Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Tlio Second Enterprise of This Character
Now an Assured Fact ,
City Council Allows Kaoh Wnril a
Certain Pcrcmitnjtc Hlnto Ilouso
News Court Doings Stitto
TUB nuK'B MNcni.if
Sliu-o thu publication of the article in
tlio 1UB ; regarding thu coming of the big
canning Institution in Woit Linnoln It
develops that tlio Stock Yards company
also arc making oxtonsivn preparations
to rcuoivo unil ontortaln a like proposi
tion from a big canning company , who
are now located at Kriu , Ponn. , arc
tidingono of thogroalest businesses in this
country , and if they establish a branch at
Lincoln , na a prominent citizen con-
flduntlly prcdlcU they will do , it will
result Hint tlio coining year will sco two
institutions of thu kind set in operation
at West Lincoln , thu two ot which will
open up market gardening at thu capital
city on : i most oxlonslvo doiilo. Further
inquiry Into tlio locution of tlio cannery
establishment on tlio farm of Charles
llordman shows that thu ulanl will bu
thu most cuiUDlulu and uxtonsivu In thu
state , and that the buildings to bu erected
will be of the most permanent character ,
fluch as will instiru thu stability of tliu
institution at thu stirl.
is at present and has for some time been
agitating thu minds of the public fathers
of Lincoln , thu present system of electric
lights proving wholly Inadequate to sup
ply the necessities in the caso. Under tlio
plan as carried out the present year only
llio business part of the oily aud Its imme
diate surroundings liavu beun benelitted
by the .system of electrio lights , and all
tile outlying portions inivo been left in
titter darkness. To this Hystnni there lias
arisen a vigorous protest from the citi-
/ens left out in tlio cold in the matter of
Hlreet lights , ami their petitions have
cone U ] ) to the powers in throat numbers ,
asking an equal distribution among ull
taxpayers of the licht furnished by mirht.
Ono of I ho citizens living beyond the
furthermost rayo of tlio Una ! O streetlight
to tlio eastward , remarked recently that
an organization was talked ot in their lo
cality that would , when gathered to
gether , select tin orator , whoso
duty it woud bo to commit
to memory Patrick Henry's great
speech and recite it to the city fathers as
an evidence of the revolution Unit might
bo expected if the taxpayers in the more
remote districts of the city weto not
given the attention tlioy deem they do-
servo. At thu last meeting of the city
fathers the question of light was up and
was the subject of a long and. almost
acrimonious dobntu , in which a proposi
tion from the electric light company , ot-
foring to furnish lights to the citv at $10
each per month , was the basis for a dis
cussion. A portion of the council have
evinced n dcsiro to retina to gas anil
gas lamps , believing that in that way amore
moro satisfactory distribution of benefits
could be made , but the vote in the coun
cil fully determined the fact that u ma
jority of the body were in favor of retaining
taining the present system. The yoto as
takou loft it for each ward to have its
regular percentage of liirhts , and if the
contract as presented is signed , ttie old
way will bo maintained with additions
for the coming year.
Yesterday the board of educational
lands and buildings hold their regular
monthly session , and transacted the
routine business accumulated during the
iwht thirty days. Stops wore taken lopK
hit ; to the appraisement and the putting
on the market of the school lands in
DIIWQS and liox Butte counties , the latter
being the now county lot mod from the
southern half of Dawos county. To-day
tlio board of public lands and buildings
meet in adjourned session to make linal
acceptance and settlement on thu now
asylum at Norfalk business. The archi
tect and contractor of the building will
meet with the board.
The salt well is making bolter progress
downward in the last few days and' has
passed tlio 1,200 foot mark In its down
ward course. This is now the deepest
hole in the state , and whether salt , or pc
troleum , or natural gas , or anything else
is found , thu people of Lincoln are bound
to hiivo the satisfaction of pointing to
the deepest well in the state as onu of the
gifts of the state to Lincoln.
Court nuit pursuant to adjournment.
Mr. H. C. Oylor , of llarlan county , was
admitted to practice. Kvans vs Town.
Dismissed. The following causes were
continued : Camu vs Sadler , Hull vs
Kearney county.
The following causes wcro argued and
submitted : liutehiiison vs Ilubbard ,
briefs to bo filed ; Nebraska Manufactur
ing company vs Maxon ; Hull vs Starkoy ,
motion ; Drown VH Hogors ; Wilcox vs
Brown ; Hottman vs Hurtling ; liubr VH
Wood , motion.
Court adjourned till to-day at 8:30 : a. in.
roucE COUHT.
