Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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The Visible Supply Now in tbe Neighbor
hood of 600.000,000 , Bushels.
Tlio I'nrlt Market Absolutely Without
Ijifo Cnttln Uccclptn Atiout
to Ilia Demand ntttl I'rlces
111 Klicr ( j not nl Ions.
CmrAoo , Nov. a [ Special to
the DKIJ.J Hutch seemed to no about thu
only innn In thn early market that thcncnis
w etc afraid of. Ho commenced his bujlng
nt Ihe open board mid continued It nfter the
regular session opened. The lirst market lor
December\v as 74J t@75 : . This was theopt-n
bonril llgme. It opened icgulnrly ntTrxsaud
sold at "SCW-IV , hut within tlftccn minutes
dropped to 74 ; < e under heavier oirerlnjs than
thccrondcould takocaieof. Whnn the top
point was leached n bltt hull said : "They
will soon eel sick ol this. We arc getting
very ncirly rxx,0'JOooo bushels as n Vlslblu
supply now , and that Is n good deal ol wheat.
Jlut the exuort figures show we arc getting
rid of It , for they wcio one-third larger dur
ing the past WCCK than they wore dining the
corresponding period last yoai. " Corn was
Rtrnng on the weather. It opened © . c
Higher , nt MQLKMc. l''or an hour wheat kept
very steady mound Tic , and then showed just
a shadu inipro\ciuunt on a spurt of local buy-
Ink' . Coin diopped down tottj (31- ( < . ' .
Almost nothing was done in poik , the
nltendanco ol linden being \urysllm. Some
.Innuary old at 810.10 , niul later declined Go.
In point of actlvlly , Inteiest nnd volume of
business the day was about on a par with
yesterday. Vurv Iiltlo was tlono lu a spcpu-
lattvtiwny alter Hutch hatl bio ciack at the
market , for nobody t oiild bci > anything to ti.ulo on. Thu whole range wr.s
buundt'd byc limits the same as yesterday.
Toward the close December was u shade uii-
dci75c ratliei-than up to that point , but the
market could not bo called cither weak or
eliong. It was simply steady and very slow.
As Urn session advanced com became more
depressed than it was earlier In the tlay ami
May Hold iiuiteficely ut-Il'lc. Hut in this ,
ni In curj thing elfci' , tindc was of a veiy spir
itless and desnlmry kind. Dining Ihu beltur
part of the day the poik pit was onlirolj do-
burtud , with JniiimtyJicuvy at S10.05.
Altcrnoon trading started in with wheat
just n tliade tinner llian at 1 o'clock , but nol
much business was doing. " " - ' '
iiry ; ci f , ! . , .MUV. V IMII , aitujMIV - , . "
vemoer : . " ( l December ; lle , May. Oats ,
unchanged. 1'oik ste.uly ; 5U.'J5 , > ovembui ;
Sl > . " 0. December. Laid unclmiiKod.
tin ! : | ) . m. I'ntson December vvheat , 7-Wc ;
calls Wjc. I'nts on May corn , lljfc ; calls ,
CHICAGO , > 'ov. 9. iSpeclal Telepram to
thfl HE' . ' . ] CATTI.F. Receipts lor Ihe past
two days wcro just about of sulllclent number
for the wants of trade , and thu demand was
nlso just about equal lo Iho simply. As lo
prices , Ihoy aio substantially higher than at
the close of last week , In seine Instances 10 ®
15c higher on the ordinary run of fat cattle.
IJango .stock Is quoted 10l.Vj higher than
last week. Native bntcheis stoi-k , on account
of the light inn of Tcxans Is soiling a shade
fitrongur , but yet pi ices are ruinously low.
The stocker and Iccder trade remains quiet ,
yet there was n fail' movement In that class
of stock jcstuiday. Trices are substantially
lower than last week. The block call U ado
1ms dwindled down to small pioportlons.
There were seven loads huie this week , out
of which only two weie sold , the remainder
being shipped to the conntiy on owners ac
. . . . . . . .
.U1I1IIIIII.I * & , U < rt lf. , ; ' .nv/ , ' / -
anc , ( Ml Ibs. . $ ; UO : " 20 Wyoming , Texans ,
1,120 Ibs. , : ) , ; 100 Wyomlntr , 1,181 Ibs. ,
SH.10 ; 275 Wyoming , Texans , WiO Ibs. . S3.U5 ;
140 Dakota , Texans , ilso Ibs. , S3.00a ; : Mon
tana , 1,001 Ibs. , 3J.UO ; ob ! ) Montana 1,100 Ibs. ,
HOOR The turn In the maiket to-day was
rather better. Speculators and shippers , to-
gctner with one or two .small packlni ; linns
and city butchers , weiu free buvoisnt an ad
vance of S@10c. The advance Is looked upon
as dauicerous to shippers , as it will inducu a
sharp forward movement trom thu country ,
and in turn a sharp downturn In prices in
this market. Sales to-day show that common
and louuh stock sold down as low ns 83.2T ®
II.40 ; fair to good mixed , Sii.50 ( < ? : i.X ( ) : iirlmo
heavy packers , S3.ii5i3.75 ( ; fancy Phlladel-
phlas and prime Now Kugl.uidshipping soils ,
SM fliJili.bO ; li ht York sorts , S.'l.bOdi.'J.W ;
common and rough light. gJ.e.'K2.CO. : ;
York. Nov. D. MONEY On call
quiet at ! 3C < IO per cent , closing atI per cent
1'ltI.MK MKIlCAXril.H I'APEIl 4@5 per
chanped at S4.bOJ4 forsl\ty day Dills ; S
for demand.
Uov'KiiNMhNTS Uovcinment bonds AVCIO
STOCKS Stocks , while somewhat loss
active , piesent thu same geni' leatnies they
have for isome days past. The opening was
tamu and inclined to heaviness , with do-
cllnes Iroin Iho closlni : Humes of last even- II
Ingianglng fiom ] tf to ya tier cent , \\hllo Ia
lingo propoitlon of thu actlvu list lemalned
iincliiUiKi'd. Kiuly gains VNCIU goneially lost
by noon , alter which thu m.uke' . bec.imo very
dull but linn. Tow-inls thu eloso thn market
again steadied , hut lemalned without leaturc
and elnsed dull hut steady , closu to thu open
ing liglllCf : .
* cflnt bonds , . &N. w us
0. fa.-IK's lU'i prof cued , i
Now 4's liis' NT.Y. C 111 !
Gliloncn , Nov. 0. Flour Compaiatlvely
niH'lmiici'd ; winter wheat Hour , S4.UX4I.10 ;
nuithi'in , gn.00ffl4.00 ; Wisconsin. S4-ooc < < l4.lO ;
Michigan fiiiJl sprlni : vvht-at , . &UT(4.10 ( ( ; Mln-
ota luUcrs , gltWigH ,10pntrntn. ; S4.yo 4.00 ;
lo\VLTnlc.s,5 l.T5fj'.75 ( ; i.\o Hour , iinirt at
Corn Falily activti anil tinner ; opi'iieil ' 4
JdCiiumujesteiday'ii cloic , closing ahont us
jcstfrday ; cash , .Vi&cj DccenibL'r.SO. cj Janu- ; ay,41c.
Uats Prlroh a hhade liiiuer than at close
jeti-iday tor fiiunes , casli ViJJuC lietlcr
qnlpt : cash , 2fio ; December , 20 * c ; May ,
Jyt AlOlAl r.
tUrloy Knsy iitA'Jc.
Vhix ecd-Cash. U4c.
Timothy heed Prime. tl.&i&l.tH.
