Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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Dnllv ( Morni.i7 Edition ) liicl.ulln B.mdny
HUB , Ono Ycnr . f 10 01
rorBIt Montln . . . . . . . . . . r. l J
For Tlirro MonlM . B CO
Tlio ( iTinlia nmlnrr.r \ \ , niHliol to nny
ndIrc < ; i , one Ycnr. - . . . . . 200
OMAN * nrrirn , No. nt AVII 911 PATIVAM p-
NEW VIIIIK timer. Uirni n' , , Til1 I s ItlMUilM ) ,
All communloUiotH iclntlnif to new * nnd rillI I
torlnl innlto-should bo luliliossoil lo tliu hlil
Ton or TIIK HER.
All ttt ) > tnc 4 Idler * niMruinlitnncMBtintild tic
Aililrcssoil to TUB lit : ; rimi.l-niMi COMI-ANV ,
OMMM. Draft * , elm ! un < l pi toffli-o order *
to boiimcloimyalilo to thoonUrof tliocoitijMiny.
Till' , DAILY IlKIC.
Hworn fitntemcnt of Clrciilntlon.
State of Nebr.iskn , I
County of Doinjlns. \ " ' "
( Ico. li. Tz'chuck , secretnrv of Tlio UPO
Publishing company , due * Mik-mnh swoiir
tlini the nctinl circulation of the Dally lice
lor Hid week enillng Nov. Mli , IbVi , was as
follow * :
Hnttmlnv , Ocf.M l.l.O'O
HtiMilav. : u l . < w
Alondny. Nov. I in.X ( )
Tticsditv. 8 1'.Miri
Wcilnrodny , II 16.4W )
Thurcilnv , 4 in.lW
Prliiny , l > 1:1,145 :
Avcrncc I4.03T
( JKO. H. Tx.sciiurK ,
Sworn to and subscribed In m\ presence
this Clh day ot November , A. I ) . , 1-wr , .
N. 1' . KKtr. ,
fMEAlj ] Notory 1'ubllc.
( ! eo. 15. T/sclutck , liolne llr < t duly sworn ,
deposes and si.ijs Hint he is socictury ot thu
Bee riihllsliimcompany , that the actual av-
erniro daily nlrciilntbn of the D.illv Dee for
thu month of January , 18 > 0 , wns 10 ifis eopios ,
for I'Xbrmirv. ' ItWl , lu,6 ! > . > copies ; for Maich ,
ItWJ , 11.W7 copies ; for Aptll , IKsrt , la.HU
copies : tor May. 18sf > . 12,4R ! ) copies ; for .linn- ,
iSH.'i , I2ais copies : lor. ) uly. ihM- , , i'n : i copies ;
for Aia-nst. IbM ) , 12 , KVJ cup'for ' ; Heiiteinber ,
IftSfi , iioJO : , : copies ; lor Oc'nher ' , ISsi ( , I'J.lls'J
copies. GKO B. T/srnucK.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this Sill
tiny of November , A.I ) . , I860. N. I1. FKII. ,
ISEAhl Notarv I'libllc.
Accoitmso to n prominent architect
Omaha hus only two fireproof buildings.
According to Sam Jones , it has very few
"fireproof" inhabitants. Onmlui seems
to be in u very bad wny.
Tim Hon. Jim Laird is urged to use his
efforts to secure Commissioner Sparks'
removal from the land ollicc. Mr. Laird
In Ills various encounters with Commis
sioner Sparks lias so far come off second
host. Ho can wisely dovolu his energetic
efforts in other channels.
THE official vote of Douglas comity has
been canvassed. Kvory candidate declared
elected by tliu Hun within twenty-four
hours after election proves to have re
ceived n majority. Our frequently re
vised contemporaries , as usual , were sev
eral days later with their figures.
REI-UBUCAN leaders arc speaking very
Inndtyof Henry Georgefiitiue that brainy
and vigorous candidate fought through n
political contest in New York with nearly
70,000 brawny arms at his back. Repub
lican leaders missed their great opportu
nity in Now York who.i tliny failed to
elect Henry George to the mayoralty of
Manhattan. Such a stroke of political
tactics would have taken New York out
of the list of doubtful states in 1638.
Dit. MII.I.KU denounces us "a malicious
slander" the charge that a heavy com
mission was lost when Holly's contract
went up the flume , so to speak. But how
about the promised stock in the Holly
company winch failed to materialize
when Omaha flattened out the Herald
and its pet water works job with such a
dull and sickening thud. Dr. Gushing's
letter-books tell a sad tale about the
venerable reprobate who edits the Herald
on a revenue reform basis und the in
terests of his private bank account.
TIIK Missouri democrats appear to bo
thoroughly aroused over the removal of
District Attorney Benton , and the presi
dent must have learned by this time what
the democrats of that state are capable
of when they start on the war path. If
reports from Washington can bo trusted ,
Air. Cleveland weakened at his first inter
view witli Senator Vest to the extent of
proposing to give Uunton some other
ofUco , but the Missouri democrats will bo
satisfied with nothing short of his rein-
btatement. The reference of the case to
the attorney general was certainly evi
dence of a partial surrender on the presi
dent's part. It is intimated that a report
favorable to Hontou is likely to be made
by Mr. Garland , in which case the presi
dent may decide to yield to the double
pressure and restore lionton to the posi
tion. Hut Mr. Cleveland is an extremely
self-willed man , and the chances are that
ho will aclhoro to the action hn lias taken.
In which case the anti-Cleveland chorus
in Missouri will become very much
btronger and much more noit.y.
TUB purpose of the visit of .Mr. Blalne
to Now York continues a subject of cu
rious speculation. That it is political Is
generally agreed , but the dilllculty that
perplexes is to discover in what particu
lar direction. The euiliim teport gave
out that it had reference to a reconcilia
tion with tliu leading organ of tliu mug-
v/umps. and the latoht is that the aim is
to bring together the hostile factions ot
the republican party in Jvew York , u con
dition to which would bo the return of
Mr. Conklin to ihu Hulled Stilus senate
as the huccessorof Warner Miller , whose
term expires on tliu Urd of next March.
