Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Heam Reported to Bo Buying a Large
Amount of Wheat ,
A Htnmprtlo AIMOIIK Holdcrn of I'ork
Tim Cattle Trmtc Slow Hogs
Loxvci * atnl Packers Not IJuy
IHJJ Quotut Ions.
GuifAoo , Nov. H.-iSpcclnlTolcRrnm to
tlm HEI'.I Them ! s. < om gosslu that Itrntn buun liiinK \ n denl of wheat of Into
nntl llml hu h iiintilpitlntlnK tlte market fora
little whllp. Thcnt Is sonic tnlk that this bit ;
tindnr wants to cre.iloasliorU o and to c.itcli
Jlulcli , I'urilildKu and BUIIIQ other bit :
scnliiorrt with big lines out. It' theruisany-
tldticntnll In gossip ,'s Uctlc5) ) luivo
liL'on cll corned for n iiiiinbcr of weeks.
With cables by no means dlicmiinRlnR. and
with cxuotf ) at the rate of about 1,000,000
tinslielf ) every seven days , prices here have
stu.iillly declined. Tldsdoe.s not look ns If
any gnat Bpcctilator was Klvlni ; much aid to
tin ; malket. Cables to-day hald that In Mitrk
, l.ano wheat sold at Cd advance. The only
effect hero was to open It lower tlmn It closed
last nlRlit. Dict'inberM \ 74 Xc ,
just n shnilu under last night's close. In
porl < tberu was ti staniiedo | of holders and
January dropped to S..S' ' . Wheat to-day
fitcadilv declined until December touched nt
7ii ; < c. It Fold when the market was at tlm
very lowest ebb , and Hie fee lint ? most do-
liic.isecl si finv weeks aio nt TJt o lor llie.-amu
option. This comiurlHun Id now bolnu' m.ttlo
dally , and with tlm icsitlt of Incre.iHluir nil
tlm whllu tlm depression of holders. Tlm
tact thcru appears to be no letting up In
receipts al iirimary wheat markets In tlio
noitliwctt Is put linns tlm most duinoralblng
of nil the Hiitns. Tlm oilier htct that there
ntu ri,2VMHX ) bushels morn wheat In slciit than
last year Is hardly less dciiiorall/ing. Coun
try speeulatlvu tradu appears suddenly to
luxe disappeared , been swallowed up , It Is
claimed , by tlm bucket simps. Said a
i.artimi In n largo commission ilrm to-day ,
' 'The situation In wheat Is most depiusslnir.
Vestcrda > calls weio stioiiK and hlulmi , and
Urn feelltm abio.ul buojant. Uluc.iKo de
clined on II. To-day our condition Is
reflected o\cr them and latu cables
rnino lower. Thcru Is not tlm do-
iiresslon abtoad that tlmrn Is hern , although
ilmio ! , buoyancy Repeated weak
Fell3 ] lirro comjiel n < lecllno overtheic. "
Wheat nftci tlm lirst break wont back to 74ife
for De'Tinber and stuck about there. That
was tlm "put" iiilconnd theio was Influence
onoiigh on the pait of sellers of thcMi pilv-
to ] irt'Aciit much break fioin tliat
liguii ! . In luovKlons packers me
nloni ! so well with tlm new men Miattlm
beats are now pulling out short lines with
very littlu anxiety. Packers ha\o licgiin to
bell again , too. Hogs Imvo been unfavoiubly
nlTected by the strike and this lias it-acted on
the ( ills so that really tlm very influence ot
the stiiKe , which ut liist advanced the prod
uct , Is now helping along tlm decline.
2W : ! iM. . On tlm late session values were
steady under A fair \oluiuo of trade. Final
elosltiL's were as follows : Wheat steady ,
but active ; Til ' for No\embcr , 74 > Ye lor De
cember , 75c lor.lanttary. Corn steady : 'KJ c
for November , iM' ' e lor December kQU-Vc
for May. Outs < | iilet ; ' > % ? for November ,
UO'ifcfor December , j'orfc steady ; S'.l.JX ) for
Noember. . ' . . : for December , 8U.U5 for
.lann.-uv. l.ard'M for November , S5.1X )
ioi December , 1f3.U5 lor January.
UinoAoo , Nov. 11 [ Special Telegram to
the Uisi.J : OATTI. ! : Trade In n qcnural way
was rather s-low. Theio was n lanio number
of very line Christmas steers on the inailtet
to-day that innda high prices , yet barely made
what they were worth and mmln no money
for eltlHT shippers or leoders. Tlm ordinary
inn of faicattlo , such as arc usually bnuzlit
by shippers and dressed betf dealers , was
ucnerally quoted easier and by many sales
men as fully lOo lower than yesterday. Na
tive butchers' stock was rather scared and
slightly higher on such as is wanted for tlm
city shop trade. Common native butchers'
stock was dull. Hanu" stock is crowing
seaice , as tlm season Is about over. Itnt few
Tcxaus ttiu on sa to. There was nothing
new In the stocker and feeder trade ,
liig heavy feedeis aie tlm most
In demand. Atpre.sout light stock is nut
wanted. Three loads of stock calves sold
wlllilu a range of SS.Mflll.OO per head.
Fancy shipping and Clnistinas steers , S5.25@ ; cooil to choice , 84 IK ) 5.0. ; fair to
choice. fc4.M@l.7i ) ) ; eommon to uuod ,
: t.r , ( ( < 4t.05 ; poor and medium , S'.10Cfti..rM. ; ;
KOI them rangers , S2.tiO@.fl5 ? ; wintered Tex-
nns , * 2.GOfti.'JO. ( : Through Texans , S'J.15@
y.liO ; fair toeholco native cows , Sl.WXa'iCO :
Btc-ckoii , Sl.Tr > Ci < 2. ( < 0 ; feeders , SS.M@3. W.
lions Trade was blow and prices 5@lOc
lower on the oidlnary run ot iiacklnc and
shipping Kiadcs. 1'aekeis are not buying and
hlnopeis could not got ears to take away Iliolr
stock , else there would have been an nctl\o
and steady m.uKcl. JEough and eommon noli !
aown to J BV'MfiO ; best nifced , W.OO.T..7r ( ! ) ;
liest hc.i\y , ty.75i.bO ( ! : ! ; light torts , t3.20@
l < "lNANJl/Vt /
Now York. Nov. 11. MONKY On call
quiet at rxfli ) per cent , closing nt 5 pur cent
tiTKiu.ixn Kxciixxni ; Dull anil unset-
t led : net mil rates S4.80 > j tor s l\ty day bllla ;
gl.M lor ilenmml ,
liovuKKkih.Nii Ooveiuniunt bonds wcro
tlull ImtMe.uly.
Sior ics Kit-it prices slioweil advances
nei the final llcutes of lnt \eninc of tiotn
\ to % per cent Keneinlly. Ti.ulInK was
M-ry iietlve , lint prices wrin toveilsli and
Riinerallv MOakeneil. Towanls noon tlui
market beeamo dull , tlm lliuitnation buln
connncil Hlthln n very narrow lance anil
tiniibaellons 'L'liero was a reac
tion utter noon anil slllit activity , but tbn
| : ibM\\o lionn , b.iw tlm iledlno resinneJ niul
-ihn nun ket bec.unu weaker as well as inoto
iietlutus thu eloso of business ajiiiroaclieil ,
uiul tlm liunl flgntesMTO Kunerally the low
est of the day.
cenlbonil3 . lOliflO. it N.V HBa'
U. H.k'8 lll'h pretcircil. . . Ml }
New-tV. VJTjJ.V.Y.O iii4 : | *
I'aelliotVn of 'U5. 12fl | Dieiion Trail. . . . 80' . '
CentrAlPnvlllc. . iS'iPaellie. Mail W }
C. A A \W ( P. I ) . & E
pruienco. . . . ICO P. P. 0.
C. JJ. A ( i. . . . . . . J : > K li'ock Island. . .
1 > . 1 > . * W IMJCl.St. L. it. . . .
t > , Alt , o S-iVl nrefeued. .
Kilu SO. . , M. A-St. 1' . .
