Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dclhcrcd by cnrncr In imy ( inrtof thocltrat
tw c lity cent * per week.
H.W.TiLTON , Manager.
TitKI'HONK3l :
UcMNwsOrncr , No. 1A
NIGHT KDMoil No. ? ) .
< . V. Plumbing Co.
/Jew fall goods at Heller' ? .
Cooper & McGcc soil stoves.
IJuv Seal brand oysters , the best.
Panels at $ : i.5 < ) per dozen at Schmidt's
gallery , Main street.
The liromcn are planning a ball on
The city council will lake a rest until
next Tuesday evening.
The cracker bakers of Hie city give a
ball at Temple hall on the 15th.
The Kitnper given by Ihe Y. M. C. A.
last evening proved a happy success.
DA new Jewelry store is being opened by
M. Wollmaii at No. 831 Broadway.
A. S. Clouso enjoyed the distinction
yesterday of being the only drunk lined
in police court.
The carpenters of the city are forming
n union , which promises to be one of the
strongest in the city.
The fire alarm polcsMiavent last arrived ,
nnd now the new svstem will not be long
in gelling into active operation.
The Iowa grain men are at the Ogden
for a regular meeting of their associa
tion , the proceedings of which are kept
rather quiet.
The ladles of the German Catholic
church will give a sociable In the Danebo
hall , on Main street , to-morrow evening.
Everybody invited.
The Episcopal social was held last
evening at the residence of Simon Else-
man. It was one of the most enjoyable
and successful of the scrica.
Last evening was a popular one for so
cials. One was given at the residence of
P. H. Wind by the members of Ihe Saints'
diurch and congregation ,
The revival meetings are still being
continued at the mission , comer of Sev
enteenth street and Fourth avenue. This
is the four Ih week ot these meetings.
Mr. G. II. Nichols , who works for Lund
& Davis , lias been united in marriage
With Miss Nellie Walsh , a music teacher
of Chicago. Justice Hcndricks officiated.
One lady attending tliefuneral of John
Kost yesterday fainted away in the ceme
tery , causing some little stir , until it was
discovered that there was no serious
cause of her sudden falling to llic ground.
The case of AV. S. Hobmson. arrested
for stabbing Andy Neallv , is set in
i'ramoy's court for the ICth/but it is un
I derstood that there will be no prosecu
The county board of supervisors com
pleted the canvass of the election .yes
terday , and proceeded then to the consid
eration of general business , which will
keep them in attendance for a day or
two yet.
As an outcome of the lively row be
tween a lot of colored folks on Broadway ,
Jacob Washington and John Brakcrwero
yesterday lined , and the disposition of the
oilier cases postponed until the matter
could be further examined into.
Union Pacific engineers began yester
day anew survey for a route from the
transfer to Main street , seeking lo avoid
coming up Tenth avenue. The result
will be reported to the company , and the
matter win come up before the council
of the city next week.
Yesterday Mary Murphy , who has been
a domestic in Iho family of J. M. Phil
lips for twelve years , was taken to Mount
Pleasant for treatment. She lias been
lately showing signs of mental derange
ment , and it is hoped that by care at the
institution she may recover.
At Atlantic the city scales pay the city
about $25 a month. If the cily weigh-
master hero was given the authority due
him , and the council protected the oflii'o
and the city's interesl as it should , this
city would got as much more from this
source than Atlantic , as Council Bin Us is
larger in population.
An old lady who lives near the North
western romid house , is being cared for
nt the city jail temporarily , it appearing she is deranged. livery ilay the
want of a city hospital becomes more ap
parent. The city jail is not a fit place for
many of tlio eases necessarily brought
there , but there seems to bo no other.
The old man Lower , who was eonli-
deuced out of if 15 several days ago , and
went to Ida Grove on a visit , has re
turned and went over to Omaha to iden
tify a fellow named Adams , who is in
jail there on a ten-day sentence , and who
was suspected of being an accomplice.
Lower says Adams is not one of the men
wlio did him up.
It seems to irritate the dear old grand
mother because the BKK swears to its cir
culation and publishes ils figures so that
Rilvorlisors may know wlnt they are
gelling. While the Bii : : swears to its cir
culation the Nonpareil swears at its cir
culation. The old lady can hardly bo
blamed , for it is hard to create any de
mand for a scrnpbook when there are so
many real newspapers in tlio land.
