THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. NOVEMBER 8 , 1880 , WEAVER ON THE ELECTION , The Chairman of tbe Republican Central Committee on the Result. VAN WYCK'S ' CHANCES BRIGHTEN Ills Political KnetnlcH Admit III * Sue- nt llio Polls A l"'oollflli Ar- rcHt-Tlic Traveling Men Lincoln News. mr. niiK'ft LINCOLN ntntKAn.l The repnhlicnn slate executive coin inltteo met at their rooms In thu Capital hotel building on Saturday evening for llio Until transnctlon of the business In the hands of the committee. .Judge A1 < ) . Weaver , clmirnintt , caniu up fiom Fulls City on the afternoon train , and during the progress of the committee work wns called upon by the Hr.r. repre sentative for facts nnd figures. The com mittee , however , had hciird only from HOIIHI forty conn tics ollicially , and there fore they could not add much to whut had already "boon published in lho < pa- lieis. "lam satisfied , " said Mr. Weaver , that General Thayer will have at least i5,00 ! ( ) majority over North , and the balance of the state ticket will not fall more than 3,000 behlivl those ligtirns. Of course , " continued Mr. Weaver , "every man in tlio state was surprised at thn result in tlin First congressional district , nnd the general distribution of loss in the con gressional vole leaves no blumu to allaeh lo any Indvidnal locality. The question nf prohibition played a more important part In tin ; First district than in any other part of the state , and the conntle.H in thn district that have held thejr own , and liavo secured legislators , have undoubtedly done excel lent work. " The work of thn committee was con- Ilirul almost entirely lo minor details of no public importance , and thu rooms held through the campaign arc now va cated , and until thu senatorial contest will decline Into a atalu of plain uvery clay hotel llfo. TUB SKNATOllt VI. SUCOKftblON is alreaily becoming an netivo totiio of discussion , and notwithstanding tlio la bored oll'orU of thu Journal and its satel- itos to pooh down the unmistakable strength of Senator Van Wyck , the poli ticians of Lincoln , nnd visitors fiom out in thu stale do not fail to uxprc's thu opinion that the senior rionator s chnnees are of the brightest character since thu election , and U is Mated privately Unit Mr. ( iere , himself , is of thu opinion that Van Wyck will be his own successor. Of course thu party witli pencil anil notu book is very numer ous just at present , and oiler to figure with any who will listen. The uuti-Vnn Wyck leaders in thn city have for three days unsuccessfully ligured Bruno ' defeated , but thu ollicial returns of Douglas county have settled thatques- tion against them. UNDER AIlllKST. Saturday II. M. Wells , of Crete , was served with a warrant of arrest that charged him with printing and peddling bogus tickets against Lanliam at thu polls in Crete. As information reaches Lincoln the warrant was sworn out by n brother of Lanham's , and when it was herved Mr. Well's submitted and was ready to go to jail if they wanted lo take him there. They wunttul him to give bond , but hu didn't want it that way , nnd after walking around town with him for iiwhiJu thuy released him. Tins brings up a little election episode that occurred in Lincoln on election day when .1. C. MeUrido was hand ling mixed tickets at the polls in the Third ward. The tickets Handled by him were republican state tickets , in dependent countv ticket , and preference for C. II. Van Wyck for senator. An attorney of the town named Lamb dis cussed the idea of arresting McBride , anil when Muc evinced a willingness to bu arrested Lamb was to return in a half hour and make it. The half hour has not yn. Kpired. Later in thu same day D. G. Connerv was ! ippi' ° ached and WHS wanted toswcnr " " out 11 warrant ! against MpBride , but he 1' ' tll ° solicitors with a vigorous blessing. ftlK IHIVS IIAVK A IlOUSr.VAUMINCh Saturday evening the Travelers' Pro tective association boys , who have re cently fitted and furnished commodious rooms lor themselves in the Lombard building , had a house warning , to which all of their friends were Invited , and si large attendance was the result In the transaction of business during the coiirsd of the evening ttio hotel rate and accom modation question was freely discussed , resulting in tlio following resolutions on the subject : Whereas , The hotels In the majority of Uio towns In Nebraska are second class , and charge first-class prices for tlieir accommoda tions , anil Whi'H'HS , Wheio there arc more tlinn one hotel In an } ' town of ICHS tliun Inhabi tants , the patronage , it' divided , will net bo Inrjro enough to enable either hotel .to nc- cominoilate tint trivbllng fraternity as should be done , thi'wforo bo It Itosolvcd , That the members of Hie T , P. A . , Lincoln Post A , bo requested to putroid/.o such betels as shall bo designated by the hotel committee of tills post. Resolved , Tluit the hotel committee Is hcrohv Instructed to prepare a list of the ho tels In tins state , which the members of the T. P. A. are requested to i > atronye | , nnd have Hiieh list published tor the accommodation of the association. The result of these resolutions were their unaniirous adoption , although some of the mtimbers since hold doubts as to whether it can be made cflectlvo , which like doubt will presumably arise In the minds of the landlords when they see llio results' and find that their individual tav ern may not be included in the list , Vol uminous votes of thanks were extended for kindly donations made by friends of the boy.s on the road to assist them in lin- iblung tlieir rooms , and Mr. Parish , one of the American District Telegraph com pany , placed one of the company's call bells in the rooms of tliu post tor ( lie con venience of the members. The ollicial list of the members of this post now num bers llfty-throo and shows a remarkable grou th since thu Inauguration of the post less than two months ago. The evening and thu evening entertainment was greatly onjoved by all , and of the bov of cigar.s that the genial Sam Lolaud placed at the disposal of the gatiicring , not ono U'lualncd ' as a ruliu al adjournment. ONI : MASOX'S : WOKK. A good illustration of the hcnvy work in ruilro.ul construe ! ion in Nebraska during the present year , is found in the work done by John Fit/gerald , of this city , who the present season has built , from the ground up , nearly 275 ni'ilei of new road tor the B & Al , company alone. Mr , Fit/gitrald , in this work , has built the grade. , laid the ties and irons and sub let all the bridge work. 'J'horo remains yet of lilt season's work for thu B & At. to lie completed , sonia twenty miles of mils lo lay on the Hlua Hill intension tipd some eighteen miles more iron to lay on the same road'n extension north- wit-st of Broken Bow , toward Wyoming and thu Black Hills. Il is estimated by fome of the prom inent contractors in tliu west that with the possible exception of ODD or twn stale.- , , that Nebraska will show the moat miloi of now railroad built thu present year , over all other states in the uniou. cirv TALK. Thu latent question tUat irf under dis- ( Mlbsiun in Lincoln for the permanent growth of thu place and to secure .an yd ded enterprise to the town , IM the quim- lion of making u concentrated effort to xocjirc the University of the Methodist Church for Nebraska. This locating question U in the hands of n hl h joint committee , made up of representative * from all the conferences in the . tate nmt Bovurnl bishops from the church In gun- oral. The committee will iiu-et in 7ln- coin some time prior to the lirst of this ycnr.nnil the rumor is in cencrnl circula tion that thov arc "Koinj * to requirn n bonus that will tav Lincoln or any other city to raise , but Lincoln in such cases in the pint has never been left behind in the line of generosity , nnd tlin personnel of tlio committed having the mutt or in charge is indicative of success from the Very commencement. 'Iho criminal calendar In the district court has b on advanced another case by the disposal of the old ( tcrnmn , Lo/ler , who was in the hublt of promiscuous Hhoottng. and who WHS tried for attempt ing to kill a South Lincoln neighbor. Ho w-ts given eighteen months In the ponl- lentiury , Saturday evening the homo of Maier Hastings was the scene of a very largo gathcringof friends and menihersof the First IlautSst church , the occasion luring a reception to the now pastor of the church , llev. O. A. Williams. Rev. Williams conies to Lincoln from ( Jules- burg , ill. , but ho was for many vuars pislor : < > t the Baptist church at Nebiaska Citv and is well-known in his church circle in the slato. The Homo Opera company that has been rendering the Mikado very surccss- fully has an invitation to vixit Ashland at an early dale and present the opera at tint opera house in that place , citizens there asfiirlng the company that a largo audience will erect Ilium. Shorin" Kikonbury , of Unss county has brought a woman to the inatiu asylum from his county , whoso Insanity , from appearances , Is what might be termed a hojiolehs case. John .Jensen , of Vilhnorc county , ono of the members of the state republican committee , was in the city over Sunday attending the committee meeting anil figuring on results. Mr. Jensen is of the opinion that the republicans in favor of the re-election of Senator VauWyck will control the caucus. Parties from I'latlsinonth havn