Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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The Evangelist Still Scoring the High
Liccnso System.
J/nst Nlclit'fi Council Meeting Fowler
llro'H PnokliifcIlotinc A C'lmrtcr
ctltiR An Oratorio So-
"Icty Other Jjocnl.
Snin ( Ton of ) .
The third night of the Sam Jones re-
vivsil wn.9 oiionotl lust night at the exposi
tion Iniilding with an audicncn of about
3,000 people , the majority of whom hid :
clinirs tipcm tlio lloor. i'ho galjery had
rows of iicuds nppcimng above tliobalus-
trade. There was also it lurgo party from
Council Hlufl's present. The stage occu
pied the cast end of the hulltnu , same
occupied by it during the Juno festival.
The change was made in nccordanco
with the wishes of Air. Jones , whoso de-
Mro was to have as many of his auditors
ns posslhlu in front of him.
The fitnyo was occupied by the choir ,
which had been decreased in numbers
flinco its initial appearance on Sunday
night. IJesidcs these were the following
clergymen ! Revs. Harsta , Harris , Hoe ,
Iloyer , Crane , Delweiler , Henderson ,
IMiclps and Shcrrill.
Mr. Maxwell announced that the exer
cises would commence with the invoca
tion , "PraiHO ( ioil , from Whom All
Blessings Flow , " which was sung in mil-
ftnn ,
OKov. Mr. IIiir/lia / ; , who aetcd as presid
ing ofiicor , nnnotuiccd praynr , wlileli was
short and tleltvered by Kuv. J. W. Harris.
Hymn 13. , "All Hail the Power of Jo-
HiislSame , " was sung and prefaced by a
request from Mr. iMaxwell that the
Hingers of the city would eomo forward
uiul join the choir and take part in the
uxerciscs winch yet , remained , He hoped
ho would not be compelled to go away
with the feeling that the many excellent
vocalists which lie knew the city con
tained faded to display a disposition to
make the o.vircises .successful.
Rev. Mr. Henderson then read from
tlio twentieth chapter of Exodus. This
was followed by the ! Uth hymn , " ( Slorious
Fountain , " by the choir , and in the ren
dition of which tlio organisation showed
: i weakness remarkable when considered
in connection with magnitude of the un
Prof. Excel , of Chicago. a
in.igniticenUy developed gentleman
from Chicago , then sang tiie
"Lily of tlio Valley , " set to a
familiar air.
During the musical exercises of the
evening Mr. Will Tauor presided at the
Mr. Jones then appeared. In his open
ing remarks ho took occasion to refer in
directly to his delivery , mannerisms and
rhetoric and slang winch were referred
to in these columns on Monday last. The
explanation he ollercd of the same was
that it was his desire to place himself on
the same level with the audiences. His
effort last evening was as interesting as
tliiit of the preceding night. The audi
ence applauded when he scored free-
license , and laughed heartily when ho de
scribed a little steamer on Georgia rivers ,
the whistle of which was so iarce that
when the vessel blew her whistle she
was compelled to stop.
After Air. Jones' sermon Prof. Excel
sang with extreme feelinf * and sweet
ness , "Save a SInuor Like Mo. "
Services will bo hold this morning at
10UO : in the lirst Presbyterian church.
Mr. Jones spoke as follows :
Now give us your attention and we will
continue tlio lesson of last night , which
told us not to bo weary in well doing , for
In itue season wo shall reap that wo arc
in need of. 1 want to talk to you in the
plain nineteenth century way. It is true
that a man may bo called u crank vho
preaches to you just as you talk to ono
nnothor in your olllco anil in your plaeo
of business. Well , a man can nflbrit to
lie culled anything if he can just lind out
the nigh gate on the road to heaven. 1
want to talk to you as you talk to each
"At * other on the streets , the same cverrwherc.
In regard to the provincialisms , when
I am just trying to get on a level with
yon. 1 have been talking to you in R
business way. 1 have been dircet and
atraight. I have been troubled by these
little strained back critics , and I have
said many a time I would not mind being
swallowed up by a whale , but this tiling
of being nettled to death by minnows is
the most painful thing that I know of.
Now please give me your attention. 1
tun going to talk so you wilt understand
me ; that may seem peculiar to you. If I
use an illustration you do not understand
do not -put it down to mo , but charge it
to 5'our own ignorance. J am not re
sponsible for your ignoraneu. 1 can give
you an illustration in the sentences , but
1 have never been able to give folks
brains to understand things. 1 am going
to try to bo open. J want every
body to understand mo on one
proposition , and I do not ask you to agree
with me. You try and understand what
1 say , and we will lot the Lord take care
of the balance. I know this much , your
chances arc as good as mine , and so long
us I have got God and the dinners of well
doing with mo I h.tvo no fears in this
world or in the world to come as to how
I preach. There are many great things
to bo learned from the lesson wo had last
night It .says : "If a man bo overtaken
yo that uro spiritual go anil restore him ;
if you do not yon will fall also. " I do
not care what you do or what you do not
do , the spirit that will make you neglect
n poor fallen mother will make you n
backslider. A brother who had neglected
n fallen brother said to mo that ho had
but lie also Mild ha had nuvor buon con *
vurti'tl , and I saw from that that ho never
was converted. Hrotlicrn let us keep our
brother from falling. The Lord never
, tolls thu Presbyterian ho is doing right ,
hut makes him work right along. Wu
Methodists are afraid wo will Jo o and
thu Prt'Sibyterians uro afraid they haven't
got it , and Hint is ( lie way the Lord keeps
all consecrated , and that is what wo null
working out our salvation with fear and
trtimblniK , If 1 want to grow , if I want
to develop as a Christian I have got to
grow. 1 have got to grow or die. With
out action , without work , without activity
thwo is no life. I must grow or die.
That is the law of the case morally and
physically ; what a grand sight It Is to sen
u elnistian looking after a ; poor fallen
brother , Mr. Jones related an mstancu
of a lawyer who said he was > opposed to
total iibslinciu'ci.
No man has the power to dither injure
or harm yon. Jesus Christ himself was
: iovcr harmed except by a professed
friend. Judas Isi-nriol. his professed
friuml , betrayed him. Pontius Pilate ,
IIH profess-jii ftioiid , denied him , nud
from the onidli ! to the cross Jesus was
never injured o.M-upt by n professed
iriuud. J tmliovo in the preaching of the
church , and I believe in church mombora
living what they profess , and ! want to
h- say another thing. Do you know that
Jo , us Christ nuvor missed n ulumco 10
give it to thn church members , but to n
poor , fallen brother ho was us tender us
H mother. I can go into homed in this
town , n d put my nor to the mother's
aide , and hear tlio blood drip , drip , drip ,
I can take that ricsoluto wife
and my how much money will pay you for.
all thu trouble in your homo , and t > ho
would pry ; "All the money in God's uni
verse would not nay me , with mv child
ren driven out oftiic house , by ( lie best
husband who over hycd until they do-
baucncd him with linnor. " You go and
toll God that you pay n high license nud
ho will take you and
CHUCK YOU INTO itnt.i , .
