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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1886)
THE OlttAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , NOVEMBER U , 1SS6. COTTON-BACKED CHRISTIANS Bam Jones Still Scoring Churchmen For Tlioir Inactivity. CORNER STONES OF CHARACTER. Tim Churchmen Ur cd In Take Uj > tlio XVar Agalnnt tlio Saloons Tlic .Sermon. .Sniii Tlio largest atidlenou since tliut of Sun- Uuj * nlglit greeted Sam Jones nt tlio exposition - position building last night. Fully 4,000 ] > coplo occupied tlio chairs And standing room on tlio main lloor , while tlio gallery contained many more tlum Its usual quota. A large number of Indies occu pied heals on the north sidu of tin } gal lery. A number of venUirosomo boys even located themselves upon tlio crossbeams - beams which supportud the speaker' * ) platform. Uuv. T. M. House , pastor of the First M. E. church , presided. After u number of selections hud been rendered by thu choir and congregation llov Clnndonnlng ollercd a prayer. Mr. Maxwell mude an announcement that he could not comply with the request that liad been muilu lo rcf-orvo seats in the nndlenco for parties desiring to ullend the meetings. Chairs for 140 persons had boon placed upon the plat- iortu and it was especially desired that 'nil who are willing to help out in the Hinging should occupy them. TUB C'OI.I.KCTIONK. Mr. Maxwell said that $5.000 had been collected during Mr. Jonc.V meeting in Torouto and he hoped Omaha would do : IH woll. The eollectlon on Tnct > duy night amounted to $10 when It should have been $140. lie honed the visitors would be liberal. The collection was then taken up , although the clink of the dollars m the contribution box in no wise disturbed the mcotjng. After the collection Mr. K\cell , of Chicago , ren dered the solo , "The Handwriting on the Wall" with lino.efleet. KKKI'IXO Til KM OUT AX1 > IN. After Mr. Kxcell's song , the evangelist Mopped to the front of the platform and asked that thu ushers should close the doors so that the meeting hliould not bo di.sturlied by people coming in late. A voice from the rear of the house replied I hat the key was in the possession of the janitor who could not be found. The doors were Hosed , however , and in addition to keep ing late comers outside also kept thu audience from running out and in dur ing the service , thus adding materially to the good order of the meeting. THI : wscotrusK. After reading a few verses from the general cpi.itle of I'eter and making a few introductory remarks , Mr. Jones .said : Now let us go into this service to got good out of it. I suppose you have your curiosity gratilied , satisfied. 1 suppose that this congregation by this time has reached the point where you may be interested in something else be- idi'n the things ( hat would make you Jaugh. Tills universe up to the edge of the tomb is no joku and I am satisiied that there is NOJOKiN'G nr.roNt ) THE TOMH and i had much rather on my part that we would enter seriously into all this ser vice , bul if 1 had come here with the fioliiinn gospel , God blebs yon , I wouldn't have hud : i hundred out , but I have simply been punpcring to your wishes to get you out. A man has lo be culled a biiltbon now to ' get ueoplo out to hoar preaching. Hero is my friend Itcv. House , u belter preacher than I am , if 1 was to announce that ho would preach to-morrow night how many of you would ; omo out to hear him , say ? After all , wo must meet this fact that the first thing to do with people is to get them out. What is the use to preach to a lot of people \vhcn they are sit home sleeping or down on the street drinking whisky ? How can : i preacher bo heard when the people art ) not there to hear him ? 1 am ready to do nnything that is not wrong in itself to get people to come to church , to get people ple to hour the gospel. There is nothing that L wouldn't rorfort , to , except tlrnt which is sinful in itself. Get ready to hear the gospel and be benelitted by the gospel. And besides this , giving all duo diligence add to your faith virtue , and to virtue knowledge , and to knowledge tempor- nnco , and to temperance patience , and to patience ( ! odlmes , and to God liness brotherly kindness , and to brotherly kindness , chanty. " Now when God said let there bu light and there was light this world enjoyed its rny . For a thousand cf years they did not know what it was but finally a philosopher stepped to the front , and ana lyzing physical light , told us that the re white physic light is the blending of the seven primary colors , which we nee In the rainbow , The symctrical blending of these seven colors is pure physical light in the concrete. t'HKIST WAS T1IK LIGHT of the world and I'eter , the great Chris tian philosopher stepped around and gave us spiritual light in the concrete , jim ! he tells us it is the blending of the suven primary graces which nro virtue , knowledge , temper ance , patience , godliness , broth orJy kinun''ss and charity , and if tin-so things bo in you and abound this world is flooded with light. There can lie no spiritual light without the blending of these graces , bucauso they iue a part of every Christian's light ami life , and it lakes all thesu graces to make the pure. white , spiritual tight , lint wo will changu thu figure in order that we may ynt bu more practical. Christian charac ter is thu ultimatum of God'.s dibit con cerning yon and inc. Character out ranks everything. A gooil character is thu best thing on earth. A bad character is tlio most awful thing on earth. If 1 were building character , God furnish ing thu material , ho Is the great arlihitect who furnishes the plans and the directions. Now in thu lesson buforu us to-night wo may build according to God's design , but wo want n foundation. It is well to loolc tea a foundation. Our Savior said the foolish m\nbnilthhhouso : upon thu sand and thu wise man hunted the foundation on n rock. Your foundation In going to bo tried , and if your house is built upon the hand you are going to be ruined. Jesus fetud , "Ho that heareth these saying of mine and doeth them 1 will linen him unto u man that built his hoitsn upon : t rock , " We look for a foundation , and wu propose to build u Chrintian super structure ) . u Christian character , just as they built the temple of old without the bound of a hammer. Thu lirst great bed rook that wo lay down i ? faith. 