Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this tie d , 10 cents per
llnclor the first Intortion,7 cents for each sub *
Boqutnt Insertion , nnd 11.50 n line per month
No advcrtl cment tnkon for lots than Eicon la
for the first Iniort on. Sercn words Trill bo
counted to the line ; they must run < onsoeu-
lively nnd mutt be paid in advance. All ndrtr-
tllcmcnU mURt to linndod In before i ! o'cjoik
piin.ttindmidT no clrcum'tnnces will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
I'nrtltg luh ertlilng In Ilioso i oHiinns end hir
ing the answers ii > ! drf cd In cnrc nf TUB Ilir
Trill plciuo fck for n check loanable thorn to get
their letters. as none will bo delivered oxcopl
on presentation of check. All nnsnors to ad *
Tcrttfemonts should lx > enclosed In
OPKH rF.NT money lo loan ; onsy tortns. W ,
.M. Harris , lloora ft , Fionzor lllk. . o | > | i. I' . O.
451 Dec S'B
7\I.VToT. rA.V At low rntol , on good
city property , llntchor&Co.l214 Douglas
. ' .
street. - -
MONKVtoloan on city nnd f Arm property ,
low rated , Stewart A Co. , Hoom 3 , Iron
Hunk. IVJ
TO LOAN-At roasoonblo rntos , on
MONEY , line wntchos nnd other personal
property. C.J. Caswoll , room IK Iron Hank
Imlldlng , 12th and Fnrmirn. "
. Sums $ nee and upwards ,
T Lowest roles. Hemls , l&tli nnd DoughMsu. _
f 4iNTK Y TO I.OAN-O. r\Iavta& CoT Heal
ill Kslntc and Loan Agents 1605 Farnam st.
M IONIJV TO LOAN On real estate nnd oh t-
. tel.i. I ) . Ik Thomas. C97
MOM'.V 7O LOAN-In Slims of f2 , < rtU lllid
upwards on flr t-cla s real ostnta Bccurity ,
I'oIteriColib , IMSJKarnnrast. W _
MONKY l.oT\N7iT > iuC Krileod ACo's.I.oim
omcs , on furniture , pianos , horsen.wacoiis ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 3198. 1.1th ,
over llhiRham'R roinmlsslon store. All husl-
ncesAttlctly ronflilontlBi. 3tw
MONI'.V If you ImtoRood notoi to Roll , or
wish to borrow on renl eslalo or olmttcM
nt fnlr interest , call on J , It , 1'nrrotto , loth nnd
Chicago sis' tiOlt.
JfOOtiOO To loan on Omaha city propcilrntB
P percent , O.V. . Day.over 1III2 Doudlnsst.
_ J jiill
TOANS Loans-Loans.
llenl estate loans.
Collateinl loans.
Chattel loans.
I.onjMinio loans.
Short time loans.
Money alwnyi on band to loan on any ap
pi oved security. . . . . . . . .
Investment securities bought and sold.
Omaiin Klnanclal czchaiiKCi 1503 rnrniim.
Corbett Munnuor. 'Mi
GI'EH Cl'.N'T Money to onn. J.J. Mahonny ,
1HW i'arnani.
GIM'.Il CKXT money to loan. It. C 1'attcrson ,
] : ili ( und
to lonn by the tinilcmlRtiPd , who baa
MOXKY properly orRnnlml loan agency
In Omaha 1/oans of 1 10 to $1,000 made on fur
niture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machin
ery , &a , without removal. No delays. All
bualnoBS Ktrlctly conndcntlal. Loans so made
that nny part can bo paid at any llmo , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances
matin nn flnn watches nnd diamonds. Persons
Bhould carefully consider who they are denllnir
with , as many now concerns nro dally comlnv
Into OTlstcnce. Should you need money , eull
nnd BOB me. W. n. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthnell
Ilulldlnpr , loth and Harnoy. nn
T71OK S AIK Ono of the best bakeries In the
-C city ; reasons for aolllntf , sickness. Addict
STl.lleoonico. 751 ll'
_ _
BUSINKSS dlANCE-A nootl opunlnR ifor n
crockery and Klassu are store , on ono of the
liveliest utrcotK , without any competition. In-
nulre at Donnaiiu'H , ( Xi' ) ' 3. liltli. 74H 13
FOIt SAI.K--A nrst-class3-clialr barber shop
nnd clRar stand III alive western town ;
' foraollliiK. on account of owner's poor
health. Parties that menu biflness may In-
( | tilro at L'ndclnnd & Co. , No. 1IXU-1304 ! Uouplns.
[ 711 10'
_ _
WANTK1) To trade , Improved N ) nnd a sec
tion of wild land for block of bardwato or
drugfl. J. I ) . K\mis , Iloom 0,1' . O. lltilklintf.
Ci)7 ) 11 *
flOH BALK Host nnylnir Lunoli Counter nnd
Chop House hi the City. Hood rensons mr
C. I. . Ilimelictt , lt'4 : Jloiitr'as. '
4(5911 ( *
TOOK SAIjK llarbi'pRhop , the best paying one
X' in Wyoming , polls lor $ ( ! V ) on. h , prices SKI
and Me owner oiwig-od m giioep business. Ad
dress s. r.o u n onice. nst 10 *
'TT'Oll SALE A first class furniture and iiu-
JL dortakliiR-bUBlneiis In n town of 2,000 Inhabi
tants of Northeast Nob. Address Sul Itoeonico.
_ B27JI ) _
W ANTI51)-l'AltTNEK-Lndy or Kcntlemaii ,
with kraall capital , to take hair Interast in
etttRbllghod , pnrmanont , llnt-clnsH city Lusl
M65S. paying fc.OOO to $1,000 yearly ; peed icn-
rons for sulling : Brunei ctiaiico for rlflit party.
Address S 49 , llee offlcc. iC'i
FOll 8ALB-70 acres lylnglonr . * M It.v ,
two inhes Iroiu stock yards. $ .rAW ) per
Hero if Bold wlillo owner Is hero. Wood onoiiRh
o n be cut off to part pay for it. t'.asy terms.
Address H 40 , Heo Ollico. 494.IH
TTIOItS ALK Ono of the best paying hotels In
JL1 this city , mnklnj ? money fast. liest of
rcaMine for scllinc. tZ.VH cosh reijulroil to tret
It. C. K. Leo , l 07 KHrnnm St. 473
TTiOlt SAM ! A restaurant located on n lively
JL1 bUBlness street. Address H 'J ® llee ollloo.
_ _ _
FOlt HAI.K Hanlwaru Uuoinosit Wo offer
our Bliolf nnd hcuvy hardware business for
cale , tOROthor with our loasn and Rood will ,
Triidn larRest In thn city nnd location the best ,
lletirlnfr from the business cause for Helling'
Thu Unum Hardwarn Co. , 1U-8 O st , , Lincoln.
_ | _ 787
"T71OU SALE All furnished coinineruial hotel
L "B rooniH , also namplo room , livery barn ,
wind mill ; only hotel in town. Uradshnw Neb.
M. V. llotulililsri , 700 MIS'
T/10K HAM' : Olio of the oldest nnd best pay
. Inu flrocery HiiBlnei-a In the city. I'or pnr-
tleiilaniln < jlilro t 1415 Jones st. UJ8
HO1ISKS LotHrnrmi.RUds money lo nr < l.
llenus. l.'itli nnd Douglas elrouts. S95
LOST -In WcstOinaha , mulotenmwagon mid
harness. Heturnsnmo to I'arnnr'x House ,
14thand Harnoymidget reward. 783 10 * CD
OST-A Ini1iy > silver bib pin with Initial ! M"
i II. M. lost about Nov. 3. A snltabln re
ward will bn paid on Ha return to2SI2 Howard
t. 74513 *
LOST Fiom n , i > . cor. of Siiiiinler anil l.akn
KIM. , Wi-dnimdiiy , n dark bay mint ! pony , U
ycarjnld. Heuard lor letiirn , COU 10 *
"I OSTLady's siiiall gold wuleh with mono-
.1 Jitrnin M. f W. on back. Finder iileaso leave
lit Ibis ollice. air ,
fllAI'KN I'P-Oet IM , ono dm k rod heifrr calf .
J boili curs croiuiixl inquire Ht II. 'lull ) ' 8 ,
I'.KH Orove t , 2 blocks not Hi of Loavennoith.
Nor it 10 *
FOUND A red cow , with . wnlte spots on foio
head. Apply Gmd , on L'nsslns and 1'iitli Kti < .
N.i : HI IT 24 1
'If Ol'ND-A bunch ot knys.cor. lOth.aint hnr <
J. num. Owner can havu s.une by calling at
tills olllve und paying for In citlon. C2 ; '
MADAM ALASKA niveiiU pant prit rtit and
future , how ninny In family , age , ctu , , bow
t hold iitlFcllousof linslmnil or Uiiijr , Sutli-
funtloii guaranteed 2j centi unit upwards. Ill
" 1 1 H3T-CLAS3 day board at 1UT ) Daenp.irt. .
TIKllfO.N'AL If the young mini who tdxor-
1 Ilod lost pockcthcok with check In it will
call at this oHica ha can gel the gain * . 72J1U1
) : [ , - - . wishlnir good domestlo
help ran bowell supplied by culling at
DniHlm Fmpioymcnt ilurotm , HV .North IClh ,
PL , i'nilliiso block. 617 ,
IICItSONAIr-K. tb > Camprn School of Mutlo
and Yolco Culture , 121 N. l th st. , room n.
(01 Dcab *
A. Lllnenernii , profeiilonul
. uurnii with good rocoiuniendutloni. 11J *
( tmtalUilittittel " , 3d floor , XMJUI Nu. ft , over
) ) ouunir d"ry Kood toro.
: - . Dr. N nn.e V.
cl.vrvojunt. Medical nd binlncJ * Mrdlum
Kooiu .No. SKl North int. bt. , Om lm.N'e\ > .
MAriUMOMAL-Parcr uoulitlni Hourly i < W
Rdicrti > : ucit from Ia4im aud fuutto.
iu u Sent . * ! monihs
tor 10 ftinit AUdiejs , a llnad , 70 l.n
S 1.S 9' ' ' ft , CfclVRJM ,
A n TIIACT OF TITLT fnrnl hPd on hftrt
Jnotice from my complete set Of booka , K.
( . . Pnlti rj ) n < 15taanil Hnrney DM
U3TlFACre"oF TITLK fnrnishea m shoTt
notice. H , 0. Patterson , ISth nnd Hnrnoy.