IHMferred. . 70 I jucferied. .
llllnqls CVntriil. ia St. P. &O
1. , IJrxW 17'i ' picfmcd. .
Knnsns&Texas. SS 'Tex ' s I'aellic. . . 21K
hnLo.Shoru. . . . m Union 1'aclllo. . . fXV )
h. AN 5S3B' W. , St. L. V I' . . 20 !
Mich. Centul. . . 9I 4 prefened. . . SJll
JIo , I'aclllo US 'Western ' Union.
Koithfiii 1'uc. . . 211'niO. ' . K. Jch'
prof erred. . . ( U |
Cliloaeo , Nov. 11. Klottr Steady anil
unchanged : winter wheat Hour , E4.0.X34.10 ;
fcouthern. ia.COtrt4.00 ; WibCimsln. 84 00(1 ( .10 ;
Wheat Opened lomowliat weaVer.decUncd
Ji'e , and after Iliu-tiiatlii ) ; duH'il uliont steady
Jnr fntnies , and c higher lor c.i li ; rasli ,
" Deeeinbor , "i so- , January , 75c ; Muy ,
Corn Weak and lower ; opened n shade
below vc&tt'iday'b closlnt : and elo-sed J clew
low er ; , s&.ifc : December , uty c ; J an uary'
irtU-lOc ; May.Vl WCc.
Outs Dull ; deterred futures ' ( if ' 40 lower ,
cash unchanged ; cabh , 25 , ' , , ; UcceuiUtr ;
S ! \o : May , ao sp.
it ) p Firm at SUi'r.
Uarlej 51c ,
Tunotliy seed I'rlmtt , fl.aV21.CO.
1'ork llMlnein 'JlOtv rallied
casli and Dccembi-r , i'J.'Jt ) ; Juuuary , .
l.ard Dull and steadv , 'J'-'o. lower ; cash
and Dwembcr , V'.Ht ) January. S.VJr. .
Jlulk Mciits-ShoulderN j5.10vci5.UO ; short
clear , S3.s5yi-M0 | ; short ribs. S.ia'i tor Jan
llutter Demand inodemto : creamery , IDS
25c : dairy , HQ' 'o.
) Steady and firm ; full-cream eb d-
dnre , Il > vri2p ? ? ; flat ? , llVf ISc : young Amcr-
Icae , ll ; fol2'Vc : skims , .U c.
KitL's btcady at irxrflOe.
ilidos Heavy green Rutted , fully cured ,
SCls ! < e ; Iltht. do , SK' ' SJ/cs damaged , 7(1 ( }
7V"bullhkle5OJfc ; ; drysaltod , ll@12c ; dry
flint , lHc ; calf skins , 8@10 > c ; deacons ,
We eacli.
Tallow No. 1 counttr , 3Ji@3 o ; No , 2
So : cake , 8 fc.
Kpwlms Shipments.
Klonr.bbU . U4tMXt Kt.OOO
WbcaUbU . lia,000 1 .000
Corn , nn . 17ow ITO.OOO
OatP. UU . 87,000 W5.0CO
Itye , on . fi.Ooo 1.000 . r.9ooo
New York. Nov. 11. Wheat-Cash , tf@
KC lower with netlvo export business ; options
opened \veak , declined M(3Jfc ( , afterwards
strenethcned and closed with a recovery of
.V ( SP ; rereliiti , 241.COO ; exports. 12tt,000 : un
graded red , TlKa Jfe ; No. S reil , 8-Jc ; No. 1
red , Sb'ic ; No. 2 red , S. J4@SH fc In elec
tor , ! Me f. o b. , 8 Jf@$3c nlloatj December
closed nt liVfc.
Corn Kasler ; receipts , linCOO ; expoits ,
1,000 ; uiigradcdMl JSKc ; new No. n. : i > ic ;
No. 'J , 45c In elevator , 45Jfc afloat ; Decui-
bcr closed nt 45J c.
Oats Fairly active ; receipts. WOOO ; cv
ports , 1,400 ; mixed western , 3-'Q34c ; white
western , ! i.X'Z40c. '
Petroleum Firm.
I'ork Fairly ncthe and ecnernlly steadv ;
old mess , SU.75WIO.CO ; new mess , S10.t7K ;
@ 10.7fl.
Ijard-LoAverlmt moderately active ; west
ern steam sput , SC.2J1. ; ; December , 50.UO ®
Httttcr Firm and In fair demand ; wcstcin ,
i7'J ( c.
< 'hcesc-Qulct and steady ; western flat , lljf
Egtts Steady and In fair Inquiry.
Milwaukee , Nov. 11.- Wheat Steadier ;
cash , 71Ye ; December , 72J < c ; Jauuaiy , 73 , ' c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , JB e.
Oats Slow ; No. 2 , ST.XC. .
Kye-Flrm ; No. S.5le.
Harlev Lower ; No , a , f)2)fc. )
Provisions Kasler ; pork , November and
December , S9. 0.
Clncliinntl , Nov. 11. Wheat Kasler ;
No. 2 red. 75Ji@7Ce.
Corn Kasler ; No. 2 mixed , 3W5CKC.
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 , mixed , 2b@-W.kc.
Kyo- Strong ; No. 2 , 65c.
Pork-Quiet at Sli./O.
I.ald-Qillet at S3.UO. :
MliinoapoilH. Nov. 11. Wheat Weak ;
No. 1 hard cash , 72c ; December , Ti elan \ -
uary , 74c ; May , nominal at 7SKtftO ; No. 1
northern , cash , 70o ; December , 70) ) e ; .Janu
ary and May , 7Se ; No. a northern , cash ,
Use ; Decombei , C.8J.c.
Flour ( Julot ; patents , S4. 10 1.25 ; bakers ,
Kccelnts-Wheat , 207.000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 65,000 bu. ; Hour , 19,000
St. Lottlu. , Nov. 11. Wheat Easy ;
No. 2 red. cash. 74c ; December , 7C , ' c ;
January , 77 c ; May , 8lH'Wfe.
Coin Kasv : No. 2 mixed , cash , 34c ;
December , : n'te ' ; January , ? i < 3Uv May ,
Oats Weak : No. 2 , mixed. cash , 27@37Vc ;
December , 'M\a May , ai ) , < gX : > Kc.
Kve Firm attOc.
Whisky 51.13.
1'oik FiiniatS'J.87 .
hard-Steady at S5.10@5.03.
Utttter Actlvonnd steady ; creamery , 23@
CCc ; dairy , I'Jdt-'iTe.
Atternoon Hoard AVheat Steady at 1 < e
higher. Corn Shade easier. Oats Un
KniinaH City , Nov. 11. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 3 red. cash , fiO'fu ' bid ; January , G' e
bid ; May , co.e bid.
Corn Steadv : No. 2 , cash , SM c ; December -
cember , a'JJi'c ' ; Jfay , X > e.
Oats Nominal ; 'Jl e asked for cash.
roleilo , Nov. 11. Wheat Dull and
weak ; cash , 7C'Je. !
Corn Dull ; cash , : tSc.
Oats-Steady ; cash 27 c.
Ijivorpoul , Nov. 11. Wheat In poor
demand ; new No , 2 winter steady at Cs Sjtfd ;
spring steady nt Os Sd.
Flour In pool demand and steady at
8s 7d.
Corn In poor demand ; spot steady at 4s
4d ; November and December dull tU4 4d ;
January , dull ot 4sJd. : ) .
Now Orleans. Nov. 11. Corn Quiet and
steady ; mixed , I7e : yellow , 48c ; white , 4Uu.
Oats hteadj ; choice western , ! K f@We. !
Ho ; Products In good demand and a
shade higher.
1'oik Firmer at SIO/JS.
J/atd Helined tletce , Sfi.OO.
Uulic Meats Shouldeis. S"i.l2) ; long
cleai and clear ribs , S0.1' jruC.'J5.
Coiuineal Quiet at S2.15.
