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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1886)
PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , JflLODAY MORNIiNTG , NOVEMBER liJ , 18SG , NUMBEK J37. A LOSING CAMPAIGN CARD , The Poor Success of Florida Jones' Stump ing Tour of Michigan , NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLATURE. It Will Undoubtedly Ilo Controlled the Coniliitt Winter Uy tlio Hepubll- onus Senator linn Ison ( olio Uuiurnctl Capital News. riorliln Jones Still In Detroit. WAHHI.SOIOV , Nox. 11. [ SpecialTelcgiain to the Bnn.J-T'jdaj's Baltlmoro-American has this trom its Washington correspondent : "A well known gentleman from Detroit arrlvid heio today and brings the latest news from Senator Jones , of Tlorlda. Ho says Jones Is the loneliest man in Detroit lo-dir. Karly In thu campaign he started out as a great card foi thu democrats to stump thu state , but the name of Jones did not awaken enthusiasm. People did not take much slock In him In lact they left befoie he began to speak , and when hu got through he rcturnul to Dctiolt an awful failuie. Hu found that his friends one by onu began to leave him and soon hu found himself llteially without a companion. Ho made up Ids ml ml to rctuin to Florid , ! and ex entiling was ready for the trip , but suddenly he changed hlK mind and lemalned In Detroit. Hu rarely goes out of the Husscll hotel , wheru ) > o boards. Ills bills aio paid weekly and hu dresses In excellent stylu. The lady ot hln , n 11 CLtions Is still In Dettolt , but they never spe.ik as they piss by. Altogethei , Senator Jones'life h a lonely one , and his fi lends mo btill trjlni ; to persuade him to go home. home.TUB NOlim CAltOI.tSA I.r.niShATl'IlE. Then : Is no reasonable doubt that the North Caiolln.i leiil-laturu will bu organized and m mailed bj the republicans this winter. John C. 1,01:1111 lliurls , who Is manager of ; tlm republican party In thu state , tclu.itiphs hem Irom Halulgh that thu legislature stands thus : Scmitutwentjslx democrats , twenty- one lepubllcans and tluec Independent ! ; . House ilttj-slx democrats , llfty-nlnu repub licans and seven tndpcndunts. ; On joint billet Ilslandseightj-two republicans , sux- rntj-clKht republicans and ten Independents. Mr. Hauls sajs that the Independents In both houses weio eltcted to votu against the democrats If not with the lenublkans , and that thcie Is no likelihood that thudemocrats can capture enomrh ot them to conliol thu leglslatinu. Hu Is positive that tlio election , laws will be ( hanged to favor fait elec tions , and tbeieforo glxo republican major ities. It Is thought here that the independ ent mcmbeis ot the legislature may bo given Homo ot the most important offices In coales cing with tliu lepubllcans tor the oriranl/ation ot tiiu luglslatme , but North Carolinlins in both paitlea say that the piesent practises of the dcmoctatic paitv and election laws in the state aru quite as offensive to the independ ents as stiatght republicans ; also tliat they wtreeleclcd with the distinct undeisUuidlni : they would act with the republicans In luveisingafliilrs. Thu dumociats , having a majority In the senate , inaj maku tumble toi thu fuslonists In changing thu elictlon laxxs , but the republicans decl.itu it will bu done , and that tuo statu will glvo her electoral votu In ISsy foi thu lupubhcan candidate . 8iv\ionvtN : W\CK'B i.uii.r. i\ur.HTin. : 'lids evening's Critic BUS : 'Ihu llttlo daughter ot Senator and Mis. Van W > ck. noxv tlneu or foui old , has an odd name , Happy Nuw Vear Van Wjck. She was born on thu lirst daj of tlm jenr and the senator .xlshcd tocommcmonitetho oicasion by ulxli ) her a namosuygestlvu of It. IHiipy iHher paicuts'Idol , as soon uitci her birth tlieii txxo eldci chiidieu died. Mrs. Van Wvck'sdecp mourning last winter prevented her from mingling in society. The so'intor has made sotnn chances In his noxv home on Massachusetts axenuo which have tieatly improved the Interior clfect. llAltlllhON's Oil \JJCI S A lettei was lecelved heio toy \ from IndlHiinpolis , written by onu of Senatoi Harrison's most trusted friends , stat ing that hex end any question of doubt thu Indiana legislature. Is lepublican on joint bal lot , nnd that llanlson will bu ie-electc < l this winter. The , latter states that at least three and piobablx hvodemocials who have been given ( urtlticates of election to the lowei housuwlllbu ousted , It not noxv. by pro cesses of couit , by contest when the Icgisla- tine.convenes. Indiana republicans in tins city I avc Information fiom thu stitu which wairants theli being conlldent of Senator llaulson'.s ic-clectlon. now nil : HOI'SI : &TAMIS. Heturns from congressional districts thioughoiit thu ( ountry are so neatly complete - pleto noxy that His possible totcllthuielativo strength of the txvo uaitles as they will ap peal in Hie next house. Accoidlngtn tlio tig- urcs of Soi'ietarv McPhcrson , of tnu icnubll- ean committee , the republicans will have 15. ) mcmbeis , leaving against them , counting the entire opposition democrats , labor men and Independent toghthcr 171 representatives. Thcieare tlirco labor can didates , who If they act Independently of thu demociats. will decrease ) thu bourbon men to Kit ? . At any ratu the majoiitj cannot go ox or twenty , even If Colorado has elected a demo cratic membei ( xvlilch Is ImpiobiMc ) , and tiveiy ludupumlitnt 01 thlid p..ity man votes W Ith that tilde of the house. AltMV IKAVhSAMJ ruiII.OirflllR. Thu tollowlng aiiny le.ues haxo been giantcd : Captain Cass Dinh un , Second In- Jantry. now at St. Paul , six months further extension of sick leixo ; Cautaln Andiexv 11. Hussell , ordnance corps , Vancouxei bartacks , Washington Teiiltnrj. until Noxembei 15 ; Lleiileimnt Cliailes L. ( 'olIlns.Twonlx-fouitl ! Inlantiy , now in this city , two months ex tension. Army furloughs anthoii/ed : Hospital Stexxdiil John W , Hamc ) , San KranuKco , tlneu mnnths , with pel mission to apply toi . . .reo montlm extension ; Kirst Scrireanl ' ( ieiaid Mlllei.Tioop II , Tenth cavaliy. Koil Troop H , KUhlh caxalty , .San Antonio , Tex , MY months , to go abmad ; Coiporal Austin I'nik , Con pany ( I. l'xxoiitsecond lufantiy J'oit J.ewfs , Col. , six months ; J'llvati JM H. Uoiichaid , Tioop F , hlxih cavaliy , Foil Havard , Nuxv Mexico , tlueu months , with PCI mission to aplj | tor onu month extension ; 1'ilx'ato Xlciiola : 1' ' Cus rovo. Compiny d , roiuili infsiitiy llolsu bairacUs , Idaho , tlnro months ; 1'ilvau lleniv bmlth , Compunv r. , Tenth Infantry roil llllsa , 'lexas , lour months ; 1'ilvatu Jo seph Ilioxxn , eomnany H Ninteunth Intan trj , Kort Claik , 'lexas , loin months trom No vomher'J ) ; 1'ilxatoChailes Kembiant , Com p.m > ( i , Tw < uty-sccondlniantiy , Koit