1 must hellovo that Gud is ami that Gnd is a ru- warder of those tliut diligently neck him. 1 bcliuvo that thu great TliOUUI.K WITH TI1K CHRISTIAN is tliut we have not faith in God and in his cause , I bellevo there is virtue in tliu blood of Christ. I believe there is power in the Holy Ghost. I bulievoin thechurcJi of God , in thu communion f saints , in the fellowship of thu spirit and In ever lasting life attor ik-atli Itt \ not theore tical infidelity that is unming thu world to-diiy It is prtietieal infidelity which will damn a man. Theoretical infidelity may be u good thing for this world. 1 have understood that Hob Ingcr.soll can make a thousand dollars n night lectur ing that there is no Gud , and ho could not make " 10 u. night lecturing that there was pne. You see the dilleroncu. Hob inger ell is Jo-luring for money. You pnv $1 to hear him utnl board yourself. U tlirru anything in that for you ? 1 can see the reason vrhy Ingcrsoll isnn in- lidel , but I can not see why you should bo one. I Insist upon it that it is practical infidelity that is HL'UTLNO ' Till' ntUKCI ! OK UOI and paralyzing our power to-day. Let me give an illustration of what ! mean by praclical infidelity. There is H Methodist. Ho believes everything , and lives just as if ho didn't believe anything. There is the llnptist. He says he believes the liibio is the word of God , and yet he won't do anything he say * . This nine teenth century is running on belief. Kvery fellow believes it all and coes on the principle that he that bcllcvetli not is damned , and ho believes everything thinking that he will be damned if he don't , [ Laughter. ] Hellevlng everything and doing nothing. There is n man who believe in family prayers but don't have family prayers at Ins house. IIu believes in missionary movements and supporting missions , but he will get oil'on the least uent he can , A man who says he believes onu tiling and does another is n fraud in the church and out of the church ; he is that in the very nature of the ease. Now , brethren , have you lived up to what you say yon believe ? and I say it to-night that I1KLI. IS AT Tilt : KNI ) OK I.IFK where a man < < ay ho believes one thing and ho did another. I would rather ho an Ingcrsoll , blaspheming the Bible and duspisiiip the liiblu than to be a Method ist who eulogized the Hiblo and yet not live by its precents. The fact of the bus iness is I have a great deal of .sympathy for those little fellows running after in- gersoll , and 1 never yet had a harsh word to say lo one of them. 1 don't believe that , if a man has no more seiif-e than to run after lugor.soll , he hits not enough sense to be accountable to God in the last day and 1 believe all that .sort will get to heaven in thu last day Jf they honestly run after that sort. Faith the great foundation bed rock put down for building this Christian superstructure. Now what rock will fir. right down on that without the sound of a hammer. No > v listen. 'Add unto your faith virtue.1 If there ever was need for bone am ! muscle and mus- cnlino courage it is now. Hut many of us show forth to the world a Christianity that cowers and winces and whines in thu presence of pnulic opinion. But if there is anything tliut the church of this Nineteenth century needs above others it is thu spirit of cour age , the courage that dares to do right and dares lobe true. There are two very distinct kinds of courage , the one is what wo cull physical courage , we see that developed most to perfection in tlio bull dog. That is tlio finest specimen of physical courage the world over saw. And 1 never saw a bully that could WHIT AXllfOttV IN TOWN ; T never heard one cursing on the streets , but what 1 thought , "if yon will wait a moment , old follow , I will go ami < ret your little brother , he is gamer than yon are ; ' ' and t will rim and get one of those little black short-noso'i ' bull pups and say , "your little brother is gamer than you are. 1 can hold him up by onu car and he won't whmc , but if I would hold you by both cars you would whine all over. " Courage. Courage. That is what we want , and [ will tell you if you will give the church of God on this earth a courage tliut dares to do right and dares to stand up by the right wo will have a heap better time in this country. You need one thing in Omaha more than any other and that is courage on the side ot the ten commandments. I repeat what i have said before the greatest blessing God ever gave to mankind is the pastor that is not afraid to mention the Jiible ; that will dare to stand up for the richt and denounce the wrong. I will tell you another thing. The devil has this world bv the right of conquest , thutis the only right ho has down hero is the right of conquest. And 1 will tell .yon another thing. Tito devil is never lo going to .surrender an inch of his territory until that ground is covered with blood , and if you think the IM'.Vir , Id GOING TO SUltltE.VUKU Omaha witiiout a light yon don't know him , as long as you have lived with him. He is entrenched here. Dilnli after ditcli here is lull of his hosts. His citadel is Iwyond the reach of your guns almost , hud ho is in almost every form of infernal intlucncc and you dare not attack him. I have got hold of a little of the history of this town. I understand there was one man in this town that wont up and bearded the lion in his den ; you know the result. God givu us preachers that will turn their guns upon thu devil and iiis influence every time