been in Lincoln looking up the mystery in the case of Walter ( learn , who was supposed to have smuidcil at Plattsmonth. The mystery seems to bo a young lady in this city.Lincoln Lincoln will in a very short time hnvo ' a new hank added to'its linancial list , the Cerman National , that will open foi business just as soon as the Potvin block on Thirteenth and O streets is com pleted and ready for occupancy. A very handhomo three-story nnd base ment brick block is Hearing completion on north Fourteenth street that is a hand- Nome improvement to that part of ( ho city and presents an excellent appo'ir- aneo. The mooting of the Woman's Christian association at the opera house last even ing was very largely attended and an excellent and interesting musical pro gramme was an interesting feature. Gerge L. Taylor , a clerk for tlio J M. linrks Implement company of this city , who has been quite ill with typhoid fever , is again ailo to bo around , and boon will be able to go into the store again. For children sulVeringwitli croupa few doses of Ked Star Cough Cure is the thing. If YJiu Seek Sato Investment , Your attention is invited to Hansoom park addition ; in justice to yourself , see it. AMES , 1507 Itanium. A Good Title. Warranty deed and abstract free with every lot in Hush & Sclby's addition to Omaha , only eight blocks from South Omaha stockyards. Prices $250 to $125 , only $50 cash. Hush & Solby , ! M8 S. 15th St. Crlohton & Whitney sell hard and soft coal,18th uudlzard and 218S. 15th street. Our fall and winter slock of boots , shoes and slippers is now complete and must bo sola at low prices. Henry Uohlo & Co. , 15th and Furniuu , opposite Boyd's opera house. An KxpeiiHlvo Accident. Tins Ashtabula accident is said to liavo cost the Lake Shore $1,000,000. paid out to lite families of the dead and to the suf ferers from wounds. Send to C. I. Hood & Co.Lowell.Mass , for rC ' )0 ° k coniainingstjitomentsof many ' ' nimnrkan.'C . cna'3 llood's rilla. Real Karate The following trnnsfurs wore liluil 5 , with thu county clerk : .John Williams and wlfo to U Kllznbcth Silver , lot lA , blk 1 of Cieston , w d , SI. Ueo 1 * Stohblns to Amanda N Vnndci voort , lot : ! , blk 7 , llansconi place add to Omaha , w d , glir > 0. .Inmes I ) McDonald and wlfo to Alexander ltuu'0 , lot 17 , blk 414 , city of Grand view , w d , 8100. Janios K Hlloy nnd wife to JatnosCaUalinn , Into , bile' , S E Movers' ndd to Oiimhn , w d , s ; tx > . Fiank WlillW and wife to J .T Molntosli , lots 1 and ! i , blk 1'J of llansconi place , Oninhi : , wd. S3IOO. Win E Wright and wife to Maurice nml NollloTerJkelbon , lot til In Windsor place , w il , 81000. Dennis CuniiliiKhnm and wife , ct al , to Doll U ( ioodrk'li and DeVcr Sholes. lot in , blk 7 , SlmU's 2it ndd lo Oumlia. w d , 83i8. ChnsMeCoriiilckto.rulin ( llnshoir , lut U , 1)11 ) ; it , .MeC'ormlelc's 'M udtl lo Unuilia , w d , $110. John T Hell mitt wlfo to Edwin A Dypeit , lots li and 10 In Kalrviuw , w il , $700. John W ( irlllltli , trustee , to tlio nubile , plat of linker place , situated In bee 8-15-1 ! ! , dedi cation , Otto Laneo nnd wife to Chas T Taylor , nait of lot " 0 , blk 1C , Jinprov Ass'n ndd , w d , . Vlniiin Ilnnlsnn to Mnigarbt Itoyd , lot 11 , blkil , I'liilnviow , wd , STOO. Vmnle llanlsciu to Olias T Taj lor. lot 10. blk 1,1'hilnvlew. w d , STM ) . .lolm K Flack to Uhai T Taylor , 8 lot 3 , blk il , I'aiktir'H mid. w d , $2700. Ottls 11 linlliiu and wild to 11 V Strlck- IhiK , M Int K , blk fl. Luke's add , w il , S4700. A b Paddock and wile to Ktlwnnl K Clip- pin T , lot ! . bllcfi , I'.iddock pi tee , w d , SKno Jlarrj D Hoed to Uniio A Wood. lot 7 , blk 8 , Dwlu'ht A : Lyiiinn'b ' aild , wd , S'lil. W K Hnwhiy and wile to John M Wolf , iinrt ot O-U-IH. < i o il , SlfiOO. MT P.itiiok and wile to John II Wood , lot IB , blk 10.I'atilck'siJd add , w d , Si : ' . DRPRICE'S SPECIAL Al MOST PERFECT MADE ] Prr > re < J with Btrlct MgwdtoPuritTi 8trengtb , n4 UeaUUfulota * . Ur.Trlco'i Halting IWdor contain ! noAiptaonlaUmBAlCmorFluupbatea.Dt.l'ri < - 'a anilla , l mo , ct& , flavor A BATTLEFIELD PHANTOM , Singular Btory of Ihe rranco-Qcnnan Told by a Oorreopondcnt. The AVnn ln | of n Mysterious Pi I on (1 nnd tlio Death of n Noted Guer rilla Iicndcr. Detroit Free Press : During the Franco- G rimin war 1 represented leailing hnghsli journal , which , by the way , ex changed its reports with an American paper of national prominence , as war correspondent. Upon my arrival In Ger many soon after the declaration of war 1 presented my credi'iithils to the proper until uitios , and after much delay wa.s at tacked to tiiu Koyal Saxon army corps , as bravo a body of warriors as was ever gathered together for purposes of do- Btructloti