l.cxvls Colorado , six months , to go abro id. rosrorricK cuvxui.s. The folloxvlnc Ncbiasl.a posttilllrrs won dl'conllimcd toduy ; lllackblid , Hoi comity ; High , Custei roiint ) , Isla tJiunuerscountyjObi , ( Justei county ; 1'eiel ( iioxe , barp > countv ; Itiveidilo , Huttuh county ; Sweden , Knnx county Talhott K mix county ; Wolf Creel ; , I'liwneo county 'llm tolloxxlng Nelnaska pintm.ibteis xxcn appointed to Uav : Diury W. Aluman , Hinle Keith county , vlco J. n. Ciinin , declined John W , Cimdhard , Klkhoin , Douglas conn ty , vlco W. S. Canu'ion , icimixedVllllan ; \ vv. Dunham , J/ineastcr county , vice K. h 1'almei , icnuived ; J. W. .Sn > dei , Veidmotto bheiman county , xl'-e ' 1'i.inkA , 111 icknuin itiilgiud. j amuel Tlpton has been comwhslouei vpo lmajici at Cuntoidnlu , la. have been ordeied In the tlnu sihcilnlnof star null loutes InNebrasVaa follows , to tike phu-o on Monday uext Cm lib to Mnnt Luavu Cams Tuo.Nd.vj s um SatuidaxsTii. m. ; aulxo at Mnnt by fi m jjiuxoMntit Tnesda.vs and baturdajs at p. m. ; auixo at Came , by 7 p. m. LoiniCitv to North Lo-ip-LeaxoLoupCIt Satuidaysnt bo. m. ; aiu\e at Noith Lou by U'X ) p. m , l.e.vvn North l.oup Kr : diys nts > a. ut.'iirl\out LQK\ > Oily b ) a:3 : p. m. u Sltiiutlon. l.o.vuo.v , No > ' . 11. Obdbtonn iniblislicf letter Inviting the. liberals to leuiilte. H > ns.t "AttiTroadinctho Maupda of Sails bitry'a sp'tch , It seems to me that w liax ninVvd a : A to > ( iiK | situ itlcn to : all llbeial jo.U. ) ilmiiiui : il'oeral union. " \\iisn Pioparlng for tlio Celebration of the (3rent Druid ItllcM. | /Y > ; n/ityM I&M III James ( lenten Hf until. ] hoNDON' . Nov. 12 , 4 a. in , New York Her- ild Ca'jle .Special to the Unr. . ] 'Ihc many Welsh readers of the Herald have already been told by It thntthu Vateorlal Klsteddford of Wales for the > car ot the queen's jubilee Is to bu held In London. They also know that no such gathering can lawfully take plnco unle s it has been pievlouMy pio- clalmed In ( iorscnd of Hards of the Isle of Hrltaln convened In the place where the Klsteddfoid Is to be held. This picllinlnary turemony ot pioclamatlou xvas this after noon perfouued In the gardens of the Inner temple. 'I heic upon the crcen sward , a clrclu tlility janls In diameter xxas imrlcul out by tw civ n unhewn stonrs , upon onu of which the Arch Drnld , David ( Srinith , a\en- uiablc Welshmin eighty-six xears of ae , known amonzhis commtilots hyhls baidlc name , "Awiafaidd , " took Ills stand. A Imd won also placed at each of the twelve atones to guaid the saeied cliclc , thu othcis lemalnlng within thu cltclu to take part in thuceremonj. Aioiind thu rlng ( < 00 visitor" , piinclpill > Welshmen , lesldent In London , gathuted to wltnuss thu proceedings , which were conducted In thu midst ol a stc.iav downpom ol lain , At i ! o'clock the Arch Dinld entered the elrclu , accomp-inlcd by the harplbt , John Kobeits. 'Ihcywcio attended by twcnty-thrLebaids , lour of whom beat thcnamuof Davluss , loin the namu of Wil liams with scveial Joneses and Roberts. All these were distinculshtd by gieen or blue rosettes. 'Iho harpist vx ore what Is supposed to be the Druldlccostume , allowing tobu and acii ) . with green cloak , and a rcdgiidle. The Arch Druid aseondul the Logan stone , holding out a sxvord upon which all the birds laid hands. He thrlca demanded : "A , aes heddvxch ? " ( Islt poicc ? ) to which the Welsh portion of thu assembly replied , "Heddwch , " ( It is peace. ) Tlio harpist was , ph > slcally speaking , thu bean Ideal of a haul , Ills elo quent ox es ot bluish grey wutu set oil with a HowInt : gray be.ud. 'Ihen the rain came doxvn faster and ho lost dignity in theojes of the profane by having recourse to an nmbiella , while his anthate harp , an Instrument of quaint foi in , vvas mulllcd when not in nsu in an oil-skin case The Arch Druid piesentcd a strangu and toucliliii ; plctuio as he stood , like King Lear , but wltli"all his wits about him , bare headed to the pelting , pitiless storm. Some kind Druid , in lespectful pity , held an umbrella over the biave old man , but hcnevci noticed the courtcsj or seemed aw are of thu shelter. It is true that his white locks weiu abundant , waving freely over thu aged brow , and covering every part of thu head thus coveted. Next the Arch Drued ctecpiided fiom the stone and gave place to Ituv. Koxvland Williams , who olfeied the ancient Gorsedu prajer. The ( iaiscddvvas then declared open and the Arch Diuid lead , in Welsh , a piocla- uiation beginning thus : "On the day 01 the full moon. In the month of the tailing leaves , In thu winter solstice of 1S8S , bo It known , that when the age of Chtlst is 1S67 , a Goiscdd and Eisteddfod will beheld in the chief city of Lnd for all who seek piiv- ilege and license in the arts , poesy and song shall have the right of access ; and no weapon shall bo unsheathed against them. " Attei the. uroclamatlon ot the L"isteudfod a number of burns mounted tliu stone in succession and iccited thulr political compo sitions , in eulogy of the lilstory.lanpuagn and liteialnri ! of their natlvo land. Among them was the Kev. H I'airy , the second oldest Welsh bird , who has attilned the age of clghtx-txvo. JIuieiteratcd a poetic effusion , at the close ot which the bards again gathered mound the Atch Druid and ulaccd then hands upon the swoid. The question , "It , ItthelisV" having been repe-ited thrlco and thrice unsweied In the allurmatixe , the Uoitcdd vv as declaied to bo at an end , WKS11 INDIAN AID. ' * Spain to Grant Now Liberties to Her Colonies , Ifopyi toM iSM fcy Jamtt Oonlm nenned. ] MDIIIU , Nov. 11. [ Noxv iork Uerald Cable Special to the BEE.J The council of mlnlstris have taken Impoitantiesolutions concerning the West Indies. The press and man lagc laws will bo extended to the colonies of : Cuba and 1'oito HIco. ThoiailwaS will leceive slate support. The old Cuban debts will bo converted this mouth with the assis tance of foreign and native bankers , and chambers of commeico will bo established Immediately In Cuba , Porto HIco and the I'hllllplnu Islands also. Thu now minister , Holonueift , consults fiequontly the West Indian icpresenttitlves ol both schools the autonomists and tlio constitutional party who exptuss atlsfactlon with the gioitIgor Uologueia shows in taking up political ie- forms and the matenal intuicsts of the colonies. The council of ministers nppiox-ed an ov tcnslxu plan diaxvn by Bolo uera to impiovo and extend thu lines of steamers botxvccu Spiln nnd hei West Indian colonies. Minister llologuora hope ; the piescnt tians-Atlanllo companv will consent to ictioxv foi twenty tlu contract uxplrliii ; Janinry 1 , issr. on the foi lowing conditions : The Spanish goxem inent will pay a hugo mouthy subsidy foi the cicatlon of tlneu