, Nov. 11. The Drover's Journal
remutuns follows :
Cattle Kecelpts , 9.000 ; extras stiong ;
common lower ; shipping steers , 53.oQ5.4'i ! ! ;
stockers and feeders , SiOJ@3.0 ; ! ; cows , bulls
and mixed , S1.2.-t.OO ) : ; through Texas cattle
slow but steady ; steers , S250.10 ! ; western
ransters , slow ; natives and hnlf-biceds ,
S3.tKi ) ( 3.70 ; wintered Texans , $2..W@i.:5.
llo s Ueceits ) ) , t ,000 ; blow , closing f , ( < jj
lOclowei ; rough and mixed , S3.i5@i.7.rj : ;
packing and bhlpplnif , S.7U@J.b5 : ; light ,
S3.Brt.V.7.T : Skips , S2.2WJ.10.
SheepIteeelpts. . 3,030 ; slow and steadv :
natives. S2.00.3i.-5 . : ! western. Sa.OOCtfii.CO ; Texans -
ans b'.OOjliJ.oo ; lambs , si.OOW4.40. :
Hr. l > ( uln , Nov. 11. Cattle Receipts ,
2.000 ; shipments , 100 ; steady with a strong
demand for desirable feeders and stockeis ;
choice natlvii steers , SJ.HOi.T4.7f ( > ; medium to
good shipping steei.s. st.riOi4.J. : ( ' > ; butchers'
steers , fair to good , S.'UO I.IU ; feedeib , fall-
to good , S2.50@y.SO ; btockers , fair to good ,
Sioosja si.
lloL'S-liecelpts , 7,000 ; shlpmonts , 1,100 ;
all kinds cleaied up early at steady ngtires ;
New York buyers again In market ; cholco
native and butcher selections , S3.70 ( .i , ! > 5 ;
packets , lair to best , , > . ! .r 5 ( 3.70 ; Yoikers ,
medium to choice , fc3.iiocg3.i5.
KUIINUH Oily , Nov. 11. C-ittle Receipts ,
1,000 ; Hhipments , 2,000 ; good stiong : com
mon weak and slow ; common to choice ,
E3.0u1.60' : ; { stoekeis , SU.aKiW.75 ; feeding
steeis , VJ.bO@f.CO : cows , t > l.'iOpJ.tX ( ! ) ; grass
range steers. 2oi.0. ! : .
Hogs Keccipts , 0,000 ; shipments , none ;
active at r.g'iUo higher ; common to choice ,
Thursday Evening , Nov. 11.
CAITI.I : The fiesh iecelits ] were light.
Them were several bunches of feeders
sold and u low coin-led cattle nd butcheta *
htulf ,
lloos The recnipts were not as heavy as
je teidiiy but the demand was equally good
anil tlm pens weie cleared. Tlmmniket re
mained about steady with the day before.
Siit.hi1 There was ono small bunch sold.
Cattle . fiCO
Hogs . 1SUO
Provnillni ; .
Slmwlnsctlmpriivalllngprlco ) paid for live
stock on this mat ket.
Cholco steers , 13.V ) to 1500 Ibs . S4.2'i@ 1.70
Cholco stettM , 1100 to WOO Ibs . a.75W4.40
Medium sleets , 12W to 135J Ibs. . . 3.00(3 ( 1.15
( ioodteeders , . t-.bDC )
Ciiod to cJioicu coin-fed cows . 2.Kfu3.UO ) !
ISangocows . , . a .XtJWO
Fair to medium grass cows . ' - > .UOrnJ.'i5
( ! oed to clioiea Ottlls . l.M )
l.iuht and medium nogs . 3AV < ? 3.7. ' >
( iood to cholco henvv l' . > gs. . . . . S,00nf3.75
( iood to cholco mixed nogs . 3..V > ( < u. < V >
HoilL'll tlliow outs . , . 2.50'43.00
( ! ooit to olinieo Ahepp . S.7.VidJ.t1 !
Fair to good sheep . . 2.25 < < i2.DO
Itoprusamiuiva Hnlcs.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr ,
b3 , . . , l 53.25.
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slik.
54. . 3.07K M..274
50. .W7 3.07 ; , ' 00. , 225
W..815 ICO 3.0 C1..291 40 8.75
72..SC9 2SO H.70 65..273 COO 3.77jf
&J..2M 3.70 50..273 40 3.77
63 .341 200 3.70 M..209 tt.S )
.VS..KG 200 3.70 48,212 200 3.S )
1H3..27S 4M ] 8.70 W . .312 20 3.S )
74..2Tf 400 3.70 73 .337 I''O 3.W
51..Car 240 3.70
Hansjo of Price * .
Showing the liluhc t and lowest crlce *
paid for loads ofhogs on this market during
tlio past seven days anil for the same time
last year : _ _ _ _
001,1881 | Nnv. 1SS3. | Nov. I5o.
Ith 4.0.1 ( (7.4 I'D .
th 3.B1 ttt.n ! ! 40 d70 \ 30 } Ui !
7th 3.80 R4 00 Suiidur. a 0) )
ftlt 3 70 e : | ( M 3 < tt < ijl : 70 0)Sttndny
Sill 3,6.1 . a M WJ.M nee cjai7'S
10th Sunrtny sis
llth 3.7ft ' n 10 S-i 20
All sales of stock in this market are made
pcrcwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at KC per Ib. for nil wnlijhU.
"Skins , " or hogs weUhlng less than 100 Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows arc docked 40 Ibs.
nnd stags SO Ibs.
Jlogs nil sold.
A few feeders sold.
Light hozs wanted.
There arc n good many Iowa hogs coining
James McOieav.v , Bancroft , had In a load
of cattle.
J. Ho\vcr had In n load of sheep from Coun
cil Bluffs.
Hess Davis llrownton , was hero with two
loads of stock.
Isaac Wnlxe ) , Chicago , was hero buying
fccdcis to-day.
J. H. Landers , Vtlllscn , had two loads of
cattle on the market.
Hogs averaged llfty-nlno to the car against
sixty-two for yestetdny.
It. H. Presson , Johnson , county , Neb. , was
looking over tlm market.
II. F. StlllevAr Co. . Western , was on the
market with two loads of cattle.
John Dern , Hooper , was hciftnnd soldthrco
cars of corn fed cattle and one of hogs.
D. 15. Prdmeiton , formerly with Pa'.mcrton ,
J.ovo & McCloud , has opened a commission
H. I.cmmcr. Humphrovs , was hero nnd
sold one load ot IIUK'S , onuload of cattle nnd
one of sheep.
Dr. llnirls and The Wyoming Land nnd
Cattle company each had In n load of cattle
from Douxlas.
D. N. Wheeler , Pendnr , Neb. , was In to-day
looking over the market and will ship here
lioiu now on.
J. M. Trumbnll , Adair , la. , was hero nnd
marketed n loud uf hogs. Ills lirstislt. . but
says he will come again.
Westetn Live Stock company. Chadron ,
had in 270 head of cattle. F. S. Lusk , man
ager of the company , was here.
Mr. Fitch , general manager ot the Fremont
& HIkhurn "valley line and W. N. U.tbeock ,
general western agent for tlm NoUhwestcrn ,
were visitors at the yards to-day.
On the market with hogs : E. Pottys. Khcl-
hy ; J. Horiigan , Council lllulls ; llllss it
Illlss , Schuyler : . ) . 11. Mclntyrc. Kagle ;
Wilkinson t\ ; Graham , Avoca ; Nelson &
Younir , Oakland : W. W. Klock , Ihadshaw ;
W. Weyant , jr. , Gcrmantown ; Scholleld it
T. , Wiiverly ; Kelly it Co. . Kxeter ; Allen ifc
Moore , tltlca : A. B. llrlght , Cumbeiland ; J.
A. McDIll , Kmerson ; D. Andcison , C'olnm-
bus : H. H. Falkner , Plum Creek ; F. Hey ,
.Silver Creek ; P. Trulcson , Lottj ) City ; Mcln-
tosb * Sutton. Chapmnns ; Cooner tVMoore. .
Loin ; PincStitt ; & Urvant. Council 131ulls ;
J. i ( . Reynolds , Atlantic , In.
General Prtiilace.
Thursday , Nov. 11.