nnd carnage. ( followed the fortunes of the gallant corns through the fall campaign and was with them at the sieire of Paris. It is unnecujsury to pay tribute to tlio bravery of HIM noiile Saxon lads who , ufter repellinit Ihn s.ivagu at tacks of tlio savage enemy , shared tlieir scanty allowance of pea-s'ius ' > ge and rye bread with tlio hr.lf starved French guards who had been fortunate enough to bo captured. As might bo rxppctoit by constant pres ence at huadipiartur.s and my unvar nished reports of the doings of the corps secured me the friendship of some of Ihe olllcers , while others found it hard work to conceal Iho pique excited by my let ters. Among my dearest friends and de fender * was Lieuteuiutt It iron Ludwig von L - , an adjutant to one of the reg- imeiils attached to Uie cor s. It had been my good fortune to render a slight service to the lieutenant diinngthe open ing days of tlie war and with an enthu siasm which was inexplicable ti me , he defended my ever action and let no op portunity p.iss by lo sound my praises. It was but iritural that such disinterest edncss challenged my admiration as soon as our triondshlp had ripened into an intiimcy such as only can bo estab lished amid the MiiToundintrs In wh eh in winch wo were placed. Notliiii" ; marred these pleasant relations until Christmas eve , nliim a stray shell struok tlie lent in which the lieutenant and I were celebrating tlie grunt ( Jerman holi day. In a moment I realized that he had been severely wounded , while I es caped iinhanued. An examination of the vyonnd proved that his life was in imminent peril , and tlio stall * surgeon concluded to send von L - to Ins home in Saxon v. In numianeo of Iho doctor's directions we parted then and there , and the early morning tram bore my friend to tlie arms of his anxious family , while 1 continued my exciting life among the sanguine soldiery. The week following his incident was devoid of interest , owing to the inacl vi- ty of the French , but on the ninth day the forts opened lire.and from whispered conversations at headquarters 1 gleaned that the morrow would see a sanguinary contlict. In order to be prepared I left the. tent of the most advanred Saxon out post at1 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of preparing topogiaphical notes concerning the probaolo lield of carnage. My work was soon completed. Silence aiut solitude , interrupted at rare inter vals by the cheery , "Qni vlyoV" of the Freneli outposts or the gruff ' 'U'or da1' of the Herman sentinels , tempted mo to rest under a protecting shed , and b"tore I had roalr/.cu il I iiad settled down foi a little nap When 1 awoke the darkness told me that the evening had far ad vanced , and lookinir around T saw that a terrible HIIOW storm bad covered my tracks. Escape was impossible. I knew not how to roach my friends and to fall into the hands of the French meant dis- irracu and perhaps dishonor. Making the host of an ncly situation , I drew my heavy furovorcoatclosur around me , pulled my cap over mv ears , and re treated once more within the shed. Scarcely had I settled into a comfortable position when 1 was appalled. Was il possiblel Yes , there at the riekit ) > door of the shed nUioil , real as life , Lieutenant von L - , his right aim extended , his left hand resting upon his sword-belt , and speaking in a low and distinct whis per : "Hewaro of the Franctireurs ! " Sud denly as the apparition appeared il van ished. Imagine my feelings ; L cannot describe them. I verily believe that my hair stood upon end. A Htupor followed tins fear and a trance-like slumber. How long I remained in this condition I knutv not at the time , but well do 1 remember the awakening from the trance. My nervous system was completely deranged , my hands refused * o do service ; in fact , 1 hail not the strength to light a match lo look at my watch. With a groan I sank back "noil my bed of snow. I tried lo sleep , T't in - ' " All I could do was to think. iili ! , i i ' .wiKVOnJr. = I or lus sniritV the real man or t ; ' ' ! mtomL , , , At last relief came. I could RJ ! bo ima : taken. I heard tlio footsteps of a body of men. They approached the shed. Yes , but now with tlie steady tread of the .soldier. Heavens ! could it no tiio Franctireurs , these bloodthirsty guerril las and hvonas of tlio battlefield ! 