Who gave you the privilege to license ?
Let mo tell you , brother , get out from
there with all your heart and soul. If it
is right , lot it go free ; but if it is wrong ,
then I tell you there is not enough money
in the universe to pay for ono drunkard's
homo and the misery of his family. If
yon get out on the streets and slap your
hands and shoot your mouth off you can
do sonin good , mid all tlio liquor interest
wants isforyoiilosaynothingabout thcso
matters on tlio outside , and wo will never
never , never bo what vo ought to be as
long us we license a Misincss that de
grades humanity , that ruins homes , in
vades the very church and makes drunk
ards of the ministers. It Is not high
license preachers wo want. Wo want
constitutional , solid men in the pulpit.
The worst thing In thu shape of a doctor
I ever seen is 0110 who prescribes whisky
for ovcrything. I f 1 was n doctor I would
not Kivo a man whisky until ho had been
dead thrcodays , and then I would pour It
down him. You had better die to-morrow
with any disease , than to live a tippler , if
you arc beginning. There are a thousand
things worse than death , Hrctherti of
the church what are you doing.
about preaching in the church. You put
your preacher in the ice bov , and curse
him because he don't sweat , and 1 toll
you it is impossible for a man to yet up a
Perspiration under such circunifiances.
Now I don't know how many pastors you
hnvo trot of that port , but f believe they
are consecrated men. I bclinve wo would
have better times If the young men were
better till-on care of. You have got not
less than ten thousand young n.en be
tween the ages sixteen and twcnty-livn
and you ought to take care of
thorn. You ought to throw
your arms around them. They have
fathers and mothers in the eastern states.
Speak about them to them , God help ns
to do our best in this line , Do you krow
that the church , In a sense , is but an or
ganized body of men , Christian men.
What is a locomotive engineer ? It is an
organized pile of iron. It is a great
many piecch of iron so organized for
work , the church is a great many difl'ur-
cnt kinds of people put into the
church for work. God wants you for
what you will do. Now what are you
doing. Wo pay our preacher und \ve pay
our missionary collection and you run
yourself. The president of the Union
Pacific railroad would not wantan engine
that would run nothing but itself. lie
wants an engine that will pull cars , and
the church that does not run any thing but
itself is lit for nothing but the
What a man docs is the testof what ho is ;
what an engine does is tlio test of what it
is. One of the brothers wished to bo the
whistle , but wo have got too many whis
tles now , and like the steamboat going
tip the river when the engineer blows
tlio whistle the boat stops running all at
once. When ho blows no can't run , and
when ho runs ho can't blow. There arc
a great runny Christian people just upon
that lino. There is a man whose prop
erty is worth $20,000 , and ho planks down
$15 a year to the church and God. We
will wail until I get on the other side of
the river before wo will discuss his case.
A man said to mo : "Supposo
everybody in my church was just
like me , what sort of n church
would we have ; suppose everybody paid
as little as 1 do ; suppose everybody went
to prayer meeting as little as'l do ; what
sort of a prayer meeting would there bo. "
It is your duty to bo just as good yourself
as any other man in the church is good.
If you are not as good ns anyone In" the
church it is your fault , and not that of
the members. Bo a good member in His
family , and do anything that God or the
ch lire n wants yon to do. If you want to
bo a Christian liyo like one , and you will
be ono. If there is trouble in my church
it shall not bo my fault. I am going to
be as good as I have got sense to bo.
Then I am going to like this church.
Mr. Jones closed his sermon with an
other strong appeal to the Christian
parents of the city to combine in a light
against the powers of gin and sin audio
stand united for a Higher and bettor
moral training.
Thn City Council Disposes of a Num
ber of Unimportant Matters.
All of the members of the council ex
cept Mr. Mnnville , were present at the
meeting. The results of the banquet of
Monday night was manifest in the quiet
manner in which most of the members
sat during the session , allowing most of
the matters brought up to be disposed of
without discussion , thus shortening tlio
time of tUo session very materially. Tiio
meeting , brief as it was , was too long for
Mr. Schroeder , who retired , about 0
o'clock. The business of the meeting
was disposed of as follows :
From the mayor Approving ordin
ances tulonlcd at the last meeting of the
council. Tilod.
From the marshal Asking for action
in securing a permanent place for the
keeping of the police team. Police.
From building Inspector Reporting
the issuance of 103 permits , aggregating
fM5S05. File.
From city phynioian Reporting sixty-
live deaths and eighty-night births for the
month of November. Mlo.
From the mayor Approving the change
of thu grade of Dodge street. File.
An unusually largo number of esti
mates amounting to ? 1,000 ! ) , for work on
public improvements , were received and
William Anderson Making charges
against Olllcer While and asking his dis
missal from the force. Police ,
Of property owners Protesting against
the proposed nnrrowingof Johnson street.
Streets and alloys.
Of P. M. Mullen Protesting against
I In1 narrowing of Jones street from
Twenty-fourth to Twonly-seventti. Streets
and alloys.
Of Mary Keller-- Asking further damage -
ago to property by opening of Convent
stri'ut. Grades and grading ,
Of 15og s < t Hill-Presenting plat of
Hoggs iS : Hlll'n ninth addition to Omaha ,
Grades and grading.
Of property owners Asking for nar
rowing Paollio btrcot from .Seventh to
Tenth street und tlio paving of the same
with cedar blocks. Grades and grading.
Ot Alvin Saunders ot ul. Amdng for
police protection in the vicinity 01 Six
teenth und Grace si roots , Police ,
Of Max Mayor A llro.Making propo
sition to furnish the members of thn
council with gold badges showing tliir
pollen authority. Fiuimi'o und claims
with power to act ,
Hy Clioney Authorizing tlio amend
ment of the builnlug inspector's ordi
nance. OAdopted.
Uy Goodrich Anlliorl/.itijj the pur-
chusn of a turntable truck ivuil ladder for
the tirn department , Adopted.
Hy Schroeder Notifying the ;
remove stock yards at thn corner of
Tlurtuontli andmird. Adopted.
Uy Daioy ] Authori/.ing the city treas
urer to riidunm fO.OOO of the Oiunliu 10
per cent bonds duo In 1839 , Adopted.
Hy Lowry Instructing marshal to
move house now standing on block * on
Leavenworth street between Seventh and
highth strnots at ouco. Adopted.
A plat of PopoVpluoo was received and
placed on record.