This last conjecture is not particularly
Imprcfiivu as a plausible proposition. It
Is very likely that Mr. Klaino would not
object to such an arrangement if he could
see in it the promise ot an improvement
of Ms presidential chances. Anything that
should give tliu least assurance in taat di
rection would be acceptable to him , Hut
it would be-vliolly impossible , we believe ,
to indueo Mr , Conkling to bo a party to
any such plan. It may bu very wifely af
firmed that under no circumstances
would the dKtinguibhod stalwart do any
thing to promote the politlcalambition of
Mr. Illume , Moreover , it is understood
that he does not desirfi further senatorial
honor ? , In public lifu he was compara
tively poor , while bincu his retirement lie
has made himself rich in the practice of
his profession , and npw has an annual
income greater than tliu entire salary of a
full senatorial term , liu could hardly
liopo to increase his political fame by
returning to the senate , and if he aid so
ns the result of any such arrangement as
is suggested that fact would certainly
not improve his future chances politi
cally. There are few loss possible occur-
twees than A union of Conkling ami
'Detent * nnil Glbrnltnrs. "
Our cstccmi'd contemporary , tlio Tc-
) iul > tlcitnt takes as n test the rousing ma
jority of Congrf ; sman Dorsoy and
preaches n mormon on stalwart republi
canism in tlio Third district. It rails at
tention to the strength shown by Mr.
Dorfcy's republican constituency , the
absence of factionalism and the union of
all elements. "The Third district , " nays
the Hi-publican , "is u republican Gibral
tar. They 'o ' not carry personal non-
MJIISO tlicrn as far us the pulls. Hosides ,
they do not squabble much. ' '
If the editor of our esteemed contempo
rary had been long nntmeh in
Nebraska to read and digest the
political hiMory of tlio Third
district ho would understand more about
the causes which have led to its present
condition. Knur yours ngo the Third
was tliu battle ground of Nebraska. U
contained then , as it now docs , as largo
an independent voting constituency ns
ttnv in I ho st-ito. Hut tlio railroad repub
lican managers failed to appreciate what
this meant , and nominated lullsroputable
republican for congress in tliu person of
K. K. Valentino. Republican revolt was
the reoult. For tlio llrsl tlni" since Nc-
bra ka became a slate a republican can
didate for congress wu cleeteit by a bare
plurality , the votes of the democratic
und independent republican nominees
cvceeding by B.IHK ) tlio < e o.isi for
K. K. Valentine. Whpru Mr. lor ) oy re
ceived u majority of ovprll.OOH , Valentino
through bolting republicans was elected
by a potty plurality of 1,115. ' . More than
7,000 republican voles wpro ea l for
Turner , tlio independent candidate , and
10,00(1 ( votes were polled for Altinger , dem
ocrat. Valentino's total vote was only
11,291. U something of a "squabble"
as shown by tlio returns and was carried
not only "as far as the polls"but beyond
it. Mr. Valentine secured his election
to congress , but was buried forever as
a political possibility. Tlio medicine
was strong but it cleared the republican
oagani/ation. At the ne\t convention
Mr. Valentino's henchmen were promptly
escorteil to ti back .seat and a clean , hon
est and cap.tblc candidate was placed
in nomination in the person of Mr. Geo.
\V. Dorsey.
Republicans were united , factionalism
coaled. A reputable candidate polled
the full party strength , ami Mr. Dor.suy
was elected by nearly live thousand ma
jority An excellent record of honest on
dcavor on behalf of the state and his con
stituency has now nearly doubled
tiio majority of two years ago.
TliiH is the history of the
"Republican Gibraltar" of' the Third dis
trict. It is an interesting one and points
a moral very dillerunt from that in
tended by our esteemed contemporary.
Dishonest party methods and disreput
able candidates will not do for Nebraska
republicans. No district is so btrong as
to be a Gibraltar for tlio protection of
fraud and corruption within the party
lines. Republican revolt always follows ,
as it did in tlio Third district in 1882 , and
in the First in this year of grace 18SO. If
tlio republican managers in the First dis
trict learn the same lesson which tlioso of
the Third have committed to memory ,
Mns district too will bo a "Republican
Gibraltar" whoso minority of to-day will
two years hence bo converted into a
splendid majority for acloau and honest
republican candidate.
jMlller and
It is very well for the Herald to claim
that it made a square and honest light
against Church Howe and in favor of
McSliano. The files of tlio Herald tell a
different htory even if it wore not notori
ous that the editor of the Herald during
the campaign was closeted with Howe by
the hour. At the very outset Dr. Aliller
sought to block McShanu's way to suc
ceed by serving notice upon Edward
Rosuwatur and the liii : : that no assistance
was wanted from tiiat quarter in the
campaign. Letters poured into tlio office
from lending democrats nil over the
'district including editors of democratic
papers apologizing for the insult
on the ground that the Herald was pither
demented or deliberately soiling out to
Howe. It was asVell known to Doctor
Miller ns it was to anyone that Howe's
election was an assured fact unless
thousands of republicans who witli the
Hii : : resented his cadididany , cast their
votes against Howo. In spite of this fact
and tlio Insignificant circulation of the
Herald among farmers , the doctor made
every effort to antagoni/.o the republican
element on which McShanc depended for
his election. Not content with warring
upon triendly republicans , ho waged n
bitter war upon democrats who do not
train under him , but who were working
with might and main lor McShano's
In view of tlioso facts , how much did
Dr. Miller contribute toward tlio defeat
of Howe ! If McShuni ! and his political
friends really believe that the Herald
made n square and honest light for
MeShanu , they are morn Mnpid as poli
ticians than they have shown themselves
to bu : is business men.