1 tried to fortify "myself for an attack. I tried to arouse my physical self. Heforo I could arise or make a noise the door of the shed was rudely opened. A rough face showed itself. It was that of the loader of a noted guerrilla band. The Franctir- cur entered. He approached , cocked lii.s revolver , and said with meek politeness , in broken Herman : "Monsieur , prepare to aiu. " Making an cll'ort to reach my own weapon , at this moment I was startled by the words : "No ho , but you ! " Looking up I saw the pallid and fright ened fuco of the Franclireur , and by his side could it be po-jsibloV Lieutenant von L - , pointing a pistol at tlio heart of the asiassin. The excitement proved too much for my shattered nerves , and just as 1 heard tlie explosion of a pistol 1 lost consciousness , When I revived it was 8 o'clock in llio morning. By mybidobtood Major M - , commander of the advanced outposts , and a detachment of Saxon infantry. "Woll _ done , my lad , " said the major , and witli that ho pointed to an object lying by my side covered with a lield b'lanket. "What do you monn , maier ? " I inquired - quired faintly , not under.itanding his re mark. "Well , I moan Ihntyouhave disniilchod Iho worst hound of a guerilla who ever disgraced a country. " L'uo a Hash the niyetur'ous apparition presented iUult to niy mind , and hastily calling a corporal I bade him extract the bullet from the dead Franctirour's wound. Then 1 produced my revolver nad found that not a shot nad been tired from it. I compared the bullets used by me with that extracted from tliu wound. They wore of aillerent weight. The mystery was uutolveil. Who had shot my enemyy The battle predicted by the BlaH'oIl'ieers was not fought on that day , nnd I was glud of it , for the exciting sccucd of the previous night compelled me to rest for some time. On the fifth day after my adventure J received u letter from Sax ony. Here It is : "My Dear Sir Our dear son Ludwig breathed his last at 4 this morning , Upon his arrival here the doctors pronounced his case hopeless. Up to 8 o'clock last evening his recovery seemed assured. At that hour ho suddenly grow restless , culled out your name three or four times , and oxcl'iimmg , 'Beware of the Frantic- reurs ! ' fell into a deep { .lumber or trance. He remained in this condition until 3 o'clock , ulum he aroao up with a. start , full back upon the bed unconscious , and al \ o'clock died in his mother's arms , "With bebt wishes , "Your obedient eervnnt , " { .jEoiiQE ALKXANDKU yon L . ' ' My story is ended. I need only add that thn bill extracted from 'the bodv of the Fnmtlcreiir coiT'-.sponded In weight with those in the revolver of my deceased friend , awl this disoovery madn the mys- tei\ still darker. < Up to thl day I can not explain thn Jtrnngo transpiniigs of that nignt before Paris. Can j on ? If wo would have powerful minds , wo must think , If powerful miKclos , wo must labor ; if sound lung we must take IJr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price t3 ! cents. For cuts , bru sos.sprains. burns , scolds frost biles and chilblains , nothing equals Salvation Oil. It annihilates pa.n. Prlco "o cents a bottle. BULLYING A WITNESS. A Kansas Ijawyerlilnil by nn Ignor ant Judge , Creates n. homo In Court , Wo sometimes growl about the way tlio modern lawyer attacks ana insults a' wit ness on the stand. but ( hero has really been a improvement in the last twenty year.s , especially In llio west. In 1SU3 a writer in tlio Detroit Free Pro-s was a juror In the case of Adams v.s P.tigo , tried In Kan.S'is. Adam.s was a Boston speculator , who was trying to oust Paige from certain hums. The lands clearly belonged to jvdams. and Paige was clearly a squatter , but the latter re- si-led and the former appealed to the law. The judge xvas a siinatter , nnd therefore a sympathiser , while Palirn was likewise a cousin of Ills. \V lien Adams came to take the st'tnd Paige's lawyer , who-,0 name was BiiU , began : "Now. Mr. Adams , you say you bought this land from a party in Boston * " "Yes , s r. " "And you paid him "Ves , sir. " "Now , sir , isn't it a fact that while this DIIVIS , the lie us eluiiii vm to this land. lay dvlng you robbud him of this dead ? " "No , sir ! " "Be careful ! We want no perjury in tins easel How often have you been sent lo the state prison ? " "Neverl" "Look out ! Aht see the guilty blush ' on his face ! Noti : o hiseonfnsion'l Your honor , that man is deliberately lying ! " "I object toall this"exelaimeil ! Adams' lawyer as he .jumped up. "Steve Itulloek.yousoldovvnl" shouted his honor. "I've known vou ever since you started out driving a mule team , and yon was allus obji'olln ; to everything. If this man has been in .state prison this court wants to know it. hut him answer the question. " "I never boon , " replied Adams. "Have you ever robbed a widow ? " asked the lawyer. "Your honor , what lias all this lo do with tlie case on trial ? " asked Adams' lawyer. "Heaps , your honor , " replied Brilt. "If we can MIOW that this man is a thief , murderer , and land pir.ilo , U is our busi ness to do so. If a welt in