they get a chance. Voice. ' "Amen. " Iwill tell you another thing. When you run up against some evil inllucncc , you may run up against your collln and you may run up against yourself , but is life so dear and peace so sweet that we must , lay down and sutler the wives and children of this country to bo debauched and damned by the terrible influence ot tins country. I would rather be in my collin and in my grave than to submit cowardly and nusillaniinously to the evil iutluonco which makes inroad on my homo and every home of this land. What if Itcv. Haddock is in his gruvu. Glory bo to God. ho la in heaven. Ho is not in his grave , the grave could not hold such a man as that , and the INFLUKNCK THAT MrUIlEIII.I ) HADDOCK is no more than is murdering hundreds of husbands nnd fathers and butchering hundreds of families not with bullets but 1 would rather a man would lire a derringer at mu than a bar-room at me. [ Laughter. ] itight is right , and I will Maud up to it , ami I don't ask you to let mo stay in this world a single day longer than a man can stand up and preach the truth. When that day conies that a man cannot speak the honest bentinient of Ins heart , then I don't court to stay horu in this world any longer. 1 know when you set in motion the wheel of reformation yon will raise a row. The devil and all his minions will turn loose upon you. They will do anything and say anything in God's world. I remember just a few months ago in my own town they com- nienccd helling their Honor llicr" a prohibition town Illegitimately run ning what was called a blind tiger , and I blood up there before an audience In that town and said 1 had found out that they had boon selling liquor publicly , ami that I would nut them in the peni tentiary or no there myself. Now , re member what i toll you. That night there was dynamite put under my buggy lifiu-o and blow its foundation into splinters and next day they talked it down on thu street , that If that man opened his mouth again on that sub ject "we will put thu DVNAMin : r.Nnr.u ins mvci.uxu and blow himself and his wifu and help less children into heaven with him. " 1 went down on the street ; 1 heard the talk ; 1 Kind : "Wife , they toll mo that the liquor men threaten to put dynamites under our dwelling anil blow yon and these innocent children Into eternity. What bhall 1 pay * Shall 1 shut my mouthy She studied a moment and "i haw her chin quiver and her mind ran back for isevcnteun years when ihe was the drunkard's wifu , ami her home \viw madu de.-olate ami thu looked at me and said , "Xo , husband , no , no , give it to them ; glvo it to thorn , and if they blow us up , ( applause ) , and if they put dynamite under us and blow our house up and blow us into eternity , I would as soon mo and my husband and children would go to heaven on thedynu mite route us well as any other known to man. " 1 can go three hundred yards f ruin where 1 stund and speak now where one of the noblest sun Is that over blessed your city was shot tlowu in cold blood and thu villain tiiut shot him has never been found to thia day , If 1 .wanted to inurtcr an army of minious that thu devil himself WOULDN'T I.BT INTO I1KU. Until they hud disargautecil , aud c-.iuio in ono at n time , T would road the long roll in the bar-rooms of this country. And yet tills is a world In which wo lire until wo die , and our children are going ( olive after us , and I bug you , lathers and mothers to-night , consider whnt fcort of a country arc you going to turn over to your children. It is not how many town Tots and corner lots , nor how many dollars lars , but , God bless you. what of n co'nmunity ara you going to lenvo your children In wiicu nrc dead and gone. If my children are no account they cannot make n living anywhere whore life and character ami Croperty is protected , " and if Ihoy must o loft to the mercies of wolves and lions why leave them anything * Brother , brother , brother , In nlotrn that has spent $20,000,000 in liijuor and beer to run this trade yon cannot gel up n Y. M. C. A. to keep your boys from death and hell. It i.s time for ns to look around. I Sec ll'cro arc millions invested in the destruction of your men , nnd you cannot Invest enough to build a honsn to save your boys from the dovil. Will you slop and think about It ? Courage , speak your simliinonts ; gel on the right side. I tell yon my brethren the line is going to be drawn In this town. 1 bulicvo some of the newspapers in this city jre look ing upon this movement us the greatest farce that lias ever transpired in ihu city of Omaha. If you will stand up as you ought lo do , it is going to turn olit Ihu most nwtiil farce that has ever been known in tills country. If the proclam ation of the ten rommilndmonts is a farce tlicu put me ttown ns n furce. 1 stand square on them , and shall proclaim and preach them. One newspaper Haiti openly that tlio minstrel show got about as man ) * as we did , and the minstrel parties got more for their money than wo. ooi riTV TUP. KUtroii In llus nineteenth century who would ridicule a movement hitlde 10 bcnclit hu manity , help Iho fallen and bring the people lo God. tJVbieus. Amen , nmen.J You won't see thai in his paper in the morning. I am as good a friend as news papers ever had. I like newspaper men end have got ns many friends among them as any preacher ( n Amuric-i , but when an editor puts his mouth in whore it has no business let him gel' it mat-hud. { Applause. ] It has got so ' hprp in this country that any man that cim buy a pocketful of typo and a quart of black ink can commence slinging it all over every decent thing that , comes along. [ Laughter. ] He calls himself The .Editor and to voice the senti ment of a decent community. [ Applause ] Courage. Stand up to the riirht , talk it , preach it , live it and die by 1C 1 tell you the coming man in thi ? eountiy is the man that will stand up before public opinion and denounce the ivrotig , no matter