Tlicfollvwlnit price * arc jor round lots nf
produce , iwsuldontlic iiuirhct to-daii. TIic
( flintatloiw on fruits represent me prices ut
whicho\Uiitaorders \ nrc Illltid.
EOG.S Receipts equal to tlm demand , a
lather easy feeling existing just at ptesent.
Cold weather would undoubtedly hn\o a
stlmulatint ; effect upon the market. lgs ? ; ; ,
stiictly tresh. candled , 20e.
BiTiTKit The domain ! is very busk ; all
grades are selllne at higher prices than last
week. Choice stock suitable lor table use Is
active. FieUicicameiv'lancv0c ! ; lieshdaily ,
choice , 22 < ? i"c ; choice country roll , 'J-2 < g' 4c :
choice country , solid packed , 24j@22c ; good
countiy toll , 18@iOy ; good country , solid
packed , 10@lSc ; Fair , 14@l5c ; common ,
OC 12.
I'our.TitY Anivals of dressed poultry
ha\eboen moio nleiititul for the past lew
days , but the weather thus far has been un
favorable nnd rather low pi ices woropie-
vailing. A good deal of poultty coming to
our maiUct is uooily dtessed , and buyeis for
such are hatd to Hud. Live poultiy continues
quite dull. Diessed poultry , chickens ,
choice , per Ib , 'J $ lOe ; fair to good , r/cisc ;
turkeys , choice , 12Cn.ic : ; ; fair to good , 9@iie ;
ducks , choice , lie ; geese , choice , lie. Live ,
old chickens , choice , per do/ . . 2.2fl@'J.40 ;
9.00.CIIKKSR Full cream Hats , 2 In box13e ;
Young Americas , 4 in box , 13fe ; taney
hwiss,15c ; Swiss , choice , He ; brick,12j@l3c ;
Ijimbutg , 12c.
CIAMK Piulrie chlekeiiji me selling on
arilval at iiuotations. Mallard duc.c are
doing well. Teal and mixed are In moderate
reiiuest. Quail wanted. Snlpo anil plover
only lair. Deer , anlelopeand elk very scarce
and much call for. Pranle chickens , choice ,
per doS".00 ; quail , " 51.50 : snipe , plover ,
etc. , 91.00(1 1.25 : ducks.mallaid , VI 75 ; dueks ,
teal. Sl.'i'i ; ducks , mixed , Sl.OO ; eeese , S3.00
OM.fX ) ; deer , saddles , i > ei Ib , ll@12e ; deer ,
carcasses , Sdi'Jc ; antelope , saddleHifil2c ( ;
antelope , carcasses , 7fae ! ) ; elk , saddles , V } 6
lie ; oik. raicjsses , ( ViiTe ; jack labbits , per
do/ , 53.Vifl.ou ) : small labbits , per doSf.OO
POTATOKS The m-uket Is not finite as
stiong as a weuk ago , mild wcathei being
tlm principal cause. Kecelpts have been
quite liberal , nnd all dealers have moio or
loss stock laid awny for winter use , and will
only buy now when nn exlia him car Is
being oiTeied to them at slHitly lower
Imuies. Potatoes , choice , per bu. SOj.'o ;
good , 45wi7i' .
ONIONS There is a good supply on the
niiii ket at piescnt. The hulk of the al"s
me oolng made fiom tlm stores in small loM ,
Onions , choleo bulk , per bu , 75' < rUOo : choice ,
fiom store , OOcQi'Jl.OO ; choice , from store , per
bbl. S2.7rxa3.00.
Swnnr POTATOES CholcJ stock searco
nnd much called Ioi. Choice home-grown ,
per Ib , 2c ; choice Jarauv. per bbl , 53.50 ,
Ari'j.Ks Uecclnh of apples mo largo and
the demand eiiually so , cnucciully lor Mich-
inan stock , Quito n good many bairel.4 of
Missouii and Illinois Unit are on the market
now , sume of Ilium having been Kept heie
foi weeks already , nnd are iindeshablo for
any ono wishing to lay in a winter supply.
Common stock,81.75(112 ; eholccMlsiourl stock ,
52.00 * . ' .21 ; Michigan stocU , 2.0Ua. , > .5U ; tancy
Michigan. g3.00.
Cii.inv : The roceluts are so heavy that
dealers are unable to dispose ol it all.
Choice stock Is selling at :5 : < ) ( ilOc per do/ .
Ovirhns-Tin ) cooler weather is btaclng
up' , Pitces lemaln unchanged.
Mediums , 25c ; standards , 30 ; selects , 35u ;
N. Y. counts. 40i\
LEMONS Messina , per box 57.00 ; Mr.lagn.
S3.00\iO.Nl. ! (
OKANOKS Florida choice , per box' , 50.09 ;
Jamnicas , choice , put bbl , § 10 (0 ; Jamaica ? ,
choice , per box$5,50. .
( JitAi-ES Malaga , per bbl , snoOM.ibca ; ,
5-10 bbl lots , per bbl , 5,50 ; Catawba , U Ib
baskets , , 75c.
PKOVISIONS Hani , sugar-cuicd , ll'
ll > sc ; breakfast b.xcon , su ar-cnreii ,
boneless ) , lOo ; shoulders , sugar-cured ,
C 'e ; clear sldo bacon , Ho ; dry salted bides ,
7\e : dried beef , turns , 14c ; dried beer , reg
ular , Uc ; inoi-t pork , per bbl. , < 12.50 ; lard. 40
Ib cans , Falibanks , 7.lfc ; 10 , 5 and 3 Ib
palls , Fairbanks. TfQ'V. '
UKANS Interior stock SO.75 1.00 ; good
clean country , 51.00'ul.iV medium , hand
picked , S1.50@l.tX ) ; hand picked navy , 51.00
oC l.c.
FI.OUH AND Miu.sTUrFs Winter wheat
flour , best quallt ) patent , S2.75 ; second qiul-
Itjr. 83.40 ; be-it quality spring wheat
Hour , patt'iit ' , 3J.fiObran,50cpercwtchopped ; ;
fwid , 70i ) per cwt ; white corn meal , 'JOo ;
jellowcorn meal , fcoo percwt ; screening , Cue
per cwt : hominy , S..oo per e.wt ; bhorts , f > 5o
per cwt ; erahatn , 51.00 ; hay , In bales , 35.50 ®
C.OO ucr ton.
aiiA.ix Corn. 20c ; new oats , 2.5o ; rye 35 ;
wheat , No. 2.55c.
Oenoral Markets.
Woor. Medium 18 < < 52de per Ib ; flno heavy ,
HfsJlUji light , ICQISc ; coaide , 14ltcj ) burry
wool , 2c ( 5c off.
HIDES Green butchers. 0 ? < c ; geecn cured ,
8Uas > Medry ; flint , ll rJc ; dry salt.JKaioc ;
green calf skins , Ckrt'JV < c ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 9 0. Grease
I'nuiu white , 3o ; yellow , 2c ; brown , ijf
bhwo Pelts , 25Q 5c.
LEATIIKH PnuiB slaughter aole leather ,
J c ; prime oak solo hither , SXsi3e. Upyer
leather per foot , 20v < * 2oc ; hem , kip. 2v < t e ;
oak kip. S.'Xiit'.V ' ; French Kip , J51.OOviU.20 ;
hem , calf , $1.00(31.10 ( : Q.UC cair , $ LOOS1.2S ;
Kiencn calf , S1.3.K31.0 ; Morocco , boot iep ,
S0 < 33-Je : Morocco oil pebble.2s331-'c ; toppings
and linings o
HKA.VY ll.vimwAnn iron , rate 82.'W ;
plow stiel special cast , 4c ; crucible toel , Cc ;
chain , per Ib. ogl''ci malleable , CSS ? ; iron
wedces , Gc ; crowbars , < Jc ; narrow teeth , 4c ;
spring steel , 7(3 ( ; Huidcn's horsq Mioes ,
5M.40 ; Burden's mule sllo6s.40. . Hatbed
wire. In car lot ? , IS4.0J per 100 llw.
Nails , rates , 10 to 60 , s M ) ; steel nnilg , S2.TO.