The funeral of tlio late John Kost was
hold yesterday afternoon , and was largely
attended. His brother Knights of Pythias
attended in n body , and members of Ihe
old fire doparlinent of which ho was a
member paid duo respect to his memory.
Many friends of the family joined in the
services , which were conducted by Hev.
Mr. Maekny , whoso remarks on the occa
sion worn most touching and fitting.
Weather strips at Chapman's , 105 Main'
Stop IliirnliiK
The park commissioners ofl'er a reward
of t'-'O for evidence that will lead lo the
conviction of anyone selling lire to Iho
grass or limber in Fairmont Park.
A. ( J. GitAHAM , President.
J. J. BKOW.V , Secretary.
Elcctt io door bolls , burglar alanni and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at Iho New York Plumbing Co.
I i Mrs. A. S. Hall is prepared to do dress
making on short nolico and at reasonable
prices , No , 8'J8 Broadway.
Dr. Hanchett.olHcoNo 19 Pearl streets
Ke.sidoneo 120 Fourth street. Telephone
No. 10.
. _ _ _ _
Seal brand oysters at H. J. Palmer's.
Anything you want in Housekeeper's
Hardware and Tinware at Cooper &
_ _
Richmond Haugcs for hard coal are
the bcM. Cooper & McGco tell thorn.
Seal brand oysters at H. J. Palmer ,
Headquarters for gloves and mittens at
Seal sacques , fur trimmings , &oal caps ,
etc. , at MmcALi'Bitoa.
Substantial abstracts of titles and rca
estate loans. J. W. & E , L , Snulre. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Blnfls.
E. H , SJieufo & Co. , loan money on
chattlo security of uvory ; - of
fice N.O. 500 Broadway , upstairs.
Sea West Point base heater. Latest
improvements in heating stoves.
The Official Resnlt of the Recent Elections
and Fixed Majorities.
Democratic Policemen Itlatncd For
thfi Presence of Uurclnrn Fit-
ticrsl of .folm Host An Krcn-
Ttic omclnt Count.
The board of fiiijcrvlsor.s ) yoslcrdny
complutud thu olllcinl count of the vote
in this county nt tin ; last oluctionvhlch
isyivun bolovv :
Secretary of StMc Msij.
Onto Sells. (1 . 40X 003'
Krnnk 1) . .lnck nn , r . U4UO
Auditor of Wtato
Paul Ouollclt , d . 4027 S71
.IninotA. I < yon , r. . U-IV )
Tn-astirur nf State
Danlul CnniDbull , (1 . 1031 578
V. Twoinbly , r . 3 ISJ
Attorney < ! enpral
C. 11. Mnukav , d . 40M SCO
A. . ) . Hstaj- . . " , irl
Clerk Suiireine Court
W. Tlipoiilillus , d . 4021 607
< ! . . I'ray , r . S151
Itunortcr Suuicino Court
! rank P. Hi adley , d . J017 05S
E. 15. Kbcrsolf , r . 8J.VJ
John 11. Kent ley , d . -IO.V2 C5. >
Joseph 1 j.vnmii , V . aU'J7
11. U. Funk , d . ibra sol
P.P. KcIIcy , d
ulllson , d . -DfO ( 400
lUorsu CnrMiii. r . : ai0 !
A. H. Thornell , r . : MW
II. K. DceHii-r. r . : i > 95
County Clerk
J. . ) . Slicn.d . zmr 7l
J. M. Mattliews , r . aVJl
W. 11. Thomao. d . .TN30 'iW
Jl. . ) . Cluunbuis , r . OOU4
W. \VllILuiis , d . moo
1) . U. Dally , r . 787 17S
Henry Katil , d . ! 10U : 417
11. II. Kit-Id , r . : 14
Supervisors )
.1. P. Maxilelu , d . : iM > l
\V , C. .IniiicH. d . : tUW
S. . Friiiu. r . 3Vil 60
C. H. Wulte. r . . . 4010 S7S
Sc Hint yoiir books : ire made by More-
house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
Great Closing Out Snlc
of silver plated wnro to inukti room for
our now stook.Ve ofl'er our present
stock regardless of cost.
C. U. JA < : QUIMIN & Co. ,
No. 27 Main street.
Off For Camifla.
