Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advert Ifrrnonts under Ibis lio-d , lOtontupor
line lor the first Insertion , 7 cents for ouch subsequent -
sequent Insertion , nnd (1.50 B line per month
No advertisement token for lc s than If. con U
for the first Insertion. Ecrcn words will be
counted to the line ; they must nin tonsotu.
lively nnd must bo pnid In advance. All advcr-
tfecments must be hnntlcd In bo To re 2 o'cloik
p.m. .nnd under no clrctim'tnncci will they bo
tftkcn or discontinued by telephone.
1'artlcH advertising In the iohitnn rnJ hnv
Ing Iho answers luMressHl In cnro of THE Ilr.r.
will ultimo nfk for B check loonnblc them to cot
their letter * . nil none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All ruiRwcrs to od <
TerllvincnlflMioiild bMMirlosed In nnvelopeii ,
" " "
GPIJKf'KNT money lo lonn : ousy tormg. W.
M. Harris , Koom 6 , rrctizorltlk. , opp. P. O.
4M Deo. S'Qi
M ONiYT : l7oAN-At low riitos , on good
city property. Ilntclior A : Co.,1210 Douglas
street. : - .
MONKV to lonn on city and farm property ,
low rates , Stewart V Co. , Itoom ,1 , Iron
llnnk. r.M
MONKV TO LOAN At roasnimblo rains , on
furiilturo , fine wntchcs nnd other personal
property , C..1. Cnswoll , room ID Iron llnnk
Ing , 12lh andFnrnnm. KM
$ noOOO to loan. Sums ttM ) and upwrnrds ,
Lowest rates , llomls , ICth and Doil.ln slB.
" ONKY TO"I.OAN0. . V. DavTi. . Heal
Estate und Loan Agents ! M'i rarnam st.
MONI'.V TO I.OAX On real estate and chTT-
tcls. 1) . I * Thotnns. SOT
M"ONKY 1 iriTilAv-In suniT ofTiioV ) ami
upwnrds on flrRt class real iMtnto security.
I'otttrat Cobb , IMS I'arnnm st. U9
MONIJV I.OANii : > ntC. 1' . Iteod & Co's.l oim
oulcn , on furniture , pianos , hories.wngons ,
porsomil proiorty | of all kinds , and nil othur ar
ticles ot value , without removal. UIO 8. 13th ,
over Illngham'srommlflSlon etoro. All busi
ness strictly ronllitontlul. 300
MONKV If you have good notes to sell , or
wish lo borrow on real estate ) or ulmltoN
at fair Interest , call on.l. 11. Parrotto , 16th nnd
- - - - , wfi.
M ONEY to loan nt straight 8 per centNo
commission. Hammond llros , room II. l.f > ± !
$500,000 To loan on Omaliu city property at 0
percent. 0. W. Day , over UII2 DoURl lasst ,
T.OANS Lonns
Itcnl ostntolonns.
Collntornl loans.
Oliattel loiuiu.
I < onKtlme loans.
Mliort tlmoloang.
Money alwnyi on hand to loan on nnr np-
provwl security.
1 nvpstmont soourltlos bought nnd sold.
Omiiiin Vlnnnclnl cxdianiro , ljuj ! rurtiam.
Corbett Mnnnuer. JiO-J
GI'KlTtJnST Money to oun. J.J. llahoncy ,
ICOU Fnrnnin. IIU
61'Klt ( JKNT money to loan. 1 ! . C I'atterson ,
13th nnd DoiiBlus. 20i
MONKVto loan by the imdoiHlnncd. who has
dm only properly orKiinl/od lonn ntfonoy
In Omnhn. J.onns of flO to $ 1,000 mndo on fur
niture , pianos , organs horses , wn ons , machin
ery , &a , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly ronflilontial. Lonns so mndo
thnt any part rnn bo paid at any time , each pay
ment lOdudnK the cost pro rntn. Adrnncos
made on flno wntohci nnd dlnmonds. I'orsons
should carefully consider who theynro donllni :
with , M mnny now concerns are dnlly comhif :
Into existence. Should you npod money , rail
Bnd foa m . W. R. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthncll
Uulldlnsr , l.ltli nnd Harnoy , nor <
FOIt SAMI-A llrst clues furniture nnd un
dertaking business In n town ofL'.lvl'l ' Inhiihl-
tnntsol Northeast Noli. Address 8 61 lleo ollico.
iW7 10
\\7ANTKB-PAHTNKK-Lndy or ircntlemniTi
T with hmall onpltnl , to take hair Interest in
established , permanent , first-class city tusl
nets , paymir K'.O'JO ' to $1,000 yearly ; irooil ren-
sons fornulllnjc Krand clninco for right party ,
Addri-BS S 4'J. lloo ollico. 5C9
FOIl HAI/K A nice , clean nnd wollnnsorlod
stock of boots nnd shoos , located in one of the
best towns In Nebraska , dolnir n K O. ) bu lno .
Stock will Invtlrnnbriit six thousand dollars
If ,000) ) . I'ait ciibli.bnliincoon Inng Hinoinu-
Isfnclory reasons given for selling. Address
S. W lleo ollico. 1570 7 *
FOIt SAlii ; Ilostpaylnir Lunch C'junler and
Chop llotiso In tlio City. ( ! oed reasons for
C. L. Hnnchctt , VJZl Douglas.
FOU SAI.K-70 acres Ivlnif nloiur 11 * M Ity. .
two miles trom stock yards. $5i)1 ) ( iier
ncro If sold while owner Is here. Wood otiouirh
can bo out elf to part pay lor it. Easy torms.
Address 8 40 , Hoe Office. 491ii :
"Ij Olt SALK A small lunch couulor doms n
* - Kttod biifiluotis ; will sell cheap. Address n.
4' ' , lleoonico ! > \1 \ 6 *
TJIOU SAI.K An 8-room bonnllns' house , fur-
- - nl < hod. ready for occupation ; good loca
tion. Inquire l&lUlod0 ) | , for 3 days. G.VIG *
I.K Ono of the host In
L' this city , inuklnK1 money fust. llest of
reasons for fcllmir. f'.UK ) cash ro < iulred to wet
It. C. K. LotJi07 Fnrnam st. 475
"IJ > Olt SAIK A restaurant locntt'd on n lively
i buslnossstioot. Adurose S U'j lloo ollico.
482 V *
FOIt BALK The balance of a very flno dry
( roods stockconfuting of about (630 worth
o ( colored Bilks , tioiu or dress goods , fi0 [ of
hosiery nnd underwear. 1800 plushes , velvets
and velveteens , brocaded and plain ; 1400 brucho
nnd flue Imported shawls , $1)0 ) cloaks and
wraps. $500 notions and Jl'-ilO domes Iio ribbons ,
corsets , fringes nnd skirts. Ilium and white
poods. Will bo gold nt a sacrifice. Address ,
O. Dowllnir , Mlllnrd Hotel , Onmhu. COO 7 *
TT'OIt ' 8ALK A restnutant dompr food busl-
Jv IIOSK. Inijulro of UhTlnlula ; , iwwrarnum
"t. 525
FOIt SALK-llnidwuro UusinoHS- alter
ourshulf ajul heavy hardware business for
lale , torctlior wlih our lease and Kood will ,
Ti-nde Ini-ROAt in the elty nnd locution the best.
ItotlrliiK from the business cnuso for solllnir
The Itiuim Hnrdwnro Co , , 10-8 O St. , Lincoln.
1TIOH HAI.IC All furnlshiHl commercial hotel
- * - S3 rooms , nl < o siunplu room , livery barn ,
wind mill ; only hotel In town. Ilradthnw Neb.
M. F. llotcliklss. 7601118 *
TT OK 8ALi-Ono : of tlio oldest and boat pny-
JInirflrocery lluslncss In the city. For par
ticularsliuiulront Ulf Joneist. 1)1)8 )
H HUSKS I.otfl.rarnis.UTiida money loaned
Homls. 15th and Douglas streets. 2'.5
LOST Str ) od from my barn , n sorrel mule
( mure ) . Qve jcun old , wel < lit IWO Ihg. Ho.
ward for return to WJd Catherluu struct. W. O.
oloan , tia , }
LOf < T On scarf pin , with chain
and bungles ; u diamond set lu a daisy ,
marked "lloitlo. " Heunrd for return to this
odleo. 5S7 7 *
IOST I'roiu s. o. ror , of BiuinderB and LaLo
Jiils.Vodiiosdiiy \ , a dark bay mine pony , 0
years old. Koiuird tor ictnrn , COO C *
LOST A K. of I' , aliotildor btrnp. Finder
louvo ill the Neb , & Iowa Ins. Co. . 15th ami
Hartley , BSTi a *
IOST dray shawl. Mat * border and fringe ,
. Undnr rutuin to 1211 Dodge and set rowan ] ,
549 0
I" OST From Marsh's Munnhtor house , 3 fat
JJheitoiB miukudHhtaroviT hlpj. Kewnnl
for Information or retum. S. D. litiiionsM)9N. )
ICIhst , 4h5 III
L OSrVA"yellow bilndlw bull Ten lor. hluck
inu//Jo und triminiMl earn , H months old.
llotmn to . . cor , Jlotlgii and lull btn. tine
cot icwuril. bit 7 *
$ .VOO Hiw.Mtl : > forth" i oturnol' Jlrd Irish
Seller U nioiilhs old liiteli. Aniwors to iiamu
ot Ncilln. Tax tnir Vo , IW , aho addresn on ool-
l r. lolurn to 2507 PlonT. 4w : U
LOST 8 notes and .Mintgayo blgucd by Fred
ArmbiUKtln favor ofVm Moroney.nt
Oniniin Null bank , lleluril to Hoe ofllcoand.
gut reirurii. 320 6
] " OST Uulsmull go'd Htitch with mono-
Kiam M. K W. on bnuk. Finder please leiuo
nt this ollleo , 315
_ _ _ _ _ Clairvoyant , _ _
MADAM ALASKA nivonls iu t present and
future , how mnny In family , nut' , etc. , how
to hold affect long of husband or lov r.
f iii-llon guaiiuitoed 23 cent * mm upirnrds. bl
Kiel hat 71
1 > tisoNAIvm ihejrentU'inniitluit called
three weeks ave onHh and llowurd etreeis
for hoiuekour r pl xtu call umilii liccnmr's
builUinc1 , Ua' *
PIUtSONAL LadUi wlsbluj : KCHH ) ddmeitlo
help be well supplied by calling at
OniKtiK limpjoymcut lluroau , 11V North 16th ,
: ' ( . , Crouni * blovk. ( IT ,
PKKSONAf. Srethe new undent tamps at
Moody's chltm store , 'Ml Nortn 10th m.
ftiti T
1 > nitSONAL-K do Cnmprs Prlioolof Mule
nnd Voice CuHuro , 121 N , 16th St. , room 0.