&y\ \
CJCIIOoTrbl' BTKNfUmAPIIV and tfpo-writ"
O Inp , HoomsT nnd 8 , Iron llsnk. O.W. linker.
rf N 24
rpltiK8 : , lloee' . hrubs.ctc , planted free lor
.L pctrons buying of IOJgiri.s Co. Nursorloi
C.O. Hoirnrcl. Prop.,1' . O. bozSnO. M7-n12 *
/ lT'AIlANTl K [ ) XllSril7\ITS rom Tny coin"
vT piflie Bet of nb > tract t > ooks on short notlco
It. C. I'nttor.'on , 151 li nnd Harnoy. Ml
i nolllll.NT : orguni , $ S per month. ilo pe ,
J" 1518
inoil HKNT ! > fuaro ] Piano , $ i montolv. A
- I"Home. . 1C13 Oougln * . 393
FOK A Iir.MAIlLF niid complete abstract of
Idle cote the omco of H. C. Patterson ,
15th and Harnoy. KI2
" "
TriO n XT-SqiKro"riano"$3 monlhlr. A
-I ? Hospo. 1M3 Douglas 311
_ _
FoTl 'llllSl Karge clean towels , chonpT
Omnlia Towel Co. , 1617 Howard st.
. 729 n7 ! *
Oil SAIiiJ A ( frooors d'ellvery watfon only n
few months In use M 1th Jaeouson & Tim-
mcnsoniir : > BMth. 771 ! !
FOll SA 1.K Pto\ , No. 20 Hplendld. In perfect
ordor. T. J , Ueard & llro.lllU Douplns St.
OH HMiU rurnlturn of six room house.
F House for rent. Call at 171U Llougla * st.
_ . . SALK All Ilia tools nnd 1Ulures of ray
mont market , n splendid clr.inco to to Into
the business witli small capital , nil Iho buildings
will bo rented cheap. Full Information given
on application Letmo hour from > ou if you
wont H bargain. P. Casey , Walnut. Iowa.
FOH Til A 1)1'-On a lot , a superior up-rluht
pluno. 'll Cnllfornln SJ. MS 10'
T71OII 9AlJi Team of horses. Schlo'lnKor
JJ Ilroe. . till 8. lUtli at. ! > ' > * 14
.SAI.K Flne rend hon > n , with new
1 biiffK ) and harnes" , cost 3125 : mus > t bo wild
nt once roxnrdloss of valuo. Imiulio Ht 140S
DotiRlns si. 7W
iiOU HAI.i : Knrnituro and len n ol slt-room
F hon.'o , time on part. Call I'M' North -Tib
rlreet , two blocks Irom lied Car line. 8J.I
F'ffi ' BAIilI I'liaotou bugey.ono lop blurry
cheap , A. Hogpo "SlnTJ
H POtlS KS Ixit .rarmi'lRnls--money ( loaned ,
llcinls IDlh and Douglas itreets. SU'i
FOK HALE Lnotip , iron columns nnd win
dow caps snltablo for front on brick build-
lug. Forparticularsupply ixt this offlcc. 13
I 7ANTBI ) A flit-t-clnsg laundress nt Ornud
it Union hotel , South Oinuhn. 771)11 )
_ _
ANTHD A laundress nl Occidental hotel ,
Immediately. 775
W ANTUI-liIs ) ! lorsewinK "t Ulchtor's , 13. , '
Fnrnntn fit. 7C2 10'
WAN'U ! ! ) ( Inod jtlrl for general housework
iniiFinnll family. Must bo a Kiiod cook
nnd laundress. Wages $ I per Meek. ! rM Park
live. 701 13
\\TANTii : > Computont Blrl lor Kcncral
II bouaowork , In private family ; C07S llith
St. 747 lj ) * _
WANTKD A Klrl to do llhl ( house work ; np-
ply nl once at northeast corllkl nnd Charles
ets , 7l ! > II *
WANTKIi UlnliiK room trills to jfo to Nor-
lolk , Neb. luqulro for O.V. . Cronkhlto ,
Mcrchunta hotel. u , 739 IU-
W ANTI5D Girl for houbuworlc , 1211 Daven
port. C'Ji 11 *
TVTANTKD A good girl for general house-
TT worknt822 South Collogu street. Mrs.
Louis Holler. 703 11 *
ANTUD Good girl for goncrn ! liouhowork.
Mrs. H. Ulnghiim , 810 Soutn lull St.
674 10'
" \ \ "ANTK [ ) Good girl tor general housework.
11112 Faruam. 6'JI
W ANTKD-Cook , ut 710 S. 14th st.
070 10 *
W ANTHD A girl for genorat hoiixowork.
Cull 2218 Lonvonworth st. U71 U *
\A7ANTiD : A good girl for general housework -
work , In n lumlly ot two. Call nt 1112 S.
Btlijst. 730
rAXTISU Girl , for rotioral houseworic. nt
60 * Ylrglnln ave. 377
\\7AXTKU-A reliable woman will : good of-
II enees. to tnku care ol' small child and do
second girls work. Apply Jlrs. Gco Paiorsoii ,
IIU South 24th St. Cap 10
l ANTUD Dining room girl at Planters
i house , corner Doi'go niul liitli sts.Wi2
Wi2 10 *
TVfANTKI ) At oncn a woman cook at Platte
i i Valley Hoiiii ) . Ashland , Neb. 053 li *
WAXTIM ) A compolent per.-.onto do house
work nt 82:1 : South 2Jth street. 651-11
17"ANTKD Dining room girl nl the Kinmct
i house. 078
WANTKO-Girl forgunoinlHoiiiowork : Ger
man preferred. Mrs. U 11. Wheeler , 524
South 20th Bt. 481
' Lady room mate. Koforenccd
exchanged 1410 Chicago street. M7
VI r.VXTKU Chambermaid nt 312
irANTUD A dish wnshor ut Miller's Hostuur-
V ant , 1004 N 16th St. 402
_ _
\ \ 7AXTKD-Lady of line tiisto to assist In
II copying biisinoss , can woraat homo 1C
preferred : permanent work , good pay. no ser
vants wanted. Hours 10 to 5. Art Copying
HooillS , 322 N . ICLll st. 2JO
WAhTKD A limn tocomo nlirbt nnd innin-
Ing to take care of arow. Apply to MIJ.
Kinsman , 604 Plcusant street. T.'l 10 *
\VANTF.D-Good agents ; 4.ra to $0 n day
II guaranteed n good worker. Call after 0
o'clock 1413 S. 13th st. 711J11 *
W ANTHD A good wood chopper ; long Job.
None but tint-class uxmnn need apply. W.
S. Bcavcy , 111 south Hth streets. 771 10
IV N"1130 Erpcrloncccl milker nt Saratoga
JJahy. T1414 *
W ANTIMt Talion immediately. .1. Cohen
" llth st , 660 13 *
WANTKD Agents for our now burglar
proof door fnstcnnr ; best Holllne novelty
over made ; just out ; nothing like it ; sells
IUclflnr : o profits : write quick. K. ] . ' , Home
Co.,37 Lakeside building , Chlcugo , 111. 6i6 14 *
IANTKU I'alni N. Pnrk'TTiilTdliig nsno. "
elation , ShuU'u2dHdd. 670 ID1
\\"ANTii : ) Her who can get up curly. Apply -
ply Ueo Mail Iloom bet U mid 11 o'clock
a , in. 743
WANTED An experienced clothing Bales-
man , with rcluiencoB. TUo Fair , fttnl h.
1311161. TIB 1'J '
WANTHD Ayouue man , us portnr , to coma
well roeommendcil. bU2 houth IVIh at.
Apply between 12 aud3 p. m , 7IJ212 *
\\fAXTKD A limn of good addrets to soil
l ? gooJnlncl'y Steady omplojment. Call
121 S. loth't. t. 878 HI *
"lA AXTKD Wowmit a f w ageuti lo nc'll the
II Dunnmoyer's hjdrnulio Wushor nn com-
miosiou. A very good pn > lug biislnoif for goud
men. Apply ntVTJ Douglas. V&0 21 *
AGl.NTSlntlioiiity oroountry'cnnTiinkeSj to
$11) ) a day soiling our Kpnciullits. X. W.
Novelty company , 12U7 I'uiimm st. A7T
W ' "ANTTTD-lloolt "asi'ihtl.TPNolll If Co . pitfi"
Ilibord and guneral agents for subscription
bonki.lxix lOT.Otnitha Nob. I'M n it
WANTK | > Hiii > tcv ami rockinen for
Wyoming ; $2 n ilcy All winter's worU ,
Alltirirht ; i Labor Agency , IVh I'arnuoi m.
\\7ANTUD PoiiItIoiibyyoungiiiau at Uouk-
Vi Ucetior. copyist , or ollh-o work , ( iuo.l
rcfercjico. AUJrw e , S tiS , Hco QSSvv.
743 12 *
_ _ _ _ _ _
" \\7"AN'TI'D Situation. A > oung man whti
IT uii'H'ntundg the cnr of borses wishes rt
Elluatlon as driver , ti "i Hen omen. 7K > U"
I V ANTED Iiy young (27) ( ) eastern man , sllii-
" I Htion ; willing tn do anything ; good butul
man , olhco or bar B Tl , Hoe odico. 742 10 *
\\TANTrO-A Situation In a grocery Moro ,
by * young ninn with ' ' .
act ) fuulile-i. AdUicJsS , Cll > o otllce.
700 11 *
\\rANTKD-Sltuatiou , by a younir mhn us
li clerk or bookkeeper ; 3 j oars experience
anduau lurnbh belt ot ioforout s. KM , Bu
olllru. K6 lu' ,
AT/AXTOt Situation s dry goodi clerk : by
II I dy of 3 yeati" expvrieauo. Good lofor-
meet. Addrcts S , 64 , lloe onice. & 30 , 13 *
\\r.ANTKII I'nfurnltliOil ' room , private fmn-
II ll > picfurreJ , vlthin a turn UocV of Mil-
tutdhutv-I. AiJr SCiliiuflic ) . 73)11 *
\VrAtlTP.D WorVlnirmen to know thai they
i i can purchase n lot In Sunny 8lop fof J333
and hnro n good house built In thrco y wks for
$225. Only Rinall carh oriKisIt required , bnl-
nnco , deferred pnymonts , to cult purchasers ,
H tre chance to soouro n cheap homo that wilt
double In value by next Mnr , Apply" to J.O.