The report of the committee on police ,
recommending thn oontirniliig the up-
poiutmcnCof Irauk J. West us ippciul
policeman at the People's theatre , was
The report of the committee on public
property and improvements , recommend
ing the adoption of ordinance increasing
Hie salary of the board of works nnd
other city oflicinls , was presented !
Councilman Leo wanted trf know just
what increase was proposed by the ordi
Mr. Daily replied that tlio'clmirmau of
the board of public works' is , nbw receiv
ing $1,800 per year and $70 per month for
clerk and horse hire. Thu ordinance in
question incroasrd his salaryto $2fiOO per
year and cuts off tlio Stems of clerk and
liorso hire. '
Mr. Lee replied thntno\v is a bad time
to bring in such n change Inthe , salary as
the item of liorso hire will bo dropped at
tlio close of the present montli nnvway.
Ho .said that last yonr tlio city had u com
petent chairman of tlio bodrduf public
works but a great kick was ralfod when
an attempt was made to increase Ids sal
ary. The present chairman is not ns
the old one and luit \ hot entitled to an
increase of salary , After some further
discussion the report nnd ordinance were
rc-conimiltcd to tlio committee.
Special ordinance' makincr appropria
tion for the payment , of liabilities amounting - '
ing to sl10.84 ! ) ! incurred during the month
of October. Passed.
Ordering the change of the grade of
Twenty-fourth street from Fi'ftriklln street
to Hunlctto btrcot. tirades and grading.
Changing the grndc of Eleventh street
from Williams street ( o Hickory street.
Changing the grade .of Nineteenth
street from Howard street 'to1 St , Mary's
nvotuio. Passed.
Establishing tlto grade' of Twenty-
eighth street from Howard street to Far-
nnni street. Grades anil grading.
Changing the grade of Faruatn street
from Twenty-seventh avenue to a point
310 west , nnd of Harnov street fiom
Twenty-seventh nvenno to Twenty-eighth
street. Passed. , . ( , - ,
liuljjo Dumlj-'s Decision In tlto Hmltli-
Ixiwy OtiHC.
Yesterday nftoruoon Judge lundy ) , of
the United States court , rendered a de
cision overruling the motion for a new
trial which had been the plain-
tin's in the Smlth-Lowy case. The case ,
it will bo remembered , involved the pos
session of the Smith stock nnd was tried
in the circuit court nt Lincoln , where n
decision was rendered ndvcrso to the
nrcditors of Mr. Smith. By the terms of
the verdict of course , Mr. Lowy secured
the proceeds of tlio slock , amounting to
many thousands of dollars.
In overruling the iuotio'n-"for n new
trial Judge Dundy briefly- reviewed the
points of the case. Ho said that it had
been ably conducted on.bdthsiUcs _ and
that this evidence was."vpryevenly
balanced. The jury woukl-'havo beeii
justified in rendering n decision either
way. The trial had been u'falr 'and im
partial one , and the rcqucst.for a now
trial could not be based on the claim that
the trial had not been an equitable
one. Turning from this point Judge
Dundy briefly referred to the affidavits
which had boon filed with the clerk of
the court , and which , as ' claimed , fur
nishcd grounds for a now'trial. The alii
davit of Smith was certainly a romnrkn -
bio one ( , and revealed some startling
facts , , if they really were facts. "But1 ,
said 1 tlio judge . , "souio of the state-
ments in them are very remark
able. For instance , I know Mr.
Smith well , and I cannot bring
myself to believe that on the eve of his
departure for Canada , he was foolish to
receive $10,000 from Lowy and then turn
it right over to Cole ( the latter , giving it
back to Lowy ) as Mr. Smith 'alleges in
his affidavit. There nrotothor. points
about the affidavit , too , wluctilookdccid-
cdlysuspicious. " Continuingin this strain
at some length Judge Dundy finally an
nounced that ho did not feel 'as though
he could put the government to the ex
pense and annoyance of a new trial. Ho
would therefore , overrule the motion.
The attorneys for the credi
tors arc not yet ready to an
nounce what further course they will
pursue. It is probable that the matter
will bo tested in the higher "court : *
In the case of the First National bank ,
of Pella. la. , vs Alvin Saunders , Judge
Dundy rendered a verdict for Mr. S.
This is an old case growing out of n note
for f.1,000 given by Mr. Saunders in the
settlement of the affairs ofthe. firm of
Saunders & Hardonburg , which broke up
in 1870. The judge , in rendering his
decision , held that the note had ocen
iljegally obtained by the Pclla bank , and
that furthermore its collection wax barred
under the statute of limitations. Hon.
J. L. Webster successfully conducted the
case for Mr. Sannders.
Fowler Brothers' Now Departure.
The progress of the building of the
now packing houses at South Omaha has
been watched with n great deal of inter
est by all classes of people. The labor
ing man has been interested because
there was promise of the employment of
a largo number of men ; the farmer be
cause of the prospect of a much bettor
market for his hogs , and the business
man for the reason that when the far
mer receives a good price for his live
stock he is more liberal in his expendi
tures , and thus money is kept flowing
through the arteries Cof trade."At last
the houses-are completed and the labor
ing man has n job ; the farmer rubs his
horny hands with gfco us ho figures , in
his mind , the money that his drove of
hogs will biing him ; the merchant's rest
Is unbroken by that .nightmare "dull
trade and poor collections. " .
Yesterday the lir t hog walked up the
narrow viaduct and disappeared in
Fowler Bros. ' packing house , und [ i thou
sand more followed him in rapid succes
sion. ' '
As very few people haVe either the
time or inclination to undergo the dis
comfort of a visit to n largo packing
house , it may bo of interest to them to
know something about the manner in
which hogs arc Iiiindlud , Tlumiay when
thu farmer killed his own hogs and hauled
them to market has passed. , Twenty
years ago hog killing day was the great
day in the country , and it is 'to. bo
doubted if any who were that
day will over forget its { .cones and inci
dents. The men and boys of thu neigh
borhood would congregate and prepare
for the work. A rousing' lira' Svoulu be
built under u huge iron , kettle , and us
soon as the water was boiling , the unfor
tunate porker would bd 'cornered , at
Komo convenient place thrown on his
back und "utuok" with n two
edged knife , As soon us life was extinct
lie would bo lifted up by tlio men and
MHiKoil into u barrel of Hot water' to
loosen the bristles , then drawn out on a
plunk. The bristle * wore sprupcd off by
means of garden hoes , pii-ces of iirokon
scythes , old iron candto btiuks nnd * Mini-
hit instruments , which might lumpen to
be at hand. At laU he would be hung up
on a limb of un apple tree i\ml left out all
night to cool , In the morning , before
daylight , thu farmer would bo up und
have tun boys out feeding the horses , nnd
at an curly hour would be on his way to
uiHrket with his pork. All that has
changed now , nnd it only requires n few
niortThundii to kill a thousand hoes , than
U did in that day to kill n huif dozen.