Pork Dull and demand llirht , with no ma-
tcrlul rhaiittn : cash and December , feV.'JO ; Jnu
l.ard Dull but nominal ; cash and Dccem
tor. S5.10 : January , SA.U7.
Hulk MiHts-.Shollldcis. SMOftri.20 ; shorl
clear , So.fc. ' AW ) ; shoit ill ) ! . . $5.12 > i tor Jan
Hnttcr Imuroving ; creamery , 10(32C ( < j
. .
Cbeese- Steady : full-cream cheddarn. ll'f ©
ll'jc ; Hats , lU.Ccill i'c : yountc Auieilcas
Uide Ueavy green baited , fully cured
llitht. do , b tb c ; damiiucd , m (
; dry halted , HQl'ic ; try
Illnt , rxttfc ; calf skins , 8 < 210 c ; deacons ,
Wo ) each.
Tallow No. 1 country , Sh'CPKc ; No.O.
3c : cake , 8 { c.
Keeelnw. Shipments.
Flonr.bblg 22.000 1S.OOO
Wheat , hll 114,000 10.000
Corn , mi 174.000 irooO
Oats , bu 1 2,000 127.0CO
Hyp , ou. . 2.000 none
Uarirv.ou 78.0UO Si.ooy
New York. Nov. 0. Wheat Firm
" "
" " " " '
"VVrn-Fi rin" : recelptfl. MOOO !
13fiooo ; ungraded , iXfJ'c ; old No. a. 45c ;
No. -t-XVcIn elnvator , 4i ( ; calloat ; Dei em
ber clofccd atlOJfc. .
Oats Moderately active : receipts. 75.OX ) ;
exports , .7)0 ) ( mixed western , Jhaic : white
western , SVHOc.
Petroleum Steady : United closed atCOc.
Keirs Finn and In fair douiaiid ; western ,
24rt'iV. ( , ,
Pork Klrm andrathfrnulrt : mess , quoted
at S . ? 5'Alo.tO for old ; sl0.ri7H' l . < 5 for
now. . _
I.ard Active ; \\estcrnstcain spot , 0.20 ®
O.i >
Mutter Kit in ; fair Inquiry.
Chec e ( jillct , but easy.
Clnclnnntl. Nov. ( . Wheat 1'nlr de-
manil ; No. 2 rod , W < : fii f > c.
Corn-Actho and lirmer ; No. 2 mixed , 3C@
i'ld' C
b.its-Flim ; No. 2 , mixed.2c@3c. :
Hyo Irregular : No. s , SHi-jGc1.
Laid Irrceulat at S.'i.00t < } 0.00.
Whisky Steady and llrm at $1.13.
Minneapolis. Nov. " Wheat Quiet
under Iniue receipts ; No. 1 hatd. 72c cash ;
December , 7ik@ri.ljc : : : ; .January , 74e ; No. 1
northrrn , 70 UP cash ; DcccuUicr : 71e.lnnu- ;
aiy TiKc : No. 'J northern , & c cash ; De
cember , fife ; January , 70ic. }
Flour Steady ; intents , M.10@4.25bakcis ; ,
c'l io@'j "i '
Hecelpts'-Wheat.m.lOM bn. ; Hour , 200 bis.
hhlpments-AVheat , o'.OOObu ; Hour , 23,000
Mllwnukoc. Nov. l > . Wheat-Firm ;
cash , 72c ; December , r.l.'ic ; Jaumiiy , 7Jc.
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , : 3c.
No. ' . ' ! .
Oats-Quiet ; , c.
Ityp Ocuico ; No. lKlr. ,
Harlev-Diooninc ; No.J , M' c.
Piovlslons Kuslei ; pork , November and
December , SU.-O.
Now Orleans , Nov. 0. Coin Quiet and
steady ; mixed , 47c : yellow , 4S-c ; whlto , 4Uc.
Oats Steady : choice western , : i.Un , ( ) C.
llo < Products lu good demand and a
shade hlu'hcr.
Laid-Uefmed tlcice. Sd.OO.
UulK Meats Shoiildcrs. SK.121 , ; ; long
clear and clear libs , sn.2J (3iV.5. (
Coriimcal-Qulct at SA13.
Ht. Lotii , . Nov. t . Wheat AVcak and
lower ; No. U led , cash , 75''c ' ; December ,
70Kc.Iauiiary ; , 7SVc ; May , We.
Coin-Klinipr ; No. 2 mixed , cash.
Novumber , R4 > tc , bid : December , 34 > cbld ;
Januaiy. : i.r < ) ( , o ; Mav. oU'iC. , .
Oats-Illnher : No. ' . ' . mixed , cash , 2ic ;
December. 'JtiYc ; May , Wl 'c.
Whisky51.13. .
Pork Steady at SO. 75.
Lard Klim at S58.-1.
Uutter Steady and quiet ; creamery , 23@
2Cc ; dany , I2 ( 23c.
Aitcrnoon Uoard WheatMrmor and
dt\c higher. Corn Kasy and . 'bc lower.
Oats Kasler and a shade lower.
Knnsnn City , Nov. I ) . Wheat-Steady ;
No. 2 red. cash , Olc bid ; December , '
No. 2. rash. 2-J iOc ; Ie-
cembcr , SO' c bid ; May , itfc bid.
Oats Nominal ; cash , 2Jc bid.
1'oleilo , Nov. 0 Wheat-Dull and steady ;
Corn Vlrni hut dull : cash ,
Oats Steady ; cash 2TJ.c.
Ijtvot-pool , Nov. . Wheat Demand
Impiovlmr and steadj ; new No , 2 , winter ,
Cs HKd ; bprlng , fis sil.
I'loiu In fair duiiiand and steadv at 8s fid.
Com In fair demand and steady ; spot ,
4s 4d ; November and December dull at 4a Id ;
January , dull at 4s 8J. d.
Chlcaj-o , Nov. 9. The Drover's Journal
rcpoitniis follows :
Cattle HecoIptH , 7,000 ; strong for coed
stock ; shluplng stecic , 83.iOa5.00 ! ( ; stockers
and feeders. S2.0Jg.UO ( : cows , bulls and
mixed , S1.40G12.00 ; bulk , .
Texas cattle btcady , 82.10 :1.00 : ; western
rancers lirm , natives and halt-breeds , Sa.OO
S3.70 ; wintered Toxaiib. ViHO@.15. )
Ho s Kecuipts , 15,000 ; strong and a shade
higher ; inuehand mixed , jf3.85 < 5l 1.70 : pack
ing and hhlpplmr , 8.I.50@3.W ; light. gS.UO ®
g0 : ) ; hkips , S2.2lKJ ( .25.
Slicup Kecelpts , 2.0JO ; steady : natives ,
S' ? ! wcstein. si.oOi.GO : ( ? : ! ; jTe.xans ,
S'iOOtfi'.i..X ' ) ; lambs , 5.00af.40. : ! !
St. 1-imls , Nov. a Cattle Receipts ,
o.OOO ; shipments , lWO : ; smooth cr.ules , both
natives and western , sold quickly at iiillng
prices ; cows and thin grndesstcady but slow"
choice native steeis , S4.iO. : . Z4.bO ; common to
good shimiois. 8i.50i : ( < ! 4.30 ; butchers' steers ,
fair to good , fciOO : ! .15 ; icedeis , medium
to best , g'.MXSiVJO ; stackers tair to good ,
KatiHUM City , Nov. 9. Cattle Kecelpts ,
1,700 ; shipments , O'JO ; good com fedsliong ,
glass utiigo steady : common to choice , SH.SiO
® 4.Wstockeis , j-2.'iVi2.7.'i ; feeding steers ,
S'-.NJ@ > i.r,0 ; cows , Sl.fio@i.OO.