Wllcot , Ilollovuo road , or Vi. S. Sonvey , mrenl ,
111 3. l4lh st. 771 10
V\7 ANTED Cottages nnd unfurnished rooms
ii for doslrnbio tenant * ! Koyes Hentlng
Agency , 15th nnd Douglas. 764 14 *
\\fANTRD-3 communicating rooms with
I ' board In n private family , for gentleman ,
wife nnd daughter , from Dec , ] , Address T 1 ,
Hen onice. v 77fl 10 *
Ty ANTKD-wTil trndo n gooiUmprored fnrm
i tile clcir , > 8Vcn miles f fpmj float Hco lor
n stocx of clothing or boots nnd shoos , will pnv
$ lVXcash. ) AddrosjOTH lltalrlcc , Huge Co ,
Neb , 7W1 16
W ANTHD Itoiiso of 10 rooms with modern
Improvements , In central part of the
city. Harris it Hnrns.iBJ H. 15th St. T77 10
VtrANTKD To rent a small house , good loon-
ii lion In First ward profcrrod. Would rent .1
or moio rooms or lint miltalila for llglil house
keeping or pint of house with private family.
AddWsS 1W Hoe onico. 73.1 IP
\\'AXTKt > 50 men to cnt buokwhpnt- cakes
i nnd maple syrup every mornln ? at Norrls'
Itcstauiant , 10th St. beU Dodxo nnd Douglas.
Straight board per week , $3.25 ; 21 rucnl ticxcts ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
\\7 ANT Kii-dcnfieninii nnT wife vTtli llttfo
ii boy 3 years old , girl II montlis old , wniit
ptoanant rooms with board , iiilol | location. Host
ot reference given nnd required Address ,
KUtlng lonctlon nndtirlco , C. II Gordon , Triiln
DIspntchBr'noinco.U. P lly. _ 7JI-IO
WTANTIID Situation lly a good bookkeeper.
ii Hns had ten yenr * experience. Cnnglvo
BOIM ! references. Address F P. It. , Heo onico ,
Council lllutTs 7t3 ! 14 *
WANTKD To buy , n lire nnd bnnrlnr proof
R'llc , suitable lor u country bank. Address -
dross S , 63 , cnio lloe oil ) eo. _ 6HH 11 *
\\ASTKD to buv ono shnro of Mock lu
1 1 Omaha board of trade. S , A. Biomanl512
I'arnamst. _ _ "i71 _
WANTKD Stock of dry goodj , dothlnic ami
gout * ' furnishing goods or boots nnd Rhoos
In o.Tchango for Onuilm real estnte. Bchlosin-
gor llros. 611 S. 10th st. _ JV'.OJI _
\\7ANTKO To rent flnt of a to 6 rooms for
1 1 light housekeeping , would rent rooms In
house ulth private tninlly or u Hinall house.
AUdro s nt oncoBM Heo onice. 658 11 *
WANTKD-To purchnsc. n lirlvnto bank in
growing town in Nebraska or Knnsus.
(11vo particulars nnd nildrcas Jnuios Sutherland ,
North Pintle , Neb. _ _ _ JM ll ( _
\\TANTKD 31 ladles 4 : Konts to lonrn tclo-
11 grnphy Prospect irood for position whnn
competent ; nddress W , J. D.Hoom 1 , Crounsu
blk , Omnhn 137
WAXTICD-an.wiOyardsof dirt on hind next
west of Creljjhlnn College. IJojjgs V Hill ,
IW 10
FOll HUNT The ro < ldnncii of J. Lyman , 029
Willow ino..Council Hlulfs. Write or in-
luiro on the premises. 781 10 *
FOK lliX : r An eligible tun room lioitsu In u
tirpt-cliHS uolghborhood , near 8troot ears
nnd nltlun ton minutes walk from the post of
llco. Apnlv to llnrko & Harknlaw , renl estate
ngents , Douglas street , next to corner ol fif
teenth. WJ
limn HUNT A nlco now cottng'o on Fnrnnm
J Ht.0 per montli. Inquire nt llyron Hood
& Co. 721 11 *
_ _ _ _ _
FOK Ill'NT- bouses , cor 21st nnil Clnikbls.
731 15 *
_ _ _
Tmo"iriil'NT-Storo bulldln'22.VIO. . wiTlPo
-L rooms llnlslied nbovo , on4th nnd Mnsou
Sta. $3d per month. A. P. Tukoy , 1304 I'nrnum
* "
F 4)11 KHXT-l'urnlslied house nt 1001 Far-
niun st. ; use of turnlturu taken in bnnrd.
535 10 *
TjiOll KENT-Lanro list ol brick nnd frame
JetoroA , tints nnd fuinl-hed rooms ; best lo
cation. Keys , 15th nnd Douglas , over Kny-
uiond'sjewolry store. 091 13 *
FOK HliNT-Hosklenco Xo. 1014 Fnrnam ft , .
II rooms , nil modern Impnvemonis. Hont.
$7r per month , carpets nnd furniture fur sale.
Apply S. A.
XT Larjrobouso with modern 1m-
provomoQts , 29th nnd Farnnm sts. A. P
Tukoy , 1304 Farnnm St. IW2
FOH KKNT House ot ten rooms , with barn ,
l.'i2S _ fit h 8 i. f > 7
FOIt KKNT 80 acres Adjoining city north-
woht.Hiiltnblo for dairy or market minlen.
Apply to Thoo. Williams , Bee Ollice , 014 Far-
num. SH !
FOH K1JN r Sloro 22xBO , UIO Jackson St.
_ _ J 788 _ _
-TlOltltI2NT P.le ant 10 room residence enL
-L Knruarr st , all modern improvonientu , fur
niture and carpet f or snlo ; nil now ; am coin-
polled to iflvo up on account ot illness. Ad
dress H if ) , Hco oIHca. C12
F IOH HKNT Store tmltnblo for HostiTurant ,
HI2Siithst : Peterson. f > 78
roe , HE HT no QMS.
FOH HUNT Furnished room In private fam
ily with use ot pnrlor nnd plnno. liefer
cncos required. Apply 2210 Capitol avenue.
FOll HUNT NlLOly furnished rooms recently
Ottod upsquare ; plnno. Sultnblo forgon-
tleman and wife or Kontlcmen ; fntnlly conveni
ences ; board It dosliod , 018 North 17th st.
73i 10 *
FOIt IlKNT Elegantly furnished front room
for imo < /r two gentlemen , 5 blocks from
noKtoffico ; has gas , fuinnce und bath. ! ! 23 N.
17th St. TOD 10'
FOH IlKNT Furnished front room. 1104
Farmun. 101 12 *
F 1OIC ICiNT : THO newly furnished rooms
and a pnrlor on ground tloor. 421 N. 11th.
unit 10
JH KKNT Fflrnishod rooms with board
2024 Webster St. , reference required ,
filU 10 *
r Fuiiilsliod room. UlOX. nib" .
Foil KKNT Two nleoly furnished mums ,
suliable for-2 or 3 gentlemen. Lovely loca
tion with every mojorn lmirovomunt. ] 1415
Jonosstroet. 025
KKNT Pleasant furnished and unfur
n I shod rooms with use of bath. 1UIO Welt-
slor street. Kll 12 *
Foil "KKNT Sunnycheerful "rooinT wllli
board , ne of plnno mid bath. . Plonsiint
home. Terms reasonable. 535 Pleasant fitroot.
6.13 "
It "KKNT Ono fnriiUhod i'ronl "io om and
FO closet , miltfiulo for Ior2 goutlomon. H. W ,
cor..M nnd Loavonworth. O b 12 *
FOIt HUNT A part or thn whole of a fur
nil-hod Hiiiso. llofeienco roiiuired. Address
dross B 66 Hoe ollloe. 737 14 *
TITOK KKNT A pleasant , neat lurnUhed from
room for one or two gentlemen. Pacific Nt. ,
corner of 13th Ft. 737 II *
"ITIOH IlKNT A pleaboilt single or rtoublt
JL' loom. Healed with Menin. llotli gas , hoi
and cold water. 211 .S-i < l nour FaruHin.
W ANTHD ' ! gooil.ulrls for general IIOIIKC
work. 2l2bouth 10th el. 750 11 *
"TTHJIt HI\T ! Furnished room for Iwo gentle.
Jmen. . N W cor 14th and Cats struct * .
Ml 10 *
IJMMt HKN I' " oiiM Ironl r' uu , iiiTeT/fiifn
1 Isiied , with or without board. Kit Plea
ant H. 065 10 *
17"Olt IlKNT Good. tiiinUhnd rooniK 1111 ft.
-1 23d bt , , botneen Davenport and Cblongo Bt ,
'ITlOIt KKNT Furnished rooms convenient for
JL' housokeojilng. N W cor 181 li uudClarU.
fitUll KKNT Six- nicely fiirnhhed rooms nt
J. Nn. TI4N. Wlh street , 4U5 17 *
FOK HUNT Front otHcu. voennd tloor : 15lh
t. , nour Furuuiir Will rent one or two
looms. AddiewiS , ! W , lloe ollico. * 410
T7K ) 11 HKS'T A liaiiiKomely furnUtied front
J. room , all mod urn conveniences , with pilv
liege of liomf , Address S ' ( . ' , Heo oQieo , TO ] 22
FfK ) ilF.NT Four or the nnfiirnl rooms
JorliousoLPoping ut mi Virginia nvunuo ;
also range and furniture lor ealo. ,72 | ii *
FOll HUNT A nicely fnnuehe.l front room
with board , li.S ITlb. 75711 *
| ruiTtTlKSrl'-2 well furuhhed rooms , IM )
1Farnnm st , iM lloor , room M , 75. ] 12 *
II"OH HEXT-l'iiioly fuinUbed parlor and paT-
-L' lor iMxlroom , wiih bonrd for two person * ; 5
minutes f rom pontotllce ; terms cheap ; bc-t lu-
callOji714 ; . iblh bU 74413 *
r. OIl JCKNT One fnint fuinisliitl loom * ult-
J ublo for man uud wife , 301 u. 15th.