Considerable stir has been caused along
the line of the Wabash railway by tne
disappearance of H. B. McGregor , who
has been the active partner in the lirm of
McGregor 13ros. who have been handling
grain and muiiing elevators between
Council Bluffs and Imogcne. The nflair
lias been kept rather quiet , there being
some hope of finding the missing Mc
Gregor and forcing him to some settle
ment. It is now believed he has skipped
out for Canada or some other safe re
treat , and that he will not soon be made
to reappear in Iowa. The firm had sev
eral elevators ami did a very large busi
ness. The first intimation anything
was wrong was about ten days ago , when
a bill of sale was given of all life prop
erty to Uillingaley &Nanson , of St. Louis ,
the consideration being sjl'J.OOO. It is
said that immediately after giving this
bill of sale McGregor began shipping
out gram and drawing on parties for the
same , thus trying to reali/.e more money
from what ho had already sold to the
St. Louis house. The schema was discov
ered , and about that time McGregor could
not be found. A telegram was sent to
this city for the police to arrest him here ,
he having been seen hero and in Omaha
the day before. He was not to be found ,
nor could ho be traced , and the search
seems to have been given up.
McGregor came to Imogene about a
year ago from Fairfield , where ho had
been in the drug business. Ho was looked
upon as a reliable and wealthy man , and
he has done a great deal of business , and
apparently in a satisfactoay manner until
this break wan made. It is understood
that a largo number of farmers are out
small amounts , holding checks , or hav
ing endorsed and passed them to others ,
who now fall back on to them to make
thorn good. The shortage in all is esti
mated as high as $15,000 , but it is thought
that MrGregor did not take with him
more than $5,000 in cash. The other
brothcrof the firm is in the employ of the
Wabash. being the dispatcher at Stans-
bury. Ho claims ignorance of the entire
matter , having given the business little
or none of his personal attention , the
missing McGregor having the entire
Order your eoal and wood from C. IJ
Fuel company before an advance in price-
! No. 5'3l ) IJ'dwV. Telephone iii. : (
To BliU-Contniutori ,
Earth , rock and masonry work to lot
on the Colorado it Western railway. Ap
ply to.f. .1. Hrown it Co. , contractors ,
Council lilufls , la. , or Cheyenne , \Vyo. ,
or Uillon , Colo.
Ilnrfl U | For n Political Cry.
Ik'causo the burglars niudo a raid here
the other night the republican organs
begin to howl that it is the result of put
ting democrats on the police force. Just
how far such noncscnso will bo carried
without falling to pieces by its own fool
ishness , can hardly be estimated. There
were some changes made in the police
force which did not seem at all necessary
or expedient , and were not in accordance
witli the wishes of the citi/.ens generally ,
who felt that the old force was about as
gootl a one as could bo secured. Still it
M'cms nonsensical to try to make po
litical capital nut thu fact that some
houses have been entered by sneaks. The
present force , like tiio ones preceding ,
Jiuve too largo n territory to cover , Eaeli
man at night is expected to look after a
whole ward. In the largest cities where
the beats are shorter , anil watchmen
plenty , there are burglaries committed ,
The Hr.E believes in treating the now
force fairly and squarely , and will bo one
nf the first to .score them for any known
neglect of duty , but it is not ready to
jump up anil howl that burglaries are
plenty because there are democratic- po
licemen on the force. It leaves that sort
of nonsense for the old grandmother anil
her evening echo.
WANTKI ) Hy n practical printer and
local writer of experience , a situation on
.1 good weekly , in a good town in western
Iowa. Atldress J. 1) . , cam HEE , Council
Kind's ,
P. C. DoVol sells Stewart , Climax ,
Acorn and Westminster hard coal burn
ers. Charter Oak and Acorn cook stoves
ami ranges. Economy steam and warm
air furnaces , No. 504 Broadway.
Resolutions of Condnlenci ; .