what politics , muncipalltics or powers may say to the contrary. ( Voices , Amen , amen ) . Our CHRISTIANITY HAS NOT IIACK-UONI ! enough about it About half of us have a backbone like a little cotton string with a rib or two here and there attached to the backbone. If you were going to make a coed Christian you would have to make one weighing about 150 pounds aud put in about 145 pounds solid backbone. ( Laughter ) . What if editors do shoot"into VDU. I'tcll you if what these editors say about one another is true I don't care what they say about me ( Laughter. ) Nobody can believe it. ( Laughter. ) Courage. Ho sure your are right and then no ahead. Courage that will run the lewd houses of this town underground and make them hang their heads in guilt and shame. courage that will run your gambling hells from tne street into the fifth stories where none but the most diligent detectives can find where they are. Courage that commands - mands all the powers that bo and de mands that these bar-rooms shall bu closed up on the Sab bath and that God's , day .shall be reverenced. ( Voices Ainon. Amen ) . The merest farce in God's world i.s to de clare that the Sabbath shall be respected. I tell yon. you not only sell liquor hero and gamble on Sunday , but .you haul wood through the streets , and the truth of the business is that men do not know that it is Sunday , only as they see a few respectable merchants closing up and going to church. What is thu matter of you people who havu got the ten com mandments and right on your side. You snller it year after year aud make no pro test. God hell ) mu , as long as I live in any town whenever wrong is done lo stand up and strike at the wrong. We have a KiW Ol.t ) KKD-XOSHD DUVH.S that are going to drink as long as they live , but they will soon he out. Their noses are so many lingers pointing to the coffin. Sam Small says it tukes more money to paint a no e red than it docs to paint the cupitol at Washington with the best white lend in the country Ho spent $10,000 for bug juice to put. on his nose aud only got it to u pale pinlrallast. ( Applauso. ) I toll you , my brethren , it is time for ns lo speak out as long as yon license the sulo of liquor it is going to be sold. They have your license and your endorsement. As Jong as you allow gambling hells lo run they will flourish and lewd houses will do likewise , but there never was a place in America where the good people hnvo siiokcu out. Wo want courage to go into this liirht. 1 am not Intro as a revivalist , or as an evangelist , but I am here in the interest of thu ton commandments , in the iniorciil of every wife and every mother in tins city. I am hunt m the interest of right , ami if wo over intend to get to heaven let us make this world down hero as good as wo can. That is my doctrine. I have had preachers throw it In my teeth thai Jnnns was going round preaching rcfoimatum. 1 preach repentance to wards ( iod and faith in Jesus Christ , which will prepare mo for cltl/.onship up yonder and maku mo , : i goud citizen here. "Add unto your faith qourage " You sco how that rock fits nuou ( lie other. To courage knowledge. Whpn a man be lieves he Is right , the next thihg'is oour- acn. Dare to do right , and learn how to do right. Let me suggest to you , to hunt up this blessed book ( referring to the bible ) in your homes and make it the man of your counsel. Tak'u it from your shelves and tables and study it and you will learn things that Socrates or I'lato never dreamed of. This book was Iho man of my father's ' counsel , and ho said to mo on lus dying bed , "My boy follow that book and fear not thn things in this world or in the world to come , ' It has bium foiirteenyuars tuncu I held my dying father's hand in mine , and ho looked up In my face and said , "My poor , godless , wayward ami dissipated bov , you huvn almoit broken my heart , Will you tell your dying father that you will reform , tjiat you will meet mo in heav ny" 1 stood uy lull ) , the best father a boy ever had. 1 have wished a thousand times that 1 had him back that 1 might lean upon his bosom and have him talk to me kindly. 1 took that bony hand In mine and looked him in the face and ahiil "yes , father , I will reform and I will moot , you in the bright world above. " In u few minutes more God took him and he was gone forever from earth , but , glory bo to God , I can tell the truth and hay that every stop I have taken from that time to this moment has been toward that better world. 1 mean some day to grasp my falher's hand in glory and say "father , 1 Inivo redeemed tlio plndgo 1 made you in your dy Ing hour and 1 am hern to live with you forever , in the bright world above.11 God help you. young men , and you older men , to be faithful to the ri 'lit nnd ilo your duly.1 After announcing an afternoon service at 'J o'clock at the Hrst Presbyterian church , and an evening meeting ut the exposition building. Mr , Jones dismissed tlio audience with the benediction. NOTES. Th photograph fie nil has arrived was Industriously peddling photos ol the Two Hams , "two for aipmrtor"nt tlio en trance to tlie building after the services last evening. > Nearly live tliflusand people attended last night's meeting. About ono hundred Council Hlufi's visi tors were at the meeting last night. Dr. J. 1" . Sanbbrn nnd wife , of Tabor , la. , wore in the audience last night. There is a hnH lo/.nn tables for use of Iho members of the press but the news paper reporter. ? have a great dilliculty in getting a place to work as the accommo dations provided ; for them are monopo lized every ovchihg by a score or morn of ambitious stenographers who are taking the sermons for amusement sake. MAKING JHSLuVST JIUN. KiiKlitccr Mllco FnrrcH'a Htr.iiiRO Mental Fancies. Two months ago Mike Parrcll , otto of ( ho most capable and best known of the Union Paeilio passenger engineers , was compelled to give up his run on account of the falling of his mental powers