Tlio lliislncns Situation.
Elections and the consequent excitu-
iiient have had the usual quieting effect
on trade during the last week , especially
in the east. The grain trade has been
moderately active , with little change in
prices. The export demand for wheat
Juts been fair , but not .siilliciently active
to advance valnea in tliu face of the large
visible supply and continued free move
ment from the hands ot farmers , The
corn markets are strong because export
demand is n little more nctlvc and the
husking of the now crop is not roali/.ing
earlier estimates of tliu yield. It is gen
erally expected that tliu next ofllcial tisti-
mate of the season's production
\\ill bhow a material reduc
tion from the figures of previous
reports. Tlio labor troubles in Chicago
have checked free soiling of hog products
tor future delivery , and tlio markets ate
stronger , with pork showing au advance
of IJj ! ( cents per barrel , and lard an ad
vance of 15 cents per 100 pounds ns com
pared with the rates current a week ngo ,
The summer packing of hoga in the
west is estimated by the Cincinnati Price
Current to have boon approximately
5,011,000 hogs , against 4,001,000 , last year ,
and for the twelve months ending No
vember 1 , at 11,010,000 , against ll. 'S.OOO
for tliu corresponding period in 1831-85.
Cotton is lower and trade quiet ,
and the wool market Is reported dull.
The jobbing distribution of dry goods is
not so active as U was a nhort time ago ,
but it is very fair considering the back
ward season and previous activity , and
stocks in nil departments ivro under
strong control. The irou trude situation
Is strong , but there is ft pause In now
business owing to the fact that makers
arc asking higher prices , while consum
ers , having bought freely , are In a posi
tion to hold off for ft few weeks and
await developments. Capacity Is closely
sold up In all departments except nails ,
ivlilch are accumulating both at mills and
n warehouses. Tliuro is a largo amount
of business in prospect thatirivcs assur
ance of sustained strength in values.
Local jobbers report the fall trade
as well sustained. The volume of busl-
icss Is slio'vn by the clearings , which
'not up a total of more than four mil-
ions lor thu week closing Saturday , an
noreaso of 44 per cent over the corrc-
sp juding week of last year.
Tlio Unilroads nnil Politics.
The refusal of the Union Pacilio rail-
oad to meddle with politics in the last
3luction was s > o unusual as to tixcilo com-
iient. For tin' lirst time in maliy years
tfhuii a legislature and the selection of n
United Status senator liutig in tliu b\l- :
inro , a great corporation In this
Mate declined to dlclalu the men for
whoso election its strungth should bo
thrown and the measures to wiioiu IMS-
'ago it pledged this votes and nffbrls
) f its employes. In Douglas county , and
we believe elsewhere , the people weio
allowed tti conduct their own primaries ,
c.irry on their own conventions ami
elect what candidates seemed bust and
proper without iulorferencu from Union
I'ueilio managers , bosses or &option men
It is charged that this new departure ,
which ought to bo n source of gratifica
tion to every honest voter , is duo to a
oocrot contract between the editor of the
Hit : : and the Union Pacific railroad. Thu
Hurhiigton organs are particularly
amaxud at the imi/.oiioll'rontry of its great
rival in declining to join in once more cor
rupting Nebraska politics. They de-
nouncu the neutral attitude of the Union
Pacific as clear oviilunco of a hoerol al
liance with Van \Vyck and Hose-
water and a selling out of anil-
monopoly leaders to its old toe.
There is not a word of truth in sucii re
ports. There has been no agreement ,
open orsecrot , direct or indirect , between
thu editor of tlio Hni : and the railway
managers or any of its agents or em
ployes. Months ago when Mr. Adams
assumed control of the Union Pacific lie
announced that it would no longer at
tempt to run a railroad and a state gov
ernment at the same timu. For th ! & hu
was openly commended in tlio columns
of this paper , as hu was for his later an
nouncement that the changed policy of
his road would bo to deal fairly and im-
paitially with all its patrons. Such
a policy after tliu MiHor'nigs ot
Nebraska under thu management
of tlio old gang was in everv
way deserving of praise. We do not
withhold it now. It has been carried
out to a much greater extent than we be
lieved it would bo. What employes of
the corporations do in their capacity us
private citi/.onb is nothing to us At
the last election several ot thu leading ,
officials of that road worked long and
persistently at the polls against tlio
editor of this paper , as they had a por-
feet right lo do. The railroad in politics
is a very different matter from the railroad
employe following out his own con-
bcientious will American cili/.un ,
untrammelled by the orders of his em
ployers and unassisted by corporation
hcerot service money.
Tliis paper has ho requests to make of
the Union Pacific , personal or political.
It never lias had , except to domain ! that
the. lailroad as a corporation bliould keep
its corrupting hands from thu politics of
this state and build up its own interests
by upbuilding these ot the communities
which it served. If the fact that the
Union Pacific lias refrained from ob
structing the will of the people of this
statu by interference with its politics is
proof of an alliance with this paper we
shall be glad to incur tlio sumo charge
under the same conditions with thu Ihir-
lington management. It would bo a for-
tunalo arrangement for thu public , even
if tlio Uii : : ami its editor gained nothing
in consequence.
The President at Harvard.
The speech of President Cleveland at
the Harvard banquet on Monday after
noon was in some of its utterances most
commendable , while as to others it would
have been improved by tlioir oinihion , or
by their statement in different language
convoying less strongly the Imprus-
Hion that tho3r were prompted
by a lingering feeling of bittor-
ness. Such wore the reflections upon the
course of the press , or a part of it , in the
treatment of public officials , which if not
wholly out of place on such an occasion
wore presented in terms not compatible
with tlio spirit And sontlment which the
time and citcumstanccs called for , and
which the president especially should
have regarded. Mr , "Cleveland's dislike
of the newspapers is well known , and wo
will not say it is causeless. Ho has re
ceived somu.soveroeastigations from the
press , and has doubtless bou n to homo ov-
tent villllied and misroprcs cnted. Hu hat
just reason , also , to find fault witli the
way in which his personal and private
affairs have boon ruthlessly Invaded anil
sensationally spread before the world by
thu metropolitan newspapers. Hut , op
tlio othur hand , hu is largely u debtor tc
the press , which hud a great deal to do
with building up his poll tical fortune ami
placing him whore he is , L ct it bo eon
coded , however , that it is the right of Mr.