COI Dce.5 *
IJLHSONAL Men who labor should see our
strong nnd durable suits nt $3 OO nnd warm
winter overman nt $2.00.e can save you
money on nil grudo > ot clothlnjr , L. O .tones
ft Co. , I.TOJ Farnam St. , Bln ot the Hag. 4J1-7
" 13Flt9ONAL MIM A. Lllnoncran , professional
J nurse with good recommendations. Kit
ontb l.lth street , 3d floor , room No. 5 , over
Dormnn's dry goods More. , M-n13
. . Ur Nnmit8 V.Vnrrpn
J. clntrvoynnt. Mrdlcnj nnd but Iness Medium
Itoom No. 3 , Ul North IBth St. , Omnha , Nob.
M"ATH ON1A1.1'APr.ltltcliiy illustrate 1 ,
llipiges.CI columns. The November Is-
sun just out contains nt-nrly .7.H ) lulverlUoinunLs
of Indies and gnntlcmnn wnntlnif correspond *
nnts ; also n Aiiperb full ptiO ! oiigrnvlnv do-
Blcnoil oxpres ly for our Journal , entitled "A
Midden s Dreitn , " It Hone of thu richest plu-
lures over pnMlurud on paper , and must bo
scon to bunpprerliitcd. Stillloo tosny every un
married person should | K > ssess it. Snmplo eopjr
10 cents In silver. Artdio s Hoirtaud Hand , (17
ir.d W Doiirbnrn M. , ChleaHO , HI. b.11 7 *
MATHIMONIAL-J'npor contnlns nearly roj
ndvortisrmcnts Irom Indies and penile-
men wnntlnw I'orio'pomloiits. Sent 2 months
for 10 conts. Addiess , Helping Hand , 70 ia
Sallo street , Chicago. 8M ) S6
_ "
IISTHArTriOF ' liort
notice finm my complete set of hooks. It.
1'nttei's.un , l.'tti HIU ! Hartley. 5'JI
AIiADY ftonojrrnpher dcalrcs a room-mate
similarly employed , who la lively and hns a
good ruputatlou Address S 13 , IIee ollleo.
KW 7 *
$ , boots ami j.iioti or
1 tiirnNlilm ; goods , or ill loan above
nmnutit to "gilt odgo" pnity RUInir me situa
tion ! good tefctonct' , S 15 , lice olllcc.
5507 *
A 1ISTIIACTSOK TIThK funiislicd on short
J.notice. . Jt , C , Patterson , JOth and Hainoy.
rJToT.UT AJob brick work . * "T" Murray7
" 70
ing , Itooms 7 and 9 , Iron Hank. U.w linker.
FOHAitULIAIlLKand oanipleto abstract of
title uo to the ollico of if. C. 1'uttor nn ,
15th and Harnoy. fi C !
rpHUKS , HosesShrubsetc. . planted free lor
.L persons buying or Douelns Co. Nurseries
C.O. Howard , 1'rop. . I' . O. boxU'K ) . bS7-nW
GUAUANTI'.iri ) A IISTinurrtTTronTTuy com"
platu Ret of abstract books on short notice
It. C. I'utturson , l th and Ilnrnuy. 5'il
FOH ItlSNT OrBUiis , Si ! per month , llof po ,
1613 IJouglas. JtfH
F Olt KENT Squuro Piano , $4 monthly.
IIospO , 1513 UouRliP- : 'KM
IJlOHlte NT Square t'luno sa uiontnlr. A
J : Hofpe. 15111 llouiilns. 39H
Foil JllINl Lnr o clean towels , cheap.
Omaha Towel Co , 1517 llowurd st.
FOH SALK > orrel tiouy. irooa trotter , broke
to middle , liuuilro in the ovunlng S. 11 cor.
19th anil I'nul. 57. ' 8'
\\7ATNUI ) Good chambermaid at 110 NVth ,
> > st , 570 8 *
ITIOIC s.viiOno : parlor und bedroom sullo ,
' two base burners and cook stove , cash oren
on tlmo. UJJ N. 15th st. 0. " > 1 "
F I OK SALi : Team of horSM. Schloslnjrer
llios. , 014 S. 10th St. OW b
FOH SAti : Sorvlenblo husrify. In ( rood con
dition. Apply to Dr. 12. H. Uolluiim , l.lth
nndJackaonstx 5M ) fi *
Tj < lIt S.1I.I3 lloises Ono upin : of matched
_ L driving mules , 1 family carriage hone , 2
wagons'set : of harness. Ill S ICth st.
480 0 *
iiOlt HA Lie I'nrnitiiro and lease ot sU-room
F house , time on pnrt. Cull 120. North ' 7tli
street , two blocks lioiti Hod Car line. flu
FOH SALK Cheap Some Household furni
ture and line orgnn , handsume parrot.
2019 St. Mary's a\e. 49J.6 *
IOK SALE 1'luioton l > URsy , one top
cheap , A. Hospo. 2Sln29
H 1OUSE.S Lois.I'm innLands money loaned ,
lieinls 15th and UoiiKlas streets. 295
T71OH SALK Lacnp , iron columns nnd win-
JD dow caps sullable for front on brick build-
Forpartloularsnpply nt thfoffice. 1.1
At ISls'nbdro ltrccty6ur dnT-
ing room gli la or boys. G55 8
W'V At once a womnn cook at Tlatto
Vnllov Houso. Ashland , Neb. C53 12
WANTKIi A competent person to do house
work nt 823 South 2Jth streot. 051-11
WA.N i i-i > ( loud dmltiir room and kitchen
Klrls nt once nt Norrls' restaunmt , HI St. ,
bet. Dodto ( und Douglas. ( XJG.8.
WANTKD JHnlnB room Kirl at the Kmmet
house. 578
WANTKD ( lood gM to do light homework
In family of thico , ( "all Immediately at
5108. llth Ft. 544-U *
WANTKU A girl for cencriil homewok In a
small family. Inquire at 'J45 \ \ lieiiton st. ,
( North 25th ) 54 7
_ _
WANTKU A plrl for se < ! < ) nd work. Apply
600 8. 1'lt h Jit. _ 6I& 7
W. ANTii-A : tflrl In family of threeA'116 Oull-
loinlnSt. 5200
-0 oed girl. T
ftM 0
( . . ( lor-
\X7ANTi : - forireiioralllous..woru : -
V mnn pielenud. Mrs. U H. Wlicelur , 521
South 20th st. 481
WANTED A good girl lor kltckon work ;
al o , a nurse clil , Oormans prnferred.
2015 Cussst. 474 H
\\TANTKD Lady room mute , deferences
TT oxcbilllged. 141UChleagubtrcct , 5U7
vvrANTKl ) Chambermaid at U12 Douglns.
irANTKD A dish ivnshor at Miller's Knstaur
> tint , 1001 \ ICIhst. < 02
\\7ANTKU-A good girl for voneritl hoii'-o.
' work III family of two Ttefcreiiees ro-
quired. Apply to Mrs. W. 1C. Atmln,140ii Slier-
tnan avc , head of Clnilc utieol : t-'i
/ANTKIi Lady of line taste to usslst In
' copying hiislnesa , run -rorual homo if
proferiodi permanent work , treed pny. no ser
vants wanted. Hours 10 to u. Art Copying
Itooms.Sr.'JN. ICIh st. 2JO
"VI7AJfTll ! > An experienced shoe snlesmnn
T' None other noe.d apply lln < iueallonable
rolHieiieo ivqulrnd. Chleac0 liuiguin Shoo
Co. . 1U18 Douglas lu'oU 7 It
If ANTKH A baker Apply nt Siumdcrs 61.
T llukcry , 141Ut-nimdura tt. U-il. ? *
ANTK1 < \ dellvoryilcyk7 toerences ie
qnlied. ( 'nil ut onea , 11.V Spnuldlrir ,
cor Ix'uveuwoi Hi and Park > r , tyj 7
\\rANTKIi-l' < ( porIeneod stock-l.ecjiur at
l > illstltCIothlnir parlor , & 15
ll.'ANTJJIl A mlddlo-iigfd man forgcneial
> light work. Call at KM'J N.Hi \ bt. alter ft
p , m. ; u good home tor tne winter. MlA '
" \\/A / NTIID Traveling Mile. miw lor nholu-
* MiluliatH mid cups lor 1W for now Omnha
benne nouly ortiiiilu.-d. Address S. II
dlllee. KlO 7 *
'ANTKD i\peilcia-ed : i-ohcltors nl unco.
Addr39i ( , II , llnivnil7Miiitli : nth , ' , .7 U'
\\7ANTt-.D Am-nn with good appearances
> ' torn new urlleluuui ; in i > b $ & to * Sn dny.
Call MtllJIs lltti Kt , KI4 ! )
\7ANTKli Tinners , t W tstlinan \ Beovilio.
UION , lith ( t. OKti
\\7ANTiD-AgenH : to eiinvuas for anIn -
f T gunt new tel ot Clirlstmtii booUs. In N'o <
brnfkii. Sell , from .Wj to ft 0) . One mdv ro.
fc'Jorder" lust weok. Addre r.t oneo. J.
KirtK VCo. , U Iliisumau block , Oinulni ,
_ _ _ _ .
\ ; . \N run A No , I liund and 1 gonui
' ' pneWlnaliouso Uands , at Slioely' packing
Inline. _ _ _ iil7 j _
Ani'.N'l'ri In the. city or eountry can nuUiJ * ' . to
( IU a day fcelllnu- our spei-Ialiiej. N \ \ ' .