from the effects of the attack of sunstroke re ceived while working in his overheated cab in the west Nebraska division in the midsummer , Contrary to the hopes and expectations of his friends the lay off fulled lo bring a restoration to health of body and mind , but was followed by such a failng in both that it was found neces sary to confine the patient in the Insane asylum. Hero he was kept for a month or moro and released as incurably and harmlessly insane. Alike has been at home for a couple of weeks and spends his time in aimless wandering about thu streets making in quiries of all the railroad men ho meets as to what time his cnginu will go out. He imagines that every thing ho sues mov ing on whet-Is is an engine and never fails to question the drivers of wagons nnd si reel cars ho meets as to what sec tion they belong or some similar train man's oucry. Mike was up on Saunders street tne other day when his path was crossed by a funeral procession. The black hearse .immediately assumed the form of an engine to his vision and he hailed the driver with the query "What section do you belong lo ? " The solemn visaged John drew up his team when Mike H eye cuughtsiglit of the "silent paa- songer'1 inside the hearse. Instantly ho turned upon the driver with an oath and the demand : ' 'What are you doing with that box in the cab. Don't you know that it belongs on the platform in frsut of thu express car ? HustlO out and move it back there. " Uy this time the astonished driver grasped tne situation and drove on , as MiKo's attention was attracted to another engine that wus : coming from another di rection. This was a coal wajion , the driver of which was "Skinny" Ivroiger , who at ono time lired for Farrcll. on thu west end run. Alike recognized his old side partner , and climbed onto the seat and slapped Krcigcr on the shoulder with the remarK : Well , Skinny , we're on together again , ain't wo ? " Humoring the strange fancy of his demented friend , Kreigur commenced talking about his engine. On the way down town they .met . a street car which Karreli stopped aud demanded that the driver show his orders giving him the right to tile lino. Satisfied on this point ho cursed the 'driver for having a red liirht out when there was no .eoction fol lowing him. In this strain ho continued , urging Kreiger to "pound her along" if he expected to make the end of the run by il o'clock. When they reached the police station Fu'rrell refused to leave the "engine , " saying that would just ride down to the round honso and watch Kreiger "clean1 her up- " lie was finally persuaded to rtjlb clown in the "coach1' and took a seut'ih-the ' patrol wagon and was taken to his home. Poor Mike is making his lastruu. TJIH O11A.TOIUO SOOII3TST. The Organization Idfl'uetccl Ihe Work For the Winter. Through the efforts of Mr. Nahan Vranko , principally , Omaha is to have a permanent oratorio .society , composed of tlio best musical talent of the city. The first meeting of the society was held at Mr. Nahan I'ranko's rooms at the ex position building last night. After sonic discussion it was decided to make the organisation a permanent one , and l'\ ' W. Gray was chosen president and G. M. Hitchcock secretary. The directors selected were C. 1) . Dorman , Wm , Wal lace and Uev. Detweiler. II. U. Ksta- brook was chosen to prepare a constitu tion and by-laws for the society. Nahau Frunko was chosen musical director , with \ \ . T. Taylor as his assistant. Among those who h'avc already become members of lite society are : Mesdames Cotlen , C. E , Squires. M. Calm , N. Franko , F. W. Gray , II. D. Kstabrook , A. F. Shirrell. Missus M. A. Shreeves , Ida Porter , Mabel Kaleombc , Kale M. Hall , M. F. Shreeves , F. Hocder , and Messrs. U'ilkins , Smith , Whilehorn , Keller , Shadier , Wermiith , Koiuio , Franco , Crawlo , Brown ley , Kstabrook , Dorman , Burmester. Meyer , Liddell , Downing , Richardson , Ferrer , Keister. Coehran. Miss Ida Porter , a now acquisition to the musical circles of Omaha , sang de lightfully an aria from Hayden's "Crea tion , " "With Verdure Cad ! , " after the business meeting. It was decided lo hold regular Monday evening rehearsals at the Congregational church. Thn lirst will bo held on Mon day evening , November 2' . ' . OMA' DISMISHAL. The Itc.-eoui-Hc I/cft to Itailrnmltt U'lilcli Ilnvo NcKliccnt 12 m ploy cs , There seems to be no doubt among railroad men that thu accident at North Bend on the Union Paeilio on yesterday morning , which occasioned a great de struction of property , was occasioned by thu curelussn i of the engineer , and possibly the conductor of train No. 17. It is now known that thu Irnin in ques tion passed NojIjTi Beud seventeen min uted ahead of' iimo , without knowing where he was to ineul train No. ! J3which , , according to fteljodule , ho knew should bu somewhere In the vicinity. With trains running on scllellulu station agents huvo nothing to di ( , find as a consequence , when I ? raslwlipaM. North Bend without stopping , tint''only ' thing left for the operator thereVis to telegraph her pas sage , but noth.nir eould bo tiono after she hud passed to kcpp , her out of the way of No. 'J2 , which wjit clearly on her righH. A railroad oilicjal said yesterday : "It is to bo regretted thai we have no law to hold trainmen responsible for destruc tion of life and properly , the AUDIO as limy tire held In other occupations in tint cily , for example , when through willful- or negligence , loss of life , limb or property is oceaMsned. TheSarpy county people are endeavoring to hold Itolton responsible for his wreck out there , but Iho Union Paeilio has no recourse with Perkins , thu engineer , aud La us , thu con ductor , both of whom am perhaps responsible - sponsiblo for Ihu loss of property , except to discharge them , It is a fortunate oc currence that it was only properly and not lifo that was destroyed.1 U'liite'N Case. Kx-Couilcllman Anderson , of the .Sixth ward , is incoiised-against Ollicer Whjto , of tliu police force , ami for who.