At a special meeting of Concordiu
Lodge , No. 53 , K. of P. , held nt Castle
Hall on Tuesday , November 9 , 1880 , to
pay the last tribute of rcspet to the re
mains of Bro. Knight John Kost , the fol
lowing resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
Whereas , It has ] ileasml the Supreme
Huler of the universe to remove from our
midst by the hand > of death and In a man
ner only known to the All Seoina.Eye of
God , our well beloved llrothcr Knight
John Kost ; therefore bo it
Itcsolvcd , That in the untimely drnth
of Brother Knight John Kost , C'oncordia
Lodge , 1C of P , looses a worthy member
who was ever ready to aid the lodge as a
faithful servant nnd cflleient officer , who
safely guarded the funds of the lodge ,
ami being a worthy and upright citi/.on ,
his loss is sorely felt both by the lodge
and our citizens nl largo ;
Resolved. That we tender lo his be
reaved family ami relatives our heartfelt
sympathy in this their hour of great trial ,
with the consolation that the last resting
place of their dearly beloved Husband ,
father , son nnd brother is where his
crave can be decorated and loving tokens
of remembrance placed thereon ; aud that
the mystery of his death which may never
be known is greatly alleviated by feeling
sure that he reposes in a spot the loved
ones can visit.
llesolved , That those resolutions be
published in the daily papers of the city
and the Trie Presso and that an en
grossed copy of the name under the seal
of tiie lodge bo presented to the wife ami
family of the deceased ,
K. LrriicHV ,
R 11 , PATTON ,
N. In ) HAH ,
Committee on resolutions.
Ton HUNT The dining room of Ucch-
tele's hotel will bo rented to firflt-class
parties as the care is too much for Mrs.
Bcchtele. Enquire at hotel.
The Township Canvass.
The ollielal canvass of the votes on
the township ticket has resulted as fol
lows :
jut-rices or TIH : IMAUU.
'Whlttlc'cy , deiii . 1,00' ,
HIlWS dcm . l.-iW
FruliHiv , deiii . , . b'Ti
Hnrnctt , iep . l.lftl
Sclnirz , rep . 1 , ! ) " >
Kllcore , top . 1W >
lieiulrlcks , I nil . 5 M
Kicketts dpm . l.r.8.1
Kline , dem . 1HKI
Wesley , dem . 1,078
Siiaultllnif , lep . lr > l' '
McFaddcn , icp . 1,157
Fox , rep . 1,110
Uarrell , ind . 07
TOWNSHIP TirsTi : : ! : .
( Srpcn , ili'm . 1.40. " >
Dedoiit , iep . l.lbO
rowjjsmp ri.iniK.
Lutx . 1,401
Mcdler . l.aqs
J. B. Allen was elected assessor unani
mously for that portion of the township
outhide of the city.
It is a singular fact that the ofiicial
canvass shows only fiSG votes for
Justice Hcndricks , who run as an inde
pendent candidate. The uuollloial re
turns of the Ur.B the night of
election gave him 074 votes ,
and one procinet , the lirst of the
Fourth ward , not hoard from. The vote
in that precinct wu not counted in full
until 3 o'clock the next day , and the
board of that precinct docs not report a
single A'ote cast for Justice Hcndricks.
lie must have had a large number of
votes in that precinct , but none
arc returned from there for him. In
the First prceinet of the First ward Jus
tice llonil ricks received 12G ! votes , as
shown from the tally sheets , but in mak
ing the returns the board of that precinct
omitted his name entirely. If these 100
votes were added to the 5)0 ) , as they would
have been but for the carlessncss of the
clerks , Justice llendrieks' vote would
have been 632 , and the First drccinct
of the Fourth ward to be heard from.
This would swell the number to a hand
some showing for one running on an in
dependent ticket , for a position which
would not warrant the expenditure of
much money , work or time to secure. It
was a strong endorsement for him , and a
stinging rebuke to those who schemed
the ticmocratic township convention in
Frainoy's interests. Had these blunders
not been made in the two precincts
named , the result would not piobably
have been all'ecti'd , but in many cases
such blunders would have caused serious
trouble. _ _
Wall paper , shades , paints , etc. II. P.
Niles , No.102 Broadway.
Personal Parasjruplis.
Warren Hough , of Crescent , was in the
city yesterday.
Mrs. Sullivan , who lias been a teacher
in the Catholic .schools of Now York city
for many years , has taken a position in
St. Joseph's academy here.
George A. Kellogg , formerly clerk at
the Pacific house in this city , and at the
Metropolitan and Windsor hotels in
Omaha , has accepted a like position with
the Bechtole hotel.