lines of stcameiaol 40,000 tons , vxlth a fl ] > ced ot lifteei : knots , to um tluco times , ! month be tween the peninsula and Cub' ! and 1'oitt Hico , earning the ImpBilid null-t ; also r second tine betxvcen liavana , Muxlco and tlu Cential Anu'iii-an lepubllts ; and a thlid line , like thu above , with a state subsht ) , to inn nil along the All intlu and 1'acl tc eoistof South America to the Spinlsh lejmbllcs Thn council also appiovcd the pioseciitlon of puisons now iiHldin In Spain Implicate In the iccent discovery of fiaiids ofS 0COO , , 000 on the Culian treasury. Immluiatioi uom the Canaiy Islands toth Wc- linllc : will buencourued by n statu subsid > bulon mi ) Intioduction of Coolies Is toleiated. TIII : c/.AirtTi'o.srrioN. llusslan Ocoii ] > atton of Hul urln Iiu po sibli ; Salisbury'u speech , ICuiyrtvhtSSC , JijJainet ( itinlnn lleiiiittt. ] Hfi\ ii , Nov. 11. jNow \ ork Ileiald Cable Special to the Uin. : | For ouco miicl maligned diplomacy may bo successful , I ! Is at any rate probable that ( hero will bo n < Hiisslan occupation ot Hulgarla , and that tin ciar may bo satisfied w Ithoitt oveituriilnir tin icidicyor furthet dlsturblni ; order or In fringing Intuinational law , 'Ihu ivar ha- been given the dlsagierablu alternative o refusing his brotlier-in hw , Waldemar , or o ndxUIng such Koluskl's trlend : claim thu peaenful outlook as thu cicditabli vvoikot tlio llnngailan promloi. The speech ot Saltsbuij made a fivot ibU tmpiession at Vienna and Duda-l'esth , am it will probably strengthen Kalnoky , 'Hi ptpcis hero all appiove of It. 'Hi IVstnci-LIo.xd mils It Rtates mantlk and ninnly , and wishes that the Atistiiar foiclgnolUco would take to heirt Its mail' ner 01 imprcjston. None could expect mon Irom England. The speech is a cuarantei that In n dci-lslxo moment Hngland wilt uivi suppott to Austria. The undor&tatidlng c Auslila and Knglind , xv Ith tlio assistance o ( iermany and the active paitlcipation o Italy , forms n cojistellation before vvhlcl Huisiii must boxv. It U not doubtful Urn aKtrievsiou b ) Kn.ssla xxlll produce a group Ing ot tin ) poxxtna not Inferior in stitibgth o consequences to that ot the Jleilln conjies : Salisbury's speech Is the lust longaml x.ilnt awaltid bjmiitom tiiutttieeoubeixatixcfoix-c ot Kuropu liavo lallicil , TAKING OF A TOWN TOUGH , A Nebraska City Huffian Shot Down By an Officer , THE BARKER BLOCK BURNER. A Tramp Gives IliliiKcll'Up nt Lincoln , ClnlniliiK to He the Inccndlnry More About tlip West Point Murderers. A Pcspcratlo Shot Down. NnniAsKA Cirv , Neb. , Nov. 11. [ Special Teleuiam to the HIK : J Willis llroxxn , a noted local dcspcr.ido. vvas shot twice this moiiiliiK by Deputy Shuritt llubcilo while attempting his arrest , nno ball taking eflcct in thu Ictt arm , the other ] enetrntlng the left side between thu lifth nnd sixth ribs , entering the cavity ut th left lung. Brown has nl- vvaxs been consldeied one of the hardest touzlis In the < Itv and hasglveti milch annoy- amu to the police. 'I he crime ho was wanted tor this tlmu xvas thu mtirdcioits assault on an old man by thu mine ot Mai tin Class , list .Situiday night. Brown had exuded the ofllcers mi to this time and had made tine-its that no txvo oltleers could take him. Deputy .Siicilll Ilnbcrlehas been on the watch foi him lor thu pist four da.vs and xxas lexxaidcd by seeing him on thu U. it M. Hack south of the city Ho Immediately gavu puisult , and catching up w 1th Itioxx n , ordeied him to throw up his hands. This hu refused to do and tried to get Ills revolver out. It was then Hubeile Hied thu tiled shot. I'lndHig hlniscll hit , Lirown threw up his hands , allowing Hm- berlo to approach within ten Uet , when lie pulled his tevolver , but before hu rould use It lltibeilusliotngain with the clfect noted above. Brown then gaxo up and handed bin levolxei oxer , saving ho would go peaieibly. Thevhad not proceeded twenty feet when Brown , althoimh wounded , made a desnerito attempt at escape , but Hubeile xvas too much foi him , and after a sexcie struggle he threw Blown and overpowered him and took him to jail. Drs. Watson and Laish , who examined the wounds , pro- nouiicu thu one in thu lelt side likely to provu tntai. Depntj Sheiilf Hu- beilu has thu xxan.i thanksot all citl/ens foi thu pioxxess he has shown In ridding tlio city of this man , who had bciomu a tenor. An Tnoomllnry Gives lllmsolf Up. LI.NCOI.V , Nub. , Nov. IL [ Special Tele- b'lam to the HKI-.J At ! i o'clock p. m. to-day a tiauip , who had lodged the night before in thn city jail , letnincd to the. b.istilo and made ncontession In elfect thit he was thu man who caused the binning of the HarKei block In Umalia. In an inturxiexv with tlio party , ho stated that his name was H. S. Dagirctt ; thathu lived In Hacino , WIs. , formcily ; that hu stiuck Omaha with Barnum's circus , and that he had staid then ; since , woiking at odd jobs , part of the time at the ( larncati crackei factoiy. About dark on the night of the Baiker block burning ho entered the build ing to sleep , but could not ioi the cold. Hu plates that hu shuck a initch to light his pipe when it broke oil and letl among shav ings , and he could not lind it. Ho lit his pipo. and vxhcn ho leached the fiont of tliu building and looked back he saw the shav ings on the ; that he ran away and the next day he walked to Lincoln. The tramp said that ho did it intentionally and wanted to give himself up. He xvas sober and seemed to bo in eainest in his talk and had an ear nest appcirance lor ono of his kind. The police lockea him up and notified tlio Omaha police ot ( hoariest. The West Point Murderers. Wrsi POINT , Neb. , Nov. 11. [ Special to the BcE.J Onr city has been tluown into a llttlo excitement by the ariest of Vmnz Kiant/ and wife for the murder of F. Schogcr , committed at Aurora , III. , In March last. Schogui was the former husband of Mrs. KranU. Your conespondent had an inteiview with City Marshal Walker , of Aurora , who ai rived hero last evening with requisition papers , and fiom him learned tlio lollowingparticulais : The nnn Kraut/ had been boarding with the Schogcr tamlly for a number ot jears , and vvas suspected of being unduly Intimate with Schoger's wile. Fob- tuarylast Schogcr took out a liio insurance policy tor SJ.OOO , payable to his children. This his vvlfo Induced him to change In her favoi , and on the evening of the day of the chance ho xvas a coipsc. KranU was with him at the time ot his death. Some suspi cion was excited at ins sudden death , but tlio body was interred without further investiga tion. Kiant/ was oideied to seek another bo.udliK place by the grown up chlldien ot Sciioger , txxo of whom are mariled. In July Mrs. Sciioger and Fiatu were mai- lied , and the nclghbois charivarled them and among