No\ < ! ( > company , l'JJ7 ( rainaui it. fiTT
A \TANTiD : An oipeilenctd liriTLerT SJ'ii't'1 '
1 Omuhu dmiy. Apply at Houio ; iV tniu
drug store , South Omaha. f < V ) b *
\\TANrKI A man iw""liS < ilaro of ! uvixV
i' and inoniiiu.VppI ; UMis. Klnc
nni n , Ml Pleasntn si. K'J C >
\\r. .vrKll \ good lioitomblo iiianwitiTr.VJJ
T ? cash , us partner : < a.n lunUojroin J 16 to
1 20 prr d > iy lo nerscu nouts uud sell touJs In
this statu. AdJross , d ai , Ifeo olllcc.
2,5 7 *
"yt 'ANTKU-Artlvr. i-nfrcfSlvs BKents to In
li trodtiou ihmoil rup.'ii M > llh > tr itrtirlci in
existence. Piols ! larg < - . JJ.W per ilr.y mid up-
> r nll easily mm' * . U , L. 'Jhoa-fvou , llfr , , isil
[ Hi inc. , ChiCUi'o. ' . , 3110 *
WANTT.D-nook BjtenU. tTNolll * Co . pnb-
ll tiers nnd fivnernl ngcnts for subscription
books , box 139 , Oinnhn Neb. 6.1.1 n U
_ _
WANTKO-Tenmstm nnrl rotXmon for
Wyoming J3 a d r All winter1 * work.
Allbrlghl't I.noor Agency , 190 $ Fnrinim St.
423 _
r _ _
\\rANTio Agents-Christmas bonk now
> ronily Don't delay to com ! for circulars
nnd tenn : outllt so. Ijipivotlc lirtlcs can tunko
fJOJ to 45X1 tiy CnrlMino * dav. Ad < ltns Na-
tloiiHl Library Association , I'M ' State . L. Chicago
cage , 111 , y 0.0
-A Situation by ft lUM-claw bar-
her. Can glvo the bent of rolprunce\
Address "J. IL , " Ucclilcntnl Hotel , room Id.
\\7ANTT.I -Po lllon with pomo rnltioncl ,
i ' loan or Insurnncc company or bufinem
hnusdln the cltyof Omaha , nt modornto wage * ,
by n voting innn of" > years , who has born for
nearly two years cashier nt a nntlotinl bank ,
nud had other bugln experience.rih < > ti < * < t
rofuronecs given. Address N. U Trimble ,
Uniahn lloo. KI7.7"
\\7"A > TKD tal'VIM tairpd ,
cducited Indy of dlscrottnti.h'iiosltlon In
n quiet family , as assistant lu cnreol eouse. nnd
family "owing. Waves not go much of an ob
ject a.s a comfortable homo. Address 9 , fJ ! Iteo
ollico. 01fl. 8 *
WANTiiPltuntlon : us dry by
Ijmljrof ; l yiMira'niperlonco. < Ui'od refer-
encoa. Address S * . r > l , lleo onico. * ( UJ , 18 *
WANTii : > I'oMttim us cashier or plnco of
trust by a young Indy from Now York.
Four yours" experience , llest rcfornncea. Or
companion , Jl. C It. 10n. o. cor. 15th .VJlo'lgo.
' *
- i17 ,
WANTf.n Situation by 2 colored girls , cook
end second girl or Iaundro.43 , Cftll tor -
dnjs atom Walnut street. ( U9 7 *
W.VNTIIli-i'omtlon tiy you tip Indy ixsW
fUtntit book-Itceror. copyist .or olllto
work Uuod rctcronco. AdJrcsa S 0- lice ofllco.
DM 11
\\TANTKO A widow lady about 35 yonrs of
T ? niro , without n fatally desires a Mtuntlnii
ns booKkoopur or some other stiltnblo employ-
incnl. AdilrnM M. A. llybum , citti'.lnhn Led-
wlch , 1COJ llowurd St. WJ 7
\\rANTKD InimoJIiilcly , by n middle ngcd ,
Tf oiluciitoJ lady of dlccrotlon , A position In
R fiulut family , ns neshtunt In cnro of nml
family serving. Wtitros not so niuoli an oblcct
in a comlortablo homo. AddieBS K , > V1 , llt-i'
olllqe. C tll-S *
WANTI3D A uompotont nnJ bTporlcneod
stonovinplier and tvpewrltor de lrosn po
sition. Salary f7. ) Will turnlsli mnchlnr- . Ad
dress S. 47 lieu ollico. fiTiS 7 *
WAN run Situation bynyonnir mtm. will-
Intr to do IIMV thliifr , Host ot rolurcnqos.
Address 8 18 , lleo ofllce. f > 7U 7 *
WANTKD situation by younir mnrrled
IIIHII , wllilnu' to iio most iinytlnui , ' ; him Q
yenrs" oxperloroo as clerk , references fur-
nlslied. Addifsi S W , lloo ollico. M6 il
WANTKD A poaltlon us hoiisokuepor by
lady of exporlonce. Addiers 340. . lice
olllce. 480 I
\VAfiTi : > Situation. My a imurlod mnn
T T as : clerk , iimKtant book keppi'r or collect
or lle < t of roriM-oneos urnlsheid. Address Sis
ISO , lleo ollico. 437 0
V\7"A'rM : Drcssmnklnjt to do In private
V > families. Imiulroot AIi'BJucobBou"n ± !
llnrnc ) hln-ct. "III-T1 *
WANTii : To buy house' * nnd lotn In all
P'irts of thu city. Outo City Itonl Kstnto
Co , JIC.O Uoimlno. IU7.7.
\\ANTII ; > to buy ono Blmrc of flock In
' Oiiiiihu boi\rd of Inide. S. A. Slomnn.loli
Fai namiit. 571
\\TANTl3r > ao"lndlcs & "ffiftitH to "lnru ti'le"
T pulpily I'ro pppttrood tor po-lllon when
competent ; mldirsV , ,1. I ) , , Itoom I , Crounsu
blk.Omuhii l'J7
WAJfTHIi To buy any imd every lol thut
ciiii bo had for n bargain. I'urtlns wl li-
IiiB to Bull bo hiiro and call and see u < bel'oir sell-
imr. OHIO City Heal Ketalo Co. , 1'fM Dou lus.
"lI ANTnO Laily. middle IIRC , and two j onnif
' mull to lonrii nook-kcoi'liif. Situations.
.1. B. Smith , 1G13 ChlcOKO St. KI5 7 *
\vrANTUD-A mnn holdlniposition usspeclal
' ' Afl. Insurance , a purtnnrtiblp In Iteul IX-
tutennd Insiirnnuoonico. Hotcrcnco A'l. Ad
dress for 10 days , Cnraon , Ilrndslmw , Nob.
\WANTUD 50 men to cut buckwheat cukoi
IT nndjnnplo nyrupuvory moriilnirul NOrrU'
Hosttiuruut , tnth St bet. Dodge mid Doil liis.
Strulffht board per \\coicD.5 ; " 1 meal tickets ,
fit SO. Wi.
WANTHO-Stock of dry sroods , clothlnjr and
irocits' furnlshlnp ( roods or boots unduhoes
In o.\oluuiiu for Omaha real ojtutc. Splilosln-
gar Dros. , ( IU 5.10th st. WO 8
To purchase , n private 'innk in
iiK town in Nebraska or ICnn-cis.
fllvo paitlculari and iiddrcssJnmosSutlii'rlnnd ,
Norllil'lattc. Nob. 2i ° JlL
W ANTKU-203.000 yards of dirt on land licit
west of Croluhton Cohoffe. Hogg * & Hill.
WANTKD To lii v or rent cheaji a jrood No.
a HeuiliiKtoaTypu-wrltor. Addrnss , A.
II. , HOT 4.11. city. ACS ( i
FOH HUNT For f 35 , 11 fitoro wJth collar nnd4
rooms , 271. "i Cumlnir street. Apply to I ) . I ) ,
Rmeaton. cor. lltb and Hnrnoy , with Tootle ,
Maul A : Co. K 8
_ _
F Oil lir.NT- itoro"iTulldltiff \4C. with 0
rooms furnished abo\e , on t4th ; nnd Munm
Sts. JtoO per month. A. P. Tukey , 1204 I'lirnum
_ _
RKXT"KuririirieTl nouso at lu
tinni 8t. ; Ufo ot lurnlturo taken In board.
M.- , Ill *
T/lOlt HUNT 0-rooni house ; terms $30 per
2 month. liKjiiiic nortti 16th ti , bet Kim and
Centre. Mil 7 *
_ _ _
TCfioilTllJNT Kcsldonco No. 1B1I FHrnam st , ,
J ? 11 rooms , all modern Improvements. Kent ,
$7.1 per month , uurpcts and luinltiire for sale.
Apply S. A. Plomnn , Iflia Kiirnam sr. ! Hi (
frvoit HUNT l.ure-ohunia witli modoin Ini-
K piovciiieiilH , 29th and rhrmunMS. A.I'
Tukey , lIOi ! Fun nun st. OSi
FOR KENT lloujoof ten looms , with baru ,
1512.SMhac. _ 670
Foil r.KNT SO aoroj ndjolntiur city noi-Ui-
went , fitiliublo tor daily or market irurdon.
Apply to Thoo. Williams , lice Ollico , 9U Fnr-
num. 8M
_ _
F ) K HKST 5-room house , . c. corner 17th
IUldlOfCllS. _ ) _ _ IflJ ft *
FOU ItKNT-M-noro liirm , wiTh ( rood bulldT
II\K \ * < nunr rltv. all undar uultlVHllon ,
ijchlciilntrer llroa. ill 4 S. 10th 6t. _ Vil ) K
F > OH HUNT For n trrm of yenrs , it basement
neuily 40x60. airy and well lighted , water
and gus ; suliahlo for llgl.t mnnufaetlirlntr ,
laundry , etc ; lot-mod oa ono o [ the liosl Inisl-
ne sstreets In the city , near postoflleo Ad-
ilroKs S 25 , HUC oinea. Itiilll
| ' ) H Jtl.ST store2ZiGO , llHUnckson it.