A man who works on ono of the sec
tions in railway work was up before his
honor yesterday charged with assaulting
a fellow workman. The hearing of .tho
case brought out the name of the man as
ilo.suph ( lorbong , and that lic-had struck
the aggrieved party while at work with
a shovel. The judge lined htm f 5 and
Nolso Peilersen is the name of a farmer
near Uennctt , who indulged in too much
of that which both cheers and inebriates ,
and when ho became tired of the town ho
like most of simlliar alluded parties ad
journed to Hit ! railroad and laid down on
the track. Ho was found about tun min
utes before a train was duo over that line
and landed in the cooler. Ho was after
ward released on the paymmit of sfl ! and
A party by the name of Montgomery
who had beun looked up for both drunk-
i'miss and exhibiting his pugili.stlo quali
ties was disposed of by tlui court with a
line ot $5 aud costs that ho paid.
insiiiiOT couitr
The trial of Frank .Skinner , the young
man from Kaymoud who was kept busy
with preliminary hearings in ttiesiiiumer.
oeeujiied thu attention of the court all
day Monday and yesterday morning , the
jury having failed to ajjreo wore dis
Thu Ciimminirs ease for assault and
jwtiory was on hearing yesterday a. in.
in district court , the jury returning at
noon to maku up their verdict if they
could reach one. In the afternoon Lucas
and DulVey were called up for trial
Smith , ( ho chap who alternates between
r.bsibtnnt detective and the city jail , se
cured his release on Saturday last and
yesterday was taknn in charge again by
the police for attempting the nliop-llfting
rocket at Hurlburt's store in company
with a confederate. They essayed pur
chases as a blind , and when discovered
were about converting a snug amount of
gooiU to their own use , They will have
n hearing tO'dav.
Ono of the cllbrts of the city council at
its last session was to make an attempt
to collect up delinquent taxes , Council
man Dilllngsby stating that Uicro were
delinquent bums amounting to at Ipast
$13,000 on thu books. Some of the coun
cil were not in favor of hirinc a collector
and the matter was loft in the hands of
thu judiciary committee ,
Tlio city firemen are arranging to kayo
a rhanksclving dinner of tliclr own nnd
thin- propose to spread eatables in engine
house No. 2 , where it is safe to predict
the greatest spread of thu year will bo
The conference between Paddock and
Laird is reported to have closed very sat
isfactory , at d it is reported that repre
sentatives in ono county have been can-
lured and placed on tlio anil-Van Wyek
lists. A thorough canvass of "scolne"
every senator and representative is now
under way and it is thought that cro the
mooting of thti leglslaluro Van will have
n light following.
David Hntler will contest llio election
of C. A. Holmes , the governor , claiming
onio of the old citizens were prevented
rom voting by a systomntio coin-so of
Imllcnginir , thus taking up the the time
111 the polls closed.
Austin Humphry's barn burned at 8
/clock this morning. No block lost.
. oss $100 , no insurance.
Among the Ncbraskans in the capital
iity yesterday were noted the following :
- . Wilcox , Wilcox ; B. C. Oylor , U. C.
luusburp. Alma ; M. Morrisoy , T. J.
vnch , Plattsmoiilh ; U. U. ( iusliing ,
Jmalut ; V. Stabol , Nebraska CityjCicomo
' . Sawyer , Western ; W. 11. Asliby ,
> ymoro.
Wlmt la to Ho Found In the Local
BInrtH Prices.
Now that winter is coming on , the
markets are rapidly changing , botli in
lie variety of edibles to bo found and In
ho matter of prices. In the way of vcge-
ables , there is absolutely nothing now ,
ho range having contracted to the nar
rowest limit. In tlio way of lish and
neat , tlio market looks much the sumo
is it did two months ago.
Parsley is sold at 5 cents a bunch.
Radishes two bunches fora nlckle.
Onions -10 cents a pock. Turnips 3
bunches for a mcklo. Potatoes , 'JO cents
i peck. Carrots sell for thrco bunches
for a dimo. IJeeU are selling at 80
ients a pock. Cabbage 10 cents head.
Ilubbard squashes are worth 10 to 15
cents. Homo grown nwoet potatoes
irttig 0 pounds for a quarter ; genuine
Jersey 0 pounds for a quarter.
In the way of fruit thcro is llttlo to bo
found , except in , the way of oranges ,
grapes , bananas and "such-llko. "
Florida oranges are worth 'Ific a do/en ,
iodi oranges sell for 00 cents a
v dozen , and Messinas 05.
Demons bring from 40 to 50 cents , the
outside price being for very choice
ones , liananas are wortli from 25 to 35
cents a dozen. Rose Peru grapes sell for
15 cents a pound ; California white grapes
15 cents a pound , and Concord $1.00 a
basket. Malaga grapes can bo purchased
; it " 5 cents a pound.risii.
White fish and trout are soiling for 15
onts a pound. Salmon steaks are worth
25 cents a pound.
Fresh perch are still In the market
and sell at 12J- cents a pound. Fresh
cattish also on ham ) , soiling at 15 cents a
[ ) oiiinl. Bullalo > s worth , fresh
aught , 10 cents a pound. Pickerel are
: iow in the market , fresh , aud sell at 12 }
3onts a pound. 1'rcsh maokorol are
worth Ifi cents apiece. Fresh pike sell
for 15 cents a pound , as do also black
bass , liluo-lish are worth 25 cents a
> ouiid.
Fresh cod and haddock sell for 15
; ents ; flounders 12 } cents ; eels 20 cents ,
lallibut 25 cents ; lobsters 25 cents a
Codfish tongues soil for 20 cents a
[ lotintl ; scallops (10 ( cents a quart.
Oysters are wortli10 , 50 and CO cents a
qucrt , according to quality.
The best oulw of sirloin sell for 15 cents ,
rumps and upper part of round steak at
12 } . Roasting ribs , firm and juicy can
bo bought from 10 to 12 } cents.