Sbot , SUV ; buckshot , SIM ; oriental powder ,
keps , S3 SO ; do. Imlf kc s , S'AOO ; do. quarter
kojrs , 31.50 : blasting kegs 52.355 fuse , per 10
feet.CJc. Lead bar , S16.
\AitNil < iii:3 : Uariels , per gallon : furni
ture , extra , 31.10 ; furniture. No. 1. St.OO ;
coach extni , 51.40 ; co.ich , No. 1 , $1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , 31.75 ; Jnmn , 70o ; aophnltum ,
extra S5c ; shellac , $3,60 ; hard oil linlsli ,
" bt'iitiTR Coloane spirits , iss proof , SI.17 ;
do 101 proof , 31.18 ; spirits , second quailtv ,
101 proof , $1.17 : do Ibt proof. 81.10. Alcohol ,
1H8 proof , 82.18 per wine gallon. Redistilled
1 whiskies , Sl.00vrtl.50. ( ! ln , blended. 51.W ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S'iOOftO.OO ; Ken
tucky _ i .1 _ „ nnd i. Pennsylvania f i .T..I. „ . _ . ryes . : i _ , : . _ SJ.OOrtrt.50 i.l ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and no whiskies
Sl.50ia3.00. ' Hrnndles , Imported , SS.OOy ? .Ni ;
domestic , 81.3Xg3.oo. ( ( ! lns imported , S4..W
( iiO.OO ; domestic , 81.2Mn.oo. ChumpaKties ,
Imported , nerense. 3.00 < a33.00 ; Ameiican ,
pur case. SiO.OOv.ain.oo.
PAINTS ix OiiWhllo lead. Onmha.P. P. ,
7Uo ; white lead , St. Louis , pure. $7.76 ; Mar-
Bellies crccn. I toMbeans , tc ! ; Froncli zinc ,
creen seal , 12 ; Frencli zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish nutt , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c : vermilliun , American , ISc ; Indian
reil , lOc ; ro > n pinit , 14o ; Venetian red , Cook-
son'H , 2'4xc : Venetian tod. American , IJfc ;
red Icail , 7 ; < c ; ehrnmo yellow , Kenitlne , 2oc ;
chroniu yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochelle. ! ! c ;
oclire , I'reneh , 2Jfc ; ochre , American ,
IWc ; Winter's mineral , 2' e ; hellish blown ,
'Ji ej Spanish brown , 2X05 Prlnce'a n.lneral ,
Dnv PAINTS Whlto lead , 8c : French slue ,
12 ; Paris \\liitlnir. aljo ; wliltlni ; . ullders ,
-Kc ; whltlni : , coin'l , I'fc ; l.tmpbl.ick , ( ier-
nmnstoun. lie ; lampblack , ordinary , tfc ;
Prussian biuefMcultramarine ; , l c ; vandyk-
btown , 8e ; umber , burnt. Ic ; umber , raw , 4 o
sienna , burnt , 4e ; sienna , raw , 4e ; Pane
crecn. eenuino. Me. Paris creen , common ,
2-Jc ; chrome green. N. V. , 20Bchrono ; green
K. Uc ! : vermillion , Knu-llMi , in oil , 7r > c ;
raw and burnt timber , 1 Ib cans , I2c ; raw ami
burnt sienna , We ; vandyke brown , lo ! ! ; relined -
lined lampblack , I2e ; conch blaek and Ivory
black. lOc ; drop blaek , lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : nltranmrlnu black. IHc ; chromo creenL. ,
M. ifel ) . , Itie ; lilind and shutter L'ruen. L. , At.
A D. , lOc : P.irLs cieen , ISe ; Indian red. ir > c ;
Venetian red , fe ; Tuican , ff-V ; Ametlean
vermillion , L. ifc 1) . , SOc ; yellow ochre , 2o ; L.
M. & O. U. , ISc ; BOOI ! oelire , ICe ; patent
drxcr , So ; cralnliifc color , Unlit oak , dark oak ,
walnut , clicstntit and nsh , 1'Jc.
Diitios ANI > CHEMICALS. Acid , carbolic ,
32c ; ncld , tartarlc , 5Jc ; balsam copaiba , i > er
lt > , 4tc : ; bark sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
per Ib , 7 e , eliinchonidia , per oI0c ; chloro-
iiiim , per Hi , .Vc ) ; Uovurs powdets , jiei Ib ,
SI.25 ; epsoin salts , per 1L , MJic ; Kbeeilne ,
pure , jierlb , 2io ; lead , acetate , per tl > , 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gi.l. , Sl.AUc ; oil castor ,
No. B , per Ral. , 51.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , JI.40 ;
oil orltranntim. SOe ; ODluiii , (3.20 ; quinine ,
P. it W. and K. < t S , , per m. 70c ; pot.issiinn
iodide , per Ib , Si.S > ; s.illcln , pcroz , 40e ; snl-
pliatu mornhlne , per ot , Sbttlphur ; , pei
Ib , 4c ; btrjchnine , per o . Sl.35.
Grocort' JAnt.
PICKI.KS Medium. In bbh , ? ; do. In
liair bbN , S3.15 ; small , in bbls. S7.f)0 ; do , tn
halt bbls , 34.25 ; u'herklns , In bbls , 88.50 ; do ,
in half bbls , SJ.75.
Sjviii'i' No. 70. 4- allen ke s , S1.20 ; Now
Orleans , per tiallon BVifJiie ; inutile s\rup.
half bbls , ; 'olil time , " per Kallon , 72c ; 1 cal-
lon cans , nur do310.00 ; lialf. gallon cans ,
per do/c , ? 3.00 ; quart cans , t : > . ( w.
, . -
moss , Olb. 7Wc , Kingsford's pure , 3Jb , 7 ic ;
Kincstordsbiilk. Ic.
ToiiAoro Plug , cllmav , 1-c ; horseshoe ,
37c ; star. 3'Jc ; spearhead , We : piperheidsiek ,
( JOc : gold shield , 3lc ; meny war , 2ic : : J. T.
' 'I'onArro ' Smoklii" , Durham , 1 , 51c ; J s.
5fe : J < s , Ti7e : 'ffs , eec ; mecrsehiini , 30e : old
style , 22c : V. N. O. . 15c ; sphit cureu , 45c.
JlATcnns Per caddie. 28c ; sijuaro cases ,
S1.70 ; mule square , S 1.20.
CANDV Mixed , 9JH'c ( ; stick. 2.
CiiAOKKiis Uatneau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5e ; ci earns , 8'ijc ; ginger. snaps , bjjc ;
citv soda , "We.
SjoAi's Kuk's savon impel ial , S2.70 ;
Kirk's satinet. ? 3.00 ; Kirk's standard , 5301 ;
Kirk's whltii Russian , S4.00 ; KirU'.s whitecap -
cap , S0.50 ; dome , § 3.85 ; wa hboaid , 33.10 ;
white cloud. V3.75.
Hot-K-Ji Inch. UKc : ? a Inch , 10sc ; ; J lnch ,
liinn : Fnt IT No. 1 quarter niiples , 3J4' ( < g
4c ; in evapotated boxes , ! tf'J ( , > e ; black
berries. boxes , U'JgGS'JJ c ; DeHche- . , Salt Lake ,
1.S60 , 7V7Jtc ; ( ! ; peaches , evapotated , 1' > l @
17e : laspbenles , new , 19'jWJOc ' ; cuueuts ,
0 } < @ ' 1c ) ; prune.- * , new , 4J/5t4jC. }
hi OAIIS Powderi'U. 7 ( < f ( ' 4e ; cut loaf
0Ti(37c ; granulated , CJfc ; confectioners' A ,
57 < ( dfx ! ; standatil extra C , SfyfftZV'Cc ' ; extin
C. ft' ' ( H6Hc ; medium jellow , 4J < @Ae.
CA.NNT.U Coons Oysters , standard , per
case. S3.2' ; stia\\benles 2 Ib , per case. 52.00 ;
raspben it's. 'J Ib , per ease , .VJ.HO ; California
jieai-i. per ease , S4.50 ; upilcots , jiei casj ;
54. W ; peaches , per , sJ-i/JO ; white chei-
ries , pel case , 16.VO ; p tuns , per ca-ie. S3.M ( ,
Dlueherrlcs , per case , SI. HI ; c plums. 2 Ib
per ease , S3.50 ; plncnpnliN , 3 Ib , per easts
S320@\75 ; 1 lh mackeie.1 , per do81 : :0 : ;
1 Ib salmon , per do/ , 8l..Vig.GD ( ! ; 2 Ib goose ,
beriies , per case. 51,75 ; 2 li > string beans , per
case , ? 1.70 ; 2 Ib lima bean- , , per case , Sl..0 ( ;
'Jib inairowfnt peas , per case. SJ. 10 ; 2 Ib
e.uly June peas , | io.- case , S'.75 ; 3 Ib toma
toes , S'J.10 ( 2.25.