-widcuapl- taliou he is looking wjth much interest. It seems that on the night of tlio 37th lust. , Air. Winspenr was unjustly treated as is btlcgod by a member of the police force. Next morning , Anderson engaged In conversation upon tlio name inbject with OlllcerVlnto , and expressed the opinion that the treatment of Wmspoar WHS uu > warranted , Thus White , it necms , un derstood to bo a reflection on a brother ofllccrnnd resented in ( angiingo 01110- what profane , concluding , HO Mr. Ander son alleges , with a throat to arrest the latter. The matter has been referred to the committee on police , but il i.s not known when il will meet. T HACK TOPICS. The l ally or Hallway Notes anil 1'ersonnlw. The Union Pacific ollicials are still In vestigating the North Bend accident. Tiitllc or notliingncw has been discovered beyond what hus already been miilo public. As mentioned in thu Hui : ycster- day there is every reason to believe that the fault rests with No , 17 In not wailing for No. Si. The latest telegraphic reports of tliu Union Pnuilic announce that snow is failing in Colorado. Utah and Wyoming , as far east as Cheyenne. S. C. Nash , assistant freight agent at Salt . Lake Cjty , is in umana. Alex Mitchell , Jr. , general agcnl of the Chicago , Milwaukee ' & St. Paul nl SI. Paul atSalt.Lako "llv _ is in the citv. Sam Powers , stock hgc.nt of the Union Pacifioat Kearney , arrived in Omaha yesterday morning. General Manager Callaway , of the Union Punifia , returned ynitcrduy Jmorn- ing with his family from the cast. Mr. Ed Dickinson , assistant general superintendent of the Union Paeihe with headquarlurs at Denver , accompanied by lus family , loft last ovuuing for the west In his special car attached to thu Union Pacific overland train. Mrs. Pingrcc. wife of the assistant manager of the Northwestern witli head quarters at San Francisco , was a passen ger on the Union Pacific overland train last evening bound for her western home A Conscience better. The following is a fair example of the "conscieneu letters" which are re ceived in Omaha every day by our mer chants and business men generally. It came in the mail to Max Meyer & Bros. yesterday morning : SAN FIIANTISCO , Nov. C. Gentlemen : Enclosed you will find ri which I owe you , without your knowledge. However , It Is yours , ami I urn bound to pay it. Yours truly , STIIANOIMI. There is nothing about the loiter to in dicate Ihe identity of the writer. nulldlnii ; Permit * . Superintendent Whitlouk issued build ing permits yosteriuy : as follows : I * . l < \ Murphv , two-story brick store , Farnain and Twenty-eighth streets. ? 1,000 J.V. . Paddock , utorv and a halk brick addition to cottage , 1405 Noith Six teenth . . . ( VK ) J. .1. Willis , two one-story I'ruine d wellliiL's , Idluwtld . 2,000 M. Abraham , live onu-stnry cottages , Sixth street and Popplelun aacmin. 8.1UO f. Abraham , two-story frame dwell- I HIT , Sixth street and 1'oppleton av- ciiuo . lr > 00 Five permits acercxnting . S 11,050 A \Vas\vnnl Son. Mrs. Cole , a lady dressed in deep mourn ing , appeared in police court yesterday afternoon and said that she had a boy whom she wanted sent to the reform school. He was a wayward , wicked boy , she said , who would persist in running in bad company. , She therclore wanted HID youngster sent to thu reform school at Kearney. Mra. Cole says that by her request the boy is now locked up in the Cuming street jail. H ill-ill tn of Pythias Tnlcc Notice. The brethren of Nebraska Lodge No. 1 1C. of P. are requested to meet at their Cattle hall , Fourteenth street , on Friday at 1:30 : p.m. sharp , to attend the funeral of Brother J. W. Moll'att. Members of sister lodges and visiting knights are cordially invited to unite with us. By order of J. W. Loiixsiiunv , C. C , J. E. SMITH , K. R. &S. He Ijost Forty Coins. Charley Langley , a half-paralyzed newsboy who may be seen selling puper.s every night on the corner of Fifteenth and Dodge or Douglas , came up to po lice station yesterday morning crying bit- crly. He said that ho went inlo Ihe postof fee yesterday morning to warm himself and that in the crowd his outside pocket picked of 40 cents which he had made selling papers. Ho suspected that ono of his fellow newsboys had stolen the money , but could prova nothing. "I wouldn't 'a cared so much , " he sobbed , "only I "wanted that money lo pay on my boaril to-day. I promised lo give my landlady forty cents at noon. " A kind-hearted policeman gave him a quarter and other contributions followed Outside tlio The. BKK of lust night staled that n franm building is now in course of erec tion on Dodge .street , between Tenth and Eleventh streets , in violation of the ( ire ordinance. Mr. Whitloek , inspeclor of buildings , says this is a mistake. The line defining thu limits at that plncn rims west , on the middle of the street , leaving the silo mentioned beyond prescribed territory. i > urnira ] > liH. General Hollman Is in town. Itobt. K. Hull , Itoot & Sons Music Co. , i.s in the citv. Mrs. K Dickcnson returned yesterday morning from the cast. ; J , ( ! McBride and David Butler came inlo town yesterday morning. J. J. Bonn , Hotel World , Chicago , is in tlio cily on his way to the Pacific c'oa&t. It. W. Hreekenridgo was a pussengnr last evening on the Union Puciliu over land train bound for Sidney , Neb. , on business. Fred Pickrms , chief olerK of the post- ollicc , has been absent from his post of duty for several days hack , because of a suvoru attack of rheumatism , Fir t Lieutenant George Kuhler , Seven teenth infantry , nt Fort Kussell , Wyo. , 'baen granted a ofteen-diiyH * extension of his leave of absence. Mrs. Colonel Burke , of Sun Francisco , formerly a resident of Omuliu. and who bus been visiting the family of Commit G. M. O'Brien , left last evening for her home on the Pacific const. Mr. aud Mrs. Gco. Wittum , of Council Bluffs , la. , accompanied by Mr.s. Annie Cooper , of Irwin , la. . an > visiting their cousins Olllcuir O'Bovlo , Miss Maggie Jmlgo and.Mihs Surah \ \ ilsou of this city. Mr. D. Black , formerly train dispatcher for the Union Pad lie in Omaha , has been transferred lo a similar poailion with thu bumo company at Valparaiso , Iseb , Thu vacancy at Omaha has been permanently lillod by Mr. C' . 