Two Xftw
William Lewis lias just received another
new hack. It is a landau of the latest
pattern and with a ( me team ot bays
and new harness by Walters Isros. , will
make as line appearance as any livery
rig in the city.
Keller & llarlo , of the Ogden livery
stable , have also received another now
landau by the same buildcr.s as that of
Lewis' , the two being identically the
same except the upholstery of one being
of leather. .
Stainpingand full variety of embroidery
materials. Mrs. 11. P. Niles , -UWB'dway.
A MisHlonary Tea.
The Woman's Foreign Missipnary so
ciety of the .Methodist Episcopal church
will give a missionary tea at the residence
of Mrs. L. W. Tulloys on to-morrow ,
Thursday evening. Hefre.shments will bo
served at ( I o'clock ami as much later as
will be desired. A cordial invitation is
extended to all who thus wi.h to con
tribute 25 cents to ward sending the gos
pel to heathen lam } and also enjoy asocial
evening , tinged with missionary intelli
gence and music.
Seal brand oysters at H. J. Palmer's.
Foru New Church.
The German Catholic ladies will give
a quadrille party at Danish hall , on Main
street this week , Thur.-day evening , tiiip-
per will bo served in the hall. Thu pro
ceeds will be for the Gorman Catholic
church which it is proposed to orent in
Council Kind's as soon as thu money is
raised for that purpose.
Weather strips at Chapman's , 105 Main.
The Profits of Trapping Fifty YcurH
A co.
Indianapolis Journal : "I suppose , "
said George W. Pitts , "that I am about
the last man that ever did an ) ' trapping
that counted for anything in money here
round about Indianapolis , Icame to
tins town from Centrevillo , Wayne
county , whore Governor Morton came
from , and was born there in the same
year that ho was. I commenced trapping
about this town with my father in 1838 as
a boy only fourteen years old , and made
a business until , 1840 of hunting and
trapping. I used to take my traps
and lloat down White- river , staying
down until the streams fro/.o up , I
know all the hollow sycamores along the
river , and many a night have I slept in
them with a big fire blazing out in front.
I trapped mnsurat , mink , 'coon , otter
and fox , 'Coon ' skins paid best. I gave
a cow and a calf to old Josh HinesTy in
1840 for a 'coon dog. He was a good "tin " ,
Many a time in one night 1 got enough
'coons witli him to pay for that cow and
calf. The skins were fetching $1 apiece.
Ho was the best dog I ever see , ami
never lied. I always went' alone trap
ping-as I never cared to give any man a
chance to get into mv method. 1 made
my living trapping. When \ was goiug to
school to the old Marion county seminary
I kept up my trapping on 1'all Creek tind
on the river as faf ns MeCarly's fatm. I
made enough money oiltsido of school
hours to pay my schooling anil something
over. During tho' winter , while going to
school , I caught one night in Pogue's
Hun , near its mouth , three otter at one
slide and one about where the belt now
crosses the rum Although in ' 45 1 cleared
ns high as .f00 a week trapping between
this town and WaVerly , down the river.
The river was better than Fall Creek , because -
cause the bottoms were wider and the
settlements couldn't got so near to the
haunts of the atlhjials. I think I caught
the last otter trapped In Marion county.
That was in 19H ) , up on Fa'l ' Creek , about
a mile north of the fair grounds. I
got $13 for the skin. There are a few
otter down about Worthington yet , and
1 think I'll take my traps down there one
of Ihcso days. In those tlavs wild tur-
key.s wore plenty all around town , es
pecially north of town , along in the Fall
creek bottoms. 1 have shot gobblers
weighing twenty-two pounds when
cleaned. 1 used turkey to bait for coon
nnd mink : parsnip is the best for musk-
rat. In 18K I killed a deer , a big buck ,
on the river twelve miles below town.
Around Crown hill used to bo , along
about MO , a snlemlld place for turkeys
and squirrels : some deer there ,
too. Any man who could shoot
at all could calculate on get
ting fifteen lo twentv squirrels in nn hour
or so in the afternoon , I often used 'em
to bait with. Thev were a great pest to
the farmers. In 144 or Mfi they came
traveling through here from the north ,
scores and scores of 'em. I'ro seen them
swimming the rivers in great droves , anil
stood on the bank witli a club and killed
them. They would come out right at
one's feet exhausted nnd hardly try to
get away. They were very lean and
seem to have been starved out. They
were the old-fashioned gray squirrel.
