Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1886, Image 1
ILY B v SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , THDBSDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 11 , 1SSG. NUMBER 1JM5. TO BOYCOTT ARMOUR MEATS Knight of Labor Barry Says That is the Next Step in the Fight. ONE FIRM TO SUFFER AT A TIME. Thousand" of Strikers Paid OIT nt the Vimln IIIoodlPftH Collision Itli Militia Packets Modify Tlielr Iteaolutlons. To Une tlio Ilnjootl. i ) , Nov. 10. ISpecial Telegram to tlio Bi.E.J "Tho packers ate llshtlng us In a body , but wo are not Kolmt to scattoi our lire , " said T. B. Many , of tl.o general execu tive board of the Knights of Labor to a ro. porter to-dny. "We tire going to take them one by one. " he continued , "and see what the determined ellorts of 2OJO,003 worklnirmen ran accomplish. Last spring I was at Cohocs , N. Y. , when they weio electing a mayor. Ono of the candidates was a man who handled Aimum's meat , which , by the way , was used almost exclusively In that city , Ills opponent published a statement that Aunour was a monopolist anil friend of monopoly. 11 would have ruined the meat dealer's candidacy had ho not published Iho fact that all of Armour's cmnloycs arc Knights of Labor. That saved him , a id ho was elected In a district containing ll,00t ! ) KnUhts of Labor. I am willing to bet that In Cohocs , ten days from now , you could not give Armour's meat away. " "Do you mean that a boycott Is lobe dnecleit against Aiutoui ? " "Well , wo like to ilijht a big man , and , as I said before , the light which has already begun will boagilnst the packets one nt a time. Wo will liistglvo Armour a chance to take his trade away Irom Chicago. He and the Fowlers are play liu fast and loose with tinpackers ; , and Armour , who has an tin * mouse quantity of mess poik stowed .ivvay Inhlsblg packing house. Is simply gutting rid of Itat agieat prolit. He Is snaip. Ho and the Fowlers , who have houses here and nlKansas City and Oinalu , have the ad vantage of the otlioi piekeis hero. They think their houses out theio will inn nil right. " Till : S1IIIKK SITt'ATIOV. A l.i i go number of men applied for work at the packing houses this morning , and about live thousand are at work. Nelson Morris received a dlsnatch from the east saying that someone down there , whoso name he would not give , will send him .TOO skilled butchers. He had a dispatch Iiom n slanghteilnc ; house In the east which had been killing beef for him , which says they have been killing800 beau of cattle per day , andean double that num- bci If ho wishes. About tvvo-thhds ot the men at work In the yaids are new hands. The militia guards weio out as usual , and all nppioaehes to tbo yards weio lined with pickets. 'ihero was a busy scene at the town hall at the yaids dining the morning. About live thousand old emploves ol Armour & Co. , .Swift < i Co. and the Chicago Packing it 1'iovlslon company congiogated there lei tlio purpose of being paid olf. It was deemed mi " advisable to let them get theli pay ftlinn have Itdonoat the linns' otllces. 103 tlio creat throng of stiikors there . vi1" thousands of their friends. The crowd ? * -ha llttlo more tin Indent than yesterday Jg < kreinl ) Fit78imon put an cxdu force /mcnncai the town Imll , to beieadyin nso of any dlstiirti nice. There -wab a collision to night near the Ashland avenue bridge between a crowd of strikers and a squad of intuntry. Thobrldgo was guarded by twelve men Iiom the Second Infantry , undei Lieutenant McMillan , the balance ol the company being stationed In the vicinity ot the nolqliboilng packing houses. Theeiovvdof stiikers and sympa thisers iimnhorcd about live bundled , and was determined to preventtho lucking house employed from eiossiug the bridge on then w ay back to the city nt tlie close of the dav's vvoi k. ' 1 ho crowd was charged bv tlio siiuatl sov end times and foiced to tetlre tempoia- illy , but increasing numbeis added to Its peraliteucv aim a serious conlllct seemed im minent. Flnallv Lluutonanl McMillan gave the older to load with b ill cattildgos. The crowd thereupon speedily dispersed , and the emploves went on their way without ftirthci molestation. No one sultered serious In jury. jury.Tho The packers' association held n prolonged meeting with closed doors this evening , and nltei much talking adopted losolutloim which hcem to bo a complete back down from their expressed dotct initiation to bar organi/cd la borers fiom employment In the Chicago stock yaids. .None of the pickers would talk about tlio meeting. ' 1 hey answered all questions in monosyllable' ' . Mr. Baldwin , hccrclaiy of the association , said Hint the icsolutlons meant just what they said , and that the packers Intended to run their busi ness without dictation from the Knights of Laboi. 'Iho resolutions aio ns follows : Win roas , At a meeting on the 8th instant , resolutions were passed contenting the icla- lions between employers and lahoi organl/a- lions , and , Whoieas , We aio convinced that said action brings unintentional Injustice upon numerous peisons who may bo mem hers of such oiuaniitlon : Resolved. That said losoliitlon bo roscindei ! and Iho following bo adopted as being more in accord with tlio mutual Intercuts of em ploveix and employed : Whereas , The packers arc confionted w Illi tlio fact that their employes aio icpeatedly leaving their employment without notice to them and to tlio great detriment of their bus t & iness ; ihoiolmo. Resolved , While wo will not exclude from employment membcts of such ortranl/atlons wo will oxeiclso the light to employ nnd ills charge whom wo please , ami conduct our bus- mess on thu ten-hour plan and according lo our bo.t Inteiest. Signed by all the mom bers. bers.D'llegato Baiiy when Informed to night ie- ( raidingIho action of the piekeis In lilting theli embaigo against union employes , ex- uii'uscd gieat MitpribO andplc.isinc. Ho Iioped that the pickers would now at once consent ton conleienco to arrange lorarbl- tuition ol the solo icm.alnlng issue a tech nical iccoi/iiltlou of the eight hour day. In this the unchtmn of wages cuts no figure , He would endeavoi to meet the packers to morrow and felt tontident that the illtllciil- ties could bo icadlly settled. If the packets utfiu' to iiilitlrato the men would Immediately return to woik peiidlni ! n.settlement , and would abldo by the millings ol the tirhilia- lots , llio men did not expect but eight hoin's pay for eight hour's work , and would woik ju t as much overtime at ino latt wages as the employers ro < iuhcd if tlio in in- eiploof the eight Iiom dav was roco.'iil/od , It Is