At Fowler Bros1 packing house , in
South Oinuhn , thu work linb been system- and reduced to a perfect sulenco us
it has in all largo lirst Class houses. The
hogs are driven up B narrow drive
wuy or viaduct , which brings thorn into
the second story of the building. Hero
they are crowded in so close that there
is no chance for moving about. A chain ,
with an arrangement on the cud of it not
unlike a hanrtotrtV , is dropped down from
above. snaptbd"nround } a hog's hind leg
and drawn'Jip1 ' again , leaving the hog
hanging in Iho , , air. The other end of
the chain is iUftplicd to n pulley , which
slides on an Iron rod or track. A light
push starts nthn porker on the down
grade , nnd a ho glides over the slaughter
pen the sticker-standing ankle deep in
gore , gives Min } n quick thrust in the
neck with n , knife , tlio withdrawal of
Which is follaW/od / by n stream of blnok
blood. Thomhpg glides on down the
track , wlilio Ihwstickcr repeats the same
act twenty , thirty or forty times per
minute , according to the rate at which
they nro working. At the end of the
iron rod the nog drops with n
splash into n tank Ol scalding
water. The momentum of the fili ; causes
him to llont to the other end of the ( cnk ,
where there is u machine that gives iilnJ
n sudden flop upward , and he lands on a
table. But his-journey is not ixt an end ,
he is impaled on n hook and carried up
through ' a machine , called a steam
scrnper , which takes the place of the lute
and broken scythe bhulo used by our
fathers , and when ho is dropped on a
table at the other end Of the machine , n
fraction of u second later , there are very
few bristles'left on him. Water is con
tinually fulling upon the table which
carries away all the dirt , while men ,
standing upon either side , trim up the
few places which may have boon missed
by the machine. Ho docs not stop for a
moment , but keeps mbvintj from one
man to another down the table , for there
are others following close behind him , in ,
fact there is an endless procession of hogs
moving f i oin morning till night. At tlio
end of tlio table ho is once more hung on
n sliding track , the internal organs re
moved und sent to tlio various depart
ments where they are worked up into
lard , fertilizer , etc. , thorn is no stopping
until the co6ling room is veachcd. Ho
next appears In the cutting room , where
the hams , shoulders and side pork are
cut out and sent down to the salting
room. At lust the pieces are piled up in
the curing room in long tiers as high as a
man's head. It is an intercstinc sight to
see the hundreds of tons of pork corded
np in this manner.
Fowler Bros' , packing house , which
opened yesterday , has u capacity for kill
ing : > , OOU hogs per day. This , together
with the other packing Imusos located
heeo , will furnish a convenient market
for nil tlio hogs Hint Nebraska nnd west
ern Iowa can produce. These packers
can well afford to pay better prices in
proportion than Chicago , as it costs much
less to ship the manufactured product
than it does the live animal.
The Characterization 1 > y nn Employe
of the Postnfilco Building.
Yesterday morning , the stench in the
lobby of the postolllcc. especially in that
part of It wluchjs enclosed by doors and
upon which the , , , stamp , registry and
money order oftioos open , was almost un
bearable. The attention of one of the
employes was directed to it , and caused
him to ejaculate most emphatically.
Said ho : " 1 never worked in : i more filthy
place in my life. It is full of dirt
from the basement up. The smell is so
disagreeable ffom that place that fre
quently wo have to close up the radiators
to keep it out of our department. The
closets are in d'bad condition , and when
the BEI : went for the place some time
ago , a move wns made to introduce n
change and renovation , but the powers
that bo got afraid of somebody , nnd ns a
consequence the , ' whole place , particu
larly the basement and first story , is a
nniaauce. This lace ( referring to the
closed corridor ) ought to have the doors
open , but then vit.would bo too cold and
dainpfor tho'clerks. Perhaps these im
provements will bo deferred until a
democrat gets to bo postmaster and can
bring influence to bear upon Grovcr.1
Honesty Itownrdcd.
Yesterday morning n lady of this city ,
tlio wife of a well known railroad gentle
man , arrived hero from St. Louis. She
had boon to St. Louis , and had come up
in a Pullman sleeper. W Hen bho left the
sleeper at the depot , she loft behind her
a diamond pin valued at $300. She did
not miss it until she reached her home.
A few moments later , however , the
porter , a colored man named Diok Pull
man , appeared and returned the gem ,
having found it in the berth. The hus
band liberally rewarded the man's
Closing Hays.
To-day and to-morrow , November 10
and 11. are positively the last davs of the
Great Bankrupt sale of line tailor made
winter clothing , hats , etc. , at 1118 Far-
nam street. A large majority of thogoods
has been disposed of but there arc still
some bargains left which we advise our
friends to inspect before it is too late , us
such a chance will probably never occur
nzain. Sale will close Thursday night.
Store open from 8 a. in. to 0 p. in.
Oinnlin'a Oratorio Society.
There will bo a meeting of singers at
the rooms of the college of music , expo
sition building , Fourteenth street en
trance , nt 80 ; ! ! this evening , for the pur
pose of organl/.mg the Oratorio society
ot Omaha , under the direction of Mr.
Nnliun Franko. A largo number of the
best local singers have already signified
their intention of taking part.
Death on Ne rocn.
Niw : Om.nANB , Nov. ' . ' . A special to the
Times-Democrat from Yn/.oo City , Mies. ,
hays : A letter from Tchula reports a torrl-
bio shooting nlfulr there yesteiday. Marnlial
Vanity Mcliee attacked u net'ro and se
verely woimdi'd him. Jiter : In the day lie
attacked another nuero , nnd still later a third.
Jle then jumped on Ids hon > o and rode awnv ,
but after KOS \ two miles the anluml fell and
broke Its neck. Mclleo walked back to
Tchuln. whore ho tN'iran to drink and Jlour-
Ishcd his pistol. He finally shot another
negro , wholias since died. McUec then lied
to the cancbrako. llio slierlll and four ot
his men are In pursuit of him. JlcUt-u is
accompanied by his biotlior Albert. They
aiu nrmnd with slxpr eight pistols and shot-
Kims , and it Is rqnQrtpi ) that they Have de-
elded they will nut bo talcen alive.
Coiij-rcRsloiinl Contrwls.
CHICAGO , Nov..j-Tholally ) News' Peorla
(111. ( ) special Kay.i : His definitely under
stood here ( hut tlinc will bo a contested con-
crosslnual election In the Tenth district , or
111 ( it Wnrthlncton.K engaged on a prelim
inary declaruiionlirtho case. A formal re-
( for nn nmlcabln recount will bo shortly
made on ( iencrul 1'oit , hlsief usal in uxpecloJ ,
and the icsult will bo a logiilar contest. The
plurality bain ? but -9 in Post's favor , tlicio Is
hone Tor lliodcmocndH In a iccounl.