15th.7fi8 11 *
If\HK \ HKXT Alter 131 b of Nov. , ! 1 room * on
. ( .outli 16 street fur $15 a month. Apply { jn < ]
niithlitb. 76 ! It *
I 1OK KKXT II nicely rurnhcd | roomB. ilou-
bUitrlorsHuil | ouu bed room , BH ) SlSth ,
707 IB'
-ino IlKNT Kur the -winter , f 11 rntobnl
X' bouse. En < ) ulr at Mlllurd Hotel Drug
Store. 7Ct ! 13
" | > 01t 1IUN.T FtirnUheil front room ulluDl
X foruianond wife or Sguntlviueu. llcnt
re.iKuablc ) , lilb Far mm it. ' 7IU11 *
Iir.NTKleorntlt furnshe ! < l rooms , IOOT
Foil * . no-forencMroqutreJ. G51
mairfnrnljhod'roomrJWJ SU
Mary'i arc.Vf _ 71
TJ1OII HKXT LarKei. front room , nleely fur-
Jnlnlied , stillable Wf two persons , stove nnd
ctml furnished , 313 N 11 Bt , between Dnionport
nnd Chicago streets. I 784 12 *
"ITl Ull IlKNT 2 unttfrntsheJ rooms , n w corner
J 15lh and Wllllnirts , 707 U *
"KICK HUNT FurniOied room for pentlomnn.
X Inqulto IMS Ca . tst. _ WO 14 *
17IOK HKNT-Furnlod house S blocks from P ,
J"O. . Address 8 , lockbot | 23J. T2.1 II *
JL" Douglas St. ) _ ' _ ' " " 71310 *
TTi TTTTiifxTNlcoly furnished rooms nnd
JL1 board , 619 Niothst. 41 14 *
JL1F I Oil ilBNT rurhls"h < vfrooms forrllglit"houpo
keeping , Hoonicis block , cor ilhii Howard ,
IlKNT After Nov. 10 , furnished rooms
17OH norlh 15th at. JUS la *
TjlcTit HKXfNIooTy furnished trontVoom nt
JL' fil08nntli2Jtli , near St. Mary's tuenuo , R70.
Iloor foMliliTinanufiiC"
turinir purposes. Centrally located. Ix > w
rent. J207riirnam St. up stalls. I'll ,
1115NT Nfeoly * Tiu-nUhod and heated
room suitable for two gentlemen nt lt.M )
arnamst. _ _ _ _ KM _
HUNT l' < urnlshed"room for ono or two
jrentU'tneui furniture now , ploasnnt loca >
lion ; Howard St. , bet. 8tU and 9th , ; south Rldo ,
Oil IlKNT A nicely furnished front room
with nlcovo , tu gentlemen only , nt No. 1811
Fnriianuit. _ _ _ f'i'J. _ _
"TJIUU u u.r Newly furnlslioJ rooiu.-jfl'st.
JC Mary's arc. _ illt
17 < t > K ur.NT A Inrpe , elexnntly furnlshe't
JL1 room , for two Rcntlemou. lull ) Dtiil o st.
[ > . * .
' 171OH IlilN I' liarcfl trout room , peed olllco
i1 locution. H.V. . Huntress , 111 JJ Kiirnnui.
KKAI , KriTATK What hnvo you in Council
Hliilfs business or lesldcnon property to
trade lor a good fnrm In llepubliu county , Kim-
nasor nlmlf sectionono mile from Htatlon lu
Pnwnnocounly , Nebraska. Address 11. II. W. ,
Hooolllcu , Omaha. 780
G OOP lot. West Cumin ? ; add. , f 150. ( Irnhntn ,
CrolKbton Block. 7iO 1,1
lilOUHALR-lly M. L. lllsKlns Si Co. , 1500
.IJ Don pi a 8 sl
it very choice lots In Manhattan.
iMcry choice lets In Lincoln Place.
! 1 very choice lota in llojorvolr ndd.
3 very choice lots In Lowe's Klrst add.
! 1 very choice hits Inhlnn's first mM.
3 voiy cholco lota In Pnispcct Placo.
K vury cholco lots In Orchard Hill.
II very cholco lots in Dellono'B add.
11 very choice lot In IPH-IO S : Seldon'a ttdd.
II very choioo lots in Cbo's ndd.
3 very choice loin In Iliinscom Plneo.
: i very choice lots In Klrkwood.
3 very choice lots In McCormlck's add.
II very cholco hits In Ilodlck's drove.
\erycholco lots In Kllby Place.
3 very choice lots In West Side.
: i very cholco lots In Potter's add.
3 very cholco loiR In Ilrookllno , ( ncres ) .
II very cholco lots In Pnllntn Placo. ( KI.IO
3 very cholcn lots on 1'nrimm st ,
O Vfi aero In llelvedero , S4W. Hammond A-
( llbsoti , 1514 O < iUfla ( st. 70t
A ( " ( > ( ) I > TfTLK Warrunly deed and ab
stract trco with oiry lot In Hush A : Selb ) 'a
ndd to South ( ) innhni > nly 8 blocks from South
Stock Yards. Prices ttratn $125only ; $50 cash ,
Hush A Sulby. S13S 15th St. C1B
: SALK -HO lots in Fowler plnoo , South
Omahn , 300 yaids from Fowler llros' . pnek-
Ing house , t-oiithwett. Prices $150 to $500.
Terms K cnsh. Cheap , good nnd bliro. J. II.
Ex aus , A : Co. , sole agents. 72711
A GOOD TITLK Wn-runty deed and ab
stract free with e\orv lot In Hush A ; Solby's
ndd to Soulh Omnhn , only 8 blocks from SontU
Stock Ynrds. Prices fSM to 51 5 ; only S50 cash ,
lliibli & Solby-18 S 1.1th St. fllti
5-HOOM house , ! ! closets , cistern , cellar : also
Mtloon building 20\24 with bar nnd ll.vtuius
complete : also burn inslH , lot MxlM ) , nil for
J'lr > U ) . SI.-OH ensli , bal. monthlv payments.
Hammond .t Gtb on , 1514 Douglas st. 7U.J
LOT , burgiilu nt $ MO.
Graham , Crelghtou UlocK. 770 13
MA. Furahin. litivo he following GUt
Kdgo Inside Property for sale for 5 days :
: i.xlli ! : on Ilownrd'street , CO fcot li-om 15ti !
f-treet. Klovcn room bolide. Paving nnd all
other as > .caineuts and taxes paid , lor the extremely
tromely low jiricooff ll.'VW , one-half ca-h.
00x13- ' , corner 14th ana Chicago streols. , ' 1
nice cottngos , worth $10,000 for 12,503 , ono-
tlurii cash.
1)0x78. cor. 10th and Davenport streets , loth
street C&blo line will go north of Furnain ;
truckage ; very chenplfor tO , jO , J2.003 cash.
in-'x lit ! corner 12111 and .Iflnnfl . An nwful
peed piece of business property for $ -ilnOU.
ll'Jiliion I'lirnnm otiHt of 2ld ! btreot. Do yon
Itnow that the lursect nnd most olepnnt rntull
dry ROOUE and other stores will be on Karnnm
between Irth and -tcl streets inside nf flvo yours
Thidpropoity will then bo worth $1,00 } to 11,500
front foot. It can now bo bought for J2j.OOO ;
will neil W toot for $ OJ per front foot.
tifivl , ) . ! 08 ft from oor of I''th and JucKgon ;
Improved Home , $18,000 , li cnsh.
60x132 cor 14th and Jackson : Improved eomo ,
Sin.500 ; i-i : cnsii.
3ljiitJ | : fiO feat from cor llth aud
to propei ty owned by Fred Amos , of lloston ,
nnd the llth fit viaductttXK \ > : $5HOOensh.
Lot with SMoom house on 2lhtht,13H feet from
St. Mary's nvo , food barn , city water , eto ; $7-
IKK ) ; one-third cash Look this up , it will pay
IbdxlSOto 17 foot alley on 25tn st , 1-4 tent Irom
Fnriiiuust ; wllleell44\fior ! the whole for $125
per front foot ; one-third cash. No liner resi
lience property than tnin.
Corner , east fiont , on 10th st , nearly oppoxlte
now Lliownell Uall ; puvcd sticct , water and
sowi.-r pipes lo curb line und paid for. This Is
colnato botho most distinctively fashionable
roHldenco portion of the city. Hero is a corner
lot that will tie worth $4 / > flOboforolB87 Is throuuh
It can now be bought for $3,030 ; ono thhd casli ,
balance ca y.
l.tlxHl n. o. cor. 27th nnd Dodge ; expected
catilo line ; $ s.WO , 1-iicash.
78 feet front on St. Mary's nvo. , 2. " > lh si. ; flue
residence : $11.000 , ! J cash.
F.le rant 12-room house , full lot ; all modern
Improvement * , nun burn , everything UnU-clas * :
close to paved ttroet and in Rploudid nclglibor-
liontlfllWO ; ,
Homemher thepo am Inside hnretilna.Vo
hiiviilotHaiidlandK , Improved nnd unimproved ,
any H hero In Omnha and vicinity ; nheusa
cull If you want to buy or Boll. Wo linvn the
finest real estate rlgH In thfi city and "Ills no
trouble tn show ffoods. " M. A. Upton i Co , ,
IHWFarnamst. 1"
1.00KI Lookl
lAok !
Menofpmall means who deslro to irel ahead
in thin world , load the rolloninir nnd see what
> ou think ot this chaiico to inuko ntiicli money
from little.
AnlBlloid ,
Anlsflold ,
U beautifully situated on the noitii Bldu of
llanerolt , I ! ' , blockH east ol'lUtb st.
In thn last couple of years South 10th st. lias
liiidciKonoa Krund trauRformntion. Instead
of the biKli , nlniost Inacceiislljlo liluirs thnt tor-
met ly ill eve all travel to otlior Mronts.therojiou
nppoars n imiiniiUeent striitoh of wldo street
properly graded to within one block of Han-
cm 1 1 nnd put cd with asphalt to Center. Wntor
uudiiiid mulns BIO lalil/o u point Just thin side
of Uniicrott. us ar n < > ewer pipes , Tbustioot
cars , by virtue of tliqir frnnchiio tocrotstlio
Tenth H | i eet viaduct , uro , bound by contract to
have their caix runliliitf' to llanerolt htreel
ultliln onn yeur of .thu toinpletlon of that
structure. /
Property on Tenth , gWeet north of Williams
can hanlly bo buuitlil , so cMrnvuifnnl tire Iho
prices acUnd. Mintli of Williams they itrudnall )
decrease until at Uam'roM ' nnd Tenllilhoy tire
noldnttrom $2.000 u *
AnlHllcld Addition , J.fts above Mated. l but
three and ' i blocks east , of Tenth , and Is nortl
of llancrofl uuabeaiitlful plateau luvol with
10th st , , llouseB 1110 aU'nbout and liejoml tills
cholco addition , and ibis less iloalrnblo , and i-op
arattd only by thu Hieet , aie valued nt fron
11.0,1010 j i , noo.