I'ov squirrels were rarely seen then , but
about ' ' 15 they began to appear , and soon
drove the gray squirrels out.
The French Army.
France has already a larger army than
Germany , and the Germans admit that
tlio French have 75,000 more men in their
active army than they have. The French
have 570 more guns 'than the Germans
but the German cavalry is superior to
that of the French. The French army on
a peace footing amounts to about 500,000
men , but on a war footing it can call to
gether over 2UOOOuO of soldiers who have
been fully trained , 100,000 more have
been partially trained and over half a
million who are untrained. Its army on
a war footing would number over
4,000,001) , ) . or fully 20 per cent of the male
population of France.
Special Sale
Mall Orders promptly attended to.
401 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Dlptithorln Is twain iimUnjr ItN annual visita
tion. 'IVii yours' trial of UU.THO.S. JBrTUUlH *
Hl'.MKDV lor Unit futnl tm'la-ly has litiiniiii-
Etrtitcd tlio faut Hint It Is Inltlllllilu UK u nruvont-
ivo unilotirii , If yon permit your children to
illu with illplitliL'tfii , "Tliclr liloo.l lie upon your
. " ' siilo only nt tlio , '
lioml. 1'or olllco. No ) South
MhbtreetCouncil Illutra , In. , or bout by L'Xin.'B3 |
on receipt of prico. 53.
Fiom tlioOnialri Dee :
Mr. J. II. Itiilk-r. oriln/el Ic > ) lPnttnwnttHtnle
Co. , Inira , ami I'H ' tninlly < > l olovou peruna ,
w i'1-o till sick with invliurnuiit illphtliurla. Every
oiiool'llicm Iwvo.jcfcoveiud by Iliu nso of Dr.
JutTuris' 1'nivi'iitlvo unil Cure for Diphtheria ,
without the iiId of iijiliyslcliin.
C. U. llli\Uesleo'tf No. HID Cnmtiboll ftreet ,
Omaha , who recoillly loat u beautiful and I >
tCH'ttliDf dauKliu'r' ' ' , tigcd about ID yenrx , liy
illplitherlii , uiidorlno treatment of ono of thu
best pliyslcluns In Omnlm , wiltosln Dr. Jelferh.
ot tins eily : " Vonr remedy tor diphtheria cnino
too into , ourdenrilliuxlitar wns ilvlnir uhon it
wan received. 1 urn satlslleil tlmt her llfo could
have luien buved. 'Another ono ot onrchildren
who luul the dlpliUiuna , bur tluoat wax tilled
up with the putrid tilceriitlon , wo upnd your
inodlrlnc mid lu twelve houra the illarnfe niia
completely BntxlnryJ. In the Intnio wo lll
kot | > j our inedlc'liifl t all times in our house.
Wo fuel that It enynJ thu llfo of ono of our chil
dren , \\otiro very tbunufnl to you , and otily
rcxrct that wo did not call on you sooner. "
From the Council UlulT Dally ( llolioj
M , A. MoI'lKo , editor ot the Cambria < Ebens.
burtr , 1'a.l 1'roemiin , has boon thu pereonul
friend of tbo < ! dltol-tf ) the Globe for morn than
twenty years , unit Is known wlierover be U
known us one of ttiabest men llvliiK. ills family
was ravurcd with diphtheria , mjd Kifatly dis
tressed , homo of Dr. JftTorlu' Diphtheria Cure
was used , and the lives of the rest < tf bis child
ren saved , Ixittera from Mr. Mel'lko me un
bounded in their expressions nf eriitlludo for
flndlnir some meana of avertlnir the loss of ull
bis little onus. 1'lvo of Mr. Mel'lkc's children
out of eight died from diphtheria before he had
an opportunity of ualnir Dr. JifTorls remedy.
lVSI'ir : IU DVSl'EI'61 * !
Dyspeptic , why live | n misery and die in dls-
pair with cunctir of Iho stomach ? Dr. Tbonini
JefTorls cures every case of Indigestion ami
constipation In a very short tlmo. Host of ref
erences ffivcn. .Dyspepsia is the cause of
ninety pur cent of ull diseased conditions.
l'i Ice $5 for two weeks treatment . ,
Dr. Jofforls" diphtheria medicine Is infallible
for all kinds of tore throats. Indlspcnslblo in
putrid sore throat , in'malignant scarlet fever ,
changing It In 18 hours to the simple form. Infal
lible cur * for all inflammatory , ulcunitlvo , put
rid , cancerous ulcoratlun of tbo womb and all
catarrbal conditions. '
Full printed infractions how to use- the modi-
cmet .sent with them. No doctor required.