OIIIOA < IO. Nov.0. . All the points left
pending in the otylal ! : canvass of the second
distilctcoiiKit'nsloiud returns \\ero decided
to-day. At the rohcliislon Lawler , demo
crat , nail 10iiioroycesthan ( Slea.son , united
labor , ( ilcason saytjlio wlllcontost the elec
tion befoie thu huiir > p in Washington.
Ncjjro Insurrection Suppressed.
( lAivisro.v : , Nov. 9 , A special to the
New i. Jin Hrcnliam says : A nlierlfl's posse
of llfty , who went to (5raball last night to
suppress n negro insuiiectlon , returned this
evening. They icpoit that no further danger
Ib feared. Kightnegioo.i Imprisoned here lor
connection with tliea&basKlnutlon of Dewey
llolton on Huction nlelit. went removed to
Houston to-nlglit lor Rare keeping , as the
nuthoiitics had received Information that the
mob Intended to lynch them ,
A Card Game Causes Murder.
Nr.w Om.r.A.VF , Nov. 0. A sj clal to the
Picayune lioiu Shreveport reports a shock
ing a 11 ray in llossierjiarlsli , in which a man
nnmed Phillips was killed nnd ono named
Slierrod iinMtli mortally wounded. The nuin
Tought with revolms , nine shots belnp tired ,
all of which took client. Tlio dltllciilly
which led to thu Unlit arose ever a fume of
Krltar & Co. Bcconil Appcnrnncc nt
the Opcrn House.
Kcllar last night played lo another ex
cellent audience at the iloyd , his tricks ,
dexterdy nnd cabinet business nro of a
silpfcrior order , and , while the eclf-ophi-
lonntcd acute observer may satisfy him
self that ho knows "how it's done , " it is
nevertheless true that In nine cases out
of Cen , ho knowledge depends largely
upon his imagination. Kcllar's deftness
is of no uncertain order and the observer ,
no matter how acute soever ho may be ,
who is able to detect the means used to
accomplish the wizard's cuds Is not fre
quently found , among thn common class
of theater goers. He makes no pretense
to cullstsiipiirnatural acencic.a , and those
of Ids auditors who aicribo his success
to that menus , and wofully deceived after
all. His Is therefore an entertained of
viio ial-uralf though those who want to bo
guhOd are prone to look upon it as being
of an entirely different style.
D'Alvino , in what he dors , and lie docs
hiniiy tilings has never been equalled by
J V juggler that lias resisted this city.
Incidental to the entertainment is tlio
orcau work of a younggenlicman , whose
playingis as equally Interesting as any-
thihg done by the presdidigitalolir or
juggler. They appear again to-night and
to-morrow nignt.
JOHN 1. lUjAIi : .
Jle Says the Northwestern Will Hiillil
y , Hero Next Vcnr.
John I Hiair arrived yesterday morning
andreeisterodatthoPaxton. | ; He was look
ing in excellent health anil appeared to
bo in first' class spirits. In answer to tlio
question of a HKU reporter , as to the ob
ject of his visit , ho said :
"I am hero mainly looking after my
hit crest in $100,000 in repudiated bonds
of West Point , which is being now con
sidered by the United States court. "
"Has your visit anything to do with
tlio proposed road to be built to Omaha
by the 0. & N.T'
"Notspcciallj- . There is nothing new
in that matter at present. The road can
not bo built how because of a number of
"From what point will the road be
built ? "
"In all probability from Fremont. "
"And when ? "
"It will bo built , 1 think , early next
year. "
Auinmling the Charter.
In response to a request from n number
of citizens Councilman Leo introduced n
resolution at the council jnectin/ / ' last
night , which was ndoplud , calling for a
meeting of citizens to bo held at tlio coun
cil chamber on Monday evening for the
purpose of discussing proposed amend
ments to the city charter. Members elect
of the legislature are especially invited
to attend the meeting.
for Xholr F'nthcr.
Two young indies , May and Pauline
Krvin arrived in this city last evening
from Junction City , Kan. , expecting to
bo met at the depot by their father , John
Ervin , who came to this city from Des
Moincs , la. , about six weeks ago. He
failed to moot them , however , and they
are anxious to learn of his whereabouts.
Ihe young ladies arc stopping with Mrs.
Burleigh at the corner of Lake and
-twenty-second streets.
Personal Paragraphs.
General Hollman is in town.
Mrsi E Diekensoii returned yesterday
mdrning from the east. ;
J. C McBridc and David Butler came
into town yesterday morning.
R.V. . Urockc.nridgo was a passenger
last evening on the Union Pacific over
land train bound for Sidney , Neb. , on
First Lieutenant George Knhlor , Seven
teenth infantry , at Fort Kussell , Wyo. ,
baen granted a oftccn-days' extension of
his leave of absence.
Mrs. Colonel Bnrko , of San Francisco ,
fbrmcrly u resident of Omaha , and who
has been visiting the family of Genurnl
G. M. O'Uricn ' , left last evening for her
homo on the Pacific const.
Mr. D. Black , formerly train dispatcher
for the Union Pacific in Omaha , has
been transferred lo a similar position
with the same company at Valparaiso ,
Nob. The vacancy at Omaha has been
permanently filled by Mr. C. II. Gordon ,
of 1-rcmont , Neb.
Complexion Powder is an absolute
necessity ol the refined toilet in this cli
mate. Pozzoni's combines every element
of beauty and purity.
Wants a Divorce.
In the district court yesterday after
noon. Mrs Frnnkio COY commenced n
suit for a divorce from ( her | hnsbnnd on
the around of cruelty.
Persons suffering from quinsy can bo
quickly cured by using St , Jacobs Oil.
National 1'rlsoii Congress.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Nov. 0. The National
Prison congress at thn morning session dis
cussed the question ot moial and religious
Instruction of prisoners. At the afternoon
session Hov. F. II. Wines presented the re
poit of the special committee appointed a
year ago to consider the question of estab
lishing n federal prison for violators of federal -
oral statutes. The report took strong ground
In favor of prisons , and approved the
bill of Konrosenlattve Darwin 1C. James , of
Now York , piovldlng for the appointment of
n commission to Inquire Into the subject.
The nmort was supported by Ooiioral Urln-
kerhofi , of Uliio ; warden Nlcnnlnon , of De
troit ; n\-overnor ! Uullock , of Ueorgln , and
Mnj or McCIiiuichrey , of Jollot. The report
was linally adopted , but with ninny dissent
ing votei , _ _
Iowa anil Nehrnnkn Weather.
For Nebraska Kalr , cooler weather ; noith
crly wind ) .
For lown Fair weather , preceded by local
rains In eastern poitlun , colder , northwest-
ei ly winds.