ThU beuutiriil flddttfou Is owned and pliicod
on tli market by purllcs who nro intimate ! )
idontlllod with and , wpll Informed u to the
Krowtli of Onuihii , ( init'jtlie probublo incrcBM * or
ilecrc.iHoot viilueg.Miithey arc not IIOKH am
truly believe In tlm adage of "Jlvo and let live'
lor this icason , and tor Iho moie poten
ono , Hint they moke a vood protll 01
Iho original liuthinu'iit. they have decided
lo olTer ' - * of the t ) bemiliful lota ut price *
ianintr trom $ (05 ( tofNnud < m tlio followini ,
lerr liberal terms ; For nn f WU lot a caHh pn y-
mont of S10) ) , tlio bnlRuco f Illper montli. I'or
n $400 lot H raili payment of ( 'O , bulanun iiKo
$ lu lr month. Thlc IH an oppnitiinlly und I
Is for you to decide , bocouie uarly U 3011 dei-liu
to Bccuro ono or inoro of tbc u lots , lor the ;
nro mire to ( ro as soon ns seen , and ueri yen
you cunfcell tlioJi back to mo nt double tbo
prlco you now pay for them ,
.1. K. Hammond , 117 A , ICtli H.
Office open crcnlngg , 77'l
J TIO It SAI.U-A 4-rooni housu with lot , I rout
luiou twobtiuctB , JI.SUO.
1 7- room house , 1 i ) room bouse with lot
frontincoiitwoiitreets , both $2,2iO ,
1 4-room liouso nnd half lot , $ l.-'iO : 10 per con
caMi. baluncu monthl ) payiuenU , ill the aliov
within thrco-iiuarterAOf u mile of pohtotliou.
Cor , lot , llth niul Pueiflc , lkl-vlii : , with thro
cletfant c-ottugef. Mould runt for > " 2 pc
month , fora fewdajgutiOO. ( ( .
Fftrui loans at Jowcjt into of interest.
Jflrst-claw rcul edlutu uiortaaKes , or coin
mertlal pajKtr , discouniod. Mead li Jamlbsou
1S ,15th It. tfil
[ 71011 SAtK-l2lots 44xl.Tfeet ! , fronttnft north
v on Itrlilol street , half way between Saun
otn and State , nonr street our * . City waterln
ront. f * > 3 each , M cash , Jmlnnce Iti 1 , Sand 3
ears. AddrtiM 8 14 , Pee ofllco. 59
A OOoTiriiK Wnrrantr dPea * nd nt > -
- tlrnctfreo with every lot In Hush A Selby's
idd to South Omnha ; only 9 blocks from outh
lock Vnrds. Prices til ) to f 4.'i ; only $ W cash.
tush. A Selby. 218 S 15lh St. ( lift
( lOOlPffTLlC-Warrnnty deed and nb-
slrnct free with every lot In Hush \ Selby's
dd to Smith Omnha , only 8 blocks from South
? tock Yards Prices $ J50 to $ J2Ti ; only f SO cash
lush & Solby , 213 S I6th St. _ 61ft
* "
[ J1OU S.\fK-fi8ft"frontlnjr on Ddffo st. *
L. ' blocks east of ( ho postomcp. A bargain at
' , B.&OC , ; tlo ) cash. Mnwlnll & Lobcck , l.V
'arnam. _ 829
FINK i : t front lots In llnn cora Place $ AiB
to $ SWoheajier than ndjolnlnir properly
T. I ) . Tanner A Co. , 10li ! Howard at. 72J-11
iK-M lots In 1'owlor plnco Poiith
Omaha , 300 ynrdl from Fowler liros' . pnek-
nff bouse , southweit. Prices $ : IV ) to0o. .
> rmft K ctuh. Cheap , Rood and snro .1. It ,
' .vans V Co. , solo HUOIHS. 72711
\ u'oui ) TITMS Wnrrnnty ileod anil ah
Ixstrnct fren with every lot in Hush .V Solby's
till to toiltti Omaha. Only K blocks from South
toekVnr.K Prioo iV ) tolii ; only fJU on nil
lush & Soloy , 2H S 10th st. _ _ HIS
DnSXTifii L.TlRTM.SH hasTald"oiTrnn uddltioiT
to the city of Omiihn named Masrotto , and
wo notlco ttint thu strooLs nro properly nnmoJ
locoo , Lorenzo , DotthiA. Plppo nnd Frederick ,
nnd soelnic that Uio pnino Is on the Holt ICsll-
war and nta point where the Omnhn Northern
I. H. promises Inlrly to tniiko n junction with
ho I'olt ' Line , and lots only $10S ( to WO , wo
hlnk the location well nnnicd , nnd that the pur-
hHsors will bnvo n Maseottd , as the Indications
Kilnt the lots to bo worth trom JAW to $ .iO
onn , Thcsn lots nro to bo sold on contract , SO
> ercent onsh nnd tmlnnce. $ > per month. Apply
o Doxtcr L. Thomas , Hoom 8 CrclRhton blk
J1INF. lots in J online Park nnd Kllby Place
. $ miiu Jl.ttW CMch , terms easy.
1 * D Tanuot * Co . 11,15 Howard st. 723-11
> TlTn\rK"lfAHGAlNS- i orhor"Tot i "in
Ilurdettecourt , only I blocks from Sailu-
dor's otreot c\n > . W M Hiishmun. Hoom 10 ,
Uusliinan Hlock , N K cor 10th and Douglas.
TnTiTir rTnTiT wu 7raiily"foodi\fiT TTiT" '
strncl fret , with o * ory lot In HnsJi & Selby's
mid to South Omaha , only 9 blocks from South
'looks Vnrds. Prices $230 to $425 ; onir $01 cash ,
.lush i. Selliy , 218 S 16th el. 616
IBIh .st lot , Klrkwood add , (703 ; Imrg.iln. Gra
ham. Crclghton Ink. 770 13
KAIlisTATB"ANf ) LOANif--uTIt. Hull &
Co. 113 S. ISlh st JI70
CJ. A. SUJlAXlul2Fnrnamst. .
: > Heal INlnto ,
Olfors the following choice Investments In In-
sldo business and residence properly :
'or. llth nnd Mnrtlm llnely Impruvod
lilixlU $ O.VJ3
Inekson at , nenr 17th Improvements rmil
? WI per month 7'JOO
S. 16th st. near Iliutmnn school 40x102. .
S. HHli gt. nonr Lenvonworlh BOxllO Im
CO Ht. near St. Mary's nvo
Cor. Clilc.uo near 2l t"0.\13J 12,0,0
'or. Chlcaio near 21lh st in\ir.,2 ! : bouses 8,00(1 (
" California 2nhHliifci.i ; : houses. . . H , < 0
Dodge gleet , corner. HM.TI25 In gindo. 2,8 HJ
tonclns" near22 < l , liiHllli 7,11 W
Fnrnaui " cor Snillh st , bargain I.SOO
" ' near court hou .o , 40xlK ! Imp. 18,010
cor. 23d , llnely Improved. . . . 14.0.1(1 (
Vlrfiinlaiivo. , 55xl5).S-ioomhmi8o ) . . . - , ' 00
llonnrd at. near 10th , Improved fi.OX )
llarney t. near20th , MH167 T.VJH
Karnnin st. cor lUth.UOxltlO , improved . 41,1X10
llurney st. nonr aisl.S'IxlJU 4,000
Jackson st.opp > . Goo's new hotel , Oil *
132 imp 15,000
Iioavenworlh cor l.'lb. Improved , rent
J390 . . . . . UMiOl
" " Seldon. 14x112 2U : ) )
near Leavcnworth. 100x148 Imp 4,203
Gr.MIl'foet between St. Mniy's nvo. mid Ix-nv-
onworth St. , $3,000. ( Irahatn , Crolirhtiin
Jllock. 170 13
W E HAV'K constant Inquiry for till kinds
of busluess nn 1 residence property. 11
you have any property for sulo list same with
us. Schlcslnper llros. , ' 614 S-JOti . f'JL ! _
HAKHIS , V HAKIllS.'a-'o's. ISlli el. We have
ImycrM for peed houses nnd lots for homos
iitf In price from $3.00) ) to $ " > , UaO. We nlso
bnvosc\ urn ) ijood linrtralns lu lots centrally lo
cated. 77H 10
A GOOD \Vnrraiitrno3dnndnbstrnct
freowlth ovcry lot In lliibli AiSolliy's ndd.
to South Omnhn , onlv 8 blocks from South
stock Vnrdn. Prlcos , iV ) to * IJ5 : only $ iO cnsh.
Kusli .t oulby,218 S 15th Ht. ( do
5fiil4 *
A GOOD TITLK Warranty dend nnd nb trnet
free with every lot In Itush & Selby's add.
! o Sonlh Oni-tlia , onlv 8 blocks from South
Stock Yards. Prices , $ .130 to $425 ; only fj3 iMsb.
Itusli 4Holby. . SIS S 15th St. 01C
IOT Nott to coiner , on Hurt ft. , \i blook
J troiu paving , $1MJ. ) Graham , Crol hton
Ulock. 770 13
TTUKMAN AVKMIi-2 : boiiutltul lots oil
. fitreol and grndo. One u corner. A
bargain at 0,000 tor both.
A Imrirnln 1 lull lot on Sherman avenue , op
osito Popploton , for only $3OKO.
Hargoln S7 feet on Spruce Stby 122 feel on
.Mtli St. , witli good house. Only 5,000. Cull
ana sou Ibis.
Two magnillcont lots In Orchard Hlllntn bar
gain and on aiu-y teims.
South noiit lot on Hamilton and JWthSts.
Only ? 100. .
2J acres 3 ! < . miles from Postotllco at $530 per
nero Splendidly iidaptod for iilaltinv. liawy
terms. Call und look over our list. Stockdule
JcMlcbell , 1510 Dodge St. _ 00810
(5OirTrrT.K WaTTaiity "deod'and abstract
stract free with every lot In Hush & Solby'a
add to South Oinahu , only 8 blocks from Soiilh
Stock Yards. Prices $ -'iO lo $125 ; only (50 cash.
" ' " Selby,2l8 8 15tli St. ( ill )
COHN'KltHOtith nnd cast front , Lowe's ndd ,
SS50. Graham , Creighton blk. 77013
WOOD TITLK Warranty dooiF nnd nb-
Btrnclfroe with every lot in Hu h & Selby's
add to South Omnha , only 8 blocks from South
Hock Ynrds. Prieo J2TO to $125 ; only i-M cash.