Cleveland to forget the favors hu has received <
coivod and remember only tlio wiongs
ho bollovcs have been done him , still tin
Harvard banquet was not tlio place at
which to proalaim his griovancn , und tn
denounce in coarse terms tliu newspapers
of the country. It was a proceeding
which did not comport \\llh the dignity
of Ills position , it was a violation of hos
pitality , it was ill-mannorc'd in tlio pres
ence of many representatives of the press
wbo must share in thu sweeping condom *
nation , and from evoiy point of view il
was ill-timid and improper. After suoh
an exhibition of seated dislike of the
newspapers Mr Cleveland need not bu
surprised if ho shall hereafter find them
less disposed than they have been to ( real
him with favor.
Omitting the unfortunate refercncb of
tun president to this source of personal
griuvanco , and all else that ho said on
the occasion is commandablo. Especially
ho is Unit portion of his remarks in which
he urged tlio duly of educated men tc
take an active part in politics. "Anydism
clination , " hu said , "on the part of tin
most learned and cultured of onr citi/.on ;
to mingle in public atl'uiri , and the CPU
sequent abandonment of political acliv
ty to these who have but little regard for
, hc student and scholar In politics , arc
lot favorable conditions muter n govern
ment suoh aa our.s. " Tlio manifest
growth of a Qdtsmollnation among
ho o lucatcd cl.isj of people
o engage in tlio struggles and con
ditions inseparable from politics ,
shown in the fact that In nearly nil the
argor communities tlio political power is
n the control ot tlio uncultured elements
of society , ougjil to arrest tlio attention
of the lutoiligout and patriotic citizen as
lorliaps the mo t serious monnco to our
system of government if allowed to con
tinue. In most of tlio largo cities of the
country the management of political affairs -
fairs is g'von ' over to the demagogues
iiud irresponsible charlatans who have
Inlluutico with the nibble , and these ele
ments elect congressmen and public oiR-
olals , exerting au unwlinlosomu and de
moralising inlluenco upon politics and
through all tlio channels of municipal ,
state and national government. At in
tervals , when pollt cal demoralization
has reached the intolerable point , the
bettor ulomunts comu forward and effect
n change , but their dislaslo for the work
it involves does not permit tlimn to con
tinue in it , anil very soon the rabble re
trains control. Any ono at all familiar
with politics knows there is necessarily
much about it that is obnoxious and re-
pulhint to natures which do not enjoy
lipated controversy and conflict , and can
not outer into the hchoinlnir and chica
nery which are a part of it. Hut
ovury such clti/.nn ought to bo able
to convince himself that ho has a
patriotic duty to perform whenever
there Is a demand for Ills suffrage which
should super.sedo every other considera
tion ; that liu is ono of a great army every
soldier of which is as much bound to do
his part in fiej peaceful battle at tlio bal
lot box us if hu were ulothud in tlio uni
form of his country and required to moot
a foe in arms. And if tlio bettor element
ot society pursued this course , if tliu pro-
ional and industrial classes and tlio
substantial business mon of every com
munity were found giving regular and
earnest attention lo their political duty
most of the more borious evils of our po
litical system would disappear , and poli
ties boeomo less distasteful and loss do-
morali/cd. There may come a time when
the importance of this matlor will press
more urgently upon the clashes which
now largely disregard it , and when it will
bu less easy to remove the evils anil dilll'
cultius which indilferonco and neglect
Have permitted to grow and multiply.
WIIILI : oilier cit'es are putting ilieir
telephone and telegraph wires under
ground , Omaha is increasing the forests
of masts and poles , which disiiguro her
streets and form dangerous obstructions
whenever a lire breaks out in tliu city.
Our blocks are now literaly fenced in
with wire fences , , , from ten to fifty wires
deep. Some day wo shall pay dearly for
a costlj leniency in this matter.
SAM .Toxns thinks wo pay too much at
tention to terrestrial real estate and too
little to lots in a celestial clime. Mi :
Jones is welcome to Omaha , but when ho
attempts to depress real estate values to
boom those in rival communities ho is
going too far. Five hundred real estate
brokers will decline to attend his meet
Tin : two new packing houses start
operations in South Omaha to-day. South
Omaha promises to bu one of tlio best
hog markets in the west during the com
ing winter , with a strong demand and
a hteadily remunerative prices for ship-
pora. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ACCOICDING to Sam Jones money is
what makes the religions mare strike n
two-forty gait. Mr. Jones lias a frank
anil open way of combining business
witli religion which leaves no ono in
doubt concerning his position.
KING CAUCUS will not bo enthroned nt
the coming session of tlio legislature.
That can bu taken for granted.
The empress of Austria now gets up at 4
a. in. and walks ten or fifteen miles.
King Otto of Bavaria is suffoilng fioni a
violent atlaek of Insanltv. The worst Is ex
Kaiser Wllholm Is economical. He uses a
second time nearly all thu envelopes ot the
documents addiessed lo him.
Queen Marie , mother of Bavaria's two
lunatic kings , visited Otto the other day , but
ho failed to recognize tier.
I'duco Carl of Sweden Is such a beauty
that his photograph Is found on every toilet
article used by Stockholm wofuoti.
Kx-Khcdlve Ismail 1'ailia. of Kgypt , has
been consulting I > r. Metzgcr. of Amsterdam ,
Holland , about his tiualth , which has been
failing lately.