sheep's ' cloth ing sneaks into our innocent community , it is our duty to expo-e him. " "I should say it was , " answered Iho court. "The witness must answer the question or I'll look him up tor con tempt. " "I never did , " replied Adams. "Then your looks belie yon. Didn't you set a store uliro in St. Louis ? " "No. sir. " "Nor rob a bank in St. Louis ? " "Your honor , I mujst object , " said Bui- look. "Tills is a eo o - " "Stove Bullock , sot down ! " exclaimed tlie court. "You quit driving mules a year ago and went into law , but you don't know everything yet This court can give you half a mile the start and beat you in. If tins man robbed a bank wo want to know it. Wo want to know what sort of a man hs : | come among us to skeor our wimin and children. " "I did not rob si bank , " . said Adams. "Oh , you didn't ! " sneered Unit. "How about burning a barn in Illinois ? " "Your honor , I did not como here to bo insulted , " said Adams , as lie turned to tlio court. "Answer the question ! " commanded the judge. "I've got a barn of my own , or am going to have next spring , and if we've taken a barn-burner to the bosom of this community 1 want to know it. " For two long hours Britt continued to ask such questions , and the pulge obliged this tlio witne- to answer. Then the case for the defense wa.s closed without a word in reirard to the legal aspects. Britt contended , in his speech to the jury , that it was a plot to rob n big-hearted , good-nature'1 citizen ot his all , and Bul lock was o d , L".istet ! that ho refused to cxiiwino a w.iness or make an argument. "Gents , " said the coi rt , when ho charged up , "we don't want no fooling in this case. That 'ere land belongs to Bill Paigh , and you want to return a vor- dielto thatollecr. " Wo went out and ten of the twelve were rcadv to agree with the court. Two of us hung out. and to reward us for pro ducing a disagreement his honor sent us to jail for thirty-six hours a piece. Thorn are many cheap cosmetics qfl Jforptiff > r 8ll' ' ° ' which claim to contain . - ' , ; . " to tlu > "ki - , , is ! l11 ios/f.afT -r-Iv M tl.rc t0m ! . , or very n - - ' ; pounded from the mosfduJot .10119 nml poisonous drugs in the materia medics , They destroy the vitality of the skin , making the consumer prematurely with ered and old. J. A. Po/c/.oni guarantees his medicated complexion powder en tirely free from all injurious matter , and will gladly pay -MOO to any practical chemist who can ( ind upon analysis the bligntest trace of while lend orar.senic , Usp none other and you will never regret. Price 00 cents and $1.00 per box. Sold by all druggisls and perfumers. A Pica fur llio Horse. New Orleans Picayune : If you biro a horse at a livery stable you ought to treat him as if ho were your own. If you drive out ten miles you ought not to attend to your own wants until you see him prop erly cared for. If an honest man , you will remember yon are under a two-fold obligation to that animal an obligation to its owner and an obligation to tlio ani mal. You are tne debtor of both , and though you pay tlie price of the horse , yet no money can 'release ' you from the duty unit moral claim involved in the bargain bol woeu yourself unit the owner. Tojieirlect the poor speechless beast , that cannot nppeal in your tongue to tlio commiseration , of a passer-by , is simply unpardonable , and the man who is gniltv ot such ncglfi9t is worse than a man. The arrant infidelity of Balaam and his sordid love for- money are sec ondary crimes compared witli his brutal abuse of the ass whiohihe rode , and the Lord wrought a mirsvolo to soouro al lowed renioiibtrant'o , .Wo have but one jnstance tn the whole ijlblo of a dumb an imal speaking , ami , the miraelo was wrought to condemn ( ho sin ot ciuelty to animals. Cure of Uven IOWA FALLS , HardinC'o. , Ia.Junoe , ' 85 , I have been using 'Allcook'n Porous Plasters for four years , and I think I " could not get along" without them , For a long time I was ulllieted with u pain under my right .shoulder blade ; I also had considerable dillicutty in breathing. I applied an Allcock'o Porous Plaster on my back , nnd ono on my chest , I kept changing them o\ cry four days , and at the end of throe weeks was ontirey cured , E. S , SrKvr.NS. The Ilr at Novgorod , The annual fair at Nislmi Novgorod U ccJebrutud throughout Ktinaitt , but it is stated by wull-inioriucd Uussuiii journals that it is on Hie decline. Everybody knows , says the Si. Petersburg Ua/etto , that this fair is of great importance to the commerce of the whole empire. It is there nhcra the p rices art ) . settled for row materials as well as for nianiifnclurod article * , and Iho well being of the whole oriental p.irt of the empire depends