M- fiS
OH HIINT-Slv room hou e,2Tth St. . north
of Dodge. iniiilrii : | J. T. Wltbrow , 1311
Hnrnoy bt 700
"IJIOK KENT Now 8-room house , nil modern
-V linprineini'iits. on Mlclilirnn St. , noilh end
Cntherlnu st ; $ W me/nth. / L Collrlu.BISI'nrU-
u\c. ss 0
B1OK HI'.NT Kleicn loom lieu corBlsl and
Irf-a 'ennorth Bt , Two blocks from street
our. Apply to llurko A : llnrkalow , DouglHH st or
W. K. Annln. lice ollloe. _ _ M5
inMtlttNT Klegutit 10 room restdenco on
JFBI nnm St. all modern Improvements -
iilturunnd carpet for tale ; all new ; inn com-
pollrd to ( Tlvo up on account ot Illness. Ad-
. ollh o. 512
_ _
iMHt nTNT"Storo : "iultiibio"rbr Hcituurnnt7
L1 H12 8 13th fct. IVterion. 57H
I7M1IC KKNT-fiQ lots oil the HellItit III Oak
-L Cliatham , just t-oiuli of the Saratoga Koliool
kouse. Thcfeloticau ! ' i tinted for 10 yuan on
r.HNT 1'iiinlshcd room
FOi ; lTix'r ; IVo niecly fiirnhhod looms ,
( uitubli for " or ! ) pciitloiapn. Ixneiy IOCH-
lion with u\ery juoileiu ImprovcmunU HIS
Jones street. liij
Ft K UfcNr- Newly plnstoirj rooms very
ctiiiilortHblc. Central and wilb o orycon-
Vfulcutc.V. . K Sca\o > , 111 t'outli U stieot.
IfUtl IlKNT Plea < Bni fnrnUlied and unfur-
1 nUhed rootuswitli use of bath. 1IUO Web-
htcr slret-t. _ J1 12
HUNT Siiiiuv , "t-huoiTuT room , "with
bunrd , Ute of plniui nnd liath , PlrnEpnt
. Term a reasonable. f > ) "i Pleavant tirAet.
_ _ _ "
ITKMt lliXT.N"nly ; fiirni ho l"ro'omj In new
-L1 | iou * . Mo-lcru fonvenlem-cj , t IWl Dodge
etmvt , C3S h"
i od front jtiuiu
eUie.clsult ule for I orS enllemA. K
cor. Sid and J.euvonwortlu " o-S K'
rooms. JfiOD IIpnrfi-,1 , , CIS 8 >
IC KK.N'T I iirnlshed fflom'nltli ( Jp- ( '
nnd Uovc.nt < I7 .Vlltli , .Ut rUi < ' * so4 ai
611 . 610
FOIt lir.XT Nlcolr furnMiPd front room ,
with u o ot pnrlor nnd bath , for ono or two
gonti tncu , Bl H5 | < 0IS'iiontQl'il9Ho , ( f < inUt
fjl 0 1 1 U r. N r Th re e miTuTnlihwl rooms , suit-
J ? able for light Bi\jJolceeplnir \ , to nfnmily
\rltliont cnlldn-n. nl o two ( moment rooms ;
1I2JN. ITthst _ _ _ & ! T _
17IOK HUNT Plc.-isant turnUhpd room * with
-1 ? loard , southeast cor. IMh nnd Ilownrdfts.
M1 ° *
_ _ _ _ _ _ tr ; : _
FlTlll5NT 3 room < nnd a kitchen J17per
month. Inquire llutchor ihopeor. tfnun-
der " and Chirk. _ i _ _ _ ? ' _ ' ? * _
? OK KUX'P i.nriro' ' fftgantly Curnl > hcd room
1 1 with clo < ot at ; i.J' ' Ultli at. _ MfrV _
> OIt KKNT Piirnl'hcd rooms with bonrd
1J 1 2 ( \Vobslor St. , reference required , fil.1-7 *
< OIt KtsNT lloonn , Finirlo or on suite , In
I7 newly furnished hnu o ; board can bo bad
next door. 1118. 18th st , near Dodgo. 663 *
17OK HUNT I. r.oll t nf funn licil rooms.
Molt doolr-t > lon lghborlioo'ls ' , Key * , leul
CM nteftnd renting * vcncy , IMh and DoilKlat ,
over Itayinond' * Junclry etoii- . 5T4s * _
1 JMlll HUNT Two elegantly furnl hcd rooms
.L1 In house lth nil modern improvements
homo comforts. W)7N.J7th ) st. UU7 7'
_ _
oil KINT Suite of fnrmilicd room" ,
_ hentcil , with gns unit Imtli rooms : from F-'i
to ? 3o. Inquire of Schwiut ? , the fhoo dcnlcr ,
41(1 ( N. 10th st.orJUS Kstnbronk block. OO'i 7
ITIOIt HUNT Furnlsbtnl rooms. 1510 llarnry.
JL1 I 007
F OltTtKNT-dood.fmnWieTl room * , "nil S !
2.M St. , bctwoou Davenport ami Chlcngn RH. |
IMol II'
FOR itKN'T KurnMiCHl rooms for tentli--
men , near InHlnais part of vlty. Ull ) Har
tley st. CO !
FOll KENT tiiiifru filrnlilind Irontioom.s
w. cor. 17th and Jackson st. Ott-G
HUNT A nicely furnished front room
suitable for two , 1UIL" Chicago st. Ssait"
Poll KKNT Two rooms ndjolnlnir , suitable
foril or 1 gontlcmun , wilb ll board ;
I8JJ Hurt st. flW 7 *
KKST Two roouia nnd kitchen"iiw S
13th , near Plorco. fSl ! 7 *
TJ1OK UKXT Nicely furnished rooms In pri-
Jvnto family. All modi-ni ronvrnliinuciL
SlnitUi or 111 su'lto. T.'O ' Souih l7lhSl. 581 7 *
ItKNT Fuinishcd room at 1813
Chicago st. KM 7 *
_ _
FOH Itr.NT-Nlcely furnl.slied liont room ;
siiltabln for nnoorlwo uontlomon ; refer
cnces roqitlroil. Call nt -'li : Capitol a\n DO ! 7
Fou ItKNT A furnished room , $5 a .nonth ,
nt 0" X. 17th bt. 815 H
[ TlTTlt uiCNT'-'l o'unfurnToliod i"oonT8r lTr
-C timro cor. Cnldvrcll and Campbell W.
Oil 7"
_ _ _
I OIl 11KNT'trantly Furnlshi-d fninlniom
for imo HT t o gentlemen , 5 blocks from
Dostoillcei has gtis , fiiinacu nml Imtli. X't : N ,
171 h Bt. BOB 6
T7 < Olt HUNT Nicely turnlshed parlor nnd
r board , suitable tor two Bonlleinon , for ? .V )
per month for both patllo' . KrtS. luth.tor St.
aiiiry'snvo (117 ( *
JK in nN T Funi'lshe.r f "roiit oom. liwl
Fnrnnm. 101 8 *
F Oil HUNT Furnished roomR convenient for
housoliooplng. N-W cor lth ami Clprk.
THOU KI5NT Nicely furiiHied rooms , suitable
JP for mnn nnd wlfo.orKentlemenilocntlonllrst-
olass. Will rent lor $10 , JUO and 541 per month.
KtKiUlro , ltt)3 ! ) Douiflagbtioot , IM
fit. ] 7
FOH HUNT Ncniy litrnlshot front parlor
bedroom , urns nnd lire ; tilfo slcuplnir room
nonly fntiiHhcd ; rent reasonable , cull at 1K)5 ! )
Fnrnnin sr. , 5J1 ! )
U HENT Cioodr furnlshod , front room ,
no. cor. ! ! l&t and Diivonpoit. 40j U _
OH HUNT Six nlovly furnished rooms at
nFOK . 714 N. lllth stjrvet. 495 17 *
FOK KENT-Kiont < ) lliee , second lloor : ICtli
Bt. , nenrFarmimj t Will rent ono Or two
rooms. Address S , ! w , Dee ollico. 410
FOK KCNT FurnlsleU roomsTTooifcnss.
_ ' 4017
Tj > OK KENT Furnished front loom , l in IlurU
400 6
Foil ItKNT Nicely furnished rooms and
_ board , 01P Ninth 8\ . 431 6 * _
Fi 1011 KKST Furnlshud rooms for house
keeping. : HcomoraUlouk , cor 'tli& Howard.
PAItTIiIStloslrliiir nicely liunlshud rooms
with honrd , rallat32LX. I4th stroer. Day
bonnl.SI.OJper week. 448-S *
FOI1 KENT A nice Inrse trent clinmbnr ,
nonly furnished , has ft.ig fnrnnco nnd
bath , 501 ri Sutli st , near St. Mnrj's avc.
) Il ItiTST Tivo" TurJi-e fi-Jrrt room" , 1615
JJodgo. : WS.7
FOIt KENT After Nov. 10 , lurnlsbod rooms
at 318 north 15th st. 348 12
TJ1OH ItKNT Nicely furnished front room nt
-C 010South 20th , near St. Jlnry's avenue. 870.
plOKKHNT-Furnisnod room , 1810 Podge. 252
> OOM With bourii for two , llilil Cupllol avo.
I 872 7'
TT10K HEN'T Part of lloor for llzht mnnufnc-
-I ? turlnir purpoKOB. ContiallylocatoJ. Low
rent. J207 FuriiHiu St. upstnlra. 434 ,
F 1OH ( KKNT Kurnlshcd rooms for gentle
men , at 2m Dot.KO st. 975
FOH ItKNT Nicely furnished nnd hcntcd
room suitable for two gentlemen at 1924
Fnrmimst. _ _ E24
< OIl HUNT Furnished rooms , southeast cor-
1 n6r21ct nnd Webster. 49I.O-
KiST-Two pleasant , unfiirnlshnd ,
front room5to man and wife. JI153 N. Idlli
street. 4M 6 *
FOH RI2NT Nice. Inrffo south front room
with bay window , furnished or unfur
nished , cheap. Apply C34 I'urk avo. , corner
Luavcnwortli. 507 A *
FOH KKNT Nicely fui-nlOied rooms with
lioatil or without. 61)7 ) S. 10th Bt. 4H4 7 *
FOH ItKNT A large , elegantly fuinl lied
loom , lor two gentienieii. 19111 Dodvo " Ft ,
iriOK HUNT Suite of rooms , with board , 1812
-I1 lodtfC. _ 12i
lOK HUNT Larcn I roil t room. rood ollloe
location. II.V. \ . llunlrcus , IfUJ Fnrnnm.
