Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1886, Image 1

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    1' '
London's ' Big Socialist Demonstration Turns
Out to Bo a Farce.
The Police ntul Soldiery Provo Them
selves Able to Handle the CrowilH
The Lord Mayor's Iliui-
< tnot
i Great Day.
tCopyrff/M 18Mt > u Jamc * finnlon II
LONDON , Nov. ' . ) . ( New York Herald
Cable-Special to tlio Bin | Both the police
nnd the socialists bad a tilnmph to-day. The
toolallsts had their meeting In Trafalgar
Square despite thu largest force of police
ever concentrated there to prevent a meet
ing. The police , on the other hand , have
prevented the repetition of last February's
rioting , notwithstanding the presence at the
west end of thousands of roughs , eager for
plunder. London is lather ashamed of the
patilewlilcli produced sucli ngeneial stoppage
of business , losing to commerce perhaps
103,000 , and the boarding up of windows ,
etc. , yet is Inclined to lie glad that tills
panic has shown the socialists the prompt
ness with which socialism can bu met. 1
drove this morning from Hyilo 1'ark cornei
to Trafalgar Square , hence over the route of
the lord mayor's procession Into thu city.
Along the streets which the socialists ex-
peeled to take In marching from Trafalgar
Square meeting to lljdo Park , 1 found hun
dreds of shop fronts coveied with boards.
Other shops nnd hotels had their shutters
down and similar safe-guards against looting.
At Trafalgar Square Hardly n shon or
hotel front remained unguarded
by cither boards or shutteis. Thence
Into the city , through the Strand
Cheapsldc. Cornhlll , Blsbopssate and Queen
Victoria streets , It was everywhere easy to
pick out Hie i on tcs selected for the proces
sion. Throughout the business portion of
the city 1 noticed the ciowds were less dense
nnd less uniuly than In piovlousycais. The
socialist demonstration had apparently
called the rougher and more dangerous ele
ments away from the city to the west end.
Old policemen told mo that for twenty-two
years they hail never seen so quiet and well
disposed a ciowd In the city on loid mayoi's
HiOlNMNO : THU CJUAltl ) .
At noon detachments of ca\aliy and
mounted police began patiolllng the streets
along whicll the show was to pass. By their
aid thopiocesslon icaclicd Trafalgar Square
without Incident At the square an Immense
crowd of the roughest element had gathered
ready for liotlng nt the least opportunity.
By the coiiceutiatlon of the troops
and police nt this point the nuthoiitlcs
showed that they expected a row. The
Strand and Northumberland avenue wore
thickly lined on both sides with police nnd
mounted patrol who forced the crowd in
front of the Nelson column to
scatter. In the national gallery several
companies of Infantry were stationed and
the terra In liout of the national gallery
facing the Nelson column was occupied by n
long double line of police. Later In the day
n company of thu Life Guards was broaghtup
from tlio two roclmeuts of cavalry held In re-
BCIVO near at hand to clear the square.
was Biiovved Be\eial times as the mounted po.
lice attempted to push the crowd back out of
the way of the procession. A baker's cart
wasovoithrown but no one was hurt. A po
liceman was pummcled about the face , but
the promut mi eat of hla assailant stopped the
dlstmbancc. Land seers nt the base of the
Nelson column were thickly covered with
men and boys , and the six story hotels facing
Iho square had nil their windows and roofs
covered with wntcheis. Some American , who
RirUed nt a hotel on thu squat o just before
the pioccpslon passed , thought a icvolutlon
was Inpiogrcss , and the ladles , much scared ,
refused to stop at their intended hotel and
diovo off to another quieter one.
A Sll.KNT CltOWl ) .
In general the crowd leinalncd absolutely
silent as the cavalry and various city guilds
passed , and several ofllclals coming next In
caiilngcs were hooted. A model naval
steam launch , with a crew aboard a life boat ,
nnd two elephants were the only uarts of the
procession that were chewed. Last of all
came the loid mayor In tils guitdcd state
coach , looking like a knave of clubs on
cards , lie passed amidst storms of hisses
nud "boos , " but got some cheers as he turned
toward the embankment. As the last
coach tinned into Northumbeihxnd iivemio
A DO/UN Ill'.l ) KI.AOS
were Instantly produced by socialists on or
near Nelson's column. At once the crowd
niHlied into the space at Nelson's back , nn-
other line ten deei > tilled the tenaces over
looking this space , nnd socialist speakers
weto jerked up on the ba u ot n column ,
throw elf their coats and began to address
the crowds. For Hie moment there was in
tense excitement ns the police Incso-
lutely piepaicd to clear the square.
Then tame nn order to allow oideily
speaking. At this backdown from thu
police proclamation issued the same mornIng -
Ing , the socialists cheered wildly. Several
attempts to fit art. looting lushes from the
square wore so piomptly met by the police
that this was given up In despair. After n
half hour of unlmpoitant speaking the meet
ing ndjoumcd to Hyde park. Thoiu was n
{ oed deal of scull I Ing with the police ns they
cleared the square , but nothing of Impoit-
mice. I follow ed 1,000 who wandered up Pall
Mall to Hjde Park. On St. James sticet and
in front of Lord Sallsbuiy'H housethoig wore attempts to start rioting , but the
police , who weie stationed in force ail along
the Hue , so ptomptlydi.sporsudthocrowdsthat
thcso attempts icsulted only In broken heads
for the would-be rioters. At Hyde 1'aik the
heavy rain aided thu pollen to prevent
tioublonnd muled what , from the pioeesslon
up , was laigely a force and Important merely
ns show lug how Keenly nllve London U to
danger fiom even small mobs.
At the west end crowd- > promenaded until
a Into hour In order to \ low the illuminations ,
Theio was no dlsonler. Tlo ; icporl
uumeious cases ot4 Injiiiles diiilng th'i ' day ,
lncu\.llu \ < ( overal seilom cases ,
I III ! l.Ulil * MAl Oil's HA XQUKT.
Lord Salisbury , at the lord mayoi's ban
: qui't , said the government was encouraged
In its task by glowing pioufs of advancing
piospeilty In Fgypt. Her finances writ
moio promising than they had ever been ,
nlhouili ! they not teaehed n point Urn
would enable the covctcment to declare It ;
task tullilled. Fmthor , Ku.-lauJ could not
JravB Ecypt until thiilMtei's independence
of fuivigil Intiufercnco had bwm secuieJ.lHo
JYrrliiB to Bulgat la , Loid SalUb'iry said tin
of ih'o English people WOK
1 by tlia spectacle of her ktruggle fo
e , and that tholniuuageof dlplo >
malm mniuco used tow ant BuVaria l > ;
Euiopo h d cruised the deepest rexiet. Th
Injustice of the deed was aggravated b ;
foieU'U diplomacy having conspirators , ni
net rf Interference w hlch caused the lames >
rnpioUitlon thiougbout Em ope. Bulgaria !
rights wire as-vcd by the Her
lin treaty , on which the salvation of
Europe depended. English Interest In
that treaty was not an Isolated Interest. The
other powers also were Interested In the pro
visions of the treaty. Ho was sure that the
majority of the signatory powers recognized
the fact that it was their duty to enforce the
treaty. England would not be found back
ward In co-operating with them. ( Cheers ) .