Hog's Itecciiits , 10,000 ; shipments , 100 ;
weak and lOc lower ; common to choice , S" .M
Tuesday Evening. .Nor. 0.
CAITI.I : The receipts ot cattleam vciy
light and the maiket dull. Thuro vuisiiotli-
Ing doing in thu leeacv maiket. A few
westei n cows weru sold. Thi'ro worei-oveial
caisof Uijrn fed htei'isln which sold te.ullly
at good pi ices.
lions Fowler llios. ' p.icklwr liouso began
opcM.itlnns tod.iy and kllh'il a , thousand hog > ,
nil they could get. Thu Ijipton IKIII-O also
hud u buyer on the maiket. The irci'Ipts
weiu moiu llbuuil to-day than fin tome time ,
hut fell tar shoit of supiilylug the demand.
The maiket was a stiou 5j higher than yes-
teiday and active.
Swi.Kr Nothlm : doing on the market.
Sheep. 00
I'roviillliiij I'rloos.
Showing thuprovalllnspilces paid for live
Mock on tills inarUel. roITi
Choice bteeisJ , 13VJ to IfWQ Ibs . 34.2' ® 4.ri.'i (
Choice steers , Uuu to iO : < ) Ihs . H.7.'i ( 4.o ; ;
Medium steers 1250 to 1340 lb < . . .
( Jood feeders . 'J.UOfJil.O'i
Coed to choice coin-tid cuw.s . 'J.tioC'i3.00
Itaugeeows . 'J.a.Vsi-J.M
Kali lo medium grass cows . U.UOnc..U'i
< iood to choice DilIN . 1..VJ
LiL'htand iiieiiium nogs. ,
< ! oed to choice he.ivy Itoirs 8.tiOvi : .7fi
( iood to choice mixed nogs H.d'iwi,0j :
Hough thro w outs 'J,0.i ( U , do
( iood to choiro hliecp. S.TftWil.iM
Fair to good sheep , -J.'iS.2.M ( ! i
Ito | > resentativo Hales.
rui > i
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
5..1U.VJ S4.00 157..H'J S4.SO
U..1170J.iXI IS..Mil ) 4.CC
0..11S1 4-30
rows ,
No. Av. l > r. No. Av. I'r.
20. . . . UJ7 SitO
No , Av. Slik. 1'r. No. Av. Shk. I'r
M..S5S IN ) 5H.60 .r.U..Sif. bO * 3. 7 >
- OU./JiO 'JOJ a.fil ) 57.10r ! > 100 li,70
? : i-'ftj so : : . < t , , 'W5 iuo 8.70
63 fUl 210 tUtt 118-W 100 3,70
, 74. . 'JM I'M 3.05 aL.S'SI IfiO S.70
01..3TJ H ) JI.16 M.8IO 200 3.7ft
6n.wr 'o a.Q'K too a.75
M.i:0 : : 121) IMW 74..BTJ iiOO .75
W.2i310 3C7J < K.AVt 310 S.75
- Uuilii . . .
- Showing the hluhcst Biul lowest prlcei
paid for loads of hogs on this market durtui
- the da > s and lor the same Hint
last year :
Oct Ib&l "Nov.780. , SoIMS. .
4tU 4.10
till 4.06 464.10 300 ® 3.1S
Bill U.M $14.25 3.40 4W.70 3.00 O3.1S
, Tth 3.K ) ( (4.00 HunJar. d.03 4W.15
Hl > ILOi O-l 70 tiuuday
Bill 9.65 U'.i VO 0.00 OH. ILi !
ahowluE the number uf CHJS of cattle , hog
and sliccp shipped from Soulh Omaha during
the day :
> fo. cars. lloutc , Destination.
31 N. W Chicago
Allaalc of stock in tills market arc made
per c\\t. live wcljtht miles * otherwise stated.
lpad linRt cll at Kc per II ) . for nil xvp | hts.
'Skins ' , " or hogs weighing less tlmn 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows nro docked 40 Ibs.
and stags SO Ibs.
Send In your hogs.
No hogs left over.
feeders slow sale.
No sheep selllnc.
Hogs take a step up.
Corn fed cattle sold quickly.
Fowler Uros. make way with a thousand
, ) . . ! . ( tllson , Stuart , had In 107 head of
Kd Cooper had in a load of cattle from
K. liarrott , of Weeping Water , was al ! *
j wrds lo-tlay.
Stewart Wclkcr , Waterloo , la. , was a visi
tor at the yards.
.1. Cox , Hampton , was here and marketed
a load ot hogs.
Watson Tyson , Ulalr , was looking around
the yalds to-tlay.
1 logs averaged sixty-six to the car against
bitty-live yesteiday.
It. J. Woodwortli , Wahoo , was hcio mid
sold a car of '
F. Wnllach , Mound City , Mo. , had In
eleven loads of cattle.
. ) . P. Itlsb , Adair Co. , la. , was among thn
vlslttns at the yards to-day ,
< ! . II , Hammond & Co. received eight loads
of cattle bought on other markets.
Joseph l/iiicastor , ono of J. 1' . Squires.bog
bujcri , has nnhed iinit will buy hozs here.
Wm. Walwoik , of Chicago , arrived at the
yawls to-day and will buy hogs lor Fowler
Uio * .
II. 1' . Urady , formerly with Clark Hros. .
and a ( list uln s hog man , has been appointed
public Inspector ,
Mr. Nelson , of the Hrm of Nelson &
Young , Oakland , was hcio and niniketcd
three loads of hogs.
Accoidlm ; to icports from eastern markets ,
hogs sold heiu to-day within r > u of what the
same grade of hogs u cm bringing In Chicago.
On the market with hogs : W. C. I'.itton &
Son , Cornln : ; Fuller t 1'ayton , Fulleiton ;
F. C. Hawks , I3edar llaplds ; A. F. Nlhart &
Co. . UMugs : Clark , He.itou t Co. , Weston ;
Nelson & Vonnir , Oakland ; O. Hiircest ,
Weeplnit U'alor ; Hiildv Live Stock Co.Jlol-
drldgu ; Hohnbanm t Co. , Waco ; Fisher A :
Wairner , York ; W. C. I'ottcr A : Son , Coin-
In , ' ; ( J. W. Julian. Casey , la. : Bliss & Co. .
Wateiloo : H , .1. Woodworth , Wahoo ; L. . H.
S. > V : Co.Vot 1'olnt ; Kens & Storrs Oak-
tlale ; A. Cuilse , Atkinson.
General Priitltico.
Tuesday , Nov. U.
T/ic/olloiolHfl / prices urc for rnuiui Jott of
jrwluceaiitiMontlic inirhcl to-iltiii. 'flic
nunttitluiis nn fruttx represent Vie prices at
whtclt nuMM orders arc filial.
Koos The receipts ol fresh stock are not
laign and the market Is steady at-'Oc. A
gnod many cold stoiagc eugsaiu uomliii ; h ; ,
which are generally selling at lUc , which
keeps thn market down.
HuriKii The butterlno law went Into
etlceton the Ihstof the month , and N beliu
Btrictly enforced. It has had a ten
dency to increase the demand for but
ter. FieUi creamery , 2 @ : iOu : ficsh dairy ,
ISCtiUOu ; choice country roll , 1X0 > J ; choice
cotfntry , solid packo.l , 17@l a ; good
country roll. IfiJllTe ; good country , solid
packed , 15alCc ( ; Fair , ] l@He ; common ,
i ! .