lepoited that late to-night .WO men who wcro being Imported fiom the east , lo llll the places of stiikcu in bow lei's packing house , doieiled ill a body , The train con veying Iho mon i said to have been met by emlssailes of the knights at an outlying station , whoie It was known a stop would he iiuide. No tlmo was lost by the sttikeis' luenls. and the eastern nun uncemonloiisly 0,111 the truln , P.illnd to Atjree. AlUVM.N. V. , Nov. 10. The cxecutlu- committee of llio National Knit Goods tisso- cuilon and MesMa. B.tlicy and Melinite , of the executive boaid ol the Kul lits of Labor , met Ihcio to-day nllh 'eferenco to ascttlo- nientof Ihe ditfeionccs noiv existing in the knit Ki'ods district. .Mes-rb. Bailey ami Mc.Ciiiiie. ( ttfered the following as the only L.i-iaC' ! wuli-h they would bdtlo on behalf of the. Knights of Latur : That all former employes be leliistated In their formnr places ami that Uii ) people who have taken the places of foimcr employ ea bouspcmlul until they have nude a settlement with their or ganization for violation of Its laws and rnlos. The proposition was rejected amltlm following was submitted by itio Unit goctlH ptoplo its u nnoii which the inantirr.iinrcr would open theJr ols ! ! tuKnlzhii pt J/ab"r : Ujwn mo iitht to employ or not employ , ( litharge or not discharge whom wo think best ns our em ployes , and lhat wo contlnuo as wo deem proper ns employes those who remained In our employ at Iho tlmo ot the lockout or stiIke , and those whom we have since that tlmecmploved , The above was lit turn re- Joctdlby Messrs Biiley and McUuIro , who withdrew from the confeieitcc with the statement that the negotiations were ended , nttei which the executive committee of the knit goods association , after n full con- Ideiallon , adopted the following : The mills vlllbeopen to all persons , whether they tave bren mevlously in our employ or not , m the basis of an agreement by those whom hov mty employ that they will acknowleiuo nnd icsppct the right of an employer to hire Hid dlschni an as ho deems best nnd not In- erferu with the other emploves. Including Jiosc who have been at work diuing the lu cent strike and lockout. A I-'IUNI ) Knin I'urplo'H frightful Deeds and Ills I nil. Si. Lot is , Nov. 10. Further partlctilais from Limed , ICan , , of the crime committed /Samuel I'in pie nnd his subsequent lynch ing , Hays tint Filday morning his wife arose as usual and pieparcd bieaktast. She then went to awaken her husband , which so en- raced him as to Incite him to the heinous ilmc which followed , liefprang violently Iiom the bed and sel/lng Ills levolver shot Ins vvlfo tlnoii li thu body , Iiom which wound she died at once. The new born bihe was nest shot and killed. Ills next .shot killed another child. Ills sister-in-law was then shot , the bill passing Ihtough the arm , lodg ing In the shoulder , lie then piocccded to load a shot gun In order to complo the woik. lie poured powdei into one baud and , by ei ror , shot Into the other. With these ho en- dcavored to blow oil Iho head ot another child , but as theio wasnolhliiicxccptpovdcr in the bauel the child's lace was only severely binned by the explosion. The murderer then mounted a hoi M ! and stalled tow aids Marino with the pmpose of muuleilni ! his wife's ' tathei nnd niothei. Before lie could accomplish this the young lady whom ho had wounded made her way to the village and notllied the Inhabitants of what had happened , Seeing that his plan was frustrated , I'urplo hastened to Jetmoioand suriendeied hlmsolt to the authoilties. whole ho was placed In jail , snirounded by a hcavv citard. Last night a mob ot about a hundred men went directly lo the jail and demandc-U the prisoner , who was delivered up. He was then taken back to the scene of his crime and hanged to a dee. Only ono member ot the house escaped sciIOIIR Injury , and thai was the murdcrd'a little boy , who hid under the bed when his latliei was coming. After the Bucket Shops. UniCAno , Vov. 10. Anew plan to supptess [ nickel shops nnd icstorc speculative hading to forniet channels Is being agltalcd by a number ot members of the board ot trade. The Idea Is to abolish the market remitting department of thoboaid , at Icait temporarily. Without the quotations received over the tickers , it Is claimed the bucket shops cannot secure enough pationage to pay ollice expenses , llio claim Is also made that by cutting off all quotations outside , the agent who sends his ouleis to the large city juckot shops will bo obligolto leconncct ilmself with Iho legukir biokor . A petition isklnc thedlrectois ot the bond of tiado to submit foi billet n proposition repealing the rules providing tor the maintenance ot tlio maiket depiitment was signed bv over scv- enty-tlvomemhciH In a very short time yester day. Theio was no attempt to in ike a can vass of the board. Tlm petition 1m now jeeu rofcrrcdby the dlioctors to the commit- .eo on maiket quotations. By the moposcd plan the ticket service hero will bo dispensed vvitli in grain and piovision spec ulation , and the picscnt system of market repotting fiom this city discontinued. Carlisle Klljjlblo ' ' 'or Speaker. VAHiiivoToy , Nov. 10. Representative Wellborn , ot Texas , who is one of the oldest ind most experienced pnrliamcntniinns In the house , was asked by an assoclaled press reporter to day what the effect of a contest over Carlisle's seat should there bo a con test would have upon his candidacy for the speakershlp of tlio houso. Wellborn re- ulied : "Should tlioro bo u contest ovoi Car lisle's seat the house Itself will in some suit able way select a committee on elections and thus Caillslo will bo relieved of any possible embarrassment on that score. To hold that Thoebo's contest vvithCarllslodlsqualiJles the latter toi speaker conducts lo a result illog ical and absurd. 