He trusted that the pease would not bo dls-
tin bed , and that , under the Influence ot pub-
llcoplniou , the Infant liberties of Bulgaria
would not be Impahcd.
Speaker Peel , responding to the toast. "The
House ot Commons , " congratulated the mem
bers upon the fact that their session In IbSO
would not bo needed. Lord George Hamilton ,
lirst lord ot the admiralty , replied to the toast
"The Navy. " He said ho hoped n naval reserve -
servo would soon bu formed that would bo
equal lo all cmcigcncies. The usual toasts
followed. Several of the speakers refeired
to the regularity of the day's uroceedlii'a's.
DciiC-Mutc Kduotttor * .
ICnpui ft/Fit / ISSSfci ; Jamt Gordon Uoiritll. ]
LONDON , Nov. ! ' . ( New York Herald
Cable Special to the HKB.1 1'iesldent Gal-
laudet , of the national college for the deaf
and dumb at Washington , appeared to-day
before thu io > al commissioner to begin his
testimony regarding the advantages of the
American system of training for deaf mutes.
Eleven of the seventeen members of the
commission were present , along with them
Lord Edgerton , the chairman , and four com
missioners , who , although themselves blind ,
are devoting theli time to the needs of deaf
mutes. Mr. Gallaudct will appear before the
the commission twice more befo'ro sailing
for America on the 20th. At the Holbern
restaurant last night twenty-live of the head
masters of the English deaf mute schools
entertained Mr. Gallaudet at dinner. Mr.
Woodell , M. P. , presided , nnd presented nn
illuminated address to Mr. Gallaudct , as a
testimonial to the aid which American ed
ucational advances have given to the English
deaf mutes.
1'uro French Schools.
PAUIS Nov. i ) . The principal English and
American cleigymen hcie , and many well
known French protestaut divines , have
signed n piotest denying the tiuth of the
statements alleged to have been published in
America regarding the manner of conduct
ing young ladies' schools here. Tliev declare
that the statements me liable to libel and
assert that these schools are as pure ntul
healthy In tone ns any in England and
America , and that their own daughters are
educated In them.
Pleading Women.
linusiia.s , Nov. 0. One thousand women
dressed in black arrived hero to-day In a
body from Churlciol to petition for amnesty
for thu men convicted for participation In the
ilots of last March. The women were
greeted at the railway station by a great
ciowd who cheered them heartily.
The Hi-.iit Ahnndonod.
DUIIUN , Nov. S ) . Two bundled farmers
to-day tiled to piovcnttho Galway bla/.crs'
hunt. With police assistance the hunters
were enabled to stait , but they soon met witli
more foimldablc opposition and weie com
pelled to withdraw their hounds.
An Uprising Suppressed.
Son A , INOV. 0. Husslan partisans at
Slivna , headed by ofllccrs , made an attempt
to Incite n rising to-day. The authorities ,
who had been previously warned , suppressed
the attempt nnd arrested the plotters.
KuulbarH' Latest Threat.
TIUNOVA , Nov. U. General Kaulbars
threatens to occupy the telegraph oflico at
Bourgas unlesscommunicntlon with the Rus
sian consul there Is reatoted.
Shoot ii > K of the Konr Lenders of the
Honduras lOxncdltlon.
NKW OIIMIANS , La. , Nov. 9. [ Special Tele-
giam to the BKK. ] The Times-Democrat pub
lishes nn account by nn eye witness of the
execution on October 18 ot General E. Del-
gado , Lieutenant Colonel Indalcclo Garcia ,
Commander Miguel Corlo/ and Lieutenant
Gabrlco Loyan , who wore shot atComayagua
for leading the expedition against Honduras.
The four oftkors above named were lodircd
In a small prison at Comayagua when the
news of their sentence reached them. Gen
eral Delgado's wife was there to plead witli a
wife's tears and n woman's devotion for her
husband's life. It was the desire ot Picsldent
Cog : an to some General Delgado's life if
possible , and any pretext would have been
icadlly soUed upon to give un opportunity of
saving him and at the same time vindicate
the tilbunal which had condemned him. The
president sent n message to him to say that
If he would promise never ngaln to take
up arms against Honduias ho should
icceivo n paulon. The soldier was
too biRvc to accept even Ids life on these
tci ms , and ho sent back word that ho would
see Honduras in an even moio tioplcal climate -
mate than that she now enjoyed before ho
would accept his paulon on such a pledge.
When this answer was received there was
nothing left but to prepaiu tor the execution.
In countries noilh of tills them aio few pie-
limlnailes tomieh not uncommon events , A
priest , n tiling squad and a co/lln / nre soon
obtained. On the muining of their execu
tion the men are taken to a point near the
church of Coiiiayngua. Four eolllns were
placed near a wall and the four condemned
men weio led to them. They accepted their
positions uneasily nnd as gracefully ns If
they weie In boxes at the opera , und not a
face was blanched , not n nerve qulveied.
Gtmcinl Dnlgado asked and received permis
sion to aider the guard to tin1 , which no did ,
llrst requesting them not to s. oot him In the
face but In the bieast. There was no rattle ,
noppntteilngieport.s , but ono shaip , stun
ning lepoit. Tun lour moil tor half u second
lemalned hum uprlghl position , as If still
unhurt , and then rolled over , limp and
bloody , dead. Thu soldieis had complied
with lie-ncui ! Delgado's request , for tluee
bulb had pcnetiated his bieast.
AVatt orson on Cleveland.
Nr.w Yoiw , Nov. I' ' . [ Special Telegram to
the UM.J : llcniyVattorson \ , who arrived
fiom Duupo yesterday , stated to a reporter
that ho looted upon Cleveland's renomlna-
tion as altogether probable. The democrats ,
ho Is Inclined to think , will ilso above the
spolN idea in their demand for tariff revision ,
and If they can ic-clect Cleveland , do away
with the nonsense of civil service ictonn ,
nnd accomplish their main aim tarill 10-
vlsion well and good , It they cannot 10-
clect Cleveland , then tlmy will simply lese a
lot of ollices whleh tuey haven't got. So fat
as thu personnel of the present government
Is eonsldcird , It might > well bu republican ,
Ho think * that Cleveland will bo iciiomlnat
ed , neveithelos , for lack of any cnndldnU
to oppose him , and if the demociats uic de
feated they will still luue left tlieli uignnlza
tion and their alms.
CHIC ADO , 111. , Nov. 9. Drs. Murphy ami
J. re to day performed a remaikablu Huiulca
opciatlou on Oillcer Whitney , one of tin
victims of thu Haymaikct bomb. Tin
doctors boieil n hole thiough Wbltney'i
breast bone and extracted a particle of t
bomb whicll was lapldly making its waj
tovMUUs tlifl n'.llfer's heart. Thu opeiatloi :
e w lib pionouneed
- Triple Murder and
V WICHITA , lias. , Nov , V.--A special to thi
Vo Eagle Malei that Samuel Purple , who llvci
Vy nine miles east of Jet more , Has. , n reuioti
n district , Killed Ids wife and two chlldicn las
.Friday morning. After committing theerim
t no ililhered himself up to the sheillT Satin
n day nleht , and bo was taken back to thehous
and hanged to a tree.