CHEF.snFiiU creasu ehe'blars , single , 18c ,
full crcAin flats , twins , 13uTouii2 ; Amoric.m ,
HlKc ; fancy hwKs 14fel5o : Sv/Us. impoitcd ,
2V. Limburgcr , 12h ; bilcl ; , Uic.
I'ori/ritv 'J'he market is not very active.
The leculpts ol live poultiy are nol heavy
and they bell slow. The weather
lias been too waim foi hamliing
diesscd poultry to thu best adv.iutaire.
Uld ehicltens , choice , per tint. , 52.003.W ) ;
spiiug chickens , S&OOS3.30 ; rtuckB , 8'i.iO <
2.T5 ; tnrkejs. per Ib. be ; geese , . . .
Dressed poultry , chicken's. er Ib , bC Sc ;
ducks , 10 ( < Ulc ; turkeys , UMl'JJifc.
I'OTATOUS Theto have been a good many
potatoes in and thomaikct has been tairly
active. The approach of cold we.ither has
madoietall dealeis moie nnvious to put in
their winter stocks. Good choicn stock is
selling ail the way from 53@5 e. Small or
poor stock : va Wo.
ONIONS Tneio has been a car of choice
yellow Michigan onions in thK week which
sold ] I ntOOt * . Common Nebiaska stock is hlow
giades. Thu market is fairly . . .
moil block , Sl.7oaiOO ( ; choieo Mlssouii Stock.
S-.OO'JZ'J.S' . ; MicUigan stock , 'J.OU ( ? J.50 ; t.incy
Michipin , Si.OO. :
CII.KRV : The receipts are ao heavy that
dealers arc unable to dispose ot it all.
Choice stock is selling nt30&PWc per do/ .
OYSIT.IISThu demand lor oysteis Is heavy
and doaleis rcpoit a much better tradti than
last year. Tiices lemaiii nnchangi'd.
Mediums , 3.w ; standards , 'M\ \ selects , 3oc ;
N. Y. counts , -lOc.
MAri.iSuoAU : Itilcks , perlb , 12 > c ; pen
ny caKes , per 11) , 16c.
MAi'i.iiavia-r Hulk , tU to 17 keg
pur gal , 81.00 ; gal cans , per gal , § l.o : > ; K gal
cans , per gal , 81.10.
C.imu-New York.perbbl , Sd.riONow ; " \ ork ,
y bbl , S .i" ; Crab , per docits , SJ.75 ; Michi
gan lelllieil , per bhl. S0.50.
ViXKoAii White wine , i : ' . ( 15e : elder vin
egar , JSftiloc ; single siiength , I'-'c ; tilplo
itieiigth , lW < lbc.
Sweet I'ol.itous There sue not nianyon the
maiket at tins piescnt llmo ; choice stock Is
( inoted at 19j < n'Jc ,
J KMOXS Me > lna , per box 57.00 7.50 ;
j Jamaica , per bov , S > .M ) : per
bbl. . $ J.1U ; Florida oinnjre * , per box , S5. . " > 0.
Cu.vxiiKnuiKs Cnno cod , fancv. per bh ! . ,
SS.O ( ) ; licit and Himlu. per bbl. , 57.f < 0 ; liel
and Cheny , porbbl. . S7.00.
UA.VA.NAH Thoie Is no clianze In the mar
ket. Uanauas , yellow , uur bunch. 82.00 -
bananas , jellow , laigo bunch , S i.oo
HOJJBV Nubiaska. choice , white clover ,
e.Nebiaskadatk ; , . .
I'liovisioxs Hani , He ; breakfast bacon ,
0 > < rt $ 10c ; clear side bacon , b 'e ; dry salt sides
cbliouldcrs ; , 7Kc ; diiedbeer , niicular , lie ;
dried beef , ham pieces , He : ! ardM > Ib cans.
iWo ; laid , UO Ib cans , Falibanks , ( ) J4'c : 10
\ ( > cans. Fairbanks , 7c ; 5 Ib cans , tiilr-
banks , 7lse : Jllbc.ins. Falilwnks. .
JiKANS-Ulterior Mock. g0.7.rx11.0J ! ; good
clean ronntiv. Sl.ooon/Jfl : mt'dliim , hand
picked , Sl. . ' > 0l.f < 0 ; hand picked navy , 51.00
, ' "PJ.OUB AND Mii.i.BTUKi's \ > Inter wheat
Hour , best qualltv patent , fc'J.7i ! ; second nual-
Itv. 82,40 ; hp-,1 quality miring wheat
dour , pilent , S'J.iiObranr.0cpurewtchopped ; ;
feed , 70c per cwt : whitu corn meal , UOc ;
> ellowcorii meal , MC per cwt : screening , ( iio
percwt ; hominy , 82.0u per cwt ; fchorts , fiSc
percwt : inaham , S1.CO ; hay , In bales , S5.W@
G.OO uer ton.
' ' u Corn. 25c ; now oats , ii3c ; rye iK > o\ \
° wlTc'at.'No. 2.55
Gcncrftl Market ) .
WOOL Medium 18 eocper lb ; line heavy ,
. WS.l.l8ht1lC@l ! | ci coarse , HQiOc ; hurry
IliiiKS Green butchers , G' e ; gee I.
8fflbKodrv ; Ilint , llWUe ; dry salt. MS Ufa ;
green calf skins , W'tujjo ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow . ' { c , ( ireasu
I'rimu white , 3c ; yellow , "a ; brown , 1 %
Sheep 1'elts , 2.5Q75c.
. , l EATHKii I'rlmo slaughter eolo leather ,
i 32c : urimuoak soluleather , 30g.i6c. ( Upper
leather per foot , aixjiiicj hem. kip , 25(4 ( 5c ;
nak kip. 85 ( i)5o : French kip , S1.00gl.20 ( ;
bom , calf , 0l.vAOHtui : oak ( ; aii . v .vvv t.M ,
French calf , Sl.'i@l.60 : Morocco , boot leg ,
80 < 3B'- ! : Morocco oil pebble,2( ( ; topningb
and linings , OCvayOi ! .
HEAVY lUiiDWAnr. iron , rate 82.80 ;
plow iteel special castle ; crucible steel , Cc ;
cast tools , do. 12AiiSo ; wagon spokes , per set ,
81.75300 ( ; hub : ) , per t > et , $1.2.5 ; telloes ,
bawed dry , S1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axels
each. 7J * " . square nuts , per Ib. Kt71c ; cell
chain , per II ) . 0 12c ; nutlcable , 0uN ; ; iron
wi'dcrs , Co ; crow bars , 6c ; harrow teeth. 4o ;
spring steel , 7gtte ( ; lluidun's horse shoes ,
l.-lO'.liurduii's mule shoes , 95.40. Hat lied
wire. In car lots , 64,00 per 100 Ibs.
Nails , rates , 10 to rx ) , S'&O ; steel nails , 32.65.
Shot , tl.OA ; buckshot , ! . ( & ; oriental powder ,
kegs , 32 50 ; do. half kegs , 3-i.OO ; do. quarter
kegs , 81.60 : blasting kegs , Si.3,5 ; luse , per 10
, fout , C5c , Jyead bar. 510.
ILiAiiNiBiiFa Barrels , per gallon : furni Il I-
ture , extia , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1. Sl.Oii ;
I coacli extra , $1.40 ; coach , No , 1 , 51.20 : Da-
] war , extra , 11.75 ; Japan , 70c ; a plultum ,
extra 83c ; shellac , SS.EO ; hard oil finish ,
bi'i'niTs Cologne spirits. 1S3 proof , SI.17 ;
do 101 proof , SI.18 ; 8iiriU ] , second quality ,
101 proof , S1.17 : do 18s proof , J1.16. Alcohol.