The Grnnil Jury to Tntto Up the In *
TCHtlgntlon To-day.
Sioux CttV , In. , Nov. a ( Special Tele-
irftu ! to the HKI : . ] The grntul jury has so
far completed its work on the jail criminal
cases as to now make It almost certain that
the Investigation of the Haddock murder
will soon bo taken up , In fnct It Is proposed
to ailit ono week to the present term nnd 10-
duce the next one this much In order to give
ample llmo for the Investigation. This will
give tlu > case preference nt the .tnnunry term.
Leavltt ami wife have been tclcjrnphed for
by Attorney Wood and will reach the city
soon. His expected thnt the Investigation
will commence to-morrow. Considerable
will bo done by the defendants which may
consume considerable time and greatly
change the complexion ot tlio picscnt body.
There 1ms been n goncial tiiovi'inont to-da'y
ntnontf the olltccrs and attorneys In pieparn-
tloit of the ImesUtrntion , nud It is stated that
Ornnda , Bismarck's companion , Is to be
brought In ns n witness , nnd the. defense has
chcn Itiobonndt'islood that tlmy will liavo
Peters on hand , the driver of the hrowi-iy
wncon , coiicernltu ; whom so much specula
tion 1ms been Hindu and who , ninny supposed ,
had been killed. The defense will bo nn\-
, ! ? tl' ( ' 'lko ' aly | sntlsfucioiy showing nt all
jvitlioiil Peters. The follow Inc nro the par
ties who have bcou bound over "to the israml
jury either tor murder or conspiracy , or both :
John Arcnsdorr. 1 . Aiensdorr , Paul Leader ,
fienry blicrinan. Fied Munclnatli , jr. The
laiie , named Julie ) , nirusted some time
since nt .Sorto k , iNcb. , Ims been released and
IP t town. It Is curtain ho knows nothing
Whatever of the Haddock case , not lining nn
eye witness , as was supposed. Jtihel has left
In the hands of the authorities a sworn state
ment to tlmclTcct tliat an attorney Tor Arcti- !
dm f came to Nnrlolk and wanted him to
swear that Aicniloif was not thu man who
liicd the shot , promising If he wouM do so lo
Rive him n Ini'co sum.
Wants It ni.imlsHpd.
Siorx Oti'v , la. , Nov. . Special Tele-
cinin to the BIK. : ] An ell'ort was
made to-day In the district court by
Attorney Trcadway to have the case
nsalnst Attorney Wood dismissed. It will
bo remembered this Is the case In which
Trcadway moved to hnvo Wood debarred
from fin ( her practice because of alleged
bribes having been accepted. Jtulco Lewis
ovemiled the motion on the ground that the
case was ono of considerable public Interest
nnd must be tried. Wood expects to offer in
evidence n stipulation of nn ngrceinoiit ex
plaining tho-uhole situation In Sioux City.
The lirst sets loith the statement ot 15. Doak ,
an ex-saloon 1st , agreeing to allow a tempo
rary writ of Injunction to bo entered apilust
him and nflerwnids to bo made permanent
provided n certain continuance was granted.
Iho executlv ! committee of tlio law and
older league then requested the district at
torney to secure the continuance niUed , the
consideration with them uolin : the tact that
"Doak Is a valimDio witness In tlio Haddock
case" nnd would llien proceed to sluiw that the
injunction would bo obtained and ho has not
been guilty of the charge * made against him.
Wood has made nstiong case tor himself
nnd 'Ireadway will have much tiouble In
proceeding with his prosecution , which he
will now have to do.
A Murderer Coiirc scs.
Ciicsco , la. , Nov. 0. [ bpeclal Telegram
to the UiK.j-Cllfloid : Beomnn , ar.-estcil on
suspicion of being concerned in the murder
of John lloberly , whose dead body was 10-
ccntly found near this place , has confessed ,
Implicating a companion , John Wentwoith ,
as the murderer. In his confession to the
county coroner the man says that on thn
night of June 19 he , Wonlworth and Ilob-
crlv were drinking whisky together in town
when n dispute and quairel aiose between
Jiobeilynud Wentwortu , dining which the
Intter struck the other over the head wi'h n
club. Fearing that Hoborly was killed they
put him Into a buggy nuil ilrovc to the tuuoer ,
about half a mile from town , wncrc
vVentwoith took him out. nut
h m in llio bushes and fired two millets into
his skull. Keturnlug to tlie busiry lie re-
nnuked to liecmun that ho had "lived" him
sure. VVentworth , lie says , returned to town ,
while ho drove the horse and buggy which
belonged to the dead man to tirlilgowny , ten
miles east of Uresco , where he tied the horse
to a uost and left him. Beotnan then left the
country and retuined to farm work In Win-
nc&lilok county. The injuries to the deiid
man's skull coiroboratcs JJeeman's story.
Much excitement prevails , ns the district
court has just convened and Is expected to
take up tlio ease at once.
Inaugurated as College Pri'xldcnt.
IIR ) : Moixr.i. In. , Nov. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to tlie BEB. ] The inauguration of
Hon. W. J. Ohamborlaln as president of the
State Agtcultural ( and Industrial college oc
curred at Ames to-night. There was a large
attendance of the alumni and other visitors ,
and the occasion was one of great interest.
Dr. Yeomans , of thn board of mnstois , made
the address of welcome. Governor Larrabco
presented the heal of the college. Mr. Mott ,
president of the board of masters , presented
the keys of ofllce , and President Chamber-
Ian then dehvoiod the Inaugural nddioss
which was a strong and valiiablo argument
nibelialfof industilal education. Dr. Cham
berlain was formerly secretary of the state
board or agriculture of Ohio , nnd cntoied
upon his duties as picsldent of the Iowa ne-
licultural college nt thobcglnnlncof tin ) term
just closed.
TrtunbuH'H Appointment.
Dis : M.OIMIS , In. , Nov. 0. ( Special Tele
gram to the BKI : . ] Colonel Jamns M. Tiurn-
bull , fonncily of Indiana , has been appointed
superintendent of the American Express
company lor lown , with lic.idqiiaiteis In this
It line Hlnmeir.
DKS MOI.VKS In. . Nov. O. JSpeclal Tele
gram to thoBEK. ] K. W. Hums , n laboring
man living In this city , went to his room
to-night and while In n state of melancholy
hung hlmsolt. lie loaves q wife and family.
Struck Ry n rirldge and Killed.
Iis ) : Moixr.P , In. , Nov. 0. ( Special Tele
gram to thp. Bin : . ] ( Jeorgo II. K-astcr , n
brakcmnn on the Des Mollies A. Koit Dodge
railway , was knocked from the caboose by a
brhlgolio was crossing just out of this city
this nttcrnoon nnd Instantly killed.