Washington Monopolies Working Bard to
Secure Van Wyek's ' Defeat.
The Cruise of the Overthrow of Church
Jlouo nnd Other Congressmen.
Illnlno's llcllclous Ucllor
i'atents losncO.
A Cotnlilnntlon to Mont Vnn WyoV.
WASIUXOTOX , Nov. 0. [ Special Telegram
o the Bin.J : Nebraska republicans should bo
n their guard A diabolical schema IS on
'oot In this city to defeat the election of Son-
tor Van Wyek. Oflicers In the KM. street
.illwar , ical estate syndicate and various
lorporations are cliculatlng reports' through
ho press that Senator Van Wyek , If re-
Iccted , will vote with the democrats and Isa
iiipportorof the recent administration. In-
sinueli as neatly o\nry ono of the monopo-
Istsarcde inocrats , U can be readily seen that
li'ilr pnruoso forebodes no good totheropubli-
an party , but Is to got a man In Senator Van
iVyck's seat that they can handle. He has
.vaged . a iclunttess war on the gas , street
'allway nnd other monopolies , ami It Is well
! < nown that they run willing to use nny
amount of money to defeat his return by the
Nebraska legislature. The democrats and
nonopollsts of the state arc working In con-
unction with thoiO of this city , and the
itatements tolczinphed from hero to the
country to the effect that Van Wyek will co
operate with the democrats are sent out by
{ ho democrats and have a corrupt purpose bo
ilnd them. These statements , the Br.i : coi re
spondent Is icllably Informed , arc paid for
Ike so much ndvciUsing nnd the money
comes from the cotfcrs of the monopolistic
organUatlons of this city.
To-day's Baltimore-American has this
'iom itscoriespondenton thesubject : ' 'Oneof
ho most ludicrous things In the vain attempt
.0 throw thu senate Into democratic hands is
ho talk about Senator Van Wyek acting
ivlth the democrats. If anything can mnku
Van Wyek mad It is to say ho Is conniving
with or aiding democrats. Once when a
friend called on htm and nskcd him about
ho rumor that ho was siding with the iccent
administration , he said : 'I would rather bo
burled by nn avalanche ol detent than vote
with the democrats or uphold n democratic
administration. lama republican nnd nm
true to republican principles. ' These who
know him well say that there need bo no
'ear as to how Senator Van Wyek will vote.
When tlio question of politics comes up ho
Is always with the republicans. Senator
Mitchell , of Oregon , Is also tiotted forth in
desperation as n doubtful senator , but Sena
tor Mitchell Is and has.alvvays been a true re-
publcan. "
mi : cAtisns OF SOMK DEFKATS.
"The defeat of Church Howe.the republican
candidate for conmess in thu Omaha dis
trict , was no evidence at all of republican
weakness or dissatisfaction , " said a Nebras
ka democrat to-day. "It was the unpopularity
of the candidate , " ho continued , "and did
not materially allcct the state ticket. Howe
Is odious in local politics , and was fought
most bittcilyby tlio most prominent repub
licans. What n newspaper can do In a cam
paign was very well demonstrated In that
campaign , too. The Omaha Bin : , the lead
ing lepubllcan paper of that section , fought
Howe fiom the ground up. It denounced
him for all there was bad In politics nnd ap
pealed to the republicans to overthrow him
ut the polls , holding that he was not fairly
nominated and in no sense nrepicsentattve
of the party. The campaign against llowo
through the Br.K was laigely conducted over
Mr. Kosovvatcr's name , thus showing the pub
lic that he was willing to assume personally
the responsibility as well as proprlctarlly. "
"What was true of the campaign in the
Omaha dLstiict was equally true In some
otherldistrlcts in the west , " continued the Ne-
braskan. "In Dakota the republican major
ity was expected tobo2,000 or : ! 0,000. The
democrats put up a man , M. H. Day , who Is
personally very popular. He has stood out
fora division of tlia teirltory and admission
of the southern half to statehood when it
seemed political suicide foi him to do so. It
has always been popular with the republicans
but ns unpopular with the democrats. Well ,
Day was more outspoken on this subject than
Glltord. the piesent delegate , and many
thousand republicans voted tor him. It dem
onstrated two things : that division of the
territory nnd statehood nre intensely popular
In the territory itself , and that the west Is
for positive cliaiacter. Ion see the territory
of Dakota came very near in its determina
tion to lecogni/.u democratic woik for their
movement ovei turning 30,000 republican ma
jority. A more determined vote for division
and statehood could not have been made.
"The overthrow of Lowry in the Fort
Wayne , Ind. , district was the work against
individuality on the part of the incumbent
and for Individuality In the republican can
didate. In Missouri a case similar can bo
cited. It ail tends to caution the partisans
nialnsl depending too much on paity fealty.
Thu time has coma when personal character
must bo considered In making nominations ,
no matter how largo the majoiitles aio nat
urally. "
Br.Aixn's HEi.iaious TAITU.
"While I doubt very much whether Mr.
Blalno could bu nominated If hn asked for
the race in 1SSS , I believe iliat the Catholic In-
Jliience is going to bo wielded more potently
for him than It was before the last presiden
tial election , " said an Indiana lopubllcnn to-
day.whohas oflensatnscounselloraioundtlio
cabinet table. "Them Is a feeling among the
members of the Catholic church , taking them
as a body. " he continued , "that Mr. .Blalno
will yet come out nnd advocate Ids religious
faith In the chinch ho was Iln-l taught In. A
few years ago 1 was at Minneapolis , ( in ray
way note Irom the northwest , and n fiiend
asked mo to call upon Blshon h el nnd , ot the
Catholic chinch. 'If you will do so,1 said my
! ilend'the bishop will show you n letter
which Mr. Blaine wrote to Ms mother , pledg
ing his faith to the Catholic iTiuich ,
nnd on account of which the good
bishop Is for the man Iiom Muiju' , '
"Well , 1 saw I he letter. It Is In an
swer to ono which Mrs. Blalno had
written , calling her son's attention to
his nbsniptlon in worldly aftairs to the
exclusion of preparation tn meet death. Shu
pleaded with him to look moio to spiritual
miUteiB , though his political lutcic.sts flagged ,
and the iiinvvci which Mr. Blalno made for
omitullot love , lie said ho rccogni/ed ho
had given lor years much of his time and
thought to politics and recognised that ho
had not devoted thattlnmto the church which
ho should have given , but ho assuted his
mother that ho had not forgotten her teach
ings and the little clinich she took him to
when a boy to worship. 'Iho letter closed
w 1th the iissuiauca that ho Intended to letimi
to his eaily faith ntul her church. The good
bUhop Is promt of the letter and believes that
Mr. lilulne will die In the Catholic chinch.