Tliu klnK of Holland Is an iiilmlrcr of
American Institutions. Helicals his pidncu
at Astordam with an American bisc : burning
coal stove , and ho lias his eye on a tin eft ;
Queen Christina of Spain has won for her
self the enthusiasm of the people by paidou-
iiit ! Villa C.impn , and his comrades nnd
wiping out Cuban slavery. She is no longer
the American woman to them , but their mon
arch's mother.
KiinfTlu-cbaw's state cannot has lately
been exhibited in London , it l.s of the pat
tern used In Kuropo a bundled yea is ago ,
and It islilieially coated \\ltii sheet uold , In
laid with bits of fjlass , \ \ ithln them Is. only
loom for one pcrnon.
The members , of Iho loval family of Swe
den frequently take part In iiiuinnlsed dm-
matle I'ciloimnncu.viin the 1'al.ico theater.
Tliu other day -'Hamlet" was purformcd , thu
ciown piinee execution thu inlu ol tliu piinco
ot Denniailc and his.slater , 1'iincos.a Alox-
anilrn , lliat ot Oplieli.i.
The cmiMiror ot Aluf occo Is a lover of
velocipedes , only tliu roynl loot must not
touch the treadles , JJlu lias sla\e.i lortlils
purpose when liu goes out for his i ambles In
tlio p.ilaeo wrdens. He bus just ordered a
velocipede broad enough to bold a com toll
able bed , on which ITis majesty reposes while
the situ us take the exorcise.
The kma of Itaiy Is thinking seriously of
constructing an hotel for his oldest son , the
prince ot Naples , unit to ti\\o \ him his major
ity. If It t > o tlioii''litUiat ' thu prince Is intliur
youni : to be emancipated , It may bo remained
that the now hotel will not bo linished fora
long tlmu , especially If Ihowoik KOC.S on as
slowly as thu coustiaction of thu Victor Km-
mauutil monument nt thu I'.intheon.
Kmpress Augusta , of ( ieimany , bavins
some time nj-o set ( lie oxampluof rewarding
iHltlitut servants wlio had served fortuity
years in the same family by the contcimunt
of a yolileii cross , tliu dul > u of Saxo-Alteu-
btuic lias now Insutiitcd a similar decoiatlon
for servants who have faithfully served lor
tblrt > years In the same fatally. It consists
cf a silver cross , bearlUK on thu obverse the
number BO , with thu Inscription. "For faith
ful Mil vices. " ; on tliu reverse the ducal chiific ,
with crown ; and it is to be worn on the
bieast attached lo a green-undo ilbbon.
JllsOnly VIoo.
Chicago Herald.
Cousin Uen Kolsom , who has just been
appointed consul at Sheffield , Knglund , has
written poetry. This , however , Is hplloral to
bo Ids only vice , nnd .should bo excused along
with the other errors of youth.
AVliy tic Is Sent Atiroatl.
fttuMnofon Crtlff.
It now cornea to llelit that Cousin Hen Pol-
pom writes poetry nud tlio reason for send
ing him nbioad Is clear.
Whipped Acnln.
Chteago Actrt.
IJpswcll 0. Herr Is whipped airalu In the
I.lKlith Michigan district , so , lor two years nt
least , Ids so-called humorous yawps will not
bo lii-aid in the halls ot coneross. Wo pro-
sumuliu will take n hideous revenge upon the
public by returning to the lecture platform.
We pity the public that It hns never been
able to mnko Mr , Herr understand that It has
had cnoiiRh of him ,
Jt fllntlo n lin > rcneo.
Mill Street AVuv.
' 'Gpiittcman Just called to see you , but wns
In n huiryand had toco , " ealtl the private
si-ciPlnry ns the inllroad president relumed
iroin lunch.
" \Vlmt did ho wnntV"
"A pass to Chicago. "
"If ho returns , luluso It. " .
"Ho has just been elected to the legisla
ture. "
"Oh nh why didn't you say sol Uun out
nnd see if you can't find him , nnd toll him
I'll willingly pass his whole tnmlly to San
Kratielsco. "
Sop/ifc / Ji Sclifiick < n ItritiMiin MiWdztne.
Tlio > enr Is waning I boloinn Hounds nro
A mon ? tliii hraiielicsof each wind-toss dtu-o ;
Hrown looks the mass ; no wins wescc ;
Koisnkuu nests by winds nl'ino nro sllrr'd ,
And not by wini ; of bhd.
The skies look cold wind-driven clouds
MMitl by.
Wl.ilo fitful ak" whirl sere , drvlpnvi-snwny :
Viilr otnv , liUo filcnds who coiuo to us one
diiv ,
Ciccp to the heart , brine louvlMit lo theejc ,
Then dump and fadoandille.
Vet , while winds chill and summer Joys de-
pa it ,
A host of othpr plpasuics now doth come :
Hrotlieis and sKter-tscatteied. all come hoitip.
Thanksgiving dicer abounds , while fond
smiles start.
As heart lespnnds to hcnit.
Then , curtains down , aiouiul the lire wo
pi ess.
To sing and jest , to romp nnd laugh and
"plav ;
But while tliu fun goes lountl , each heait can
sav ,
"November brings Thanksgiving. Loid , va
ble s
Tlit-o for our hnppluesst"
'llio Originator or tlio Term , "Drunk
ns n Ullod Owl. "
Jiisl before the late war between tlio
states there died in the city almshouse of
L.ynuliburg , Va. , a man ot line education ,
brilliant intellect , and varied accomplish
ments , lie was a recogui/ed authority
in grammar , geography , arithmetic , his
tory , and religion. Ho was upwards of
six feet high , straight as an arrow , and
had long black hair , ami a flowing beard
that readied to his waist. His hair was
black and glossy as the raven's wing , but
an utter disregard for the simplest , rules )
of cleanliness precipitated premature old
age and death in tlio nhnshonso. His
penmanship was like copper-plate , and
liis knowledge of inun remarkable. llu
never foryot a name , a face , a kindness ,
or an insult. Ho was universally
known as "Bob Jones. "
Hu was u nutivo of Campbell county.and
descended from ono of the lirst families
of the state. Ho inherited a handsome
fortune , which by some hocus poous was
spirited away , and from that limn lie be
came a vagauond , without a penny or a
friend. llu wandered aimlessly through
all the counties contiguous to Lynchburg ,
scantily dressed , and an utter stranger to
soap and water. He boastcilglhat hu had
been in every jail in Virginia , and was
especially' severe in bis denunciations of
Liberty , in Bedford county , which cor
poration lie christened "Dogsboro. " He
said the authorities there always arrested
him tor vagrancy after breakfast , forgot
to give him his dinner , and rclcasod him
beloro supper.