Sweet breads can be purchased at
25 cents a pair. Corn benf is selling
at from 5 to 10 cents , according to
cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo had for
12 } cents ; mutton chops 12 } to 15 cents ;
ham is worth 1 < 1 cents in bulk , 20 cents
sliced. Pork , 10 to 12 } conts. Sausage ,
10 to 12 } conts.
Prairie chickens are worth 75 cts. a pair ;
teal duck 20 cents each ; wood duck 25
cents each ; mallard duck 85 cents each.
Any Small Hey , With n Stink ,
can kill a tiger if the tiger happens to
bo found wlion only a little cub. So con
sumption , that deadliest and most feared
of diseases , in this country , can assuredly
bo conquered and destroyed if Dr.
Piorco's "Golden Medical Discovery" bo
employed early.
Quails are almost unknown in Dakota ,
and fome of the gun olitbs are trying to
introduce thorn. The Kimball Graphic
notes as a remarkable freak that eight of
the little birds alighted on the sidewalk
in the businet-B part of that city recently.
They were evidently bewildered strangers
to the country , or tlio street was ono of
those noted sometimes where the mer
chants do not advertise.
"When headache joins neuralgia , then
comes the tug of war " A wise general
marshals his forces , charges with a bottle
of Salvation Oil , and the doughty foe lies
cringing in the dust.
If you are suffering with weak or in
flamed eyes , or granulated eyelids , you
can bo quickly cured by using Dr. J. H.
McLean's Strengthening Kyo Salvo. 25
cents a box.
A citizen of Seattle , W. T. , has this
card standing in a newspaper them :
"Whereas , I have loft my wife and board ;
whereas , I have become attached to an
other and more attractive woman , I here
by give warning to the public that I will
in the future- pay my own bills without
any absistaiico from her whatever. "
"Shall our girls whistle ? " Of course if
they strengthen their lungs by taking
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
According to a Japanese paper a man
named Takada , who resides in Nagoya ,
has discovered a method of making Man
uel out of old cotton cloth. It occupied
him many years in bringing his Inven
tion to perfection , but ho succeeded at
length , and has established a factory ,
where ho intends carrying on business
upon an extensive scale.
Pron rd with itrtct record toPntltr , Btrtngtb , on&
lleiUbfulnco. Ur.l'rko'BUiUuHPowdercoutilnd
no AmmonliLima , Alum or I'Uonph&toa. Dr.l'rlee's
KiUacta , Vanlllft , Lemon , etc. , Cavof dcllciooM/ ,
WCF BJXWffPOHVrffCa CVKHX > , * HO ST. fetna ,
liCTTKIt fitST.
List of lollors remaining uncalled fet
> n tlio postoflico for the week ending
Nor. 8 , 183(1. (
Note Parties calling for these letters
will nleaso say "Advertised , " giving the
late at the head of the list , and inqnrcl
for same at llio "Ladies' Delivery Win
dow. "
To avoid mlslakes have your mall ad
dressed to street and number.
Atkinson W 12 Architect W Co
Aiickerman M AI AnfordO
Anderson 0 O Ahramson U
iVndersoii O Anderson J F
Anderson F Anderson O A
Anderson N A Anderson N P
AtUluson F
Hall J A Bowman J A
liitlrd T 0 Boyd T 0
Beachblll A Bowlov J
Brokley W Butler W
lincod A 11 llenton B
Brothers B Dickie J
Daldwln J Bradford P 0
Bath J Dt-ssiro E
Burnhain E B
Brartloy S F HoyloS
Bouldcii O lli'ron L
Drown .1 A llnhr U
Bailey 0 JHimdpeO
Birch5FT Dnurcnrd E D
Hrown W S BlrdH
Dales .1 Berrv M 0
Dartlon O Drl ham W M
Hush W Drown ( J
Mallard J B Barnes 1) II
Itunller & Co DilueiAE
Ilrmkcrliiitl Boston 1
Caiivlnd U Coinvav AI
CustlsM Cilspln M
Coeliran M K Ciorimin A
Colt-son 11 AI Cat-stall eu M
Conn U Culfax II M a
Conner A L Carpenter A 8
Casee J A Clark J C
Chapman Ii Copelaiid AI
Ctrr E Colson E
Colliim S M Clatk KM
Calvin W II Cain S
Grali ; O G Clapp G A
Caiuinain K Curtain S W
Cole C C a Collins C A
Cohmiau F Chiillia F
Ularkson W Culllson L
Caleb G Clnibtcnsoii A
Custan A K Crittelilicu B
Davidson J Daily J
D.u.stS Dalanoy W II
Davit's W U
DuikoT DoiiKlityT