_ _ _
FTiTitTJNT FmiiWii'irinbiri lor imcTor nvo
genllonion : furniture new , plOi ! : int loca
tion ; Howard St. , bet. Erth und 9th. ; HOiith sMu.
TJ Olt KENT A nicely furnlBhail trout room
-L1 with alcove , to gentlemen only , at No. 1811
Farnnmal. Bi'l '
TTl Oll
JC OllMary's ave.
OH frKNT-Klfsniit fiirnlBliiMTrooinR , KX)7 )
Douglnv Ilo'ereiiccs renulie.l. 551
M. L. Hlffglns ACe , lM
U wry choice lots In Manhattan.
: i veiv choli.0 lets in Lincoln I'lnce.
n \ ery choice lot * In llojorvolr add.
3 very choice Iota n Lowe's First mid.
3 very choice luife 11 slilnn's 1'lrbt ndd.
: i very choice lotvi u I'rohpuct I'lnew.
; i very choice l ii Orchard Hill.
; i very choice lotean Dollone'a ndd ,
: \eryeholco i lotsf n IHUIIO & Scldou's add ,
: i very choice InUl 'j add.
II very choice lotH III llunaaom Place.
! l very chole.0 IUIK In Klikwood.
: i very cnolcu lot Win McCnimick's add ,
S very cliolco lots In lledlck'a drove ,
: i vury choieo lota m Kllby 1'lnce.
3 very choiceIOID in Wtibt Hldo.
a very eholco lotsln Potter's add
: i very choice lotpyi lliookllnencr ( < > sl
: l very choice lott , pi Pcllum Plaeo. ftil.10
3 very choice lou on Farnam bt.
M f.i-"liy : M. I.rfl'trlii ( | * A ; Co. . Ml Don it
Ins-bt. , a neu : liory | duuhlo hoiue , ti
rooms each , south Irou , with fine piar/n * , RHS ,
city uator.batli rooiii'Und wntcr-cloEut com
blnuil , gruiee , miinti.lrt.t-tc HenU tor ) a
jenr. A b.irunln forauv one wuntiiiL" an In-
vci-tmeiit. All for J MA II.KX ( ) cash , bal. to
Mill. Till * property l 'iittunlly worth $ : o,000.
Also n lot in .Mcl'oi mc1 | > ndd. 41X170 It. , front-
ingon Haint'y mid Howuid ct. A ileeldod bar-
train nl f 1,20 ) . Kuy id iu.Alsoa cuporb res-
idmiro lot In Hiineomn P'B ' < for J2/OD , lylncr bo-
iwcou lv\o lot : ? Hint linvn jiiMcliiniKod hr.nds nt
$ ' ) , ( U ) . Will only be tin Hit ) niiukct II vo UH > VS.
TTOft TtTl.Vl'-Ily > | . L. Illiiifins a ( U , TnJ3
-1- Douglas kt. . n ten-loom houre on 1'aniam
at. , with gua , hot and culd nutcr.bnth loom and
wuter-elo et comblne4l. New aud in ll-o very
ne t of oidt-r. All for JrO per moiilli. AUoun
h-room bou e with gut , bnth room , city uutrr.
cUlein and all inodtrn iiupioxcmcnl * . tor f.7J
IK'r nlonlli. AMI ! fi-iooui | bon etwilli liiiin ,
In Walnut Hill , for 15 ppr mqntti -J--
"IJ Allltld AM ) HAHIlS-ir. ( . . - . iSuTkln-et. A
-I i low f.pfMl > > ! tmrrnTns In K'onnl/e A Hulh'u
diK , Is ! m6rn , Oinalin View , KeMdrnce pnip-
crly.l lu , V DodK St i ! logr Hill's d uM.
Alto omo good bubiiinuo property , C J , "
OK 8AIi-lloige : ana lot * In lT purtio ?
the oily GutoCIty lli-al Uslatc Co. , KBO
Douglas. 137.7
LI T your i > roilvVty wTtU u ; we cull soil any-
thin plnctM hi uiirliunds. ( into Citr Heal
i : tntij fo. , 1J2J 3iizas | , IK. ' !
BAIICJA1N llou o of 8 rooms , city Rwator
and cellar , together with stone buildlne on
JSM gtraot near Leavonvorth , rents for about
* IO per month : lot 4i4\2rt4 | fecU t'rlco Jt.fiOO ,
half cash.balance 1,2 ami 3 jesrs , J 1' . Hammond
mend , 117 S. Ifith ft. BS4 7
ELl'.OANT 10 room resldeneo on 1'niknve.
All tnodorii Improvement * steam bent
thiougliput the hoii e , two story ulnblc nnd
rnrHmrs h ju o. Hone WMlks about the frniunds.
LotWxl 10$11,500 1-3 e.ish. .1 , ! ' llMnmond. 117
9. U'tli St. MJ-7 ?
< I18T. , tieirPlnrk , new 3-room hoiiic , peed
-J cellar , well and cistern , rents for K' ) ' , e'ible
line nlrcnily laid just behind II on " 0 t. t'lnrk
st ordered pmod toSlth this fall ; ono of thn
bi ( t Imr-nliiB on the li > t. Lol 30xl.U ; prtcn
$2 , n , $ Jl ( cah4 bilnneo I , S and II years. J. F.
llnminond , 117 S ; Ifiih xt 5 < U * *
'M'UW houno of 5 rooms on L'lke st. Just w en
JU > of Ifith , bay window , porch , coal house , cis
tern etc. lot aixaj. price $ I,9JO. ? 40J cn h , bal-
nnco time. J , F. Hammond , 117 s llth st.
T > AHE chance for a home , n room brick house
JWlth linmetit. . irooil well nnd cistern in
Omnhn View ; prleo $1,410 , $ .10) cuh : , balaneo
HO per inontlii .1 , F. Hammond , 117 S. IBth st.
fiS4 7
BtUimPUfi N. w. cor. lot In Dwlnht A
LTinnn'snildltlon. Prluo $750 IJcisti. J.
F. lliuumond. 1178. 10th st. 5S4-7
MAONIFlCKNTnw cor on Furnnm street ,
I'ino hoiifo and barn on prrml cs , elty
water , ga , ( > oH < > rnre ( , etc. Allst > eclnl and tee-
tilnrtMieti piild. I'llce $11XX ( ) , U cash. .1 F.
Hnmmond. 117Slttlt ! st 58l7
KAUF. llarpnln on lUth st. Flno Hi story
hotisn. 7 tiioins , city water , soweniReji-
etory Hulldlnjr In tear , stronir and wul built ,
siiltalilo fur nny ptirpo'o , oven to Incrense of
bouse room. wnlkt about promises nnd
bountiful sionu iMiibnnkmi'iit wall with Iron
( 'iito In li-ont , lot : ; U1'I- , with nddlttotml 12x3,1
o.HtondhiRto alloy. Price $ l,50ij ) jc.OOfli'iish , bal
liuu(2yenrs. ( .1. F. Hnmmond , 117 S ICth t.
581 7
> of the most beautiful lots In flranmey park
* J 41 1(10. ( 1'rli-K $100 nml $4vm pitiJi. bal. f 10
pormonth , .L r. Hnmmond , 117 s. loth pt. 581-7
TjMMt SAir ? : ill llrookTyn Addition , on Mi ?
J1 so.rl Pnclllo K. It. , > ; ol nn iifre. fftW.
5 loLstn H Illsldo nlld. No I.
2 lots In Hillside ndd. No. 2.
2Iota In Park Place , near 23th.
; iloN on Mlnml street , $ S25 each.
H. W. lluntres.s , 13)8 I'arimm streot. K14 0 *
A ROOD TITI.r.-Wnrranty deed and ab.
slrnct free with ovcrv tut In Kinii & Selby'H
ndd to South Omiilm , only H bloeKs from t-outh
Slock Vnrd" . Priec.s SS.V ) to f US ; only ? V ) casli.
Itush A Solhv.iMj S 13th Et. 1116
AGuon TiTi.U-Warrnnty ded and ab-
sti-Hd frco with every lot In Hush S. Bolbj 's
add to South Omnhn , only H blocks Irom South
Stock Vunlg. 1'ilco * $ U.VJto $123 ; only $ . " 0 cash ,
lluh i Polby , ' 'IBS 151 h St. U1C
A Sii'S I'LACl : nlforrt special mducainimts In
piicei , terms of pnjment and locution.
The hoiiMiMiow on Ames phico mo irnod ones.
1 f you want to ouy eoo tin1 ground. Ames , 1M)7 )
Fai num.
AOOoi r'r.lwai raivilood tm o
struct froi' with ovoiy lot In Hush A Scthy'H
add to South Onmhu , only H blocks flam South
Slock Vnrds. 1'ritcs $2iO lo'Jii \ only f. " H cash.
lliioh A Si'Iby.'JIS S 15th st lilll
TNPlDnAt'Ki : LOTS are hard to jrot.
tonistho neaicst ncro property for hiilo.
1'rlcun , ? 10ii to S4.VJ. Ifou want acre lots comu
ami see It Ames , 1507 I'm num. 47il 9
AOKH ( ) TITLlIWiirnn"l > 7 ileed nTul nb-
slract 1 roe \i Ith every lot in ItiiHh i SclbyV
ndd to South Omnhn , only 8 lilncke from Soiilb
Slock Vards. I'rlees K.'iO to 5125 ; only $50 cii h. , V Solliy , 218 B 15th Bt. < IHi
IW.l l''nrnam , Imvo the following Gilt
Kdiro Insldo 1'ropoity for sulo for 5 days :
yiipj on Howard street , Of ! feet from 15th
ftreut. 1'lovrn room bolide. 1'avIiiK and all
other nssusmonts and tuxes paid , lor the ojc-
tiomcly Ionprlco ot $ I1S'K ) , ono-hnlr cah. .
C3x1.V , corner llth and Clilcniro streets. 3
nlcs cottnjrcs , worth 810,050 for S12.003 , ono-
thlril cush.