11 .such holding weio fol lowed , the influence and power of the chosen leadoioftho dominant party In the house eoidd bootlectually eiushcd out at any time by spilncing a contested election ca e , no matter how absolutely devoid It might bo ot met it. " _ _ Tlie Sugar Cuno Jtxpcrlmonts. vVAHiijtarov , Nov. 10. The following telegram has been received at the department of agriculture : FOHT SCOTT , Kan , , Nov. 8. To Commis sioner of Agrlculti'to : vVo finished boillnc eighty-three tons of Louisiana tano to-night. Made neailv 1'J.OOO pounds of stiike. A weighed portion run Into the centrifugal give 54 pel cent of di led sitgai. ' 1 his w 111 bo more than 1"0 pounds of lirst sugar per ton. The cane juice had 10 pei cent of sucrose , 1 8-10 per cent of glucose , and 1 ) > , ' per cent of total solids. It would have made only eighty pounds by the old pioces.s. Wo have In- cpMscd tlie yield fully forty pounds per ton oi sugar ot line quality. Wii i r , Chemist. This dispatch is regaidedby the authorities at the agricultural dtipulmontasatiilhlliiiont ot the piomises of impoitantio-iUlU given by tlio Hist expeiimouts In the dilution pioccss as applied lo sugar. Down On Cliuroli IMnslc. ITri-jiLitd , Pa. , Nov 10. The sessions of tlio national convention ol United 1'iosby- teilans opposed to instinmontal music In chinches lo day weio devoted to the discus sion ami adoption ot a lengihv dcclaiatton , the tallowing of whL'h is tlie Impoitant claii'e : Believing In titimcntal music In cornice tlon with the woislilpol Cod to bo without authoiity of dlv ino appointment undei the New Testament dispensation , and therefoio n cot million ol that \vorMilp , It Isoin duty to icluso in any way to ( omilen.ini n or sitppoit Its usu ; and wo heiehy ( ouiisol nil our Inethien to bo Him and not de/iilo 01 wound theli const icnces by tiny compliance with tlmt which U contiary to the conscience erIn In nviiiil to which the conscience Is not clear A Verj Quiet Kuiieral , ClfirvHo , Nov. 10. The Dallv News Juliet , i III. , ) special says : Tlio eccentric in structions left in the will ol the late F. Zhklo , n miiblti mairitaeturei who died Sunday , re specting the mntinei In which his builal should bo conducted , was strictly cauled out. No ono was allowed lo see the remains but the widow und daughter , and nobody was called in. No services of nny kind weio held , and the dead man's last wishes wire scriijmlnus'y ' respected. Ho was burled In Oakwood cemeleiy by thu sexton's four sons In the picsence of his wlto and ituuilitei , The newspapeis , lospectliiB the hist wishes of the deceased , made no announcements and there were no obituaries , /irklo lull his I.Uo'oe-tnlycntlu'ly to Ills wife andduujshtoi Ollielal Voto. Co i mi ni , Nov , 10. Tito official vote of the stale ol < > rtli > D n ci > | ved at the olbro of the secretary ot * lalu ulvcs Robinson , lojuihllean , : ! IOS'J > ; MeBiIdo , democrat , jn'.i.HU ; Smith , uiohlbition , Js.a ) ! ; Uoua | , ureenback , ; Robinson'bpluiatlly > l. In 1 4 Robin- son'.s plurality for . jeretary ol state was 11,21 ? . The lest ot the republican statn ticket has plm-aliltos ratuliM fiom 5,0 < X1 to C.OOO pioater tlun tlm head of the ticket , The uni'Dlncd majorities In the ( oii'ioslonal districts will exceed the head of the ticket nttont 10 000. The totul vote in tbo state v III beallttloovui 700,000 , Tin Mies in Oon\ention. Cixn.x.vA il , Nov , 10. The Aineitcan tuif con.Tess nu t in seeiet session-at the i'lb-on h"iusii ted n and spent the day in revising thu ruut. ! No dcvialuwsveio arrived at. WHICH KING SHALL IT BE ? i The Bulgarians Elect n Danish Prince to Rule Them With a Roil , THE CZAR'S TICKET SCRATCHED. AVnlilotnar'H Choice Hccclved U'itli ColdncRH 1)3 the People llo May Not Accept Alexander Still 1'opulnr P < iiclsn News. lltiljjnrin's New Nov. 10. The sobranje at n secret Cession last ovenlmr , lifter a debate lasting hreo liouis. decided to elect 1'ilnce Waldo- nar , third son of the king of Denmark , as successor to Prince Alexander on the throne of Htilgaiia. Waldeniai Is twentv-eUht \cars old. At to-moiiow inoiiilng' .csston of lite bobrnnju lindoslnvotf will propose Wai- ilemni as n candidate toi the throne , 'llic so- biaiije will elect him by acclamation and ap point n committee ot live to olllclally convey the decision to the prince. lliaiioll , prefect ot Solia , has been removed. I his dismissal lias been demanded bv ( ten- oral Iv.uilbars because ho cjei ted a Russian subject fiom tlio Solia council t h imbor. ' 1 ho prelect at once olieiod to icslgn , but Kaiil- ii.trs insisted thai tlio goveinmcnt dismiss "ilm. "ilm.TIIIVOVA TIIIVOVA , Nov. 10. Captain NabokofT , llio Russian who led lite locent levolt at Hotniras , lias been tried by the Itulgailan authorities tor causing the Insiniecllon and convicted. llo was sentenced to death. Ills tellovv con- spli.itois have nKo been tiled and sentenced to id teen 3 ears Imprisonment each. TntxovA , Nov. 10. The session of the sobianje to elect a successor to Alexander was held this morning and was not deferred till to-moiiovt as was expected. Tito mime ministei proposed the name of Prince Waldomai , and the whole assembly rose in n body and elected him bv iicclamitlon , The public In the galleries did not p.utlcipito in thecnthusi ism manifested by the deputies. After tlio election of Prince Waldetnai to the Bulgiilan tin one , llio president ot the hobianjo informed the ileuutles that ho was confident tint lUnono would i.itify the priiite'riclection. In the debate in tlio sobranje prei.edlng the election of Piinco Waldemar , M. SumbuloIT and otheis dwelt upon the necessity of an at tempt to reconcile Russia. Altnough their heaits were with Prince Alexandei , tlieso speakers saiii. tlie ie-elcctlon of their late iiilei was Impossible , 'llio iiublle received the now sot Piinte Waldemar selection with coldness , Piince Alexander being the popu- lai choice. M. Stambuloff and Mutkii oft also resign from the le ency in order to simplify the election ot a now le cncy. They will both be elected. Will AValdcmnr Accept ? 1SSG lill .Itimrs Uui 1(011 ( Ucnndt.1 , Nov. 10. [ New Voik Herald Cable Special to tlie Hi , r.l Prince Waldemar will not accept his election to the Unitarian tin one Immediately , but In high diplomatic elides hero no doubts prevail as to ins hnal acceptance of the lObianjo's offer if this shows itself in accoid ance with Rubsia's demand. A Conservative Gliolco. BOSTONNov. . 