IbS proof , * 2.1S per wlnu gallon. Hedlstllled
whiskies , 51.00 1 50. ( Jin , blended. Sl.W ®
2.00 : Kentucky bourbons , S2.0038.00 ; Ken
tucky and 1'cnnsylvanla ryes SiOO . &O ;
( lolden Sheaf bourbon and rjo whiskies
S1.60jW.)0. ( ) Hrandles , Imported , ( ;
domestic , Sl. : @ 3.00. ( { ins. Imnorted , S4.60
( dC.OO ; domestic , 81.-Vd3.00. ChampaRncs ,
imported , per ca o , S'JS.OIX333.00 ; American ,
per case , SiO.OOi.aiO.00. '
1'Ai.NTs jx On. White lead. OmahaP. P. ,
7Uc ; white lead , St. Lotils , pure. 57.73 ; Mar-
follies green , 1 to. ) Ib cans -c ; French zinc ,
ercen seal , 13c ; French ziiic , red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In vntnlsh asst , 20c ; French
zinc , 75c ; vcrmllllon , American , lc ; Indian
red , lOc : rose pin if. He ; Venetian red , Cook-
son'rt , 2Vc ; Venetian red. American , l c ;
red lead , 7Kc : ehrome yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chromo yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , roclicllc. He ;
ochre. French , 'Jjfc ; ochre. American ,
! } < c ; Winter's mineral. 2 > c ; Lclilgh blown ,
2 } < c ; Spanish biown , 2J c ; I'rlnco's itlncral ,
Duv PAINTS White leail , 8c ; Fiench sine ,
12c ; 1'nrls whltlnir. SUc ; whltliig'iIIdcrs :
2fc ; whiting , com'l , l'ic ' ; lampblack , ( Jer-
manstown , 12c ; lampblack , ordlnaiy , PC ;
Prussian bluc.Mcultramarine ; , ltcvandyk- * ;
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. 4c ; mnber. raw , 4 o
1\ , L ccilllllliuu , j-jiiiiiii , ill uu , ,
raw and burnt umber , 1 ll > cans , I2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c ; vandjke brown , l c : re-
ilnoil lampblack , I3c ; conch black and Ivory
black , lOc ; drop black , iGc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; chrome grecnlj. ,
M , > tl ) . , H'.c ; blind and shutter green , L. , M.
A 1) . , 10c ; ParU green , IScj-Ir.dlan led , I5c ;
Venetian red , IV ; Tuscan , 22c ; Amcrlcnn
vennllllon.Ii. & D. , 20c ; jcllow ochre , 2c ; U
M. A O. 1) . , ISc ; good ( xhre , lOe ; patent
diver , So ; training color , lluht oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and nsh , 12c ,
DnuosAXP OiiKMirAi.o. Acid , carbolic ,
! . ! 2c ; ncld , taitarlc , fi2c ; balsam copaiba , per
Ib , 4 % : bark sassafras , per It ) , 10o ; calomel ,
per Ib , 78c , ehlnclioiiidla , per 07toe ; chloio-
iorm , per 1b , 50c ; lo\er's ) powders , pel Ib ,
Stl..r > ; epsoni salts , per Ib , JJ < c ; glyccrlue ,
pure , per Ib. 2 > u ; lead , acetate , per Ib , 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1. per ghl. , Sl.fiOc ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , SI.40 ;
oil oriratiuum. SOc ; opium , Si.20 : : quinine ,
P. < t W. ami It. fcS , , per oz. 70c ; potassium
Iodide , per Ib , Si.H ) ; s.ilicln , jioroz , 40c ; sul-
phaiu morihlne , per oz. S .X > ( sulphur , per
lb , 4c ; strychnine , per oz. S1.25.
Gi'occrs * Tjlst. Medium. In bbls , S0 , . ' > 0 ; do. In
halt bbls , 83.15 ; small. In bbls 57.50 ; do , In
half bbls. S4.2.V dierklns , In bbls , S8.50 ; do ,
In half bblB.SI.73.
SYitui' No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , St.20 ; New-
Orleans , per irallou : ti < ( if4 < ie ; maple s , > rup.
half bbls , 'old lime , " per gallon , 72e ; 1 gal
lon cans per doz , 510.00 : half gallon cans ,
per do$5.00 : quaitnans , S.'i.Ga
STAitrn Mliror gla = . 1 lb. SJfc : mirror
gloss : ! I" , r > ' < c : minor gloss , Gib , fik'c ;
( iraves1 corn , I lb , Oc ; Kiugsford's corn , 1 lb ,
7o ; Klnicsfoiil's gloss , I lb. 7e : Klnirslord's
moss , 0 lb. 7J e , Klimstord's pine , ! J lb , 7Jfc ;
Kluisfonls bulk , 4c.
Toii.vcro Plug , elliuax , 4Jc ; boiseshoe ,
! 57o ; star. : ! .V ; sp-arhead , , Wo : plperheldslek ,
noc : gold shield , Sic ; merry war , Site : J. T.
J. . tt-'c.
. ,
i'L/V IV. I11O VJi kll lllH- ,
S1.70 ; mule squaie , 81.20.
OAxnv Mixed , lll ) c ; stick ,
CiiACKiMts ( iarneau's ' soda , butter and
picnic , ifc ; creamsS > > fe ; ginger snaps , 8 > jc ;
city soda , 7Kc.
SOAVS Kirk's savon imperial , 53.70 ;
Kiik's satinet. 3.00 ; Klik's standard , $ A.Q- ;
Kirk's white Russian , SI.00 ; ICirlt\s while-
cap , KhM ; dome , S3b5 ; washboaid , SJ1.10 ;
white cloud , S3.75.
Koi'K-1 , ' Inch. 8 ; c ; % inch , 10v c ; Jilnch ,
UW I t II Tt LJl'AVUt "sn y ff ) * 1 MuVlt 7j K/iil
18so , 7lJi7a4c ( : iieacheg , avaimr.ited ,
l"e : raspberries , new , lPjl'JKc ( ; cmients
prune1' , new , 15f 4JJc.
Powdereu , 7 ? ! rlfc ; cnt oat
CAXNII : > ( Soons Oysters , standard , per
case , S3.M ) ; stniwberiles , 'J lb , per case , Si.OO ;
raspberries. 2 lb , per case , S2.00 ; California
pears , per case , 54.50 : aprieots , per casj ;
84.00 ; Dcachcs. vcr cr.'C , S.VJ3 ; white clier-
ries , p f case , Sfi.OO ; p inn * , per case , S3.i ( ! ,
bliieherrioH , per ease , Sl.W : u-tr plums. 2 Jb
per ease , W.50 : pincapules , 2 lb , per case
S3.2U@.75 ; 1 lb mackeio.l. per doz ,
caily.luiiR peas , per case , S2.75 ; y lb toma
toes , S2.10@2.2S.
Corrnr.s-Oidinarv giadcs 12c fair ,
l2r < JiJc : ; pi hue , I3@t3) ) lc : choics , ll@l4iic ;
fancy Kii-cii and jelltnv , l4KC10c ; old irov-
crninent Java , 20@20c ; Interior .lava , 10 ©
20c ; Moclia , SMitMe : Aihiicklo's toasted ,
17U'c ; Mcl.anclilln's XXXX roasted , 17Kc ;
Dilworth's , 17c ; Hed Cross , 17'4C.