Ilnok nt the Capital.
WASHING-TOW , Nov. 0. Pieslilont and
Mis. Clo\elandnndlho cabinet olllrers who
ncroiiinnnled him to Boston , leltiined to
Washington at t o'clock tds | afternoon ,
Catarrh in the Head
Orlulimtos In norp'uUnix lalril lu tlie liluoil , Ilt'nce
tlioproiH'r mctliiHl I'y which In furo < nt rrli , In tu
runu'V run ni.ooi > , lit munjr ( llinsreinililu njiup-
'toinn , iind the il nvcr of dcrrlopInK Into ( Iron-
rlilll ; or that torrll > le fnlnl ( ll e , roiiiuuiiiin | | | ,
nro enlHTljrri'inoynl t Hood's HaruMmrlllu wlileli
Mircuc.itnuhl'j' ' ' inirlfjInBlliu blood. Ite'id tlie following -
lowing letter :
"I c'lu-erfiill } ' Rive ray oipilcn ( In tli n oof
! M6rsMiri'K | > iirllla , 1 hud IIPCII Iroukleil with ct
tirrlito > < imei-xtf > iit fern Innir lime , anil Innl uteil
rarluiujaeillrlnM vtltlinoBOod lesulu , vrliun 1 u
roacrettcdtlia c = >
Ura I > illleiilt
unil in ) To'eeir.H entirely , I Ilicnbeeau
lu u u llooiTi Sar | > nrlllu HI u iciurd/ , and nltli
luc-li" irvud tircci Ihut In u few Mookupci'cli was
em > rithoYulroiii.tuiul , n'l mr venunil heilili KB
until Imprutfd , Hdinullran H relurn of tlieditpaie
U Induced by tnkUif culd.wbvn I reiortat once to
llieui > q ( Il < H t' < r > nriu | rlllanliib | 1 keep bj me
cou uitl ) ' ncnl | ttj > llciil rfllef , I rrtfurd Ilood'i
harixpurllla at an inrnluable runeJr fur cuturrli ,
nd Juil ln bjrlu elrt'iH nn | > n niy elf I cannot tar
too wuvli In lit iTJlie. " J.b.Cli.l iv. Jarlcuo , VI.
Oilunli -uirect.iii-prircloiicj ( llio body wlicro
tlianiuniiiiinpiiibmiulii lounrt. Hut luliirrli of tlie
Inint libf fur the most rominon , nnil , itramw > o miy.
thciiionllaullob9ia < > > l. TliB uiindurlul § ui-
lom lloml'f Mrk * | > iirlllnhn huil In ciimif cutarrh ,
wurnuiUiH lu timing Nil nho nuiror | lh thltdlcnitu
t. . Irj-llio poculiurine lU-lno. It roiioviitojiui' ' ! liult-
oratculliobloiul.iindtniipi Terj-iirKnn.
N , II , If yoiihH\-o ileciilud tu KPt ilimd'o BKtftt-
I Ilia , danutholn.lurcii to tabu Hny cllicr.
"I Imvcbcpiitniiililol lllititiirih n y > nr , t > tmlni
Ereat toiflio. ot tla : lu u 'lilul till'u > und
I icail lhKtIouV ! flr > niarilU | ntmlil unc cttnini ,
ami ullfrtaklnuonlyonn bottle I niu iniifii lii > tt r.
Mr < t riil ! cnreil , ill ) ' > 4. U onlnr/ ! well ,
my liaudoclie liaiall ilUAjija'a c > l. ' U ( jiui ' 'oltan.
tlton. Duller countjr , O.
"IIood' HnrfaiirlllnciirnJino | ot mlllpr't futJr.-h
nul built up luyKpncinl lioilth , no I hut I am
lipttorllinii forjeiin It litliutlnl int'd rlnn I
knew of which would euro miller' * ralirrh , " < >
rosif.H .Miller t WilKlU' * M III. I unn , Ulili ) .
tin r rullar ; icdlclii
Hood's Sarsaparilla
rJoldbrnlldrUKKlitt.llielxfprli. ' I'rcpurcd only br I Sol''lirnllrtrufrjl ' Hi Hi fur Jl. IVoi'tri"
0.1. UOOUtfO , A | > otbecarlcr , I.owcll , UHM. LM HOOD * CO ApjUiei'Arlai 1 , tr'l ' , Ma. * ,
1OO li > okek One Dollar JOO ] > uttti ) Ono .Dollar
niirt Dci > llllji'c < nu .
" \ \ vnstliignu njjjT „ , /
ITtifTtnfi/Ua'lt ITMrttu Ca' , flalttmcrt , M.
lIoMHiri tbf to ad mrmmmnvmt th
tntnr who hire b ? n * if > tlf v > ntili > > l br tli < \
u o ol r < " ri > l Lr M Pnffr Pure Mull
Whlikor. > nl I dour * lo clwrfaflr 1J n < r
tftttlmonr to III raatvtlon * i > ov < rtiQ bundliiff
up lMiprTtd ! critem I K rp i mm > tl front
cif tUM'ii n tT < iuinw . I b li t d
1 WM djrlnr , ! olnl ntrfdu * litAuithii wrr
Uo noth r frmptoni ol mf mtlndA frtfnd
§ u < M lh t I Irj llattfn I'nto Mill WhUkcj.
ktuk I ilM no. with but lltlli ftllh tlitl II oonfil
lbljlmpMt mjt condition. ljpliHln h
T r , l > n fiillj it ' tor l. J 1 c n c r '
.reAllc tliat I naiefcrs'tck . At > in jlolnl t nla
Und inrtn ntlmnlxnl , I corn ! lor DuOy * rur
| Mfli > hUllWbf/gnA . kl.tA. . Mtli l .jJm . y l
MU..T. MITOIIEUi HKnn.dt M rk tSt.f
, nn. . tl i " V < mr 't Tut
Molt \Ynlikrr It lh I' I tinJI.-lne In lt > < worM
ml Mi done iKMxwr , * * nirittm inor iraM
than anything i > rr l Ml. In MM , It htt mftda
tnu AbU to Mtuml to nij builnf M. which 1 couM
not do bftr I oomiif > ncAd lu lift * . 1 lur *
Cftiaed wonderfully In flaib. " "
70 Jrntr.t ST. , N r Qrli > in , Ui.\
f ( Untlttnrn I ! ' * ItlTfn your ino.tlcino ft
Ihoronth trlil , I * m nnuiln the third l > otll
ol Dutfi'i Pun Mult Whiter. VrVnlcom.
nl > U 1 wMnot bwtobant of Ixnl ,
tinup from 3 o'elock In Ihtmcrnlpn
until u'clnok > t night. rwtpr 1 Itdlxi nho ,
nrttleej th l > vr T < > u nt Iho wriliknjr hid m.v !