00v78. cor. 10th nnd Davenport stroots. 10th
street Cable line will go north of Fnrnam ;
tmcknifo ; Very cheap for $ iKK ( ) , J2OiW cnsti.
HUxl corner Uth and Jones. An nwful
Hood ploco of builnoss property for$2CKK ( ) .
lUKlUon FnriinmcnstorL'Jd street. Do you
know that thi'larirt'Et and most olcKnnt retail
dry ( roods nnd other stores will bo on Far n urn
hctueon l tli and 23d streets msldn or tlvo yours
This property will then bo worth $1,000 to Sl.WH )
front foot , H can now he bought for J25.000 ;
will sell 22 loot for 530J per front foot.
( irtxm fid It trom cor ol 12th and Jncuson ;
Improved sonic , $10,0 H ) , H cash.
OBrliKcor 14th and .Tiuilcson ; Improved some ,
XS CO foot from cor llth and Howiud.ntxt
to proportj- owned by Tied Ames , of Boston ,
and the llth el viaductl"fi < l ; $5000 cnsh.
Lot with 0-room houte on 2lntst , ins reel from
St. Mary's ave , KOOI ! Imrn , city water , etc ; $7-
OJO ! one -third cash Look this up , II will pay
IHl.xIMto 17 foot alley on 251 n st. 1SI tcrl from
FurtiHin st ; wlllsclHlxt-Sor the whole for f 125
per front foot ; one-third cash. No liner r sl-
uenco property than In in.
Corner , oa ° tfionton 10th st , nearly opposite
now Ilrownell lull ; paved street , water and
sewer plpet to curb line nnd paid for. This Is
jroinKto be the ino. t dlhtlnctivoly fnshlonablo
residence pmtlon of the city. Hero is a corner
lot that will bo won h $4,500boforc 1 887 ISthroiiRh
It can now ho IxuiKlit for $ S,000 ; one-third cash.
balance easy.
HUxlll n. v. cor. 27th and Dodge ; expected
calilc line ; $ s,5UO , l-i : cash.
78 feet front on St. JIury'snvo. , 25th si ; fine
reMdonco ; $11.000 , ll cash.
Kit-Kant 12-room house , full lot : all modern
Impiovoments , flnnhnrn , every thing1 tlrstclass ;
clone to paved etrrct and In splendid neUrhbor-
lioodll,000. ;
llemember these arc Inside Imrffnlns. Wo
iinvo lots and lunds , Improved and unimproved ,
any where in Omaha and vicinity ; idvoirsrt
call If you wnntto buy or sell. We Imvotbn
flm'Ht rpnl ostnto ritr * In the city nnd "It Is no
trouble lo ( mow floods. " M. A. Upton < te Co. ,
10)9 ) 1'arnnm KI. 90C
iWLKVnri anty ( IcciF TrnPntT
stract fie'e ' with uvury lot In Hush & Si'thy's
add to South Omnhn , only 8 blockH Irom South
Stock ynr < l8. I'rlcos f7) ) to $ < 25only ; JJOcnsh.
Hush & Sclby,2l8 H mill si. _ C16
WK HAVI' constant Inquiry for nil kinds
of biislncr-ts und iesldenc proprrty. II'
you havuany pioiierty lor sxlo fist sa mo with
us. BclilCBliirerlltoHIIIS. ( ( 10th. 501 8
AMICS 1'I.ACK Tim uenrost pioporty on
Uelt Line front I njr on Suiindors. nt prices
$550 lo ) f . ' > 0 on onsy turms. Ame > , 1507 Ktirnnm.
A Ollpl ) TITLK Warranty deed nnd nhKtract
- < > . fief with iivory lot In ItUFh it Kelby'M add.
lo youth Omnliii , only 8 blocks from South
Mock Ynrd . 1'rluoi$250 to * 425 ; only $50 ciish ,
Jilish . -I'lby,218H mil At. ( tin
5(14 ( 14 '
HllliiALfiH ; ) ( nad Pallewon Place Is oil
Lcnvcnnortb Ht. by lliu depot and onn-
nlng laolury. Lots are largo nnd vury
beautiful fiirlnsr the oast.
It. C. PiitleiMin , solo aKrnt,15th nnd Hnrncy.
AdOOD TITLF Warranty deed nnd nb
frco with o\ery lot In Hush A : Selby's mid.
to South Oniithn , only H blouku from South
Stock Yards. Prices , 250 to $425 ; only K,1 cash.
Hush \ belby , 218S I5th St. Did
AOOOI ) TITLK-Wnrranty deed and ale
Rtinot free with every lot in Hush .V Selby's
add to 'vintli Oinitiui. OidyH blocks Irani South
Slock Yard * . Price 9'iV ) to $425 ; only $5) cash
KusbASl'lliy.2ia S 15th St. 6IO
FOH HAI.K-A bnautlfiil house limf lot on
fleorfflo live. Tills Is one of the be < it finIshed -
Ished houses In OmnliH , with all modern Im-
proveinentii ; will Bull chcnp for : i I days. Aliply
ITHlt S\I.U-LOIB 7 nd 8 , li' '
J btoek : i. Hist addition to South Omaha.
Call on Fred Lemon , oare FarmeiV house , nr
jldre s ( leorgo Llndc , I' , o. box 107 , Itapld City
A00l ( ) ) TJTI < H Warranty dTcTr iid ah
itraqt frcuvlili every lol In Hush It Selhy'4
odd to South Omalni. On/ ) MOCK from South
Stoek Vnrds. Pilcos $250 to $45j only JV ) cash.
Huali & Selhy , S1H Sliil h M. til I
\ \ 7 ) fT.MO'i'TKIt'li'Hl : i > tntti ' ' AKuiic-y , oiler
li tliefollowlinrcnolf liartrnlns
1 IntlnShlnn'b&l iiildlilon.Kood 5 room housu
$700cii h , $ . ' 0'0. '
Uit2 block I , Ilillsldd No. 2 , $903 CHsli ; * l.ftOO.
2-lolsln Kintr Hdd , | W ) ) each. I.'OJ CHUh.liul-
unco t : > 0iiory tin i-o months. A burgnin.
Ijit 2S block ! J IIImebiutrh & . Patlerbon'a add
$150 M , cusli.
-coriiarlols In Arlington , Jl.irt ) each ,
I lot on Hamilton Mf-l'l ; I'JI'i cfthli.
Lola in Catalpu plHce , $ 'OJ ; fiio until , bahiiK'e
t itll block 1' . Prospect place , ei/-00 ; > , , ' cnsh ,
eheupei-t lot in Ibo city.
: i full lots nn Siuiudcn , one a corner , 10,50) , ! J
Onoolegant lot In Shlnn'ii2d add , CO ft fiont ,
$ lAi l. Don't let thUsliii
Nlco.'nonni hoiito ccinerlot , CJxl2d , Phlnn's
'kladil , IS.iKXI , Jj 1'it li.
1 lol in 1 . ) ' , tiu-'i. add , $2,000. cash.
'ornerlo'l In Klrkwood , $721. i i-oth.
Klcirunt east front lot lo Pliiliivlow , on 20th
Full lot on Ixiavonnoith St , A bargain at
Oili < of the finest lots In IHIIddo No. 1 for
1.400 , SIUCUCttbll.
$ fine lot In Wet Side. $100. $7.1 oath.
Onojroo'l ' lot in Washington 8iiaro | , $ ' 00.
Two lou , ono a comer , the Quest lote In
Hanwom Plaeo. , WJ.
Twu lots In Jerome Park , f 1,100 each , $300
on ih.
Ono of rbe be t lull IA Hitnscoru's TUoe for
$ J'JO , $ > J caih. , <
Dnejt cast front lot In Hnn con | Plncc , f 3.Vti ) ,
$1OOJ cash.
An elegant east front In Ilnnseom rineo ,
$ lnxi :
The best lot In Potter's aid. for $1 , TOO. This
Is 140 foot east front , ensy terms.
Several choice lots lu Ambler Plaeo , $500 ; $150
rnsb , bitUnro monthlv
2 rnsl front lot * on Saumlers St. , ono a cor
ner. $ .1,100 , $700 en h , bHlimcplontr tlino.
2 tine oit fuinl lots In hull's add , , $1.0iX ) .
Fine 5-room house , Lake's ndd , $2,200 ; $100
en fh.
Finn aero In licit More , 5I"0.
Tula Is only n tmrtlal list ol ourbnrcnlns , and
If you want liusiiieis fcsldinco property In
miy pnrt of tliocity enll on us and o can suit
you , W , II. Mutter Heal KMnto Agunc ) , 211 S.
151 list. r > r > 7JL.
_ _ _ .
AUo6l ) TinUWnrriirttv , deed and iib-
strnct frco with overv lot In Itusti Jk Selby's
ndd to South Omnhn : only H blocks from South
Stock Vnrds. Prlco * * r. ) to $ U6 ; only $ f > 0 cnsh.
Hush .V Selby , US S Ifilh < t. I'.IR
l Oli .sAt.K'-Ily .1. L. ltlcbCo.Hoom ,
J oviir Commercial Nntlotinl Hank.