Dry Liuruoor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 Iit S17.50
No.2 " ' 12 , 14 audio ft 14.7.1
No.3 " " J2 14 and 18 It 18.50
" " 32.14 and 18 U .12.00
' '
2x4 1B. . 'K1.RO ' 186JI7.IUIS.OJ2I.OIJ1. ] , ) | '
Jjxfl . lli.M U ! M'in ) ' 5i ) 17.0J IP.OJ Ji..UO 2.IH )
L'\8 HI. . ' * ) Hi WlllU.1U,17.00,18.lW.2I.OO , 21.00
2x10 1(560. ( 1C M Hi..V ) ' 17.1 1) 1 WW 22.UO L i 01
X'XJ'J 10.1 lr ( > ) ! . . | . ' " . , . .mi | . .vru
< .i.HvS _ . JJU.T.O 10 M 111 riull7.00il8.00 I.'U 00 : Q Ol )
riNci.vo. :
No. 1 , 4&C Inch , 13 and 14 ft. , lough..817.05
No. 2,4 A : 0inch , I2nnd int. . umali. . . li.OU
rr.n.iNo ASI > rAinrriDX.
1st com. , ? 4'in Whltp Phi" I'.irtllion..S-'B.OO
! > d " " ' . . . . 27.M
2d Com. ? s in. Norway Pine CuilliiL' . . . .
A. Oinch , whltu plnu , ; J < ! U S'-.OO '
C Cinch , " " ' , I ) SUM )
A 12 inch. s.l s. 4iiC . "AOO t >
1 12 Inch " " 4'JD . 2t.5 : ( [ ! )
No. 1 , com. 12 in , , s. 1 S. . 10 , 18 A 20 tt. . . 21.00
XH. a. " ' ' . . . . IH.-.O
No. 2. " " " 12iVHIt . 17.00
" " " in u . IG.OO
No , I. plnln.Snnd 10 inch . 517.50
No. 2 , plam.8 and 10 inch . 15.50
SIII.Voi.l'.s , I.ATII.
XX clear , 52.K ( ) : A htandard , S2.M ; No. 1 ,
S1.'B ; Lath. W.25. , ,
POSTS Whlto cedar. 0 In. , MS , 12c ; 8 In.
Istand2a. clear , I" * Inch , s. 2s . S50.00
Sd , clear , l inch , s.2 s . 45.00
d clear , l ) ( . 1,2 ! $ m . 47.ftO
11 select , 1 inch , s. 2 s . 29.00
H select , iUi j , all . -.oo
N-W. Corj ; 3th and Douglas Sts.
Sisailth Street
Valconer't IllocV/JStb and
J600 Farnani Street
Attorney at Law ,
Hoom 8 Krcnzcr Illock , Opposite I'ostolHcc ,
Physician & Surgeon
214 H. 12th St. , cor. Furiinm. Iron Ilcnk
Gitlcv Uouri , 2 to t und 7 to U p. in , 10 to 12 on
Sunday ,
o. s. JioraMiA.v , n. i . ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
OFFICE , V.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Ollico Tclvphune 105. itofidcncuTelcplioae 12.
Surgeon and Physician
H. W. CoMM and Douglas St ,
OfflrnTHcplionc465. llceldonco Tclonhono588
ThrtlcUn nml Surttoa ,
ne ldtnc , No. HOT .Tones Street. Offlco ,
Wlthticll Illock , Telephone , residence , No. 13J.
office , 5U
OITlce unil HesMcnco. 724 N. 18th St.
H. A. WOUL15Y , M. D. ,
Office 1419 l > oilrp ( Street. Telephone 4 3.
Hcilgcnco 1712 Capital Are. TclcplionoSlJ.
VAN C A Ml'M. D. ,
1'itl l Pt. , 1st door wa t of P. O. Ti\ko elo
ntor to room ) 13-13 third floor. Telephone No
HcsMciice.raiN. SOIh street. Telephone No.30
Physician and Surgeon ,
Telephone Mtt. OITlccnn a Hlhgt
11. W.CONNELL , MT l
Ilomwopathlst ,
Office. 313 S. 14th st. Telephone 53'J.
Qonnral Ar nt
OlUccror. 14th nnd DoilRlas St3.
Issues Ordinary I.lfp. llndowiiiotit , t.lm'.ted
Rnrtotfmrnt , Flvo Ulvlilmul I'lon ' ami Iho
1'opulnr Noivl'orrnltlnir Tontlno Policies , As
sets over ? CO,000 , k ) . Ak'ents w anlc > l.
tf. 1J. 1IATOHEK ,
Qcnardl A cnt
ProTident Savia Lit ) Assarai ? ) Go
of New York.
Mllliinl Ho el lllook , Omnhn.
The clHotly "NiiHif.d rroniltuti I'Ir.n. " Aetna
BTernj.0 yenrljr cost ilurltiff 133) ) , 1831 nnd 1835 ,
nt ngci7. . for 110,005 , was S78A' .
Printers , Book Binders Ulftnh liook Mnnufacturers. No . 103 nnd
lOCS.Mth Btroct , Omnhn.Nob. J.f. Kr rile , Supor-
Intciulcnt Hhulery. Telephone No. "A
Mnnutncturcr nnil dealer in
Inn ness , saddle ? , hlps , liorso
rluttilnir. rtc. All icradcs of
liiirnn-snlHuys Koiit on linml
or nmde to oulrr. liepnlrinv
nppecinlly. 110 N. Ifllh Sf
bet. Dodge nnd Capital Ava
A. W. CO WAX & CO.
Auction and Commission
colicltoil ; furnlturo bought an 1
Bold , bnlcs of live Plock nnd hou cbolil funil-
turo ntpi'lvitto rcslilcnees I" ? n spcclulty with us.
Hcmombcr the place , West & frUschor's block
X 14th St. No 111) .
UliU. J. Alt.MUllUST ,
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Kto. Also Tin Roofln ? , Gnttnrlnir.Spoutln ? , an ]
( lonenU Job Tiniitnir. The best of work nnd roa
toiiRblochurirci. Milk can < ! nnd other tlnvraro
nstoolc. KWJ Cumins St. Oinahii. Nob.
Dentists ,
1S14 Farnum Stroa
13th Street Market.
All kinds of frcsn nd salt moaa constantly
on bnml.
Poultry , guniB , etc. , In season.
U. llKiinci.r/ So. 13th atroet
J ) . L , SHANE ,
Artists' Material.
"A. HOSPE , , rj ,
Artists' Material ? , I'iunos und
1311 DouEl'is Mtrept.'Omnliu.
Agricultural Implements.
Wboli'inlu Dealer In
Ajrricnltnrnl Implements , Wncrons ,
CarrlnccH nnil Hues ! . . 'mien ' PI reel , tetwuun Utb
unit WillOn nhn , Keli.
Aqfricultuvnl Implements ,
VVaBon , Cnrrlalc , Iliizglea , Via , , Wholcsnlo , Omnht ,
Wlioloi-alo Dealers In
Aprrlcnltiirol Iiniilonicnts ,
IVBROD9 un < 1 liuxslc.H. lUI..U ) , uuj ami 107 , Jones st
Butter and Eggs.
Hnyera of JJnttor unil fifffifs.
frlKerntor uriil racking House , lltli nnil LOUT
worth St. . II I'H. . U. 'I'rnck , omulm.
Builders' Hardware und Scales.
irrMEr.A uoir , c TA YLOR ,
' & ' '
Mechunlco'Toolb nml nulfalo Hcalai , HUi Doiiflut bU ,
Onmlm , Neb.
LEE , FRTED < 0 CO. ,
Johhers of Hnrilwnro unil Nails ,
Tinware , blieot Iron , Ko. Affn < f tor Howe bcalei ,
anil Miami | > uwi1crC .OmiilmNeb ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Western RccnU for Jefferson Fled Niilln , Au tln
J'owderCo , Kulrbiink" Mundurd hrnln. L'ornur
10th and llarncjr , Opmlia.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers nnd Contractors ,
Bridsei , Vladncti , Hoof Truiifi , Ktetrn I'lle Drlrlnf ,
1'lllDBO k ami I'mellrlilve Lumber. 15tU it.u r
turntni , Omaha , Neb.
furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers in Ftirulttire.