If the illumed knight were to die now thousands -
sands of Catholic chinches would hold ves
per. Mrs. Blalno was n devoted Catholic , and
lo my Knowledge Mr. Blalno clings to thai
lalth. "
Theio ha been a great deal of talk to-day
about the labor vote in congress and over
tures by both of thu legular parties tor It. In
the 01cut the labor lopiesuntatlves hold tlio
balance ot power In the ne\t hou o It Is verj
likely that they will linveoppoiiunity to ex
cn/ise it in thu oiganUutlon of that body
Both parties 8av there is more afliuity between
tween the laborers and icpublleans on ac
count of tlie taiitt question than between the
laboiitrs and tliedeinociuts. A Now' Voiker
who has studied the position in eonnertioi
with the ( leorgecandidacy foi major of New
York City , said this morning that the success
of cither of the old parties In IS-SS depemtet
upon ablillv to catcfi the labor vote ; but tlia
there was u seiious obstacle In the \\a\
of that conFiimnutloii , It nnuk
ho next loan Impossibility to win even wilt
iv fusion labor , without money , and the monej
would have to come from tuo > e w ho oppose a
fuolon , He did not think it likely that the
demand of the laboiers for the nomination o
Henry George In IKS for the nrasldcnc )
would be smothered. The situation tilth
vent George Is put un made fusion almost
mposslblc. He was Inclined to think that
lie fusion movement would , have tobo begun
n the smaller oftlccs , In congress If possible ,
nd cirrled down Into state , county mid niu-
ilclpal oflices , so tlint a Iptii ! labor candidate
vould be averted two years hence.
vnmiNU. A unvi'itnidAN' STATK.
"Virginia Is a rcpublicah state now , made
o by the position of the democratic natty on
ho tariff question , arid there will bo a re-
nibllcan elecled when the tlmd comes to
ihoose n man to succeed Senator Klddlebcr-
? er"Is the announcement sent hereby Sen-
ntor Maltono. The senator contends that the
) ld Dominion wont republican on the 2d
list nnd that the majoiity has tome to stay.
AN issi 1'itr.ntcTioN rou SOUTH CAHOMNA ,
It is n noticeable fact thalnll of tlio leading
ralhoads In Virginia , asvcll ns North Caio-
inn , are now In the control of northern re
publican' ! , and they are tniitT protectionists.
Their influence will , of course , bo wielded for
apiotectlve tailtland In opposition to the
bourbon democracy. Tn6 leading Industries
of those states nre operated by either north-
cm capital or by southGin men who have
ately become protectionists , nnd therclore.
hey will work tor men for ofllco who will
irotcct their business Interests. The a ser-
Ion Is made without reui ration
hat North Carolina will give her
lecloial votes In IS * > for the icpiiblican can-
lltl.ito tor the piesldency , while these of
Viiginla aio pledged that way. By u default
campaign the republicans } last week elected
he principal state ofllcerd in North Carolina.
Months ago the leaders of the party there
net and concluded that It was no use to
laminate men for state ofllces , a , under
the Infamous election l.\vvw. the democrats
would name the oillccrs. . Latcr some of the
republicans conceived the idea of putting
candidates In the lleld. No special care was
exercised In making the selections anil there
was reiy little canvassing. But thu vote
was surprisingly large for them , and they
ia\n tliii legislature , judge of the supreme
court and some other otllccs. t
Now It Is proposed to make new
election laws , giving every man n
right to vote as ho pleases , nnd
then the state will bo republican. The gov
ernor is a dcmociat , but he has not the veto
power , so that whatever laws nre enacted
will stand nnd whatever bills are passed by
the legislature will become laws.
North Carolina has n system of conducting
Iho elections which places them wholly in
tlio charge of the stain nnd county olllcers
and boards of supervisors chosen by them ,
which Insiucs tlio state to the demociaey
whenever the state ollteers are democratic.
This time they were "slipped up on" and did
not realize that they wore defeated till too
late. The people there 'propose to profit by
the surprise they gave to the watch dogs
found sleeping , and will give all men an
equal showing at tlio polls. Tin ) black voters
nre the same ns disfranchised In many coun
ties In that state. : sAin TO FAVOR AI.U.SON.
It has been said by a do/en men tresh from
Mr. BInine during the past week that the
illumed knight will throw his intluenco to
Senator Allison , of Iowa , lor the presidential
nomination In 1SS3 ; that be believes Allison
to bu the strongest man in the party , and
that he Is his personal preference. Coming
from so many sources nearly directly
from Mr. Blaine himself , there is very little
doubt that ho has this uudor consideration.
It is known that Mr. Blaine ha ; talked to a
number of his most coiilulenUal friends
about thu coming national , campaign dining
the past week , and that he Is ongaiced seeing
what bis own stiongth would be It ho should
again bothe nominee , ahd nnny think ho
would rather be tlio premier of Allison's cab
inet than to take the risks ho assumed two
and n half ycaisnao. f
Public Printer Benedict to-day began to
replete his deulcted force of pi Inters. Within
tlio next two or three weeks ho will employ
about COO typo setters. IJrtne but democrats
with good democratic endorsement will bo
given work. Application ? should be made at
once for employment In. "nil branches. The
work was never knowri ; bo so far behind.
Hcports of engineers of the wafttcimrtment
have not been taken up ( S > hcn they should
have been completed aTiionth azo. It is now
plain that the purpose of Benedict in making
wholesale dismissals was to create places for
Patents were to-day Issued tor the follow
ing Nebraska and Iowa Inventors : William
D. Bates , Guthrie Centre , la. , rain water
conductor ; William A. Brady , Spencer , la. ,
band cutter and feeder ; Itobcrt J. Carson ,
assignor of one-third to1 Union Hydraulic
DrainlTilujcompany.Oinaha.draln tile making
machine ; Carry C. Cole , Letts , la. , automatic
cigar seller ; Fredeilo HuIIerst , Yutan , Neb. ,
obstatrical instrument ; Klchard Long , Iowa
City , la. , road grading machine ; Coinelius
M. O'Donovan , Oinatia , coal dlstilbutlnz
chute ; Webb M. Oungsr. Ilarlan , la. ,
movable nitilicial bonier for flower beds ,
garden paths , etc. ; Orlando T. Owlngs ,
LeMars , la. , spark arrester ; George V.
Shullenbiirg , Madison. Neb. , safety n eek
voko attachment : Fran Klin Thompson ,
Fondulac , la. , hamu attachment ,
Army leaves granted : Lieutenant Colonel
George M. Brayton , Ninth Infantry , four
months' extension of sick : leave ; Captain
Thomas H. Bradley , Twenty-first infantry ,
four months ; Fiitst Lieutenant J. B. Hickey ,
as adjutant Eighth cavalry , extended two
months and fifteen days ; First Lieutenant
Morris C. AVells , Twenty-fourth infantry ,
three months sick lea > o { lieutenant Lewis
D. Greene , Seventh infantry , three montlis ;
Lieutenant Kvorard K. Hatcher , Eighteenth
Infantry , four months further cxteuslou of
sick leave.
James T. Prcsloys , of Des Moincs , is at the
Colonel S iimnor H. Lincoln , captain Tenth
Infantry , has airlvcd hero from Fort Lyon ,
Colo. , and H visiting his brother , Dr. Lin
coln , at No. 15U H sticet , to remain for
about ten days.
WASHINOTON , Nov. O.-James Leveiickwas
to-day appointed postmaster at Lutes , ICeya
Paha county , Neb. , vice John Lutes , resltrned.