Davie.s A Dudley A W
Dryden J M DuimellJ
Dudley C 11 DcMIIOlL'St E O
Dlry F Dunham J L
DovooG P Downing W B
Devlno J '
Darut AI AI Duiney'l )
DearliverO Dicketibon I
Deulso J E
Ecucis J "Elbpii C
Elder W A Ealsner 0 |
Evans 11 11 El more F
Foley A Froudell A
Farrell A Frej A
Francloth WJ Fraemer
Fri'eman J L Flllmnre E
Flcdrlekson P Fowler Cr
Fatuity G W Frost G
Ftimey C Fisher C II
Grunebaum w II Gordon A
Grossman A L Gay A 11
Griner AI3 Gahillo P
Gunsun U B ( ioldimlthJ
Fishmaii U Green J
GtauesJ U Gray M L
Goldsmith L A Gieen L I )
Garth C Gaston CO
Gabler 0 fionpncrC At
Goi ham L B Graham C W
lllllMTK S Graves H
Giodall 1) Giliiore W
Glenn E U
Hoops Harden E
lllnerK Houston B
Harris A U Hurt AC
lliillbon C H.iltnstein
Hey C Hudson J
llaibert&IIargls Hirt W
Ho mesV \ Hanloy J
Hamilton AI F
HallS Hunt 11 AI
H -ssJT lleriol D
HiirrisD Herbert N
Iloliin O F
Hill f Holder \
Hillbalk B 1III1C K
Hilly C Hepell T
HulemanT A lliiimold
Heiidrlckoll Horn. ) E
Hanson N 1 * iluithcsWII
IleplumMll .Uaruioii KU
Harvey 0 C a
Jorccnson W Judge AI
Jacobson E Jansoii 0
Jh > a J J Jeuklnson IL3
Jenkins J G3 Jaeolby Yon J
Jones J S
Jappcson S Jones H
Jonsson O Jackon L
Johnson E Johnson II C
JayJ Jackmaii J W
Kellar W II Kessen W
Keresler E Kerned J
Keller J Kininan P
Krmver J Keucdy F
Knoi'tU W Kelsey G
Koch F Klolnek F
Kuapp J
Kyle J P Kippo J
Kaufman D S Knewles A J
Lattnor E J Lucas E L
Lessl ) ? W Lijety 11 F
Larseii CE Ijeaiton A
Lalller A Lummer J
Lomen 1 L Lipp J
Lomis Mr Larson F
Lotowsky C Lanfjo H O
' Leo Kroiio J
Llddc'lPAI K Lane J
Larbon J AI
Leo M
Alax U Alessell .1 D
Marshall I ) AI Alorris G AI
AIcGiathS Alooio S
AlcAleeS AlcCrackon AI
AlcUinsoy AI Alarkle B
AleatihHC AIcLauxhlln C
Aliller A Alo.s lni ; A
AIcBoo W Alurpliy W
Alariottll JMcNlll U C
AlltchellJ Aleterve J S
Alason J Aliller J It
AlcKuott G Alack W
HeFaddeu J 3 AIcAIillon J
Marphan J Mitchell J U
Mueller C Alooro H
Muller A AIooroAB
AIoborR J Aliller J
Mailsen J AfcEachron J
McLaugldln J AIiisiril E L
Aled T AlcConkov W C
AIcKltizlnJ Aliller W K
AleDullIo E E Alarseinan J W
Aieives F K AIlluerT
MrCabu J Ale Kay J W
Alar.tlmn W U AIcLauehlln U W
Alathcr W Alorlo l"
Nicholas A Nelson L
Norman C Nntlou F
Nohlo W P 2 Nelson A
Not man T J Notion
OttoWll Olesoh AI U
Uabotuo M O'Null 1C
Oman B
Piermiui T F PielMoy T
Post Held J I'auott T W
Place A Pickel A
Snrker AI F Proll F
Palmerbon E PatU'isou II a
PiperJ H Pureell L
Parsons J AI Porter E AI
Paikl Patiou C
Piuyno G Peters F
Pellknmp L Patterson W
Plain .1 W Powell ( J.l
Prmlell G I ) Pptterson It M
Peden > on P PoiterWS'J
I'helo F A Pike W
Puniioll L Patteixm W H
Peason 11 Pi lute LI )
Hoblnson Ke.'nn J E
Kavibh H Itenck A J
Itunoney O Itobeils L
ItOlH'SOK Ii Iteufus W
Keniu-son W lUehards W
Itohlnsuii J T
ItohbinsJ A Borers II W
lUclianl 1) BeduoodG W
lladiworth A lloso F
Kuscher J But F L
Humrerg C Itiulor C
KiitterC J Hossctt W
Hume J E Boss J a
Htisllaka V Bobinson W AI
Stevens ( J SchroeJer M
Slocum G F Smith G W
StruatV Short T
Staiulanl T Swnlter J
SUihbs Mullcr Straude A
Kwansnn A Sutler 11
Sanders F Sitft-r D A
Staples C .Sorlaiid S
Speciality Co Savaue O M'
Smith FJ
Sanders U L Smith J N
Strait S Soderborg P
Sillier J Smith J
SandesC F Smith J 1C
SuiytheJ P fcjtiasbure Ii
Stonednhl A 0 Snntn J
Srhroeder J Slxuilillnst L
Slieniiii : J i Slit-rmJ
Sloan J C Sunnier G W
Stone J J MemmoiisJ Q
Stnckler J SMIIdoo II
Spencer J Stnlkcr F
Swoston '
Tucker J J Terrence .1 W
Treney V P Tavlor ( J B
ThomnsJ It I Thorn is W U
Telford W , Taylor W L
Troth W Turner. ! M
Waiighler W W.IM.IW J
W.Til.I D I Wnllis G A
Woolf 11 It \\Vnd F
Williams G ' Wilson S P
WfllyT'J Wa ncrAlE
Wllderuun U Wut I , D
Whi-eleu SV \ W.dtaea T 0
W.irner 11 Wessoll S
Wilson H S W-ird J W
Wanck F White P
Wllcov W Wiltsle H S
White W It 3 Wilson W U
Wisconsin Co WriirhtJ
Wilson II U Welch W I )
Womack W H Wastermaii
Watt-rhouie W WmoK
Wallers F M Woreman F
Wln ctitv C Wilcox C II