Un one occasion Bob , who had just
been released from jail , called at the
liouso of n wealthy resident of Bedford
and asked for something to cat. He knew
he was not welcome , and that the lady of
the liouso was rarely , if ever , in good
humor. To his surprise ho was cordially
received , tlio reason being that tlio pro
prietress expected Bob to do some much-
needed work in lior gardon. Bob seated
himself at thu table and "asked a blcss-
nifr , " as follows :
Q'ho Lord bo praised while woman's
pleased ,
For'tis now nnd then ;
We'll eat our diet in peace and quiet
In thu name of God , ammil
Ho linishcd his dinner with celerity
and escaped through a rear door. Tliero
was n heavy frost , and poor Bob , friend
less , penniless , and disconsolate , must
have felt lonely indeed , with nowhere to
lay his head. Finding that a herd of
hogs had made their beds in a grove near
the house ho had just loft , he turned in
with them. Ho was just beginning to
fuel comfortable when a negro with an
ax opened thu skull of a hog lying by his
sido. Bob simply said , "Nigger , mind
which hog you nit ! " The darkey dropped
his ax and ran , and Bob shouldered thu
slaughtered hog and placed it on the
porch of the owner.
Bob was nearly 70 years old before ho
sunundcred to the inevitable. Ho had
slept in the woods and in open Holds ; had
discussed every qucntion with all sorts
of people ; and hud been exposed to all
kinds of weather with no clothing lo
speak of , aud seldom , if ever , received a
kind word of cmcouragumunt. During
all those long years hu had swallo-vcd
ovury description of intoxicating bever-
agus ever invented , and never closed his
eyes whun hobur if it could bo avoided.
It wtis ho who invonlo'l Iho inelegant
phrase : ' Drunk as a biled owl. "
.Shortly before the city ; authorities
found it necessary in thu interests and
for the sake of humanity to take charge
ol Bub , Sergeant Onuy of Liberty , wading
kncu-duop in the snow , discovered tin ob
ject , covered with snow , sitting on tlio
court liouso stops. It proved to be Bob
iloucs , wearing a linen coat and no shirt.
Ho remarked that hu was comfoi table ,
nnd was simply attempting to make "it
medical. legal , ivloutilic aud historical
diagnosis of Dogsboro , and its futnro
prospects , if it had unv ; and whun hu
wanted assistance hu would ask for it "
Buforo sunset , Bob , gloriously drunk ,
was in the Lvnohburg jail. How he got
there is not known. His remains woru
interred in the old Methodist cemetery
on the hill , and very fuw persons could
find his gravn to-day. Dot ) never had
but ono enemy , and lie was the most
formidable himself.
I'nstoflluo Changes
In Nebraska and Iowa during tlio week
ending November 0 , 1880 , furnished by
Win , Van Vleck of the postolllcu depart
ment :
Nr.llllASKA ,
Established , ( Irani , Kuith county , Hob-
ort M. i oiing , postmaster.
Disconlinuud'-Clooria.Sherman county ;
Kuunsburgh , Maunders county Grcor ,
Hlchurdson county ; Summit , ( Jrcoloy
county ,
Postmasters appplntcd : Adrian. Ivoya
Paha county , J , S , Canialiatr , Burton ,
Koya Paha county , Lyman Crandall ;
Cusier , Frontier county , Oliver P.
Kibbon ; Pekin , Koya Paha county , Louis
Slobodisky ; Tiickorvllle , C'usler county.
Philip McKcan ,
SDADOto EVEimVllliltG ,
The Perils That Surround Express Mes
Olsnvponrnncoora $50,000 I'ncknKO
Tim Suspended .Messoniror Is
Trailed iny nnil Mglit
l > y n Detective.
There is a slory lliat until to-day , says
the St. Louis ( Jlobu'Dumocrat of n recent -
cent dale , has never been told bv the
press , anil will show still further the
perils that hang around an expressman ,
and that is tlio strange disappearance of
a $50.000 package , which was shipped
from Now York to Chicago , in n sealed
safe , the non-appearance of which , when
the safe was opened , has placed several
men in awkward positions that tliuy will
only bo relieved from when tlio mystery
which now surrounds the nfl'tiir is cleared
up. Thu two men specially Involved in
the affair are .John ( i. Wilson and Miles
II. Jackmau , who were , until the lo s of
thu money package , check clerks in the
Chicago United Slates aud Pacific
express ollii-o. As this story lias most
to do with \Vilsuii , a short history of his
career may not 1)0 amiss lie was born
in Cannonsbiirg , Pa. , in 1851 , and came
west with Ins parents soon tiller tlio war ,
settling on a farm live miles from this
city. Not likinir farm work ho applied
to the agent ot the United States impress
company , at Aloberly , for a position. It
was givuu to him ami for yeans lie iravo
peifect uatlstaotion lo his employer. Ili.s
position was a tryinsr one , as hu
was compelled to be up all day and about
half of the night , but hu never com
plained and was always ready to do his
duty. At the end of that time he was
given a run as messenger , and in tin-
next two years ran between Moberly and
ttimwa. St. Louis and Kansas City , and
was finally appointed messenger 611 the
Chicago iV Alton ronto , and took the lirst
express run from Kansas City lo h'cago '
over that road , After running into Chicago
cage for somu time hu was given a posi
tion in the ollloo thorn as money check
clerk , which position lie lilted to the sat
isfaction of the companv until thu disap
pearance of thu $50,000 on the iitftli tlavof
March , ISSli. The money was checked
in and , nut of the ollicu by four mnn
Jackman , Wilson , French and Stewart.