the paity paitlcipatlng in those questionable honors vxeio the txvo sons and a son-in-law of Mis. Schozer. Shu h.ul them arrested , and thu bid feeling nl- ready ciiiendeied caino to a whlto at th o proceedings Krant/ and ills wito packed tholr traps about the mlddlo of August and eamn heie to West Point. In the meantime thu insuiancu money had been mid to Mis. Kiant ? . Krant/ , who Is n pi Inter , Invested n part ol his Ill-gotten gains in tlio Volksblatt , a ( iermaii newspapet hoio , and becamoone of the piopriotois. This was somoxvhuioIn September. Thieovveoks ago Mis. Kiant/ went back to Auroia tor thu bal- unco ot her household goods , and when ship ping them to this point told HID auent to answei all iiiquhius as to tliuli destination they weio shipped to Cincinnati. This and othci suspicious moves Induced the icl.v tlxcsto haxo the body exlinmed , and thu stomach was sent to Piof. Halnes , of Chicago cage , toi examination. His icpoit , submit ted about ten ( lavs ago , was to thu elfect that enough aiscnlc had been lotind to kill lour men. Warrants weio immediately made out foi thn ariest ot Kiant/ and and wife , and a tule iam sent to .Shuritf Hupp at this place to ariest them , ix hlch ho did ml Tiidaj , and they remained in jail he o until noon todiy , when they xxero taken to ( Imioxa by the maishalof Ainoia , An elfoit xvxb mauu to get them out on a wilt of habeas corims , pending the airlxal of the Illinois olllcci , but County Judgu Hiant quletlj and loiclbly sat ( town on thu pio- ceodlngs. Thudermans In Ainoia am teal- full ) uxelted , and the marsh ii s'i\s hu will havu to oxeicisogiuatcaiu to avoid a lynch- Ins party. ' 'I hu Iteilng heio Is Miat Iho woman com. inittod the murder with Kiant/ ' Knowledge , audit Is thought honillmako n confession 'iho sympathy of our people Is with Mr , ( leuuhc , the lomalnlni : piopiictor of the Volbasblalt , who teels the disgrace terribly , although an entirely Innocent puly. What elfect It will Imve on the pipei lunnilns to be seen , It was not In a vei > llouilshlng con dition bHloro this episode , and if the help of Hcliogor vxlthdiaw thoii capital liom tht concern , It will leave it in a bidtix. Om ( ieimin tiltUens , hovvover , will piobtbly dt thu liglit tliinu b > Mr , ( lent/.lie. Notes from Oakland. O\M.AM > , Neb , Nov , 11. [ Special to tlu llm. ] William Patrick , brakeman on : iielght train on the Chicago , Milwaukee > S St. I'aul toad , whilu coupling cars at Teka mall jes'eday ' | evtnlns , got the two front linct'isot his loft hand badly mashed. Dis IVabodyand ( iilkoison , nf Tekamah , ampn tated the txvo tinkers , and lie was sent hci < tor attention. This is P.uihL's llrst accldeii In itillioulln . The nexv M. i : . church of this phce U abon ! computed , and will bu onu of the nnusi chinches in Hurt county , the coat of vvhicl will btt-(0) ) ( ) , ( iruat praise. Is duo Hex * . Henry as thif. church Is thu losiitt nf his eitnil woikhure. It will bo dedicated Novembc 'Ji HI-V. J. W Phelps , jf Dmalia , will ineacl tlui dedication sermon. A oed tlmo h an tlcljuted on dedication day. A Lady DUclj.lo or.Succl. I'Anii , Nos * . 11. A jbuiu Amoilcai women , who foi the present refuses to dc vulso 1 er name , has entered upon a tlilit ; d.i > i > ' fast In this city undui the of a couintlltev. KOODLUMIJNJIN , COUUT. Jake Btinrpo nnd Ilia 1'hi-tncrs Called to Accoitn ( NF.W YDIIK , Nov. 11. In obedience to a umiuons served on thorn jdstcrday , "Jake1' Sharp , "Jim" Hlchmond , Jatncs W. Toshay nd Thomas B. Kcrr appeared In the court of general sessions to day to plead to twenty mo indictments against them for bilbcry In he Btoadway railway nnltcr. The court oem wasIllled with spcctatois and trienus of the accused , Htchaidson was accom- lanled by Judges Vulleitoii and Nelson and "rank Duplgnal , who were engaged for his lefen'O. Shaip. Foshay anil Kerr vxeio ac companied by their lawjrti < , John H. Str.i- lan and John II. Bird. Sharp's cise being called first , Albert Sticknoy rose o icpie i'iit him , and stated ho vas prepared to enter a me- ! ' 01 his client , but before doing so ho a CM nil cave to xvithdraxv the pica ho onteied and enter another demur rer to the indictment , or maku a motion con- ceinliiglhu C.ISB. Ho deilrtid a reasonable linn to diclilu uiioii steps Id bo taken. He- order Smith , alter some aihiimcnt , gavedc- endant until Mondav next to withdraw the ile i and substitute anotliei , but said if It was Iceldcd to make a motion thu dlstitet nttoi- icy must tin utxcu notice n couplu ot duxs In idv.UKO. The plei ot "not guiltj'1 was then clitcicd In behatt of Jacob bhup. 1'or Hlchmond , Jttdze Pnlluiton cntcicd i ! ike plea vxlth thu same stipulations. KOI 1'orshay and Ken thn simo ploi was entcicd , and after a slim t titivate cousult.i- ion the defendants and hxxjers left the court room. the Telephone Bell. I , Nov. 11. At the opening ot the United Stiles circuit couit tlio case of thu government against tlio American Hell Tele phone company was delivered tills mornlnc by JuduuSige. Hlsveiy volumlnoui and in tnvoi ot the Amcilcaii Bell Telephone company. 'Inking up first thu defend nit's motion to cpiash thu letttin , the cohrt gianted thu motion on the giound tliat the service , ac cording to the marshal's return , had been made upon local coipoiatlons In Ohio desig nated In theieturn as agents and paitners of thu defendant. 'Ihu couit found that thu local corponitlons were not such agents asiuo contemplated by thu Ohlostatiitudcllniiig the method of obtaining sen leu upon foielgn corpoiatlons In Ohio The court nNo found that the proper elements for glv lug this court juiisdlction , namely : Cairying on business in Ohio ; second , C.urvinir on business in Ohio through n general agent ; and , third , Thu local stat'io providing that the seivico should bo made on such guncial 01 inanau'ini : agents , did not exist. Tlio telephone business in Ohio Is done by local eoiii ! Miles who lease Instru ments from the parent eompruiv. There Is no general or managing OKent ot the patent company In Ohio. As to tlio claim ot the government that dealing In a patent undo the eoinpiny a domestic in thn en- tlio tenitory ol the United States , co existent with the patent , the couit held that it could not bo sustilneil. The giant to thu patentee Is aright to ex clude othcis from making or selling this intent. His right to sell is only a common law right , and is not a ti.mcliisu trom the government. The bill Is dismissert from want of jurisdiction , with prejudice to Insti tuting suit elsewheie. An Iowa Mystery. DisMoiNLS , Nov. 11. [ Special Telegram to the Bin : . ] A special troui ruirtleldsa > s : 'Ibis city has been In a fever of excitement foreoveral dajs over the injstedous disap- pearancu of Mr. J. E. Pell , proprietor of the Forest City restaurant. Ho dlsappeaicd be tween Sunday nightand Monday moming and no trace ot him has j ot b-nn found. His wile or no oneclso was told > f his Intention ; ami there Is notnlng but tunniso for tlio cause of the strange freak. Ho had been doing a good business , and so far as Is known has met his obligations and Is not now much in debt for stock. He took away with him a sitchcland txvo suits of clothes , and it Is also st.itcd lie took qnlto a large sum of money , several bundled dollars bolonelni ! to an estate of which ho Is thu administrator. His sto-lc his been attached by sev eral pirtles holding claims , and although the rest.uuant Is open and running , it U in the hands ot the olllcci s of the law. A GroundlcsH llailroad Htory. Piitr , VKDM'iiiA , Nov. 11. The story of thu use ol the Pennsylvania railroad's sur plus fund foi the purpose of acquitiuc a con trolling interest in the Chlcairo & North western uillway company is pronounced by an olllcci of the loimcr company as utteily without foundation. The same oflicial said further ! "That rumor doubtless arose fiom the fact that thu dhectors in tiieii recent annual Inspection demited from their customary programme and went as far west as Omaha and passed over a portion of the Northwestorn's lines. This wasilonu simply to git an idui of the growth of the reel on traversed and without any purooso to extend Iho company's posses sion. Unless I am very much mistaken , Piesidenl Huberts would never consent to an extension be.jond the Mississippi. He has icpeatudb declaied himself on tills point. " Two Jlarshnlltown Itenm. AIAIISIIM.I lovvv , la. , Nov. 11. [ Special Telogiam to thu Br.n.J W. II. McMillan , a farmer residing ne.u Chapln , was ai rested on a clmigeot cheating Chicago panics out or S'tO.OOOhya lalso pioperty statement , was driven thirty miles to Applfngton , and hur- ilcd to Chicago. Jacob Miller , nged ninety , was stiuck by a & Northwcstein iialn and killed near Moutoui. of tlio Ulo Wreck. Mir.WAUKP.i : , Nov. 11. 'Iho Wisconsin's P oitago special says the coioner to-daj made public the list ot articles tiken tiom the bodies ot the victims of the recent lailxxay wiccIcntK.istlUo , and also iclics recovered from thn ashes and debits of the binned d iy coach. The latter consist mainly ot metal lic .substances , such as pocket knives , coins , keys , biggago checks , waters , chains , etc. Included in Um list is a small east-lion child's sale contalnl'ii ' : twti pennies. It is hoped thn publication list may lead to the Identlllcatlon of thu unkiioxxn beisons who lost tlieli llxud in tliu tcnlblo vvicck. A Child Fatally JBurnod. DPS MOIMB : , la. , Nov. 11.4-Spcclal [ Tele- gi am to tlio Bi.K.l A speclil from Angus saxs that last exonluir tlio txvi yeai-old child of Postmaster \ \ eat was left In the house alone lot a few moments while Its inothei went on an eriand to n neiuhboi's. When she lulin ncd the child xvas luiiuinic about the vatd vxlth Its clothliu in Mainou. Apiece of [ minim : pinoon the stoxo health told the stoiy , The child will piobabjy die. Hard An or tha fialooiiH. IOWA Ci iv , la , Nov. 11. [ Special Tele giain to the Hu : . ] Juilgo Hedges , In the llual term of the circuit court , Issued sweepIng - Ing oidcis for thu abatement of all saloon nutsaiucsand the destruction of the liquor * and the sale of thu lixliucs , and lined uex end dealers fcVX ) each , Onu saloon I > eepcr is now in jail and thu sheillf has otlkcrn inidci a ires audsajs they nnut pay to-Jaj ui bo locked up Business Citirv&o , Nox % 11. Joseph P , Lang vyholes.ilo dealer In cloaks , niadu an acalgn nient this afternoon to llonry K. Brown The liabilities are Sb-l.OOO , wllli thiit > ton ; cit'ditois in Boston , Nexv York , Philadelphia Da > ton and Chicago , The represented asset' ' consist ot u stock of clothing and some lea est.tto on thu bide. Tha liibllitle scheduled aio Included In fourteen iloles. A\ hat the 3lun Costs , WKSIIINI.ION. NOX11. . Thoannitat rcpor of Second Auditor William A. Daj slioxv that dining tliu last fiscal jear the sum o S17,076,4rS was drawn out of thotieasury 01 requisitions issued by the secretary of wai and S0t 5,5i3 on those Issued by the teue taiy of the interior on account of Indiai nialntcnanco , leavine iniexiK-ndud balance : ( iji tiiosoaccounts of 44J.Qv > 3 and 3JJJ.SO. EXPLOSION MOST TERRIFIC , A Philadelphia Factory Buihling Collapses and Takes Fire. MANY FEMALE EMPLOYES HURT. OverOno Hundred Ijlvoa Imperilled Hut Onlj One Woman Killed i\CltlllR SCOIIC' * List ( if Ilia Injured. A llorttir Averted. 1'iin UH'.U'iiix. , P.i. , Nov. II. An cv ilosioit occurred In the box maniif.ic- ory ( if Heiuy 11. Shelp ACo. . , Nos. 1701 and .70S Handolpn street , this aftci noon , which > Ii'\v nut tliu lear wall , badly Injiitini ; a mini- jcr or V.OUIIR men , women and children , nud mpcrillliiir the lives ot met ono Imndii'd 11010. Tlio nnnufaetoty Is n thrcc-slor > ) ilck structure , with a depth of 150 feet , lack ot It lire located a niimhci ot sheds 'or storing the luinbui used In the manufiu1- lire of clirar boxes. The last and Fceond leers \\i\o \ used as a planing mill and carnenter shop , mid on tin ; thiid Moor weru emplojcd about twenty-live girls In pasting pipci linings In the boxes. Jiunbcfcjto thu explosion thu engineer stalled ill ) ste.iin by throwing a largo aiiionnt of sawdust on the lite undei thu > allL'i from n sawdust bin , which was located a shoit distance olT , and Ihun stalled to the K.mdolph street trout ol thu Jiilldlin ; . He states that ho had been there .nit a few minutes when hu was startled oy n lepoi tor loud noibe , which was lolloped by ihcuppui poitlon of the real wall falling out and screams oC thu women In thu upper story. Btlekscie llyine in all directions , and in less than a niinntu atleiwaios ttio w hole rear l > ortlon of the mill appeared to bo In llames. The greatest excitement existed among the liands euiplojcd In thu unlldlni : , especially thu females. .Some ot them ran tor the stall- way leading to the stteet , while others ran to thu windows , Hiid a tnxv started to climb out , but wcte pieventrd fiom lumping to thu ground b > theli companions. During all this tlum the Hamcs xxuto .spiead- tni ; from one floor to another and ciowds , attracted by thu smoke and thu screams of tlw women , blocked thu stiects. Unt the ex citement among them was so trie.U that they appeared noweilcss tor a time to assist them. Mnally soveial men tan Into thu building and succeeded In getting them nil out. 