Wasruer C W Wilson J W
Williams.I A W'd i IP-HI J E
Weber J 0 Williams , ! C
Wilkinson W A WeirnerJ
Umbrecht J
II VarbusterJ
VolkoF FoxJ
Vivian F G
Alter inn B Andrassnii mrs N
ItcMiRaniln inrs W Bell mrs F
lU-cker A F Ju ! ket mKs M
llinkU Darsielt F P
Ht'llinnso niUi M mrs A
h.llKTott HllxS K llauer A
Henlinin HIM M A Biiukliind mrs A
Hnyil HIM I' Clario ; uirM E J
( ' | IHB Mri K J Clark mrs C Q
Corny TV S Cat lor O
Coinvay inrs A rontin Mrs 1C
Carpenter inr .I M Chase mrs T G
Collins inl s K DamlSM I , A
Duvies miss It IMlraft mrs MJ
Deiiilin ; inrs K iMrlyAI
KveletliniNs J E Kvxlii ) ; miss F
Kills miss M Fl.shur mrs E
Floreiu-e Fordan miss M
Kilti-hry inrs Finch miss K'J
( Mines W M Gavlord mrs W AI
( ioss inrs (5 J GrubE
Urccn M Giuito mrs F
( illlson miss I < Hammond IIIH
Hurley HIM H 13 Ham mis. )
Iliuiilln miss A Ilass miss F
Halfeuo miss S
Horse inrsP II ayes mis L E
Iliiiiiilton miss B Hi-ley inks G
llenrv iinss.M lli'ttand Mrs A
llellinnn inrs M Hilton L
Harris Albs N Hill mKsll
JIaiiM > ii J U Hubcrman miss A
Hal ! inrs J Isaacson miss A
.lohn-on miss V .Ionian mrs V
Irvinu miss U Jellerson mis AI
Jansoa A K. .lolls miss E
. I dues mrs C ! Jones miss E
Keenen miss A > r tiouiit'dy mrs J U
KIUheljer& Co Kmlin M
IJOIIR mis L mis At
hyinan inrs K 3
Ltxr.soii mrs M mrs E
Iji'tcher mrs N Lloyd miss A
hind mrs AC is'ollis miss Ii
McNanns mrs Ak-Cormick AI
Jliuijo Will M miss J
McAvov mi'.s M Alorton mrs V
Afooto miss I Miller miss.I
Markwond miss Ala.tin mrt E
Mailson 31 Alitson mis AI
Moloy miss A Mutts tins L
Oberts miss II OUsali miss FJ
Oherhart miss 1'eteihon miss M
t'lko mis V I'oiius mrs A lj
I'llille mrs E Porter mrs \V
J'liriiicntlcuM I'neiiiiion mrs L
Penderijast miss K Poan mrs \ \ '
Peterson miss H Peterson miss A
P.mline M T.trk miss U
1'iiKli mrs TJ V Q ii'en mrs 11
111 Icy M K U.illins miss U
Ituu h inrsV llhoiules mrs It
Itohlnsoii miss N llobbin mrs AI 2
Kose miss E Uoborts A
Il.iy C Itush mrs N
Qnmdlnn miss M Scott miss II SI
Schwartz inrs 1' Slocmii C
S turkey A 11 Schilling J
Shelly miss M J Sharp mrs II
Stoiieclnlier mrs M IS Schmidt inrs D
Scott miss At Shannon miss II
Thomas C Pi ! Tiillow A
Taylor AIlss L AVllson U
Wiillaco mrs AI H Walters mrs ,7 H
Watson mis J Wachler mrs K.
Wind E Wilcox mrs A W
WiijrhtmrsH AVemplc mrs I
Wells miss A h Wearne miss AI
Williams K Wuirnur mrs A
Walters miss M Wlutted miss AI L
Weed mrs F C Wilton mKss AI
A BoautlTuI Prcsnnt ,
The Virgin Salt Co. , of Now Haven ,
Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into every
family arc making this grand oiler : A
Crazy Patchwork Hlock , ' enameled in
twelve beautiful colors , and containing
the latest Fancy Stitches.on a largo Litho
graphed Card having a beautiful gold
mounted Ideal Portrait in the center ,
given away with oyory 10 cent package
of Virgin bait. Virgin Salt has no eoual
for household purposes. It is the clo'an-
cst. purest and whitest Salt ever soon or
used. Remember that a largo package
costs only 10 cents , with the above pres
ent. Ask your grocer for it.
About the most cruel thing that has
been reported from Connecticut lately
was the conduct of three citi/.ens of Nor
wich , who were on Niantio bay recently
in search of ducks. A gale was blowing
and abovy of quail , which had evidently
been blown off shore , alijrhtcd on the
duck shooters' boat , too weary to Ily any
farther. The ah-jotors deliberately shot
ten of the tired little fellows , and thofow
that escaped went wearily winging their
way out over the bay , and doubtless were
Sufferers with bronchitis experience
prompt relief by using Rod Star Couirh
At a recent meeting of the Royal Micro-
scropical society , London , Professor lint ]
at the request of the president , gave an
account of what ho regarded as the most
extraordinary biological fact brought to
light during the last twenty-live vcars
the existence of a third eye at the "top of
the head of certain lizards.