on the fair. Long ago the decline of this great lair has been predicted , and ono day it will vanish before the cllbrts for the extension of steam power byroad and by xvater. It is oven possible to foresee the time when the Nislinl fair will bo only of local importance as a place where ( no products of the small industries of the Volga basin are exchanged , and the opening of the S.iinar < i Ufa railroad on Iho one hand and the projected construc tion of another railwr.y from Kazan to Mourom will help to bring about that time , It may oven happen that all the oxehango which is now carried on with Asiatic merchants will pass away from Nishni , where it has been centered for many years , to Astrakhan nivl Baku , where the minister of linance laM spilng anttiori/.ed periodical fairs. But all hough these arc only predictions relating to some future time , there is no doubt that for some time past the Importance of the fair has been on the deellnn. ' 1 bus , according to ollicial documents , Ilia circulation of money at last year's fair has amounted to 1-WU5,7W ; rubles , \\hieh , compared with the precluding year , shows a dimin ution of 18,000,000 rubles , while the pres- nut year shows again a diminution 01 , ' ( ) , - 000,00(1 ( rubles On the whole , the fair has been below the averasro. There were fewer visitors than last year ; a multitude of articles have remained unsold , and many bargains have bmin retracted. No prices have been settled , and no produce lius been sold. There wore also far fewer articles of merchandise than ! n.preceding years. _ A lloiuitlrul The Virgin Salt Co , of New Haven , Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into every family tire making this oiler : A Crazy Patchwork Block , enameled in twelve beautiful colors , and containing the latest Fancy Stitches , on a large Litlio- gr.iplied Card having a beautiful gold mounted Ideal Porliail in the center , given away with every 10 cent package of Virgin Salt. Virgin Salt has no equal for household ptirpi > > es. It is the clean est. purest and whitest Salt ever seen or used. Hemember that a largo package costs only 10 cents , with tliu above pres ent. Ask your grocer for it. The public debt of England is given at $ ! ( ,701,0 ; > ; VJ70. of France at $4 , 1117,03 ! ) . MB and of the German .states at about $3.000 , 000,000. , The sportsman of the northwest yays the Portland Orego.iian , has no mutterings - ings to make ove/ his variety of s'lootiug. Ho can go into eastern Oregon and shoot prairie chickens , and lisli to his heart's content. Within two Mourn' travel of tlio metropolis of tlio Nortli Pacific .coast lie can shoot within twenty-four hours elk , deer , bear , panlher , grouse , quail , pigeon , mallard duck , widgeon , canvasback - back , tenl , Mirigtail , gray duck , bluebijl. and snipe , besides swan and sand-bill crane. IT ANNOYS tit WV JDRUGSTORC TAKE IT FAITH FULLY , AND You THAT BUT On E / E COUGHS & COWS BY /IT- FRANK D. MEAD , Carpenter and Builder , FINE CABINET WORK A SPECIALTY. Telephone GGO. 2O ! > South Sixteenth .Street. AND UESIDENCB - Boom 17 , Arlington Illock. (1st ( liulldfuKVoat of 1' . O. ) 'Iclupbooo No. 83 o = - > * X to It , nnd 11:30 to 13 a. tn. ' S to 4 , and 7 to 8 p. m , Sundays , IS to 1 p. m. BREXEL & MA.UL , Successors to Jno. ( J , .hinobn , UJVDJE It TALK. 18 JtS AfV9 > At tlio ohlstanil 1407 Knrniun st. Orders by telegraph so.ieited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No. 225. Or tliu Liquor by AiliMlnlMlcrlni ; Dr. v' iloltten H | > rclfi . t iau be given In n cu | > of colli-u or ten without the , tno.ledgeoMUtt pi-nan ULInf 1 1. ID absolutely hr.ruilo.s5. uud nlll cfTcct a prrmuiiviit cnl jpeedy cure , Uelivr ! ( ) > v nailcnl It a mcidoritucrlnkcroi u aicuuultc umIt ) lint bern Klven IP HJOU- U4. iicf cairi , In rtrry liiMii.rur j.trfmcure bus follwu < l. It nrtur fall * The tyitrm oiica linpiegtmleil wllli the Hped1- ; iM'cmnesan ultt'i jiupoMibUlty fur ilia liquor upjiellio locjUi rOl | BALK UV rOJ.LOU'JNCI JJKUaOlBTSi AUIIN ( V CO. , Oaf. S5lU nnd Jcucla , uod ISIIi fc Cmnlatc his. , Oinuiui. Meli. ' ft. I ) . VOnTliU AjilN / . , Council Illur ( , Icir . Call or write ( or pam | > tl2t cnntulnlnK liUQdredi f 'trtlmonlalf Irouitlialx : ; ; uuoitu nod meolnaa t. , r-wo ( Uii cuuuuv. Mtaiuffwlnefrom r.o.ivico * . . curt < a vrlihcul . J 1' } ' Kntfacn k | p < an.l In Ilie lni.1l ir atU.lrhot , . . lufoifiutuiuur .u la"lratn. REKtOr CO. 10 Pirk Place. NnvYork. . U ution OmuUu U iu MOST PERFECT MADE „ _ No Ammonia. Lime. Alum or Phosphates Scrno In ono of the Dpimrlmpnta of Itio I'juci : UAKINO I-OWPKII UUMI'ANY ' s MANUFAOTOIIT. TIIK IAltliST ( IN Till : WUItl.l > . Canning Dr. 1'tko'B C'reiim liaUitin Powder. IDEAL BROILING. P.roilliiK can bo done In the oven of the Chatter Oak llnngo or Move with the Wire ( .iiui7i ) Oven Door , moropei fcctly thanover MIC live ccinls. Lay the btealc , chop' . 