'Iho excitement among thu people was incicasod when the girls and voting women appealed in the stieet , some bleuling and others , badly burned. The Inn but nod stnbboinly despite thu efforts ot the lire- men to cheek the ( lames , and In a re markably short period , owmz to the inllammablo cliaiactur ot the. contents , the two nppei stoiles ot the f ictury and tliu shed ding in theieaieieabl.i7e. . One girl , Came Biunei , aged eighteen , is missing. TIII : ivirnrn. The followingis a list of the injured : I.I.J.A , a.'etl tweiitj-one , bidly burned about lace and hands. CAKIUI : Miu.i it , eighteen jcais , binned about body. EMMA MITIDII : : , sixteen yeais , burned about face. MAIIY K. KxnrtiT , fifteen jeais , face and body burned. AMANDA GOOKE , nineteen , burned about lace , back and hands. JOHN POI.LOCIC , sevsnteen , injured about head by falling biieks. JOSEPH'Rfciiuni : , severite'en1 ; hands badly binned. Joii.v Kr.rNflr.r.iiAi'Eit , twenty-one , head cut and hands injuied. GKORQU : KIMIIAM , , nineteen , head and face cut. IHxiETi IfJtiE * . an old man , both fnce and head burned and aim cut. The liio was gotten under control after destrovlni : almost the entire building. The Ihery stables ol J. M. 1'iulley and A. C. Crcswell , at the rear ot boxfactorx , were blown In. About two hours aftui the the had been extinguished the bodj of Garilo Brunui.aged thlrt\aii cinploxc , wastonnu in the thiid story of the factory , btried undei steam nines and heavy timbers. Her body and clothing wcro but slightly binned , and her death was in all probability caused by the heavy timber tailing upon hei when the explosion otcuired. Fifteen persons were more or less seilously Injured , but it Is thought that none of ttiuinjuucs will pio\e fatal , with the possible exception ot Annlo Wolfner. who received severe burns about her face and body , and aKo sustained injur ies Irom a flying timber. Tl'e ' injuries of the others wcro bin us and bruises sus tained in jumping or falling liom the uppei stoiies. The Itulrymcn. CHKno , Nov. 11. There was a large at tendance at the annual dalnmen'seonven- tlon aUiattciy I ) this morning , when Piesl- dent Windsor made a shoit oj enlnc speech. Statistical icporls from varloit0 maiKets were lead anddlsciisscil by theeoiuention. ' 1 hero were numerous attains on bogus buttei and Its deleterious elfuctsmadn during the season. The leportol thceommltteo on legislation caxe iIse to considerable discussion , lesiilt- ing In the adoption of resolutions Instinct- inc ; the conimflteolo exert nil possible ellnit tolnrthei regulate the manulaituro and f-ale of olcomarcailno and other substitutes foi buttei. The committee was enjoined to carefully watch national legislation tilfutlni ; the subject , 1'ower to act on buhall ot the association was given to thu committee in anv measure ueomed necessary to piexent injuiious changes in the picsent law. Sub committees weio pioliledTlioaro to do all In tholr poxxci to piooino such enactments In tneir lespectlxo stales as will luitiiei icuulato the sale of olcomaigaiine. Jies- olutlons were passed lomplimuntaiy to .Senatoi Millei , of New 1'oik , and Con- ( iicssinin Jlalch. ot Missoml. to.-ethei with \olu of thanks to I'leshleiit Cle\cland , and others who aided the intcicst ot Iheoleo- maiKailno bill. The report ot T. V. Iteall , of New Voik. of money contributed and ex pended In the Intoiests ol the bill was ie- n'lied to the committee on linanco. Thu tonl amount was Ss.yjjj. A jnnei on "Tho J.ulmi Unionist and the r.umer. " wilttenby Jo-eiih hampson , htoim Lake , la , was jne- sented and will bo dlfetis'-ed to-morrow. An Informal talk upon thu methods of mannlac- turiiiK theeso closed the daj's Hoped In Uy l PjiThiirr.u , I'a. , Nov. 11 New is n thriving llttlolll.noa lew nillus back of Coal Valley , on the MonoiiK.ihela rhci , Theie two 01 thito Mormon niUslonaiiestook up a temporal y abode a few months a 'o , and cjulckly be an to iiieath th ir doctiino to the people. SOIIKI twenty nf the citl/eiis , Incluil- iiiK tlieli families , ha\o been con\oited to the Moimon laltli , ami aid maklni : prepaintloiiH todcpnit for t'tali. The leadci ot the.Moi- moil < > mi-sailOb Is known as IteIl.irnes , ln < iormatlon fiom that nlaio in to the ellurt that so\cutccncon\urtswilllei\etni I' tali In a few d.ijs , wiiilu the lomaindei will KO just as soon ai thoj can dU ) < ese ot their llttlo leal estate , which many ot them lm\o seemed liom tin sa\lius of almost a life time. The mission ailes tried to eatablUh a follow intrit se\einl points alon ; ; thu ihei but wcronot Kiiice-.sful to nndi'Kieu until tliey leichul the \lllaii ol S'ew r.nnl.iiid , which is Umel ) ininposcil ot 1'iiRllsli coal miners who line but littlu Intcicouisu with the outside \\oild , A Caesarenn Surgical Opr-iniimi. Xj\v HA VKN , Conn. , Nov. 11. Drs. llacon I\CB and faanfoid > esteidaj perfouued a dell cateaDddlfticnlt operation of delherin i child by the Caeaaican UK tliod. ' 1 he moi'ci ! IS.MIH. niakcsloc , ot this eit > . 'Iho chili welglied ( if icon pounds. Jlrs. IJlakesleo Miy low thK mnrniiiK , hut Or Itito bomeasaiuaiaotlmt shu will icunu. Patrons 'iUA , Nov 11 , In tht nationii ! of the I'lt t run i of lluslnndrv thli nun niuti a resolution was submitted bIt \ i ( It legate from UUnoU , fax 01 In ! ? the elecuoi 01 Unlteu btateb senator bj thu puoplu , ANTI-SAI.UO.N HtH'UHIilCANS. lliclr Nnllonnl Coniiulttoo Stools nnd DlftUiiiarM tlio Situation. CincAdo. Nov. 11 The national commit- teoofanti valoon republicans was called to ordei by Hon. Albert ( Jrlnln , of Katms , chnlrmin. A stMementor the work done by the executive committee slnco the natlontl confcicncoon September Irt , and an outllno nf the situation , \\.vi undo bv Mi. ( Jrlllln. "Fiom the east and the west. " tald ( Jrllllit. "mosteneouiailnjiepoitseoiue ; , The anti- saloon addles * , written by ( A. I ) . Nettleton , which was published on October 13 , bus been fa\orahl > received all oxer thu country , through the as oclatled piess the Chicago dailies , thciNewspapei union , Kel- lope's lists , the lomperanci ) nnd U'llKlous journals It stands as the leadlnj ; tnuper- ame document of the day It was udltoil illy said In one ot oin sUlwait lepublican dallies tint It Is the stionueit po- llticil utteiaiuo on hfhtlt of the temperance cause which has been nnde In the last t\\ent > -li\o UMI" . 1 was aurecnblj suipilscd at the riphtit.s with which the MMI- tlment ne.i list the siloons Is streiiuihcnlnc In the east.Vhllti \ In M isMi'huseets lust week , 1 was Infoimed bi leadnii ; leimblieans Unit the .mil saloon element w llhln the p ut > had niidoubtedlv nuneuted a demoeiatle victorj. In New Voik , lotilliiR lepubllcans , both poliilcil and joiunallstlc liutions , mo solid ! ) with HI. " 1'iot. Dnilirc , of ICeiituekv. spoke of thu constant uiowth of thu lemibllcan pnity In his state , and especlalts ol the ineicaslnj : pifvalutiie of the tcmi ounce scntluiunt within the p.uh. Hon .1. 