Two line lots on Cns St , In Pnik Plnco , $300
o-ieli aiots on Cummlnii ! St.VTl5'i.2 ) blocks
trom pnted ls. , only $ i,5 lieieli. 1 lol on llnni-
llton Bt..on ma ti1 , $ iVM , llouo , 4 rooms nnd
lol , Ith bnrn.well.nstern.on Hnmllton t$2.5iU
KI feet Iront i rnor , on SaundTS and llunlelt ,
$ .1,0,10. Tin * Is rhenp , 120 foot on Saunders ,
$ li,50-3. 31 teet on Saun.ler * , with 4 room house ,
$2,2.iO Tine lot , COt.4 I. eornor 1 block olT Siiuti-
dcrs , 4 room house , $3,100. Flno Ioti1ixl4tlon )
Pe nrd ( > t ,2' . blocks from street ears , n room
now house , $ ! ,750. Illir lianrnln. 127 feet on
Sherman a\d , on paved st , jr > ni worth
wltliln o mouths. 7 of the tines I lots in
PliUin lew , \ itb2 o.n-ncr ? , j'l.ixx ) , worth $7.IHJ
bolo'o sprinir. Flno tot , 4i\UQ , on Hnmllton
M , , \\lth b room pot InRc , 92,750 , Sprclnl bnririilu.
lleniitltnl lot , , on 2 th j ( . . just oir .
llton at ,5 t until cot UKO , shndo trees$2i.iO. : Kle-
Kant lots on llilslol st. , city wutur , noith and
south ftonts , $ H)1 ) tt > $ s.'in , c y tprms. 2
rholco lots In llpdfonl Plnce , $751 , on
easy lerms. Very line lots on Fnrnnm
St. , cut dovtn to grade , fl.OM Finest
H-toom moiloin in'ldonce. full lot on Virginia
nvp . In llnn eom pl.tcu , $1.000 , 'S push. Full lot
on Davenport butween I'lli and 18th , n Imwiln
foroish. llalfncrotracknircon IWtli st with
II linlldlnns , at special baritaln. 20 acres InMde.
propot ty worthy of Invnstliratlnii , 5'5 acres
still better , t'hoiee ncres $ .TiO to$300 , pilltnblo
for plnttinir Into ulty lots If you moan buM-
n .sscnll nnd see us. Kl : > 0
B11I011TON Is the nearest acre property for
sale. A ride to this property will ronvinrn
you. Priors , CIOJ to $ < M per ucio. Atnt' , 1501
Fui nnm. 473 ! i
(1OOD ( TITLK-Warrnnty deed and ab-
struct fiecUtli nvery lot In Husti \ Solby'N
add to South Omnha , only B blocks from South
Stoek Vnrds Prices ? ' ! V ) to ? 125 ; only ? 5n ensh
Hush & Solby'J18 3 Ifith st. ( IIP
B AHlAlN-Iot ( on 18th st , Klrkwooil. $70.1.
Oralinm , Crulghton hilt. 403 n
BOWMNll OIIKKXOur new "adilltTon Is
west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton sticet.
lly soleetlnit lots nt fl.V ) for Insldo and ? 175 for
corners , you will make a need Investment.
Term * 10 per cent cnsh and J5 monthly. No
rhnrgo tor showing the lots. Muislml ! Ale -
book , 150SI Fnrnam ! HO
_ _
Foil I S.VI.K-12 lots 4\13.2 ( feet. froittlliR- north
on llrietol street , half way between Sauu-
del sand State , uoarstieet car.s. City \vntcrln
Ironl , $ > 0 each , 1-4 ca h , liillunco in 1,2 and 3
jours. Address 8 14 , lloo ollico. 258
, i-fn : It. fronting on Dodgu si. 2
JP blocks e > nM of thu po > tolllee. A bargain nt
$18,501) ; $ RiUJO cash , Marshall & LobeckM'l \ '
Fnrnnm. : ii
" O ( ) O 0 TTTLil'nrranty deed and abstract
free with o\ory lot In Hush & Solby's ndd.
lo South Om all a , only 8 blocks from South Slock
Yards. Prices $2'iO to ? 425 ; only $50 cnsh. Hush
& Solby , 218 S. 15tb st. 010
Knim'ItV < ! 3OVK-Lots on a spoelnl bnr
nnln at $1500 to $ KflO per lot. Farnam street
pavement nnd stieni cur track to this addition ,
Us east llnu Is 31st st , Ames. 1507 Fnrnum.
_ _ _ _
InoilSALK cifoap , IUiieros woinTiiirovoll.i |
' mile north of douf and dumb Institute.
Adjoining lots soil for J2.00J. Apply .1. F.lloch ,
on prflinlses. _ 808 Ill9 *
" OTlOD TI I'lTn Wnrrnnly deoTTind iihsfruTt
f reo xvith every lot 111 llii h ! k Solhy's add.
to South Oiiinhu.onlyS blocks Irom South Stock
Ynrdx. Pi Ices $250 to 8U"i ; only $50 cash. Hush
* Solby. 218 S. 15th St. CHI
FOK 8ALK-iOtH5fect"corner ; ot Humpy and
20th sts , $ ll,2i)0.
50 vis I root on IGth st near Popploton's , runs
from lUth to 17th. $ l'lK ( ) improvement1 * . $1,700.
H. IV Iluntrcsx , 13)b Farnam fit. Xtt (1 ( *
C14 South Ifllli street.
IWi feel on 25th st. near Fnruiun , will sell all or
D-ucie lots In I'arimm park , $125 per acre.
Kasy terms. This is very desirable for garden
Hlnctcf" , improved , nonr city ; Imn-o , barn ,
cribs , etc. Clump and on ousy ternm
Lots in Schlusln or'M addition * 3 > 0 to $350 , on
ensy terimt. 55S 8
ACiOODTITLi : Wiurnnt } deed nnd nbbtrnct
free with every lot In Iliiih A : Solby's add.
to South Omnlm.only S block * 11 am outh Stock
Vm-ds. Prices J2SO to W-M ; only * J cits h. Hush
i Solby , 218 S. IMh t DIP
HOUSES Lots , Farmslumls money loaned
llomls , Ifith and Douglaa strtiots. jyj5
! -KNON HKKilTS-Kor beauty nnd variety
Y1 of sconury nnsiirpas od In Omaha. 5B4 14 *
11 0. PATTlTUbO.V-i : > th aliir
13Jxl4-.ft . DodBO . S 10,000
OflxltKft 12th and Jackson ( Improved ) . . 20.000
XQ-ITiift Rhorniiiiinro Improved . 10.010
IHiixliBftFilinamst . 18,900
Now oottairo and lot monthly paymonls 2,20) )
Two lots Klrkwood , each . WK )
Olsos addition one lot . 1,2V )
V ) ucr < > s snitulilo lor plait Inir . 8.0IQ
lOacios suitubleiluttlnkr . li.OiU
llusinos.s and rfSidencu properly In nil purls
of the eltv.
Abstracts of title from my complete abstract
hooks on short notlco.
K nor cent money. It. C. Patterson , nw cor 15
and llurney , ground lloor. 51 * )
iXTEr.L.7i'ffiM'A8 : ( bus laid outurTTiiTihtUm
to the city of Omnhn mimed Mnseotte , nnd
woliotlci ) I'mt thn Htroots uro properly named
Itocuo , Loron/o , llcttin.i. I'lppo and Frederick ,
and soolnir Hint the same In on tin Uelt Itnil-
wav nnd nt a point wliuro the Omaha Northern
H. H piomlio.1. lalily to mnku a junction with
the H-jIt Line , and lots only $100 to $400 , wo
think the location 'well named , and that t ho pur-
clmserri will Imvo n Mascottu , an the ludlcntloiia
point the loin to bo woith trom $ rX ) to t 0
soon. Tlioso lots are to bo sold on uontrnct,20
percent cnsh nnd htilunco ( .5 per month , Apply
t. ) Dexter L , Thomas , Itoom H Cioltrhton blk ,
property in tills popular direction soiling
at $550 to $05U. It ib sinioundod by Improve
ment ! , nnd will rUe rapidly In value. Amrs,1507
Fnrnam. 47il 1) )
Ilurdotloi'oint.onlr 4 blndks tram Sanii-
dor's Hi oet cars. W , M Hnulinuui. Itoom 10 ,
lltisliman lllack , N K cor ICih and Douglas.Mil
A < ! ( ) ( ) TITLL' Wiirianty deed and ati-
Btract fro ( with o Try lot In Itush .V Sclby't )
add to South Omnhn , only .1 block * I'tom South
Stocks Vnrds. Prices * 2iO : to f423 ; oniy * WI cnsh.
Hush & . < lby , : 'IH S IDlli si. CIC
Co. nr. H. loth t yrp _
S. A. NI.OMAN 1512 Farliiim Ft. .
Heal Kfttutr.
Off or 8 llm following eliciicu Invuslmcnts In Inside -
side huulncssund rcaidonto iiroporty :
Cor. lllli and Mnrtha tlnoly unproved
Jack-on Bt , ncnrlith Improvrnienlsnuit ,
fix ) per month 7,200
ti. Kllli at. nvnr Haitinuii school iOxlir. . .
rt. lllth st near LeavPliworth SOzllOlm-
proved H.COO
"Obt , near ht. Mmy'snvc ( ' , ( ) / )
Cor. Chlciigononr " 1st K\i3J ) ! - , ( > ' 0
Cor. Chlenvo near -Oh p ( M\\tii \ : lieu uf M.OOU
" California allh , 8Uitn ; ! houses. . X.wn
Dodge etoet , corner , Icn.tU'i In giuditA" !
Doimhia " noii'-'d ; , iW.\KI. ; 7dOl
Fsrnuin " ror timltli M , liiii'iiiiln . . 1.WIJ
" " nenr court hoiiFii , 40.fin : imp. IH.UXI
" " cor. aid , tliioly inipioveil X.OM
Virginia avo. , roviwi , it-room IKUIOOTOil
Howard st. urar Kllh , Improved . . fi.UK )
llarnpy bt. ncnralth , AOxlilT . . 7.H03
Kiiriiaiust.eorl'Jth..KIvlii1) ' ) , Improved. . 11 , < KU
Hmiioy bl. uoar 'IMIK-xlLi ! ; i.OJO .
Jiickwm el.opp' ' . tioo'4 now hotel , ( Xix
III ! Imp I5XO (
I.eavunvrorth cur 1'itli , Iniiuoveil , rout
two ID.IIO- )
" " Heidoti. U113 . BW )
L'jtli st , near heaveinroitii. 100.\H9 Imp 4M )
A ( ooi Tir.l- \v-irrany
-ti. blrncl f rcu with every lot m Hush & Helhv'H
add lo South Omnlm , only 8 MoekH fiom Honlli
iilocU ViinU. Price J2.'iO to { 125 ; only 50 ( US'j ,
H irh * . )
Solby. 21SjSJ5ihst. _ _ 1)1S _
ALL Muds of Speoli'l Short-hand Work d < iiiu.
copying a Bpufiully. ( I , W. llnkur , Kooais
7 and , Iron Hunk. C ! B
IJHIAtriTll ni r I'dlTursoiT Plncu la thn
bei-t , eheiipest nnd most UcMrahta liny
new and have moiiov.