Dr. Jcderli' remedies eanonly bo obtained at
lileoftlre , No. 'X ) South. ElahtU Btroet , Council
Ulutr * . Jowa , or sent 3y eiuresJ on recalutof
Don't forgft that the Council Itlti/T * Carpet Coin ) > in > i/ will inahe a
change in their flrm on , Tannary 1st next , and that the/ ) arc bound to
materially reduce their stock before that day.
Go ace them before you jnircltane elsewhere , and obtain their prices ,
If yon mant to bny anything in their tine they will give yoit prices that
will certainly stilt yon.
Their stock consists of all grades and makes of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , "Window Shades ,
A lot of Table Linens. Towels and Mtphln * to close out at LESS
TlIAy COST. See them.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
26 Pearl Street.
en's furnisher ,
506 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Lcadipg Sbylcs and 1rppor/babaps / ! Qopcbapbly op pand.\ -
14O6 Fnrnam Street , Omaha , Neb.
I Will Pay the Highest Price in Gash
Fine iranylnn TMtnpn , Jloitse Fur
nishing ( Jtods , etc ,
2fb. MS. " < 0 ! iiii > liroudway ,
COtJXCJlj IJI.UFrH , - . . IOWA.
Special advertisements , such ns Lost , Found
To Loan , For Sale , To Itcnt , VSnnts , Hoarding- ,
etc. , will holiiEcrlo'l in this column nt tlio low
rntoofTnN CENTS 1'Klt LINK fortho first Inscr-
ionand rivoCcntsI'crLlnoforeach cubhoiiuont
Insertion. Lciivo advertisements in our ofllcu
No. 1. 1'cal street , near liroadway , Council
FOII HUNT Kivo now furnished rriomi , In 0r.
Woodlmry'B Huts No. DM JJlulls Si , Ail-
dross lIBru oflleo.
"p'Olt HUNT rurnl&tiQtl rooms , 61B Illuirs. t
WANTKD-A boy wltb pony to carry Bee
"lfT > yH BALi : Old i > nj > ors for enlo lit tlio Bee
WANTKO Parties Intending to bo married
are wauled lo e-ill nt thu l'ryor'8 lieu job
office ( o bclcct their neddltiK card1. !
LOST A nrroy horco ; Wfl'fhl ' iiboiil 1'iOdj
Homnn DOBO. Finder pluntu notify Kee-
Horses and Mules
For all burposcs , bought and sold , nt retail
and in lots. Large quantities to sclec
fiotn Several pairs or fine drivers , hit ) .
glc or double.
Council Hind's.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Expreis.
The only hotel in Council Bluffs having
IT j r © Esoa/p ©
And all mo 'ern ' improvements.
215 , 217 and 210 Main st.
MAX MOUN , Prop.
Practice in the State and Federal courts
jlooms 7 and 8 SluiKsirt-lJoiio Ulook D
Jonrnulx , County ami
Bank Work of All JkliitU u Spec
Prompt Atientionjo Mail Orders
Room 1 Everct Block , Council Binds.
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines nnd
C. B. Nntional Bunk , M. K. Smith & Co. ,
CUI/cns' Bunk. Uerre. Wolla At Co. ,
hirst National Bank , C. B. Imunmco Co. ,
nflicor & i'usov.llruikors.C. II Savitus Hank.
R. BJCE , M. D. ,
Or otherTiiniorH removed without
tno knlro ordrnwlnjrof Wood.
Over thnty jenrs practical experience.
No. 11 I'eiirlSt. , Council Illuffh.
BS'"Consultation free.
18 X. Main st , Council Uliifts , la. , and 20 ! )
S , 15th st , room 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturer's Ajront for thn
Tents , Awnings , Roofing , Slate , Mantels ,
Plate and Wiiulow Glass , Show C.tscs ,
Elevators , ( haml andaulic , etc.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Ladies Buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; Sio , louml ( rip.