Halforil Banco excelled by none , Try
The nhovo Trndo rrfjorU Is o Cu.irnntoo thot Every Artlclo bonrtnpc It la
tjio Flnoot flntl Baqt JJifU pnn bo tnnrio for , the prlco naked !
The Michigan Stove Company ,
Detroit , Mich. . Chieaao , 111. Buffalo. N. Y
Careof Iiivor Complaint.
IOWA FAU.S , HardiuCo. , la.June 8 , ' 85.
1 bavo boon using Allcock's Porous
Plasters for four years , aud I tliiuk I
could not get along without tliom. For
a long time I was afllicted with a pain
under my right , shoulder blade ; I also
had considerable dilliculty in breathing.
1 applied an Allcouk'a Porous Plaster on
my back , aud ono on my chest. 1 kept
changing them every four clays , and at
the end of three wcc-ks was entiroy
cured. E. S. STIVINS. :
During the forty.nitie years of Queen
Victoria's reign seventeen different vice
roys have occupied the viceregal throne
in Dublin ca.stlc , some few of whom , Lord
Egimton , Lord Carlisle , the Duke of
Aburoorn ami Lord Spencer , have reigned
twice. Lords Clarendon , St. Germans
and Carlisle received visits from the sov
' 100 Doses Ono Dollar" is true only ot
Flood's SarMiwarilla , aud it is an unan
swerable argument as to strength ami
The 000 tornadoes recorded show that
their whirl is almost invariably in the
same direction opposite the hands of n
watch and their onward movement with
us is nearly always northoa.stwarJ. Their
favorite time of day is known , and a tab
ulated list of 103 shows nearly two-thirds
uctwccn 0 and G p. m.
Hnlfortl Sauce mnUcs your food moro
It is not unusual to find eggs in fowls
killed for the table , but it is unusual to
find chickens. This is said , on good au
thority , to have happened in Eminence ,
Mo. , where a , fully developed chick , enclosed -
closed in a sort of pouch , was found in
side a hen that was being prepared lor
the pot.
For delicacy , lor purity , and for im
prornnionl of the complexion , nothing
equals I'oz/oni's Powder.
Anorth Takoma , W , T.Indian had his
first class of soda water the other day ,
and liked it so much that ho at once pro
ceeded to pur. nineteen morn on top of it.
The next day ho draiiK thirty-three more ,
and wanted to keep it up , but the drug-
cist was afraid that lio'ct explode and
stopped the bttpply.
Prof. Ctias , Ludwig Von Seeger
prnfcsnorof Medicine at the lloyal [ Inlramlty ;
KnlRlit of the lloriil Auslrlnn Orilor of the Iron
Crnirii ; Knluht Coromundur nf the llorul .SnanMh
Orderof IsubHIn ; KnlKht of the Itoynl I'runslun Ot-
( lerof tholKul KiiKlui Clievttllor of tlio Legion ot
Honor , etc. . otc. . Hays :
coniuunded nlth theliortle of troshir cure alls. Hit
In noiieiinoof the wonln patent romody. I nm tlior-
nuglily Cii ( iir ant wllh Its morte of iiropuratlon mid
know U to IKI nol only IfUlUmnto pli.irmacnutlcal
product , lint Hliowortnyof the hleh ' urainond.itluns
It IIHH received Jn ull part" of Ilia world. It contulix
CK enco of llocf , Coca. Qulnlno , Iron and CulUuvn.
nblch nro illp n | red In pure xenulno Bpanltu Imperial
Crown Sherry. "
Inrnhiuliluto nil who nro Kim Down , Nervous. ] ) y > .
peptic , Illllniit. Mnlarloiin or ntllctcd with \reulc kid
Her Majesty's Favorltle CosmetlcGlyceTlDB
lT cd byllerltojiiUllBlincixthn 1'rlncon of Walai
midiliH nobility , for the Hkln. Conipleilnn , Krup-
llonn.ChiipiiliiB.UDUzhiiosn.tluJ. Of dru alits.
MKItm GO'S ( ionulno Hrrup BOfbarsparllltt , Ii
tuoruntueil atthu l > il hiiriaimrlllalnthe nnirkeU
Red Star Line
Carrying tlie Ilclsrlum tloyixl niul Untied Stutoj
.ViuilMilling uvciT biitllrdAjr
Behvesn Mwerj ) & New York
l-'VI.n A.N'l ) WINTnit.
Baton from SCO to $7 * Excursion trip from
( HO to ( l.i. Second Cabin , outwnril , $13 ;
lircimkl , ; fj ; excursion , f'JO. Stocrnpo imt nifa
nt loir rains. 1'utor Wriirht & Hems , Oouera
Aironts , 53 Uroflilwny , NBW YorK.
Henry I'unat , U18 Fimmmst. : Paulson t Co.
1128 Fin mim st : U. O. Trm-mmi. lltil Pmn.un st
Tlio Orljjiiiul null Only Grniiliin.
S fcaalMwiyR ! MUI > tf < IVnRreofrortliItnA luilutloni.