Itu h k Solby , 218 S 15th si. 018 _
and Patterson Placn is the
H1MHAUGH nnd most ileeirable. Huy
new and save money.
K. C Patterson 15th nnd Hnrnoy. fi ! > 5
GOOD TITLIi Warranty deed nnd ah-
A struct frco with ovcry lot In Hush \-8olli > 'n
add to South Omnhn , only 8 blocks I rom South
Stock YardH. Prices ? ! .VJ to $125 ; only f Wcasb.
ibh * Solby,218 3 I.'ith hi. 61(1 (
. KSTATK HAItSAlX-Two full lots
ou 2ltli Htroot , running through to &ld
meet , maklii ) ; iUfeet ; frontage on both streets
hv IEI fi el < leep , with 3 two mory llatH and a
collages fronlingon 24tb street , renting for
t Kill per month. Hoom to biiikl 6 Qatsto front
on-dliilrcnt. Till * ptoporty l.s just one-half of
n block Bouth of Loiivonworth and two blocks
riiiinntroitt ran. 4'nn t-oll for (13,000. Iteitor
.V Campbell , Hoom 1.1MJ FHriinm. ! I75.
( ) ) - hoiife , lot T2.\irc' , nenr school
> mill olini-eli , ebeap at Jf'.V'JUO. Hammond &
GlbMiu , 1514 Doilglusst , 705
GOOD TlTLK Wnrranly deed and abstract
free with every lot In Hush teSolby's ndd.
lo S'oiith Oni& ! blocks from South Stock
Yiiniii. Pnix's S2.VJto 5425 ; only $50 cnsh. Ilnsn
4. Solby , 218 S. 15thbt. _ 61li
Ii1OHS.\7/K Cbeup , lu ai-ioH wull nniTrovod , ! !
mlle north ot deaf and dumb Institute.
Adjoining lots fell lor (2,00) Apply .1. F.lloeh ,
on promises. Wxi nil ) *
A"GOOT ) TirLTf Wurraiiiydoe.lTirid nb "lraet
flee willi every lot in Hush , V Selby's add.
to South Omiihuonly8 blooks from South Stook
Ynrds. Prlcoh PKiU tel < l 5 ; only J50 cnsh Hu h
ASelby.aiHS. IDthst. filrt
7011 HALK-lty Schlesmsor Urns. ,
FIN UI4S < iuUi lOlh HI reel
IN ) feet ou 25th st. near I'urnnm , will sell all or
part ,
6-acro lots in Farnnin park , ? I25 per acie.
Kut-yterui' , . This \i \ very ilcalrnble for garden-
Ing.Nl acres , unproved , near city ; bouse , burn ,
cribs , etc. Cheap nnd on easy terms
IxitHluSclilctlnycr'uadUitiun'JiVJ to .M-V ) , on
easy terms JiM It
| { otii > e li rooms , bams and out
BAIIGAIN / ) , lot 100x1411 ft nnur Liu\en ! orlli
all tor t IMJ , one-tbird cash.
F D , Tanner i I'M. , IHI6 Howanl * t72H11
( lei ) I ) TITLK-U arr4iity dco < riiinl nuslract
A froowilli ovcry lol In Huib V SelbySudd
to South Oiiialia.oiily hblocksfiom SoulliHtoek
VuiilJ , i'rloov * 2. " > 0 tu tl-5 ; only | Viia ) li , Hu ! i
& _ Selhy.21HS. I.Mh t. _ _ _ _ _ | fl
H4)ltNKhLoll , FarinnLani money lunned
Hcinli , I Mil nnd Dougla * strict * . 295
\rKHNON IliiGHTri-For : licaiity and variety
Y of Kcunurj uiKiirpusMid In Oninlin. Vll 14 *
" '
| J > 0. PATrKllSON-irithnndlUrney.
lio'lffi Dodce . . . .516,000
C6xl32 It I''th nnd Jacksoiuiminoved ) . iOJilW
Wil70ft "btrnian avr Improved IQjlKxi
I aiia2 ItFurnumtft ji > ,000
New collude uud lot monthly paymeiittt * , * 'fl )
Twolotb Klikwood , cadi . M *
GUeiiuldilionono lot . . . . .
JUuereri stiiublci forplattlnir . . . .
ItiAcreH suitable platting
Uuelne and reiulcncv proper ! ) In all parts
o ( l lie city.
Atmtr&cts of title from my complete abstract
booki > on sUort notlci *
Hiier cent innney. H. C Piittc-son , nw < 4if 15
aud I lurnvy < ground Uoor. 6 J
4-HOOM bciiM ) , co * ta , iiuntry.eljiorn , Itarn ,
lotnOilW ; inu l IwMild ; prP-BlWJ. Hum.
MOlid i iilbJOii , 1514 Dtiuflun t. "M
A GOOD TlTLR-Warrnty ilood nnd b-
slrnot free with every lot In HniJi A Selby s
ndd to South Omahn , only 8 blocks from South
Stook Yards. Prlco * . * iY ) to tUi ! only li * eosh.
lush A Solur. gig 3 Uth tt. 616
A HAliOAllf for a 7nw darn Four l I oem
xxhousps nnd bnsetnent cor. ? 0th nnd Chicago ,
? C , j ; $3fldownbalnnee $ ' ' 5 per month. Three
Ivo room houses cor Slit nnd llurdcll , $2,200 !
nVJilown , b.-il ti'i per montli.
Two live room house * cor 2. > th and Iturdclt ,
FI.OvX ) ; $ .W ) down , bal $ a i > or month ,
Onpflve rooniliouto and good bun tin o block
'mm Sfltindors on Hitrdett , JJ.5CO : I-'X' ' down ,
ml monthly ,
Ono llireo room bouse on Illordo bntween
Snunders and 2Jth , $ ! , > ; $ JOO down , bnl
Ono rln room ror 27th nnd IlurJetl , $ iSOO |
; ; WO down , bal $25 per montli
Two six room houes Noilh 17lh , one block
'rom lfUh , $ ' . ' > 00 : fvxidown , monthly
Onn hoiiFC lu Snillh Park nt n bargain , nUo A
few lots in Smith Park.
Pnrk .t Fonlor , U > 22 lHlpln ( st. 700 13
paying rout nnd buy n nice new fl.
rootni'il IIOIMO with city wnter nnd gas , 2
ilocks from ftroot ens. paved rtrcots , j mild
from P. O. , prlco $2O3. $401 cash , Iml $ Jfi per
noulh , D. C. Pnttnrjon , Omaha Nat Hank.
7W 17
_ _
paying rent nnd" TTuy n nlee new 0
-broomed housn with eilj water nnd KRO , 2
ilocks from stroel ears , paved streets , 1 mile
from P ( . , price $ JiXHi , $4V ( ) cnsh , Iml f 25 per
noiith. D C , Patterson , Omnha Nat. Hank.
7f.s 17
\ \ ' II. MO'truil l ; lnlo Agency , oiler
1 1 the following choice bargains
t lol In Stilnn's'.M uddluoii.good S room house
J7lXcash. ) $ ilvO. )
Lot 2 block 1 , HlllstJo No. S , $9 ) cash : f I.MO.
2 lots In Kings ndd , $ ! K oirh , $ ' * ) on ill , bnl *
ftnec $ V ) every three mouths A b.irgnln.
Uit 2 ! ) bloeU 2 Illmobaugh > V Patterson's add
Jl.V ) ' 4 , cash ,
8 corner loin In Avllnirtc' $1.011 eiuMi
I lot on Hamilton st , $ ! ' , , vj $ . ' 75 cish ,
Itots In Cntiilpn place. $ ' , W ) ; $2M cnsh , balnnee
l.otll block F. Prospect place , $ lr > 09 ; ' 4 cnsli ,
clleapcs ) lol lu the city.
r- lull lots on Pauiiders , ono n corner , $ BWI , 'i
Ono olegnnt lot In Shlnn's ndil , 00 It front ,
fl.-'OO. Don't let this slip.
Nlcofi room hoii o coinoi lol , G3tt2J , Slilnn'6
Uadd , $2.iKll.Hi'.lMi. )
1 lot in Foster's ii'ld , $2OiVt , K oish.
Corner lot In Klikwmi 1 , (7 > < . S cash.
Klecnut eusl front lol In I'laim lerr , on LVtli
. f 7M ) .
I'jill lot on Lonvcnworth PU A baigniu nt
2 * .
One of the llnest lots In Hillside No. t for
. < IO , $ lUJUcilhh.
Finn lot lu West Sldo , f 101. t75 ensll.
Dnogooil lot in Washington Riiuaro , $ ' ! . " 0" > .
Two lots , one n corner , the lluust lots In
niHcom I'lacd. 55"iX ( ) .
HTwo lots In JcromO Park , SUM ) enih , KIOO
Ono of the hc t lots In llnnacom's I'lnco for
$23011 , $ OJU cash.
Flne'tonst front lol In llaii'-eoin IM.icc , $2,50) ,
Jl.UUJ cnsh.
An olugnnt oii-it front In Hnnscom Plneo ,
$ l'KM
ThobcBt lot In Pollcr'Rald. for $ l'a',3. Tins
IsUOteet east lionteas > terms.
Seu'inl eliolro Inls In Ambler I'laee , $51X1 ; $ IM
cnsh , balance monthly
2 east fninl lots on Snundcrs si. , oim a cor
ner , $ .1,100 , f ' , ini cash , bnhineolonirtlmo
J front lots in Sliull'rt ndd. . $ ( ,01X1.
Fine ft room house. Lake's ndd. , $2-'i' ' ) ; $100
Fine aero in llolvidoro. JSIPO.
Tills Is only n pnilinl list ol ourbnigalns , aivl
If you want buslni'ss of icsUbncc piOinr | : ) In
nny pnrt of the city call on us niidwocntiMtlt
you. W. II. Mottcr Heal Khlate Agency , 211 S.
15th st. " " " H
. iHOMN ,
llcnl Ktnto and Loan Hrokcis ,
Fronrcr blockopu Postoltlcc.
A 60 foot south liont lol ou Harnoy it. lor
$5,501) ) : oasb$2KVI. (
Now 4-room cottng'c for Jl.Wo , $ llio down nnd
$25 per month.