10. I ] . A. J'eiry cables to the Herald fiom London this evening as fol lows : In selecting Prince Waldemar , of Denmark , as the successor to Prince Alexan der , the Bulgarian assembly has made \ciy conservative elioice. It was teaied that the pitriotle party would brine forth Piince Al exander's mme and Insist that the abdication was legally Incomplete till approved bv the gieat sobranje. This course nnv still bo held in icscrvo should tlie Bulgarian government inul It im possible lo avoid the veto oowcrof the c/ar In any other way. But in hxlng upon Prince Waldemar the assembly shows that It desires to aveit tuitlier complications by presenting an unexceptional prince elect lor continua tion bv tlio great poweis and the sultan. The piinco's acceptance of the honor Is , however , very much questioned. He w ill certainly re sign it theio Ib risk of the cvai's opposition. FOll DI3AF MUTLIS. Learning IJCSSOMH Fiom American InsttmtioiiH. [ ru ) > yi laid issy bn 7inii,8 ( G < n don licunctt. ] Lo.vno.v , Nov. 10. [ New ioik ller.ild Cable Special to the Bii.J : Ihe ro3al commission on the deaf and dumb continued its session to-day. Various members , sev eral of whom are specialists , cro s-e\amlncd Dr. Gallaudct icjraullng his 3e teiday'b testimony- . The ijneitions boio specially on the neiesslty ot government support tor deaf mute schools , but served also to bring out the great suuerlorlty ot the American over the English , and still mme of the r'ronch sy.s- U ms ot education of these classes. As Dr. dulUudet's position as the guest of the rojal commission has given him special opportun Hies to j > eo the working of the British and other toielgn deaf mute schools , laskcdhlm to da > torn compirison of the educational advantages obtainable by Amcncan and foreign deaf mutes. He said : "In America nil the states ptovldo for the education of their deaf mute citi/ens. In England tlicio Is no provision toi the o classes. In I'lanto and paitsof Knyl.uul 1 louiul attempts vmo being made to teach the purely oial method , which entirely totbiiU the use of signs. In Ameilci we suit our methods toe ich Individual case , so as not to force all classes to conform to one rlghl theory. In Kngland the best couiho of edu cation is only lor live ycais. In America theio are eleven year com ses giving complete college education. 'I lie fact Is that the mosl brilliant Hi itlsh deaf mutes must and do como to Ameiica to complete theh udnea lion. " At the commNblon looms , opposite the house ot parliament , I met i-ov oral ot the commissioner ? . Ono of them bald to mo : "Di. ( lalkuulet's testimony Is vei3 Inter ostlng andlmpottant to us. Wo begin lo be the value ot the American method There suit in ty beofgieat Importance to ItillUl deal mutes. " _ POINTS PICOM 1'AKIS. From SlillstonoH Onkoy lluU'ti Dniiulitar Mari'ied. \ronrtuht \ l&v l > u Jii/itfo / ( Ionian IhitHttt. ' ] PAISIS , ( via HuuoNov. ) 10. | Novv Voik Herald Ciblc Special to the Hrr.J The pioveib teaches that wo cannot gel blood out of a stone , but M. 1'opp , the defendant In fantastic caM ) now before a Paiis polleo coint , asserts that It is quite po > slhlo to extract tract gold tiom tnllMoncs. M , Popp , win has been best known hlthei to in eonncctloi wllh tlm pneumatle ilocks iif Pails , learnei the t > eei et troiu one Kagentrases , the Pom eranian nlchemUt. A group of Kng lish capitalists are now prosecuting Popp , whom they appeal to have help i testing the value ot his seciet to the tune ol 5'.K,000. ) A nnmbei of s.i\anLs whohavobeen giavelj anal/Ing millstone lately , have been called as witnesses. < ili teid , the eminent chemist , vows that hi milltonecontained no gold whatever , am anothei authoiity h.iH that his contained a little. But M , Popp is prepaid ! to pro duce several scientists who will prove in OIHMI coint that UK ) gramme * of gold may bo ex traded fro'ii a ton ot millstone. Meanwhile the nlalntilt's new phltosphcr's stone Is a l > ai invcbtmcnt , and M. I'opp thicateus a coiinte uetlon. " ( IVI > KIIAIIS lIM'OHTrit M MitHI. ! : Kx-Majoi Oakey Hall's dsimhter Cora was ypbterduy mairled In London to Part- UiiiU"nij Anthony Uartlctl , ol thutultcu Stiles navy , son of Iho I.atcJohw II. Bart- Istt , of Pi evidence , nml ricphovv of the late Senntoi Anthony. The Pope nnd Italy. Ilovtr , Nov. 10. llio vnllcan Is preparing for publication an cncycllcil letter condemn ing and stlgmall/lni : the Italian government , whose policy , tholetur vv ill sav , places the pone In the power of a revolution which menaces his liberty. lv\o in lsh ! Items. LONMO.X , Vov. 101 ho Duke of Connaitcht Ins been appointed commander of Iho foices in Bombay. Pnillamcnt has bjcn prorogued lo Decem ber U. The Spanish KovolnttonlstH. Mvnitti ) , Nov. 10. The total number of iptsonseondemned to Impilsmiment foi life [ or pai tlcipatlon In the recent revolution Is I'ATKONS "Meeting or the National Grange at Philadelphia. 1'itii.\tir.i i'iiiNov. . 10. The National tiiuiit'o. Patrons of Husbandly , met here to- lav. Amons thodele/ites piesent arc Gov- ruor Robto of Maine. Governor-elect Litco Ji Michigan , Secretary of State Llpscomb of South Caiollnn. General Daidon of Missis sippi , Hon. J. J. Woodman ot Michigan , Col onel Johnson ot California , and llou , J. II. " litlintn of Ohio. At the afternoon session Hon. Putnam Daiden delivered the annual report of the national grange. lie said : In neatly every inniial nbdrt ss of mv jiredpecssors attention 1-V.s been called to tlio existence of monopo lies and the necessity foi legislation to iircventtheli discriminations nnd Injustice , vv o have been trv Inn resolutions and petit Ions ongeiioiiKh , and to little etfecu Let us try i remedy , which has been suggested nt nearly ovorv mecllng ol the national grange let ns with our billets send him to the legislatures , state and national , who will equate and reduce taxation , restrain cor porations fiom oppressing people , iiavo the finances managed In the Interest ot tlio peojile , keep out public domain for actual settlers , prevent -'iinibli'is Irom pricing our pioductions and extend some piotccdon to the farmer and ninnulacttirer. For tins great work the grange was oig nmed and It was not born to die , nor will it tail in accomplishment of Its [ mrposes. A MISSING PASS13NGBU. Queer Disappearance of a Mute Traveler In Plttsbur * ; . 1'iirmit no , Pa. , Nov. 10. On Xovcmbei 1 a middle used nmn was brought to the Pitts- ! ' , Cincinnati it St. Louis railroad depot on the south sldo by Conductor McOovern , of the Washington express , who handed him to the gatemaii , S. J. Geoigo , with Instructions to put tlio man. Thomas Freeman by name , on tlie Limited express foi Chicago. Free man , who was bound for Paris , 111. , apparently could not talk , for he sat in tlio depot until the night watchman came on without openIng - Ing his mouth. Alter George , the day watch man , had gone away. Freeman also dlsap peared and lias not since been heard from. Ihobaggauom.istei found his baggage in tlio hall In ttio second story of the depot. He carried with him the salchcl and lunch box , on which was vviltton , "Thomas Fieemiu's lunch box , bound for Pails , 1'dgai county , HI. " Tlie satchel was opened , but no panels vvcro found. The only thing It contained was a towelandsome clean clothes , widen aie still in the depot. Tied to a button hole on his overcoat was the following tag : "Con ductors Please see tlio bea'ei ' pioperly trans- teried at changes until he eaelies Palis , 111. , Iho place ot his destination , and gteatly oblige his liiends in Virginia. " The man was well diessed , but whether ho had a tluoiigh ticket or not Is unknown to the olllcials at the depot. The Council ItlufTM Pool. CIUCAOO , Nov. 10. The membeis of the Western Passenger association met to-day to tike up llio work of reornni/lng the pool between Chicago and Council Blulls. The only important action taken was a successful attempt mule to induce tli(3 Illinois Cential company to come into the association. One of tin ! lines ol that svstom runs to Sioux City , la. , and although the Cential has never cut a rate , its competitors were afiald it inUht. The llrst seven sections of the con- daet vvcro gone over and adopted , and tin ad journment taken until to-morrow mom ing. The pool will probably bo made ollielal , although somu double Is expected In satisfy ing the demands of the Wuoasb. The Prison ATL.VM-A , ( la , Nov. 10.