Farnam it. , Onulia , Net ) .
Furniture , Jieililiiiij , Upholstery ,
Mlrron , etc. l eIi03 and 1210 K rn m t. , Omabs.
Iron Works.
| Iron Works ,
Wrouxbt * nd Cait Iron IlulMlnn Work , Iron Sttilrt , ,
Itilllnirllo u. . anaitcder .hi iu Knulnei , llran
Wi.rkJi-ni-iiil Fuuiidrr , Machine uil lllackitnltll
Wort. ODlceaDdVyorki , U. I * . Ity.audntU UKUt.
Boots and Shoes.
' ' "
ir 'HAND' sKii'jTi )
Manufacturers ml Wholesale Dealer * In
Hoots mid Shoes ,
ranlftp lock of lltibber Unoi1 < nlni y onliand
H.V 8. 13lh * ! . , Omaha , Nob. A. T. A < i tln.
w. r. MOUSE < n GO.
Johhrra of Hoots niul Shoes.
1411 Karnnraet. , Oninlta.NeV Manufactory , Summer
Mreet , ltolou.
Wholesale Ituhlipr Hoots ) niul Shoes.
Rabllor nnJOiled ClotMnB niul Kelt Hoot" , SMS. lllti
3 trod.
Ajjt. for Anhengcr-Hush Hrcwinpr Asa'n
_ Brand * . _ . K.msl.IUiilnol'or ami KrUncrr.
Lngcr Hi'cr Urowcrs ,
1.MI Notlli l lh Street , Omaha. Noli.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omnlia Coffee nml Spice Mills.
.OolTres.ppUM. Uniting fonder , KlirorlnirlCx.
traclB , laundry nlua. Ink , Ktc. lilt IGllnrnor
aiahn , Ncb ,
Homo Coll'connil Snro ! Mills M'f'jr To.
O.iITeo HonBlfrintHl Spice ilrlnilor * . Mannfarturert
nf lUkliu Pointer , H icirlnK KtlrnrH , Mining. Kin
1 M tmo COM * of our ! & > imrkniio llotnolllend KouMi'd
Coffee. | tu > Uomird n. , Ornah'i , Neb.
iiA GL w wiixicTfiroTtSs ,
John Knoiu'ter , Prop.
Uannfnrltirer of ( ialtanltod Iron nn < l Cornice. 023
) lodge nrcl 103 and IJi.S'.lOtli ft. , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturer * of
Ornninptitnl Unlvnnixetl Corntrcs ,
Dormer Wluduni , final * . ilclBllr Skylight , etc. 310S.
ISt'i st. , Omnh .
C. .SiH'cht , Prop.
GnlTfinlrod Iron Cornices , etc. Bwct'iilraproTprt 1'nt-
( MUMrtnllc kTllcht. Ha und Ml ) M 12tli m. . ( > niulm.
Jobber * uf
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloth , Knurs ,
Linoleum * , MuttlnKs , Kit. 1M1 Doutlat street ,
S. A. O
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtuln Uoodi. Ktc. 1133 remain blreet ,
( Unarm , Net ) .
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Impoi ten ) of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lnmpi , OilmncjE , etc. Oftli * . SIT Houth 13th et ,
Oiimlin , Ni'b.
Commission anJ Storage.
' D.A. IIuilLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing1.
Ilutlcr , neunnml Produce. ConilKtiinoati follcltpd
Ileadqunrtert for Btnn ware , llcrrr Borre und
( Irnpo llakct . 1411 UoducMrfet.Orjinhu.
Connnission Merchants.
Fruit" , 1'rodiico niul Provisions. Onmlm , ICeb.
Storage ami Commission tfercliaiit.
iltlpf Unlter. lfi * . Clipeso. Poultry. ( jHma ,
yMere , ntc. , Ktc HJ'-outli lull Micet.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llultcr , ( Jump , I'lnltn. etc. JSO B. Hthst ,
Omnhn , Neb ,
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbern of foreign and Domestic Fnilta. 'orre-
Bpomlnnca unllrllert. War lmuta uml oBlicHON.
' 1 hlrteentli St. , omnhK , Noli. ' 1 eluplicinn 77J.
iitocco < c co. ,
nipnrtert * .uul liolcalo iloalori In
Italian Produce ,
f on-lcn. Dnmo'tloutulnllfornU ITnilts nnd Comruli ,
loa Mcrclinnts. 104S.lull nt. Only oxcImlT *
fruit liouio In Omaha.
Coal anif Lima.
' ' . WfLESTOXE C < XT
Dcilcrs In
Hard nml Soft Coal ,
Office mid . nnd Nicholas t , Oiuuha , Neb.
u rd Telephone , ter .
OLU. i . IA iiAiiii. I'rcn. C. r. OOODM , V. 1'rci.
J. A. rlUM > nm < ANU , S c. nnd Troas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
MJ South Thlrtecnlli Struct , Omnhu , Nob.
. .
Manufacturers of Illinois While Limo.
And Phlppurn of Coal nnd Coke. Cemi'iit , rinnH-r.
IJinc , lliilr. Ilru llrlek , Dniln , Tile und Scwr I'lpn.
oniit > , 1'ixton IIoUI. Knrn.un ft. , Onmlm , ib.
Tclonhonotlll. _ _ _ _ _ _
. FAY , G C0'
Hf Confectioners ,
Jobbers of nullNulH nml ( 'Unit. 12111 arnum St.
( IIIlllllM.
Live Stcck Commission.
M. I'.UltKi : < ( ; .S
Live Stork Commission.
( no. Iluike. JlamiKcT.
TJnlonRtoelt Vprdn.H , Onmlm. 'lolcphono 66J.
Live Stock Commission Mcrchaiitn ,
EhlpmenUiof unv nnd nil kinds of Slock tollclted.
Union htoek Yard * , Oiunhii , Ntb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX SUSYElt .0 CO. ,
Jobbers of Cipars , Tobacco ,
duns and Ammunition , M to 211 S lilliH. , 1020 to
10.11 Kiirn.iin m , Oiualm , Neb ,
WEST t ; ] > "llITKCIlKJi ,
Jlaniilactnrer.s of Fine Ciirars ,
And \VUole nlo Deiilen In I.cnf Tobaccos , NOB. 109
nnd 110 X 14tti Mri'ut , O nnnn.
Wlinlo nlu Dculorj In
Clears , Tobaccos , I'lpps anil Smokerd"
Aiienli for I ) . leldri lorf , V C < > . Kino Out nnd Kuiuk-
\BB \ Tobacco , Mllmiukeo , Wliouiuln. N0.3U
NorlliHIzteontiiSlraat , Omiln , Neb ,
Dry Goods.
> v 4 r * "WWWV *
M. E. fi.iriTJf .0 co , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing ( foods &Notions
1102 and 1104 l > otiiln : , ror.lltliHt. , < ) mnlinK ( > li.
Distillers ,
of Mqunra , Alcohol nml FnlrlH. Importers
uirl JoLbcriofVlneaanaMquori. .