On week days , from ( i to 10 a. in , , all
would bo on duty. After that two only
would have to stay. On Sundays two
wore .sulliciiMil to attend to thu checking ,
and Jackman and AINon were on duty.
Sundav , tho'Jtith of March last , Jackman
was silling in a pen at a table writing up
the delivery book for the Monday morn
ing delivery , while Wilson was chocking
in the messengers1 runs.
The practice was to check in the mes
sengers' loosu money and packages first ,
ami afterwards check tlio sealed safes.
Having got through with the mi-ssengurs
liu pioeucded lo give his attention to thu
healed safe by lirst examining tlio seal ,
which appeared to bu all riirlil ; then he
jerked it to sue if thu wiru was unbroken ,
then unlocking the safe he pulls the safe
open , breaking thog wire and laying the
contents bare. It is the custom in put
ting up a sealed package to have all
small packages of money tied up in a
bag , and the waybills arc put up in the
same way with two slips of paper on
which all way bills are registered ; iiionuy
way bills on one and valuable package
way bills on the other. The slips wore
chucked first to see it the right number
of way bills were there , then thu small
money packages were checked. The
bulky money packages were loose in the
safe witli thu valuable packages. As
Wilson cheeked down the money way bill
before him , ho saw entered a package of
$50,030. Thinking it must be a large one
ho turned to and looked in the safe. Not
seeing anything that looked like a pack
age of money , ho stopped back , and look
ing up met the gaze ot Jackman , who , at
tracted by Wilson's step-back , had just
looked up from his work.
"What are you looking for , John * "
said ho.
"Nothing much ; only a $50,000 package -
ago and , it it is one of those largo onus ,
from the looks of the safe , I do not think
it is in there ; if u small one it should have
been in the bag. "
To explain Jack-man's next remark it
will be necessary logo a liitlo further into
the details of Ihu business. The New
York oflieo puts up u through sealed safe
for Chicago and another healed safu for
the Buffalo and Toledo route , which is
opened by the messenger on that route at
Buffalo , and after using the safe on his
route ho reseals it for Chicago , putting
in what matter he has gathered on his
run. This second safe was also in the
car. Jackman , in answer to Wilson's remark -
mark , said : "Perhaps it is in the other
While this conversation was going on
Iho agent , Mr. Wygnnt. came into the
ollicu and walked upstairs. Huaringhiiii ,
Wilson turned , with a view of telling him
of the shortage , but tliu thought struck
him thai hu lind not looked in the other
flatu , and knowing that Wygnnt would
come back that way lie did not call him ,
but proccuucd lo cheek m > what was left
and then checked the other s'ufo. Kven
when it was not found in the not safe
Wilson did not worry , as both money and
valuable packages hail been tlunt before
and turned up all right , but waited the
return of Wygant , going on with Iho
usual work. After some time Wygant
i eturned nnd ho was then informed ot the
A I'OSITIVi : bIlir.Mr.NT.
After some conversation , examining
Iho seal n.'id looking about the pun , \Vy-
gatil soul a message to Now York asking
what they knew about the packngu
Wilson , on going to dinner Hniida.v noon ,
to let him know if any dispatch came
from Now York. French did not got to
tlio room until II p.m. Wilson asked
him if a 113- answer had been returned to
the telegram. Kucuiving no for his tin-
bwor ho Hum began lo worry , and hud
awake tlio best part of the night , only
faihug asleep in tliu small hours of thu
morning. On account of Iho loss of
sloop ho overrent himself , and when lie
did nwako found thai it was U o'clock , ton
late to go lo the allied for tlio early rush
liu woke up Baker , Iho mesiengor who
roomed with him , and told him that as
lie was HO lalo ho would nut go to Iho
ollicu at present , but for him to got up
and they would go to the liotul for break-
last , wnich they did. After breakfast
Wilson started to the ollicu , and on his
way mot French , who told him Dial Uy-
gunl was anxious about him anil wanted to
Know why bo had not got down to the ollicu
sooner. T'ronch also told him that a
telegram find boon received from Nuw
York saying that the paukngu had been
put in thu sale , \ viu7x10 incf'cs ' in si/.u ,
and had been placed in tne right hand
corner. They went lo tliu ollicu together ,
and Wilson explained his ab-uncu to
Wygant. Then began interviews , ques
tions asked and answered. Superintend
ent Shepherd and General Sujierintuiid-
out Co no took a hand , and finally Pmkci-
ton WIIH oalli-d in and thu sloiy was all
gone over witli again , and finally Wilson
and Jackman worn suspended
Plnkertou told WiUon in just so many
words that ho was the thief. U ilson
wontto 1'coria to visit rulaivisand ! ! whilu
there discovered that two mnn were
watching him Hu went hoinu lo MobrrU
and Iho detucliyo came with Him. Whotis
O.UT Wilson was them WJIH the detective ,
Wilson kuovf he was a detective aud so
did every one else Thov were on
terms and remained o until last mouth ,
when the detective was ordered ole.
where , ( 'no day , shortly after the do.