Two east front 4-room cottages one block elf
Snundeit 1. for$2,10Joaeli , $ IOJ down and $25
per month
A iiewC-roomcoltngo , ju l on" pa\ed street ,
near school and church , a splendid bargain for
$2iHU ) , on very Oiisy turniH.
Ono of the best corners on North inth St. ,
fronts on throe Mrcots ; ni/o ot lot 1X1x184 , with
tour2 f.lory houses renting for $120 per month ,
forJll.UO , ) , Tliero Nn'l a belter bargain lu tlio
city. The ground alone Is worth the money , ns
It has 31H f t Htreet frontline.
Knst Iron ! lots in Hnnscom place on Vliglnln
mo. nnd Phil Slierldnn i-t. . at Jl.'i'fl nnd $ l,3Vl
cnoli ou easy terms , uud otio n speoinl bargain
nt f 1'KKl.
We bavo splendid bargains In South Omaha
property. Moro money has been made In boutb
Omnha real estate In the last sl\ month than
anywhere el o.
BAHGA1X. Hurl H , 'i blk fiom ear line mid
paving , ? 1 , < WJ. Giahnm , Crclghton blk.
T71 | III
; IIHST Is found In HlmniiaUBli aurt Pat-
Till Plncn Knsv terms and larfe'o returns.
H. C. Patterson. Kith and Hnrnoy. & %
BOWIJ NiTTl ItKKX lots7IM. 10 pcrcnntcash
and $5 per month Marshall , V Lobeek ,
Agents. 1609 I1 amain itreoL 9i _ _
A GOOD""TlT'LlT Warranty"deed" amriili
JL struct Irco wllh every lot In Hush & Solby's
ndd to South Omiihn. Only 8 bloex f rom Poutb
Stock Yards. Pi ices S350 lo $4. ; only $ .10 cash.
Hush & Selby , 218 3 1Mb st. - < m
SALH Two tlnetlnnd 7 room houses
FOll lots each , nil modem improvements , in-
clnillnt. bath rooms , vratua , mantlec , RUB nnd
city water , about $1100 cash , bnhmco cnhy terms.
OK. H. Tanner & Co. , 1B15 Howard at. 72S-I1 _
GOOD TITLK Warrnnly deed nnd ab
stract free wit n every lot ill Hush A Shelby's
ndd to South Onmlin , only H blocks f nun South
Stock Yards. Prlcos $2.)0 to J42T ; only J.10 cash.
Hush JrSulb-,21SS lrtli St. 010
FOKSAI.R AtH gn-nt ImrRiiln lor a few
woks only , ton thousand acion of hind nil
polccled nt S4.UO pornere2.IOcapli : and8 yours.
Marhhnll k TxtbeuK , lf,0 ! ) Farnnm & .Y !
, full hit KIrltnooti ndd , 18th ht. Ginlinni ,
Crotebton blk. 770 13
'OOoTTTlTLKyTirrauty deed uiid'nbjl raet
frco with every lot In Hush .V Selby'n add.
to South Omtihu , only H blnoki * from Sontti
Stock Yaids. Prices. $250 lo $425 ; only TW
cash. Itusli , V Helby,218H a. 016
roUSHS Lots.rarms.LniutB money loaned ,
lleinls , IStli and Douwlm streets. "u' >
ROOD TITLK-Wnrrnnty deed nnd i b
A Ktraot f roe nith ovcry lot in Hush & Shelby'
nddtoSuotb Omaha , only hillocks tnuu South
Stock Yards. PiiccM to S42J : only4. ' > 0 eiiHh.
& Selby. 21K S lr > th st , 61
( lUKI'.S-Onr now addition Is
we't of Walnut Hill , on llnuillton Hi root.
lly HoluctlnK lots at JIM for inside nnd $ I7S for
corners , you will inuko a Kood Investnicnt.
Terms 10 per cent cash and 61 monthly. No
chnrKOforHliowliiK tlii luts Mnnhall ft 1 * > -
beok , 1609Kn rnain 3 0
8ALK $ ViOO. rio\im-loom ( House and
FOH foot lot , South Fi nl , n ar eorm > r King
andSeward lroet. Fred W. Gray , Silh and
l ou-lus ( st. 741 10
aad piiltcr oii Place U on
HIMICIlAfGH Kt. by thu depot und can.
nlnif factory. Lots nru largu aud very
beautiful facing the ou t.
H. C. Piitlcrson , sole axent.lMli nnd llainey.
A GOOD TlTLH-Warnuily deed nnd au-
Nlruct five with mory lot In itusli X Selby's
add to South Oninlm , only S bluuU from Soiilh
StockynrUH. Prices fi'M lo fi2ionly (50 cash ,
Hush i Selby , 218 S 1Mb M. 16
FOHSALK-.Vi IOIH In 1'OHler plucn. South
Omnhn , ! 100 yards liom Fourier llros' . pncU *
ing hou e , HOUthwoi-t , Prices $353 to tW.
Tennb'i cash. Cheap , good and t > uie. .1. II.
Kvnns k Co. , sole agents 72T II
O r Orl Franklin Bt. , south fiont , J2.000
j Graham , CrelsbUm Illouk , 77(1 ( U
STOI' paying rent nnd buy n nice now ( I
roomed house with city liter and tus ! "
blocks from -,1 reel rars , pmcd MreetH , 1 uille
from P. < . price $ -.n03 , $4iu ( cash , bal $ 1 per
inonin. 1) . ( ' ratter onO.naha Nat. Hank.
VJi 17
lot In KlrKuiMl for . . . M
t or. lot. oust nnd north front , on cm
Hue , in north pail of city , n l > aiyitln . 1,27 !
Lot In Kilhy I'laof . vu
Two ea-l front lots on Vlfgliiin MOin
Iliuireoni Pl e . caeh . . . . ] "M
iieiint : ( 7 rooniho'.ihc , 2 full lots , or. I'uik
mo. , near I.e. i"inii\orlli ct. , clieiii | nt
lot in block ! > , I IRIIM III Plaeu . 4.o'"iO
The liii-t built house in llio uity. with
eilv wutor , t-'as , hatliioom , ole'tilo
lioll- , hardwood finish Intldc , hente < t
\\ltli lurnucu , un cor. lot W.ivIJi on Vh-
Minla , noTth of l/3iuon orlh H . ' , , V ) )
r-oiilb I HUH lot lu Walnut llth. IMO
blocUs from Lone UYO and ono Hock
from Hamilton ! . , tvlth elegant 'iTiiom
cotluee. city wattir , ale iniuit'il , < 'U : . ,
a bariiUln nt . , SA )
The Illicit built 7-room coilavu In Aiub
ler I'lnofi , ni"in\ofist iront lots ; let
iiishow > uu this projiiTly Sitfi
Helter & CM
57J II Hoornl.lMW
rjMlli F1NK8T UJTS' l mnrIaTtor Iho ItnH
.1 money U in HimubaugU and P.itlcrnon
11. < ' . I'.ilteiEon , 15th nod Hartley. MT
Eui Jies for 1887-
The Union l'icl tic Itulltvar t oinpnny Inrltfs
Tuml'rc , for Its wholu supply of atuplo articles
for tbd > ur 18S7. A lint ot' in tides will b < i fur-
ulbbo 1 IIIKHI njjpllCMtjdn. For p.irtirulKu ; ud-
drottJ.J. llunifr , < ] ncr l btoruKi-cper Oinkha
Nebraska. a .1. fALI.AWAY.
Bargains in Real felate.
1/ot with double cottnae , t rooms each ,
lent * fortRXl peryi'iir , only f.V > M
ItHUllJ , corner on California St. . --Moi >
hoiiacsroom ( for n block of 5 moio' . A
tmrcnln . . . . . \tWO \
3aerolot. , Ctito lUllllanto ! * . (
House and Inl. Hnwthorno add IMX )
I5'ixl50on ' MfitHT nve. . new house . 3.KK )
llouso and lot , UMunpnit. nenr 27th . . . . " , : iv >
Lot anil largo house on CnMn ell st . . 4MO
Cote HrllllnnlK , ncre lots , cheap . . . 3 n
lots In Ilitrdclln Coin I
lot nnil store , 271 hot reel ,
ion p and l' acre , Cnlifoinln strtct 8MO
lutnVt iiiilro < > t .
( UttiiO.rormir , on Hint M.limiMi , Ao. . . .
lol.s In Orchard Hill , nenr rest-rvolr . , , , 1.1 *
/it i'8 block 12 , West Kim ndd . ! . ' .
, ot ln Vnn lloiircn Plnco . . . . . . 83
siirhtly ncro. llelvolern . 676
IiOHiitiCul lott , California Rtiret H.2 W to 1M >
Call mid let mo show > ou tiotuoof the many
miinilns 1 have ll tc < 1
if , S. Mar-hall's Sale !
IN the Circuit Court of llio Itultrd Stntes , for
the District of Nflhrnskn.
Ti > otlo , ltu > en Si. Co. vg. Lovl Cov.
I'titillonotleo Is hereby given thirl In ptinii *
nnou mid by vlrluo of an order ol rale , Intha
above i'iiu > e , heirlng dutu Iho'nl tiny of Bop-
ember. IW1 ( , I , Kill * U HlerUiwor , United
Stales Mnrcdinl for nald dislrlrt. will , on the 4lh
iiy of OeconiLur , inwi. nt the houi-of ten o'clock
nthn fort'iioon of said day. nt the norllidoor
if Iliu U. aiurt ( llo IKH nnd rositolllon build *
titr , In the city of Oimilm. Mnlo nnd dlxtrlotof
Nnbr hii , > eli nt nnct Ion t lie fi'llow Inn ili orlntxl
iropuity , to vrlli The east Ivilt ( I''U ' of the
ointment < | tiurlor iS\V > 4l nnd tlir rest linlt
wmofthoMiiithonat < | Uarlor ( HI11 ! of section
ourlcon iNi , town hlp ten ( I > ) , north of rnniro
Iv ( I" , ' ? ! In lliiinllton county , NcbraskH.
Alxothc noi-.hwO't nnnilur ( NVVHof ) Rcctlon
hlity-Hlx (3ill ( , townnlilp nlnvoii ( II ) , north of
tiniro clulit ( X ) i ! -t In lliiinllton county , No-
innkii. l.ovli d upon nnd taken by virtue of
in or dor of iitlaolinionl.
K1.I.IS T , . IlIUIUUnVKIt ,
U. S. Mnrsliul Dlfltrk-l of Nulunska.
II unvooii , A.MKM , \ :
Atloincy * tor rinlnlKT. nn-IO-17-S4ill
Totica to Proparty Ownom or I < r s.