! Ddl pcniMc to LADIES. Ark jour lruffctRt for
"I'liloheMcr * * CntfTUh" * ) ) * ! Uke DO olher.or iuoloic it ,
( lUmpi ) to ui Ijr | rllcuUri in Irlltr tij rrlitrn mull.
NAME PAPFR. < ; hleli lfr < lhFml nl . ,
USl II Vn.'l. -.ijuuro , I'bllmlo. , I' * .
Boi.i tty Di-utsl * ! * ercrrnhrro. Aik for "f'Mche *
* < ' KuitliA" 1'ciitijrujul 1'llliu T tf i-ollejv
Undo from two pieces ruisel k'Hlner No pogftnailsor
uujUill.K to hurt thofoit. NOISELESS AN1 > KAUT.
Clilldifii cnunot makocuch A rucknt wllb thorn or scratch
hard woo < l iluum or tear cnrpMi licit crn < Io by mall , pott
imlil fvntMIt.M ) * . Lftdlei'and noyil. ; ilUi8' nd
VoutliftMLlo ; Clilldron'a. tl oo
Hayward Bros. , 1607 Howard St. , Omaha , Nob. .
Uofyronce : CommarclAl National Bank , Omaba.
To the ( Jonsumptivo.-Lnt those % vbo
nncnlili iinilT Hi" fntiil sororl'r ' uf our cllmnto
tliroii"li liny pnlnioniry romnlnlnt , iir evn tlio o
wluinrolri tloohl d roiipumptlo'i. by no iiii'nii4 * da >
unlr. Ti'oro UusRfn Nnd iirornmi'itr in liaml nnil
nnn or-llvtr oil.Vlllior' C ( > m xiund of Cod Uvcr
'Jll Hnd Llm" . " with nt p'n o-alntr the rery nHusoq.
tlnir flavor of the oil > A liuretofore n or1. In ondovred
livtho riiinthnto of Llmo nll'i a liPnlltiK prnoerty
wlilfli r-ndcm llio oil rtnuhly elflMPlouK. Ili-in rlcii.
hlo lostnmonlaliof Ui * * nietioy own t > n r tiown. Hold
by A. \Vlllor , Chbinlst. Ilnslon.nridHll driniidtts.
State Agents
'S ' PI
Ui 1 1
Omaha , Neb.
Propoials for Cnrbiuff.
SKALK1) iiropoKiiN will Lo rnuelvod by the
tindurslirni'd until 11 o'clock u. in. November
Kith , 1H8D , for ourbliiK Cuinliir sliout from the
oust line of Itrown strcot to tno clly limlls , IIH
porOrdlnanco No. liw , nnd in ncconlnnco with
iilniisnndspoclllciitloim on llio In tlio ulllco of
the Hoard of IMbllu Woiks.
I'ronosulA to 1)0 inadu on printed blunUfi fur-
nlsliiiil by Dm hoiiril , ami to boiiet'omiiiiiilcd with
iicoitJIliMl chock In the sum ol' onu thousand
ilollarri , imyabloto the city of Oinnlui.ii'i nn ovi *
tlent-o of Kood fiillh.
'Jho Ilonnl rosurvos the rlRht to icjcct nny or
all bids and to wulvo deluoiH.
Chulrinnn Hoard ot 1'uhllu'wnrkg ,
Oinuhn , Nob. , Nov. 1st 18M. nVM-'J
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago. ii
The only ronrt to tnlie for IVs Molncs , Mnr-
ilinlllowii , o nrllU'IK t'llnton , Dixie , Chlcn-
ert , M Iwn't'joe ' ntiil nil point * oftM. To tlio pro-
pie of NiMirn Vn , Cnforniln , Wyoming , ( Itixh ,
Ilnno.Novmln. Ort-ffon. Wn lilnj tnn niul Call-
fornlfi II off r'supoHor n'hmitnsos ' not | > oitl-
t > ! tiv Rtiy ( Uhr > r urn
Among n tow of tlio nmnoroii * points of in-
iMijoTiMl liv tlio p-itron * of thlsronil
inlwcrn Onvilm nnil Ol'i" ' ire , mo Its two trnlm
nttnvof AV C'l XCIIK5 * which nrn tlio Uncut
ttiM lr m-'n nr' r"'l nroiniity rnn err Mo , Its
l'AI.Af'15 tit.KKI'INO HA US stitch i-n motlfili
iroinifoil niul olcR.inrn Hi l'AHU > HDItAW.
IVO IIOOM OAlf. i'BUrnin oilbr nny , nurt III
nlilclr colol.rnlod I'M ATIAIi DIN1NH CAII8 ,
tlinrotiKl of nhlcli cnnnnl IIP roilml n'lowlipro.
At Colino'l ' HltKT tlio Iri'ln nf the ITnlnn Vflol-
fo HT. ponnoct In I'n'on l ) | ift with the e of
tlin rlilr itci * No-Miwcu'orn Ily. In Chlcniro
thn trnltiR or tliln line m > i1 < o clnso roaiicotlon
with the p of nit rnstorn lltn-- .
For llntrolt , rohnnlins , In'llnnnpollR ' , Clnoln-
ontl. Nlnirnra TnllB. IliUTnlo , I'lttMnirir , Toronto ,
Monlronl , I'onton. ' New Votk. 1'hllmlolphln. llnl-
tlmor * . WnRtilnirton nnd HI | oliils In the omt ,
fcik the lloknl ncpnl { > I'rVoU ' vln the
"Nfluri1WH TiilM. : "
If .TOII wl h thitic"t ( lo'iiii'modatlons. ' All
tlrkot luronio nll llrkutfi < r H tlilr lino.