WJLLO U'fil'JtJMti JtlfiTJLLK' T
CO. and JLEll ( > CO. ,
Importcri and Jobber * of Uno Wines nnd I.huori.
holunjnnufpoturcriof Kennt"l Knit Indln lilt *
tursand liomca'lo I liimr | . Ill ) llnrney ht.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
jr. T. CLAUKE nnuo co. ,
Larpett Dnifir , I'alnt , Oil fcUlnss House
WettorClilcizo i'omplfle Mne of KruuElUa BUB-
dr'm. 1114 lUnioy l.Oi li"i
aOODMAx JiUff co. ,
Wholesale DiUffglsls.
AEJ ! Pe l r ln I'alnti , OlUnnd WluJow nUm.Omaba ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. li.SAreH.I'rri J-w IJwironn.Hoc.iTreai
It. J. CAPSOM , V.lTfi. und 8upt.
lilt AIX TILE CO. ,
OtSre 113 S. 14tb it , Omaha , Neb Uni'binerr and
bupplli-arorllanufaciiirliitf CemcntlirJln lilt' .
Butchers' Toolt.
Uutchers' Tools and Supplies ,
lauoge Ckilno uf nil kind * aln / In stock. liU !
Grocerfet ,
Wholesale ( Iroccrlcs niul Proviaions ,
Ko . TtB.Tirr. no nn < > 111 . " , IMh St. Omali . Xab.
, jut A
AVholosalo Orocors ,
ortli t . , Onun.
ir. .r.
Heavy Hardware , Iron niul Stcol ,
Prrlnef , VV'neon Mock , llnrtlwaro Lumber , etc. 13
nnilUll llnrnor ft. , Onmlm.
Kit\isrtf' annoy ,
> Vhnlcsnln Iron nml Steel ,
Wyron and Cart-luce Wood Plock. Hoary
Klc. UI7 nrt IJia l.fsTonworthn. , Oiua a , N b.
lttt , P A'OAVV ,
Stoves , Kiuijjes , Kurnnces , Tiles ,
Mantlet , Otatr * , llraMiUoodn. ] .tl ) and 1321 K rn M
LOUIS jiHA nroitn ,
Denier in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sush ,
Doom , Ktc. Ynnli-CoriifrTlh unil l > ouila | Corntr
Pthanil lu
> Viiolesnlo l.ninbor ,
814P.lltliMroelOmahaNeli. l.Oolpr-lrfr , Mon
EIUIOLM o mtrcKsoy.
Wholesale Jewelers anilMnsIc Dealers.
lRlr In silrprwarc. Dlainimdr , Watchci , Olocka ,
Jcnoler'i Tiioln ami JNlrruls , PIC. 101 midllUlsth
> tcor. UiHlKC , Dmuliu , .Noli ,
C. X , DTETZ ,
K'th ncil Callfornln Slrrrl , nmalia , Nch.
Fit ED W. ( UlAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc.
Cor. Cth mi J l > ouul s ill. , Ornalm , Nob.
To Dcnlors Only.
Office , 140.1 rarnam alrect , Omaha.
Hardwood Lnnibcr ,
Wood Carpets anil Parquet Flooring. Olh anil Douglu
Wholesale Lumber , Kte.
Imported nml American 1'urtlaiul C'mfnl. Rial *
Acent lorMllwaukco IlTdniullc Ccuculunu licit
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John P. Boyd , flnpcrtntecdent.
Millinery and Notions.
I. OmFF.LDEl CO. ,
Importers nmlJobbcri of
Millinery ami Notions ,
1313 anil lilollarner St.cnl , Onialm , Neb.
Are the nnly Direct Importfraof
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods-
In Nubninkii. ChloiiL' " 1'rlccn iluiillcateil wltliunt add-
Inv freight. 1415 rnrnunt Mreot , Omnlia.
J7 T . IfOTJOA' CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
4ll ) : nnd < U'i S. Trnlli Si. , Omnlia.
Jobbers In
Notions , irosicry anil lieiils' Furnishing' '
100i' > ami inns Farnam st .Oiniiha , Nob.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. W1LK1K ,
Maim fad nrcr of L'aper Hexes ,
.lllh Ht.Om'ilin , Ni hr.i kii. Onlern hy mullno-
lUIU'iIutiil will loet'Ue prompt nttciitlon.
Jfannfncturers of Overalls ,
Jaunt I'nntrsiilrt , IHc. Ilinnnil 1101 Dougliia Plrcct ,
Oniah i , Neb. < l
.loh Printers , Uluiik Hook Makers ,
And Hook Hinder * . 10 > i unil W SoutU ruurluenth
etrcct. Oniah i , Nutj.
Auxiliary PiibHshcrs.
noalor lnTin , I'rn > n nnd Printers'Hupi > lle . S0
Smith TnclfllihtiPL't.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
' '
Mnntifucturcm , Puckers nml Ijenlern In
& Strictly Pure Apiilo Vinegar
Ilaklnc I'nwder , I'lavorlnp rxtiiida , Table Hniiro ,
l-reneli Miitln" ! Wiiuli llmliiK , tJiiiieih1 f } Cf'it ! ! ! :
holu iu' mx for Vmk hlnte t-nnil UcUnuu *
iter. llOiil ct\cnwurth H. . Oiuiilu ,
Safes , Ctc.
/ ' . liOYER , ( CO. ,
Apcnts for llnll's Safe & Lock CO.H'
riio .mil llnru'nr 1'roof Hif"i , Tlmo I < fjeks , Vniilti
Hnt Jull Work III. ) I iinitm trei > t Omiilm , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
Manunflnrer or Tire nnil ItiirRlirl'ronfHarps , Vault
lJoorn , Jnll Wnrk , lii\t \ era Bin ! Wlro WorV. Cor ,
14thuniljnck > oii Htn.ini hu , Njb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
' ' ' '
JL'A\'j > IMtTto''lf C CO. ,
Wliolctnlo ManudK Inreu of
Sash , Doors , JllindH and Mouldings ,
Iliaiicli olllcc.12111 unil l/.tril M . , OinnmS'rl ! > ,
Cf. / ' . LVMAN ,
Sash , Door , liliuds ,
tlMK I'jpar. etc. l ( ) l Hnulli 'J'lilrtnentli f Ircet ,
OinnhuSub. A rniupletii ttotk u ( Jliill'lcia'
lluntwuri' .
Manufacturers , of Sas/i , Doors , Blinds , ill
MnuWntcMnliVnrkund Inlcilur llnnl Wood riiilih
Jiut oiicnoil. SI" rnr , HtlimiU J.uuvuiiHi'itliHIi.
Ouulin , Nub.
'CHURCHILL J > iiM co7
Btonmond VVuter Hii . llradgunrlen tir Unit
10311 Un'K tjoorti , liriiuni nOniiilm.Neii.
A. L. STRAN < i C0 ,
l'uniiH | , I'ipcH ami l-iitrincs ,
6t ai , Watnr. ItnllKor anil MIUIiiB. Hii | > l > Ui. KlO.
WO , Ktnt < 1 'M hurnsni n. , tiuahi ) , Nub ,
U.'S.'WIND KNGTx KaHil 1'UML *
Ilnlliulnr VVIn < ) Mllli ! ntram and Witter Riippllei ,
lf. llcltlnv. Ilinw. SMS mid M ) far >
liuiuit. , ( minim H K J'l linn , Muiiufc'ur ,
' o. ! Mt ) .
\ \ liolcsalu TninkH ,
Mlllir'l Ilolul lllork. Oinftlin.
Wagons and Carriages.
'J'he Leading Uiirrlurjo Kactoryi
| ( ! 'J nnd Illl 1'uili.e itrui'l , Uumlin ,
Buildimj Material.
Ltcultr in All Klndiof
JluildliiK1 lliiterial at WliolftsnliJ.
ItllU Htrvouind Unlua 1'aclns TucK , Ou.Bln.