" \7"0l ? nro huicby notlllcd to luy xldottalui
-1 upon thn Kmdod xtroots " fcot In ) in thu
in li line here the waino Is iiilinl nalilo-iinil
o the ititnblMioil ( rriiilu of Mroct Intnrxoctlons
mid lli'-onis lnrs. .1. K. IIOl'SK ,
Chilli mini Hoard of I'nblloVorka. .
Omnhn. Nid ) . , Nov. lot. IMS. nSillOt
OrAiuanco No. SO.
AN ( Irdliuinnt iloolnHiir ( the net'i'Mlly of
chiiiiKhij ; the itritdo of I'li i sticct from
till Mrirot to'Mh Mr ret and appointing tlnco
dHiilrrvMcd nppniNciv to IISMM * nnd dclur-
nilno the dtinuiifu to proper ! } ountTH , nlilch
nitir bccaiiTd by Hiieh clniimu of ctudo. nd
city iiOKlnerr to iniiko n prolllo
toll onlnlncil Iiy tlioclty uotinull of the City of
Oiniiha :
Section ! . Thnt It H proper nnd nrre pnry ,
and It N liiv ( < 0i ) declnnul proper mid ni'iT'iiirjr
11 chain , ' ! ' tlu < Ki'iido ol' Cuss btrcol fromlZInl
t-tieet to " 5th btruel , MI t lint said uraUu elevii-
Ion" " 111 lin IIR tolliins , the Krndobot ciii | the
Milntfultcd heliiK utiiroi in stralKht Hues :
( irado of I'nss Miccl
Klcvntlnn r.Icvatlon
ufNCnrli. otSC'iuh
Tint pilrliofSlnlsl 1IU.U HIT. ! )
: 'n t nub nf stth st . . .
\Vc"-t curb of "Itli hi Utl.5
Kn t curb of > th Ht 117.0 147.0
Section 2. That tlio city engineer be , nnd
heieby Is , Instructed to nuiko u prolllc allowing
diicli proposed ehaiigo of grade.
Section n. That the major with thonpprovnl
ol the city counc.ll apimlnt three illslntcrostod
appraiser to npprnlsc , iihsesx mid determine the
( hinitiRo to propei ly on new which may bo
cniiM-d by ouch change of grndo , taking Into
eonsldoiatlon lu milking such nppniisemcnl , thn
bciiulltK , If any , to piich propel ly , by leuSon of
such ulinngo ol'grado.
Section 4. That this ordinance take effect
and be In torce from and after its passage.
Paused O < lobur L'blh , IS8 .
WM. F. HKOIIKI , . President City Counoll.
J. 11. SOUTHAIII > , iJitV Cloi k.
Approved November Ift.tCSil.
J.tMusK. Horn.Mayor.
Dissolution Notice.
ThopmtnorKhlp ot W < .uk It .Mlllirrl , Is this
day dissolved by mutual ouiiKenl. Mr. A. Mil-
bud rctlilngtiom the llrm. Mr. .1. C. Weeks will
continue thehimlnoM * under the linn iiainu ami
style of.I. C. , and will collect all
accounts nnd astumo all liabilities of the lalo
llrm. J. C. WKKKS ,
Orafle Ordinance ITo. 37.
AN Ordinamo changing thn gindoof Callfnr-
nli : ttot from iitt street to the wo&t rurb
or-nl ! Jilreet , ni ] Ird htreet liom CiiHb Btn > ot
to Webster street. In tlio city of Otnnlin. nnd
i-epenllng no much of Ordinance No. 277'.t ,
nnd * o much of nil ordinance.- conflict hoi o-
with :
Ho It m dallied by thu city council of the City of
Omaha :
Section 1. WniiiiEts , It has been declared
iiccetttiury to cluuigo Hie giade of California
mroct Irom 22nd xtieel to the wol cilibof 23rd
Btiool , and cetiuln partH of the liilcrbcctlug
stieetHhorelnnttnr iipocllled ; nnd.
Whereas , Tbieo dUtintero ted appraisers
huvc been appointed by tlio mu > or und con-
llrined by the city council to ae-oea the damavuri
mihlng Irom Hiilil tbiuiKu : nnil wheiuiiN , biilil
nppraiseis after duly qualifying , according tn
law , Imvo mndothelrioport and ktifd loport has
been approved by the clly council , and the cJty
trcusmcr. acting under the authority of tlm
council , IIIIB tendered to the different properly
owners the amnuntN of the nwnrd ,
TiiKHKtont , the griide of hiild parts of Cullfor-
nlu street nnd InU-rM-ctlng Htinutt. , In hereby
changed and established bo thai the clevutidiis
shall bo n follons , the grade between the
polnlH cited being iinlforin straight lines :
Qrudo of Cnllfoinln street
Klovatlon Kluvatlou
ul N. curb. ofS.cuib.
\VeM cnibof Sliil si . . ' 4 fi
KastPiirliof SInlot . .1KJ.6
West curb of Snil 5t . II .O 115.0
Kecllon" flrndeof 2Hi d strnut
Kluiatioii Klevntion
of VV. cnib. ol K. curb
North curb of Cuss M . . .U'.0 11)7.0 )
South curb of California ct ! - < / . l-.r !
NiilHicurb ol C'nlllornlust U' < .5 1SI.6
boiiihcurbor Wnbftor St. . I-J.O 1 ! .U
Sect In nlf. So iniinh ot Or.lliiance No.771 ;
nnd RO much of all olhitr oiillimnciH ihitlnlnv
Iliu KTHilo of the iibnvu stieelh , tin conllicta
with tliopmvlaioiisol this ordlimncu , Ib heioby
rcp < aled *
NMUIon 4. Tills oidlnanco hlinll tnko olfcct
and bo In foico fiom and niter Us | ii-sntre.
I'n84 d Urlohci-'JAIh , IhtO.
\VM. K. DKCIIKI. , I'reslJcut City Council.
J. TJ. SOITTIIAUII , ( ! lty riork.
Approved Ntii ember let. Ibhrt
.IAMKS 1C Ilovn , Mayor.
Ordininoo No. 12OO.
AN Ordlnunuc KI-IIIII nx iJfnnlhslon ind OIA
thorlty to the Union 1'iicitlu llallwiiy com
puny to use pmt of idlpy In Mock I ' .Hi for Hit
purpoKtMit laylutf down nnil opcrutliur a rail *
way lincL for tlm u u of atoru nnd wuru
lie It ordained by the City Councilor th City
of Ihnalui :
foL'tlou 1. Tliul pcrmiaolon and nutliorlty ,
aulijecl to the coiidltlouis herein provided , bu
nnd hereby Is framed lo the I'lilon Paoltiu Hull-
wn > company lo la ) itonii , opniato and maintain -
tain u railway truck fiom it | uc eni ternilnim
iieroi rinnu-iinlh nttcut and upon nnd ulonir
ulleyln blotk I'M to HIM dxtanvoof ! iU : furl Hot
of the west line of n ld Kouitccntli alrcetlor
HwltihiiiK > ucb uxrt then-oil a * may bo IIUCCH-
eary for ihn lien , benotlt niul nccommodutlon of
riori'iind wuio IIDIIM- " , and othur bulMliiK , HI
now aio or may limuufler iiu eioctcd aluiiK f > ail |
putt of said alley The ptlvllcxo huieby
trrnnlitil , hoiuivcr , whall bn onloyod vuhjuct In
allcunuiMl ordluuiioooof uaid < iiy Unit now nru
01 hcruartcr may bo In foicu voncuinluir mil-
niu'Uol Hiililciiy.anilMiilijnet lo the liwlittjf ! d
clly wlicnoxcr byonllniinee It ma > l.u Unuiuoil
liutfusary to consliuot or maintain ttcner or
wu'-r innliid thioutrh ( iracioig Mild alluy ; and
pro ; idod fin tliur , lhat the permlsuluii hereby
Kranicd hhali not pr'N"iit or In any manner In-
n.'ifeio the light of mid uity to uranltlio
ilege to oll-cr nillnny O'liiipanlc-s to into
liHClc , upon anoh turniB us inny bo jiui and
rt-ii'OimMu. THO jirivilo u hureby Kranled urn
iiUo upon eiinitllliini Unit tald oompuny will
roiulrucl t-uid trunk tn ttccor'liiiteu with the
( irudunl e ld ule ! > UH may lotoruilni > d Iiy tlio
clly eniflncer , ami when ririuodtwd so to do
will pave botwocn tlm rullfof nail ! traikuud fur
adUlanic of ono loot on thodiitblduut UioialU
Iheieiif mgneli llmm and In fciuh manner , iirul
will' ' such muteiiul a ) muy bo nidurod nnd iv
ijnlrodby the clly tunnel ) , nnd nil ) to opmvio
Hiild track and car' thcicoii. n not toduprlvn
Ihopulillo of ; hu Ufic nnd enjoyment of mid
iillity , mid bo u lo Inlcifire "itli trnvel
thcicoii an lltlle as jio'slb'B , Tlie prlrl u o
heruby Klxn In ii | in tuillier ( u > n l < h < iiiulon )
that ald ( .ompany. II 8Uiecsiii. > nnd nuilMiix
uliall keep nnd fau ! tiiu cjiyfuc and liuuuli"H
flUIII Ull llUII'UKCSr { .Orlk , I'XpCIIMlg Ullll BIlllH
nrltlnv out of tliu occiipiillon and lite of xuld
nllo ) tiy raid COIMIUII | > . ll kiiccunior * und
un > l > cnj , jiiid nothing herein contiilnoJ t > hnll bu
( u > n triiod | as IntiirterlnrliiL' with Iliu rlulit of
any properly ounerlo IIINIT from aldooiu.
panyuny diuua > ! 0j nmnltinu Id pilvnto proi-
city by ioiiS''ii 01 Us nwo tmdotvupniiuu ol tnld
Set Hi in X. The luylnir down und operation of
suld track ehull bit deem oil nnd considered an
hx.vpt inciiol all terms und conditions of ihU
. . Tliht thUordlnuncu shall tuku olloct
I and be In foiix ; fion.aud uiur 1U | , | issag-o.
IV.sM'd ItuinU'r Will , tSSil.
\v\t. I' . UrciiEi. , I'rmidcnt City Council.
J II , S'limiAiui , ( 'lty Clerk.
Nuromt r l-t. IK" * .
JAUUS 1' . Uoni , Uajur.