Corri.i-- > Ordinary grades , 12' ; c fair ,
13r < U3Uc ; prime. l.lV f M4o ; eliole , ll'jyise ' ;
fancy 'gieen and mellow , I'al0e ( , ; old eov-
ernment Java , ' 'Cj'tic ( ; intiimr .lava , in vH
20e ; Mocha , 2i.t-Hi' : At buckle's misted ,
MeLuin/lilln's XXXX roa-cd ! 17'-c '
17Ke ; / , - , ;
Dilwoith's , 17J4e ; Red Cioss , 17.J..C.
Dry Lamoor.
No. 1 Core. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 ami W ft . 317.50
No.-J " 12 , Handle H . 14.75
No.3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 It . 13.50
N o. 4 _ 1 _ " _ 12. 1 4 an d la f t . . „ . _ . J2.oo
D1MCM-IO.SS - ) . _
2x4 10..VJll.50 , ! IH.50 IT , ) ! l .Oo'si.OO ' JI.03
! ; xl ( l . .W.llMl ) ) , fi ) 17,00 IB.OJK.OO.OU
L'xH IO.W IB 5j IB.SO 17 OOllb 00 21.00 1.00
2x10 lfl.50 HB'iMIJ.ul.lWli IbOOa.OO "J-l/J
Kxia | IU 6 | n.50l | 50'170' ' ) 18j02 ( .v ! j--.00
io..riiiitriii ( )
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and H ft. , rough. . . 17.01
No. 2 , 4feOineh , 12 and II ft. , rough. . . 14.00
rr.ii.tso AND I'AitnrioN.
1st com. , f In White Pln Paitllion..5rn.OO
2d " " . . . a/ ; *
JdCom , "o in. Norway-Pine Celling. . . . 34.00
A Cinch , white pine , 20 C..1 . 529,00
C Cinch. " " . ' ! ) .
A 12 Inch. s. Is. 4H 0 . , , . 5M.OO
II 12 Inch " " 42D . . . . . . . 2.1.53
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 S. . 10. ' IB A 20 ft. . . 21.03
No. 2 , " " " i " . . . 1H.M )
No. 2 , " " " IS A 14 f 1 . 17.00
" ' " " in ft . IG.OO
No. 1. plaln.Sand lu inch. . . ' J. . 317.50
No. 2 , plam.S and 10 Inch , , . ) ] . 15.50
X\elpnr ( 33.1(0 ( ; A btandard , SJ.50 ; No. 1 ,
' | ) '
Posr's VVhlto'ccdar , 0 lh. . s , 12c ; 8 In.
. - . ( '
G. l
1st and 2 < 1. clear , l ) ( inch. B. 3 s . $5f > .00
3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 . . . . . 4ri.0i >
3 < i. clear , ly. ! , a in . > * . 47i.O
B select , 1 inch. s. 2 s. , . , . 2U.OO
U select. U < . lit. 2 In. . . . , _ . . . . . h < ! .00
Ah xinds of beJdlnif plants for salft.
OKIInoiisi : : : o.v STATI : ST ,
3biocl > 8 North or L. U. WilliuiuM' resltlonco.
H. NELSON &Oo. ,
Groceries"and" Crockery
Good yooils nt lowest prices Olvu them u on I
S13 NprtU K'.h k
Omaha , Nebraska.
Cfipitrtl . . . $600,000
Surplus . , .100,000
llorninn Kouulzo , 1'rosldcnt.
John A. Crolshton , Vloo President.
W. IL Meeaular , A.M'JCishst
CoitHxrt Utii At > Dorrcit.AS STRUM.
Capital Stock . $150,000
Liability of Stockholdnrs . . 300,000
"Hie only rniiiiHr f nvlnits bunk In the stnto. I'lvo
| itr cent lnloro t | inM on
OuyO. llMtnn. I'realilouS : J .T. llrown. Vice
President ! It. M . Ilcnm-tt , MaiiHirliiif ! ) !
rrrtnr : .Inlin 12. Wlll.ur L'H ° lilr > r.
l' 10 North Hitlt lit reel ,
Pnid in Capital , . . . . $100,000
Oio. : E. nAHKCK , Prcplilent.
11011T. U (1AKUCH ( ! * , Vlee-l'i-p lilent.
1' . U JOHNSONCuelilcr.
niltr. < . * rullS :
SAMnrl.lLJoll.V-OV , ( U ( ) I . lUlIKKII ,
HoitT. L. OAIIUCIIH. Wsi. > ,
r. n. Joiivpo.s ,
A Benernl banklnir business trnnsnctcil.
Interest alltmoil on time i
Carpenter and Builder ,
Telephone GOO.
_ JJOO SouMi Nistevnlli Slrcet
WM-A.PASTON , 1'ies. L.Il.\\'iLt.M < isVlu ( > llrv
215 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Nob.
School , County and Municipal Bonds
llOHT. L. O UtI.irit ! ! , V. C. JOIINSOV ,
Secretary. Tic'nsuror.
CHAS , R , LEE ,
AiulWOOI >
SW , Corner 9th and Douglas S
Northwest comer Furnaraiuiil Llth HtrootA
Paid up Capital , - - $200,000
Surplus Pund - 60,000
ProeiJont. Viee-1'iusldont.
Cnshlcr A = t C. llip .
Accounts solicited nnil prompt nttcntlou 11'ivcMi
to all tnibliip'iB cittriiptod to Us ciu-u.
I'an > o per cent on time deposits.
Z > . LU SHANE , Suitcrlnlcmlen
Oillvc , ISIS 1-2 ru-iinti.
. -iotlt niul 4'ali > 'ornii. !
Artists' Material.
Artists' MatcrialB , Pianos ami Orgnnu ,
Kill Dorclna Ptri > ot , <
Agricultural Implements.
Wholctnlti Dcnlt'i In
Agricultural Jmidcmi'iits , Wnijoiss ,
nnd Ilurplr H. .Innm i-lrcut , btilwuun 9lli
nnil lOlli.dn .ihn , Nrli ,
LINING JSU tVrHfE'Jr& i l7F CO. ,
Ariciiltiiral Iniplomciits ,
\Vnxoiic , Cnrriaic : , ll.ixjli'i. Etc. , Wlmlrnile , Oiinha ,
l'ARLlNOHENI)01t / - ' t' MARTIN
Wholc-nlo Dcilcm In
Agrieuliiirul Iiniilcmeiita ,
jle * . ' .m.Xtt imi n nil Kir , Joncnet
Butter and Eggs.
Huycrs of Butter ami Effpa.
ior nnd I'nrklnif llovec , lllli ami I.uaven-
worlUBt U P. H. II. Tiui-i , inniiliu
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
llnllilorsMInrilwarn&Su-ilo Itcjmir.Sliop
Wechaulco'Toola ouJ UulUlo Hci.lcj. liOJ Douflui el. ,
Olnaha , Nt'b ,
Johhers of Hurthvaro unit Nails ,
Tlnwaro , Slioot Iron Klc Auoati for Howe fccnloi ,
and JbllHiul Pomlcrl n Omnliu. Nch ,
Wholcsalo Hanlwari' .