Also thu following In Iowa : A. C. Smith ,
Arbor Hill , Adalr county , vice J. W. Fisher ,
resigned ; and Mrs , Jane McGowan , Full-
view , Jones county , vice J , J. Secrcst , re
signed ; S. A. Hnrman , Irwln Shelby county
vIcoK. J. Trolhrldgo , resigned ; Tlios. C.
AVood , Payne , Fremont county , vice Nettie
"V. Jones , icslgned : Henry .1. M. Otto , IMIot
< 1 rove , Leo county , vlco W. D. Jackmnn , ic-
slgned : linns Jackson , Itlngstcd , Emmet
coiintv , vlce.P. P. Bogh. resigned.
Service on thu star mall route liotn Cams
toMunt. Neb. , will bo incioased to twice n
week after the 15th Inst.
The picsldent to-day appointed llobcrt L.
Allen postmaster at Joiiet , 111 , , vlco John
Woods , suspended ,
An American llaiichjnnii Attacked
and Killed by droauors.
SAX ANTONIO , Tex. , $ Tov. 0. | Speclal
Telegram to the UEE. ] Uejivlett Grlner , one
of the most extensive rahchruen la Western
Texas , was killed last night at Los Vecos ,
Mex. , just across the river from Del Itlo ,
Tex. Griner lived with ) iij family at Wnlde ,
and had gone over Into Mexico with several
employes to see about tbo condition ot his
stock on a ranch ho ovviieil there. Some time
ago lie had dilllculty witty some Mexicans
living ud join 1 115 his hucierida , and the na
tives at that time tliicatcned to kill him If he
again appealed In their' ' midst. Yesterday
the Americans weie nttoc ed by thu Mex
icans and n pitched battle ensued. Griner's
body was riddled w ith bullets and one of hi-
Dion , John Weaver , was also killed , li. P ,
McMahon. who was one ot the Grlner party ,
succeeded In killing one of the Mexicans ,
and the surviving Americans made their es'
cane to this sldu of the river under a volley o
bullets from the Wlnchesteis of the Mex
lean : ! . , Americans along the border nn
gr'vtly incf used at this latest outia e , am
declare they will have vpugeancu.
An Olco Appointment.
WASHINGTON , Nov. ft The secielary o
the treasury yesterday appointed Louts O ,
Stnrkel , of Illinois , to lw analytical rhemls
in thu internal revenue bureau under tht
oleouiaigatliio Jaw ,
Internal Itcveniio Colloctionn ,
WASHINGTON , Nov. 9. The totaf epllec
tion of inteinal revwute from the time th
present system was organized , July 1 , Ibtt
up to Jun UO , IbbO , were g&
itbeiwiso. Qniet Roicrns Snpromo at tbo
Chicago Stock Ytmlo.
lain ntul 91 ltd Mnko ( lie Amateur
Soldlorfl Weary Iloth Sides
Still Firm Trmitilo In
nil Assembly.
Tlio ChUrnco Strike.
CiiicJAfio. Nov. 'A About three thousand
nen reported Torvoik at tlio stocU yards this
lornlng , KVerytnlne was quiet nml
10 dtstmbanco of any kind was ie-
orted. Tlio soldiers stalled on their
omuls nt ft o'clock and patiolled the cntlio
llstilct. Most of tlio men who came to work
vcro brought In by tlio train. Thoie was no
ssaults on nny of. tiicni , ns fnrns known.
L'hc names of Swift fc Co. , N. Mori Is it Co. ,
\nd the Union Stock Yards k Transit coin-
any were nddo'l to th'o agreement adopted
U yestcnlay's meeting of packets , which de
clared that hercnlter no men belonging to
any labor organl/atlon-wlll bo employed by
hem. The paper now has been signed by
all the houses doing business at the stock
yards , as well as by the stock vards company.
Tlio Hrst excitement of the day at the stock
yaids Occurred at I o'clock this afternoon.
Vt that hour word was sent to the head
quarters of the deputy sheriffs that their ser
vices were needed at Foily-seeond stiect and
Ashland avenue. Fifty deputy slioiltls 1111-
iicdlatelv hurried to the place , followed by
'our companies of militia. Un investigation
t was found that tlio deputies who tirul brcn
eft to patrol the alley In the vicinity had
) een Hied on by sonic unKiiown panics. The
ire was returned , but thu oggicssivo paitles
With the exception of the mysterious shoot
ing atone ot the deputy shorlAs this after
noon , the day at thu stock yaids has been un
eventful. Soveial Isolated cases of assault
.ook place anda couple of houses were stoned ,
jut no organized mob violence or icslstanco
.0 utithoiity took place , ( leneial Flt/.slmon
and the SUO t loops of the FiistbriKadosecmed
0 think to-day that their stay In packing-
town would not be so brief nor so pleasant
ns Rome of them had anticipated. A cold ,
irl/zling rain fell all day. and these who had
jeen assigned to early morning picket duty
felt It most keenly. Wearing their blue rape
oveicoats and small fatigue raps , the pickets ,
wherever stationed , tramped back and forth
In mud and slime. Those who were young
clerks down town did not regard it ns nn
igrooablo occupation this soldieilns : .
Mr , Dnrrv came Into the city to-day and
called on Mr. Bostford of the packers' com
mittee. Ho asked whether It was true that
resolutions had "been passed Insisting thattlic
striking Knt hts of Labor should renounce
; helr older as a condition nicrcdent to being
re-employed. Botsfoul replied that such was
the case. Harry said veiy little else and left ,
The majority of the strikers scorn to rejoice
over the resolution against the Knights of
Labor that have been adopted by the pack
ers. Barry has a dispatch from Powdcily in
which the central master workmhn repudi
ates all Interviews on the strlko and olfers to
send assistance to the representative of the
executive board hero If he needs it.
About 100 carpenters quit woik at Swift's
to-day. A short time ago the linn gave them
an advance Of twenty-live cents a day and
nine hours work. They stopped to-day ,
however , and joined the ranks o tliobo light-
Inor for eight .iotas.
The following notice was issued to-day by
the Knights of Tiabor :
Notice Butchers , mechanics and laboreis
are "warned takeep , away from the stock
yards , as the men.arc on u strike. Uy older
of committee.l
The master workman of the butcheis' as
sembly , Sylvester Haunt , has resigned his
office because of JiLs Inability to satisfy the
men , and because ho is thoroughly dissatisfied
with the actions of Hairy , Butler and Mar
shall. , Several members of the nscembiy
agieo with the , and the as
sembly seems to be In a fair way to be dis
Knights of Labor say this moinlng that
Master Workman Sylvester Gaunt , of the
butcher's local assembly , did not leslgn. but
was expelled with K. 13. Harper and T. F.
Dolan , chaned with treason to the order and
violation pfthelr obligations.
In conveisatlon with a repoiter to-night
Delegate Barry said : "We have pitted our
stomachs ncalnst the packers' bank accounts.
1 inotMessts. Bolsford , llntely and Fowler
In the board of trade this cvenlner. They
said that the press lepoit of their determina
tion to rctusfl employment to union mtm was
coriect , I appealed to their reason and
fconso of just ten , hut to no effect. They have
thrown down the gauntlet and we accept
the challenge. When 1 inpoited the
lesult of the conference to the men they
giected It with chceis. No 111010
negotiations will be attempted on our nart.
