I I'ure
Bnloii iiiKir * . I lUnour sliniou. I Vtiun * Mury.
I I'uie I'riilck hhdiiU anil 01 uiri ( ninu un < l
Imiiiit lliu lierl. AilJiaii , C.HAs. M. KUAN *
SON. Uiiuuln , No-b _ _ _ _
VVlitn in I. ncoln tlopat
National Hotel ,
AnO L'cl u gioJ uidiiui In J < * > o