In m > ot nornt M th m ili i , n.l thoj Ml
ll'lnk t hiT donilli il. irt fttor la lelltli *
about It. MR8.1.UU1KN DUUOa.
I 7 W. I tnb. RTHMT. Nun Ynnic , K. Y.
I rirnll nipn-.l n.e iu ii ronr Duffi t Form. '
uli.nj DullyV I'ur * Milt Whljkej , mJ fliid II
IT ; li iirllrl l la nun ; rtiiitcU. > lr > pp tlt *
ItbtitlAtBnd I * l p tmtlflr. Mr ct lt OB of ,
lout Un.rniB.l' inu Ulironl llmnohltlt. with
oniec t rrh ltroulil . Thinkr"nri'ri > pir tlon '
T rro c ill nl. Jlns. r. " '
> 1 phtll conttnua th * nfteof your
Milt whlilfly > nJ Diifty'i Kann.
nil , ( orltlstll IhUkonn pi * up I would nol
Imro strength loitt aronnn tb * n u o If 1 did
uotlutnlt. . Mm. M U. 1IIHUARO.
Gcnt1 ut nl concur In ( lift ondoi emoot q (
II lh t tut bun u Jd ot Ilartr' l'u M U
\\hUkor. V. li. al'lNNKll. '
7Ial.Tre urarcf thf United St U .
tT ( ) iin WtiHRr.r t Hem O.NJ.T IN SEALED
Old SauUs ,
Catarrh Cur ©
Of 11nii l t orl1yM ll. a. > O nM. /
A Flock thnt CTerr fulhcr
hould lilnco In hit * ona hands
nnd rt > * d hlmieKnlth lh uliuoit
care , ( live * all the ftymptomi
tuiit tcrrlblo tviulu of DUcuci
duo to Korlr Vice and If nor-
ll'rotYJMin ClvUJo. )
Iluntxnds nn.l Ill-nils nt Fum
Illett ucedlt. TeitlinoniiUs front eintnont London L'octori
For Drnbm , l > orfly , Wr lin im , I.o t Vllnlltjr , T.t . E nl
on' * H > Alrd. rri < < * rmiiultutlnn. Kroni V A. > ! . , tQOl'.u.
C1V1ALE Ati.VOV. ! 174 Fulton HI. , hen Vurt.
GftPETAL PRIZE , $150,000.
"Wo tlo linreliy certify Hint MU supervise thn
nrrmiKmiiontB fur all thu Monthly mid Quartur-
ly Drawings of Tlio l , < mlslnim Stntti Lottery
Companyand In JITSOII mnnntro uiul control
thnilrnwhiKA Ihumsolvoa , anil that tlui sumo am
cninliictci } tvltli honesty , lulrnoss uiul Jti KOOI !
I'ntth townid all | inrtk > s , : uulu nuthui-l/o thu
Coiiipnny to u = o tlili cortlllouto with fno-slm-
llosnrniifslgtiuturcanttiichvil , In Its udvortlso-
mcuts "
Wothn nnilcislffnod Ilnnlc * nnd Ilnnkoia xvlll
pny nil I'rlzori drawn In The l.nulalHiiu Stnto
l/ollcrios which may bo prcsi'iitcrt nt our coun
,1. K. OGLESBV ,
President l.oulsluim Nntliinnl Hank.
,1. W. KrLHIlKTH ,
PiosiJont SI ut o Kittlonnl Hank.
A. UAMWI ) > V ,
1'icfiiiloiit Now Orleans Ni.tlonal Hunk.
Incorporated In 18A4 for 25 yonrs by the lottli-
Inturo for Bdiicatlniml and Cliailtnblu purpoioi
with neuiltHl | of ? 1M9,000 to which R reserve
fund of ever ( .ViO.UUO hns Elnoo boon nddod.
UynnovurwIioIinliiK popular vote Ita franohlxa
WAS mudo n part of the profiom Htutu UoiiHtltullon
ndoptod DocomDor M A. 1) . 187V.
ItoKTHiidqlnKlo niimuor diawlnffii will Ink
plfto monthly. It never tcalcs or postjione s.
I/cicik at tlio following- distribution :
199th Grand Monthly
mmmm mmm DRAWIHG
In the Academy of Music , New Orloaui.
' '
'J'upsilay ,
Under tlio iwrsonnl siiiiorvison nnd
incntof ( ! KN . 0. T. HUAITIIIXIAIID , of I.on-
iRtatin , and OKN. JUHAI. A. KAKI.Y , ot Vif-
L'lulil.CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000.
Notice. Tickets ore $10 only. Halves , $3 |
Filths S2 , Tenths SI-
H.VKVK ) . . .
ICllASlkl'IIIZEOr B.00i ) . . . 60.00' ' )
aijwo , . . ) , ooa
21.iioi : I' III.OOO. . . 2o,000
tliUKlK I'RIXrior 6,000. . . , 0,000
2o'itivKsor 1.UOO. . .
600. . . .
: ) , . .
UOO JWJ. . . .
coo iiw. . . .
1000 w. . .
Ut " "
' . ' 79 i'rl/es ainotinliMLMo
Apjillcatloii for mini to clulu Rhmild bn mnda
imly to tliK olHr.o oC thu coinpuny In N'oir Ur
J'or further Infonnntlon wile clcnrlr , nivlni
full RildrtMi. 1'O.STAI. ND'I'KS , KiproM Money
Ordort.orNow Vork Kxrhnns'o in ordinary lot.
tnr , currtnior br e .nr < ' i * nt our xpoim &a
are" < rt > <
. ,
Or U.
) , O.
JkOk . _ . * V. 1 O. - Monej- . - , Order * pnvubls * nd addr i
Nuw Urlonat U.
Tanslll'sPuirch ' Cigars
voro ihlPi > Oi1din-lDB the pi t
two yoarH , wilt.nut u drum.
iicrlniiurrniplm' . Nunthir
.louioln llin cirli | fnn truttt *
fully makniiiab n nliowliiL' .
dim nceut fdonlcr onljr )
wontdilln enuli town.
R.W.TANSILL&CO..GS Stale Sl.Chlcapo-
il-j.iil ' L-iiiurfiJlunuU ) C > T ii
only out lu ili WQilciprnerattiiff
conllntioui Kltetrto A flagnttfa
> urrrnf. Bclcntine , Jowtrfui , ! > mubU ,
oitblt ttjid t-fltyit'o. Avoid fiAurtt.
( JrrrlJfiXcur ( tt , K < nnMitmi rottiamr > Llet.
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and Jail Work.
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M IIIB lrnu'iii.wltbi-Mrlil.oiilf. Hun
. HJ < lnv . A k your < Uu bn
. Ktnl lo -
uniddre t fur
Mc * ri. Kubn & Co. ,