-Tho national pribon congioss devoted Its morning bcsslon to diy to lefoimatory institutions and methods Colonel C.udnci Tutts , siipeitn- tendent ol the Concoirt leformatory , read a piper on "Philosophy of Retoimitory Physi cians. " At t ie afternoon session the subject tor discussion was "Pilson Chaplains. " Ad- diesscs weio made by Mi. Stnldln/ Mus- buluisilts , Rov. George Hlckox , chaplain ot the Michigan states nrison , and Mrs. J. K. Barney , ot Rock Island. Illdinc the Starn. WA.SIIIXC. ro.v , Nov. 10. It Is said at the Nautical Almanac ollice that on the evening of Satuiday next , November IB , no less tlian slxstais , including Aldeoiran , which is of the lust magnitude , will bo occulted by the moon between D o'clock and midnight. Some of thostaisaioof only tilth oi sixth magni tude , and will lequiro telescopic aid to bo seen , but Aldeb.iian and two otlteis of the louith magnitude will bo visible to the unas sisted eve or by u o of tin ordinary oj era glass. A Hie Jol ) For the Supreme Court. CHICAGO , Nov. 10. The ecrtilleito of e\l deuce as contained In the bill of exception and iccoid of the court In the nnaichUU' cases was completed today and will be signed by , Judge Gtuy to-monow. It is ex uectcd that twenty-four houislatei the matter - tor will bo laid before thosiipiemocoint. The document coveis 10,000 pages of typo wilting. The prepaiatlon cost fr.t.OOO. 'llio record ol the state , even moio voluminous , test a like amount. To Itcnellt WASHINGTON , Nov. 10. Tieasuiei Jordan said this atleinoon that the effect ot the olfei to prepay the Interest on the public debt would bo to dlstilbtito almost immediately about 510,000,000 among about 3,000 bank' and individuals In every section of the couiv try and would , in his opinion , be of great ad vantage In the moving of crops and other branches of business. The sejrctarv 's action ho said , \\aseiithely fet the benelit of bu-,1- , nev Interests. Tlio Glass Workcrx * President. Piii-iirna , Pa , , Nov. 10. The balloting foi pre-ddent of the National Window dlass Workers' association , which has been in progress for .several davs. cy'sed ' last night aniftheot i ' ' count , just < < omplctod , shows a nujniitv : of JiTHin Itivorof Isaic ( Mine , of this city. The other candidates weiolames Camphell.ol.tliUclly ; Mr. Bums , ol Stieatoi , 111. , and Mr , Madden , of New . ( eisey , Tlio IVmiKlvaiilir Kchemt ! . NKW Yoitic , Nov 10 It hleained on jtooi nutlioiliy that the Pennsylvania people have under consideration a rather unexpwici plan foi the disposition nf their surplus Innds , This Is the aciitliltionof | a louitoll ing Interest In the stock of thu Chic-ago A. ayetemot railioads. Cutting I'aas < 'nu < > i' Itatcs. , Nov , 10 The Chicago A : Atlantic today began openly cutting east-bound pas bencer rates to the extent of one dollai 01 each through ticket. A leduction of "ii.'Q could bp obtained in brokeis' otlices. N.ilirnskn Wc.ithrr. Tor Nehiaska : Far vieatlvcr , sllchtly warmer , \iuable winds. BISMARCK HAS A MARINE , leld to the Grand Jury On Two Charges In the Sum of $25,000 , , OWA UNITARIAN CONFERENCE V HtifTnto Comity HIicrltT Spoil * n Clmncororn Iivnctilnj : A AVost I'oint Editor Arrested Porn 31unlcr In Illinois. illsinarak ttoiiiid Over. Storx CITV , la , , Nov. 10. iSnoclal Tele- cinm to the Unj : . ] After conslderablo delay Illsmaick , thcpn V arrested nt Sin Trnn- ci co for complicity In the Haddock ninrd r , lad his pre'l nlnnrr hcarliiR to-day. Ho was nrralgncd In iwlloj court upon two eliarues , ono for conspiracy and the otlioi for murder. In the fonnei the Information named as coconspirators - conspirators John Aieindorf , ( Jeer o Trel- > cr , V. Munchrath , jr. , Louis 1'hth , and ithcrs. and In the latter John Aionsdotf's lamealono Is used with Hlsmiick's. The irl oner pleaded not millt.v to the charges ind was bound ovci In thosnmsnf S" > ,000 and S.'O.OOO. lilsmarek sliowed eonsldeiable nerv- lusness duiltii ! Ids api > eaianeo in eontt , was inablo to finnlsli bonds and icnuxlns III chanroofclty otlicors foi the time belii ' . 'the ( 'taiul jury will be readv to take up the Haddock cases to-moriow. borne hitch has indoubtodly occurred In alfalis , as Leavltt las not conic. Inrespouso to the teleKtam senthohassontwotd that Ids wito Is iUilo | sick , but Attorney Wood has uoim to bring dm. Jitstwhat this means is n matter ol considerable conjecture at piesont. Iowa Unltnrlnn Conference. lis : MOI.NT.S , In. , Nov. 10. [ Special Tole- crain to llio Hnr.j The unltailan confoicnco of Iowa opened its nnnual meetlni ; hcio to- lav with an attendance of the principal neachers In the denomination In the state. This morning's meeting was tin infoimal one and the conference resolved itself Into a committee of the whole , Hev. Mary A. Sal- iml , of Sioux Oltv , president of the assoela- .ion , presiding , and Hcv. Arthur M. Judy , of Davenport , as secretary. The conference ; ook up the question of organizing a society of lay readers who might take the places of egular jnstors when occasion demanded It , or ofllclato where theio was no piston The Kov.S. M. Judy and Oscar 01 it to , of Iowa City , led the discussion , and a committee AV.XS appointed to considtr the matter and re- nortbotoio the end ot the contcicnce. The committee also took up the question of com piling n suitable serv ice book tor church use and thu discussion also took up the maioi put of the afternoon. This eu'iilni ! Miss Ida C. Uniting wis oidained pastoi of Unity chinch , In thLs city , Kev. Jenkin L. Jones , oi Chicauo , pleaching the hcrtnon of ordination. Itev. ( ) scai Cluto deliveied the chaijre to the people , and Itev. S. S. Hunting preichcd to the ministers. Uev. Mary A. hilTord ex tended the rixht hand of fellowship. Miss Uniting is the llrst woman over