M. HPfllllTT , t ? I' . WILSON.
( lonornl Miinnirrr. Clpnl. riiss'r , Afiont *
' lllCnB ° ' ' '
\V M IIAIICOUIC , 'i , . u. I10U.RS ,
aonl.\Ve torn Ant. ( , 'lty I'IMS Agt.
1411 Farniim HI. . Onmlm , Nub.
Chicap.Mtaute&St.Paulll'f . . '
Chicago , ANI > Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , l eilar lUiplds ,
Clinton , Diibuquo , Davenport ,
Hock Island.Frcoport , Ilocklbrd ,
Elgin , Madison , Jitnosvillo ,
Uoloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other 'mportnnt points Kitat , Kortlionil
Kiitl BontlKiasU
Forth rough tlokuts cull on the Tlokot Aon
nt 1401 Kiinmm Kli-uut ( In I'nxton Hotel ) , or a
Union t'Hclllo Dopot.
I'ullnuui HiuiHRH-Hiuiil the nnost Dining Car *
In thu world uro run on tlio tualu lliiooftbo
CIIIOAOO , Mii.wAtiKKE ft ST. 1'Aiir , lUtr.wAr ,
tind evoiT uttonllon 19 | ) Hld to puisouiturs or
courtoons emplnyosoT the company.
K. MIM.GII , Uunrrnl MiumKor.
J. V. TUCEKII , Assistant General Mannuer.
A. V. H. CAiti'it.NTKH , Goaoral I'liSsemrBr and
Tiakot Aont. ( . _
QKO. E. HUAFFOIID , Assistant aeneral Fiusoa-
ger nnd Ticket AKOIU
J. T. OliAUK , Uuneral Suportiitondaat.
To Contractorst
Soatort iiropohiils will bo locoirodnt Ihoofflot
of tlio division i-iifflncor. Union I'liclllo Hallway ,
corner or Hilli uml I.niivonuorlli Bis. , Dinulm.
Nut ) . , Tor KnulhiK thn linn lorsi-oond lunln truck
from prcsunt end of dontilo truck to the oust
flvriU'h nt I'npllllon , Noli , , ti illstnnoeornlno
nnd OIKI Imlf inlluu. until the ovonlnof | Nov.O.
I'rolllaa may ho scon nnd miccincntlons ol > -
tiilnod ut the ( illlcu or Division liUKlnoor ,
The rluhc is rosnrvcil to roloot nny or nil hlds.
O. ( . UOltHANCi : , Bnpt. Nob. Ulr.
Oct 31 nov U d m.
llocoutly nulll. l'urnliU l
The Tremont ,
J. C. VmQKltAlil ) & BON , Proprlotors.
Cor. btli and Frits. , Lincoln , Nob.
Ilntn II..V ) poriUr. Biruol cam from.hoiu > la an/
part of in c'ty. '
Architect ,
Omcen-3.1.31 uiul 4i. Uioluirda Block , Lincoln.
Neb. Klovntoronlltli street
Urrarteroi HropdcrpC
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hulos mudo In all pnits of llio U. S , at fair
Hoom S , stnto block , Mncoln , Nob.
mid Short Horn bulls far sula.
Farm Loans and Insurance.
CorresDoii'loncu ' In ri'inml to lonni Kollclttd.
Hoom 4 , Itlolmrds Illock , Uiiuoln , Nolj.
Kiversicle Short Horns
Of strictly pliro Iliitus and llulus Tappedcitttlo.
llord iniiut ) 'M iibont ft ) ( loud.
l''ttinlllo.s riiprcKinleil : I'llborti , Craggi ,
AcdinlM. Ilcnlo. ; , llobu nfShnrans , Mot > Ko os ,
Knlwhlly Duclionsua , I'lut Crook Vouiur Muryu ,
I'liTlllson , ( < oiiuns iiiidTrnn l/ovi | .
Ilillh loranlo. 1 1'uiu llatoi Kilinrt , < l I'uro
llntDl OniKiTrt , I Kooof Hhiiion , I Vniiiig ilury.
1 1'iau Criiick Sluink und othurs. Coino utui
Inspcotllio hurl. AddroB9 , 011 AS. Jl. .IIUAN-
SON , Lincoln , Neb.
When m Lincoln flop at
National Hotel ,
And xut u k'ood ulniiur fn ' - ' < ; .
I all in and if every voter in the State of Nebraska will be as careful of his per-
so'nal ' appearance as he is anxious to hear the latest rato.rn.3 , he vVill 33C73 his I own
interests best by purchasing one of those fine merchant tailor made misfit suits ,
which are being sold this week at the following prices. Mail orders filled.
r i
GiMorohunt Tullor Mmlo at $ 3.00 25 Miii-tiliiiia TaJlorMuili ) iit.flO.00
* 81 " " " . u ,
4.00 ao uno
aoto ii .
" " " 0.00 to M.7I5
45 n 20.00
" " "
DO u 22.00
" " " 7.CO ( iO ii 20.50
I in " " " 70 " " ' : ; 0.00
m jm jmm
S 1119 Farnam Street.