11. Gordon , of Fremont , Neb , Isauo Hodgson , ihejirchitecl left Tester- davfor the Minneapolis olllee. Several gentlemen in the nty who contemplate building accompanied Mr. Hodgaon to look over some of thu work of tlmso fa mous urehltoels in that city. Mr. Hodg- .sou will return in about a week , Red Star Cough Cure uill quickly cure inflammation ot the throat and lun .s , SOCIETY. A Hoclntr Otcnnlcnd With ICxcoltrnt A number of young mon interested in the orgnnl/ution of a gymnasium society , mot nt the ofllcn of Collins , Gordon & Kny last awning , After a general ills- ( . iiMion of the desirabillly of such an in stitution It wni decided to organ ! xo n so- oily with nmnmbarship limited lo .10 v- enly-fivo pontons. The initiation feu will bo placed nt $15 with a monthly feu of fit. George 1 ! . Kay was elected secretary of Iho mu'lulv. A enmmltlco was appointed to secure suitable rooms. It is probable that thn rooms formerly occupied by the V. M. U. A. will bo scoured and fitted up for the life of tlio society. Mr. Kuy will leave for the easl In a tew days to secure the necessary apparatus for use In the gymnasium. Pollen 1'nlnlH. W. II. Robfirowa.s lined twenty dollars and costs m police comtyeslerdiiy morn ing for threatening tokil Julius Treitsehko The latter test ! lied that on several times Uoharo Imdswornto "do him up , " and on ono occasion , had , without provocation , tin own a beer glass at his head. Uolmrc paid the fine , and was released. Several unimportant cases of drunk ! : , vagrants and suspiuions characters wore disposed of. .Salvation Oil routs and banishes all bodily pain instantly , and costs only twenty-live cents a bottle. "A bull in a china shop" is out of place , but a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in the china closet is in place. For croup , bronchitis , sere chests and colds it i.s a prompt and ellienciotis remedy. Knblil Unnaou'H Ijccture. To-morrow ( Friday ) evening Dr. Ben son will lenluro on t lie subject of "lo- ! ligion end Civilisation. " The divine ser vices at the synagogue commeneo at 7 o'clock. For the information of the gen eral public il may be slated that every Jewish honso of worship is open to visit ors , whether of thutpurticulai denomina tion or not. The Jewish synagogue of Omaha has been visited by members of other denominations , some of whom are regular attendants at the divine worship and lectures conducted by Rabbi Benson. The ollieors of the congregation evlend a hearty welcome to all. The Hebrew La dies' Sewing society will sow for the poor to-morrow ( Friday ) from S3 to1 o'clock , at the vestry rooms of the syna gogue. Rabbi Benson is actively engaged in making preparations for two social events , one being a children's ball , to take place in thu Metropolitan club rooms in the latter part of next month , and thu oilier a dramatic entertainment , to be given by an umateur company , composed of the talented young ladies and gentle men of his congregation. Tne proceeds of these entertainments will be devoted to making necessary repairs in the syna gogue property. A meeting of over thirty young ladies and gentlemen has been culled for next Sunday afternoon ut 'J p. m. , for the pur pose of deciding upon the nature of a programme and selection ot partici pants. The "Favorite Prescription1' of Dr. Pierce cures "fomalo weakness , " and kidney affections. By druggists. licensed to Wed. Judge McCnlloch issued marringc li censes yesterday to the following parties. .Name. llesidencc. Ajre. I I'eter C. Schmidt . Omaha . 2S I Aiuustu Jauiibsun . Onmliu . ' 20 ( Tliouins J'reclous . Omaha . 'JO t Clara llilo : . Uiuaha . lit I Milton Hussntt . Little Sfoux In. . .M \ Christina ClinkinbcunlOimilia . ' _ ! : ( j Timothy Klley . Omaha . 50 ( Mary Xnbodick . Omaha . i 40 ( Oeorae II. Wesley. . . . Omaha . S ! 1 LU/.Ie Kiliiie . Omaha . ' -0 Cnturrfi Is a very prevalent and exceedingly dis agreeable disease , liable , if neglected , to develop into Bcrious consumption. Bc- ng a constitutional disease , it requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sursu- parilla , winch , acting through the blood , reaches every part of the system , effect ing a radical and permanent cure of catarrh in even its most , severe forms , Made only by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell Mass. fllrs. IjiuiKlry'H Hook. Boston Herald : II is again urged that Mrs. Langlry is really writing a novel. Well , it is true. She is. A promising litterateur is engaged day and night writing onu for her. The beauty heard 7 > ortioiis of it read each morning , signs O. 1C. on the pages and feeds her intel lectual capacity has been strained lo the utmost. When the book , which , by thu way , deals with her own experiences in the mode of swt-cinosH and light ami in the nether world of the drama , is com pleted it i.s lobe "placed" with llm high est bidder , and the lovely author will re ceive royalties that must dim tin ; Grant ' recoipts'forovnr moro. O , it i.s the easiest thing lo write a novel , especially when one's life i crowded as Mrs. Langtry's. THAT DREAD TERROR OF MOTH- EIS--snflbciting { ; croup , is speedily sub dued by using Dr. J. il. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Halm. ' . ' .1 cents a bottle. Attention Lily Dirlsioii. The Sir Knights of Lily Division No. 8 U. R. K. of P. will u.s-emblu at their ar mory Friday , at 1 p. m. , to attend the funeral of our deceased brother , Sir Knight J. W. Molliitl. Uy order of J. W. Lorxsmjiiv , Sir Knight Commander. IT AH HOYS at arvv JD RUG STORE - FAKE : IT FAITH FULLY , AND You THAT THERE fS. % EVIEPYFO/ COUGHS * COLDS 8Y ol/ / p' * ' J.M. c/n. / o Ladies to Work for Us at Their Own Homes. $7 to $10 Pe ? Week Can Be Quietly Mada No pliutu. ( 'matin * ; nucinraoliig I'uj-full imcjc- uUi , l'j f add.