It. C. I'nttviion IMh and Ilurn y. SM
"T YOU WANT a loeut Ion" oil Holt Line thla
fcldo cl whoic It i'ioii'.iSiuiidir- : Anita
Place , Is the location I.evol I/ls sold on easy
puyniuntdiil $ V/to $ "I.V ) Como nnd .seo it if
) ou want a bui ma. Aint-e , IWT t'ainum bt ,
AI500I ) TITLB-Wmihiiiy ilp" l nnd b
struct frounilluner ; lol in Kiifh & . SncIliV
add to Suoth Orimlm.only S li'ii.-Li fiom South
Slock Yards. Prleu 8JiO to UTi ; only { .VI
ltu U it ticlby. 21ts s 15th st. Gin
J Itcul I' mid I/jan IlrolciTB ,
Froni- U.ickOiin Potuill-v-r.
LOW lo kilby idaco fC-0 , 17/J , t"a. ufid 83.
Pouth front VoM on Farnnm st In ,1erom
Park $1V ) Mo St.UK ) each ; on very onsy terms ,
F.legant Rouili front lotson llrlsiol JU botwoca
Satindoni and St no sts. , 44x132 , for $800 each ,
$2,10 rnsh nnd bnlanco 1,2 ami 3yeirs.
2bouitltul : rust front lots on Lowe are , In
Kllby pure for $ t.UW.
4 hc.iutiriil east front lots In Han eom place ,
on Phi ! Sheridan st. $ l WJeach.
TRO elegniit south front lots on IMrnnntBt ,
$ , ' .i > ( Xi ench
A corner on Siundors street KUI20 feet , a
splendid plet o of business property , for $ rUXX ) |
cash , f . ' .Mil ,
A ro foot south front lot on llnrney it , for
$ \BOO : c.i h , $3xw.
ft'vllO. n corner on llurdett ntulSlth ( . , front-
Imrou threosts. , for f l iHi ; omnnmrter ea h |
bnlnnce , 1 , S and 3 years.
1 nerc , ( south trout. 201 feet , on flrl tel St. ,
mnkes 0 lots 40xlC ! ft. , for -lftX ) ! $1/0) cash ,
batnneo 1 , 2 nnd ; i j oars. This l n bargnln
2H ncreson Snunacrssl Dltides up Into 13
lots , Adjolnimr tots nro M'lliliir for $ iVI ( eneh ,
All forf , .Xl.V. There Is nothing better on the
A business lot In Bouth Omnhn. 60 1 ISO , for
$ IW. Cash , f.Vjj and bal In 1 , U and 3 yenrs ,
llB I1K8T Is found lu lllmrnnuith nnd Pat-
ter. on Plnco FJISV friiis nnd largo returns.
II. C. I'ntteifon. 15th nnd Unrney. f > M
B nml r. per month. Marshall Lobeoki
Accmt.s , IMUVnrnam street. V49
iriOli SA fl ( Ath great ImrgnlnTiTr Vfisw
JL1 weeks onlv , tou thou iiiKi ncies of land nil
soleeliM nl $4 00 pnrnero'i.tOen ! h nnd * > onrs ,
Mauhnll A Uibeck , l.t 19 Farnam 5.MI
XotTl ) ( ) TiTLTt Wnrrnnty irerdniiirnli frac
free wlllievory lot lu Hush \ Selby'm add.
to South Omaha , only 9 blocks fiom South
Stnek Vnnl * . Prlet" , $2V ) to $425 ; only $50
cash. Itnsh & Solby , 218 8 15th n. BIO
H LotB.Knrms.linuiismoney IOMIO.I.
Heinle , 15th nnd Douglas si rnrts , JW
AOOOD TITliK Warranty deed and ah-
stmet free wltn every livtlu Hush & Khnlhy'a
add to South Omnhn , only 8 blocks trom South
Stoek Yard * . Prices t'Xa to f 125) ) only fM > cash.
Itush \ S-olby , 18 S IMh st. file
on 21th sheet , running through lo 2.M
Mivet , making lif. fent frontnito on both streets
hv lit ) loot dciip , with II two Mory tints nnd U
etittngos from Ing on 21th street , tenting for
Jionper month. Itoom to build it tints to front
on Slid stropt. ThU property Is just one-half ot
a block south of l.eiivemvoitli and two blocks
from Hroot ! eiirs. Ciin ell for ? itOUO. : Heltiir
A Cnmpbell , Itoom I , iritlii I'm num. R7& .
| 71l.i:0.\NT : I.OTIll Tabor Pliicp lor" .7 !
-IlM'Uegant lot In Klrkwood lor 900
Cor. lot. east anil ninth front , on car
line , Inuorth pint of ella bargain . , 1.27S
Lot In Kilby Plnco voo
Two east front lotK on N'lrglnlu nvo. , In
II itifctun Plnco , I'neli 1,750
Klugunt 7-niPin house , 2 full Park
avo. , near I.OHV unworlb St. , chonp nt. . 8,000
l.ol In Park Plaeo . . . . U76
Klognnt lot in block U. llnumim Plneo. . .
Tlio tie t built house In the city , with
ollv water , gas , Imthroom. eleetrln
bells , hnnlwood llniMi Inside , huitod
with fnrnneo. on cor. lot HlvlJfl on Vlr-
Rlnlii , no'th nl loiivi'iinoitli ft 7,500
South trout lol In Walnut Hill , two
Monks from l.owo nv . and ono I'lock
I rom Hamilton Hi. , with clegnut tl-room
cotlnge , eltj' water , slnto mantel , etc. ,
n bnrgalu nt . . . 2,900
'iho llm t built 7-room cottime. In Amb-
lorPlnco , ltht ooist ! Iront lots ; lol
us show yon Hits property. . . . . 3,300
Kcltnr .V ( 'ampholl ,
r.rt ; It Itoom 1 , irC'J ' Fnrnnm St.
AHOI ( ) ) TITLK Wartniily deed and lib-
struct free with uvci-y lot In ItushSolbj"s
add to South Omaha , only H block * Mom South
Stock Yards. Prices $250 to $425 ; only $50eusu.
Hush * Solby,218 S Kith fet. 01(1 (
HTIli : FINF.ST LOTS lu market for HIU least
-1 money Is In Hlmebniigh nnd Patterson
It. C. Patterson , 15th nnd llarney. 637
To Conlractors ,
ScHlcd piopuMils will bu recolved at thoolflo *
ol the division englnoor , Union Pnclllo Hallway ,
corner of Illlh and Lcuvcnuorlh bts. , Omaha.
Neb. , lorgimllngllio line I or second main truck
from present end of double truck to the cast
switch at Papilllon , Neb , , a dlstuue-o of nine
and onohnlfmilos , until the evening of Nov.9.
Pioflles may bo seen and BpoclHcatlons oh-
tnlnod nt the ollico of Division hngineur.
Tlio light is reserved to ruloct any or all bids.
O. t. DOHKANCi : , Bupt. Neb. DIv.
Oot 31 nov U il in.
iiAf ? PPTITI ? ni ?
JiML KSlAlli Ull
ICuom n , WillutRll JJIook , Cor
ner 15th und Blarney Sin. ,
Have : i splontlid HH ! of bargains in city
property.Vu have suluotoil a few
for ptibllcaUon as follows :
JSTo. 100 Fine eitbt front lot in K. V.
Smith's addition , $ la > 0.
No. 220 Ono of tlio linostloti in Foster's
addition , $2,000.
No , 141Good ll-i'ooiu house and lol ,
Htinscom rinco , ? 3,750.
No. 147 Ktst ; front , 63-foot lot , Court-
land I'lucc , $5,500.
No. 170 2 line lot * on car line , Lake
street , ouch $1,800.
No. 173 Ilotisu tintl lot ( lot 55x180 foot ) ,
Slicrman aroniui , 5,000 ,
No. 1711 Fine residence propnrty , Hani-
com rinco , ? 5,000.
No. 18-1 Lots in Stitiniltirs & Ilinio-
bau li's addition , each $ K75.
No. ID' . ' Lot in Ilanscoin ritvuo , $1,200.
No. 105Hottsp nnd lot , Sluill's 2nd addi
tion , I'opploton avcnno , if4,200. ,
No. 1)7 ! ) Finn lot in Sliiill' 2d add , 91,600.
No. 103-75x150 foot , east front , Virginia
avenue , $ . ' 1,700. ,
No. 10 ! ) 2-ntorv bonso , 8 rooms , and lot
in Slinll's a'ntludd. , clioap at $3,500.
No , 209 n ncro * on Sanndors street , good
9-room house , all for-t'J.SOl ' ) ,
No , 212 ,1 nires in Koiitiington , only
r 1,200.
No.ai4 Lotsin I'atrick's ruld. $3,100-
No. l)8-LolH in South Umahu$500 , to
No Ml--ilonMjiind lot on Karnam street ,
nnar court liouso. vorv Imo property ,
tit a. price worth tlio money.
No. 101LotH In Ainbior I'laeo.
No. 210 Lots in Orchard Hill.
No. 17:1 : 1 ttcruin lirookliiut add , fGOO ,
No. 1J7 ! Lots in Uoyd's ' addition.
No. 13't Lota in Hawtlioniu addilmii.
No. 100 Lots in Tliornburi ; addition.
fiend liomeH for nil eluswis ut Eatl'ifuctorr
Iirlce3iiud caf > y torms. We Imvo A lingo und
dooluililoMM to ficluct fnim nnd always teady
toihuw pionoitv.
unit /'rlcai nn UMillrnllnn. HdA by
be t I'arrtauv HiilliU'rouiiU Dcalcia.
' --Mu Adf/rt . COO CfM.
" ' " "
tlMVlM.k , . .
\l , ll.r-ll. ( 'J..J01 A COJ I ill. , l' > ljli > rllli.D , S ,
irATAnilll. nrttrn
' " ' i4ai j illvc < u't I a - - . -
. . . . il liuok Jur JO teu/Jlnctaiapi / ,
] K. Jl. MP.DIOAI. I'd. , K tt Jtiutru.Coa .
f ,
and Jf ! Work.
1026 i'aruitm Sttcot. O.-waha. Nob.
> Uniiructurorof
Paper Boxes ,
1UOH. Mth si. Onnlia. Neb
Orders hyinall solicititl unit will f -
cclro ' 7