oidiiined in thlseitj. _ Attorney Wood's Cnsc. Sioux Uirv. la. , Xov. 10. ( Special Tele- craii ) to tlio BI.K.J The disbarment proceed ings Instituted against Attorney \Vood \ recently cently arising out of Injunction cases Is eliciting much attention. It has been dev el oped to-day that Wood entered Into an agieo' tnent with , the attoinoy for 1'roprictiess Allen Jo dismiss the injunction proceedings against vtlmt establishment. Wood states that from the1 start ho was opposed to com mencing proceetllnz against houses of pros titution vv hero liquor was sold , as It would tiring intoeomt many bad cases. HB chums the dead Haddock oven consented to this for tills rea on. Settlements tneiefoio were madrt with several such defendants. Jiut-te Lewis has manifested a dctci initiation to thoroughly silt the matter , and tlio public KCticiall3 will support him.Vhorethuio \ bo much binoko there must bo some hie , The " Q. " Protest. Bis MPIMS fa. , Nov. 10. ( Special Tel ° - gram to tlio ISi.i : ] ' 1 lie Chicago , Hurlinctoi .t Quincy. tlnougli its uttorneys , ins served notice upon Attorney Ceneial Haker to ap peal betoro Judco Uiower , of the United States LOIII t , at Om ilia , and show reason why an injunction should not bo giantod by the fedoial court restraining tlio county miditoib of the stale Iiom assessing and collecting taxes on I'ullnian sleeping carIn use on the lnief of the Chicago , limllngton it Quinej In low a. Two nrnkouipii Killed. Di > MOIM.S la. , Nov. 10. [ Spethl Telo- giam to the Hi. K.I James Sullivan , a biake nan on tlm Itock Island , was run over by the train on wlilch he was switching at Van Motor this inornlnar , tind injnted so tint ho will jnobablj dlo delete morning. Ills homo was at Stuart Word was icteivcd this evening that George Findley. ot this citv' a bralcoman on tlio Diagonal , was also killed to-day while the load. Furniture Piictorv Burnnd. 51 ' .nsiiAi.i.iowv , la , Nov. 10. ] Spcoial Telegiam to the HUB. ] Tlio ( ilost fiirnltino faotoiv at this place binned 1 ist night. Loss , ? 10OW ; no Insuiance. N'olirnnkn Tenclior.i. Ti.n MSI.II , Neb. , Nov. 10. [ Siiecial to the Hi. r.l The second meetliu of the South vvestein Nebraska Toacheis' asoci itlon IH to bo held nt this place , beginning on the evening ol Thanksgiving diy and con tinning tlnough tlio lullow IIIL' diy and even ing. The counties repiesented in the asso ciation .ue ItlchniiUon , Nemaha , Jolinson , 1'awneo ami Clnge. Othei rountlos will bo received Into the oiganl/itlon , doubtless , it tlieli ediieitlonal icpro entatlxes desiio to woik with the association. The lollowing ptogrammo has hten arianged lei tlm meet ing : Thnisilay Kvenlng Address , Dr. ( ieo L. rainam. 1'eiti ; Social Iteunlon. Tilday Moining 1'anei , Miss Mattie L. Williams , Falls City ; liesponse , rrincipal 1'oidyce , lirowtnllle ; Ceneial DKeiihslon ; I'aper , . t fl'Ui t till A I III I 'v i tiuwvi kiii\.i | | > iiii hcliooi Livvfl , A. A. Reed , Beatrice ; A. K ( ioudy , Pawnee City ; ( io'ieral Discus * blnii ; J'apur. 'llio Power of Habit , S ( J. lA'limer , Sterling : Response , Win Kbilirht , Beatrice ; ( Jeneral Discussion , i\cnlnu : Addie-'suy Prof. L. A. Sherman , Lincoln. Death of nil IMilnr. FAIHMOMeb. . , Xov. 10. [ special Tele gram to the IM.J ! Died , Wedne-iilay No vemberlO , at Falimont , William A. PtTtnoy , a ed forty-ono years , editor ot the Nebiaska Signal. Ml. Putney was ono of Falimont'f most respected and enterpilblng citizens , llo came fiom Lituoln , Neb. , to Fairmont vvhero ho was at ono time ussociitoeditoi o. the Lincoln dloholn paitneisliip with Di , ,1. B. Bra/clton. Five yearn asro thov lounded the Nebia-.ka Signal , which Is lo day on not tlielaigtsteiictilalo I and leading weeklle- the stall , ' . Mi. Putney was jut t in tlie prime ot Ille. Ho was hoin at Coucoid , Mass , , nnd no leavoiti w lie and two daughters , who have the entiio sympathy ot the cill/ensof Fall niontlii theii latobcicatemcnt. 'Iho tuneial services will bo conducted by tlio Masonic order ot this place. Kklpped to Avoid Ki.Aiivi.v , Veb. Nov. 10 iSpecial 1'elejrair. to the BKII.J bhater , the man who shot Constable Smith neat Minden day before yesteiday , was placed In the llnlhtlo county jail yesteiday , but Sheiltf Shars , leaiuiB lyiicliln. , took tlie prisoner e lit on the night tiaiu. County's OHicial Vote Neb. , Nov. liJ. to theBKK.j 'Iheoflluial lount in thU county gives the following majorities : Tlnycr 8 * > , SheddSol , Laws 2.J3 , Wlllard 2 ? . ) , Babcock W ! , Lccsc'iVJ , Scott iil , LanoSAl , MeShano .01. prefeienee tor United States senator , C. II. Van Wyck 'J.isij st.ato senntjr. ,1. 11. HigcliH. deimciat , HO ; representatives elected , N M , Satchcll , republican. Kdvvln .limy , republic in , K K. While , democrat , Joseph ( Ulmoie , democrat. Hr.itrlco's Now W.itorw > rks. UUV.TIHCI : , Neb , Nov. 10. ( Special Tele gram to the Hun.J-1'ho ilr-,1 test ot the waterw oiks was made to day. Hose Com- piulcsNos. land 'J cot out their eaits , at- lached ho o 'oteii by di.uiK and water was tlnow n nearly ono hundred feet hUh fiom all at the same time. It was only n llttlo test , but was sitlsfactory to the city council. The Holly company siys the system Is the best ono in the stato. The city council have mailoarianpements for a eelohi.atlon Novomhci i ) over the completion of the waterworks. Quito a sum of money has bemi UM'd. Ono ot the principal features will bo the Indiistiial pvtado by the merchants nnd nianufactuiei * . All Itndy POP Cor.fvini's , .Veb. Vov. ' , . 10.-SpeelM'Iel- [ t"ram tothc Bi i.l : Thasiaint pipe foi the Columbus waterworks was completed to day , being 10. > feet to the top of the railing , the plpo being twelve teet In diameter. Its up- waidpiogiesshas been watched with much Inteiost , and when the last rivet was seemed ,1. 