15. I'onnei , of Indhnanolls , repelled - polled a gratlfjIiiK state of atlalis In Indiana. IIu slid the republican mity In tint Mate had nut iNclt on an anil saloon platfoi in last August and the entlio statu ticket and a majority of the leglslatuiu had been elected thcieon. Mi. Muteall , of Ohio , repoitrd the situation In that state as i at her critical , and said Unit unless the lupubllcin ptrty was willing to exchange Itsllquoi s\mnathl/cis tin men ot auolliei btamp , ho feared the icsult would be dNastions. llstabiook , of Nehiaska , and lion. 1 * . H. \Voodwaid , of Connectleul. were fleeted membcis of thu national committee from theli iesicctl\e | states. On motion of General Nettlelon , It was unanimously voted to icimno thu headqiur- tors of executive committee fiom this city to New Yoi k. borne changes were made In the commit tees , and thu mcmhctihip Is as follows : Al beit ( iiiflin. chairman ; ] ' . ( ) . 1'oi'enoe , secru- tarx ; ovl'ostiuastoi ticncral 'I . L. , ) ames ticasmei ; ( ieperal Thomas W. Conwav , .hulco Noah Davis , Tlieodoio Koosinelt , ,1. M. Hnmh. ot New Yoik ; Dr. H. K. Carroll. of I'hlniield. N. J.V. ; . A. .Imues , Ul liland 1'aiK , 111. ; lion. W. W. Hrovvii , liradfnid , I'a. ; Hon. H. H. Woodward , Hartfoid , Conn. ; 1) ) . H. llaskell , Doston ; Gnueial A. H. Ncltlctou , Minneapolis , Minn. ; Charles S. Ulecd , Tojieka , Kan. National Farmers' Alliance. CIIICAOO , Nov. 11. The annual conven tion ot the Farmcis' national alliance began hcie to dav. About 200 dclcRatcs represent ing local assemblies In htteen states were urcsent. A. J. Stieeter , picsident of the alli ance , made a lengthy add ! ess , in which he set loitli the evils from which fatmeis as a class ate sullei ing , and urged the necessity ot or- ion against uncioiching monopolies. He declared that the evils wciuduo In a. huge mcasine to lalho id monopoly and advocated government il control ol all lallioads. The secrctaiy'srepou showed that the alliance , which was organ i/od in IbbO , had now a total membership ot 500,000 , and was in good financial condition. Captain N. A. Giay , of It.mloiil , III. , read H paper on " ( Jiain Biivers' Union. " in which he clnrgcd tint the trrain buyers , by fonnliiK organizations In all the small towns , fixed theli own price and eontiolled the main maikct , much to the detilment ot the faimci. Hu recommended that piodiaeis oigani/e to defeat the combination , A committee , con sisting ot .lames Smith , of Minnesota ; Kber Wetei. ot Wisconsin ; I ) . 1) . Whitinit and Milton ( icoigc , of Illinois , vvas ajipoiiued to draft a senesof icsolutions to bu presented ut to-monow's ' session ol the convention. A Kia Dumber Syndicate. MiNxr M-OI.IS Xov. ll.-Colonel Tlatt H. Walkui , a prominent luiubciman , sivs In an interview , published in the Kvcning. Journal , tint a sjndieate of Canadian luinbeunun with partncrb In .his state ha\o acquiied thu title to about 500,000,000 Icct of pine limbei in uoithwcatuin Minnesota and aie nirang- Ing to gobble up the rest of the vast tlmbei belt on the northern slope , an aua including about one halt of the entuo state. Hechaiges that the clause in thu sundiv civil eivlce bill pioUdinu tor a comnusiilon to treat with the Indians now ocuipjlnc tlie o lands foi their lemoval to Wlitte Laitn niencv was seemed dliectly In the inleiest of this Cana dian sjndic-xto. C'oloiu'l Walker adds : "II these lietties should bo made and continued , 510000,000 woith of Indian pinow ill ceitainh go Into the hands ol n loielgn sj ndlcatc. and Mr.0 ( > o,000 wet th ol lumbir that Minnesota and D.iliota will shoitlv , need , will bo owned by the s line pool. " Nickels unit Pennies. WA : iH.Ncno.v , Nov. 11. r. Kimb.ill.di- lectoi of the mint , said to-day on the subject of thu scant simply of pennies and " > cent nickels , th itculnago had been suspended on the 16th of I'Ylnnary , Ibsri , by Ketretary Me- Culloch , 0:1 : the giound that the amount out standing was ledundcnt. 'I his siuplus was maintained until In the middle ol Scptcmbci , It was tinned oxer to the mint toi cleaning and ie-Issiiu. About this time an nnpiece- dented demand ai USD tin pennies and nlclv clswlilih boon < "chtiisted the SVI.OJO tians- fcrred fiom the uliln..i.iiuSinco tliini the woik of stilkins nuxv plices IIISKOIIO on vsithout lnteiiiitlon | to Iho full capacity ot the mint ovei and above the mnmlHtoij til- vei dollai coinage. The dluetoi attilhuies the gieat demand In put to HID tendency ol niinoi coin in nneipul circul itlon tlnoiigh thu general xx'ant cit acceptability , especially at banks. The Ciiwcs of | the Ati.i o , Nox. 11 Theietonl In the e-ro of the condemned auuelilsts vx-as expected to bo piesunted to .liulfo ( J.uj to da > foi slgnatuio , but owlnto the cloudy vveathei thu photographic scone ol tiio bnmb throwing could not ha secuied. The sinning ot tin leeoid vx as thurefoit ) postponed until to- moriow. li was astei tamed today mo vloui. to di-pai tins lor the east folonel H ( } Ingeraoll positively agiced to nssoelato him soil with thu eas , but nnl > to make tin argument but ore the state supreme couit ai Mount Vermin. Tlio Flio Itccoril. CIIKM O , Nov. 11. 'Iho bnildliijopp ( ipiei by McL-imjlilln's Union inllli > , on tlio north' west corner of btato and South \Vatui \ stroi ts was completely united by lire this altoi noon. Noun of the imicluneiy was seiloiisl ; damn ( > < ! , and thopil.ielpal damagu to sto < k i IKIIII watei. Tim loss h noxv put at Iron to sivwo. The adjoining Dtilhlln/ whitli ualio occupud by Mi-Uaiic. ! . ! ! ! iiijuud. H ('ol < > . Dnsvrn , Col. , Nov. U.-Ollh-ial ntuni' lecelxedfrom twentj-soxen counties in tin Plate , together with loliiblo ustlmatos fiou tliorcmalnlgg thirteen , puts hymeV , repub lie an , majority lei congieas at 700 ; tholoxxui house , i'liepublieans and -i demociats ; th senate , 1'J recpiiblicins and S der.ioi i.its , : democratic gain of 10 In the house and r > ii the .senate. _ _ _ INOIIS | < III iiio aichBimo. WAStllK.'Ki.N , Nov. 11. Ihu piesident' ; niOisiKotocoiiKiesbT * ' . ( ho topi ot discussion at todaj's ea1r.K"l inn tint Whitnt'j was tlu ) only Tlio Ilokd i\iriu1lllon : Citsc. Mu-MJa AI. , Nox. -hstiad lion puictci Incs against Jolin V irUo ! xvcru adjotnne niitU t iiuiiiiixv No iibxv tx'lUeiivu ot an xv.u cl.v ud. STRIKE M DECLARED OFF Reported Settlement of the Trouble at Olricago Authoritatively Denied , SPECULATORS STAR f THE STORY riio KnlKlitq Conllilcnt of SiireoMs Conunlttoeinnii Cnilcton on tlio Orounil PoxttlerljUoHi os To Talk Ahoitt tlio Htilko. The Situation In ' CltiCAno , Nov. It. The Mutation at tha stock vards this moinlni ; shoxvs an Imprnvc- iiieiit All packetstepoit their forou-i Increas ing , and among the applicants for work to- .h > atoni.iiij of the old men. Conttarj to genentexpectation thu army ot