Ettnbl.'Bhod 1SJT
\r\ \ \ Irjo following Companies :
Qirman American , of tfeui York
fnanlx. ' of Hartford.
Hartford , ' of Hartford.
Callfornian , of San Franc/ice ,
Scottlth Union & National , of fdlnkurj.
Urlon.ofSan Francisco ,
Slate. * of Des Moliiti.
Wlllianitbutg C/ly , cf ftiooklyn.
Thou ninrM with a * Insure alto ayatnst loll by
Wind Statins , Cyclones and Tornadoes
rna bMZ i.v cotxcit.
[ OXKY LOANIiT ) ov 00011 nrv
MONliY I'tioiT-irry AT I.OWKVT
HAus. . * ' * " * * * , * * *
1'or a buyer to go where the largest Slocfc
and Greatest Varieties nrc lept in any one
line. Agnin , If seller lini KXI-KKIENCKD
AccoMMcnAito.vs faithful and trusty help-
those who buy will be agreeably served ,
and if scllcrgiyes run. weights and meas
ures , you have three excellent reasons for
patronizing such a firm.
Fuel consumers ought therefore to buy of
No. 028 Nroadway , Council llluffs.
Telephone 110.
. 7TK.U.
Agricultural Implements , Bugles ,
_ _ rnrrlaitos , Ktc , itc. : Council HluCTs , Iowa.
Mnnufncturersor and Dealer * In
Hand and Power Com Shell rs ,
And RKcneiHl llnp oftft \ \ olass iinrlotillurnl
. . . IniplemrnN.
NOF. 1COI , 1WI. IMS nnd IMT ? outh Main Street ,
, Council BiiilTs. Iowa.
Mnniif'rg .inJ Jobhoi ? of
igrlcultural ImplementsWagons , , Bnggles , *
Iirlafj. * ? , < 1 " " kln' ' nf Farm Maohtnorr.
UOOto llifl South Main Street , Council Blurfs.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Cloths , Curtain Fliturog , Upholstery Qoo
Ktc No. 405 llroadwar Council Ulufft ,
PEUE(50Y ( & MOORE , A
Whnlcralo Jobber * In the -4P
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco A Pipes < * * T
No * . S83Ialn and r ? 1'oarl ' St . Council Bluffi ,
Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants.
Ko. lll'onrl St , Counull illulTn.
Wholesale Droggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
UriiffektB' SundricB. ICtc. No. E. Main 3t , and
Ko.J1 l'enrl St. . Council llluffs.
miV. / . < .
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5U Broadway ,
Council Bluira.
\V1HT & DUQUIi'lTE ,
Wholesile Fruits , Confectionery ,
Nos. IB nnil 18 I'om-1 St. , CounullHliUTn. _
HECKMAN , STllOtlHEllN & CO. ,
Mnnu'ncturors ot and Whnlrsnlo Ilmlori la
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. Igj Main St. . Council niuili , Jowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No ° . 342 nnil 3(1 ( Broadway , Council lllufTi.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Woodstock , Council Ululfs , Iowa.
Wholesale Doalcn In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Guollu
E3TO. , ETC ? .
e.TlicodoreA pnt , Council Bluffs. IOITO.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Matnliil 3iinclulll'nWlioloiiiloLuin.
bur at uU Kinds , onicu No. 130 Mnln 3t ,
Council lllutls. lou-rt.
iriXKS AK1) JslQUUItS.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
Agent for St. fJotllmrd's llorh llllli rs. No. li
Main SI , Council lilulln.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Xi'Wtl Mitln St. , Council lltuffi.
WLolesale Liqinr Dealers.
No. tlti Broadway , Council Hluift.
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc
, , ,
At W. S. Hcmor & Co's , No. 23 Alain st
Council Ululls ,
No , 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs ,
Mrs. O. A , Rogers ,
.ate of the Parisian Millinery Co. , Manager.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
Opposite Dummt Ufpou *
Horses uiul mules lopi constantly < > n
mud , for sail ! nl retail or in car loads.
) ilcrH promptly lillpd by contract on
ihorl iiulico , .Stock sold on conimlssinn.
SiiM'rui V IiOf < Y , Proprietors.
Tolophonu No , 111.
J-'onuorly 'of Keil Sttlu Stiibk-s , coiner
l : u i ) and 4th