11. Meaghei , Union I'aellie agent , who has taken a deep inteie-a In the works , furnished a llagstalT to place on the top. and Mnvoi Kramer and Sut > ciliitendi > nt Kuutsnu lan up the national colors amidst the huiiahs of tlie cltl/cns ami railroad employes. The watei will be forced into the plno In a few days nnd a trial ol the mains and hydrants will be had. Anosted For Murder. WKSI POIST , Neb. , Nov. 10. [ Special Toi egiam to the liuChief | of Pollio Walker , of Aurora. HI. , airived to night and airestcd- 1'ranICiant / , ono of the pioprietois of the Volksblatt , and wlfo foi the inurdei of the litter's lormer husband in Maicli last. Kiantz has bcon hero since August. The evidence against him Is said to bo conclusive and lynching is teaied upon aitival at Au- loia. _ Tim HIG itoniiintv. DaiunKini ; Testimony on "Which ttio Messenger Wan Indicted. Si. Louis N'ov. 10. ISpecial Telegram to the Bii.J : : Among the testimony presented to the gland jiny which found an imli"tnicnt lor grand larcenv and foi leeching stolen piopcity against David S. Fatheilngham , the Adams cxpiess niessengei , whoso eai was robbed some two weeks a o on the St. Loulb A San Fiancisco road , was that ot HefTerinan , a Wabash englneci , and that ot Thomas Dwyer , an employe of the express company and Fatlierlngham's helper. Helleiman testified as follows : "I was In tlio Union depot on the evening ot Octobei il , oiling my engine. Mvtimoto slut was 8:1" : } p. m , , but just as L was about to get away I noticed that the 'FiKco tiain was across the main ti.ick. Of eoiif-e 1 could lot move until the 'Frisco cot out of my way. The express cai was almost dliectly opposite my cab window , and 1 noticed that the door of tliocai was stand ! IIR open. The messensei and his Itclpet were inside busy with their duties. It was nearly time lei tlio 'Filsco train to stait , and Dwjei swung himself oil the car and went away. A niin- utooitwo later a man came along with a valise in his hand and stopped directly under tlio electric light and \\ltlilnt , ; v tow leot oTnij engine. Ho answeis'FathuiIngliam's do- scrlntion of the loblier afar as 1 ramombor , except that ho was a couple ot inches or M > shoiter. llo wore his hat well lotward o.ei his facc.and 1 ( ouldnot makeout.'ils ' fcatinos verv clcaily. llo asked mo which w.u > the 'FrKco train and 1 pointed it out to him. It vv as just rnounc away and he ran alongside of It until ho i cached the expiess ear , thu dooi of vvhidi was open a verv uiiusiial thing , by tlio way thiovv his valise inside. . leiclied up his hand and was palled up through the- door Into the cat. He could not have jumped In w ithoiit assistance , especially with tlie tiain In motion , and 1 believe I'athet high im helped him. " Thomas Dwyei s testimony , conoborited tlio engineer's story , and It was upon the facts presented bv thorn. It Is believed , that tlm Indictments wcie tonnd. "Jim Cummliics , " who , Fathciingham savs. committed the lobbery , is caujingon a lather voluminous coricspnnucnco for one In his position. lie fiiflt wioto to Fiank James , ox-bandit ; tiien to the editor ot a newspapei , and now to Fatlierinuham's mother , inclosing ? ( > 0 , which ho suggests may be ot u-o in dealing her son of lite suspicion now icsting upon him. All of loeso letteis are in the hands of the detectives. Ilallioud niiildtn : ; on Paper. CIIICAOO , Nov. 10. The Dally Hews' Sprlnglield , 111. , special say.s : Aitltles ol In- corpoiatlon weie tiled with the secicluy of stale bv the Cairo , ICiinsas it Western Jtall- 10 id company ol Chltaio , with a capital siock of $10,000 000. It is proposed to < on .struct hvo lines of lalhoad ono line to ex tend from a point in Hancock county noitlt wosteily to Cliifago ; ono Irom : i point oppusilct 1'oit M.idison , Li. , to Chicago ; ono Iiom u point In Knox county on tlist line uinnln ; ; .soiithwesteily to the east bound uy of Illinois. One Iiom n polnton t'to ' second line In Pemla county fo inn nortliwesteily to a point ne u the bouinl- aiy iioirMotccr and Roik Island ( oinitlcs , then by s piiato lines to Itock Islinit ' 11111 a nolnton the Mississippi li MM opposite Musci- tine , Iowa , and a line from a point on tlio boundaiy ot Knox and Wartrn counties , on tliosecond line northwesteilv to u point on the .Mississippi ilvei In Henderson county. lie Was Til oil of Her. Sv % FiiAVUsro , Nov 10 , Alexander ( loldi'iison , an art student , aged nineteen j ears , living ate , Jl'tf Hayoi street , this city , shot niul Instantly killed Mamlo Kelly , lined fourteen y eai * . couiei Ivy avenue and Polk street , ( ioldiiison had lei some tinui been paving the glil uttenllon , She was deeply In love with him. ' 1 ho onh icison ( ioldonson assigns tot the deed Is that ho was thoroughly thed ol her , "When slto was at school. " he said , "nho was out of my night , hut as soon as school was ovci Mi vv is at my heels a.'ain. Anvinin would getthed ofhei. " Healsos ( > s tint when ho ruin a-d lo answer hei letteis hoi ailed him indicunt names on the sticct. 'J'ho itlfiii hascuated great excili-ment In that poitlon of thodty wlit'ie it took nlace. The deed seems to have been thoiou hly nnjiisliiiiible. Coldenson biiiiendeied. _ 'llio Itio Disaster. Mli.w vtiui.i , Nov. 10. The Ksonlng Wis- cousin' > Portage , ( Wis. ) neciul says the coronoi's jmy at Kin concluded theii Investi gation of the letent disastei on the St. Paul load. The vetdlcl doclates tint the switch was lett ooen ojien by 0. H. Wells , brako- imin.S' ( Us h.isljciin nii.'itL'd ut Iholnstamo ot tl o coionei und was taUcn befoio u jitstico of the peace today ( haiged with eiiin.nal negligence , nnd was bound ovei to npjtat at i Im ci i en It coint , Datryjnen in SeHslon , Ciucifo , Vov 10i'lio annual eonven tlon of the National Butter Chicle and F'g association bcMan heie to day. About MA ) leading dairy meu of Ihe eastein and cential Mates , uo in attendance. Today's session was shod and was devoted lo addresses of welcome and lesjionsti tluroto. The speakers wciu Governor O lestiv. Mayor lliiilMin , George W Linn. ( Cnleaho and ben iloi Hatch , ot Mi on.l. Piot > ay ment of Inteiest. WvsitiNf.iov , Nov. to. The seeictaryol the treasury today iss'ied a cucnlai in ie- gaul to tlio ) irepayment of in let eat on the pnhlU debt , with h pun Ides that lntei- t duo December 1 , IHV ) , on United States ooupon bonds of tlu ! funded 1 in ol 1VJ1 w ill be p lid witliout rebito on presentation ot thcpiopor comions at ( he tiea my In Washington , u d [ at the various nub if POLITICAL CENTERS SHIFTING A Oongrcssmnn'a ' Opinion Based On the Results of the List Election , A PROTECTIONISTS PREDICTION. Washington Volleo Spot line Con- { jrrssnleii So us ( o Control I.ej-ls- Intlon Movements of tlio At 1113 Postal Gravitation of Political View" . W V-IIIXOION , Vov. 10. ISpo'lalTel to the BIT. 1 Represoutatlvo D.uwln R. James of Now York , Is heio. The election , ho savi , leaches him several lessons , among them that political centers me shifting. The dee trade sentiment , ho s.ivt ) , Is pelting aioitnd to thoeisland protectionists aio col- tlnir stronger In the south and vvjst , ( to be lieves lo Iho end protection will piovall. In Massachusetts and through Now Kngland peneraliy we see an advance toward fieo trade , while In Virginia , Alabama , to some extent Vorth Cttioliiia , and In Louisiana the people aio ndontlng piotecllonlst Ideas. "Look at this , " ho says , "und then say wheio'syotti solid south. " "What Is the outlook foi the ad ml nisi ra- tionV was asked. "I am very much afiaid they will lenoin- luato Cleveland. It looks that way. I don't know lust how It Is , but there Is mmiethlug about his bull dog way ot liking hold of things that U popular. 