woikmeii whlchw.iseniMged b > Poxv lei A ; Co. In New Yoik last Mondav uirlxcd at tliu jouls anil reached their emplojers1 establishment with- mt any molestation. Heports to ( ieneral Klt/slmmons at 8 o'clock fiom all piitsof the l.nds icpoit uvctv , thing quiet. It is believed tint the great stilku at tl 0 dock v , arils Is at an mid. It is leportcd on Ch.vngu that Povvderly his oidcicii theincn ba"k to woik. Thu same luport Is cuiront at Armour's doxvn town ollliu , although they lave no olllchil confirmation of it. So miny unx men have come In during the put fexy dav s that thu packers now say thtj need no mire. The repoits teleeraphcd trom heio early his evening that thu strlku was at an end xxas based upon direct information fiom thu packers. At 10 p. in. In formation Is rccelxed fiom the same source , that thn teport proves to bo without Inundation , J , C. llately , member u the cxccullxo commllteo Puckris' ot the as- soelitlon.sajs the stitement that thustilko tad been declined otf b ) thu knights xvas a ulstake. tlu does not undeitaku to explain uiw thu mlst.iko was made , ami can only say iliat shoitly bctouiii 11. m. the packets won ) In receipt ot Information vxhh h , though not , was consldeiiid by them icllnble. Messrs Barrj and Cuileton , moinbeis of the Knights ot Laboi geneial executive eommlt- teu , denied to icpoiters shortly nftei rt p. m. that tlii'io had been a ny change whatever In the status of thu strike. A meeting of ( strikers is in session to-night at the yards , which Is buliiE attended by Messrs. Hariy and Carleton. Before cntoilng the hall at 8 p. ni. , Barry and Carleton xxeroseen and questioned con- ccininu'ilie reported collapse of the striko. They denied emphatically that there was any tinth whatevei in the statement. Carluton , who airived this morning us a icprosontatlvo of Poxxdeilv to Investigate ) thu situation , said that so fat from the stilkers bavin' ; sur rendered , they weie lull ot enthusiasm and conlident of ultimate victoij. So liu as hu has bceu able to asc itain today there was little 01 nomobabihty ol thu stilku ending until the mon had won theli pointnamely.that the packets comedo a technical recognition ot the iirlnclplu of eight hours' work for eight hours' pay , or at least alloxv the matter to beaibltiated. The stntcmont that Poxv- deily had oidered Cirleton to order the strike off was a lie on Its face. Caileton had only nrilved In Chicago this moinlnir , and It WUB absurd to suppose that ho would bo pcremp- toiily comunnded to end thn strike without b'Ing civ en any time to fulfill the mission which brought him here The nnwsconcern ing Powduily's alleged lolcgiamlmd been ie- celved in Chicago over speculators' private whes , and both Carleton and Barry declaied without lescrvu the belief that thu rupoit sayIng - Ing tlm strike WAS off had been { .Iveii out solely toi stock-jobbing piuposes. 1'ovvilorly Declines t PimAnrT.i > m.Nov. . 11. Powdeily this evening again declined to bo Intarxlexved on the Chicago beef and pork packeis' btilke. lie stated that Messis. Caileton and Harty had full chaitro of affilis In Chicago on be half ot the general executive board and In view ol their bettei knowledge of tlio sitnai lion ho did not care to discuss any bianuh of the subject with the meagre ini'oimillion lie had at hand. Ho would neither duny nor admit tint ho had sent an order to Chicago directing the mun to ictuiii to wotk on a teu houi basis. A Strike Mettled. Xov. 11. The strikers on the hog abbittoir on Saekensack Meadows all went back to woik : this morning at Increased wages. The company letuseil to treat with n eommltleo fiom the Knights of Labor. Uolll parties nmdu concessions. Aiding tlio Northwestern. OirbMWA , la. , Nov. 11. ISneclal Tele gram to the Urn. ] This city h is voted § 10,000 to aid the Norlhwcslcin company In becuiing i iuht of way and depot groundN on a piopositloii fiom that company to bulkl hero. _ _ A Preill < jte < l Stoini Coining. If ( ; i/ifu/i | / / ( ItUi Ii I \ Juiiifs t tinliin llciinclt. ] LUVIMJV , Nov. 11. [ Nexv Yoik Hciald Cable Spedal to the llr.i : . ] The metcoto- * logical ollicu scuds Ihu lolloxvlng dlspatcli lo-nUht : West and southxxest coists , hoist tone for noithwesteilv gales ; dujncss on apino.icliintf Irom IK rtliwe.stwaid. Kolloxxlng Is the wainlng which was cabled to London Irom thu Heiald olllie on AVcdncs- day moinlng : Ni w VOIIK , Nov. 10. liennctr , London ' A htoim ot imrkeil enuigy. Its centro nn\V east ol Now loundlanil , will piobibly move east noitiieast ; dihtmblng weather on Urn isles and Noilh liiilish ami I'lcnch coast tu- txxecn the 1-Jth anil llth in l. [ Signed j Died in China. Lf'ipl/iiuM / i < MiliuJamr ( liiilttn T'Aini , ( via Ilaxre ) , Nov 11. | , Nexv Vorlc Menild Cable-Special to thu HuM. | . Paul Diet , the I'lcnch minister lusldent at Annan , died at Tcnquln ot fovci. Out ol irspecl tc > his memory , thu chambei of deputies ad- joninH Its sitting alloi thunnnoiintument ot hix dc'ith by M. Dul < 'rexclnet. A ltd 1 1 H. Nov. ll.-1'ilncu Waldemar sent ii telcgiam to the i emits oxpiibslng a giatuliilBeiisool honor conleir.'d upon him by -ohiaiijo'litliii > : him pilni'n of llulga- lia. 1 Ie states , hoxx ever , that the decls'oii ' as to his acteplaiue ie ts with Ids lathii. Iho King oi Dunnmik , and adds that other duties mil ) piovt'iit Ins assumlni ; tlio iiileiship ol ! Jinh..iil.i , Thti prliuVh inpl ) nuoii"ldcied to pioi.uu Ills of lo ) li'ione. ' , Nov. 11-Altei the rlcttlou of Waldcmai , the Austilan ; .nd ( ieiiiiuii.ini- bas.ulorsat St Pctci buu xvcio instuictud Ijj tbc goxt'iiin , ems to liiiili ( | ( ! ( it Hussla the namu ol the r.indldiitosho favoiod as Alux- niidi'i'H succe-soi H llnssla i el uses to ac cept the eh ctlon of W.ddcnmi or to nomlnato nnother candid ite. It will bo conMdcicd time she entertains deslirns against Dulgnilan Independence - dependence , and in tills event Kiu'ljnd , Cei- n.inj. Austria and Itnly xxjll uiil.e at mi nirlei standing Hlimlar to UIKIMIC Unit oxlstid among them at the peiiod tf ll.o Iteilin con- I > i Incn JilHllini < I.'H I'relei cnce. 111. ill IN , Nov. It III political elides hero It Is consldeicd ceilain tl'.it Piince Wnldu * mai will dirime the i est of liiiUiitlan inlcr. 1'jlncu Illsimiik H Intllned to ttivor the Pi hue of Minjjrel.a as n candid itn for fin tliinno ni JiVirii. ! ; 1'iIiiLii NU holaslub i n espei Lilly good MI"I ! tv reputation in lil.u ! ; as Will js in St , l Itnital Losnos , Nox. 11 A eiiarnpiunship pu/o light foi 'JIUO a hiilo took JJni- llligtiin , M Idle cx , to dav II U icpojltil otiuul Hiocj II'MI. nils was killed , ei c t Anti-Ill | | Siilrottf. ) I I L < > M'iis , It.1'liu ) ) l i bntisli vxoon 1 1 N rth Hun t > ' ? bun iMindiuit ' > ) eUn o nA-U to Ji.l ta.l U' ' UpAtlOU .