We will umy the war Into Egypt and leave
no stone unturned to win an honest vlctoiy.
By that I mean that we will use the boycott
nnd call out the men In their houses wherever
possible. Mr. A. A. Cailoton , the newly-
elected member of the ponoial executive
boaid of the knights , is now on his way to
Chicago. Wo are going to beat the packers in
tills lisht. Tney can empIoyiiO.OOOscabs , and
wo can still bring them to lei ins. My
own pi I vale opinion of the strlUolH tills :
Fowler and Armour are playing fast and
loose with the other packers. They want to
drive the packing tiado nwnv Irom Chicago
and handle It at their western houses. Those
packets whose whole Intcieslsnro In Chicago
are to be made the victims ol this strategic
Firing oceuired near the parking house of
Moran & Hcaly at ShliO to-night between
watchmen and unknown paitlos. Nine
shots were lirecl. So far as could bo ascer
tained no harm was done. No other unusual
Incident had occuned up to midnight.
Powilorly Tttlkn.
Pmi.AnviM'iirA , Nov. 9 , General Master
Workman Powdeily , when questioned
to-night by an Associated pi ess lepoitcr 10-
Intlvo to the beef and pork butcheis' strike at
Chicago , simply said that A , A. Cailton ,
member of the general executive boaid , had
been sent to that city tn join Mr. Barty ,
1'owderly said that ho had no fuither Imor-
niatlon to Impait regarding tlin Chicngi
troublerthat his knowledge ot allalis then
was nbtalned merely through bilef telegrams
and not being on the ground ho would 10
fraln train giving his views on the stilke.
A Now Jersey Wnlltout.
NF.WAHI : , N , J. , Nov. 0. Two hundred
men employed In a hog slaughtering estab
llshmont on the Hackensack liver , Hudson
county , to-day fjtnicte for an Increase In
wages. The employers agreed to the demand
of the men , but the employes wanted them tt
agree not todischnrgo any of the men , The
employer refused and the men went out ,
Not a diesscd ho , ; was shipped to-nlgliU
Striking Cnnl .Minors.
DKKVIK : , Col. , Nov. 0. Klglithnndiodeonl
mlneisat IhoEiIe , Marshall , Fox nnd Lo
eustvllln mines Quit work because of a reduc
tion In wages fiom 81.1 u to Sl.oo pei ton.
. Carlisle Interviewed.
K NSASOirv , Nov. a lion. J. ( .Carlisle
being Interviewed by a Times correspondon
nt Wichita , Kan. , states this evening that hi
didnot consider the result ot the late elec
lions damaging to the tarllf leforrn Issue gen
crally. The revenue refotmeis , ho had beet
Infurmed , would be stronger numeilcally u
the next congress In PIoportton to the tola
number of democrats than In the lust con
gress , -and tlio policy of the tariff leformers In
thought , mut > t and would continue to t *
pressed. Carlisle contradicted the leper
that ho contemplated jcuioying Iiom Ken
National Academy orSclcnee.
Bns-iox , Nov" . l > . The National Aeadeur
of Science began Its autumnal session at th
Institute of technology this afternoon nm
the ineetliiffs will be. continued thiouifliou
the next three das.
V Lcunl l'liil ! Which Is Liable to Last
Kor Yoarn.
Nr.w Vonic , Jsov. I' ' . [ Special Telegram lo
lie Uti : : | . Appearance was entered "ycster-
ay by Carter nnd Ledyard , lawyers for tlio
.xecutors under the Tilden will , and the first
tcpwas taken In Ashat will probably bo n
eng contest as lo Its provisions. Mr. Deles
McCurdy has the case of the contestants In
Iiaige. The question that would bo sub-
ultled to the courts , ho aht , was one eiitholy
f a legal eharcter. There was no contention
n thopaitof nny of the contestants that
; 'lldcn , when he drew his will , was of mi-
ound mind or Indisposed In any Uval way
rein making illsposhlou of tils property.
'ho bill had been admitted lo piobate w lib nil
he necessary legal concuricnco of nil the
egatees. Mis , Whlttlnsny , the Wisconsin
elr , had not put In appearance to object or
oncur In the piolute , but that was ot no
? gal consequence , as thu exeeutois had com-
lied with the law In that UMpcct by ( he pub-
icatlon of their Intention to pie-out the will
o piohato in the newspapers that weie neees-
aiy to gho Mis. Wliittlesey the needful
Hitlco nnd comply with the legal lequlie-
iicts. It was desiied by the loaatees undei
Ids will that the court should consliue
hat pait ot It which beuueathed an immense
oituiH ) to the o\oeutois lo he known os thu
. 'lideii tutst. The allegation onlhopaitof
lie contestants was that this plon\iy ; \ provl-
Ion could be set aside on that giouiid , that
\lillu Hie testator may makeasprcllie bequest
n any direction that .may suit him , ho
annot vest in the ovecutois such discretion *
rspoweisasrin bo exercised piopeily onl\
) V himself. That , Mr. Mcl'uidy said , would
> o found tn be tlio ground of thu coming con-
est. Should the view ot the contestant busiis-
alncd then tlio money bequeathed In the
nnnncr dcsctlbcd could not be used by the
rusteesnnd must bo anaidcd to the heirs.
t was ascertained by reiwnts fiuin other
ources that the amount Involved in this roll-
est had been very much understated niul
hat Instead of being S3.0JO.OOO , It Is moio
ikely to be Sir. o I'ublie inteiest In
his contest will be ureutlv excited , In-as-
niich as It will , In a'l ' piobabllity , vciy serl-
nisly alTect the disposition ol large propei-
lus under the l.onox and Ste.vvatt wills , bo-
auso It will establish a precedent for contest
> y the heirs , should the court take the \ lew-
hat the Tilden legatees have taken.
ncllanii and Ohio Cattle Dying With
tlio Disease.
INDIAN-ATOMS , liul. , Nov. 9.-GonlIomen
rom Jasper nnd Clinton counties me In thu
Ity witli a view of seeming active measures
o prevent the spiead ot plcuro-pneumonla ,
vhich has developed to an alarming extent
n the last few days. They saj that In their
Icinlty more than a thousand cattle aio
ullllcted with the malady , which is Incuiablc ,
ind which is laptdly spreading. Dr. Navin ,
late veterinarian , has already oidoied a num-
icr killed , and these ccntlomen Con-
gressman-Klect Cheadlu among tlio lost
Idnk that thu state should pay
'or those killed , and wanted an
itllcial opinion from the attoincy general to
hat effect. But that olliclal holds a verv
lifferent view of It. Two hundred sprlnp
calves shippad from C'entrnl Ohio about three
veeksagowcio brought to Clinton coiintv ,
ind lOJweie sold theio nnd sent to IllinoK
'leuio-pneumonia broke out among them
nnd two that have been killed showed the
disease unnilstakablv. Tlio state board of
icalth meets at Frankfort to-moriow to con
sider what can bu done. There Is no law reg
ulating action in such case. Pleuro-
mcumonla veterinary suigcons have
also been oulered from hcio to Jasper
county to investigate the 'disease that.lias
broken out near Remington , O. The cattle
were shipped here over the governor's quar
antine proclamation. The boaid htid u ses
sion at Franktoit and examined the diseased
. attlo. One of the beasts was killed and a
> est mortem held In the presence of the
joard. The members united In stating that
ho disease Is contagious and fatal , and they
ecommended that all diseased cattle be
{ lllod and burned , nnd that the farms w linro
the cattle grazed bo quarantined for ninety
lays. Thiee farmers have all cady killed and
binned sixty-seven cal-.cs. Tlueo new cases
were lepoitcd to-day.