1'horo Is no use do- nylng It. ho has got u hold on the people some how. " "How about the to publiiaiis' . ' Is Blalno the coming man' . " ' "I ratliei think so. It looks some ( hat way. I don't know , " ho continued , thought fully ; "he might be able to entry New Yoik ; I can't tell , llo would eertilnly lo o mom lepubllcan voles than ho did befoie , but ho will make big gains among the Iitsh. 1 don't know what the lesult would be. " Mr. James will not come back to ll o homo , n the Illiletli congicss. Ills niajoilty lor tlio present congiess was over t',000 ' , , but this tlmo llio nomination was received by Deacon White1 , as it was alleged/against populai sou- tlment , and a domuci.U was elected Iiom that dlsdicl. NPVVS or mi : AIISIY. All of the companies ol the Second Infan- ry now st itioncd at oilier posts arc lo bo laustcncd lo Foil Dm ilia within u fovvdavs. I'lii * pi in ot coiuciidallng troops by u-jtl- nenls in l.ugo posts is being ciuied out ns ipidlv as tlio limited uppropilatlons uvnil- ible will pel mil , and as last as lids In ac- omplislicd the smaller posts will be loncd and tinned ovei to the Interior dc- lartment as public lands lei entiy. The post ot Foil llalleck , Nevada , is oidered to bo abandoned and the recotds sent to Adjutant ' Drum. Compiny II , First Infantry , Captain Robert G. Armstiong , which has garilsoned tlio post , will pioeeed to Fort Mo- Dcrmet , Vevada , to take station , relieving Jompnny K. Fhst Inlandy , Captain Douc- iss M. bcott. which is transleued to Angel Island , San Ftanel'CJ harboi. 'Iho following niuiv leives have been u'lantcd : Captain Maii-ii B. Hughes , Ninth eavahy , Fort Niobiara , Neb. , two mouths , with permission to apply for ono month ex tension ; Lieutenant Frederick G. Hodgson , Sixt It cavalry , Foil Wingate , New iMexIco , ono mouth , with peimihMon to apply for ono mon th extension ; First Lieutenant James Richnuls , jr. , Faiiith cavalry , I'ort-llnachuea , Ailrona , ono month extension , with permis sion to apply for two months further exten sion ; Lieutenant ChailcsS. Hill , Thirteenth infantry Foit Bayanl , Now Mexico , tvro itonths , with pel mission to apply lor ono mouth extonsoi ; Cap tiln Joshua L. row lei , Seioiiil civ- ihv , Foil Klamath , Oio on , twenty days- Fust Lieutenant John L. Phillips , assistant sincon , 1'ott Sisseton , 1) ikotn , ono month , w lilt permission to apply tin one month ex- tens'on ; Fliht Li ( ttteniiiit Chailes A. Var- nitm , Seventh civ ilty , Foit Vales , Dikota. one month Iiom Vovembci ID ; Lieutenant Fiediitck V. King , Lighlh inland v , Fort Giant , AiUona , ono month , with peinilEslon to apply lor one month extension. SPOI IIV. rO.\ | V. It is sild ( hat the double among the polleo ol this city nny Indliictly In- lei"st Picsldont Cleveland. I letitemint Ainold Is to bo tiled toi snvltiir that his su- peiioi oflicci , Majm Walker , has Issued secret iiisliuclioiis to lite police lo "spot congicss- men" so they would have the "dead wood on cm" when liewantul legislitlon. ItiSHtaleil that some of the olltceis connected with the city goveinment hlghei than Major Walkei piobibly want the "dad wood" on congress men toi the iiuipose ot bavins congress en dorse the extension of Massachusetts avenue lor two miles in the dltoctioii of "Pietly Prosii"ct , " In tlio piosldcnt's ( ounliy place , estate men. Liiiitenant Arnold says ho will [ > io\e the tiuth of what ho said. PI ItSONAI. MPNIJOVl , c. C. Woolwortit , ol Omiiha , is at the Ku- bltt. William L Pcabody. of Nebiaska , a SI.COO clcik in tlio pension ollice , bus icslgned. I'osKu in : ( IIANOKS. .Mis , Agnet T. llin'hley was to dav ar' iiolnteil postmisdPss tit low.i Ciintci. Stoiy count v , low.i , vice Minnie L. Sheldon , ie . The tiiiio schedule of the star mill 1011(0 ( fiom Cn-lBliloii to Walnut ( iiove , \ b. , has been elun id as lollows- Leave I'lelchtou Moiidavtilnesdajsaiid Fridavs nt 7 a. in ; anlvn \\alnnt ( Jiovo b'J p. in. heavq \Valnnt < ! io\o 'J'ut'Mlavs , TlmiMlavt mill , at Ta. in. ; anlvn at < tclgliton by m. on Aiiproprlnt iniiM. \\risiixnioN. \ ! Vov 10 - Mi. Uundall , ch m man ot the hoitso committed on aipio ; < pil.itloiis , Is exported to an ho here on thu ISIh lint to i'ct thiiiKS In readlnobi toi the mectliiuot his commitle , which takes p'ao ' ? , il H < jiioiiim i in be brought to elhei , on the ' "Jd. Aiming the nu'iiil)0i.s who 1110 1011- Inli'iilly eii' | ( tcil die those ( omposini ! the Mil ) committee- tliithiindij ehll appinnnu- tion bill , whirl ) nieasnie , II Is sild In Im Itin- Ittll's puipo'-o to liavu In icidlness to bo ic- porled to the limiM ! at the opcninuof the session , 'I ho esilmates aio now in the hind-j ol Hid printer. It Is hah ! thoiu-h not bv ollldiil authoiity , that th < li iwK'eKato ' H i sllu'htlv below the total of last jen'o upino- 'I In ; t Icld of Corn. \ VIIINO ION , Nov. 10.The > luh ! ot coin. net online to the unlvd iciiuni. IsSJbimheli IK r tieio , making the product upon the present adiii'tment of nerea e lV.suoi,0XI ( ) ( bimhch. 'I Ills iHordwell with tin picKcnt uitoins o the condition , and will not bo ma * terlally uhanued In the lint ! review vkork of Ilia 3171. The \led ! ot Kieiit corn Miiplns states Is vailiblo , thu lnuost , ot ( ouise , in the Ktsjlnn ot the dion.'ht. Ohio , , ; Indiana. .i..l ; Illinois , 'JI7 ; luwa , y-l.n ; Mihsoml. J-J ' . ' : Kansas , iil.ii , NibiasLa. 7.5 ; New Yoik and ( Mhtein Mates oxued-0 ( ! busli- els ; l'eniislvanla neailv HS iniuli. and tlm MMitlioin slaks a irentially ieilti < ed into of vitld. _ 'JIuI'i eslilc-iit'H 1'ctii cnicnt. WA-IIIV.JO' . , Nov. 10 Tl'o jirosidcnl's itilo ii"t to ii'tolxn vicltois ( ixcept upon puiely olheial buslnehs tind at tlio til-weekly altLtiiMin ' | ) ( toes into olTe'-t lo-inoi > low. llo proposes to devote lib pilnvipHl at tention fiom now until confess niects to llio pmpaiatlon of his annual incv ue , , ind will not be bothered about uipolntmt'its. ] : Till ! MlUad I'M Unrln. U'Asnixd IO.N , Nov. 10 , I'ni'io Komat- sie , uncle ot llio .Mikado ol Japan , called at the white hoiiM ) today in Lompniiy witli I'rli'Li'ss Komatsu and llio memlieiaot II'H ' suite , und paltl tlali icspicts to tliopieildunt. A Cold \Vnvo ClIU IO , SOV 10. - ' | ( 81'iu ! sHlviCO i lure llrldH , a co'd ' wavotoiuing 'llio tern- ' IK tat in uui tall IVIII ( hoiie.xt ) foul 1101,10.