tectivo left , a gontlomiiu registered nt
thu Meichauts hotel , Moberly , by flip
iiiinio of Pierce. It was soon noticed that
hu was Inking a great Interest in WiKon ,
and Wilson's friends told him tlml
the man was following him Ono
day Wilson stopped it ) ) to him
and told him that Im know who he wa ,
tiud that ho wauled him to slop following
him ; if he wished lo know what he W < M
doing lie could accompany him wlienner
ho went , but liu would not stiller him to
follow him. Pierce never ncUnowledgMJ
llmt he was a dctcelivo , but accepted the
oiler , and now they nro great ftiemli
They ire to choir mot-ting * nnd sing in
thuclioli. Pierce is n line singer , and
the young ladles designate him as "Mr
Pierce , Wilson's detective. " The qui-s-
turn is , how lo tig Is this to last , nnd u ho
l.s paying for tlio detective ? Wilson can
not got anything- do because of the
olotiil hanging over him No one who
knows him thinks for a moment that he
has anything lo do with the disappear
mice of Ihu monuy , but somu onu mu < a bo
( sacrificed. Has Pinkurtoti got detectives
tracing up the men who made up tne
sealed safe ? Is ho watching tlio mes m.
ger who curried thu safe ? Is ho watt-lung
i-very man who had anything to do with
any sealed safe that wont out of New
York on that day ? Tlio packngo might
have been put into a safe going to some
other point , aud there would bo m > nheek
on the man who found it. This proves
that the perils that sun-omul au express-
man are very great.
Count lllinlcyN Stitrmy rotirtflilp ,
Two couturios ago , Sir John SobiesKi
of Poland , tliu saviour of Vienna. r.iNcd
the family of Hhedey to thu dignity of
counts. A direct descendant of the
nobleman who lirst boru the title to-day
figures IIM thu hero of a romantic but dis
honorable tale. . In thu COUHO of twenty
decades tliu family lost its importance
ami wealth , nud the present scion , to
earn Ins dailv bread , learned tlio lock
smith's trade His mother , whose "light
Italian hand'to Iho hurt or of tliu gen
try mid aristocrnny , brought her Imloro
the Berlin courts moru than onou , to an
swer the charge of thefl. was litllo honor
to the naiiio she bnro. Her son , inherit
ing the maternal vices olfsot by few vir
tues which oueo wore thu distinguishing
qualities of his ancestors , at the court of
tin1 Polish Kings , was also con
victed _ ( > l larceny nnd condemned
to six mon'hs'H imprisonment
Freed from Iho same , ho shook the
dust of tlio Prussian capitn1from | his feel ,
and fled to Hungary , , by the inllu-
unco of his name and Ignorance of his
antecedents , ho became superintendent
of a largu estate in the possession of
Count Karoryi.VhiIo in this position ho
became acquainted , a fuw months ago ,
with Baion Lndislaiis Podmaiiis/.ky , onu
of thu wealthiest of tlio neighboring no
blemen , whoso daughter was the bounty
of the region. Thu spirits of Ins ances
tors whispered ambition in Ihu count 'n
ready ear and hopes of retrieving lost
fortunes fired his soul.
llu quickly toll in lovu with the pretty
baroness as tlio first stop in thu fulfilment
of his desires. His npncarnnco and man
ners , despite his earlier history , weru in
his favor , and his suit was rewarded
with flio promise of her hand. The. en
gagement was published on IhuHli of
last June. But on July 7 thu baroness ,
accompanied by her family and betrothed
husband , started for Slavonin , where
she had purchased thu minimise estate of
Kaptol. She. at once invested Count
Hhuduy with the Mipurintcnduiicu of thu
uropurtv. This displeased thu members
of her family , and brought an avalaneho
ol troubles upon tliu Head of tlio unsus
pecting groom. Daroii ( Jnbnel llheduv ,
chief of a Ilimgnrinn branch of thu
Prussian family , published a declaration
necnsipir the count of an unlawful as
sumption of his inline , and branding
him as a "tnlso Demetrius. " The Pod-
mtinics/.ky family , oxciled by the insinu
ations , demanded a refutation from the
prospective son-in-law , which the latter ,
however , completely ignored. Their
suspicion confirmed by this omission , the
baron announced the engagement biok-
0:1 , aud compelled Ithudcy to Icavo
Kaptol , at thu same time placing his
dnugntcr under fetnolest guard.
Khedey remained in Ihu neighbor
hood , however , till the baroness
succeeded in eluding her sentinels ; whun ,
reunited , the pair lied to Biidapestii. The
relatives , not uxpuetiug this , sent woid to
the infatuated conplo , as soon as thotr
whereabouts were known , to celebrate
the marriage without further delay , that
no further disgrace miuht tarnish tlio
name. Thu two repaired to the church ,
and standing before Iho altar were about
to receive the bishop's blessing when a
Berlin dispatch shocked thu latter with
the assertion that Khedey already had a
wife in Berlin , wlnoli prevented his
"entering matrimony on such a reckless
and prodigal sealo. " The reiloratud as
sertions ol Khodey. who lias a perfect
and indisputable right to his noble title ,
that hu had been divorced from his for
mer wife , availed nothing , and the
baroness was taken back to Kaplol nnd
placed again in confinement.
But tinough Iho connivance of an old
servant , a correspondence was continued
with Rhedey , whom she still passionately
loved , informing him ot her uncomforta
ble situation and begging tlio interven
tion of law , s-lio having attained her ma
jority. A Knit was tlio consuqtionco ,
whic'h summoned thu family to Hilda pesth ,
where thu Irutli of thu daughters asser
tions wns proved. She again declared
her intention to protect Hhedey and deed
him Hit ! estate to keep him in Her neigh
borhood. While wailing in thu museum
park , during the cournu of thu trial so
vital ( o his niton sin , Itliedey was sur
prised by a policeman , who conveyed
him to prison us a "dangerous individual
against whom charges rested in Berlin"
On tint tallowing day hu wan banished
from thu city , and accompanied by thu
baroness and detectives , .set out for
Berlin , wheiotlio linnlo of the advcntnio
id awaited \vilh interest.
Tliu I'lincoof Wales bus set the Inslilon of
\\ei\rini : widu nnd cuilj biiiiiined hats in
Kii'-'huid ,
pALSAv | ?
at caw .DRUGSTORE :
You YV-IIA43J-