-t ; j l < inco. llltofKXT AlI'l'Ul. . ULculml bt. llo toii. Mu > > . It ANOTHER SUDDEN DEATH. Hardly n week passes without Ihe men lion by the newspapers of sudden dealh.i , nnd of late the alarming frequency of the statement that death wns caused by rlu-ti mutism or neuralgia of the heart cannot fail to have been noticed , in nil prob ability many dentli * nttribulcd to lirarl disease are caused by the o terrible dis eases , which are far more dangerous than Is generally considered. Is there any positive euro ? The best answer to Mich a question is given bytho cwhoiiAviitKr.N : ct iit : : > by the use of Athlophoros. Long Pine , Neb. , Aug. llth , 188t > . I suffered for years with neuralgia in my heat ) , neck and face , anil have spout , I know , over $100 in trying to tlnd some medicine to relieve me , ami found only temporary relief in anything I tried until I saw mi advertisement of Athlophoros. II gave me relief at once , ami after using one bottle nnd a half I found lasting relief. It helped and cured mu whnru all other remedies fulled. 1 have recom mended It to several of my friends with like good results. I have not had a re turn of the disease < < inco taking the Alh- lophoros over Uvo years ago. M. A. Mouroun. Altoona , Iowa. Atlilophoro.i is giving unparalleled sat isfaction in thin locality us a sure euro for rhuutnatiHin. ,1 , iliuiuu * , n farmer near ( ircctiwood 1 * . ( ) . . wus : utircd of fuiutio rhcnmatlMU after having been for three months umtblu lo walk without a crutch. J. A. Ogden of this plaeo had for year.s been troubled with rheumatism , often times unable to work. Ho never found a permanent euro until he trietl Athlo- phoros. Shipped two bottles by express as a present to a brother in Nebraska. lj. O. SiiAprii : < , Druggist. Kvery druggist should keep Atlilopho * ros and Athlophoros 1'ills , but where they cannot be bought of the druggist tlio Athlophoros Co. , 113 Wall St. . Now York , will send oll.her ( carriage paid ) on receipt of rcirular price , which i.s l.M ( ) per botllo for Athlophoros and C'Jc. ' for IMlls. Kor liver nnil kidney illt-roMi * , ily uoi > Hlnin * digestion , wcaknrs.1 , nnrvotn dnlilllty , ( llvunum of women , cotisilputlott , lirmlnrho , hiipuru blood , Ac. , Atlililuiros ( | 1'IIU nro tuiM4iml < Hl. 11 Cure without moil ) , A POSITIVE ; clno. 1'iitotilul Octo , ber 10 , 1970. Otto bor will our * ( ho most oliUnuto ca o In fouritars ' " " " " " " - " - ( No nntieMMtixloinsot etibob ? . cnnnlbR or oil of mnclnhMKiJ tliut are certain to nroiluoo djrapcn- hrdpKttiivlnir ! tlio cotitlims of the stomnon , 1'rlcoSl.M. Bold lir nil driiirirlMi or mulled on incplptof nrlcn. For furthur iiartloulars goat Inrrlroular. P.O. Box IVn. flTTFlTJ 3" . C. . .XjXj . T CO. , IjllKK i Nuw York. v u " "Ul MALT bperlnllr Il llllril lor Medicinal U.r. IMI BEST TONIC 1 UNEOUALEDfor CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , DR. EDIV I , . WAII.I NO , Sur Rfnu In Clilff , National Uuarc of N..I . .writ PC "My ntlfiitioa w rnlk > d t ( .Tour Kr.T > tone ihilt Wlilnko.i lij 1'r I.alnr , HciiCRltt , or Tnntnn and I IIIYA itkr.1 a frn tottUi UIi far LtttAr tffvct than any i hum liml. I nni recoiiim * vniir article In inr practlc rtiid It \ eryMlUtJctury. . " BEVA2E OF IWTA7I01 ' 03Tlit n.nuli , . k . tkrHlnM KlhXMI i MKMIKl.bO > of Bsttls. on tbt l , b l. EESHER & R3ENDELSQIH , fSoIf Ac'iiti far tbr V 8. ) SI 6.318 snd 320 Ilaco St. . PhilsdelDhia. Pa. Goodman Drug Co. , nnl.AgentsOmitlio Nebraskn , A llonlt that ercrr father Hiould I > IACO ir lili von'rt hand ! IUl4 r Ul hllUMir Vrllll tilt U Illicit cure. Ulvrf all tlio ttrrltil * i ulu _ _ ilmtto Uurl/Yl Mn _ Anf . tl'rur. Joan Jlimbandi and Ilciuln at ramOf ( l' il Fmium. ) llle * nvod It. TestlnionUlj f rum rmlonnt Luudou DocUiri FRENCH HOSPITAL TREATMENT For Dralni , lirrar.'iVoaknon. Ix t Vitality , KUBint onlr rcalo.1 , l'ni Coritultutlnn. Krom 9A. M. . to5r.M , LUVlAlj ; AGUMOV. 17 * I'vlluu HI.ow York. 0.0 Th Onl y perfect substitute tor Mother1 * milk . Inralunbl * In Cholarn Infnntum Teething . A pdl ( it < l food for Dy- peptic * , Conaumptlves , Convnleicents. Ivrloct nutrient In all Waiting Oleeneem. Hvqulren no coolclnjf. Our iloolc , The Oaro and FaedlnB or Infants , miUlvd frm . Dauocn. OUODAUI * oo. . ixwton. UM WEAK MEN : ; _ , rfWMlurr I > * - -ctr.rfwulili4 fii i iiuHMtitnnf ' * tillfOA'T ' ' WAIlM'i'tlN TICKATHKNT * ii MMMilNG A9 * ItM.Mp will. Information urTHliiflloall Kneti. MARSTONREMSDVCO l9ParkPUc .NewVork. Muntlun Oinnliu lici > . Or Che J.lqnof JJnl > U , l > onUI < ly 'nr < > ( l by AclikiliiUtrrlnic l r. Iliiluei' { JolUoii N | > < < clU . it tu be liven la n cup of or ten the kiKi loilfi-ol tbu | M' | IIII lakliif llliiibu > lul lr iiurinlui * , oil will tffuc-t a | > i < riuku nl l.ul niivndjr cure , whellif t llm puttcat U a mudnrAto drinker 01 iv uirunclln wrt'Ck , 11 liai Lcm ulrrn IP tliuu- iikid ; ot raii'i , iil ( In rvtiiy ) ; ififeet cure Ijtts ( ollon-ud. It iii'Trr full * Tha cyotf m uiict"-K" tf'l "I'll * ' ' < > HI-ICI.IC. u lipromrt an utter UujiOMiblllljr lor Ihu liquor apprtli * tueiln VOIl SAI.K. IIY POI.IXIWI.Sn UllU'nOIHl'Ht AVIIN tV CD. , Cor. 13lli unil llaucln * . unit INth & Cunilntt Sin. , Omuhu , Nrb. ' k. U. FdSTJIU iV 1IUU. . flniiRrll Hluflii. Iowa. Cftllor rlle for mntHliilnit ) j0..itKli , i-l UTtluinnlali ltnuillifbxl wuinrn mi itiuuuUv. ESTABLISHED USED IN AIL CnUlnyucKaitn Prlro on uppllcatlnn , HUilby rlllltu l Til i' rrliieH Hnllili'm anil litMi'in. CINOINN/.TI , H. H , A. , Ait ( < jf < COO CIN. DREXEL & MAUL to Jno. ( J. Jacobs , 2/37 D K K TA K K A AM > r.HiJAI lDlt.S , At Hie oldntuna 1407 Fnrnum t. Order by telegraph so.loitcd and jiromptly at teiul'utl it > , 'IVk'iih'ine No. 8 5 ,