Wflilcrn eimti fur JrlTurron Sled t\Mt , Auitln
1'ondfrCo , K > lrl nk > hinndurd S-cilei t'orntr
10th nnd IlBrnor , Ouiha
Engineers and Contractors ,
Kntrlnperri and Contractors ,
Bridcei , Vladurli. Hoof TruHn. Steam 1'iln Driving ,
1'lllnj , Oak and I'llii'Ilrkl e Lumber. IJtb t. , i.Bur
Voiniui , Onnlm.Sub.
Dealers in Furniture.
Inmmil el , Oinahu , Neb.
Furniture , IteihUn ? , 1'iiliolstory ,
Mlrrort , etc. ) / , 12ia ( fcuil 1210 f'urnnru M . Omuls
Iron Works ,
Iron WorKs.
Wrought anil Cait Iron liullrtln ; ! Work , Iron M.lrt.
Itailiuy , lluun nJ ( Jlrilurt. htpaio i-'ni'lnn llrin
urk , liiuerul Foundry , Mnchln and Illtikinilili
Woil , Officeaml'\\ork , IJ l * uJriliHii-ti. .
Boots and Shoes.
N / / . \D t f ; Ell' ED
Mfinufactiimaatul Whole-die Do.iUrs In
Hoots nut ! Shoes ,
Compl'tP Mor-V of K'ltihor . Rlwujii on band
M S. 13lh t. . Oranlu , Sol ) A T Au tln. Agent.
in 7r. MOUSE r co.
Johhers of ItooJg nntl Shoos.
1111 l-nrnsm tt , Onmtid. Nrh. Mmiufsctoiy , Sumtaer
Z. T. Ll MtiEY .V CO.
Wliole < wlp K'uhhtM' JtonN nnil Slides.
RubDcf mut Oiled Clot ' ! ' * mid Kelt lloot , WS. llth
8 trecl.
. for Anuotisor-IUmh Brewing1 Ass'n
lv KAuit , DnritruSprnnJ KrNnccr.
Nrowers ,
1J5I N'nrth lih "trfpt , Oniihn , Neb.
Coftte , Spices , Etc.
. _ _ _ _ < * A.
Omnlia Coffee nnil Spleo Mills.
1 > ,0otce Spire * , lluklnit'oA't. \ . XI'Turin * Ex
tract * , 1 auiidrr nine. Irk. Kir UK IGllnrntj
a , Neb.
Ilonin Cofleoitiul Spleo Mills M'f'ir ( " .
C > on tto mm anil "plu'UrlnJrrt MantifRrtun'r
nf Itft tnif li dcr , rliTorlritf Kxlrnct * . Hliilnc. Kir
Tr > nnil in.p or n r 1 k PHI kucf Home Uleiiil Iloui ted
{ Xnr i > IWn , Itr r > l Kt.Oianhu. N N
John Kpem'ter , 1'rop.
Mnmifncturcr nf Cut multcd Iron mid Cornice. 923
Iioil * unit 103 nd 1 5 N , I0b ! rt. OroiliR , Nab.
MiniifActurcrt ot
GriininiMital ( inlvnuiyeil Cornices.
DotiucrYHdo f , 1'lnnlv Meullc ? kfllfliltic. 310B.
l.'I i nt.Orunhn.
(1. ( Spotlit , Prop.
OBlfnntuM Iron Cornlirs. t'lc. Hpi'il' " Improved 1'At-
cnt Mi tnllr skylight , tW mid Ml ) S I''Cli n..Oni.iliii.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , lluijs ,
I.lnoliiiuiin. Mattlniri , Kf ( Ml Doilf'm ' ntrect.
Wholesale Carpels , Oil Cloths ,
Mnttlngi , Cnrulii ( ioixl * . Klc. 1(23 Karn&iu Blrcnt ,
( Imnlin.Nrb.
Crockery end Notions.
" V. L. irnuun\
Afntfor { ) tha > tauufnctureri ami Iniportcreuf
Crockery , ( > lass\vare ,
Lsnipt , Chlmiii ) ! , vtr. OIHtp , S17 South 13th St.
Commission and Storage.
D. A. jium Er ,
Coniniisbiou unil .lobbliiR- .
BiittPr , Kt'ieanil rroiiuce. ronnlpnmcBU nnllcltnd.
tHiH for btonunnro * Mrrry Itoxrn nr.U
llnskeu 1111 DoJufBUocl.llaiahu.
Coinniission Mcrchnnt'j.
f , I'rodupoand 1'rotliloni , Oninlia , Nb.
W. P. .
Stdrape niul Commission Merchant.
i icclHltles UuttO" . UCKriic ie , Poultry , liamo ,
i , Kto. , hf MS dtitli Hill Mrt-ut
Produce Commission Jlerchants ,
I'oultrj , Bultcr , ( Inino. Krnlli , utc. " 20 B. litbat
( iin.nbn , Npb ,
Gonarnl Commission MurchantR ,
Anil Jnbborn of Knrefifti ami Domestic Frnlt * . ( orrc-
tpomlenio unlicitt'il. WarPhousoriinl nflltc , HON.
'Iblrtrrntli t , < ) m lin.Ncl ) Toli'i > bonu ; ; > .
y. JIOCCO , C C ( > r
mportum und wlmli'dnle ili'ulorj In
Italian 1'roilucp ,
.Doini-BllciiinI Ciilldiriiin Krulti nnil ComraU-
ilea Ucrtlinnti. 104S. Hthst. Onljr oicluilyo
fruit liouiu tn Oiuabu.
Coal ana' Lime.
Ucilcrn In
Jlarrt nntl Soft Coul ,
Ofllconnd yarJ , lliih unit Nlrliolnn nl . , Omnliii , Nob.
Vflnl TelcphoiM' , t-67.
I.M. . i i.ILK. . i res C. F. OOODMAU , V. PruB.
J A. KL'NDcr.l.AND , Hue. und Trun .
COMJ'A Arlr ,
Jobbers of Hard nntl Soft Coal.
501 ontliThlrteoiith Street , Onialm , Ni.b.
Vannfnctiirors of Illinois White Limp.
And Milinieii of ( "oil niul Coup , Commit , I'lantrr ,
IJiuc , Hair. I Ire Hrlilc , Dniln , Tila mill spwur l'ipt >
l Hiiro , 1'ixton Ilutcl. I'll r aura t. , Omiba , Nib.
Tplpphono HI.
/ . / . - , . ( Y ,0 CO. ,
Manufacturing CoiilVctioiiprs ,
Jolibcrsof ! 'iulbI'it ! iii
out tba ,
Liva Stock Commission ,
M. lil'UKE iO .S'OA.V ,
Jjivc .Slock Caiiiiiiis.sion.
Goo. llu'kn ' , > tnnu pr.
UulfnFtnc'c VimlF.H. Omnh.i. 'lelcpho-i
S1 i Tf i / " * . t\ / ' f * Fi * fr
j\\J\tl'j < i f /l/i/.l ,
Live Stock rommisHioii Merchant R ,
Ehlpuiciite of nor nnil nil klmln of Hlook ecUflllril.
I'nlcn Stock Irtrrtc. OM.ulin , ti li.
Cigars ami Tobacco ,
3IAX MEYER .0 6'O.r "
.Joh'jers ' of Ciifitr ? , Tohaceo ,
tians anil Aninumltloii. ' - ! " > to 2il P mint. , 10M to
l.f.'l hum nail Omnlin. VLM >
Maiinluctiirci-H of Finn Clirars ,
And V.'liolcn iliDeiiliu In I.cul TubM i-o , Nui . 103
xiul 11(1 ( N. lull > trri.t , u iiultii.
\\llullH lo -uteri I > III
Citjars , Tobaccos , I'ipes and Smokers'
liU for I ) . I.clik'rs InrT .V < 'n , Klno-l'iil nn'l Smuk-
Tubaoroi. Mtliv.tukeoVlHv' ' > ilu. No. J12
.Nortliglxlei'QtliSlriiet ' Ulilili i. Nob.
Dry Cooiis ,
xr. / ; . SMITH o co , ,
Dry floods , Kuriiialilnyrd'oods &Xotionn
ll' nu J 1101 Dunulnt. cor. llth tit , ( ) njhu : , N't b ,
Distillers nf , ! ( > . Alcohol i.nil Ppirlti. Iniportcra
n J Jotibrrs of \ > Inemnd l.l nori.