The Hnlcc Case.
i. , Nov. 9. Siierlfl Hitchcock ,
From Peoiln , nirlved Irom Washington with
; he presidnnt's warrant for Hake's extiadi-
: ion. Proceedings were commenced botore
Tudeo Dugas to-day , when Assistant Cashiei
Kly was examined. Ho testilicd that Hake
had tilled In and negotiated drafts signed by
dm and the cashier. Hake's lawyer is pie-
parlng a suipuso for the American detectives
who aricsteu tlie defaulter , and sajs ho will
anest them for conspiracy , alleging thov had
no authority fiom tlio bank olllclals for'thclr
action , but merely did so ns a speculation ,
which IB an illegal act under Canadian law.
Slierllf Hitchcock nrilvod heio to-day fiom
Washington with the inesldent's wauant for
John F. 1 lake's oxtiailltiiin. In case ol any
possible detect in the original wairant tor
Hake's arrest , a second wairant has been
issued and served nt the Instance of Assistant
Cashiei Kly , of the Meichants .National hank
of Peorla.
_ _
Destitute Indians.
WASIII.VOIOX , Nov. 0. The secictaiy ol
Iho Interior having lerclved from tlio war de
railment n telegram troiu ( iencral Jloward
laying that ( lencinl Miles icpoils that 700
Hualpal Indians , located nn a leservatlon in
noithwestern Ail/ona. are'nowln a destitute
condition In a birren country nnd must he
fed or starve , has lequesUMl that Iho mllitaiy
nullioiltle.s isbiio two thlids rations Tier day to
these Indians lo the extenf ol 55,003. the
whole of the nppiopilatlon made by
for their suppoit , ami In event that that sum
piovfb Insulllcient to RiibsKI lli.nn thioiigh
the winter months , or until they aio able'tb
pi o vide for themselves , that the intetior do-
paitment bo advised of the lact bnfoiuthu
ft.,000 Is exhausteil , when liuther provisions.
will , If possible , by made lor their cuhsiat-
once. The government ration Uu an Indian
Is thieo pounds of beet grosi ami hull a
pound ol Hour per day.
Killed by Mvplotlln I'owdor.
MonitisrowN' , N. Y. , Nov. d. An explo
sion occuned in the mixing house of the
American Foreito Powder company at Lake
HopatcoiiR , nt" : : ' > 0 this afternoon. U was
Bluntly followed by the blowing up of two
more mlxinz hou ns , tiom whieh thu wmk-
men , upvvaidsof liirv In number , had es
caped. Only live men were at work In thu
niislnc house In which the liist oxploslon
occuried. David llammel was Instantly
killeil , and Ci'eoiiro Havens , William Steph-
oiisini , John Fancher and John K.igur.s
weiu badly wounded , Hamniel leaves f
widow and six children.
K.illronil Work ut I'onca.
J'ONOA , Neb. , Nov. 0. ( Special to the IJti.J : :
The company of rallioad survejeis jinv
nlng n line from North I'latto to Sioux ( Mtj
huve iiirivoit at I'liiiet , It Is suppoicd thov
will go Iiom h rn to thu river , a mile dUtant ,
where Is a suitablii place for ft bildgn Tin
putty Is said Id bo under eontrolof the Union
I'.icihc and Milwaukee lallioad
Vim WyciU'K Vote In Cherry County
VAIIMJM : , Neb. , Nov. ! > . - - ( .Special lo tin
BKK.j Thootllelaloto of Cheny countj
Hhovvs the total number of votes cat to hi
OCR , the state rojuiblican ncUi't ro.-olvin ;
about eighty-live majority. Kor iiii'fi'ruwi.
lor United ? ) senator C. II , Van Vjuii
Now York Ory OoodH JM.trknr.
Nr.w 1' onic , Nov. U. Theio was Iwlli-i In
quli y for many styles of cottons , aNo la-lies
wool dress wear , succeeded by fair hcleetiuna
On account of contracts deliveiles went \ei ;
fiee , but nut to tlnirequliomentsuf Dujeis , a
moio rapid fonvanllngs weiu pru&cJ.
Now fiovo rnor Inaugurated
ATLANTA , Ca. ! , Novu. John It. ( iouloi
wa to-day Inaugiiiatcd a" > governor of ' ! < or
cln. Ills liiauu'iiral addiess was a plea fu
the leasscrtion ol state ilglU. ( Thtru wat ai
Imposing mil It ui y display.
Jim Oumminga Writes That lie Committed
The Big 'Frisco ' Crime.
The Klin-ess MpssriiKcr A rresfptl nno5
thu llriuul .Jury Pliuls nn I tut lot *
inent Aunlnst Illni A
Htriinuo Story.
The Adnins
ST. l < wis , Nov. l > . The ( Slolie-nemocrat
this morning pi hits a letter dated St. Joseph ,
Mo. , Ocloberai , signed JlmCummlnes. which
pm purls to have a lull hl ury of tlin robbciy
of the Adams e\pie < s cat , on the San Kran-
I'lsco lallioad on Iho night of October ty ,
when between eighty and n bundled thou
sand dollars In eurioncy was taken. The let-
tei was lecehedbj the editor of ( ho Globe-
Demooiat last Tuesday. It enclosed two
espiess money on * . elopes fiom one ot
vslilch fe.n 0.t)0v ) ) lind been extracted , nnd from
another 8rJ,0. > o ; nNo the memoiaiidum ot the
eas'iler of the Continental Innk , notlfjlnc
the Anieilean National haul ; of Kansas City
that S.W.WW was enclosed. The envelope anil
memoiaiidum have been fullv Identified as
thoii ! taken In thu robbery. The sender of
tlia letter gives as his icnson for writing It
that he wants to clear Fatheriiighaiu , ( he e.x-
piess niesseiigcr , Irom tlio suspicion which
now attaches to him. Thu letter uhcs lull
details ot the lobbery , and asseits that FaSh-
eilngham was taken completely by surpiiso
and was no parllcipttor In It.
Tin1 letter stated that the robbers hail a boat
which , together with a camping oil tilt , two
guns , and a box of pio\lstons , they had ne-
cietcd near the bildgo at St. Charles. Aio. ,
and also a package containing n levolver ,
whicll had been lett at the check stand nt the
union depot in this citv the day of the rob
bery. Following the dliectloiiH given tn the
letter , the skiff , guns and piovislons woio
leadily , touml by Iho detectives , as was the
package containing tlio tevolvor at the union
depot. Notwithstanding all this the detect
ives icgard the letter ns n blind , nnd do not ;
In the least abate their vigilant guard over
Fatheilngliiim. Indeed , It is slated on ptetly
good auuwltv that the gland jury yesterday
found Indictments against FatheiliiKliam ,
"Jim Cummlngs" and two others whoso
names aio nut given , for complicity In the
lobtwry. AM 1ND1CTICI ) .