1mm or fish on n who oroileror ineiit tiu-k , ) ilacinir it In an oidlnaty h.ikopan to catch lliediipplngs. Allow it lo leiiuilii in the oven with the door close d 15 or 'M iiiiaute.s. No tinning isiequired. Atthocndof this time it will bo found nicely cooked ready to servo. TinsiHTiuIPIJAI.AVAV TOnuoii. JURATS. Theio Is no taint of coalas or smoke , nnd the mratsaie inoi e tender and belter in II ivor than these bieiled over the coals. The convenience or builllng In the oven w 111 bo appreciated by cvei y house-keeper , nnd adds anolhcr U ) tlie many leasous why tlio Charter Oak Jtuieo ; or Stove with the Wlio OHII/O Oven Door bhuuldtutpiclcrrcd all ollieis now in the imuket. SHKD FDR IUUSTRATED CIRCULARS fti'o PRIUE LISTS. to CHAETEIl OAK 6TOVK3 nnd ItANGES are SOLD IJJ NEBRASKA as follows : MII.TONUOGKRS&SONS OMAIIA. TAVNI'.t.I. ' & .SWF r.SUY , . I AinnURV. I' KKNNIiV. CoKtioN. Gl li-LU& KAGI.K , . I'KANKIIN. PALLAS K. LKTSON , UASIINGS. N J IOIINSON , . . . . NOIITII PKNO. T. . C JtKKWUR HAV SrniNcs. j J MtCAKTEUTY , . O'Nun. CITY. II AIKDRCO , NEBRASKA CITY. H IIA/.I.EWOOL ) , . . . OscroLA. W F. TKMI'LEIOJJ , NFLVOK. J S DUKK . PLATTSMOUIII. 1 n. STUKDUVANT & SON , ATKINSON , A. IT.AUSON . SrnRtiNO. J.KASS&CO CHAUroN. J G GKKUN . STBOHSUUKO. KKAUSK , LUHKE14 & WELCH , . . . .Co UMims. 1 A PAIHir.N&SON . HUPKBIOK. OLDS J1K.OS EUOA ! < . TIMMCKMAN & I'KAKKK . Vhicuox. Display at their warerooms , 1305 and 1307 Farnam the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found al any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces th highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates tor cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most ( iberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible 'n ' materials or workmanship. LYON & HEALY , &O6 & 1307 "ARNAM STREET THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OK fill ! THE BEST H.OUTB . , < roiii mm d COUHCIl BLUFFS ot ID.A.S'X1. 'IVfO TKAINB DATI.Y ilfil'UT.RN OMAHA. COUNCIII , ( IL Cliicnqro , AND Milwaukee , Kt. Paul , MiiiniMipolia , ( edar Itiipiiln , Clinton , liilniiiifi ) | , Davenport , llock Island , Krpuiiurt , Hock ford , El in , .Mii'lii-ioa , Janesvlllo , ileloit , Wiiuniii , Lu And all othur'iapnrlunt points Kant , Nortliestl uud Bouttioast. IVirtlirongh tlckuu call on the Ticlcat Acai : at HO ) runmin btiuit ( In J'.uion Hutuli.ur a Union Puclrlo Otijiot l'iilliiiuiibl i > cr8anJ tU Un t Dlnlnif Carl In tliu world mo run on the mum lined or tlio ClIIOAOO , Mll.H'AUKIR 4 .ST. 1'Al'l. lttll < W.\r , aud evurr attontlon la pnitl to iiiiaientfurj by ciiuilociiitfciuplojciof luti iJinuiiy | , K. Mil. I Kit , ( Juiicral Maniuer , J. f. TIICKKII , Assistant < iumrHl Minairar. A , V. II. l AHi'LiTKii. tiunoral 1'assaaver and Ticket Airont. Qco. E. llEirroiin , Ai&Utant General ftr nd Ticket Atrfnt J , T. CIAKK , Uuuerul riuiJorintotidoul. 21,629,850 TansilPs Punch Cigars were Btilpiux ! duritit ! Uju puet two roars , -lU.uut & drum- IIKT In our employ. Nootticr liuueoiu thbworlijcuu trutb- /ully / malic uiajli it eliov.'ini. One ux nt ( dcultif uuJy ; wtuiiod in each tun , SOLD BYIEAC'UQBJUCCISIS. ' R.W.TANblLL&C0..5S Stale SLChicaoo. RAILWAY. Omaha , Conncil BlulTs And Chicago. Tli nnlr ronfl to tnV for IH ) Molnrn , Mnr- ilmllinivii ' nlnr llR'iMN , nininn , | lljc. | ( Idlra- ( ro , M'lwnn'too ' ' finil nil ivihiU oiit , To tlio poo- iilo of Nrlu.nliH , Colnrii'lo. ' Wtoinlnv , IJlnh , Miilio.NiK'ndn , Oinuon. Wniililiiirion nnij Cull- loinlR lt ff > r < * inpriilor a < lvantuvus not bin In- any fithi-r lli a H low of tlin niirnnroiifl poliiln of u- norloiltv ( injoyrd liv Uio piilroni of Itilirond unlurcnninHliniinit P'lfn-ivii.nto ' lla t -i trnfui n ilar or 7)AV ) COACH P.i li'ch ' ui tlio tln > 8l Innt li in-iii an anil iitrminlty run crruln. IU fAr.AfB RI.RKIMNO CAII3 rfliloh HKI rnnrtnlj ? ? ' , ! , ' ! ) ! , ' < ! nl1f in ( ' ° " " I > A IUXlt nit AW. I Ml IKK ) I OAIIH niiBuriMUMvlbv itn/.nnillll wMflj cololimtMl 1'AI ATlAlj DINIKll OAIIS , tlinixiiml of uhiili f-niinnt lie foiind o'oewliorn. Al Connell HlutrH t\i \ * Inilngrif llio I'nlon I'acl. no Kr ronnoct In I'n'on l cpi t wilh ( hope of Iho filc ) i { ( ) & Nnrlliwrgtnrri Ity In Chlcairo thn trulru of this line imiko d tn connection vrltli ttio'n of nil cnMern lln ' . ask tlio tloKot iiaiinl r I'cVcl If > on rl li iho lio't -o-o mrvlatlone All tlcldt ni/nnisfnli tickttig f u llnr Jlnu , M , I ! I' . WILSON' . ( jenorn ( < cn' . I'aBs' WM , t > * u ! Wfkturnft ( I liv I'm Aul Mil 1 rimm St. . Oiuuliu. Neb.