WTLLO W til' It I MIS J ) IfiTJ LIAV1'
CO. ami JLKlt ,0 CO. ,
licportcr and Jobt rf of I'lne Vlnr nrt I.lquorj.
Sole m iuif lnri-i"i "t Keinflr'i l' tt Irulin Hit-
tur undl > emi > Icil'jnnrx 1112 llirneyM ,
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
JT. T. ULAKKi : nitl'fJ CO. ,
Larioit ; Dnijr. J'aint.Oil & ( ! Iasn Jlonso
WestofCliVtrn t oioi.luln line of DrufdiU Run-
anil. I IK llnriitr n .Onjalu ,
\VliolcH3lo \ Diup isls.
AnJ DanUriln I'alnti OitsanJ Window Ula , Omaba ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. It , HAl M Pr" J.W Htn olin.Kc.iTien
it. j. tun iv. V.l'rti.miiiflupi.
TJIE If .V / < > \ II YD HA ULIC
OSro SI3 S lull it Oinabn. Neh Machln rr and
faui > l > llui for llanufaoiuni-K Cement Dram 'lilt.
Butchers' Tools ,
' "
lititeherH' Tools and Siipilics ] ,
iau c Ouitcvt o ( all kiudi lwai in tlock. 1116
Jonrnl Uuatia
Crocertpf ,
Wliolrsnlo ( h-ocorips nml Provisloiig ,
Nos t > V.TO , TO ) an J 711 S IQtli St , Omnha , N b.
MrCOItD JtllA IJr , P CO. ,
Wliolrsalo th-occr * ,
IJth nnd I.ptTenirortli mi.Oma .
Hardware ,
ir. 7Tn o. i TciT '
Heavy Hardware , Iron nntl Stpel ,
, \Vacon Stook. Hardware I.umkir , etc. IKI
and 1ZII llarnry M . Omohn.
Wholesnlo Iron nntl Steel ,
VTjiron and Carriage Wnn < l Stock. lt a j Uartwar *
Klc. and HID l.fatfnnorlh H , Omnbii , N b ,
Stovo9 , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
MsDtld , Urttei , llritt Onodt. 1.31 nd ISM Varniia
Mt i-t.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DuoraEtc. Yanl * CorntrTlli and Do ( lai | Curntr
ythaiut Douilan.
Wholesale Lumber ,
9113. lllh lre tOmahaNeb. f.Colpttier , Mtn
Wholesale .Towolcrs andMuale Dcnlcrs ,
Uo lfr In HllT rw r * . Dlnranndr , W lchr , Clock , .
Jenoler 'looln uil Mnlerlnli. etc. 101 nndlCUUiu
l.cor. Duitgo , Dra.ihn , N < l > ,
15lh itml Collfornlft FlrrotK. Om li , Nob.
Lnmbor , Limp , Cement , Etc. , Eto.
Cor. i > th nnd nougUi ill. , Omntu , Neb.
To Dealers Only.
orflce , IM Fnrnrm itrret.Ointhit.
Hardwood Lnmbct ,
Wood Cftrict | anil 1'iirqiif I Floorlm , th a
Wholrsiilo Lumber , Ktr.
Iniportnl unrt Anicilcin I'oillnml Crturnt. Rtnt
nt ( ur.Mllninliee IMdinullcCcmcut il J Dcit
( julncr Wbiul.lme.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John r. Dojd , Superintendent.
Millinery and Notions.
i. oJii'iTtRELD ER ,7Tcor ?
linportcTi nnd Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
Mil und 12I' > IInrn T ft , cot , Omaha , Nob.
c. N. GoojyRicir HJ co. ,
Are the enl ) ' Dlioct Importcrn of
German & Froiich Toys & . Fancy Goods
In Nclirnf kn. Cliknk' " ptlfosilurllrnted nlthout nild.
Inn trrlxht. HIS I'nrnnni f lrrot , Onmlui.
, / . T. JtoJUxsoy jTo'rioy co. ,
\Vlio1eanlu Dculcrii la
Kotioni und FurulKliinpf Ooods ,
401 nml < IV > 9. Truth pt , Omnliu.
Jobbrri lu
Notions , Hosiery und Gents' Furnishing1
lOO-.nnd 100 Firnam at , Omaha , Neb ,
Paper Boxes
J. L. lfrJLKJE ,
f Mnnnfnctm-i'r of 1'ujier Hoxea ,
K lull Ht , dm ill i. Nohrunku. O lU'inii ui.ill t
liLhcil iitutTlll retrlve proiniit uttcnllon.
nT M. i X
's of Overalls ,
JCBnn P.ints , fclilrt ! ) , Klc 1 10 J a ml 1101 DoufUi , Htrtel.
Ojinhu , % > b.
Jol Printers , Ulimk liook Makers ,
And llouk lllnilori' . lint nnd llej huutti Kouitucnth
8lr cl. Oluahl , * , 'cb ,
N jVfiH'.V/M / ' / ; L VJOJV
Auxiliary 1'iihlishcrs.
Dealers 111 Typo. l'rn. r > a unit Printer * ' Huiiplloi , M3
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
lUliufuflurcriicLcia uud Uoali'rs In
Safes , Etc.
j ; novEit . ( ' co. ,
Admits for Jlall" ) Safe & Lock Co.s1
Fir i ! nnd llnrii r Proof HiM > . Tlnu l.nck , VmiH
nndjuil VVorx 10 II 1-nrnam Mrc l Oiuutm , Neb ,
Omaha Safu Works.
llsnuforlurrr/of Tito und Ilarrlur I'ruuf Kifrs , Vxull
Uour.Jall \V.rkHluit vrt and \Ylru Work. Cor.
Ittliuniljui ktuiihU . limr.liu.NJb ,
5ns// / / , floors , Etc.
V.'lick'j.ilt ) ll.iimfni'Hlr
, Door ; ; , HIiiuls and
II ancli ollicp I2tli nnd Irard l ,
KiiMli , Door , JUlnds , Mouldings ,
ISulldlus 1'iper , nlcJ'l Hfiulli Tblrli'unlh Mroci ,
( lumliu.l ; b. A complrln mocl uf Jlullilci * '
jiLrjix UFA ( '
Manufactureof Sas/i , floors , Blinds ,
lIould'ivB MalrVoiUand Interior llHnl Wooil Klnbh
Juil ( ti. i : ( or HUi in , il l.cnvrimuitliHu.
Omiihii , .V'b.
" "
WholoaalsPiiiiiH ( | ) , Pipe , KittlnpH ,
SloiaiiindVit < T Suiillc | | Ilrniliiimrtert f r Mint
I ojilCo' < liooJn , Nil I nnmn > l ( lumha.Ncb.
A. L. NTRAXri CO ,
Pumps Plpca anil Kinrinos
Htoara , Winer , lUllnity und illlllnv Kuililcii | | , Klo.
SM , vuu.f.a Wl hurnum m . nu ulm , .Neli.
t/TTs' . ll'LXl > EXCISE tnuCj'VMT
CO Ml" A NY ,
llnllnrlnr Wind Hill. , nicnro ml Wt r Siippll ,
j'luiulilni : ( ioi 'U. U.-illnx. llnin nt and ' , ' I Ji-
unui ti. , Oiuiilm ? K. telum , UMUutici.
lolcph nn.N'o ' 'IJ ,
TrUI't S ,
17. n. ' .MA
\Vholpnali ) '
Vi > ! > r < 1 Hotel lltnikOmaha.
. Wagons anJ Carriages.
* * * * * * * > v
The Leading1 Uurriai'O Factory ,
( KjirAMt ISI1HI t < J
\Vf \ ) ami Hll JJoiU * ilie-ul. Omilia ,
Building Mittrial.
OM tifA LUMIlElt CO. ,
Dealer In All Kindt of
Jliiililintr Miiturinl \Vholesali. . .
I3lh Htreetniid Uniou 1' clfic T.-r , lu-.k .