ST. Lor is , Nov. U. When the habeas
corpus case of Katheringliam was called In
the circuit comt ho was not present. It was
explained that by a mistake ho had been taken
to the Four Coutts , which had adjourned till
'J p. in. About 10 o'clock this mntnlng ono
ol Pinkerlon's detectives placed Fatheilne-
linm In aearilageat the Southern hotel and
told him ho was to be taken to thu clicuU
court , w heto his habeas coi pus case would bo
tiled. When Iho can lago arrived at the court ,
n duuuty sheriff nerved the wauant ,
and the misoncr was taken to the
Four Couits and locked up. A short tlmo
nfturwnuls the gland juiy ictiirned an in
dictment charging him with grand laicony
and with receiving stolen property. The
other indictments weic ictuined , one nualnst
"Jim Cummlngs" and the other against Klfch-
nrd Koe , concerning the Idunty of whom
nothing is vet known. Katheringliam was
seen at the jail by a repni ter and stoutly ng-
sci ted ho was inneceni of thoiohhery , that ha
had been shauiol nil v treated all along and
was about to bo maliciously piosucutcd.
An Kd I tor's TroubloH.
Nr.nii\sic.v OITANeb. . , Nov. 9. [ Special
To'egiaui to the Bii.l : Al Kwan , pioprloror
of the Tnluiago Tribune , curircdjii the city
Into last ovenlnir to secure thu neco saiy pa
pers for the leplevin of his piess and typo
nnd stock which Avas allached yesterday f-
tcinoon undei u chattel moit.'ago given to
ono William Uarr. Mr. Kwan says ho hap
been grossly wronged ; that ho went to An-
bum yesterday on business by the lequcstof
Mr. Francis Fee , attoinoy for thu moitgaRon ,
and on his ictiirn found hln olllce attached
and hin goods lemoved. He Ha > s he up-
brnided Mr. Fee for acting In Ilils way , whou
hot wends followed , In which blows were
sti uck , and ho claims Mr. Fee dievv n i evolve r1
on him. The sheriff started for Tulinneo at
midnight and by this time the stock is re-
plevinud il found. The end is not jet.
A Mihslnu
OAKLAND. Neb. . Nov. P. [ Special to the
Bir.l : About four weeks ago F. Beigcr , a
photographci of Ulaii , tented the gallery at
this place and commenced business. After
lemnlnliig about a week nnd collecting a low
sninll bills belonging to the former artist , and
dining the time partaking fieelv ot whisky ,
it is thought ho left lor West Point. Scvcial
letters have been icccivml Irom his wile nnd
otheis , inquliing lor her husband , and to-day
another wan received stating that his wife
has not heard Iiom her husband since ho lett
Blah , and was almost in destitute clrcmn-
'Mauces ' , nnd gicatly dlstiesscit about hln
whereabouts. Any Information In icgard lethe
the same will be gladly received by his dls-
tiisscd wlfo at Blair , Neb.
Cmnfii Count y'H Oillciul vote. I'ois-T , Neb. , Nov. II. [ Special
to the Bii.J : ; The following are
the official majorities given in Cumlng
county : James K. North UlV. . II. Webster
115 , Fiank Fuller , senator. 11 ; Jacob H. Bar-
lett , lepiitscntatlvo , I5M ; E. N. Sweet , nttor-
, : ! ; . Paison , commissioner , 03 ; Dr.
Chailes Oxfor , coioner , \ ' > \ lor piopo cd
amendment , for town&hlii OIRHII/U- |
tion , HIS ; against , -417 ; lor pielcinnuu lor
United States senatoi : Charles H. Van
Wyek , 7.Vi ; J. Steiling Moiton , lO'l. The
judges of election In one pieelnet ( Logan )
utilised to count the vote on Unlti'd Stales
senatoi. In which Cliailos 11. Van Wyek 10 *
celved 'ii and J. Sterling Moiton -votes. .
Placed Duller Itondw.
NOKIII J'I.A'I nc. Neb. , Nov. D. [ Special
Telegram to the Bii.l : : l < "innlc Wheeling waf (
to day plated under bonds In tlin sum o
? 1,000 tor shooting with Intent to kill City
Maishal I ) . A. linker. The shooting occurred ,
last night. A shoit tlma beloio the shooting ;
occurred the marshal miestedVlieoIlng fr.p
disoidcily conduct find took him uclore tlia
police judge , w ho lined him , Wheeling thou
piocutcd u Imiso and gun nnd hunted tor th (
marshal until ho found him , when he OI.QIICI' '
lite on the marshal , llrlug tvyo shots , one. OL
which passed tlnouu'h a bulliilntr. Wheeling
tlien toile oiVand wiisnne.-teil to da > at noun.
riirsej''fl Orand Mnforily.
FiitnioNr , Nob. . Nov. U.-lSj elal to the
Br.i : . | Itctiiriififiom thoThlidcoiigresslonal
dlsttlut have como In slow , owing to the face
that there was no tixclU'inentover the con-
teit for eongressman. Mr. Dornoy has , hovv-
evur , ligniPil from oflldal nnd nnotlluiat ie-
] ioitsicceived by him that his iiiiijonty over
WebiterIsatIeastV3. ! ! These figures tire
iiailleiilail ) gi.itifylng to nlm iind bl l'rleiid .
I'wo jcars alto his majority ovei Ni'Vlllf wa
fi.UH , and this lingo Inci''aMi for ; i suAina
ti'im Isa iHling eniloiaeiiKiiit ( if hli c.oiust )
ami labiirs. rwo _ jeai.s ago Jin Jou lliKi
bvn majiilty ol ti toi his nppout i : !
Thbjeai huc.iuled it by u majuilt/ M7.
l r.iulclin Cniinty'ti ntllclnl Volu.
Ill KOMi.NdTnK , Neb. , No0. . ISpivUi !
to the BKi..i-Thn lollowing h tint of-
lUhil ' .otii of Frinklln couuty : Total vote ,
1'i'il ; Thayer W. NOrth * 'H , Ilitnly HO ,
Lalid W , MeKeiL'han I'-fl. Har.-ison 210.
, Slat i Fenatnr Cftlkins'20 , llunpeu : # i , Wil
son 1 % KJoat icpiesiiiilatlVo-Klnney M8 ,
lIuihhfjTO , Representative -Unilny 701. ML-
: iwcn 4J ( * , Mooio isw. Vim \Vjck \ had : > ' " >
Imt through l Ho votes ui'o.invasK ) > d
lor controls , maklnu UVJ in all , C'obb t\
Lalid 17.
Cuss ( bounty's Van U'loU Vote.
J'l.AiifiMot rii , Neb. , Nov. 'J. - ( Special to
the BKU J Thrt vote In this eoiinty on snna-
toilal piolereneo Is'J 'O for Van Wyek on n
total \oto ot 'J./IU. The senator eli-chxl I mm
this coiintv , ( lemoi'iat , and tliU'e
lives aio foi Van Wjck